#NPA Services
For NPA legal matters ,Account Settlement, we are the ideal expert Npa consultant emphasises on the business s long term viability and supports with payment deferral 
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masterdetectivexx · 2 years
What's your opinion on Kuroda Hyoue being the disguised Tsutomu Akai?
I think it would make his character even more interesting, but if he isn't I don't know where and who Tsutomu could be.
And if he is did he meet his kids? I think he met Sera but I am not sure.
"Kuroda Hyoue = Akai Tsutomu" Theory (Updated)
This is my current speculation on Kuroda Hyoue's identity, I will keep it updated as we get new developments.
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I think that Kuroda Hyoue is indeed Akai Tsutomu's current identity. Kuroda shares many similarities with Akai Tsutomu and especially his son (Akai Shuuichi). They both have similar fashion sense, with a contrasting white-coloured tie to a dark shirt and a brown overlay, and when it comes to Shuuichi, we got visual cues where they not only stood the same way with hands in their pocket, but also demonstrated the same leg sweep technique (File 989 & 1016), which is most likely intended to indicate that they share the same martial arts (Jeet Kune Do) that Akai Tsutomu was revealed to have mastered (File 1099 & SDB 90+).
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Kuroda was also especially interested in the Kohji case, to the point of seemingly noticing a dying message-like name in the news (File 980 & 987). This fits with Akai Tsutomu's interest, that started after Haneda Kohji's father (Haneda Yasuharu), who is Tsutomu's friend, requested that he solved his son's murder (File 1037).
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Here is how I currently suspect he turned from a seemingly deceased MI6 agent from Britain to a member of the NPA's Public Security in Japan in the last 17 years.
We know from File 1048-1049 that Tsutomu had a confrontation with Vermouth 17 years ago after his investigation on the Kohji case, and that clash lead to him being presumed dead by the BO. We then learned in File 1099 that Wakasa and a "monster" (Rum) was involved in what potentially was that same incident that lead to his presumed death 17 years ago.
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As I speculated before, I think that Tsutomu's investigation lead him to finding out that Kohji's dying message revealed "Karasuma" to be the culprit, and that the prime suspect Asaka is innocent. I think that Rum found out about Tsutomu's investigation and baited him to a location using Vermouth, who disguised as "the innocent bodyguard Asaka" and carried Kohji's shogi piece charm as proof to convince him. Before going to the meeting location, Tsutomu warned his family about making enemies with bad people and told them to move to Japan, so that his family's whereabouts aren't discovered (File 972), in case he doesn't survive the planned meeting with "Asaka" (similar to Mary's contingency plan of having Masumi contact MI6 about fake Tsutomu in case Mary didn't make it back in File 1049).
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That lead to Tsutomu finger jabbing Rum's left eye (as hinted by Gosho in the OdaxAoyama interview and File 972) and ultimately getting defeated by Rum after letting his guard down around Vermouth (Fake Asaka/Wakasa).
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I suspect that Tsutomu's confrontation with them lead to him surviving (like Mary) and changing his identity and appearance (likely through plastic surgery). Afterwards, to pursue the organization further, it makes sense that he would have moved to Japan, where the culprit(s) "Karasuma" originate from, just like the other overseas agents (i.e Hondou Ethan from the CIA). Just like Mary, who got ahold of a fake pass to fly to Japan (revealed by Gosho in SDB 100+), Tsutomu had also gotten ahold of a fake pass with the alias "Kuroda Hyoue".
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I think that he then decided to investigate the Karasuma Group/Black Organization, by becoming a public security officer of the Japanese police (in order to extract information easier, as referenced in File 1033).
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In order to get a pass into the police academy in Japan (disregarding of his blank background), I suspect that Kuroda/Tsutomu secretly relied on his relationship with the head of the Ōoka Group (who is currently retired) that was revealed in File 1088, similar to how his friend Haneda Yasuharu did in File 1039-1042.
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The Ōoka family has been shown and hinted to have great influence and connections with people in high positions, like the Tokyo governor (File 992), making them more than capable of helping Kuroda/Tsutomu join the japanese police.
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In other words, the same time as his eldest son started to work towards becoming an FBI agent 17 years ago (File 972), Kuroda started to work towards getting accepted by the National Police Agency (File 913). He then built himself up and became what I think is the backstage administrator of the NPA's security planning division (who recieves all the classified reports of their NOC:s), all within 7 years.
