#Namor X Black Reader
inklore · 2 years
listen as a namor whore (namwhore?) i think that he loves marking you as his like man would go nuts with the hickeys and bruises (and bite marks too). on the off chance he lets you return the favor he’s surprised by how much he loves seeing the love bites and bruises on his own godly self >:)
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pairing: namor x princess!reader
word count: 962
warnings: eighteen+ content, mentions of p in v but not shown, teasing, bites and marking, established forbidden relationship.
note: ok see i love this concept, this take, this thot!! but i fear he’s not completely into you returning the favor because for him it’d be more of a ‘i want everyone to see and be reminded who you worship to’. and i think he likes to stay looking proper to his people, but he does let you get away with bites left under the shorts!!
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You were supposed to have left your room and met your mother and the council minutes ago—almost an hour ago you now see as the clock on your bedside reflects back to you in the mirror you’re standing at. Trying to right yourself back into looking presentable, kept, like you’re not running late because the man at the foot of your bed used his sweet siren song of pretty compliments, and words that had you out of your dress just as fast as his fingers had torn at the undergarments underneath it.
Leaving your balcony door open for him was seeming more and more like a curse than a blessing.
Letting him come and go as he pleased, when he cared to visit you after days of being MIA. Sometimes only noting his presence with a saltwater covered gift he’d leave at your doorway, when you’d stayed up as long as your body would allow to. As you waited to see if he would come to you; or when duties like council meetings and required dinners were demanded of you—events a Princess was supposedly meant to attend.
You’re surprised your mother hasn’t sent someone to fetch you. You expect it anytime now, ever the punctual woman your mother was. Being tardy was surely going to get you a stern look and deep questioning.
“Jats'uts,” he mumbles against your shoulder.
Your heart soars, fingers only wavering a little as you do your best to right the necklaces adorning your neck. Your body having just been molded pudy in his hands mere seconds ago. Your thighs still sticky from having his mouth and cock between them. Your legs still feel that heady wobble from post orgasm. Your mind and body still coming off of that beautiful precipice of want and desire, of falling against his body like you couldn’t stand up straight, or function properly, without him being there to sink into—or onto on most nights.
You had told him how urgent it was that you make it to this meeting. How he needed to turn around and make his way back to his beloved ocean before someone saw him, and your mother had both of you locked away.
A threat he laughed at. A threat you knew meant nothing to someone as powerful as him; a God.
“If this were Talokan I’d make our people come to you. You’d never have to lift a finger, princess.”
Our people.
As if there were some alternate reality in which that could come to formation. Where the two of you would rule as equals and not something forbidden, and secretive.
There had been too much death and destruction on both sides, from both of your people, for either groups to be happy to be ruled by the both of you.
But the fantasy was nice to dream about—get lost in the idea of actually being able to flaunt your love instead of hiding it.
When his arm wraps around your waist your body works on instinct, on knowing the hands and warmth of the man that’s touching it. Guiding it into his chest to lean and rest against. His lips brushing at the side of your neck, mustache burning your skin.
“Or you could stay naked, spread out for me. Waiting for my return while I handled everything.”
“Mm.” You let your eyes close as you grin, “no responsibilities other than pleasing my king.”
“Precisely.” His teeth take a hold of your sensitive skin, his tongue following after the sting like a salve. Making your body tremble against him, a gasp falling from your lips. “You’d never want for anything. I would have it brought to you. Made for you. There’s nothing I wouldn’t give to you, princess.” His mouth repeats it’s actions against your neck, his hand creeping lower to the start of your thigh.
That ache between your legs quickly making a home once more at your swollen clit.
“K’uk’ulkan,” his name falls from your lips, practiced, known, worshiped—as you moan softly. As you let him suck and bite at your skin, letting his words coax you into that fantasy world you want so badly.
You don’t come back to reality until you feel his fingers start to pull up the bottom of your dress, the cool air against your damp underwear bringing you back down from that building high.
“Nononono,” you pull away from him. Untangling his arms from your body and sending him a scowl at the way he’s smirking at you. “I’m already late because of you!”
“My apologies, princess.” His hand waves towards the door, “don’t keep your people waiting any longer.”
“I won’t! You-” your quick movements stop abruptly when you see it, when the deep hue catches your eye in the mirror. And maybe it’s half your own fault for not stopping him, for once again falling victim to the hot-tease of manipulation of his beautiful words.
There’s words of anger and disbelief in the back of your throat, ready to come up and spill over at the man whose eyes are locked onto yours in the mirror. Who is still wearing that signature cool as can be expression, that you really want to slap off of him.
Your mother was going to kill you.
String you up as a pariah!
“My mother–”
“Will not be pleased, no.” He finishes for you. Steps back into that space behind you, returning his heat to your back. His thumb runs along the bruised area, eyes gleaming at his creation before flashing back to yours. “But now everyone will know you belong to someone.”
You belong to me.
Unspoken in words but not in the way he presses a kiss to the love mark, lips soft and endearingly sensual.
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cherienymphe · 1 year
By The Water’s Edge (Namor x Reader)
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WARNINGS: yandere elements, siren song influence, alluded to dubious consent, loss of virginity, pregnancy (hinted at intentional), wakandan!reader 
➥ if my Yucatec Maya translation is wrong, please feel free to let me know
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies​
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summary: you never stood a chance once you caught the eye of the king of the sea
You waded through the tall grass, the nightly breeze cooling your skin as you repeatedly looked over your shoulder. This corner of Wakanda was always so quiet at night, but silence never guaranteed anything. It didn’t guarantee that you weren’t being followed.
And you absolutely had to be sure that you weren’t being followed.
You were relieved that you could only hear the slight ruffle of grass from the wind, the beads on the end of your braids hitting each other, the clanking of the bracelets on your wrist. You turned back around with confidence, trekking further and further away from everyone else…and closer to the water. It was always a safe place for you, a place to sort through your thoughts, a place to just be, but now it was a comfort for an entirely other reason.
He had come out of the water one night like something out of a dream.
Or nightmare.
Your body had stilled as you sat on the water’s edge, rooted in a mixture of awe and horror. He was adorned in jewelry that reminded you so much of the kind you and your sisters wore. The glow of the moon had lit both his path and him as he slowly rose above the surface, water clinging to his skin and dripping from his dark locks.
He was beautiful, and you hadn’t been able to look away.
However, a tinge of horror had started to creep into your chest as so many things hit you at once.
Who was this man? How did he get into Wakanda undetected? Where did he come from? You had so many questions as you watched him come closer, and you had stood in trepidation. There had been a soothing breeze that night too, ruffling the blades of grass behind you and your skirt with it. Despite how much your heart had been racing, you still hadn’t moved, hadn’t left to inform the queen somehow.
You didn’t know why.
You and the outsider had stared at one another for what felt like too long, drinking each other in for entirely different reasons. You wanted to know who he was and why he was here and what he was going to do. He, on the other hand, seemed to be studying you. He had tilted his head, dark eyes fixated on your face like you were the least threatening thing in the world to him.
You didn’t know how you felt about that.
“My mother told stories about a place like this…”
The deep baritone of his voice had struck you, making you blink. For the first time since he walked out of the water, he broke eye contact, looking around and roaming his eyes over the land around you.
“Pristine air…and the water,” he trailed off, a hint of a smile on his lips. “A protected land with people that would never have to leave.”
You hadn’t taken your eyes off of him, watching as he looked back to you, running his hand through his wet hair. You ran your gaze over him, taking in his skin and the bands of muscle that were his arms and torso. Even his legs looked powerful, and you didn’t stop yourself from taking a step back.
“…but of all the reasons to envy this place…I never expected it to manifest in the form of a woman.”
You had frowned at that, brows pulling together in confusion, and that was when you finally spoke.
“Who are you?”
He had chuckled to himself, perfect teeth winking at you as he placed a hand to his chest as if you had reminded him of the very important fact that you were strangers.
“My people call me Ahau K’uk’ulkaan,” he’d said. “My other name… That is for my enemies, and I hope that you will never have to refer to me as such.”
You hadn’t realized how relaxed you had become, shocked with yourself when you didn’t move when he placed his foot on the dirt before you, moving closer.
“You come here a lot…”
Your heart had skipped a beat at that, eyes widening slightly at his words. It was true. You did come here a lot. It was probably your favorite place in all of Wakanda, and you had wracked your brain as to how he knew that. As if he could hear your thoughts, he answered your silent question.
“I’ve watched you,” he told you, gesturing to the water behind him. “I’ve watched you sing and write and just relax by the water’s edge.”
His admission should’ve terrified you, and in a way, it did, but there was something more that kept you from running. There was something that held you in place to listen to him.
“I didn’t intend to at first, that’s not who I am, but…”
He was standing right before you now.
“I could not look away.”
You swallowed, and his dark eyes were drawn to the movement, gaze momentarily lingering on your throat.
“I kept coming back, hoping to catch glimpses of you, and the more I did…the harder it became to leave for good.”
“How…how did you get in here? Queen Mother-.”
“Doesn’t need to know about what isn’t a threat.”
Your face had heated up at both his interruption and the implications behind his words. It wasn’t up to him to decide if he was a threat or not, and your lips parted, but no words came out. Here was a man who had uninterrupted access to Wakanda, the queen none the wiser, and you couldn’t help but to linger on the immense guilt you’d feel if he did turn out to be a threat all the while you said nothing.
You glanced up at the sky, noting how late it was getting and sure that one of your sisters would come looking for you soon. The man, K’uk’ulkaan, followed your gaze before your eyes met again, and you took another step back. Then another…then another. You were surprised that he settled for merely watching you, making no attempts to stop you, and when you were far enough away, you turned your back on him and ran back home.
You should’ve gone to the queen that night, or at the very least, the next morning. Something like this was unheard of, and you were the only one who knew, so it was your responsibility to do what was right in the best interests of your people. And yet…
You had spent all of the next day distracted, mind miles away as it was plagued with thoughts of the man who came from the water. You had almost convinced yourself that it was a dream, but the scent of the water on his skin was burned into your brain, and so conflicted about what to do, you had almost forgotten his words.
The reason why he was even here.
Years after that night, you would finally admit the truth to yourself. You didn’t keep his existence a secret for Wakanda. You didn’t return to him again and again to learn more about him to tell the queen. You didn’t get close to him and succumb to him for the benefit of your nation, but instead to sate your curiosity. You went back to him every night because you were curious about the beautiful man who put his existence in jeopardy just to know the woman by the water’s edge.
You had found yourself sneaking through the grass the next night, almost disappointed to find yourself alone.
“You did not tell your queen.”
You had been startled by the sound of his voice, jumping and looking over. He stood by the water, the flow of the tide washing over his feet as he gazed at you. You had stared at him for a long time, mulling over your next words.
“I might have,” you argued.
The small smirk dancing along his lips made your stomach flip.
“You did not,” he called you out on your lie. “Why?”
You didn’t have the courage to tell him it was solely for your curiosity. You had spent more hours awake the previous night than you wanted to admit, thinking on the man before you and the predicament you found yourself in. Part of you hated him for putting you in this position, the position to betray your home and your people by not revealing his existence and access to Wakanda to the queen.
However, another part of you, a larger part, was drawn to him.
And that draw, that pull you felt towards him, was why you came back night after night. You would meet him by the water’s edge, sometimes barely speaking and sometimes talking about everything. He told you about his home, an entire civilization of people who made a home and a way of life beneath the water. You thought that it explained so much, his ability to breathe under the water long enough to travel through it to Wakanda, and even his access to Wakanda in general.
You were fascinated by him, entranced, and he knew it.
“Y/N,” you had told him one night, your name rolling off of his tongue like water as he repeated it to himself.
You liked the way he said it, unable to take your eyes off of him as he held your hand. His other traced an index finger along your palm, the action equally soothing and arousing. There was a point where you forgot all about the queen and the fact that this outsider had access to your nation. The thought of what he and his people could do was long gone, replaced by the desire to see him every night instead.
Blinded by that desire or not, it didn’t take you long to understand that he wasn’t out to hurt Wakanda.
He was here for you.
The way he’d look at you both excited and scared you, having never been on the receiving end of such a look before. It was intense in a way that was almost overwhelming, like he was hanging onto your every word and studying every movement you made. You had wondered if it were possible that he was just as entranced by you as you were by him. You wondered if you imagined that glint in his eye, that look like he wanted to keep you all to himself.
“Do you sing for your family? Friends?”
You had shyly shaken your head, and his smile had warmed your chest as he reached up to touch your face.
“Why not? You have a beautiful voice,” he’d told you. “Hypnotizing even. Almost like…a siren song.”
“I’ve always liked singing alone.”
You had shrugged, still somewhat embarrassed that he’d heard you on several occasions. That embarrassment lessened as time went on, as well as your timidity, and your days felt brighter with the anticipation of seeing him every night. It was noticeable, your cousin Okoye commenting on it one day, asking about what had you glowing. You had shrugged in response, a small smile on your face.
“Just happy, I guess.”
You came home sometimes with new jewelry, a necklace or earrings he’d made resting against your skin. The first time, you had held your breath, heart pounding as he stood behind you. His bare chest had grazed your back as he clasped it behind your neck, fingers brushing your skin and causing a shudder to travel down your spine. You had heard him deeply inhale, breathing you in, and when he turned you around, it only hit you just how close you were.
“It suits you,” he had complimented, a secretive smile on his lips. “Just like I knew it would.”
If your parents or any of your sisters noticed, they didn’t voice it. If they noticed the way you began to pull away, isolate yourself and preferring to stare off into space, they kept quiet about it. K’uk’ulkaan consumed both your waking thoughts and your dreams, waking up and falling asleep with him on your mind. There were times where you couldn’t even fall asleep, too wrapped up in thoughts about the king of Talokan. Your mother only said something when you started eating less and less, seemingly in a daze as you merely pushed your food around on your plate.
You remembered what K’uk’ulkaan had said about your voice, comparing it to a siren’s song, and you thought to yourself that’s how you felt whenever you were around him.
Ensnared by a siren’s song, mind consumed with nothing but him.
So, it came as no surprise when you kissed him back one night, eager to taste more of him. The grass hid you both from view, the moonlight shining down on you both, and your hands pressed against his arms. Your entire body lit up with a heat that you desperately wanted to chase, moaning into his mouth. His hands on you felt like heaven, and you never wanted to leave.
The dirt had been nonexistent against your back, the water hiding your lower half from view as he rested against you. Your dress was feet away, the only thing on your skin being the jewelry he gave you…and him. Your fingers dug into his skin, nails scraping along his back while he thrust into you. Your mewls were low, paranoid of being found out, and you could tell that he liked hearing you.
You clenched around him, clinging to him and fluttering around his cock. He surrounded you, trapping you beneath him as he stretched you out, lips dragging over your skin and tasting you. Your fingers threaded through his hair as you gazed up at the moon, the faint sting in your core registering in the back of your mind but too overcome with pleasure to dwell on it.
You felt like he wasn’t close enough, hips lifting to meet his with every thrust. Your chest arched up into his, legs bending and toes sliding up his own legs. You lost count of how many times you came around him, stumbling back to your house in the early hours of the morning in a daze. You had the faintest memories of one of your sisters pressing her hand to your forehead, concerned that you might be sick as you merely laid in bed.
You only left your room to return to him again, sinking down onto him as he held you in his lap, fingers pressed into your skin. He touched you and held you like he never wanted to let you go, and whatever alarm bells went off in your head at that were promptly silenced as he lifted his hips, pushing his cock up into you as you wrapped your arms around him. Your face was buried into the crook of his neck, your breathing labored and choppy as you sighed against his skin.
His hands had traveled up, resting on your face as he pushed your head back, forcing you to look at him.
“Do you love me?”
Wracked with pleasure and drunk on him, you had lazily nodded, mind passing over the way his dark eyes glinted under the moonlight. He leaned in, kissing down the column of your throat and pulling a moan from you as your head lolled back. Your lashes fluttered, and your gaze rested on the sky.
“How much?”
“More than I’ve loved anyone,” you had sighed, head falling forward against his shoulder again.
“Do you promise?”
Your reply was immediate, and he didn’t let you go until you were coming undone in his arms. That was how most of your nights were spent now, stealing moments with your lover from the water and driving yourself insane every time you had to walk away.
“Why do you call me that?”
K’uk’ulkaan was looping a braid through a small seashell, his lips pressed to your forehead as he did.
“My k’iino,” he had murmured when you reached him, practically tripping over yourself to be in his arms. “Mine.”
He hummed, pulling away to finish what he was doing, and you watched his face.
“It means sunshine…or sun,” he quietly replied. “…even though I only ever see you at night, to me, the moon pales in comparison.”
You had smiled at that, heart sinking a bit as he pointed out the limitations on your trysts. Deep down, you knew that, realistically, things couldn’t go on like this forever. Somehow, some way, something had to give, but you had never expected it to come in the form of an upset stomach one morning, spilling the contents of your stomach in the bathroom.
One of your sisters went to your mother in concern, and she believed your assurance that it was just something you ate, but in your heart, you knew.
“…but this is my home.”
You both stood at the water’s edge, your eyes wide at his suggestion to leave Wakanda. Of all the solutions to the dilemma you faced, you hadn’t expected that. You didn’t miss the way his features hardened slightly at your resistance, stepping closer and head lowering a tad.
“You said you loved me.”
“I do,” you told him, blinking in shock that he’d ever doubt that.
He took your hand, bringing the back of it to his lips.
“…and don’t you think you should prove that to me…?”
Your mind spun, and you looked away.
“Besides…there’s no guarantee our child will survive on land like you.”
You looked back to him, stricken at his very valid point. He had long explained how he came to be, how he was so different from the rest of the Talokanil. The chances that the baby inside of you would be more like them rather than him due to you and what you lacked were high. Your eye stung, feeling stuck in an impossible situation.
“I need…to think,” you slowly whispered, stepping back.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that his eyes had darkened at your words. There was a sinking feeling in your stomach, and for the first time in almost a year, you left him while the moon was barely in the sky.
You didn’t sleep much, if at all, that night, staring up at your ceiling. You were wracked with a myriad of emotions, so many of them conflicting and confusing. K’uk’ulkaan had consumed every aspect of your life for months on end, and you felt like you couldn’t even physically live without him, but in the same breath… Wakanda was your home. Your entire life was here, and you couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.
Even the next night, you still hadn’t come to a decision. Night after night, you mulled over your predicament with a heavy heart, chest tight and eyes burning with tears. Your days were spent with your head in the toilet, and your nights were spent sitting outside of your house, wholly aware that you didn’t have all the time in the world.
And your time ran out one starless and moonless night, the most hypnotizing melody reaching your ears and imbedding itself into every crevice of your brain. It was addictive, filling your entire being with the desire to find it. You heard nothing and no one else as you seemed to glide across the land, steps sure as you waded through the grass. It filled your heart with a peace and security that you hadn’t felt in days, bringing a smile to your face.
Nothing registered. Not the disregard for your family and your nation, not the carelessness in the way you boldly walked through the tall grass, nor that you were traveling down a familiar path. Your body didn’t quite feel like your own, but you were too captivated to care. You only cared about following that sound.
And found it you did.
K’uk’ulkaan, Namor as he’d one day revealed to you what he also went by, stood in the water where you always met. His hand was outstretched to you, beckoning you closer with a welcoming smile. You happily returned it, your feet dipping into the water, dress clinging to your skin the deeper you waded. Your hand met his, bringing it to his lips with a soft kiss as he threaded his fingers through yours.
Without so much as a backwards glance, you followed him into the murky depths.
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sunshinescribes · 1 year
Continuum - 1
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Pairing: Namor x Black Fem!Reader
Summary: Despite the alliance between Wakanda and Talokan, The Feathered Serpent God isn’t truly welcomed in the Golden City. That doesn’t stop you from allowing him in your bed, nor him from wanting more
You call his name, but you don’t think he hears.
Don’t think Namor can sense anything beyond the taste of you on his tongue, sweet and smearing his chin—the way he always wants you, and you know your sheets will be a mess when he’s done. Know you’ll have to wash away the evidence of a liaison that should never be.
Alliance or not, he isn’t truly welcome on these shores, but you allow him anyway with the promise that this time will be the last.
Your resolve is questionable, as is your loyalty.
Your fingers thread through wet hair. You pull him closer to your soaking pussy, and he groans. The feel of it reverberates through you as you choke out his name.
Namor pulls away from your soaking slit with a sigh. His dark, half-lidded eyes trail up your body until they meet yours.
“You have missed me,” He whispers against your thigh, licking the wetness that’s made its way there.
He lets nothing go to waste.
“That wasn’t a question,” you note, feeling the ghost of a smile against your skin.
“No…” Namor’s hand traces the inside of your thighs. Thick fingers brush against the folds of your pussy, slowly reaching your clit, “It was not.”
He returns his mouth where you need it most, while his thick fingers work away at your throbbing clit. Your legs shake, your breath hitches as you’re drawn closer to another soul shattering orgasm. Even as Namor takes you apart, he does it will no real urgency. His movements are languid, as if he has all the time in the world.
Namor replaces his tongue with his fingers, stretching you as he pushes two fingers into you sopping cunt. You can hear the evidence of your desire—the slick, wet sounds as his fingers massage your fluttering walls. Your hips buck forward, wanting his fingers knuckle deep, and he laughs. A deep, throaty laugh that’s almost cruel.
“What would they say?” Namor lifts his face; his lips curl into an amused smile as he watches you. Watches the rise and fall of your breasts, the tremble of your lips as praise and encouragement falls from them, “Hm? If they all knew how desperate you are for me? How eager.”
“I…I don’t know,” you lie.
It’s easier than thinking about how you would be dishonored. The question of your loyalty would be immediate, and no answer you gave would satisfy your elders, nor your king.
Though an alliance stood between Wakanda and Talokan, it did not wash away Namor’s sins, nor earn him the favor of your people.
As far as anyone was concerned, he was a necessary evil—one that you could seemingly not say no to.
Namor tsks. The rhythm of his fingers slows as he considers you. He wants the truth you refuse to give.
“Do you think they will forgive you? Will you beg for it? Lie?” He pulls his fingers out of you, eyes following his digits glazed with your wetness, “Or will you have to turn to me?”
