#Nagahama Shin
asknarashikari · 2 years
one thirst trap ask for Shin Nagahama aka Akira of the ToQgers coming right up.
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What exactly about this is supposed to trigger thirst, says the aspec who only has eyes for lightning hedgehog swordsman, mad scientist rabbit and fedora tantei
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kamenwriter · 5 months
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10 moments I met in 2022
Happy Holiday!!
Hibishojin -- Shin Noguchi
#1 Hikono and Kotoyo, in front of 2022 Japanese Zodiac tiger drew by Yumeji, Kamakura, Jan 2022 #2 Enoshima Aquarium, Fujisawa, Feb 2022 #3 Nagahama Beach, Nagai, Yokosuka, Mar 2022 #4 Ooka River Sakura Festival, Yokohama, Mar 2022 #5 My family, on the train, Yokohama, Apr 2022 #6 Sengokuhara, Hakone, May 2022 #7 Yuigahama beach, Kamakura, May 2022 #8 Chika and Kotoyo, Yokohama Cosmoworld, Yokohama, Sep 2022 #9 Gendai, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Kamakura, Oct 2022 #10 Sengokuhara, Hakone, Oct 2022
今年もいろんな方と出会い、いろんな光景と出会いました。 未現像の12月分を除いた中から10の光景とともに、また来年!
日々精進 -- Shin Noguchi
#1 ヒコノとコトヨ ユメジの描いた虎の前にて 鎌倉 2022/1 #2 新江ノ島水族館 2022/2 #3 横須賀 長浜海岸 2022/3 #4 大岡川桜まつり 横浜 2022/3 #5 家族 電車内にて 横浜 2022/4 #6 箱根 仙石原 2022/5 #7 鎌倉 由比ヶ浜海岸 2022/5 #8 チカとコトヨ よこはまコスモワールド 横浜 2022/9 #9 ゲンダイ 鎌倉 鶴岡八幡宮 2022/10 #10 箱根 仙石原 2022/10
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kaiowut99 · 1 year
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 87 and 88 Subbed (Finalized)
(Previously: Episodes 85 and 86 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-87: Fight, Ojama Trio! (Part 1)
Manjoume faces off with a pro duelist, winning overwhelmingly using the White Knight Swordsman he wields as a member of the Society of Light.  Seeing that Judai was watching his duel, Manjoume requests a bout with him, but Judai notices that the Ojama Trio aren’t in Manjoume’s deck.  He tracks down the Ojama Trio’s cards, knowing that Manjoume cared for them, and thinks of using their cards to try and return Manjoume to normal.  And so, with the Ojama Trio in tow, Judai and Manjoume duel at last.
TURN-88: Fight, Ojama Trio! (Part 2)
As a member of the Society of Light, Manjoume uses the White Knight Lord card entrusted to him by Saiou to pummel Judai incessantly.  Meanwhile, Judai fights defensively, using the Ojama Trio cards that Manjoume had cared for.  Despite all the attacks he takes, Judai presses on with the Ojama Trio, who appeal to Manjoume about the fact that they were friends.  And then... seeing the rough state the Ojama Trio have been beaten into, Manjoume at last comes to his senses.
(EDIT, 3/9/23: Re-uploaded 88 to correct a sub typo I missed before Judai uses Mystic Wok, and also updated “Cyber Dark Horn” in the preview to “Cyberdark Horn” to match its use in 89.)
New year, new finalized episodes~
My subs for 87 and 88 are now revised and finalized as we get 2023 underway, and it’s a pretty good duo of episodes.  Judai and Manjoume finally have a rematch to settle their score--well, they would if Manjoume remembered what that score was--and in the process, Judai works to snap him out of his Society of Light brainwashing by using the Ojamas.  Of course, he promptly gets thrown under the bus by them once it works, but they did fight hard to save him; Judai even said stuff that was kinda touching! I do still like the bit where Judai tells Manjoume how angry he is with himself that he couldn’t even tell that his friends lost and were in such dire straits that they joined the SoL (a shame the dub wrote that out), and Ojama Yellow--as beat-up as he is--pleading with Manjoume to remember them before he eventually reclaims his sense of self is such a good scene, between Mariko Nagahama’s acting, the music, and the pained “Manjoume...” (ie, “Listen to the guy...”) from Judai in response.  I also do love how Manjoume’s all “If they want to be clean, I’ll be the thorn in their side soiling things a little!” [paraphrasing], as well as the theme of having been through so much of life’s mud that of course no one would come out unstained.  (Also unfortunate that the dub decides to replace his montage of said stains and the Ojamas helping him overcome them with a focus on Society of Light stuff.)
