#Muse - Asuka
justsescape · 30 days
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"Where are the pumps, anon?! It's been over five minutes and the milk is going to burst out any second!"
Asuka’s presence in the living room inspired – nay, forced – a bit of creative remodeling. The coffee table, the television, the game consoles, the decorative plants; just about everything was shunted into your bedroom until it resembled a packed storage unit. Ironically, her overdeveloped breasts could fill one up as well. Maybe two.
“Hmph, what a moron… always losing the most important things…”
While your hurried search through various kitchen cabinets continued, Asuka let her arms spread out across the back of the couch like she was lounging in the summer sun. Her boobs, evidently, were just as carefree. To say they resembled beanbag chairs was to describe their texture and heft, but it was to vastly undersell their sheer size. There was a reason you had to move everything out of that room: you could practically hide a car underneath just a single one of her massive, massive tits. In fact, if she were to stand up and lose her footing, she could fall into her own cleavage and get swallowed up entirely like she stumbled into quicksand.
“And don’t complain about not being able to find my nipples again,” Asuka scowled, pointing a finger in your direction. She was only visible from the shoulders up; the rest of her was obscured by her gigantic bust like she was underneath a down comforter. “Just pick up the ends of my chest with a shovel and they’re right there, rubbing up against the damn carpet. Which you should do something about, by the way. It’s so uncomfortable against my skin! Why haven’t you done something about it already?!”
Your eyebrow twitched. Need you remind her of why she was here in the first place? Sightings of her being lifted by crane, or with her garage-wide bust stuck in the sliding double-doors at the local grocery outlet – such incidents racked up bills like you were intending to compete with the national debt. Not to mention the attention it drew. “She’s so big she can’t walk without her wheelbarrows,” one would bystander would say to another. “Do you think she sleeps on them like they’re a mattress?” Any attempt at a public appearance was met with this kind of commentary. And she has had more than enough of the “hyper hourglass” comparisons since she started attending college. It was more like her body was a cyclone: dangerous for most, a force of nature that walloped against buckling support beams and swung like wrecking balls, but always attracting a few foolhardy stormchasers.
Perhaps she’d be nicer if she was reminded of the privilege of being housed in privacy. Finally returning with the pump's accessories, however, did not inspire this sort of kindness.
"It's about damn time," Asuka said, her venomous tongue whipping up often enough to start a cyclone of its own. "Don’t you care about the floor in your own apartment? One day you’re going to be too slow and I’m going to leak all over it!”
Circumnavigating her chest – which required you to slide against the wall like a stealthy video game character – you eventually found yourself at the opposite end of the room. Staring down at Asuka was like being on the opposite end of a long dining table in a fancy castle. Except, instead of such a table, only her quaking boobs spanned the gulf between the two of you.
"St-stop looking at me and get to work, dummkopf!" Asuka crossed her arms over herself as if such a maneuver could still hide her chest. "I can feel it starting down there! Hurry up and find my nipples!"
You dragged towels across the carpet like you were a beaver dragging piles of wood in front of a lake. A shovel wasn't needed; you just handled her breasts by hand, letting her gelatinous flesh bulge and squeeze between your fingers and droop over your forearms. Asuka's skin was peppered with reddened rashes and surfacing veins alike. Occasionally, you would graze against one of the more tender areas and hear her try to mute her own instinctive squeals.
But with how big she had become, the search didn't last long. Nipples had long since won the size competition against manhole covers. Her areolae spread across her pristine skin until they each spanned the width of your outstretched arms. And speaking of stretching, that’s exactly what you had to do to fasten the plastic cups on to her unruly tits. Her breasts didn’t jiggle so much as they rippled like cresting waves.
"Mmmmnnf... nngnnngggh..." Asuka's hands were clamped over her mouth. Eyes shut, shoulders tensed; surely beneath her titanic boobs, her legs were squirming wildly about. When you were burying your arms deep into her underbust in search of her nipples, you could feel how the movement of her legs moved her entire chest around like it was a slinky.
The pump was an electronic device that had forever found its place in the corner beside you. Besides the couch, it was the only furnishing that wasn't allowed to leave this room. The hoses that connected it with the two plastic cups on her boobs were as thick as those that came off the side of a fire engine.
All it took was a flick of a switch.
