#My anons are the best
i just need you to know that i’ve been reading your work since i was in high school- i’m going into my second year of law school now and i’m still here. danny’s story especially will always have a place in my heart. thank you for sharing your stories
I feel terribly old now but also I am proud of you for law school! But wow I did not realize how long it's been since I started writing Danny in 2019...
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fallenwhumpee · 8 months
Hey Lea~
Here's a situation.
Leader's hands are tied above them as they stand in the centre of a room. They and their team are captured, starved, injured and beat up. The team is chained to the wall, allowing them to helplessly sit and watch as their leader and their second-in-command fall apart because they are forced to whip the leader, and Leader constantly encourages them to go on for their second-in-command and teams safety, though the leader is bleeding out, probably concussed from their fight with whumper which was about a week back. Everytime the second-in-command failed to obey the whumper, they were electrocuted with a shock collar. The team was so close to each other but yet too far to reach out and comfort. That night the team was finally givrn few scrapes of food, while leader lay motionless on the ground, passed out after all the whippings and stabbings. The team could not eat even a single bite when tge only member who got away from the ambush (preferably one who had an argument with the leader right before the mission) come in, guns blazing, with yhe help of another team or back up, rescues thebothers and picks the limp leader upand escapes as quickly as possible and Medic gets right to first aid and keeping leader alive while the other's check up on Second-in-command who felt extremely guilty for causing all that pain and putting the leader's life on line.
Throughout the healing process second-in-command and the teammate who leader argued with helped and felt guilty, where the leader continuously reassures them.
So... What are you thoughts? Also can I be 🐈‍⬛ anon please? 😄
Oh, that's a good one!
I love stress positions. And forced to hurt. Better if Leader orders and pulls rank on this when second-in-command hesitates. Maybe the argument was about a role in the mission, and that teammate caused all of this by pulling a stun. Anyway, Leader will have a lot of unnecessary(in their opinion) coddling and attempts to make it up.
Overall, it's something I'd like to read or/and write. You have some good stuff there.
Yes, sure you can <3
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uponrightful · 11 months
I just discovered your writing and I’ve been binging it like crazy, you’re amazing!!!
Do you think you’ll be completing “Coriolis Effect”? I’m obsessed with it 🙈
Hi there lovely,
First off, thank you so very much. I love seeing people enjoy my writing, it gives me the best fulfillment in putting joy into your life even if only for a little while. <3
And yes, while I've been neglecting my account -and writing- for quite a long time, (You're my first real interaction in months...) I do plan on finishing out Coriolis Effect without taking any shortcuts.
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ageofthedragon · 1 year
From the way Leliana speaks of the Warden, it's obvious that she wants nothing more than to have her right there. Especially during the emotional turmoil she is in right now. But Leliana still protects the whereabouts of the Warden. At least until she gets really worried about what Corypheus might be doing. The reason we contact the Warden is not just to ask for help, it's because Leliana is really worried about her wife.
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sanityshorror · 2 years
You make comics?! Wtf, why did I not know about this??? That's so cool dude 🫶 /gen
Tysm💖 indeedy, I do write and illustrate comics/graphic novels. It's actually how I got started in art, The Walking Dead comics are a huge inspiration to me. The art style of TWD comics was my initial influence and it's still visible in my art style today tbh. I actually posted a three page length comic called Gravestone of Julius visiting Killian's grave, if you haven't seen it lol.
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aclosetfan · 1 year
Omg I’m so glad you acknowledge how Buttercup, despite being all “eww kisses and other mushy stuff” still actually does that herself, like kissing that one dirty boy along with her sisters (this episode is lowkey kinda gross) and she gave that old guy in Make Zen to Me episode a small peck on the cheek, simple and super innocent things. It’s sweet.
Yes I agree with everything you said there, its a pity that she’s treated so one note most of the time, the way I see it she’s either too hyper masculine or she ended up being way too feminine (usually when she’s in a hetero ship) there needs to be a nice balance. I think a lot of people are too afraid to make her soft in doing so will make her less tomboy or something, it felt like so many are knee deep in that archetype for her in fear of making her remotely girlie. The other Girls too but its sort of the opposite for them.
Also been thinking a lot about how Craig’ll handle them, I’m also curious if he’s responsible for their season 5+6 interpretations, I like to believe he was, cause they manage to be their own characters despite having very minimum appearances. I think they’re very outdated outdated characters, if Craig is interested in bringing them back I can imagine them definitely getting less or not so chauvinistic and misogynistic, but idk, how do you feel about that btw? or should they stay misogynistic cause they’re just little boys, I agree with them staying as villains, I’d like to have all the villains stay villains as well, maybe an open ending like PPGRules would be nice. Idk i’m so anxious now lol I trust whatever Craig is cooking up, his recent show Kid Cosmic was pretty good.
Craig was on and off involved with seasons 5&6 but for the most part was working on Fosters! I don’t think he was really too involved when the boys made a reappearance unfortunately but they’re still his characters and he’s a good storyteller so if he brought them back, I can only imagine he does them justice!