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Seven years later (since his disappearance), Kuroda/Tsutomu has made a name for himself within the NPA and has diligently kept his safe distance from his family, but before the status quo with his family could change, an incident took place around 10 years ago, that lead to his 10-year-long coma (File 914). We recently learned that Iori Muga, the current butler of the Ōoka family, was a former coworker of Kuroda within the Public Security, who went with the alias "Sakakibara" while undercover, which was likely before Kuroda's 10-year coma (File 1090).
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I think that what lead to Kuroda's burn-scar-causing and right-eye-losing incident 10 years ago was that Iori Muga (who is actually Rum's true appearance) deemed Kuroda as a threatening and formidable enemy to the black organization. He therefore secretly orchestrated the incident that made Kuroda fall into a coma. Kuroda's hair colour changed due to the stress of the incident (his hair was perhaps shaved off for surgery purposes and white hair grew instead) and he didn't wake up until 10 years later (File 914).
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I suspect that when Kuroda/Tsutomu woke up from his coma, he suffered actual memory loss to an extent, which is why he was perceived to have become a different person (As Yui mentioned). This concept was already foreshadowed as a possibility through Vermouth's disguise cover story when she faced Mary as Tsutomu (File 1048).
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This would also explain why Kuroda immediately reacted to Wakasa Rumi in the news in File 980, while also still acting unaware of her identity as if he is trying to confirm suspicions of her being a criminal tied to the Kohji case in File 987-989, despite potentially having met her 17 years ago as Tsutomu. The amnesia could have made him forget her potential role in his demise 17 years ago, but he still found her familiar enough to the point of investigating her and making the connection between her name and Kohji's dying message.
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While he may have forgotten significant things from his life as Tsutomu, his goal to take down the BO and find out who Kohji's killer is hasn't changed. Although the NPA had him move to Nagano to ease back into his work (before he moved to Tokyo MPD as the new superintendent), I think they gave Kuroda permission to still keep his Backstage administrator role active and stay in contact with their NOC ("Bourbon"/Furuya Rei) by Kuroda's request (File 1017).
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richardmhicks · 2 years
Always On VPN RADIUS Configuration Missing
Always On VPN RADIUS Configuration Missing
Windows Server Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) is a popular choice for administrators deploying Always On VPN. It is easy to configure and scales out easily. Most commonly, RRAS servers are configured to use RADIUS authentication to provide user authentication for Always On VPN client connections. The RADIUS server can be Microsoft Network Policy and Access Server (NPAS, or simply NPS)…
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mineaction · 2 months
SYRIA - Mine awareness through painting activity.
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The ​​UNMAS team in Syria invited heads of agencies in Syria for a field visit to Yarmouk on Thursday 14th March (Yarmouk is a Palestinian refugee camp and was heavily affected by the crisis).  The joint visit by UNMAS ,UNRWA and Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) survey and clearance teams took place then.The event has been arranged to mark Mine Action Day.  In cooperation with agencies including UNHCR, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNRWA, WHO, OSE, and OCHA, a series of joint media posts will be published to mark the day and raise awareness of affected populations. Furthermore, a joint initiative with UNICEF was organized to promote mine awareness through painting activity in two schools located in Rural Damascus. There was also an SMS awareness campaign to all mobile phone subscribers in the country, and a Facebook campaign to ensure the messages and visual contents reach beneficiaries. Additionally, official ceremony will be held on 16 April,  an open-door afternoon at the UNMAS office in Damascus allowing visitors to learn about the organization's demining operations in the country.
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finlender · 11 months
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npa-service · 11 months
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Bei NPA-Service stehen Kundenzufriedenheit und ein ausgezeichnetes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis im Mittelpunkt. Wir bieten konkurrenzfähige Preise für unsere Dienstleistungen und sorgen dafür, dass Sie ein hervorragendes Ergebnis erhalten, ohne Ihr Budget zu sprengen.
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Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um mehr über unser umfangreiches Leistungsangebot zu erfahren und ein unverbindliches Angebot für Ihre individuellen Reinigungsbedürfnisse zu erhalten. NPA-Service steht Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung, um Ihr Gebäude strahlend sauber zu halten.
