#Nakamura Madeleine
strawbunnyclown · 1 year
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First ArtFight ref! Nakamura Madeleine aka Princess Sparkle Sugar! Madeleine is the leader of her magical girl team, using her powers drawn from Hope and Light to save the day!
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davinciae · 1 year
when you read the first page of a book and fall in love with the writing style and hope it holds up throughout and it does and you end up giving it five stars
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nonbinaryharrowhark · 7 months
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i am going to have a breakdown now, and you are all cordially invited!
(click on him 4 the full, tumblr hates pictures :3)
i’m OBSESSED with @primeastrolatry ‘s novel cursebreakers and have wanted to teach myself how to draw for a very long time so i figured this would be the perfect chance because it is a goddamn SHAME there is not more attention on this book. i will drag a fandom out of the depths of the internet with my bare hands if i must. i’m very new to art but i wanna get better at it so i can draw more of these characters 😭😭 especially adrien, i haven’t had so much gender envy for a book character since like… ever
fr. it’s so good. i NEED somebody to talk to about it lol my brain so stuck on it
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Adrien Desfourneaux, professor of magic and disgraced ex-physician, has discovered a conspiracy. Someone is inflicting magical comas on the inhabitants of the massive city of Astrum, and no one knows how or why. Caught between a faction of scheming magical academics and an explosive schism in the ranks of Astrum’s power-hungry military, Adrien is swallowed by the growing chaos. Alongside Gennady, an unruly, damaged young soldier, and Malise, a brilliant healer and Adrien’s best friend, Adrien searches for a way to stop the spreading curse before the city implodes. He must survive his own bipolar disorder, his self-destructive tendencies, and his entanglement with the man who doesn’t love him back.
"In my greater and lesser moments, I fear that I must be fated for sainthood". Madeleine Nakamura's Cursebreakers is a quiet standalone debut about overcoming conspiracies and living with mental illness. Adrien is an extraordinary protagonist, sharp and hurting, haunted by wrong choices and by his bipolar disorder, which is here called akrasia. A skilled magician and a former healer, with a caustic personality, he finds himself drawn right into the thick of action while being a non-combatant in his forties who nonetheless strives to do the right thing. The exploration of his bipolar disorder, and later, of his addiction, is heartbreaking and poignant: we see the pain and desperation and the anguish of not being believed due to his condition; we suffer with him.
The supporting cast is equally good, painted in vivid strokes that make them jump out of the pages. Adrien's reluctant ally, a member of the dangerous militia that oversees the city's security, is such a complicated character, perennially angry and impulsive, but ultimately he endears himself with his desire to do and be better; the dynamic that grows between them is a joy to read. Adrien's best friend, a sapphic healer who helps him combat the worse effects of his bipolar disorder, is another exquisitely rendered character; her love for him is tangible, and so is her despair for his well-being. Then there's the man Adrien is in painfully unrequited love with, a fellow scholar who has agreed to be Adrien's keeper when the worst hits. Their dynamic is painful and vivid, Adrien's ache for him a constant throughout the book, and the resolution of their strange and frustating relationship is such a refreshing, well-executed take.
The resolution of the main conflict is also executed masterfully, with a final showdown that keeps you on the edge of your seat. However, there were whispers of deus-ex-machina and the world isn't as well-developed as I would have liked, while still being painted well enough for the purposes of a standalone novel. The relationship between the soldiers and their bonded raches, especially, could have warranted some more focus, but it was fascinating in what we could see. The setting of a magical school from the point of view of one of its professors, and the approach to the study of magic, was especially refreshing.
The prose is gorgeous, concise and at times archaic; I devoured this book in a matter of hours.
Cursebreakers is an extraordinary debut that deals with issues often going unseen in fantasy novels.
✨ 4.5 stars
* The Councillor, by E.J. Beaton
for: addiction, academia
[You can find more of my reviews about queer speculative fiction on my blog MISTY WORLD]
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💜 Queer Book Releases Coming Out September 2023
🦇 Trying to read queer all year? Make sure to check out these queer September releases!
