#Muse | Sarek
luxmaeastra · 2 years
The new Empress had called for a Trial, for a tournament. Cassandra could handle the sneers. She could handle being away from Saetan - keeping perfectly neutral till they were alone.
Sixty seconds to kiss, to hold each other. His words burned in her head.
"Do not take the fall for it. I followed you willingly, I helped you. I walked with you every step of the way. I can handle whatever they throw at us. I cannot handle not by my side in any life or death I have."
She'd agreed, of course, she had. How could she not when he still looked at her as if she was Allmother herself?
She could handle her power ripped away. Watching as her sister-in-law was allowed to drag the dagger down her arm. A blood offering on an alabaster altar. A one for crimes and punishments.
She could handle watching it happen for Saetan first. Arktos taunts and sneers all the while as he dragged the athame down his arm. All she saw was his face millennia earlier horrified as he cradled his broken brother's body. Oristes failed rebellion in tatters, his family scatters limbs around him.
Saetan was being chipper when the rings came down. They were trapped in a pit their kin watching on. They had nothing now - no Jewels, no Sight. They had clear Jewels now.
She couldn't handle his calm. His optimism as he spoke of exits and guards. As he patiently explained how these worked as if she'd grown up being a spectator. He'd been a participant - he knew how to survive.
He shouldn't need to, shouldn't have to go back to this nightmare. She'd seen his nightmares, held him when he sobbed and screamed. Unbidden their first words to each other came back to her.
"What do you fear most in the world?"
He'd looked at her all smug male virility slipping away as he thought of her question. He'd cupped her cheek then as if it was second nature. As if they'd spent the batter part of days exploring their bodies.
"Being powerless."
She gripped the little stelleto dagger in hand. The one Deidamia had slipped her maybe to mock her. Maybe at Scamandros urging or pity. She called to Saetan and she almost paused as he turned to look at her. The gates were opening she could smell the Changelings - starving, mutated by this new Empress. She'd been so excited to test them with live prey.
Saetan didn't look to them, just to her in love. Even now he was so happy to be with her, to be united with her. To die with her.
She swiped the dagger along his neck and plunged it into his heart. She went down with him, cradling his face as they lay in the sand.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I - I promised I'd never let you feel powerless. I can't - I refuse to let you be here again. I refuse to let you face this again not for me. I am not worth it."
Irabel had begun to get the hang of all of this. It helped that she and Sarek kept to their routines as much as they could.
She'd always enjoyed the gladiatorial pits. She sat in a much better seat, Sarek by her side. Their children happily playing at their feet. Till she saw it. She heard silence before so much noise, so many voices. She paled and turned away nauseous. It was one thing to do what she did. But to kill her mate? Did this female know no moral code?
She could barely think beyond the revulsion of it. She looked to their children grabbing them as she slowly calmed down. She looked to Sarek gripping his hand.
"Do - do you think he is alive? Should we get healers for him?"
Arkots couldn't think beyond the rage in him. He was pacing, simmering with rage.
"This is how he dies Carynth? This?! A quick death after what Oristes suffered? How dare he! How dare he be given such a slow and merciful —"
//Sasha and Annie and Rig are there but they're lurking as are Sebastien and Natalia and Tharion and Noelle. For ANYONE!!!//
It definitely was not as expected, how the events had played out and how it was turning. For many, like Irabel, the act of killing your mate was not something they would consider. Yet as he sat there, there was an uneasy understanding. He could see the decision, the moment it was made.
Sarek looked towards her when she gripped his hand, his fingers squeezing hers before he looked back to the arena. "No, I don't think he is. She ensured it was a quick death." He didn't say that he thought she was saving her mate, an unthinkable act of love.
His gaze lingered upon her, she looked rather shaken by what she had witnessed. He leaned closer to her. "Are you okay?"
Carynth's attention rose to Arktos, his rage and words were being noted. It was an easy way out, Cassandra had taken away the right to punish Saetan from them by killing him as quickly as she did. His fingers tightened upon the arm of his chair, his jaw tightened.
"Would you like to go down there and reverse time? We do not have that luxury. Instead she will take the brunt of everything."
