#Musical dll.
drop-the-curtain-123 · 10 months
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Wisdom is also knowing these are two sapphic love stories
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daiwild · 7 months
Daddy Long Legs is literally the only musical . ever . im sorry but im saying it because nobody else is.
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halfalgorithm · 2 days
Get Another Boyfriend by the Backstreet Boys came out 24 years ago and it still goes hard tbqh
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amorphous-materia · 1 year
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theseasideskies · 2 years
I decided to finally do Rain World mods and the first custom region I decided to explore was Coral Caves and I gotta say
What the fuck <3
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grrl-beetle · 1 year
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kelnexia · 1 month
I’m still not sure if this will actually happen, but I’ve been daydreaming about how Rot Merged Pebbles would work as a modded character. And even if this mod doesn’t become a reality – the brainstorming I’ve been doing on his states and abilities will still be useful for other things.
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States and abilities are listed below the cut. (Warning – it gets a little creepy in some parts.)
Diet / Eating habits:
He has a total of 9 food pips to fill – 8 base requirement pips, and 1 storage pip.
The rot’s acid is strong enough that he can swallow and digest nearly anything… However, he will refuse to eat explosives, spears, pearls, and neuron flies. (He refuses to eat explosives and spears out of fear of injuring himself, he won’t eat pearls because he doesn’t want to destroy them, and his violence taboos prevent him from committing cannibalism via eating neuron flies.)
While he can eat basically anything – meat is the most satiating for him. Small prey is often swallowed whole as a result of the rot’s gluttonous instincts infecting his mind.
If he enters starvation – the rot will knock him unconscious and take control of his body in its desperation to feed. It will indiscriminately consume all life it can get its tentacles on, and will only relinquish its control once its hunger is satisfied. (Blue X pupils will form in his eyes when the rot takes control.)
Combat and Movement:
He can use his tentacles to grab and pull in prey or enemies to bite them. His bite deals 2.45 points of damage. (This move can backfire if the target has enough health to survive his initial attack.)
He can switch between walking on his legs, and walking on his tentacles. (Standard movement when on legs – DLL movement when on tentacles.)
He can use his rot to hold three items of any type on his back.
Most creatures are frightened by his rot. (This functions similarly to holding a vulture mask.)
His spear throws deal 1.25 points of damage. (Same as hunter.)
He can’t drown, as he does not need to breath.
He has a durability mechanic; it’s basically a health bar – most damage won’t instantly kill him, it will only drain his durability. He only dies when his durability runs out, or if he’s hit by something that completely destroys him. He can also struggle free from grasps at the cost of durability. His durability replenishes after sleeping.
Extra gimmicks:
He starts in his puppet chamber, next to his broken off umbilical. He’s in the endgame version of Rivulet’s world state.
If you take the music pearl with you – it will appear in the sleep screen along with its music. You can also activate it at any other time you want.
He starts with very low scavenger reputation.
Pebbles can read pearls. He also contributes to conversations when interacting with other iterators. If you sit him down next to Moon, she will hug him and hold onto him for as long as you stay still.
He’s being followed by a large number of his and Moon’s overseers.
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kawaoneechan · 1 year
Why I don't like Unity
There's three reasons, basically, besides my personal inability to get any custom character assets into Unity, Unreal, or Godot.
Let me tell you below the readmore.
Reason #1: it managed to fucking bluescreen my system just trying to start.
How do you fuck that up? I download an installer and run it. This gives me a launcher. From there, I'm supposed to install the actual product I wanted to begin with. That's bad enough, to be honest. But then the fucking launcher managed to break so badly, I had my first BSOD in several months. With all I do to my poor laptops, I so very rarely got crashes like that it honestly threw me the fuck off.
If the launcher is gonna play like that, forget about installing the actual product.
Reason #2: CPU pegging up the ass.
On my previous laptop, attempting to run basically any Unity-based game would peg the CPU, all cores, until the poor thing ran so hot within mere minutes, it'd commit preventative sudoku. Maybe if I was lucky, I'd get a chance to set all the things to "lowest", and that might let me, I dunno, play long enough to get through the goddamn tutorial?
And I'm not even talking about state-of-the-art 3D games, but simple 2D games with low-resolution pixel art. Why would those run a dual-core at 200% until it fucking kills itself? Makes no sense.