❤️ Forget I Told You This by Hilary Zaid 🧡 The Otherwoods by Justine Pucella Winans 💛 The Lonely Book by Meg Grehan 💚 Every Star That Falls by Michael Thomas Ford 💙 Fly With Me by Andie Burke 💜 Wound by Oksana Vasyakina 🖤 Into the Bright Open by Cherie Dimaline ❤️ A Shot in the Dark by Victoria Lee 🧡 Straight Expectations by Callum McSwiggan 💛 Herc by Phoenicia Rogerson 💚 Deephaven by Ethan M. Aldridge 💙 The Mossheart’s Promise by Rebecca Mix
💜 Those Pink Mountain Nights by Jen Ferguson 🖤 The Borrow a Boyfriend Club by Page Powars ❤️ Ryan and Avery by David Levithan 🧡 What Stalks Among Us by Sarah Hollowell 💛 Your Lonely Nights Are Over by Adam Sass 💚 The Meadows by Stephanie Oakes 💙 A Hundred Vicious Turns by Lee Paige O’Brien 💜 Monstrous by Jessica Lewis 🖤 OKPsyche by Anya Johanna DeNiro ❤️ Cursebreakers by Madeleine Nakamura 🧡 The Death I Gave Him by Em X. Liu 💛 Thank You for Sharing by Rachel Runya Katz
💚 You, Again by Kate Goldbeck 💙 Godkiller by Hannah Kaner 💜 The Society for Soulless Girls by Laura Steven 🖤 Mammoths at the Gates by Nghi Vo ❤️ A Market of Dreams and Destiny by Trip Galey 🧡 A Crown So Cursed by L.L. McKinney 💛 In the Ring by Sierra Isley 💚 How to Find a Missing Girl by Victoria Wlosok 💙 This Spells Disaster by Tori Anne Martin 💜 The Free People’s Village by Sim Kern 🖤 Idlewild by James Frankie Thomas ❤️ Glitter and Concrete: A Cultural History of Drag in NYC by Elyssa Maxx Goodman
🧡 Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner 💛 Mall Goth by Kate Leth 💚 The Siren, the Song, and the Spy by Maggie Tokuda Hall 💙 This Dark Descent by Kalyn Josephson 💜 A Nobleman’s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel by KJ Charles 🖤 The Problem with Gravity by Michelle Mohrweis ❤️ Alex Wise vs. the End of the World by Terry J. Benton-Walker
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magicalyaku · 4 months
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Hello and welcome to another reading year! Following the devastation Dark Heir cause in my heart at the end of 2023, I didn't really feel like reading much for about two weeks. I did catch up on a few manga series, most notably 8 volumes of Yona of the Dawn by Mizuho Kusanagi. While it's still very good, I think binge reading helped quite a bit to keep me invested. :'D After that, I read one book that will definitely go into my worst books of 2024. Refer to the later half of the post if you want to know more. Let's focus on the good ones first!
Cursebreakers (Madeleine Nakamura): This one was really good! I was positively surprised. The world is magical, not medieval but futuristic! The story around the conspiracy is interesting and intense and the main characters are difficult people that might be hard to like in real life but they complement each other so well and it's so nice to see their relationship grow (no love story here!). I also really liked the way it is told. The protagonist has bipolar disorder which is a huge factor in the story but he recounts the story from a later perspective, so rather than being right in the moment with every dramatic and sometimes questionable decision we get a little bit of distance and insight into his actions and thoughts which works really well.
Twelve Bones (Sixteen Souls 2) (Rosie Talbot): The first volume was a already a little dark but all the bad stuff involved a limited circle of people (most of them ghosts), this one takes a full dive into the swooping dark threatening the entire city, living and dead! The stakes, my dear. Ugh! Based on that I wouldn't call it fun ... would I? I liked reading it, though! The cast of characters is really endearing. The story is good. The struggle felt warranted. The ending is kinda mangaesque but I like manga, so I don't mind. xD I wonder if there'll be a third volume. If not, I'll look forward to the author's next work. :)
The Necromancer's Light (Radiance 1) (Tavia Lark): I picked up the set of the trilogy which has a much better cover than the indivual books. :'D This one is very simple and straightforward, it's cute. The characters are likable. The hurt/comfort in here is indeed comforting. I think I like the first part with the pining best. This story's animal is a horse! (I read half of the auther's Perilous Courts series and there's friendly animals in every volume there as well. Nice touch.)
