sm0lprism · 5 months
Bite-Sized (9) - A G/t BG3 fanfic
This contains g/t (giant/tiny content) so if that isn't your thing, then I suggest you stop reading. Thank you!
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Summary: Astarion brings Ria along with him to the heart of the Goblin Camp without the rest of the group knowing. However, before they can even get inside, things take a very unfortunate turn. In other words, this is the beginning of Ria's VERY bad day.
Pairing: Astarion x f!borrower!oc (Tav/oc) (slow-burn)
Warnings: MOUTHPLAY WARNING!!! If you are uncomfortable with mouthplay or vore-ish themes, then DO NOT read this chapter! No actual vore occurs but mouthplay is VERY prominent. Don't worry, Ria will be completely fine, I promise. Swearing/course language, mentions of blood drinking, vampire stuff.
Word count: 2.4k
The smell of burning meat and alcohol hit Astarion’s nostrils well before he had even stepped foot into the Goblin Camp. While he preferred more refined company, he did relish in the chaos that goblins often brought with them – and it was clearly abundant in the stronghold of the camp as he followed behind Gale, Wyll, and Karlach. Lae’zel and Shadowheart had reluctantly been nominated to look after the camp while the others were away, much to both the half elf’s and gith’s dismay. He wondered if they would kill each other while he and the others were gone.
His stomach grumbled as dozens of goblins flitted around a roasting spit, cooking what smelled like dwarf meat, as they downed pints of alcohol. Seeing this many exposed necks and pulses made the never-ending ache in his stomach worsen. Soon enough he would be able to feed – thanks to Ria persuading the group, he could drink all the goblins dry if he wished once they were done with the leaders.
Ah, yes, the little snack in my pocket…
He was so swept up in the moment that he almost forgot about the tiny passenger that he was carrying. She hadn’t stirred since they had left camp and he wondered if she had in fact fallen asleep. Her small heartbeat had slowed down considerably as well.
His hand hovered over his breast pocket where Ria was concealed inside, and he gave the pocket a little tap to alert her that they had arrived. Almost immediately the borrower inside began to stir, her tiny heartbeat increasing as he felt her squirm against his chest.
Scanning the area, he noticed that everyone else had gathered towards the centre of the camp. Karlach, Gale, and Wyll were standing near a small stage where Volo, a poor bard that he and the others had met in the Emerald Grove some time ago, was performing some terrible rendition of Dror Ragzlin. They seemed completely enthralled by Volo’s presentation as they didn’t even bat an eyelid towards Astarion’s direction.
“Oi! You smell funny, mister.”
Astarion blinked and swiftly turned his gaze downwards to see a female goblin standing directly in front of him.
“How polite of you to say,” Astarion sneered, sharpening his gaze at the little goblin. “And you smell utterly dreadful. Is that all you wanted to say to me or can I be on my way?”
The goblin chose to ignore his statement and instead took a deep inhale of air through her nose. Her eyes grew as big as saucers as she inhaled and she stared at him intently.
Shit. She can smell Ria.
“There’s something in your pocket, isn’t there?” The goblin said, folding her arms across her chest. “I can’t quite make it out, but it’s different to whatever poxy perfume you have on, and the smell of blood in yer mouth.”
“That’s not for you to know,” Astarion hissed, flashing his fangs at the goblin. “Why don’t you mind your own business. Unless you want my fangs to meet that green neck of yours, you best move along.”
The female goblin nearly jumped out of her skin upon seeing Astarion’s perfectly white fangs flash in the sunlight and she immediately backed away from him.
“S-shit, sorry!” she exclaimed, panic evident in her voice. “I didn’t think a blooming blood-sucker could walk in the sun…you must be some freak or somethin’.” The goblin quickly scampered off, not daring to look behind her as she vanished into the hazy crowd.
The sudden outburst seemed to garner some attention as a few goblins had stopped what they were doing and eyed him up curiously. There was no doubt that they could also partially smell Ria’s scent to some extent, too. It seemed that his own scent wasn’t quite enough to mask the borrowers unfortunately. If any of the goblins stopped to really smell him, then he would be in trouble.
He had to get out of there. And fast.
Astarion wasted no time in melding into the shadows, something that came very naturally to him as a vampire spawn, and quickly vanished from sight. Ria was still safe inside his pocket for now, but he knew if the goblins were made aware of a borrower in their midst, it could end very badly for her. Perhaps it would be a good idea if they could mask her scent somehow. He snuck behind a large stone pillar, now out of sight from the masses of goblins and his own companions.
“Astarion?” Ria’s small voice chimed from inside his pocket.
He opened the lip of the pocket and glanced downwards at the tiny passenger he was carrying. He would never say it aloud, but as her little face stared up at him, he couldn’t help but to admit she did look rather cute. She was so tiny, so vulnerable, so fragile – it would be so easy for her to become injured if he wasn’t careful.
Not that he cared if she got hurt. She was just a borrower after all, nothing more.
So…why was he feeling a sudden urge of protectiveness when he looked at her?
He shook his head, dismissing the thought from his brain.  
“Are you just going to stare at me or will you tell me what’s going on?” Ria asked, bringing Astarion back to the present.
He blinked and flashed her a grin. “Well, I was just thinking that it might be a good idea to disguise your scent, darling.”
Ria’s eyes widened in realisation. “Oh…right. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that…” Her voice trailed off as her brain tried to think of a solution. “Maybe I should’ve thought about that before we left.”
“Perhaps that would’ve been a good idea,” Astarion commented. “It’s just fortunate that the goblin from earlier didn’t press me further. I thought my scent would be enough to mask yours, but it seems that you just smell so…” He paused as a grin tugged at the corner of his lips.
Appetising. That’s what he was going to say, but he held his tongue. He knew that teasing her like this when she was only just starting to trust him a little was a bad move, especially after she had asked him not to call her things like that from now on. Still, he couldn’t deny that she did smell delicious. Even with the masses of goblins around him – who significantly had plentiful more blood – her blood sung to him the loudest out of everyone there.  
“So…what?” Ria said, her tiny brow furrowed as she craned her neck up at him.
“Never mind,” Astarion chuckled lightly, attempting to shake the growing thoughts of hunger out of his brain. “Well, you know what I mean, anyway. I’m sure you heard the conversation with the goblin. We really do need to hide your scent somehow.”
“You do have a point.” Ria pursued her lips in thought. “I need to have a better look at what’s going on outside.”
He watched the borrower as she wriggled around until her tiny head just barely managed to peak out from the lip of the pocket. He imagined she must’ve been standing on tip toes just to reach that high.
Ria’s gaze searched the Goblin Camp, concentration hardened her facial features as she tried to think of what to do. After a few moments, her eyes finally settled on a large tub where some goblins were collecting alcohol from.
“That’s it!” Ria exclaimed, pointing towards the tub full of booze on the other side of the camp.
Astarion glanced down at the borrower and then his gaze flicked to the giant tub of booze she was pointing at. Multiple goblins were walking up to the tub to take a swig of alcohol in large mugs, some of them downing their drinks as if it were only water.
“Hm, the pungent alcohol would most certainly cover up your scent,” Astarion said. “But getting you in the alcohol, however, seems like a risky move. Are you sure about this?”
“You’re a rogue! Use some of that dexterity of yours!” She flashed him a small smirk. “Just dip me in the booze quickly and then I’ll be out in a second. I’m sure a vampire spawn can handle that.”   
Astarion arched an eyebrow, wondering just where the sudden burst of confidence that she had was coming from. Not long ago she had been deathly afraid of letting him hold her, now she was placing even more of her trust in him to pull off a stunt that could backfire badly if he didn’t do it carefully. Still, he wasn’t going to let a borrower downplay him like that.
“If you insist,” he replied. “And I suggest we do it quickly. We really don’t want to attract any more attention to ourselves.”
Ria gave him a small nod in reply before she vanished into the inside of his pocket again to conceal herself. With their new goal in the forefront of his mind, he clung to the shadows of the camp to pass by unseen until he reached the large tub. Very swiftly he reached into his shirt pocket and plucked Ria in between his index finger and thumb and leaned towards the large tub of booze.
“Do it!” Ria whispered fiercely.