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the-rsace · 1 year
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Npa consultant provides various types of NPA services We at npa Consultant provide professional guidance to manage non performing assets Npa Consultant has a team of experts in various field like Legal, Banking and Finance etc
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mediapasta · 1 year
Npa consultant provides various types of NPA services We at npa Consultant provide professional guidance to manage non performing assets Npa Consultant has a team of experts in various field like Legal, Banking and Finance etc
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hiro-doodlez · 7 months
LIST OF ENGLISH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (the random letters that people use sometimes)!! FEEL FREE TO USE AS A REF (reference) SHEET!! In alphabetical too!!
Tone indicators at the bottom!
AFK- away from keyboard
AKA- also known as
ASAP- as soon as possible
ASL- American Sign Language
B4- before
BC- because
BF- boyfriend
BFF- best friends forever
BTW- By the way
BTS- Behind the scenes/back to school / that one band
BRB- be right back
CW: content warning
Cya- see ya
DM- direct message
DW- dont worry
EZPZ- easy peasy
FB- Facebook
FW: flash warning
FAQ- frequently asked questions
FYI- for your information
GF- girl friend
GG- good game
GJ- Good job
GL- good luck
Gnite- good night
GTFO- get the fuck out
GTG- got to go
Gud- good
H8- hate
HBD- happy birthday
Hella- really
HMU- Hit me up
HW- Homework
IDK- I don't know
IDC- I don't care
IG- I guess / instagram
IK- I know
IKR- I know right
K- okay
Lmao- laughing my ass off
Kewl- cool
Kk- okay
Lol- laugh out loud
ILY- I love you
ILYSM- I love you so much
IMO- in my opinion
IRL- in real life
IYKYK- if you know you know
JFC- Jesus fucking chrkst
Jk- just kidding
L8R- later
LMAO- laughing my ass off
LMK-let me know
LOL- laughing out loud
Mkay- mm okay
NE- Any
NE1- anyone
NGL- not gonna lie
NM- Nothing much
NP: no problem
NSFW- not safe for work
NVM- nevermind
NW- no worries
Obv- obviously
OFC- of course
OMW- on my way
OP- original post(er)
OTP- one true pairing
Ova- over
Pic- picture
POV: point of view
Ppl- people
Prolly- probably
QOTD- quote of the day
R- are
RB- reblog
Ref- reference
Rly- really
RN- right now
RP- role play
RPG-role playing game
RT- retweet
Sec- second
SH- self harm
SMH- shaking my head
SMP- survival multiplayer server (Minecraft) / social media platform (?)
S.O- significant other
Sui- suicide
Sus- suspicious
STFU- shut the fuck up
T- testosterone
TBA- to be announced
TBF- to be fair
TBH- to be honest
TF- the fuck
Thnks- thanks
Thx- thanks
TLDR- too long didn't read (usually a summary)
TMRW- tomorrow
TOS- terms of service
TTYL-talk to you later
TW: trigger warning
Vid- video
WTF- what the fuck
WYD- what are you doing?
YOLO- You only live once
YT- YouTube
YW- you're welcome
If the one youre looking for isnt here, either i forgot or its a fandom! Id suggest looking it up if youre confused!
Extra note: if you see 8 in one of the acronyms, then it usually is used as an “ate” sound. So h8= ate, gr8= great ect.
/aff- affectionate
/c- copypasta
/cb- clickbait (?)
/f- fake
/gen- genuine
/genq- genuine question
/half joking
/ij- inside joke
/j- joking
/lyr- lyrics
/lh- light hearted
/lu- little upset
/neg- negative
/nf- not forced
/nm- not mad
/npa- not passive aggresive
/nsrs- not serious
/p- platonic
/pa- passive aggresive
/pos- positive
/q- quote
/r- romantic
/s- sarcastic
/srs- serious
/t- teasing
/th- threat
I HOPE THIS HELPS!! and if i forgot to add one feel free to send an ask ^^
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milkboydotnet · 1 month
MANILA — A month after his abduction, surfaced environment defender Francisco “Eco” Dangla III detailed his harrowing experience at the Commission on Human Rights, on April 26.