And now for the first book of 2024 I did not like. Heir to Thorn and Flame (Court of Broken Bonds 1) (Ben Alderson): I read the author's self-published Darkmourn series last summer and quite liked it despite its issues with the writing. Now this one has a tradtional publisher so I wanted to know if that made any difference. On a whole, the writing feels a little bit smoother than Darkmourn. But it's still long, repetetive, and tries to hard to sound fancy by exaggerating a lot. The premise of the story isn't even that bad. Boy finds out he has magic, accidentely kills the prince, has to take his place and political stuff occurs with two countries on the cusp of war over him and his magic. The first thing that annoyed me: The story feels unnecessarily cruel. It literally starts out with attempted rape which is already the second time protagonist Maxiumus is assaulted in his life. People are killed right in front of him, he is forced to shoot someone he cares for. People violently dig through his memories and still don't believe his story afterwards. And the villains are just caricatures. They have the balding hair, yellowed teeth, bony fingers, stinky breath, and leering eyes. They're ugly and evil! It was so over the top that I couldn't care at all. The other characters have nothing going on for them either. I don't like Maximus at all. He's whiny and indecisive and only worries about his parents. He does have that superstrong magic he uses to rip people apart when he's angry, wow. He also has two love interests and I don't see the chemistry with either of them (I suppose it tries to be Slow Burn but not very good). But they're so good-looking, the strong arms and nice smell, so tall! (eyeroll) The second one of these guys is named Simion. He's the only one remotely nice to him in the beginning, so Maximus likes him. Then he hates him. Then he likes him, then Simion reveals stuff and Maximus hates him again (even though he's just the messenger). But then he's suddenly attracted to him again to the point they even kiss … but oh no, Maximus can't kiss anyone, because he is married to the other guy by magic (against his will)!! And everyone treats it as this big thing "oh old magic you are bound to each other now for life" etc, but nobody explains what the handfastening (as they call it) even does for 80% of the book! Until Maximus kisses Simion and the magic causes him pain because he's cheating!!
Here my mind went on a tangent. The magic seems to have a conscious in this story, alright, but I want to know it's moral values then. Does it only detect kisses and sex? Physical acts? Can it differentiate between consensual und non-consensual? Who is doing the touching? Does is only clock sexual attraction or romantic attraction as well? What if he has a crush and never acts on it? Would it still cause him permament pain? What's with platonical kisses? Now you ask, do we have to explain all of this in a book like this? No, we don't (there's also two sequels), but I sure hope the author thought about it when he introduced a complex thing like this. Oh, also Simion forces his way into Maximus's mind via telepathy several times. Such a nice way to get to know each other. And speaking of the morality of the magic, it counts how many people are killed with it. On the wand. As tally marks. How does it know? Why does it only count humans, not animals? Why does it care?
Two more things I found annoying (there's more, but this is long enough already): First, the parents. Everything happening in the story hinges on their whereabouts, it's back and forth and very tiring. The Red King has them so Maximus has to stay with him, then the Blue Prince has them, then they get kidnapped so Maximus follows, then it turns out they've never been kidnapped and the Blue Prince kept them all along! In between he freaks out over his father not being his father and when they're reunited, but before they can talk, the father dies. Yay. Tragic. Not. The same thing happened before already. The one lady Maximus was forced to kill? She survived! She was saved and he goes to meet her, they talk for 30 seconds and then she's eaten by a dragon. :D I was pissed for wasting my time.
