bedevilest · 3 years
ABOUT  MATTIE’S  EDUCATION,      matthew  when  he  was  in  school  did  fairly  decent—              he  did  his  homework  mostly  on  time  and  he  did  above  average  on  testing,      but  his  mind  was  never  completely  there  when  he  was  at  school,      school  never  really  fit  mattie  and  mattie  never  really  fit  school.              he  mostly  continued  attending  in  his  later  years  simply  because  his  foster  parents  made  him  go.              after  he  turned  eighteen  he  considered  dropping  out  entirely  after  finding  himself  without  a  home,      but  instead  of  quitting  matthew  stuck  out  the  last  few  months  and  graduated,      though  with  nothing  special  like  honors,  and  just  a  regular  diplomma.
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ma-sulevin · 5 years
Duct Tape Fixes Everything
Except marriages and broken hearts.
Rook asks Sharky what he means.
Rating: M (for swearing/drinking/smoking). Sharky Boshaw/Female Deputy (pre-relationship). Words: 2,187.
Also on AO3.
“Who broke your heart, Sharky?”
His mind skitters at the question, the sudden change of subject, searching for words but coming up surprisingly blank. He just stares at her instead, mouth hanging open a bit in his confusion.
She grins at him over the top of her beer, the expression a little lopsided, and tries again. “You said something earlier about how duct tape fixes everything but broken hearts and marriages, so I thought maybe you were talking from experience. You been married before?”
“Uhh.” He blinks one more time at her as she sips her drink before his mind kickstarts again. “You know, sometimes things come out of my mouth before I’ve really had a chance to think about whether I wanna say it or not, and, uh, you know, most people don’t really listen to shit like that.”
“I listen to everything you say,” she says, and he absolutely does not blush when she adds, “that’s part of being best friends, dude. Get with it. Now tell me who broke your heart so I know whose ass to kick.”
He laughs and she beams at him, her teeth flashing in the flickering light from their fire. She settles more comfortably in her folding chair, kicking her bare feet up into his lap; he wraps the fingers of his free hand around one, just out of habit, and digs his thumb into the sole just to hear the little grunt of satisfaction she’ll make.
“You sure you wanna hear that whole story?” He asks, uneasy at bringing up memories of old girlfriends in front of her.
She quirks an eyebrow and wiggles her toes to get him to massage harder. “Shark, you told me about the first time you felt up a girl, accidentally burned down the skating rink in an attempt to cheer yourself up, and then got a boner. At the, uh, fire, not the girl.”
“Oh, yeah, heh, forgot I told you all that. You really do listen to all the stuff I say, huh? You don’t ever just zone out and ignore some of my stories, ‘cause that’s usually how it goes. WIth other people I mean. They don’t listen.” He does massage harder. He even puts his beer down so he can use both hands.
“Come on,” she says, closing her eyes and tilting her head back as he digs his thumbs into the ball of her foot. It might be nice if she did this back from time to time, but he can’t blame her for not wanting to touch his feet. He can acknowledge they get pretty rank by the end of the day, even when they have time to take showers and sleep in real beds, like tonight. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
He focuses on her foot for a second, trying to gather his thoughts before he starts babbling, then he starts babbling anyway: “I mean, I already told you about the girl at the skating rink, and that was my first real disappointment, you know, but then I found out how much I love fire, so that made up for it--” she snickers; he presses on-- “and then, uh, I had a string of good luck until after I dropped out of high school, you know how I am, and then I met this waitress over at the 8-bit, and she was, she was real pretty.” He pauses again, takes another gulp of his beer and then moves to her other foot. “Her name was Shelly. She used to bring me leftover pizzas sometimes. They were delicious as long as she wasn’t the one who made them.”
She laughs again, and he smiles at the sound. “She sounds like a real catch.”
“She was,” he says. “And, I mean, I know I’m a helluva catch, what with the kickass flamethrower and the good looks and the endless beer and everything, but she was absolutely way outta my league. Like, she was smokin’ hot. She could’a been in one of those music videos, you know.”
She nods without opening her eyes. “All flossy?”
“Flossy as hell,” he confirms. “Anyway, we were hanging out and having fun, and I thought it was going good. I thought I was in love with her, man, I mean, she was so hot, she had real soft red hair and these real big--” He cuts himself off. He was gonna say she had real big tits, but since Mattie’s eyes are still closed he’s able to have a moment of uninterrupted study of what she’s working with under that shirt buttoned up high enough to cover that goddamned WRATH tattoo, and, yeah, they’re not as big as Shelly's and he doesn’t want her to feel bad even though he prefers hers anyways, and--
She’s giggling. Shit, he waited too long to finish his sentence, and she figured out what he was talking about. She opens her eyes just after he rips his away from her chest, so at least she didn’t catch him staring. (Again.)
“Okay, you made your point. She’s the hottest girl you’d ever met, maybe because of her boobs, maybe because of the free pizza.” She tilts her head back and downs the rest of her beer while she waits for him to finish the story, and he drags in a deep breath so he can get the rest out without pausing.
“So, I hadn’t asked her to move in with met yet, but I was thinkin’ about it, and she had a key to Boshaw Manor and everything, but she just hadn’t brought all her stuff over yet or anything, and I came home one day and caught her fuckin’ another guy in my bed.”
Mattie’s feet are jerked out of his hands as she sits up, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees. She’s glaring. It’s the same look he’s seen her make when John or Jacob calls her over the radio, and he’s suddenly afraid he’s said the wrong thing and pissed her off for good this time.
“In your bed?”
“Yeah.” Jesus, he can still remember every detail of that day, exactly how she looked with her face all pink and her hair messed up and sweaty, tits still bouncing because it took her a couple seconds to realize was there and actually stop fuckin’ the dude, who, at least, seemed to feel guilty about it, throwing a heartfelt sorry man over his shoulder as he gathered his pants and shirt and ran naked from the room while Shelly just pouted. 
Mattie makes a considering noise, then twists around until she can reach the cooler with the rest of their beers. She offers him one, and he takes it even though he hasn’t quite finished his first. He downs what he has left, then opens the one she handed him.
“That’s fucked up, Shark,” she says, and he chuckles around his drink.
“That’s what I said.” And, yeah, that’s one of the things he said, probably the only one that bears repeating. He clutches the beer can a little tighter, ignoring the condensation wetting his fingers, wishing she’d put her feet back in his lap or something so he can the warmth of her again, the comfort that doesn’t stop him from saying everything that pops into his head but makes him feel better for the touch. How long has it been since someone just… was willing to sit, touching?
Oh, god. He hopes she doesn’t think he has a foot fetish, or something, the way he’s always grabbing for her feet when they’re close. She hasn’t said anything about it, and she seems to like the massages, but, like, that’s not really his thing. Not that he minds it, but it’s not really toes that get him going.
“She still around?”
“Nah. I don’t know if she left town, or joined up with the cult, or what. Haven’t seen her in years.”
Almost like she can hear what he was thinking -- not the foot fetish bit, the other thing -- she relaxes again and puts her feet back in his lap. He doesn’t start the massage up again, but she doesn’t seem to mind that either. 
“Well, she sounds like a cunt anyway,” she says, and he laughs again, a real belly laugh.
“You are not wrong there, shorty.” He manages to let a short silence pass before he asks one of the two questions burning his throat. “Why, would you really kick her ass for me?”
Mattie’s face is serious, and she waits to fish a crumpled pack of cigarettes out of her jacket pocket. She sticks one between her lips and asks around it, “Don’t you think I could take her?”
“Hell yeah, you could,” he answers, honest, immediate, and she smirks the best she can while she’s lighting her cigarette. Her eyes flash at the same time as the little flame in her hand, then she’s exhaling a cloud into the sky, head tipped back, and he stares at her throat.
“Well, I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for Big Tits McGee next time we see a group of Peggies.” Her voice is dripping in disgust and he can’t help but laugh again. “Probably has LUST carved right on her forehead.” She takes another drag off her cigarette and idly rubs at her breastbone. After a half-second, she seems to shake herself out of it and nudges him with her heel against his knee. “Sorry that happened to you.”
He shrugs, drinks more of his beer, tries to find something to say that’s not embarrassing. “Yeah, well. What’s your story then? I told you mine, and fair’s fair.”
She shrugs too, her cigarette dangling from the fingers of her right hand. “I didn’t even have a boyfriend until I was nineteen,” she says, and that’s not what he expected her to say, even a little bit. “I’d just finished my EMT training, had a job in Custer County, and I was still living at home and all, but it was my first time with any real freedom of my own. One of the other EMTs and I started hanging out a lot after our shifts, talking a lot, you know how it goes. We started dating, and I just took it a lot more serious than he did, I guess, because he was my first, uhh… everything, really. Anyway, things went sour and that’s that.”
He stares at her. She doesn’t look back.
“That’s that, huh?” She grimaces when he feeds her words back to her. When she doesn’t offer more details, he just starts guessing random shit that could break a girl��s heart for the first time at the ripe old age of nineteen. “He cheat on you? With another EMT? A patient? Turn out to be gay? Never made you cum and say it was your fault?” She chokes on her beer when he says that one, nearly spits it out, and then she’s laughing again and something in his chest eases a bit. “Cried after y’all fucked? Fell asleep on you?”
She kicks him again. “You think I’m such a boring lay that someone’d fall asleep on me?”
He’s not blushing. He isn’t. He's definitely never thought about it before. “Nah, just trying to get to the bottom of it.”
She rolls her eyes at him, sort of chuckles and shakes her head while he just grins and waits. “It wasn’t anything all that dramatic,” she says finally. He watches as she flicks the ash off the end of her cigarette, takes another drag. “Just lots of fighting, name calling, couple’a holes punched in the wall of his apartment. Duct tape doesn’t quite fix that either, but it’s better than nothing. He kicked me out and then acted all surprised when I moved in with another friend and wouldn’t take his calls.”
“Sounds like an asshole,” Sharky offers, and she laughs a little. It’s warm again, not bitter, and she tosses the butt of her cigarette into the fire.
“Yup. Looks like we’re both better off now, huh?” She nudges him with her foot again, smiling but not looking at him, studying the stars overhead instead. She always does that; while he’s busy admiring the flames of the closest fire (camp, bon, or on the end of a match), she’s busy staring up at the sky like she can just disappear into it if she tries hard enough.
“Yeah, I mean, if that dickwad hadn’t punched holes in his own walls, I wouldn’t’ve met my best friend,” he says, giving in and resting his hand on her ankle, just because he wants to touch her again. 
She flexes her toes and smiles doesn’t pull away. “That’s a good way to look at it,” she says, lips still curled up at the edges as her eyes start to close. “Guess this is all worth it.”
And, well, maybe he wouldn’t go quite that far, a lot of people have died and all, but… yeah. Yeah. He can’t bring himself to disagree, either.
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a-writing-bear · 5 years
[PruCan] Chapter 10: Soft-Spoken Calling, They Want Their Shyness Back
Ao3 Link:
This Has been cross-posted onto FF & Ao3 under Aliases: BearBooper
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Fandom: Hetalia Axis Powers
Main Pairing: Gilbert Beilschmidt & Matthew Williams (Prussia & Canada)
AU:  College AU - Art Student Matthew and Media/Film Student Gilbert
Age Rating/Mature:  Teen And Up Audiences (12+ due to mentions of mature themes as well as swearing)
Trigger Warnings: Recreational Drugs & minor connotations of anxiety (Future addiction to mention themes such as addiction, rape etc.) WITHIN THIS CHAPTER - Mentions of Anxiety, Therapy, Counseling, and anti-depressants. (please note I am NOT anti-meds.) Family Issues are implied, Distance and abandonment suggested.
“Well. Let’s chat then schatje.”
Matthew shivered, not from the cold but the recall of his appointment. Tim had always been there for him, and was sort of desensitized, if not amused by Matthew’s squabbling and frustrated ramblings.
“Is it green or-”
“Nah left the baggie at home.”
His cigarette hung limp in between his fingers, twirling as he watched the hooded man wave his arms- half exhausted and only vibrant due to his stress. The Dutchman had taken out a box of marls, mainly cus he knew any kush would be noticed immediately- the last thing the two of them needed was the waiter ratting them out and the police on both their asses- and offered the sickly stick to his friend. Matthew grimaced, yet his hands grasped for the box searching for one as if he was desperate. He barely smoked. He justified himself that it was a social occasion that called for one and he could just down a coffee and hope his brother wouldn’t smell the tobacco on his worn-out hoodie. A flick of light from Tim’s Zippo was quick to latch onto the piece and the two silently dragged.