Dangla and fellow activist Axielle “Jak” Tiong were mauled into a van by armed men on March 24 in barangay Polo, San Carlos, Pangasinan. Later on, the two activists would be found on March 28, after more than 600 individuals and international and local organizations campaigned for their immediate release.
Their abductors are still at large, prompting the activists to seek sanctuary.
Dangla believes that their abductors are state agents, due to the build up of harassment incidents prior to the abduction.
In fact, Dangla had been tagged as a “terrorist” and “threat” by State forces. This is according to the 2019 presentation of the Regional Peace and Order Council of Region 1.
“Since 2014, I have been a victim of several forms of harassment, intimidation, vilification, and threat in different chapters of my service to the people and the environment,” he said in Filipino.
The harrowing ordeal
Dangla said that on the day of the abduction, the unidentified men pointed their guns at them, pushing them to submission.
“When we arrived at a place, which looked like a safe house, they said that our lives were at their hands. We cannot do anything. They threatened to kill us,” Eco recalled.
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He also added that the abductors threatened to burn and bulldoze them. “They released a cobra. We also heard a sound similar to the bulldozer. They said that they would burn us, that they would put us under the wheels of the bulldozer. Later on, I would smell burning plastic and wheels,” Eco said in Filipino.
There were moments when both Dangla and Tiong felt hopeless in the three days of distress. Dangla said, “I told myself, maybe it’s time. Maybe they would kill us now. But until the end, I still tried to explain our environmental initiatives, until they got angry at us.”
“They tried to give us an ultimatum. They do not want to hear our explanation about the environment. Instead, they asked us about people, about names we do not know, because they wanted to connect us to CPP-NPA,” he said.
It also came to the point that the abductors also threatened their families. “We experienced an unimaginable intimidation and threat to my life through physical and psychological torture. Worse, they threatened the lives of our loved ones, and my family,” he said.
Dangla said that prior to their abduction, he and Tiong suffered from multiple cases of red-tagging and harassment, stemming from their advocacy work. They are both convenors of the Pangasinan People’s Strike for Environment (PPSE), a local grassroots network of environmental advocates.
Overwhelming support and solidarity
The environment activists were released before the sunrise of March 28. They were blindfolded prior to their release so they were not able to identify the trail of place. Dangla even thought that the abductors would dispose of them during that time.
“When we were surfaced, I saw the overwhelming support of environment groups, churches, and individuals. From there, I felt that despite the strength of our enemy, if we fight in unison, we can achieve victories,” Dangla said.
He expressed his deepest gratitude to all the organizations and individuals who campaigned for their release. Barangay Polo residents also provided support to their parents.
“Without the quick response and campaign of various groups and sectors, including the church in the national and international scope, maybe our abductors would not release us,” he said.
Speaking at the same press conference, Jonila Castro, another surfaced environmental activist who has been fighting against the reclamation projects in Manila Bay, expressed support.to Dangla.
Castro and her fellow activist Jhed Tamano, were abducted on September 4, 2023. Weeks later, they were presented as fake surrenderees by the NTF-ELCAC, only for the two activists to expose the violence they suffered.
She also highlighted that instead of committing or being oblivious to the rampant human rights violations, the government should address the problems caused by climate change such as El Niño.
Castro is now the advocacy officer for water and reclamation of the Kalikasan People’s Network for Environment (PNE). She echoed Dangla’s sentiments that the abductions are used to silence environmental defenders and activists opposing destructive projects.
“These abductions are part of a larger pattern of natural resource plunder by foreign corporations, often with government and military support. Activists opposing these projects and defending local community rights are viewed as obstacles to profit-making and are therefore the target for intimidation, harassment, and violence,” she said.
Continuing the fight against destructive environmental projects
As convenors of the PPSE, Dangla said that they are at the forefront of opposing destructive mining projects.
Among these projects is the 10,000 hectares of black sand off-shore mining in the Lingayen Gulf. This will cover the towns of Sual, Labrador, Lingayen, Binmaley, and Dagupan, which seek to extract 25 million of magnetite sand yearly for 25 years.
According the government data from the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), around 28,000 fisherfolk are dependent on the gulf for their livelihood. The project could also affect the biodiversity and ecosystems in the area, according to a BFAR aquaculturist.