In regard to the rrb’s misogyny, I think it’s only fair to tell you I actually don’t like any of the boys’ episodes a whole lot. My only favorite is Custody Battle, where the girls are hardly present.
In truth, im not the biggest fan of gender wars, and that’s how the creators used the boys’ characters. Even when I was a child watching the show, my mom told me how much I didn’t like the rrb 😂😂 something about “stupid boys”
Which idk maybe I’m being to critical here, especially given the content, but that reaction from a child isn’t great, especially for a show that’s all about love and acceptance. I think it’s over done, cliché, and so very much the opposite of what feminism (equity and respect among genders) should teach people.
I understand why the boys were made the way they were, but I definitely think as time has continued on, the way people view sex and gender has greatly evolved, so I would hope that if they bring the boys back they leave behind the weird “haha boy drool girls rule, our femininity has saved the day.” I’m big on “girl power” but I don’t like it at the expense of putting down the other genders. That’s not feminism to me. I don’t fuck with that terf bullshit
In the Boys are Back in Town, I feel the creators deviated from “femininity saves the day” because kisses no longer destroyed the boys (which weird how in all the episodes with cooties, the day is always saved by three little girls kissing something, but…….moving on) . However, the day was saved by demasculinizing them and sort of making fun of them for crying, and not to say they weren’t shitty kids in that episode, but I’m also like, maybe that shouldn’t have been how the lesson of that episode was taught???? We shouldn’t make little boys feel bad for being rough, and depict little girls pulling one over them to properly chastise the behavior. Children shouldn’t have to regulate other children.
HOWEVER I think that the boys could still be coded as “women haters” in the new show, and I’d be fine with that because there some boys are like that irl and we shouldn’t shy away from that discussion. I just don’t want the problem solved by the creators going “and the day was saved because boys fucking suck.”
Like make that make sense. It’s a very late 90s early 2000s cliché so it fits the time period of the show, but I like to believe we’ve grown as a society.
Overall, I think it really really depends on their purposes in the new show, if they’re even in it. If they’re suppose to be shitty people/bad guys, I’d want them to be shitty people/bad guys, and that could include them being misogynistic. If they’re going to be redeemed, I want the shittiness of their characters to ease up. In any case, I what I DONT want is simple solutions to complex discussions, but it’s a kids show so I’m not expecting much haha 🤷‍♀️
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adulting-sucks · 1 year
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs a cheering up. if you get one back, even better! 😘
Thank you anon. This was definitely needed today 💙
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ashintheairlikesnow · 16 days
This might be kind of weird but I just really had to tell you how in love with your writing I am. Like I am actually so obsessed with it, all of your stories are so amazing they basically got me into bbu and I’m finally starting a bbu story and am constantly reading your work for inspiration :3 it’s just so good I can’t explain it!!! Sometimes I can’t even read your work because it just punches me in the gut with so many feelings… your stuff is just so amazing!
Thank you so much! Asks like this keep me going some days, genuinely. Thanks for sending it. ❤️
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topmechokeme · 1 year
hahahaha exactly except the only one who's tasting my cooking is me </3 shame because i personally think my dinner is delicious so everyone else is missing out. have a good rest of your day, sweetheart!
so cruel of you to make me daydream about tasting your dinner, you're enjoying torturing me way too much.......... *giggle*
you too, sweet stranger💖💞💞
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uponrightful · 11 months
Hey, I just came by to tell you that you are such a good writer! I been reading your fic of Crosshair and gosh🥺 you have me on the edge of my seat the whole time! And I love the fact that the chapters are are so well written and long as well. So really from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for creating it, you truly are amazing and have a gift on that craft. I hope you can continue writing because I can't wait to see and read how it evolves👏💜
Thank you, babe you're too sweet. 🤍
Sorry I haven't gotten to you till now, my messages have been a total garbage fire.
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So glad you're back! You're one of my favorite blogs in the hphm fandom. (Sorry about your inbox btw :( probably was the horrid pornobots) I was just wondering what you think of Peregrine now? Cause it seems like he was possessed after all so they'll probably redeem him. I find that annoying personally
You are too sweet anon. I'm flattered to be anyone's list of their favorite...well, anything. My anons are what make it all worth it. Otherwise I'd just be talking to myself. Which I could easily do I suppose, but that's not nearly as fun. This made my day, so thank you again.
Honestly, I have no idea what happened with my inbox, but if the pornbots are responsible, I wouldn't be surprised. They are now direct messaging me as well. Not just my inbox but my actual DMs, too. I've messaged Tumblr support about this, (fingers crossed I can get my inbox back? Eh, maybe I shouldn't get my hopes up) So we'll see if that goes anywhere.
As for Peregrine...
