#Narragansett Lovecraft Beers
wyrmfedgrave · 6 months
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Pics: Lovecraft, the teetotaler¹ - no doubt surprised by 'his legacy' of alcoholic drinks!!
1. There's a story that's been going around for a while - in which Howard drank spiked juice at a friend's party & became happier, more friendly & verbose...
More talkative?!!
We forget that HPL was actually out- going with his friends, while writing his letters & with the folk that he worked for.
Howard could be witty, sarcastic, etc in normal English. He saved most of the convoluted language & archaic spelling for his stories & poems.
But, it's true that Lovecraft did hide away for some time.
(Something that's already been discussed in earlier posts.)
Yet, once Howard began socializing with people - even some minorities - he came 'somewhat' out of his shell.
Not enough to give up his ingrained racism but, (according to ST Joshi) he became 'somewhat' more tolerant of others.
2. Beautiful themed beer goblet? Or, a Stein?!
3. Poster for the release party for Lovecraft Hopped Whiskey.
Sadly, though the month & date are included, no year is given.
Maybe it's a nod to HPL's timeless appeal?!!
I'll go with that.
4 to 6. Some of the 7 brands of the Narragansett Beer Company's Lovecraft series.
7 to 9. We also have a peek of the Lovecraft Brewing Company's various brands.
10. Finally, this 1 was a surprise to me.
Don't know if it's a brand from the companies already mentioned.
Or, if it's a new company's product...
PS: There's also a book on cocktail recipes based on Lovecraftian lore.
1914: Output.
Quote: "I think drink is ugly &... have nothing to do with it."
(HPL - in a letter to Zelia Bishop, 1 of his revision clients.)
Intro: Whipple, Howard's grandad, might have influenced the young Lovecraft concerning alcohol.
This would explain how HPL learned that wine had been banished in his family - for 3 generations!
Lovecraft took issue with drinking in some of his early writings.
Howard saw drinking as a 'curse' on mankind. To him, alcohol dulled the intellect & called forth the beast in all of us.
As a teetotaler, HPL tried to influence his readers thru various essays on this subject.²
Yet, his strict "dry" philosophy did soften (on many subjects) as he aged.
And, he stopped writing about it.
1. Teetotaler is from a speech given by a Richard Turner, a member of the Preston Temperance Society in England.
During his speech, Turner stammered or stuttered "T-t-total abstinence" & a new word was born...
2. In the U.S., temperance was about moderation in drinking - not total abstinence.
Until a Dr. Benjamin Rush published his popular "Inquiry into the Effects of... Liquors."
Rush argued that alcohol was dangerous to human health & to democracy itself!!
Drunkenness, Rush continued, made all other social problems worse!
And, drinking led to drunken folk who made for bad voters!!
But, as other people agreed with this attitude, temperance gave way to the more extreme view of total abstinence.
The American Temperance Society (in Boston) teamed up with the religious Quakers, Methodists & Baptists.
They all came to require a total pledge against their members drinking.
In 1851, the Independent Order of Good Templars (7 million members strong!) stood up against the alcohol drinking Freemasons...
Total abstinence spread into the political field & produced several statewide bans - but, just in New England & various other states.
But, this "practice run" - for the later national Prohibition - only lasted from 1851 to 1855.
Next: Part 2, the Work itself...
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sminzy · 7 years
Hey! Check out this animation I made for the launch of @gansettbeer #Lovecraft themed beer the Temple. Turn the sound on - there's alot in there. Made from my linocut for the can. #linocut #printmaking #animation #motiongraphics #craftbeer #maineartist #maineprintmaker #narragansett #narragansettbeer (at Narragansett Beer)
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So dark, so heavy, so complex, so dense, so awesome. Drink while listening to Disma. Crushing Narragansett Lovecraft Unnamable Black Lager
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americancoyote · 8 years
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laughingsquid · 8 years
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Narragansett Beer Launches ‘The Unnamable Black Lager’ In Honor of the Classic HP Lovecraft Story
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horrorsociety · 8 years
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Narragansett Beer Releases New Lovecraft Inspired Beer Read More Here: http://www.horrorsociety.com/2017/01/24/narragansett-beer-releases-new-lovecraft-inspired-beer/
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thearizonawinemonk · 8 years
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Narragansett Lovecraft Unnamable Black Lager. My brain is so confused by this beer because it's a black lager, not a stout and it's like "But all dark beers are stouts and porters and this does not belong, aaaaaah!" #ohbeer #lovecraftlager #narragansett (at New Harvest Coffee & Spirits)
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sminzy · 7 years
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The beer launches on memorial day weekend but you can find it right now in some bars and stores. I apologize, but I'm going to post the crap out of this thing. #narragansett #gansettbeer #lovecraft #illustration #lowbrowart #thetemple
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