heavenfilm · 7 months
no thoughts, head empty, just felix at the women’s fall-winter 2024 paris show for louis vuitton
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Nicola Coughlan & Luke Newton Take On The Ultimate Afternoon Tea Taste Test (x)
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greeneyessmize · 3 months
Lol, here I am, another wife on Tumblr with a husband saying he would not have been pissed with me if we had been Penelope & Colin. Hubs also said she didn't write anything untrue, just that Colin didn't like being called on his bullshit.
I still maintain that Colin Bridgerton is a sweet sensitive overreacting drama llama, but I still love him. Pen really has far more patience than I. I am direct and will not let conflicts fester lol. We are talking until there isn't anything left to say and shit is settled.
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I would have at least gotten his stupid stubborn butt back into bed for sleep, instead of him sulking dramatically on the settee for who knows how many nights. Which would have only led to him getting increasingly more recalcitrant and overwrought.
And like... maybe talking would have taken them at least 50% out of this conflict? Like if she could have told Colin why she did not directly say Marina was pregnant in some detail or why she called out Eloise like she did? He might have understood her better than her clipped defenses to his yelling in the middle if the street would have ever allowed. Also, how many times did the girl have to apologize? She got nothing for being truly penitent.
Anyways.... that went long. Lol
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i-know-the-endss · 4 months
will the bridgerton “fans” ever be satisfied? stay tuned next week to find out!
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doomed2repeat · 27 days
Nicola Coughlan stans to Luke Newton after harassing him for months at the first hint that she might have a real relationship they can project themselves onto:
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polin-erospsyche · 3 months
The delulu life was strooong. I get that in some cases dissociating the actor from the work is not possible but saying that Luke Newton hard launching his relationship (which i do not like either) will ruin future rewatches of season 3 is just attaining levels.
And no I’m not defending him. In fact I could not care less about defending him. It’s just that I see this reaction as an after effect of living in delulu land for too long, and realising the reality is not conforming to some people’s wishes and the line between reality and entertainment media has been so blurred.
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dancingdorito · 1 year
do whatever y'all want, but in my opinion shipping people you have a parasocial relationship with is toxic and unhealthy. you get a glimpse into celebrities lives and that doesn't mean you know them or can know their true personality or what they like.
i say this especially to the bridgerton fandom, who thinks that anyone with chemistry apparently has to have a romantic understanding, instead of being entirely platonic.
i saw so many people "shipping" india and corey when corey has a girlfriend. like yes they have chemistry, but why can't that be friendly and platonic?
obviously i know nothing about their lives, but some people express affection in friendships differently than others. and interpreting their actions in interviews as romantic when you have no idea what goes on in their lives when they are not in front of a camera, is just childish. i know im personally very physically affectionate with my friends, and it has nothing to do with romantic feelings.
it's normal to feel a connection to celebrities and their personalities on screen, but acting like that is real is delusional. keep that shit to yourself.
so stop acting like you know their lives, like they owe you something. they don't. don't pressure people you don't know into admitting something you have no right to know. if you have opinions on people and their relationships, keep that to yourself. because posting shit on the internet DOES in fact have real life consequences, despite what many people believe.
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collieii · 1 year
tristamp meryl is like vash's military wife and wolfwood is the guy with an i fuck military wives bumper sticker
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You can tell by the reaction people have to Penelope asking Colin to kiss her whether they ever experienced being a wallflower/insecure fat girl at a party or not.
Because you say it's pathetic, I say it's relatable, no matter how desperate it may sound. If you've never had your insecurity eat you up from the inside (but also the outside, as Portia literally told Penelope that she was delusional for thinking she was gonna find a husband in her third season out) to the point you genuinely, wholeheartedly believe no one will ever love you unless you physically change, then obviously the scene is off to you.
But Pen literally told Colin she felt stupid for thinking she's gonna find a husband (she just started believing what the ton and her mother said) and that she knows no one would want to kiss her. And for a romance girl like her, do you think the thought of never having a kiss, never experiencing that passion, would be easy to bear? I can so relate to being the most romantic of the bunch but also being the loneliest and aching for physical and emotional romantic love.
She is so vulnerable and so real in that moment but y'all gotta bitch about it because it doesn't make sense to you. It doesn't make sense to me either because she's gorgeous, but that's the thing - no one ever told her she's gorgeous and actually meant it. And even if they did, there must be 10 more people who didn't that keep that insecurity in her, specifically her sisters and her mother.
Nicola said this one was for the wallflowers, and it truly is, so if you find scenes like this cringe, you just don't relate to the character enough to feel it and recall moments when you had the same thoughts as her.
