lemonxdaisybby · 3 months
NSFW Headcanons for Yakuza 7/LAD Peeps
I literally had no idea what to title this, but the title is self-explanatory so I suppose it’ll do ✨
Let’s gooooo
Ichiban Kasuga:
Bit of a vanilla guy when it comes to sex, and is more of a sub. Probably doesn’t have a ton of experience too, so would allow you to take the lead.
Enjoys missionary most, or likes to be sat up as you ride him. Basically any position where he can clearly see your lovely face, he likes.
Blowjobs would ruin this guy, he is a sucker for them. First time you gave him one, he thought he’d died and gone to heaven. Would be super gentle when receiving, and would refrain from shoving your head down. He might involuntarily thrust into your mouth though, but only because your lips around his dick just feels so good. Would hold your hair back for you, if it’s long enough.
Not the best at giving oral at first due to lack of experience, but he is very eager to learn how to please you, and would be very appreciative of you guiding him on what to do.
Overall, he’s just an absolute sweetheart and just wants to do his best to please you.
Yu Nanba:
Another vanilla.
Controversial mayhaps, but he could be a switch. Can take the lead if you want, but does generally prefer it when you’re in charge.
He would most likely be a bit stiff/awkward the first few times you fuck, as he can be a tiny bit shy, but he definitely relaxes and catches on quickly to what you like, and what works best for both of you.
Doesn’t have a huge sex drive, and also another one with not tons of experience.
Enjoys lazy, sleepy morning sex, and he firmly believes that there is no better way to start the day.
Gets rather flustered when giving oral at first, but the little noises and hums he would make are to die for.
Of course he enjoys getting blowjobs, but would almost be a little shy about receiving? Would probably ask if you’re sure you want to do it, and would make a point to reassure you that you don’t have to.
Does love a good handjob though. This man is lazy, and would find it so nice to be able to just sit back and let you do your thing.
Adachi Koichi:
Sex on the brain. This guy is always down to get laid.
He’s definitely more dominant, and would love to just pound into you from behind. Has a surprising amount of stamina for a man of his age.
Would maybe accidentally leave bruises on your hips when taking you from behind. Man’s got a strong grip. Would make it up to you after with lots of big teddy bear cuddles.
His beard is definitely gonna tickle you. Whether he’s kissing you, nuzzling and biting your neck, or has his head in-between your thighs, you’re gonna feel the tickly stubble.
Loves boobs. He’s gonna be biting them, sucking them, kissing them…he just can’t keep his hands off them.
If you ask him nicely, he would lie back and let you take control, if that’s what you wanted. Probably wouldn’t happen too often though.
If you guys were out and about, and he managed to find a nice, secluded spot where you two could fuck without being caught, he would totally be down for a quickie or a blowjob. However, if there’s any chance of you two being caught, then absolutely not.
Saeko Mukoda:
Most likely a switch. Can take the lead no problem, but happy to be more of a light sub if you would prefer to take charge. Nothing extreme, however.
Knows what she likes, and also what she doesn’t like so much. Would probably establish boundaries very early on, which is good.
Respect is so important for her, so she wouldn’t be in to anything remotely degrading. She’s a very proud and independent woman, and it shows in the bedroom too.
More on the gentle, vanilla side, but if she was rather frustrated or in a teasing mood, she would definitely get a couple of bites in. Nothing hard enough to leave a mark though. Wouldn’t leave any hickeys, and probably wouldn’t want to receive any either.
Likely doesn’t have sex that often. She’d want to be in a relationship with someone before fucking them, or would need to at least have quite a strong, intimate bond. For that reason, she’d likely have toys so that she can satisfy herself, but doesn’t use them too often as her sex drive isn’t that high. Would be willing to use toys during sex with her partner, more so with a female partner.
Dom, dom, dom.
Not an extreme dom, but is definitely the one in charge. It just comes naturally to her.
Would have a decent amount of experience. Probably has had a couple of fuck buddies in the past, but with very clearly established boundaries and rules. This woman is very no-nonsense.
Amazing with her fingers, and knows it too. Oozing confidence, and would catch on so quickly to what you like, and what makes you absolutely weak. Would just be so smug at the sound of you moaning as she works her magic.
Wouldn’t give oral often, if it all. Of course, she is happy to receive oral. Would somehow still be in charge, even when receiving, and likely wouldn’t be very loud, but would make a few appreciative noises. The harsh grip she has on her partners hair would be a dead giveaway that she’s enjoying it, however.
A busy woman with a lot on her plate, so her sex drive wouldn’t be majorly high.
Already knows what she likes and doesn’t like, so maybe wouldn’t be that open to trying new things, unless it really appealed to her.
Joon-Gi Han: 
He’s giving bottom vibes, or maybe a switch at a push?
Is a total tease. He knows he looks hot, and when he’s horny he will attempt to seduce you whilst still appearing all coy. Flashes you ‘fuck me’ eyes, and his voice just turns smooooth as butter.
Takes orders well. Order him around like a lil sex butler, although no degrading stuff and no being mean! Order him to strip, command him to eat you out, tell him to fuck your brains out, he will do what he can to please you.
He’s very honest and straightforward. If there’s something he doesn’t like or enjoy, he’ll tell you.
Not massively experienced due to his past, but is open to trying most things at least once.
If you ordered him to choke you or be too physical in any way, he would refuse. He is very protective, and would never want to even risk hurting you. It would just feel wrong. He might tie you up if you ask him though, but he’s not great at being a top so you’d maybe have to lightly guide him still.
His moans are so heavenly, especially when he’s getting his dick sucked. Would definitely have a firm grip of his partners hair whilst they suck him off, but nothing painful.
Likewise, when he’s giving oral, the little appreciative hums and groans he makes are amazing. His hands would be gripping on to your thighs so tightly, and he would literally be eating you out like a starved man.
Overall, his main focus would be pleasing you. He wouldn’t be too focused on his own pleasure.
Tianyou Zhao:
Probably a top. He’s so flirty and playful, and it’s kind of hard to imagine him not being somewhat in control.
Very good with his hands, and would be an absolute pro at fingering. Could make you finish from that alone very easily.
He probably enjoys seeing you flustered, so would definitely be a huge, massive tease. Likely gets a bit of a kick out of seeing you blush.
Loves, loves, loves ass. Any position where he’s taking you from behind with a good view of your ass, he’s there for it. Loves squeezing your ass, grabbing it, slapping it, you get the gist.
Also loves nothing more than burying his head in between your thighs, and sloppily eating you out.
When getting his dick sucked, he’s probably gonna thrust in to your mouth or push your head down. Would praise you and tell you how good it feels if you deepthroat him.
If he can get you somewhere private when out in public, he would be down for a quickie if he was super horny.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
Nanbaka Romantic and Smut Matches for Anon
In my opinion, my lovely anon, your ideal Nanbaka romantic match is MITSURU HITOKOE!
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Okay, let me start by saying, first off, that Mitsuru was amused by you from the very beginning. The second he met you, he decided you amused him and interested him and he liked you. And every second, from meeting you to getting to you know you to dating you, all the way through to forever, the very playful and surprisingly laid back Mitsuru will never stop being amused by you.
Mitsuru is actually a champion at befriending people like you, who are introverts or who struggle with some social anxiety. He's that extreme extrovert going around adopting those who struggle socially or who are more introverted. He just sees something in them and he especially saw something in you. Your 'resting bitch face' both amused him and didn't fool him - he figured you had to be this really interesting, funny, wonderful person under the quiet, unapproachable facade and, gods be damned, he was going to do everything he could to drag it out of you, little by little or all at once. I will say, that hard work you've done to get better about the socializing - Mitsuru is going to celebrate every little step in that direction. He'll not only praise you for it but demand it be properly celebrated, either by doing something together or by him getting you some sort of gift or even just showering you with physical affection if he knows you'll enjoy it.