(Also, fun fact: both episodes were screenwritten by Shin Yoshida, who does get some ire in other parts of the franchise, but in GX it’s interesting that he’s actually the screenwriter for a lot of the fan-favorite episodes [he also goes on to write Dark Johan vs Ryou in Season 3, for example]; his writing both helps them feel cohesive. [They had the same Storyboarder in Noriyoshi Nakamura, too.])
Editing-wise, not as many animation/card fixes as I did for 85 and 86, but there were still a fair amount for these two, and 88 did get more in the way of card error fixes.  All told, I fixed up six errors in 87, and eight in 88.  As always, details under the cut below, if curious!
Enjoy! Next up, will be working on 89 and 90, featuring Hell Kaiser Ryou vs Fubuki (which also sets the stage for Shou’s duel against Ryou in the 90s) and getting a little wine-drunk with Sommelier Parker’s duel against Asuka and more GeneX shenanigans.  Have also been looking forward to 90 specifically to re-do one of my earliest on-screen translation edits with the better editing skills I have now, so stay tuned for that. :)
Fixes/Edits! (87)
As Manjoume and Gelgo (the pro duelist) begin their duel at the start of the episode, Manjoume gloats and says he’ll turn Gelgo into one of the “runts”--per Gelgo--whose medals he won, but as they slide in on a split-screen to shout “Duel!” and start, there are a few frames where Manjoume behind the split-screen disappears into purple.  A quick fix in Sony Vegas as I held pre-split Manjoume still over those purple frames, then masked on Manjoume and Gelgo’s sides of the split-screen as they slid onto the screen.
After the OP, as we get an update on Manjoume and Gelgo’s duel and see their current LP count, both their LP counters start to move as if they’re changing a frame just before they leave the screen.  Also quickly fixed in Vegas, as I just masked in their counters from the previous frame over that frame, keeping their LP scores still.
As Manjoume draws for his turn after Gelgo plays Marshmallon, for a quick frame, we see that his Duel Disk wasn’t fully drawn, ending several pixels before the edge of the frame.  As fixed for the hardsub in 86′s preview, I fixed this in Vegas by just cropping the shot slightly to hide the missing part of the frame.
Later, as Judai and Manjoume get their duel underway, Kenzan and a hiding Shou join on a split-screen to hope that Judai does well, but as their split-screen splits to show Judai and Manjoume shout “Duel!”, there’s a quick frame where Shou’s split lacks a border along its edge.  Another quick fix in Vegas as I just masked on a border copied from the one on Kenzan’s split, then duplicated the layer and added a light Gaussian Blur to the layer underneath to give it a light glow along the outer edge.
Immediately after #4, as Manjoume draws to start the duel off, there’s a quick frame as he pulls his hand closer to look at his drawn card where the back of the top card on his deck is miscolored as fully orange.  Fixed in Photoshop by just recoloring it with the darker brown along the inside of the card’s back, then inserting the fixed frame into the video in Vegas.
Near the end of the episode, as Manjoume gloats about White Knight Lord being the strongest card in his deck courtesy of Saiou, we see the Ojamas on Judai’s field, and Ojama Black and Ojama Green have the other’s card under them instead of their own.  Fixed in AfterEffects by applying proxies for their cards under the right one, then masking on Ojama Black and Green over them, while also masking on the original cards’ outlines to help them blend in more.
Fixes/Edits! (88)
In the recap of 87 at the start of the episode, as we see the scene where Judai asks Manjoume about the Ojamas and his reaction in confusion, a weird quirk happens where the last 3-4 frames of the shot has him panning away from the edge of the screen; I think what happened was that the original shot in 87 was 52 frames long and they wanted to extend it by four, but while trying to, their attempt to extend the pan made the footage pan off the film or something? Kind of interesting.  Fixed in Sony Vegas by grabbing the shot from 87, positioning it to work with 88′s audio there, then holding the starting and ending frames for three frames each to make it work; not all too noticeable while watching.
As the recap touches on Manjoume’s “The strongest card in my deck, courtesy of Master Saiou!” line, I recycled the fix made for #6 in 87 with Ojama Black and Green’s cards.
