negastim-x · 2 years
like, bf doesn't really have a plan for the future and I know that its like a depression anxiety thing
and I totally get it, because I had the same problem like 99% of the time we've been dating
but suddenly I DO!
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Nothing like gettinbgyeled at fir typos while I have s fever and can hardly think staight. No idea what my temprature is because no ine will tell me, only thag its hot enough fir even an abuser to pause snd be willing to offer treatment. Not enough to avoid getting wailed kn though.n
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unieduvn · 8 months
https://unie.edu.vn/?p=8538 In CC taking UW in IAB after NSOP and COBOP? NP! Alright freshpeople, we all know you’ve simply be...
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stuckthemarket · 1 year
Understanding Organic Food Products Certification in India
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As people become more environmentally conscious and health-conscious, demand for organic food products is rising in India. This is due to the advantages of organic fruits and leafy vegetables. However, it can be difficult to determine whether a product is truly organic or not. That’s where organic food product certification comes in. Although organic farming has many advantages, it is not a fix-all for agricultural issues. It represents a step in the direction of more resilient and sustainable agricultural systems.
Understanding the organic food products industry working process
Here is the In-Depth explanation about Organic food products
In India, the government agency responsible for regulating organic food products is the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA). APEDA is responsible for ensuring that organic food products meet certain standards and are certified as organic.
A food item needs to fulfill a number of requirements to be certified as organic. The first requirement is that it be grown without the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Second, no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives may be used during processing. Finally, it must be packaged and labeled in accordance with organic standards and the same goes for Exotic vegetables.
To obtain certification, a food producer must submit an application to a certification agency accredited by APEDA. The agency will then conduct an inspection of the producer's facilities and review their records to ensure that their products meet organic standards. If the producer passes the inspection, they will be issued a certificate that allows them to label their products as Organic food products.
The certification process can be costly and time-consuming, which is why not all Organic food products producers in India are certified. However, certification can also be beneficial for producers because it allows them to sell their products at a higher price point due to the perceived value of organic products among consumers.
Consumers can identify Organic food products in India by looking for the India Organic certification mark. This mark indicates that a product has been certified by an APEDA-accredited certification agency and meets organic standards. However, it’s important to note that not all organic products may bear this mark, especially those sold in local markets or by small-scale producers who may not have the resources to obtain certification.
In addition to APEDA, other organizations in India also offer organic food certification. One such organization is the National Organic Certification Body (NOCB), which is accredited by the National Accreditation Body (NAB). NOCB certifies organic products based on the National Standards for Organic Production (NSOP), which were established by the Government of India.
In conclusion, Organic food products certification in India is an important process that helps ensure the authenticity and quality of organic products. Consumers can look for the India Organic certification mark to identify certified organic products, but should also be aware that not all organic products may be certified. Producers who obtain certification can benefit from being able to sell their products at a higher price point, but may face additional costs and requirements to meet organic standards.
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Surviving, No, Thriving, in NSOP
Summer school’s ending this week, which means you! already! know! what’s coming up! I’m sure this is all you’ve ever thought about for the past two months at least. If you’re lucky and you got accepted ED like me, let’s increase that time to like 6 months. The first week of school is terrifying no matter the age, but for college students, the added stress of being on your own makes dealing with the bustle a bit more complicated than you’d expect. To assuage your doubts and concerns, I’m bringing you a comprehensive and general look at what the New Student Orientation Program, NSOP, will mean for you as someone trying hard to transition from pre-frosh to freshbait. The first week of school hardly even counts as real school because it’s all orientation, but tips for the journey won’t hurt. Let’s get started.
What You Should Know Before Getting Here
Of which there are a few things. If you’re at all interested in the things I’m about to mention, even just a lil bit, you should go to the events for them during NSOP. It’s easier to get your foot in the door now and then drop out if you don’t care than try to weasel your foot in a few months later. I learned this the hard way. These few things include:
pre-health (aka pre-med)
Greek life
placing higher in any track or out of certain tracks (like the language requirement)
buying a fridge, printer, microwave, or some class books
CCSC or ESC (student council aka SGA)
Actually, anything you are even slightly interested in you should attend. The information is invaluable as the year goes on, and it’s better to have it as early as possible. For pre-med and Greek life, you should go to the information sessions. For the placement tests, go to the sessions when they’re happening and try your best. For buying a fridge or the like, go to the EcoReps sale, all of them, and see what’s around. Yeah the line is long but if you really want to save money it’s worth it.
Another thing you should be thinking about before coming here is the matter of illegal identification. Yep, fakes. Fakes are crucial in New York life because all the fun happens at bars and in clubs (I might be saying this somewhat ironically). You also can’t buy alcohol here without having a fake, so your fun might be completely cancelled if you don’t have one. Of course, you could always get someone to buy you alcohol and pay them back, and you’ll be having to do that anyway while you wait for your fake to arrive. But this is something that you definitely want to be thinking about as you come here. Most people order fakes with 3-5 friends, because prices are cheapest that way. So find your people on campus, or put a post up on your Unofficial Facebook group over the summer. Fakes take about 2 months to come through.