With that initial wall around you that you have, it's a really good thing that Mitsuru is not only decided he likes you from the beginning but that he's a really patient person actually. He's not only going to wait for you to get more comfortable with him, but he'll put in the work happily to make sure that you realize he's a safe person to trust, with no intentions of hurting you. Maybe teasing you or playing around with you sometimes, but he'd never hurt you. And besides, you proved him right when you did get comfortable with him. He loves that loud as hell part of you and he encourages it, though he always teases you that you'll never out-loud Nanba's noise problem…he might actually suggest a playful little bet to see if you can.
Once you've decided that Mitsuru really is first your friend and then your partner, your protective side really shows through and while he'll tease you about it, the fact is that he finds it really endearing and cute. He's plenty physically strong and doesn't need your protection - there is a reason that is one of Nanba's guards, after all. But the fact that you want to protect him, that you do everything you can to assure yourself he's safe and you can take care of him…it's sweet. So he definitely allows and encourages that part of you.
Mitsuru, himself, is a very confident man. But he doesn't really have a huge ego…he is, however, more than used to working around those who are egotistical and he has learned to deal with it with good humour. So when you do have those egotistical and stubborn moments, Mitsuru is pretty good about letting them just roll off his shoulders. They don't bother him much and honestly, if they do get really bad or if he thinks you're being needlessly stubborn and rude about something, he'll lightly call you out on it. He's pretty observant himself and he can normally figure out if you're simply being lazy or if you're feeling conflicted, upset, or afraid of something and that's what is driving your stubbornness or need to prove your ego and confidence. He'll try to get you to talk about it, but if you can't or won't, he also will make it clear that he doesn't agree with you on this point. He, one hundred percent, still adores you and has no plans on leaving you or not having your back, but he needs you to know he doesn't agree.
I will say that Mitsuru loves your personal style. He's definitely going to have a habit, when it comes to gifts, of buying you clothes and maybe dressing you up, kind of like a doll sometimes. Once he figures out that being called emo in terms of style bothers you though, just because he is who he is, he's definitely going to playfully tease you by calling you that every now and then, just to see your reactions. He might even buy matching onesies for the both of you and he's constantly teasing you about the mismatched socks. Overall though, he's always so very, very proud to show you off and he thinks you're beautiful whether you're wearing revealing clothes, fancy outfits, or dressing down in comfy clothes.
Mitsuru finds your urges to bite absolutely hilarious and the cutest thing. He encourages your habit and will sometimes even take off his coat, gesture at his bare skin or hold out his arm and tease you, saying he knew you were looking and wanting to bite or mark him. It doesn't make him uncomfortable in the least and he just laughs whenever anyone comments on your bite marks on him. It becomes a playful little intimate thing for the two of you and he'll actually pretty proudly display your marks, not going to lie. He buys you fidget toys for you to play with when you're nervous, since he notices that you go for your clothes, hair, jewelry whenever you do get stressed and he doesn't want to risk you breaking your jewelry or tearing your clothes. If they'll help you with any nervousness or stress, he definitely wants to try.
Mitsuru starts to mimic some of your habits. Your habit of standing up when you get excited to share something? He starts standing up with you too, because if you're so excited to talk about it that you need to stand, he's so excited to hear it that he has to stand up too. He loves hearing you ramble about anything that you enjoy or that you're passionate about…he knows that you really only open up like that with a few select people and it makes him feel special that you feel comfortable doing so with him.
As mentioned, Mitsuru does notice a lot about people and is very observant. He notices when you get to overthinking or zoning out. He does everything he can to distract you when he notices this though. He knows overthinking next to never helps anything and he does worry about your health, physical, mental, and emotional, and while it might be annoying at times, he's really doing it out of love.
Another thing that might be kind of annoying at times? As observant as he is, he will sometimes think you're talking to him when you talk to yourself out loud. When he finds out you weren't, you were just having a conversation with yourself in your head, he insists on being part of that conversation because he'll feel left out.
He finds the weird noises you make adorable and sometimes the entirety of your guy's conversations will just be the both of you making these weird, random sounds back and forth and yet it makes the two of you so happy and amused. Since Mitsuru is a huge physical affection plan, he also loves how you nuzzle up to him. He calls you his little cat, nicknaming you right back as you will nickname him, and he'll nuzzle you right back, though his physical affection will sometimes remind you more of a dog's way of showing physical love rather than a cat's.
As for your love of listening to people talk? Oh, you never have to worry about not getting that with Mitsuru. The man will talk your ear off and still not run out of things to say. A surprisingly intelligent man though, Mitsuru teaches you as many new things as you teach him. Your latest interest of learning to hack? Mitsuru himself is very technologically competent and he'll have no trouble teaching you hints and tips and really helping you up your game. He'll insist on teaching you how to effectively cover your tracks though and how to make sure your own system is uncrackable, because he wants to make sure you're fully protected.
I do strongly headcanon Mitsuru having several motorcycles and a love and deep knowledge of them. Going on on rides together will be something the two of you do together before you even start dating, and will be easy dates when the two of you do get together. He wants to explore the world with you on the rare breaks he gets from Nanba, or at least explore the world as far as you guys can travel on your bikes.
While Mitsuru definitely encourages your love of working out and going on walks, being physically active, he's an absolutely terrible workout buddy. He distracts you and the two of you end up just playing around instead of getting in a workout. So you do end up refusing to work out with him, though I do see the two of you taking long walks together, both as friends and then as partners. The funny thing is he was definitely holding your hand and swinging your arm while on your walks more when the two of you weren't dating…it definitely made a lot of people think the two of you were a couple even before you were and a lot of people have a hard time believing you two only got together when you did. While he encourages your love of sports, he doesn't actively follow a lot of them himself and he won't understand a lot of ranting or talking about them you do. If you participate in any sports though, you can bet your ass Mitsuru is showing up to every match, every game, every event he possibly can with his demanding job.
Mitsuru loves horror movies, shows, and games and he'll love the fact that he can share those things with you. He has a lot of fun introducing you to his favourites and he can't wait to discover your favourites. Any time the two of you have one in common is definitely a reason to celebrate with some kind of kiss…gotta try out all of them, from regular kisses to cheek kisses to forehead kisses to eskimo kisses to butterfly kisses to him at one point just straight up licking your face because it amused him.
Though Uno is the King of Games at Nanba, the fact is that Mitsuru really, really loves playing games as well. Board games, card games, video games, he loves them all and there's no better lazy date night to him than just sitting and playing games with you. He can get playfully competitive about it, placing silly bets.
He also really loves music. He's listening to it as often as he possibly can himself. He'll make mixes for you and he almost begs you to do the same for him. He wants to hear your favourites and he wants you to know his. He'll memorize the favourites of yours that he loves and blare them when the two of you are hanging out together, instigating so many sing-alongs. He plays a mean set of air drums so he hopes you bring in some amazing air instrument as well. Though speaking of instruments, though instrumentals aren't normally his go-to, just sitting and listening to you play the piano? It relaxes him in a way that nothing else does and is one of the few times he can remain still for so long.
Right from the beginning, Mitsuru (along with Kiji) was one of your main gossip buddies. The man loves some good hot gossip and he keeps your love of it satisfied too.
Now, to go into your actual romantic relationship with Mitsuru. As mentioned, the two of you became friends first and though the friendship took some time to grow, when you got comfortable with him, the two of you definitely had a very flirtatious friendship. Like I stated, there are still people who refuse to accept you guys didn't start dating until a while after the rumours that you were started.
Mitsuru and you really share the same love languages and it really helps cement not only how the two of you interact together, but how the two of you communicate, fight, make-up, and really live in a relationship together. It makes it easier since you can often see where each other is coming from.