During the OP, as we see the episode’s preview clip featuring Ojama Knight attacking White Knight Lord, two errors happen: 1) There’s a quick frame as his sword starts to break where the unbroken sword is still in the shot, and 2) a couple frames later, Ojama Knight’s body vanishes for a frame, while his arm and the broken sword stay on the screen--these errors also happen in the episode proper.  Fixed in Vegas by 1) holding the previous frame pre-sword-break over the duplicate-sword frame, then 2) taking the frame post-body-vanishing where Ojama Knight’s body comes back and copying it over the frame in which it vanishes.
After the OP, as Judai calls out Manjoume’s talk of “pure-white brilliance” given his history of not washing his jacket, the shot of him doing so with his field visible has the Ojamas’ cards reversed under them (their name boxes should be facing Judai’s right).  Fixed in AfterEffects by first applying the correctly-facing proxies under them, then masking the Ojamas and Judai’s leg over them--after that, I then made masks around all the white zoom lines on the original footage using keyframes, which I then applied to a white-color layer to recreate the white lines over the cards.
A bit later, after White Knight Lord takes out Ojama Black and hits Judai with 300 points of damage, Ojama Green and Yellow look back at him worriedly, but Ojama Green has Ojama Black’s card under him.  Fixed in AfterEffects by taking the last frame of the shot and applying Green’s proxy under him, masking him back on top; I then took that fix into Vegas, where I keyframed and redid the panning shot for the fixed card.
After equipping Shield Attack onto Ojama Knight, Judai has him attack White Knight Lord only for the attack to fail due to its effect, but this is where the two errors in #2 happens in the episode proper; fixed in Vegas the same way.  Right after that, as Judai and Manjoume are on a split-screen in which Manjoume explains that White Knight Lord has several abilities, Manjoume starts to move a frame before their split-screen starts to split, as he goes on to say that Lord can’t be beat in battle.  Fixed in Vegas by holding Manjoume for an extra frame over that so they both move at the same time.
After Judai uses Ojamandala to bring the Ojamas back and Kenzan notes his defensive boost, Manjoume laughs as he starts his turn, but another error occurs with his Disk not being fully drawn, for three movement frames here, as he moves his arm to get ready to draw.  I did think about fixing this by drawing the missing edge of the Disk in using Photoshop in each frame, but opted to just use Vegas to crop the shot a bit so that the edge of his Disk hit the edge of the screen.  I then made the shot zoom back out to where it was as Manjoume moves his arm to activate Hell Gauntlet.
After his unwhitening, Manjoume activates the effect of his Goblin Negotiator Magic Card while Judai attacks his Ojama Green with White Knight Lord to protect him, but Ojama Green and Black’s cards on his Disk are in Attack Mode when they’re actually in Defense Mode (and you can tell they’d intended the cards to be in Defense Mode with how they’re not fully covering the Monster Zones).  Fixed in AfterEffects by placing their proxies in Defense Mode on one of the frames, then used Vegas to redo the zoom that happens.
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leechan1018 · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Pitty ( Belated ) お 誕生日 おめでとうございますᵔᵕᵔ    すべての素晴らしいことを願って、あなたのすべての願いが叶います.﹢✧ あなたの笑顔が明るく、太陽が毎日輝きますように! . Wishing you all the great things, all your wishes come true May your smile be bright the sun shines every day! . Next is Shin Nagahama/Akira Nijino on September 6 ( Ressha Sentai Toqger )   Suzuka Morita/Kotoha Hanaori on September 7 ( Samurai Sentai Shinkenger ) Masaya Matsukaze/Shun Namikion September 9 ( Denji Sentai Megaranger ) . 2022年09月04日 9 / 4 / 2022 #モリガン #森田 #誕生日 #おめでとう #v系 #ヴィジュアル系 #いいねした人全員フォローする #フォローバック率100 #フォローバ100 #Morrigan #morriganband #xibalba #Pitty #pittymorrigan #happybirthday #omedetou #VisualKei #likeforlikes #likesforlike #followalways  https://www.instagram.com/p/CiJlkrgNMsa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Announcement] 眠れぬ夜のホンキートンクブルース第二章 マラソン (nemurenu yoru no honky tonk blues dainishou marathon)
you will be able to watch all 3 shows @ youtube (~ May 6th, 2020 ~ 23:59)
◎ 眠れぬ夜のホンキートンクブルース第二章~キセキ~ (nemurenu yoru no honky tonk blues dainishou ~kiseki~)
◎ 眠れぬ夜のホンキートンクブルース第二章~復活~  (nemurenu yoru no honky tonk blues dainishou ~fukkatsu~)
◎ 眠れぬ夜のホンキートンクブルース第二章~飛躍~ (nemurenu yoru no honky tonk blues dainishou ~hiyaku~)
it’s FREE!!
ps: @deprofundisad thx for the info^^
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arita-white · 5 years
Yesterday I made my friend said “Oh my God” three times in a row.