“I just don’t understand what she wants from me. She’s a great therapist but…. I’ve done the work... I’ve done the talking. I don’t- she wants me to call my dad.” the words fell out bitterly and ended so sour and abrupt, even Tim himself knew that the mere mention of Matthew’s father must have meant something was drastically serious. Oliver was not exactly an understanding of man.
“She wants YOU...to talk to your dad?!” Matthew’s throat aches with a slight comfort, his gut relaxed knowing at least it was as incredulous as he thought it was. The Canadian had a shaky relationship with his father (who wouldn’t when your father was an inconsolable dickhead?) and had always been a troublesome mess.
“Alfred said he hasn’t even called him. He’s still pissed. And I don't think my mum needs to know that life is still as shit as ever over here.” They both tutted, Matthew had ditched his smoke, stomping it out prematurely as he went to lean his back on the dusty wall of the diner, huddling next to his childhood friend. Tim had been fidgeting trying to find a comfortable leaning position on the wall and the two slowed down, next to each other in contemplative silence. “Alfred talked with Doc and I’m just kinda not feeling all of it ya know?” his voice drowned in exhaustion.
“...need a hug?” Tim’s voice came out lowly and quiet as if a secret offer, he never really was an affectionate person physically, and hugs from him were reserved for his sibling, his mother and Matthew. Always Matthew.
“Is the cold-professional businessman Tim Lars Van-de-Berg offering me a hug? I’m honoured~” Matthew joked as he stared off into the distance, not noticing the slight tinge of red that graced his friend’s cheeks. Tim scoffed and pushed his shoulder almost flinging him off the support of the brick wall, but caught him with a strong and solid grasp, wrapping an arm around the shorter boy’s shoulder and pulling him in some clumsy semblance of a side hug. Matthew was pressed amongst the warmth of his large jacket and hummed thanking his friend for the attempt at comfort. Matthew blushed once he remembered the question and insinuations his doctor had provided earlier pertaining to Tim.
“Hah. Paisley asked if I had a crush on you. Probably the only laughable thing I heard from her all month.” Matthew was too wrapped up in his amusement to notice the stiffness and the heavier hand that held him, nor did he sense the intake of bated breath of the Dutchman who just ruffled Matt’s hair then moved away. Tim was a lone figure, Always has been and the very idea that he had a remote interest in people like Matt was already so impossible to Mattie’s fragile self-esteem.
“Why do I feel like your brother is unlawfully attempting to woo Laura as of right now?” The conversation was being diverted.
“Doubt it. Al’s preoccupied with his long-distance crush- besides Luca would have prevented any comments.” The two snorted before resigning to go back in and face their siblings; one was hesitant due to his unresolved anxiety while the other was hesitant due to the warmth he had by his side.
“You’re going to Lukas and Matthias’ thing tonight right? Could you drive me? I got another prescription and I’m not sure I want to drive home high or drugged...defo not both.” Tim was not surprised- but he was indeed concerned.
“Are you sure you want to come tonight? I can always tell Mathias you aren’t up-”
“I’m fine. I want to go- It’s not often Lukas and Matthias host, I’ve been meeting to pass Lukas something anyway. I...I need the cooldown ya know?” his voice had pitched higher with defensiveness practically dripping off the vowels. Tim just nodded, ditched and smothered his bud and motioned for the two to go back in- lest they keep his sister waiting. There was gonna be a party tonight- the party being a very broad way of describing it.
The Canadian liked to keep to himself, he may be often alone but it was very rare he was truly feeling lonely; however, there was a group of people he’d mingle with on the weekends. To call them small would be an understatement. There were tons of people who would flock to these quieter house parties but the characters were the types to rather smoke and drink quietly rather than knock the walls down with blaring tunes. He’d know the Norwegian and Danish pair since orientation week and while Matthias bright-eyed smile reminded too much of his brother’s puppy eyes, and Lukas was just as cold towards conversations as an icicle he had enjoyed the company when they were together; they’re bickering felt endearing.
“Laura and Luca are probably hungry, Let's not keep em waiting, schatje.” the dutchman watched as the boy faltered, threw down the finished cig and fiddled with his hoodie. The two of them huffed and Tim had grasped onto Matthew’s palms to pull him in slight haste to get into the diner. Just as they were illuminated by the neon sidelights Matthew had found himself bumping into the back of Tim as the Older boy suddenly came to a harsh stop-
“Gilbert. What are you doing here?” Matthew perked up at the mention of his new crush friend. What was gilbert doing here? Oh...the Diner- he must have meant this dinner earlier. Wow. How convenient. Gilbert’s pale face had frozen as if he was a deer caught in the headlights- wide-eyed and surprised even though he had chosen to sneak behind here.
“Oh, I was...I thought I saw you so I just- heh... Nothing.” Gilbert stood awkwardly, the tall dutchman had been looking down at him and he directed his gaze solely on Matthew. The German knew vague amounts of Tim- he’d seen him around campus at the student bazaars- the man was always somewhere bargaining like some stone-cold dealer. “Right well- would..is it rude if I join you guys as I’m kinda alone tonight?” eyebrows raised from the two as they looked at each other in consideration. Simultaneously they answered: Mattie with a quick yelp of yes, whereas Tim had mumbled something along the lines of “my siblings…?
Fuck Tim, he hated himself cus the moment he saw the endearing smile that graced Matthew’s lips as he started trudging back to the front of the diner, he broke and motioned for Gilbert to join their already crowded dinner plan.
The door had jingled and the 3 men stumbled in, Matthew first as he navigated his way through the considerably empty diner back to the bench where Alfred and the Van-de-bergs were parked. The Van de Berg family was a curious bunch; their parents were living in Amsterdam on a big ranch while the 2 younger siblings had moved out to stay with their extremely capable brother as he went to Uni. Laura, ever the beautiful young lady, had just finished her high schooling but was taking a gap year to take care of her younger brother- Matthew always noted how cheerful she seemed, despite her teasing brothers. The youngest of the 3, Luca, had been dressed in a smart-casual getup, a blue and white striped shirt and a tie that had one of the local private school emblems bedazzled on it; They were certain Luca was just as smart and resourceful as his older brother yet what he lacked in Tim’s brawns, he just evoked a certain sense of charisma and had enough extravagance to scholarship his way into a private academic high school on a full ride-it was the reason the siblings came to live with their older brother.
Laura was the first to give Gilbert a dazzling smile- one that seemed to show some familiarity-
“You two always seem to come back with someone new!” Her voice sounded more amused than bothered by the new company. “We might need a bigger table at this rate!” unlike her warmth, Alfred seemed more off-put at the fact his brotherly bonding had become more of an extended gathering- and Gilbert’s newfound presence was less than wanted.
“Since when do you come here, Gil? And what are you doing with my baby brother huh?”
Matthew merely snorted as he pushed his brother to scoot over, “Alfred you’re the younger one. By 10 seconds.”
“Excuse you! It was 7 seconds-” Tim had coughed awkwardly, now pushed against the side of his brother, Luca cramped between his older siblings but still distracted by something on his phone.
“I was just passing by and caught these two on the way in, awesome right?” Gilbert seemed unperturbed by Alfred’s subtle aggressiveness- he had known the American through some other dodgy gatherings in the past and it was strange to know that quiet Matthew is associated to the blond- let alone related to him. The 3 latecomers ordered quickly, while the others had already received their meals; A bright pink milkshake had already been pushed into Alfred’s vicinity and a large number of fries scattered the tray across the group’s table,
“Mattie bro what do you-”
“Vanilla.” Tim had thoughtlessly interrupted, moving restlessly to lean forward towards Matthew opposite him, and attempted to light a cigarette before being chastised by his sister who was already tutting him and muttered something about being a bad influence on Luca. Alfred was about to say something before Matthie politely smiled at his sibling with a reserved ‘he’s right though- I do want vanilla’ grin that seemed more patient than cooperative. Gilbert had settled for a soda and made idle conversation with Laura who somehow mentioned she had seen him before:
“I’m quite sure I’ve seen you at that cafe on Acre Street?”
“Ah that was a while back but yeah- awesome..” it was only when Matthew's arms had jutted into his side that he noticed Matthew struggling to pour his drink into another empty glass- a glass that had been carelessly pushed towards him by Tim, who was more engrossed in talking to the youngest of the table about his homework-
Gilbert was confused and interested in the lavender eyed boy’s calculating movement, “Are you sharing your drink?” Matthew hummed, and tilted his head in thought, still carefully measuring out the white goop as if they were hazardous chemicals.
“Yeah I can’t have a lot of sugar, Tim and I usually share,” Matthew replied as if it was nothing- perhaps this was what he always did? Gilbert watched as Matthew seemed to be entranced in stirring his newly divided drink more than actually sipping it.
“Mattie used to puke all over..” The other twin seemed to indulge in embarrassing Matthew, and Gilbert only stopped from changing conversation due to the beautiful blush that had graced the Canadian's face, too pretty to prevent. Tim, on the other hand, seemed to nod in tandem with Alfred’s loud stories, as if confirming every cringe moment they recalled. I wonder how long they’ve known each other...
“...and then we had gotten up this huge ass slope and BOOM Matthew just-”
“Al. It’s near 9 pm.” Alfred's excitement halted for a second, before breaking out into a wide grin, and before a flash of over-eagerness came out in front of the van-de-bergs and the Beilschmidt Alfred faked an awfully obvious fake cough, quickly getting up and scrambling out the booth- hand pattingMatthew’s hair (why did people always touch his hair??)-
“S H I T. The car...I can't go... unless you’re ready to go Matt?” He can hear the whining tone ready to come out in Alfred’s quick downturn, Matthew was about to get up before Laura offered to take Al home, “Luca needs to get to bed too, he’s got an exam tomorrow- we can drop Alfie off on the way, the campus is really close! Besides, I know Tim and Matthew have plans tonight.” Tim choked up, his turn to awkwardly cough at the unintended insinuation his sister had thrown out (he says unintended but her eyes glistened with mischief- fuck laura sometimes) Alfred had only looked puzzled whereas Gilbert's eyes were darting back and forth between Matt and Tim.
“Perfect dudes, Mattie please stay safe and Tim.. watch Beilschmidt too..” he squinted and Gil just huffed and stuck his tongue out in playful annoyance at the American. Matthew sunk further into the booth, trying to ignore his brother's weird attempts at being a caring brother.
“Tell Kiku I said hi then and don’t forget to call-”
“Yeah yeah call dad or he’ll kill us- I got it I’ll see you later bro!” one last brotherly pat and Alfred had hightailed it out, two-thirds of the van de berg siblings following him behind, thus leaving the unlikely trio alone. Gilbert couldn’t make sense of it, but it seemed as if Matthew and Tim were telepathically communicating as it had been 3 minutes since the others had left and yet no one spoke a word.
“Soo….uh- you two dating or-”
“Nope.” Matthew blurted out, “we aren’t dating. At all.” clearly a question they get asked often huh? Gilbert’s eyes wandered ad his hands cradled his very watery soda in distraction. Tim’s smoke had finished before a word was uttered. Matthew hoped inside that this was a chance to hint towards his very open singleness-
“Look, I’d like to uh..invite you to our thing later but it’s a closed event.” Tim had jutted forward and was staring Gilbert’s red jewel eyes directly. Had it not been for Matthew sitting next to him fiddling with his straw and humming to himself he would have asked Tim what his problem was. Totally Un-Awesome.
“Rigggght. No, totally get it- I’ve got work anyway tomorrow.” He paused before turning to Matthew. “Just make sure we get time to work on our project alright? I think I should go home too.” Gilbert sighed, feeling a little left out but understood that perhaps he was overstepping into Matthew’s life too much- they barely  knew each other.  Gilbert got up and stalked out of the dingy diner and towards his bike(God, its perfect time for a drive right now)
He left. Left without noticing Matthew’s soft smile melt into a bothered frown as the hoodied boy watched him leave as if someone had kicked him the gut.
“You didn’t have to sound so harsh.”
“Well, you know we can’t just bring an outsider.”
“I know but- ...Gil is alright. He’s nice.”
“You think everyone is nice Matthew.”
Another cigarette was lit as Matthew watched those silver strands of hair disappear disappointingly on what looked to be a motorbike through the window. It doesn’t hurt to be nice all the time, Matthew thought to himself, his milkshake unpleasantly lukewarm in his grip.
