#MybuddyPinky AU
polarspaz · 2 years
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Steve pile! SCP Steve with VampireEddie on top left. Vampire Steve bottom left. Steve from my BuddyPinky AU top Right. And Werewolf Steve bottom right.
-In the SCP AU, Steve finds Eddie a few months after being back in Hawkins. Eddie is being possessed/manipulated by Vecna and tires to kill Steve, but Steve skillfully subdues Eddie, man handling the undead vampire and knocking him out with a readied tranq.
-El tries to break the connection between Eddie and Vecna, but she can’t, forcing Steve to ask the SCP foundation for help. They ask Steve to bring Eddie to the nearest foundation to be processed, which he does that very same day. It takes only a week later for Eddie to come out Vecna free, but neither Steve nor Eddie know how the SCP foundation did it and they certainly aren’t telling.
-Eddie is a basic bitch vampire. Needs blood, sun burns him, and he has super strength/reflexes. A few well placed bullets could kill him, so he is classified as Safe by the SCP foundation. Steve is labeled Euclid but is actually classified as Thaumiel in secret. Steve powers bend reality and any powers that can change or effect reality in any way, are deemed incredibly dangerous by the SCP foundation. There are too many unknown variables and consequences to consider when one tampers with reality and the Foundation would rather not fuck around and find out.
-Since Steve’s abilities also make him immune to all the effects/abilities of SCPs that are children, Steve has often been sent in to capture and contain some of these rampaging children. There was one little boy who could make people’s head’s explode and after killing 10 men and 3 agents, they finally sent Steve in. 
-As soon as Steve walks in, the kid immediately tires to use his powers, but is surprised to see they have no effect on the older man. Steve lets the kid try a few more times, watching their tiny face scrunch up in confusion before darting forward and grabbing them. A well placed tranq has the frenzied boy knocked out in seconds and thankfully no one else dies that day. 
-MYBUDDYPINKY AU Steve on the other hand is not having a good time. Pinky gets into a fight with a few adult Demogorgon's back at the house while Steve is at work and gets her eyes ripped out. Steve and Pinky share wounds however, and Steve has no warning when his left eye suddenly explodes with pain. He cries in agony before hunching over and instinctively covering his eye, vaguely aware of the blood gushing between his fingers.
-He’s blind in his left eye and has to wear an eyepatch but thankfully it’s only for two months. Pinky regenerates stronger and faster than humans and because of their shared bond Steve gets that bonus too.
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polarspaz · 2 years
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As the earthquake rips through Hawkins, Steve, Nancy, and Robin try to race back to the motor home before it’s too late. A violent tremor rips apart the ground beneath them, separating Steve from everyone else violently. Unable to follow them, Steve tries to make for the Watergate, only to find a pack of Demo-dogs swarming the area, eating the remains of the dead demo-bats.
The beasts notice his frantic entrance and charge at him, their drooling mouths snapping feverishly as they get closer. Steve doesn’t have time to react, but finds he doesn’t need to when something comes barreling out of the woods behind him. The large thing puts itself between Steve and the dogs, and lets out a loud, ominous wail. The cry seems to stun the dogs, as the thing is able to easily pick one up and bite it’s head clean off. The rest of the dogs immediately scatter in fear and disappear into the brush.
Steve is frozen, unsure what to do when the thing’s red eyes turn a bright pink. It lets out a gentle trill before its shuffles towards him. Before Steve knows it, the thing is crowded against him, it’s small second set of hands softly combing his hair as it’s large head nuzzles his shoulder.
Steve gets saved by an unknown creature in the Upside down. With it’s help Steve manages to escape but not before giving his monstrous savor a nervous thank you pet. He doesn’t tell anyone, mostly because there is bigger shit going down, like Max’s coma, Eddie’s near death, and the town being cracked in half. He only thinks about it again a few nights later when he finds the same creature sitting in his backyard, nibbling at his flowers.
-Steve ends up keeping the creature and names it Pinky. Pinky it turns out is actually a very intelligent and kind being native to the UpsideDown. When Vecna found out he couldn’t control Pinky’s species like the Demogorgons, he decided to exterminate them, leaving Pinky the last of their kind.
-Steve doesn’t know it, but when Pinky saved him, a psychic bond was formed between the two. It’s weak and first, but as time goes on it gets stronger. It gives Steve and Pinky an empathic bond, allowing them to feel and understand one another’s feelings. Because of this, Steve can understand Pinky even though Pinky cannot talk. Steve’s can also see in the dark, making his eyes glow pink.
- Another effect of the bond is shared wounds/pain. Thankfully Steve also gets the benefits of Pinky’s rapid healing so he can take a lot more abuse than a normal human. Pinky also shares all of Steve’s memories, So when Dustin busts in and accidently discovers Pinky, Pinky simple responds with a happy trill and pats Dustin’s hat in a manner very similar to Steve
-Pinky’s species used to filter feed off the falling dust in the Upside down, but thanks to the bond with Steve, Pinky can survive outside of the Upside Down and eat pollen or honey instead.