That was the third reason for it xD
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Akira-kun, you’re proto-Shiro Woz?! 😂 (I know, I know, it’s all “Like Johnny Depp”’s style, but - hey! I got this bromide at day when I had known about Shin’s cspoilero! xD)
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lorde-taciturno · 3 years
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sojitendo · 4 years
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Jin Hiramaki (ToQ 2gou) and Shin Nagahama (ToQ 6gou) both posted encouraging words for Ryusei Yokohama (ToQ 4gou) after the news that he has tested positive for COVID-19 ;; The continued friendship between Ressha Sentai ToQger cast always makes me smile, even though this is not a good situation. Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery for Ryusei! Let’s keep him in our thoughts!
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still not over that jojo episode when akira died
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hjamesp · 6 years
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tokutracks · 7 years
orange-iro shita nikui yatsu | ressha sentai toqger
akira nijino (shin nagahama)
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fireemblemtcg · 4 years
Cipher Live Broadcast 23-5-2020: New card translations
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Cards which have been given dedicated showcases on the Cipher twitter account are not included, as this blog already has translations of them.
More Fire Emblem Cipher Series 21 translations!
Brown: Crest of the Goddess
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B20-????? Dimitri: Blue Lion of Vengeance High Lord/Cost3(2) Brown/Male/Lance 60ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
"Please, Father... And you too, Stepmother... Do not gaze at me with that look in your eyes... I will bring you her head. I know it..."
[CP] "Die, Imperial dog..." [HAND] [ACT] [Send this card to the Retreat Area] Until the end of the turn, allied "Dimitri" gains +30 attack. ([HAND] is only usable while this card is in your hand.)
Illust. Senri Kita
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B20-????? Claude (Fódlan): World-Uniting Golden Deer Wyvern Master/Cost3(2) Brown/Male/Bow/Flier/Dragon 40ATK/30SUPP/2RNG
"I intend to tear down the walls that separate Fódlan from the outside world."
Anti-Fliers [ALWAYS] If this unit is attacking a <Flier>, this unit gains +30 attack.
[CP] The Power to Start the World Anew [HAND] [ACT] [Send this card to the Retreat Area] If an allied "Claude (Fódlan)" is present, until the end of the turn, all <Brown> allies are able to attack enemies regardless of range. ([HAND] is only usable while this card is in your hand.)
Illust. Rika Suzuki
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B20-????? Petra: Spirit Protection-Clad Princess Fighter/Cost2 Brown/Female/Axe 50ATK/10SUPP/1RNG
"Are you wanting to see my marks, Professor?"
A Prayer for a Bountiful Hunt [ALWAYS] If this unit is in the Front Line, this unit is able to attack enemies with a deployment cost of 1 regardless of range.
Illust. Hatori Kyōka
B20-????? Petra: Brigid Ruler in the Making Wyvern Rider/Cost3(2) Brown/Female/Axe/Flier/Dragon 50ATK/30SUPP/1RNG
"Brigid pride, techniques, and culture... I will be showing all of the world who we are!"
A Duty to be Strong [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 1] Until the end of the turn, this unit gains +20 attack.
Hand Axe [ACT] [FLIP 1] Until the end of the turn, this unit acquires range 1-2.
Illust. Hatori Kyōka
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B21-????? Dedue: Guardian of the Lion Fortress Knight/Cost4(3) Brown/Male/Axe/Armored 60ATK/10SUPP/1RNG
"Please, let me witness your triumph. I want to behold the moment your wish is finally granted."
"We will both live to see tomorrow... Your Majesty." [ALWAYS] During your turn, if an allied "Dimitri" is present, this unit and the allied "Dimitri" gain +20 attack.
"I will protect you at all costs." [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [Send 1 card from your hand to the Retreat Area] Choose 1 enemy in the Front Line, and move them.