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imaginaryf1shots · 3 months
Winner | Lewis Hamilton
WC: 2.3K
Dad!Lewis x Wife!Reader
Summery: It’s lewis’s win after 945 days of not winning, and it’s also your daughter’s first race.
Warning: None
Lewis Masterlist
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The home you share with Lewis in England is a sanctuary for the two of you. it's a house filled with warmth and comfort. It's a place filled with laughter and good memories.
Deciding to make this house your main one almost 4 years ago was an easy decision for the both of you. Lewis was away racing most of the year, and since you've gotten pregnant, this was the best option, his family is there, and they've been helping you whenever Lewis is away. During his brakes, you all go back to Monaco, the home you shared with Lewis when you were dating to when you got married and until your fourth month of pregnancy. For him, the move was a return to the familiar embrace of family and the land that had shaped him. Lewis’s family had welcomed you with open arms, their support a constant source of strength.
Their love for your daughter knew no bounds. She was the light of everyone’s lives. Her bright eyes and infectious giggle, a beacon of joy.
One thing is that Lola hasn't seen her dad race in real life. The sound of the engines, the rush of the crowd, those were experiences she only saw on the TV or stories told by the adults around her.
You and Lewis talked about bringing her to a race multiple times, but you always felt like she was too young, that it would be too much for her. But seeing other drivers bring their children made Lewis want to bring her more. And as the British Grand Prix approached, it felt like it was finally time, Lewis was buzzing, Mercedes won last week. Yes, it was because Max and Lando crashed, but they still won. And the feeling he had coming into the week was great. He loves Silverstone, and he's won 8 times before. And the thought of having you and Lola there with the rest of his family was filling him up with anticipation.
That's why when Lola got a bit sick and was under the weather, he felt deflated. Was it a bad omen, will this week go wrong and not like he expected. His thoughts ran wild. Throughout media day and Friday, you've been sending him pictures of the two of you watching him. His mum was with you, but she will be going on race day. Unbeknownst to Lewis, Lola was better, so much better, but you were waiting to see if she'll stay okay or maybe get sick again. The colour returned to her cheeks, and she became active once again.
On quali day, it was bright and early, when you felt Lewis get out of bed, but took you a few minutes to will yourself to get out of bed and follow him. You walked in the direction of your daughter's room. The door was open, and the night light was still on, you watched from the door way as Lewis stood by her bed, he's been coming home late at night when Lola was already in bed.
You walked in and wrapped your arms around him, hugging him from the back, feeling his skin under your arms. Lewis leaned slightly into you. You peppered his shoulder with kisses.
“I can't wait for the summer break, I feel like I haven't been spending enough time with her.” Lewis whispers, you hum and look at her from over his shoulder.
“Soon she'll be able to travel with you to races.” You whisper back. “She's super excited about that.”
“I want to start winning again, I want her to be proud of me.” Lewis told you he sounded so vournable in that moment.
“She's already so proud of you, winning or not.” You reasure him. “She goes around saying my daddy is a champion, he won 7 times, and Nicolas taught her to say that you're the goat.”
“Did he?” Lewis smiled.
“Yeah, don't think she knows what it really means, but it has her giggling every time.” You kiss his neck and pull him slightly. You leave her sleeping.
You watch him get ready from the bed, keeping him company, it pains you not being able to be there for him on his home race weekend.
“I can hear you thinking.” Lewis says, and you smile.
“I can't help it, I want to be there for you today and tomorrow.” You pout, and Lewis smiles he walks to the side of the bed you're sitting on before he leans over and presses a few kisses to your lips.
“We can't help it, Lola comes first.” Lewis says and finishes getting ready.
“I know.”
Watching quali with Lola had so many highs and lows for you. For a second, you thought Lewis would qualify first. But alas, it was 1-2 for Mercedes.
Lewis left the track at 10 that day and was home after both you and Lola fell asleep. You slept on the sofa waiting for him. Lewis smiles seeing you on the sofa, the TV on low volume. He kisses your forehead and picks you up. You stir up and wrap your arms around him.
“I'm so proud of you, Lewis.” You mumble, and he kisses your foreheads once more. He puts you in bed before he joins you, and you gravitate towards him, you cuddle.
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Kissing Lewis goodbye the next day, you start getting ready, Carmen, his mum helps Lola get ready while you get ready. You take Lola's bag filled with snacks, toys, and everything she might need or want for the day, also her medicine in case she needs it.
“Look at you so cute.” You tell Lola, seeing her in a mini race suit that is identical to Lewis’, complete with race shoes as well, and a Mercedes cap to boot.
