#Nathema Conspiracy
selfpossesedghost · 2 years
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plotbunny-bundle · 2 years
More on the Nathema Conspiracy
The Mission to Nathema shook up Mordra. Before Nathema Conspiracy Mordra had been clinging to his power and trying to gain more. He thought his control over the galaxy was for the greater good.
By the end Mordra wants to let go of the alliance. He’s ready to stop and let other take the lead. He was faced with people who hated him for how he led the galaxy. He was called out for falling to the dark side and told he was no longer Jedi by Kira’s Master.
He ends this arc questioning himself. In the end Mordra takes Vinn Atrius alive for someone else to judge.
I actually had to put some thought into which side Mordra will join with. I’d planned on him being a saboteur trying to protect his original home. But now he may want to try again to be a Jedi. Or maybe he’ll want to give in to selfishness and rejoin the Empire so he can settle in there. I like finding character conflict. this is great.
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chaos-enchanted · 4 months
Theron's betrayal essentially:
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rajakaen · 4 months
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"Phantom Stride" or "Why it's cool to be a Sin" ;)
It's not like I haven't already yeeted myself off several maps and into Nirvana… but I hope you don't expect me to play the game seriously and all straight-faced.
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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My poor Inky, going through yet another chain of traumatic events that will surely scar him for the rest of his life... Theron, you better be the most loving, caring and supportive partner ever. Ahiyah needs you.
(Yepp, did the 'Traitor Arc')
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chaoticstrata · 11 months
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Well, this is frustrating. I know I picked the light-sided option on this toon, but noooo, it defaults to the dark-sided option for whatever reason. Ugh! This so pisses me off. If I had read correctly, it has to do with a choice at the end of Hoth--I may have to test that. I'm not going to like it, but we'll see.
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sullustangin · 6 months
Non-Spoiler info about Date Night
So for the curious:
You can access Date Night from the moment you lock in the romance. For Koth, Lana, and Theron, that is Chapter 9 of KotFE. I finished Chapter 9 on an Eva, had not yet started Chapter X, and I did it. For Arcann, I assume that's right after finishing KotET Chapter 9 (can someone confirm?) when you get his Alliance Alert.
This stirs the questions as to when romances will be considered 'locked' in Vanilla... or do they only 'count' upon the comp's return to game in KotXX? Or do you get it once you get kissy-kissy with them in Vanilla? Dunno yet. Next round of romances might tell us alot.
The dates are signalled by Alliance alerts, so check your Crew menu. The only time you CAN'T repeat them is if your romantic partner is unavailable (i.e., Koth if he goes AWOL, Theron during the Nathema Conspiracy, etc).
The date nights appear to be 'neutral' in terms of time, as a result. They could happen after KotFE Chapter 9, Onslaught, 7.4.1 -- any time. They don't reference the current state of the game or ongoing plots. For your headcannon purposes, you can think this is an early date... or present day one, depending on how you've developed your versions of the romance and character development of the NPCs.
There are also multiple dialogue choices through each date, so you can change the tone and produce different dates each playthrough.
The quests are weekly repeatables. So don't worry if your outfit wasn't perfect or you did not record it or you cringed at that dialogue choice -- you can fix it!
The quests are 3 minutes long or so, but as indicated above, it's "Choose Your Own Adventure" in terms of the tone, dialogue, and certain key actions.
Overall, I liked it -- I just wish there was more!
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tempestswing · 6 months
Ranking the Dark Council:
hi! I was writing some notes for a piece of SWTOR fiction I am working on, and decided to create this list as a fun way to share that information.
Dark Council Pre-Shadow of Revan:
12. Darth Aruk - we know nothing about this character, other than that they were head of the Sphere of Sith Philosophy. According to the Wiki, rooting out Revanites was supposed to be their job. What a failure, hopefully they still have a job after Shadow of Revan?
11. Darth Rictus - Also kind of a mystery, which is ironic since he was head of the Sphere of Mysteries. Rictus does appear in a novel called 'Annihilation', but that book is mostly about Theron Shan. All we really know about Rictus is that he's (A) old, (B) dislikes aliens, unless they're murderous enough, and (C) founded the Dread Executioners to take down the Dread Masters. Not enough information to rank any higher.
