#Murakami Masashi
metamorphesque · 2 years
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musings on loneliness
sylvia plath, nickie zimov, charles bukowski, masashi kishimoto, haruki murakami, holly warburton, charles bukowski, the beatles, nigel van wieck, marta zamarska, sylvia plath, van gogh
if you like this, you can buy me a ☕
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mirai-e-jump · 5 months
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ViVi Magazine, June 2024 Issue ft. Murakami Erica, Watanabe Aoto & Ikeda Masashi (translations below)
Publication: 4/23/2024
The King-Ohger co stars are a friendly trio Murakami Erica x Watanabe Aoto x Ikeda Masashi
Enjoying genderless "share t-shirts"
If you incorporate a unisex t-shirt into your outfit, you can achieve an easy, high end fashionable look 💛. It's also nice to share and enjoy them together with your boyfriend or friends.
Q: Tell us about a recent TMI (too much info)
Ikeda: For me, my chapstick always ends up somewhere before it's used up. Where does it always go?!
Erica: I've been busy moving across the country due to my family's relocation! I decluttered more than 10 bags during the cleanup. I think luck is coming my way 💛
Watanabe: TMI……you mean like blood sugar level?! Ah, that's not it either (laughs). My allergies act up during the first week of pollen season, but after that I'm fine. There are other people like that, right?
Q: What do you want to do this Spring?
Erica: I want to relax in the shade of a tree when it becomes warmer. I want to buy some dangos and donuts and spend my time watching movies and dramas.
Watanabe: Cherry blossom viewing. It's so fleeting when the cherry blossoms fall……(he gently holds Ikeda's hand). I'd like to eat a handmade bento while taking in the scent of Spring…(he gazes at Ikeda).
Ikeda: I'd like to challenge myself to go camping. Things like outdoor BBQ's are just the best, aren't they? At night, with Aoto beside me, we'd talk while looking at the stars……
Watanabe: In the tent, Masashi and I would be curled up in the same blanket. It gets cold at night, so…..
Erica: Alright, that's enough of that!! (laughs). _
"Introduce each other to the ViVi readers!"
Ikeda: Erieri's (Erica) face is really too small! Her skull's a champion. She's the big sister among the King-Ohger members.
Watanabe: Yeah. She's an airhead, but very caring!
Erica: Eh~ Thank you 💛. Aoto feels like the kind older brother, while Masashi is the second oldest who says too much.
Watanabe: Masashi is by far the whitest! He's like a reflector, illuminating everywhere he goes (laughs).
"What do you think of today's t-shirts?"
Erica: I like the loose fit. The shoulders are dyed unevenly, giving it a cute vintage look! I think you can wear it with denim for a masculine look, or match it with a miniskirt!
Ikeda: My "remake t-shirt" has a zipper and alternate designs that give off the feeling of an incomplete main character. This is cute on its own, but the jacket wrapped around the waist gives it a more feminine look.
Watanabe: Heart motifs worn by men are pretty rare, right? Depending on your hair style, you can wear it as cool or cute!
"If you exchanged t-shirts, how would you wear them?"
Erica: If I were to wear Aoto's heart t-shirt, I'd wear it with a mini skirt, lace socks, and mary janes for a "naughty girly" look!
Ikeda: If I were to wear Erieri's t-shirt, I'd make use of colors and patterns to create a one tone look!
Watanabe: Then, I'll wear Masashi's remake t-shirt with a unique hat and shoes to give it alittle more character. I want to go to a theme park while looking good. _
(Bottom of page)
(Masashi) Pure white prince (Isn't he too fleeting? he's going to disappear). by Aoto
(Erica) Princess Erica, of divine skeletal structure, descends here. by Masashi
(Aoto) Isn't he a genuine model?! I'm now realizing his appeal! by Erica
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the-writer-mao · 5 months
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Still a whiplash to see them out of costume but PURRRRRRRRRRRR
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harukakitous · 1 year
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the smiling kings (* ^ ω ^)
+ bonus post dance sillies
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+ bonus bonus the best thumbnail you will ever see today
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i-am-randomtrash00 · 9 months
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t-u-i-t-c · 5 months
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Ikeda Masashi, Murakami Erica, & Watanabe Aoto | ViVi Magazine
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haveyouseenthistoku · 2 months
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mofffun · 1 year
Hi two months late~ Summer Station July 23 subbed!
00:50 Self-Introduction Anecdotes filming the movie with guest stars: 03:01 Gira got his butt kicked (Sakura Ayane) 04:25 Toufu Queen: Iroki (Hinagata Akiko) 05:07 the first Shugoddom King: Raionel (Nakamura Shido) 06:35 Himeno's sales pitch 06:52 Rita in the movie 07:07 Jeramie & the coronation 07:42 Surprise questions from fellow cast 08:10 Yanma's message 08:43 Why is Kaugragi obsessed with muscles? 09:20 Favourite season? 11:30 Imitation game! 14:03 Roll call
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ukiyaseed · 1 year
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The first part King-Ohger vs. Kyoryuger was fun!
It looks like next week, they will lean on the Earth and Chikyu connections, and we got the King-Ohgers in regular clothing... except for Jeramie. Likely he's old and didn't get the memo that they are going casual wear today.
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kstaki · 8 months
Wahhh after watching episode 48, felt like had to watch something light a bit. End up watching King-Chan! The episode where they play Fortnite (2 part) with the show country in it. Long post…😅
Although have to say it like mind-blown by the details especially there were a few things even the cast didn’t know.
Sadly only four of them participated, Aoto, Marie (Erica), Yuzuyan (Yuzuki) & So. (I am used to calling them that 😅) Yuzuyan & So were wearing glasses they look so cute wearing them 😆
First video was about N'Kosopa, where they were given the task to climb to the top.