“He'll be so happy.” Carmen tells you, and you agree. She gives you a hug, and the three of you leave. You already agreed with his team to sneak you in and not tell him.
Avoiding fans was the hardest thing, but somehow, you managed to do it. Lewis was in a meeting most of the day. This race was crucial, and a lot of planning went into it.
There was a camera following you and Lola through the Mercedes motorhome, documenting your daughter's first race. She looked around in wander.
“Look who we have here.” Toto said, smiling, seeing your daughter walking in front of you. She smiles up at the tall man, her neck bending to see his face. Toto picks her up.
“Hi, Toto Daddy doesn't know I'm here.” She says and shush him with her finger to her lips.
“Don't worry, I won't tell him.” Toto whispers and smiles. She talks with Toto for a bit before he has to go.
The plan was for one of the team to get a camera into the room Lewis was in, and somehow they did. Lola was told to go knock on the door and walk in.
She looked at you as she walked to the room. You gave her a nod and an encouraging smile. Her small hand knocks on the door, barely making a noise.
Lewis looks up at the door, he thought for a second that he heard a knock or something, it was so light, before the door is pushed open, and he looks down.
“Oh my god.” He whispers. Before he gets up from his chair and, in a few big steps, scoops her up in her arms. “Baby, what are you doing here?”
“It's a surprise, Daddy.” Lola giggles, happy that she managed to surprise her dad.
“She's been feeling much better.” You tell him from the doorway, behind the man filming the father daughter due. Seeing them together here in Mercedes brought tears to your eyes, but you managed not to let them slip. Lewis holds his hand out to you, and you slip in the room and into your husband's arms. He hugs the two of you close, and you enjoy the moment not caring about the people around you.
Lewis is fussy you realised, he's making sure that you're both comfortable in the garage, that Lola's headphones were the right size and that someone will be next to you during the race incase you needed help with anything.
And so for the next hour, the garage became your little haven. Lewis was making sure your daughter was comfortable, adjusting her headphones, and pointing out various parts of the car to her with the patient enthusiasm of a father eager to share his world. She sat perched on his lap, wide-eyed and fascinated by everything around her, her tiny fingers tracing the lines of his racing suit as if trying to memorise every detail. She was so happy when he sat in the car and placed her on his lap, steering wheel and everything.
As the time for the race drew nearer, the atmosphere in the garage grew increasingly tense. Mechanics made their final checks, the car gleamed under the bright lights, and the air was thick with anticipation. Lewis knelt down beside your daughter, his face serious now as he explained that he had to go and get ready. She listened intently, nodding solemnly, and then wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight hug.
“Go win, Daddy,” she said, her voice full of quiet determination.
With one last kiss for each of you, Lewis stood up, took a deep breath, and headed towards his car. You watched him go, your heart swelling with pride and love.
As the engines roared to life and the cars began to line up on the grid, you held your daughter close, her eyes fixed on the track, her face alight with the same eager anticipation that filled the air. Today is a day you would cherish forever, no matter what the outcome of the race might be.
The start of the race looked good, with Lewis and George keeping the rest of the grid behind them. You grew anxious when the Mclarens over took them after Lewis was leading.
Lap 33 George had to retire his car, and it left you worried for Lewis’ car. Mclaren was leading, but the strategy from Mercedes and Lewis’ experience played a good part for him to take the lead and stay ahead of Lando. Lola sat wide-eyed and mesmerised by the spectacle unfolding before her. Lewis’s car was a blur as it streaked past the garage. You could see the intensity in his movements from the onboard, every turn, and manoeuvre executed with the precision and grace of a seasoned champion. A mix of nerves and excitement coursing through your veins. Your daughter clapped her hands in delight every time she spotted her father’s car, her infectious excitement breaking your own tension and bringing a smile to your face.
”There he is, Mummy! Look! Daddy’s winning!” She exclaimed, her voice enthusiastic, filled with pure love as she watched her daddy do what he he loved and was passionate about.
Max came out of nowhere and overtook Lando easily. Your heart dropped as the last 5 laps went on, Max is catching Lewis, your heart beating hard in your chest. The anticipation was killing you. Then, as the race entered its final lap, a hush fell over the garage, the anticipation reaching a fever pitch. Lewis was leading, and Max was too far to try and overtake.
Lola leaned forward, her eyes wide with awe as she watched the drama unfold. “Is Daddy going to win, Mummy?” she asked, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty.
You squeezed her hand, your own emotions a blend of hope and fear. “He will.” You replied, your voice catching in your throat as you watched the final lap play out before you.
The entire grange was on its feet, a chorus of cheers and applause erupting around you as he passed the chequered flag. You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, your heart swelling with pride and joy as you watched him cross the finish line, victorious and triumphant.