He looks at you as he lifts his fingers to his mouth, tasting you. He groans contentedly around his digits,  his eyes fluttering shut for a moment as if he is savoring just how fucking sweet you are—as if there is no fruit, nor drink in existence that can quite satisfy his hunger the way you do.
You blink up at him, dazed by his display and so painfully needy. Your cunt aches as it clenches around nothing. It’s enough to bring you to tears, but you’d bet that’s exactly what he wants. You, dumb and delirious and crying for him. Completely at his mercy.
“I would never turn to you,” you bite, and Namor’s eyes finally open. They seem endless as he stares up at you with an indecipherable expression.
His slick fingers skim the length of your leg, leaving a trail of his saliva that leads straight to your pulsing cunt.
“You already have.”
His fingers push back into you, and a curse rips from your throat. His languid manner is long gone, replaced by a feverish need to make you come around his fingers now. His pace is ruthless, his fingers reaching further into you until he’s knuckle-deep, just the way you need him—and then he fucking curls his fingers.
You tip over the edge without warning, your release violent and unexpected as it racks through you. Your walls flutter around his fingers, your legs convulse, and his name falls from your lips with so much devotion, you’d think perhaps he is the god his people claim him to be.
Your body goes limp as you come down from your high with a shaky sigh. You feel the heat of Namor’s mouth as he trails kisses up your body, a steady path upward until his lips hover over yours.
His fingers cradle your jaw, his hold firm as he keeps your gaze trained on him, and your heart aches.
Bast, he’s beautiful. It always stuns you no matter how many times you have the revelation—and this is when you promise yourself that this is the last time you allow him in your bed. You both never stopped to explain what this was, but you know feelings would only complicate things further…make the inevitable end that much harder to see through.
“What are you thinking right now?” Namor asks against your lips, teasing. He’s back to taking his time, dragging everything out for his own pleasure, while simultaneously driving you as mad as he possibly can. You have half the mind to close the gap between you two, and another to send his happy ass back to the sea.
You do neither.
“I think that you’re ruining me,” Namor grins. You nearly stumble over your words, “And I am disappointed in myself for enjoying it.”
He nods, leaning in as he closes the space between your lips. Namor kisses you like it’s the first time—all hunger and a need to consume you, but he does not rush. He tastes you, rolls his tongue along your bottom lip. Your lips part with a sigh, and he’s quick to make you taste yourself on his tongue—to know just how delicious you truly are, before he breaks away.
“I wish to do more than just ruin you…”
His hand reaches down, wrapping around his hard dick. He gives it a few quick strokes, groaning against your mouth before he rubs his dick between your folds, coating himself with your juices. You gasp, squirming beneath him as you feel your walls flutter painfully. You’re still sensitive from your previous orgasms, but this will do little to deter Namor. He will have you until you’re boneless, voice gone from how hard you’ve used it to call out for him, to plead him to go deeper. Fuck you harder.
And Namor always ends it how he starts, between your legs and with your sweet arousal coating the back of his throat. The taste of you lingers, even when he returns to the depths of the ocean, back to Talokan. He tastes you while he paints hieroglyphs memorializing the legends he’s lived, and the ones he might.
Namor pushes into your entrance, feeling the warm slickness of your velvety walls as they hug his thick length, and he drives himself deeper. He curses in his mother tongue, adjusting to you as your sensitive walls throb around him. He won’t have to do much to set you off, and for a second he considers being charitable and putting you out of your lust-filled misery, but even that comes at a price.
He hadn’t wanted much in the beginning. Just you sprawled out for him in all your beauty. You had both been chasing a high, a need to have the other—and maybe it was the taboo surrounding the nature of your relationship that spurred it—the threat that lingered if one of you were found out, though Namor was not foolish enough to believe you did not have more to lose.
It hadn’t mattered before, but it mattered now. Here, with the taste of you on his tongue and your nails digging into the flesh of his back as he thrust into you shallowly—you fucking mattered, and he was no longer satisfied with late night hookups, and kisses behind closed doors. He resented having to wait weeks or even months to see you again, wondering all the while if you’d finally decide to turn him away when he returned.
He wanted more.
He wanted everything.
And what a creature craving could be.
Namor glanced down at you, mesmerized by your long lashes fluttering as your eyes closed—the furrow of your brow as pain and pleasure pulsed through your body. A plea fell from your lips, whispered so softly he nearly missed it.
Now was not the time to be charitable. Now was the time for negotiations.
“Say it.” Namor thrust harder, earning a whine from you, “Call my name.”
Your bottom lip quivered; the words nearly spoken before you caught yourself. You shook your head, and Namor let out a frustrated sigh.
He had told you to call him K’uk’ulkan. Whispered it against your lips like a plea months ago, but even now you deny him. The name was spoken with adoration by his people, and you learned he gave it to outsiders sparingly.
So, you couldn’t say it. You wouldn’t.
It’s the confession that you swallow, hidden away just like these meetings between you two. It’s the treacherous desire of wanting all of him at the cost of everything else.
And while you could be reckless enough to entertain desire driven nights with him, you could not conjure a fantasy where he was yours, and you were his. The cost was too great.
The rhythm of his hips slowed. Your eyes fluttered open as you glared up at him, biting back a curse in Xhosa.
“Are you so afraid of a name?”
He cocked his head to the side, bringing his hand up to wrap around your neck, “Or afraid of what it might mean to call me by it?”
Your breath hitched as you blinked up at him, the heat of his gaze and weight of his question making your thoughts foggy. Despite it, you found your voice.
“I’m afraid that you’ve forgotten what this is.”
Namor was silent for a moment. His dark eyes searched yours, before his lips curled into a smile that did not reach his eyes.
“Then remind me.”
He pulled out of you fully, leaving you wanting before he thrust back in with a force that made you cry out. He buried himself deep inside of you, stretching your aching cunt and making you feel every glorious inch of his dick.
He grabbed the back of your thighs, pushing your legs closer to your chest and began to fuck you like a wild, depraved animal.
You clawed at his back, anchoring yourself to him as he continued to pound into you. He groaned into the nape of your neck, his fingers bruised the flesh of your thighs as he lost himself.
“Is this all that you are then? A hole to fill?”
The sound of the meeting of your flesh filled the shack, drowning out the peaceful hum of the wind outside. The rustling of the trees.
You cursed, feeling the deliciously painful pressure in your core building with each brutal thrust.
Your hand trailed up his neck, fingers digging into his damp curls, and you pulled his head closer, resting his forehead against your as his hips started to stutter—his rhythm quickly losing its coordination.
“Please…” your voice sounded pathetic, even to your own ears, “Namor…K’u—”
You choked on his name as pure hot euphoria ricocheted through you. Your toes curled, your back arched painfully as you cried up towards the ceiling. A tear rolled down your cheek as you came violently around his aching dick.
Namor hissed a string of Mayan against your lips, words spoken so quickly your mind couldn’t even catch them. Your name was the only thing you could make out before Namor went rigid. His teeth bit into the flesh of your shoulder as his seed poured into you. His dick twitched inside of you as he gave a final thrust, pushing the evidence of his desire further into your pussy. His mouth hung open as his chest rose and fell, and bliss cascaded through him.
Namor carefully draped himself over you, conscious of not crushing you under his weight despite how featherlight he felt. He kissed your temple, whispering his praise as he stayed buried inside of you, feeling the mix of your release and his own slowly seeping out of you.
He would take care of you soon. Wash away the evidence of your love making before he returned to Talokan where he was needed most. But for now, he would bask in the feel of you beneath him, and the possibility that lingered between you two.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
“The Offering” Part 1 of 3 (A Namor of Talokan Fic)
My first Namor story! Masterlist HERE.
A young Wakandan woman attends an annual Mama Wati celebration to honor the sea spirit and surf with friends. She encounters a strange man in the ocean who claims to be from a land as powerful as hers. A man who calls himself, Namor.
NSFW. Smut. 18+. (7,330 words) Namor x Black Female OC
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"You're ruling the way that I move And I breathe your air You only can rescue me This is my prayer"
Sade – "Cherish The Day"
It was the day of offerings for Mama Wati.
No time of the year ever made Lebadi happier than the first days of summer in Wakanda when the Border Tribe region celebrated the deities of the deep waters. Bast, Sekmet, and other higher powers were recognized inland, but on the sea, Mama Wati ruled everything. From the fishermen and fisherwomen to the military patrols on the ocean by the military, and everyday citizens, the big water was respected and revered. Mama Wati held sway there, and the annual offerings and celebration excited Lebadi beyond belief. Birnin S'Yan faced the sea and thousands of Wakandans made the trek across the mountains to the shorelands to dance, pay homage, and leave offerings to the mother of the sea.
Lebadi loved the trip because she loved to surf with her friends.
Every year T'limiwati—Revering the Mother of Waters—started the journey of packing up her father's Stealthmaster van with surfboards, firewood, and food. Lebadi drove around to pick up her four friends before they stopped at a temple to pay for blessed offerings to put into the sea. Mama Wati liked sugary treats, blue flowers, and small puff pastries shaped like seashells.
The drive would only take two hours, so her friends, N'ku, Pule, Ausi, and Benya would sing songs with her, eat snacks, and hope to find decent parking.
"We should've taken the monorail," Benya complained, as Lebadi tried her best to find a parking situation large enough for her father's van, but not too far away for them to trudge along with all of their gear.
"Not with all this stuff," N'Ku huffed.
"How about I drop you all off to find a suitable camping spot, and I'll catch up later," Lebadi offered.
Her friends agreed, and she pulled up near a sea wall where they offloaded their things. She happily drove away, knowing she wouldn't have to lug anything, not even her own stuff once she parked. Mama Wati must've known they had a great offering for her because Lebadi was able to snag a parking spot that was only a twenty-minute walk back to the beach.
The pilgrimage that year ran deep. The splendid weather, warm water, and balmy temperature brought out a dense wave of Wakandans for the celebration. Lebadi ran her fingers through her shoulder-length goddess braids she decorated with shells and blue flowers. It was the perfect style for swimming and surfing in seawater. Her skin was already turning a darker red-brown hue from the sun as she tapped her kimoyo beads against her father's car, sending up a protective shield that kept sand, sun, and seawater from damaging the paint.
Tugging on her short shorts that her plump ass cheeks tried to swallow, she checked her bikini top to make sure her plum-sized breasts weren't popping out like they were in the car. The top was a size too small on purpose, but it gave her the desired effect she wanted on N'Ku. He checked her out in the car despite his insistence that they stay friends after a not-so-successful try at a relationship. She thought that being out of college would make her love life easier, but the men around her were pitiful.
The walk to the beach thrilled her by seeing all the elaborate altars and gifts being brought to the beach for Mama Wati. She wished her grandmother was still alive. Their family used to show off by building a giant altar, but once Umi became an ancestor, her family didn't go to the ocean anymore. A pity. Umi taught Lebadi how to surf and she was going to keep up the tradition of surfing for Mama Wati until she was an old woman, too.
"Kgopo molemo!" Lebadi cried out when she caught up to her friend's campsite.
Wicked Good indeed.
They found the perfect location up against a sea bluff that protected them against any wind and was also far enough away from dense crowds hunkered down on the sand. There was a lot of dried and rotten seaweed separating them from folks that attracted flies and a subtle stench that was bearable to them, but unpleasant to others. She didn't care. They had room and privacy for their tents and boards. Gazing across the shore, families erected altars and there was a large old-fashioned blue and white boat decorated with blue flowers and filled with gifts for the sea, waiting to launch beyond the waves.
Wiggling out of her shorts, Lebadi made a show of jiggling her backside. N'Ku ignored her, his eyes fixated on the waves. They were big enough. Over six feet high. She held a hand above her eyes, shading them from the sun to see how far out the swells were, and how fast they were rushing in. Her board rested on her beach blanket, already waxed and ready to go. Checking her kimoyo, they had about ninety minutes to surf before the official ceremony began. They all stretched and put on rashguards, except for N'Ku and Ausi. He had on a full black wetsuit, and Ausi wore a short dark blue wetsuit that hugged her heavy curves.
"Last one in!" Lebadi shouted, kicking up sand.
The others chased after her with their boards and they spent a cracking good time snagging waves left and right until her kimoyo lit up. It was time for the offering ceremony. Lebadi twirled her finger in the air to let the others know it was time to stop. She paddled toward the shore fast when a wave lifted her. She popped up on her board like a rocket shot, balanced her arms, and took a quick glide along the lip of the wave, doing a three-sixty spin before dropping down. Her fingers skimmed the wall of bluish-green water that almost curled over into a nice liquid tunnel, but she overcompensated her balance and fell headfirst, knocking into Pule, whose husky voice shouted her name before he plummeted into the water too.
Soaking wet and full of laughter, the five friends scurried to their campsite to change into ocean-blue cotton tunics. Carrying the small offering basket they purchased at the temple, they delivered it to the large ceremonial boat. Several elders watched over the boat and accepted the gifts people brought. Seven djembe and talking drum leaders beat out a loud drum call and an old woman draped in an eggshell white dress with aquamarine flowers in her hair sang an ancient song to Mama Wati that Lebadi knew by heart. Two men and a woman paddled the offerings away and all the spectators onshore watched it sail far out to sea. The elder continued to sing and in the distance, they humbly observed all the offerings dropped in the water by the small boat crew.
When ululations ripped out from the throats of the onlookers, the drummers kicked up their pounding and Lebadi danced around her friends. They took time to admire the altar displays by families who decorated their own praise for Mama Wati. There were so many dotting the seawall.
They shared a fancy lunch together, and Lebadi relaxed into the fun for the rest of the day. By early evening, families left the beach for the inner-city entertainment. Soon, it was time to spark up a campfire and roast seasoned chicken kebabs and yams after a good surf day.
Lebadi reached into her open tent-flap door for the small paper napkin filled with sugar and special spices for Mama Wati that her grandmother used to make. She pulled off her tunic, revealing her bikini again.
"Be right back," she said.
"Hey, Lebadi. You're not surfing again, are you?" N'Ku asked as she lifted her board from the bluff wall.
"Just putting something out in the water for my Umi. Won't be long," she said.
N'Ku nodded and watched her carry her board back to the ocean. She felt self-conscious about her booty because she knew he was checking it out. Glancing back, she waved at him. He shook his dark locs threaded with shells, and she admired the lean muscular physique he showed off with his delicious sable skin. Bright white teeth gleamed at her. Her heart skipped a little. Maybe something could jump off later.
The far side of the beach was cleared of people, and the dull sound of music and carnival festivities echoed far behind her. Sunlight glinted off of the water with a final showy display of magenta and a sliver of blue for the sunset. She dropped her board on the water and skimmed over small waves, her strong arms paddling toward the orange sun. Straddling her board, she checked her leash, loosening it before she pulled out Umi's offering. She sprinkled the mixture gently into the water. The sugar dissolved, but the spices floated before being washed further out to sea.
"Mama Wati, I know this is your day, but my Umi, she was special to me. She taught me about you… she taught me how to love the ocean and ride the waves. Forgive me for honoring her with you. I don't know when I will be out to the sea again. Bast be blessed in your holy waters. Yibambe."
Lebadi dipped her fingers in the cooling water, cleansing her hands of sugar and spices. Reaching into her hair, she unfastened a flower and dropped it for a small wave to catch. It floated around her surfboard and a peace came over her. She sprawled out flat on her board and let her eyes gaze at the languid water, feeling lazy and free. Drifting off to a mini-sleep from a long day, her board rocked and lifted, gently pacifying her mind.
Minutes later, she opened her eyes and nearly fell off of her board. Two piercing dark brown eyes stared back at her from the water. They were attached to a handsome young man's tawny brown face. His ears were pointed and his dark wavy hair sat plastered around his forehead. A jade septum piercing captured her attention, and then her eyes drifted down to look at the most kissable lips that were parted slightly. His gaze had her transfixed. She held her breath, and he reached for her hand.
Lebadi sat up quickly, and a fresh wave rocked her, throwing her off the board. She splashed around, looking for the man, and glimpsed his feet diving below the surface. Were those tiny wings on his ankles?
She gagged on seawater because her mouth sat agape, and the shock of being spied on subsided. The man wasn't Wakandan. He didn't look like a citizen of their border country neighbors of Canaan or Azania. The man clearly wasn't African of any kind. He didn't look like the colonizers she learned about either, their pale flesh naked and strange like food without seasoning.
Something moved under her.
Lebadi scrambled onto her board and tried to catch the next wave back to shore, berating herself for not hitting her kimoyo quickly enough to film the man on a holo pic. She tapped it before she popped up on her board. A small wave rose and Lebadi rushed to snag it, but her leash stretched behind her and it dragged her off her board. She smacked hard into the water. A dorsal fin popped up, and terror hardened like cement in her stomach.
A great white shark.
Normally, they were confined to Southern Africa, but the shark circling her missed the memo. She struck the water to scare it away, and amazed herself by not screaming. Panic would overtake her if she did. She lunged for her board again and pulled herself out of the water, lying flat and still. The fin came around again and she could only guess at how big it was under the dark water.
"Mama Wati, help me," she whispered to the sea.
A thrashing in the water scared her shitless. She wanted to paddle away, but her arms would look like a tasty snack. Teeth chattering, Lebadi took a chance, sank her arms in, and stroked. A wave lifted her, and she jumped up quickly, focusing on getting to shore. She did no tricks or special moves, just rode the wave straight. Her board fins struck something, but she kept her balance, twisting her body to maintain control until she arrived on the wet sand that snaked between her toes.
"Holy Bast!" she shouted.
Running with her board back to her campsite, she kicked up a fuss. Her friends were tipsy from sharing a bottle of liquor.
"A great white attacked me!"
Her friends stared at her from around the fire. Benya held out the liquor to her.
"Well, shit!" N'Ku said.
Lebadi took a swig of plum liquor, and her friends followed her back to the water. They used lights from their kimoyos to illuminate the waves, but there was nothing out there.
"There was a strange man out there, too. I wonder if he was injured," Lebadi said.
"I don't see anything. Maybe it swam away," N'Ku said.
"I hope so. I'd hate to come all this way and can't surf because Jaws is swimming around," Ausi teased.
They searched the water with her for ten minutes until they grew bored.
"Maybe it was a dolphin, yeah?" N'Ku said.
"No. I know a dolphin fin when I see it. That was a shark out there," Lebadi said.
"And a little merman," Benya snickered.
Lebadi threw up her hands, and they returned to the fire.
More drinking commenced, with Lebadi partaking heavily, and after midnight, they were inside their tents asleep. Everyone turned in except for Lebadi. She let the fire burn down to the hot, glowing red coals before she took a walk along the shore away from their tents. Moonlight turned the peaks of the water into glowing white slashes of silvery light. Checking her kimoyo beads, they didn't do a great job of capturing anything because she didn't change the setting to get a wide 3D view of her surroundings.
Wait… there!
She froze the image. It floated in front of her, and she took her index finger and thumb to enlarge a section and cleared it up.
His eyes!
The static image seemed so strange. Water surrounded his face, with his hair swirling around. His body sat hunched forward like he was riding something…
She covered her mouth with her hand. The great white shark was underneath him. He straddled it like she did her own surfboard. There were no more images better than that one. Perplexed, Lebadi glanced at the water. Moonlight bathed her in tranquil blush-white light, and the soft sound of foamy water tickled her ears. He couldn't be human. Not with those ears. She could swear that she saw non-human feet, too.
She gasped.
He was there.
In the water.
Lebadi stepped forward until her toes were coated with foam and surging water, but she remembered the shark and kept the water at knee level.
"Hey!" she shouted, waving at him.
She didn't expect him to come to her, but he did, striding out of the sea in small tight trunks dripping wet. His hair was slicked back from his face, and it allowed her to observe him in the moonlight and the glow from her kimoyo beads. He was just under six feet, maybe three inches taller than her in comparison. His eyes made him seem larger than life, and their darkness penetrated every inch of her. His shorts hid nothing of the dick print bulge. He studied her too, taking peeks at her body and the lack of clothing she had on with her tiny bikini set. An elaborate choker necklace draped around his neck and she could make out gold cowrie shells, small beads, and strings of—
"Is that vibranium?" she said.
The shock of her tone startled him, and he looked at his jewelry.
Wakanda was the only nation that had vibranium.
"You're bleeding," she said, pointing to his side.
He turned around, and she saw the deep gash in his back.
"How did that happen?" she asked.
He pointed at her and his lips quirked up. Was he smirking?
"Me? How?" she asked.
He moved his hands to tell a story, and she made out that her surfboard had crossed over him and her board fins underneath cut him up.
"Can you understand me, or am I just thinking you can?" she said.
"Tene Tin na’atik … I understand," he said.
His voice scared her. It was forceful and slightly seductive. There was an accent, but she gawked at his ability to know her language. She eased back from him slowly.
"We are isolated from other places. How can you know Wakandan? Where did you get that vibranium? Did you steal that from us?"
Lebadi's voice grew haughty and protective of her country's secret resource.
"My people have our own."
"Rhino shit! It's native to our country. You stole—"
His hand went around her throat, preventing her from talking or yelling for help.
"My people don't have to steal," he said through gritted teeth.
"Take your hand off of me."
His head tilted and she swallowed as best she could.
"Watch what you say to me," he said.
The growl in his throat made her stomach jump. He released his hold on her and she rubbed her neck.
"The shark didn't attack you," she said.
"It knows better than to bite me. I raised it."
"Like a pet? Serious?"
He looked over her shoulder, and she glanced behind herself. N'Ku was up and about, kicking sand on the coals. Lebadi turned back to the man, and he was gone.
"Wait! Don't go!" she called out.
She ran toward the water. There was no splash. She would've heard that. Looking around, there was only the high bluff he couldn't climb up. He didn't run down the opposite side of the beach either.
"What are you doing way over there?" N'Ku cried out.
She ambled over to him on the cool sand.
"Walking around. Couldn't sleep."
"Stay close, yeah?" he said.
He rubbed her hair, flicked one of her decorative hair shells, and crawled back into his tent. She walked back to where she last saw the stranger.
"Where did you go? Am I drunk?"
The plum liquor had been strong. Maybe she had too much. She turned toward the bluff and—
"Fuck!" she shouted.
The man stood there, a sly smile on his face.