Now, Phil Fortier of Icefall Games is an acquaintance of mine via SCI shenanigans, and when he released Snow Spirit (soon to be rereleased as part of Chronicles of Cascadia), I lamented to him about how his use of Unity would mean I couldn't run any of his stuff. So Phil looked into it and found a Big Fucking Thing to optimize. This basically makes Phil's SCI games the only things made in Unity that I can personally trust won't Do That.
Reason #3: About those 2D games...
I'm gonna dip into my Twitter archives for a bit and repost some stuff for this part.
*wavy flashback effect*
This is Angel Jump, a simple little arcade jumping game that's available on itch.io:
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It's delightfully low resolution and has like four seconds of audio all added up. Can't be more than a few MB, depending on which sane development framework they used, right?
33 MB, actually. Because Unity. Let's see how it breaks down:
Unity main exe: 623 KB
Main game assets file: 1.19 MB together
A folder full of support DLLs like terrain and cloth: 7.17 MB, 90% or more of them never called because this is a 2D pixel-art game.
Unity's default resources: 3.41 MB. Mind that of these, only the splash logo is actually used because Angel Jump was made in the free edition.
Mono embedded runtime: 2.61 MB, and each game gets its own copy, much like how Electron apps each have their own copies of Chromium.
And another 17 MB for the Unity Player.
All in all, 33 MB of files for a game like that. Why? Because Unity is a bloated crapsack, I'd conclude from a cursory study like that. Let's compare that to some other games.
This is Elevator Girl, which is not on itch.io.
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It has a lot of different animations and three fairly long background music tracks. It's only one file, 18.7 MB. I'm willing to bet most of that is the BGM, but I can't confirm it because it's just the one file.
And just for some historical perspective, the entire Crystal Caves trilogy is 1.31 MB, including some chaff. Commander Keen 4 on its own is 740 KB. Now, Keen and Elevator Girl both have OPL soundtracks, but the latter's is probably streamed.
Noxico is only 1.25 MB to download as a .7z file. Its only optimization that I myself actively apply is that I crunch the PNG files. The rest is text, and since the game uses a .zip file by another name as a game data source... yeah. That's a cheap win.
Now, back to Angel Jump. I went through the game's own resources to see what size it could conceivably have if it was not made in Unity. 54 textures, ten of them actually used. Tiny font stored in a weird way, possibly for distance field trickery which has no business in a 2D pixel game if you ask me. 921 KB of WAV files, high-quality bleepity-bloops, two of them jingles. 4.22 KB of PNG files, crunched like Noxico, for all but the creator's logo and the font. 973 KB for a copy of SDL, and I'd estimate at worst two MB for the main EXE.
The entire Angel Jump game could be no more than 4 MB and a half-dozen files, It's actually 33.2 MB, 92 files.
There's a more general computer programming issue that this reliance on Unity for even the simplest, smallest games seems to spring from: the bigger and better the computers get, the more lazy the developers get. Only have like four MHz, 640 KB of RAM and, what, 720 KB of diskette space, and no guarantee of an HDD? Better make the most of it, developers! But now the pressure's off and there's no more reason to exert any effort into keeping small games actually small.
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nougat-rockrozma · 1 year
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*circus music intensifies* (not my video)
Rain World Art Month Day 15: D.L.L./B.L.L.
heyyyy guess whoes working on other rw stuff and realised today is DLL day?
anyways tried to follow a bright colour palette between pebs and the DLL/BLL so the DLL/BLL doesn’t truly match the mod lol 
it looked so fucking funny and sounded so fucking funny and you WILL die to it
credits to Vigaro for the Clown Long Legs (with music) Rain World mod!
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danothan · 3 months
I think you posted a music rec for Stomach book ages ago, i was wondering if you know fucking werewolf asso, or bondage fairies
If not i think you might like those bands ^w^ they have similar vibes and sound
woah good memory, i’ve been slacking too much on my Obnoxious Music lately that i almost forgot abt them
you’re spot on w the vibes tho bc i was immediately taken in (which is part of the reason this took a while to answer, it was hard choosing faves orz)
top 3 fucking werewolf asso songs:
the tito beltrán massacre
your ex doesn’t mark treasures
my new sneakers could never replace my multi-colored bangalores
top 3 bondage fairies songs:
REVIEW (bear w me, idk anything abt music): i like fwa’s high energy/grunginess and bondage fairies’s fun garage sound. they both have whiny voices, but fwa has a vaguely punk band whine that’s also just straight up screaming, and bondage fairies reminds me of of montreal in that nasally sing-speak way (that is also sometimes screaming)
vibe-wise, fwa has a mythological grandness that feels delinquent and teen angsty, like a devilman or akira youtube amv (i have never watched one, just go off vibes). bondage fairies feels more simple and nostalgic, like watching cartoons on the fat box tv w your friend after school, but not before throwing and breaking shit on the fence (good times)
of the 2, i think fucking werewolf asso is my favorite, but i’ll def be listening to them both from now on!