None of had it easy climbing up 😂 So did comment he was more used to keyboard and mouse compare to controller saying he would do better. In the end they did provide him with it.
They took turn to climb up but they spend a lot of time falling 🤣
Yuzuyan’s turn she was first one to finally reach to the next level , they all celebrated the accomplishment thinking the game end & it seem like Yuzuyan had enough because she tried to end the channel 😂 Byebye Chan
Unfortunately there were still many level left to climb & there isn’t a save point 😰 so if you fall you’re starting from back from the start Zero!
Surprising Aoto was most quite while they other were playing while the rest were very noisy especially Yuzuyan 😂 (Part 1 & Part2)
They took a break & explore the other part of N’Kosopa. The detail was amazing even the epic showdown (E39) the bridge was there!
They return back to climbing & in middle Marie was saying like who best (this part not that sure but I think so) So, Marie, Yuzuyan & then Aoto who was in totally disbelief haha he click his tongue(probably annoyed 😅) then he blame he see it & doesn’t get it. (Probably referring to the different mechanism that enable the jump)
Afterward they got Miki-Sensei who was guiding them from the beginning & to show how it done lol but even he was struggling. Then admit he more comfortable keyboard & mouse. Chaos broke 😂 when they heard it since he was supposed to be the expert! Although they keep cheering Sensei on to reach the top which he did 😁 well only part of it there was still tower climb.
So tease Aoto to do the climb but he respond this isn’t the Teppen he seek. (Almost similar to E44) It sound so cool even So compliment him.
So did try the tower climb while in between Aoto was supposed to give his thought on it. I couldn’t really tell what sort of game he say it was like. Though he did say 楽勝でした (It was easy win) Marie immediately turn to stare at him while Yuzuyan just criticize him 😂 (since he was struggling the most ah poor Aoto) So was busy still playing.
Part 2
Shugoddam, they were only inside the castle the throne room. So was using controller and there was a mini game where you shoot target 🎯 that appear in the place. The ceiling of the throne room even had the King Ohger Mural!
Next was Ishabana and it was a like a quest. Marie had the control. Apparently in beginning you can choose Japanese or English, So & Yuzuyan ask Marie to choose English but she refuse saying let her do it in Japanese.
So spoke English for a moment asking do you speak Japanese (Gahh it sound good)
Marie just reply back in Japanese 😂
YET somehow it turn out the written dialogue was in English. Marie blame that she couldn’t see plus mention that she thought Japanese was on default & press the wrong button thus it end up to be English. Therefore she had no choice but to translate for them what the dialogue 🤣 (Poor Marie) she did translate for them roughly although some part she skip they were like what was written?!?! She did apologize for choosing English but they were fine with it. ☺️
Basically the quest is that you wake up in Ishabana & was save so want return back the favour to Queen Himeno. So the quest is find 5 flower the way was to use Pick-axe to smash the rock to find it. Yet somehow after giving the flower you seem to want to do more since she did save your life. That you end up have to find 300 flower. There was another ‘cheat’ way where this traveller got a machine that allow you make flower but in return the traveller wants a MOFFUN! You have to find it and exchange for the machine that allow you complete the quest and then you can access second floor of castle.
Though like N’Kosopa they just explore outside of the castle and the surrounding.
Next was Gokkan
A bit let down didn’t see the Castle it was mostly outside(I mean it was beautiful but I wanted a small glimpse of the castle) where Yuzuyan & So had the controller (it like two player now onward). Sensei was telling them to power up & gacha for weapon because the game in Gokkan was to fight like wave of zombie figure. Although there was a cool weapon where you shoot out sword & it stab to the ground like Rita’s signature move before exploding! Cool oh yeah it was purple 😎
While they play until they lost, it was really fun they wanted do another round but couldn’t due to lack of time.
Next was Toufu that was still under development while they were playing.
So & Aoto had the controllers this time. They were basically just inside the castle & there was a room that made out like kitchen where all cooking is done they had the sink, box, shelves just anything that like huge kitchen. It was connected to the Throne room.
Also there was this game where you can become a Mini-Kuroko. Basically the game is that you have be last person standing. Not sure if two player game or more can join but for this channel was just two of them.
The base is Tatami mat & underneath is lava so you have to survive by just trying not to fall into the lava. The Tatami mat is fragile so it will break after stepping on it, you can dash & jump. Just have to be last Kuroko standing!
Aoto just kept losing 5 times in a row hahaha & he said it was boring because of it 🤣
So reacted to it saying Aoto just suck at the game.
(There was a statue that say who is wining & how may win)
After his fifth lost, So then suggested whoever lose give next person.
Then Marie took over as she tried to trap So but still lost 3 times 😅 that she like ask Yuzuyan to take over 😆
If I am not mistaken (since they do cut out some part) Yuzuyan lost once but second time finally beat the undefeated Champion So! She even say Toufu now mine & cheer hahaha cute
Then Aoto vs Yuzuyan & 😂 Aoto lost (Aoto I feel so bad for you he is really terrible at game lol)
Then it was Marie Vs Yuzuyan &…Marie won. Then So begin to tease Yuzuyan for losing 😆
Afterward they were told to draw faces for Kuroko that they might use for the game.
Apparently found out they do reuse (or unintentionally put among with other notebook) their drawing notebook that they got sidetrack to find some of previous Masato Yano (Racles) stuff he did in one previous King Chan.