10. Darth Acharon - at least this guy appears in the game. He's kind of a nothing character though. He defended the imperial occupation of Corellia unsuccessfully. He was head of the Sphere of Biotics. Since he died on Corellia, he would presumably have been replaced by Shadow of Revan, but we don't know who by.
9. Darth Arkous - hate this guy, but he's still technically head of the Sphere of Military Offense after the Hutt Cartel plotline. God, what a bag of dicks he is though. The one good thing about this character is that he's technically Lana Beniko's master? Although she's an advisor rather than an apprentice, so he gets no credit for the existence of awesome Sith wife.
8. Darth Decimus - Also found in game on Corellia! Decimus is actually present in the imperial quests, so you get a lot more interaction with him than Acharon. Canonically, he also trained Krovos! Krovos is really cool, so decimus should get a few points by association. Not enough to bump him up the list though. For the head of Military Strategy, he's not a very good commander.
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7. Darth Ravage - You can meet Ravage at the end of the Inquisitor and Warrior storylines, and for all imperials he is present during the cutscenes preceding the Emperor Malgus flashpoints (although does nothing to help?). The main reason I'm putting Ravage so low is that he's a little bit inconsistently written. He'll gladly say "good riddance" to Darth Thanaton's death in the inquisitor plotline, but if you kill Baras in the Warrior plotline, he'll show up at Nathema and be all offended that you claimed power by murdering your master... does he know what a Sith is?
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6. Darth Mortis - I have a bit of a soft spot for Mortis. He's got a no-nonsense demeanour which is rare amongst Sith, and he's clearly serious enough about their philosophy to join a secret conspiracy against the alliance if you "squander" the power of the Eternal Throne - a petty move, this man is a bitch after my own heart. He also is the one who snaps Darth Thanaton's silly little neck, which definitely earns him a few points in my eyes. As a point, he's involved in the Macrobinocular missions, which I did not enjoy, but he was a highlight of the questline.
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5. Darth Acina - WOMEN IN POWER!!! Empress Acina is better than Emperor Vitiate. Unfortunately Acina is kind of bland, I really don't feel strongly about her either way. I've killed her on Iokath in most of my playthroughs, even if I don't intend to defect to the republic later. I might be lesbian but I just don't like her that much. Her reforms to the Empire are interesting though, I do have to give her credit for making the Empire slightly less racist and Sith dominated.
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4. Darth Vowrawn - Silly guy!! This man is genuinely quite funny. He's a blast to spend time with at the end of the Warrior story, after dealing with Baras' grumpy ass for close to fifty levels. His choice to help the Wrath with the Hand on Rishi says... something. He's genuinely an interesting character to me, especially since he maintains that joviality when he becomes Emperor. It's tempered, to be sure, but I think it does show it wasn't entirely an act. Vowrawn could be a genuine friend to the Wrath.
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3. Darth Jadus - Sue me, I like unapologetically evil characters. Jadus is not just an evil clown, he's an evil circus. Schemer to the core and melodramatic as fuck. I chose to serve him without a second thought in my agent playthrough. I appreciated the name drop on Iokath and I have 1% chance 99% cope that he will return at some point in the story.
2. Darth Occlus/Nox/Imperius - OCs are fun. No further notes. I should probably drop the lore for my verison of this character, huh... maybe in another post.
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Darth Marr - Everyone's favourite tired Dad just trying to keep his society from collapsing as his colleagues bicker about inane bullshit. I reckon he drinks coffee straight outta the pot in the Dark Council's break room. I really wish he hadn't died, but his force ghost shenanigans were neat and I liked seeing him find a measure of redemption. Again, I am on a high dose of copium but if Malgus can return after being killed and abandonded on an exploding space station why can't someone scrape Marr off the floor of Zakuul and rebuild him. I do also low-key ship Marr with Satele Shan?
anyway, that's my totally subjective ranking of Dark Council members.
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tiredassmage · 6 months
wip wednesday
woe! for it be wednesday and the desire to make words domed me in the head last night, so you may all have more 'dot what au are you on now?' wonderings! the premise context on this one is a bit long-winded, so the short of it is aus with friends! au where friends blorbo was the inquisitor! [it... does not go well. for most involved, lol press f, etc.] so! this piece is several(?) years post-nathema conspiracy, a little drabble on... tyr and theron and trying to heal through the aftermath of an eternal alliance era that... wasn't so kind to them.