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awkwardtuatara · 2 years
just watched Journey to Babel and I have so many thoughts about how complex and interesting all the characters are and there were so many good lines but somehow the one thing I'm posting about is "how were Amanda and Sarek always finger-kissing???" like every time they walk in and out of a room or have a small argument someone raises the two fingers
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keepsmovingforward · 1 year
Also I lost my tags. New tag drop:
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cuckoo-among-beasts · 6 months
The rules are simple ! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back .
Please repost, don’t reblog !
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Nie Huaisang - @cuckoo-among-beasts
Lan Qiren - @hetaoren
MuMu - @assortedsouls Ji Naizhu (also as Nathanael Hunt @goodheartedfool)(OC) Jiang Zhongxin (canon donghua-based MDZS char) Mo Xuanyu (MDZS) Nie Shuangnao (canon-based MDZS char) Ruoye (TGCF) Shangque (LBFAD/CLJ)
I still kind of want to try my hand at Xichen, but I'd slaughter him xD There's also this Legend of Exorcism character I'm a bit interested in, Lu Xu.
Oh my, so many, here are the ones I've rped on Tumblr:
DC: Tim Drake (still on discord though), Barry Allen, Yoyo (OC)
Marvel: Dr Bruce Banner, Francis Barton, Johnny Do, Tony Stark (Armored Adventures)
Star Trek: Spock, Sarek, B'Elanna Torres
Other sci-fi: Dr Carson Beckett, Dr Samantha Grimm, Radek Zelenka, Rudy Lom
Other: Castiel, Duro, Dr Spencer Reid
Honestly, most of them (except Castiel), but I especially miss Duro and Beckett.
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Tagged by: @multeasers
Tagging: anyone interested
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mctives · 7 months
ROLEPLAY HISTORY — the rules are simple! post characters you'd like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same (if you can't think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people).
current muses :
Stu Macher (@mctives)
Sidney Prescott (@killcdhim)
Richie Tozier (@ycwza)
Mike Schmidt/Afton (@goodjobsport)
Kaz Brekker (@averrse - hiatus)
Inej Ghafa (@withaknife - hiatus)
Teddy Monrose (OC - @lessluck)
Mouse Woltjer (OC - @lessluck)
Remy Lennox (OC - @lessluck)
Nora Monrose (OC - @lessluck)
Randy Meeks (@aranostra)
Dewey Riliey (@aranostra)
Ash Williams (@aranostra)
Cheryl Williams (@aranostra)
Dennis Rafikin (@aranostra)
Brian Green (@aranostra)
Armand (@aranostra)
Louis de Pointe du Lac (@aranostra)
Jesse Walsh (@aranostra)
Daniel Matthews (@aranostra)
John Kramer (@aranostra)
William Afton (@aranostra)
Henry Emily (@aranostra)
Brian Thomas (@aranostra)
Tim Wright (@aranostra)
Alex Kralie (@aranostra)
Jessica Locke (@aranostra)
Evan Meyers (@aranostra)
Beverly Marsh (@aranostra)
Stan Uris (@aranostra)
Bill Denbrough (@aranostra)
Eddie Kasprack (@aranostra)
Mike Hanlon (@aranostra)
Audra Denbrough (@aranostra)
a few private muses
want to write :
I feel like I have enough probably.
have written :
Sam Kirk
S'chn T'gai Sarek
A bunch of other Star Trek muses
Daniel Jackson
Rodney McKay
A bunch of other Stargate muses
A bunch of Grishaverse muses
Kefka Palazzo
Cid Highwind
A few other Final Fantasy Muses
Norman Bates (Psycho 1-4)
Mary Loomis (Psycho 2)
Scott Summers
Kurt Wagner
Remy LeBeau
A few other X-Men muses
Steff McKee
would write again :
I definitely want to write Steff again but idk who i would write him with
Norman and Mary... I keep thinking of adding them to my multi.
Might consider my Final Fantasy or X-Men muses again someday
tagged by : stolen from @fawnworked
tagging : whoever would like to
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voluntadfuerte · 1 year
@thecavclry liked for a starter from my star trek muses
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Things were starting to unfold between him and Amanda, Spock's mother. While he was keeping a professional relationship with Spock, it would start becoming complex with time spent with Amanda. He didn't do romance. Didn't stay long in relationships. And mixing work with personal life made everything more difficult. Especially with a married woman. "Doesn't it bother Sarek?" he first asked. Then "Spock wouldn't approve." Excuses, good ones, but still excuses to not further something with her.
