#NV Kira
Drinks - from Fiona
[ drinks ] sender brings receiver a drink from a bar/their kitchen
"I didn't even know you had a place outside of the Fort."
Kira makes idle conversation, the shack they're in isn't much, but it's a little respite. Fiona had invited her, perhaps a small housewarming. Should she have brought a gift or something? Was this a Legion safehouse or something?
A moment passes and a drink is slid into her hands.
"Ah- thank you. What is it?" Kira asks cautiously, taking a sniff or two of the cup.
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gvfgal · 1 year
1. Homeward Bound
Barbarian. Biker!Jake
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18+ minors evaporate!!!
A/n: As promised, here’s chapter one! I’m doing things a little different this time, telling the story more from Jake’s point of view than the readers. It works well for this story, and I think you guys will enjoy the way it plays out. Also, no disrespect to Genoa, NV! Never been, I’m sure it’s a lovely place, but for the sake of my story, it’s a shithole.
Content Warnings: Drinking & Smoking (constant theme throughout), language, mentions of death, Jake and reader are a couple of sluts but we love them for it, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex (please don’t be like them), fingering (f rec.), dirty talk, Not really a warning, but I use the words tavern/ bar/ and or “Riley’s” interchangeably, they’re all the same place.
Word Count: 6.2k
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Jake always loved the open road. It was the only time he truly felt like himself, the only time he felt truly invincible. The last time he traveled down Route 95, however, he was headed in the opposite direction, escaping the very life he was about to throw himself back into.
After Ace’s visit and a night of drinking, Jake finally settled on the decision to return home. He put most of his belonging into storage, only packing what would fit on the back of his bike. As far as his job, he wasn’t too worried. He had a sit down with Hank a couple days before he left and explained the situation. “You know you always have a job should you decide to come back,” Hank told him. Jake turned in his shop keys, and that was the end of that.
On the night before his departure, he tracked Kira down at some seedy motel and told her he’d be leaving town, to which she began to cry, begging him not to leave. In all honestly, it made him want to vacate even more.
The next morning, before the sun even had a chance to rise, Jake was on the road, homeward bound.
The desert stretched out before him, a vast expansion of rugged beauty underneath the unforgiving sun. The roar of his motorcycle engine echoed through the emptiness, punctuating the silence that came with the open road. As he ventured deeper into the heart of Nevada, the land seemed to hold it’s breath, anticipation simmering in the air. Dust clouds billowed in his wake as he leaned into the twists and turns, feeling as if he were becoming one with the machine.
Finally, after a couple more hours of riding, the small wooden sign came into view, signaling his arrival.
‘Welcome to Genoa. Nevada’s oldest town.’
The outskirts of the tiny dot on the map loomed into view, it’s familiar silhouette etched against the sky. He slowed his pace as he entered, taking in the scenery that was almost identical to the way it was when he left. His town, a decaying relic in the desert, clung stubbornly to it’s dilapidated existence. The streets stretched out before him like veins choked with neglect, lined with crumbling facades and and fading signs that once promised prosperity. Shuttered business stood as silent sentinels, bearing witness to the ebb and flow that was Genoa.
Nature, too, had woven it’s touch, with wildflowers defiantly blooming in forgotten corners. A gentle reminder to Jake that even in death, life finds a way. The sight filled him with a mixture of disgust and an odd kind of loyalty. Despite it’s decay it held the indelible marks of his roots, memories were etched deep within it’s neglected corners. No matter how much he tried to ignore it, Genoa was still home, a bitter reminder of the life he’d never be able to escape.
Using only his memory, Jake continued through town in search of Ace’s house. Just when he thought he was lost, the row of bikes lined up outside of an old rundown manufactured home proved his memory wasn’t so rusty after all. He parked near the end of the line before making his way up to the front door. He could already hear the rambunctious group of men far before he was on the porch, and he figured knocking would be no use. Besides, it was only Ace’s house, and Jake knew he was welcomed in as if he lived there himself, which he did, at one point.
When he swung the door open, the buzz of conversation came to an abrupt halt, and every head in the room turned to look at him, staring as if they’d seen a ghost.
Ace was the last to look at him, and when he did, a large grin spread across his face.
“Jake! You made it!”
The rest of the men erupted into cheers, glad to see their beloved Barbarian prince return.
“Jake, you remember Steeljaw right?” Ace bellowed as he gave him a shove forward into the crowd.
Jake smiled, “how could I forget? It’s good to see you man.”
Steeljaw was never very affectionate, and the life altering incident he encountered did little to change that, if anything, it had an opposite effect. But when it came to Jake, there was always a soft spot. He tolerated most people, but Jake, he actually liked. He could never figure out why, and in the end, he never tried to.
Jake expected a rough handshake or a punch in the shoulder, but was pleasantly caught off guard when Steeljaw scooped him up into a hug.
“It’s good to have you back.”
Ace went around reintroducing Jake to the guys, each of them in turn giving Jake hugs and handshakes and ‘welcome backs’. Hellhound. Snakebite. Madcap. Django. Renegade. And so many more. With each of these men, Jake carried a special memory. He loved each and every one of them, that was something he couldn’t deny. There were his family, other than his mom (another interesting story for another day), the Barbarians were all that Jake had. They all seemed to really miss him, and he missed all of them too.
Well, almost all of them.
“And of course, Nicky No Name.”
Ace pushed the tall slender guy forward, mouthing a ‘play nice’ to Jake behind his back. Jake’s disdain for Nicky went far beyond the fact that he was an overall awful person. For him, Nicky’s face was a reminder of the loss of the one person who’s presence he missed the most in that room, and it wasn’t Rex.
Jake gave Nicky a tight lipped smile, “Triple N, we meet again.” He knew how much he hated that nickname, which is why it felt that much better to say it.
Nicky narrowed his eyes at Jake with a scowl, before correcting it almost immediately. “Jake Kiszka. Prince of the Barbarians.”
Nicky also knew how much Jake hated that nickname.
Ace knew that was just about as polite as the two could get, so he quickly dismissed Nicky and returned his attention to Jake.
“I’m surprised you actually came.”
“You and me both.”
“How was the ride?”
Jake shrugged, “long.”
Ace chuckled, knowing good and well that anytime Jake was on the road, he had a blast. But he was never one to admit those kinds of things out loud, so he left it be.
“What do ya say we head over to your old man’s house? Get that out the way now?”
Dread crept into Jake’s veins, entwining with grief, as he realized that returning to his childhood home stirred a peculiar turmoil within him. Overshadowing even the weight of the impending funeral. He swallowed it down though, if only momentarily, to respond to Ace.
“Yeah, let’s do it.”
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The men hopped on their bikes and began making the short ride down to the old trailer park that was once Jake’s kingdom. Cactus Creek Village, quite the kingdom to be sure. The chipped paint on the entry sign proof of just how much the place had to offer.
Images of the past flicked through his minds eye as he inched his way through. The laughter that once echoed through the trees, riding his bike with his friends, pretending they were motorcycles until the street lights came on. All the joys of his youthful innocence. But beneath the surface of those fond recollections lay layers of pain, unsealed wounds, and fractured connections. Those feeling were all the more solidified as the house came into view.
A house whose walls were etched with both solace and strife. As he put his bike in park out front, it felt like a collision of two worlds, grief and nostalgia intertwining in an intricate dance.
“Look the same?” Ace asked as he got off his bike and came to stand with Jake.
He squinted his eyes at the structure, noticing that most of the damage that he left behind was still there. “Too much.”
His eyes grazed the lackluster trailer park with a neutral expression. Scenes of his complicated childhood played like mirages on front of him, sublime memories that still haunted his dreams. He wondered for a moment if coming back there was a bad idea.
Several feet away, the door of a trailer swung open, hitting the wall so hard that the sound sent a stray cat scampering from underneath the disheveled porch. You stepped outside, an already burning cigarette hanging between your plump lips with disinterest. Those lips, so perfectly pink and inviting, stole the air from Jake’s lungs. His mind flashed briefly to the things that mouth could possibly do behind closed doors.
But he wasn’t able to focus on that for long before his eyes began to take in your attire (or the lack there of). A wife beater, clearly with no bra underneath. Your nipples stood erect against the thin fabric. Your breasts were in no way large, but just big enough for a handful, and that was good enough for him. Your bottom half was no more modest, a pair of gray cotton bikini underwear, nothing more. The curve of your hips was only slight, so slight, some may not have even counted it as a curve at all. But whatever the hell it was, Jake liked it, really liked it.
A pair of brown cowboy boots covered you from the mid calf, down. The scuffed leather on the toes led him to believe that you wore them often.
You were unaware of their presence at first, making your way down the stairs mindlessly before your eyes finally locked with Jake’s.
Yours were red and glossy, not from tears, that much was certain. Jake was sure that you’d realize your exposure and rush back inside to hide yourself like any normal girl would do. But he was quick to find out you were anything but normal.
You blinked once at him, expressionless in your affliction, and raised you fingers to your lips to remove the cigarette. Your nails were chipped midnight blue, hands appearing like fragile petals of a flower. You ashed the cigarette onto the ground, eyed never straying from his.
Admittedly, your stare was a bit intimidating, heavy and laden with something so intriguing it was as if you were hypnotizing him where he stood. You wedged the cigarette back into your mouth before tearing your eyes from him, returning to the task you set out to accomplish.
“Who’s that?” Jake asked, never removing his stare from where you were. He watched as you bent over to pick up a sun bleached watering can, surprised at the size of your ass. He hadn’t expected you to be carrying something like that behind you.
Ace shuffled up beside him and gave you a good once over, “that’s Riley’s girl. When he got sick, she came down here, kinda popped up out of nowhere, to take care of him till he passed. Never left after that.”
Jake turned and looked at him with a furrowed brow, “Riley’s dead?”
Ace laughed, “you really have been gone a long time, haven’t you? He’s been gone about two years now. Pancreatic cancer. He fought long and hard,” he nodded his head in your direction, “she took over the tavern too.”
Jake’s eyes found you again as you lazily poured water onto the foliage outside of the trailer. For it to be Nevada, you did a great job of keeping up your garden.
“She’s a bit quiet, doesn’t really talk to us much, but she’s a sweet girl.” He retrieved a key from his pocket and placed it in Jake’s hand, “I gotta get back to the guys before they burn my damn house down. Take all the time you need.” He hopped back on his bike and his engine roared to life, “we’re all hanging at the tavern later, if you wanna stop by.”
Jake nodded and watched as he backed out of the driveway and started down the road. Once he was out of sight, he turned back to watch you water your plants, his eyes tracking every dip and curve of your body.