Though he can be too teasing and playful at times, the fact is that Mitsuru is not afraid to communicate. He's actually really good at it, to the surprise of some people. He's not going to leave you guessing about his feelings on very much. That includes his feelings about you, yes, but he'll also tell you when he needs you to give him some time or space, when he needs to really focus on work and thus will be out of contact with you for this length of time, or when he's upset about something. He's a pretty open book overall, right from the start. Mitsuru doesn't hold a lot back, though what you see isn't always what you get…he holds some secrets, though he starts to share those little by little as the two of you grow closer.
A really great thing? Mitsuru is the least controlling partner you can imagine. He's always going to give you full freedom to be yourself, to do your own thing, to say whatever you want…he just asks for the same in return. He cannot stand a relationship where he feels controlled or smothered.
That's not to say he won't be affectionate and won't be clear about being head over heels for you. He's not going to leave anyone wondering about that and he adores the fact that you are not only okay with that but return it in kind. The two of you are very much that couple who are very physically affectionate with each other, even when out in public. You guys aren't going right at it in public, but there's definitely a lot of hugs and kisses and him just draping himself all over you. He's also not going to be stingy about the compliments or, when the two of you finally get to the point of being really serious with each other, of saying I love you at least once a day.
Another thing that happens when the two of you get really serious about each other? He definitely insists on adopting a 'child' together…since Mitsuru really doesn't want an actual baby or children, he definitely meant an animal. Maybe two animals…three…you have to convince him that the two of you don't have the room to take the whole rescue shelter home because Mitsuru definitely would want to take in a rescue animal, just to ensure these poor animals get the best lives they had always deserved.
Now, you might have noticed a lot that I mention how playful and teasing Mitsuru is with you. That definitely extends to your romantic relationship. It's just such a huge part of who he is and how he shows love and affection to people. He's more than willing to take as much as he gives though and he sees your teasing and joking with him as you showing him affection and love in return. To be honest, sometimes your jokes and teasing with each other might come off as the two of you being mean to each other to people outside of your relationship, but the both of you find it funny and it's just a way for the two of you to connect. You both learn and respect the limits to the teasing both of you can take and what not to tease or poke fun about. And needless to say, there are definitely prank wars between the two of you at times that others have definitely gotten pulled into, much to their displeasure and the amusement of the two of you. Pillow-fights, playful wrestling, and 'winner buys lunch' competitions are also par for the course in your relationship with Mitsuru. He'll also, during the times you wear your glasses, at least once or twice do the teasing thing of removing your glasses and trying them on before proclaiming that you look much cuter in them and settling them back on your face.
Because of the nature of his job and how much of his time it takes up, the two of you don't really get proper date nights out often. When you do, he definitely wants to make the most out of it, getting out and enjoying yourselves, but most of your relationship is spend together in a shared home once the two of you have gotten semi-serious, or a shared home if you work inside Nanba as well in some capacity.
Now, the fact you have only three tattoos might sometimes offend Mitsuru. He definitely makes getting matching couple tattoos a priority once the two of you get to the 'I love you' point, right behind animal adoption.
Runners Up: Hajime, Uno, Honey, Musashi
In my opinion, your ideal Nanbaka smutty match is HONEY!
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Much like yourself, Honey is also overall a switch. While he prefers to be dominant most of the time, satsifying that bottom part of you, he's also more than happy to play submissive now and then. Truth be told, he finds it really hot when you decide to take the lead and play with him.
Honey really loves your habit of walking around in just your underwear really hot and he can't help but instigate sex whenever you do. He has delighted, right from the beginning, in how sensitive you are. He never gets tired of it. It definitely is an stroking the ego thing to him because getting you off is so easy with how sensitive you are, seeing how much pleasure you're in is so easy with how sensitive you are. It makes him feel like the best sex of your life, makes him even more confident in approaching you sexually, in taking control of you sexually. He memorizes every single one of your hot spots and he loves over-stimulating you. He's not happy until you've orgasmed so much and cum so hard that you're slightly drunk from the feeling and are whimpering and whining about how it's almost starting to hurt. In terms of his own orgasms though, Honey prefers you edging him. Overstimulation holds no pleasure for his own body and is plain out just painful.
Honey really adores how adventurous sexually you're willing to be as well. The fact is that both of you really enjoy pleasing each other, trying out the things the other wants and enjoys and your sexual life together will be an exciting one, where very few things will be out of bounds for either of you (though, as everyone does, both of you will have your hard no's).
Where you and Honey most connect sexually though is in the marking category. Honey will love leaving marks all over you, claiming you as his own, particularly in areas that people will see, like your neck, jaw, and upper chest. He's also not ashamed whenever you leave your marks on him, showing them off with confidence and pride in them and you.
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The hummingbird guard chuckled and have him a small smile of reassurance. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be careful, alright?” She reasoned as she looked up at him, her eyes darting around for only a brief moment in an assessment of the surrounding area– even if she had been here many times, with a prankster on the lose you could never be very sure. While they were in line she tore her eyes away from the selection of sweets (after all, she came here for a coffee flavors milkshake) and looked over to the broadcaster. “Mitsuru?” She questioned, not finishing her sentence as she cocked her head to the side and furrowed her brow. Pulling the last bit of what she was going to ask she finished the sentence: “are you okay?” She had to turn her head away however when she realized they were next to order, though she still wanted an answer from him. “Coffee milkshake, please.” She requested from the man behind the counter.
She took the milkshake in one hand and dug around in her pocket for her wallet, stopping and looking back at him with a surprised expression. “Honestly​, Mitsuru, just go find us a place to sit and go ahead and eat. I’m paying anyways.” She chided as she waved him off to the sitting area and pulled out her wallet. Setting her things on the counter she easily got her debit card and moved to pay for their food. Looking down at what she has to eat she felt her own stomach ready to growl again and she hurried away from the line before it could, popping a piece of sushi into her mouth before she had even gotten 3ft away from the counter, hopefully so her stomach would be briefly appeased. “You’re right, I am very happy that I don’t have to give them back.” She confirmed as she shot a coy smile to him, shrugging her shoulders to move the headphones since her hands were too full to tap on them. Her coy smile turned to that of a sincere one in seconds though.
Mitsuru needed a moment to answer. He nodded carefully before he looked back at her.  “I’lm fine”, he answered with a small smile. “Just heard something that felt... kinda strange to hear. But I bet it was just something not work related...”  That must be it. There was no way the guys were talking about some story he knew. He almost convinced himself that he was right with it, but suddenly he heard one of the guards behind him something about suicide and he felt how his stomach began to cramp up.  There was no way they were talking about the story with Kat and Hajime... That just couldn’t be..  For a few seconds he was unable to say something, then he just tried to laugh it off, what ended with a horrible, suffering noise.  “I’ll... tell you when we sit...”, he just whispered, holding his Sushi and the Milkshake he ordered.  He just knew Kotonoe noticed his change of behaviour. 
The broadcaster nodded again. “I’ll wait at the table”, he said and walked over, avoiding another trip wire he just saw, nodding down to it to warn the hummingbird guard.  At the table, he sat down and started to eat his Sushi before his stomach could cry again in hunger.  That felt soooooo good to finally eat something. Maybe Kotonoe was right and she should take a look at him from time to time so he ate enough.  He was really glad that she was around him today and even more that she enjoyed having his hat and the headphones so much. He felt really good when he saw her smiling. 
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guard-kotonoe · 7 years
Until I can figure out how to trim a thread I’ll do this. Because that was getting too long for desktop to not go 100 miles, or mobile desktop. @nanbas-noise-problem -Mun))
“I think I could believe the philosophy point of what you say.” She joked as she slipped the comb back into her pocket and moved over to a chair, letting herself fall into it. “And probably like drinking energy drinks for me. And don’t scold me on that- they’re horrid for me, I know, but so good.” She commented as she pushed herself up and leaned forward, elbow resting on her knee and hand on her cheek. Eyeing him as he pulled out the little box, “I didn’t realize you kept some stashed in here.” She commented absentmindedly as she looked around once more. She could feel her legs screaming at her from how many times she ran into things and then had to turn around, but she paid it no mind when she walked around a good portion of the day anyways. Her hair was probably a mess too from a couple of these run ins, maybe just the wind outside at least. Oh boy, she sincerely hoped she didn’t get called to take anything to building 3 today.