In addition to this, Executive Order 130 (EO 130) by former President Rodrigo Duterte, which sought to lift the moratorium on mineral agreements, prompt the surge of applications.
“Around 84,000 hectares of lands are at stake due to the Executive Order,” Dangla said.
They are also opposing the plan of the local government to build six nuclear power plants. In 2023, PPSE reported that the LGU is encouraging community members to sign a statement of community acceptance for the projects.
Despite the harrowing violence that they experienced, Dangla vows to continue the fight. “My plan is to continue and maybe we will still plan how we move seamlessly, but my will is firm to continue the fight.”
According to the human rights group Karapatan Central Luzon, the number of surfaced activists is five (5), but there 14 defenders still missing. Three of them are from Central Luzon: Steve Abua, Diodicto Minzo, and Joey Torres.
full article: https://www.bulatlat.com/2024/04/26/despite-suffering-torture-environmental-defenders-continue-fight-against-destructive-projects/
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Npa consultant provides various types of NPA services We at npa Consultant provide professional guidance to manage non performing assets Npa Consultant has a team of experts in various field like Legal, Banking and Finance etc
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gh0stbeeee · 9 months
tell us more about the death note/h2o crossover please 👀
Warning, tiny bit of dark content near the end. But like, it's death note sooo...
Rikki = Light
Emma = L
Cleo = Misa
Lewis = Matsuda
Miriam = Kiyomi
Zane = Mikami
Kim = Sayu
Elliot = Near, Mello, Matt
Miss Chatham = Ryuk
Now, despite character assignments I'm still giving cannon siblings. So Sayu is still Light's little sister, the wammy boys are L's etc. The roles are based off of personality, so not everything fits and I'll move things around. Like yeah, Ryuk is Chatham because him as a weird old ocean man with ominous advice is hysterical.
Starts of pretty similar, will diverge.
Light and Misa go to high school at the Gold Coast, Australia. Light's mother is a marine biologist that works at a nearby institute, while his father still works in Japan as the chief of the NPA.
Misa lives there with her parents, and is close with Light. Ie, she follows him around and he puts up with her. She is also good friends with Matsuda, who studies with her occasionally.
L is the new transfer kid, who Light doesn't like because he keeps on challenging his intellect. Plus he's weird.
So of course Light gets put in a group biology project with him, along with Misa.
While brainstorming where to research, L asks about Mako Island. Light says the Island and the waters around it are too dangerous. L (in essence) calls him chicken.
That weekend, the two, and an unwilling Misa, take Sachiko's boat out to Mako. And the gas tank leaks. So, they row the short rest of the way to Mako.
Of course, there's no phone service, and no one will look for them until after the weekend. Light and L bicker on the beach until Misa makes them go setup camp on the shore, then look for higher ground to try and get reception.
While looking, Misa falls in a hole. L goes in to help her. Light falls into trying to lend them the rope. Stuck down there, they look for an exit, and find the moon pool.
After oooing and aweing, they figure out the pool is connected to the ocean due to tidal rings. They plan to swim out after L scopes it out. Problem, Misa can't swim.
But after encouraging words and promises to help her, they all get in the pool as the full moon rises over the mouth of the volcano.
Weird bubbles happen.
But they ignore it, swimming out to the ocean and back to their camp near shore, getting dry and going to sleep.
The next morning they go into the shallow water to look for samples for their project since they have nothing else to do.
And they all turn into fish.
They freak, Misa screams, it's a mess. They all crawl onto shore to try and figure this out, and as soon as they're dry, they turn back to normal.
Misa refuses to touch water again. L needs time to process what just happened. But Light, the little getter he is, goes for a swim.
And he loves it, it's the most awesome swimming experience he's ever had. Way better than swimming as a clumsy human. He convinces L, then Misa, and after they all start to get used to their tails, they're having the time of their lives.
Now, they can push the boat back to the mainland, and say that "luckily" the gas tank leaked right as they were getting back.
They get what they need for the project, and like the dorky 16 year olds they are, swear a pact to never tell anyone about this.
(Touta finds out a week later when Misa tried to go to a pool party.)
Miscellaneous/Plot Points
Misa shows up at school the following day in total beach girl aesthetic, including beach curls, shell/pearl jewelry, flowy clothes and wedges. L nearly smacks her upside the head. Light does.