So & Yuzuyan drew a few possible picture to use for Kuroko & I am terrible at explaining how look like so I will just post a picture of one main one they drew
Then they also given the task to give a name for the game which they came up with was this…
黒子からの挑戦畳 (Kuroko's challenge tatami)
~Tatami, Sushi,Samurai~
Though they seem to agree that when the game release the bottom part might be removed 😂
Just roughly what can tell from the two episode (I was laughing at them playing also 😆it so amusing) although I really just want to play the game to see the world…I don’t know if I got time. 🥲
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You're efforts are beyond futile!
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*With the residents*
RESIDENT 1: Wait, are... are you saying that he hurt those 2 girls and who was that 3rd one...?
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Someone he also likely hurt, the thing is that Mr. Hashimoto isn't a good person and we need to get away from him...
RESIDENT 3: But he save us, he...we own him our lives! You remember how the Adult Resistance was going to kill us?
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Yeah, but here's the thing they aren't as powerful and aren't even a threat meaning we don't need to be around this guy.
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Exactly guys, we all need to leave, that man doesn't care about us!
RESIDENT 2: But...
???: You should listen to what they are saying, all Kota cares about is himself...
*As then the whole group turns and sees Miyuki and Masashi appear*
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Hello everyone...
RESIDENT 10: Mi-Miyuki? Your here, but I thought Mr. Hashimoto kick you out, weren't you dead?
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No far from it, in fact I owe Komaru and Future Foundation for saving me but that doesn't matter.
RESIDENT 11: Huh? But...
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No buts, don't you see? Kota never gave a damn about any of you; he be willing to throw you all out to save his own skin and we need to leave, now!
RESIDENT 5: And how would you know? He would never...!
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But what about your friends? He was willing to kick out some boys that hit 15 and only kept the girls because they are 'weaker', that man doesn't care about any of you.
*the residents started to look at each other and mumbles can be heard*
'I mean... he raises a point but still...' 'Wh-What about about Future Foundation? They might be here...' 'I...I don't know, given how Kota treated those 2, should we...'
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Everyone I know you may think highly of him but that man never care about you at all, in fact he was apart of the reason you all ended up in this mess...
RESIDENT 1: Huh...? Hey, who are you?
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It doesn't matter who I am, but more importantly; you all realize that Kota won't save you, he only keeps you around for personal reasons.
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Exactly, this asshole only view you all as nothing but sexual outlets, if you all value yourselves then why not leave? You all don't need him!
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I...I know it's hard to accept that you have any value but whatever the man thinks of you means nothing so let's get outta here and get going.
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'Yeah exactly, if anything this jerk would rather dump you to the side to save his own skin so let's go!'
*the residents still seem unsure while Komaru and Toko are watching...*
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They all seem unsure...
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Give them time, they'll understand.
0 notes
mirai-e-jump · 7 months
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Animage March 2024 Issue ft. Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Main Cast Member Interviews (translations below)
Publication: February 8, 2024 (between episodes 47-48)
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-Their six hearts are now united as one-
Sakai Taisei: Gira Husty/KuwagataOhger King of Shugoddam. In actuality, he's a being created by Dagded. He vows to his older brother Racules, who had been fighting to save their people, that he'll carry on his will as king.
Watanabe Aoto: Yanma Gast/TomboOhger King of N'kosopa. He was brainwashed by Hilbil, and was about to be consumed by the power that he possessed, but after being punched by Gira, he snaps out of it and they defeat Hilbil.
Murakami Erica: Hymeno Ran/KamakiriOhger Queen of Ishabana. While she was conflicted by the possibility of conquering death through the eternal life that Jeramie possessed, she was determined to use it to defeat Grodie.
Hirakawa Yuzuki: Rita Kaniska/PapillonOhger King of Gokkan and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. They trust Morphonia, their retainer who they've known since law school, and entrusts Gokkan to her as their potential successor.
Kaku So: Kaguragi Dybowski/HachiOhger Lord of Toufu. Wishing for the happiness of his younger sister Suzume, who is in love with Racules, he decides to remove her as a potential successor. Together with Rita, they seal away Minongan.
Ikeda Masashi: Jeramie Brasieri/Spider Kumonos King of the Bugnarak. He was born between a human and a Bugnarak, and wishes for both to coexist. He teaches his people, the Sanagim, how to live hand in hand with others. _
The Six Kingdom Unusual Incident Countermeasure Lifesaving Force, also known as: Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger. Centering around the kings of the six kingdoms of Chikyu - Gira, Yanma, Hymeno, Rita, Kaguragi, and Jeramie, it's an alliance formed so they can fight a common enemy, free of personal interests and across all borders.
The kings, who are the rulers of their counties, often took different actions after the formation of the Royal Sentai due to their pride, responsibility, and the mission and beliefs that they held in their hearts. Still, it's also true that a solid bond was formed through their battles.
The event that symbolized this was the second "Wrath of God" by the awakened Grodie. Making the most of their abilities and the power of their countries, the kings trusted each other, and skillfully worked together to bring the situation under control, achieving a miracle of zero casualties.
Even though they talk about it being for the benefit of their country or their own mission, the concern they have for their citizens is mutual. They may never get used to each other, but they don't hesitate to join forces when there's an emergency. This sense of distance and detachment is perhaps the greatest characteristic of the Royal Sentai.
The only remaining enemies are Kamejim, the last of the Uchu Five Jesters, and the Uchu King Dagded, who is responsible for everything. However, the Royal Sentai still don't have the means to defeat Dagded, who possesses unparalleled power. As the decisive battle between the Royal Sentai and Dagded approaches, let's see how it goes down until the final moment! _
-Gira's best scene!-
Murakami: My favorite scene is when he's eating a daikon radish in episode 4! (laughs).
Kaku: How nostalgic!