The hoses sprang to life in an instant, thickening up as milk flowed through them like they were connected to a fire hydrant. Milk pummeled the insides of the plastic cups like water dousing a windshield in a car wash. The sounds were crushing, deafening – but none of them grabbed your attention quite as much as Asuka's own uncontrollable whimpering.
"Nnnnghh... mmNNNnnfgh... haaah... haaah...~"
To visit a historic landmark; to look up at a rare eclipse; to watch how Asuka's ferocious attitude turned on a dime as the milk started to flow. Her delicate fingers dropped from her mouth and gripped the leather upholstery of your couch like she was bracing for some sort of impact. Sweat dripped from the tips of her eyelashes. Even her legs kicked involuntarily underneath the weight of her boobs like she was being tested for reflexes. There was no question about it. Her boobs ruled her entire body.
"...o-okay... y-you did it... hhNNnnngh... just in time..." She may have been on the other side of the room across a horizon of cleavage, but Asuka's smile was unmistakable. It was so warm that it could bring the sun up during the dead of night. "...I guess as... MMMNF... a reward... y-you can p-put that cowbell collar around my neck..."
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manzisme · 5 months
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guess what gang. found more gg doodles and comms i forgot to post over on tumblr. *Baiken j.D's you*
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nozoxshii · 18 days
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Some (REDRAWN!) concept art for a fanfic I’ve been finally getting back into!! I decided to combine both design aspects of the Ova and Crybaby to make my ideal Ryokira for my fic!! I posted the first chapter AGES ago but plan on rewriting a bunch of it to fit with the new canon. I absolutely love these two and plan on drawing more of them soon!
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multimuseticles · 20 days
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"Well I may not have gotten to enter this time, but at least I get to look at some cute girls."
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Maybe this one is more on the serious side — in the post EOE au, Shinji asks Asuka if she really meant it, what she said back in instrumentality … “if I can’t have you all to myself, then I don’t want anything from you”
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"Asuka can we talk for a moment... it's uh... do you uh do you remember what you said back during instrumentality, the thing about us?" Shinji asked out of the blue while the two pilots sat around a fire a few miles outside of what had been Tokyo 3.
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"Do we have to talk about that mess!? Verdammt noch mal! I want to get that whole mess out of my head. Fine, but this is the last time we ever bring it up you got that?!" Asuka snapped, she counted Instrumentality as one of her worst memories.
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"Yeah uh that's fine, I'd like to forget it all myself it's just... it's just that you said... you said that if you couldn't have me to yourself you didn't want anything to do with me... i uh I can't just forget that." Even if he wanted to forget, what had happened had made the teenager much less willing to let something like this go.
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"Oh great. Of course that's what you're hung up on." Asuka paused for a moment. This was what she hated about Instrumentality, both she and Shinji had for a single endless moment been completely honest with each other even if they hadn't wanted to be.
"genau, you were always fawning over Misato and Rei and every other girl in sight and I couldn't stand it! I want you to be mine only! If I had my way you couldn't even talk to other girls!" Asuka says.
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"Oh uh... you're probably right but..." Even though he had asked he expected Asuka to tell him to screw off. Whatever their relationship was now, it had yet to include any heart to hearts.
"What I felt for Ayanami and Misato was... well I guess I thought of them as family, I mean... you were... you're family too Asuka but with you... I mean... with you I wanted things to be... I mean we're more... or I wanted us to be more.." Shinji sighed and didn't finish his disjointed thought.
"It's not like there even are any other girls anymore. There's just the two of us, so I guess there's nothing for you to worry about huh."
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"Considering our current situation I'm not sure if you want me to be happy about that. Egal! We need to forever all that nonsense and keep moving." Asuka replies bringing the topic to a close.
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gainprincess · 3 months
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"Huh? What is it, Just? Here for my hourly? Ugh, fine. Just... get the cups yourself, okay?"