"How did you… do you have a camouflage shield or something…?"
"Bix a k’ a’aba’? What is your name?" he asked.
"Tell me yours first."
He stepped closer to Lebadi until his nose was an inch from her face.
"Eeen kaah-bah eh … K'uk'ulkan by my people. My enemies know me as Namor."
"So what am I to you?" Lebadi asked.
"I don't know yet. Who are you?"
He circled her, and the skin on her arms pricked with goosebumps. Not because it was cold, but because she found his behavior unnerving. He sniffed her hair, then stood in front of her again.
"Where are you from?" she asked.
He held a hand up to stop her from talking.
"I am looking for someone. A man was out in the water earlier. He dropped offerings into the sea with other people. I need to find him."
"I don't know anyone from earlier. I'm here with my friends to celebrate Mama Wati."
"Your God?"
"The mother of the waters," she said.
Lebadi shrugged, not understanding the new language he spoke.
"You are not afraid of me," he said.
"You rode a great white shark. If you wanted me dead, I would've been dead out there."
The intensity of his gaze became too much.
"I can't help you," she said.
She turned away.
"Would you like to ride him?"
Lebadi laughed in her mind at the nasty thought that ran through her brain about him when he said that. He had a solid body that would tempt any woman to climb on it. Fuck that shark.
"Me ride a shark?" she said.
Lebadi sucked her teeth.
"I'd rather know why you're here. What do you want from that man you're looking for? Are you a spy for the Americans?" she said.
King T'Chaka had begun a series of visits to the United States and the Wakandans worried about the west encroaching on their secrets. Lebadi pulled her hands in toward her chest. This was a national security situation. Liquor had her slipping up big time. She tapped her kimoyo to summon the authorities. Namor pulled on her beads and they fell apart, dropping onto the sand with soft plops. She dropped to her knees and gathered them back up onto her wrist. He held one away from her.
Lebadi ran back toward her camp, her hair shells jangling across her neck as she fled, and Namor's right arm encircled her waist. His left arm pointed above his head and they both lifted off the ground, racing upward fast, flying past the high bluff until they reached the top. Air breezed past her body and she closed her eyes from her fear of falling out of his grip. He dropped her on the soft tufts of grass at the edge. Too frightened to move, she stared at Namor's body floating in the air near the ledge. The small wings on his ankles fluttered like a hummingbird's wings. He glared down at her, daring Lebadi to move. She stayed on her rump.
"I must find this man soon. His name is Owiti Kiprono—"
"That is not a Wakandan name. I think you came to the wrong country," she said.
His eyes narrowed, and his lips became a tight line.
"I'm not lying. That name sounds Kenyan. You made a mistake coming here," she said.
She scooted backward slowly, and he crouched down to meet her eyes again.
"I cannot stay here long," he said.
"I don't know what to tell you."
He closed his eyes and sighed. Plopping down next to her, he plucked at the grass and threw it over the side of the bluff. That action alone made him seem so young. He looked her age, perhaps early to mid-twenties. There was peach-fuzz soft facial hair, and despite the maturity in his dark eyes, Namor acted as if he had a curfew, like he had to do something before his parents found out. How would an elder punish a flying fishman?
"You live out there?" she asked, her chin lifted toward the sea.
"I must leave," he said, raising up.
Lebadi grabbed his arm and held him. His skin felt cool and smooth, the muscle in his arm hard. He looked down at her hand gripping his flesh and jerked it away.
"Sorry," she said.
They sat together in silence, the crash of waves growing more frequent as a high tide rolled in. Far out in the sea, giant swells teased her eyes.
"You want to be on that?" he asked, nodding toward the large swells.
"Too far. I have a flying glider board that can take me out there, but it broke. We aren't allowed to go beyond five miles with our tech in the open."
"Because you hide yourselves?"
"Yes. If people outside knew about what we have…"
"My people are the same. It is forbidden… forbidden to be so far away… here."
"What do you call your home?" she asked.
"Talokan… K'uk'ulkan… Ixchel …" she said, sounding out his language.
She looked at his ears and then gazed down at the wings on his feet.
"Do all your people—?"
"No. I am different."
She left the word mutant alone, not wanting to offend him. He flexed his fingers, stood up, and his body rose above her, those wings whirring fast.
"Wait, you can't leave me up here!"
Lebadi jumped up, and he flew past the ledge with a sly smile on his face.
"It'll take me forever to walk all the way down and back to my camp!" she whined.
"I need time to disappear before you tell the others."
"You haven't really done anything for me to tell them about."
He moved his hands in a wide arc while flying, and she put a hand on her hip.
"Okay, yeah… the flying thing is gossip-worthy. But you didn't hurt me, and nothing major happened… wait!"
He floated back six feet, and she stomped her feet.
"Come on!" she said.
"I like when you pout," he teased.
A smile lit up his face, and the moonlight gave his skin an eerie glow. She didn't want to grovel, but she also didn't want to make a long ass trek either.
"I'm scared," she said in a hushed tone.
"You faced a shark and didn't scream."
"I was in shock."
Namor held his hands palms up.
"Take my hands," he said.
Lebadi shook her head, but her feet had a mind of their own walking toward the ledge. Her hands ignored her brain signals too and reached for him. Clasping his hands, she curled her fingers in his and let out a nervous breath. Stepping out into the air with her right foot, she made the mistake of looking down.
"Namor!" she yelped.
Namor held her up and flew backward fast before tossing her in the air, her arms and legs flailing about before he caught her by the waist. He guided her down, not toward her camp, but across the dark waters dappled with moonlight and holding secrets of the deep.
"Easy, breathe easy, Lebadi," he cooed in her ear.
They dipped low and her stomach seemed to fall behind her as he whipped them across a giant wave that she saw minutes ago from so far away. He slid his hand from her waist up along her arms until she dangled below him, her legs swinging against wind and ocean spray. She whooped it up as he lowered her so that her feet skimmed across the top of a giant wave, cooling her feet and making her laugh hysterically. He swung her in another direction gently and her heels surfed the crest of another wave like she was water skiing. Dropping her into the ocean from twenty feet high, she splashed around frantically, terrified that his shark buddy would leap out and swallow her. Namor landed above the water, standing on top of it with his hands on his hips, looking down at her. He sank down into the water as her panic escalated and she threw her arms over his shoulders when the shark's fin appeared behind him.
"Take me out! Please, take me out!"
"He won't hurt you. See?"
The shark nestled close to Namor, and the man stroked the slippery cold skin.
Lebadi pressed her face into his neck and shivered in fear.
"Nothing will happen to you."
He stroked her hair and lifted her chin up.
"I promise," he said.
She wiped her eyes of water and nodded her head to him. Glancing to her side, Lebadi regarded the shark with trepidation, but she took a chance and stretched out her trembling arm toward the sea creature. Like dolphin skin, it was slippery, like wet rubber, and pliant when she pushed on it. She stroked the dorsal fin and nearly passed out when its head splashed toward her and she saw one of the cold black eyes staring back at her. Shoving her face back into his neck, Lebadi was done with the marine life show and tell.
Namor patted the shark near its gills, and the beastly animal went under the water and away from them. He lifted Lebadi in his arms, cradling her against him like a baby as he floated above the surface, flying them back to shore. She held onto his neck, watching the sand and bluff grow closer until they were back on land.
Face to face, they stared at one another.
"Good luck with your search," she said.
He touched her cheek, and the heat of her wet skin swallowed his damp coolness up. Those dark flashing eyes caused her insides to tumble and quake, making her feel a thick anticipation. Their attraction to one another was unquestionable. He slid the pad of his thumb across her top lip, following along its full shape before he leaned in and kissed her. The soft hairs of his light goatee tickled, and she smiled, opening her lips, allowing him to slip his tongue into her mouth where he explored every part. She gave back in return, sucking on his lower lip, fusing them together with slow succulent kissing. Her arousal triggered something in him as he pressed into her body. Firm muscles molded against her breasts, and the thin material of her bikini top revealed taut nipples. His right hand moved across her chest until it fondled a left breast, plucking at her nipple with gentle pinches. He slid the bikini bra cup aside, lowering his head to suckle. His tongue was incredibly warm dancing around her areola and her knees buckled when he lifted to kiss her again, his tongue snaking in and out of her mouth to taste every molecule, making her mouth water.
Her pussy already felt engorged, and every time he thrust his tongue between her lips, it throbbed with wanton need. His carnal desire for her curled her toes as his tongue and lips created a wet trail of gentle kisses along her neck. He moaned in her ear and her stomach became a swarm of butterflies trapped inside of her.
Their necks twisted from side to side, trying to find the best way to kiss more passionately, and she loved the failure of it. It seemed to irritate him, and he pulled back to stare at her with brooding arousal. She glanced down at his trunks and the thick erection protruding out toward her made her frantic to kiss him more. His dick pressed into her and Namor wanted Lebadi to feel it. He rubbed against her and she ground her vulva on it. When she looked down at his trunks again, he had his hand down there, tugging on the length. The tip peeked out and a heavy mushroom cap dripped pre-cum.
Lebadi moved his hand to her mound, and he took the invitation to heart by sliding his fingers down her scant bikini bottom. He stroked her clit first, his index and middle finger working tight gentle circles before touching her slippery wet folds. She was a frothy ocean down there and Namor pulled out his fingers to lick up all of her essence, making eye contact as he did it to show her how good she tasted to him. He smacked his lips and went back for more, tracing odd shapes along her folds and clit, teasing her with so much pleasure that she squealed out loud. He clamped a hand over her mouth and looked toward her campsite. No one was awake or searching for her. Moving his hand, he crashed his lips over her mouth, kissing the living breath out of her. Namor fondled her clit with expertise, and she thanked Mama Wati for the gift of her offering to the sea.
"Oh, my Bast!" she cried out.
Namor dropped to his knees and slid her bikini bottom to the side and feasted on her swollen clit, kissing and sucking to his heart's delight. His hands reached up to cup her ass cheeks to keep her in place. Lebadi stood and watched the ocean waves crash to shore as an orgasm surged. She grabbed for his hair and held his head against the clipped hairs of her vulva, panting and saying his name under her breath, willing herself not to scream. When his plush lips held her clit, and his tongue slurped all over it with warm saliva, Lebadi threw her head back and jammed her fingers in her throat to stifle the scream that she let out. She fell apart all over his mouth, the deep throbbing of her release reaching all the way to the back of her pussy. His seductive, penetrating eyes watched her cum all over his lips and tongue, extending her release, the orgasm rolling across her flesh in heated waves that made her scalp tingle and her eyes roll back.
His lips moved away from her pussy with a wet smacking sound, and they glistened with her sticky juices. He grinned and slid his tongue across his slips to swallow up every drop of her. Lebadi staggered back from him and Namor jumped up quickly to keep her from falling flat on her ass. Her entire body trembled with aftershocks, and the throbbing between her thighs wouldn't stop. She craved him.
Slamming her lips over his, she sucked her own taste from his mouth while he lowered his trunks and fisted himself. He coated his dick with all the pre-cum that dripped down from a deep slit and lifted Lebadi up by her hips, positioning her over the head of his erection. Sanity and thoughts of protection left her brain as she slid down his thick, brown dick. She wanted to be fucked good and proper by a man who laid her pussy out.
Namor's thrusts into her hot, gushy pussy had her mewling into his neck. He held her up easily, like she was a feather floating on the wind. His balls slapped against her ass cheeks, and she thanked all the Gods on land and sea for letting him stretch her pussy out on the beach. He grunted, the pleasure enveloping him too. He spoke to her in his own language, and she could only guess that he was telling her how good she felt on his heavy erection. His plundering of her pussy only made her more vocal, her yelps and wailing in his ear encouraging him to thrust with more conviction.
"Oh, Bast… Namor!" she shouted.
She clung to his shoulders as she gazed down at the sand he was not standing on anymore. Namor flew up along the bluff, still fucking her as he flew, and pressed her back against the hard wall of rock halfway from the top.
"You are too loud," he grunted, twisting his sinewy hips and pumping her full of Talokan dick.
Her pussy made squelching noises, and he slowed his strokes to tease her before flying them up again. He landed back on the soft tufts of grass at the top, but kept her on his dick. His breath was hot against her skin, and Lebadi's pussy clenched, making him shout her name from the pleasure of the tight grip. Laying her down on the grass, he pushed her thighs back and wiggled out of his trunks, giving her time to untie her bikini from top to bottom. She cast caution to the wind. Dick that good wouldn't come around that often.
He smiled at her as if he had read her thoughts. His beauty in smiling had her all soft and gooey on the inside, like she wanted to run home and tell her Mama that she finally met the one man to change her entire life forever. Lowering his face to hers again, Namor kissed her cheek and then her forehead. He turned his head as if he heard something.
"What is it?" she asked.
He shook his head, "Nothing."
He peppered tiny kisses across her clavicle and dragged his lips to her belly button, where he tongued it playfully, tickling her and making her giggle. Lebadi rubbed his head, letting her fingers caress his hair, and he looked at her again. She touched his nose piercing and the fire in his eyes reflected moonlight and a yearning for something beyond his grasp. Moving lower on her body, he kissed her thighs and the fold of skin near her vulva.
"I like the taste of saltwater on your skin," he said, licking her more.
He positioned himself between her legs and lined up his dick with her opening. Penetrating her gently, the bulbous tip parted her folds and her legs shot up straight to the moon.
"Ooohhhhh," she groaned.
He held her thighs with reverence, pumping in and out with delicate strokes. There was no fast fucking this time. He wanted to etch their lovemaking on the stars above them. It was so slow that it brought tears to her eyes. She whimpered his name, and he closed his eyes, his lower lip housed between his teeth, seawater dripping from his hair. He hunched over Lebadi and rocked into her body a little faster, the quicker pace forcing moans to fall from his lips.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and he repositioned them so that she was on top, riding him with feverish intent. He palmed her breasts and stroked her nipples, watching her pussy slide up and down his length with vigor. She was so close to cumming again. Namor played with her clit, rubbing it softly and edging her closer to paradise.
"Fuck!" she yelled.
Flipping her over, Namor planted himself deep, stroking her at an angle that had her squeezing her eyes shut, thrashing under him. The beads from his choker dangled and scraped across her skin. He tossed her legs over his shoulders and tongued her down between giving her praises in his language. The man talked her pussy into letting go again and her walls clenched all around him, his strength and weight the only thing keeping her from shooting over the cliff.
"Namor… fuck me good… fuck me… oh, right there… stay right there… please… that's my spot!"
His name became a holy mantra on her lips. She felt his dick swell inside of her and he cried out her name, his cum warm and thick inside of her. He collapsed on her, and she stroked his back, feeling sweat pooling on his lower back. His mouth found hers again and his kisses were sweet all over her face and neck, bringing forth calming energy to her body and mind.
"That was incredible," she whispered into his ear.
His smile lit up his face again, and those sexy eyes drank in her naked charms under him. The smile faded when his eyes looked out toward the sea. His body grew stiff above her.
"What is it?"
He crawled off of her and pulled on his trunks. She rolled over and looked out to sea. The large leviathan body of a humpback whale floated in the distance; its long wide body visible from so far away in the moonlight. Fear shined in Namor's eyes.
"K’a’ak’ate," he said, stroking her cheek.
Lebadi scrambled to put on her bikini and Namor was already flying away from her, heading toward the sea and the whale waiting for him.
"Come back! You have to take me down!" she yelled.
He spun around to face her.
"I won't say anything. No one will see you," she pleaded, tying her top.
"Ma’taali’teeni’," he said, sounding regretful.
Namor shot away so fast that Lebadi took several seconds to blink. He vanished.
"Dammit! You bastard!" she said.
Storming away in the opposite direction, she made the long trek down the tricky bluff, cursing the man out, while also enjoying the tingles that ran up and down her body from their lovemaking. She took a long restroom break behind some bushes to urinate. By the time she made it to the bottom and found the trail that led back to the beach, her cheeks were warm and tight from smiling so much. No matter what she said, no one would believe her. She glanced at her kimoyo beads.
"Ah, shit!"
Namor still had one of her beads. The main one she needed to turn the kimoyo on. Oh, well.
Lebadi searched the water for signs of the whale or glimpses of her otherworldly lover. There were only waves and foamy water lapping on the shore. She trudged over the sand back to her tent. Unzipping it, she crawled inside and fell fast asleep.
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The week in Birnin S'Yan went by so fast to Lebadi that she thought they had been there only three days instead of seven. She surfed so much that her skin flaked with sunburn and pruned feet. She felt gorgeous with her darkened, sun-kissed skin. But it was time to get home, remove shells, and unbraid her hair for a thorough washing and conditioning. She would rest her normal curls inside a satin bonnet.
Lebadi spent her last day on the beach surfing and scanning the water for signs of a great white shark, whales, or a set of pointy ears rising from the sea. She found nothing.
Her board skimmed across the warm waters, and she practiced neat footwork on it to impress her friends. A miscalculation sent her sailing over her board into a whitewash of liquid heaven. She laughed and shook her braids when she broke the surface. Another high wave towered over her and she duck-dived underneath, clutching her board with her hands as she held her breath. For a split second under the wave, she thought she saw Namor floating before her, and she broke the surface, startled and gasping for air. Releasing her board and letting her leash tether her close to it, Lebadi dove under again, searching for her lover. The sunlight that struck the water gave her enough light to see an expanse of the blue-green ocean and nothing else.
The next morning, she set about packing up her belongings before breaking down her tent. Her friends wanted to stop at a restaurant in town to eat a meal before the drive back to Birnin Zana. Rolling her sleeping bag, she found her missing kimoyo bead and a gold cowrie shell from Namor's necklace. There was no way for him to place it there while her friends were up, so he must've brought it to her in the middle of the night when she was fast asleep. Slipping the loose bead onto its rightful place on her wrist, Lebadi held up the cowrie shell. The craftsmanship rivaled her own people's artisan skills. Palming it, she stepped out of her tent to gaze at the horizon.
"All good?" N'Ku asked, staring at her as he buried their old coals.
"We'll be ready soon. I can drive to give you a break," Benya offered, tying up her wet hair.
"Cool," Lebadi said, holding the cowrie shell close to her heart.
She later passed Benya a kimoyo bead to start up the van. Sitting on the sand with her legs pulled into her chest, Lebadi bid a silent farewell to the beach.
"Next year, I'm coming back, and you better show up again," she huffed, reminiscing over his touch all over her skin.
Just thinking about him aroused her, and she stood up, tugging on her shorts, trying to keep her bikini from sticking to her folds.
"What's that?" Ausi asked, looking at the gold cowrie shell she fingered in her hand.
"I found it in the water," Lebadi lied.
She pocketed the shell in her cut-offs and lifted her board and tent, following her crew to the seawall so they could wait for Benya to pull around. Lebadi glanced over her shoulder, and a shiver went through her.
"Mama Wati, when I give you a bigger offering next year, please send that man back to me," she whispered.
The sound of the waves crashing down loudly on the shore made her believe Mama Wati heard her request. No matter what, Lebadi was going to come back.
And she would ride the shark, Namor, and anything else he shared with her.
Part 2 HERE.
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Author’s Note: If you liked the story, please share by reblogging, commenting and all that good stuff. Follow me for new updates and more content. I would love to see the Black Panther fandom come alive again. I haven’t seen the “Wakanda Forever” movie yet, so this story takes place twenty years before that. Just so you know, I make my own canon, lol! 
Also, I switched up the spelling of the actual Mami Wata to Mama Wati to give myself space to reshape my ancestor’s actual African/African Diaspora spiritual water being into a fictional Wakandan one. 
The Masterlist for more of my content is  HERE. Be on the look out for part 3 soon!
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seshatsdomain · 2 years
Way of the Water
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Pairing: Namor x Black Fem Reader
Wordcount: 358
Warnings: SOFTDARK!Namor. Stalking. Creepy Staring. Mentions of sadness.  Minimal editing. 18+. 
A/N:I love Namor. And this is just the start!
Banner by @maysdigitalarts
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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The water speaks to him, its way gentle and  soothing. 
The first time you dipped your toes in his ocean he felt you. Different than the Wakandas. Foreign. Intriguing. 
Namor wasn’t expecting to find such a pretty little thing carefully stepping into the waves. He wasn’t expecting the sight of you to stick with him. To haunt him.
You’re sad. That much he can tell from the  curve of your shoulders, hunched inward your head bowed as you rustle your pants down your legs. Gentle waves lap against the sandy shore of the beach. Your feet leave impressions in the wet sand that he somehow finds just as intriguing as the sight of your body. 
You only come here when you’re hurting. 
The moonlight reflects off your skin as you tug your shirt over your head. You shiver as the cool night air wraps around you. 
His eyes track your fingers as they trail up your arms. His gaze narrows as you push the straps of your bra off your shoulders, your hands pulling the garment around your waist and  swiveling it around to unhook it in the front. 
Namor sinks further into the sea, his head bobbing just above the surface. Usually your nightly swim consists of you in swimwear, a one piece or if he’s lucky a bikini that leaves little to the imagination. 
But never naked. Until now. 
Now he watches the way your fingers skim over the flesh of your thighs, pushing down your panties. 
Your hands reach to the sky as you lengthen your body in a stretch. Your chest pushing against the air, nipples thick and hard.
His cock twitches at the sight of them. 
You saunter into the water. Your hips swaying with every step. It’s hypnotizing the way your body moves, it captures him. And when your body enters the water. Enters his sea. He can’t help but grasp himself. 
I’ll have you. He thinks. 
He watches as you submerge yourself in the sea. You pop back up to the surface not a second later, wet curls trailing down your back.
He’ll have you. 
But not yet. The ocean whispers.
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buzzkillers · 11 months
Fables and Parables 1|?
Pairing: Namor x Black!Reader
Summary: During a study abroad trip, you accidentally trigger a long-time tradition through a simple word: amen.
Warning: NON-CON, religious themes, non-consensual voyeurism, magical sex pollen, dream-walking, mentions of abortion, attempted forced pregnancy.
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There's only so many words in the English language to describe heat, so you'll keep it simple: Oraxco, Mexico was hell on Earth, survival unlikely.
It was a sun-drenched mugginess.
Something heavy and thick that melted the sunscreen right off your skin and had your phone turning off in self preservation. And the worst part? This was before you left the airport; before you even left the damn terminal.