When you noticed him staring again, you stood straight and faced him, raising your middle finger.
He smirked. Spitfire. Giving his dad’s house one more look, he decided that wasn’t a hill he was ready to conquer, not yet anyway. Instead, there was a wide open Nevada desert calling his name, and that was a call Jake could never stray away from. Tucking the key away in his jeans, Jake mounted his bike and cranked it to life. He pulled into the street until he was parallel with your trailer. You watched as a mischievous grin appeared on his face, his gloved hand raising to shoot you the finger right back. His bike screeched as he pulled off at a ridiculous speed, kicking up dirt behind him.
You couldn’t help but smile as you watched him drive away. Using context clues, you figured he was your neighbor Rex’s son. You’d heard stories about him from the gang hanging around the bar. The Barbarian Prince, they’d joke. You’d spent plenty of time with Rex, and although he was always pleasant with you, you knew any son of his had to be trouble.
But you were a magnet for trouble. It’s allure and consequences were woven into the very fabric of your existence. Trouble had been your steadfast companion, the architect of your tumultuous journey.
Trouble, is what landed you in Genoa in the first place.
But when it came to the mysterious beloved Barbarian, trouble never looked so good.
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Most of the gang was already at Riley’s by the time Jake arrived. He’d spent his afternoon riding through the winding outskirts of Genoa, allowing himself some much needed alone time before the next few days ahead. Pulling his tasseled hair into a messy low bun, Jake nudged the door open with his boot and stood at the threshold to scan the bar.
He quickly spotted Ace’s large frame seated at one of the barstools, but just as quickly, he noticed you. Your hair tied in a messy bun on the top of your head as you hustled behind the bar, mixing up drinks for the waiting Barbarians scattered about the space. A group of them huddled around the pool table drank and talked loudly, demanding their voices to be heard over the loud rock music playing from the old fashioned jukebox positioned in the corner. Jake gave them a quick assessment before returning his attention back to you.
You were wearing a muscle tank, if he had to guess, the same one from earlier, only this time you decided to put a bra on. Good Girl. The hot pink straps peaked from underneath the tank ever so slightly, he liked that even more. With a smirk plastered on his face, Jake made his way through the dimly lit bar, perching himself on the stool beside Ace and patting him on the shoulder, his eyes staying trained on you. You hadn’t noticed him yet, too busy fulfilling another drink order for a waiting couple. There was a thin sheen of sweat covering your body that, mixed with the contrastingly bright lights of the neon signs behind the bar, made you appear like an angel on earth. Glowing like a beacon, a beacon calling directly to Jake.
Before even glancing at him, you were talking. “What can I get for you?”
Jake chuckled at your obliviousness as he leaned forward onto the bar.
“Whiskey. Neat, please.”
When you finally turned to look at him, realization setting in, your face dropped, but Jake’s never faltered. He was a lot more handsome up close, something you hadn’t expected, but still relished in.
“Well, if it isn’t my Peeping Tom neighbor,” you smirked, wiping your hands on the towel that hung at your hip.
Your voice was like like honey. Smooth, rich, and pleasing to Jake’s ears. The very sound of it melded with the music filling the room made the hairs on his arms stand upright. It was as if every word you spoke was uttered with the intention of seduction, and it was working.
Your right eyebrow peaked on your face as you waited for his reply, arms crossing over your chest.
“If I remember correctly, you’re the one that came out of the house half naked,” he teased, his eyes boring directly into yours.
“You didn’t have to stare,” you quipped right back.
Jake shrugged, “how could I not?”
His response stunned you into silence, but not in a negative way. Being the object of his gaze, as good looking as he was, was enticing.
You’d never let him know that, though. So instead, you rolled your eyes and turned to pluck at the screen behind you.
“You want your tab opened, or closed?”
Jake was staring daggers into your back, still wearing that sly grin. His eyes traveled down to your ass, being hugged tightly by the black denim shorts you wore. They traveled further, all the way down your exposed legs and back up.
Ace turned his attention to the two of you, patting Jake on the shoulder, “no need, first rounds on me, sunshine.”
You smiled sweetly at Ace before pulling a glass down to prepare Jake’s drink.
“So, you’re Rex’s kid?” you asked.
Jake nodded, “the one and only. I think.”
You chuckled at his statement, knowing that when it came to Barbarians, that was probably a real concern. “Sorry to hear about his passing.”
He gave off another shrug as he retrieved his usual duo, a cigarette and his lighter, “wish I could say the same.”
This comment may have been off putting to others, but to you it was more than relatable.
You finished pouring his drink and slid it across the counter on a thin coaster.
“Well, he’ll be missed around here, anyway,” you glanced around the bar before focusing on Jake’s face, “but it seems like everyone’s glad to have you back.”
Jake’s attention was focused on getting his cigarette lit, and once it was, he looked back at you, noticing the way you were drinking in his features,his lips curled up around it.
“Glad to be back.”
He took his glass and raised it towards you, a silent confirmation that you were the reason for his satisfaction. You held each other’s gaze for what felt like forever, both grinning, yet silently assessing the other.
“Why do I feel like you’re nothing but trouble?” you questioned Jake, a hint of teasing in your voice.
Jake freed his mouth and leaned into you, and you instinctively did the same, your faces now hovering inches away from each other. The smell of tobacco on his breath was so intoxicating you could’ve kissed him in that very moment.
“Why do I feel the same about you?”
For a brief moment, you though he actually was about to kiss you, your mouths so close, all it took was one small movement to initiate. But just before it got to that point, Jake pulled away, standing from his seat and crossing over the the jukebox.
You watched as he flipped through the catalog, taking a sip of his drink in the process. Finally, Lick it Up by Kiss began playing loudly as Jake increased the volume. Turning back to you with that same smirk from before. He began nodding his head in an animated fashion, causing a real laugh to bubble up from inside of you. Something that didn’t happen often.
“He really is Rex’s boy!” Ace shouted over the music, calling out to everyone in the bar.
He raised his glass as everyone cheered, following suit. And once again, Jake looked to you, raising both his eyebrows and his glass.
You shook your head with a smile, “trouble.”
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It was well after two am by the time you got off. Most of the gang had stayed right until close, and with only you and your coworker Angela left by the end of the night, closing took a lot longer than usual. And to make matters worse, you were now stranded at the gas station. Your old clunker had only managed to make it two miles up the road before it sputtered out, and now, it refused to start.
The cold desert air chilled your bones as you did your best to inspect under the hood, but with little to no knowledge about cars, you weren’t hopeful.
“Raggedy piece of shit,” you cursed as you kicked at one of the tires. You pulled your windbreaker tighter around your body and leaned back against the car, debating on whether or not you could conquer the mile and a half walk back home.
But just as the idea started becoming the best option, the sound of a motorcycle could be heard coming up the road. You watched as the driver pulled into the gas station, knowing well that it had to be a Barbarian, they were the only gang in the area. But what you didn’t expect was for that Barbarian to be Jake, still smiling as he pulled up beside you.
“You don’t look too happy.”
You wanted to roll your eyes at him, but his smile was beginning to grow on you. So much so, that you could ignore his smart ass comment.
“My car won’t start.”
Jake turned off his bike and climbed off, not saying a word as he leaned down to look into the engine compartment.
You took in the way the muscles of his arms flexed as he gripped tightly on the sides of the car. The thought of him holding you that way sending a separate chill down your spine
After a few moments of inspection, he faced you again, just as you diverted your eyes to something else.
“Where do you want me to start?”
Your dropped your head into the palm of your hand, “fuck.”
Jake chuckled, “it’s alright. I might be able to fix it,” he sounded hopeful, though by just looking at it, he' knew it might be beyond saving, “have to get it towed first, though.”
You cursed again, you didn’t have the money for that.
“But for the time being, I can give you a ride. After all, we are neighbors.”
You glanced backup at his smirking face, wondering if he ever wore any other expression, “on your bike?”
He nodded, “what, you scared or something?”
Quite frankly, you couldn’t have been further from. Excited? A little turned on? Yes. Scared? Never.
“What’s your name?” you asked, deciding to ignore his statement. He took a step towards you and extended his hand, “I’m Jake. And you are?” You shook his hand softly and grinned mischievously, “wouldn’t you like to know?”
You removed your hand and climbed onto his bike, making sure to arch your back more than necessary.
That image of you on his bike that way was the first time Jake actually believed here might be a god. You were all too regal, even in your most natural state, he’d even dare to say perfect. And something so perfect had to be meticulously constructed by an all knowing power. He didn’t even care if he knew your name.
“I gotta run inside. Stay pretty.”
He left without another word, dissapearing into the store and leaving you out in the cold air. You waited patiently for him to return, and when he did, he climbed on in front of you. His already familiar scent filled your nostrils, and without though, you moved your body closer to his. Once he brought the bike to life you hesitantly wrapped your arms around his torso, bringing you a comfort that you hadn’t felt in a long time.
“Will you be alright without a helmet?” he asked, shouting over the roaring engine.
“It’s only a mile and a half. I’ll be fine.”
He put the bike in drive, patting your thigh twice, “well then, hang on.”
He pulled out into the street slowly and began making his way down the long stretch of road. Releasing your hair from its bun, you leaned into Jake’s ear, “you can’t make this thing go any faster?” You were aware that he was doing the gentlemanly thing and taking it easy, but feeling the rush of the wind and the vibration of the road traveling through your body had you craving more. The freeing feeling that speeding down the road on the back of a bike was enticing, but so was the danger of it. That feeling of gambling life itself for a few seconds of exhilaration, it turned you on, the tense energy radiating off of you and onto Jake.
You couldn’t see it, but he smirked, reving up the engine as he began picking up speed, causing your adrenaline to spike. Once the deteriorating buildings that lined the street started becoming a blur, you released you hold on Jake’s waist and spread you arms out wide, tilting your head back to greet the night sky. The wind whipped your hair across your face, blinding you every few seconds, but that didnt deter you one bit.
A genuine laugh escaped Jake’s lips, “you’re a wild one,” he exclaimed, his voice barely audible against the roaring wind.
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Cactus Creek was still when you and Jake returned, the loud hum of his engine feeling out of place in the quiet night. Jake could’ve easily parked in his own driveway and let you make the 50 feet walk back to your place, but instead, he parked right outside your front door, a little too close to your flowers for your liking. After helping you off, the two of you stood face to face. The thrill of the ride had yet to wear off, and all those feelings you felt while in the back of his bike were still very much alive inside of you.
“You seemed to have enjoyed yourself,” Jake chuckled as he removed his own hair from its bun. Never in your life had you seen such tangled locks look so good, you wanted nothing more than to run your fingers through it, preferably with his head between your legs.