Armor Expertise [ALWAYS] If this unit is being attacked by a non-<Tome> enemy, this unit gains +20 attack.
Illust. Kazuhiro Taneda
B21-????? Dedue: Taciturn Devotee Fighter/Cost1 Brown/Male/Axe 40ATK/10SUPP/1RNG
"Faerghus will change under his reign. That is my firm belief."
Hopes Placed in His Liege [ALWAYS] Allied "Dimitri" gains +10 attack.
[ATK] Attack Emblem [SUPP] Until the end of this combat, your attacking unit gains +20 attack.
Illust. Kazuhiro Taneda
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B21-???R Lorenz (Fódlan): Shoulderer of Fódlan's Future Dark Knight/Cost5(3) Brown/Male/Tome/Beast 60ATK/20SUPP/1-2RNG
"Perhaps I will have the opportunity to strike the decisive blow on the enemy commander."
The Power to Influence the World [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 1] Until the end of the turn, this unit gains +20 attack. If a [CP] has been used from your hand at least once in this turn, he instead gains +40 attack.
My Place in History [TRIGGER] When this unit's attack destroys an enemy with a deployment cost of 5 or higher, draw 1 card.
Illust. Moyataro
B21-????? Lorenz (Fódlan): Noble of the Red Rose Mage/Cost2 Brown/Male/Tome 40ATK/20SUPP/1-2RNG
"The rose perfectly embodies the blend of elegance and power that I seek to possess."
A Distinguished House's Duty [ALWAYS] If a <Brown> ally is being attacked, any support skills possessed by your opponent's supporting card are unable to activate.
Illust. Karuta Shiki
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B21-????? Jeritza: Masked Swordsmanship Teacher Myrmidon/Cost3 Brown/Male/Sword 70ATK/10SUPP/1RNG
"I am Jeritza. I teach here. Weapon instruction."
"You look bored. Care to duel?" [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] Choose 1 non-lord enemy in the Front Line. Until the end of the turn, that enemy is unable to evade.
Illust. Setsu
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B21-????? Anna: Fighting Merchant Trickster/Cost4(3) Brown/Female/Sword 70ATK/10SUPP/1RNG
"Do you really think you're getting away with all that loot? Ha!"
"We'll be rolling in gold!" [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 1] If you have 4 or fewer cards in your hand, draw 1 card.
Annas From 100 Worlds [SPECIAL] You may deploy this card even if you already have an allied "Anna", and you may have 2 or more allied "Annas" at once.
[CP] The Secret Merchant [HAND] [ACT] [FLIP 2, send this card to the Retreat Area] Draw cards until you have 3 cards in your hand. ([HAND] is only usable while this card is in your hand.)
Illust. Yoko Matsurika
Purple: Legendary Weapons
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B21-????? Eliwood: Firstborn Son of House Pherae Lord/Cost2 Purple/Male/Sword 50ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
"Seize the throne! It's time to reclaim the castle!"
Strongman-Slaying Rapier [ALWAYS] If this unit is in combat with a Leveled Up enemy, this unit gains +10 attack.
[ATK/DEF] Courage Emblem [SUPP] If your unit in combat is <Purple>, draw 1 card. Once you do, choose 1 card from your hand, and place it at the top of your deck.
Illust. Karuta Shiki
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B21-????? Lilina: Lady of the General's Lineage Mage/Cost1 Purple/Female/Tome 30ATK/20SUPP/1-2RNG
"Don't worry about me... I am a warrior's daughter. I've been trained to steel myself in times like these..."
Successor to Ostia [ALWAYS] During your opponent's turn, if this unit is in the Front Line, this unit gains +10 attack.
[ATK] Magic Emblem [SUPP] Draw 1 card. Choose 1 card from your hand, and send it to the Retreat Area.
Illust. Eiji Kaneda
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B21-????? Fir: She Who Lives for the Sword Swordmaster/Cost3(2) Purple/Female/Sword 60ATK/10SUPP/1RNG
"Studying all sorts of styles of swordplay is so crucial to mastering the sword myself, so... I'd really appreciate it if we could spar!"
Teachings of the Myrmidons [ALWAYS] If you have 2 or more <Sword> bond cards, this unit gains +10 attack, and this unit's attacks are unable to be evaded by non-lord enemies.
[ATK] Maiden's Protection [SUPP] Until the end of this combat, your <Sword> attacking unit gains +20 attack.