The garage exploded into a frenzy of celebration, the noise and excitement almost overwhelming in its intensity.
“Daddy won! Daddy won!” she squealed, her face alight with pure, unadulterated joy.
With Carmen, you made your way to parc ferme, where Lewis parked, Lola in your arms. Your husband has already gotten out of the car and hugged his team and father. Carmen managed to get to him before the two of you, and he fell in her shoulder. He’s crying. Hearing him on the team radio crying made you fight your own tears. You walked around the barrier with Lola still in your arms, Lando was being interviewed by Jensen, and that gave you the time to reach Lewis.
He let go of his mother, and his eyes fell on you and Lola in your arms. Meeting his eyes, the tears you tried to keep at bay fell freely. The moment you reached him, he enveloped you both in a fierce, tearful embrace. You hid your face in his neck as you clutched his race suit around his back, Lola wrapped her arms around his neck.
“We did it, we did it.” He whispered in your ear, his voice cracking as he held you both close.
”Daddy don’t cry.” Lola said patting his back, trying to comfort him like he always comforts her, she leaned back and kissed his cheek, Lewis pulls back and kisses her cheek, before he turns to you and presses a kiss to your lips.
”I love you so much.” You whisper against his lips, a teary smile on your face.
”I love you too.” Lewis tells you the emotions between you thick and overwhelming.
”I love you, Daddy.” Lola said, and Lewis turned to take her in his arms, kissing all over her face.
”I love you too, sweetheart.”
In that moment, amidst the roar of the crowd and the flash of the cameras, nothing else mattered. You were together, and Lewis has proved to everyone that said he’s washed and that it’s over for him wrong. And he did it all on his daughter’s first race. His greatest accomplishment and his lucky charm.
@gnatthefly . @mochimommy2002 . @llando4norris . @mrswolffs-blog . @barcelonaloverf1life . @c-losur3 . @xoscar03
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confusionmeisss · 4 months
can you watch my boyfriend, please? - n. sturniolo
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🫧 nick sturniolo x male!reader
🫧 the “can you babysit my boyfriend” tiktok couples trend done with our lovely nicolas!!
🫧 just fluff.
🫧 560 words.
🫧 hello lovelies!! thank you kindly for wanting to read!! i did a chris version of this initially and it made me want to do one for the others as well, so here we are!! enjoy reading & much love!! <3 (ps. happy pride my loves!! 🩷)
matt version
“Hey y’all, can you watch my boyfriend for me, please? I’ll be back quick, promise,” you say, setting the phone up against a stray glass.
“What the fuck?” Nick says, looking confusedly at the camera then up at you.
“Be good,” you say, placing a kiss on his cheek and walking away.
“Be good?” Nick looks offended by your departing statement. “The fuck? I’m always good. You guys know I’m always good, right?” He asks the camera.
Nick rolls his eyes. “Anyway. I was just editing this weeks Wednesday video which I think is one of our best because it’s funny as fuck.”
“Y’know, you gotta be your own biggest fan, it’s the only way you’ll get anywhere creatively. It’s the same as being your own biggest critic,” he says with a nod of his head. Then he looks directly into the camera seriously. “But you have to know how to balance them out. Like, you have to know when something you made is shit, and know if you have to start over or rework it.”
“Anyway, I’m really bummed out that I don’t have tickets to Melanie Martinez’s The Trilogy Tour,” he says with a slight pout, tapping at the touchpad of his laptop. “I would’ve loved to hear Detention live. And the videos I’ve seen of her concerts before, her outfits always eat! And her stage presence, my God, it’s otherworldly!”
Nick suddenly rolls his eyes as he remembers something. “Ugh, so I went to ask Matt to take me to the store yesterday because we were out of Dr. Pepper, mind you, it’s one in the afternoon, and I walk into his room and he’s absolutely dead asleep.”
“Oh, we went to Target today, and I fucking tripped in a crowded ass aisle like the clumsy fukcer I am,” Nick lets out a huff. “Like it’s embarrassing as fuck when there’s like three different age ranges laughing at you.”
Nick goes to say something else but is cut-off by his bedroom door creaking open. He watches as you walk in and over where he’s sitting at his desk.
He feels you stand behind him, putting your chin in his hair. “Hey I’m back, thanks again for watching him yall. I hope he was good for you!”
Nick rolls his eyes up towards you. “Of course I was good,” he says with an irritated huff. “I’m always good.”