Which is a sentiment I kind of share about the whole book, but also not. It made me angry but sometimes it's good to have an outlet for the rage. :'D
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mhsnetflixblog · 6 months
Midnight Horror School (Netflix Jr.) Character Voices
Ampoo - Christina Kelly
Anto - April Winchell
Æon - Kelly Sheridan
Bri - Laura Post
Borocca - Rebecca Soler
Chaps - Candi Milo
Dabble - Sarah Taylor
Docky - John Tartaglia
Enton - Tom Kenny
Fonton - Richard Steven Horvitz
Friedi - Fryda Wolff
Furanzo - Maria Petrano
Genie - Simon Hill
Hikky - Madeleine Martin
Inky - Leslie Carrara-Rudolph
Juno - Tabitha S. Germain
Kabo - Hope Marie Segoine
Kami - Cree Summer
Karen - Kira Gelineau
Liddy - Andrea Libman
Magnero - Andrew Sabiston
Noisy - Grey DeLisle
Nonny - Michelle Marie
Onpoo - Abigail Gordon
Œther - Dee Bradley Baker
Oozee - Lizzie Freeman
Piranin - Scott Menville
Quicky - Corinne Orr
Ringring - Michael Kovach
Rosso - Kelsey Painter
Shiro - Tara Strong
Spimon - Annick Obonsawin
Tubee - Pamela Morton
Usop - Lance Henriksen
Vincent - Vincent Martella
Watt - Jo Wyatt
Mr. X - Jeremy Shada
Yumyum - Katt Williams
Zobie - Donovan Patton
Zuzu - Carla Delaney
Mr. Salaman - Ian McDougall
Mr. Tigerl - KJ Schrock
Ms. Peginand - Julie Sype
Ms. Unirex - Leah Ostry
Mr. Komoika - Shannon Lynch
Lure - Cory Doran
Johnny Crow - Patrick Warburton
Vending Machines - Patrick Seitz, Laura Bailey
Mr. Showtime - Christian Bale
Mr. Book Deposit Machine - Don Brown
Old Owl Sage - Jason Jones
Owl Sage Apprentice - Mariette Sluyter
Principal Kocho - James Hong
Eddy - Meesha Conteras
Vice-Principal Esme & Osma - Samantha Bee & Helen King
Casey - Vegas J Jenkins
Ra - Teala Dunn
Wendell - Brett Bauer
Winifred - Carol Ann Day
Monty Carlo - Joey Mazzarino
Bashful - Roger Rhodes
Pumu-Scott McNeil
Quasar-Lenore Zann
Dr. Ongo - Park Shin Yong
Bello the Bus Driver - Dave Pettit
Coco the Jinn - Travis Willingham
Motherboard-Kimberly Brooks
AJ - Bommie Catherine Han
Eli - Sarah Bock
Fiona - Dahlia Lynn
Fred - Nitzan Sitzer
KC - Hope Marie Segoine
Mona - Meghan Strange
Roy - Finn Phoenix
Rudy - Yantzi Michael David (credited as Mike Yantzi)
Tee - Bommie Catherine Han
Zane - Sharon Youngmee Kwon
Ampoo - Chiyako Shibahara
Anto - Ai Maeda
Æon - Ai Kayano
Bri - Kumiko Yokote
Borocca - Junji Majima
Chaps - Hisayo Mochizuki
Dabble - Ken Morita
Docky - Takeshi Kusao
Enton - Tarusuke Shingaki
Fonton - Kenji Nojima
Friedi - Azusa Enoki
Furanzo - Miyuki Sawashiro
Genie - Ryuuzou Ishino
Hikky - Hiromi Ohtsuda
Inky - Tomoe Hanba
Juno - Ayumi Kida
Kabo - Tomoko Kawakami
Kami - Nakamura Maiden
Karen - Kaori Yamamoto
Liddy - Tomoko Kawakami
Magnero - Setsuji Satoh
Noisy - Tomoe Hanba
Nonny - Yutaka Nakano
Onpoo - Sakiko Tamagawa
Œther - Kenjiro Tsuda
Oozee - Ayano Yamamoto
Piranin - Eriko Nakayama
Quicky - Takeshi Kusao
Ringring - Yuna Taira
Rosso - Eriko Nakayama
Shiro - Isla Summerhaze
Spimon - Etsuko Kozakura
Tubee - Chiyako Shibahara
Usop - Kosuke Okano
Vincent - Kosuke Okano
Watt - Sakiko Tamagawa
Mr. X - Ayumi Kida
Yumyum - Ryusei Nakao
Zobie - Yusuke Numata
Zuzu - Etsuko Kozakura
Mr. Salaman - Sukekiyo Kameyama
Mr. Tigerl - Kenji Nomura
