schtubawl · 1 month
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genki likers where are you….. are you still out there …. can you hear me…….. nya………..
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dzgrizzle · 3 days
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Sleepy Little Murdercat 🐱
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playhousewifi · 4 months
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made a banner for my twitter and to put on my artfight profile!
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noras-wafflehouse · 11 months
My cat just tried to murder me..
This is him
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murdercatart · 2 months
Haven’t posted here in a……while, here’s some DOODLES!!!!
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the officially declared Best Murdercat is…
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Ok you did rocky and nico but what about Mordecai with widow reader with three kittens? (bonus if you include aunty Serafine and uncle nico)ps I love your writing!
This one is a bit different from the other widow-with-kiddo asks but I hope its still to ur liking ~
Firstly! Regardless if you're working the Marigold Room as a bartender or musician, or you're in the gang directly, the kittens are often at the hotel. The staff knows them, the managers don't mind because they stay away from guests, other gang members are familiar with them and make sure they stay outta trouble. The hotel's back rooms and staff quarters are like an endless maze to the kiddos, and they know the whole place like the back of their hands. ... Kinda.
Not to mention how they're doted on by everyone - Asa gives them candies, Nico tosses them high in the air, Serafine is kind of scary but she gave them these funny bracelets (made of bones??? but theyre funny and she's pretty so it's okay!), various hotel staff cooing over how cute and well-behaved they are.
And then there's Mordecai. He's pretty scary to adults, let alone kids. When he sees them skittering around in the peripheral of his vision, he has to frown even more. Who let these wayward children in here? He hears them running about the halls and empty offices while he's trying to do accounting. And as much as Mordecai wants nothing to do with them, he's a figure of great interest to your kittens. Someone who isn't cooing over them? Whose in an office way in the back, only one light on? The one who follows Mr. Sweet and dresses in all black? Their little imaginations run wild, even if you've plainly told them that "Mr. Heller" is your colleague and to leave him be.
The oldest one approaches him first. Which is to say, she lingers behind the doorway, peeking in and thinking he can't see her tail and ears sticking out. He hears the younger ones shushing each other. As much as Mordecai wants to be annoyed, instead, a painful deja vu comes over him. Your oldest finally patters in with a nervous "Mr. Heller?". Before he can ask what she wants, she plops a candy on his desk and runs off, the other kittens right behind her.
As much as the shadowy cat doesn't want the trio bothering him, he's torn about them being so fearful of him. All three of them stir up painful familiar memories of his sisters, but the youngest especially reminds Mordecai of Rose. He tries not to think of how old she and Eshter are now, if they miss him the way your kittens miss you when you're away. It's hard for him to keep up his cold exterior when those painful memories bubble up to the surface.
So when the oldest comes by his desk, he finally sighs and says with a frown, "All three of you, just come in and show me what it is." And the other two shuffle in, with their big eyes and hand-me-down clothes and it's just. Very difficult not to dismiss them.
The two youngest have decided he's their "secret friend", even if you were well aware of how they liked to pester your overly serious colleague. You'll watch your girls draw him alongside other people they know (why does he always look so shadowy and sketchy, even in crayon form?) but you don't know they like sneaking their drawings into his satchel or desk drawers. They'll leave wrapped candies and pretty strings and buttons too, to his exasperation. Eventually Mordecai walks over to you and drops a handful of the little treasures at your table.
"Gee, Mordecai, I'm flattered. You know what a guy/gal likes."
"Don't be ridiculous, I'm returning what your snooping progeny keep leaving me. Tell them to stay out of my things."
"Looks to me like they're trying to add some color to that depressing office you hole up in."
And so on, and so forth, you two really like to bicker, don't you?
(Oh, and Mordecai starts keeping the door shut and locking it, but then he hears giggles and sees them shoving the pictures and little things under the doorway.)
Now they aren't afraid of him at all, which means they want to run about Mordecai and get his attention. They'll giggle as they dart between his legs or "hide" under his coat. Their fur gets all over his black clothes. When they inevitably tumble and fall, he picks them up by the collar or under the arms and scolds them for running indoors. And he yanks them down when they get too rowdy and climb up furniture, or sometimes he finds the youngest one crying because she got lost and takes her back. If he catches any of the kittens with an unlaced boot or messy face, he stops them immediately.
"Stop! Lace up your boots immediately. You'll trip and crack your skull open. Don't run in the hotel lobby, either. This is an establishment, not a wild jungle you can traipse about in - keep still, what is on your face? Is that - syrup? Did you not think to wash your hands and face after - no, there will be no giggling about breaches of hygiene -"
(A few people are staring as Mordecai fusses over her, which he doesn't notice until a woman walks by and says, "oh, it's so hard at this age, isn't it? Don't worry, you're doing great." And he dies a little a lot inside).