They turn the moon pool into their own little hangout! Misa gets them all to buy fairy lights, tapestries, blankets, pillows, and even shelves for all of their stuff, along with a crap ton of batteries for the lights. It turns out surprisingly cozy.
They all hang out a lot for obvious reasons, which puts a chip in Kiyomi and Teru's shoulder. They've tried to be close to Light to no avail, but suddenly this L guy, and Misa who is now more than tolerated, are suddenly thick as thieves with him! They get bitchy with the two, especially L.
Misa made them all fishing net pouch-belts to put cool things they find during swims in.
The pool starts to look like a little treasure trove, since there is a LOT of cool stuff to find and the bottom of the ocean.
With the sheer amount of pearls and mother of pearl they find, Light starts to make accessories out of it. Misa is overjoyed and accepts the items with joy. L likes to watch Light tinker. Light doesn't mind him there.
The three, especially Light develop a superiority complex in regards to other people. It's based in insecurity about not being human anymore, but they do feel superior because of their powers.
L goes research nuts. A large portion of the moon pool wall looks like a mermaid conspiracy board, he wants to find any possible explanation. Light helps where he can, impressed with L's brain.
L was the first to find his powers, when he froze Kiyomi and Mikami to a wet sidewalk. Next was Light, after he boiled his annoying history teachers coffee all over his desk. Misa found her power a few days after, accidentally flooding her bathroom when she tried to bath.
The first full moon was... not good. Ryuk randomly showed up at the beach to warn Light, who discarded his words as meaningless blabbering. The three of them went moon crazy, and swam in the ocean until Misa got caught in an illegal fishing boat net.
The next morning, the boat was found sunken and destroyed, the charred and frozen bodies of the small were found with it.
None of them swam for three days.
But uh, yeah! They're a little pod, very protective of eachother :)
Misa likes to find starfish that match their hair colours and stick them on the boys' hair. They don't come off :)
It's the wammy boys that notice something up (they including Sayu are 10 btw) and they end up finding some of L's research. Watari just said it was probably a hobby when they showed him, but when they go to Sayu and they find a type of shell that is only found at diving depth in Light's room, they begin to think their theory of mermaids is warranted.
The trio is annoyed by the snoopyness, and now that they were technically murderers there was another level of urgency to keep this secret.
Unfortunately, mermaid hunters and scientists do start showing up, as "sitings" have increased due to underwater cameras.
Stakes rise and the three begin to ponder the benefits of staying. And the risks of going.
They start sabotaging. Finding the groups, their plans and evidence under the guise of mermaid enthusiasts. It works mostly, except for one group that keeps coming back. L finds himself impressed with how easily Light can manipulate them.
The three start going farther away during swims, able to go to places like Fiji or the Mediterranean in under an hour due to their extraordinary tails.
There is relationship drama. Misa is realizing her crush on Light is going no where, and he and L have started to become closer. Eventually they get over it, but lawlight is end game.
Kiyomi's jealousy deflates over time, and she begins to appreciate Misa without Light clouding her mind ;)
That's all for now I think! BTW, blue tails for mermen isn't on a whim, it's cannon in the h2o sequel Mako mermaids :)
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richardmhicks · 4 months
Always On VPN and NPS AD Registration
Windows Server Network Policy and Access Services (NPAS, more commonly called NPS) is a popular solution used in Always On VPN deployments to support Active Directory authentication for user-based VPN connections. NPS is integrated with Active Directory to perform certificate-based authentication. With additional configuration, NPS can apply specific settings to an individual connection by…
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pannaginip · 3 months
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NUPL Cebu Chapter on Twitter @nupl_cebu:
Press Release
Feb 25, 2024
The NUPL Cebu Chapter expresses its strongest condemnation over the killings of Hannah Jay Cesista and four other individuals, namely Domingo Compoc, Perlito Historia, Marlon Omosura, and Alberto Sancho in Bilar, Bohol, collectively known as Bilar 5.
An Iskolar ng Bayan, Hannah earned her Political Science degree from the UP Cebu. As a college student, she joined various organizations aligned with her principles and beliefs - Youth For Christ UP Cebu Chapter, Cebu Students for Justice and Peace, & Kabataan Partylist UP Cebu.
