#NY pain doctor
sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 months
Guess who’s wearing a back brace now because my back hurts from years of terrible posture? That’s right me! And it feels like wearing one of those Victorian corsets that are tight around your rib cage.
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juniestar · 2 months
Why is my mom so damn rude all the time? if she could see her own attitude I bet she’d be embarrassed. Just so passive aggressive, argues against me every time I make a point about Leon so she can act like she understands him better, takes her frustrations out on me even though I’m the only one who’s making consistent efforts to be nice to her, used to tell me my teenage students sounded like stupid idiots (she’s much nicer abt my elementary school students bc she knows I’d get pissed), + every time I mention some feeling or experience I’ve had she will go OUT OF HER WAY to affirm that she’s felt way more than I have. “Have you ever been through a breakup?” “I’ve felt more heartbreak than you could ever imagine.” “I feel connected to Leon and want to give him a home.” “Well I had my cats for eleven years so I was more connected to them than you were to Leon or anything ever.” Right now she won’t stop being like I’m Leon’s mommy and you’re just the sister-mommy now he loves me soooo much you’re reading this behavior of his wrong you’re reading that behavior of his wrong- what is her fucking deal? Most of the time she’s nice but like…? I don’t want to feel like I’m in competition with my own MOM. I think I’ve participated in this behavior too in the past but now I don’t and I’m just like what is WRONG with you? Just now I mentioned to her that I’m gonna take a nap and she said some rude flippant shit. I don’t remember it because I’m sleepy but get your act together girl you are embarrassing
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stonerzelda · 5 months
you should be able to request euthanasia when you get a uti. Or at least a month off WITH pay
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reijndeers · 6 months
i'm never going to be able to cook in my life if my hands don't stop burning 😭
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technowings · 1 year
Today was the worst pain day I've had in awhile to the point I got desperate for relief and took a half gummy about it. Took a sleep and it helped some.
The cause? I've been holding my phone and tablet throughout this week. Such a mundane task that over the course of less than normal use for 2 days turned my hand from "Well enough, I guess", to making me near tears.
Yeah, not going back to work on the 19th.
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anthology-moved · 2 years
Something I've really struggled to articulate while talking with doctors recently is that, everything hurts. All of the time, everywhere. Every part of my body you could imagine aches, constantly - it becomes background noise, but it's never "just" background noise. It's loud and it's in your face but it's still just part of the furniture. Everything Else is on top of that background noise.
I'm not Suddenly in more pain - I'm realising that people without chronic pain don't Have that base level of constant pain. It is not a failure on my part to be unable to ignore it - it is something most people don't have to deal with.
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hexalifts001 · 1 month
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Discover the leading pain management doctors in New York, offering expert care for chronic and acute pain conditions. Whether you're in need of specialized spine treatment or physical therapy, our best DPT therapists in Flushing, NY, provide personalized rehabilitation plans. They focus on restoring function and reducing pain through advanced techniques and hands-on care. From chronic back pain to sports injuries, our team is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and a pain-free life.
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healthfeetpodiatrist · 7 months
Healthy Feet Podiatrist Queens Fixes Major Foot Problems
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Taking a podiatric excursion with the best professionals in Queens turns the difficult road to recovery into a wellness tour. From the initial session, it becomes clear why choosing the healthy feet podiatrist Queens for your needs is beneficial. Your aims and concerns are taken seriously in this city of never-ending footsteps, resulting in a personalized treatment plan that honors your illness's unique characteristics and way of life. For more click :
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eileennatural · 9 months
the thing they don't tell you is that chronic pain -- like, any level, even if it's not "debilitating" and you can still perform all the activities of daily living -- is so depressing. when half your energy every day goes towards just tolerating the pain, of course you're going to be meaner, less productive, more isolated and more tired and thus feel worse about yourself. not even to mention that, if your condition is degenerative, living with this pain every day and KNOWING this is the best you'll ever feel again can make you feel SO hopeless. which is WHY any pain management program, especially those using controlled substances like opioids need to be paired with mental health support or else the physician is just setting the patient up for at best, failure of the program and at worst, a fucking opioid addiction
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gimedicalservices · 1 year
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Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) is a break in the inner lining of the stomach, Gastro Staten Island, NY Services Consult Insurance
the first part of the small intestines or sometimes the lower esophagus. An ulcer in the stomach is called a gastric ulcer. An ulcer in the duodenum is called a duodenal ulcer. The most common symptoms of a duodenal ulcer are waking at night with upper abdominal pain or upper abdominal pain that improves with eating.