You didn't know what you expected. Oraxco wasn't particularly known for having Iceland type temperatures but no one said it was like this. Like you were kissing the sun. Like the heat had a mind of it's own.
And by the time you found your classmates, your clothes were drenched in sweat and your bags had gone slick in your palms. Thankfully, you weren't the only one.
Underneath what could only be a sunflare, there were only a handful of you, but your tongue went dry as you tried to greet them all. And you know, maybe you weren't in a city.
Maybe the airplane accidentally dropped you off in a Giants oven. Maybe you were being grilled alive. It was the only explanation really. For Christ sake, you've never felt your skin cook before.
And when your professor finally arrived, with suspiciously dry skin and an easy smile the conversations died easily. You couldn't pretend to be upset. You just let her talk and talk and talk.
Her tone, peppier and upbeat as she postponed going straight to the hotel.
Instead, she wanted to risk heat stroke to visit a nearby holy site. A hidden attraction that not many tourists visit. "It's only a few miles east, you'll thank me later," she insisted, the moment she saw the deadly looks etched onto all our faces. "It'll be fun, I promise"
A bold faced lie you thought as by the time you got there, you couldn't help but think it looked less holy and more—abandoned.
Through the heat exhaustion you took in what could only be described as a tall engraved pillar in a sea of dead grass.
It was made of smooth stone and touched by age and thick green vines that wrapped snugly up the pillars pits and grooves. The arms of the vines climbing up and up until it disappeared atop the statue's crest. Shit, it was so far up, you had to crank your head up to see it.
It was beautiful, daunting and as your professor promised: hidden well. The pillar far enough away from the main road that if you weren't looking for it, it would be easily missed.
Clearly, the stone was old. It had to be the fifteenth century, pre-colonialism maybe? The craftsman ship was intricate as well. Each mark and dig woven into rocks that made a story. No, that wasn’t it. Not a story but instead the never ending tail of a serpent that slithered its way to the top of the pillar.
With artful expertise, the tail formed into a man with a heart in one hand and what could only be an infant in the other. Smaller figures surrounded the serpent, their role vague until your professor spoke.
"—a popular myth dating back to the Mayan period. It's said that if you pray at the feet of his statue, the sea serpent will rise from his throne to come up to pick a concubine,"
"The concubine would go through a heat of sort that would urge her to stay in the land of the serpent god till next full moon, where she'll come back to her homeland gifted with pregnancy and rewards for the town,"
Around you everyone nodded in thinly veiled disinterest.
“You only have to pray, give him a request and the fullment will be your exchange for the child.”
You grimaced, “I pray that this sun would disappear, amen”
You’re met with grunts of agreement. The professor dutifully chose to ignore you; instead her mouth just continued to go on and on and on. By the time it was over, you no longer heard the sounds of cars racing by, the trees had become unnaturally still and you were pretty sure that half of your class was sprawled dead on the grass floor.
She did not have to convince anyone to get back onto the bus. You’re in fact the first in your seat, legs splayed out and your head leaning against the heated window. There was an unnatural silence settled onto the bus. No one wanted to speak and you couldn’t blame them.
Your eyes instead stayed stuck on the trees; on the grass that danced beneath the soft wind. The moon had begun to hang high. Its light washed across the city and leaked through the leaves.
Your thighs shifted in your seat, your hand pressed into your cheek. And then you felt it, something hot and sharp like honey that spiked in your belly. A warm sensation that made you droop in your seat before you blinked and looked at the tree line as the engine roared.
The statue peeked back at you in glances and ripples of the leaves that withered over it. You blinked and for a moment, the leaves flicked away completely; your professor said something, the bus began to move at a snail's pace, but you couldn’t listen, you were transfixed.
Utterly hypnotized at the sight of the serpent tail, concrete and covered in rock as it tightened around the pillar. Before the leaves bristled back into place and the bus left the place behind.
You blinked. The warmth in your belly bloomed. Then with a roll of your shoulders, you pretend you saw nothing at all.
A few hours later, or maybe a few minutes, a few days? It didn't matter. But it was at that moment, deep down below, beneath sea currents and molten rock; on a throne covered in bones and melted gold, that a God pricked his ears towards the surface and sighed.
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whaddayadothatfor · 1 year
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An Overwhelming Hunger
“You’ve had a stressful day, my love. What can I do for you?”
“I am hungry,” Namor replied, staring at you through his brow. “But not for food.”
Pairing: Reader x Namor
Summary: BP:WF complete AU (T’Challa isn’t dead and Namor didn’t kill the Queen) Namor has decided to attend peace talks with Wakanda to avoid war with the powerful nation. However, when frustrations towards his diplomatic mission grow, you decide to help him destress in the best way you know how. Namor, however, has other plans.
Warnings, content: fluff, smut, bondage, overstim, committed relationship, unedited
AN: Hey y’all! Just trying to get into the flow of things and see what works and what doesn’t. I hope y’all like it.
You had been here for hours. A pillow tucked underneath the small of your back, your hands tied to one of the posts on your headboard, and your panties stuffed in your mouth. The sheets underneath you were warm to the touch and soaked with your sweat. Your hair tussled from writhing against the sheets and makeup smudged from the tears streaming down your face, and you were sure you looked a mess. But you knew Namor only the saw your state of undress as the result of his handiwork.
You knew this because he had told you as much when you expressed discontent at how ridiculous you must’ve looked earlier. He reassured you that you were the most lovely woman in his Kingdom and any other. He made it clear that he wouldn’t stand to be challenged on his opinion by anyone, including you. Then he shoved your panties in your mouth and went back to working on your third orgasm on the night. That was two orgasms ago. You struggled to remember how you ended up in this predicament in the first place.
Four hours ago
It all started because of politics. The root of all evil, in your opinion. Namor, in an effort to sustain peace and maintain security for his people, decided to meet with the royals of Wakanda to work on an alliance while you stayed home to guide and protect the Talokans in his stead. He did not expect that building an alliance would keep him away from you for days at a time. The Wakandan elders had been particularly headstrong and full of opinions, which slowed progress from time to time.
Namor, communicating through the advanced technology Shuri lent him that allowed him to video call you even miles under the sea, lamented at just how slow the progress was. He simply wasn’t used to being so far away from his people, from you. Not for so long. Unaccustomed to seeing your husband so stressed, you decided to spoil him when he returned. After all, the distance between you hadn’t only been hard on him. You missed your husband, in more ways than one.
You didn’t have to wait long to set your plan into action. Namor had sent word that there would be a seven day recess, so he’d be home by evening. You took the time to doll yourself up and wear the night gown he likes the most. It’s blue and adorned with Jade, a testament to how he loves to spoil you. You cover yourself with a long, flowy robe, the same blue color as your night gown, and tie the robe together with the matching belt with a neat little bow. Like a present to unwrap on Christmas morning.
While you wait for your lover to return home, you also prepare one of Namor’s favorite dishes to eat. It’s a simple dish — fish and rice, but you prepare it in the way his mother did and it reminds him of her. Namor strolls into the room, shoulders tense and his eyes tinged with annoyance. His eyes light up into appreciation at the sight of you.
He trails his eyes down your body, coming back up to stop at the necklace that rests just in between your breasts. It’s a small intricate gold and silver necklace that ties into a knot where the two metals meet. He gifted that necklace to you when you got engaged. For many, it’s a symbol of your union. For the two of you, it symbolizes his deep need to possess even the smallest part of you and to have others acknowledge that you belong to him. That your fate is tied to his for as long as you both live. You shudder at his lingering gaze and try to ignore the tingle that spreads from your core.
Today is not about you, you scold yourself. You should at least feed the man before you jump his bones. You were so busy chastising yourself that you missed the way his gaze darkened, his eyes full of desire and want. You did however notice the tenseness in his shoulders, and the way his mouth was set into a thin straight line.
“You’ve had a stressful day, my love. What can I do for you? I made your favorite in case you’d like to eat.”
“I am hungry,” Namor replied, staring at you through his brow. “But not for food.”
In a flash, he covered the distance between the both of you and covered his mouth with yours. He was an all-consuming force, like a whirpool, and you were a tiny sailboat adrift at sea. You had no way of overpowering him, but you didn’t want to. He picked you up and threw you on the bed. He took the soft satin belt from your robe and tied your hands to the one of the wooden posts of the headboard.
“The only thing I want is for my sweet, pretty wife to come from my tongue as many times as she can stand it. Do you think you can do that?”
Namor moaned into your pussy, only taking a moment to lick up the remnants of the last orgasm you had that had dripped down your thighs. He sat up for a moment and massaged your thighs. You felt delirious.
“You’ve been so good for me, my Queen. Taking each and every thing I’ve offered,” he said. He rubbed his clothed dick all over your slick pussy.
“I bet you could take one more.”
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milkfromcats · 1 year
TW: 🔞
As always, uncropped versions of my art can be found on my twitter.
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"Mmm," she hummed, turning over just enough to face the man—the god—beside her. "I should probably get going."
His gaze at her lips, he murmured, "Stay."
"I have other things to do, you know." She smirked. "I need to—"
He hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties, sliding them down her legs once again. "Hm," His eyes darkened, and the look he gave her then is a siren song all on its own—drawing her in, pulling her down.
His fingers intertwined with hers, "What's the rush?" A slow, toothy grin spread across his features. Lazily, he added, "Let's take our time. Nice and slow—we have centuries."
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mariaxxxxx · 4 months
Fantasize (Namor x Black!Reader)
Summary: Fantasy can be sweet compared to reality.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY/ Minors DNI, Angust, Sex, Apologies, Crying, Creampie, Passionate sex, size difference, smut, soft!dom!, slight degradation, unprotected sex (don't do that wrap this thing), aftercare, curse words, breeding kink.
A/N: English is not my mother tongue. I apologize for any errors.
Work count: 4.113
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K'uk'ulkan is a man who earned his position as leader of Talokan through hard work and iron-fisted leadership. Considered by his people as a God and by his enemies as an executioner, admired by many for having the good characteristics that make a king and a physical appearance as divine as paradise. He wasn't the kind of guy to start a small conversation, but he knew exactly how to persuade a person with his words. There were also social subtleties involved, which You found adorable, the man was gallant and imposing and this made people respect him more. His father thought he was arrogant and proud. You agreed with him, but chose to describe that man differently; he was a bit of a jerk, a bit of a romantic, and incredibly powerful. These are really unique characteristics.
You look up as he enters Wakanda's council room. You open your mouth to greet him, knowing it's a bad idea. Luckily for You, a loud scoff from his father makes You both focus on the conversation going on in the room. He sits, next to his father, a place fit for a royal guest.
“The situation with the Americans is under control.” His father is speaking to the leader of Talokan with a loud tone of voice, an annoying trait of his. “As agreed, our borders have been strengthened.”
“We cannot relax if we take into account the persistence of the colonizers.” As the river tribe leader speaks You watch K'uk'ulkan's eyebrows arch upward.
K'uk'ulkan is the type of man who is interested in subjects that disrespect his nation and enjoys strategic conversations to keep the colonizers' curiosity at bay. He likes to hear what his allies have to say, although he almost never agrees with the decisions made. He was a violent man indeed. He always responded to violence with more violence.
“The late king’s decision to open Wakanda’s borders brought dilemmas that needed to be resolved.” Says K'uk'ulkan with his apathetic face, but You can detect a small gleam in his eyes. You know how much he always has to fight not to reveal his dissatisfaction with being so far from home. “It is not enough to close the borders again, more brutal measures need to be carried out.”
Oh! There it was. The flame of war shining in his pupils. Two years ago Talokan went to war with Wakanda. A dispute that caused losses for both sides. It was still difficult for many to overcome the death of Queen Ramonda and the departure of the legitimate heir out of the country, leaving Wakanda once again without its protector. Black Panther chose to step aside, indefinitely, to deal with his grief. The decision was respected and accepted by the council, but the people did not look favorably on it; after all, Black Panther was the warrior spirit sent by Bast to protect us.
After the ascension to the throne of his father, King Jabari, diplomatic programs were created to formalize the ceasefire and the union of both nations to deal with attempts to steal Vibranium. His father chose to return to old policies; close Wakanda's borders and suspend metal extraction. Such an attitude made Talokan, the people and the council happy, but not the colonists who demanded the sharing of Vibranium.
The conversation went on for a long time; they talked about metal, about borders, bonds of friendship, trade routes... At some point, you disconnected and sank into the chair with your eyes fixed on the floor, shaking your head every time someone said something. Meetings were tedious for a young man like You with so much energy to burn.
“So, have we reached a decision?” Your father says suddenly, snapping You out of your thoughts. You look at everyone in the room and notice when everyone exclaims a resounding Yes. Only one says nothing. You notice K'uk'ulkan's fingers turn a little too white, as if he's gripping the arms of his chair. A clear sign of irritation and denial.
You're not surprised to see him get up and leave, but no one comments on it before your father says,
“At least he didn’t fondle us again.”
That night, You escaped the palace walls, all ready to go the moment the clock struck eleven. When this happens, you hide from the Dora Milaje. After all, it wasn't safe for a new little princess to walk the streets late at night. The big doors open and you walk out into the night. You knew the way with your eyes closed; Behind the palace, surrounded by large trees, there was a saltwater river little known to the inhabitants.
On the riverbank there was a rustic wooden cabin with opaque glass windows and a large oak door. You didn't know who built this place, but in the last two years it had become yours and his. Little by little you redecorated the place, filling it with luxurious furniture and yellow lights.
You silently enter the place, turning on the lights and observe the mess you and he made on your last date. You put on shabby clothes, tie your hair up and start working as if you were being paid to do so. You start by arranging the cushions on the couch, then clean all the dishes, counters and general surfaces. You finish by vacuuming all the sand from the place and mopping the floor with a cloth dampened with scented water. You don't care about the room. After all, he was always so tidy. Your lover would rather take You in the living room, or on the balcony, or by the river under the starlight; very few times did you use that bed.
When you finish your cleaning marathon, your watch beeps informing you that it was already midnight and he would be here soon. You take a break and run to the bathroom. After a shower, perfumed your skin and touched up your makeup, you put on a thigh-length dress made of transparent fabric. The dress leaves your breasts and intimacy exposed, so you minimize this fact by placing a padless lace bra and thin panties under the dress. You looked beautiful, like the Goddess Isis waiting for her Osiris.
You return to the kitchen to start preparing something to eat. There are just a few minutes left before the food is ready when the cabin door opens and you hear a familiar voice.
"My love, I'm here." K'uk'ulkan breaks the silence that has hung over the environment since You arrived. You don't bother shouting, you never do. You would do it in person in seconds instead of yelling at each other in different rooms. The last time you dared to perform such a vulgar act, K'uk'ulkan gave you slaps on the ass to educate you correctly. A good wife greets her husband when he walks through the door, he said as he slapped her behind. You loved being punished like that, but you hated spending three whole days without being able to sit down.
You leave the kitchen and go to him, with a big smile on your lips. You find him in the room wearing fancy clothes richly decorated with gold and jade. He keeps his shorts green with black embroidered details. You extend your arms and circle them around his neck. You give him a kiss on the lips in greeting. He returns the kiss, pressing your body against his.
"Hello my dear." You pull away from his lips and turn your head to give him a kiss on the cheek. "How was your day?"
“Stressful, but I managed to escape to be with my wife.” He smiles and plays with a strand of your hair. “Knowing that You are here to care for me fills my heart with joy.”
The kisses didn't stop as he spoke and You were struggling to remember the stew that was boiling on the stove.
“Fuck” You don’t think about the curse until a hand squeezes your hip. A subtle warning of how such verbiage was not allowed in that environment.
“Such a beautiful girl with such a dirty mouth.” He mutters. His lips brush your ear, and you have to concentrate to push him away.
“I need to go to the kitchen.”
“Just focus on me, my love.” You can feel in his tone he wants to break You, break the character You play. Like a dizzy duck You fall into his trap.
“K’uk’ulkan” You whine. "Is very fast! Our dinner will burn and it will be a disaster.”
You scream when you feel a sharp slap on your ass. His hand makes a circular movement at the impact site, easing the pain a little. This was her punishment for being so petulant towards her man.
“Don’t talk to me like that.” His voice is lower, a little dark.
"Sorry my love."
"Good girl." He removes his arms from your waist and signals you to go to the kitchen. You mumble a simple thank you and rush over to find the food boiling furiously over medium heat. You hang up and return to the room, to him.
“Now I’m all yours, my love.”
“What have You done to us?” He says it like he doesn't know. As if he hadn't instructed her what to cook.
“A stew with vegetables accompanied by cornbread.”
It was a rule established by both of you that you would do your best to please him. No easy or quick foods, no fatty foods with added sugar and pesticides. K'uk'ulkan didn't take care of himself, in his opinion. He woke up early to govern, stayed late in meetings and would certainly forget to eat if You didn't prepare something. You remembered how he claimed not to eat much, a phrase that made you want to care for this man who cared for others and neglected himself. Not that this was a surprise, however. K'uk'ulkan was born with a crown on his head, so difficulty taking time away from work and taking care of himself became commonplace.
There was also the pleasure of serving and being served. He was excited by the idea of having a wife ready to serve him at the end of the day, with the effort made by You to please him in every way. It excited both of you, knowing that you worked hard without complaining to please him. In addition to carnal pleasure, there was cuddling; although you and he never talked to define exactly what this relationship was, nights of cuddling and talking on the sidelines were not uncommon. He liked to please too, it would not be uncommon for him to give you gifts ranging from fabrics with gold thread to jewelry; You hid them in the back of your closet to avoid questions.
His hand snakes down your hips to your butt, he gives it a squeeze making you moan with a little discomfort at having your sore flesh being touched like that.
"Adorable." The words vibrate in you. His hands suddenly caress your body. The hand pauses, pulls back, and spanks her ass afterwards. “What do you say after being praised, my love?”
You stabilize yourself with the force of the blow, fight back a groan, smile at him and mutter a loud:
“You’re such a good little girl” he reflects, pressing your body against his so you can feel the hardness that was forming between your legs. “You love this, don’t you? You love it when I discipline you.”
You don't answer because you think it's a rhetorical question, but a warm hand moves his hair away and thick fingers grab the back of his neck.
"Yes my love. Thank you for taking care of me and teaching me how to be a good woman.” You fight back a bratty response about how you could take care of yourself.
“Such a good queen to me.”
Your mind lights up at the word queen being expelled from his mouth. You're insecure about the current agreement to never discuss these things, so you just smile, and kiss him passionately, pretending that being called his queen hasn't affected you in every way possible.
You allow his tongue into your mouth savoring the feeling of him touching you so softly. His skin burns red hot from the hot trail his hands leave as they roam your body. A hand tangles in his hair and pulls his head back enough for You to feel the pressure on your scalp. K'uk'ulkan attacks his neck, distributing wet kisses while you moan and encourage him to continue.
“K’uk’ulkan” You moan shamelessly when he sucks on the sensitive skin of your neck. He walks away, leaving you a mess, the damn thing had the power to make you go crazy with so little.
"Let's play a game." He suggests. A part of You is disappointed by this, but You knew how he liked to prolong the night. He moves away from you, sitting on the navy blue sofa; You narrow your eyes, finding this attitude strange, but his smug smile prepares you for what comes next. “Take off your panties and climb up my thigh. Now."
You don't wait long and you're soon getting rid of your panties, straddling his thigh after doing so. The cool, bare skin damps beneath You which is clearly visible when K'uk'ulkan pushes you back to check, You gasp when you realize how wet you were. His face burns with embarrassment, so you cover him in a cute reaction. You can't meet his gaze when he grabs his hand and pulls them away so you opt to kiss him for a minute to hide the embarrassment. Until he pulls away and puts his hands on your hips.
“I barely touched you and you’re already wet.” His hands are firmly on your hips, he uses them to pull you against him causing friction. “I know how desperate You are for this. Keep your moans low. Anyway, good girls never act like whores.”
He was right about how much You needed this, of course. The bastard knew her like the back of his hand. He leans his torso against the couch, giving him a privileged view of the movements of his hips. You bite your bottom lip to keep from moaning loudly when a specific movement increases contact with your swollen clit. You can barely concentrate between your low sighs and the warm hand that snakes across your belly and over your breasts, the feeling of his hand drives you crazy and without you realizing it a loud moan escapes your mouth when one of your breasts are tight.
You come out of your little world of pleasure to be met with K'uk'ulkan's intense gaze. He arches an eyebrow and squeezes your hips when you try to seek more friction.
"Sorry." His breath catches with the need to be forgiven, your hands tighten on his shoulders and you, once again, try to move your hips only to have your plans thwarted.
"Stand up." He commands and You obey. “It looks like my beautiful girl is having trouble following my orders. What a shame!"
"Sorry my love." You falter when you see the expression on his face.
“We need to solve this problem” You can see the cruel smile and you resist the urge to roll your eyes. “Take off your dress and come onto my lap.”
You take everything off and stand naked in front of him. Hesitantly, you walk over to him and settle into his lap. K'uk'ulkan rests one hand on your upper back and squeezes your shoulder. Care before everything happens You understand. You arch into his lap due to the hard slap he gives your ass.
“Tell and be thankful.” He orders.
"To thank?" His question is rewarded with another hard slap on his ass. "Sorry. Thank you for the lesson my love.”
"Good girl. Too bad this one didn't count. I didn’t hear any numbers.” You can see his smile in your mind. "Count."
"Yes." You speak breathlessly, one hand gripping his leg to anchor yourself. A slap. "One. Thank you my love"
"Higher." Another slap.
"Two. Thank you my love."
You hear a chuckle and his hand covers your ass, rubbing it creating momentary relief.
“Behave and you won’t be punished again.”
The blow comes harder this time, catching You off guard enough to scream.
"Three. Thanks." You say breathlessly.
“I said it without groaning.” The slap is even stronger than the previous one, you bite your lip to keep from screaming. “Thank me and I’ll think about whether I’ll fuck you with my cock.”
“Thank you for punishing me, K’uk’ulkan” You lick your lips to moisten them. “Please fuck me with your cock.”