Murakami: I really liked it! Also, his "archaic smile" (episode 11).
Sakai: Ah! Towards the beginning!
Murakami: Yeah, the child of god Gira. The part with robo Gira was funny too. It's unforgettable.
Watanabe: I liked when he said "Woyal armz!" (episode 45).
Hirakawa: He said something like that (laughs).
Ikeda: That was cute.
Murakami: I liked that too (laughs).
Ikeda: His pill bug (pill taxi) outfit was also cute.
Sakai: I also liked the pill bug costume. And then, there was the confusing scene with Kaguragi towards the end……(episode 15).
Ikeda: The, "Laugh for me!" part. It's cool that you said it so seriously while looking like that.
Kaku: It was a passionate scene.
Ikeda: Jeramie was also watching that exchange nearby, so I remember that scene well. It was also funny to hear him say things like "Poopsopa" (episode 2).
Sakai: I wish I didn't say that.
Hirakawa: I think for me it's the trial scene in episode 5. Out of all the members, Rita was the only one who strongly judged Gira, and I remember Gira's reaction and the change in his facial expression when they told him the facts one by one during the trial. As the presiding judge, they're the only one looking directly at Gira's expressions.
Kaku: That seems to be the case now that you mention it!
Watanabe: As for cool scenes, I like the part in episode 17 when he dodges Yanma's fist. Taisei and I watched it back together 2 or 3 times and said, "Oh! This is it! This is it!" (laughs).
Sakai: Gira is often by someone's side. If it's a main episode for Yanma, he's by Yanma's side, and it's the same for the other. I think that main episodes with Gira being alone are probably the least common.
Kaku: That's true.
Sakai: Still, that's what I really like about them.
Kaku: I think for me, it's when he angrily armed himself with the royal armor in episode 29. When Jeramie betrayed them along with Gerojim.
All: Oh~!
Hirakawa: The part with Hilbil! He said, "That wasn't for you."
Kaku: Right.
Hirakawa: It was definitely cool when the beam of light shined from his eyes.
Kaku: Also, the scene where Gira's face turns into King-Ohger (episode 40).
Sakai: That might be my favorite.
All: (laughs).
Ikeda: Your facial expressions were good too (laughs).
Watanabe: The day after the broadcast, we called Taisei "King-Ohger" (laughs).
Sakai: I was the only one who truly became King-Ohger, so, it was an honor.
All: (burst out laughing).
Hirakawa: It's definitely special (laughs). Gira also has a good character song. I especially like the beginning.
Sakai: The English part. I think it matches Gira's worldview really well.
Ikeda: It's like a culmination.
Sakai: Right, Gira's a culmination.
Kaku: Eh? Shuu"taisei"? (*shuutaisei = culmination)
Ikeda: Yes, you got it (laughs).
Murakami: You're so quick at making puns like that……(laughs).
-Yanma's best scene!-
Kaku: My favorite was, (waving his hand) "Gi~ra~!"
All: "I've come to help you~!"
Murakami: The one where Gerojim impersonates him (episode 8).
Watanabe: That episode was my first time at Mt. Iwafune (a reoccuring location in the Super Sentai series), so I was really excited (laughs).
Hirakawa: Before filming, he looked at the mountain while brushing his teeth and kept saying things like, "Yikes" and "Amazing."
All: (laughs).
Hirakawa: When the camera was pointing at him, he was all smiley and doing peace signs (laughs). In the Yanma, or rather, Aoto scenes, he seemed to be having alot of fun during the body swap episode (episode 28) (laughs). It was funny.
Watanabe: I'm glad you weren't angry at me.
Hirakawa: I wasn't angry (laughs).
Kaku: You kept rolling your eyes (laughs).
Sakai: Do you feel like your range of acting has expanded because of that?
Hirakawa: Yeah, it's expanded. Yanma played Rita in various ways, so when I returned to being Rita, I think my range of the role expanded abit.
Watanabe: I see.
Hirakawa: I don't think you do (laughs).
Murakami: For me, I think it's the "Guess I've become a privileged person." scene (episode 35). Up until that point, Yanma often stood his ground, so I like how he accepted the situation as he watched N'kosopa burn.
Watanabe: That scene was made to look like it was in the evening, but we filmed it first thing in the morning. Furthermore, it was the first scene to be filmed for that episode (laughs).
Hirakawa: That's rough (laughs).
Murakami: Amazing (laughs). He talked about having privileges before with Hymeno, so I was wondering if he found himself back there by chance.
Watanabe: Yeah, he talked about it in episode 7. For scenes in N'kosopa, the hacking battle was also hard……(episode 2).
Kaku: It was really cold, wasn't it?
Watanabe: I couldn't stop my body from shaking or my teeth from chattering. I'll never forget that. I was only calm during the actual performance.
Ikeda: You were extremely focused.
Kaku: I'd name that one as one of the best scenes.
Hirakawa: I'd agree. You worked hard and it paid off.
Ikeda: There were two scenes that I particularly liked with Yanma. One was the scene where he announced himself to his opponent, Daigorg (episode 17). The way he said it was totally different from how he usually said it, and it was very manly. The other was when he was being manipulated by Jeramie (episode 36).
Murakami: That one was funny (laughs).
Ikeda: The awkward dance performance was so good that I bursted out laughing (laughs).
Watanabe: I learned the choreography from Ikeda Sensei.
All: (laughs).
Watanabe: I was told to improvise that scene, but I have no knowledge when it comes to dancing. I asked Masashi for advice, and he taught me the Awa Odori dance of Tokushima, his hometown (laughs). He really helped me out at that time.