[I am proving a point to @justsescape.~]
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Name: Shinji Ikari
Nickname(s): The Third Child (NERV Designation) Shin-chan (by Misato) Puppy Boy (by Mari)
Age: 14
Birthdate: June 6th
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Preferred Pronoun(s): He/Him
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
Sexual Orientation:
Parents: Gendo and Yui Ikari (birth parents) Misato Katsuragi (legal guardian)
Siblings: Rei Ayanami (Sister?) Kenji Ikari (Older Brother a friends oc from several years ago )
Significant Other(s): Asuka Langley Soryu (girlfriend)
Children: Aki-chan and Kami-chan (daughters from different possible futures)
Eye Color(s): Blue
Hair Color(s): Brown
Body Build: Slender
Height: 5'0"
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Name: Asuka Langley Soryu
Nickname(s): The Second Child (NERV Designation) Princess (by Mari)
Age: 14
Birthdate: December 7th
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Preferred Pronoun(s): She / Her
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
Sexual Orientation:
Parents: Kyoko Zepplin Soryu (mother) Unnamed Step Parents, Misato Katsuragi (legal guardian)
Siblings: Step Sister (whose identity is verse dependent)
Significant Other(s): Shinji Ikari (Boyfriend)
Children: Aki-chan and Kami-chan (daughters from different possible futures)
Eye Color(s): Blue
Hair Color(s): Red
Body Build: Athletic
Height: 5'1"
stolen from @onlyheartaches
tagging: @automaton-otto @supercoloursupervision @inseparableduo @countlessrealities
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halfbakedsinner · 1 month
I have been hogging Uni too much so let's try someone else
Asuka, FMK Illya, Youmu, Mamizou :D
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"Oh this is easy. I'll marry Illya, not because I like her or anything, but having my rival close to me at all times will make things interesting." Does Illya even consider you her rival Asuka...? "I'll fuck Youmu because I be she has funny reactions and I'll kill Mamizou because she's my mom."
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the-wild-card-hand · 1 year
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“Are you...kinda disjointed as I am...?” Shinn had to do a double-take
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angelfate · 3 days
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updated the about page!! 'cos hooooo boyyy, the information was SO OUTDATED and some of it was straight up incorrect, that it's actually quite embarrassing. hopefully not many people read it... and well, if y'all did... feel free to read it again for new changes. i got some incorrect info about jun that i CORRECTED. and well, with asuka... as i said, she is heavily canon divergent as i have kinda my own story for her - so i updated it with changes i made for Said Story and how she played into tek6 & saving jin & finding her powers. like the bio was so old, it was still made with legacy editor haha (which was now actually a lil hard for me to update 'cos I'm no longer used to it xD)
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now it should all be good! i didn't really bother changing unknown's bio, just 'cos... i don't think i had much there. plus unknown is more like an AU, and not canon to my actual jun or muses. so... she's not really all that important lol! (plus i don't think i've even really written her once here - not with anyone else, at least) i also updated my rules a lil bit - not much, but just updated my age. along with stating that jun is open for ships. just 'cos i believe one of my kaz mutuals got asked about shipping beyond jun, and well... that makes me think some people believe she'll only be with kazuya. but that's not true for this blog - RP is funny silly stuff, so i'm def open to more ships with her than just with kazuyas! and i also made it a bit clearer about my canon divergent takes. since i originally stated that jun was "slightly" canon divergent, i changed that to state she's just canon divergent now. because well... my jun does kinda differ from "canon" jun now. not really in terms of her story, but just her personality and how i depict her.
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justsescape · 4 days
I want to see Asuka treated like a barn cow and milked consistently.-
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"Another nineteen inches added to my bust measurement today," Asuka declared proudly. The tape measure was so tightly wound across her gigantic breasts that flesh was bulging around its length. "HA! No other cow in this barn can even hope to compare to my greatness. I am the best and most productive cow this barn has ever known!"
Asuka's body was downright unrealistically proportioned. Her arms and legs were so slender that they could have led her through a career in ballet -- but her boobs were like beanbag chairs, draping over her fragile figure like they aimed to cover it entirely. In her stall, she had taken up a habit of sitting atop one of her many, many filled milk barrels and letting her bust simply spread across her thighs and droop down until her downturned nipples grazed against her toes. Come nightfall, she never asked for a blanket. Slipping beneath her overdeveloped chest was like sleeping underneath a thick down comforter.
"Oooof... carrying the weight of this business makes my back hurt in more ways than one." Asuka had long since traded her Evangelion's hair clips for a cow-eared headband. The rest of her outfit was similar: cowprint thigh-highs, cowprint gloves, and a cowbell dangling from a collar around her neck. Practically the only thing that she couldn't cover up were her titanic tits. An entire alphabet's worth of bras trembled in fear at the mere thought of it. "But if my milk is the best, then it's my duty to serve the clueless masses!"