Illust. I☆LA
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B21-????? Dayan: The Silver Wolf Nomadic Trooper/Cost4(3) Purple/Male/Sword/Beast 70ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
"We are men of Sacae. Those who desecrate our land must pay."
Greatest Hero of the Plains [TRIGGER] When you deploy this unit, choose as many other <Beast> allies as you wish, and move them.
Chieftain of the Kutolah [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 1] Choose 1 card with a deployment cost of 2 or lower that is both <Bow> and <Beast> from your Retreat Area, and deploy it.
Canto [TRIGGER] When this unit's attack ends, you may move this unit.
Illust. Nekobayashi
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B21-????? Shin: Falcon of Sacae Nomad/Cost2 Purple/Male/Bow/Beast 40ATK/20SUPP/2RNG
"I have orders from the Silver Wolf to keep you safe. I will not allow you to put yourself in danger."
Canto [TRIGGER] When this unit's attack ends, you may move this unit.
Anti-Fliers [ALWAYS] If this unit is attacking a <Flier>, this unit gains +30 attack.
Illust. Nekobayashi
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B21-????? Heath: Principled Wyvern Rider Wyvern Rider/Cost1 Purple/Male/Lance/Flier/Dragon 30ATK/30USPP/1RNG
"I'm Heath. I've no wish to harm women and children. I'm a soldier, but... I'm trying to be human, too."
"Even if I am branded a traitor..." [ALWAYS] If this unit is attacking a non-lord enemy, this unit gains +10 attack.
[ATK] Elysian Emblem [SUPP] Choose 1 ally, other than your attacking unit. You may move that ally.
Illust. Megumi Nagahama
B21-???R Heath: Wandering Knight Wyvern Lord/Cost3(2) Purple/Male/Lance/Flier/Dragon 50ATK/30SUPP/1RNG
"For Bern, land of my birth... May I return to it soon!"
Homeland-Reforming Lance [ALWAYS] If this unit is attacking a non-lord enemy, this unit gains +30 attack.
Teachings of the Wyrmsfang General [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 1, Send 1 card that is both <Flier> and <Dragon> from your hand to the Retreat Area] Draw 2 cards.
Illust. Megumi Nagahama
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B21-????? Priscilla: Daughter of Count Caerleon Troubadour/Cost1 Purple/Female/Staff/Beast 30ATK/20SUPP/NO RNG
"Please don't be afraid to tell me when you are hurt."
Heal [ACT] [TAP, FLIP 2] Choose 1 non-"Priscilla" card from your Retreat Area, and add it to your hand.
[DEF] Miracle Emblem [SUPP] Until the end of this combat, your opponent's attacking unit is unable to inflict a critical hit.
Illust. Sakura Miwabe
B21-???R Priscilla: Ever At My Lord Brother's Side... Valkyrie/Cost4(3) Purple/Female/Tome/Beast 60ATK/20SUPP/1-2RNG
"To be next to my lord brother like this... I have dreamed often of this day."
Family-Seeking Staff Lady [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 1] Choose 1 other ally. Choose 1 card with a deployment cost of 1 and the same unit name as that ally from your Retreat Area, and add it to your hand.
[ATK] Vow With Her Brother [SUPP] If your attacking unit is "Raven", draw 1 card.
Illust. Sakura Miwabe
No Symbol
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B21-????? Sharena: To the Sleeping World Princess/Cost1 No Symbol/Female/Lance 40ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
"I'm... *yawn* I'm getting sleepy... I just need to close my eyes. Just for a moment."
Messenger from the Land of Dreams [ACT] [TAP, Send 1 card from your hand to the Retreat Area] Choose 1 "Peony" from your Retreat Area, and add it to your hand.
[DEF] Solidarity Emblem [SUPP] Until the end of this combat, your defending unit with a symbol gains +10 attack.
Illust. Fumi Hasumi
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B21-????? Triandra: Elf from the Land of Nightmares Elf/Cost1 No Symbol/Female/Tome/Flier 20ATK/30SUPP/1-2RNG
"I am a dökkálfar from the realm of dark dreams... I am Triandra. I am Nightmare. So. It was you who dispelled the nightmare."
Frightful Dream [ACT] [TAP, FLIP 3] Choose 1 ally who has attacked in this turn, and untap them.
[ATK] Magic Emblem [SUPP] Draw 1 card. Choose 1 card from your hand, and send it to the Retreat Area.