Sakai: For me, it's episode 44. In episode 17, Gira dodges Yanma's punch, but in this episode, it's reversed. As I played the role, I was moved, as I was reminded of those days.
Watanabe: And after that, when we beat Hilbil, it wasn't a parody, but I said the same line as in episode 2, being, "Know your place!"
Sakai: That's right!
Watanabe: That was real hot.
Ikeda: Gira and Yanma have quite a few scenes showing the passionate friendship between them, don't they? Truly, a great duo.
-Hymeno's best scene!-
Watanabe: I think I'd pick the body swap (episode 29).
Hirakawa: The way she said "Royal Arms!" was amazing.
Murakami: I'm sorry for doing something that Kaguragi wouldn't do (laughs).
Kaku: It's mutual (laughs).
Watanabe: Matchless Murakami
Hirakawa & Kaku: Matchless Murakami (laughs).
Kaku: I haven't been able to watch the footage yet (at the time of this interview), but it looks like episode 46 will also produce some great scenes.
Watanabe: Yeah, it's between Jeramie and Hymeno. They said some wise words.
Kaku: The movie was also very good.
Sakai: I also really like, "No one can do it but me," when she saves Racules (episode 42). I feel that she's full of confidence.
Kaku: That was really cool. It had a "Black Jack" feel to it. (*character from manga series of the same name)
Murakami: I feel that most of the memorable scenes for Hymeno are related to her family and life.
Kaku: Also, the rage filled fight against Jeramie (episode 14).
Ikeda: I was scared at that time (laughs).
Murakami: Sorry for being so strong (laughs).
Watanabe: In the episode before that, we were beaten up by Jeramie, but this time Jeramie was instantly defeated by Hymeno.
All: (laughs).
Hirakawa: The power balance turned out to be amazing (laughs).
Sakai: There are quite alot of angry scenes.
Murakami: That's true.
Kaku: Especially when it comes to her family.
Murakami: Yeah, the word "you" comes out. I thought it was out of character for Hymeno, but that's what happens when it comes to family matters. (*informal "you" was used)
Sakai: When she got mad at Jeramie, Gira told her that it makes her face ugly.
Murakami: I remember the Director telling me at the time to "make an ugly face." (laughs).
Sakai: I feel kinda bad (laughs).
Hirakawa: For me, it'd have to be episode 30. It's the scene where she faces Grodie. As Rita, she stopped me when I was trying to use the secret technique, so I feel like there was a strong bond that formed between the two of us. It was filmed during the really hot season.
Murakami: It was really tough! I wasn't used to filming on location because we usually only film in the studio, so I was thinking, "I want to be freed from this heat!" (laughs).
Hirakawa: Well, we overcame the filming process by supporting each other. We gained alot from each other through the performance, and the relationship between Rita and Hymeno was established from episode 30, so it was very memorable. It's always touching no matter how many times I watch it.
Ikeda: The episode where Kamejim disguised himself as Hymeno was also good (episode 36).
All: Ah~!
Ikeda: The disguised Hymeno's performance as a villainess was amazing, and I think it showed the strength and beauty of the real Hymeno. I also loved how she said "Let's dance!" with so much energy (episode 34).
Hirakawa: You say that all the time (laughs).
Murakami: That's what Sakanashi Yume-san (KamakiriOhger's Suit Actor) says, so I get really excited when I say it (laughs).
Ikeda: Your pronunciation was also good.
Watanabe: I sometimes want to try and adlib in some English.
Ikeda: I get the impression that she uses English when she's agitated (laughs).
Murakami: That's what happens when I try to show her innocence (laughs).
-Rita's best scene!-
Kaku: For Rita……I guess we can't leave out the idol episode, huh? (episode 38).
Watanabe: Obviously.
Sakai: I think the idol episode is my favorite too. There's a scene where Gira fights with them over the Moffun picture book.
Hirakawa: That's right, that's right. The part with, "Moffun isn't needed anymore, right?!" We practiced that alot, didn't we? Things like, "I'll go this way."
Kaku: Oh~!
Hirakawa: We ran around alot.
Ikeda: I also liked when they changed into the royal armor with the idol costume. Girls must've loved that.
Sakai: It was like Sailor Moon.
Hirakawa: I spoke in a lower voice than usual. Rita was irritated.
Ikeda: Yeah, they were mad.
Hirakawa: Right, that's why it was very low.
Kaku: For upcoming episodes, there's another cool scene in episode 48.
Hirakawa: They say something to Yanma.
Sakai: It was cool.
Kaku: Also, Rita is silly when they eat something like dangos. They try to eat it from above their high collar (episode 5).
Murakami: Rita and food are a good match, huh?
Hirakawa: Eating scenes are pretty difficult. Ultimately, I couldn't even eat those dangos.
Kaku: Is that so?
Hirakawa: Originally, that scene was alot longer, as I was trying out different ways of eating it.
Ikeda: I also like the scene where they dive to grab Moffun.
Murakami: Ah! When they were tricked by Dagded! (episode 31).
Ikeda: Right, Hymeno was playing the role of the plushie.
Hirakawa: Rita shouts, "Moffun!" and lunges for it. My voice was added later during the dub.
Watanabe: Ah, "that one" is probably my best scene (laughs).
Hirakawa: Which? (laughs).
Murakami: He's laughing so hard (laughs).
Watanabe: The scene in episode 4 where Kaguragi calls Rita. It's the part where they walk very slow. Rita, in the beginning, every time they walked, they went super slow.
All: (laughs).
Murakami: It was the same for episode 5. They were reeeally slow (laughs).
Watanabe: I was like, "Can't you just walk normally?!"
All: (burst out laughing).