-Pinky’s favorite pastimes are Steve, Steve’s hair, cooking, gardening and playing cards, like solitaire. 
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polarspaz · 2 years
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At the start of winter, Steve wakes up morning feeling absolutely miserable. His brain is floating and his noise is clogged and he can only groan into his pillow as he realizes he’s sick. Pinky next to him gives her own miserable wail in agreement, her confusion and misery washing over Steve before she burrows into his side for comfort. 
Turns out they both share colds and poor Pinky has never been sick before.  Thankfully Robin, Dustin, Vickie, and Eddie lend a hand in taking care of them. It seems simple enough, that is until Pinky sneezes and a giant glob of pink goo splatters all over a stunned Eddie. Steve and Dustin almost pass out from laughing as Pinky and Vickie try to help clean the goop off, and Robin just sighs deeply as she gathers an armful of towels from the closet.
Pinky uses her smaller set of hands to do delicate work, like cooking, sewing or tending to her giant garden in Steve’s backyard. Steve even bought her own set of cooking mittens and gardening gloves, which she treasures immensely and keeps very good care of. She likes to make things for Steve, such as cookies or flowers crowns. It embarrasses the hell out of him, but Steve will even let Pinky weave some flowers into his hair, knowing it makes her really happy.
-Pinky can’t talk but she learns to be very expressive with her hands, helping her communicate without making Steve have to translate all the time. She loves to give thumbs up or a high fives, and on a couple of rare occasions made her displeasure known by flipping the bird. 
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polarspaz · 2 years
My Buddy Pinky AU Tidbits Pt 1
-The first week with Pinky in his house is certainly interesting. Steve is surprised at how quickly he finds himself trusting the creature, feeling perfectly safe as he let’s it play with his hair, even allowing it to nestle it’s large head into the soft crook of his neck. It follows him around the house like a lost kid, watching everything he does with childish curiosity. Everything it touches or picks up is done gently and Steve lets it examine it’s surroundings.
-Soon enough, Steve finds himself sitting in the Livingroom with various household items strewn all over the floor. The big beast is nestled in the middle of the pile looking over it’s gathered bounty. The monster hasn’t broken anything yet, always waiting and listening to Steve explain what an item is before prodding at it. Steve knows he should be alarmed at how fast the thing was learning, but he honestly couldn’t muster enough effort to care, especially after seeing the thing play with water faucet for 5 minutes. 
-Tried, Steve curls up on the couch and watches the room slowly get brighter as the morning sunlight creeps in. The warm glow causes the beast’s skin to take on a pinkish hue and Steve finds himself naming his new monstrous roommate Pinky.
-He doesn’t tell anyone about Pinky. He knows he should, but he keeps finding himself making excuses not too. See the thing is, Steve is lonely as hell. After the earthquake he was pretty much alone all the time. Eddie and the kids were constantly playing D&D, Nancy was with Jonathan, Hopper, Joyce, and El were working on the cabin, and Robin was glued to Vickie’s hip, leaving Steve with literally no one. 
-But now he has Pinky, Pinky who waits for him to come home, purring happily as she scoops him up into a warm hug as soon as he walks in. Steve’s afraid if he tells anyone about Pinky they’ll take her away and he couldn’t handle that.
-Even so, Robin and Dustin find out about Pinky anyway. While on shift at the video store, Steve is lazily putting away video's when suddenly he feels a tidal wave of panic blanket his mind. The tapes clatter to the floor and Robin calls after him as he jumps into the car and takes off. Instinctually he knows the feeling of fear is coming from Pinky, doesn’t know how or why, just knows he has to get home immediately. 
- Turns out Pinky accidently set off the fire alarm while baking bread and didn’t know what was happening or how to turn it off. Steve finds himself slumping to the floor in relief, laughing softly as he feels Pinky’s pat his hair in apology and gives him a fresh loaf of bread to bring back with him to work.
-So when Steve returns from his sudden and erratic exit with a really fucking delicious bag of bread, it makes Robin really curious. It doesn't help when Steve is extremely tight lipped about the matter and won’t tell her shit, so she enlists Dustin’s help. The two end up spying on Steve for a day, which somehow ends up with the two accidently breaking into his house, stumbling in on Steve cuddling with Pinky and watching TV.
-Pinky is the only one who doesn’t panic and simply watches in amusement as Dustin and Robin freak out while Steve frantically tries to calm them down. Thankfully he gets them to stop screaming and explains what’s going on. After all is said and done Robin and Dustin promise they won’t tell anyone and Steve almost sobs in relief.
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