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quanmedicalcom · 1 year
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I'm sorry but it is bullshit that I can't lie on my one side BC the weight of my own leg on top of my bad knee is enough to make the pain spike ridiculously. THATS YOU, KNEE, YOU YOURSELF ARE PRESSING THERE, WHY ARE YOU PISSY
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jundream · 2 years
If I keep going to this job any longer I'm going to make it so my hand sand back are even worse somehow or completely deblitated but also if I can't get on disability I'm fucked dude
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fiapartridge · 7 months
bye ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ | jack hughes
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“maybe someday we'll look back with love.”
☼ pairing: jack hughes x fem!reader
☼ summary: feeling down, an ad for lacuna inc. makes its way to your doorstep, prompting you to travel to new york city and erase your memory of the one thing that's hurting you...
☼ fia’s note 💌: eee i love this song! this album is 100% a no-skip album! again, thx for joining us on this 13-part-series <3 pls enjoy “bye” ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
eternal sunshine hq ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
prev part: intro (end of the world) ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
*₊ ° . . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
He still lingered around your house. Memories of you two slow dancing in the kitchen, sitting on countertops as he stands between your legs, dolloping whip cream on your nose as you laughed like it was the funniest thing on the planet. Honestly, to you, it was the funniest thing on the planet. You two lived in your own world; on your own planet. Everyone saw it that way, and for while, you did too.
You had been meaning to ship his belongings back to him: the red and black Devils sweatshirts piled on your dresser, the teddy bear he won you during your trip to Coney Island, the cologne he left on your desk in case you missed him while he was on a road trip. You couldn’t stay in your apartment anymore. Every time you came back to the beige walls of your small home, you were greeted with reminders of Jack. And it stung every single time.
Collecting his items from around your apartment, you stuffed them into a white cardboard box. You didn’t know what you would do with it. Maybe you could ding dong ditch Jack and just leave the items at his doorstep, or maybe you could burn it somewhere with your best friend, Courtney. Upon deciding your next step, a slip of paper slid underneath your door.
You stood there for a moment, watching the paper sit in its place, its words tucked to the underbelly of the pamphlet. Walking over, you cautiously kneeled down and turned the sheet over.
“Lacuna, inc.
They say time heals all wounds, but the hardest part about dealing with a wound in your past is not the pain, or having to relive it again and again. The hardest part is that it makes you question who you are. Don’t let the memory define you. Erase it. Start anew. Reinvent yourself without the lingering thought of them in your mind, and the prospect of questioning your abilities in the future. 
Visit Lacuna, inc. at 210 E Grand St. New York, NY 10019. Call us at +1 (917) 964 - 3205.
Become yourself again.”
It felt stupid, right? Erasing the memory of Jack Hughes and your relationship with him from your entire memory? It felt extreme and dangerous—highly unlike you. But that was the thing that broke the camel’s back in the first place. You couldn’t be what Jack wanted you to be. You couldn’t be spontaneous and take risks and be dangerous. Maybe it was time to start? Because for the past two months, you felt this unbearable ache in your chest and you were tired of feeling it. You were tired of wondering if you were enough, or if you could ever be happy again.
This could fix that. It could fix everything. It could fix you. 
Which was why you found yourself in the driver's seat of your car, your collection of items that reminded you of Jack in the passenger seat beside you, and your GPS pulled up with the location of Lacuna, inc. in New York City.
You were going to become yourself again. 