Honestly, I'm of a mind to agree with you. For one thing, it's a bit of a cop out. For them to have all this build up to "R," the leader of this game's villainous faction and the main antagonist of the story...for his identity to be one of MC's parents...I do think that was very well-foreshadowed, frankly...but other than the cynical, pessimistic expectation that they'd never follow through with it, there was little to no evidence or foreshadowing that he was possessed. Sure, Dai Ryusaki was set up and it was indicated that he might have some significance or connection with R, but...that's really not the same thing. I was predicting (and I still am) that he was the founder, that he was the first "R." Not that he was our "R," if that makes sense.
But it's more than that. And this is actually going to strike a bit of a personal chord, if you don't mind. Because I have strong feelings about the villainous parent tropes and how they play out. Growing up, it always seemed to me like villainous parents were a dime a dozen, provided they were not actual blood parents. The "wicked aunt/uncle" who raise the protagonist and are a parent in all but name? That was everywhere. Same goes with the wicked step-parents or adoptive parents. Maybe it was just the media I was consuming, but Cinderella, Chronicles of Narnia, Lion King? And yes, Harry Potter has done this a lot. From the Dursleys to Augusta Longbottom to Gormlaith Gaunt. Every single time, the blood parents of these protagonists were romanticized and put on a pedestal, often conveniently dead so that the story didn't have to conceptualize their flaws.
As a kid who had crappy birth parents and was taken in by my aunt and uncle (who later adopted me) this trope has bothered me for as long as I can remember. So anytime a story, especially a children's story, has the guts to make a blood parent the villain, and, y'know, not demonize adoption...I respect them for it. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a good example. Y'know what else is? Matilda. That book/film/show is so weird in so many ways, but at least it completely turn that trope on it's head. And it was so refreshing, in the Potterverse especially, to see the MC's father wind up being the main villain. So if they just walk it back now, if they chicken out...yeah, I'm not happy about that either. I'm intrigued to learn more about Ryusaki, but I am not happy.
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HIII! Its been a while,hru? And if u celebrated Christmas,did u get anything u liked?
- xoxo,🥟
Hiiiiiiii!!!! Welcome back!!! I’m doing well!!! Been a lil’ bit busy as of late, but that’s life, haha! I did get a few cool things for Christmas. Namely, some new headphones for my PlayStation, and a few essential oils for my perfume kit!!! I finally had enough to make a new batch of perfume, so that was fun! I hope you’re doing well, too, and that you enjoyed the holidays!!! I’m happy to hear from you, 🥟 ✨ !!! It’s been a bit!!!!
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pearl-blue-musings · 1 year
Whoever my charanons are rn, thank you 🥺🥰😘
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burnt-toast-life · 2 years
HMMMM to aid you on your search for more nicknames, i did some *cracks knuckles* research. your name, ajax, has greek origins! in the iliad (epic poem by homer, written literally thousands of years ago LOL) your namesake? namesharer HELP IDK ANYWAYS he was a very courageous warrior second to only achilles! hopefully you know him. foot man. ajax is also referred to as “ajax the great” or “ajax telamonian/telamonian ajax” (ALSO HAD A BROTHER NAMED TEUCER). in greek, the pronunciation for your name would be “AY-ahs” as opposed to . “AY-jacks” and in russian pronunciation (IM DOING THIS ON PURPOSE I SWEAR) that would mean it sounds like “ah-yaks” (i think) SO NOW…… RUSSIAN DIMINUTIVES/NICKNAMES!!! (considering snezhnaya is quite similar to russia) since your name begins with a softer “a” sound, you can probably make better diminutives with the harder “y” sound! you can look up specific diminutives if you’d like on your own, but maybe a nickname like yasha would work? or maybe yasya. ANYWAYS UH JUST WANTED TO THROW IN MY 2 CENTS!!!! do not feel obligated to take any of these names as your own! it was fun to do some research anyway ehe (AND ALSO IF I AM COMPLETELY WRONG ABOUT ANY OF THESE PLEASE FEEL FREE TO IGNORE THE ASK)
I KNEW ABOUT THE GREEK MYTHOS ORIGINS AND STUFF ALREADY BUT ALL RHIS RESEARCH IS SO COOL OMG TY ANON !! Yasha and Yasya are such fun nicknames I accept. Very fun to say thank you again 100000/10
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ghoulgums · 10 months
They do speak for all of us I wholeheartedly agree to all of it
you guys are gonna make me sob, thank you thank you thank you 😭😭😭
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 months
Bro, you are such a good writer! Your characters have depth and backgrounds, and your world building is clearly really well thought out, your dialogue flows smoothly. It is always a pleasure to read your works. Super high quality stuff, I will forever be a fan!
Thank you! I love asks, reblogs, likes, any interaction is the fucking best and gives me a better sense of what's working in my writing and what isn't! I am proud of my dialogue, I've been working on improving it for years and I think I've seen a lot of improvement over time!
Never hesitate to send asks, questions about characters or narratives or plans I might have or whatever, asks are the best.
Thank you so much for this!
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