Hirakawa: You wouldn't stop complaining (laughs). He was saying things like, "Walk so I can hear you!" (laughs).
Watanabe: I want you all to watch it again (laughs).
Murakami: I think I really like the body swap episode (episode 28). If you look closely, you'll see that they're like a DJ (laughs).
Kaku: Yeah (laughs).
Murakami: Normally, Rita can't really break their character, right? That's why I really liked seeing Hirakawa Yuzuki when her screws were loosened. It was also funny to see them trying to get everyone in prison to go home.
Kaku: The "Yay!" part.
Hirakawa: The "careful on your way back" scene.
Murakami: Dialog like that wasn't written in the script.
Hirakawa: I was told to "Just do what fits" (laughs). I thought alot about what to do.
Watanabe: Also, they had such a happy face when they talked to Gira, who was in Jeramie's body.
Hirakawa: It's the part where they say, "We stomp him out and the problem will be solved." Rita never smiles, so I thought I'd show their teeth!
-Kaguragi's best scene!-
Murakami: I really like your interactions with Suzume. I especially like the scenes when Iroki appears from 17 years ago.
Kaku: Episode 37, right?
Murakami: Right. That episode depicted Kaguragi's determination and resolve, and the way he armed himself with the royal armor through the katana was cool.
Kaku: Well, I thought I had been forgiven for everything.
All: (laughs).
Ikeda: I want you to sell me that katana.
Sakai: I'd pick the scene with Iroki from that episode. The exchange with her while the castle was burning was really amazing.
Ikeda: When Suzume first appeared, his "siscon" behavior was uncanny but cute (episode 15).
Kaku: It's not Suzume (acting that way)? (laughs).
Ikeda: Right, it's Kaguragi (laughs).
Watanabe: For scenes with Suzume, I liked the look on his face during Racules and Suzume's wedding (episode 20).
Kaku: He was abit dazed and confused (laughs).
Watanabe: I really like Kaguragi's facial expressions. At some point, you mentioned that the way you smile is based on Ghibli films.
Kaku: Yeah, I think we talked about that.
Watanabe: I remember thinking, "I didn't know he had such an approach!" The scene in episode 39, where Kaguragi looks up at the night sky after defeating Goma made me think, "Ah, this has a Ghibli feel to it!"
All: Ah~!
Watanabe: The way he grinned was very Ghibli like (laughs). It's hard for me to explain it well though.
Ikeda: Does it feel alittle creepy?
Murakami: The smile didn't match the setting, so it's very memorable.
Watanabe: It comes off as creepy and cute at the same time.
Kaku: Cute? (laughs).
Ikeda: Also, there's that other best scene too. His sleeping face when he swaps bodies with Hymeno (episode 28).
Watanabe: The sleeping face of an angel.
Ikeda: An angel (laughs). The sigh that came from him……what else can I say?
Watanabe: An angel's breath.
All: (laughs).
Kaku: You're teasing me~ (laughs).
Murakami: Can you please stop making yourself cuter than the "real one"? (laughs).
Kaku: No, no, the "real one" is cuter than me, right?
Ikeda: (looking at Murakami) Your face is becoming bright red (laughs).
Murakami: Eh? You're kidding?!
Sakai: It's really red (laughs).
Hirakawa: I think it's episode 45 for me. Kaguragi and Rita didn't have that much of a relationship with each other. They didn't have that many scenes together in that episode either.
Kaku: That's true. It's because they're both together with Morphonia and Suzume.
Hirakawa: Right. I really enjoyed the scene where the two of them used the power of the King's Proof.
Kaku: I also became a red oni.
Murakami: That was amazing (laughs).
Hirakawa: That red oni was wild (laughs).
Ikeda: He was as red as Marie's face just now.
All: (burst out laughing).
Kaku: My bad~ (laughs).
Murakami: I seriously need you to cut it out (laughs).
Watanabe: The person in charge of being cute for King-Ohger is me though~
All: (laughs).
Hirakawa: He went and said it (laughs).
Ikeda: You're putting yourself in a dangerous position right now.
Watanabe: These two guys here (Murakami and Kaku) are tough.
Kaku: Does that include me? (laughs).
-Jeramie's best scene!-
Sakai: There's alot for Jeramie.
Murakami: First, there's the battle with Desnarak (episode 26). I really liked that one.
Kaku: We made fun of it by imitating the "It's bright…" scene.
Hirakawa: It's funny when the person who actually fought says it (laughs).
Kaku: Still, that scene was good. While recording the dub, I actually cried.
Hirakawa: That's true, I could hear you sniffling next to me.
Ikeda: Immediately after the recording he said, "I can use this line when inviting someone out to a drinking party."
All: (laughs).
Watanabe: "You're coming too," right? (laughs).
Hirakawa: That's what he said (laughs).
Kaku: Yeah, that's right (laughs).
Hirakawa: I think for me, it's the scene where he declares the founding of his nation in the live broadcast to the people (episode 26).
Kaku: It was something about humans and Bugnarak joining hands.
Hirakawa: Right, "I want you to pass on the story that we were able to reconcile." That speech was really good.
Murakami: I think Jeramie's slightly mischievous and childlike nature is also a key point. It was the same when he was manipulating Yanma in episode 36, or the episode with Racules and the whoopie cushion (episode 19). I guess I like those mischievously funny scenes. There are alot of cool scenes though.
Kaku: It was really cool when the Spider Mask came off (episode 11).
Hirakawa: He flung off his cloak
Kaku: I used to imitate the line, "I'm just an old fashioned storyteller."
Ikeda: And you were good at it.
Kaku: That's when the Jeramie Brasieri competition started, hosted by me (laughs).