A small grin appeared on your face as you took a step closer to him, “what can I say? I love a good ride.” He pulled you close as soon as you were in arms reach, letting one of his hands snake around your hip, just shy of your ass. His opposite hand found your hair, pulling back on it gently until you were looking him in the eyes.
“Is that right?”
Your lips ghosted against his as you spoke, “who doesn’t?”
Jake liked that answer. If the twitching of his cock that was pressed against your leg didn’t give it away, the look on his face sure did. His mouth dropped to press firm kisses along your collarbone. Your eyes fell closed when his tongue appeared to lick a long strip up your neck. He continued until his mouth was hovering by your ear.
“Something’s telling me you’re no good for me,” he whispered, nipping at your earlobe to punctuate, “should probably stay away. But somehow that only makes me want you more.”
You pulled away to look him in the eye, shaking your head solemnly, “you don’t want me, Jake. I’m not the kind worth loving.”
He took a mental note of that statement, replaying it over and over in his head fo months to come. But for the time being, it remained tucked away. He smirked at you, “who said anything about falling in love?”
The look of lust in his eyes and the grip he still had on your waist was the nail in the coffin. With both hands, you took ahold of his fac and crashed your lips into his, nothing but primal desire behind it. He kissed you back immediately, his tongue delving into your mouth like it were seeking out shelter in the rain. You all but climbed him, tangling you legs around him as he made his way up the steps. You never locked your door, there was nothing in that place worth stealing, and your hand searched blindly behind you to open the door.
Once inside, Jake quickly cleared your entryway table— its contents clambering to the ground as you pushed the door shut. He sat you down roughly as his mouth returned to your neck, much less graceful than the first time. You pulled and tugged at his jacket until it slid off his body, leaving him in a plain black t shirt. Your finger clawed at it, pulling it up so that you could feel more of his skin against yours.
“Still not gonna tell me your name?” he huffed as his hands began groping your chest.
You sighed heavily, “nope.”
Jake chuckled, “that’s fine,” he squeezed your chest a little tighter, causing you to hiss, “I’ll jut have to come up with my own name for you then.
He licked into your open mouth slowly, making sure to really taste you as he did so. “Hmmm. How about Cherry?”
“Cherry?” you gulped, “why?”
Jake smiled at your moment of innocence, the way your eyes pleaded for an answer made both his cock and his heart ache.
“Cause you taste just as sweet as one.”
Before his compliment had a chance to make it’s way to your heart, you yanked him closer by the collar of his shirt, “are you gonna stand here and talk all night, or are you gonna fuck me?”
Jake’s smile fell, a carnal look taking over his face. His rough fingers began undoing the button on your shorts, not even taking a moment to pull them down before they were sliding into your wetness. An almost silent gasp left your mouth as your head fell back against the mirror, threatening to send it crashing down.
“Yeah, Cherry? Is that pretty little pussy ready to fuck?”
You nodded, once again clawing at his back as his fingers continued to skate about.
He removed his hand from your shorts and brought the digits up to his lips, slipping them into his mouth. Yeah, Cherry would do just fine.
“Let’s not keep her waiting then. I’m dying to meet her.” He hoisted you off the table and began walking towards the only door that could’ve lead to a bedroom. As soon as your feet hit the ground, you began making quick work of your clothes. Jake doing the same. He was undressed before you were, and your eyes immediately zeroed in on the myriad of scars that adorned his body.
Each of those scars held a story, some twisted, god awful story that probably came with a mental scar to match. You couldn’t help but wonder what kinds of things he had seen, lived. You had a moment of clarity then, of how similar the two of you were. Both marred by scars of the past, yet still somehow standing.
Something you’d noticed from the very beginning was how tired Jake’s eyes were. Though he smiled often, you could tell there was a heavy weight on his shoulders. And seeing him there, in all his raw naked glory, you wanted nothing more than to take some of that weight off, if only momentarily.
With enough time to recover from the putty like state he had you in earlier, you finished undressing yourself and pushed Jake down onto the bed with only a finger.
He grinned up at you, enjoying where this was headed. You slowly made your way up the bed, eyes locked on his as your fingers began grazing along his skin. You were so occupied with taking in the rest of him, you hadn’t even taken a moment to look at his cock. But just as you suspected, it was as perfect as the rest of him. Radiating a cherry shade of red from the tip, like it was made just for you.
Straddling his waist, you raked your fingers through your untamed hair, Jake’s hands came up to massage your ass, “you did say you loved a good ride, huh?”
One of your hands began stroking along him gently, collecting the pre cum from his tip to ease your movements. The goofy grin he was wearing faltered as he let out a shaky breath.
Raising your hips, you peered down your nose at him, “don't worry. I’ll hang on.”
You sank down on him in one fluid motion, both of you moaning loudly at the way you fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. Jake’s fingers dug into your skin, and you welcomed the pain, throwing your head back in ecstasy as he stirred inside of you. When he loosened his grip, you took that as an invitation to begin moving, and using his chest for leverage, you began grinding your hips against him. He allowed you to do so for awhile, laying his bed back out the pillow as he watched you move against him eagerly. His hands felt their way up your body, one of them snaking up into your hair while the other came up to your mouth. You welcomed his fingers, sucking them past your lips as you clawed at his exposed chest. When Jake noticed you tracing on of the scars on his abdomen he looked up at you, searching for disappointment in your eyes. But there was none, not even an inch.
“You’re beautiful,” you whispered to him as you raised you hips to slide off of him, just to the tip, before sinking back down with a gasp.
Jake was never one to take compliments well, but he could tell you meant it. He grabbed ahold of your hips again and began thrusting upwards into you, speeding up the tempo at which you were moving. It was obvious that this wasn’t something that was meant to go on all night long. Both of you were clearly in need of blowing off steam, and by the way both of your bodies were reacting, you knew the end was coming soon.
He sent a harsh slap to the side of your thigh, his teeth bared as he tried to maintain his composure. “You take dick so fucking good,” he complimented as he watched the way your tits bounced from the force of the movement.
Your head lulled forward to smile at him, “I know.”
Jake returned the gesture, a soft groan escaping his mouth, “I’m gonna cum, Cherry.”
“Me too, Jake,” you wined, “don’t stop.”
He sought out your clit, rubbing slow circles against it as he continued to pound up into you. “Yeah. I bet you make the prettiest faces when you cum. I can’t wait to see.”
Your hips began faltering, and Jake could feel you clenching around him, causing a deep growl to grumble up from inside of him.
“There it is. I feel it, Cherry.”
“Cumming,” you sighed, “I’m cumming.” With one final bounce on his cock, you were cumming hard and loud. You were never one to be ashamed of being loud during sex, it made it feel that much better. And Jake enjoyed it thurrougly. The way your brows were knitted together, head thrown back, nails carving angry marks into his chest beside his scars. And your moans, to Jake, they were the sweetest sounds to ever come out of Genoa.
He fucked you through to your end before wrenching you off of him and pumping along his shaft. You were laid out beneath him, both of you watching each other as he continued jerking himself.
Jake’s eyes grew dark, “you want it, don’t you? In that sweet little mouth?”
Your jaw fell open, inviting him to do exactly what it was you were both think. The sight of it sent Jake’s release crashing into him.
“Such a nasty thing, aren’t you Cherry? Oh fuck… fuckkkk.”
Hot spurts of his release began dripping down into your mouth, some of it landing on your breasts and cheeks, but you caught as much of it as you could.
His legs were shaking by the time he was empty, and he collapsed back down onto the bed beside you, fighting to catch his breath. His hand searched for his discarded t-shirt, bringing it to wipe away the remains of the mess he left on your skin. You smiled up at him as he did so, “thank you.”
He took a moment to look at you, really look at you. Your eyes held a certain softness that captured his attention, yet, there was something lurking behind that gentle facade, something that hinted at a hidden depth. It was as if there were an entire secret world behind your eyes, one that Jake coould’t decipher.
There was no denying the allure you possessed, your beauty and your aura were nothing short of captivating. But he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that behind that beauty lay a trail of buried skeletons.
Getting reacquainted with the Barbarians was trouble enough, a path filled with danger and uncertainty. And intertwining himself with you seemed to add another layer of complexity. Despite all of that, though, he couldn’t help but be drawn to you like a moth to a flame. There was a magnetic pull, a force that defied reason and lured him further into your orbit.
But he’d leave that alone for now. He had to burry his father tomorrow, and that was a burden of its own.
He lowered himself back onto the bed, pulling the sheet up over you body as you slowly began drifting off to sleep, hoping that he could do the same.
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2. Our Old Friend, Death
Taglist: @myownparadise96 @writingcold @jordie-gvf
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artisticlegshake · 11 months
Kylie Kaminsky - DANCEOLOGY
Ellie Duffin - DC2
Crystal Huang - THE ROCK
Zora Griffin Todd - CLUB
Maliah Howard - MLDA
Sophia Sands - DANCEOLOGY
Addison Middleton - ACADEMY OF NV BALLET
Claire Monge - LARKIN
Kira Chan - ELEMENTS
Izzy Howard - WESTSIDE
Sofia Andrus - DANCEOLOGY
Lilly Allen - KIM MASSAY
Addison Jones - DC2
Makaia Roux - DANCEOLOGY
Kamri Peterson - CSPAS
Addyson Smith - ELITE DANCE
Sophia Xiao - YOKO’S
Keira Redpath - LARKIN
Isabella Lynch - DANCEOLOGY
Katie Shinn - NEXT STEP
*Top 14 in bold!
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An Open Letter Denouncing the [RACIST] Attacks on Justice Clarence Thomas
An Open Letter Denouncing the Attacks on Justice Clarence Thomas
By Glenn Loury & Robert Woodson Sr.
July 13, 2022
White progressives do not have the moral authority to excommunicate a black man from his race because they disagree with him.
And those – regardless of background – who join in the charade or remain silent are guilty of enabling this abuse.
We, the undersigned, condemn the barrage of racist, vicious, and ugly personal attacks that we are witnessing on Clarence Thomas – a sitting Supreme Court justice. Whether it is calling him a racist slur, an “Uncle Tom” or questioning his “blackness” over his jurisprudence, the disparagement of this man, of his faith and of his character, is abominable.
Regardless of where one stands on Justice Thomas’ personal or legal opinions, he is among the pantheon of black trailblazers throughout American history and is a model of integrity, scholarship, steadfastness, resilience, and commitment to the Constitution of the United States of America. For three decades Justice Thomas has served as a model for our children. He has long been honored and celebrated by black people in this country and his attackers do not speak for the majority of blacks.