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Open Muses;
Narcissa Black
Tom Riddle
Hermione Granger
Samantha Giddings
Josh Washington
Hector of Troy
Costia Allard
Cain Castillo
Princess Azula
Abby Mills
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officerslog · 11 months
aloe: how does your muse handle grief?
the short of it is that he doesn't.
spock allows grief to well up within him until it feels as if it is the only thing that he knows - when he was estranged from michael, when he got her back and lost her again, when he and his father stopped speaking when he was young, when amanda died. he doesn't readily deal with grief. loss is not something he bears well.
mostly spock views his attachments as weakness at a certain point and feels that it is best not to acknowledge his feelings over those attachments suffering in some manner, or being lost entirely.
he'd rather suffer silently, insurmountably, than acknowledge that it hurts him - deeply - when he thinks of the fact that he will never see michael again, or his mother, or when he thinks about how much he disappoints his father. when he thinks about the fact that he has a brother he barely knows.
it builds up over weeks, months, years, until he inevitably explodes, no longer able to contain its crushing pressure, like a bottle of soda shaken to the point of bursting.
why? honestly i could break this down to its protons and electrons and neutrons, but the easiest way to put it, is that he is traumatized and thinks he must be the perfect vulcan, and that in order to do that he must kill any part of him that is human. love, fear, grief... the hardest one to control, though, is his anger - and his anger is usually what opens the floodgates for his grief, as they deeply go hand in hand.
of course this wouldn't be a finished response however if i didn't mention any potential romantic partners spock could have.
at some point in a relationship with spock, he will leave. spock doesn't deal well with loss, and his grief builds up over years and years and eventually intereres with his romantic relationships. leaving his partner will be something he regrets so deeply that it sends him into the worst depression he's ever experienced, as the loss of the person he loved most compounded with the other things he hadn't confronted, re: amanda's death, michael's departure, and his estrangement from sarek.
yet, despite the deep bone-chilling and agonizing pain of it, he grows. growing pains of course. but eventually he has a healthier approach to the topic - he talks about it in therapy with m'benga, talks about it with nyota and jim and pike. because he doesn't want his difficulty confronting loss and grief to ever be the direct cause of loss and grief in his life ever again.
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Star Trek: Logic of the Force - Chapter Four
The USS Enterprise continued its warp journey towards Vulcan, moving at warp factor seven. Zefram Cochrane's breakthrough in faster-than-light travel had occurred three centuries earlier. Captain Riker, now in command of the Federation starship Farrokh, occupied his former Number One chair from his days as First Officer aboard the Enterprise. Memories of Cochrane's song on the Phoenix echoed in his mind.
"It's akin to a magical journey," Riker mused to his mentor, Captain Picard.
Picard smiled, reflecting. "It's more profound than that, Will. It's the discovery of wonders throughout one's life." The star trails raced across the viewscreen, evoking contemplation. "Will, why the name Farrokh for your starship?"
"It was the real name of Earth musician Freddie Mercury," Riker revealed.
Picard and Riker embarked on an impromptu singing session. "GALILEO! GALILEO! GALILEO FIGARO!" Suddenly, Picard experienced a vision through Borg eyes. Electric sensations surged within him, tied to the remaining nanoprobes. He groaned and collapsed to the deck.
Riker reacted instantly, panic in his eyes. Memories of Picard's near-death from a malfunctioning artificial heart resurfaced. He couldn't bear the thought of losing his mentor and friend again. "SICK BAY! MEDICAL EMERGENCY ON THE BRIDGE!"
Troi jumped up, attuning herself to Picard's emotions as he lay unconscious.
"Deanna, what's happening?" Riker inquired. "What do you sense?"
"Confusion," Troi conveyed. "Fear... and anger. Also…"
"What else?" Riker probed.
"There's another presence. A sense of coldness, bitterness. And..." Troi's voice trailed off as a vision consumed her: countless voices silenced abruptly in agony. At the center stood two figures clad in black. One was elderly, bearing wrinkled skin and yellow eyes. The other was younger, eyebrows arched, and with pointed ears. "I have a foreboding about..."