Before Astarion could do anything, a strong force collided into the back of his legs, causing Ria to fall out of his fingers as he was knocked forwards. All he could do was watch as the little borrower fell out of his grasp, followed by a small plop as she disappeared into the liquid.  
Seething with anger, he whipped his neck around to see who the culprit was and his gaze fell on a goblin who looked like they were on the verge of passing out.
“Oh man, I could go for another-HIC!” The goblin spluttered, the smell of beer radiating from his mouth as he wobbled around to gain his footing before passing out on the floor.
Astarion rolled his eyes and hastily returned his attention back to Ria, who was now, quite literally, swimming in the tub of alcohol.
“Hey, you’re holding up the line!” A raspy voice hissed to his left, and he noticed yet another goblin standing close to him. “Hurry up and grab a drink, we all want some!”
Growing somewhat stressed now, Astarion snatched up a nearby cup before returning his attention back to the tub. Ria had fortunately resurfaced, looking rather dishevelled and shaken up, but otherwise she was alright. He wasted no time and scooped her into his cup, keeping it close to his chest as he attempted to sneak away from the masses of goblins that were starting to cluster around them.
“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?” The same goblin with the raspy voice from earlier tugged on his armour, stopping him in his tracks.
Astarion immediately grimaced.
This can’t be good.
“Don’t mind me,” Astarion replied through gritted teeth, wanting nothing more than to turn invisible. “I’m just passing through.”
“Not without having a drink you’re not!” The goblin persisted, clearly somewhat drunk, and clung on stubbornly to his light armour. “You look as pale as a bloody ghost. I’m not letting you go until you’ve drunk every drop from your cup!”
The commotion had now brought even more attention to him, as Astarion quickly realised that multiple sets of eyes were glued to his frame and watching his every move. No matter how he looked at it, there was no getting out of this.
He tentatively gazed down into his cup, and saw Ria’s little face staring up at him with pleading eyes. She could obviously hear everything that was going on, and judging by the petrified look that was painted across her face, she knew exactly what he was going to do.
“Go on!” The goblin pulled on his armour once more, and Astarion had to restrain himself from biting the creature’s head off with how hard they pulled at the fine fabric. “You could do with some colour in your cheeks.”
He pulled his lip into a thin line as his gaze flicked back down to where Ria was sitting in his cup. All the colour had drained from her face as she stared at him with watery eyes, she looked as if she had been crying. Knots twisted in his stomach as he felt a wave of dread wash over him as he tried to rack his brain to think of an alternative. If he pretended to drink, there would be the chance of Ria falling out of the cup and to her death, which he wasn’t going to risk.
The only other option was to drink.
He gave her a wink before mouthing the words ‘I’m sorry,’ silently to her, and her eyes widened in response as he brought the cup towards his lips. The beer hit his tongue and he immediately had to force himself not to spit out the liquid as he took a forceful gulp. He had never been one for beer, wine, on the other hand, or better yet, blood, was more to his liking, but it wasn’t as if he had a choice in the matter. His attention on the beverage was soon replaced as he felt something soft and warm press up against his lips.
Her tiny hands were pushing against his lips, her body squirming as gravity pushed her rather forcefully towards his mouth. He was very careful not to swallow her, and rather gingerly he used the tip of his tongue to push her tiny body away from the inside of his mouth so that she wouldn’t fall in.
He pulled the cup away from his lips and glanced downwards at the goblin. The goblin was still stubbornly standing beside him with narrowed eyes, very clearly not impressed with his half empty cup.
“I said drink all of it you elf pansy!” The goblin exclaimed. “That was merely a sip! Come on, you aren’t leaving until all of that is completely gone, and I’m going to look at your cup afterwards, so make sure you guzzle it all down!”
Oh dear.
If the goblin was going to investigate his cup afterwards, he had to ensure that it was completely empty.
Ria wasn’t going to like this.
Very slowly the cup was brought to his mouth once more, and this time he took a hungrier gulp than before. He could smell the overwhelming fear from Ria as she was once again pressed against his mouth, her tiny hands scrambling across his lips, and this time, he didn’t stop her from falling inside. With a final gulp, the borrower disappeared into his mouth and he sealed his jaws shut.
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cowardlysimon · 2 months
BLOOD/A BIT OF GORE WARNING/ALSO MAYBE HARD VORE?? idk, there are just a few limbs lost 😭
Don't worry, no one dies they can both regenerate, but yknow. The girls are fighting.
Happy 8/8 or Vore Day. Or the Anniversary of FN/aF. Whichever you like more.
My review of Dea/dp/ool and Wol/verine is that it's an amazing movie, and the 2 hour sex scene seemed a bit unnecessary, but it was fun!!! (What am I even typing)
Anyway have the vore
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pretend vore stuff happens here
filler image so you can
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okay back to vore
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BTW, I am still learning how to draw them, and this is only like the 5th time I've drawn Log/an and the 2nd time I've drawn Dea/dpo/ol 💀
Well, anyway. Since it's the fna/f day as well take this
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 year
These aren't the best moments in his life (Surfer Dream pt 5)
I'm finally posting a fic again woooo :D
hero you go with a new part for surfer Dream au :)
Enjoy :]
TW: Safe/soft vore, unaware prey, fearplay, injury (mentioned)
It's been about 6 months since Dream went into a coma. Karl visited him three or four times a week, since he missed him very much and was very worried about him.
One of those days, Dream finally woke up from his coma, which pleased Karl and clearly Sapnap and Quackity. They were really relieved that he was able to wake up from the coma.
Due to health and safety reasons, Dream had to be hospitalized for another two months, which was fine with Karl as he was quite concerned about his roommate's condition.
During that time, Dream slowly began to be able to speak normally. It took him quite a while to do so, but with the effort, he was able to speak again without stuttering. In the end, he was allowed to leave the hospital, back home with Karl.
Dream walked out the door, heading towards the port. “Dream! Where are you going??" Karl asked as he quickly approached his friend. Dream let out a long breath, looking at him with a pout.
"Come on... I'm just going for a walk, you don't have to worry so much about me..." "Dream... You've been in a coma for six months, almost seven, plus two months of rehabilitation" He replied seriously while crossing his arms.
Dream let out another slightly annoyed sigh. “Karl, come on, I can't be locked up all the time. I'm just going to take a walk for three hours and come back, okay? Nothing bad will happen to me…”
Karl looked at Dream for a few seconds before sighing in defeat. "Okay, but if you haven't come back in three hours, I'm going to ask Sapnap and Quackity to find you and you won't come out for two weeks."
Dream thought about it for a moment before nodding. “Okay, deal. See you in three hours." he said before turning around and continuing on his way towards the port. Once there, he got on a small boat and headed out for a few miles into the ocean.
An hour passed and it seemed to Dream that he had gone far enough, so he stopped the boat. Not even five minutes passed when the sea began to move a little more violently.
‘Okay, maybe I should have listened to Karl…’ Dream stumbled backwards as a wave crashed into the boat. The sea was getting even more dangerous by seconds.
Much larger waves began to appear and crash against the boat. Dream tried to hold on to something but then, an unbelievably huge wave hit the boat, causing him to slip, hit his head on the ground and knock him unconscious.
Although before falling unconscious he could kinda see something light blue and gold, his sight eventually turning completely black.
Punz had only thought of taking a long swim by the sea, what he did not expect was to find a small boat being hit and pushed by the waves. With a sigh he approached the surface, sticking his head above the waves, watching the boat for a moment.
He narrowed his eyes, leaning a little closer, wanting to take a closer look. His eyes widened as they took in the only person in it.
The person was unconscious, which worried him a lot since the boy could die because of the state the sea was in.
Letting out another sigh, he picked up the boy in his hands and slowly introduced him into his mouth,swallowing him slowly and gently, since he didn't want to hurt him, or at least, less than what would have happened to him before he arrived.
Once he was sure the human was in his storage, he dove back in, swimming for the nearest shoreline.
Before he could move too far, a blue shark hybrid and a killer whale hybrid stopped him off, the shark grabbing him by the neck. “Where the fuck is Dream?! What the hell have you done to him!?” he said in a furious voice, baring his sharp teeth at her in a snarl.