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Gen 4 Ideas
Junie B Jones: Alright so golden boy lucked out in all the ways the others didn't, is he a dick with it or a good egg? Embert: In my head, he's always been not a dick about it but obviously in relating to his sibs/fam, there's only so much he could do when Indie's resentment is already real so maybe her kids wouldn't fuck with him by the side of the story they've been told? Junie B Jones: ooh that's a good idea Embert: Astrid would've been mad as a kid but now they could be pretty close, obvs there's still the age gap and obvious reasons why not besties but I think they'd get on Junie B Jones: Yeah I vibe that she'd love him and like wanna look after him even though it'd lowkey be him looking after her more Embert: Exactly Embert: his mum, in my head is about early- mid 30s to Drew's 47 when he's born, as you say not much older than Indie but not like a bimbo 20 something and she's always been really mothering, like everything Ro ain't tbh so Callum is probably spoilt by her but not in a financial way like some but with love Junie B Jones: Indie would not fuck with her obvs but Astrid would so that adds to their closeness Embert: Exactly, like its too late for Indie literally she's having her own kids at the same time so she doesn't need a mum now and I reckon the woman would respect that, she's a good egg, like she knows Drew has been shit and ain't gonna make apologies for it, ahem, Ro, ahem Junie B Jones: I like the sound of her tbh soz we killing your son Embert: Maybe she should have kids from a previous? Because if he's her only son like I'm so sorry lol Junie B Jones: Yasss I love that because more interactions we can do Junie B Jones: [potentially one of Indie's sons get with I assume they are straight? Callum's half sisters even if it's not like a lasting ship should defs happen] Embert: Perhaps this mum goes for like bad eggs so this sister was old enough to remember like however many partners before Drew so then when she gets with him and he's clearly him she's like nah and makes his life difficult 'cos don't wanna do it again Embert: [If she's 5/6 when Callum that makes her 7/8 years older than Dash] Junie B Jones: [early 20s sudden death situ] Junie B Jones: he should have a boyfriend/girlfriend whatever when he dies who's also lowkey part of the fam cos then it's awks like do I stay or go Embert: ooh that's a good idea Embert: he's probably straight but maybe we could do bi so he's a less annoying example of a gay than most we've done whoops Junie B Jones: a mood Embert: so a girlfriend who is really close to his fam Junie B Jones: and really pretty damn Embert: he probably has a job I think, I can't see him being super academic Embert: maybe something like an estate agent or in a bank, a job where you show up and wear a suit Junie B Jones: his girlfriend could work there too cos that couple Junie B Jones: so when he dies she's not gonna wanna go back there either Embert: what fun Embert: but real Embert: they're just pretty and living their best life but in a chill way Junie B Jones: we all know the vibe Embert: Cosmo, same age as Callum, Indie's 1st Embert: so in my head the dad always plays football with them both and without intending to be pushy, does push him into that field, clearly Dash weren't as good/arsed whatever so it kinda all ends up on him because say he does get into an academy/on a junior team Embert: so then that becomes his life, training and matches and all that intenseness that comes with Embert: not to mention lad lifestyle, getting with WAG type girls, always going out partying, you know the vibe Junie B Jones: whereas Dash be like nah this ain't fun anymore I'm out Junie B Jones: cos I don't think he sticks with anything Embert: what if, their dad gets injured Embert: or tbh, is too lowkey old 'cos they put them out to pasture real quick Embert: I think by the time they're 19/17 when we start it, he'd already be too old to be a professional himself, so he could be a coach, hence he'd be even more pushy 'cos he could be on a professional team by now, they're ridiculously young like Junie B Jones: yeah it's usually like 30s at the latest isn't it unless you're like famous af which we ain't going that hard Embert: exactly, so without intending to its like, take on your dad's legacy Embert: 'cos in my mind he isn't naturally inclined to be like a ladladlad and is just doing it to be the full-package Junie B Jones: poor boy, again we all know the vibe Embert: 21st bday breakdown Embert: I think the zoe kravitz girl should still exist in some way, obviously not the way before Embert: because she's so anti-wag and clearly what he's actually into Junie B Jones: we could stay that Dash fucked her and that's how they cross paths if we want Junie B Jones: but he's clearly not interested and they are into each other Embert: it has potential to be different from other ships we've done 'cos he'd be tryna keep her on the dl which is shady but not just being an out and out dick Embert: like, I like you but no one can know don't ask why Junie B Jones: I agree, it'd be really interesting Embert: 'cos from her POV, casual headfuck Embert: used to boys being like Dash and just being like bye but not like showing you they like you then blanking you Junie B Jones: exactly dr phil I'm invested already tbh Junie B Jones: I also imagine Dash hanging at the commune so there's potential for lots of different dynamics there and he could be there when the fire too if we want/need but obvs not hurt or anything Junie B Jones: I'm also lowkey debating having Jules from Euphoria as one of his many love interests cos like her face and we've never done trans but it'd be a good way without it being someone's whole identity Embert: OH Embert: this is a tangent based on that thought which I also feel btw Embert: but Astrid's face is like bffs with the Kat face from Euphoria irl, so I'm thinking what if that's her gf and she's the one with an eating disorder, bulimia vibes, and then 'cos Astrid is her she's like okay you must be right Imma support you in this and accidentally enables her/joins in too Junie B Jones: YAAS I WAS GONNA SAY I WANNA USE HER FACE TOO BECAUSE SHE'S BEAUTIFUL BUT I DIDN'T KNOW WHERE/HOW Junie B Jones: this makes so much sense Embert: exactly, with Ro as a mum she wouldn't even question it, like oh yeah I guess you are fat you probably should, even though she'd think she's so pretty and perfect Junie B Jones: Boo you are so smart Embert: also, when we killing Ro, by this point she's like 54 Embert: okay, so Ro is 34/35 when Astrid is born so if we kill her off when she's 9 that would make Ro 43, so 2044, so when we're doing Astrid's story at 19, its about 10 years ago Junie B Jones: I like that cos it's not raw for these characters Junie B Jones: we're actually gonna let you recover though ladies, fuck you ghost Ro Embert: Seriously, like I don't want it to be full-blown its more of a deep insecurity thing but one she can get past Junie B Jones: 100% feel that Junie B Jones: [so yeah like I said just gonna write this down so we don't forget the Jules girl lives at the commune and probably has done for quite a few years by the time the fire happens so then she's got nowhere to go and goes to stay with Dash cos step up for someone dickhead and they are either otp or brotp to be decided] Junie B Jones: because I think he wouldn't be as supportive as he should be to Cosmo's whole breakdown in the sort of ableist vein of oh well you overreacted Embert: it fits, 'cos in my head its a very Nick and Matty vibe where they don't acknowledge each other Embert: like the whole 'how is that your brother' moment from his footie friends and being like yeah I know Junie B Jones: same tbh cos Dash's friends would be like damn your bro is uptight Embert: exactly so they aren't close anyway Junie B Jones: and never are [evil laugh] Embert: soz Indie Junie B Jones: not your fault babe they are just too different it happens Embert: although part of the breakdown is obvious resentment that he's just allowed to be a fuckup and he feels like he has to do all this shit and be perfect so Embert: that kinda does need to be acknowledged if we're going recovery Junie B Jones: family therapy time Embert: 'cos like if Dash just continues to be him and shit it'll come to brawl even if he has to stop being this footballer moment and do what he wants, its still about how its all come down on him, you know Junie B Jones: they totally should have a fight cos what a moment Embert: yeah, like it either fixes or breaks totally, I don't think they can just be meh Junie B Jones: agreed Junie B Jones: maybe we could do like a Joe mood of him distancing himself from the whole fam but then ultimately a more healthy resolution for everyone Embert: We could work that Junie B Jones: and obvs him ultimately getting with his gf and figuring out what he wants to do with his life and all that jazz Embert: exactly dr phil Junie B Jones: and Dash can work out what he cares about whatever the hell that turns out to be Embert: Jac is born 48, (year after Callum and Cosmo and same year as Ollie's girl, Mila) Jude is 49, as is Lily's 1st boy Adi and dash, Jameson is 51, same year as Lily's girl Priya, a year after Ollie's boy Ash, Iggy's 1st Arlo, Diego's kid Tayo and Bobby's teen pregnancy girl Cammie Embert: My characters, Callum, Cosmo, Mila, Jac, Adi, Jameson Embert: My boos, Dash, Jude, Priya, Ash, Arlo, Tayo & Cammie Embert: Potentials, Jac, Jameson and Cammie, would've been raised together, essentially Embert: Jimmy is a photographer for advertising, Bobby a graphic designer for same and Janis as a massage therapist moment Embert: Cammie has 2 younger brothers born 60 and 62 so they exist but we aren't playing Junie B Jones: lots of dogs please Embert: all the dogs lmao Embert: so my initial vibe for Jac is that she's like JJ in the sense she's quite grumpy and anti-social 'cos it suits her face but also with a more shy but not shy if you know what I mean vibe, 'cos they're both quite self-assured and I don't see that for her, I potentially see Jude having that element though? Junie B Jones: I agree, like I don't wanna shamelessly Miley but I defs see her as being that self assured kid Embert: the most out of anyway Embert: Jameson should be their nerdy side because the Cammie face has a very Cara silly side when you peep her socials so that could be those two Junie B Jones: Cute cos he looks like such a bad boy but he's actually a babe Embert: I know we said this for Adonis so either need to change it to him or not go as hard but what if he gets a gf that's like really jealous and doesn't let him hang with Cammie 'cos she's a girl even though they're like siblings and have been besties long before you came Embert: and like she could try and change his personality like be really unimpressed and like 'you're embarrassing me' if he tries to be a cute nerd Junie B Jones: I love that because always such a thing like boys and girls can't be friends like bitch we're related calm down we're not incesting again Junie B Jones: like she thought he was such a badass or whatever soz hun Embert: yeah like the mood of, you're fit so i'll just make you what I want you to be Embert: and she could be a real cunt to Cammie in sly bitchy ways 'cos clearly the mood and that's a throwback to how Mia and co treated Janis without us like putting this fam through too much trauma, you know? Embert: esp if Cammie is less like Janis and Cass in a way she's not like, fuck you, I'll just deck you Junie B Jones: I fuck with this heavily Embert: and obviously, it can be resolved in the end, he can get rid and they can be friends again, so I feel its a good level of angst and drama for them both, 'cos it is serious but not like, well there's nothing to be done, vibes Junie B Jones: and we can potentially ramp up the angst when things are at their worst cos maybe Cammie's mum gets a new job and she's like come live with me in wherever (not far but like far enough she would've been like no cos close to them all and not wanting to change schools) but she's like maybe I shall but then of course won't cos it's like the peppa pig when her mum don't get the job and gets mugged off Junie B Jones: but they all think she's going and it's like noooo Embert: are Bobby and this mum still together, like is she the boys mum too? Embert: but yes, I fuck with that Junie B Jones: In my head they would've been together for ages so it depends how far back we go into their childhood/teens but maybe she isn't the mum to the boys Embert: Okay just so we know Junie B Jones: but they always on good terms we don't need that drama again Embert: yeah I feel you, and she's chill with the boys mum, 'cos she's only 10 when the first one is born so she's been around since then? Junie B Jones: Yeah exactly Junie B Jones: We can potentially give her more younger sibs on the mums side if we want but they'd also only be ref-ed Embert: defs plausible Junie B Jones: Like let's say they broke up when Cammie's like 7 so it's all chill on both sides Embert: I vibe Junie B Jones: she could totally spend half the week at her mum's house and half at her dad's but same school cos nearby so again no drama Embert: that makes sense like its all in the area 'til she wanna pull a suzy sheep Junie B Jones: hahaha yeah Embert: so that's a start for those two Junie B Jones: I really like that Junie B Jones: it's just what we wanna do with the girls Embert: I was thinking Embert: and I'm just speaking it out now Embert: we've done people being shunned out of their friendship group/being the bullied Embert: but what if we do someone being the sort of ringleader of the shunning Embert: I'm vibing like you know that story we listened to/all teen girl murder stories, like Jac has a friend that she's really too close with (Grace and Mia vibes) and we show them like ditching a third Embert: maybe something happens, not murder but like you know, an action serious enough that she's like I need to sort my shit/we can redeem in the end Embert: but she's the Mia, not the Grace, you feel me, like its her pushing it Junie B Jones: Oh snap I never even thought of that but we haven't actually that's such a good point even if Janis would be so triggered by the ghost of Mia lol Junie B Jones: Like yeah there could totally be some kind of accident like how baby Ali and Ro but she's not a child Junie B Jones: I also like it cos Jude is the louder one so you'd think it'd be her but it's the quiet ones you've gotta watch Junie B Jones: and it's a nice contrast to how Cammie and Jameson are literally being bullied so Junie B Jones: maybe we should have jude as like more of a background character then? cos don't want too much drama in one fam unless it's as big as Cali's Embert: Yeah she can be more chill, like a Tommy vibe, like we use her but only when we need lowkey Junie B Jones: Yeah like obvs I'll still try and flesh her out into a character and who knows what could happen like we could think of a cool ship or whatever but Junie B Jones: it makes sense as of now Embert: agreed Embert: like obvs this twosome vibe has a lesbian one 'cos always do but I maintain she shouldn't ever like get with her it should just be friends that are too obsessed with each other, regardless of what's behind it Embert: like maybe the other girl is closeted or whatever but it ain't happening lol Junie B Jones: I agree she gives me straight vibes Embert: plus it would be easy to make her gay 'cos everyone does ala Lily Junie B Jones: not doing it on principle Junie B Jones: they all seem straight to me in this group Embert: I think so Embert: 'cos like you said, you don't wanna make Miley Junie B Jones: it would be so easy to make her a musician but I must not Junie B Jones: I might make her a tattoo artist though professionally cos Ali and Iggy both dabbled but it was never a thing Embert: That's a good idea, she fits that well Embert: okay so my random idea, which we could attach to anyone really but let's see who we vibe Embert: we did a teacher crush, what if we did a crush on a friend's parent Embert: so Arlo having a crush on a commune mum and thinking he can go there 'cos why not and then the shitstorm that can ensue from that Junie B Jones: such a good idea Junie B Jones: like maybe his friend is a girl so peeps be like aw he likes you he's trying to get your mum on side Embert: yas again, always a thing like maybe he's just lowkey using you soz babe Junie B Jones: and maybe the friend actually fancies him secretly even though they 'just friends' so it's awks af Embert: yeah and if Barley's boyf is with this fam and they leave Embert: she could be the one (or one of the ones) like I said that wants to be normal and already hates living here so its like well you took the one thing Embert: 'cos we said dating within the commune for the kids wouldn't be encouraged obvs 'cos one big family, so the fact she was was already like no no missy Embert: then we said about her not acknowledging the other mum/the two kids that are from that woman as family and just generally fucking with your hippie paradise 'cos its coming to and end lads Junie B Jones: 10000% and she could still be sneaky seeing him long distance behind their backs/ get back with him after the fire when they have to leave themselves/both if long distance is too hard Embert: I vibe with this 'voice of reason' character for you Embert: like no wonder he fucked up you can't give us 'no rules' but then have all these unspoken ones that contradict how you wanna live like, loads of this hippie bullshit is so hypocritical read 'em tbh Junie B Jones: it makes sense cos Arlo as the oldest buys in totally and then the two kids she don't fuck with come after her in quick succession so it's logical Embert: exactly, and then Shea is her biological sister and the baby so she don't know nothing about nothing Junie B Jones: Okay so Echo is like a Naomi vibe v passionate and studious and does not fuck with commune life etc Junie B Jones: wants to be some kind of researcher/ lecturer kind of vibe in like philosophy but a nihilist not hippie bullshit Junie B Jones: Arlo and Dash should be friends I say even though I play them both but just acknowledged Embert: I thought the same Embert: Dash would probs encourage him with this crush lbr like thanks Junie B Jones: I was just gonna say that cos he's always getting with older girls and generally being a hoe Embert: Exactly Embert: right, so circling back a lil, we can do Cass' Embert: what do you reckon her relationship status is and her career Junie B Jones: her career should be like we said she's set up a charity organisation to look for missing people Junie B Jones: she should still be with her man cos everyone's breaking up looking at you bobert Junie B Jones: maybe their marriage is lowkey a bit dead though and its a stay together til the kids move out mood cos we've never Embert: I vibe, 'cos casually triggering Jimmy but not in an OTT way just like well that's sad Junie B Jones: yeah like neither of them would cheat or be violent or any of that Ian shit but they obvs not in love anymore Embert: its a good way to do it 'cos idc what you say the kids always know and obvs we're unlikely to ever do that in a ship 'cos if they make it to adulthood they're OTP and teens don't stick together just 'cos like lol Junie B Jones: exactly my thought and like she would wanna hold it together and think that she was doing it well cos of Ian like Embert: exactly like it is sad but when that's your standard you would think you were slaying it Embert: like the positive she can see with JJ she might just think that's one-off and she can't have that 'cos obvs around the time she has the boys, Bobby's first has fallen apart Junie B Jones: and because JJ are such a good couple you wouldn't wanna be like my relationship has failed bye Embert: samesies babe lol Junie B Jones: ooh and maybe they aren't married so if one of them leaves the other gets fuck all Embert: which assumedly, is her because as much as you do get salary for charity work, if its a smaller one, she wouldn't be bringing in the bulk so the mortgage could be in his name Embert: so she'd be in the position of moving out into a one bed flat, two if she was lucky so the boys could at least come see her, it happens that way a lot Junie B Jones: precisely what I was thinking Junie B Jones: it's sad but real Embert: idea though, although this is suddenly just becoming about Cass not her kids lmao, what if her lil boyfriend from back in the day was Tylers face and then they can reconnect later but its actually a positive and not drow Junie B Jones: He was and they should cos I'm screaming Embert: again, he can bring kids into the mix for faces and stories should we wanna Embert: but it'd be a nice way to take a situ that is sad and shit for her, and for her boys to see, and then have a happy but realistic ending like yeah you do need to leave your man but you can be happy and it'll be alright Junie B Jones: I love it Embert: Alex having anger issues like Cass did and also due to the home situ as mentioned, Max, as the older brother trying to hold it down in a very Jimothy way and not causing more trouble as he sees it Embert: Alex ending up in young offenders but actually turning it around/ending up okay too Junie B Jones: and there's potential for characters he could interact with when he's in there, before and after Junie B Jones: like remember on DG when Electra was in that gang and then the bitch came back around like Embert: yes I do FAT mood Embert: also Max should get help too 'cos it ain't just the one that causes trouble that needs it and its nice full circle for that fam to have that Embert: but my idea, could be related to Alex but I think is big enough we could give this to another character entirely Embert: you remember on this is england when combo turned it around and he saved lol and he was working with the young people and making a difference but then milky set his fam on him for what he did to him when he was a racist and was like you have to pay and he was like okay Embert: what if something like that happened like, Alex DID hurt someone, or like I said, another character did, and did do something bad Embert: but then turned it around but sometimes you do for yourself but you still have to pay and the person you wronged could call that at any moment and you just being good now isn't good enough for them Junie B Jones: OKAY YES because what if another character is doing that shit with Alex but don't get caught and so they carry on and escalate and yeah they do hurt someone and yeah it's like that Embert: what about Israel 'cos he's the same age Embert: and it can be another sins of the father moment, 'cos Pablo is a dick especially to women like he's 34 when he has his one child 'cos he's still being a fuckboy very Drew Embert: so he is not a good role model in anyway Junie B Jones: and like we said that'd make sense like if he started out stealing and shit because Pablo's debts and being bankrupt but he wants nice things like it all ties in he has his own motivations Embert: right, fully Embert: maybe he ends up doing something to a girl, like something Pablo would never but shows how your kids see you isn't how you see yourself if you often show a bad side of you to the world Embert: 'cos then the girls family/friends/boyfriend anything could come for him and its like, fair Junie B Jones: OMG THO that's so legit Embert: 'cos we said an assault moment 'cos that's something that's indefensible Embert: like stealing and drugs and what have you, its scummy but you see why, like we all get why Tess has to deal etc Junie B Jones: we have to Embert: so if we want a family death, that could be one, again, leaves you conflicted Embert: 'cos no one obvs wants him to die but then he did do a bad thing so you can't blame her family fully Junie B Jones: yeah instead of killing of fam in the fire we could kill him instead that's so much more interesting Embert: *** in said commune fire, Dash gets burnt, severely, face/neck area, and changes his life 'cos people change around you, you can't rely on your looks and you aren't gonna just sit around and get stoned when you nearly die, Jules can and will still fuck with him Embert: Zelda having Crohns or UC and having a stoma and meeting someone brotp or otp at a support group/hospital moment, dealing with people being shady/saying you aren't disabled etc all those fun times and then the person dying and losing that understanding you only get from someone who also has the thing you have Embert: ALSO I've had another idea whilst we're just spitballing Junie B Jones: Me too because we mentioned Tayo and like yeah I've said about K-stew being a carer to her mum but we could do some of that too in a different way like maybe unlike her he really doesn't wanna be/is scared of having to cope alone with his mum's fits and shit like Embert: I'm so about that Embert: 'cos so many kids have to and its really hard and thankless, so he 100% needs a confidant whether its within the fam or a friend or OTP moment Junie B Jones: like maybe he doesn't ever wanna be alone with her now in case and it's like putting a strain on their whole relationship obvs Embert: 'cos Diego has his own things like he gotta work etc he's not like a replacement carer Junie B Jones: yeah like he'd do a lot of course but he also works a lot Embert: so Adi because his mum also has a disability like it isn't the same but he'd get it enough to not be totally clueless and annoying Junie B Jones: yeah and they can have fun together it'd be cute Embert: Wid it Embert: so my idea, completely unrelated but I was thinking we need to give someone an addiction issue but someone who gets over it and is within the fam 'cos like Joe and Ronnie do but you know they're still like, fucked and not here lowkey so Embert: I was like hmm who can I and then I was like, it NEEDS to be a ruster child Embert: because its canon that Fraze drinks too much and doesn't address it and Buster is v similar Embert: so yeah genetic and also if it was drink, they'd not take it serious just like oh slow down a bit but you're fine but then it affects the kid in the ways it didn't affect them like not functioning and not going to work etc so they have to take it serious Embert: also think it should be one of the girls 'cos double standard of being like a lad Embert: is going to be Sekhmet, okay Junie B Jones: because the twins and their younger sister could all be lowkey party girls because rich so they'd all have to deal with the change in their social lives and behaviour Junie B Jones: since she'd need to not drink ever again let's assume Junie B Jones: we know the whole fam is about that party and entertaining life Embert: exactly so like, they're all gonna be put out like really, just don't go as hard and ruin it for yourself and us Embert: hence it can get to a problematic stage like they just think she's being a typical teen/20-something 'cos it is socially acceptable to binge and be a mess like ok Embert: my vibe is she's in uni but also has an internship that she royally fucks up 'cos she can't get in on time and then maybe there's like a work dinner like on can't cope won't cope and she is wrecked and embarrasses herself and the boss is like goodbye 'cos no one fails in this fam its not an option and if you do its all on you so Junie B Jones: and maybe one of her sister's is a DJ cos literally a lifestyle and they'll have to be like excuse me while I go straight edge to support my sister Embert: I can see that for her twin Embert: my idea for her is fashion but actually designing and buying and the business side of it, not like, imma just model 'cos I'm pretty, no shade Junie B Jones: Yeah the aesthetic feels real for both of those tbh Junie B Jones: Their sister is a holiday rep so loads of travel loads of club promo etc Embert: Jay is a PT, mommy issues for commitment etc, travels a lot, ultimately will get over commitment phobia; is 6 when Chloe admits Buster is her dad (as Ruster was outed around the time she was born, Chloe denied it and went with James, James goes uni and finds someone else so that being over etc can prompt her to change her mind) and allows access, at 11, moves in with Ruster for good (Chloe has new man and babies what have you so allows it without argument which also fucks her up duh) Saint is 8, King is 6, Venus is 5, Adonis is 4, the twins are 2 and Nefertari is 1 Embert: so when all the Venus drama is unfolding, surprise you have a child too Buster lol, Saint is 3, King is 1, Venus is baby Embert: so Saint Embert: firstborn son, their first child too which is relevant 'cos both Jay and Venus would get doubly spoiled either side of him for not being Embert: so then he'd probably get spoiled too 'cos just a mess of a time really Embert: like he can't not be a bit of a prick really 'cos he can do no wrong and no offense to the other two boys but he's the most masc and conventionally 'perfect' so that's obvs going to your head too Embert: okay so mood, Leilani is 15 when her mum (works with Grace, close) dies in 2053 and Grace, 30, takes her in so she doesn't have to do a care moment or be homeless and struggling alone Embert: is friends with Stevie from joining this fam, can also know Janis' kids before this even but is 6/7/8 years older than them so knows them more in a protective capacity than a friend vibe Embert: comes in Saint who is 3 years older, thinks he's god's gift, tries to sleep with her just 'cos lbr and when he gets a no his world is shooketh 'cos no one tells him no for all the reasons Embert: can end up friends when he's humbled etc Junie B Jones: oh but maybe King is little and really fierce like 🥊 Junie B Jones: don't be underestimating him so hard dickheads Junie B Jones: he should be the angry one lol Embert: you would be if people treated you like that so I buy it Junie B Jones: all of y'all stop being extra and let him live Embert: and no one takes your anger seriously if you can't do anything about it so again, real Junie B Jones: so rude Embert: Next up is Venus good lord Junie B Jones: we know what the story is, her dad only cares when she's little and cute