“And I’ll take my coffee black. Not use adding sugar if I can’t add cream- tastes weird.” She replied and stretched, feeling a few tense joints release as she curled back into the chair once more. “I still have that comb if you need it too. Ya know, for your hair.” Kotonoe said from her comfortable position as she let a small smile spread across her face, mumbling under her breath with ‘such a nice chair’ and 'I could sleep here right now.’ Regardless she kept an eye open- the blind one, but one of them at least- to let him know she was very much still listening as well. Kotonoe even ended up resting her chin on the arm of the chair.
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rhenuvee · 3 years
Hey can I request Jyugo and the boys meeting y/n for the first time and they are surprised because they don’t see new people every time especially girls and they have a little crush on her! I hope you understand what I mean, my English looks terrible haha ! Hope you have a wonderful week !!
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Cell 13 meeting you for the 1st time!
A/N: Yeah no problem, and your English is fine no worries! I wasn't sure if you wanted the reader to be a prisoner/visitor/guard but I generalized it so it could fit either of them, I hope that's ok.
Warnings: reader is described as a girl
- so it was another boring day in Nanba prison
- the 1313 guys probably escaped once or twice, nothing unusual, Hajime bonking them on the heads then locking them back up
- but then a few hours into having their own leisure time in the cell, YOU passed by (with Seitarou)
- Jyugo spots you first (because let’s be real what else does he have to do?) and his eyes widen
- “I-Is that a girl...?” he mumbles to himself, and at first the others don’t listen because they think this could be another Hitoshi situation
- but Jyugo tells them to come over and when you turn to look at the slight noise, they realize you were indeed a girl (they have never seen before)
- you give a small wave and smile, not really knowing how to respond to them but still wanting to be polite
- and just like that they combust
- the four of them are yelling at Seitarou trying to pressure him to let you talk to them *insert Seitarou’s panic mode*
- then Hajime bOnKs them on the head to prevent their hyperactivity (and at least delay a break out)
- but yeah the boys are surprised and determined to see you again
- so of course, they break out and eventually find you (though they enter in a little clumsily)
-  they are pretty much bombarding you with compliments and questions
- Jyugo is confident with the breaking out part, but once he sees you again he can’t find the right words to say 
- Uno ofc is flirting and immediately suggesting date ideas 
- Nico is very excited and has lots of manga and anime that he hopes you also share the love for
- Rock gets a little blushy but he wants to take you to eat Shiro’s cooking with him
- basically they’re all simps and are vying for your attention
- other buildings/cells might have a crush on you too but they can’t even get past cell 13 lol
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This is my contribution for the Nanbaka Secret Santa Event of this year! My giftee was @darkthiefofamestris and I hope you will like it at least! You can also read it under the cut. Enjoy :D
A pill for the heart
Nico wasn’t a big fan of waking up. When he was younger he didn’t have a roof over his head and sometimes found himself wishing to not wake up. Then he ended up in the medical reform school, where his trypanophobia implemented its roots. He couldn’t have a good night’s rest, having nightmares about the horrifying needles and medications he had to endure only to escape few days before it came. But even then it wasn’t good, going back to being a child on the streets.
But then he met (or, better said, re-met) with three other boys his age that made his days happier. And together the four of them ended in Nanba Prison, becoming cellmates. Slowly and surely, they became like family to him. And one of them became even his lover.
Even if his blanket was puffier and warmer, his mangas and animes came more frequently than before and his medicaments became strictly oral, accompanied with his favorites flavours, waking up didn’t become a treasured moment in his day.
But because of Uno it did.
Their beds were always right next to each other, even before they became an official couple, but only recently did they start to only share one, cuddling under the same blanket in a mess of limbs and long hair. Sometimes Uno left his hair unbraided for the night and Nico really enjoyed having it around him, with a sweet scent of coconut shampoo embracing him (sometimes it got in his mouth and it wasn’t that funny anymore, especially when it got tangled in his uniform’s zipper, but it was comfortable nonetheless).
It was all worth it, though. Now he got to wake up in a sweet embrace and look sleepily at the one boy he felt closer than with anyone else he had ever met. Sure, it still felt weird to have someone’s hot breathe into your face or that close to it, but in Nico’s sleepy state it didn’t matter that much. He usually woke up for a few minutes during the night, not used yet to long periods of rest, found himself looking up at his boyfriend and fell asleep back with a small smile on his lips, safe and happy.
Yamamoto coming in their cell in waking everyone up, though, made it all harder to like waking up. Nico hated exercising, especially so early in the morning.
“Good morning, my friends! It is time for our morning workout, hahaha!”
Every prisoner groaned, despising that time of the day. They were still teenagers, after all, if they could they would have slept all morning. Nico especially, nuzzling back in Uno’s chest, trying to hide under the cover.
No luck, though, as Yamamoto grabbed him by the collar and held him up like he weight nothing.
“Come on, inmate 25! Some exercise would do you good, you are young at heart and your body has to be prepared for the responsibilities of adulthood!”
“Wah, Yamamoto, I don’t wanna, it’s way too early in the morning! Why do you take me up and not Jyugo-kun, we are the same age and he’s weaker than me!”
“Number 25, stop whining!” a familiar voice came from down the hall, followed by the heavy steps of Hajime. “Yamamoto, put number 25 down. He’s going to come and take his medicine first. Now come.”
“Yay, Hajime saved me!” Nico jumped out of Yamamoto’s grip with a new found force and energy, fueled up by his happiness.
“Awe, that’s not fair, why does Nico get to always play the medicine card?” Rock complained loudly, being shaken by a laughing Yamamoto.
“Because we all know what happens when he doesn’t get his medicine.” A shiver run through Nico’s inmates spines at the same time and Hajime frowned, everyone recalling the limited memories they had with that side of Nico. They hoped they would never see it again.
“Nico, bring me something sweet back from the doctor, okay?” Uno screamed after his boyfriend, dragged by Yamamoto before he even had the time to braid his long hair.
“Okay!” Nico waved at the pile of boys dragged by a normal Yamamoto, skipping along  in the other direction with a pacing Hajime. “Which medicine is today, Hajime-chan?”
“I don’t know.”
“Is it for my low sugar level?”
“I don’t know.”
“My short term memory loss?”
“I don’t know.”
“My blood cells problem?”
“I don’t know.”
“Oh, do you think they discovered something new?” Nico gasped, momentarily stopping in his tracks, little stars sparkling in his eye. “What if they discovered something out of this world in my DNA, like in that new manga I started reading?” he gasped again. “This means I will have to burden the big responsibility of saving the planet from a great force they have never anticipated! Wait, but does this mean that I will have to train myself? Ugh, I hate training myself, especially with Yamamoto, he has no limits! But also, I heard that in the new volume the protagonist’s love interest will be kidnapped and used as bait to lure him out.” His arms franatically fly around, planting his feet in front of the guard to stop him. “Hajime-chan, what if someone kidnaps Uno?! I am still weak, I haven’t trained yet!”
“That would be impossible, no one escaped Nanba Prison before.” He moved the inmate around with ease, making sure he wouldn’t try anything out of his normal behavior.
“Ah, that’s right, only Jyugo is still playing around. Oh, then if he can escape Nanba will he become some sort of celebrity? Will tv people come here and take interviews? I always wondered how it is like to be famous. Have you ever appeared on TV, Hajime-chan? Though I guess your brother is more the type to do that, he is very cute and would make a wonderful TV host.”
“Inmate, stop talking about my brother. We have arrived.”
“Huh? Where were we going again?”
“To get your medicine. You obviously need your memory ones.”