“Theron…” Tyr sighs heavily with a hint of frustration that Theron wants to flinch from. He struggles to swallow down the urge wriggling at the back of his throat if only because Tyr’s hand draws steadily up and down his arm.
“Look at me.” Two fingers reach out and gently tap under Theron’s chin with the softly rasped words.
Theron nearly frowns a moment, nearly shrugs his chin out of his partner’s embrace, but reluctantly gives to the request. Tyr rewards the tilt of his head by caressing his jaw. A soft, easy smile starts to paint across the ex-Cipher’s lips.
He’s tired - a very different kind of ‘tired’ than Theron remembers when they stood together in the Alliance. The Kaasi edge has started to bleed from his voice after the many years separated from the capital planet for something a bit more roaming, for something warmed by a sun more commonly seen than that which may or may not have broken through the storm clouds.
Theron leans faintly into his calloused palm. A few more silver threads mix with sun-muddied blonde at Tyr’s temples. He used to say Darth Nox - Emperor? It… Well. It doesn’t much matter what the dead prefer.., does it? - would drive him to it earlier. He’d smiled less and less about it as the Alliance matured.
But now..? Now, the ‘tired’ looking back at him has a gentler kind of warmth - the kind he hasn’t felt… maybe since Rishi.
The thought’s almost enough to make Theron tremble.
Tyr shuffles a bit against the pillows, squirming to lay a bit more on his back, to steady Theron against him. The brief grunt of effort dispels the smile for something more…
Theron’s eyes drop, blindly skimming along, eager to find some indeterminate distraction to settle on. His hand moves towards Tyr’s wrist. He shouldn’t need to-
“Theron.” He can hear the frown without having to look back. That was more like it.
Except the caress moulds firmer and directs his fleeing eyes back to Tyr’s knitting brow.
“Stay. Please?”
Theron blinks, breath stilling in his stiff shoulders.
Tyr’s next smile is fragile, framed with barely a breath of a tight chuckle. “I… I’ve lost quite enough, by now… Or so I thought, at least.”
Theron’s jaw shifts. Tyr’s touch softens to fingertips tracing the line of his jaw, his thumb brushing along his cheek.
And his eyes follow. “I’ve thought I’d lost everything so many times.” He swallows. His touch drops lower once more, cupping under his jaw to steady his thumb against Theron’s chin. “I’d thought… Finally… Finally, I’d lost everything, and I had no more to lose… Only to find there was always just… one more thing… Always something more to lose…”
The tightness around Tyr’s eyes threatens to shorten Theron’s already arrested breathing. He faintly realizes his other hand has tightened, twisted into Tyr’s shirt against his side. His grip nearly flexes to release, but-
“Always some… part of me to lose, I guess,” Tyr breathes shakily.
The same hands that hadn’t followed when Tyr left Odessen… however many cursed years ago it’d been now. The same hands that had strangled any hope of better out on Nathema - had strung it up in odd tresses and shot it bloody before it could even realize it’d waltzed into a trap. Tyr closes his eyes and draws in a deep breath with some unsteadiness. His thumb works uneasily across Theron’s chin, drawing their eyes back together. “And then I…” Another sharp exhale that cracks the painful veil threatening to constrict around him once more. “And then I didn’t… I haven’t lost you, Theron. Not yet.”
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anchanted-one · 3 months
Playing the Nathema conspiracy again.
Words can't describe how much I hate this arc. Sorry for the rant.
1. Reset button. The whole arc is a reset button designed to wipe zakuul and all KOTFEET plot points right off the board. To pretend, poorly, that it never happened. If you really wanted that done, just have us blow up the fleet while sacrificing the Gravestone. Only thing left is Zakuul's offscreen destruction.
2. Leaves us looking really foolish and incompetent. In just a matter of months, the Order of Zildrog manages to do what we couldn't in the main campaign. Songs are sung across the galaxy of how we, the player characters, had ultimate power in our grasp only for it to be snatched away by a relatively small cult.
