#My ocs: Lorelei Firethorn
octahedral-chaos · 5 months
Lorelei Firethorn, Outlaw of the Stars
A mysterious gunslinger, she often appears in towns suddenly, stay for a few days and leave as suddenly as she came. No one has seen what is behind her hat and bandana, and no one has heard her utter a single word.
In fact, her almost supernatural skills with her revolvers and sheer agility suggest that this Silent Hunter is more than she seems, especially since she can seemingly use fire magic on her own...
Lorelei Firethorn is an oddity, that's all everyone knows. A bright orange light for a face, almost Obsidian-black gradients on her limbs, pointy ears, claws and small raven-wings definitely points to her being a half-something... that's for sure.
No one knows who her parents are, she just appeared one day at the Orphanage's doorsteps, scared and alone. They never gotten a chance to know what her real name was (She just shook her head when they asked for her name), so they named her Lorelei, after the rock near the River Rhine, and one of the nurses took her in, giving her that strange surname.
In fact, she seemingly could not talk, her voice being a series of chirps, hums and chimes instead. She understands the others, but she just couldn't talk. This, combined with her chimeric characteristics, made her feel alienated compared to her peers.
But, the caretakers and many of the children love her all the same.
Now, she wanders the plains, looking for answers to her past and taking out thieves and other dangers of the West. Her skills with her dual revolvers and her agility, coupled with her fire magic, made her a force to be reckon with.
The hidden past still tries to hunt her, beings both familiar yet alien chasing her down like specters. Maybe these beings has answers to her heritage... and maybe those strange "Angels of the Shadows" are a bit more familiar than she initially thought...
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octastims · 5 months
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Lorelei Firethorn (My oc) stimboard with revolvers, horses, ravens and deserts in greyscale, orange and blue for me! Also first time using image IDs in my stimboard posts.
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octafans-rp-hub · 5 months
@chaosandtoomuchideas 🏜
"No, being half starfolk does not me you can understand me." Qadim clarified, walking deeper into the Void like area they're in. "Only those who have broken out of the cycle can understand us. Those who no longer have a side in the Polarities." Qadim replied, limping over to a spear bigger than them, gazing at it. As if it held some kind of meaning.
It did.
As it held up it self up, the spear was piercing a body. A body that looked similar to Qadim.
Then the Neutral turned to Lorelei, "And what do you mean Star Ghosts? What do they look like?"
"Polarities?" Lorelei queried, a bit confused, "Are you saying that starfolks are... divided somehow?"
Lorelei flinched a bit when she noticed the spear. This place seems... dangerous, she should keep her guard up.
"Well, Star Ghosts, or just Specters, are these weird species that looks like practically animals, humans or simple shapes, made out of abstract shapes. They can either be white or black, with blue or orange eyes and accents... they don't cause much trouble unless they feel threatened, and we don't see them often around the towns."
"Plus... the ones in Starstinger Wastelands are a bit different to the ones elsewhere. The usually black and orange ones have much lighter colours with dark speckles, while the white and blue ones have a greyer colour with darker speckles as well. It varies bur that's the trend I've noticed with my brief encounters with them."
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sunnibits · 5 months
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Meet Lorelei Firethorn! She's (uses she/her) a half-starfolk gunslinger who wanders around, looking for answers to her past.
Basically she was found at an Orphanage's doorsteps, alone and scared. They took her in and one of the nurses ended up raising her. The vast majority of the staff and kids don't mind her chimeric appearance, but she still can't help but feel lonely at times.
She's specifically a half-dark starfolk, and has claws and can use fire magic to her advantage. However, she prefers to use her trusty pistols in combat. She's pretty agile and fast too!
However, she can't speak in human tongue, only being able to make chirps, chimes and hums like a starfolk. She usually carries around a notebook and pen because of this.
Because of her starfolk heritage, she has a lot of nonhuman traits, specifically pointy ears, claws, gradient to dark brown on her limbs, small wings and a lack of face. Her face-light is not that bright honestly? But she prefers to hide her face in public... for obvious reasons. She also has night vision too, because Dark starfolks tend to be a lot dimmer than light starfolks, and thus I headcanon that they have really good night vision!
Oh and she's a asexual demiromantic lesbian... and is 4'10-
AKA Have my crack oc I made because I was thinking way too hard about DnD and now I am very attached to her. You can see a better explanation about her backstory and stuff here.
Ok first thing, that is a SICKASS name 😌 secondly she looks so cool!!! :O I honestly read the word “gunslinger” and blacked out bc gunslinger characters are just. So instantly cool. Like they are legally required to be sick as hell.
also I looove the part about her little chirps that she uses to communicate 🥺🥺 it reminds me of my OC Honey!!!! :D
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 4 months
OH and I don't know if I show you her as yet, but do you want to see my oc, Lorelei Firethorn?
Oh I've seen her around and she looks really cool, I love her aesthetic!
Thank you for coming by to ask about her, I hope you have a wonderful day ahead my friend!!
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strayhorn · 3 months
Okay so have my newest oc, Lorelei Firethorn! Made as a joke oc, now a very serious one whom I love dearly.
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A half... something, she wanders the plains of Starstinger's Wastelands, looking for answers to her past and taking down enemies.
As a young child, she was taken into an orphanage after literally being found at the doorsteps. Despite her initial wariness and skittishness, she managed to become quite accustomed to her new home. Her parents never left a trace of their presence bizarrely enough, so no one knows what exactly she is.
Despite her odd appearance and the inability to talk like a human, they loved her all the same. Although she still felt alienated from her peers.
As an Adult, she wanders around Starstinger's Wastelands, looking for any clues on what her past was. She also takes down any threats with her trusty revolvers... and fire magic. However, she is weak to any ice magic, and even cold temperatures tend to be very, VERY uncomfortable to her. Plus she is still very "squishy" due to her heritage.