Nico giggled at Hajime’s unintentional joke. He had to admit, he was always looking forward to his medication time because everything tasted so good and he felt better after he took his pills. He could take one of his pills and then eat a strawberry from the cake Rock gave him to try while escaping prison and he couldn’t tell the difference when it came to taste.
He was always wondering what flavor he would get that day, maybe lemon or something more salty, like caramel, or maybe even tiramisu. He was once afraid he would get obsessed by the pills unhealthily, but the doctor knew how to make each one feel like enough for his tummy.
In the infirmary, the doctor greeted by announcing that today he had to take a new special treatment made especially for his heart. Nico was a little puzzled, he couldn’t remember what heart problems he had, but then again he couldn’t count on two hands half his affections. Nonetheless, he took it and left out an ecstatic noise at the cherry flavor. The doctor run some more tests and then let him go.
On the way back, Nico skipped happily, ranting about everything and anything that crossed his mind. From his favourite flavours to the next coming anime he wished to watch immediately.
And then he felt like his left foot hit something and he hit the ground, face first.
“Inmate, watch your steps! You almost squashed Kuu under you?”
“Kuu?” Nico asked, confused. “Hajime, I can’t see no Kuu.”
There was an indignant ‘meow’ and a little stab of claws on his leg, but Nico still couldn’t see anything. He shrieked and jumped on Hajime out of fear.
“Hajime, I think Kuu is dead and his ghost is hunting the jail!”
“What are you babbling about, idiot? Kuu was just here and left because you tripped over him.” Hajime was silent for a few seconds, inspecting the way Nico was looking around frantically. “Please tell me you are not having any side from the treatment.”
Nico gasped in shock. “It could be! But I was never blind before! Or… partially blind? I can see you and the walls and I could still see everything at the infirmary when we left.”
“That damn doctor, didn’t he say anything about side effects?”
“Not in a while.”
Hajime sighed and took the inmate off of him. They walked back to Nico’s cell, everything going normal so far since the incident with Kuu. Hajime really hoped it would be the only surprise of the day.
“Inmate, we have arrived.”
Nico stared at a wall, his eyes empty of any emotion. He stared for a good few seconds more and then turned to the guard. “Hajime, this is a wall.”
Hajime face palmed, feeling a terrible ache in his stomach.
“Hey, Nico, that’s not nice, man.”
Nico looked around. He was sure the sound came from straight ahead, but he could only see a the wall.
“Yeah, is that a way to talk to your boyfriend? At least say that my muscles are hard like a wall, damn it!”
“Uno, you barely have muscles.”
“Look who’s talking, mister I-Can-Only-Escape-From-Jail!”
“Where is everyone?! I can’t see anyone!”
“They are right in front of you inmate, try to walk forward and you will get into the cell.”
Nico tried Hajime’s advice and made a few steps. It looked like he did nothing, to him the wall was at the exact same distance as before. He turned his head at Hajime, who made a hand gesture to press him on. Nico tried again. The same result. “What the-“ he thought to himself. He tried taking more determined steps. Nothing. And then he started running. It felt like was running on the same patch of earth and not at the same time. The wall even started to get more far away. He tried running faster, but he was already becoming tired.
“Nico, are you okay?” asked Jyugo’s voice.
“Yeah, you look a little sick.” Added Rock from somewhere, somehow feeling like from everywhere.
“What happened?” asked Uno.
“I dunno!” shouted Nico in desperation. “I just went and took my heart medicine and now I can’t see some stuff!” His breathing became sharp, sweat forming on his forehead. Maybe he shouldn’t have skipped working out with Yamamoto. “Ah, I shouldn’t have taken the pill!”
“What pill?”
Nico opened his eyes and jolted up, trying to catch his eratic breathing. Looking around, he was in his cell, early in the morning, with all his sleepy cellmates looking at him worried.
“Nico, did you take some weird experimental thing again?” Uno asked, a little angry. “I swear to God, I will go to that doctor and give him a piece of-“
“It’s okay, I just had a weird dream.” Nico laughed a little, calm now. “Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten so many trusted cherries before sleep.”
“Weird you should say that,” started Jyugo.
“Yeah, Hajime came by some minutes ago and left us this package for you from the doctor, saying he and his wife went on a little vacation.” Rock opened the little zip bag slowly. “He said they are for some heart things and they smell so sickly of cherries.”
“No!” Nico jumped up from his bed and started running around, as away from that bag as possible. “I am NOT taking them!”
“Nico, don’t!” the trio looked all suddenly scared, remembering what will happen if Nico doesn’t take his medication. “Nico, you know you have to take them!” said Uno, running after him with Jyugo and Rock. “Please, for me?”
“No, keep those away from me!”
Just a normal morning at Nanba prison.
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pinktatertots99 · 6 years
Hiya. You have any ideas for koijiro x ikkaku drabble. I love those two. Have nice day!
aaaalright! i haven’t actually till now so now i’m gonna give it to ya haha!
au where the scarred man’s organization was found, arrested, and now koji and ikka gotta finish their life sentences in nanba prison.
ikkaku scoffed on the game room bench as he watched the other inmates playing on all the multiple games here. he’d be playing too…if he hadn’t threatened to destroy one of the fighting games for the third time and was ushered to sit on this stupid bench to cool down.
it’s not like he WOULD’VE done it. he just hates loosing. …which was apparently something he needed to have fixed in this stupid prison.
he looked up to see a familiar stupid shark running up to him excitedly. HIS stupid shark to be specific. he growled. “what?” he asked, almost snappish at him. his eyes widened however as kojirou shoved into his face…a little version of him?
“ya gotta check this out!” he exclaimed as he grabbed ikkaku’s arm and quickly pulled him off the bench, ignoring the other’s noises of disapproval as he rushed him infront of a claw machine, with multiple dolls of them and other inmates here inside it.
“they made dolls of us!” kojirou stated showing the ikkaku doll he had in his hands to ikka again. ikkaku nodded dismissively as he looked in. sure enough most of the dolls were of him, kojirou, and other miscellaneous ones he didn’t really care for. …well except for maybe one of the kojirou ones but he wasn’t gonna tell.
“only been here a few days and they made these already?” he asked himself as he dismissed it. on instinct he leaned in a bit, his hand reaching for the knob and button before a hand stopped him.
“oh no you don’t!” shrilled uno as he stood between him and the machine. “we had a rule! your not to touch ANY game till said otherwise.”
oh god not this idiot he thought to himself. out of everyone in this shitty building, UNO was the most annoying for him. he rolled his eyes at him as he went for the knob again. “just lemme-”
“no!” he batted him away, causing the other to give off small sparks around himself. “if ya want one just tell me and i’ll get it.”
oh no. like hell he’d tell this pompous idiot what he wanted! he tried moving to it again. “like hell! lemme just-”
“just tell me!”
“no! i got this!”
“I GOT IT!” kojirou interfered, pushing between the two and to the game’s controls. “i’ll get it don’t worry.”
a small celebratory sound came out of the machine as a kojirou plush toy rolled out on the prize slot. the water wielder bent down taking the doll and giving it to ikka. “there we go! match~ing!” he sung as he brought his ikkaku plush up to the other.
as cell thirteen dissipated away from the scene, labeling it as the situation being solved and calmed ikka looked to see kojirou looking at his ikkaku plush, his cheeks a shade of pink as he kissed it excitedly where it’s mouth is.
ikkaku instantly felt his cheeks turn red to a burning degree as he looked at the display. looking to see the scene clear he leaned in and kissed the top of his blue head.
“don’t need a doll to kiss the real deal~.” he whispered to the other. kojirou’s face taking a turn from pink to red as he looked up at him. “ha ha. i couldn’t help it. it’s just so CUTE.”
as they stood there kojirou looked to the plush in ikka’s hand. with no impulse he pushed his ikkaku plush to it, cooing “~chu~” as he did.
watching uninterested ikkaku lifted the other’s chin up to his as kissed him right then and there. this was the one game he liked most; how to catch his fishy boyfriend off guard. and he was one hell of a champ at it.