3. A Gemini droid. A fucking Scorpio Clone. The ghost of that smug robot had to rear its head one last time. Not like i was itching for more self-important droid (AI is getting on my nerves irl as well). And she won. Got what she wanted
4. Vinn Atrius. A final reminder that Zakuul worships Valkorion. And sees us as having thrown the first punch. Heck, Zakuul even tells us we can fuck off now, since we no longer have a fleet. If the rival faction turns up to destroy them, I'd love to be the one to tell Vinn the tragic news. Remind him that destroying the alliance ironically led to Zakuul's final destruction. Like Gemini, he too accomplished his objective.
5. The nathema mission itself. Yet another moment when Force users forget they can use it. Literally drop the ceiling on zildrog! That would ending the stupid plot. And the idea of the secret allies... we don't know half of them, and the rest were irrelevant. Like Mortis. Why is he back? Now, of all times? And what's his beef with Lana?
6. The plot was way too dumb, and required our characters to be proportionately dumber. Even the villains suffer from this when needed. Theron alone could've foiled it in several different ways, since the 5D chess players trusted him so easily.
7. I just hate the Theron "betrayal" and the possible execution.
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greyias · 1 year
Decided to knock out some quick galactic seasons objectives this morning, and put my Apple Music on shuffle, and queued up Nathema Conspiracy to run, since it's pretty quick to knock out.
The moment I teleport in, Theron has this to say:
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as this comes in on shuffle
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Considering the original story stuff from this flashpoint, just has me all 🥺
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plotbunny-bundle · 2 years
Bunny plays the Nathema Conspiracy
So I finally played the Nathema Conspiracy. I had a good time playing it.
 It was very long and had a lot of cuts scenes. I love cut scene. The animation was great. I loved the sequence of Lana threatening Theron and him seamlessly putting down his gun while we talked. It felt like a flashpoint and took me a while but the cut scenes made it more bearable.
It took me 7 hours to play through. Very long but worth it. Game play it wasn’t too challenging for me. I only struggled with one boss fight. I do wish there would be some instruction to boss fights with mechanics. I’m sure this flashpoint was too easy for most people.
story wise it was pretty fun. I knew about Theron not being a real traitor before so that part didn’t bother me. I liked the hints he left the character. It was cool to see some origin references. But it did feel a bit like trying to have edgey fan services. I didn’t expect we’d get to see Motris and Vera’s stories and see them interact with Vinn Atrius. Kinda wondering about the relationship between Lana and Darth Motris since he mentioned her.
I liked the Order of Zildrog. I love when my character faces consequences. It makes sense there would be people of Zakuul that hated your character. So many people would hate the PC after all they’ve done.
Biggest complaint I have is Koth. Where was he? Vinn Atrius has the same beliefs Koth came into the Alliance with. I would love to see how much he’d changed and what he thought of Atrius. also the Gravestone had a Big part. His crew was on there and could have died. he should have at least been there. Koth should have come back and reacted. or if your character killed him, someone close to him could be in Order like Senya’s vera.
There were some lore breaking things like Darth Mortis risking is power base to be in the order. But the one that bugs me is Hylo being able to call your character from Systems away. I feel like that shouldn’t work. Instant connection from an off the grid planet to a barely not dead one? (Yes I’m being nick picky)
So in summary I had a good time. It was long but not bad and needed Koth.
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jolyne-best-jojo · 8 months
I always knew the Nathema Conspiracy had plotholes like the Gravestone suddenly being able to destroy the entire Eternal Fleet with one shot but I just realised how weird it is that the Fleet isn't used to help secure the Adegan crystals
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eorzeashan · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
Awawa, it's upon us again! Wow, it's been awhile. I'm sure I've missed too many of these I've lost count, but if I've ever been tagged I love and appreciate you and am sorry my writer's gauge ran empty at that time. Now, onto the wip.
It's Nathema Conspiracy hours in my brain, specifically thinking about that botched Watcher 2 reunion and then the whole deal with Eight's version of the Traitor arc where he goes with Theron and...lots to think about. lots to unpack.
“You!” Vinn Atrius bristled at the sight of Theron, who quickly drew his blaster and answered in kind. The Zakuulan knight shrieked as the bolt impacted against the exposed portion of his armor, sparking and smoking. He spun and tumbled to the ground, motionless. 
“Been wanting to do that for ages,” Theron grit out, his expression flinty and hard. Betrayal was a two-headed snake, but he was more than happy to bite the hand that fed him. What was it Vinn said to him? ‘Know your place?’ 