You let out a laugh, placing a kiss into his hair while reaching over him to end your phone’s recording.
count on nick to always come at us with some wise words of encouragement ❤️
“yes nick, you’re always good” we all say in unison
nicks offense at being told to be good is sending me into oblivion 😭
is nick alluding that there’s a real og-ness to this week’s wednesday video?????
oh the pain of embarrassing yourself in public 😣
i am matt matt is me bc i too annoy everyone around me by sleeping in till 1pm :)
i feel your pain on not having tickets to melanie’s tour. god bless for tour videos on my fyp 🙏
oh dr pepper lovers rise!!
the affection & the kisses 💓💓
okay but i wanna know what nick was gonna say before the door opening interrupted him…
who else is happy that nick is in a happy loving healthy relationship???? 💛💛💛
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querenciasturniolo · 1 year
Could you do one where Matt and reader have been dating for like, a year and reader has been in multiple vlogs and car videos, and the fans love her. So, when the internet starts going crazy speculating that Matt has a girlfriend, they do a podcast about reader and Matt's relationship and they're flirting the whole time, Nick and Chris can't stand it, jokingly, but put up with it. So, when they release the pod episode, the fans go crazy, and Matt and reader are just openly flirting with each other online and it's all just so cute and fluffy. If you can't, I completely understand. I hope you have a wonderful day and / or night! <3
sick ⮕ m.s.
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word count: 759
warnings: swearing, mentions of kissing, scooby-doo reference
summary: request
a/n: this was so fucking cute, i loved writing it
everything written is completely fictional. the people i write for are written with characteristics and mannerisms that i made for them, this is in no way depicting what would actually happen in real life.
“Good morning campers, welcome to the Cut the Camera Podcast. I’m Nicolas Sturniolo.”
You glanced over at Matt, eyeing his side profile as he tightened his arm around your shoulder and pulled the mic towards him. It was your fault the secret came out when it did, you made googly eyes at him every chance you got, and he knew every single time.
“I’m Matthew Sturniolo.” He said, looking down at you with furrowed brows and a soft smile.
“And I’m gonna be sick.” Chris said, your jaw dropping in amusement as you whipped your head towards him. He laughed into the mic and shrugged his shoulders. “It isn’t my fault you’re staring at Matt like the sun shines out of his ass.” He said.
You rolled your eyes and pulled your mic close to you. “And what about it?” You shot back, Matt scoffing and running a hand over his face.
“Well, I guess that is one way to start the topic. Why don’t we go ahead and introduce our special guest, Matt?” Nick prompted, Matt uncovering his face and adjusting his headphones. He looked into one of the cameras and smiled, looking back down at you. “Go ahead.”
You cleared your throat and looked into the camera, pulling your mic towards your face and sighing into it. “If you don’t know me, I’m Y/n. I’ve known these losers for a couple of years now.” You said, turning your head and smiling at Matt. “And dating this specific loser for a little over a year, and if it wasn’t for you meddling kids, we could have gotten away with keeping it a secret for a little longer.” Your eyes met the camera again with raised eyebrows and an amused smile. “No, in all seriousness, it’s funny the way everyone found out.” You said.
Matt chuckled and shook his head. “So, basically, this podcast episode is talking about how we met Y/n, how she somehow got stuck with Matt, and how you all figured out the secret.” He said, his fingers tapping against your arm lightly from where his hand was draped over your shoulders.
“And Nick and I are going to try and keep our food down while we’re at it.” Chris said. You rolled your eyes and adjusted your mic.
“Chris is just jealous, don’t listen to him.” Nick said, Chris scoffing into his cup. You threw your head back and laughed, grateful that the microphone only picked up the slightest sound of the raucous noise.
The pod went by smoothly, the four of you bouncing off of each other with jokes and stories that all of you loved. One particular story, you noticed, the fans were editing like crazy.
“Look at this.” Matt said, holding his phone so you could see it from where your head was laid in his lap.
“That isn’t how it happened!” Matt exclaimed, the camera panning to Chris rolling his eyes, and then back to you with your face in your hands to hide your embarrassment.
“That abso-fuckin-lutely is how it happened. You were walking Y/n out, and I ran downstairs to remind her to bring her camera the next day, and I caught you kissing her goodnight! Don’t tell me what I remember, that shit still haunts my nightmares.”
The edit continued, more clips of Chris rolling his eyes at the camera and laughing in slow motion to a song you couldn’t recognize.
You sighed and looked up at Matt. “Out of all of the stories we told on how Nick and Chris found out, that isn’t the one I’d expect to be blowing up.” You said, pressing the comments icon and smiling at all of the sweet things being said about your relationship.
“I mean, it is probably the funniest story we told, Chris was more animated than he’d been in a long time.” Matt said, liking the Tiktok and locking his phone. With his hands free, he traced mindless designs on your arm with his fingertips, and ran his other hand through your hair.