Ikeda: Oh yeah. "Is there anyone better than me?!" Isn't that what you usually said?
All: (laughs)
Kaku: That's right.
Sakai: I wonder what it was like stepping on Jeramie (episode 37).
Watanabe: We were trying to eat Grodie's rice balls in Toufu. Gira, Yanma and Hymeno trampled him.
Sakai: It was surprising to see that Gira would step on Jeramie, and I had to put alittle effort into it during filming (laughs).
Ikeda: Yanma was rubbing my butt (laughs).
Kaku: That was funny (laughs). I don't know why Jeramie was being stepped on, since the episode didn't depict that part.
Sakai: I wonder if Jeramie was desperately trying to stop Gira and the others. He gets pushed too hard, and then that happens.
Hirakawa: He gets crushed by three people.
Murakami: Sorry about that time.
Ikeda: Hymeno was the nicest.
Watanabe: It's episode 29 for me. After Jeramie finishes giving his fake speech, Jeramie's song (The Prophet) plays when the five fight.
Hirakawa: It was good!
Watanabe: Jeramie wasn't there, but it felt like the six of them were fighting.
Ikeda: In that scene, you could see the relationship between the five of them from their expressions.
Murakami: It was also sad and beautiful when he said, "Sweet dreams" and then disappeared.
Sakai: It was great (applauding).
Ikeda: Thank you.
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the-writer-mao · 7 months
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je refuse :(( i absolutely cannot let go of this cast yet 😭😭
After 10 years, since Toqger in 2014, KingOhger is the FIRST sentai i have watched every episode until now.
Don’t get me wrong, i still liked and appreciate 2015-2022 Sentai, but it was the first time i felt kind of disconnected with majority of the seasons.
Kingohger has many flaws, as it is a very ambitious experimental season, but I’d say for the most part, the execution and goal was set up and achieved incredibly.
I adore the story and its characters. And I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.
I am FURIOUS that the vs DonBrothers film is rumoured to be 30 minutes- that it not nearly enough time for the fans and the entire cast.
I also hope KingOhger has a spinoff movie??? Like all Sentai seasons have summer films and typically two vs. Films, but they usually also have a film set in post victory, like Kyoryuger’s 100 years after, and Toqger, Ninninger, etc. it’s strange cause normally we’d hear news of a spinoff film by now.
Don’t hate me but i have not watched a single episode of Zenkaiger or DonBrothers, so idk if they had post season films, let me know in the comments.
Anyways, KingOhger has relit my love for Sentai- a very much needed comfort series as I’m now 20.
I look very forward to Boomboonger- i was slightly concerned that the aesthetics might throw me off, but after seeing the cast, I’m excited to see some classic Sentai roots after a very ambitious season.
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harukakitous · 5 months
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Thank you Erica-hime!
translation below (mostly bc of aoto's tags my god)
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Vivi June Issue [releasing on] 4/23 Thank you Erica-hime! #This is the kind of youth I wanted to spend #The last photo of the peace sign is what kind of peace sign #The jaw #Wonders if #Summer is close by
(aoto you're 26, please stop sounding like a 67 year old uncle)
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millecrepe · 1 year
I thought the relay interview for the movie was cute so translation under the cut
Q. Please introduce yourself
Taisei: Thank you Kuwagon! In the role of Gira Husty, Sakai Taisei.
Aoto: I'll take you to the top like a grasshopper! In the role of Yanma Gast, I'm Watanabe Aoto.
Erica: Let's go! Scorpie <3 Playing Hymeno Ran, I'm Murakami Erica.
Yuzuki/Yuzuyan: The mirror of the people, in the role of Rita Kaniska, Hirakawa Yuzuki.
Masashi: Did you have a good dream? ~ Playing Jerami Brasieri, Ikeda Masashi "to sa ~" (or so it goes).
Q. What do you like about your character?
Taisei: He's always outright and full of emotions!
Aoto: I respect that air of distance he puts up with people.
Erica: The way she always gets involved and be kind.
Yuzuyan: Eeeeeh, they're intersting...
Souchan: Eeeeeh, he's cute!
Masashi: Umm, his elocution.
Q. If you became a king what would you like?
Taisei: To slack off.
Aoto: I want to eat delicious foods.
Erica: If I was a king that's it? I want to try out lots of different fashion/styles.
Yuzuyan: Eeee, er, I'd like to eat luxurious foods everyday.
Souchan: I want to end wars (make them disappear). (everyone: wwwwww)
Masashi: Eeer I want Doraemon as my retainer. (everyone: wooo)
Q. What kind of extraordinary power would you like?
Taisei: Is it as a king? Er... Manipulating time. (everyone: ohooo) (taisei makes extra gestures) (everyone: wwww)
Aoto: Umm, free control over weight.
Erica: A power that would let me travel to various place... A door to everywhere! (off screen: Wait is it okay to say??)
Yuzuyan: (laughs at Erica's question) Err, something simple, to fly!
Souchan: I want to eat honyaku konjac (t/n > ref to Doraemon "translation gummy" he wants to speak every language)
Masashi: I want to be a human car-wash (t/n > ?? if you know what he means teach me, "want to be like a bathtub or something")
Q. If you could change countries, which king would you like to be?
Taisei: Yanma Gast. His chivalry... I like it ✧
Aoto: Kaguragi Dibowsky! I want to eat delicious foods (editors: second time lol)
Erica: Rita Kaniska, I want to become very smart.
Yuzuyan: Hymeno Ran, I want to wear a cute dress :)
Souchan: Hymeno Ran, eer, I want to be very strong (macho sdkfjhskdf) (everyone: akjzhdfkshfdslkf is that right???)