Punz got nervous, who was Dream? Was he talking about the human he had found a few seconds ago? The shark grew impatient at his lack of response, tightening its grip on his neck a little more.
"Well?! Are you going to answer me!?" The other mer stepped in, trying to calm him down. "Sapnap please, calm down, you won't get anything like this..." Sapnap looked at his partner for a moment before letting out a sigh and letting go of Punz's neck. "Okay... Now, talk"
Punz looked at him a little bit nervous. “Uh.. That Dream.., has dirty blond hair and is wearing a green shirt...? Uh, if it's him... I found him unconscious so I decided to store him to keep him safe...”
Sapnap sighed at that. "Okay... I can tell you're not lying, but I don't trust you, understand?" he told him in a serious tone.
Punz nodded, flinching as a hand landed on his shoulder. “Calm down kid, he's just a little upset, it's alright, okay? Spend some time with us and you will see that he gets used to you.” Punz nodded again. "And what about you..?"
The orca gave a small giggle. "Me? don't worry about me, I do trust you, usually whale shark hybrids are really honest, besides you looked too nervous to lie, I think you're not good at that." "I guess..." The orca pulled him a little closer while drawing Sapnap's attention.
“Why don't we talk a bit on the way and get to know each other a bit?” He commented looking at both of them. Sapnap just shrugged, not really caring for the idea.
"Okay then, my name is Quackity and this is my fiancé, Sapnap." He says pointing at the shark. “My name is Punz…”
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dravidssideblog · 8 months
"Do I really HAVE to reform them? This is such a pain." "It would be a lot easier if you had kept their soul together." "They're PREY, I don't bother holding onto my food's soul." "Okay, if you're going to live here, you seriously need a lesson on vore etiquette." "Etiquette? I'm a predator, I eat people, there's no etiquette for eating people." "There is here, and it's the reason why prey is so easy to catch. It's also the reason why there's no consequences, so unless you want this to be a repeat of what happened back at your home town, you're going to learn it." "Ugh, fine, whatever, I just gotta reform any prey I eat, right?" "Yes, absolutely, but there's more than just that. For one, you can't hurt prey while eating them, so next time watch it with the teeth and claws." "What?! That's ridiculous, how am I supposed to subdue my meal?" "You don't have to, because the prey can't hurt you either." "… Okay…" "Second, you can't keep prey for any longer than a week. Doesn't matter if you digest them or just keep them inside, after a week, you gotta reform them or let them go." "Eh, that's fine, I guess. Not much of a long-term guy anyhow." "You can't eat someone with a prey in their belly." "Wait a sec, that means that if I catch a prey, no one can eat me? That sounds pretty nice! Hanging out with other preds was always too risky before…" "If you eat a prey who's with a group, you have to offer to eat the rest of the group too." "Wait what? Offer? This one does make sense…" "Well, if a group of friends are hanging out together, it'd be rude to separate one from the rest. You can still eat them, of course, but if the others want to join their buddy in your belly, you have to eat them too." "If they… want to? That's common enough that there's an etiquette rule about it?" "Yeah. Reformation is guaranteed, remember? Makes prey a lot less opposed to getting eaten." "Huh… And to be clear, even if they don't want to, I can still eat the whole group anyway right?" "Right. Another thing, you can't break into someone's home to eat them. Well, you shouldn't break into people's homes in general, that's rude, but I felt like I should specify to you. Homes are a safe zone." "A safe zone, huh? Sounds annoying… What if they invite me in? That's not breaking in, right?" "Yeah, if you invite a pred into your house you're kinda accepting the risk of getting eaten. But if you're just relaxing in your house, you shouldn't have to worry about someone sneaking in to eat you." "… Yeah. Yeah, that sounds nice. Okay, what else?" "Uh… Oh, some prey and preds here have committed relationships." "What, like, preys dating preds!?" "Kinda, except instead of dating its dinner." "Dinner dates." "Yeah. Anyway, you can't eat someone's committed prey without the pred's permission. The pred also can't eat other prey without their prey's permission, but I doubt that'll ever come up for you." "Couldn't a prey just lie and say 'oh yeah I totally have a predfriend, they're from another town, you wouldn't know them, but yeah I'm taken sorry!'" "How did you know they're called 'predfriends'?" "Wait that's actually what they're called? Dude I was joking!" "Well, anyway, a prey lying about that would also be a break of etiquette. If you really think they're lying, I guess you can call their bluff and eat them anyway, but don't be surprised when their pred comes to punch your lights out." "Yeesh, alright, fine. Hey, you mentioned before that prey aren't allowed to hurt preds trying to eat them? Are there any other rules like that?" "Yeah! You mentioned, like, lacing clothes with chemicals or something to stop preds from eating you by making you taste bad? That kinda stuff isn't allowed." "Niiice." "There's also rules about when it's acceptable for a prey to force themself down a pred's throat, but-" "There are prey that do that!? That's awesome!" "Yeah I figured you wouldn't mind that."
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bridgetswonderfulland · 5 months
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I just made a new logo to replace a old one from last year, used to be a fan of RCH and Superbendys' GF but now I've lost them because of myself. It's a horrible Spring to me and I feel like I could do some updates for the blog
(Before you ask: What "update" you're doing?)
Good question!! I'm doing some focus on stories I haven't share any of them yet and instead of posting some cringyass self-inserts that nobody wants to see this, no worries that I'm still doing it!! I don't wanna annoy everyone with those hideous self-ships(I'm always worried about the Cringe Culture thing) and maybe focusing on OC stories are okay. Y'know what's the secret update? I'm gonna do some coping mechanism blog!!
("Hold up! Are you gonna make a coping vore blog?? That's so coo-")
Wait what?? Nah, but I'm not against those "extreme cuddling" blogs I have discovered. If you don't know what that is then it's a word for a SFW vore community, id-even-k why it's called "Extreme Cuddling" but I prefer not to ask those people because they'll find I'm against those fetishes. I'm not gonna make a coping mechanism blog which it involves vore but I might able to make one for many stuff instead of those like
Self-inserts, I do think people are getting seriously uncomfortable with my self-shipping with freaky creepyahh unhinged deranged men(Like Night Master, Edward Hyde, and The Moaner) so I might gonna move them in the future blog, so it might be better if you stay away if you're against it
Vent/gore/body horror art, the new future blog won't be fetishize vent/gore/body horror art I've made but they just need triggering warnings for everyone's safety. Don't enter if you're scared as hell, I might be venting/yapping about something scary or sad-
New coping sona, I believe I have seen people having "coping sona" in their coping mechanism blogs and I might be thinking to myself: "Maybe I should be doing it" and maybe if she will appeared then y'all should love her. She may not be related to my persona Bridgette, but they're really good friends. No you cannot ship them.
Yapping and silliness!!! I should might be yapping nonsense that seems annoying but that's what silliness does to the person like me! If you think I'm being so goddamn annoying in the future coping blog then get the fuck outta my blog. Sorry for saying this but I don't feel safe people who are against me doing this but I ain't no doing anything wrong.
Coping blog won't be a vore blog. I know!!! Terrible!!! But at least it would be a SFW blog, with silliness joyfulness freakiness and more! I know I'm against those fetishes but I don't wanna get myself involved because it's extremely uncomfortable with me to do this. You might have end up seeing me yapping my ass off or some weird self-inserts but at least they're not hurting anybody. Proshipers isn't allow on my blog too.
("Is this gonna be a yandere blog?") Idk but not, I have heard what Yancore is but I don't really think of this through. All you can see soon will be tons of weird self-inserts and me yapping some bs but you might not gonna see yandere stuff(I know!!! Rude!!!) But for Bridget's Coping Blog, it will be tagged as #BridgetsComfySpace
That's all for the future updates!! You might see some strange shit but they're for the better! It's not a vore blog but you will see some interesting things like what's happening in my Wonderful Land! Thank you for reading this!!