You Made It, Baby! Now What?
Alright, so you drove up on 116th, maybe the only time during the whole school year you’re allowed to do that, and got a Blue Bin and finished moving in (mostly)! Left to your own devices, you probably have little idea what to do. So here’s what you’re gonna do.
For the most part, you’re going to know no one. Hopefully you know at least one person, and you’re going to tag along with them everywhere they go. If you don’t know literally anyone, check out my post on making friends during NSOP.
Go to all the frat parties, but definitely with friends. Especially if you’re a girl. Even at Ivies, guys have a tendency to get sleazier at night than they would in broad daylight. That being said, there’s really nothing like a frat party, so you should definitely party it up while you can, because no one goes to frat parties after freshman year.
Figure out what classes you’re taking. Sign up for the earliest possible appointment with your advisor, and talk it out. I was an undecided major when I came in, and my biggest regret was not taking chemistry because now, as a chem major, I’m doing a lot of catching up. My advisor helped me a ton in that she recommended I take calculus and a bunch of other classes that undecided majors usually end up finding beneficial for their major. You gotta sort this out as early as possible so that you know exactly what you’re looking for when registering for classes. Class registration is a fucking battlefield. Remember to use things like Vergil and CULPA to figure out your best schedule.
So many faces so few places. You’re going to meet a lot of people in a really short time period, so you need to get really comfortable with saying “oh yeah we met last night… sorry I was drunk, what’s your name again?” Don’t be afraid of using people as crutches to get to know other people, because there’s no such thing as knowing too many people.
Set a good impression with your RA. Y’all really need to be friends. Don’t drink or smoke in front of them, don’t throw outrageously loud parties the first week, don’t throw up in the bathroom bc you’re hungover but forget to lock the door (guilty). Become friends with your RA so that they feel awkward getting you in trouble and you can basically do what you want for the rest of the year.
Leave your door(s) open. The best way to meet people on your floor genuinely is to hop in their room and comment on their taste in music. So blast some Frank Ocean and rake in the friends.
Potholes and Rat Traps: What to Avoid
Columbia isn’t just a matter of what to do: there’s a whole lot of shit you’ve gotta watch out for, because no one tells you this right off the bat.
Don’t go to Welcome Week, whatever you hear about it. It’s really not worth commuting back, on the subway, at night, wasted, with minimal knowledge of New York at night. And the parties aren’t great anyway.
Don’t dress up for parties, regardless of whether you’re a guy or a girl. I don’t even have a rationalization for this one, Just...please. Don’t.
Don’t take notes during that first “Lit Hum class.” You know, the one in Roone Auditorium. No one read the stuff and you look like a tool.
Don’t spend all your time on campus. Be sure to go off campus with your friends, a new group each time, as much as possible, into the city, because you won’t have the time or energy to do so later.
Don’t spend all your time with friends. Find your favorite spots on campus all by yourself, so that you have a recluse whenever you need it. It’s good to get to know campus by yourself.
Do NOT go around hooking up with every cute girl you see. Or boy. Rape is a harder line to draw when it’s orientation week and everyone’s drunk and it’s easy to convince someone to do something that they would say no to in 3 weeks’ time. The rationalization for this is not dealing with the awkwardness the next day, but rather dealing with the fact that you might end up a rapist.
Don’t believe or become any of those “entrepreneurs” during NSOP, aka those kids who have a “startup” and want to advertise their thing or whatever. Believe me, they’re not going anywhere any time soon. It’s great to have ideas, and to have ambition, and to have motivation, but don’t get ahead of yourself and leave a buttload of embarrassing memories for the next few years. Save branding yourself for second semester.
Learning to pace yourself while drinking is an important step in moving from messy ‘man to sophisticated soph. Okay so I might have just made those phrases up. But for real, everyone can tell a freshman who has never drunk a lot before because they take seven shots of vodka in 10 minutes, and in another 15 they’re struggling to keep their dinner down. So yes, you will make an embarrassing alcohol mistake sometime during your freshman career. But it does not need to be that embarrassing.
More embarrassing than puking is letting your friend feel horrible the next day because you didn’t take care of them. You must call CAVA if a friend is puking, and if they black out, that’s also a sure sign. I know you’re going to freeze up when the time comes because it’s so hard to put a finger on it and say, yep, we’ve crossed the line, she doesn’t look fine, we need to call CAVA. No one wants to be the friend who called CAVA. At least not freshmen. But you have to do it. Freshmen are the most likely to get alcohol poisoning, and not calling CAVA because you “think” she’ll be alright seriously puts your friend’s health in danger.
Be careful with the jungle juice. Usually it’s fine, and at some frats like Lambda the jungle juice gets you the perfect amount of fucked up, but there are some frats that are known for putting drugs in their actual jungle juice, not just drugging individual drinks. Boys, I don’t know why you think you’re exempt because it happens to guys too. Both my friend and I got seriously messed up with jungle juice from a frat that I’m not going to name, and it’s almost as scary as I would imagine getting roofied is.