*₊ ° . . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
The waiting room was small: uncomfy chairs lining the perimeter of the room, a table in the center with research about lacunar amnesia and the safety of the practice, and ugly overhead lighting that made you feel like you were little again, waiting nervously at the doctor’s office.
A brown clipboard laid on your thighs with a waiver, asking you if you really wanted to do it. There was no going back. There was no regaining the memory of Jack Hughes after the procedure. Once it was gone, it was gone— for good. No more Jack. 
You could move on—the same way it looked like he already had.
“You have given extensive thought behind your decision and give “Lacuna, inc.” exclusive permission to remove this person completely from your mind: Yes or No”
With a shaky breath, you checkmarked: Yes.
A couple minutes later, your name was called by one of the nurses and you were carrying your box of Jack’s things into the procedure room. They took the box from your hands, laying it on a table with big machinery and lasers. This whole thing felt foreign to you, but you were ready.
Sitting down in a chair at the center of the room, they strapped patches to your temples as you sat with your hands intertwined in your lap. Your heartbeat raced on the monitor beside you as you closed your eyes, letting the memories take you for the last time. 
“Marry me,” Jack blurted as you laid in his arms on the sofa of his apartment. He could feel you tense up. He could feel your breath stutter and you rise from your position.
“What?” you asked, unsure if you had heard him correctly. You started dating Jack when you were 20. You had a year left of college, he was already playing in the NHL, and you had never met anyone quite like him. He was carefree and limitless. He believed that anything was possible; that logistics weren’t important. You were the one that kept him leveled; that yes, ideas and fantasy is important, but the actuality of it is important too.
“Marry me,” he repeated. He said it so simply, as if it held the same weight as asking if you wanted to go out for ice cream later, or if you wanted to stay in or go out for dinner tonight.
You furrowed your brows, your mouth running dry. “We’re 22, Jack.”
He scoffed, mirroring your body language as he rose from his position on the couch. “So?” he shrugged. He took your hands in his as you failed to meet his green eyes. “I want to be with you, Y/N. I know that more than anything. You can move in with me, we could get engaged now and married next year, my grandmother would love you, and—”
“My brothers already consider you a part of the family—”
“Why don’t we just make it official, you know? You could be family and—”
“Jack stop,” you scolded, removing your hands from his as he stared at you with a look you’ve never seen before. He’s never been the level-headed type. He’d always been one to fantasize, but this felt extreme. You two were still young, you were still trying to find a stable job and make a name for yourself. You couldn’t get married now. “Listen to yourself. I don’t even have a stable job.”
“You don’t need one!” he exclaimed. “I can work, I can make enough for the both of us, you don’t need to worry about money.”
You stood up from the couch, fuming. How could he just dismiss everything you’ve ever worked for like that? “But I want to work.”
“So work,” he shrugged. “Find a job, I don’t know! All I know is that I want to get married to you. Don’t you want that with me?”
You paced around the living room, trying to wrap your head around everything. “Yes, of course I want that with you, Jack. I just,” you took a deep breath. “I don’t want that right now.”
You watched him recoil. He wanted it now, you could see it in the way he goes silent, and the way he looks as if he wants to be nowhere near you right now. “When do you want it then?”
It wasn’t like you had a set date in mind, but it sounded like all he could hear from you was that you didn’t want to get married. He didn’t want to listen to you. Whenever anything deviated from what he wanted, he shut down. That was just who he was, always has been. 
You crossed your arms, holding yourself as if that was the only thing that felt familiar to you in that moment. “I don’t know, like when we’re 24/25?”
“Two more years?” he questioned incredulously. If he knew he wanted to be with you for the rest of his life, why couldn’t he just wait?
“Jack, your fans don’t even know we’re dating!” you shouted. “How are they going to feel when they find out you’re fucking married? Would you even tell them or would you just keep me a secret for the rest of our lives?”
“You know I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“I’m just not ready, and you know you aren’t either.”
He laughed, but it felt poisonous, like venom was dripping from his tongue. It didn’t feel like his infectious laughs that you wanted to replay in your mind for the rest of your life. It felt like a memory you needed to erase. “What are you saying, Y/N? This isn’t just a random thought, I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. And I guess, I just thought that you were thinking about it too.”