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Hey, by any chance, could you do a writing for reader insert, slightly less evil/redeemed Bill Cipher, hurt comfort? It's okay if you don't! (Note: I'm an angsty 18 on anon, but not nsfw or any the like in any way! You'll probably see my nsx vore blog if you answer this ask. If you ever get uncomfy then just block me :3)
(Hello! I’m sorry that it took so long to get to your request! I’ve been dealing with a lot recently. I was honestly not sure how to write this since Bill is a triangle, but I felt like I did fine. I hope you enjoy this!)
Watching Eyes
(A Bill Cipher Vore Fanfic)
Warnings: Themes of stalking and soft vore.
“Why hello, my dear! How have you been?” The familiar chaotic demon welcomed you warmly. You were the only one this triangle ever respected. You treated him with so much kindness that he became curious about you. At first, it started as simple observation. He would ask to go with you on your way to the store or on your way to the park, but this strange relationship started to mean more to him.
Bill has never actually experienced true kindness before you. Humans feared him while the other demons didn’t truly care about him, but you? You cared for Bill, which he slowly grew to appreciate. Eventually, the chaos demon asked you if you’d like to start a relationship. You said yes of course due to his charm and rather humorous personality.
However, today wasn’t really a great day for you. Something has been lurking and been trying to catch you for quite some time. Today, you saw the being on your way to the store. The man was in the parking lot, picking up trash, when you caught his eye. For some reason, he seemed to know you.
He watched you carefully as you walk into the store. You shrugged off the feeling of uneasiness before going in. However, this man only continued to show up more and more. You’d walk into one aisle? He’s now in the same aisle as you. Deciding which soups to buy? He’s looking at a few soups ahead of you.
You tried shrugging it off once again. This was a small store, so maybe he was just trying to shop. However, he never picked up any items. The man also kept looking at you through his peripheral vision. You didn’t truly realize that he was stalking you until you made it halfway to your house.
It was there that you saw the man, jumping behind a bush as soon as you turned around. You gasped with shock. The only thing that you could do was run. So, you ran all the way home, never looking back. Once you got to your safe place, you locked the doors and waited until Bill came home.
You shook your head at the memories and turned to face Bill. “Jeez, you look more shaken up than I was at my last party. What happened?” He was puzzled over the many ways someone would have upset you. “A man..followed me.” You shook as you wrapped a soft blanket around yourself.
Bill growled with a low, menacing tone, “Did he put his hands on you?” You shook your head. “No. He was watching me in the parking lot. Then, he followed me inside the store and he continued to follow me when I was close to home.” Bill’s growl only continued to grow louder.
“That’s disgusting..I may be an interdimensional demon who has done many horrible, yet funny, things in my past, but I would never do anything like that.” You look down and curl up even further in your blanket safety net. Bill sighed before looking at you with the utmost sympathy.
“Would you like me to nom you? I know how much you love it.” Bill asked, sincerely. You nodded as you got up and approached him. “Alright then! Don’t worry, you’ll be completely safe.” His eye turned into a gaping maw, which quickly lowered itself upon you.
The soft walls of flesh cradle your body as you slid down his throat. Warmth enveloped your form, causing you to relax almost instantly. You closed your eyes as you continued to be pulled into his body. Eventually, you reached the demon’s stomach.
The walls looked like a galaxy full of stars. It was rather hypnotic and oddly calming. You smiled to yourself as you curled up against the soft walls of Bill’s belly. From the outside, you can hear Bill chuckle quietly. “If that man ever comes near us again..I’ll rip him to shreds and scatter his remains across the multiverse.”
“Just make sure to not get caught.* You yawn quietly as your eyes grow heavy. The soft heartbeat of the demon was enough to soothe you. Bill said one last thing before you fall asleep. “You don’t need to worry about anything anymore.”
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nompunhere · 1 year
Can you tell more about Predatory Instinct AU? Or it's something we'll know more about later? 👀👀👀
okay, so getting to this almost two months late, but I feel like rambling sooooo
basically, it's an H/K AU idea I had a while back that mainly focuses around the N/ailmasters. The basic premise is that some species of bug have a deep-seated instinct to hunt and consume prey, much greater than is normal for a "civilized" bug. Having the instinct is looked down upon in H/allownest, since everyone's all "the King brought us above our instincts, if you can't manage yours you must be lesser" and all that shiet. Those who are confirmed to have it are monitored closely by the authorities to prevent any... mishaps.
I guess the Hunter would have it, but we all already knew that, and Hornet probably has it to a lesser extent. But I came up with the idea for the N/ailbros, and they're who all the Thoughts I've had about it focus on. The storyline would follow some of their struggles and misadventures in dealing with this instinct, trying to sate it while not alerting the authorities. Lotta moral conflict in there. They don't all get large beasts to hunt, or have a conveniently bite-sized friend around to help them stave off the hunger. They may do things they aren't exactly proud of. (But hey, at least they aren't killing people. Hunter.) So uhhhhhh yeh! :>
The thing is, I am very hesitant about my idea for what would be the first fic in following this storyline, because the instinct kicks in when they're like. teens. and I know a large portion of the community is vehemently against characters that are minors being involved in vore stories or art, and I'm worried about getting yelled at, even if it's entirely non-sexual. like I mean I guess I could make it so that they're adults in the eyes of their legal system when the first scene happens, but also hmmnenmmnhemnmmeh. It could maybe work, but it's.. mm. I could also just skip it and build the story through context given in the future scenes, but also. Hh.
I feel like it's important that the story starts where it does, and how it does, and why it does. It happens the way it happens for a reason, they don't know what the instinct is or how to sate it until one of them reaches the breaking point and acts on it, and only then do they learn more about it and how to manage it more constructively. like maybe they could be young adults, but it. it make more sense to me if they're.. not quite there yet
also the fact that it's Sly, their adoptive pheckin father, who's the only prey around who 1. is small enough without needing shrinking phuckery, 2. cares about them and would go out of his way to support them through this, and 3. can and would keep a secret of this magnitude for them. but that's. a whole other thing.
tl;dr I am Scared but also I don't want to change my story just out of fear but also also I don't even know if I'll ever get around to writing it so maybe it doesn't pheckin matter anyway I dunno;;;
yeah maybe there was. uhm. a Reason I held off on this ask for a while, besides just procrastination. needed to yell into the void for a minute ig.
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preggo-ace · 1 year
hey there! :)
since i'm new here, i figured i'd introduce myself
y'all can call me A if you'd like, and this is an alt blog i'll use for rp and to just explore my more nsfw interests, which will for the most part include pregnancy and birth
if you'd like to rp with me, here's some guidelines before you drop me a message (keep in mind i'm new to this scene, so these may be subject to change as i discover more and get more comfy)
literary rp ; lengths of replies might vary, i'm a writer though so i may get quite descriptive
fpreg, afab nbpreg (this includes ftm don't worry!!)
semi-difficult birth as long as it doesn't end up severely hurting carrier or baby/babies
fantasy scenarios (magic, witchcraft, deities, etc) so long as it's within the bounds of the established universe of our rp ; this can include rapid pregnancy, again as long as it's within established bounds
i'm comfortable playing either the carrier or the carrier's partner, or if we're both carrying simultaneously ; i'd prefer fem x nb/fem x fem in terms of coupling, but if your character is transmasc for example that's okay with me, or we can keep the relationship strictly non-romantic as well
homebirth/medically unassisted birth
birthing multiples ; for now, i'm only comfortable with twins if i'm the carrier, no more than that please
using ocs ; for the time being, i'll be creating entirely new character to better fit our specific plot theme, so i'll more than likely be making up their personality as we go ^^;
LIGHT sex during pregnancy/labor ; i've only recently gotten comfortable writing nsfw myself, so if we rp this, apologies if i'm not very good or am inaccurate, i'm asexual and a virgin please remember!
lengthy rps, though we can start with short scenes to get a feel for things if you'd prefer
long births ; like spending a good chunk of time pushing for example
romance/fluff, especially during birth ; the comfort and encouragement from the carrier's partner yes please!!