and lives in Paris anyway pretending he's still in his 20s forever instead of a grown ass man Junie B Jones: would obvs be proud when she's gay though even though can't relate to anything about the female form cos that kind of gay Junie B Jones: like Saint she thinks she's gods gift but unlike him how are we backing that up hun cos unlike him you aren't talented at anything you're just pretentious Junie B Jones: like okay you're beautiful but JESUS you know it and can't take any criticism again like Saint but you're never getting humbled Junie B Jones: instead you're getting a gf who looks like you and probably a fine arts degree pop off sis Junie B Jones: only wanna be part of the fam when it suits you which is when you're getting spoilt Embert: but I think we don't have to redeem her 'cos like, its not a fixable situ so you just get to be a shit person 'cos you got fucked over and that is everyone's bad Embert: like they can't take it back, even though you could also blame your father 'cos he's more at fault than anyone else 'cos he should've never but you do you girl Junie B Jones: yeah and not everyone gets redeemed even when they can be so it's real Embert: that said, I think she should have a teen gf that looks like her as we said but then she realizes she can't hack any situ where she potentially might not be the 'prettiest' so she then only dates butches Embert: or androgenous artsy types but no femmes Junie B Jones: I feel that for her Embert: like she literally should be in love with this girl as much as she's capable but dump her 'cos clearly your insecurities are so deep-rooted Embert: then just be with people you lowkey don't even fancy Embert: 'cos then we could play that out, the girl just like what the fuck Junie B Jones: oh honey Embert: we all know hoes that sabotage themselves always and then blame the world Embert: which starts by picking to be on her dad's 'side' even though everyone can see he's most at fault, even you Junie B Jones: bitch #past me I am triggered by this Embert: like a lot of her stuff I feel like we just know at this point so it might not be all here 'cos its well developed within gen 3 Embert: we know that her and Jay just would not get on, mainly 'cos they aren't alike but do you wanna come at it from her POV and then I will Venus' Junie B Jones: I think the way she sees it is like she is so team ruster like she'd refer to Rio as her mum and shit cos Chloe is not the one and so she would not fuck with how Venus treats the fam and doesn't wanna be part of it but is still happy to benefit from it Junie B Jones: And how quick she is to call peeps racist or fatphobic or whatever else would not ever help the situ of course like bitch I'm trying to talk to you Junie B Jones: But also there's some similarities whether they acknowledge them or not in them both not being able to hack relationships that makes it interesting as another reason to avoid talking to/ acknowledging each other seriously Junie B Jones: like she'd so pretend Chloe doesn't exist if someone mentioned her mum she'd be all oh you mean Rio lol lol lol Embert: 100000% all of that Embert: also another reason you cannot fuck with each other, casually never shutting up about your dad Embert: okay, so from her POV I vibe it that as a kid she literally just wanted all the attention and 'til the twins which is when she's 3 so (literally so petty you can't remember) its like I should've been the only girl and you came and took my attention lmao Junie B Jones: Oh god she'd be such an annoying child though Embert: then as they get older and she doesn't want to be part of the fam she'd think its unfair (as if Jay can help it lol) that Jay is obviously not Rio's 'cos she's white whereas she fits Embert: its the anti-Edie of it all Embert: like I fit and I wish I didn't Embert: basically she doesn't wanna be here but she's not a runaway type or willing to not live lavish so she ain't leaving Embert: she needs her dad to take her in but he's said no so like, you'll have to make it happen yourself but how Junie B Jones: sad but true Embert: and you can only feel so bad 'cos she whines like she's dying in all situations but like Embert: it ain't that bad and there's plenty you could do about your situation so Junie B Jones: Grace of this gen I've said it before baby Embert: oh honey Embert: makes you barren to humble is not an option 'cos you wouldn't want kids Embert: the tea of it all like you wanna live like your dad but he had a kid and shouldn't be so pick a better role model tah Junie B Jones: literally this fam is so big you're surrounded by potential worthwhile role models girl Embert: honestly she'll never be satisfied she's that hoe in a very Ro way like my god do something about it but she won't Embert: casually making it your life's work to make everything harder than it needs to just be miserable because something happened to you when you were a baby (again, so Ro) that you couldn't control Junie B Jones: all y'all frustrate me like I wasn't that bitch #tea Embert: loads of peeps are never happy though or are but then lose it so or fuck it up, we gave Ro a kid as a chance and I think Venus should actually love this girl/ she should be good for her in a way that makes her feel #seen hence she has to end it too Junie B Jones: agreed and she never gets her back because sometimes you don't and you can't Embert: mhmm mhmm mhmm Embert: I don't think we need to go as in-depth on any of the other sibs, like Saint would probably tolerate her the best, as mentioned she'd patronize King 'cos just that bitch without it being intentional 'cos self-absorbed, Adonis would do his best to ignore her and she wouldn't fuck with any of the girls 'cos she can't with girls so Junie B Jones: agreed on the legitness of all that Junie B Jones: Oh maybe Xander could be a hypochondriac because his sister is actually ill all the time like remember on skins when Liv thought she was dying Junie B Jones: obvious idea but I'm drawing a blank otherwise like Junie B Jones: also have we ever done online dating? Junie B Jones: because my thought is maybe he's lowkey catfishing someone pretending to be like a badass when obvs not Junie B Jones: like maybe he catfishes loads of peeps as if it's a hobby Junie B Jones: but then someone could find him out Embert: that's a really good idea 'cos we haven't Junie B Jones: like potential for otp/brotp to come from that even in a slow burn way Junie B Jones: if they end up liking who he actually is or whatever Junie B Jones: despite everything that's happened Junie B Jones: oh snap what if he's using pics of one of the other boy characters and whoever he's catfishing finds that person's socials or whatever and are talking to them thinking they are a thing and the person be like um Embert: omg yes Junie B Jones: Jameson was my immediate thought cos badass look and you play him but could be Ollie's boy cos also or whoever else Junie B Jones: cos they don't need to be a you character necessarily could just refer like Embert: that ties in well though 'cos his jealous girlfriend Embert: make it a huge thing so then Xander kinda has to shame himself like that was me 'cos feels bad that he's now getting accused of cheating even though it'd be a blessing to be out of that relationship Junie B Jones: ooh true that'd be good Embert: and the other person/the catfished could have like found his socials and seen he was in a relationship/know 'cos his highkey gf and be like calling him out so less embarrassing on their end 'cos bad enough they're being catfished as is Junie B Jones: that's a really good idea Junie B Jones: even with the age gap between Xander and him I still think we can make it work cos adds to the catfish of it all Junie B Jones: even if we can't then get him with the catfished person we can always do that he's himself online in the future and blah Embert: yah Embert: wid it Embert: so Stevie Embert: Billie is 17 when she has you with another male model in NYC, you live your life with Nancy too so factor that in Embert: moving back to Dublin when you're 10 and like, maybe the dad and her have phonecalls but like, he doesn't make an appropriate amount of effort like Junie B Jones: visit her you dick Embert: and we've said that Billie as a mum is like not the best 'cos Edie only died like 3 years ago when this and she left 'cos not coping so its not like NYC fixed her or anything Embert: she'd take care of her but she'd be distant 'cos giving a shit too much fucked her up so Junie B Jones: sad but true soz Stevie babe Embert: we also said before she'd like take her to work and shenanigans that someone like Venus would think is so cool but she does not 'cos it would actually be so boring if that was your life and you had to Junie B Jones: and on any shoot there's so much sitting around even if you're the person doing it never mind for her Embert: exactly, like in my head they make a ThingTM of them being like a model couple with a model ass child but as soon as she's old enough to have say she's like well I don't wanna do it thanks Junie B Jones: a mood Embert: so my vibe when they go back to Dublin is Billie has to face up to what she's not for the last what, 13 years Embert: so she'd lowkey be a bit of a wreck no offense so I feel like someone else needs to take care of her but I'm like Embert: do we make Nancy come back for a bit like the #lifepartner she is or do we say someone else does lol Junie B Jones: we could because it'd be less traumatic for Stevie or we could make someone in the fam and make it more awks for her Embert: I don't know which way I prefer it lol, also from a Nancy POV Embert: like should you come back or are you good you know Embert: hmm Junie B Jones: yeah I'm not sure what I fuck with more, who would be able to if not her cos that might help us decide Embert: so it would be 48, let us see Embert: Ruster have all their kids, including Jay Embert: hokay so Embert: maybe we bring Nancy back but she's like ehh about it like obviously she can work from wherever anyway but she's dedicating to some time she can't really travel whilst Billie sorts herself so she could be talking to Junie about it 'cos can vent without sounding like a bitch and he's like I'll come help and then she can help him get back in touch with the family properly 'cos low-key avoiding everyone else still and Venus is the same age as Stevie so if this is happening when she's like 10, Junior could actually talk to her and explain what happened from his perspective and answer questions best he can Embert: and like she can pretend it never happened when she's older but it did, like not saying it has to be good enough for you but he did try Junie B Jones: that makes my heart happy cos he's so young still don't be in exile forever boy Embert: and like Nancy can spend the time with all the Ruster kids too and reconnect more herself Embert: like they can both go back 'cos Billie won't be like totally incapable forever but they can both put in the time and feel better about it Junie B Jones: Okay so then she's like 12 ish and back with her mum and shit is better but obvs her dad is still not showing up ever Embert: and you have an accent and a 'famous' (ish) mum and you've been in shoots with her and you're pretty and so to me a vibe of like, this is too much attention and I'm not about it seems real Embert: not even necessarily shy just like, everyone likes me for the wrong reasons vibe and I don't fuck with it Junie B Jones: that's very real Junie B Jones: so if we did do the opposite of Jay and Venus and like I gotta find someone to like me for the right reasons and give it my all I think that would make sense Embert: I see it Embert: and she isn't like woe is me about it 'cos that would be unbearable but she's also not faking it like I'M LOVING LIFE and bad shit has happened so Junie B Jones: Yeah exactly Junie B Jones: and like nobody could blame her for being 'too much' with said person if her mum and dad are both distant Embert: exactly and she'd probably need to have a fair few failed relationships 'cos people aren't about that for loads of reasons like you're too full on too quick, or people would be about that for the wrong, i.e. they sense it and use it against you so then you have to leave which she'd be bad at doing so, in that case, she should have a boyfriend/girlfriend who is equally fucked but in different ways and its just a disaster 'cos she won't be the one to end it Junie B Jones: I feel that, there's loads of potential for doomed relationships there Embert: like, it doesn't even have to be like they're abusive levels of bad, its just it doesn't work and they treat her like crap in a like, do something about it way and then she don't and they're like...why, lowkey what's wrong with you Embert: like it could end up being right but not through the relationship but just by being like, you gotta work on that Junie B Jones: 100% Embert: much like how Grace was with boys like lowkey just love me and I'll deal with whatever tbh Junie B Jones: maybe there's someone on the sidelines watching this like I wish you'd sort your shit cos ILY but we can't be a thingTM Embert: I'd vibe Junie B Jones: idk who or why but like who doesn't love pining from afar while someone fucks their life up Embert: so helpful whoever you are godbless Junie B Jones: honestly Junie B Jones: and they should get together like this man thinking he's gonna fix her and it's like guess what twat you can't Embert: and it takes someone actually wanting you and wanting to to be like hmm, I gotta fix myself 'cos this ain't it Junie B Jones: mhmmmm Embert: I think we can start Junie B Jones: we did it boo *Echo abortion storyline
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feenyreadscomics · 5 years
Rosaries, part 7
Ok, so Bucky and Matt are in plot absolutely traumatized and on the run, and Steve and Foggy are on the blondie support squad. Bucky and Matt are on the run, and Steve and Foggy are adjusting to life. For reference, CA:TWS was a few months ago. Stick is in this one, and I tried to make him as awful as possible.
Steve was doing patrols, trying to cover Hell's kitchen, now that he knew Daredevil would not be there anytime soon. He got a new, darker suit made by Tony and everything.
He had just stopped a mugging and was walking along rooftops across the street from Matt's apartment when he saw the guy. Old man, by the looks of it. Used the roof access and everything.
Heckin suspicious.
He crossed the street, trying to be as subtle as possible.
By the time he got there, and entered, all that was left was some cigarette smoke, and an ice cream cone wrapper.
Steve: So something weird just happened at your apartment. An old man broke in and he left an ice cream wrapper behind.
Matt: do me a favor
Matt: if you ever see him again, ignore him
Matt: dont talk to him
Matt: if he asks, you dont know me
Steve decided he was finally going to do it. He was going to talk to Fr. Lantom. One on one. He hadn't talked with Fr. Lantom since Matt started...fading. Fading from life was a good way of putting it. He called the priest, and made an appointment.