Personality-wise, she's very feisty and blunt at times, but she means well. Is very sweet and helpful though! Apparently, she can, shall and WILL roost that everloving daylights out of anyone who gets on her nerve.
As mentioned above, she can't talk. The only way she can communicate verbally is by chirping, trills, hisses and chimes. She still understands human speech, it's just that she can't talk. Due to this, she usually carries a notebook and pen so she can write down what she wants to say. She also stays silent because of this when in public. This, coupled with her using a bandana and hat to hide her face, tends to make her a bit spooky-looking.
She have a horse named Ghost. He's a pretty grey morgan-fox trotter mix, and as good as any horse of the West can be.
In terms of nonhuman traits she has, she has the face-light thingy, clawed hands, gradients on her limbs, feathered wings (that are too weak and small for flight) and pointy ears. She can also use fire magic and is very fast and agile compared to an average human.
The reason for this is because she is a half-starfolk, specifically a dark one.
Okay, that's all I could think of from the top of my head. Hope you like her!
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Oh yeah, I can imagine having a heart attack when I first met them but they would be so cool after that. Very pog and sick design!
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octahedral-chaos · 5 months
*Drops Lorelei's concept and runs*
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The silly little Half-starfolk gunslinger herself! I'm so proud of how she came out, especially the clothes. She looks a little wonky currently but I'll try to draw her more so Yeah! Her!!
(Read her full Bio here if you want)
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octahedral-chaos · 3 months
If you feel like it, mind talking a bit more about Starsinger and Lorelei's whole situation? I'm intrigued by the worldbuilding and the star ghosts.
(I also need to go through the tag and look for the other posts on it to catch up, lol)
Sure thing! It's all under the tag "Starstinger's Wastelands," Plus have several posts.
Starstinger's Wastelands Intro
Random stuff
Star Ghosts
Outlaws/ Starsting Hunters
Also here's some more info:
Lorelei is an orphan, and she wants answers for what she is and who exactly were her parents. Due to this, she wanders around and trying to piece together the puzzles of this place.
Starstinger's Wasteland is the general setting of Lorelei's story. It's a massive desert filled with unique creatures, threats and mysteries.
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octahedral-chaos · 5 months
Okay remember Lorelei and how I mentioned her setting?
Well... I caved... I made some more stuff about it.
Under a read more because this might be long
Okay the specific area this takes place in is called Starstinger's Wastelands, on the continent of Rykula. This is a surprising dry, dusty place, mostly deserts and prairies. But there are some forests and mangroves near the coastlines to the South-East. To the North, there are tundra and snow fields.
The setting is based heavily on the Wild West genre, using both historical information and fantasy stuff to make it fancy. Also a tiny bit of steampunk for good measure.
Many species survive here in the towns, mostly humans. Centaurs and elves are also quite common. Native animals include the mundane inspired by the American West, and the most fantastical, such as unicorns (Actually a close relative of deer!), harpies (Big owls) and Wildfire Pegasi.
However, the most elusive and interesting Beasts are the Specters, more commonly known as Star Ghosts. These are bizarre figures that vaguely look like animals, shapes or even humans. Most are mainly white or black, with a blue or orange lights assumed to be their faces or eyes.
Star Ghosts generally run away when approached, but they can be absolutely deadly when cornered. Interestingly, they have a unique magic system separate from all other beings.
One very unique and rare variant of Star Ghost is called the "Angels of Shadows." They are humanoid in form, with large wings and sharp talons, almost pure black save for their brilliant orange faces. They are absolutely deadly and should not be taken lightly. It is assumed that Angels of Shadows might be closely related to the wingless Shadow Beings and Light Persons.
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octahedral-chaos · 5 months
Don't you love it when you just got random information about your oc out of nowhere?
Inspired by me realising that Lorelei is an asexual lesbian-
Specifically Asexual Greyromantic Lesbian! I mean... queer cowboys for the win I guess!
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octahedral-chaos · 4 months
Okay, I put Lorelei up on Art Fight...
And made a very cool thumbnail for her!!
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octahedral-chaos · 4 months
Thinking about Lorelei again...
She's so *Ungodly screeches*
@sunnibits is this how it feels like with Dimitri?!
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octahedral-chaos · 5 months
Idk if people have asked this yet, but...
What does Lorelei do for fun? What are her hobbies? Things like that.
Good question! This really had me thinking!
I'll say her hobbies are mostly horseback riding and gunsmithing, as well as reading and leathercraft. These are really useful when you're alone for the majority of the time.
She also likes to crochet and sew, but she doesn't really do it much, she usually just use it to mend her clothing-
Besides this, she really likes popping in at saloons funnily enough, most of the time just to hang out. Even though she can't talk, most people can attest to the fact that she can put on a good banter... in pen and paper form (And she can roast the everloving daylights out of people too, both metaphorically and literally).
Oh and she loves fairs. Her favourites are rodeos and bronco riding. In fact, she does participate in it sometimes!
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octastims · 5 months
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Lorelei Firethorn (My ocs!) Moodboard with western aesthetics, space and ravens for me!
Made this so I can get a better idea of what she looks like visually-
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octahedral-chaos · 5 months
Breaking news: Local half starfolk is 23.
AKA I was doing some Rping with @chaosandtoomuchideas and now I decided to make this one tidbit canon-
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octahedral-chaos · 5 months
Decided to try to figure out what type of horse Lorelei would be riding...
I figured a classical Western breed would definitely work... but which one?
I really like Morgan, mustangs, Quarter or Fox Trotter. I'm currently leaning towards a potential Morgan/ Fox Trotter Cross.
Said horse is definitely grey though. Think it would be a funny nod to the whole "Polar opposite" thing starfolks have going on.
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