Before Riker could inquire further, the turbolift doors slid open. Chief Medical Officer Beverly Crusher entered with two medics. Beverly knelt beside Picard, employing a tricorder for a comprehensive scan. "It's the nanoprobes again," she diagnosed. "His episodes are worsening." Beverly glanced at Riker. "Eventually, one of these spells might prove fatal."
A voice from the security console interrupted. "And when that time comes," announced a towering Klingon over 2.5 meters tall, "you will be expected to assume command."
"Not something I look forward to, Commander Worf," Riker replied. As Beverly continued her examination, Picard gradually regained consciousness, eliciting relief from Riker. "Welcome back."
Picard surveyed his surroundings, smiling at the familiar face of Dr. Beverly Crusher, a former lover. "Thank you, Beverly. If only there were a way to rid myself of these nanoprobes."
"Jean-Luc," Beverly spoke gently, "they're tied to your artificial heart. Without them, your heart would cease, and you'd die."
Sadness washed over Picard. "I despise them," he admitted, voice quivering with anguish. Tears welled up, his resolve breaking. "I hate what they did to me. Being tethered to their collective..."
Anguish morphed into bitterness and anger. Hatred replaced sorrow. "I should've eradicated their entire collective when I had the chance."
Gradually, Picard recollected discussions with Ambassadors Spock and Sarek, recalling the mind meld with Sarek prior to the elder Vulcan's passing. This anger lacked logic. Softly, he muttered, "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to…"
A voice interrupted from navigation. "Captain," Troi reported, "Vulcan is ahead."
"Reduce to impulse," commanded Picard.
"Aye, sir," responded the Bajoran helmsman.
Regaining his composure, Picard embraced his duty. "Standard orbit."
"Aye, sir," affirmed the helmsman.
"Commander Worf," Picard addressed the Klingon, "have Commander Sonal's quarters been arranged in accordance with Vulcan customs?"
"They have, sir," Worf confirmed. "Lighting adjusted, and we've provided a Vulcan lyre."
"I always wanted to learn that," Picard smiled.
An intercom voice chimed in. "Captain, LaForge reporting. Transporter power at full capacity, sir. You may beam Commander Sonal whenever ready."
"Thank you, Geordi," Picard replied. He turned to Riker and Troi. "Would you join me in the transporter room?"
"With pleasure, sir," Riker consented. The trio stepped into the turbolift. "Deck three," Riker directed, as the turbolift descended.
As the lift stopped, they exited, heading to the transporter room.
"I've successfully locked onto Commander Sonal's signal, sir," reported the transporter chief.
"Thank you, Chief Long." Picard directed his attention to the transporter console. "Energize." Chief Long initiated the transporter sequence, and an array of bright lights appeared, assembling in what seemed like an intricate dance. The lights coalesced into a humanoid figure, gradually taking on the appearance of humanoid flesh and clothing. Fingers and an exposed face with a slight greenish tint became visible against the pitch-black background. Finally, the figure was fully formed, revealing a tall and slender Vulcan dressed in a black hooded robe.
Stepping off the transporter pad, the Vulcan raised his hand in the traditional Vulcan salute. "Live long and prosper, crewmen and officers of the Federation starship Enterprise. I am Commander Sonal." Sonal's voice carried an icy detachment, devoid of emotion. He held a golden pyramid-like object in his hands, adorned with intricate etchings and ancient hieroglyphs.
"Welcome aboard, Commander," Picard greeted. He extended his hand in friendship, surprised by Sonal's prompt response. Their handshake felt firm and congenial. "I assume you require rest and time for meditation. You may retire to your quarters and commence your duties tomorrow at 0930."
"Thank you, sir," acknowledged Sonal. He turned and headed towards his quarters, clutching the small pyramid.
As Sonal walked away, Troi regarded him with uncertainty. Could he be the figure from her vision? "Captain," Troi began, a trace of apprehension in her voice, "there's something amiss with him. I sense intense anger and hatred."
"Deanna," Riker inquired, "can you identify the source of that anger and hatred?"
Troi shifted her gaze between Riker and Picard. "It's directed towards... the Borg."
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gnosticpriesthood · 2 years
58.  DEFEND :  for one muse to save the other from one or multiple assailants. + reverse
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"You will not harm him," Jean-Luc commands sternly, placing a hand on the shoulder of the individual about to (try, at least) punch Grant's lights out. His hands move quickly to affect the to'tsu'k'hy, a flare of electric resonance - Sarek's parting gift to him. The man drops neatly to the ground, unconscious. "Mr. Lancaster," he tips his chin up, sidestepping the body. "Shall we order a drink?"