“…i totally knew they were fucking.” uno stated to himself as he and the rest of his cellmates watched this sugary sweet display unfold. “the pretty boys so owe me~.”
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Update for my blog(s)
If some of you may have noticed, I’m a little inactive the last few days/ last week. It’s because I’ll start my work apprenticeship next tuesday and it might be the last chance I get in my store as more than a simple part-timer.  That means, I have like a 42 hour week, I’m almost every day in the store from 9 am to 8 pm, saturday till 6 pm and 4 times in a year I’m for 2 weeks straight in school with little to no internet connection. 
It’ll be a hard time and I hope you won’t get mad at me for not being able to be active a lot here, on my artblog @frustrated-little-puppydog and on my rp- blog @nanbas-noise-problem
I hope you’ll understand.  Love all of my followers and have a good night/Day ♥
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shackle-bound-key · 7 years
@nanbas-noise-problem continued from Here
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“Am I supposed to think that red stuff’s paint or something then?” Jyugo inquired, his voice laced with incredulity. “You sure, man? You don’t look fine to me, or sound it. Pretty sure you’re usually a lot louder.” Not that he knew the guard all that well or anything, but what he had seen was enough to tell him this guy was probably one hell of a loudmouth.
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ciaossu-imagines · 11 months
C's Nanbaka Platonic Match-Up
I wasn’t kidding when I said I was so in the mood for writing some match-up’s and you indulged me so well! I really appreciate it and hope you’ll enjoy!
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In my opinion, your ideal Nanbaka best friend is MITSURU! I actually had a little bit of a debate in my mind over who to go with, as there were a few options that really made sense to me, with the other options being listed at the end of the post, but in the end, I had to go with Mitsuru. To me, it just fit almost beautifully, with only one thing you mentioned in your description going against the friendship working out perfectly. That thing, of course, being that you mentioned not being too great with loud sounds and the fact is that Mitsuru…Mitsuru equals loud. He’s called Nanba’s noise problem for a reason and there might be times when he does get a little too loud for your liking, times where you either need to take a break from him or ask him to lower the volume a little bit but other than that, I do feel the two of you go together like peanut butter and jelly.
You mention really being open to meeting new people and experiencing new things, but only if it’s done in a way that still allows you to feel safe. And Mitsuru would definitely give you that ‘safe framework’, once you get to really know him and settle into the friendship. Even at the beginning of the friendship, there is just something about Mitsuru that does put people at ease and that does make them feel comfortable and safe with him. And that is only something that grows as the friendship grows more solid and I think it really gets to a point where you trust Mitsuru pretty completely to keep you safe, comfortable, and to never put you in harm’s way. And that’s useful because Mitsuru loves new and exciting and he always wants to drag you along. Literally sometimes. I wouldn’t put it past him to get the Science Division to modify his Segueway thing to have a trailer added to the back since, with your dystonia, he worries about making you walk too much so he’ll just pick you up, toss you gently in the trailer and zoom the two of you off to new adventures. He loves introducing you to all his ‘friends’ at Nanba, getting you out experiencing new people and new things. There’s definitely no possibility of boredom with Mitsuru around, which is kind of nice for you, where you do get bored easily.
Another thing I can see the two of you doing a lot together, because you both share creative natures, is crafting. He’ll occasionally join you for diamond dots or latch-hooking, something you get him a little addicted to, and he loves teaching you to show so that you can help him make plushies and odd little things. While you wouldn’t guess it by looking at him, Mitsuru is honestly really into crafting and things like that. He also really loves taking photographs and he’s definitely going to be the one to suggest making a scrapbook together of your adventures in Nanba Prison.
Now, Mitsuru might come across as a little goofy and sometimes a little dumb, but that cheerful, crazy façade hides the fact that this man is incredibly observant. He’s quick to learn you, to be able to tell your moods and your reactions. It comes in really handy when you find yourself becoming overwhelmed or worse, when you find yourself uncomfortable and upset. Since he figures out quickly that you have a hard time dealing with situations that make you uncomfortable, that you have issues sticking up for yourself or others because you don’t want to make others more upset, he’s usually pretty able to rescue you from those situations. For one, Mitsuru is definitely someone who has no problems with opening his mouth and giving his opinion and if he thinks someone is making you uncomfortable or upset, he’ll run his mouth and end up getting the situation back to a point where you feel comfortable, or he’ll run his mouth while finding a way to just get the two of you away from the situation entirely.
Another area where you and Mitsuru really click is that Mitsuru loves talking about his obsession of the moment. He’s a man with many interests and constantly changing hobbies and he loves to share his interests and thoughts about things with you. A big video gamer, he’ll want to play them with you, to connect over storylines or characters. He’ll want to involve you in any of his hobbies du jour. But he’s not selfish – he also loves hearing about your interests and he’s going to do everything he can to give your interests an honest shot to see if they’re things he ends up enjoying too. One interest the two of you for sure share is your interest in personality tests and things of that nature. Mitsuru loves them and finds it hilarious and fun to do alongside you for every one of your friends and acquaintances and he’ll dig up some interesting, weird little quizzes that he’ll want to take for you, while you take them for him, just to see what the results are and if they fit.
Now, it might seem like Mitsuru is always saving you or doing for you in this friendship, but it’s not all just a one-way street. Honestly, your more level-headed nature helps Mitsuru out a lot. You keep him from going overboard, something he’s easily tempted to do, and you pull him back from some of his crazier antics or escapades and let him know when enough is enough. And since he sometimes forgets to really take care of himself, your helpful and caring nature towards your friends really means a lot to him as you do little, quiet things that always make his day easier and better.
RUNNERS UP: Nico, Seitarou, Kiji, and Tsukumo
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Kotonoe found herself still caught in a haze in the back of her mind, a smile seemingly drawn onto her face after their kiss. She didn’t mean to get her hopes up, but maybe they were a bit more after it all had now passed. Her smile never fading​, and the moment she heard Mitsuru’s stomach she found herself laughing instead, amused by the sound once more. “At least it didn’t do that while we kissed.” She hummed out as a small act of reassurance. However, she was sure the giddy tone was present in her voice as she spoke, not that she could really control it- or cared to-do at the moment. “We’re getting food here in just a bit.” She said, almost parroting what he had said back. And she could already hear the bustle of the food court from where they were. She didn’t make a move to take her hand from his as they approached. That would be up to him.
“Are you sure you want me around often enough for that to be common?” She asked with a teasing grin, though honest curiosity was laced into it when she did so. She was more than happy with that idea after all. And she wouldn’t mind a new place to hide out instead of going to building 2’s break room. It wasn’t always that fun in there after all. And she would much rather prefer to be there with Mitsuru than in some stuffy room. Not to mention the green tea and broadcaster would brighten her day. “I mean, I’ll glad you take you up on the offer.” Kotonoe insisted as she glanced back to him, noticing more people now as was common around the food court. Especially during shift change at the prison. A few guards here and there were ones she knew or had seen, no one she was buddy buddy with. Though, at any moment she would expect her building 13 friend to jump from the surrounding area with an arsonal of questions fired at the hummingbird guard.
Mitsuru walked to the food court with her, looking around for a bit who was present there and let out a sigh of relieve when he saw no one who would mind seeing him holding hands with someone.  He walked further with Kotonoe, not thinking about letting go of her hand until he felt something on his foot. Before he even could take a look at what it was, he felt himself falling, landing on the cold hard ground the next second.  The broadcater blinked a few times before even realizing he was sitting on the ground now, glasses falling down and his face mildly confused.  “What... was that...?”, he mumbled while slowly getting back on his feet again, locating something like a thin tripwire on the ground. “Oh let me guess... That’s one of Tomato’s pranks again....” he sighed and rubbed over his elbow. It hurt a little.  After he caught his breath again, he looked back to Kotonoe, slightly embarrassed. “Don’t worry, I’m fine”, he said, just in case she was worried. 