He is entirely undeserving of the vitriol directed at him. Character assassination has become too convenient a tool for eviscerating those who dare dissent from the prevailing agenda, especially when it is a black man who is dissenting.
This is not about the content of the court’s decisions or Justice Thomas’ personal views; some of the undersigned agree with his judicial decisions and some do not. We speak out – as black people and Americans – to condemn these attacks and support Justice Thomas, because to remain silent would be to implicitly endorse these poisonous schemes as well as his destruction.
Glenn Loury
Professor of Economics
Brown University
Providence, RI
Robert Woodson Sr.
Founder and President
The Woodson Center
Washington, DC
Charles Love, Executive Director, Seeking Educational Excellence, New York, NY
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA
W. Barclay Allen, Havre de Grace, MD
Christopher Arps, Co-founder, Move-On-Up.org, St. Louis, MO
Dr. Lisa Babbage, Babbage America, Suwanee, GA
Leon Benjamin, Pastor, Life Harvest Church, Richmond, VA
Claston Bernard , Olympian, Author, Former Congressional Candidate, Gonzales, LA
Shamike Bethea, Fredrick Douglass Foundation of NC, Fayetteville, NC
Harold A. Black, Emeritus Professor University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Kenneth Blackwell, Chairman, Conservative Action Project, OH
Tony Blount, Member / Coalition of Concerned Freedmen, New York, NY
Jordan R. Bolds ,New York, NY
Robert Bracy, President/Pinnacle Business Management, New York, NY
David Brooks, Former Rich Township IL Republican Committeeman, Indianapolis, IN
Janice Rogers Brown, Gardnerville, NV
John Sibley Butler, Austin, TX
Don Carey, City Councilman, Chesapeake, VA
Tess Chakkalakal, Associate Professor, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
Jeff Charles, Podcaster, Writer, Political Commentator, Jacksonville, FL
Gabrielle Clark, Houston, TX
Adam B. Coleman, Founder of Wrong Speak Publishing, Piscataway, NJ
Melanie Collette, Host, Money Talk with Melanie Cape May Court House, NJ
Ward Connerly, President of the American Civil Rights Institute, Coeur d'Alene, ID
D. Daniels, GA
Kira A. Davis, Deputy Managing Editor, RedState, Ladera Ranch, CA
Rod Dorilás, GOP Candidate, Florida 22nd Congressional District, West Palm Beach, FL
Patricia Rae Easley, Black Excellence Media, Chicago, IL
Larry Elder, President of Elder for America PAC, Los Angeles, CA
Rev. Joe Ellison Jr., City Chaplain Ministries, Richmond, VA
Melvin Everson, Former State Rep, Snellville, GA
Nique Fajors, St. Louis, MO
Yaya J. Fanusie, Chief Strategist, Cryptocurrency AML Strategies, Columbia, MD
George Farrell, Chair of BlakPac,Washington, DC
Chavis Jennings, Highland, IN
Casey Felin, ThatGirlCasey Media, Philadelphia, PA
LaTasha H. Fields, Team Illinois, Chicago, IL
Marie Fischer, JEXIT, Baltimore, MD
Kali Fontanilla, Founder of Exodus Institute, Sarasota, FL
Roland Fryer, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Edwin A. Fynn, Merrillville, IN
Verlon Galloway, Gary, IN
Dr. Derryck Green, Sacramento, CA
Kermit E. Hairston, Stone Mountain, GA
Christopher Harris, Executive Director of Unhyphenated America, Fairfax County, VA
Clarence Henderson, President Frederick Douglass Foundation of N. Carolina, High Point, NC
Ismael Hernandez, Founder/President/Freedom & Virtue Institute, Fort Myers, FL
Curtis Hill, Former Indiana Attorney General, Elkhart, IN
Deidre Hulett, Gary, IN
Daniel Idfresne, 18-Year-Old Political Commentator, New York City, NY
Niger Innis, Chairman, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), Las Vegas, NV
Kevin Jackson, Founder/The Kevin Jackson Network, Gilbert, AZ
Nikki Johnson, MD, Cleveland, OH
Leonydus Johnson, Host of Informed Dissent, Oak Hill, OH
Diante Johnson, President, Black Conservative Federation, Arlington, VA
Christopher Jones, Pastor, Atlanta, GA
Seneca Jones, Dallas, TX
Khansa Jones-Muhammad, Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Alveda King, Concerned Citizen, Atlanta, GA
Lisa Kinnemore, Stone Mountain, GA
Garry Kinnemore, Stone Mountain, GA
Matthew P. Kreutz, Frederick Douglass Foundation of New York, Medina, NY
Chaplain Ayesha Kreutz, Frederick Douglass Foundation of New York, Medina, NY 
Princess Kuevor, Columbus, OH
Michael Lancaster, Frederick Douglass Foundation, Stone Mountain, GA
Mitchell Lomax, Ellicott City, MD
Pamela Denise Long, Nat'l Coordinator, Coalition of Concerned Freedmen, St. Louis, MO
Barrington D. Martin II, Atlanta, GA
Linda Matthews, Frederick Douglass Foundation Ohio, Cincinnati, OH
Kevin McGary, Co-Founder Every Black Life Matters (EBLM), Dallas, TX
John McWhorter, New York, NY
Shemeka Michelle, Author, Durham, NC
Cashmere Miller, Atlanta, GA
Montrail Miller, FDF, GA
Lucas E. Morel, Professor of Politics, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA
Brian Mullins, Black Community Collaborative, Chicago, IL
Scherie Murray, Director, Unite the Fight PAC, Laurelton, NY
Dr. Lorenzo Neal, New Bethel AME Church, Jackson, MS
Dean Nelson, Frederick Douglass Foundation, Washington, DC
Morris W. O'Kelly, On-air personality, KFI AM640/iHeartRadio, Los Angeles, CA
Tim Parrish, Founder, Right Appeal PAC, Woodbridge, VA
Lonnie Poindexter, LionChasersNetwork.org, Washington, DC
Jon Ponder, Chief Executive Officer, Hope For Prisoners, Las Vegas, NV
Wilfred Reilly, Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY
Deon Richmond, Studio City, CA
Donique Rolle, Educator, Orlando, FL
Ian V. Rowe, Senior Visiting Fellow, The Woodson Center, New York, NY
Sheryl R. Sellaway, Founder, Righteous PR Agency, Johns Creek, GA
Erec Smith, Assoc. Professor of Rhetoric/Co-founder Free Black Thought, York, PA
Dr. Felicity Joy Solomon, Shorewood, IL
Delano Squires, Contributor, Blaze Media, Washington, DC
Rebekah Star, New York, NY
Dr. Carol M. Swain, Be the People News, Nashville, TN
David Sypher Jr., Political Strategist, Rahway, NJ
Dr. Linda Lee Tarver, President, Tarver Consulting, Lansing, MI
Greg Thomas, Stratford, CT
Roderick Threats, Black Patriot Media Group, Palm Beach, FL
Jimmy Lee Tillman II, Founder/President, Martin Luther King Republicans, Chicago, IL
Stephanie W. Trussell, Republican Candidate for LTG Illinois, Lisle, IL
Jesse C. Turner, Senior Pastor, The Historic Elm Grove Baptist Church, Pine Bluff, AR
Bettye H. Tyler, Marvellous Works, Inc., Jackson, MS
Helen Tyner, Parents for a Better Englewood, Chicago, IL
Dr. Eric M. Wallace, Freedom's Journal Institute, Flossmoor, IL
Marcus Watkins, Michigan Republican Assembly, Romulus, MI
Curtis Watkins, Uplift & Restore Community Development Corp., Michigan City, IN
Cindy Werner, State Ambassador, Frederick Douglass Foundation-WI, Milwaukee, WI
Devon Westhill, President/General Counsel, Center for Equal Opportunity, Washington, DC
Jason Whitlock, Host of Fearless with Jason Whitlock, Nashville, TN
Christopher Wilson, Indianapolis, IN
Kuna Winding, Chicago, IL
Corrine Winding, Chicago, IL
Aryca Woodson, Communications Consultant, IN
John Wood Jr., Opinion Columnist, USA Today, Los Angeles, CA
Michael E. Wooten, Former Administrator, Federal Procurement Policy, Woodbridge, VA
Glenn Loury is professor of economics at Brown University.
Robert Woodson Sr. is founder and president of The Woodson Center.
Craig Shirley: Donations To Reagan Library Will Trickle Down After Liz Cheney Speech, "The Debates Are Over"
Occam's Razor (the simplest explanation is usually correct) would say that Cheney saw the GOP departing from everything she represents and did her best to poison every Republican Institution she can touch before she's driven out into the wilderness.
FNC's Peter Doocy To White House: Does The President Think It Is Appropriate To Protest Outside A Supreme Court Justice's Home?
So the Biden Administration thinks it's OK to shadow these Justices, or any other public figure, from location to location to disrupt their lives and possibly expose them to threats. You have a right to peacefully protest but their are restrictions on time, place, and manner...and one of those is a restriction (a law against!) on protesting outside the homes of Justices. So, the Administration is approving and tacitly encouraging illegal behavior. The only reason to protest outside the homes of these Justices is to intimidate them; it certainly isn't aimed at persuading fellow Americans on the issue.
Zelensky: "The End Of The World Has Arrived" I'm Embarrassed This Is Happening In The 21st Century
Some may remember the Cuban Missile Crisis in the early 60s. Castro was in power in Cuba and the Russians began bringing nuclear missiles into Cuba. JFK was President of the USA at the time. A nuclear was was barely averted and Russia took their missiles home, but exacted some concessions from Kennedy, one of which was pulling our missile capability out of Turkey. At the end of the Cold War promises were made to Russia that NATO would not expand into the Russian sphere of influence. That promise has been broken many times. Havana Cuba is a bit further from Washington, D.C., than Kiev is from Moscow. Biden signed a paper in Nov 2021 that invited Ukraine to join NATO. See " The Two Blunders That Caused the Ukraine War" in the March 4th WSJ. One might ask why Biden opened the door for Ukraine to join NATO? Did he think that Russia would do nothing with the prospect of being squeezed by another NATO country? Or did Biden want Russia to attack the Ukraine to take the heat off the dismal prospects of the mid-term elections?
Recall, Remove & Replace Every Last Soros Prosecutor | RealClearPolitic
Recall is not feasible particularly since many states do not have recall. But voters should pay more attention to these DA, AG, and prosecutor races. Republicans adopted a from the ground up strategy to win state legislator races and it was a spectacular success. Democrats, with Soros money are trying to do the same thing with DA races. Republicans should engage them and voters should pay more attention or we will end up with more non prosecution of crimes and release without bail.