He knew his place. Exactly where it was. 
Theron glanced back at Eight and Lana just a breadth’s width behind him. 
Eight’s stare was steady, razor focused as ever. Yet behind those dark, murky eyes was a man who devoted himself to causes beyond the pale, to people he loved, and Theron’s gaze softened.
Even when the world was against him, Eight had chosen to follow because he hadn’t wanted Theron to be alone. Words didn’t even begin to explain what Theron felt for the other operative, who had broken through the walls he'd built around himself as a spy just to make sure Theron wouldn’t regret his choices.
Theron set his jaw. A soul like that deserved more than what the Alliance had burdened him with. 
Lana locked eyes with him next, pulling him away from Eight. 
For a moment Theron could sense the uneasy mistrust behind those intense eyes of gold. He’d left her hurting and confused ever since Umbara, and if Lana was anything, it was frighteningly driven when her anger was given form. He couldn’t say he deserved her friendship at this time, nor the trust of the Alliance. For all he knew, she’d come here specifically to choke the life out of him. Letting her was a stretch, but…
As if sensing the guilt gnawing at him from inside out like a worm that had buried itself in his guts, Lana’s tight-lipped demeanor gave way to a flicker of emotion– and she nodded.
To the end, whispered the memory of those heartracing moments when they promised to die fighting together seizing the throne. He tightened his pistol grip.
Right. To the end. 
Emboldened, he quickly turned his attention to the remaining offender, only for his advance to be stopped short by the hexagonal net of the rayshield activated by GEMINI 16. 
Theron banged on it with the butt of his pistol, frustration mounting in his blows- it didn’t give. 
“Theron,” Eight called to him, anxiety painting his usually collected voice in an odd note that Theron had never heard  before.
“Organics fight so hard for their survival. But you’re too late–the thrones have been filled. Zildrog is summoned.” GEMINI 16’s monotonous voice grated against his ears. Theron banged harder against the forcefield, futile as it was.
“Theron!” Eight sounded desperate– frantic, even. Theron whipped around. 
Eight’s gaze was trained on one of the pods. It contained a woman in an Imperial uniform, her eyes closed as she sat unnaturally still in the seat of her cage. 
Theron recognized her from the holo as the one who had set the guardian droid on them. Shara, Eight had called her, with a wistful air that bordered on nostalgic. 
His voice contained none of that gentleness now, all previous softness cut away like the dull trim of a knife on a sharpening block as his attention turned to their enemy. “What have you done to these people?” Eight leveled at Gemini 16, the midnight of his eyes compressed into fine points of lethal focus.
The promise of death, the ring of metal removed from its sheath- a silent fury so intense it raised goosebumps on Theron’s forearms roiled beneath that smooth veneer like ink released into water, and the SIS spy felt nothing but pity for those who had ever earned Cipher Eight’s ire– an honor not even Emperor Arcann had been subjected to. 
Unphased by his intimidation display, GEMINI 16 continued. “They served a purpose they hadn’t anticipated– fuel for Zildrog’s awakening.
First, he will destroy the shackles that kept me enslaved to your kind. Then he will obliterate your pathetic Alliance as a reward to Atrius for playing his part.”
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queen-scribbles · 10 months
tagged by @a-lonely-dunedain
post a paragraph, snippet, screenshot, or drawing layer of your current project! (✿◕‿◕✿) tag 5 people to post teasers of their wips too
Footsteps echoed down the austere hall and Keme snapped to her feet. Her shoulders dropped fractionally seeing it was Dorne.
"Not to be insubordinate, Major-" the other woman began, settling into parade rest posture when she reached Keme.
Keme waved off the concern. "We're on leave, Elara. And regardless, if you're about to dispense medical advice, it's hardly insubordinate for you to do your job." She shifted her weight, fighting the urge to pace again.
"Very well. You should go do something, Keme. This" --she gestured to the hallway-- "is not healthy for you, and it isn't helping anyone."
Almost done the Keme and Elara friendship fic(w/background Keme/Jorgan), but it IS still a WIP.
No Pressure Tagging @valkblue @undyingembers @starsandskies @rannadylin (lemme see your knitting :3) and @consularmain
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