#Natalia Arron
kadisbook999 · 6 months
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Small sketches with Natalia and Rho
P. S. I took references from @likepotato
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poisonerrose · 2 years
William Chatworth Shitr, after sleeping with Natalia: I lost focus and had a consensual work place relationship.
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lonewizzy · 1 year
I need to talk about the Three Dark Crowns series. I finally finished the series, and I'm disappointed and slightly angry.
I love this series
I thought the series was about how adults fail growing children and leave them with a broken and corrupted mess to fix.
I thought our triplet queens were going to figure out the true histories of the reigns before them (like the Blue Queen and Oracle Queen) and then go on to reveal the treacheries that took place and then teach the truth of the Island.
Is Low Magic ACTUALLY the Goddess' truest magic? I think it is, it requires: blood, sacrifice, and intent. And it's as tempestuous as she is. (IF it is, it would make sense why she chose Madrigal to continue her line.)
The Legion Queen Plot: I hate it.
SO THE GODDESS JUST PUSHED THE REDO BUTTON!? Like, Jules CLEARLY was the Goddess' chosen guardian for her queen. I thought her final battle was her prophecy, "being the end of the queens," would have been IT.
Nobody spread the truth of the blue queen.
No adult in power was faced with the fact that they defied the Goddess' will, they just recieved the consequences for it (Natalia Arron)
I thought Mirabella's death was going to be a sacrifice that was her own to make, not to avoid becoming Zombie Queen 2.0
I thought they were going to tell Katherine everything and get her fully involved in saving Fennbirn. I thought her death/sacrifice was going to be THE course correction. I thought with her, Mira's, and the losing Queens' final deaths, the Goddess would be ESPECIALLY pleased with Arsinoe as Queen Crowned.
Arsinoe, the Low Magic user, clearly pleased the Goddess, which is why I think she lives at the end. Technically, the Goddess got her winner. I think Mira and Katherine telling us that Jules would be the next queen was a mistaken prophecy (or the author shoehorning to make her ending work). I think If Arsinoe was a part of the trip to the shrine, they would have received a crystal clear vision.
I think Arsinoe and Katherine being switched at birth should have been focused on significantly more. It could have led to learning about the histories and intentions of all the gifts. Like, I think the Poisoners were intentionally supposed to be Healers/Apothecaries, but the Arrons corrupted then changed the status quo for power. Arsinoe's gift steered towards healing and low magic,
I think the Goddess' original intentions were for each gift to incorporate low magic as well. The Oracles seemed to have used aspects of it in their craft, which I think led to them being viewed as taboo or mad. The Oracle Queen was imprisoned 500 years before the current story, and the Sight gift was barely known about back then, too.
I adore the world Kendare Blake, but I have many more thoughts too.
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lightsims8 · 5 months
Arron Reid
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Arron Reid lives in my nocc LS8 Crick Cabana brick apartment, residential building with modern interior, in Willow Creek. Both are for download on gallery. [All his outfits, makeup, & accessories are set]. His likes; getting tattoos, working out, creative painter, likes music, alternative & summer, guitar, likes black & white colors, cooking not baking, likes mixology, photography, gaming, writing. Dates male or female, open-minded, down to earth nice guy, loyal boyfriend. Wants a roommate. Poseplayer in game poses by moc, flower chamber, natalia auditore, ._. ?... (2 or 3 pose creators names weren't on their poses in game, sorry I can't tag them, I can't remember for sure who they belonged to.)
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number-0-iz · 3 years
Okay so let's say that I would make a Three Dark Crowns fic. I could name it Unspoken, because it seems pretty. Would y'all read it?
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lushlife-07 · 3 years
(It was a quote about Natalia aswell)
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realismreading · 3 years
The First Summer - Indrid Down
Katharine’s first summer in Indrid Down was as cold and lonely as it had been every other night she had been in Arron stronghold. 
She had fallen asleep crying most nights, and had woke with a terrible headache the morning after. 
Her red eyes, forlorn expression and tendency to cry at any raised voice made her a particular target for Genevieve. She seemed to thrive of criticising everything and everyone around her. Her eyes were not the piercing colour of Natalia’s, capable of sternness but also kindness, but her lilac ones seemed to be filled with poison.
“Up on the podium.” Genevieve commanded early one morning. Katharine obeyed, too afraid to ask what was happening. “Down to your undergarments.” 
Katharine opened her mouth to question, but immediately snapped it shut and obeyed again. 
Don’t say anything. Don’t give her a reason to yell. She will yell more when you cry, and pinch you where the bruises won’t show when you can’t stop. 
Katharine shucked off her nightdress. Underneath she had a simple and light linen shirt and shorts. As she finished, she saw Natalia walk in. 
The sisters began to inspect her, walking around and occasionally gently repositioning her to inspect her knobbly knees or bony wrists better in the light. 
