ajadeideidy · 5 years
How do Ninemares and Nightails age? Just curious.
Actually it's quite similar to dogs ageing process.
They have one tail for 2 weeks since birth
2th tail will grow on their 5th week and on their 9th to 10th week their 3th tail sprout out :)
Then their ageing starts to slow down with the amount of tails they gain in process.
4th tail comes out when they're one year old
5th tail on second year
6th tail on third year.
From that moment it slows dow even more
7th tail on 5th year
8th tail on their 9th year
And finally 9th tail when they reach 15th year from birth. At this year it really depends on their decision and will to continue with lives but if I remember correctly 13th tail should be gained in their 100th year and even then they can still grow more of them
As u can see its nearly always double amount of time from the last tail sprouting.
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Yayyyyy! finally a ideas for my little ninemares au
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Little Ninemares! six:
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s-bitty-place · 5 years
Dracaena smiled wide, she seen the newest fae bitty and fell completely more in love with one of them. They had been mentioned before but not much was known until Aja put up the poster online with their little general bio. The other personal bitties that had been there for a while, especially Tam and Bam, smirked at the feeling of excitement rolling off the dragon-skele. Taiwo was surprised as Kehinde felt it, it being contagious to him while Taiwo tugged at her horns once on a shoulder.
“Oh, sorry dear.” Dracaena says, still smiling but calming herself down- don’t need Taiwo getting hurt by too much positivity, at least more than he can handle.
“It’s fine, but why did you get excited?” Taiwo asks, such a curious little Nightmare.
“Oh, I’ve just seen the online ad for a Mystery Glitch. It’s an Error type, mostly harmless. They’re being adopted out by Aja.” Dracaena told Taiwo who looks at the ad. The other fae however, when they heard Aja’s name and flew to their Mama.
“We can go visit right? We wanna see Miss Aja again.” Koga chirped, Yasha beside him. Dracaena nods, the flying bitties zooming around her in excitement.
“Calm down.”she chuckles before ‘scratching’ (pure goop is hard to give scritches) Taiwo’s head,” You okay dear?”
“I’m fine, I’ll need to calm my negativity down by that outburst of positivity.” Taiwo tells the skele-drake. She nods and puts the gooper on Majors’ shoulder, Taiwo adjusting and taking out some of Major’s negativity to eat.
“Thanks Tai.” Major says to the bitty that nods at him, feeling better. Kehinde giggles and goes to Blue Smoke, who has gotten better at talking with the others. Once the fae bitties were settled in a horn or on shoulders, she grabbed the new sash made for bitties to go into before heading to Aja’s place. It was very different than the last time she came here, but it was good.
“Haven’t seen you in a while.” Andres chuckles, seeing the dragon-skele.
“Saw the Mystery Glitch, and I love these guys.” Dracaena says, Yasha asleep in the pouch with Koga waving to one of the caretakers.
“Ah, that makes a bitty lovable, huh?” Andres asks, seeing the little bitties.
“Yeah, the bitties wanted to visit. Yasha’s been our nightguard, he sleeps mostly during the day but he patrols at night.” Dracaena told Andres as the android nodded, the other fae bitties looking around on their own- other bitties talking with the older bitties that had been adopted.
“That’s interesting, at least you’re compromising.” Andres tells Dracaena who nods.
“Mind walking me to the Mystery Glitch’s. I wanna see which one will like a big family.” Dracaena hums, Andres nodding as they left the counter area. Wildflower noticed first that Andres had taken Dray to the meet and greet room. He landed close to the room, Fandom close behind.
“How many do you think she’ll actually adopt?” Fandom asked his friend-Wildflower smiling.
“Possibly three, maybe more.”
“How bold of you to assume that she is the one to find them.” Fandom counters, smiling. Wild rolled his eyes,almost everyone played pranks on each other, never harmful of course. Dying Taiwo pink was the hardest prank but it had came with a little bit of issues-apparently once put in goop(even if it was bitty-safe) was hard to dissolve it, therefore making Erratic drink dye that was being expelled slowly from Taiwo was the last time they did it. By time all of the dye was gone, Erratic had a bellyache and demanded cuddles. Dracaena was only informed of this after the prank was done.
“Hello, who are you?” a bitty asks, a Kis by what he looks like.
“I’m Fandom, a Sing-Song; this is Wildflower, a Faun. That’s our mama Dray in the meeting room with Andres.” Fandom says cheerfully, the Kis nodding while Wild was blushing. He’s seen their general info and bio before, but again, being up close to one was different.
“It’s nice to meet you, most Faun bitties seem to think of us Kis as competition with nature.” the Kis says, Wild nodding.
“I can see why, Mama has a garden for us. It’s mainly to keep me occupied and there’s always vegetables there. Fandom sometimes keeps pests out.” Wild tells the Kis who flushes too and nods.