Illust. Tenshu Might-O
B21-????? Plumeria: Elf of Lewd Dreams Elf/Cost1 No Symbol/Female/Tome/Flier 20ATK/30SUPP/1-2RNG
"Oh? Looking for me, were you? Hm. Of course you were."
Sweet Dreams [ACT] [TAP, FLIP 2] Choose 1 ally with 50 attack or lower who has attacked in this turn, and untap them.
[ATK] Magic Emblem [SUPP] Draw 1 card. Choose 1 card from your hand, and send it to the Retreat Area.
Illust. Tetsu Kurosawa
Promotional cards
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P21-001PR Marth: Heir to the Fire Emblem Lord/Cost1 Red/Male/Sword 40ATK/10SUPP/1RNG
"It is in my blood - House Altea’s blood - to destroy Medeus of Dolhr."
Fate of Light [ALWAYS] During your turn, if more allies are present than enemies, this unit gains +10 attack.
Hero Emblem [SUPP] If your attacking unit is <Red>, then until the end of this combat, the number of orbs that unit's attack will destroy is increased to 2.
Illust. (Uncredited)
P21-002PR Byleth (M): Monastery Professor Commoner/Cost1 Brown/Male/Sword 40ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
"You fought well."
An Inevitable Encounter [ALWAYS] If an allied "Edelgard", "Dimitri" or "Claude (Fódlan)" is present, this unit gains +10 attack.
[ATK] Authority Emblem [SUPP] Choose 1 ally, other than your attacking unit. You may move that ally.
Illust. Chinatsu Kurahana
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P14-009PRr Celica: Caring Priestess Priestess/Cost2 No Symbol/Female/Tome 40ATK/20SUPP/1-2RNG
"All I can do is fight, and pray that your strength will be enough to free us."
Potent Flames of Sorrow [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [Flip 1 <Tome> bond card face-down] Until the end of the turn, this unit gains +20 attack.
Brilliant Sorcery [TRIGGER] [ONCE PER TURN] When this unit's attack destroys an enemy, draw 1 card. Choose 1 card from your hand, and send it to the Retreat Area.
P16-009PRr Lyn: Wind's Embrace Lord/Cost2 No Symbol/Female/Tome/Armored 40ATK/20SUPP/1-2RNG
"I was told this outfit is appropriate for a festival of love, but... It's awfully difficult to move around in."
Feelings of Gratitude [TRIGGER] When you deploy this unit, until the end of the turn, your lord gains +10 attack.
Blue Gift [TRIGGER] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 1] When your lord's attack destroys an enemy, you may pay the cost and if you do: Draw 1 card.
Illust. Aoji
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P21-???PR Gatekeeper: Sentry Reporting Uneventfulness Soldier/Cost1 Brown/Male/Lance 40ATK/10SUPP/1RNG
"My job is to stand at this glorious entrance and leisurely watch over the comings and goings of everyone. Er...and by that, I mean...to vigilantly guard this entrance with my very life!"
"Nothing to report!" [ACT] [TAP] Choose 1 other ally. Until the end of the turn, that ally gains +10 attack.
Monastery Sentry [ALWAYS] This unit is unable to attack.
[ATK] Attack Emblem [SUPP] Until the end of this combat, your attacking unit gains +20 attack.
Illust. Senri Kita
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P21-???PR Lilina: Beachside Bloom Mage Knight/Cost3(2) No Symbol/Female/Knife/Beast 50ATK/20SUPP/1-2RNG
"I was just out for a swim when suddenly... I was here! I hope you were expecting me..."
"What are you staring at?!" [ACT] [FLIP 1] Until the end of the turn, this unit's attacks are unable to be evaded by non-lord enemies.
Broadleaf Fan [TRIGGER] [Send 1 card from your hand to the Retreat Area] When this unit's attack destroys an enemy, you may pay the cost and if you do: Choose 1 non-lord enemy with a deployment cost of 2 or lower, and destroy them.
Illust. Senchat
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P21-???PR Dimitri: Heir of Blaiddyd Noble/Cost1 Brown/Male/Lance 40ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
"Listen to me. No matter how hard things get, you can't give in, OK? You've got to cut a path to the future you wish for, no matter what."
Soul of the Blue Lions [ALWAYS] If this unit is attacking your opponent's lord, this unit gains +10 attack.
[ATK] Authority Emblem [SUPP] Choose 1 ally, other than your attacking unit. You may move that ally.