“Still too skinny.” Genevieve said. The younger Arron was not in any way shy in her statements regarding Katharine. “And weak, too. How is she supposed to be able to withstand poisons when her body seems likely to break if the wind picks up.”
Katharine clenched her jaw and kept her head steady to prevent herself from crying. 
“We’ll build her strength up.” Natalia assured. “Katharine, come with me.”
Katharine picked up her nightdress, pulled it back on and followed Natalia out of the room and back towards the room she slept in. 
It was not her bedroom. Not in any sense of the word. Katharine’s bedroom was in the Black Cottage. Her bed had purple covers and soft feather pillows that Katharine’s head sunk into at the end of each day. 
This room at Indrid Down was cold and dark and too big for Katharine. Her bed was larger than she’d ever need, and the pillows were stiff. The mattress was firm and awful at bouncing up and down out. Though that activity was best done with a friend. Or in Katharine’s case, her sisters. 
“Sit.” Natalia said. Katharine sat on her bed and Natalia brought over a small box. “I want you to have this. Open it.” 
Katharine opened the box and was immediately greeted by red eyes, and a curled up body no more than seven inches long. The animal uncurled and slowly ventured upwards towards the open side of the box. 
Her red, yellow and black colouring made Katharine smile. Such pretty colours! Black for a queen, red like the creature’s eyes and yellow like the sun above the Black Cottage on hot days. 
“She’s a coral snake.” Natalia said. “She is yours to care for. To keep you company. Every poisoner should have a nice pet like this. And a beautifully venomous snake like this is befitting the queen that you must become. Beautiful and venomous.”
“What’s her name?” Katharine asked. 
“That is your responsibility to take. As is her care. Until she’s bigger, feed her insects. When she’s grown, you can give her mice and small lizards. The servants are bringing up her glass cage. You must tell them with plenty of notice when you need more food for her. There is plenty of space over there for her cage on the dresser, and you must be careful when using a chair to reach over the side of the cage.” Natalia explained. 
“I’ll take such good care of her.” Katharine promised. She carefully held her hand out for the snake and her heartstrings tugged when the snake slid into it and began to curl around her wrist like a bracelet. “She’s a sweetheart.” She whispered. 
“I’m glad you like her.” Natalia said. 
“That’s her name.” Katharine told her. “Sweetheart.” Her voice did not quite feel like her own, and as Katharine looked at her snake again, she felt an overwhelming desire to always have Sweetheart close and protected. 
Natalia paused before speaking again. “If you insist.”
“Thank you, Natalia.” Katharine said earnestly. “I love her.” 
Natalia’s mouth quirked up briefly, and Katharine felt proud. That was the closest to a smile Natalia had ever come before. 
“You’re very welcome, Kat.” 
Katharine smiled widely at the nickname, though her heart ached. It reminded her of her sisters, and it was the first time she had heard it in eight months. 
It had been a long summer, and a longer spring before that, but Katharine felt better to now have a companion.
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*if the Arrons raised Arsinoe*
Genevieve: haha you seriously can’t tie your shoelaces
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Natalia/Camille Happiness
Natalia had always considered the vague idea of happiness a childish and impossible endeavor. And indeed, as she and Camille watch three little girls chase each other on the sand, she thinks she may have something even better.
Send me a title and a pairing
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Natalia/Baby Kat (platonic ofc)- Thunder
The first sign of a storm is the cracking thunder in the clouds above and that was how it felt to hold this tiny child in her arms, knowing all well and good that she was about to ruin the gentleness of the newest Queen of Fennbirn.
Send me a pair and a title
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treegirl-love · 4 years
After Katherine’s Breccia Fall
Natalia: Katharine is at a very special age when a girl only has one thing is on her mind.
Pietyr: Boys? Natalia: Homicide
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poisonerrose · 2 years
Everytime I write a fic with Natalia in it she’s either murdering someone, plotting to murder someone, or wanting to murder someone. There is no in between.
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queencamden · 4 years
Katharine: I can’t believe all these people dressing in black. All-black was my thing, and now they’re all doing it to be cool!
Pietyr: Katharine, I cannot stress this enough. We are at Natalia’s funeral.
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sprnklersplashes · 4 years
I love how the Three Dark Crowns fandom is like “we can excuse wanting to kill kids, but we draw the line at cheating on your girlfriend”, as we should really
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number-0-iz · 3 years
So far I only have casted 3 characters + my oc 🥲
I got Pietyr, Mirabella, Katherine and my oc😭
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lushlife-07 · 3 years
Page 308: "Pietyr has turned his back on her. A mistake." - just as Katharine throws a knife at him
Page 395: "Natalia turns her back. A mistake, perhaps, but she cannot bear to look at him any longer." - just before William Shitr attacks her
Ah another way they are similar
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