"Ah! It's good to see you, Steve. How are you doing?" Fr. Lantom asked.
"Father, I have, I guess, some concerns about one of my friends..."
"Such as?"
"I think he might be in trouble."
"Have you tried talking to him about it?"
"Not... really? He tried to kill me, than ran off to who knows where. I'm just hoping he's ok."
"Ah. Do you pray for him?" Steve nodded.
"Then that is all you can do."
"So, how are things going for you, Father?"
"Parish life is parish life. It's going well."
"Good to hear, father."
They chatted for the next hour or so, talking about Mass, differences from when Steve was a child, the things he missed.
Remembering was good.
Mike look irritated.
"Hey Jim, we got someone following us." Ah yes. That would be the source of the irritation.
"6 o'clock."
"Fun." Bucky casually turned around. "Doesn't look like Hydra. He's some old guy."
"Do you have a phone on you?"
"Splitting up and reconvening might be a good idea. I know this guy, he's stepping by for an unexpected visit."
"I'll call you by tomorrow."
"Sounds good." Bucky did plan on rejoining Mike. They had been on the road for a week or so, travelling together.
It was fantastic, not having to watch his back 24/7. Hydra would have him run solo missions, then freeze him. The last time he had a team, was...World War II. Then he had Steve, and the rest of the Howling Commandos. Pinky, Junior, Izzy.
It hadn't really hit him before, them being dead. But here he was, alive, and they were dead. Gone.
In one-two-three out one-two-three. He could do this.
Bucky took a hard left while Mike went right. Bucky found a bench to sit on. Mike talked to the old guy.
Huh. He had a stick like Mike's. Also blind. Interesting. Jim decided that until he got a name for the old guy, he'd be Mike's grandpa. He definitely looked old enough for it.
A bus drove across the road, breaking Bucky's line of sight with Mike and his grandpa. When the bus moved, they were gone.
Bucky got a phone call a few hours later.
"Meet me behind Roy's."
"Will do." Bucky googled Roy's, and started walking.
He found Mike in the dumpster behind Roy's.
"Shit, what happened to you?" Bucky asked.
"Got into a bit of a fight. Took a few hits."
"Fuck. Let's get you out of there." Bucky grabbed Mike's arms and dragged him out. Mike winced.
Bucky gently laid him down on the pavement. "Jim-its cracked-" Mike gritted his teeth- "ribs. They just gotta-" Mike sharply inhaled- "heal."
"Well, let's at least take care of those cuts. It cant be good that you were in a dumpster and bleeding."
"Wouldn't be the first." Matt grunted.
"And I thought I couldn't make good decisions to save my life." Bucky started rummaging around in Mike's bag. "Ah. Got it."
Bucky took out cotton balls and hydrogen peroxide, and began cleaning Mike's scrapes. He then fished put some bandages, and dressed the cuts. "All better."
"Ya know, we should probably get a mode of transit that isn't public."
"Like a car?"
"I was thinking motorcycle."
Mike snorted. "Mike on a bike. Sounds like something out of Dr. Seuss."
"I guess. Hey, can I ask you something?"
Mike sat up, wincing. He nodded.
"What was with the grandpa guy?"
"Just an old...friend."
"Mmmmhmmmm. Ah yes. Friend. I can tell you're full of shit."
"I'm not the only one here who is."
Bucky stared at him. Then he started laughing.
"Fair point, Mike, fair point."
"Now, are you going to help me up, or just stand there laughing until I get ran over?"
Bucky extended his (fleshy) hand to Mike, and helped him onto his feet.
"Let's find somewhere to spend the night."
They wind up taking shelter under a bridge, feasting on more granola bars and jerky Jim had on him.
Matt was pleasantly surprised. He often struggled to eat jerky, the meat being over seasoned, the plastic packaging leaving a faint residue. And that's not even getting into how long the meat is in the package.
It was still difficult to eat, but not impossible. It didn't make him gag, anyways. Which might as well be a ringing endorsement.
"You want to take first or second watch?" Jim asked.
"Second." Matt tucked into the sleeping bag, while Jim sat and stared into the night.
Later that night, they switched spots. Jim took off his prosthetic, and tucked in.
Matt was up, but tired. He had taken out some rope, thin and red, and started tying a rosary. It helped calm him, having something to focus on.
Stick showed up again. Maybe its because he got caught up in the rosary making, maybe he was slipping, maybe it's because Stick was just good at what he did.
"Come on, Matty. They still aren't down yet."
"No. I'm busy." Matt glared, standing up, muscles tense.
"With what? Protecting that pansy ass cripple? You really are dumber than I thought."
"Fuck off."
"Nah. You're coming with me." Jim's heartbeat changed. Shit. He's waking up. Matt can't have him meet Stick.
So Matt charges him, roundhouse, back kick, right hook, but the bastard dodges those with ease, smirk on his face, and oh no Jim is up, oh no-
"Come on, Matty, the sooner you can return to your soft life with pretty boy over there, no?" Stick laughed. "Or are you going to run from him too, run from him like you're doing to those other people, like, him, what's that fatass's name...Foggy? Or that brick blondie, what was it?" Matt managed to land a hit, square in Stick's jaw.
Stick kicked Matt. And that began a trading of blows, with Matt trying to keep Stick away from Jim. And...Jim got his prosthetic arm on. And walked right up to Stick. With a walk that screamed power. A walk that would strike fear into the hearts of men.
And he caught Stick's fist.
"Mike said no, leave him alone." Jim said, voice deepening, eyes boring holes in Stick's skull.
Stick laughed. "Have fun with your guard dog then," and he jumped, hoisting himself onto the bridge above.
Matt and Jim watched him go.
"What was that Matty bit about?"
"Childhood nickname. I'd rather not talk about it."
"Oookkkkaaaayyyy." Jim continued to stare where Stick had disappeared off to.
"We really should get a motorcycle," Jim said, breaking the silence.
"We really should."
Brrriiinnngg. Brrrriiiinnng
"Hey, if you are hearing this, I, the wonderful Foggy Nelson, can't come to the phone right now. Please leave a message."
"Hey Fogs, its Matt. I haven't heard from you for a while. Please call me and let me know how you're doing. Love you."
Matt hung up his phone, and joined up with Jim. Time to buy a motorcycle.
Thanks for reading!
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feuilledrabbles · 7 years
Main Pairing: PruAme
Alfred narrowed his eyes at his reflection. Mathias was in the hospital, so it was just him and Gilbert for a few days. Of course, this was not good on his… well, his unhealthy crush on his best friend. They were going to do all of the things they usually did as a trio, but they were going to do it… alone.
When Alfred complained to his brother about it, Matthew told him he was being melodramatic and to suck it up.
After running his hands carefully through his hair one last time (it would undoubtedly get mussed within minutes), he straightened his clothes. He shoved his phone in his pocket and jumped down the stairs, nearly tripping on the last two but catching himself on the railing.
“Mattie!” Alfred called to his brother with a broad grin on his face. Matthew turned to him with a raised eyebrow, the little smartass.
“Yes, Al?” He questioned, making it obvious he did not care one bit about what Alfred was about to say.
“I’m chilling with Gil in ten.” He plopped himself down on the couch next to his brother, staring at the TV blankly.
“Why in ten minutes? Why aren’t you leaving now?” Matthew suggested.
Alfred snorted. “Your girlfriends are coming over, aren’t they? Chill, I’m not gonna be here for long. Because he has to do something with his brother.”
Matthew narrowed his eyes at his brother, studying his posture. Then he leaned forwards and tapped him on the shoulder. “Al?”
“Yeah Mattie?” Alfred shot his brother a weak side smile and Matthew’s eyebrows furrowed even further.
“Are you okay?”
“Uh… fine, why?”
Matthew tapped on his lips in thought. “No, you’re not. Is this about… oh my god, is this about your crush?”
Alfred froze. “Uh-”
“Al,” Matthew warned.
“Yeah… yeah, it is. I just…” Alfred ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit he could never rid himself of. His hair was, once again, untidy.
“Al, I didn’t know-” Matthew sighed and moved closer to his brother, pressing against his arm comfortingly. “I didn’t know you were so insecure about this.”
Alfred shot him a helpless glance.
Matthew steeled himself. “If it’s this bad, you should probably tell him-”
“No!” Alfred shouted on impulse, startling Matthew away from him. “No,” he continued softer. “It would completely ruin our friendship. Can you imagine? We wouldn’t be able to hang out anymore… and do you know what that would do to Mathias? He would be devastated that his best friends weren’t best friends anymore… and you know I can’t do that to Mathias of all people, he’s had enough heartbreak to last a lifetime.”
Matthew shifted his hand so he was rubbing Alfred’s back, something their mother used to do to comfort them. “Okay,” he started in his naturally soft voice. “You don’t have to tell him yet. But Al, make sure you aren’t hurting anyone by keeping quiet, okay?”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
Matthew thought for a moment. “Sometimes you get so wrapped up in yourself that you forget about those around you.”
Alfred turned away and nodded sagely. He knew that his brother was being intentionally hurtful, but it still stung hearing that sometimes he was so selfish that he couldn’t see past his own ego.
“You aren’t selfish, Al.” Matthew bit his lip as he said so- he knew it wasn’t completely true, but his brother needed a pick-me-up. “You just get so worried about hurting other people that you don’t realize that- oh, maple, I’m not helping any, am I?”
Alfred laughed. “Nah, you’re fine. Thanks anyway, bro. I’m feelings lots better!” He plastered an obviously fake grin on his face, beaming at nothing.
“Relax, Al.” Matthew receded back to his former position. “Just relax.”
Alfred drew a shaky breath and smiled, this one smaller but more genuine. “I’ll try.” He pushed himself to his feet. “Well, I better get going! Have fun with your girls!”
Matthew snorted. “If they stop arguing for three seconds I just might. See you later.”
“Bye!” Alfred shoved his shoes on and bounded out the door, breathing in the cool air. He walked with a spring in his step all the way to Gil’s house. He tried to door and found it locked. He didn’t hesitate to pound on his best friend’s door, shoving his hands in his pockets and shifting while he waited.
When the door finally opened he opened his mouth to jokingly complain about how “Man, took you long enough!” when he realized it wasn’t his favorite albino.
“Oh, hey Ludwig! Long time no see, how’s it hangin?” his smile was different than the one that was to be directed at Gilbert, more of a side grin, like it was hanging off of his face by one hinge.
“Alfred. Gilbert said you would be coming. He’s in the shower, I forced him to take one before anything else…” Ludwig sighed in a way that made Alfred question if he really was the younger brother. “Come in, make yourself at home… avoid the kitchen for now, though.”
“‘Kay!” Alfred flounced into the house and ignored Ludwig’s latter warning, curiosity forcing him to peek in the kitchen. It looked like a tornado had flown through while all of the ingredients for baking were out. There were eggs dropping to the floor, milk puddling on the counters, and dry powder covering nearly every cabinet and surface.
“Woah,” he breathed, leaning around the doorway. “What happened?”
“Gilbert happened,” Ludwig brushed by him and Alfred smelled the fresh scent of soap, leading him to believe that Ludwig had also just showered, most likely as a result of the trashed kitchen. Ludwig started the lengthy process of cleaning and Alfred fidgeted at the doorway.
After a few seconds of deliberation he stepped into the kitchen and picked up a rag, starting to wipe the cabinets down. It took a solid minute before Ludwig even noticed he was still there, but once he did, he protested instantly.
“This isn’t your house nor your mess, you don’t have to help--”
“Nah, it’s all good! I’d be bored anyway,” Alfred said reassuringly, carefully avoiding an egg on the floor. “Where are your mops?”
Ludwig reluctantly told him where the cleaning supplies are, and Alfred cheerfully grabbed them. The two of them have made a notable dent in the mess by the time Gilbert comes down.
“Yo, Alfie! When’d you get here?” His hair was still wet and his t-shirt was sticking to his body.
Alfred swallowed and turned his gaze to the counter, where he was wiping some milk up. “A couple minutes ago.”
“He’s been here for a solid ten minutes at least, Gilbert, what took you so long?” Ludwig eyed him scrutinizingly and Alfred winced slightly.
“Ahah, sorry, man.” Gilbert then took in what was actually going on and he narrowed his eyes. “Luddy, bro, you’re making him clean?”
“No!” Alfred interjected before Ludwig could get a word in edgewise. “I decided to help, ‘cause I would be bored otherwise.”
Gilbert blinked at him. “You’re weird.”
Alfred snorted, putting the rag down. “You just figured that out?”