After sorting his thoughts again, Mitsuru came back to the topic they were talking about.  “I wouldn’t mind having you around on a dayly base~”, he admitted with a grin. “I’ll make sure there will always be enough green tea, a new chair so we don’t have to fight over my chair and maybe some snacks, but we’ll see about that~”  The black haired announcer felt a few pair of eyes on him but he couldn’t say he wasn’t surprised. A few of the people around them were laughing, he could swear he heard Tomato’s laugh as well, and the other half of the peple seem to be worried if he was okay or not.  He knew he must look odd right now, without hat and headphones. 
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guard-kotonoe · 7 years
@nanbas-noise-problem the thread trimming still doesn't make sense to me soooooo, here we go. Before it’s 100 miles long on a dash. -Mun))
“Join the obsidian coffee club! Or Hell coffee. Either way; sane thing.” She said with mock enthusiasm as she lazily raised a fist in the air. On her face was etched a sheepish grin as she peered up at him from where she had tightly recurled into the large chair. A quick realization came to her and she gave an embarrassed chuckle when she looked at the smaller seat he was on. “Mitsuru, do you want your chair back?” Kotonoe questioned as she shifted up into a sitting position. “I really hate to make you uncomfortable.” She added as she gave a small gesture twords the chair she sat on.
“I’m glad I’m on time with my work though. I needed to catch up.” She said with a tired grumble. “If I had to play catch up one more day I might die of sleep deprivation.” Kotonoe chuckled with a shake of her head. The purple haired guard clicked her finger on the side of her now empty much as she did so before setting it on the ground to move before she left- granted, that was if she remembered and she thought she would. “I think it’s pretty quiet today though.” She replied to his question as she straighted up, still leaning forward if he said he wanted his seat back from her previous offer. “You probably have the most tongue piercings out of all the guards in Nanba. Some on top, tip, and bottom.” She commented absentmindedly as she as she catches him messing with his lip ring. Realizing that it may have sounded rude she tired to explain herself somewhat better: “sorry, that was kinda blunt, right? I really like your piercings actually. That’s what I meant.” She said in a bit of an embarrassed hurry. Trying to correct herself in case it was actually rude.
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pinktatertots99 · 6 years
they made you blind, messed up your mind, but I can set you free - nanbaka fic
lolol something stupid that crossed my mind. jyugo x zakuro fic. (au where zakuro and *implied* ikkaku go through reformation at nanba after all the events that occurred.)
it was a casual, shockingly silent and peaceful day in cell 13...but of course THAT didn't last long.
"I was meant to be yours! We were meant to be one! Don't give up on me now! Finish what we've begun!"
blasted off suddenly infront of their cell, causing everyone to jump in reaction. "WHO THE HELL?!" uno screeched out as he ran to the door, his face calming a bit but also annoyed as he looked back at jyugo. "oi! your boyfriend's here."
"he's not my boyfriend." jyugo muttered as he tinkered with one of the puzzle games lying around dismissively.
"oh yeah. you guys got into a fight or something right?" rock asked. jyugo nodded in response.
"well boyfriend or not he's playing a copyrighted theatrical song for you, so by all standards he is." uno stated pointing at the door. "now go tell him to shut it down! we'll get sued if it goes on any longer!"
jyugo groaned but complied, getting up and walking to the door window, seeing zakuro sitting cross-legged on the other side of the hall. his arms crossed, pouting as he had the boombox sitting infront of him blasting the song.
"hey!" jyugo called out. "turn it off! hajime's gonna smack you over the head if he comes back to it!" zakuro huffed but turned the music off. "now what'do you want?"
"I wanna talk."
"there's nothing to talk-" a loud crunching noise interrupted the teen as he looked to his left, seeing uno, nico and rock sitting infront of the wall window, watching the two of them as rock snacked on his bag of chips.
"...can we go talk elsewhere?"
it didn't take long for the two to make their way to the building's rooftop, both leaning over the bar of it watching the view...also both trying not to bring up talking about where this conversation was to go.
"so," jyugo started. "...where did you get that boombox?"
"oh that? well, while I was wallowing this loud guy with glasses came in and said he knew what was going on, and that if I wanted to get your attention I needed to play something to you infront of your cell."
of course, mitsuru was at it again jyugo thought to himself. "he told you to play that song?"
"no. I just found it on his playlist and wanted to use it." zakuro looked back at the raven smiling. "it reminded me of us."
zakuro shrugged. "beats me. just sounded like us. the loud guy agreed too."
the fact mitsuru agreed about that gave jyugo an uneasy feeling as to why he would think that. "anyways," jyugo shook his head as he got brought back by the albino's sudden talking. "now that we're here...can we talk about, it."
jyugo turned his head away from the other. "there's nothing to talk about."
"aw come ON we gotta!"
"I'm never forgiving you for it."
"that's not fair! my side was never explained!"
"there's nothing TO explain!"
"oh great. a two for one deal on idiots."
both teens looked up to see hajime looming over them. "least this time your not 'messing around'."
both looked away hinting a hue of pink on their cheeks as hajime brought out the handcuffs. "now make it easy and lets go."
"whaaaaat? no way!" zakuro fought back. "I'm not done with him yet!"
"yeah well your going whether you want to or not."
"your not fair!"
"no duh."
zakuro pouted crossing his arms. "dumb mean gorilla." he muttered. hajime could feel that vein twitch at that. "your on thin fucking ice kid."
"oh yeah?" he tempted, crossing his arms. "well I'M not going and there's nothing you can do about it!"
a loud hit on the head went off as hajime dragged the two teens in handcuffs down the stairs with both sporting a harsh bump on their heads.
"HEY WHY DID I GET HIT?!" jyugo screamed at him.
"cause you escaped dumbass!"
"cause HE forced me to come out!"
"I just wanna patch things up!"
"yeah well I DON'T!"
"GORILLA MAAAAN!" zakuro whined clinging to hajime's arm suddenly. "he won't listen to my side of the storyyyy!"
"what'do I look like a couples counselor?!"
"but it's not FAAAAIIIIIR! he's mad at me for no reasoooon. I just wanna make things better!"
hajime groaned internally as he looked over the two teens and then focused on jyugo. "so what'd he even do?"
"he knows what he did."
"and I'm SOOOORRRRYYYYY!" zakuro pleaded. "SEE?! he won't listen when I'm trying to apologize! make him listen!"
"if I was able to do that I wouldn't have a fucking problem with him now."
zakuro whined more as he clung to the supervisor. hajime could feel the oncoming migraine and stomach pains if this went on any longer. "if you two can work this out then will you shut up?"
zakuro looked up at him with big puppy dog eyes, nodding his head. hajime sighed loudly. he couldn't believe he was gonna do this.
the two sat in silence on their knees, their bodies facing eachother as they sat in the library whilst hajime was outside it, watching through a creek in the door. zakuro facing jyugo whereas jyugo kept his eyes downcasted away from the other.
"so...will you hear me out?" zakuro asked. jyugo side glanced him before shrugging his shoulders and then humming in response.
"...I didn't mean to." zakuro started, twittling his fingers. "I was just...I mean, I didn't know..."
"course you didn't."
"please, i'll make up for it."
"there's no way you can."
"please understand." he pleaded. "I didn't think it'd get to you THAT much."
"well...it did." jyugo huffed in reply. zakuro looked at him sympathetically, taking his hands and holding them. "hey, you know I stayed here for a reason. I wanna change, learn, be better at being human. i'll do whatever I can to fix this."
jyugo looked at him in surprised before nodding, blushing a shade of red. "okay."