He grabs the back of your neck and pulls you up, the quick movement makes you slide off the couch and fall on your knees between his legs. You look up only to find the obsidian orbs watching you with intensity. This man has too much power over You, and You can't care about it. You were about to beg to suck his dick, but K'uk'ulkan grabs your jaw with his fingers and caresses your lips with his thumb, You suck it devotedly without looking away.
“I will be benevolent today.”
You are internally grateful for the decision. K'uk'ulkan had been teasing you for a long time and your pussy was throbbing, and you had never been so ready to be fucked in your life. He tightens the grip on your jaw, a reminder for you to thank him.
"Thanks." You say. “Fuck me with your divine cock, K'uk'ulkan”
“My good girl, so good to me.” He caresses his cheek with his fingertips. “Lie down on the mat and spread your legs.”
You find yourself crawling onto the carpet a moment later, laying your head on a cushion. You look at K'uk'ulkan, his body sculpted by gods, he worked to rid himself of the jewelry and green trunks.
“Eat me feathered serpent.” You say, making no move to hide the way you look at him.
  K'uk'ulkan lets out a rough, savage growl, and you notice how hard and rigid his cock is begging for attention. Your pussy moistens even more at the knowledge of how thirsty he was.
“I'm going to fuck you soon, my love. I want to get You ready for me.”
He moves his body until he is on top of you and kisses you. You feel his cock in your belly, dripping with your juices, and you feel divine for provoking such a reaction in that man. You feel a finger slide through your intimate area, playing with your swollen clitoris and then being inserted into your vaginal canal. You groan at the intrusion. You kiss him harder when a second finger is introduced and then the third.
“K'uk'ulkan, You are stretching me. I cannot stand." You say only to receive a raised eyebrow before he goes back to doing what he was doing. With his thumb, he circles your clitoris in circular movements to the point that you see stars.
“You’re my good girl, you can take it.” He leans in, and the predatory tone of his voice when he speaks makes you squirm beneath him. “Cum on my fingers and I’ll give you my cock.
Her folds tighten tightly on the edge of a powerful orgasm. You try to beg, but only disjointed sounds come out of your mouth. You feel his thumb tease your clitoris with movements oscillating between slow and fast, in a sneaky movement he removes his thumb only to press it harder immediately afterwards. His orgasm hits you like a truck. You arch your back and scream for him when you feel your spirit leave your body and return shortly afterwards.
“K'uk'ulkan, I'm...”
“You’re going to cum again.” He says as he aligns his cock with your pussy, You moan when he purposely rubs against your hard and sensitive clit. “This time, it will be on my dick.”
He pushes hard. You're wet and open enough, but he was pretty big and the pain of penetration was inevitable, but it was a good pain. Every time You loved feeling his cock tearing your wet pussy. He supports himself on his elbows which give him the possibility to fuck you hard and he does so.
"Cum." You blurt out as he beats you mercilessly.
Above You, K'uk'ulkan ate you like a flesh-hungry beast. The dull touch of his skin hitting yours fills you with anxiety, and makes you think about the bruises that will appear. He grabs her waist with one hand just to stretch her a little and thrust her with more force.
“My perfect wife, good girl, my good good queen.” He babbled helplessly as he thrust hard into her pussy that was clenching around him, a clear sign of a new orgasm approaching. “I will spill my semen inside You. Filling Your womb with a baby will make You my queen and take them away.”
“Put a baby in me, K’uk’ulkan” You beg him. The hand squeezes his waist again as he attacks with a series of swear words in his mother tongue.
With a powerful thrust You cum again, screaming his name shamelessly. Your inner folds contract, squeezing his cock inside You, K'uk'ulkan tries to resist it, but it was a losing battle. He comes grunting like an animal spilling drop by drop of his seed inside You. He still gives a few more thrusts as if to ensure that You received every drop of his sperm. He collapses on top of you, with his cock still inside your pussy.
It stays inside You until You are uncomfortable. K'uk'ulkan Pulls away, pulling his softening cock out of You, a moan escaping when You feel the emptiness that was left. Your walls were sensitive and stained with his release; satisfaction filled every molecule of your body at this feat. K'uk'ulkan lies down next to him; you turn your head to him and smile, place a chaste kiss on his lips and sigh softly:
"Thank you my love."
To then be pulled closer and wrapped in a comforting hug.
“We need to eat.” You say snuggling into his chest, he pulls You into him.
“I already ate.” He says with his eyes closed. "I am very satisfied."
“You made me cook for nothing.” You speak of false indignation. “I’ll leave You hungry next time.”
“I will make it up to you later for cooking. Now, let's rest. Soon the sun will rise.”
Silence settles in the room, a sign that K'uk'ulkan was sleeping. You were not left behind, falling into a deep sleep with pleasant dreams.
The sun was rising when You awoke from your sleep. It wasn't a surprise to discover that you were alone. You never woke up next to him. As the leader of a nation he needed to return to his nation and, as painful as it was, he knew the implications that his affair with K'uk'ulkan could bring if he didn't go underwater. Hatred for surface dwellers was sown centuries ago and it would be difficult for a Talokanil's relationship with a surface dweller to be accepted.
You shook your head to dismiss such frivolous thoughts. I knew this was salt in the wound, a long time ago. You had already convinced yourself that you were nothing more than a concubine; You accepted this position with flying colors, although a little voice in your head always begged you to demand more. Being his queen, the mother of his children seemed like an impossible dream, so for the sake of your sanity You accepted the role to be played; sex is necessary and affection when requested. One day, this would end; You would marry a nobleman or some promising scientist and have his children, K'uk'ulkan would be nothing more than a youthful fling.
“Fuck” You cursed as you realized where your thoughts were taking you downs a dangerous path again.
After all, you and he would stay in this fantasy a thousand times if necessary. Until reality knocked on the door and took us back to the harsh reality. For now, you could be content with pretending he was yours; pretend he would come back every night as her husband to love her and possess her body under the starlight. You sigh as you realize how your reality wasn't as pleasant as your expectations. You snuggle on the rug, deciding to sleep a little longer until you return to the palace, your father would definitely be upset and question your disappearance, but you could deal with that later. Now, You just wanted to close your eyes and dream of a reality where You and K'uk'ulkan would be happy surrounded by children. Fantasy could be sweet compared to reality.
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inklore · 2 years
the price of pity
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premise: namor can’t blame you for wanting to reach out and touch him, to tease him, to silently beg him to take you upstairs and fuck you into your mattress. he can however blame you for acting so needy the two of you almost get caught.
pairing: dbf!namor x (f)reader
word count: 2.9k+
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warnings: namor is a mean!dom it’s canon, fingering, dirty talk, brat tamer!namor, mentions of past p in v, teasing, degradation, nose riding mention, name calling but in a hot way, established secret relationship, age gap (readers in her 20s), mentions of sexting, amenaza means menace.
note: am i addicted to writing dbf!namor now thanks to my fellow whores out there? maybe, possibly, yes. this idea struck me like a punch to the gut and my insides wouldn’t rest until i wrote it so please suffer along with me.
part one | feel free to send more thots on these two!
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You’ve come to learn that keeping secrets takes little to no effort at all when said secret is something that makes you happy. Something that brings the sun into your life, making you realize that the light within it before was just artificial lighting. Or maybe it was less poetic than that. Maybe you just liked how it felt to not be at odds with a man you never realized you burned for until he grabbed your face and singed your skin with his lips.
Or perhaps you just liked how much he made you come.
Casually hooking up with someone was not new to you. You’ve had your share of sexual encounters to know what you like, what you don’t like, and the type of person you like said things from. You didn’t expect anything to differ when it came to being with Namor. Didn’t expect it to get past the kiss in the kitchen that had been cut short from your fathers arrival.
You hadn’t expected a text from him that night while you laid in bed, a simple conversation of limits and misplaced guilt and fear that quickly turned into dirty words. And perfectly angled photos of his broad chest and happy trail—a video of his cock in hand following shortly after.
Nor did you expect to end up tangled in his bed sheets days later.
It was hard to wrap your head around something you didn’t impose on happening, didn’t think about happening until his kiss almost knocked you off your feet, and your name coming from his mouth as he came on your stomach had made you woozy.
But this was your reality now, and where shame should have lied, your attachment to Namor had grown.
Like vines wrapping around said shame and guilt and fear of being caught by your father, suffocating it. Letting the press of his tongue and the tip of his cock fully snuff it out until all there was was you and Namor.
And your secret meetings.
Meetings that made you realize—after the first time—your history of sexual encounters couldn’t come close to something like this. Like him. How he made you come undone with only words, the tip of his tongue and nose, a hand at your throat, nails digging so deep into the flesh of your hips from behind that he left you with bruises shaped like little moons to fawn over in the shower.
He had taken what you liked and turned it into true desire. True need.
It almost made you despise him—how he could make you come harder than you yourself ever could. Or how un-smug he was about it. How he still wore that beautiful scowl when he looked at you but now he just smiled a little more. Smirked, Would pull you to his chest when you were coming down and only start fucking you again when you begged him for it.
And it only frustrated you even more—where the despising really came in—when you’d wonder how long this would last.
How long could the two of you get away with this, how long did he want to keep doing it?
They were thoughts you quickly shot down. Let get wrapped up in those vines that were hiding you from the ugly truths and what ifs of this new relationship. If the time came where your father found out you knew that giving Namor up would never be an option. He said it himself: “if I keep touching you, if I let myself cross that line, I’ll never stop.”
And he hadn't.
And while keeping it a secret became easy—with little effort—not being able to touch Namor while he was over, when he came to visit your father, seemed to become more of a challenge with each visit.
There were only so many dark looks from across the room, or sweeps of his eyes up your legs, and upturns of smirks when you accidentally brushed past him or sent him a cheeky text while he shared beer with your father—you could handle. It all ending the same way, reaching the same destination with stolen kisses, a slap on the ass, and the stretch of his cock inside of you when you feed your dad another lie to get out of the house and over to his.
That still didn’t make it easy to pretend like nothing was going on when you could smell his cologne from across the room, or the sound of his deep chuckle making your thighs press closer together. The knowing glances of burning want behind his dark eyes when he caught you staring when you weren’t supposed to be.
So right now, as you sat with your exposed outer thigh pressed against his—as he manspreads on the, now, very small sofa the two of you were sharing—as the three of you watched a game you did not care about; you were going crazy.
Each time he shifts your body moves, pulling you into his frame more and more as if he were calling to your body, like some silent siren song. The pheromones from his cologne clogging your nostrils, the memory of how even sweat slicked against your body—your face buried into the crook of his neck—the musky sea salt scent still sticks to him. Still make your brain cloud over.
The parts he’s touching burn.
Make you squirm on the sliver of cushion his body allows you to have. The insides of your thighs pressed so tight together that your muscles ache; to be released, touched, smoothed over by his rough palms. The longer you sit here the longer your mind toys with the need you feel between your legs. And you really can’t help it. It's as if he’s rewired your entire DNA to crave him, even when you know you can’t. When you shouldn’t touch him—can’t touch him. You know how wrong it is to reach your hand out and let your fingers skate over the seam of his jeans, but you can’t help yourself.
The look he shoots you is deadly, making something dangerous twist at your insides like a bull seeing a red flag.
He’s not amused.
Barely gives you any reactions other than the few deadly scowls. If it wasn’t for the tick in his jaw and how his glare burns a hole through the tv, you wouldn’t think he was affected at all by your little touches—brushes, squirms and noises you’re manically dishing out right behind your fathers back. His recliner angled perfectly out of view of your shenanigans.
Maybe that’s why you’re so wet right now. Why your underwear is sticking to you uncomfortably. The risk of getting caught, of Namor slipping up and showing you the desire he only does behind closed doors right here in the open.
But he doesn’t feed into it. Doesn’t grant your silly behavior with the reaction you went; even if the scowl that’s shadowing his face turns you on more than the lightning strike of his smile.
When your dad stands up during a half time break your body instinctively wants to jump back. Move away from Namor and pretend your body isn’t completely on fire, heated with something you shouldn’t feel for him—try to act as normal as possible. And you’re sure you succeed, like every other time before this. With a soft smile and foe interest at whatever is going on on the tv.
Your fathers words going in one ear and out the other as your eyes blink from the tv to Namor’s side profile. The genuinely friendly smile he gives your dad at whatever he’s saying he’s going to do in the basement, makes your chest swoop. The stretch of his neck, the skin you love to bite and suck at there to hear him growl against your ear. The bump in his nose that you love to feel when he’s eating you out; you’re overheating.
He can’t be mad at you for wanting to reach over and touch him, to tease him, to silently beg him to take you upstairs and fuck you into your mattress—can he? He wouldn’t be. Right?
You realize when your fathers footsteps disappear into the kitchen and the heavy groan of the basement steps being walked on fades into silence. A groan of pain croaking in the back of your throat when Namor grabs you by the jaw, pulling you so very close to his face—too close, too much of an agitated look in his eye for it to be romantic, the type of closeness and grip you’d give to an enemy, not someone you’re fucking.
The innocent look you give him isn’t a play. Another tease to keep the game going, to let him know how much you want him. He knows. He always knows. No. The look you’re giving him is one you’d give when your jaw is aching from the hold on it and the intensity of the dark eyes burning through you.
“Amenaza,” he sneers in his native tongue. Making your cheeks burn hotter, your voice losing all backing of the tough-teasing-stance you had minutes ago.
“I can’t help it.” You frown, let your palm splay against his upper thigh, “going all day without you touching me feels like a crime.” Your attempts at a teasing joke only make his stare more agitated. The smile you try to surface hard to do when his fingers feel like they're about to snap your jaw in two.
“I’m questioning your smarts, again.”
You start to speak but he cuts you off with harsh words, “if you wanted to be fucked as bad as you’re claiming, you think you would be smart enough to not ruin the chances of it ever happening again by getting caught.” The back of his thumb rubs against the line of your jaw, his eyes making a slow show of tracing the outline of your face from your eyes to your lips and back up again. “Or does that get you off? Getting caught, never coming by my hand–or my cock–again. I used to think you were a good girl. But having seen just how easily,” the pad of his thumb pulls at your bottom lip, “it is to get you cock drunk. I know I was mistaken in thinking that.”
The breath coming out of your lungs in heavy puffs blows against his finger. The beat of your heart against your ribcage makes it even harder to breathe. To function and suffice an argument to shoot back at him. An argument that would just be throwing matchsticks into an already blazing fire; useless.
The pounding between your legs becoming so unbearable you can’t help but try and get some friction by grinding your ass into the couch as subtly as possible. A subtle motion that is just the opposite of what you want it to be, but sends tingles down your spine and relieves a fraction of the ache you’re fighting tooth and nail with.
Namor notices right away. His eyes move down to the movements you halt once you realize the aforementioned lack of subtleness. Your need making you feel girlishly stupid and frustrated.
You despised him. You really did.
“You want me to touch you with your father in the next room?” He questions, looks at you with a curl of disgust on his lips. A look you can’t tell is genuine or not, but makes flutters swarm your stomach either way. He doesn’t let you answer, you’re sure he doesn’t want you to with the way he’s looking at you. With the way he pulls you forward so his lips are now so close to yours that when he speaks again you can feel the brush of his mustache. “You’re such a whore. You’re sick.” His tone low and like gravel against your aching insides.
“You like it,” you breathe. Stare down at his lips before meeting his dark eyes again.
Your retort making the grip on your already stinging jaw press harder into the bone, surely bruising skin, as he grips it harder—tighter, if that’s even possible. The look of disgust setting his brows down even lower, eyes narrowed.
You don’t expect to feel the hard indents of his free hand grabbing the back of your thigh, pulling your legs apart. A slap to your inner thigh making you gasp when you don’t keep yourself spread for him. His silence even more of an anticipation than the feel of his fingertips dancing up your thighs. Slipping past the waistband of the cloth shorts adorning your lower half.
The look that flashes over his eyes when he touches the outside of your panties, feels how soaked they are, makes a pathetic noise hitch in your throat. The gasp you let out even louder when he presses two fingers against the wet fabric, spreading you through them and coming down on your clit. Your fingers digging into the side of his t-shirt to ground yourself. To remind you that your father is just below you. That he’s barely touched you and you’re already so wet and ready for him that just a press of his fingers is making your hips gyrate, and feel close to coming.
“Am I the only one who fucks you like this? Makes you scream when you come?” He had said one night, mouth pressed to your ear as he held you down to the mattress, hips pounding hard against your ass as he fucked you.
And the answer was yes. Just as he doesn’t need to ask you if you’re this wet for him. You always are.
It’s when he finally stops teasing you from outside of your underwear and pushes past them that you can hear how wet you are—that both of you can, if the feral look on his face is anything to go by. The moans that you try to swallow down creeping up your throat like burning coals that refuse to go out. Adding to the symphony of filth you prey can’t be heard from downstairs.
As Namor’s knuckle rubs at your sensitive clit, two fingers push—as deep as your tightness will allow him to go—inside of you, fucking you with them.
“Shut up,” he demands as he releases your jaw to grip the back of your neck, pulling your mouth to his. “Keep your pretty mouth quiet, or this will be the last time you get fucked by any part of me.”
And it’s the hardest thing you’ve ever been asked to do.
Trying to keep the burning pleasure that he’s giving you, that is coiling your body like an overworked spring ready to give and come apart, from spilling from your mouth the way you want. The way you need. The way you know he loves.
But think he might love more.
The hard look he keeps flashing from your eyes to your mouth as it hangs open on silent sobs—the hand brushing against the outline of his cock pressing tight to his jeans—letting you know for certain.
His forehead presses to yours as he grunts “you don’t deserve my cock. You’re lucky I’m giving you my pity.” But he makes no move to remove your hand, to stop himself from slowly rocking his hips up to apply more pressure to himself, “so stop being greedy before I stop being nice.” He threatens.
Your palm freezes immediately and pulls away from his lap, the whine you want to let out swallowed down from the blaze of his glare when he pulls his head from yours. When he goes back to watching you, like he’s torturing the both of you. When you’re the one who’s trying not to lose it right now; at his threats, his beautifully deep brown eyes, and the way his fingers are fucking you so deep and slow while his knuckle plays with your clit in the opposite speed, making your legs instinctively itch to close the closer and closer you get to coming.
And you’re so fucking close you want to scream. To cry. To praise him for his pity on you.
“Look at me.” He demands, squeezing the skin at the back of your neck. “You wanted this, wanted to be a whore,” he says the derogatory word like a praise. Liquid smooth and thick with his own obvious lust. “So come for me,” and two, three—four—strokes against your clit and you’re coming. His mouth pressing hard against yours as he muffles the cries you let out. His tongue lapping them from your throat like the sweetest poison.
He doesn’t allow you to catch your breath before he’s pulling away from you though. Removing his hand from your shorts, slipping the two fingers that were inside of you into his mouth to clean, and then he’s righting himself back to normal. Grabbing his forgotten beer and pressing it to his mouth. A smile on his face just as your father walks back into the room.
He doesn’t look to you again until a commercial breaks on the screen and your dad is too busy going off on a tenant over something that’s barely registering in your focus, because your head is still cloudy with coming down—and trying to right your breath without your dad noticing, which is harder said than done; your panties sticking uncomfortably to you now that you’ve ruined them even more.
The heat from him as he leans close to you, lips to the shell of your ear, only reigniting those just sedated aches, as he speaks in a whisper. “You’re not off the hook. My kindness comes with a price and you’re going to pay for it until you’re begging for me to take it away.”
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c-nstantine · 2 years
A Trust Worthy Intruder
Description: Princess Y/N of Wakanda occasionally takes walks on the beach at night. What happens when she meets a stranger.
Warnings:None, spoilers for Wakanda Forever
Word Count: 0.9k
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Y/N found comfort under the stars by the river. Being a princess often felt suffocating under the confines of the palace and with T'Challa's passing there was a hole left in everyone's heart. So almost every night Y/N snuck out of the palace, somehow avoiding the Dora Milaje, to sit by the river and listen to her thoughts.
As she sat on the sand and pondered, she noticed ripples in the water. the ripples soon turned into a man who walked onto the sandy beach. The moonlight reflected off of his tanned skin as he stood in front of Y/N. He was covered in jewelry and vibranium, which made no sense to Y/N. All of the stories she was told mentioned that there were no other places on Earth with vibranium.
"How did you get here? Who are you?" She asked backing away in fright. She had forgotten her weapons in the palace, she could hear Okoye's voice patronizing her for not bringing a spear out of the palace.
"I have many names. My people call me  K'uk'ulkan but those who fear me call me Namor," He spoke looking into Y/N's eyes. First the first time in a long time she felt seen by a person who liked her for being a princess or pitied her as a grieving sister. She noticed the wings on his feet and how they flutter subtly as he walked towards her.
"Do I have a reason to fear you?" Y/N asked standing face-to-face with the strange intruder. The moment his brown eyes met hers, the world seemed to stop.
"I do not believe so," Namor responded. Y/N smiled and held out her hand. He was enamored by her beauty. Even in the darkness, her features stood out. Her locs framed her face gently as the moon kissed her skin.
"K'uk'ulkan, it is. Where are you from?" Y/N was still weary of the stranger, but at least she had his name now. He smiled at her as he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.  Y/N breath was caught at the gesture.
"A place tucked beneath the ocean where a man can never touch it," He took a seat in the sand while explaining and describing his home to her. He didn't know why he was talking so openly about Talokan to a stranger but there was something that was welcoming about her. Something that he had not expected of the surface world, but something that he welcomed.
"Sounds interesting," Y/N could only imagine an entire city underwater. It sounded remarkable and she was sure it was more impressive in person. She did wonder how he got through the security of Wakanda. She also could not decide if he was a threat or not. Perhaps, he was just a man.
"More interesting than a country that just revealed how technologically advanced it was a few years ago?" Y/N nudged Namor for his comment. He chuckled slightly. For a few moments, a comfortable silence fell over them. There is something Namor found peaceful about his surroundings. He had spent so much of his life in water and with hatred of the surface world, he never imagined he'd find peace on its shores.
" It is getting late, I must go. Will you be here tomorrow?" Y/N said once she finally realized how late it had gotten. Sneaking past the royal guards without alerting her mother would be a pain this time of night.
"Yes, but do not tell anyone of my time here," Namor helped Y/N off of the sand and kissed her hand once more. When his lips met her hand, his eyes looked directly into hers. Her face felt as if it was set on a flame. If she hadn't been so distracted by his face, she might have noticed how suspicious that sounded.