clothing birth under specific circumstances that we can discuss ooc
birth denial ; again, under specific circumstances that can be discussed
mpreg, amab nbpreg ; i'll read it depending on story, but i'm not comfortable rping it
egg laying of any form
monster/creature (mostly referring to aliens, i am down for vamps/werewolves as long as we establish how they work as a species within our rp's universe)
horror preg in general, i don't really care for horror as a genre (except artistic horror and video games)
r*pe/non-con ; absolutely cannot and will not, genuinely makes me sick
video/picture format rp ; i still live with family, plus as stated i'm new to this, and i've only ever done literary rp before, so this format is off the table
anything bdsm related ; i can't name any specific bdsm kinks off the top of my head right now, so i would say in general avoid it if you wanna rp with me
vore, unbirth, anything like that
stuffing, food-related inflation, honestly inflation in general
feces/scat, piss, etc (genuinely find it gross)
anything to do with minors being carriers, sorry not sorry but i won't do that under ANY circumstance ; this isn't to say our plots cannot include characters under 18 (i mean, it IS pregnancy after all), but it'll be a hard no from me if said -18 character is pregnant within our narrative (mentions of a past pregnancy by a character when they were -18 is fine, just don't make it a present plot point is what i'm saying basically)
anything sadistic, i will not do it i don't care
public birth ; idk why it just messes with me, that might be my autism tho lol
detailed gore/injuries ; this includes heavy blood loss, tearing, or anything else in that vein that has the potential to happen during birth (we can further discuss this ooc should the need arise due to our plot, but in general, i don't want it)
hyper-preg ; the 'tism only allows me to suspend my disbelief so much
please be patient with me as i try to gain my footing in this scene
constructive advice on how to create better responses or even drabble prompts are always welcome in my ask box
i am autistic/have adhd, so be aware of that in case i take some time between responses as i can get distracted very easily
^^^ adding to this, i am physically disabled, so if responses take longer from me, there's a good chance i might be at a doctors appointment or just simply don't have the energy to work my brain enough for responses (though i'll do my best to reply as soon as possible!)
i would prefer if we plan out a general plot beforehand, with a few basic beats we wanna hit through the course of rp, just to keep on track
if you want to rp anything i don't have listed in my likes/dislikes, be sure to ask me before implementing it! more than likely, i'll be willing to try it, but that may not always be the case
IF YOU'RE UNDER 18 OR DO NOT HAVE AN AGE IN YOUR BIO ANYWHERE, I WILL NOT RESPOND TO A MESSAGE YOU SEND ME. it's nothing personal, i'd just rather only speak to/rp with fellow known adults here
i live in CST and am unemployed (due to physical disability), so i'm active more often than not, however i tend to go to sleep around 1-1:30AM CST. my wake-up times vary, though it's usually around the 7:30-9AM CST range
i don't rp for kink/fetish reasons, which is ironic, i know. but that's not what i'm stepping into this scene for, i'm here because it genuinely fascinates me and i enjoy fantasizing/writing about it (not in a sexual sense) even if i never want to take part in it irl
if you'd like to rp with me, shoot me a message !! promise i don't bite, but i might be a bit awkward at first ^^;
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ash-lequa12 · 1 year
Oh hello! Would it be okay if I request some Kokushibo vore shenanigans with Genya from my Half.Demon! Tanjiro AU? Like Kokushibo is trying to gain Genya’s trust since Genya’s dating Muichiro and Kanao?
(Thank you for requesting this!! I hope you like the story!!)
A warm embrace
Genya and kokushibo were sent on a mission together to find a demon that hadn't been turned by tanjiro, but at that time, they weren't very close. When they finally find the full demon, they go straight for it in hopes of at least knocking the full demon out, but it didn't go as they planned..
The full demon was attacking too quickly for the two to even react,
"Damn it! He's moving too fast!I can't even get a single bullet in him!"
As Genya said that he was pierced by a giant spear and fell onto the ground, he pulled the spear out of his back, though he was a half demon.. but something about the spear made Genya unable to regenerate, kokushibo didn't notice this at first, but when he did, he realized that they had to retreat, kokushibo picked up the injured half demon and ran,
"Why aren't you regenerating?.."
Kokushibo asked Genya in a worried tone,
"I-i don't know.. right after I got stabbed with that spear, i couldn't regenerate.. a-and everything went blurry and cold.."
Kokushibo realized he had to do something.. he had to keep him warm, at least... since it was almost a 10-mile walk back to where he lived.. and he didn't want genya to get hurt anymore..
"Genya... I need to pouch you.. you are too weak to walk back to your house.. and if we encounter another full demon, you could potentially get hurt even more.. I don't want that happening.. "
Genya nodded slightly, and kokushibo opened his mouth and gently placed Genya in his maw, trying not to put Genya in more pain he swallowed as slowly as he could.. once Genya finally got into kokushibo's crop, Genya let his body relax and rested his head on the soft plush material, and succumbed to sleep.. Kokushibo put a hand over where his crop was and sighed slightly,
Kokushibo started to walk back to Genya's house. A few hours later, kokushibo finally got to Genya's home and entered it, and then someone came running out, and kokushibo realized it was muichiro
"Oh, why hello, muichiro.. what brings you here?.."
Kokushibo said in a slightly relieved tone
"Oh.. Genya asked me if I could take care of his house while he was gone.. anyway, why are you here?.."
Muichiro asked in a curious tone
"Well.. while fighting the demon, we were sent to at least knock out.. Genya got hit, and for some reason, he can't regenerate.. and don't worry, I pouched him.."
Muichiro instantly took kokushibo's hand and pulled him into Genya's room, and took out some bandages from a drawer, kokushibo's knew what muichiro was trying to do and started to let Genya out of his crop. A few minutes later, Genya's woke up to muichiro bandaging his wounds
"What the.. oh.. right.. that happened"
Genya said as muichiro finished bandaging his wounds, muichiro planted a few kisses on Genya's face while hugging him, genya returned the kisses and hugged muichiro back.
(Thank you for requesting this!! This was a little bit of a struggle to get right, but it's here! If anything is wrong, please tell me, and I'll try to fix it!!)
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long awaited papa//Titan fic
warnings: safe soft vore
Well, you had guessed you were never the luckiest person alive, maybe a pet died ridiculously, and you're late for the odd function here and there, and now you're stranded in a place with a dark watery floor, with floating cubes and seemingly no way out, that must be a special kind of unlucky.
you wondered, feeling like you had been here for hours by now. at least you could still use magic, but it wasn't much use, there were no monsters to fight, and it wasn't dark, so you didn't have a reason to use magic, maybe to cast an odd light spell to keep you from dying of boredom.
as you cast the fifth light spell in ten minutes, you were sure you heard something moving, water splashing in the distance, you looked, hoping you'd at least be in company during your indeterminate time here, but you saw nothing.
maybe you were finally going mad, but that seemed unlikely, you hadn't been there too long, and that was confirmed when you heard more movement of water, you looked again, faster this time, and were SURE you saw something just disappearing from view…you walked back over, holding your palasmen like a weapon, ready to be swung as you slowly approached.
as you were about to round the corner, you jumped to face whatever you saw, ready to attack, before dropping your palasmen, your attempted battle cry dying in your throat as you looked up…it was at least twice your size, with a dog skull-like head and horns, an owl-like worm coming out of its right eye socket, looked like one of the human interpretations of the devil for a second…all fear of it died though when you saw the rest of it…best way to put it was dad-like…everything, body, clothes, everything.
it blinked its yellow eye, the wings on its back flexing slightly as it did, it looked rather shocked honestly, maybe even more so than you.
"…eh, sorry for startling you like that, didn't mean to be creepy", it, no, he (maybe) had a very low voice, but it wasn't intimidating, or unfriendly. He lifted your palasmin, inspected it, and gave it back to you "But maybe not drop your buddy" he said as he did so.
you took it, feeling a little guilty for dropping it, and you thanked him as he gave it back "Umm, thank you, I'm sorry, I thought I was alone" he waved his hand dismissively "na, don't worry about it, it was funny watching you get spooked, but can you tell me why you're here?" He tilted his head a bit, kinda looking like a huge dog beast, and subconsciously that made you trust him a little more.
you thought for a second, trying to work out how you got there, you remembered it hurt, but not what happened, you looked up at him, and shrugged, making a kind of 'I didn't know' sound.
his voice shifted in concern "That's…probably not a good thing" he looked like he was thinking, probably of a scenario that could lead you there, you shifted uncomfortably as you were kind of doing the same, and the scenarios were all pretty gruesome, making you start to fear you may not be alive anymore.
you swallowed, fear taking over your mind "a-am I…dead?" You asked hesitantly, not wanting to know, but he quickly shook his head.