Ms. Peginand - Hiroko Oohashi
Ms. Unirex - Hiroko Oohashi
Mr. Komoika - Kenji Nomura
Lure - Yuichi Nagashima
Johnny Crow - Kosuke Okano
Vending Machines - Cho, Sukekiyo Kameyama
Mr. Showtime - Kenji Nomura
Mr. Book Deposit Machine - Kenji Nomura
Old Owl Sage - Hiroshi Iwasaki
Owl Sage Apprentice - Yuko Sanpei
Kocho-sensei - Tomomichi Nishimura
Eddy - Kenji Nomura
Esme-sensei & Osma-sensei - Cho & Hisayo Mochizuki
Casey - Kenji Nomura
Bello the Bus Driver - Chafurin
Ongo-isha - Mayumi Tanaka
Coco the Jinn - Kenji Nomura
Ra - Chiyako Shibahara
Wendell - Kosuke Okano
Winifred - Hiromi Ohtsuda
Bashful - Setsuji Satoh
Monty Carlo - Tomoaki Maeno
Motherboard-Atsuko Tanaka
Pumu-Ayumu Murasa
Quasar-Misato Fukuen
AJ - Karen Miyama
Eli - Chinami Yoshioka
Fiona - Maika Pu
Fred - Botchiboromaru
Mona - Ai Kayano
Roy - Isla Summerhaze
Rudy - Yu Fukaya
Tee - Kaori Yamamoto
Zane - Yuna Taira
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linuxgamenews · 2 years
Boyfriend Dungeon gets a new and substantial update
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Secret Weapons free game update releases now for Boyfriend Dungeon via Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. All due to the work of developer Kitfox Games. The base game is available now on Steam and itch with a discount. Kitfox Games are blushing to announce the Boyfriend Dungeon: Secret Weapons. Which is also a substantial free update for the game. Which is out now for free on Steam on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Launching just a few days past Boyfriend Dungeon’s one-year anniversary. Secret Weapons is the game’s first big update. It also delivers players the final pieces of content promised in their Kickstarter stretch goals. It will introduce a brand new dungeon to plunder. As well as a new romanceable weapons Jonah the Axe and Leah the Hammer. Including the mysterious Dr. Holmes the Whip to Boyfriend Dungeon. Dr. Holmes is also the new dungeon’s final boss. She/they were designed by CEO and Creative Director at Unseen Inc., Ikumi Nakamura. While being voiced by popular content creator and streamer, Kathleen ‘Loserfruit’ Belsten.
Boyfriend Dungeon: Secret Weapons - Launch Trailer
All of the exciting new content in Secret Weapons will be accessible to players who have completed the main campaign of Boyfriend Dungeon or for those who are starting a new game. What is new in the Secret Weapons update:
Midway through the nightclub dungeon (“La Rosa”), you will receive a text message. Responding to this message can lead you to new characters, weapons, a dungeon, dates, recipes, and more.
To experience this content in an old save file, visit any dungeon or date, and then return to the apartment. You should receive the text message above, from someone named ‘S’.
While exploring Verona Beach (the map “hub” screen), you may find 15 new “encounters” between weapons you’ve befriended.
After receiving a birthday gift from a weapon. you will now see the gift appear in your apartment.
Seven new achievements related to the new content have been added.
This new Secret Weapons content is equally compatible with old save files. Or with freshly started games.