Masashi: Hymeno Ran, I want to be/feel beautiful.
Q. What's your favourite episode?
Taisei: Waah eer, the 1st? Ye personally I liked the first when I showed resolve to stand up to Racules!
Aoto: The 10th! When Legend KingOhger appeared!
Erica: 17th, when Gira and Yanma clashed and bonded more.
Yuzuyan: The 16th, when we saw Rita's right eye, it's my fav.
Souchan: 15th when we got confused about Suzume.
Masashi: 11th I like the spider mask.
Q. Can you imitate your second in command?
Taisei: I'll do Racules!! King of Shugoddom, Racules Husty. I am the country. (everyone: wwwww souchan: so he's the second)
Aoto: (imitating Shiokara) Here comes! Detective Pillbug ~ (t/n > sorry I forgot the ref ;-;)
Erica: (rolling her fake mustache in the manner of Sebas) (editors: Sebastian??)
Yuzuyan: (imitating Morfonia) Rita ~
Souchan: (imitating Kuroda) LORD KAGURAGI!!
Masashi: (imitating Gerojim <3) Jeramiii... I think you are the most suitable to rule over Chikyu...
Q. Who would you take on a deserted island?
Taisei: Uwaa eer, Kaku-san! Like he's so kind, he would give me everything... (everyone: wooah)
Aoto: I would take Kaku-san too, I think he would have brought food with him.
Erica: For me a character, Yanma! I think he would develop/create something from nothing!
Yuzuyan: Kaku-san also, he would protect me.
Souchan: Myself! Like I'm pretty strong...
Masashi: Kaku-san! I want to become strong (macho) (everyone: wwwww)
Q. If you could travel to another world, what kind of place would you go?
Taisei: In the show? Ummmmm, I'd go to Toufu! Want to eat good food.
Aoto: Let's see. A world where we all talk the same language, all 7billion of humans. (everyone: waah)
Erica: A place with a lot of different sceneries... a world where I can explore like in a rpg.
Yuzuyan: Another world... eeeer, hmmmmmm, WAH HARD TO SAY (everyone: wwwww)
Souchan: I want to go to a world with the cutting-edge technology of N'Kosopa!
Masashi: A world where there's no timescape. (everyone: wooo)
Q. Tell us what you like about the person after you.
Taisei: (looks back) Chivalry (repeats it again)
Aoto: Her guts!
Erica: Very kind and cheerful person! (yuzuyan: peace sign)
Yuzuyan: His funny side (who laughs a lot)!
Souchan: The fact that he'll definitely laugh at even my most boring gag! (everyone: wwww masashi: who will)
Masashi: His cute side.
Q. Altogether, do a pose of the kingohgers getting along!
Everyone: (peace signs) Kuwagooon!
Q. Please do your Moffun's voice.
Everyone: Rittan (moffun's imitation)
Masashi: Let's do it in relay.
Taisei: Rittan... Rittan. Rita, I like you.
Aoto: Rittaaaaaaan wwwww (goes off embarrassed) (yuzuyan: that's not right wwww)
Erica: Rita is a genius.
Yuzuyan: Welcome back Rittan...
Souchan: Jerami Brasieri...
Masashi: Rittan I love you (aishiteru) (yuzuyan: no that's too much)
Q. Expose something cute from a cast member.
Taisei: Eeeee?? Um Aoto, he seperates his lunch in half (half and half) (everyone: wwww)
Aoto: Ikeda-kun's reaction when a moth came flying. (imitates his fright) (everyone: wwww souchan: right right!)
Erica: Yuzuyan when she forgot her gloves (imitates flustered yuzuyan) (everyone: www yuzuyan: it's true!!)
Yuzuyan: Eee hm that's difficult (erica: ye right?) eeeer let's see... Taisei, when he made a mistake "SORRY SORRY"
Souchan: Aoto in the Line gc "ah shoot I drank a little and I cried reading the script..." so he said (everyone: gibberish agreeing laughing at aoto)
Masashi: Souchan's hm. When Souchan overreacted to a gag "THERE'S NO WAY THAT HAPPENED" line (everyone: wwww)
Q. Invite fans on a date to see the Kingohger movie.
Taisei: (gets close and winks) I'm waiting on the other side... (everyone: woooooo)
Aoto: Come (t/n > I'm sorry he just said 'koi yo' I'm howling)
Erica: (tsun) It's not like I want to go with you or anything... (taisei: wah)
Yuzuyan: Let's watch the movie. (plain)
Souchan: (playing cute) So hm I got two tickets and not really have anybody to go with, would you like to go together? (everyone: oh that's a good way around wwww)
Masashi: Let's (nah) I'm appearing (in the movie) won't you come together with me?
Q. Give us a reason to go see the movie.
Taisei: A thrilling and magnificent fantasy!
Aoto: The Gira fight at the climax where we all 6 unite!
Erica: The set is so extravagant/impressive it has great impact!
Yuzuyan: The super cool cast!!
Souchan: You'll get to learn about the 6 kings' past, it's so good!
Masashi: When we cross to the world of the dead, you'll definitely cry!!
(everyone gets in position) Go watch the movie!!! (waves at the camera)
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iristial · 1 year
KingOhger's first photobook will be released on August 31st, with a theme of "the king's holiday"!
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Special character bromides are provided as a bonus, depending on the online store you order from
Taisei Sakai (Gira) - Honto
Aoto Watanabe (Yanma) - Animate Online
Erica Murakami (Himeno) - 7net
Yuzuki Hirakawa (Rita) - 7net
So Kaku (Kaguragi) - Rakuten
Masashi Ikeda (Jeramie) - Rakuten
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