“I have been! Just. Not. Now, Jack. Why can’t you just listen to me? It’s not just you involved in this! This is both of our lives that this is affecting!”
“Well, I didn’t think it would be such a negative in your life.”
You couldn’t believe what he was saying. He was acting as if the two years you had spent together was nothing to you. “I never said that and you know that.”
“Yeah? Well, it sure feels like it.”
“You’re unbelievable, you know that?”
It was like you hit a nerve. Like you touched something that you never knew was beneath him. “Then why are you even with me? If I’m so unbelievable.”
“You can’t be serious, Jack,” you shook your head, rounding the corner of the room and towards your shoes that were laid at the entrance of the apartment. You pointed at him as he followed you. “You’re acting like a child. Grow up!”
“Me? You’re the one that’s scared of committing!”
“I’m not scared of committing to you, Jack. I’m scared of not being me anymore. You need to know the difference!”
“Then tell me the fucking difference, because right now, it just feels like we’re breaking up.”
Your head shook, your fingers didn’t feel like your fingers anymore, and in real life, in that office chair, your eyes scrunched and your breathing quickened. You couldn’t relive this. Somehow, it hurt more the second time.
“I don’t even know who I am yet!” you threw your hands in the air. “And you just expect me to be Mrs. Hughes? To be a part of your family? To make me… yours?”
“Come on, Y/N. You’re being dramatic. You’re acting like I’m taking you, or something.”
“I’m not dramatic, you’re just not listening to me!”
“I’m trying, okay? I’m trying to listen to you, but you’re making this so fucking difficult. You make everything fucking difficult. You’re just too much sometimes.”
You didn’t even know you were crying by then, but you were. You were sniffling as you walked around the apartment, grabbing your jacket from the couch, your purse from the dining table, and your shoes from the entryway. You could hear him pestering you with questions: Where are you going? We’re not done with this. Are we breaking up? If you leave, we’re done.
But you’ve spent your life being a people pleaser. You’ve abandoned yourself time and time again to make ends meet. You’ve skipped so many important events to go to his games, and to meet him in California just because he asked you to, and at the most important times of your career, times when you asked him to just stop by for a second so you could have one familiar, comforting face, he had a game, or he had to go out with the guys for “team-bonding”, or something else of higher matter just took priority. All you asked for was effort from both sides. 
So to hear that you prioritizing yourself for the first time was dramatic? You couldn’t hear him anymore. All you wanted was to get the hell out of there—even if it meant breaking up.
Courtney pulled up outside as you rushed into her car, your chest heaving and tears spilling out of your eyes. She didn’t ask what happened, she could tell from your texts that it was something bad, something unrecoverable.
But, as if saying it out loud would help you comprehend it for yourself, you said the undeniable.
“I think we just broke up.”
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kodiescove · 2 months
I just looked into something that.... Essentially explains my life.
If you are not from Buffalo NY, you've probably never heard of a doctor named Dr Gosy. I do not know how far this case spread.
In 2020, Dr Gosy, a neurologist who prescribed pain killers, was convicted of conspiring to distribute controlled substances and health care fraud. This is like, a HUGE case here in Buffalo. Dr Gosy (I really hate calling him doctor) was like THE doctor to go to if you were in pain, because, well... He handed out opioids like they were Altoids.
I just read the department of justices article on the case, and to sum up how horrific this man contributed to the opioid epidemic , they say that he prescribed more opioids than any other prescribers, INCLUDING HOSPITALS, in the ENTIRETY of New York state. Not just the city of Buffalo, the whole fucking state.
This isn't even getting into the other atrocities he committed to line his pockets while endangering people's lives with opioid prescriptions.
Now, I am angry about this because of course I would be angry about a doctor caring more about money than the safety of their patients.
This man was my step dads doctor.
This was who was giving my step dad his opioids.