"Until then," Y/N spoke before ducking into the Wakandan brush, and Namor disappeared into the water.
"What has you giddy, my child?" Her mother asked as they walked to Shuri's lab. Y/N's eyes had widened, she hadn't realized that she had been acting 'giddy'.
"Maybe it is related to where she disappeared last night," Okoye offered with a smirk playing on her lips. Y/N craned her neck in disbelief that Okoye would out her unprompted.
"Why is this the first I am hearing of this?" Queen Ramonda asked while looking at her eldest daughter. There was no way possible that Y/N could even begin to lie to her mother, even with one pulling at her tongue.
"Is that Shuri I hear?" Y/N spoke before attempting to scurry off her sister's laboratory.
"Ah, I think you should tell me more about these late-night excursions," Her mother's tone signaled not to be played with and the quirked eyebrow suggested that Y/N should come up with something to say quickly.
"I occasionally go out for walks at night," It wasn't a lie but it was not why Y/N  was so happy this morning. It was a mystery how Namor got passed the Wakandan barriers but it was one Y/N had no interest in solving. In her mind, if he wanted to harm Wakanda, he would've killed her by now. If she were to tell her mother of his existence and how she spoke with him, it would cause an international incident.
"And is that it?" There is something about mothers who manage to know when their child is not being completely truthful. However, Y/N was lucky her mother did not question it any further.
"Yes, mama," Y/N responded nodding carefully.
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sunshinescribes · 1 year
Pretend That You Love Me - 2
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Part 2 of Continuum
Pairing: Namor x Black Fem!Reader
The gods are angry today.
It’s the only thing you can think of as you make your way through the sprawling halls of the royal palace, nestled in the heart of Birnin Zana—the Golden City. You take tentative steps, counting down the seconds until your appearance is considered overdue.
You had been sprawled out in bed, scrolling through reports shared with you by a trusted American agent—Everett Ross, as your kimoyo beads buzzed. You tapped the blinking bead instinctively, and an image of your king flashed before you.
You sat up in bed, bashfully muttering your apologies.
If M’Baku was insulted, he made no point of letting you know. His expression was wary as he regarded you.
“I request your appearance at the royal palace.”
You nodded, lifting from your bed. “Did the meeting with the Talokanil go well?”
You shifted through your room in search of an appropriate outfit to wear, attempting to distract yourself from the thought of Namor and his temporary presence in the Golden City.
It had been a month since you had last seen him. A blessing, even if your heart opposed the fact. The more time you two spent apart the better. It helped you to remember your place—of your duty to your country and the throne. Namor didn’t fit in that equation, no matter how much you silently wished that he could.
“Our guests are still here.”
You stopped short, turning towards the holographic image of your king with furrowed brows.
“I don’t understand.”
M’Baku sighed, his fingers threading through his thick beard. He looked tired, and sounded even more so. “Your knowledge of the CIA situation is needed.”
You blinked down at M’Baku, before nodding your understanding. He tipped his head in a silent farewell before the hologram faded with a sigh.
You cursed your misfortune. You had stopped appearing at the meetings months ago, assuring your king that council from the elders was enough, and that your skills would be better served keeping tabs on the CIA and their newest exploits. M’Baku had been reluctant to agree, but ultimately allowed you to do as you pleased so long as you appeared when he called.
The diplomatic meetings had become harder to sit through with the presence of a certain Talokanil king who often sat across from you. Namor’s eyes occasionally found yours, and his lips would curl in a knowing smile. Images of you breathless beneath him flashed through your mind, drowning out the vital information that was spoken between both rulers.
He was too much of a distraction, so you had done the necessary thing…to little avail.
You pulled at the sleeve of your fitted dress, trying so desperately to ground yourself as you pushed through the royal palace. It would be quick—hell, you wouldn’t even look at Namor. You would present your findings quickly, answer any questions that arose, and excuse yourself. Simple.
You continued down the hall, nearly to the throne room when you felt someone at your side. You turned, earning a nervous smile from the man beside you. T’Kawe.
“Didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologized.
You smiled back at him.
“You didn’t.”
T’Kawe had become somewhat of a replacement for you in these meetings. He took notes of the proceedings, transcribing each discussion with the use of his kimoyo beads, and sent them to you. You were eternally grateful to him for it. You were surprised when he also expressed interest in the work you were doing with Agent Ross, offering to obtain information from Wakandan agents scattered throughout the states, though a friend had assured you it was his excuse to get closer to you.
“Running late?” you asked, and he nodded with an apologetic look. “It’s alright. I am too I suppose.”
His worry seemed to fade slightly at your confession, and he followed close behind you as the doors to throne room pushed open.
You felt Namor’s eyes on you before you even walked into the room, as if he were so attuned to you that he could sense your very presence. The thought made your heart race, but you kept your eyes forward and your chin high as you reached the center of the room where you king sat. You dipped your head respectfully.
You didn’t even dare look in Namor’s direction, nor at the Talokanil generals that shadowed him.
“The American…what has he told you?”
You could always count on M’Baku to get straight the point. He was rarely one for small talk or pleasantries.
“Although Agent Ross is no longer with the CIA, he has given us an extensive list of members within the agency that could pose a threat to Wakanda and Talokan.”
You pressed your kimoyo beads, and images of several American CIA agents and directors appeared before you. A flurry of information on each of them scrolled beside their picture, though you still had much to learn about these individuals.
You tapped the image of the woman Ross had specifically pointed out to you during one of your calls. Valentina Allegra de Fontaine. The new director of the CIA.
“He expressed a particular interest in Fontaine,” you added.
M’Baku scowled at the image.
The golden question. You had asked Ross the same thing, but he didn’t have anything concrete besides an eerie confession she had made to him. She wanted vibranium, and he wasn’t sure what lengths she would go to get it.
“Ross believes she has an interest in vibranium, and potential means to try and obtain it.” You glanced at T’Kawe as he came to your side.
“We’re keeping eyes on her,” he added.
You pressed your glowing kimoyo bead, and the holograms vanished.
M’Baku turned his attention to Namor, whose eyes you could feel burning into your back. You tried focusing on the intricate details of the throne to distract yourself from the fact.
“Does that answer your concerns?” M’Baku asked the Talokanil leader.
His answer was a dissatisfied grunt, and you couldn’t help but glance back at him from over your shoulder. Namor sat with his legs spread in a way that looked absolutely obscene—it didn’t help that you felt the sudden urge to sink to your knees before him and show him just how much you hadn’t missedhim.
He tilted his head back, his dark eyes searching your face before he shifted his gaze to the impatient king at your side.
“Truthfully, this concerns me further.” Namor waved his hand towards you noncommittally. “I would know what she knows.”
You stared at him, taken aback by his request. This had been this plan all along, hadn’t it? You were not foolish enough to think Namor did not already know all of this, if not more. You had heard the stories whispered throughout the palace of the American scientists who had ventured to the Atlantic in search of vibranium. He had proven their decision to be a grave one.
You were certain there was no potential threat towards Talokan that he was not fully aware of.
“I can send what I have to—”
“No,” he interrupted quickly. There was a certain finality to his refusal—an unspoken demand, “You will go over it will me. If it is not a problem with your king.”
You glanced back at M’Baku who considered Namor with a skeptical look, as if he were trying to work out the possible ulterior motive hidden beneath his actions. You prayed he didn’t find out.
“Perhaps I can be of use instead? I’ve worked closely on this as well.” T’Kawe stepped closer to your side, placing a comforting hand on your arm, as if compelled by the uncertainty in your expression.
You could make out the subtle twitch of Namor’s jaw. The way his fingers curled around the arm of his chair. His expression was apathetic, but his body language was telling. Through the eyes of others, it would appear as simple irritation if anything, but you knew him better than most.
M’Baku cleared his throat, and your attention was his once more. He looked at you for a long moment, before sighing.
“You decide,” he stated simply.
You didn’t know whether to be grateful or exasperated.
This was a ploy of course—a way for Namor to have you in some capacity outside of the comfort of your home. He was treading a very thin line, leaving too much to those who could possibly see through this façade. That, or guilt was beginning to make you paranoid—though evidently not enough to make you see sense.
“I will help in any way I can,” you finally answered.
M’Baku clapped his hands with mock excitement, making you jump. “It is settled then.”
He leaned back in his seat, letting out an exaggerated sigh before calling out to other subjects.
You felt T’Kawe’s eyes on you as you watched Namor lift from his seat. He turned to his generals, speaking to them in Mayan. They regarded him respectfully, before making their way out of the throne room.
“Are you sure about this?” T’Kawe asked.
You nodded, thanking him for his concern, before you made your way to Namor. You could feel your heart begin to race, as if it were calling out to him, attempting to scream; there you are.
You dipped your head slightly, avoiding his dark eyes.
“Follow me.”
You stepped out of the throne room, making your way down magnificent hallways and around sharp corners of the palace until you reached the balcony. It was secluded enough to grant you both a private conversation, yet open enough to suppress any temptation to do anything…depraved.
You stared out towards the Golden City, rendered breathless by the view. It didn’t matter how many times you saw it—it always felt like the first time.
Namor was silent at your side. Though your gaze was fixed on the dazzling skyscrapers and distant mountains, you felt Namor’s eyes on you.
“Did you know?” you asked, finally turning your attention to him. “About everything I said in there?”
He nodded, and you let out a frustrated sigh.
“You knew that already,” Namor stated easily. “You agreed to be alone with me, despite knowing that I knew.”
“I had a hunch,” you corrected.
Namor’s eyes seemed to gleam as he stared down at you. “You wanted to be alone with me just as badly as I wanted to be alone with you.”
His eyes wandered to your shoulder—right where T’kawe’s hand had been moments before.
“Despite the protest of your…acquaintance.”
 Namor spoke the word acquaintance as if it were a curse.
“Are you upset at him for thinking of my safety?”
Namor frowned, as if offended by the idea that your safety would ever be in question around him.
“I am upset that he is able to touch you so freely and I…” He glances towards the entrance of the balcony, before placing his hand on your waist and pulling you to the side, back into a corner hidden away from any potential prying eyes. “I am reduced to this.”
Your breath hitches as Namor leans over you, his eyes falling to your parted lips, before lifting back up to your face.
“I have missed you,” he confessed, slowly sinking to knees before you. “Missed the taste of you.”
The sight alone made a delicious spark shoot straight through you. You could feel his warm hands skim across the exposed flesh of your legs, slowly riding up until they hooked beneath your dress.
“Namor…” you warned—whispered, though there was little commitment in your voice.
His touch alone was setting you alight, making your pussy wet with the anticipation of his mouth where you needed it most.
Bast, he would be the fucking death of you. All your rationale and resolve vanished when he was near, and you wondered if it was the same for him—if he felt as hopeless as you did.
His hands reached beneath your dress, pulling your wet underwear down with a soft chuckle.
“And you have missed me,” he said, noting the evidence of your arousal. “But you always do, don’t you?”
You didn’t respond, and you were certain he didn’t need you to. Not with you before him, dazed and prepared to be eaten out in such a public place—within earshot of anyone who mattered. This was all the evidence he needed.
He wouldn’t make you regret it.
Namor’s kissed up the length of your leg slowly and will clear intent, as if it were worship—as if your skin was as necessary to him as the sea.
You jolted as your felt Namor’s tongue lapped at the wetness of your needy cunt. You brought your hand up to your mouth, attempting to muffle your cries as his tongue pushed deeper into you. He brought hand to the back of your thigh, lifting it ever so slightly as to drape across his shoulder, while his other hand brushed your clit with a touch that felt featherlight.
Your head feel back, your mind reeling as your felt the pressure in your core building with each flick of his ravenous tongue, and teasing fingers—and the danger of being found like this—legs spread while Namor, a man regarded as a fucking god kneeled before you, bringing you to the brink of ecstasy so effortlessly. The reality of your circumstances made your pussy clench from just how bad it all was.
Your king could find you like this. T’Kawe could find you like this.
You cried into the palm of your hand. The sound was barely muffled, and you could feel the heat of Namor’s breath as he laughed against your aching pussy.
Namor loved this—he absolutely reveled in just how much he was able to tear you apart in a way nobody else could.
“Namor,” you whined against your hand, pleading.
Usually slow to give in, you suspected your current whereabouts warranted him to be altruistic. Just this once.
His mouth latched onto your tender nub, and you were gone—free falling into your release as your fingers raked through his hair, and your hips bucked upward. You bit back your moan, trying so desperately to keep quiet as your overwhelming release rushed through you—a release that Namor took like an offering, swallowing your sweetness with enough enthusiasm to make your pussy spasm.
Namor pulled away from you when there was nothing more to take. His breathing was shaky, his pupils dilated as he looked up at you. He licked his lips, before pulling your stained panties back up your legs.
Your fingers were still in his hair, lightly brushing back thick strands, and you finally noticed the added length. He’d grown it out since you last saw him, the ends curling slightly and sweeping against his forehead.
“You’re beautiful,” you said without thinking.
He blinked up at you, taken aback by your soft-spoken compliment. It didn’t take long for him to recover, as his lips pulled into a full smile that made your heart stutter.
“That’s my line.”
He lifted himself to his feet, wasting no time in feeling your lips against his. His kiss was all hunger—a month’s worth of moments you two should have had. You sighed contentedly against his mouth, feeling the weight of everything leave you in a single moment.  
He pulled away reluctantly, as if debating if he truly wanted to stop kissing you.
His brown eyes searched yours, and for the first time since you two had started fooling around, you saw… uncertainty in his eyes, as if he were contemplating something.
“Do you remember the last time we met?” he asked carefully.
You nodded, unsure of where this was going.
You could see him going over his next question, and he seemed to try and soothe you as much as himself as he rubbed circles along your waist.
“You asked me if I had forgotten what this was.”
Ah, that. The memory was fresh in your mind, despite the passage of time—as if time could make you forget moments spent with him.
But you knew exactly what he was referring to. The statement he had made while chasing his pleasure. The statement solidified a belief that you both were seeming to forget—this is just sex.
“You reminded me that I’m only a hole,” you answered, keeping your voice nonchalant despite the disappointment that settled in your chest.
The irony of the situation was not lost on you. Last time you had been the one trying to keep his feelings—or supposed feelings—in check. Now it was his turn.
“No. I asked if that was all that you are,” he hesitated, searching your eyes. “All that you wished to be to me.”
Your stilled, swallowing the protest that dared to burst from your lips—the desire to tell him how you wished to be so much more.
Wished to be at his side, and not just during moments stolen away in the night or risqué ventures on balconies, but all day—every single day. You wanted to be the person who knew him like nobody else, as necessary to him as the sea…but those were fantasies. Beautiful impossibilities that only served to make your heart ache with want.
“What else can I be?” you asked, turning away from his powerful gaze.
Namor cupped your cheek, and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch. He tipped your head back in his direction, forcing you to look at him.
“Mine,” he whispered. “My queen. My heart…”
He repeated the word in Mayan as he leaned his forehead against yours—his confession for you only.
“The mother of my heir.”
Your heart seized, your mind racing as you realized he desired so much more from you than sex. He wanted you by his side—the only person to whom he would ever kneel. Ache for.
You came back to reality quickly as you looked over his shoulder—the Golden City stared back at you, as if reminding you of your station.
“My duty is to my country. My home.”
Namor’s furrowed as he stared down at you. “Do you think I would take you away from it?”
“It wouldn’t be your choice.”
Nor would it be yours. It would be impossible for you to accept Namor’s offer—to be his, and not have everything ripped from under you. Wakanda would reject you, and Talokan would not accept you.
Namor pulled away, taking the warmth of his body with him. You almost reached out for him but restrained yourself.
 “You have a choice to make then,” Namor said with his back turned to you, instead turning his attention to the home that you cherished so deeply. “I will not return again. Not to you.”
You felt a lump form in your throat as his words hit you. Frustration tugged at your heart, helping you find your voice.
Because you were both getting in too deep. Because he wanted something from you that he was uncertain you could give.
Even if you knew the answer, you wanted to hear it from him.
He glanced over his shoulder at you, and you could see the sorrow in his eyes.
“I want you. All of you,” he confessed, “But what is it you want?”
You were silent as he held your gaze.
“If you decide it is me, come to the shore and I will know.”
You prayed there was little emotion on your face as you regarded him—prayed he couldn’t see the turmoil his confession and ultimatum were causing you.
“And if I don’t?” you asked.
Silence was the only answer he gave, but it was if he had spoken the words you never wanted to hear; Then you will be free of me.
There was no farewell as Namor lifted from the ground, the wings on his feet beating feverishly as he took off towards the sky. You watched, feeling parts of yourself fade along with him.
You had dreaded the sneaking around—the hidden moments and guilt that festered as you continued to be with Namor, but now he was giving you an out. A chance to finally rid yourself of him and play your part as royal advisor once more, untainted—or you could have him entirely.
He was forcing you to come to terms with a truth you had been tiptoeing around. You cannot have both.
You sighed, pulling away from the balcony wall. You wanted to be back in your bed, hidden beneath a sea of covers while sleep whisked you far away to impossible worlds where your reality was much different—where such decisions didn’t exist, and you could just be.
You turned, nearly stepping back into the palace before you stopped short. Your heart seemed to stop as you stared up at the imposing figure that stood near the entrance.
You swallowed thickly as your king regarded you sternly, and you could see the disappointment that flashed in his eyes. The dread that had rooted its way into your heart spread, nearly choking you.
Yes. The gods are angry indeed.
Part 3
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uzumaki-rebellion · 1 year
“The Offering” Part 2 of 3 (A Namor of Talokan Fic)
Need to Catch up? Masterlist HERE.
Lebadi has embarked on a two-year secret love affair with K'uk'ulkan on the high seas with a Wakandan houseboat she purchased for their clandestine hook-ups. All is well until their union is discovered.
NSFW. Smut. 18+. (6,254 words) Namor x Black Female OC
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"Baby, baby, baby… "
Evil Needle & Sivey—"Baby"
He liked to kneel before her and kiss her belly button first.
The indentation on her lower stomach seemed to be his activation button for Lebadi and she loved to stand over him, weaving her fingers into his soft black curls that crowned loosely around his scalp, still moist from the sea. The tip of his warm tongue dipped in and out and when he kissed the skin around her belly piercing, his dark brown eyes never left hers.
That was his way… always.
Touch. Kiss. Gaze up at her. Kiss again. Lick. Stare deep into her soul before sucking and tasting again, lowering his head to her sopping folds that plumped and bloomed open, revealing the sticky pink entrance to paradise. She learned over the two years of their forbidden courtship that he used those dark eyes to claim ownership of her. Every part of her. Cloying… fiery at times, and oh, so sensual, the sloe-eyed gaze of K'uk'ulkan demanded obedience. Submission.
She gave in.
The loss of will had her leasing a small houseboat in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Staying on the water was the only way to keep their liaison a secret from her world. He couldn't come on land without alarming her people, and she couldn't go down into his depths either, so they were forced to meet in the middle far off the Umkhombe Coast.
Anticipating his arrival was always the best part of their unions. She'd dance seductively on the deck, playing the erotic sounds of her favorite joot band, a style of Wakandan music that mixed instrumental sounds with dubbed vocalizations that played with the human voice in strange ways to evoke a hypnotic, romantic mood. Draped in a sheer azure cover-up with nothing else underneath except for a gold-hooped belly chain with matching bracelets on her wrists, Lebadi cranked up the swirling sounds and gyrated her hips with the syncopated rhythms. Tapping her bare feet on the deck with her arms dancing in the air, she snaked her body with sultry rolls of her hips to tease him from the sea.
Sipping on honey wine, she'd grab a handful of a mixture made from dried flower petals, spiced herbs, and brown sugar to rub against her shaved mound so that the scent of her juicy pussy was added. She called it her love offering and sprinkled it into the ocean, helping to entice his arrival sooner.
It always worked.
Humming and swiveling her loose hips, her eyes followed the line of the horizon illuminated by silver moonlight, waiting for the waters to part as her offering sank below the surface.
A ripple breaking the tranquil ocean that grew into a wave rising to the starlight, his taut form bursting through a mountain of dark liquid, wings fluttering… behold… K'uk'ulkan. He flew high above Lebadi's line of sight, floating gently on a balmy breeze toward her, his dashing eyes never leaving her face.
Lebadi danced, twining her arms with slow sinuous motions that gestured for his company. When he landed next to her, she parted her sheer covering and fingered her folds, sharing glimpses of her wet arousal glistening like dew on a gossamer web across her fingertips.
"Namor…" she purred.
He closed his eyes and his nostrils flared, taking in the sweet odor of her swollen folds.
Down he went, on his knees, clasping desperate fingers on her graceful hips.
"In yaakunaj…" he murmured, sliding a fat wet tongue across her stomach before pushing his entire face into her pussy.
"Show me how much you love me, then," she replied with breathless abandon.
"Ch'ujuk," he whispered.
Sweet. That's what she tasted like to him. She kept that pussy sweet and delicious, like a ripe mango, eating plenty of fresh fruit and honey before traveling to see him.
Hot kisses slathered her clit with saliva and his mouth wasted very little time becoming reacquainted with what belonged to him. He sucked and licked her delicate parts, tracing wet silhouettes with an artful tongue tip. She gasped out loud, holding back her release until he told her she had permission to do so.
Standing up, Namor peeled off his skintight shorts, and she helped him unfasten his choker necklace. Tossing it on one of the bolted chairs set up for deep-sea fishing, he led her into the interior of the boat where the luxury stateroom awaited their in-depth union. He slid his fingers on the pearl clasps of her cover-up and pulled it off. Slanting his head to align his mouth with hers properly, his warm belly rested upright against hers, turning their bodies into writhing, serpentine creatures yearning to become one flesh… one being.
The interlocking of their tongues breathed life into her clit and it came alive between her thighs, thumping a staccato rhythm that made her pussy throb in anticipation for deep-rooted dick that would take her far beyond her stimulated senses.