The measuring tape retracted from Asuka's chest as a pair of manhole-sized, clear plastic cones clung themselves to her oversized nipples. They didn't always land in the same place each day; familiar red rings still marred her pale skin as mementos of the previous week's sessions. The staff never let them fade completely. No one produced more milk than her.
"Would you hurry up and start already?!" Asuka's arms flailed as wildly as they could -- perhaps to overcompensate for all the ways the rest of her body now couldn't. The cowbell rang dully with every little tilt of her head. "It's not like I can drag my boobs down to the milking machine and do it myself! You know I would if I could, just so I wouldn't have to put up with you incompetent morons!"
Attached to the plastic cones were a pair of tubes that slunk lazily over the fence surrounding Asuka's stall. They snaked and coiled through the thoroughfare of the barn, into a door that was consistently ajar, and down a flight of stairs into an underground repository. Somewhere in the dark, they connected themselves to the barn's central milking machine. It was a towering, modular, deafening system -- like a server farm stacked on top of another server farm. Multiple clean-suit technicians ran around its perimeter, barking orders and readings and jargon at one another. Perhaps this was the job of the least-endowed cows.
The entire complex began to buzz. It took every ounce of power the barn could muster to service Asuka's outrageously productive breasts.
"Here it goes!" Asuka's toes curled in anticipation; her hands dug into her bust, skin bulging in between her fingers. "I'm ready!"
It was less like a pump and more like a vacuum. Milk didn't come out of Asuka's nipples in rhythmic spurts, but in a hydrant-like flow that resembled that of a pressure washer. Her product coursed violently through the tubes like water through a fire fighter's hose. Other cows in the neighboring stalls -- some with D cups, some with beach balls, but none bigger than Asuka herself -- gripped their own fences as they watched the tubes jostle and shake against the hay-covered ground in the thoroughfare.
"MMMMMMMMF!~" A bit lip; trembling knees. Asuka's hands clutched the barrel she sat upon like she was a pilot gripping an ejected seat. "How... h-how does this f-feel... even... nnNNNnnfff~... even better every time...?!"
Down in the underground, the technicians rapidly exchanged full barrels of milk for empty ones. They stacked atop one another against the walls -- almost like the beer cans in Misato's apartment. Years ago, that was the place Asuka called home. Now she wouldn't be able to fit through the front door.
"Nnnngh... I... I can't... I c-can't st-stop myself... m... mmMMmmm... moooOOOOoooo~..."
Beads of sweat clung to the tips of Asuka's bangs. She panted like she had just run a marathon -- but the marathon of milking had only just begun.
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jaakunxkaze · 1 year
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☠─ ━ႽμßοʀժІɴατе ❝It's nice to see everyone talking about their loved ones and such, unfortunately, I'm in no rush to look for someone at the moment. ❞
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innovatorbunny · 1 year
i think asuka's hurt/damage voice lines should sound vaguely sexual he seems like that kind of character. he can be gg's version of leon dbd
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lemusegallery · 7 months
Open Dueling Starter
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"Alright, let's have a duel for I have some surprises in store."
Asuka announces to your muse as her duel disk activates and inserts her shuffled deck into it. Once the LP meter is activated, the duel is on.
"Duel! I will take the lead. I draw!"
She surveys her hand consisting of Blade Skater, Fusion, Etoile Cyber, Spirit Barrier, Cyber Egg Angel and Stray Lambs.
"I start things up by activating my Spell Card Fusion. I polymerize both Blade Skater and Etoile Cyber. Fusion Summon! Appear Fusion Monster Cyber Blader!"
She announces as her Fusion Monster appears on the battlefield.
"I set a reverse card and end my turn. Now it's your turn."
{Have fun.}
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multimuseticles · 19 days
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"Illya you need to cheer your neon sign friend on!"
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"Baka Shinji, mermaids don't have knees!"
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"You mean all of that art is just fantasy? I uh guess I've seen so many drawings of mermaids in that kneeling position that I just thought you could all do it."
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"That's just so stupid. Didn't you learn anything in science class as a kid, that tail is part of my spine, it's not like a pair of legs. You don't see normal dolphins bending at weird angles do you?"
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"I"m sorry Asuka, I'll be sure to remember that and not ask you any other stupid questions about things which you can't really do." Shinji replies with an embarrassed apology.
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