Tucker Carlson: Arrest Of Bannon And Navarro Is A Huge Escalation In Democratic Party's Weaponization Of DOJ
The whole premise of the J6 witch hunt is that an insurrection to over-throw the US gov't was planned. Mind you, this was planned without a single weapon to be used, and relied on the police abandoning post, and the Capitol doors to somehow be opened from the inside. Once inside these "insurrectionists" took selfies. This narrative is so dead.
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bluetapes · 4 years
Was an honour to make this mix for Ransom Note. As I've often said there are only two types of music - party and chill - and this is a chill mix, albeit one which probably isn't very relaxing.
Features my favourite contemporary musicians, some of which - Kira May, Teruyuki Kurihara, Cadu Tenório, Katie Gately - have previously passed through the bowels of the cultural filtration system that is Blue Tapes.
Others, like Ose, Julia Reidy, Jonny Greenwood, Kamasi Washington, Shuta Hasunuma, 박지하 Park Jiha, Ariel Kalma, and KATE NV are just artists who I worship from a distance.
Features a little interview with me talking about work, making music, the label and crap like that.
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doubleattitude · 3 years
Radix Dance Convention, Las Vegas, NV: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Rookie Solo
1st: Mila Renae-’Soldier’
1st: Melina Blitz-’The Poet Creature’
2nd: Aliya Yen-’Loyal, Brave & True’
3rd: Sebastian Mancini-’Guerrerio’
4th: Dylan Reuss-’Lost Boy’
5th: Bella Mendez-’Pump’
6th: Emma Acosta-’Lip Gloss’
7th: Lexi Yeackle-’I Will Wait’
8th: Kaiya Carrillo-’Love Shack’
8th: Rylan Farrales-’Stand In The Light’
9th: Enslee Moore-’Ooh Child’
10th: Olivia Caylor-’Queen Bee’
Mini Solo
1st: Kinley Cunningham-’Glam’
2nd: Fiona Wu-’Red Dust’
3rd: Joy Line-’Broken Dreams’
3rd: Carrigan Paylor-’Orange Colored Sky’
3rd: Karyna Majeroni-’Pistolet’
3rd: Keelyn Jones-’Slowly Fading’
3rd: Fiona Sartain-’The Way You Move’
4th: Starr Castro-’Bang Bang’
4th: Peyton Szuberla-’Glacier’
4th: Addison Price-’We Will Not Give In’
5th: Madelyn Murphy-’Desierto’
5th: Roxie Onellion-’Drifting Down’
6th: Esprit Frank-’Grains’
6th: Claire Gestring-’On The Mast of Faith’
7th: Tiara Sherman-’Cielo’
7th: Jenna Le-’Matters to Me’
7th: Cerys Cogswell-’Pure Imagination’
8th: Jacob Barrow-’Shifting’
8th: Aurora Brady-’Hit The Road Jack’
8th: Cha Cha Shen-’Here I Come’
8th: Alyssa Mastroianni-’Crippled Bird’
8th: Leah Munson-’Copy Cat’
8th: Claire Hansen-’By The Roses’
8th: Peyton Nowacki-’Angels to Fly’
9th: Annabella Atkinson-’The Dutch Girl’
9th: Eden Hawkins-’Shadow’
9th: Olive O’Connell-’Live Like Legends’
9th: Ella King-’Like A River’
9th: Tatum Brady-’Fall Creek’
9th: Oliviana Mancini-’At Peace’
10th: Leighton Brandt-’Legs’
10th: Annie Carlson-’Young’
Junior Solo
1st: Kylie Kaminsky-’The Offering’
2nd: Brooke Toro-’As The Dust Settles’
2nd: Coltrane Vodicka-’Moon River’
2nd: Alita Kneeland-’Spine
2nd: Makaia Roux-’Unbound’
3rd: Alexis Mayer-’Vivid
4th: Emmy Claire Kaiden-’Eyesore’
4th: Naia Parker-’Lit’
5th: Bella Kidder-’Feeling Good’
5th: Hope Edwards-’Gravity’
5th: Lucy Cavender-’Material Girl’
5th: Isabelle Zorrilla-’Orion’
5th: Kira Chan-’Pump’
5th: Kendyl Fay-’To Build A Home’
5th: Aaliyah Dixon-’Toxic’
6th: Mackenzie Kleveno-’Lost It To Trying’
6th: Taytum Ruckle-’Perfect Lie’
6th: Anabel Alexander-’Plans We Made’
7th: Victoria Johnson-’Genius’
7th: Aedyn Bekker-’New York State of Mind’
7th: Brianna Gorksi-’Night Sky’
8th: Kendall Jundt-’Awakening’
8th:Lexi Godwin-’Debut’
8th: Casey Cheung-’I Remember’
8th: Ava Hill-’Shallow’
9th: Izzy Wadington-’Final Solution’
9th: Jovie Leigh Ugerio-’Ring Them Bells’
10th: Madison De Dios-’On My Mind’
10th: Clare Loftus-’Restless Night’
10th: Delaney Bojorquez-’Tessellate’
Teen Solo
1st: Ashur Taylor-’Relax’
2nd: Cydney Heard-’Black Mourning’
2nd: Gianna Mojonnier-’Inside Outside’
2nd: Olivia Magni-’Moonlight Sonata’
2nd: Coco Saul-’Transportin’
3rd: Jadyn Saigusa-’Wonderlust’
3rd: Emily Madden-’Vibeology’
3rd: Calli Perryman-’Still Running’
3rd: Michelle Cheng-’Sinking’
3rd: Georgia Ehrlich-’On My Mind’
3rd: Tyler Chiyuto-’Llarona’
3rd: Blanche Arnold-’How To Be Your Own Person’
3rd: Ava Lynn-’Everything’s Alright’
3rd: Addison Middleton-’Dark Dissonance’
4th: Charlotte Cogan-’You’
4th: Hailey Meyers-’Standing Still’
4th: Isiah Bowens-’Miss You’
4th: Avery Hall-’If I Think’
4th: Luke Barrett-’Eden’
4th: Emma Donnelly-’Departure’
4th: Ava Kendall-’Always On My Mind’
5th: Zuzu Duchon-’Twelfth of Never’
5th: Angelika Edejer-’Toxic Thoughts’
5th: Riley Platenberg-’Talking Points’
5th: Annabelle Mang-’One Small Step’
5th: Sabine Nehls-’No Regrets’
5th: Ella Montano-’Lonely’
5th: Natalie Bowen-’I Think I’m Alone Now’
5th: Cade Clark-’I Can’t Move’
5th: Berlynn Gonzalez-’Hero’
5th: Courtney Chiu-’Fever’
5th: Drew Rosen-’Exhalation’
5th: Rachel Polizzotto-’Entrapment’
5th: Raven Alanes-’Confusion’
5th: Mikaella Lopez-’Blues-y’
5th: Izzy Howard-’Amen’
6th: Sophia Oppegard-’You Can’t Leave’
6th: Elle O’Donnell-’Slowly’
6th: Lily Godwin-’Ode to Divorce’
6th: Aubrie Stoehr-’Now I Cry’
6th: Sofia Mah-’Life’
6th: Mia Ibach-’Koladi Ola’
6th: Piper Rovsek-’Innate Abstraction’
6th: Sakura Amano-’I Love You’
6th: Sophia Albornoz-’Even When It Hurts’
6th: Sammi Chung-’eight’
6th: Ella Sheppard-’Do You’
6th: Ally Cheung-’Cut The World’
6th: Kate Seleno-’Curtain Call’
6th: Kayla Harrison-’Crumbling’
7th: Kennedy Blazek-’Zilla’
7th: Libby Haye-’Work Song’
7th: Katelyn Neasham-’Touch’
7th: Sebastian Hsu-Kwan-’Scat’
7th: Lauren Pond-’Satellite Heart’
7th: Aleyna Laba-’Playdoh’
7th: Linda Diaz-’Paper Moon’
7th: Maya Krajicek-’Idea for Strings’
7th: Kennie Shen-’Feeling Good’
7th: Jenna Tarry-’Down The Line’
7th: Ava Thorp-’Blue Notebook’
7th: Emma Hellenkamp-’Blackbird’
7th: Felix Fulton-’A Dream I Can’t Forget’
8th: Dempsey Foxson-’Vain’
8th: Carys Ashby-’The Empress’
8th: Angelica Keamy-’Research’
8th: Melina Gurich-’Net Works’
8th: Raina Wu-’Looking In’
8th: Alexis Olson-’Just Say That’
8th: Gabi D’Ambra-’In For the Kill’
8th: Piper Camm-’Drones’
8th: Scotlynn Potter-’Cinematic Plea for an End’
8th: Ava Saremaslani-’Canvas’
9th: Maile Cochran-’Tesselate’
9th: Jera Linkins-’Put Your Records On’
9th: Kayla Seitel-’Monster’
9th: Alexis Ahn-’Brighter Days’
9th: Brayden Owens-’Tux’
10th: Addyson Smith-’Ecdysis’
10th: Presslie Novits-’Let Me Entertain You’
10th: Siena Riga-’Naked’
10th: Mandy Boaz-’Pink’
10th: Brooklyn Piano-’Solitary’
10th: Destiny Harris-’Up’
Senior Solo
1st: Alex Shulman-’In System’
1st: Ella Horan-’Silk’
2nd: Jade Bucci-’Sacrifice’
3rd: Alexis Weldner-’Release’
3rd: Jemoni Powe-’Second Thought’
4th: Brianna Sanchez-’Stolen’
4th: Charlotte Foldes-’You Forget Everything’
5th: Izzy Burton-’Gimme’
6th: Mallory McKenna-’I’m Lonely’
6th: Julian Menendez-’Note to Self’
6th: Kennedy Barry-’The Distance Between’
7th: Makaila Teagle-’Breathe Into Me’
7th: Vanessa Valenzuela-’Poem About Death’
7th: Bailey Holt-’Rose Water’
8th: Emmy Cheung-’Nostos’
8th: Alex Andrada-’Still In Love’
9th: Nina Sawaya-’All I Wanted’
9th: Lauren Polizzotto-’Distant Echos’
9th: Reese Willis-’Godspeed’
9th: Hannah Averbuck-’Got2BReal’
9th: Savannah Laughton-’Nostalgia’
10th: Izabel Hurtado-’Film Credits’
10th: Aleialanee Ponce De Leon-’Mirrored Heart’
10th: Megan Chie-’You’
Rookie Duo/Trio
1st: Studio Fusion-’Kansas City’
1st: Danceology-’Time of My Life’
2nd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’Tomorrow’
3rd: Notion Dance Concepts-’MILK $’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Respect’
2nd: Murrieta Dance Project-’Midnight Train’
3rd: Studio X-’Vogue’
3rd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’We Are’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’And So It Is’
2nd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’Inception’
3rd: Danceology-’Celloopa’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Everything Is In Line’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Make Me High’
2nd: Danceology-’Busy Signal’
3rd: Danceology-’Smile In The Rain’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’Refuse’
2nd: Studio Kin-’The Night We Met’
3rd: Studio Kin-’Never Love Again’
Rookie Group
1st: Danceology-’Ladies Room’
2nd: Mather Dance Company-’Fabulous’
3rd: Danceology-’Kingdom’
Mini Group
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Hot Stuff’
2nd: Danceology-’Happy’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Searching For...’