The team is also eager to share that new poppy music tracks from Marskye. With one track featuring the sweet vocals of Madeleine McQueen. Due to be part of the game and are also now available to stream or purchase on players’ favorite streaming service or digital music marketplace. Listen to “Whipped Into Shape” from Marskye ft. Madeleine McQueen. So, to celebrate the Secret Weapons free game update, Boyfriend Dungeon is also on sale. Discounted 25% and priced at $14.99 USD / £11.61 / 12,74€ on Steam and itch. Along with ongoing support for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC.
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cursebreakers by madeleine nakamura!! underrated masterpiece tbh. and the author is really nice
This one is now queued! I've had this in my earmarked to look more closely at for ages so I'm adding it to my official TBR based on this recommendation!
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feywildfancypants · 2 months
"One of the greater ravages of my daimon is that I can never trust myself. My judgement is worthless. My instincts are perennially suspect. Every emotion is a potential mirage; my basic self is pathologized. I was sure I didn't need Casamir, and that meant nothing. I had been sure many times before." -- Cursebreakers by Madeleine Nakamura
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ashereadsstuff · 6 months
My Books of 2023 Part 1
My goal for the year was 50 books, and I have read 60-ish. I'm not really sure, to be honest. The storygraph considers manga as books, while Goodreads does not. Goodreads considers fanfictions to be actual books, while The Storygraph does not. I, however, consider both to be books, even if they are somewhat not traditional. Here's all of them:
The Delve | By: Dan Fitzgerald
Assorted Wildness | By: Gyeja
Semantic Error | By: Soori Jeo
KinnPorsche Vol 1 | By: Daemi
An Innocent Puppy Meets a Two-Faced Cat | By: Niyama
BL Motel | By: Uhrin
Scared to Live (But I'm Scared to Die) | By: Major_816
Gwen & Art Are Not in Love | By: Lex Croucher
Fence Comics Vol 1 - 5 | By: C.S. Pacat
Striking Distance (Fence Vol 1) | By: Sarah Rees Brennan
Disarmed (Fence Vol 2) | By: Sarah Rees Brennan
Superior | By: Jessica Lack
How to Tame Your Vampire Vol 1 | By: Anni Lee
Fangirl, Vol 1: The Manga | By: Rainbow Rowell
The Vegetarian | By: Han Kang
Every Heart a Doorway (Vol 2) | By: Seanan McGuire
The Leather Boys | By: Gillian Freeman
The Love Hypothesis | By: Ali Hazelwood
All for the Game | By: Nora Sakavic
I think Our Son Is Gay Vol 1-4 | By: Okura
Unexpecting | By: Jen Bailey
Little Distractions | By: K.G. Brightwell
The Hunger Games | By: Suzanne Collins
Ander & Santi Were Here | By: Jonny Garza Villa
Tell Me What Really Happened | By: Chelsea Sedoti
TharnType | By: Khun Mame
Help Me, Uncle! | By: 4E
I Caught Him Getting Off Online! | By: Fujita
Anti - Alpha Series | By: Waka Okuda
Anti Platonic | By: Yupopo Orishima
The Untimely Undeath of Imogen Madrigal | By: Grayson Daly
Epic of Helinthia | By: MJ Pankey
Gender is Really Strange | By: Teddy goetz
Puzzle for Two | By: Josh Lanyon
The Covenant Sacrifice | By: Lee Allen Howard
Yours for the Taking | By: Gabrielle Korn
Her Dark Wings | By: Melinda Salisbury
Cursebreakers | By: Madeleine Nakamura
Kiss Me Liar | By: Zing
My Bias Is Showing?! | By: Nabit
Day Off | By: Dailygreens
Dress Him Up | By: Cheese Carp Bread
Burns | By: Ra-yuan
Aesthetics of Unpleasantness | By: SS
A Trace of You | By: AG
The Proper Way to Write Love | By: Ogeretsu Tanaka
Hands Up Me! | By: Chwesong
Leash Me Up | By: Yp
Why Is it You? | Nansae
Lookism | Taejun Park
Baby Sugar Succubus | Sakana Tojou
When the Glow Lights the Woods | By: Eule Grey
My Younger Childhood Friend is Just My Type | By: Hagi Fukuhara
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davinciae · 6 months
8 + 10
8. Did you meet any of your reading goals? Which ones?
yep! wanted to read more poetry and i did that toward the start of the year. i set progressive reading goals in terms of how many books i want to read, i add 5 more each time i'm done with 5 books, so it's easier to hit that one.