"yeah, i'll make it up to you. next time they serve egg rolls i'll save one for you-"
both boys looked to see hajime, seitarou and the rest of cell 13 gawking at them in shock. "you...were fighting...cause of a DAMN EGG ROLL?!" uno squealed out.
"HE stole my egg roll." jyugo replied pointing at zakuro.
"I didn't get to HAVE one though!"
"then GO UP and get one!"
"well ikka stole mine! I thought you already HAD one."
"then why was there one ON MY PLATE?!"
"well how was I supposed to know huh?!"
the two then devolved into bickering as the rest watched in still surprise.
"...I'm so fucking done."
"to be fair, egg rolls ARE pretty good. I'm not surprised it'd cause a strain."
"and the ship continues to sail! yay!"
"seitarou, hold me back. I'm about ready to commit a fucking massacre."
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“Do you think just because my feet don’t touch the bottom of the pool that I need a floatie?”
Mitsuru lifted one eyebrow, looking at the smaller inmate with a grin. “You wanna tell me you don’t need one?”, he said, knowing that Jyugo wasn’t a good swimmer. If Hajime gave him the right informationes, he couldn’t swim at all. “But if you wanna give it a try without, go ahead, I won’t stop you~”, the loud broadcaster grinned, stretching a little. “Hajime told me to watch out for you, but he didn’t give me any details so if you drown, I can blame him for it~”He ruffled Jyugo’s hair softly.
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“Pay me in cuddles and food and you’ve got yourself a deal.” She added as she looked up at him with a tilted head and cocked eyebrow, smirk growing. It was a fun thought, and honestly, who was she to pass up on the offer? No one, that’s who. Especially not from Mitsuru. “I can make you a pretty cool crane design though.” She insisted as she locked her arms behind her head and looked forward once more. “Hey, we can go, say we’ve been, do at least one stupid and crazy thing while we’re there. Then we can come back. There we have it, a vacation in LA.” She reasoned as her grin grew even wider. The thought was more than just amusing to her. It was hilarious. Who knew what kind of odd thing she’d end up doing. Which brought her mind back a moment, “and on that note, don’t let me handle the money then.”
“Well, if that is the case, I guess I will have to start making trips to your office, or start calling to double check.” She threatened as she looked up at him once more. “Honestly, you really do need food.” She chided as she shook her head lightly and moved her hands to her hips. Tapping her foot down twice when she did so, though she kept walking.
She was confused as first to say the least. She hadn’t really expected that regardless of the situation. But she wasn’t about to turn it down either. Slowly she shook her head no to his question. She wouldn’t be mad, only surprised. For a moment she contemplated stepping away, before they got caught, but her body knew better in this case and stayed in place. Her cheeks flushed red once more and she found herself unable to speak at the moment when she looked at him.
Mitsuru laughed. “Okay, cuddles and food it is~” he agreed and stretched a little more before walking further to finally get some food in his belly.  “Something crazy... yeah. Like getting married?” he joked with a wide grin. “I mean, it’s what most people do there and regret later, isn’t it?”  At least he thought it was, but he wasn’t 100% sure about that. Maybe it was a different place where that used to happen.  We would look that up again. Not because he would actually want to get married there, just because he was curious now and it bothered him to not know. 
“I’m looking forwart to it~”, the broadcaster said, smiling. “There’s nothing like good company while enjoying a snack, isn’t it~?” He imagined sitting in the office, talking and laughing with Kotonoe and eating snacks while drinking coffee or tea.  It was a relaxing thought.  “I just can’t say no to you, snacks, food and a good pick of tea~”, he laughed softly. “Or coffee, whatever you like more~”
Mitsuru hasitated a moment before placing both hands on her cheeks and closing his eyes slowly.  He was well aware of what he was about to do and he also knew that it must confuse the hummingbird guard since he told her that he was in love with Hajime just half an hour ago, but he couldn’t help it.  The moment seemed so perfect and he felt like it was the right thing to do. Carefully he placed the kiss on her lips, warm and gentle while he was wrapping his arms around her, holding her tight and warm.  He really was a great kisser, no question about it.  It felt like forever, untill he finally made a step back, as good as he could with the back to the wall and opened his eyes again. 
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“keep it on for the whole day? Why, I’d be absolutely flattered for you to do that.” The guard chimed with a playful and fer too overdramatic tone. The wide Cheshire grin on her face easily revealing it all. Really, she doubted she could be very serious about it at all. “I guess I really will have to make it a good design then.” She added, content with the thought. “Well, when you find it I need to see it,” she stated, emphasizing the word ‘need’, as though it was a life and death situation. “If I can find my sketchbook ever in the clutter that is my closet, then I’ll come show you some of my own designs.” She said before grinning deviously, “or I can redraw them on your face.” She offered.
Kotonoe couldn’t stop the laugh that followed soon after she heard it. “Alright, I think your stomach demanding it even more than mine is.” She insisted as she looked up at him, patting her own stomach as she spoke. “I’m sure to get a growl of rebellion soon though.” She assured as she poked her stomach and lowered her hand, slipping it back into her uniform pocket. “And good, because I wholeheartedly intend to keep them a bit longer.” She admitted as she played with the brim of the hat. At hearing he had another she perked up. “Really?” She asked as she got a firm grip on the brim of it. “Don’t tempt me of you don’t mean it, I may actually try to take your hat.” She warned truthfully. she may actually try to take the guards hat if he would let her. Though the questions she would get after she was unsure of completely.
“You better do exactly that.” She chided as she looked up at him, a worried look traced in her eyes- something she was t sure could he seen or not. The thought of it all left a bad taste in her mouth for more than one reason, and she’d rather not dwell on the reasons. “I’ll bring over anything you need.” She confirmed as she shrugged. “I’ll probably have all my paperwork done by then as is.” To say Kotonoe was proud of the state she had left the broadcaster in was an oversimplified version of the truth. The moment he nodded though a smile had gonna back to her face and she moved her hand up, ready to stop if asked before she tucked it away past the opening of his shirt and began to mess with his piercings. She may as well, as pay back for her sides- even if she hadn’t minded it truthfully. Sue went back to wrong on his neck now though, not bothering to watch her canine teeth as she bit down on the bruise forming because of her. Or for a better term, the hockey on his neck now. Visible to anyone who saw him. And she was proud of that.
Mitsuru grinned widely. “Be careful, you might stard a new trend with this. Imagine, everyone wants to run around with eyeliner on their face. But well, if they pay you for it, that would be another thing to get more money for our vacation to LA” He was joking again but actually the idea was kinda fun. “But yeah, I know, without gambling. We won’t lose all the money, I promise”  He obviously had fun with that idea. “But seriously, I would wear it the whole day if I like it~”  Mitsuru was thinking for a moment where he left his book with the graffity designs. It wasn’t in the locker, that was for sure. But it also wasn’t at his apartment. He was looking for something else a few days ago and if he had found it there, he would remember.  “Oh, I really would love to see your drawings. Maybe I’ll let you draw a tattoo design for me~”
“Let’s just head over and get some food~”, the broadcaster laughed softly while his stomach let out another, rather loud battlecry of hunger.  “I seriously don’t want to lose my stomach because it’s eating himself” The thought was quiet horrible, but also really funny. “And yes, you could actually keep my hat as long as I don’t destroy the second one I own. And if it happenes, I will somehow get a new one from Hyakushiki, I’m sure. So... Yeah, keep at least the hat. But if someone asks, it’s just borrowed, okay?”  He stretched a little, before his stomach became vocal again. “Oh for gods sake...” 
Mitsuru needed a moment to come back to senses, before he felt her hands messing with his piercings and his mind went blank again. He couldn’t stop himself from moaning this time, but presses one hand against his mouth instantly.  Almost begging he looked into her eyes, cheeks as red as cherries by now. He couldn’t say he didn’t like it, but there was still the fear of getting caught by someone who shouldn’t see them like this.  “Stop...”, he whispered softly. 
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