Lebadi dropped to her knees and engulfed his thickening length into her greedy mouth, slurping his dick like it was the last bit of nourishment she would ever have between her full lips. Her neck worked his girth as it stretched her lascivious mouth, making her cheek and jaw muscles exhausted from handling such a thick erection. She made his dick shiny and licked around the head where pre-cum spilled all over her tongue. Namor tasted like the sea and promises of something smoky and rich that she couldn't get enough of. He threaded his fingers through her textured hair, twisting into the heavy locs securely before yanking her head back so her eyes stayed fixed on his face. Fisting his dick, he pressed it against her painted lush mouth, forcing her to lick away the spewing of clear arousal that had his lips twisted up with pleasure.
The man his people called K'uk'ulkan hated surface dwellers.
But he loved her.
The cognitive dissonance was never lost on Lebadi, even with all the libidinous, erotic things he did to her wanton body. She became a willing concubine under his magic touch. He was unpredictable. Dangerous. Irresistible. Their forbidden love was an addiction she couldn't be without. They were both from cultures that prided themselves on secrecy and discretion. Being practically invisible to the rest of mankind kept their people safe… and yet, they chose to be reckless with one another. It made their love illicit and delicious.
His fingers grazed against her cheek as a clap of thunder boomed above them.
"K'iibal cháak," he said. "The thunder… it will bring a strong rain."
"There was a ring around the moon. It won't rain until three days from now," she said.
He sniffed the air.
"Sáamal," he said.
Tomorrow. It would rain sooner than what the gauzy, reddish ring of light around the moon told her. Rain meant poor weather on the water, no lazy day of sunshine, and swimming with him in the open ocean.
He lifted her in his arms and placed her lovingly on the berth they would share. His dick pointed at her with a raging hardness that needed careful tending. She parted her thighs and used her fingers to push open her folds for him. The thick vein on the top of his erection showed the severity of his need. His slit wept pearls of pre-cum onto the berth. His regal bearing looked mystical in the low candlelight she had illuminating the quarters. He crawled onto the bedding and wedged himself between her legs. Gripping the heft of his dick securely, he twisted his fingers under the thick ridge of his frenulum and pushed the wide tip against her slick opening. Her pussy throbbed, letting him see the pink entrance wink open. The sight of it excited him more, and he held his slit closer to her as sizzling ropes of thick cum shot all over her, drenching her folds. It was so hot that she hissed with the intense feeling, wanting more. He gave it, cumming all over her clit, drowning it with a whiteness as creamy as icing on a cake. Namor groaned out loud and aimed his release toward her stomach, where warmer streaks painted her dark brown skin, pooling into her belly button before turning clear and messy all over.
Lebadi whimpered and played with his cum across her vulva. She spanked her glossy folds and Namor growled with pleasure deep inside his throat. Fingering her pussy, she licked his cum off of each fingertip like it was a sugary glaze. He dipped his finger into the sticky heat and traced it along her lips until she swallowed it all. Pushing her legs open wider, he parted the curtains of her inner lips and penetrated the deepest part of Lebadi, forcing the whimpers of happiness to ring in his ears, ushering a pleased smile to his face that lit up his eyes as well. He cradled the side of her neck and pulled out, swiftly thrusting back in again to make sure he hit her spot just right and she clawed his back to let him know he made it.
Linking her ankles around his waist, she panted as he stroked her walls, seeking new pleasure points to rub against, plucking out heavy moans from her mouth. At one point, she couldn't even close her lips, the delicious tugging against her clit weakening her hold on his shoulders. Arching her back, she sought his right earlobe and bit the pointed tip that was so sensitive to the touch. Namor groaned and pistoned his hips faster, the soft wavy pubic hairs of his groin mingling with hers until everything was frothy and wet with sweat and her slickness. The friction caused her to pee a little from the pressure inside and out, but her lover didn't care. He accepted all offerings from her body, everything became lubrication and a sign that he was putting in the necessary work to please her.
The churning water outside couldn't create more waves like the ones he made between the joining of her thighs, fucking her until she was cross-eyed and the cultivated coils in her thick hair flattened. His lips tilted up at the corners like a crescent moon then, pleased with her breathy sighs and pleadings for more until a strange shadow clouded his dark eyes. He stared at her primrose pink opening surrounded by the rich raven brown of her vulva, adoring the contrast of colors her body created compared to his sun-drenched sienna brown. Licking the pebbled nipples on her breasts, Namor thrust forward and cried out her name, his orgasm transforming his face into such sublime beauty that Lebadi wept under him, breaking apart all over his sturdy length.
His warm sweat fell onto her and cooled within seconds. He stayed inside of her pussy, filling it with more cum until he was satisfied that she was sated from clenching all over him.
Namor rested his head on her breasts. His breathing became soft as she fingered his hair. They fell asleep together just as light raindrops fell outside, making a gentle patter on the houseboat's roof. Both of them had been wrong in predicting the weather. No matter, though. Their entangled bodies basked in the afterglow of lovemaking.
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The rain splattered harder on the roof.
Lebadi woke up with Namor still asleep on her chest, looking all serene and cozy while she listened to the rainfall outside. The houseboat rocked on the water and she wondered if they should move more inland to avoid larger waves.
His body had cooled on top of hers, and she reached for a thin blanket to cover them.
She stopped.
They weren't alone.
The shadow of a person stood across from them in the stateroom. The candles had burned out, and the moon had shifted its position in the sky, making it difficult to see who watched the forbidden lovers sleep. Lebadi shook Namor awake and his senses went into overdrive immediately. He rose from the berth, blocking her body from the intruder.
"Ba'ax ka beetik?" said a muffled woman's voice in Namor's language.
Namor picked up a small lighter and held it against the wick of a large yellow candle resting on a small wooden dresser. He spoke to the woman with an irritated tone.
"Táan in chan weele'—"
"Jach u yoojel tuus," the woman replied.
Namor flung a dismissive wave of his hand to the stranger and she lunged for him, coming into the light. Most of her face was covered with what looked like a green and blue turtle shell. Her skin was a pale blue color, too, a sharp contrast to the dark wet hair that hung past her shoulders. She had eyes like Namor's. Intense and angry.
"Ko'x!" the woman shouted, grabbing Namor's arm.
He shoved her back and Lebadi jumped out of the berth, grabbing for a pair of panties and a tank top lying across a chair.
"Is this your wife?!" Lebadi screamed, more embarrassed than angry.
Namor lowered his head before shaking it.
"She is not my wife… eetbak'el… same family… my cousin. Namora."
Namora tilted her head and stared at Lebadi with narrowed eyes. Her voice sounded guttural and mean.
"Bix a k'aaba teech?" Namora spat out.
"Do not answer her," Namor said.
Lebadi held her own name on her tongue as Namor commanded. Namora took a closer step, and she moved behind Namor for protection.
"I can't tell you my name," Lebadi said.
"Ma' tu na'tik," Namor said.
"She doesn't understand for real, or are you just saying that to fool me?" Lebadi asked.
Namor grabbed Namora's arm and pulled her outside onto the open deck while still naked, sliding the door shut behind him. Lebadi waited on the berth and listened to them argue. Their passionate voices raged with loud aggression for over an hour. When silence prevailed, she opened the door and stepped out to check on him. The rain had tapered down to a light drizzle, despite the grouping of menacing gray clouds at least a mile away in the sky.
Namora sat on one of the fishing chairs and Namor sat next to her on the other one. Lebadi reached into a cooler near the sliding door and pulled out two bottled waters. She handed one to Namora.
"Uk'ahech? A k'át uk'ul?" Lebadi asked, hoping she pronounced the words 'thirsty' and 'drink' correctly without starting a war of words between the cousins again.
Namora shook her head and waved her hand.
"She can only drink underwater. She can't breathe up here," Namor said.
"Oh," Lebadi said.
She put the bottles back in the cooler and stood near Namor.
"Is everything okay? Why is she so upset?" Lebadi said.
Namor reached for her hand and threaded his fingers with hers. Namora jerked her head away as if the show of affection disgusted her.
"What is going on?" Lebadi asked.
Namora reached for a reed-thin necklace that looked like it was made from an abalone shell. She blew on it, but no sound came out that Lebadi could hear. His cousin dashed from the chair, leaping onto the upper edge of the vessel with her arms bowed to dive into the cold depths. Namor flew so fast that he caught Namora in mid-air before she even touched a curling whitecap. The wings on his ankles carried them high above the houseboat. Lebadi watched Namora struggle in Namor's powerful grip.
In the water, a blast of air from a blowhole caught her attention. An orca with a massive dorsal fin circled the houseboat as the Talokanil fought above it. Namor dropped Namora into the ocean with a loud splash and the orca swam to her.
"Namora!" Namor shouted down to her.
Namora threw one arm around the dorsal fin and pointed at her cousin with the other.
"Sáamal!" Namora shouted and the orca dove under a wave, allowing the sea to swallow them up.
A crack of thunder boomed, and bright swords of lightning clashed together, brightening up the sky, and transforming her lover into a deity lost to the world floating above her. Lebadi rubbed her arms as a fresh shower of rain poured down. Shaking her damp hair, she returned to the stateroom and changed into a warm robe. She used a towel to dry her tresses that clumped up into tight spongy curls. Namor met her in the small kitchenette and watched her make a fresh cup of ground Jabari Mountain coffee. She offered him some, but he turned her down, studying her face for a long time.
"Why did she come here? And why did she mention tomorrow?" Lebadi asked.
"She has seen me like this before."
"Like what?"
"In love."
Lebadi mixed sugar in with her coffee and sipped it with her back against the stove.
"So I'm not your first surface dweller girlfriend?"
"You are."
"Have you been married? Have children?"
"You never asked me things like that before."
"Because this has been a fun fantasy while we were alone. Someone knows about us now… and I realize we are really strangers. Fuck buddies."
Namor slid his hand around her neck and brought her lips to his, sliding his tongue out before they connected. He sucked on her probing tongue and did the same to her lips, forcing waves to tumble in her stomach. His kisses were always slow and demanding. The man knew her weakness with him. She pushed him back.
"I want to know more about you, Namor. Will we just hook up on the ocean every three months when you make time for me?"
"We are not what you say… fuck buddies."
"Answer my question. Have you ever been married?"
"I have."
"What happened?"
"She died."
"Did you have children with her?"
"I did. They died too."
"They grew old and died."
Lebadi blinked her eyes a few times and tilted her head as if that made the understanding easier.
"What do you mean? How old were they?"
He moved away from her and lowered his head, contemplating his answer.
"Namor?" she said.
"My wife lived to be ninety-eight. My daughter eighty-one… and my son… seventy-nine."
"I don't understand, you… you're close to my age. How do you have children older than you?"
"Lebadi… I have lived for nearly five centuries."
Lebadi laughed and threw up her hands, turning away from the bullshit. A warm hand slid up her thin robe and held her shoulder. Namor turned her to face him.
"I am telling you the truth—"
"You told me you were a mutant. That explained the wings and your other abilities… but now you're an immortal?"
"How do you think I know your language and so many others? There was a time when your people were not so secretive."
His eyes challenged her to doubt him. She couldn't. He could fly. Breathe underwater. Had the strength of many men, and could summon creatures from the deep.
"My people named me after an ancient god. They believe I am the return of him and I have cared for them like they were my very own children. I have lived many lifetimes under the deepest parts of the sea and lost more than one family. Colonizers have brought pestilence to my people… stolen land… destroyed so much. They continue to do so, all over the world-"
"If you hate surface dwellers so much, why come to me? You could've left me alone after that first time we met."
"I could not forget you… could not keep you from my mind. Your people are like my own. They want nothing to do with the outside world, and that makes you different."
"What are saying? You want to live a lifetime with me, too?"
Lebadi held her breath inside her chest. She curled her hands between her breasts and Namor cuddled her in his arms, peppering her face with tiny kisses.
"Namora is angry because she doesn't want me to hurt anymore. She has been alive long enough to know my last wife and the pain it caused me to lose her. After my first wife passed, I stopped having children. I had two more wives after her, and I made a vow to take care of my people and never have a woman again. Until you. My love for you clouds my eyes every day that I am by your side," he said.
Lebadi's eyes welled up, and he kissed away the tears that dropped like rain onto her cheeks.
"You are worth the pain… teech k'abéet ti'teen—"
"I need you too, but this is so much to take in all at once," she said.
"Tell me you love me."
She pressed her forehead against his.
"In k'áatech," she whispered into his parted lips.
The edges of his mouth ticked up into a smile, and he spanked her backside, making it jiggle. He rubbed on her bottom, lifting and separating the round mounds in his hands, squeezing them to enjoy the softness.
"Take this off," he said, fingering the top of the robe.
She undid the belt, and he circled her waist, lifting her up on her toes, his warm naked body evaporating the rain from his skin as it absorbed her heat too.
"Namor, what happens tomorrow?" she said.
"Namora will come back."
"For what?"
He walked her backward on her toes toward the stateroom. She pressed down on her heels to stop him.
"I don't want to talk about that now. Let me love you, Lebadi… your skin is like honey in my mouth, I want to lick all over your body…"
He nuzzled the side of her neck where fleshy immortal lips sucked and kissed chills down her spine and into her toes.
"Let me love you," he said.
She gave in, as he knew she would.
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His morning loving was as good as his nighttime lust.
With her head down and her ass up in the air, he took her with long strokes from the back as she rested her head on a pillow at an angle where she could watch his face. His lips quirked up with tension and his right palm pressed down into her lower back. Her pussy squelched and became a gushy ride. Namor slapped her rump hard and used his right hand to palm her left ass cheek as he glared down at her throwing it back on him with frisky twists of her waist. He glanced at her face as if to question what right she had to have a pussy that good on his dick. She arched her back further, and he cursed at her with words that were too filthy for him to translate into Wakandan.
"Fuck me…" he panted.
"I know you like that," she grunted, shifting her hips and widening her thighs to let him sink deeper.
His fingers slid to her hips, and he gripped the supple flesh to anchor himself. He gave quick thrusts that just rested at the entrance of her pussy and she pouted, needing all of his thickness to make her feel full and stretched. Her toes lifted and teased the feathers on his ankles at the quill, which was highly sensitive to touch like the tips of his ears, stimulating another part of his erogenous zones that she liked to play with on his body.
"Fuck my pussy… s'good baby…," Lebadi moaned as she bit into the twisted, sweaty sheets.
Namor teased her entrance until she whimpered his name and he plunged into her, cumming while he did. He drenched her walls, then pulled his fat dick back out and ejaculated onto her ass and back before stretching her out again. His cum painted her walls with creamy warmth. He reached around and played with her clit, two of his fingers strumming a love language that only her stimulated nerves could translate. It was enough of a conversation to have her walls throb back with an answer. She squealed with pleasure and he laughed with obvious delight.
Afterward, they went for a swim.
The sky had cleared up enough to let a few rays of sunshine peek through. He dived below with fish netting and left her alone on the boat for an hour, returning with swordfish, shrimp, and mussels for them to enjoy at lunch. He cleaned and prepared the seafood. She seasoned and cooked it. They ate with their fingers and she showed him how to eat sticky yellow rice balls with a soft fermented flatbread that she made the day before. Namor liked the sour, porous texture of the bread, stuffing it down his throat with the fish tea she made from the swordfish.
Later in the afternoon, they moved the houseboat to another area when the water became choppy and unpleasant. Sleeping nude on lounge chairs, Namor watched her skin darken into a rich mahogany hue. He made her lay on top of him so he could run his hands all across her back and ass, fingering her pussy from behind until she came all over his hand with a sticky release.
Lebadi took a nap inside the stateroom for a few hours. She needed to recharge from a day of lovemaking and eating well. Waking up alone, she found several loose mothers of pearls wrapped in a large seaweed leaf fresh from deep sea oysters. Smelling the odor of good cooking, she rose naked and joined Namor in the kitchenette. He stirred a thin soup of clam meat that she liked for dinner. Holding up a spoon for her, she tasted it.
"Good… ooh, and hot," she said, waving her hand in front of her open mouth to cool the soup on her tongue.
The sun was low in the sky, announcing a gorgeous sunset that saturated the ocean backdrop with blazing red and deep mauve.
"Oh, shit!" she said, rushing back to the stateroom and changing into a short azure blue tunic over a bikini bottom. She dug into one of her travel bags soon after.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
She strode back into the kitchen, clutching a small sachet of her annual offering to Mama Wati. Bypassing the beach and surfing with friends again in Birnin S'Yan that year, she wanted to honor the mother of the sea with Namor by her side.
"Come," she enthused, tugging on his hand to follow her.
Lebadi prayed over the small bundle before untying it and dropping some of the mixture into the sea. She gave the rest to Namor, and he sprinkled it with amusement.
"This god brings you joy?" he asked.
"She does."
He touched her hair, which had shrunk up into tightly coiled spirals from the seawater. She twirled a thick lock of hair and stretched out its length, letting it bounce back into place.
"Children in Wakanda who are born with extra curly hair, like me, are said to be children of the sea. My grandmother was a child of the sea, and so was her grandmother before her. I come from a long line of Mama Wati babies!"
Namor leaned over and kissed her cheek, then held her face with both hands to kiss her longer. She was about to wrap her arms around the nape of his neck when the houseboat listed to one side, knocking them off balance. Namor flew with her a few feet above the deck to keep her from falling. The surge of water lifted the boat and brought it back down roughly, and from Namor's arms, Lebadi witnessed a pod of humpback whales breach the surface and rock the houseboat even more.
Namora called to him as she pulled herself up onto the back of the closest whale. Namor put Lebadi back on the houseboat and two tall Talokanil men climbed onto the boat, giving her menacing looks. Namor barked orders to them and the men stopped moving, watching their god fly onto a whale to confront Namora. There was no reasoning with Namora and she leaped onto the boat and grabbed Lebadi by the throat, tossing her far over the side. The icy splash punched into Lebadi's back as the dark waters covered her face. She held her breath, watching the light from the surface fade from dark blue to rising ebony the deeper she went down. Flailing her arms, she tried to swim back to the surface, her lung capacity helped by her years of surfing and having giant waves crash over her before she could get more air. Her loose tunic floated above her, tangling her arms and covering her face. She pulled it off and pushed her arms to her sides, swiping away the weight of water crushing her.
Kicking her legs, Lebadi's ascent was thwarted by another Talokanil woman below her, who grabbed her ankle and dragged her further below. Seconds later, Namora was upon her, her hands choking the life out of Lebadi. Bubbles rose out of her mouth and she became woozy from the lack of oxygen in her lungs. She almost blacked out to the haunting, melodious sounds of whale song, until Namor fought off his cousin and the other woman to drag her away. Lebadi noticed a great number of his people holding spears and hugged up close to the whales, using them as living ships to travel on.
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Namor burst through a wave and flew Lebadi to the houseboat. The rage on his face frightened her and he screamed at his people. Most stood on top of the whales wearing the same breathing apparatus Namora had to use above the surface.
Namor pulled Lebadi behind him and faced his people. Rapid-fire conversations ricocheted around them as she tried to pick out any words that she knew from being with Namor. It was clear to her that the posse revered him even as they pressed to retrieve him, but his actions upset them. She upset them by claiming his heart.
Namora had a pleading quality to her voice, and it softened Namor. He kept glancing back at Lebadi, and the longer his people spoke to him, she could see his body language changing. His shoulders slumped, and a light went out of his eyes. The voices grew louder, more incessant, and Namor threw his head back as if the stars above them had all the answers he needed. Then… they started singing to him.
Even the whales emitted sounds that Lebadi could feel flowing across her skin above the surface. The haunting melodies of the Talokanil mixed with the vibrations of the sea creatures they rode upon brought Lebadi to her knees. She wept from the pure beauty of it.
Namor looked down at her with a torn expression. Namora climbed back onto the boat and held her hands before him like the wide maw of a shark about to attack. The others made the same hand symbol toward him.
"Líik'ik Talokan!" Namora said.
Namor closed his eyes and Lebadi felt a trembling soul shift inside of him. Namora nodded her head and the other Talokanil on the houseboat dropped back down into the water. Namor sauntered over to Namora and held her face. Only their eyes spoke in a secret language they knew. He stroked his thumb across Namora's forehead and slowly flew up into the sky alone, raising out his arms.
One by one, the whales and the sea dwellers departed.
Namor came back to her side, and she knew.
It was over.
His people came first and she would become a lost footnote to the seductive antics of a foreign god who wanted to fuck a Wakandan woman for fun.
She ran from him, hot tears spilling in fat drops onto her arms as she wailed and beat her fists on the berth. He tried to comfort her, but she thrashed her body to get his hands off of her.
"Get out!" she shouted, burying her wet face. Snot and copious tears clogged up her nose and throat.
He wouldn't leave her side and stroked her back.
"You said I was worth the pain!"
"They are my children."
"I am your woman! They can have you forever, but I only get this one lifetime, Namor! Just this one!"
He pushed back the springy curls on her forehead. His soulful eyes bled into her spirit and she covered her face to hide all the pain that soaked her heart. Namor spooned around her and she wilted. Crying and pleading meant nothing. His duty to his own came first. Always.
They slept curled into one another. By daybreak, he was gone.
Lebadi ate leftover shrimp and rice for breakfast and tossed all the uneaten food into the sea. She started the quiet engine of the houseboat and programmed it to take her back to the Wakandan coast, where she would leave it at the marina rental space she kept for the past two years. Leaving the seaside was the best thing for her sanity.
Returning inland for good would help her forget.
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Lebadi couldn't believe the message on her kimoyo beads.
Her former college roommate, Okoye, stared at her.
"Well, did you make it or not?" Okoye said.
Sitting inside an artsy café together, a table full of half-eaten shredded beef and coconut curried rice between them, Lebadi stared at the formal rejection of her application to the Dora Milaje corps.
"I was rejected," Lebadi said.
Okoye's voice went up an octave as she swiped the floating image of the document.
"I failed the physical apparently," Lebadi said.
"How? You seem fit to me… wait… what is that look for? Did you already know you would fail?"
"Not when I applied, but…"
"But what?"
Okoye nudged her wrist with her hand.
"Talk to me, Lebadi. We were supposed to tag-team in this thing."
"I know," Lebadi said. "I just failed. You'll have to become a Dora without me."
"Rhino shit! You always wanted this. We went to school purposely cultivating our education to prepare us. You did an internship in the palace for Bast's sake!"
Okoye lifted a finger to her lips.
"Call them and ask what happened. They have to give you specifics."