Junior Group
1st: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Wind It Up’
2nd: Danceology-’Give Yourself In’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Over The Edge’
3rd: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Sing Sing Sing’
Teen Group
1st: Danceology-’Dream of Dreaming’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Heavenly Bodies’
3rd: West Coast School of the Arts-’All Coming Back’
Senior Group
1st: Mather Dance Company-’We The Soldiers’
2nd: Mather Dance Company-’For All We Know’
3rd: Studio Fusion-’Coconut’
3rd: Academy of Nevada Ballet Theatre-’Those That Follow’
Open Group
1st: Community Dance Training-’The Place You Left’
Rookie Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Inanna’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Suite Tea’
3rd: Studio Kin-’SK Crew’
Mini Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’6 Out of Six’
2nd: Motion State Studios-’Sisters’
3rd: Danceology-’Time Passing’
Junior Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’All Good People’
2nd: Danceology-’Just Got Paid’
3rd: Danceology-’Backbone’
Teen Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Cadance’
1st: Danceology-’My Hands Are Always Cold’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
3rd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Dark Winter’
3rd: Studio Kin-’Hustle’
Senior Line
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Prisoner’
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Voice of God’
2nd: Danceology-’It’s Weezy’
3rd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’I’m The Hero’
Mini Extended Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Settle Down’
2nd: Danceology-’Ballroom Blitz’
3rd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Jump Jump!’
3rd: Danceology-’Mary Poppins’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Evoke Dance Movement-’Hold Your Own’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Better Than Ever’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Purse First’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Danceology-’Not Today Satan’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Adios’
3rd: Danceology-’Cha Cha Heels’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Danceology-’Above Below’
2nd: Danceology-’Burn Up The Dance’
3rd: Danceology-’Night Thirst’
Mini Production
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Mambo Baby’
Junior Production
1st: Danceology-’Rich Girl’
2nd: Danceology-’Blind Faith’
3rd: Danceology-’Level Up’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Rookie Jazz
1st: Danceology-’Ladies Room’ 2nd: Mather Dance Company-’Fabulous’ 3rd: Studio Kin-’Look Out Weekend’
Rookie Ballet
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Suite Tea’
Rookie Hip-Hop
1st: Studio Kin-’SK Crew’
Rookie Contemporary
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Inanna’ 2nd: Danceology-’Kingdom’
Rookie Lyrical
1st: Notion Dance Concepts-’Firework’
Mini Jazz
1st: Motion State Studios-’Sisters’ 2nd: Mather Dance Company-’Hot Stuff’ 3rd: Danceology-’Ballroom Blitz’
Mini Ballet
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’The Invitation’ 2nd: Danceology-’Scarf Dance’ 3rd: Danceology-’Polinaise’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Jump Jump!’ 2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Get Up’ 3rd: Studio Kin-’Pure Water’
Mini Tap
1st: Danceology-’Happy’ 2nd: Danceology-’Luck be A Lady’ 3rd: Danceology-’Word Up’
Mini Contemporary
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’6 Out of Six’ 2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Searching For...’ 3rd: Danceology-’Time Passing’ 3rd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’Fading Images’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Roar’ 2nd: Elite Dance and Performing Arts Center-’Beautiful Thing’ 3rd: Studio Kin-’Lighthouse’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: Danceology-’Mary Poppins’ 2nd: Studio Kin-’Mean & Green’
Mini Ballroom
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Mambo Baby’ 2nd: Danceology-’Favorite Things’
Mini Specialty
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Settle Down’ 2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Salient’ 3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’I Think I Love You’
Junior Jazz
1st: Danceology-’Rich Girl’ 2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Purse First’ 3rd: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Wind It Up’
Junior Ballet
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Over The Edge’ 2nd: Danceology-’Paquita’ 3rd: Danceology-’Passarinjo’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Danceology-’Level Up’ 2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Lose Control’
Junior Tap
1st: Danceology-’Just Got Paid’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Danceology-’Blind Faith’ 2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’All Good People’ 3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Hold Your Own’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Anything Worth Holding’ 2nd: Mather Dance Company-’Salvation’ 3rd: Elite Dance and Performing Arts Center-’You Will Be Found’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: Danceology-’Black Friday Fiasco’ 2nd: Elite Dance and Performing Arts Center-’Nicest Kids In Town’
Junior Specialty
1st: Evoke Dance Movement-’Better Than Ever’ 2nd: Danceology-’Backbone’ 2nd: Danceology-’Give Yourself In’ 3rd: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Sing Sing Sing’
Teen Jazz
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Shadow Work’ 1st: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Boom Pow’ 2nd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’Feeling Super Down’ 3rd: Murrieta Dance Project-’Sweet Melody’
Teen Ballet
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Dark Winter’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: Studio Kin-’Hustle’ 2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Diva’ 3rd: Studio Kin-’All That Matters’
Teen Tap
1st: Danceology-’Mr. Blue Sky’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Danceology-’My Hands Are Always Cold’ 2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’ 3rd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Heavenly Bodies’
Teen Lyrical
1st: West Coast School of the Arts-’All Coming Back’ 2nd: Mather Dance Company-’Overdose’ 3rd: Mather Dance Company-’Out of Hiding’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: Danceology-’Not Today Satan’ 2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Singular Sensation’ 3rd: Elite Dance and Performing Arts Center-’Footloose’
Teen Ballroom
1st: Danceology-’Cha Cha Heels’ 2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Movimento’
Teen Specialty
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Cadance’ 2nd: Danceology-’Dream of Dreaming’ 3rd: Danceology-’Passage’
Senior Jazz
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Prisoner’ 2nd: Danceology-’Night Thirst’ 3rd: West Coast School of the Arts-’How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore?’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Danceology-’It’s Weezy’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Mather Dance Company-’We The Soldiers’ 2nd: Academy of Nevada Ballet Theatre-’Those That Follow’ 3rd: Danceology-’Above Below’ 3rd: Studio Fusion-’Weight of Silence’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Voice of God’ 2nd: Mather Dance Company-’For All We Know’
Senior Specialty
1st: Studio Fusion-’Coconut’ 2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Terrified’
Senior Ballroom
1st: Danceology-’Burn Up The Dance’
Best of Radix:
The Rock Center for Dance-’Inanna’
Danceology-’Ladies Room’
Mather Dance Company-’Fabulous’
Studio Kin-’SK Crew’
Notion Dance Concepts-’Firework’
The Rock Center for Dance-’6 Out of Six’
Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’Fading Images’
Evoke Dance Movement-’Searching For...’
Mather Dance Company-’Hot Stuff’
Motion State Studios-’Sisters’
Evoke Dance Movement-’Hold Your Own’
The Rock Center for Dance-’All Good People’
Danceology-’Rich Girl’
Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Wind It Up’
Mather Dance Company-’Anything Worth Holding’
Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’Hey Hi Hello’
Motion State Studios-’Always, Forever’
 Murrieta Dance Project-’Luminous’
Academy of Nevada Ballet Theater-’The Great Realization’
Danceology-’Not Today Satan’
The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
West Coast School of the Arts-’All Coming Back’
Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’The Need for One Another’
Studio Kin-’Hustle’
Murrieta Dance Project-’Memories’
Elite Dance and Performing Arts Center-’Change’
Mather Dance Company-’Overdose’
Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’No Ordinary Love’
Evoke Dance Movement-’Adios’
Mather Dance Company-’We The Soldiers’
Evoke Dance Movement-’Terrified’
Murrieta Dance Project-’Echos’
Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’I’m The Hero’
Danceology-’Above Below’
Academy of Nevada Ballet Theatre-’Those That Follow’
Studio Fusion-’Coconut’
West Coast School of the Arts-’How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore?’
Studio Standout:
Studio Kin-’Hustle’
Mather Dance Company-’We The Soldiers’
Evoke Dance Movement-’Adios’
Elite Dance and Performing Arts Center-’Change’
Danceology-’Not Today Satan’
Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts-’I’m The Hero’
The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
41 notes · View notes
starlitfunkster · 4 years
That Moment When You Have A Very Long Text Post For Those Who Want To Give You A Gift
So if you don’t want to do this and just want to do one of my OC’s, its the ones that I have shown off so that way you don’t confuse anyone who hasn’t been here in a long time. In short, the first part of this post is my OC’s, as it is a shorter list. The read more will have all of my favorite characters from all of my favorite franchises (including Bomberman).
Problem Sleuth (most recent): Masterful Leader, Antique Ace, Runned Starchild, Nihilistic Void (Can be in Heinoustuck for AA, I haven’t finished with ML, RS and NV yet)
MLP (even if she’s just a joke): Minty Fresh
MHS (oh boy here we go (don’t worry i will post some of them on the archive blog)): Bijue, Yuuri, Limonca, Staff, Beu, Eclair, Frost, Kitsaru, Tangy/Margo, Oracu, Vimian, Habbit, Bakeneko, Yami
Bomberman: Petal Bomber, Spirit Bomber
Homestuck Intermissions: Yeol, Deceit, Netta, N, Bisy
Isle of Objects (which is being rebooted on Quotev, with archive images going onto the archive account one at a time): Illumina, Chamomile, Cocoa, Sunhat, Pluggy, Jewel, Cakepop, Sweetie, Sketchbook, Muggy, Savepoint, B-Day Cake, Candle, Silk, Rocket, Egg Putty, Prince Antennae, Dog Bowl, Blueberry, Bubble Wand, Nagatama, Addie, Subbie, Log, and Carde
Homestuck Fantrolls (will be posted on the archive account): Pamina Lovlou, Dollia Jonezz, Zolzen Acerui, Masara Lucend, Lumare Slithr, Riseta Gloria
Homestar Runner Series: Bubbles, Fructosians, Coach X, Coach Y, Flame, Whispy, King Cobra, Kira Miracuru, Kay-T, Seraphock, Wendy the Weatherdoll, Kasairo, and The Artist
Favorite Characters
Problem Sleuth: Problem Sleuth, Pickle Inspector, Hysterical Dame, Nervous Broad, Death, Godhead Pickle Inspector, Demimonde Semigoddess (You can also draw these in Schemastuck and in Mobsterswitch if you so wish)
Homestuck (oh boy): John Egbert, Roxy Lalonde, Nepeta Leijon, Davesprite, Dave Strider, Dirk Strider, Fefetasprite, Erisolsprite, Eridan Ampora, Feferi Peixes, Aranea Serket, Sollux Captor, Mituna Captor, Jake English, Lil Hal, Karkat Vantas, Kankri Vantas, Damara Megido, Aradia Megido, Meulin Leijon, and more in the Intermissions!