10. What was your favorite new release of the year?
cursebreakers by madeleine nakamura was my only five-star read this year i'm fucking obesssed with this book. adrien is, well and truly, my poor little meow meow
end of year book asks
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profiterole-reads · 6 months
Cursebreakers by Madeleine Nakamura
Cursebreakers by Madeleine Nakamura was fascinating. A magician and a soldier with his rache (a dog psychically bonded to him, reminiscent of a daemon from His Dark Materials) must solve the mystery of a wave of magical comas happening in their city.
This book has a lot of focus on mental health. Adrien is bipolar. He has a healer who uses magic in a similar way as mood-stabilising meds. He also has a keeper, who is a bit like an AA sponsor (addiction is actually a topic later in the book) and is also here to help if Adrien gets suicidal.
Adrien is in love with another man, but it is and stays unrequited. His best friend is a lesbian, without a love interest.
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rhodrymavelyne · 9 months
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thecosmiccircus · 9 months
Book Review: 'Cursebreakers' by Madeleine Nakamura
Adrien Desfourneaux is currently a professor of magic but he used to be a physician. Instead of teaching about magic, he used it to heal people. Until the day he went too far and was almost branded a witch. The victims of that tragedy are still lying comatose in the Chirurgeonate (hospital) years later. But now something is happening. An unexplained sickness is leaving more and more otherwise…
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xamdsona · 1 year
A Penny for Your Time Bakery and Confectionary
Hours: Monday-Sunday: 5a.m to 11 p.m
Owner, head baker,head chocolatier and head confectioner: Penny Perez
Sous chef: Alexander ̈Sasha ̈ Volkov
Other chef and baker: Apple Nakamura
Candy distributors: Amai confections,Big Time candy co., конфеты магазин Компания,and Euro Sweets distributor.
Farm fresh eggs, dairy, and sugar.
Fresh fruits and vegetables grown from City Heights Academy.
Freshly baked pastries, and breads daily
Newly made coffee,custard, and fudge daily
Latte (Hot or Iced)
Hazelnut        3.00
Peppermint    3.00
Toffee             3.00
Matcha            3.50
Pumpkin spice 4.00
Mocha (Hot, Ice, or Blended)
White mocha     3.00
Vietnamese Iced coffee   4.00
Espresso shots                   1.50+
Premium grade  5.00
Boba Tea
Mango  3.00
Matcha 4.00
Cheese tea 4.00
Strawberry 3.00
Taro Milk   4.00
Coconut      3.00
London fog 4.00
  Hot tea       1.50
Ask Penny,Sasha, or Apple for blends
Sweet Pastries
Mochi Donuts 1 donut 1.50 1 dozen 18
Matcha glaze
Chocolate glaze
Vanilla glaze
Concha  1.50
Melon pan
Mont Blanc   1.50
Chocolate Cake
Madeleines 1.50
Sweet Pastries
Macarons 1 cookie 1.50  1 dozen 18
Fluffy japanese cheesecake 1 slice 2.50  whole cake 15
Red bean filled  4.00
Custard filled     4.50
Sweet Crepes
Strawberry and creme  4.00
Chocolate banana    4.00
Custard                     4.50
Castella    3.00
Coffee jelly  3.50
Rainbow jelly 4.50
Fruit jelly       4.00
Fruit sandwich 4.00
Savory Pastries 
Meat pasties  4.00
Sausage bun  1.50
Curry bun      1.50
Savory Crepes
Ham and Cheese  4.00
Avocado and egg   4.00
Prawn,chicken, and avocado 5.50
Baguette 8.00
Katsu sandwiches
Chicken 4.00
Popover 2.00
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