He tried doing these things in secret, but inevitably one of the Savoys or Asa or you would spot him, and the youngest one loves prattling on about him. Asa, Nico and Serafine find "Nanny Heller" to be hysterical. He's going to throttle someone or plan a murder swear to god-
There's been several moments when you hear a high-pitched squeal that sounds like a scream, and you run over in a panic ... and oh, it's just Nico dangling one of the kittens upside down and pretending to lose his grip. False alarm - wait, why is Mordecai here too?
If you're a triggerman with the gang, it means you're keeping all sorts of odd hours. You've been with them for years and you're more than useful, so having the children set up in an empty office isn't looked twice at. They've got their bedding, some books and toys, and ... sometimes they're sleeping there more than they sleep at home, which you aren't proud of. It's not just the cost of childcare, but the odd hours and questions being asked about your job, especially if you're a woman.
The first time Mordecai came across this office was by accident, but he knew the children had to be staying somewhere. He walked up very quietly, and looking through the open doorway, saw the oldest doing her homework at the big desk while her two siblings slept under it, curled up with their pillows and blankets and stuffed toys. He didn't think he'd be affected so strongly, but it was painful. A very, very painful reminder, and maybe he saw himself a little too much in that girl, furrowing her brow and making sense of numbers.
You and Mordecai have had strange arguments about the the children, which was odd at first. You wondered why the so-called unfeeling triggerman cared at all. If he felt you were being too reckless during a job, he'd tell you as much, but there was more bite in his voice. He never outright said 'you have others depending on you', but it was in his tone. Many times you felt judged, or looked down upon - but a lot of these fights weren't about you specifically. It was the situation that upset him, the lengths one had to go to keep their family fed and safe in a clean environment. He was definitively projecting, and not always aware of it, or just in denial about it. Mordecai tried not to dwell on his own mother and sisters: what they felt when he didn't come home one day, when they read that letter explaining where all the money was hidden, when the realization sunk in for Eshter and Rose that their brother wasn't coming back. If they were sad, or angry, or resigned, or didn't think of him at all anymore. Or maybe they'd resent him forever.
Look he really doesnt want to be thinking about these things -
After long jobs, you'd wash the blood off and change shirts and tiredly walk all the way to the back rooms where your kittens were sleeping. Sometimes you stir the oldest awake so she can help you carry the other two to the car, but honestly, the only apartment a single parent with three children can get is pretty shit. So most times you just curl up on the floor with them, catching a few hours of sleep before you need to wake up the oldest for school.
You hold her hand as you walk through the back rooms and out the staff exit. Sometimes Mordecai sees you. You wear the same tired but persevering expression as his mother did, looking a mess compared to your well-put together daughter. He knows she washed up and dressed herself, and packed her own bookbag. She has that look of responsibility and eyes that are a little too old, and it's too familiar, so he looks away.
(Sometimes the oldest finds an extra sandwich in her bookbag, or new pencils and one time, a new pair of mittens. She feels like it's magic, so she doesn't want to tell anyone, otherwise the magic will 'break'.)
You and Mordecai already have a very strange relationship (can you call each other friends yet? You'd consider him that, or something more, but his feelings are something else entirely), and your kiddos would certainly add another layer of strangeness onto it. You might actually get to know him a little faster and closer than most do, or at least see a side that most people have never seen or even considered him capable of.
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flaminya · 5 months
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Little sketch inspired by @caparrucia's puppyverse. This verse's Cor and Nyx are amazing!
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blorbologist · 6 months
Nursery Rhymes as Told by Briarpatches | Greypool
“I’m Greykit now, Mom,” said Greykit, when they were nestled back home. Fallowtail stilled. “Greykit, is it?” she asked, her voice frail. “I - I hadn’t known so much time had passed. You’ve both grown so big, but names -” “Can we get new names?” Palekit piped up, muffled by Mom’s fur before she twisted to face them. “I don’t wanna be Palekit anymore.”  “Why not?” Mom gently prodded.  Her lips curled into a tiny snarl - a perfect likeness of Hailstar’s, earlier. “It’s stupid and windy and I’m not a Windclan cat.”
[Set in @fatal-rewrites-warriors's rewrite of Warriors, found here]
"Greykit and Palekit," Reedfeather declared. "Welcome home, lovelies."
His daughter could not see his expression from between his paws, but she could see those of the strange cats around him. They were wrong - not a single familiar face in the crowd. They all smelled wrong, too, like the wind had stolen their scents, not like the musty comfort of Mom. All strangers.
One face frowned - the huge tom padded forward and sniffed the sisters with a scarred nose. The kittens shied away. 