"No, they don't. I'm not qualified. I'll find something else to do."
"Like what?"
"I can be an executive assistant to a senator, or maybe a personal assistant to a Council Elder," Lebadi said.
Okoye's kimoyo beads glowed a neon blue.
"Dammit, I have to go. I'm picking up W'Kabi from his mother's house. His hovercraft was fixed at the shop finally."
"When is he going to buy proper transportation? He's had that hovercraft since he was in high school."
"You know how stubborn he is. He'll have that thing until he's an old man," Okoye joked.
She touched Lebadi's hand again.
"Do you want to go out for drinks later? Talk some more? I feel terrible about this news."
"No, go on and spend your evening with W'Kabi. I'll call you later if I find out anything more."
Lebadi didn't bother to stand up. She let Okoye bend over and kiss her temple before she dashed out to give the love of her life a ride to the bike shop. When Okoye was out of the café, Lebadi tapped her kimoyo again and swiped the second page of the form letter for the Dora Milaje corps. There was a listing of categories that could be checked off to explain why a candidate was rejected. The one that prevented her from becoming a Dora Milaje for that recruitment cycle was smack dab in the middle of the page.
Lebadi sighed and paid for the food by swiping her kimoyo beads over the dishes and stood up. The thick-layered skirt and jacket she had on barely concealed the baby bump sprouting from her middle. Four months along and she was already showing. Fatter in the face, too.
Walking alone in the downtown area of Birnin Zana, she turned her head to look over at the double palace. Okoye would get through Dora Milaje training easily. Her father was a lieutenant in the military and a decorated pilot. It didn't hurt that her mother was an interpreter for King T'Chaka Udaku either. The dream was for Okoye and Lebadi to protect royalty and travel with the king. She rubbed her belly and sighed. There were plans in place for her to live secluded in Birnin S'Yan and work discreetly as a monorail operator until the baby was born. No one knew she was carrying the seed of a foreigner, a mutant king who once said he loved her, but left her anyway. They had been careless with sex, and now she faced a daunting future.
What kind of child did he put inside of her?
Part 3 Finale HERE!
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There will be a part 3! I’m working on several fics at once so be ready! And once I fnally see “Wakanda Forever” y’all in trouble!!!
Reminder:  I switched up the spelling of the actual Mami Wata to Mama Wati to give myself space to reshape my ancestor’s actual African/African Diaspora spiritual water being into a fictional Wakandan one.
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The Moon and The Ocean *Sneak Peak*
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“My allies call me K’uk’ulkan, but my enemies call me Namor, but Princess (Y/N), you can call me, In ajawo’. I’ve been watching you for some time now and your beauty and grace is unmatched, truly ethereal.” His rough hand barely grazed her cheek as he looked down at her, her eyes filled with wonder before she suddenly pulled away. “I don’t care, but why are you here? How did you sneak past the barrier?” He chuckled as he looked around, enjoying the cool weather. Everything was much more…cleaner, the water wasn’t polluted, the sea thrived in this area. “You're very lucky, ko’oj, I’ve seen how Wakanda treats you, a very beautiful and intelligent woman, who happens to be an outsider adopted by the Queen. In Talokan, my people would welcome you, some of my people have seen your struggles to be accepted and we sympathize with that.”
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saturnville · 2 years
garden kisses.
pairing:college!shuri xblack! reader. warning: fluuuuuff content: in which they finally see each other after time apart. song: garden kisses by giveon & say less by anthony ramos note: the concept of college/hbcu!shuri is NOT my own. the creator is @vargskelegore and should be acknowledged as such! full credit to the creator <3
Paranoia sunk into her being. The once faint sounds of sirens alerting the city of the authorities grew louder and louder with each growing second. The rate of her heartbeat increased, each moment passing only stirring up a wary feeling in the depths of his core. 
The steering wheel seemed thicker, and her hands were clammy, sliding off the top of the thick rubber. The sirens got louder. Her eyes flickered toward the electronic speedometer on the dash. 65. She eyed the sign to her left, just a few meters away from a top sign on the corner. Speed Limit 40. She'd never been so desperate to see her. 
Blue lights peaked over the hill she'd glided over. Her eyelids fluttered momentarily and his lips moved slowly, sending a silent prayer to the goddess she didn't believe in.
Her foot lifted from the gas, the acceleration decreasing with ease. The blue lights flew straight past her and swerved behind the car in front of her. Good. She'd had too many run-ins with the authorities in America. She pressed down on the gas again and with a light jerk, her car sped down the street.
It only took a total of fifteen minutes to get from point A to point B, the dorm where she laid her head at night. He only hoped she’d let her stay the whole night and not just for a portion of it.
The engine cut off as she parked next to her vehicle—a black Toyota Camry that had been passed down from her older brother.
Her nimble fingers danced across her phone screen to alert her of her presence. Come up. Roommate is gone, was her response. She raced out of the car and dashed toward the elevator quicker than an Olympian track star. 
Her footsteps were heavy as she walked down the narrow hallway full of different living areas. Hers was at the end of the hall, away from the commotion and possible distraction of the other residents and their guests. Away from the possibility of having her pulled away at any given moment. 
She wondered what she looked like. Was she dressed in her business suit or had she traded it for an oversize tee shirt and sweatpants? Were her thick, natural locks on display, full and flowing? The door peeled open slowly, and the strong scent of tropical body butter surrounded her.
“Hi,” she, Kenzi, greeted with a small smile. Her simple greeting went over his head. Such a beautiful woman, she was. She hated basking in the beauty of her for too long because she was well aware that the beauty that rested within her soul was far greater, but for the sake of everything holy. Her gaze was leering as she stood in front of her. Kenzi looked relaxed and peaceful. Remnants of a long day’s makeup still sat on her face but her work clothes had been replaced by a viridian green night slip and a robe. Her hair, long braids, was still intact and styled in a messy bun at her neck. 
“Come in.” She sidestepped to make room for her entry. Shuri slowly peeled her shoes off her feet and looked around her apartment-style dorm. Still looked the same, she noticed, save for the new black and white paintings scattered throughout. 
“You got here quickly,” Kenzi spoke in a hushed tone. “Speed your way here or somethin’?” Shuri's eyes followed her wandering body. The slip complimented her skin wonderfully. It was thin, too. Every curve and roll was emphasized through the material. The neckline was deep and showcased the swell of her chest, and the thin straps showcased her strong shoulders that she couldn’t wait to trail an array of kisses down. 
“Something like that,” she replied. She threw a smile over her shoulder before returning to fish for two glasses in her neatly organized cabinet. “So, you rush to the cabinet but don’t greet me?”
“I said hello."
“Barely.” Shuri scoffed with her hands across her chest. The sleeves of her purple tracksuit jacket ruffled.
Kenzi's eyebrow rose. “You wanted me to climb on you like a monkey or something as a form of greeting?”
Shuri pushed off the island and stepped towards her. “Wouldn’t be so bad.” She bracketed her body by placing her hands on either side of her, keeping her exactly where she wanted her. She lowered her head to her neck, the tip of her nose brushing against her soft skin. Shuri peppered a few kisses beneath Kenzi's ear cupping her neck with her hand, ghosting her lips over Kenzi's. It was a teasing game that she loved to play, and oftentimes, Kenzi played along, but there was no time for games this time. 
Kenzi reached for her lips, capturing them with her own dominantly. If walls could talk, they’d giggle at how they looked like lovestruck teenagers reuniting after a few days apart. A frantic kiss was exchanged with heavy breathing, teeth clattering, and hands wandering. Shuri's back hit the front door and a moan escaped her lips. Her gentle hands cradled Kenzi’s face before traveling down her shoulders where her robe rested. She pushed the fluffy material down and her palms followed the trail past her waist and down her hips, which she gripped tightly. 
A sweet sound from her lips spurred her further. Kenzi’s wandering hands tugged at the string that secured Shuri's sweatpants around her slim waist while Shuri's hands danced along the curve of her bottom before scooping her in her arms. 
“Missed you, Princess…” Kenzi breathed against her lips once Shuri laid her against the plush couch cushion. 
Shuri's light eyes met her deeper ones, fiery desire exchanged between four orbs. “Missed you, too…”
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The Unexpected Ch2- Explanations and Surprise Visits
K’uk’ulkan x Black reader
A/N: As promised here is part 2 of The Unexpected ❤️❤️❤️
Returning to the palace caused my nervousness to return in full force. This was supposed to be a simple meeting. Get updates, or even requests, and relay them to Shuri, M’Baku, and the council. Not…this. How do I even explain this when it came out of thin air? Or when he’s who he is?
I walk into the lab to see that Shuri is definitely still here. Some interns linger around doing different projects, but other than that the lab is actually quite empty. I’d prefer to tell her in private but this is better than nothing. Taking a deep breath I walk over to her table and sit down.
“How did it go?” She doesn’t look up and I roll my eyes.
“Alright I suppose.”
She glances up at me but continues working.” You suppose? Where’s Aneka and Nia?” I shrug.” I told them I could take it from here.” That makes her stop and straighten up.
I give her an innocent smile as she gives me an unimpressed look. Alright, maybe lying to someone who you’ve grown up with and who can definitely tell when you’re lying or hiding something isn’t the smartest thing.
“You did meet with Namor, yes?”
“Yes, I did. Very interesting person when he’s not on a rampage or trying to kill anyone. He also gave me this.” I mutter placing the conch shell the god-king gave me on the table and clearly she is just noticing it.
Shuri looks at it for a moment before asking the interns and scientists that remain to give us some privacy. I wish someone would make an objection. Say that they can’t leave without finishing some theory or important project, but it never happens. All they say is ‘Yes princess’ before filing out of the lab leaving us alone.
“Usisi omncinci...” I wince and sigh.
“You’re going to get upset and I don’t like seeing you upset.” I murmur, refusing to meet her eye.
She comes to my side of the table and sits across from me turning my chair so that I’m facing her. Her face is serious yet encouraging. However, I can see the wary look in her eye. She’s not going to like this.
“He was…fine. Considering everything that’s happened. Charming even, but he had the strangest request.” Looking away from her I try to think of the best way to say this. Shuri is being very patient though and that helps a little. Best to just get it out.
I take her hands in mine. “ Apparently he knows about my abilities, finds me interesting, and wishes to court me.”
Shuri says nothing and I look at her cautiously. She wears no expression and I know I have to keep going.
“I didn’t give him an answer, I mean of course I didn’t. I just met him today. He has given me a week to consider things, but something tells me that he’s going to be persistent.”
Pulling away from me, Shuri stands.” I forbid it.”
“Shuri. Listen to me-“
“No. As your older sister I will not allow it.” She’s practically shaking with anger and I frown.” You’re only 3 months older than me, Shuri. I know how this sounds and believe me, I’m most likely going to say no. However, K’uk’ulkan said some things that have me thinking.”
Shuri says nothing and I keep talking before she can say something else.
“There are doubts. Some of them are the same ones that came to be when he first appeared. Others are birthed from his actions. All are valid, but if this alliance is going to work then we must have trust. We must believe in each other.” I pick up the shell and turn it in my hands, feeling how smooth it is.” There is far too much tension right now, and I fear that should you, or the elders, have some sort of disagreement with him then this whole thing will go up in flames. We cannot risk that happening.”
“You said you were going to say no.”
“I said most likely. I have a week to decide and I’m not going to speak prematurely.”
This clearly does nothing to reassure Shuri or even calm her down but she now wears that face she makes when she doesn’t like what she hears but knows it to be the truth. That gives me hope.
“You don’t have to be happy about this. I doubt anyone is going to be happy about it, but remember that at the moment it is simply a proposal. An idea. My decision comes at the end of the week.”
Exasperated, Shuri throws her hands in the air. “It’s archaic, Y/N! Who marries to form alliances anymore?!
“Do you have another option? I know I don’t.”
We know what the god-king of Talokan wants. He wants the knowledge of his kingdom and people to be kept secret. Protection and aid from Wakanda should they need it was also negotiated. Tensions are still too high though. Of course they would after Wakanda being flooded, but maybe this could be a good distraction for everyone. At least momentarily…
“This is ridiculous. We can look for alternatives. Treaties.” Shuri suggests as she puts on her necklace.
“Treaties are nice, but they are just as easy to break.”
Shuri pauses and raises an eyebrow. “You sound like you want to marry him.”
My eyes widen and I scoff.” Shuri! I-I’m being realistic!”
“Mhm. Let’s just go before the elders send the Dora after us. Or M’Baku comes himself.”
She grimaces and I laugh glad for the opportunity to change the subject.
“You still don’t want him in your lab?”
We make our way out of the lab and she chuckles.” Absolutely not. He’s still not used to technology and I don’t need him knocking anything over with his Jabari might.”
“Well don’t be too hard on him. I will make you apologize.”
With a roll of her eyes Shuri pulls me close and I simply smile. This isn’t going to be easy but I know regardless of my decision she will be the one I can count on the most.
To say that the elders were shocked is an understatement. Once the meeting began and the news was broken to the council all hell broke loose. Everyone was shouting over each other and continued to do so even after M’Baku called for order. It took Ayo and the Dora to get control of the situation fully.
“First he comes here unannounced, demands we take his side, floods Wakanda, and kills our queen! You mean to tell me he now wants a bride?!” The elder of the Mining tribe, Zawavari, demands having yet to take her seat.
“What right does he have to ask for such a thing?” That comes from Amahle, the Merchant tribe elder. While she does have a point, things such as this are delicate and should be handled that way.
Shuri steps forward knowing her sister would rather hide away in her room than be under scrutiny of the elders.
“He does have the right to make requests and suggestions. Personally, I don’t agree with it, but I don’t think we have much of a say in the matter either. We’ve seen what he is capable of when he doesn’t get what he wants.” She looks to Y/N. “The best we can do is offer our support.”
That silences everyone. Namor has definitely made a lasting impression on those here.
Stepping forward, Y/N clears her throat.
“This is very sudden. Believe me, I know. Right now I’m not set on accepting his offer, but he has given me a week to come up with an answer..” I look around the room.” And you are right. I have no titles nor am I a princess. That isn’t why he has chosen me.” Taking a deep breath, Y/N mentally gives herself a pep talk.” I’m sure most of you have heard of my…interesting story, and the rumors. How I was found floating in a basket in the river and that my birth mother was a water spirit…”
“Yes. When I went to meet with Namor he said that he saw me when I was rescuing those who were pulled into the water. That is what has drawn his attention.”
There is more silence and Y/N shifts uncomfortably. Shuri squeezes her arm gently and Y/N sends her a grateful smile. She knows everyone is simply processing this and while Shuri doesn’t exactly believe in anything she can’t see or explain…She’s always been very supportive of her sister/bestie and helping her experiment with her powers.
It’s M’Baku who speaks next. His words finalizing what the young woman already knew.
“Well…We can do nothing except wait for your decision. Having such a union would be beneficial to this alliance, make it stronger, but you will not be forced to do anything that you do not wish to do.”
There are nods and murmurs around the room but Y/N could care less. Getting that over with takes a weight off her shoulders.
After the meeting, which had gone longer than anyone really wanted, Y/N goes to her room. She asked Shuri if she’d like to accompany her but she insisted on returning to her lab to put some finishing touches on her suit.
Y/N reaches her room, promptly kicking her shoes off and sighing.” Thank Bast. Freedom.” She walks to the bathroom quickly taking a shower and getting dressed in an oversized t-shirt and shorts. She also makes sure to wash her face and brush her teeth. In her hurry to relax and have some alone time , she doesn’t notice that the doors to the balcony are wide open. Nor does she hear the faint sound of wings over running water.
Feeling refreshed, Y/N enters her room tying her braids back with a silk scarf. She’s so focused on her current task that when she finally does spot the intruder in her room all she can do is stare. In all his glory, and in the middle of her bedroom, stands the king of Talocan holding a box.
“Ufanele ukuba udlala ngam…” She mutters as her jaw drops.
“Hello, in eek'e.” He gives a charming smile that has Y/N’s heart pounding in her chest. There he goes again. Calling her his star…
“K’uk’ulkan…What are you doing here?”
Internally, she winces. She definitely didn’t mean for it to sound rude, she can also hear Queen Mother in the back of her mind scolding her, but judging from the way the god-king pays the question no mind he clearly isn’t offended. Instead, he walks over to her, taking her hand and kissing it gently.
“I come bearing gifts.” His voice is low, sending vibrations through her hand that tickle. His beard doesn’t make it any better. Holding back a squeal, the young woman nods slowly.” That is deeply appreciated my lord, but I haven’t accepted your offer. The week has only just started. If you’re trying to bribe me…”
Raising an eyebrow, the king of the underwater realm laughs. He finds the slight pout on her lips and the furrow of her brow to be quite cute and endearing.
“I assure you, this is no bribe diosa.”
Well by now curiosity has completely taken hold of Y/N. She allows him to lead her to the lounge chair across from her bed. As they sit, K’uk’ulkan makes sure to give Y/N some space so that she’s comfortable and so that they have room to face each other. He finds himself looking over her in awe. She is beautiful even in this…simple attire, but he will have to bring her dresses from Talokan. Reds, blues, and yellows…They’d all look stunning on, and off, her. That will have to wait though. Right now the god-king plans on easing her into this.
Y/N is patient but he’s looking at her as if he wants to worship her and devour her at the same time. Feeling her face growing hot, she clears her throat and squirms slightly.
“What is it that you’ve brought me?” Her voice is soft as she motions to the box in his hands.
As he lifts it, the box shines in the light of the room. It’s made of vibranium and carved with beautiful designs. What catches her eye though as a depiction of a woman with a snake on her head kneeling beneath the moon.
“I had this made after the first time I saw you.”
Her eyes meet his in surprise for a moment before looking back down at the box as he opens it revealing a choker made of golden cowrie shells.
“Oh! How beautiful.” Y/N smiles up at K’uk’ulkan moving closer to him.” This must’ve taken some time to make…Can you help me put it on?” She turns around moving her braids to the side to reveal her neck. Happily moving closer, K’uk’ulkan removes the choker from the box and unclasps it before leaning in close and placing it on her neck. With him so close it’s impossible not to take in his scent. He smells of a fresh ocean breeze which is one of Y/N’s favorite smells. It’s so comforting…
The feeling of a pair of lips on her shoulder startles her but an arm wraps around her waist pulling her back into the broad chest of the king of Talocan.
Sitting like this, Y/N can feel the vibrations from his chest against her back. Not to mention that his voice has taken on a huskier tone that sends chills down her spine. Staying like this is very tempting and it wouldn’t be a terrible thing as long as they both behaved. That option quickly goes out the window though.
Another kiss is placed on her shoulder and Y/N is close to just taking her shirt so that she can feel the king’s lips everywhere. Something catches her eye though.
“Hey. Your ankle…”
Of course she knows of his battle with Shuri and how she managed to cut off one of his wings. She didn’t think it was like this though. Sitting up and turning to face him she pats his leg lightly.
“Can I see?”
The king narrows his eyes for a moment before lifting his leg allowing Y/N to put it in her lap. Gingerly, she shifts his leg getting a closer look at the wing. There’s nothing left except for a little nub. The skin around the area is a little red but thankfully not swollen. It was cut cleanly too, so it shouldn’t have any trouble growing back. She stands putting his leg down carefully.
“I’ll be right back.”
And with that she’s rushing off to the bathroom gaining a curious look from her guest. What was she up to? Her mind certainly wanders. He’ll have to find a way to keep her focused next time. She soon comes back with a bowel filled with warm water and a towel draped over her arm. Kneeling in front of the god-king, Y/N places the towel over knee and takes his leg once more before taking the bowl and slowly pouring the water over his ankle.
“Buyisela into ethathiweyo.” She whispers the water taking on a soft glow as it pours over the injured wing. A comforting warmth fills his ankle and the feathered serpent is in awe. He stays quiet not wanting to interrupt her…ritual but this only makes him want her more. When the water is all gone she gently dabs at his ankle with the towel humming softly.
“What did you do?”
Looking up at him, Y/N smiles.” That’s for me to know and for you to find out. Your ankle will heal just fine though.”
As she stands there’s a knock at the door that startles her.
“Y/N? I have mango slices.”
“Shit. She actually came up early.” Y/N mutters in surprise as she quickly puts the bowl back in the bathroom and throws the towel in the clothes basket. When she comes back the doors to the balcony are closed and K’uk’ulkan is gone. A fact that disappoints her but that feeling soon disappears when Shuri peeks her head inside the room.
“Everything ok in here?”
“Sorry about that. I was in the bathroom.”
Smiling, Shuri comes into the room with a big bowl of mango slices that makes Y/N laugh. Mango slices have always been a favorite of theirs.
“Where’d you get that?” Shuri moves closer to her looking at the choker.
Damn it. She forgot to take it off.
“Oh I got it from the market. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
Taking the bowl from her sister, Y/N climbs into bed and pats the spot next to her before taking off the choker and placing it on her nightstand.
“It’s lovely. The colors match wonderfully with your skin.”
She takes a slice of mango and promptly lays on Y/N who sputters before flicking her in the forehead. Shuri tries to retaliate but with the bowl in the way it’s a bit hard so she opts for sticking her tongue out instead. This is how the rest of the night goes. Teasing each other and watching American movies. Just like old times.
That doesn’t stop Y/N’s mind from wandering. K’uk’ulkan’s wing should be healed by morning at the latest. She doesn’t use magic often but that was worth it. She still isn’t sure about courting or marriage, but she does know that she wants him to trust her. He’s done wrong but at least she’ll have backup no matter what her decision is.
How could she forget?
Courting or not, there’s one person who could either make or break whatever is going on between her and K’uk’ulkan…
Her mother.
Translations: Xhosa:
Usisi omncinci- little sister
Ufanele ukuba udlala ngam- you’ve got to be kidding me
Buyisela into ethathiweyo- give back what has been taken
Yucatec Mayan:
In Eek'e'- my star
Diosa- goddess
@lunamoonbby , @artaxerxesthegreat , @alexa-33 , @queenshikongo3 , @ant1r3al1ty , @lostpirateinwonderland , @nunya7394 , @louderfortheback, @danika1994, @weepingwitchofthewest , @chaimantis , @jurneesjourney, @stars8melanin, @prettyvintageafternoon
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