You hummed and closed your eyes, completely relaxing onto the couch. “I saw one the other day, and it was a gag counter. I think Chris hit like thirty before the end of the pod.” Matt said, a huff of air leaving your nose as you grinned and looked up at him.
“There’s no way it was less than fifty, it was ridiculous.” You said, Matt laughing softly above you and shrugging his shoulders.
“Not my problem we make him sick.”
tags: @strniolo , @ssturniolo , @thetriplets3 , @stvrni0lo , @gabbylovesreading , @dwntwn-strnlo , @tylerscreat0r , @toyourloves , @lvrsparadise , @tuktuk34 , @angelcake-222 , @20nugs , @obsessivencrazy , @lollibumblebee , @stargirlv0id , @babytomatoes , @jellybeanbby
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the way some people talk about luke & nicola is disgusting.
at first, the "bridgerton glow up" was a fun joke, but now people are taking it too far. it is literally just a better haircut and better wardrobe that is all the glow up is. i saw someone call luke "ugly and fat." as if he isn't a real human being. just straight up called him ugly and fat and then proceeded to objectify him in the trailer and say he "redeemed himself." respectfully, you can fuck all the way out of here with that. that is such a fucked up thing to say. and i wasn't online when it happened but apparently, these fuckwads are the reason why luke doesn't smile with his teeth much anymore? idk if that's true, but if it is you are a villain. an actual villain. you bullied someone into not smiling, are you proud of yourself?
and nicola. i don't even want to quote the things i've seen said about her. she is a queen. a queen. and yeah, people bring up her body and her looks and say she doesn't deserve to be the lead. the casual fatphobia is disgusting, to say the least. nicola has literally been promoting 3 things at the same time, and she has not lagged on either project. she is the reason we have bts from filming and are getting important moments from rmb. she is a professional and she has a heart of gold. she is also chronically on line (affectionately) so she does see all the shit you antis post. and, i can't even believe i need to say this, that shit hurts. because she is a human being. she has explicitly stated, multiple times, that she wants the focus to be on her work and not on her body. thinking caps on: why do you think that is?
they are both human beings with real feelings. no one is saying you have to love penelope or colin or polin, but they are fictional characters. they won't get affected by some of the fucked up shit yall say. but luke and nicola are real human beings. you can have opinions on them, we all do, but if it isn't positive, maybe shut the fuck up?
it also needs to be said that a lot of the hate comes from people who are fans of kanthony. i usually wouldn't call them out but name but it's true. the person who called luke ugly and fat had anthony bridgerton in her user name. she also had an israeli flag in her bio but that's another rant. most of the hate i see about polin and luke and nic come from people who stan kanthony and/or are huge fans of jonny and/or simone. and that is 50 shades of fucked up. do you think they want fans like that? fans who will say disgusting things about their friends/colleagues and then turn around and praise them? jonny literally calls luke his little brother. no one is saying you have to love polin, but why do you need to say this shit? why can't you just quietly stan kanthony and go about your lives? why do you feel the need to bring down not only fictional characters, but real people?
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Penelope and her robe of power
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Shoutout to @whistledownbad for invoking and taking this out of my subconscious. I didn't even realise I was thinking about this deeply (I shouldn't be surprised anymore since S3 has burrowed deep in my brain).
A short discussion on the Polisanity discord (a very very lovely, creative, and hilarious discord community of the residents of the Polin brainrot) showed me how this robe represents Pen's power-- not just in sexuality but in her character.
And it is shown on moments where she loses something, where her power was seemingly taken from her.
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S3Ep3 - Forces of Nature
The first time we see this robe, Pen has just lost a flirting battle against Cressida for Debling's attention while pretending to be someone she is not. She looks defeated and annoyed which contrasts a similar scene on Ep 2 (after the fan encounter) where she looks more embarrassed and slightly amused at the situation.
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S3Ep4 - Old Friends
The second time we see it is at the beginning of Ep 4. Pen is losing her battle from her resolve to follow the familiar tide of the marriage mart (I elaborate more on this scene here because it's not just Pen who is losing their resolve) on the day that Debling asks for Portia's permission to propose to Pen (where we get this poignant statement from Portia about security being romantic. Which I actually agree on coming from a poor family/country. Also, can I just say Nicola looks absolutely stunning in this scene).
She is distraught and seem to be in the middle of convincing herself that she is doing the right thing.
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S3Ep5 - Tik Tok
In the middle of the chaotic 24hrs of Penelope's life (where she gets proposed to by the love of her life and experiences her first sexual encounter), she is seen crying and having to write about herself on Whistledown for the 2nd time for the current season (she probably writes about herself regularly in the column so as not to arouse suspicion but she would have most likely focused on mundane things) when we see this robe for the third time.