“A mystery glitch to complete the fae types?” The Kis asks and Fandom smiles and nods, automatically knowing a crush was forming. Dracaena was talking with a Mystery Glitch that was holding a young NINEmare, the third tail visible.
“Welp, I’ll leave you two!” Fandom giggles and Wild flushed violently, practically guessing why.
“I can show you around to the other places that we are in the shop.” The Kis tells Wild, either oblivious to Fandom’s intention or completely ignoring it.
“That would be great.”Wild says, going with the other bitty, glad to get a tour. Fandom just smiled and sat on an edge near the tanks, still close to Mama Dracaena. Andres was still with her, but it appears that the NINEmare would be coming home with the Mystery Glitch. It looks like the Glitch either adopted the Mare or they adopted each other.
“Hello little one, what are you doing up here?” It was Aja who was smiling at Fandom.
“Waiting for Mama Dray and the others Momma Aja.” Fandom giggles and Aja nods, having not seen the dragon-skele in a while. A suckle to Fandoms foot was his answer as a Shitogi, curious eyes looking at him.
“We don’t have any other aquatic bitties right now.”Dracaena informs, making Aja, Fandom and the Shitogi jump. She chuckles, Andres sighing at his friend.
“The Shitogi must’ve wanted to play.” Andres says and Fandom nods, Dracaena humming.
“I like him.” Fandom says, clearly interested in the sea-horse like bitty. Dracaena nods, calling Major up for an update. Looks like Aja will help with more bitties getting adopted.
“It’s nice seeing you again, and with the Dreamy bitty and Sweatie too.” Aja giggles, seeing Yasha and Koga cuddling.
“They’re mates Momma Aja.” Fandom informs, getting a light glare by the dozing Dreamy bitty.
“Aw! I think I seen your little Faun with a Kis bitty.” Aja informs Dracaena who nods in a defeated motion.
“It seems that I’ll adopt more than I planned.” Dracaena sighs, Andres chuckling at her, having heard how many bitties she has.
“I’m Yasha, the Sweatie is Koga; our Faun is Wildflower while the Sing-Song is Fandom.” Yasha told his old caretaker while cuddling his mate.
“Do you want to get the forms out of the way?” Aja asks Dracaena who nods. The Mystery Glitch had decided to sit on a horn with the NINEmare. There were giggles as the Kis from earlier came to the desk and had Wild on his back. The Faun had a big smile from how fast the Kis had got them from one location to another.
“My bitties found other bitties.” Dracaena jokes, Wild flustered at the good-hearted insinuation. The Kis looks at him and Dray before Andres came back with the Shitogi that had been curious of Fandom and sucked on tiny toes in a carrying thing.
“Seems that you always adopt more than you try.” Aja jokes and Dracaena smiles fondly. It was no secret that she tended to adopt bitties together, it would settle them in quicker.
“Your adopting us four?” The Glitch asks and Dracaena affirmed, the Kis and Shitogi excited.
“You come up with your own names, Mama says it’s polite to let you name yourself.” Koga told the new group.
“Paint!” The Shitogi calls, the Kis chuckling. Flower was sitting by Fandom who was teasing him about a newfound crush.
“I like Raine.” The Kis told his future owner who coos at him.
“E after the regular spelling?” Dracaena hums and Raine nods before the two in the horn chirp in.
“We decided that I’ll be Codex and the NINEmare will be Dew, like the morning dew.” Codex says, Dracaena putting the names down on the form. Once it was filled out, the carrier for Paint being carried by Dracaena while the others were in the bitty carrier- Codex and Dew still in the horns.
They got home, Major looking unsurprised as they greeted him-some black patches on his bone.
“Welcome home, I installed a tank in the bitty room, filled it and got a reliable filter on it. Then the faerie homes are up, electronics in the Mystery Glitch’s. There’s electronics throughout the home and shop- practically unbreakable too.”Major told his sister.
“Thank you, I honestly only went for one.” Dracaena chuckles, Major nodding.
“Well, I pretty much expect it from you,so what types and what names do they have?” Major hums. The aquatic bitty smiles and looks at Major.
“I’m Paint!” Paint greets, Wild and Raine talking as Dew and Codex looked at this new skeleton.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you. Dray will most likely bring you to the shop so you won’t be alone. I’ll have to put a new filter in that tank and order some of that sand from Miss Aja.” Major hums and sees Paint’s curiosity intensify.
“Lets get dinner first and relax for the night.” Dracaena says softly, Wild yawning and leaning against Raine. Out of the four fae, Wild was always the first to fall asleep then it would be Fandom, after Fandom it would be Koga who had to be ushered by Yasha to sleep. Yasha would make sure his mate was asleep before he left for a patrol.
“Okay!” Raine chirps, helping Wildflower to the table. Grabbing out fruits,vegies-meat for those that ate that, Dracaena started cooking, Major helping.