Gilbert cracked a smile and walked over, taking the rag from his hands and chucking it at Ludwig, who just barely caught it. Ludwig glared at Gilbert, who didn’t notice and threw his arms around Alfred, pulling him away from the kitchen.
“Oh-kay, now that we’re away from that lameness.” They stopped in the living room and Gilbert removed his arm (much to Alfred’s chagrin). “What do you want to do?”
Alfred shrugged. “We could try to freak out the convenience store owner again.”
“Nah,” Gilbert snickered but denied him. “I don’t think we can top the lighters and bug spray while wearing scorched clothes.”
“True, true…” Alfred pretended to stroke his non-existent beard. “Hmm. I got nothing.”
“I know!” Gilbert exclaimed. “Let’s go swimming in the lake!”
“Dude.” Alfred stared at him. “It’s like, 40 degrees outside.”
“40 degre…?” Gilbert blinked at him before laughing. “Oh! Alfred, you’re so american!”
He realized his mistake and rolled his eyes, ignored the heat that he felt rush to his face. “Shut up! I meant, four degrees or whatever the hell it is you europeans say!”
Gilbert laughed. “Anyway,” he said, quieting somewhat. “So what?”
Alfred thought about it for a second before shrugging. “Meh. Let’s go, we’ll stop by my house to grab a suit. We’re going to that hidden spot, right? With the swing!” Alfred ended his sentence with a yell as Gilbert rushed off to find his own swimsuit.
Gilbert yelled an affirmative back at him and Alfred swung his arms, trying not to think about how they would be shirtless and very, very alone.
And cold and wet. That too.
You could warm each other up-- he shut that thought down before it got anywhere, not wanting to get his hopes up.
Too late, he touched his face and felt the warmth of his cheeks on his fingers. Shit.
“Ready? Let’s go!” Gilbert jumped down the last two stairs and pushed the front door open, donned in a swimsuit and the same tight cotton shirt from before. Alfred followed, hesitating only slightly.
They sprinted to Alfred’s house and scared the living hell out of Arthur, his cousin, before bolting to the lake. A few years back Mathias, Gilbert, and Alfred had found a hidden alcove with a small cliff to jump off of (into deep water, it was completely safe and also not the cliff that Mathias had broken a bone on) and trees to attach ropes to. Ropes and swings.
They had to slow down to cross a street, and once they had crossed it, Gilbert yelled, “Race you to the hideout!”
Alfred won. He was a former track prodigy, and was the best sprinter in the county (maybe even country). Of course, that was when they lived in Italy for a few years, when before that they had been in America… and Canada…
“Damn…” Gilbert panted, leaning on his knees. Alfred had his shoulder leaning on a tree and was breathing heavily, staring at the canopy. “Damn, Alfred… you’re… fast…”
A smile brushed by his lips but he said nothing, eyes still pointed at the sky. He risked a glance at Gilbert and instantly loved and regretted it. Gilbert’s face was red with exertion and he was heaving deep breaths of air, his chest moving with each inhale and exhale. He had taken his shirt off at some point and his pale skin gleamed in the speckled light through the leaves of the trees.
Alfred forced his gaze to the sky again, blinking to try to get the image of Gilbert out of his mind. Shit, shit…
“Woo… wow, I did not know you were that fast! Awesome!” Gilbert laughed, straightening. Alfred snickered with him and made a few snide comments while taking his shirt off, to which Gilbert responded accordingly.
“Jumping off that cliff’s gonna be cold as fuck,” Alfred said, a mix of hesitation, annoyance, and regret in his voice.
“Bet,” Gilbert said challengingly.
Alfred glared at him. “Fuck you.”
“Are you taking it, or not?” Gilbert raised his eyebrows, obviously mocking him.
“I never said I wasn’t,” Alfred muttered in annoyance. He eyed the cliff, noting Gilbert making chicken noises behind him. He shot Gilbert one last glare before running to the cliff, building up his momentum and leaping. He flipped Gilbert the bird midair, and he heard the albino’s cackle before he was engulfed in water.
Instantly his muscles froze up and he could barely even think. The only thing his brain could do was scream cold! Cold! Holy shit! This is not normal! Shit! The shock was too much for his system to handle, and his movement shut down, causing him to start to sink.
The need to breathe started pushing past the freezing feeling he had and he pushed to the surface frantically, the frigid water not making it any easier to swim. His fingers breached the surface and his head followed shortly after. He heaved air into his lungs, his eyes bright and clear.
“Shit! Alfred!” Gilbert was at the edge of the water, at the base of the cliff. His eyes were wide. “Dude!”
Alfred tried to say something but choked on water. He instead focused his effort on swimming over to the edge, where Gilbert stood. Upon reaching it, he flopped onto the rock with Gilbert’s help and took deep breaths. Gilbert’s hands were flitting around him and he was letting out a high pitch humming noise, which betrayed his genuine nervousness and worry.
“Holy shit that’s cold,” Alfred said quickly, turning to his back and facing upwards. He had a shit-eating grin on his face and Gilbert kicked him.
“I thought you died!” he said, a hint of hysteria in his voice. The german took a deep breath to calm himself, then settled a glare on Alfred. “What the hell, man? Not awesome, okay?”
A bubble of laughter started in his chest and spilled out of his lips, and Alfred started laughing so hard his stomach hurt. Gilbert looked at him with concern and Alfred’s giggles slowly started dissipating.
“Gil…” Alfred said, a few giggles still escaping him. “I felt like I almost died.”
“And you’re laughing about that?” Gilbert exclaimed, his former hysteria coming back.
“No, no!” Alfred sat up and waved his hands, shivering slightly. “It’s just… this whole situation…” he tried to make a point with obscure hand gestures. “It’s crazy.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not jumping off that cliff,” Gilbert said, narrowing his eyes at the offending piece of rock.
“You’re getting in the water, though,” Alfred said, dipping his toe in again. It seemed warmer than before and he started sliding back in when Gilbert grabbed his arm.
“You literally almost drowned and you’re going back in?”
The incredulous tone of his voice made Alfred snicker. “I didn’t almost drown, ya drama queen. I’m fine. Get in, the water’s fine!” He slid all the way back in and shivered. While it seemed warmer, he still felt the cold seeping into his bones.
Gilbert tapped the water with his foot and withdrawed it swiftly. “Shit, no! That water’s cold as ice!”
“This was your idea, shithead,” Alfred reminded him. He tried treading water and, when he didn’t want to die instantly (though it was pretty close), pushed further away from the edge. Gilbert tested the water again and scowled at it.
“C’mon, coward, just get in the water!” Alfred taunted. Gilbert glared at him and he smiled cheekily.
“Ohhh shit. Jesus Christ save me now,” Gilbert bemoaned as he sat down and stuck his legs in. He hesitated on getting the rest of his body submerged, so Alfred slide over and grabbed his arm, pulling him in.
Gilbert let out a pterodactyl screech and flailed his arms. He smacked Alfred in the face with his askew arms, but it barely hurt, and Alfred felt proud and successful when he finished dragging Gilbert into the water.
His best friend’s head popped back up and he gasped. His eyes were wide with the shock of the water and he floundered for a few seconds before finding his footing on the edge.
“You fucker!” he exclaimed, gasping. Gilbert tried to pull himself out of the water, but Alfred wrapped his arms around the lanky german’s middle and pulled him back in.
He laughed loudly as Gilbert thrashed and cursed his name to the winds. His laughter was cut off when Gilbert shoved his face underwater, and they scuffled as best they could while swimming. Their hands were sliding against skin and it was difficult to get purchase, but they managed to dunk each other a good amount of times before they were both too tired to continue.
“I’m done,” Alfred chattered, making his way to the edge slowly.
“Your lips are blue,” Gilbert said humorously. “Looks like you can’t handle the cold, loser.”
Alfred looked back at him and said, “Your lips are blue too, moron.”
“Aw damnit, really?” Gilbert touched his lips with his frozen fingers. “Shit.”
The two of them climbed out of the water and sat on the rocks shivering. They pulled their shirts on but mournfully realized that they had neglected to bring towels.
“It’s col-l-ld,” Alfred muttered, wrapping his arms around himself. “We sh-should get ba-a-ack.”
“I think I’m warming up okay…” Gilbert murmured, rubbing at his arms. Alfred shot him a glance. “It’s my awesome prussian blood,” he joked.
Alfred snorted. “I was b-born in Fl… Florida.”
“Ha!” Gilbert laughed loudly and jeered, “Weeeeaaak.”
“Shut up!” Alfred muttered, rubbing faster at his arms. They sat in silence for a few more moments. Alfred felt Gilbert’s scrutinizing gaze on him.
“We should hang at my place. Have you seen I am Legend before?” he said suddenly. “It’s got that one famous black dude in it.”
Alfred sniffed. “No. Morgan Freeman?”
“No, he’s younger… uh, Will-”
“Will Smith?” Alfred interrupted.
“Yeah,” Gilbert nodded absentmindedly. “You’ll like it. It’s an american film, got the whole zombie thing going and everything.”
“It’s a zombie movie? Those are so generic,” Alfred said. He hated how whiny his voice sounded, but he was cold and wet and frankly felt like he had a right to complain.
“Well, sort-of. It’s different than just ‘zombies’, uh… you’ll just have to wait and see.” Gilbert started tugging him along. “C’mon, I’m not dragging you there.”
Alfred made a dramatic noise in the back of his throat and followed him stiffly, feeling like cold molasses. It was slow going, much slower than when they came, and they were both getting annoyed with how unreactive their limbs were.
“Oh my god we’re here,” Gilbert sighed in a ‘finally’ tone. They stumbled through the threshold and collapsed into a pile on the doormat, both groaning. Ludwig looked up from his place on the couch, one eyebrow raised. He wordlessly stood with his laptop and disappeared up the stairway.
The two untangled themselves to move from the floor to the couch. Gilbert slouched into the cushions and Alfred slumped right next to him. He told himself that it was for body warmth.
They were pressed right up against each other.
“Jesus, you’re cold,” Gilbert murmured. After a moment he wrapped his arms around Alfred and pulled the american closer. “Gotta warm you up.”
Alfred sputtered and felt himself turning red. “I-!” Gilbert cocked his head.
“Y’know…” he started, leaning in closer to Alfred, a playful smile on his face. “Your lips are still blue.”
“They are?” Alfred asked, puzzled. He reached up and touched his lips, and they weren’t ice, by any means.
“Yeah,” Gilbert got closer to his face and Alfred froze like a deer in headlights. His gaze flickered from Gilbert’s eyes to his lips and back again. “I’d better… warm them up…” he breathed, the warm puff of air brushing Alfred’s cheeks.
Alfred’s mind started running a mile a minute, trying to figure out the situation, when he felt a pair of lips press against his own. They were soft, like velvet, and comfortingly warm.
His brain short-circuited and he sat rigid, unmoving.
Holy shit, Gilbert’s kissing me!
Eventually Gilbert pulled away, obviously disappointed or upset that Alfred hadn’t moved. A flash of regret swept through the albino’s face and he leaned back.
“Uh… I guess I read that wrong…” Gilbert muttered, averting his gaze. “Damn… sorry, I gue--”
Before he could finish his sentence Alfred jumped forward, grasped Gilbert’s face between his hands, and smushed his lips against Gilbert’s. Less than a second later Gilbert reciprocated. Their mouths moved against one another in synchrony, and Alfred’s hands tangled into Gilbert’s hair. Gilbert was pushing them closer together by Alfred’s shoulders, as close as they could get.
Alfred almost forgot about a certain thing called breathing, and when they broke apart they were both panting. Alfred leaned forwards and pressed his forehead against Gilbert’s, staring into his red eyes.
Gilbert’s face shifted into a smirk. “Do you feel warmer now?”
“Yeah,” Alfred laughed softly, then moved to burrow his face in the crook of Gilbert’s shoulder, like he had dreamed of doing for quite some time. “But I’ll be even warmer if you cuddle with me during the movie.”
“I dream of doing nothing else,” Gilbert said, reaching over Alfred’s shoulder to grab the remote. Then his eyes sparkled mischievously and he said, “Well, I do dream of something else, but that’s for a later date.”
Alfred let out a puff of amused laughter and tried to cuddle further into Gilbert’s embrace. “Pervert.”
“Pervert?” Gilbert snickered. “Do you want to see how much of a pervert I can--”
“Shut up,” Alfred said, laughter in his words. He moved his hand to cover Gilbert’s mouth. “Turn the tv on and cuddle with me.”
Gilbert kissed Alfred’s hand and did as he was told, smiling as his unusually romantic action caused Alfred’s face to turn pink. In a spur of the moment decision he leaned forwards and placed another kiss on Alfred’s cheek, causing him to flush darker. “As you wish.”