Illust. Tomohide Takaya
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P21-???PR Claude (Fódlan): Successor of Riegan Noble/Cost1 Brown/Male/Bow 30ATK/20SUPP/2RNG
"I'm not done yet."
Divine Protection of the Golden Deer [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] Move this unit. This skill is only usable if this unit is untapped.
Anti-Fliers [ALWAYS] If this unit is attacking a <Flier>, this unit gains +30 attack.
[ATK] Authority Emblem [SUPP] Choose 1 ally, other than your attacking unit. You may move that ally.
Illust. Saori Toyota
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P21-???PR Fiora: Commander of the 5th Wing Pegasus Knight/Cost1 Purple/Female/Lance/Flier/Beast 30ATK/30SUPP/1RNG
"If my subordinates saw me like this... they wouldn't know what to think."
Pegasus Sisters [ALWAYS] If this unit is supported by a <Flier>, this unit gains +10 attack.
[ATK] Elysian Emblem [SUPP] Choose one ally, aside from your attacking unit. You may move that ally.
Illust. Hatapug
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P21-???PR Laevatein: Princess of Múspell Sword Fighter/Cost1 No Symbol/Female/Sword 40ATK/10SUPP/1RNG
"I think I've gotten much better since I first started... Thank you for teaching me."
Precious Blade [ACT] [Flip 1 <Sword> bond card face-down] Until the end of the turn, this unit's attacks cannot be evaded by non-lord enemies.
[ATK] Attack Emblem [SUPP] Until the end of this combat, your attacking unit gains +20 attack.
Illust. Yoko Matsurika
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leechan1018 · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Hana  お 誕生日 おめでとうございます 木村花🌸   25歳おめでとうございます あなたは私の心の中で特別な女の子です どこにいてもあなたのファンです 永遠に恋しく、永遠に愛される 常にあなたを賞賛し、覚えています . Happy 25th Birthday Our Beautiful Flower Hana Kimura You're simply special girl in my heart Wherever you are your fans forever missed and eternally loved Always admire and remember you 💕 . Next is Pitty on September 4 ( ex. Morrigan )  Shin Nagahama/Akira Nijino on September 6 ( Ressha Sentai Toqger )   Suzuka Morita/Kotoha Hanaori on September 7 ( Samurai Sentai Shinkenger ) . 2022年09月03日 9 / 3 / 2022 #スターダム #スターダム女子プロレス #木村花 #木村花生誕祭 #誕生日 #おめでとう #女子プロレス #いいねした人全員フォローする #フォローバック率100 #stardom #hanakimura #tokyocybersquad #happybirthdayhanakimura #joshipuroresu #happybirthday #omedetou #likeforlikes #likesforlike @hanadayo0903 https://www.instagram.com/p/CiAzlOULUzU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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himitsusentaiblog · 7 years
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The adult versions of the heroes from Ressha Sentai ToQger and Akira from left to right:
Mio/ToQ 3gou played by Riria
Tokatchi/ToQ 2gou played by Jin Hiramaki
Right/ToQ 1gou played by Jun Shison
Hikari/ToQ 4gou played by Ryusei Yokohama
Kagua/ToQ 5gou played by Ai Moritaka
Akira Nijino/ToQ 6gou played by Shin Nagahama
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mateushonrado · 5 years
Heisei era Sentai team 27 of 32: ToQger
Status Post #8259
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ToQ 1gou (Red) / ToQ 1gou of Darkness (Black): Right Suzuki (Jun Shison, Homare Mabuchi as a child)
ToQ 2gou (Blue): Haru Tokashiti (Jin Hiramaki, Keishiro Nagase as a child)
ToQ 3gou (Yellow): Mio Natsume (Riria Kojima, Kaoruko Ishii as a child)
ToQ 4gou (Green): Hikari Nonomuri (Ryusei Yokohama, Hikaru Yamasaki as a child)
ToQ 5gou (Pink): Kagura Izumi (Ai Moritaka, Rara Shimizu as a child)
ToQ 6gou (Orange): Ticket (puppeteered by Tsutomu Sekine, voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi) > Akira Nijino (Shin Nagahama) > Zett (Kengo Ohkuchi) > Akira Nijino
Extra Hero (Cyan): Ryo Tokashiti / Ryo Knight (Mizuki Ohno)
ToQ 7gou (Violet): Conductor (Tsutomu Sekine)
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