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luxmaeastra · 1 year
"I need your help."
Sebastian turned to the trees, he didn't move watching his youngest sons playing. His lips twitched seeing Aelin pretended to be a monster to make them shriek with laughter.
Sarek stepped across the boundary flinching as Natalia's wards coiled around his wrists and bones. He couldn't access his magic here, probably not even move without a directive.
Sebastian watched him patiently as he moved toward him.
"You must be desperate if you crossed the threshold and are being docile in our wards. Is it your lover? Is she -"
"Marita isn't mine as I had hoped. She - Evarius is her mate."
Sebastian filed the information away.
"I'm sorry. Hopefully he's not a bastard enough to -"
"He's known her since we were all children, had wanted almost as long. She - he abused her when we grew older. He liked to make me watch and -"
"And you did nothing?"
Sarek flinched at his tone. But if he'd been weak enough to not help her..no wonder he'd let those boys live.
"So are you here to blackmail me into helping you free her?"
Sarek flinched again, looking at the ground. He shook his head, he licked his lips.
"I found my mate the night I carried out your orders. She - they want to kill me I - every Valg grew up on the story of you and Natalia Sebastian. How do I earn her? How do I make her see I am not just a pawn -"
"Stop being one. You want to show you can hold your own...take a kingdom. There's many smaller ones -"
"Which do you suggest?"
There was a eagerness, a blade he could push toward anyone. He licked his lips deciding to do some good for once.
"Do you know the City of Ys in the south? The city is ruled by Valg who refuse to bend to Maeve. It's hard to win, deep in the mountains and criss crossed with streams, making smaller island city of stone. You win that I'm sure she'll -"
He turned, kneeling down when one of the boys came back to him.
"Yes love, did you need something?"
So many grew up on their stories, and there were moments when envy crept in. Envy of how lucky they were, of how two valg was able to find peace and happiness in the world. They were about to build a world which their children could grow in, they were about to be loving and tender.
It was no secret the life of a valg was not the easiest, it was one of the reason why he had spent so much time thinking about this. Especially after he met her, after Irabel came into his life. He knew he needed to earn her, he needed to show he was much more than he was.
She deserved someone strong, someone who could protect her and keep her safe. His eyes focused upon Sebastian as he knelt to all with one of his boys, his mind thinking of the possibilities. He needed to be strong for if she accepted him, then he needed to be the best father to their children.
The idea caused excitement to fill in, to be able to build something like this. Ys. The possibility, the chance to give her something. Sarek stood tall, despite how his body felt weakened with the wards.
“Your sons are lucky to have you Sebastian.”
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marlinspirkhall · 4 years
There's something to be said for the intense loyalty which Spock and Michael have for their boyfriends/found family. Michael left the ship without a moment's hesitation for Book & (gestures widely at the original series and movies for general Spock/Kirk evidence) Spock took Pike back to Talos in The Menagerie.
I think because of their experiences they've learned- or an early part of their arc is learning- that you can't rely on Starfleet to protect everyone... But I do wonder how much of it was Sarek- or Vulcan-'s influence.
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lightgamble · 7 years
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You were able to find another way.
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Multimuse Roleplayer for fandoms and original content. 18+ and novella only. MxF & FxF only. Possible muses/verses listed below. Plot summary ideas will be in a different post.
Harry Potter Muses
Narcissa Black
Hermione Granger
Tom Riddle
Draco Malfoy
Star Trek Muses
Ambassador Sarek
Until Dawn Muses
Samantha Giddings
Josh Washington
Avatar: The Last Airbender Muses
Princess Azula
Hannibal Muses
Mischa Lecter
Greek Mythology Muses
Hector of Troy
Flowers In The Attic Muses
Catherine Dollanganger
Harper's Island Muses
Abigail Mills
Original Character Muses
Costia Allard (Multiverse)
Anvak (Star Trek)
Cain Castillo (Multiverse)
Etain (Roman Empire/Historical)
Helmuth (World War II)
More muses to be announced. ✨️
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kelpiencomplexities · 6 years
Tag dump
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crimsonsunsets · 3 years
tag drop ( amanda )
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