“Who are you and what’s your problem?” Codex asks, blunt and snarky. Major looks surprised while looking at Codex.
“I’m Major, a child of an Underswap Sans and an Underfell Sans. My folks don’t remember me cause of a reset. I don’t know what you mean about ‘problem’ though.” Major introduces himself, Dracaena nodding. Codex looked at him and raised a figurative eyebrow as Dew hopped down onto a shoulder then went to Major’s shoulder.
“Your aura feels like an Error bitty.” Codex told Major and he nods.
“An Error is my uncle, he’s pretty relaxed compared to others.” Major chuckles, pretty used to goop on his shoulder by now-Taiwo likes to feed off his high anxiety and helps him.
“That makes sense, Dew likes you.” Codex says softly, watching the young bitty.
“I’ve been meaning to ask, what’s your relationship with Dew?” Yasha asks, fully awake and wings vibrant. Codex nods and keeps an eye on Dew.
“He’s a runt, doesn’t have a Nightails brother.” Codex says and Yasha nods, not prying into the other faeries life. It was clear that Dew had adopted some of a Mystery Glitch’s behavior, but still having a curious nature that normally appeared with Dracaena’s bitties.
“Your his caretaker?” Dray asks calmly and Codex hums, not saying anything for confirmation. After they ate, Major took the couch and decided to sleep on it while Dracaena took the bitties upstairs- making sure to show them all of the accessibility for bitties- taking them into the bitty room, Paint put into the filtering water to get relaxed. Codex was shown his home, each faerie had an individual nest but oftentimes they would sleep in Yasha’s nest for cuddles. The nest was inside little balls with a closable door (something Yasha and Koga had up during their heats or for alone time), each nest was different because each bitty was.
Wild had barely made it to the nest, but Raine decided to sleep with the flying bitty for comfort. Dray just hummed but let Codex take his kit up with him. If they didn’t want to sleep with new bitties then they could deal with it in the morning.
@ajadeideidy / @bittiesfromplushies
Adopted(this visit)-
Shitoji- Paint
Kis- Raine
NINEmare- Dew
Mystery Glitch- Codex
Bitties from previous adopt of this center-
Fandom- Sing-Song
Wildflower- Faun bitty
Yasha-Dreamy Bitty
Koga- Sweatie bitty
Tam/Tapper and Bam (Paperjam bitties)
Taiwo(Nightmar) and Kehinde(Dream)
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Fuck it! little ninemares au!
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Ok here are the character that gonna be in my little ninemares au I come so far and please give some suggestions.
2 - The girl with the bloody nose / Redhair girl in the comic
3 & 4 - The refugee boy and his sister from the comic
5 - The toddler / The kid with the blindfolder from the comic
7 - The runaway boy / seven
8 - The humpback girl from the comic
9 - The girl with the raincoat from very litte nightmare
The scientist - The lady
The Chancellor - The thin man
The teacher - Seamstress
Spiderbots - The porcelain children / the bullies
Seamstress - The teacher
The fabrication machine / the B.R.I.A.N - The signal tower
The winged beast - The granny?
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Here some random bullshit I did
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Please give me some ideas for my little ninemares au
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bittiesfromplushies · 4 years
Bitty adoptables
I took notice that with time its harder to find all my adoptables here so I decided to finally grow a braincell and make oficial list of all my adoptables here :)
Dreamy,Faun,Sing-song and Sweatie
Mystery Glitch
aditional informative:
Mik,Piko,Tak and Mori
Cotton Doom
aditional informative:
NINEmare and Nightail
(more will be added in time)
(Tonys are actualy M.Droids but his version is stil up for adoption)
M.Droid and B.Droid
The peaceful warriors
Kis and Eki
This is all for now but I will ocasionaly eddid this post whenever new bitty type comes out :) hope I made things easier for u all now  have a nice day/night~
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s-bitty-place · 4 years
Valentines’ Day
Wrote on Valentines’ Day, posted on the day after
           It was Valentines’ day in Dracaenas’ adoption shop, it was being celebrated with small cards and non-sugar sweets (per the Ribs’ request). Major and Dracaena had already swapped gifts, they didn’t mind not having a special person, content on family love. Their bitties were partaking in their own way, the Dreamtale twins were creating a neutral aura as they calmly napped inside of Codex and Dews’ fairy home, exhausted as they felt the rampant emotions from the outside while Codex and Dew were waiting for the excitement to die down. Anumati was in his non-goop form, partaking in the festivities that would last for a few days with Berror and Psykhe, Cinnamon and Angel following the more extroverted bitties. Sugar-cube, Floss and Hope were spending it with Mummy Demeter, all four happy to share a day of love, platonically for most bitties. Tart, Ambrosia, and Lugh were helping make some sweets to give to other shops and to their own shop-owners. The kitchen was a little messy, but Ambrosia made sure nothing went to waste, they had about seven medium-sized cookie tins made for the other shop-owners.