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No but to be honest, one thing that I'm very happy the daddy long legs musical had the courage to do is just owning how petty Jervis is.
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You just see these kind of things all over the script of the musical. Magnificent, delightful characterization.
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lamyaasfaraini · 7 months
Day 26 - A song by a local artist
30 days song challenge
Wow~ lokal artis mah dari day 1 juga udah sering di posting. Dari yg indie label juga major label.. Yg belom siapa aja yaaa..
Weits belom posting Efek Rumah Kaca ih! Aku pilih lagu ini aja, walapun liriknya beneran ttg kaum pelangi yg pov nya pst dari thn 2007 yg msh belom rame kek skrg. Secara keseluruhan aku gapaham jg sih ya pokonya lagunya ini enak pilunya dpt bgt. Entah knp aku hanya suka 2 album pertama ERK, self titled dan Kamar Gelap. Setelah itu aku ngga ngikutin bgt. Nonton live performnya udah sering jg ini. Selalu keren ERK!
Lagu ter deep dari album pertama Peterpan - Taman Langit. Ini vclipnya tiap aku nonton dpt bgt muka kerung depresinya Ariel.. Edan knp ini aku itut atit ati liatnya hahaha. Belom kalo sambil dengerin di radio pake walkman.. Ngga sedih jg jd sedih weeeh. Tahun kemarin itu lagu ini di repackage sama Noah yah. Ah sama bagusnya ko! Daaaaaan vclipnya aku suka jg, Iqbal jadi model vclipnya dan knp dia ganteng bgt di vclip itu, suka sama haircutnya hahaha. Sampe kuulang2 di youtube. Beda bgt sama vclip yg dulu Peterpan kudu nunggu di TV itu jg kudu nunggu acara musik wkwk.
Barasuara! Ini band direkomenin sobi gigs ku dan pacarnya (skrg suaminya) soalnya mreka tau aku suka TTaTW. "my dengerin band baru Iga deh, Barasuara. Enak2". Tahun 2015 aku udah mengalami music paralysed, udah males denger lagu2 baru. Kecuali ini dan Bigbang Made 2016. Looohhhh iya album Taifun ko enak2 semua. Pertama kali denger lagu ini Bahas Bahasa.. Meriah bgt musiknya.. Suka! Lalu dengerin Sendu Melagu, Api dan Lentera, Menunggang Badai, Nyala Suara dll hampir 1 album enak semua haaaa.. Etapi ku ngga dengerin lagu2 mreka yg baru, cukup aja di Taifun..
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unpurposed-organism · 5 months
Ive played rain world with the clowny long legs mod for over 200 of my 300 hours on the game. At this point I see footage of vanilla dlls and i think, "What the Fuck. Blue???" Before i realize thats what they actually look like. And as far as Im concerned, Entry of the Gladiators is five pebble's threat music. I dont even notice the clown honks anymore
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amorphous-materia · 1 year
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flower-swift · 10 months
Words can’t describe the emotions I have lived the past weeks, I know Taylor has played so many shows during her career and I have watched a lot of them on livestreams religiously but never in my life thought I would have the chance to see her perform, i’ve given up on that years ago and i was okay with it. Taylor’s music has been with me throughout the darkest moments in my life like when my dad passed away or I was in a mental hospital where they allowed me to listen to one taylor song a day so I could feel at ease, there is no other artist that has done that for me, I’ve memorized every song, I religiously play one album a day and read the lyrics on the booklet while singing it even though i know them, the experience of doing that is so cathartic to me as someone who struggles with borderline personality disorder and has mood swings all day taylor’s music is my therapy and my safe zone. She has also made me feel special by liking and commenting my tumblr posts and donating me 3,000 dlls during covid which literally saved my life and my mom’s as I was able to buy the medicines her and I need. I feel incredibly blessed to have met taylor’s music and all the friends that have come because of that who have also saved my life by being the best friends i could ever hope for🩵 
Thank you @taylorswift for everything you have done for me with your music and kindness, you have changed my life forever and I will be grateful my entire life.
see you next week for Mexico night 1 and 2, ilysm🥹
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grrl-beetle · 1 year
Space Laces - Run DLL
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