"you'd not be here if you were dead, don't worry" his voice became reassuring, trying to calm you "You may have just been knocked out, a worst-case scenario is you're in a coma, but you're alive" The coma theory was almost worse then the thought of you being dead.
but he quickly saw how much he had freaked you out, and immediately tried to calm you down "Wait, you going into a coma would be very unlikely, I promise" he made a kind of 'calm down' gesture with his hands as he saw you panicking. You tried calming down, but nothing helped, you felt like you were going to pass out!
…you felt large arms wrap around you, he hugged you gently despite his size he was very comforting "I'm sorry, you're gonna be okay, I'm sure of it…sorry if you don't like hugs".
you slowly began to calm down, he gently held you, and both of you were silent, and slowly, your breathing calmed and your muscles relaxed.
"you okay?" He muttered quietly, you nodded "good" he replied.
he held you for a few more seconds, but the quiet moment was cut by a growl that came from all around both of you, it was loud and guttural, like a massive animal.
the sound worried you, you thought you were about to be attacked by some huge animal.
"What was that?" You looked around, fearful of whatever made the low sound.
he looked a little…uncomfortable and spoke quickly "Probably nothing, come on, you're all worked up, there isn't anything in here but me and yo-" The sound happened again, this time louder, he sighed, making a kind of tired face "probably just the rocks".
you nodded, you were still weary of the sounds, holding your palasmen more securely, but you didn't feel as terrified, your companion had a very different reaction, he looked…embarrassed? Awkward? He wasn't making eye contact.
"…you okay?" You questioned, a bit worried about the big guy now.
he blinked, and his eyes softened and he nodded "Yeah, I'm alright, sorry"
despite his confirmation, he still looked awkward, hands in his pockets as he avoided looking at you, you decided not to press it, wanting to talk about something else.
"soo…what are you?" You looked up at him, trying desperately to make him more comfortable.
he looked down at you before he smiled "I'm just an old dad" he started walking, gesturing for you to follow him "I'm older than the boiling isles" This amazed you, and you kept asking him questions, which he found amusing while answering.
after a long while, longer than you cared to remember, you had learned he was an old creature, you tried to ask what kind but he only answered with 'my title has lost any meaning" but that did tell you he was probably important.
he told you of his son who lived on the boiling isles and talked about his child with a lot of love, even though he never met him, it was sweet, but it broke your heart for the poor guy, never meeting his son properly wasn't that great…
after he told you a little about himself, while avoiding other questions, that guttural noises sounded again, louder, making your heart speed up like a train, you looked around the cavern, and even though he told you not to fear it, you couldn't help it, it sounded like a huge, starving animal.
he looked even more awkward, looking at anything but you, you looked at him, you felt like he knew what the sound was, you looked at his face, and he desperately avoided eye contact. he had his hands buried in his pockets before he muttered an "it's not anything to worry about"
he definitely knew what it was, and he was extremely embarrassed about it, he didn't look ashamed like he was about to do something horrible to you, just…embarrassed about the strange noise.
you looked at him, and tilted your head in confusion "…what's causing that noise" he grimaced, contemplating what to say "…you won't like the answer"
that made you more afraid, and you felt like you were about to get attacked by some 20-foot demon! "I won't mind, I promise, please tell me" You stared up at him, and he kept avoiding eye contact, he seemed to be thinking…
"…it's the Titan…" You were shocked, a literal GOD was here, the living ground that you walked on, here?! You were about to question him before he kept talking "he's not dangerous, just…hungry and lonely…"
that wasn't hugely comforting, the idea of a massive god, starving, wanting these lands looking for a living meal, hungry for anything…you shivered.
he looked at you before he smiled "Don't worry, he ain't interested in hurting anyone, he's too big for you to be a nice meal"
as you thought about it, it made sense, you'd look barely like an ant to the Titan, like holding a match to the sun, even if they wanted to, why would they eat you?
You nodded, a little comforted by the thought, he smiled, and to your surprise, gently lifted you, you thought about getting him to put you down but…eh, he didn't seem to mind holding you and you didn't mind…you felt oddly tired anyway…
you felt your eyes droop and your body become limp, as you slowly fell asleep…
(titans pov)
he felt you go limp, and thanked the stars the sleep spell worked, he was finding it harder to use magic nowadays, but he seemed to be able to conduct a simple sleep spell…
he felt bad for doing this, he didn't want to have to make you pass out, it felt cruel…but if he wanted these "earthquakes" to stop, you're gonna need to be calm and unaware.
he didn't want to eat you, of course, he had started to like you, and maybe it was just 7 million years without interaction, but he rather liked your company…maybe even saw you a little how he saw King.
he gently lifted you closer to his face, licking you a little, before carefully pushing you inside his gaping mouth, making sure none of his teeth hurt you, he swallowed, pushing you into his gullet, and his stomach.
he had guessed that you wouldn't be hugely filling, so it wasn't surprising when you were just a comforting weight inside his belly, but it was enough, he gently patted his stomach, You were barely noticeable, but he felt you.
he looked at your palasmin, before he detached it from the stick, it awoke and immediately tried to crawl away from him, he had guessed it would have known what he had done.
"don't worry, you're witch is safe, I'm just holding them inside" he ran one of his fingers down its head and back, trying to soothe it, it still tried to pull away, still terrified, he didn't blame it.
He held it more firmly "Come here little bug, you'll be more comfortable with your witch" he pulled it closer to his face as it made a little whimpering noise, almost making him stop, what a precious little thing, but he'd rather you and your palasmen where together and safe.
He gently pushed it into his mouth, 'like swallowing a pill' he thought, and gently swallowed it up, patting his stomach lightly, you'd both be fine of course, but the palasmin didn't understand that.
he kept walking, trying to find a nice place to sit and relax, he felt you holding the little palicmen and that just about melted his old soul, he looked around, before sitting down, one hand on top of his stomach, gently pushing at it, before being joined by its twin, fingers intertwining and both becoming stationary.
he'd let you out in a while unless you wanted to stay inside longer, but right now, he'd enjoy the feeling of you inside, not filling, but comforting.
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Hello everyone. I don't know why i'm writing this because i'm not usually into vore but i've read some works of @marvel-noms and i got a little inspired so i took some of their AU and wrote this.
Anyways, enjoy it.
Gamora stopped waking up in the middle of the night a while ago. That night it wasn't the nightmares she usually had when she closed her eyes, but the soft growls coming from her stomach that made her wake up with a silent groan. She wanted to go for a snack or anything that could calm her hunger but then remembered they would go for supplies in the morning, and groaned in frustration.
"You okay, baby?" a voice said beside her in the bed.
She turned around and found Peter still half asleep but with a worried look in his eyes.
"Yes Peter." she replied.
"You have stopped waking up so late a while ago. What happened?" he asked "Did you have a nightmare?"
"I'm okay." Gamora replied.
"Then try to sleep again." he suggested, his arms hugged her from behind and circled her waist so his hands were softly resting on her belly. They were silent for a while, feeling each other's company like it was the only thing they needed.
Well, that moment stopped when Gamora's stomach growled again, louder this time. When she saw Peter's eyes wide open at the sound she moved away from him. Her face was a little bit blushed from embarrassment.
"Sorry for that, it was nothing" she apologized.
But he didn't say a word, instead he looked at her.
"Sure you're not hungry?"
"Yes, that couldn't let me sleep." She sighed.
"I could help with that." he placed a hand atop of her belly, rubbing softly. "You know what to do."
"You sure?" Gamora asked, a glint of concern in her eyes.
"Baby, you need help with that and i wanna do it." was Peter's response "Besides, it's not the first time i sleep here." he added and poked her tummy slightly.
Gamora was hesitant. True, she had nommed him before since she got that instinct but still she was worried because she knew he didn't like being trapped. Despite that, he'd just allowed that only to her, it was a sort of trust thing.