She loses the chance to feel completely and irrevocably happy about her engagement when Eloise points out that she is harboring a heavy secret from the man who just lovingly confessed that he would rather feel tortured with love for her than to carry on living.
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S3Ep6 - Romancing Mr. Bridgerton
Ahhh...Pen and this robe. I'm so curious now what actually is the design on the robe and the decision behind using it for these scenes.
The fourth time we see this robe, Pen seemingly decides to lose Whistledown forever, hiding a part of herself in the "name of love". A crossroad that she never thought she'd have to go through when she began that season, Pen gives up all power and decides (tentatively) to follow her mother's advise. It's admirable on one part as real life will tell you that sometimes, there are sacrifices you need to make for your partner. But this really is sometimes up for debate whether that action is made in love, out of love, or for love (or not at all). I've always thought that Pen also suffers the same hero complex that Colin has albeit more subtle than his. I think this was part saving Colin (from whatever trouble Whistledown brings) and also part penance for what her writing and decisions have put him through regarding Marina.
AND THEN-- the last last time on this season that we see her in it is so viscerally powerful that it probably made everyone forget that:
This wasn't the same wedding night robe (where Colin openly lusted on Pen and stubbornly wasted his opportunity).
That whenever we saw Pen on this robe in the earlier episodes, she seemed to be unhappy and devoid of power and agency within herself.
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S3Ep8 - Into the Light
This wonderfully and deliciously short scene encapsulates Pen's embracing of her power-- the parts that she has been losing and letting go whenever she wears this robe. I also love that it's with Colin that she finally embodies the full strength of this power.
Come S4, I need this robe to be slowly taken off by Mr. Bridgerton off of Mrs. Bridgerton please.
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moirindeclermont · 3 months
5+ things I love about the Carriage Scene
also know as horny edition, I decline every responsability if "feelings" arise during the reading of this thread. Buckle up, folks! This is going to be a wild ride. Take a shot every time I use an innuendo for maximum results (don't, please)
1) The build up. Especially on rewatches, I do enjoy the momentum as it gets created. His confession, her "what" - I wrote about that moment "One word. Four letters. A word spoken so often it was laughable that *that* word could mean so much to her." The seconds before they kiss. Half of my fun is the build up.
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2) His face when she touches him. I believe it was one of my first daily thread and it's so dear to me. The absolute devotion and pleasure that man is experiencing in that moment always send me to places. It's raw and uninhibited and he is just in the moment, his mind blank as he takes in her touch. He is a man starved and Pen it's his answer.
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3) This scene is all about passion. There is no space for nerves or shyness, nothing is thought about or planned. It's just them, coming together for the first time, both their feelings acknoledged and reciprocated. They are both giving each other everything (I know many don't like it, but I think it's an appropriate song choice).
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4) I sound like a broken record, but the nod, the consent, is so sexy to me. She doesn't know what's going to happen - my personal headcanon it's that she knew a very vague version of it but not the specifics - she just knows she trusts Colin to take care of her. And it spokes volumes about their connection, even at this early stage.
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5) And talking about uninhibited, all the beautiful expressions and sounds that Pen makes (and Colin, if you listen to the version without music, 10/10 no notes). Thing is, we - real and modern people - are much more easily scandalized than they were at that time. She is just open about her pleasure and it's a detail that many people don't like because it's too much, too intimate, too personal, and I understand that. But I like it exactly for those reasons.
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6) Their laugh and their kiss after they arrived at Bridgerton house. The softest, cutest touch. Their smile, basking in the moment they just lived. It makes my heart tremble, because even after everything changed, nothing really is changed. They are still friends.
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7) The "what you are doing" when Colin is fixing her dress. The delivery of that line just strings my heart every time. She still can't quite believe it's happening and she still have doubts, so there is an underlayer of stress there that Nicola deliver so well.
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8) What stands out it's their connection. It's not the steamiest scene ever shooted, but it's deep and for me it's intoxicating because of this. And I have to mention this lip bite because of reasons
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Feel free to add your own. I'll go have a very very cold shower.
And as always if you want to ask for a specific 5+ things I love go to my Tumblr or my Ig @moirindc - you can ask about Bridgerton, IWTV, Buffy or Supernatural
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ericshoney · 2 months
Always here ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: You were always there for all four of your brothers no matter what, especially Chris, who one night, turned up at your doorstep.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of argument/fighting, nicknames, crying, slight angst, fluff
A/N: Please don't take this seriously, I know the triplets have their disagreements at times like many siblings, I don't see Matt or Nick acting/saying the stuff they do in this in real life, but remember it's a fanfic!