MHS: Hikky, Liddy, Chaps, Dokky, Inky, Juno, Rosso, Tubee
MLP: Apple Jack, Rarity, Princess Cadence
BFB (OH BOY): Gelatin, Firey, Coiny, Puffball, Needle, Pen (i mean ben), Ice Cube, Balloony, Woody, Bubble, Ruby, Nickel, Fries, Remote, Tree, Liy, Stapy, Foldy, Marker, Flower, Robot Flower, Bell, Taco, Grassy, Cake and Loser
Inanimate Insanity: Lightbulb, Marshmallow, Paintbrush, Bow (Inanimate Insanity II Bow is a little less annoying in my eyes), Test Tube, Taco, Fan, Yin-Yang, MePhone 4, Balloon, Soap, OJ, Pickle, and Pepper
Homestuck Intermissions (mostly Felt): Clubs Deuce, Itchy, Doze, Trace, Fin, Clover, Crowbar, Matchsticks, Eggs, Biscuits (You can draw these guys in Trickster Mode, though thats only if you want to-)
Bomberman: Plasma Bomber, Any of the Bomberman Brothers, Pretty Bomber
Fan Characters: While I normally don’t choose favorites, I have come to the conclusion that if people wanted to draw them with my characters you can as well. Representation of yourself is the best, especially if they are a Felt or MLP OC.
Pokemon: My favorites are Meloetta, Ribombee, the Popplio family, the Snivy family, Steenee, Floette, Aromatisse, and Sylveon
Sonic Series: Tails, Cosmo, Cream, Chaos (just any chao because they are all wholesome and cute)
Kirby Series: Knuckle Joe, Kirby, Meta Knight, Poppy Bros Jr
Homestar Runner Series: Strong Sad, Homestar, Marzipan, Pom Pom, and Coach Z
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cicero-the-assassin · 7 years
3 through 8
(Already did the evens)
3. What is their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?
NV Cicero
Strength- 6
Perception- 8
Endurance- 7
Charisma- 9
Intelligence- 5
Agility- 6
Luck- 1
FO4 Kira
Strength- 4
Perception- 2 
Endurance- 7
Charisma- 3
Intelligence- 9 
Agility- 7
Luck- 8
5. What’s their full name and does it have a meaning? Do they have any nicknames and how did they get em?
Cicero’s real name has always been Lucio Sinclaire, it was the name given to him by his mother. It wasn’t given to him with meaning intended, but the name Lucio means ‘light’. ‘Cicero’ was a name given to him by the Legion. And ‘Cissy’ was a nickname given to him by Decanus Alexus who seemed to have come up with it on the fly. It has stuck since then, closer friends are well aware of the nickname and are more than welcome to call him that.
Kira’s full name is Kira Marie Langford. Also not given to her with meaning intended, but ‘Kira’s meaning roughly translates to many things in different languages. ‘Throne’, ‘Little dark one’, ‘Glittery/shiny’, ‘dark lady’, ‘Mistress/Ruler’, or even ‘leader of the people’. She enjoys any of these translations. I don’t think she’s ever accumulated any nicknames that have stuck. Daniel @enclaveassh0le seems to refer to her in many different variations of references to owls or birds due to her small stature, fragility, and irritability. Some patients refer to her as a ‘doctor’, though she is not actually qualified to carry that title. Sometimes if threatened, she’ll change her last name to ‘Carter’. The last name of a male friend she had for a long time in the bunker who treated her well. Brother-like in friendship.
7. Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope?
Cicero is just a fuck ton of mental illnesses thrown together didn’t you know? He’s riddled with moderate depression and anxiety, PTSD, DID (Dissociative identity disorder), sometimes he seems to demonstrate symptoms of bipolar disorder and sometimes even schizophrenia. He doesn’t always cope well, but he’s too afraid to die, so he isn’t all that suicidal. And some of these disorders don’t make themselves known too often. He seems to suppress these things in order to continue the way he does. His job helps him cope but also makes these symptoms more exasperated. He has a big disassociation problem too. He doesn’t think he’s as bad as he really is.
Kira’s alot better off, but she does have mild depression and moderate anxiety issues. Her addiction and dependency to Med-X could be considered a mental issue as well. (A way she copes with anxiety) She also has trouble remembering parts of her childhood due to trauma. Every so often she remembers a thing or two and she breaks out in cold sweats and feels like she’s suffocating. Usually this can only be quelled with someone elses’ help. Or if alone, she’ll douse herself in very cold water in order to ‘snap herself back into reality’. In all actuality it just shocks her body enough to focus on the needle like feeling on her skin rather than her memories.
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daggersandsparks · 6 years
OC Stats [Fallout Verse]
I was tagged by: @lotuskissed
Tagging: @iinxsearchofxisolde, @wolf-at-worlds-end, @explosivedarling, @religiousshitbaby, Anyone else who wants to
Full name: Mairwen Argawal Jack/Jacques
Gender: Female*
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Parents:  Eleri Argawal-Tekin née Stainthorpe, Shyamal Argawal
Siblings?: Amita Argawal [ @noxclemency ],  Pratik Tekin, Ceri Tekin
Children?: [None canon in Fallout Verse]
Found Family: Joshua @bvrnedman​ [Dad!], Abner @remnantrecruit​ [Big Bro!], Buck @cold-steel-eyes​ [Other Bro!], Kira @distantpagesandpapercuts​ [Sister], Malcolm @crzykid101 [Beard Husband]
Other: ED-E [ @companionprotocol ]
Birthplace: Deux Dix-Dept
Job: Mercenary/ Courier/ ”Ruler” of New Vegas
Phobias: Claustrophobia, Fear of Radstorms, Being Collared
Guilty pleasures: Romance Holotapes/novels.
Hobbies/interests: Singing, making herbal remedies/ beauty products,drinking, stargazing
Morality alignment?  chaotic neutral
Sins? Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth
Virtues?  Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
Legion Wife: Vulpes @ratherxintense, 
Pre-NV: Amiee @loving-lone-wanderer​
Main Courier Verse: Aidan [Boyfriend, later Hudband]: @remember-navarro Scratch [Lover/Boyfriend]: @thx-lost-yxars,
Mercenary Verse: Aidan @remember-navarro​
crushes: Lucio @cicero-the-assassin​, Rose @atcmbcmb-baby​, Padfoot @regulatorpadfoot​, West @courier2lw
fwb: Rick @deadeyedrifter​ , Cillian @wetheresilientfew​
enemies: Nathan @america-redefined​, Vulpes @vulpxes, Lanius @bellumdeus
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jojo-appreciator · 6 years
tagged by @jootjogurt thanks for taggin me friendo
Rules: answer these 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better! (Oof that's a lot. I'll try)
Name: names are fake. Some people on the internet call me hearth tho
Nicknames: I used to be called Sandwhich boobs in high school but no one calls me that now. I sometimes use grossboy or bad taxidermy in some accounts. I think bad taxidermy might be my steam name
Zodiac sign: I'm an Aries bitch but I don't know much about astrology.
Height: 5'5" 165 cm
Orientation: bisexual
Nationality: american
Favorite fruit: how to chose just one um I love cherries and peaches. Clementines are a big fave too.
Favorite season: Autumn all the way. Beautiful trees. The cold feels new and exciting and you haven't had time to get tired of it. Hot cocoa. Apple cider. Scarves.
Favorite book: Good Omens had a really big effect on me as a child so it might be that. Coralline too is one of my favorites. I love Neil Garman.
Favorite scent: Baking bread or fresh cut lemon
Favorite color: warm greys are very nice. They make everything feel very soft.
Favorite animal: My dogs specifically! I love them so much
Coffee/tea/hot cocoa: All of them but coffee is a favorite. Especially if it's not too sweet but has chocolate or mint in it
Average hours of sleep: lately a whole lot. Like 9. It's been lovely. When I'm at school it's like 7 I hate it.
Cat or dog person: oh I love them both but I have the tiniest preference for cats. I just think they're so beautiful. But dogs are so fun and I enjoy training them!
Favorite fictional characters: 
In jjba Pucci obvs, Jolyne she's so determined, Hermes, weather report, Dio, Johnny, Gyro, Hot Pants, Yasuho!!, Liza Liza, Trish, Giorno, Bruno, Kira, Kakyoin, Rohan, vanilla Ice, oh Diego n his lil raptor hands. 
Other: I've been replaying Fallout NV and I remember how much I love Arcade and Veronica and Christine. I also really love Hancock Piper and Preston from Fo 4.
The boys from FMA have captured my heart. I love them.
Anthy and Utena I would die for them.

Number of blankets you sleep with: 3. I like to be warm.
Dream trip: I go to Joshua Tree with my sister, set up at a camp site, and stay there for a week, hiking and relaxing and rock climbing with my elegant and well trained Saluki.
Blog created: this one I made in like uh early 2017 Januaryish. To have a place to put all my Jojo stuff. My main blog I made in 2012 but wasn't active on for years.
Number of followers: oh hmm no idea. I'll check? It's 139 on this blog and my main is so old that the count is probably very wrong so it's useless really to check. Like 189 or so it says.
Random fact: my dog Jojo only has one testicle.
Alright now to tag uh I tag
@avialae @geeneelee @badcoin @glamstructed @thatdamnpipsqueak @fallen-scientist oops these are almost all people I know irl. Uh @diothesuccbrando I think we've talked some @kefnut-the-threski
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[ jacket ] (If you're still doing these ^^)
[ jacket ] sender takes their jacket off and hangs it on receiver's shoulders
"Oh please- you don't have to do that..."
Kira protests the action as Buck drapes his jacket over her shoulders. Ever smiling, it was enough to keep her warm. She'd been wearing her own jacket as well, but she'd still been quivering. Her nose bright red and her palms rubbing together.
"..... Aren't you gonna get cold?"
His look is insistent, as if Buck could ever get cold! It's what you did for ladies! It was the polite thing to do!
Kira watches him skeptically, expecting him to begin trembling any moment now. As if his sunshine could ever be dimmed.
After a few moments, she relaxes into the beat up coat.