"Just be quiet, please." she asked as he shrunk himself to the size of her palm. "Don't worry for that." it was his response as she opened her mouth and softly let him into her maw, clicking her teeth shut as her tongue licked him softly.
"Hey that tickles!" he said before she tilted her head back so he slipped into her gullet. The feeling of the tight muscles of her throat was a little bit uncomfortable until he entered her tum, which growled softly, almost like a satisfied purr for getting something inside as Gamora let out a satisfied murmur at the sensation of being partially full.
"You okay in there?" she asked, her voice echoed her insides as Peter curled against a wall.
"Yes baby, i'm okay." it was his response. "I usually don't like getting in there but it's pretty cozy. You're warm and nice like a couch."
She smiled and patted her belly slightly, being careful with her boyfriend. "Good night, Peter."
"Good night, sweetheart." he said, cradled by the soft sounds of his girlfriend's tummy.
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 year
Two families connected pt 2
HEHE, here I come with part two! >:]
part 1 here
Tw: Safe vore (it's only two or three lines tho)
A few hours passed when Punz turned around to go back home with the two cherries he had picked for his mother. He looked up at the sky, noticing how darker clouds were beginning to appear. 'Luckily I'm going back, otherwise the rain would have caught me... But... For some reason I have a bad feeling...'
He quickly took flight, heading home.
“Sapnap..! Let the fairy out” The half-demon tried to convince his fireborn son. “But dad…” he said, pouting. "No buts sapnap. Let the fairy out, he doesn't know it's safe, so you're scaring him." Bad explained softly placing his hands on Sapnap's shoulders.
After a few seconds, the fireborn sighed. "Okay..." He moved away from Bad a little and closed his eyes, concentrating on pushing the fairy up. In a few seconds the fairy was back in Sapnap's mouth, who carefully removed him from it. Bad picked the small fairy up gently, holding him close as the little boy cried.
Sapnap looked a little guilty, his tail curling around his leg. "I didn't want to scare him, dad..." "Don't worry Sappy, he'll get over it in a while." Bad looked at the clock for a moment before looking at Sapnap again. "And... The clock reads half past three, which means..." Sapnap pouted, crossing his arms. "But dad, I don't want to take a nap...!"
"Sapnap.." The fireborn sighed, heading to his room. “Okay…” Once Sapnap had left the living room, Bad sat down on the couch, carefully inspecting the little fairy. Soon after, he gently began to wipe away the saliva that covered him. "...What's your name, little one..?" He asked as he continued to clean the fairy.
"His name is Dream." Bad looked up as Skeppy walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch next to him. “Dream? That's adorable.” Skeppy chuckled. “His mother named him, while I named his older brother, Punz.” He said, gently stroking Dream's head.
"That's a good name," Bad replies. Skeppy offers him a smile, but can't stop thinking about how his friend and Punz were doing. He hoped they were okay.
Punz flew for a while, finally reaching his home. "Mom, Dream, I'm home!" he said as he stepped inside, placing the cherries on the table. In a few seconds his mother gets out of her room quickly, approaching her son.
"Punz, Dream is not with you?" she asked, clearly concerned. Punz looked at her confused and also a little worried. "No? He was supposed to be with you…” “Punz, he went after you when he found out you went out…”
The confusion on Punz's face changed to complete concern. "What?!" He exclaimed, turning around, heading to the door of the house. "I'm going to look for him, I'll be back soon." he told his mother before flying off again. “Be careful, Punz…”
The young fairy quickly flew around the area, desperately searching for his little brother. He looked at the clouds, which were darker than before.
It would soon start to rain and he needed to find Dream before it happened. He continued to fly around before veering off. If Dream hadn't been met on the way, it meant that his brother had strayed from the path.
He tried to fly even faster, advancing a few meters, when he saw a human house in the distance. A thought that he would not want to be true crossed his mind when he saw the house. ‘Maybe Dream had been seen and caught by the humans that live in that house…?’ 
Punz shook his head, there was only one way to know. He flew quickly but when he had a few meters to go, it began to rain heavily, soaking his wings completely and causing him to fall to the ground hardly.
Slowly and shakily he rose from the ground, his body sore from the fall. He tried to move his wings to fly but they were completely wet. He walked closer to the house, carefully stepping onto the terrace to get out of the rain.
He didn't want to risk entering the house while his wings were wet, as he didn't want to be caught by the humans who lived there. He hid in a part of the terrace and once he was sure that the humans would not see him there, he closed his eyes. He was really tired...
Skeppy suddenly got up from the couch where he was sitting next to Bad. “Skeppy? Are you okay..?" Skeppy looked at him for a moment in silence before answering. "Yes... but... For some reason I feel like I have to check the terrace..."
Bad frowned in confusion, looking at the window. “But it's raining Skeppy, if the wind blows you could get wet..” Skeppy gave him a small smile before starting to head towards the entrance. "Don't worry, it will only be a moment." he finally answered walking out of the living room.
Skeppy walked down the hall, before long arriving and opening the front door. He walked slowly around the terrace, not noticing anything strange until his eyes noticed something in a corner.
He approached slowly, kneeling down once he was in front of it. His eyes widened as he recognized the small figure. ‘Punz..? What is he doing here..? Maybe looking for Dream...?' he thought as he carefully picked up the small body, noticing how cold and wet he was.
'So got you in the rain, huh..?' Skeppy held the small boy gently against his chest, walking back into the house and shutting the door close with one hand. He slowly made his way back to the living room, sitting next to Bad again.
The half-demon looked at the figure Skeppy was holding. "Skeppy...? Who..-?" "This is Punz, Dream's older brother, who apparently was looking for him but got caught in the rain.” He interrupted Bad before he could finish his question.
“Oh.. Poor muffinhead… I hope he doesn't catch a cold…” “Don't worry, he'll be fine, he just needs to rest. Although we will have to calm him down and explain everything to him when he wakes up…” explained Skeppy. Bad nodded, directing his gaze back to Dream.
It was just a matter of waiting.
@local-squishmallow, @brick-a-doodle-do
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luckyshotwrites · 2 years
Eyo! Forgive me if this is an odd question, but how did you make friends?
Hey hey! I don't consider this an odd question! If you are talking about friends on here? The vore discord chat that's in my feed helped me connect to a lot of them that I recognized or some that I hadn't. That's one of the biggest ways that I started interacting with everyone. While before that...it was kinda taking a "lucky shot." Ha-get it. I'm sorry!
Randomly sending messages to others/making a comment on their stuff/doing funny meme responses. And sometimes that one interaction could lead you to talking more with someone, sometimes it doesn't and that's okay! I am not an expert by any means with making peeps, but this is how a lot of mine went. I put myself out there to interact and a lot of people on here from what I discovered are just shy and or have anxiety with interactions, among other things. And that's perfectly fine, it's them and I love them. It honestly only makes me want to hug them all more. I know the pressures of anxiety and stuff too, but my drive to want to tell someone how amazing their stuff is, is far greater than my fears of all the bad that could happen from it.
Then from there, I popped a message to their DM when I felt comfortable enough. For example one of my friends now, I was worried about a post they made so I DM'ed them with support. Another we just exchanged songs. One I called out on Kate's Vore discord. And my first started out with me randomly messaging them a pepe meme where if they tilt their phone a certain way it says, "your doing great and I'm glad you exist." (They know who they are!...hopefully xD). This has been my experience. I kinda threw myself out there and sometimes I tried to interact with people and they never responded, or ignored me. Which is fine too, it can take a while before ya make a friend. I know it's scary and you might not want to be hurt, but sometimes you gotta dive in. At least that's my motto with everything I do. HOPEFULLY THIS HELPS YOU OUT AND THAT I SOMEWHAT ANSWERED IT COHERENTLY. I WISH YOU TO HAVE A WONDERFUL REST OF YOUR DAY! NONNEGOTIABLE.
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Greetings! May I request some Doma soft vore? Maybe with a Reader insert or even Akaza?
( Akaza or Reader) is going through an emotional state where he/ they actually start having panic attacks and hyperventilating? If not Reader- I am new and don't know if there are rules where Reader inserts are not allowed on this blog- then Akaza! Have a gorgeous week!