She then enrolled in the University of San Carlos (USC) to pursue a law degree. During her law school days, Hannah volunteered at NUPL Cebu and was instrumental in forming the law students’ arm of the Cebu Chapter.
NUPL Cebu members can attest to Hannah’s unwavering dedication and active involvement in the chapter’s activities in providing legal services to marginalized communities.
She was always the first person to volunteer when lawyers needed assistance in the countless legal work of the organization. She joined community visits for paralegal trainings & discussions on human rights despite the demands of law school. Hannah also passed the 2022 Bar Exams.
Numerous reports have circulated concerning an alleged “encounter” between the New People’s Army (NPA) and Philippine National Police (PNP) at Sitio Matin-ao 2, Barangay Campagao, Bilar, Bohol last February 23, 2024, Friday.
Contrary to law enforcement’s claims, initial reports received by NUPL Cebu show significant discrepancies and expose their possible commission of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) violations.
Several accounts support that no encounter has transpired. Instead, the five individuals were ordered to vacate the house where they were staying. The four men were forced to strip off their shirts. Along with Cesista, they were forced to roll in the mud.
The witnesses narrated that they were pleading with state forces to stop their inhumane acts but to no avail.
Killing Hannah and her companions is one of the many state-sanctioned efforts to harm activists, human rights workers, and dissenters- as part of their futile attempt to conceal the harsh realities of poverty and inequality in this country.
NUPL Cebu expresses its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Hannah. We call on the Philippine government to conduct a prompt and impartial investigation and to hold accountable the perpetrators responsible for the deaths of Bilar 5. Hustisya alang sa Bilar 5!
Long live Hannah Cesista! Long live Domingo Compoc! Long live Parlito Historia! Long live Marlon Omosura! Long live Alberto Sancho! Resume Peace Talks!
2024 Feb. 25
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finlender · 11 months
   NPA Funding in Varanasi FinLender
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With the understanding of the complexities involved in financial matters associated with business operations, Finlenders specialized and offered the Best NPA Finance Company related to NPA Funding in Varanasi. Our export financial analysts assess the various details associated with our clients’ businesses, and offer relevant solutions. This results, the operations, and growth of the business is affected as the entire focus of the borrower shifts from his business towards arranging for funds, and complying with the procedures, and regulations with respect to the consequences that follow. Our services are in conformation to the legal rules & regulations, and fulfill the needs of our clients.
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mettamaxie · 1 year
hi, sorry for the weird ask! i haven’t been properly in this fandom for a while but i was scrolling through blorbo tumblr tags for the first time in a while recently and i saw you talking about your trans rudolf headcanon thing which i’ve always been kinda curious about.
maybe i’m just paranoid, but when you said that last bit about transphobic vagueposts i went “man, that sucks!” and then about 5 minutes later i remembered something random i posted like a year ago and went “wait, fuck, was that me?!”— so i just wanted to say that if it was me then i’m genuinely very sorry and i want you to know that it 100% wasn’t meant as a jab at you or anything. i would hate for anyone to think i would stoop to transphobia, i honestly just made the meme cause i’m femaligned and the format made me giggle. i quite like your hcs + art actually, i think your devotion is admirable and that you should keep it up! /gen /npa
that’s all really! no obligation to post this btw i just wanted to clear the air on a personal level lol‼️ (and obviously if it’s not about this please ignore me hahaha)
oh my god shsgsjfhdjd i know you said that if this isnt abt you to just ignore it but also i feel like i should return you the service of reassuring you that my mention was NOT at all about you and i can already tell that from how sweet you are despite not knowing who you are exactly 😭
when i mentioned that vaguepost i was talking abt a genuinely transphobic person on twitter of the kind that like. refuses to believe that being trans is integral to some of umineko’s main themes dhdgdjgxjdgx like the kind that believes that beato isn’t trans. That Kind. so please rest assured that it was in no way shape or form abt you at all!!! this is actually a very nice ask dhgfjg thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words!!! 🥺 and i appreciate the gesture even if it wasnt even needed here, trust me i totally understand being paranoid LOL but please ofc rest assured im 100% genuine when i say that it wasn’t about you at all, and im so sorry if i caused you any worries w that!!!! tysm for the love and i hope you carry on having fun posting, have a good day/night wherever you may be!!! 🥰
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