Smells like primrose and leather.
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suhaimizohor · 4 years
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Nak ambil hibah takaful? . Meh call/whatsapp abam. Jangan tangguh! Klik link kat bawah ni! http://wasap.my/60127301650 . Kalau sibuk tak sempat jumpa boleh wasap abam je, nanti isi form & kira quotation online je. . New norm omputeh kata. . Suhaimi Zohor AIA Takaful Planner 012-7301650 http://wasap.my/60127301650 . #smartpeoplefinishrich #smartwomenfinishrich #smartmenfinishrich #smartcouplefinishrich #aiapublictakafulseremban #aiaagentseremban #aiaagentsenawang #aiaagentnilai #aiaagentpd #aiatakaful #aiatakafulagent #aiaagentbangi #aiaagentsalaktinggi #aiaagentbsp #aiaagentsepang #agentaiatakaful (at Seremban (City)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVI_Pzn-Nv/?igshid=31ii810xxo27
0 notes
artisticlegshake · 11 months
Aaliyah Landeaux - DANCE STUDIO C
Failenn Daley - THE COLONY
Simone Chambers - STUDIO 1
Riley Zeitler - WESTLAKE
Caleb Abea - LARKIN
Lexi Godwin - EVOKE
Kenzie Jones - DANCEPLEX
Audrey La France - NOR CAL
Delaney McCarthy - PAVE
Alexis Mayer - THE ROCK
Haileigh Brennan - IMPACT
Logan Marumoto-Kaleimamahu - 24-7 DANCE FORCE
Vadriana Romero - NEW ERA
Victoria Johnson - THE ROCK
Addison Middleton - ACADEMY OF NV BALLET
Noah Roudreiw - CYPRESS
Ciana Ciulla - NOR CAL
Charlie Kautzer - NOR CAL
Emmy Claire Kaiden - EVOKE
Kennedy Blazek - THE ROCK
Logan Asuncion - NOR CAL
Kira Chan - ELEMENTS
Angelika Edejer - EVOKE
Cooper Macalalad - THE BASE
Angelina Elliot  - SUMMIT
Madison Ronquillo - NOR CAL
T Amari - ENCORE
Aaron Chang - PAVE
Avery Cashen - DISTINCTION
Coltrane Vodicka - EVOKE
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zackrockstar666 · 5 years
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Selamat Hari Wanita kepada semua yang bergelar wanita kecuali yang bertelur. Percayalah wanita atau pun woMEN adalah kaum yang sentiasa memerlukan lelaki atau MEN tak kira dalamapa jua keadaan sama ada MENtal breakdown, MENstruation dan MENopause #happywomenday (at Shah Alam, Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuvvUu-nv-w/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11t0t8dqu9c9q
0 notes
riffrelevant · 5 years
Article By: Kira Schlechter, Staff Writer ‡ Edited By: Leanne Ridgeway, Owner/Chief Editor
Making Sweden rock since 1993, to swipe a phrase, HAMMERFALL is the standard bearer for all things Scandinavian. Relentlessly prolific, they’ve helped define all that is good about modern power metal. 
In crafting the follow-up to 2016’s ‘Built To Last,’ singer Joacim Cans, guitarists Oscar Dronjak and Pontus Norgren, bassist Fredrik Larsson, and drummer David Wallin wrote a lot of their latest, ‘Dominion,’ on the road, a first for the band, according to a Facebook bio. And indeed it has an immediacy to it that their customary carefully-crafted polish can’t disguise.
“Never Forgive, Never Forget” references the Vietnam War. Cans’ voice aches with regret – the sentiment of the title seems to mean that we will never forgive nor forget the mistake that was Vietnam, rather than acting as some flag-waving braggadocio. Its details are carefully drawn, mentioning “the trail” (the Ho Chi Minh Trail), and “Call for Agent O” (Agent Orange, of course). The same haunting melody that introduces the song also serves as the outro and bookends things very nicely.
“Testify” is firmly anti-religion and pro-self-determination, apparent from the opening salvo (“I’m electric, energetic / Quite high on life’s epiphanies / I don’t need no two-time weasel / To judge my way based on their bigotry“) and it doesn’t let up (“Be the prophet, the creator / And master your own universe“). The title is ground out with vigor and all is set to a pounding, insistent rhythm.
  [spotifyplaybutton play=”spotify:album:0GuV3xyGdO8bZ8RepoBV0x”/]
Two midway tracks are real fist-raisers and horns-flashers, definitely inspired by that writing while touring. “One Against the World” is a call to the Templar faithful, exalting the glory of the live show, the defiance of the metal horde against all non-believers, a common theme in their canon.
And “(We Make) Sweden Rock,” the story of their own birth and a stirring tribute to their homeland, is a reminder that band and fans are one. If you don’t spontaneously and helplessly sing along to the chorus, check if you have a pulse.
“Second to One” is an old-school piano-based track with some truly lovely sentiments (“You’re the sweetest sound / The note that explains the symphony”). It’s ok that it gets all big and power-ballad-y in the chorus with the equally big solo – that’s what it’s supposed to do – and it’s not overlong nor overly sappy, which helps.
“Scars of a Generation” is rather like “a how metal saved the world” allegory. There’s a great line, “And the green-eyed monster sang the blues / To choke our flame,” almost saying other genres are envious of metal. It soars with glorious guitars and an especially spectacular bridge.
01. Never Forgive, Never Forget 02. Dominion 03. Testify 04. One Against The World 05. (We Make) Sweden Rock 06. Second to One 07. Scars of a Generation 08. Dead by Dawn 09. Battleworn 10. Bloodline 11. Chain of Command 12. And Yet I Smile
    “Dead by Dawn“ is the supernatural story of a demon summoning during a seance, all in good catchy, punchy, driving fun. “Bloodline“ brings, right on cue, the Norse mythology, retelling the fall of Asgard, the home of the gods, during Ragnarok, that the gods must die in order to be reborn. It’s laden with imagery (“By blood we are unified / By fire we will rise again“) and ends with a hopeful resolution – “And now we are free at last / Counting the stars up above / One for each brother who’s fallen from grace / Giving our bloodline a face.”
“And Yet I Smile” is a stirring note to end things on, of positivity and finding your own way (“in the end, we only will regret the things we did not do,” they note), and adding that in adversity, we often find our true selves (“My star cannot shine / Without darkness around”). How great is that and how true as well.
HAMMERFALL tours the U.S. starting in October with fellow power Swedes Sabaton in a bill that can’t be less than a blast. They’ll head back to Europe in the new year to headline, bringing Battle Beast along.
Facebook | Web | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | Bandcamp | Spotify
Order ‘Dominion‘ from Napalm Records [link]
– HAMMERFALL Tour Dates –
– w/ Sabaton – 2019 –
Oct. 04 – Ft Lauderdale, FL, Revolution Oct. 05 – St. Petersburg, FL, Jannus Landing Oct. 06 – Atlanta, GA, Center Stage (sold out) Oct. 07 – New Orleans, LA, Southport Hall ^^ Oct. 08 – Dallas, TX, House of Blues (sold out) Oct. 09 – Lubbock TX, Jake’s ^^ Oct. 10 – Phoenix, AZ, Van Buren Oct. 11 – Los Angeles, CA, The Wiltern Oct. 12 – San Francisco, CA, The Regency (sold out) Oct. 13 – Reno, NV, Virginia Street ^^ Oct. 14 – Portland, OR, Roseland Ballroom (sold out) Oct. 15 – Seattle, WA, Showbox Sodo (sold out) Oct. 16 – Vancouver, BC, Vogue Theater Oct. 18 – Edmonton, AB, Union Hall Oct. 19 – Calgary, AB, The Palace Theater Oct. 21 – Salt Lake City, UT, The Complex Rockwell Oct. 23 – Denver, CO, Ogden Theater (sold out) Oct. 24 – Kansas City, MO, Riot Room ^^ Oct. 25 – Minneapolis, MN, Skyway Theater Oct. 26 – Chicago. IL, The Vic Theatre (sold out) Oct. 27 – Cleveland, OH, The Agora Ballroom (sold out) Oct. 29 – Toronto, ON, The Danforth Music Hall (sold out) Oct. 30 – Montreal, QC, M Telus (sold out) Oct. 31 – Ottawa, ON, Maverick’s ^^ Nov. 01 – Worcester, MA, Palladium Nov. 02 – New York, NY, Playstation Theater (sold out) Nov. 03 – Silver Spring, MD, The Fillmore (sold out) Nov. 04 – Charlotte, NC, The Underground ^^ Nov. 05 – Charleston, SC, Music Farm ^^ Nov. 30 – Monterrey, Mexico, Metal Fest
^^Headline Shows/No Sabaton
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  – Hammerfall Europe 2020 –
Jan. 30 – Bremen, Aladin Jan. 31 – Hamburg, Sporthalle Feb. 01 – Osnabrück, Hydepark Feb. 02 – Oberhausen, Turbinenhalle Feb. 03 – Nijmegen, Doornroosje Feb. 05 – Antwerpen, TRIX Feb. 06 – Saarbrücken, Garage Feb. 07 – Munich, Tonhalle Feb. 08 – Kaufbeuren, All Kart Halle Feb. 09 – Milan, Live Club Feb. 11 – Langen, Stadthalle Feb. 12 – Leipzig, Werk 2 Feb. 13 – Prague, Forum Karlin Feb. 14 – Bamberg, Brose Arena Feb. 15 – Ludwigsburg, MHP Arena Feb. 16 – Pratteln, Z7 Feb. 18 – Warsaw, Progresja Feb. 19 – Krakow, Studio Feb. 20 – Budapest, Barba Negra Feb. 21 – Graz, Orpheum Feb. 22 – Wien, Gasometer Feb. 23 – Berlin, Huxley’s
  HAMMERFALL ‘Dominion’ Album Review & Stream; Tour Dates Article By: Kira Schlechter, Staff Writer ‡ Edited By: Leanne Ridgeway, Owner/Chief Editor Making Sweden rock since 1993, to swipe a phrase, …
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"I suppose we could play a game to pass the time."
Locked in a Room starters
"We're here in this shit and you're thinking about games?!" Kira seems a bit panicked, looking about for some way out that they hadn't already tried to think of yet.
There'd been too many ferals in such a narrow corridor. They'd had no choice but to duck into a room and blockade the door for now. Both sort of idly trying to block out the sounds of the banging and the growling. Nails being broken off from scratching at the door.
'A game' she said.
Kira takes a very deep and shaky breath. They'd go away eventually, they'd just have to be quiet. Though going back into the hallway wasn't high on her priorities at the moment either.
"..... What kind of game?"
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