(Here’s your fic request! I honestly had a lot of fun writing it and I hope that you enjoy just as much as I have. I was kinda afraid of writing Douma, but I don’t think I did a bad job. If you have any criticisms, leave them in the comments!)
No One Will Hurt You
(A Douma x G/N reader vore fic)
Warning: Panic attack, mention of death, PTSD, and comfort vore.
Today had been a great day for Douma. The time of worship at The Paradise Faith church had gone exceptionally well and none of his followers had to be punished. Although he was confused by one thing. You were absent from the church today.
He knew that you loved him dearly, so your absence was worrisome. Once all the preparations and rituals had been completed, Douma headed straight back to his home. Luckily, your home wasn’t too far from the church, so he was able to get there quickly. “Darling! I’m home!” He sang as he opened the sliding door.
It was quiet and dark inside the house. Again, this was also unusual. You would always greet him with a hug when he came home, so this worried him even more. “Darling, are you home?” He asked with a slight hint of worry. Douma knew that something was wrong.
The house was clean as it usually was, but there was a feeling of dread all throughout the house. Douma made his way over to the bedroom, hoping that you were there. Once he got to the bedroom door, Douma pressed his ear against it. He heard panicked breathing and soft sobs. Douma gently opened the door and said, “Darling?”
You were on the bed with your hands on your chest. Your breathing was irregular and you didn’t seem to notice Douma opening the door. Once he saw you, he immediately rushed to your side. He gently picked up your feeble human body and put you close to his chest. “Oh my.. What’s wrong?”
You couldn’t catch your breath, despite his presence. He knew that humans suffered from these events. “Panic attacks” he remembered that’s what you called them. He had never experienced one himself, but he knew that they were agonizing. “You poor thing.. here I know what will calm you down.”
Douma has helped you with these panic attacks before, so he knew what to do. He gently picked you up and put your head into his maw. Your breathing was still irregular, but you calmed down a bit when you felt the warmth of Douma’s maw. Douma then slowly started to swallow you. The warmth and plush like walls of his throat and belly were always enough to calm you.
Douma’s throat was like a soft, squishy tunnel that carried you down further and further into his body. He gently purred as you made your way down. Douma traced your body with his hand as you were being carried to his belly.
His belly was soft and warm. It was like a big pouch that you could curl up in. The plush walls moved gently around you. Douma’s belly made wonderful soothing sounds that always put you at ease. It was here that you were able to calm down. You were able to feel safe.
Douma sighed as he put his hand on his enlarged belly. “Are you okay, sweetheart?” Your breathing was still harsh, but you were able to speak now. “Yeah…” He was happy to hear that. He hated seeing you in pain. Although he didn’t feel it himself, Douma couldn’t bear the thought of seeing you hurt.
“Now tell me.” Douma said sweetly. “What happened?” You were quiet for a minute. “I..may have seen my mother’s killer..” Douma nearly gasped at this news. He remembered that you told him that your mother was killed a few years ago. They never caught the killer, so you used to live in constant fear until you met him.
“You did?…” He said softly. Douma gently rubbed his belly, hoping to soothe you. “Yeah, he didn’t notice me though. I was trying to get some candles for the cult when I saw him..” You winced through your tears. “Is that why you weren’t there to worship today?” Douma asked in a concerned voice.
“Yeah..I hope that you’re not mad.” Douma shook his head. “No, dear I’m not mad at you..I may not understand emotions that well, but I know that must’ve been hard for you.” You started to sob into the soft stomach walls. Douma heard your cries and held his belly close.
“I’ll find him, dear, and I’ll make him pay. Do you understand?” You nodded inside his belly. “I do..” Douma sighed in frustration. “Do you remember what he looks like?” You snuggled into Douma’s tummy. “He had brown, short hair, long legs, and a strange scar on his eye. He wore a black and green kimono and crimson pants.”
Douma nodded. “Thank you. I promise to find him by the end of the day.” Although you wanted him to go after the killer, you didn’t want to leave his side just yet. “Douma..” You said with a tired voice. “Yes?” He replied with a sweet hum. “Would you mind staying with me for a little while? I’m not really ready for you to leave.”
“Why of course!” He held his belly closer as he started to hum a gentle tune. Although he was a demon, he truly did care about you. Douma would stay by your side for as long as you needed him. But one thing was for sure. He will find the killer and make him pay for what he did to you.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Tiny workers au! Do you have any idea of how Wilbur/sbi meet Tommy/benchtrio and what point Tommy is nommed willingly lmao and not some random kid. And maybe some conflict between the customers (SBI/Dream) the Tinies and the boss? Maybe he got one of those reviews and is punishing Tommy through noms, some trauma for the poor lad </3
okay SO
i'm changing my original plans for this au just a tiiiny bit :))
wilbur and tommy meet for the first time in the minigolf au. i reeeally like the trope where a sad depressed giant slowly just becomes significantly more mentally stable when a certain tiny comes around.
wil's family is very concerned for wilbur's health. he's been cooped up in his apartment not talking to anyone, so naturally they come up with a way to get him out. phil (or tech) gets him a one day ticket to the park, and basically being guilt tripped into it with the 'it was so expensive' and 'do it for us' shit, he forced himself to go.
eventually he settled on doing minigolf, somehow ending up with tommy as his tiny (i know how, but i want to keep some things a secret :])
as for emeraldduo meeting tommy, i'm not sure yet. maybe wilbur brings the tiny home one day and finds that his family is just chilling around his apartment lmao,,,,,, it would definitely give secondhand embarrassment depending on how i write it but i can give it a shot :D
i love love love using a stomach as punishment/timeout so YES that is absolutely happening. but, before that happens, i want wil to nom him at least a few times. and there is a reason why. i want tommy's comfort level around humans to be very high after he meets wilbur, and maybe even sbi & some other regulars. (pls give me ideas for more regulars,,, i'm thinking about maybe aimsey for ranboo? :0) he's naturally calmed down and shit so, even if he's a little bit hesitant or even frightened to willingly be eaten, he still goes through with it because he knows that humans are typically not bad people, especially not wil. then he gets nommed by another person, maybe dream or someone else.
all this trust he builds with the humans kinds of overrides his memory of the bad humans, like his boss. he's so used to being relaxed and himself around the customers that he forgets that he still very much needs to tiptoe around one particular human. even beeduo and the other tiny workers in some other locations are a bit worried about his sudden lack of fear, trying to remind him that he needs to take it down a notch before something bad happens.
and guess what? he doesn't take it down a notch, and something bad happens!! >:D
his cocky attitude comes out around strangers, especially kids who mishandle him. or ladies who are overly-curious. and people who hear it both first-hand, second-hand, or from a distance, take a situation without context and makes it a big deal, sending in complaints.
and of course, because his boss is an asshole, he goes chomp :D (not literally, tommy is physically fine for the most part)
tommy gets cocky around his boss (i'm thinking it'll be sam,, so don't mind me if i start using that name instead of boss asjfdnf) and truly lets himself forget just how dangerous these people can be. and when every single boundary of his shatters to the ground, tommy knows he fucked up :D
idk tw vore but there's so much of that here anyway lmfao,,,,
it starts with the fact that sam is everything but gentle. nothing he does is slowed or respectful. he's swept from the counter without warning and engulfed in a tight fist, where he's risen to a face too close for comfort that bares unusually sharp teeth, and is tossed into the moist maw that no longer feels comforting but instead feels incredibly uncomfortable and claustrophobic. then, to add to that, there's only a small moment where he sits on sam's tongue before he's thrown back into his throat and swallowed. the lack of saliva on him makes it difficult to go down and he's stuck in the thin gullet for longer than he wants to be. into the storage that has a significant lack of air in it, where he spends much longer than he needs to in there. and to make matters somehow worse, he's awake the entire time, extremely hyperaware :)
needless to say that his next encounter wilbur is nothing but fear C:<
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chequered-career · 3 years
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I sketched something for @oh-i-need-a-name‘s Giant Foster AU!
It's that scene from chapter 2 (or chapter II if you want to be fancy like Puzzle) when all of SBI are in the same room for the first time- which goes about as well as you'd expect.
(i was going to post this together with something else because it's just a sketch, but i got too excited ^^')
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