My last “don’t” is to not be so quick to make judgements about your situation. During NSOP literally every single person feels like they genuinely can’t handle it here, they won’t succeed at Columbia. I promise you that feeling goes away in the coming months. And if you don’t get it during NSOP, that feeling will come in a few months. And it’ll go away too. Don’t ever give up because you think it’s too much, because I guarantee you can handle it. NSOP just really sucks. It hurts like a bitch and you will definitely cry at least once, but you’ll settle into a routine no matter how long it takes and you will come out feeling incredible. We all do.~
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akhandjyotiservices · 3 years
New aircraft induction on NSOP
Founded Feb 2016 for the aviation sector and always being delivered best induction process for you along with better standards. We are offering New aircraft induction on NSOP at the best price that makes you all induction processes for both aircraft and helicopter
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goodluckbabe2024 · 3 years
actually moving in to college is so good for me because being busy means i’m thinking about supernatural less even as i feel it like a spectre haunting me. i will be back on this app after NSOP
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tangled23works · 4 years
Hello, fam! I have an important question for those of you who enjoy reading my stuff. Which fic do you prefer to see updated next? (No, you can’t vote for NSOP because I plan to focus solely on that later) 
a. Whatever It Takes series : Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak have been married for 18 months when she finds the courage to ask for a divorce. For some reason, her husband is adamantly against that. He tries to keep her close because he thinks they belong together. She tries to keep him away because she thinks they have nothing in common.
b. Back In My Arms fix-it fic : Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak have spent twenty years waiting for the moment when they will be reunited. Now, a portal has been opened and they're about to find each other again. If they can overcome the one thing that's threatening to keep them apart.
c. No Time To Die (bonus chapter) : Felicity Smoak is walking home when she stumbles across the Starling City vigilante. There is just one problem. The man is unconscious and needs her help. 
I chose these three based on subscriptions. Normally, I wouldn’t include the last one since it was my submission for the Olicity Clue challenge and it’s, for all intents and purposes, finished. However, many of you have a expressed a desire to see Felicity meet the Hood again... so here we are!
Vote for your favorite please! I want to know which one would bring you joy during this difficult time. Tell me your preference either here (just reblog this post and put your choice in the tags) or send me an ask if you don’t want anyone to see your vote. You have until Sunday!
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dreambigandbebrave · 5 years
Did Columbia get better? Found your nsop rant in the hashtag and I’m an incoming freshman
It did! It was really stressful but the people I met made the experience worth it. Now I have a job I love and I wouldn’t change my time there for anything.
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negastim-x · 2 years
actually, I think it is time to break up. I don't think that I want to be together forever, and I know if I don't break up we never will
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nyitlnprncss-blog · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: WINKY LUX Universal brow pencil.
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BUT WHY !!!!!!!!! IM SO
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My nsop group sucks ass
give them more of a chance but otherwise i would recommend drinking your way through NSOP
my group sucked too I promise I can relate
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akhandjyotiservices · 3 years
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ainsleyview · 3 years
Heat Block Insert
Heat Block Insert is a Wirebond device that is comprised of an edge supporting face and a bite the dust cushion supporting face and utilized as a leadframe support plate during the Wire bond process.
The Heater Block Insert includes a mounting stage intended to oblige a lead outline and a pass on that is joined to the lead outline. The warming component of the Heater Block Insert incorporates a unified warming surface and fringe radiators around the concentrated warming surface. This permits the specific warming of the areas on the lead outline in anticipation of wirebonding.
Oricus Semikon fabricates a wide scope of Heater Block Inserts to fit a wide scope of machines from OEMs like K&S, ASM, Shinkawa and that's just the beginning.
Reasonable for use in a wide scope of Wirebonding machines
Bite the dust cushion holes are machined to guarantee demanding position resiliences comparative with your leadframe or substrate
Contact surfaces and datums of our Heat Block Insert are accuracy machined for better levelness than guarantee firm workholding of the leadframe or substrate
Wide assortment of bite the dust cushion cavity plans like Flat, Angle, Upper Bias, Lower Bias and other tweaked plans to determine issues like Non-Stick On Pad (NSOP), pass on break and missing wires
Materials for our Heat Block Inserts are chosen with extraordinary consideration for their incredible hotness move properties that conveys uniform hotness dissemination on the contact surfaces of the leadframe or substrate
Our Heat Block Inserts are planned and produced for an ideal fit to your particular application and hardware
Fitting and-Play establishment that diminishes burn through and limits set up time
Accuracy controlled levelness on the cushion cavity and top surface of the warmer plate guarantees a smooth and useful Wirebonding process
Abundance of involvement with the prerequisites for various sorts of bundles
Top to bottom comprehension of the advantages and constraints of different
Wire bond gear permits us to plan the best instrument for your specific application
Material Information
Every single material chose for use in our items go through a rigid Selection, Development and Assessment process. In-house created compounds are created with the most recent developments in material innovation and element plans that are planned uncommonly for use in the Semiconductor business.
For remotely secured materials, every material goes through a thorough Quality Assurance and Performance Assessment program prior to being equipped for use in our items.
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