You were sat curled up with a blanket on your sofa about to have a solo movie night. You had been at work all day and wanted just to relax for the night. As you were relaxing, you then heard the light pitter patter of rain. To you, it was relaxing and made you feel more calm and relaxed.
But then a knock was hard at your door. You felt confused as you weren't expecting any visitors. Yes, all your brothers were home in Boston, but you were planning on meeting up tomorrow for a sibling day. You checked your phone, not seeing a messages, so you thought whoever it was might go away.
But then they knocked again.
You sighed and got up, opening the door, only to see Chris standing there. His hood was up, his eyes were red, indicating he had been crying and slightly damp from the rain.
"Hey bud, get in!" You exclaimed, pulling him inside, not wanting him to get more wet and cold.
"Sorry to show up randomly, I know we're planning on hanging out tomorrow." He apologised.
"Don't say sorry, Chris. What's wrong?" You asked softly.
Chris then sniffed and started crying again. You frowned and pulled him over to the sofa, hugging him and whispering to him to help relax.
"They fucking went to far!" He shouted.
"Shh buddy, it's okay. Just relax." You cooed, rubbing his back.
Once Chris had calmed down to a few sniffles, you gave him a comforting smile.
"Wanna talk about what happened?" You offered.
"Nick and Matt." He mumbled.
"What happened? Weren't you filming tonight?" You asked.
"Yeah, but they just kept saying stuff." He responded.
"Tell me, bud." You said.
"It was going well, the beginning anyways. Matt was making a few jokes and so was Nick. I joined in and it was all good. But as we got closer to the end of filming, they both seemed to team up on me. Saying how I was helpless and needy. How I should really have some time away from both of them. Then when we stopped recording it just got worse." He told you.
"How so?" You asked.
"Saying shit. Baby jokes and calling me stupid and saying I was too loud, that I'm like a child who need attention all the time." He continued.
You frowned as you saw the sadness overtake his usually joyful face. You knew the boys teased each other a lot, you sometimes joined in on the teasing as their older sister, but this seemed to have gone too far.
"Don't worry buddy, I'm sure they will realise and apologise soon enough. You want to watch a movie with me?" You responded.
Chris nodded as you curled up on the sofa again, now joined by your youngest brother. You put on a Back to the future, knowing that was Chris' favourite and would ease his mind.
After the movie finished, you noticed Chris was fast asleep. You pulled the blanket over him and left the TV on low. You then grabbed your phone and went into the kitchen, calling Nick.
"Hey sis!" He cheered as he answered.
"Nicolas Antonio! What the fuck is wrong with you!" You shouted.
"Woah, what did I do?" He asked.
"You and Matt get your asses to my place, now!" You instructed.
"Y/n, it's one in the morning." He replied.
"Now, Nick." You said.
"Alright, on our way." He sighed.
You hung up the phone and went back to the living room, seeing Chris still asleep. You smiled slightly, remembering times from when you were younger.
Ten minutes later, your front door opened and Nick and Matt walked in. When they saw Chris, they both knew what it was about.
"I thought he might be here, seen as he wasn't in his room." Nick said quietly, not wanting to wake his brother.
You walked into the kitchen, followed by two of your brothers and sat at the island.
"He was really upset, guys." You said.
"We figured." Matt mumbled.
"I'm not going to sit here and treat you like little kids, your both twenty-one, but sometimes you all have to remember the teasing can go too far. I'm not defending Chris and saying he hasn't said shit to either of you before, but in this case, you both really hurt him." You continued.
"We fucked up, we know it. We'll apologise." Nick said as Matt nodded in agreement.
You nodded as you heard faint footsteps, indicating Chris was awake. He walked into the kitchen and saw Nick and Matt.
"Oh, hey." He called quietly.
"Hey Chris, sorry about earlier, that was shitty of us." Matt said.
"It's fine." Chris mumbled.
"No, no it's not. As your brothers we shouldn't be using your personality against you. We love how careful you are and were total bitches." Nick replied.
Chris gave both of them a smile, struggling to be mad. The three shared a group hug, making you smile.
"Thanks Y/n." Chris said.
"Your welcome. I'm your older sister, I can't have you three fighting and being mad with each other. I raised you better than this." You responded, making them laugh.
"Remember, I'm always here. Okay." You added, making the trio nod.
You smiled and knew it would turn into a sleepover at your place, but you could handle it, knowing your brothers were all happy again.
@mattsfavbigtitties @lgbtq-girl @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @sturniolo-fann @riowritesitall
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