"I’d keep those ideas to myself, boy. The kits are too young to be named.” The tom rose up to squint at their father. “Especially adapting to so many changes, the stress could do them in.”
The kitten - was she Pale or Grey? - felt her father stiffen behind her. “Riverclan could not keep them from me, Hawkheart - neither will Starclan,” he said. 
“Besides,” he added quickly, “they’re stars-given, for Heatherstar’s lost litter. Surely they wouldn’t take such blessings from such deserving cats?”
Hawkheart curled his lip. “Deserving... certainly.”
He padded away, vanishing into what looked to the kitten like the round, gaping mouth of a dead fish. She recoiled further into her father’s belly fur for something, anything, familiar.
But he wasn’t. She did not know the texture of his fur, or his not-smell, or his nasally voice, or how he licked her ears. She hated having her ears touched - Mom knew that. 
“I want Mom,” she whimpered. “I don’t like it here, I want Mom - please, can we go home?”
[Keep reading on AO3!]
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fauxbia · 2 years
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had to draw em bein silly <3
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ilovedthestars · 11 months
a trick or treat for @cellarwhales, who was having mysterious technical difficulties with my inbox
you asked for something hopeful or cathartic, so i am going to share some snips from the slightly angsty but mostly soft fic that i wrote after backreading the Murderbot has a Murdercat thread on discord. this wip was inspired by the excellent fic a hero to me by kiore ( @temporalreplicsimile ) and it's really not that far from being finished, but i stalled out on looking thru the books to find some quotes to tie the various snips i wrote into canon scenes.....i should go do that so i can post this!
these snips are scenes from ASR (starting immediately after the rogue discovery scene), but if Murderbot had a cat. because it deserves one.
A small, furry fauna streaked out of the corner and attacked my feet with its tiny claws. I was so relieved to see it that I didn’t even think before I bent down and lifted it off the floor. It shoved its head into the crook of my elbow and I had to pull my arms close to my body to keep from dropping it. It burrowed its face into my shirt and started to vibrate softly. I realized that all the humans were staring at me. Ratthi said, “Oh, is it yours?” I just stood there, trying frantically to think of a lie or an excuse that would explain why this small fauna had attached itself to me. Anything that wouldn’t lead to it being taken away. Arada said, “It came running out of the cubicle when we opened it, and wouldn’t come back. We weren’t sure how a cat got in with us, but if you brought it with you, that explains that.” Volescu said, “Is that…allowed? For SecUnits to have pets?” I tensed, and clutched the fauna a little closer to myself. Gurathin was frowning at the fauna in my arms. “It can’t possibly be allowed. It must have been hiding the cat, too. I suppose if it was rogue, it could have managed to sneak it in.” He put a little too much emphasis on the word rogue, and Mensah shot him a look. “SecUnit, I would like you to remain part of our group, at least until we get off this planet and back to a place of safety. At that point, we can discuss what you’d like to do. But I swear to you, I won’t tell the company, or anyone outside this room, anything about you or the broken module.” She considered the fauna, and added, “Or the cat.”
When we left for the rendezvous site, I left the fauna with the big hopper. I didn’t like it, but it wasn’t like bringing a fauna to a hostile negotiation was going to help anyone. It tried to follow me to the little hopper with Mensah. I picked it up and carried it back. “Stay here.” It knew to stay when I told it to stay. If it hadn’t figured that out quickly, it wouldn’t have lasted very long. It was a smart fauna. It tucked itself underneath one of the big hopper’s seats, almost out of sight, and stayed quiet. “Good fauna,” I told it. If everything went to shit, I hoped it would find a way to survive.
I was hovering on the edge of a system failure. I had flashes, off and on. The inside of the little hopper, my humans talking, something soft pushing against my hand. I felt the scrabble of tiny claws. It was my fauna. It was bumping my hand with its head and making tiny whimpering sounds. I didn’t want it to be scared, but my hand wouldn’t move to stroke it. Then being in the big hopper, as it was lifting up. I could tell from the drive noise, the flashes of the feed, that the pick-up transport was bringing it on board. The fauna licked my fingers. That meant the humans hadn’t left it behind.
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schtubawl · 28 days
anyways i think it’s time to come out and say i made an AU genki that’s just supposed to be a loyal saint
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i totally got a mod that replaces the player character with genki and that was like gasoline 2 flame for my murder cat obsession. it’s been very easy to build a story off his pretty barebones lore …..
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dzgrizzle · 3 months
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Guy, the sleepy little murdercat
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playhousewifi · 5 months
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YAYYY I LOVE TO DOODLE SILLIES i got a tattoo yesterday unrelated but isnt that cool
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murdercatart · 4 months
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Some quick art!!!:D
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