This is who my step dad went to for help, and instead of giving him help he saw my step dad as a check, a dollar sign.
We can talk about personal responsibility, but it is proven in a court of law that that man was knowingly over prescribing people pain killers, and even when either patients or patients family members were going to him about concerns of abuse he did nothing but write another prescription for more opioids, not even lessen the dosage or the quantity of pills, not even recommended or referring the patient to an addiction specialist.
Six people died under his care. Six people.
If a street drug dealer was linked to the overdose deaths of six people, that dealer would be in prison for the rest of their life.
Gosy is serving just under six years.
That man ruined my fucking life. Ruined my family. Ruined countless of lives, countless of families, on a scale that a single drug dealer could never manage.
And he barely gets six fucking years in prison.
His life is stopped for six years, and I have a ruined life, my step dad has a ruined life, my mother has a ruined life, my sister has a ruined life, and so many other of his patients and his patients families have ruined lives.
And all he has to do is sit his ass in prison for six years while we try and survive the mess he made because he decided that making money was more important than actually treating people in an appropriate and ethical way.
He ruined lives and killed people, and all he gets is six years.
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7nessasaryevils · 3 months
Ahhh my favourite day of the week! I wanted to watch earlier but today's been so hectic so this is a very late screaming crying throwing up review of Wandee Goodday! Let us begin!
- oh lovely... pain right out the fucking gate why won't you assholes let me breathe???? Poor Cher having to watch the men he loves fight 😭😭
- ohhhh that Cher Yei hug... (gwenchana count 1)
- both yak and yei breaking down in the arms of the men they love most... fucking hell we haven't even gotten to the opening credits! (Also Cher and Dee just silently comforting their boys... gods I'm soft 🥹🥺)
- Dee taking care of yak by physically comforting him and then making sure he eats is just so goddamn sweet... fucking asshole
- Dee pouting because yak says he loves granmama is so boyfriend coded im smacking my head against a wall
- oh wow this is a yei-pain centric episode and we are really putting my son through the wringer
- Cher and Dee becoming the in-laws we needed ♥️♥️
- fuck the simple domesticity of you and your partner working in silence each doing your own thing ♥️♥️♥️
- Dee verbally reinforcing his belief in yak (gwenchana count 2)
- oh gods I love him immediately asking why yak isn't doing the fight
- real talk: I get why Yei is so mad at his father... to be that young and lose your mom and then be told by the only other adult in your life that you are now responsible for your little brother, a business, and a legacy is a lot. The resentment he has against his dad is understandable and so is Yak's forgiveness for him. While Yei decided he didn't need his father anymore, Yak decided to stay connected to the only other parent he does have because in that way he's still connected to his mom. My babies have been through it 🥺
- oh look the in-laws are all meeting!
- while I love that we're showing off Dr. Dee... AUTOMATIC DISCREDITING SIR!!! How in the fuck is that doctor telling you - a nonmember of the family- about papa phadetseuk's diagnosis??
- HOWLING 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 are you two cursed to be stuck with my sons is such a sad thing to say I love it!!!
- Cher really said "I'm sick and tired of you idiots fighting I'm telling your dad!" 🤣🤣🤣
- yei's heartbroken face... oh gods why do these brothers always look so good when they're devastated?!?
- I'm so fucking fine look how goddamn utterly fine I am so so wonderfully fine (sobs in the corner)
- I love that we address how grief can break people in the worst way and that both papa Phadetseuk and Yei are taking accountability for the past few years
- this episode really was out to hurt and yet heal my little boxer family and I love it!
- awww cute yei and Cher scenes!
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- ohhh... here we go dee backstory time!! (Tiny Dee is precious and I am going to steal him my goodness)
- granmama and yak being besties is exactly what I needed in my life ♥️
- SAY THE DAMN WORDS WANDEE!!! Although finally understanding that you love yak is fucking great!!
And for next week!
Out fashionable grim reaper is back, my son gets hurt, and we have actual clowns!! Perhaps a little less pain than this week ♥️
The exhaustion has set in so I bid you all adieu!!
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