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getseriouser · 5 years
20 THOUGHTS: Greene, Eye-Gouge Monster
AND then there were four. 
Two redemption stories, a minor premier seeking validation and an underdog looking for quality over quantity 
Richmond were fantastic in 2017 and arguably looked better the following year. A grand an opportunity to go back to back you’d never see yet in the penultimate weekend they stuffed it. Tipping they’re still dirty.
Collingwood, the winners that night a year ago, came from nowhere to lose agonisingly a week later. Tipping they’re dirty on that still too.
Geelong has a monkey on its back the size of Naomi Watts’ co-star in that 2005 film set in Skull Island. The minor premier yet not rated a legitimate flag chance. They’d be dirty on that.
And lastly the Giants. Third prelim in four seasons, no-one has put together a more consistent body of finals work without tasting ultimate success. They’d be dirty they haven’t converted a golden opportunity yet.
Lot of get-even stories going on, three will go unsatisfied, yet one will succeed and nothing will taste sweeter.
  1.       Start with Toby Greene – still don’t get it. Last week, Bont, that was either a free-kick at most or a couple weeks for doing something properly grubby and in need of a spell. A contrived outcome later and he plays last week, instrumental in their win. Given the margin you could say he misses through suspension it’s a Brisbane win. Now, he gets a week and its upheld, but on the vision available the Bont incident looks worse. Don’t get it.
2.       Theory – Michael Christian wanted to see Greene go to the Tribunal last week on a serious charge where the Tribunal could come to its own conclusion, away from the constraints of the matrix Christian uses, and the Giant gets a suspension through that channel. It didn’t work, an agreed guilty-verdict into fine-only eventuated and the Christian plan failed. So this week, to avoid that happening again, he gave the suspension up front so Greene would have to work down from a week instead of the Tribunal working it out from scratch.
3.       As of writing this his suspension has been upheld but surely the Giants appeal on Thursday. Costs them $5,000, it’s a free hit, and given the size of the task Saturday afternoon and how important he is to them, they’d be mad not too. I expect them too, and in reality, it’s a 50-50 to be a success such is the crazy case it is.
4.       It’s an impressive four-year block for the Giants after that win last Saturday. Lost that epic prelim by a kick to the Dogs three years ago, were really in that prelim against the Tigers the year after a long way in, remembering they didn’t have Dylan Shiel for three quarters, and once again into a prelim this year. Leon Cameron has his detractors but they say winning a flag doesn’t just take planning and talent but a little luck as well. Given he continually gets this far, maybe that last ingredient is all they’re missing?
5.       Last one on GWS, from a league perspective it was actually encouraging to see that the left of screen displayed decent Giants coverage in the crowd in Brisbane Saturday night. Not a massive contingent but hardly the token couple-dozen of the early years, there was something half-decent for what is still a club shy of ten years old representing what is otherwise rugby and soccer heartland. Encouraging.
6.       Right, Brisbane. Told you so. This is a team who had zero injuries until Mitch Robinson and a draw softer than the Russians paid for at least year’s World Cup, so straight sets doesn’t surprise one bit. This is not a top four team, it’s probably a sixth to eighth team at best. Straight sets dot com, doesn’t surprise this column one iota.
7.       Luke Hodge though, what a jet, enormous career, huge for the Lions the last two years too, and we just love the look of Jarryd Lyons motioning to the two-time Normie winner for a chair off and the Colac product in body language alone gave it the “nah mate, cheers”. Love that. Well done Hodgey, certainty for a Hall of Fame Legend status at some point you’d think, with that resume.
8.       How was the Sam Reid ‘George Gregan’ impersonation on the game-winning-goal? Three or so posessions before the jockey Brent Daniels cheeky checkside, pretty sure it was Reid who dished the ball out like he was given a freshly-baked jacket potato unawares, very quick hands but by the letter of the law incredibly illegal. Umpy was never going to see it but gee, if only he could, would have paid a forward pass for sure.
9.       Speaking of umpiring, that spirit of the game free kick nonsense with Adam Kennedy and Charlie Cameron. My Lord. I hope the umpire mistakenly meant the stuff about constant niggle where a free is awarded if its just too much. But otherwise, under the letter of the law, Cameron coming back on was not injured. Play on. Ridiculous.
10.   So umpiring, was a shocker this weekend. Match Review and Tribunal not good either. Who is responsible for that? Old Steve “having a shocker” Hocking. My mate is just enduring the nightmare to end all nightmares. Rules, done nothing, scoring, down, I can’t see any portfolio he looks after better than this time last year. Lift Steve.
11.   Oh, and whilst we need to whack some folks – how about all that fuss about Mark Blicavs out of defence against the Pies and it cost them the game. They brought Rhys Stanley back in and where did the Blitz play most of his footy in the first half, a first half where the Cats played well? On the wing! David King was the main culprit. So we know not to ask him about the Geelong backline like we don’t ask him to be designated driver. Low blow, but he doesn’t read this, too busy with the behind the goals vision looking for Blicavs on Kennedy or Darling. He’ll be a while.
12.   So this week, what we got. Richmond playing a better Geelong but without Hawkins. Anyone see that going any other way than a Tigs win? Didn’t think so. Surely last year’s cock up doesn’t repeat. So one inner-suburban army of hundreds of thousands will bombard all of us in Grand Final week.
13.   Then, the day after, weather-pending the greatest collection of Collingwood supporters in one place ever since Pentridge hit capacity once back in the late 80s, hosting a GWS who have been tough for two good weeks but can they go again? The Pies might like the wetter conditions, the mosquito fleet up forward and a classy onball brigade. So we might end up with another huge inner-suburban army up and about in Grand Final week. Giants are in decent nick but, very decent nick.
14.   Good to see the Gulls make the VFL Grandma this weekend. Not just coz we like Willy almost as much as Liz Taylor, but because if it had been Richmond reserves versus Essendon reserves it would have been mega scratchy. Let’s just call the VFL for what it is, what used to be the well-respected VFA is now just the AFL Reserves comp with appearances by Port Melbourne and Williamstown. It’s a magoos competition and this Sunday one club will be caring more about the GF the Saturday after, the other will be hellbent on winning so they can secure a local real estate agent as a sponsor the year after to pay for the club jumpers.
15.   Jordan De Goey, oh, not worth the risk, he has only played ten seconds of footy in seemingly eight months and is made of tissue paper and is missing a limb and has Rickett’s. One thing though, aside from the German witchcraft and the fact he will have 22 days between the first final and a potential Granny – he hurt his hammy against Geelong in the opening two minutes but ran out, to little impact granted, most of the first half before heading for the tracksuit. No gratuitous stride out where the back door comes off the hinge and there’s the full dramatic hobble off the ground like you’ve got a bad case of pins and needles. Sure, he has a bad history, but this was not your typical tear. If the Pies win, I think he is a certainty to play Grand Final day.
16.   Ashes, all done. But please, Timothy. If I’ve told you once I’ve told you a million times: if you win the toss, nine times out of ten you bat first. On the tenth time you think about bowling, but you bat first. We lost the fifth test at the toss.
17.   Davey Warner. Couldn’t middle shit. You know you’re going busted when Stuart Broad gets you LB and doesn’t even bother turning around to appeal, he goes immediately from delivery stride into celebrating to gully. Was his brand new baby daughter on the eve of the Ashes a distraction enough? Perhaps. Was it just one bowler having him by the pills and otherwise, if Broad wasn’t playing he could have averaged say, 40? Possibly. Or, he averages 59 in Australia but averages less than 34 overseas. That’s telling. Remember, Steve Waugh and Allan Border, proper batsmen who don’t mind if your TV is an OLED TV or something from ALDI, they actually averaged higher overseas than at home. Proper batsmen.
18.   We need to find a new opening pair asap. Not bothered by playing Warner again, because if we do he’ll score a mount of runs against Pakistan and New Zealand on home conditions, but all it does is delay finding his successor for when we need to win tours, I dunno, in India, or England, or anywhere not at the SCG basically.
19.   Cam Bancroft, only averaged 11 from his two tests, sure, but gee, they swiftly moved him on because he was so bad, he was bringing such bad cricket juju to the place they brought in Marcus Harris who went on to average 60. No. That’s not right. Harris averaged 9 from his three tests.  Brilliant. Harris is now averaging 24 from 9 tests. Bancroft has 10 tests @ 26. Semantics perhaps but I’d be picking the sander before the Victorian first come the summer. But we have four Shield matches before the Gabba, I want to see Matty Renshaw ton up, get into the test team again and stick.
20.   And I love this, Steve Smith, missed a test and an innings but still amassed 333 runs more than the next best for most runs in the series. That man is a freak.
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ryanhavwood · 7 years
all the even numbers on the one you reblogged from me FUCK YOU
@rnalkin rUDE 
2. Are you outgoing or shy? - uhhhh shy
4. Are you easy to get along with? - i think so
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? - people who can make me laugh
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? - he’s a coolio guy that i know
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - danny, probably
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - 1. the man - the killers2. thunder - imagine dragons3. told ya - mystery skulls4. can i get a witness - sonreal5. happy pills - weathers
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? - luck yes, miracles no
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - uhhhh i dont even remember the last person i kissed so idk
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? - nah
20. Do you like your neighbors? - eeehhhhh no
22. Where would you like to travel? - literally anywhere outside the united states, but mostly ireland or greece sound cool24. Favorite part of your daily routine? - having a routine26. What do you do when you wake up? - check my phone for any important notifications28. Who are you most comfortable around? - danny, d, and sarah30. Do you ever want to get married? - i dont know man, ive never thought about settling down and i dont think anyone would want to with me either32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? - none bc no thank you34. Do you play sports? What sports? - i did, and i did softball for awhile, now im just the depressed disappointment who does nothing36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - all the t i m e38. Describe your dream girl/guy? - anyone who’s fuckin nice to me40. What do you want to do after high school? - well im doing college and thats something so
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? - either i’m very very upset or i just feel very unsure of myself and what i have to say
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? - how about neither
46. What are you paranoid about? - if my friends actually consider me a friend of theirs or if im just an annoying idiot prying myself into their lives because i think we’re friends48. Have you ever been drunk? - o h  y e s50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? - gray!52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? - my confidence54. Favourite store? - i don’t think i have one ??? 56. Favourite colour? - bluuuuue, any shade58. Last thing you ate? - angel hair pasta and cheese ravioli60. Ever won a competition? For what? - probably, dont remember though62. Been arrested? For what? - no because i am a g o o d child64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? - dont remember it, sorry buckos66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? - no! i love all of my friends equally!68. Twitter or Tumblr? - uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dunno its a tie between them70. Names of your bestfriends? - jessi, sarah, d, danny!72. What colour are your towels? - multicolored because we’re a colorful family
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? - more than i need76. What colour is your underwear? - rn its like a peachy orange with white lace78. Favourite ice cream flavour? - cookie dough or birthday cake80. What colour pants? - rn im wearing blue jeans but i usually wear black82. Favourite movie? - THE LOST WORLD JURASSIC PARK!!!!!!!84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? - fuckin 21 jump street86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? - i dont have one88. Last person you talked to today? - danny, we just finished dinner together90. Name a person you love? - my mom92. In a fight with someone? - nah94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? - less than what i think i should have96. Favourite actress? - uhhh i dont have one98. Do you tan a lot? - n a h100. How are you feeling? - i dont know tbh102. Do you regret anything from your past? - way too much rip104. Do you miss anyone from your past? - some, not all106. Ever broken someone’s heart? - probably108. What should you be doing? - checking if i have homework due tomorrow110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - nah112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? - danny and sarah114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? - yeah man116. Are you listening to music right now? - nah but i will be once i get in the shower118. Do you like Chinese food? - naaah120. Are you afraid of the dark? - yes and no?? depends on the circumstances122. Is cheating ever okay? - no wtf124. Do you believe in love at first sight? - nah126. Are you currently bored? - a little bit yeah128. Would you change your name? - i mean i guess i technically did?? and i like the name matty/matt so i’ll probably stick with that130. Do you like subway? - nah not a sandwich kinda person132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - literally said this earlier but it was danny134. Can you count to one million? - no im a fuckin idiot136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? - CLOSED WTF I DONT WANT NO GHOSTS STARING AT ME FUCK OFF138. Curly or Straight hair? - curly140. Summer or Winter? - between these two i guess summer142. Favourite month? - october!144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? - milk or white146. Was today a good day? - today was…. interesting and long148. What’s your favourite quote? - do no harm but take no shit150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? (via catscuddlingandyou) - you’re a mess.
0 notes