           Lyre and Hija decided to come over, leaving the bitties from a recent rescue at the clinic to rest and relax. Hija was entertained easily, the Inky’s and Sorumeitos’ taking interest in the skele-dragon that was Dracaena’s hatchmate. Yasha and Koga danced in the air, smiling at each other with love and care, laughing little sweet laughs when one another accidentally fell in the air while dancing, just Hallmark TV sounds in the background and no music. Blue-Smoke and Xee were watching TV calmly, Xee petting the dragon bitty’s head as he watched the Hallmark love story.
           Sōru was talking with Tapper, both having an aura of happiness as Bam and Erratic were jumping as they talked excitedly about Valentines’ day and how the day was focused on plain love alone. Fandom was helping Paint decorate his tank with waterproof erasable markers and bitty floaties. It was probably the most peaceful but chaotic day in the month, especially since it was a day for love.
           Raine was out in the garden, thinking as he looked through the flowers that had grown or were brought in. Dracaena had somehow kept the garden ground warm in the garden when the weather went cold. He was debating on how to tell Wildflower of his crush since about his adoption date. They both were easy to get along and loved nature together among other common grounds. His mind raced until he bumped into a smaller bitty.
           “Raine, there you are. Ambrosia is still making sweets and some of the Inkys are playing truth or dare. I wanted to come ask if you would like to watch them with me.” Wildflower says, bright blush prominent on his face while talking to Raine.
           “Uh, sure!” Raine replies with a blush like Wildflowers’ and a nod. Wildflower smiles and escorts him to the center where the truth or dare was taking place. Dracaena was watching to make sure nothing bad happened because it was Inkys. Wildflower and Raine got comfortable in a hacky sack that was made to be a beanbag of sorts for bitties. The two talked as they watched the Inkys mostly dare each other into silly shenanigans. It was calmer later when a cartoon movie about dinosaurs was on.
           “Hey Raine?”
           “Yeah Wild?”
           “I’ve been having this silly crush on you and I never felt it before, so I wanted to ask you on a date.” Wildflower rambles and Raine sighs in relief.
           “I’ve had that feeling towards you too, I’m glad I’m not the only one.” Raine says before kissing Wilds’ cheek. Wildflower smiles brightly and cuddles into Raine as they talk more about their feelings, Yasha and Koga smiling as they saw the young couple get together. It reminded them how nervous they were before confessing.
 Dracaena’s Bitties
Ambrosia(Horrortale!Sans Bitty)
Demeter(Mumcher Horrortale!Toriel Bitty)
by @dotchi13
Xee(Xee Bitty)
Blue-Smoke(Wyvern!Snas Bitty)
by @theamazingfey
Hope(Flamester Papyrus!Bitty)
Codex(Mystery Glitch)
Paint (Shitogi)
by @ajadeideidy
Sugar-Cube and Floss(Jiggy!Bitty)
by @shyeevee66
Tam/Tapper and Bam(PJ!Bitties)
by @7goodangel
Sōru (SoulMate!Fell bitty)
by myself
Anumati (Blancamare)
Berror (Berror)
Psykhe (Cross w/out the Chara)
Major’s Bitties
Lugh & Eris (Cross w/Chara)
Angel (Kindness Biller)
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bittiesfromplushies · 5 years
Hiya! Do you do adoption scenarios? Cos if you do, I’d love one with a Nightail please ❤️
*u arrive at the centre where in all honesty it looks slightly chaotic with aquariums being installed for the new aquatic additions and terrariums being furnished for the lazier warmth loving ones.
At the counter there is Hybrid cat discussing some orders for the centre with skeleton Android and giving u more time to adjust to the craziness before ur noticed by said Hybrid that happily welcomes u.
After some introduction where u find Hybrids name (Aja) and Aja finding which type caught ur interest, Aja brings u to the back of the centre where u can see playground with all bittysized toys and games and surrounded by tall enough wall for the little ones to not run under someones shoes. Playground is filled with many kits playing among themselves or with bitties of different types.
Aja then lets u in to sit there and interact with some of the Nightails that immediately jumped towards u to play with them. After some time of playing many Nightails leave to coax out their brothers NINEmare for playtime but one stays with u playing little game of tag with u. When u ask why he didn't leave like the others he answers u that he doesn't have a brother and playing with u is much more fun.
U decided then...ur gonna take the only one who stayed with u and didn't lose interest in u. When u leave the playground with the little kit cuddled up to u, Aja is already waiting for u with necessary paperwork to fill up and small package of things for the little one.
After little more time ur leaving the centre with new addition to ur family*
(Sorry if the scenario is weird I'm not used to writing them much so I hope I did at least a lil bit good tho)
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