#this is probably giving away too much for a wip wed but LET ME LIVE
eorzeashan · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
Awawa, it's upon us again! Wow, it's been awhile. I'm sure I've missed too many of these I've lost count, but if I've ever been tagged I love and appreciate you and am sorry my writer's gauge ran empty at that time. Now, onto the wip.
It's Nathema Conspiracy hours in my brain, specifically thinking about that botched Watcher 2 reunion and then the whole deal with Eight's version of the Traitor arc where he goes with Theron and...lots to think about. lots to unpack.
“You!” Vinn Atrius bristled at the sight of Theron, who quickly drew his blaster and answered in kind. The Zakuulan knight shrieked as the bolt impacted against the exposed portion of his armor, sparking and smoking. He spun and tumbled to the ground, motionless. 
“Been wanting to do that for ages,” Theron grit out, his expression flinty and hard. Betrayal was a two-headed snake, but he was more than happy to bite the hand that fed him. What was it Vinn said to him? ‘Know your place?’ 
He knew his place. Exactly where it was. 
Theron glanced back at Eight and Lana just a breadth’s width behind him. 
Eight’s stare was steady, razor focused as ever. Yet behind those dark, murky eyes was a man who devoted himself to causes beyond the pale, to people he loved, and Theron’s gaze softened.
Even when the world was against him, Eight had chosen to follow because he hadn’t wanted Theron to be alone. Words didn’t even begin to explain what Theron felt for the other operative, who had broken through the walls he'd built around himself as a spy just to make sure Theron wouldn’t regret his choices.
Theron set his jaw. A soul like that deserved more than what the Alliance had burdened him with. 
Lana locked eyes with him next, pulling him away from Eight. 
For a moment Theron could sense the uneasy mistrust behind those intense eyes of gold. He’d left her hurting and confused ever since Umbara, and if Lana was anything, it was frighteningly driven when her anger was given form. He couldn’t say he deserved her friendship at this time, nor the trust of the Alliance. For all he knew, she’d come here specifically to choke the life out of him. Letting her was a stretch, but…
As if sensing the guilt gnawing at him from inside out like a worm that had buried itself in his guts, Lana’s tight-lipped demeanor gave way to a flicker of emotion– and she nodded.
To the end, whispered the memory of those heartracing moments when they promised to die fighting together seizing the throne. He tightened his pistol grip.
Right. To the end. 
Emboldened, he quickly turned his attention to the remaining offender, only for his advance to be stopped short by the hexagonal net of the rayshield activated by GEMINI 16. 
Theron banged on it with the butt of his pistol, frustration mounting in his blows- it didn’t give. 
“Theron,” Eight called to him, anxiety painting his usually collected voice in an odd note that Theron had never heard  before.
“Organics fight so hard for their survival. But you’re too late–the thrones have been filled. Zildrog is summoned.” GEMINI 16’s monotonous voice grated against his ears. Theron banged harder against the forcefield, futile as it was.
“Theron!” Eight sounded desperate– frantic, even. Theron whipped around. 
Eight’s gaze was trained on one of the pods. It contained a woman in an Imperial uniform, her eyes closed as she sat unnaturally still in the seat of her cage. 
Theron recognized her from the holo as the one who had set the guardian droid on them. Shara, Eight had called her, with a wistful air that bordered on nostalgic. 
His voice contained none of that gentleness now, all previous softness cut away like the dull trim of a knife on a sharpening block as his attention turned to their enemy. “What have you done to these people?” Eight leveled at Gemini 16, the midnight of his eyes compressed into fine points of lethal focus.
The promise of death, the ring of metal removed from its sheath- a silent fury so intense it raised goosebumps on Theron’s forearms roiled beneath that smooth veneer like ink released into water, and the SIS spy felt nothing but pity for those who had ever earned Cipher Eight’s ire– an honor not even Emperor Arcann had been subjected to. 
Unphased by his intimidation display, GEMINI 16 continued. “They served a purpose they hadn’t anticipated– fuel for Zildrog’s awakening.
First, he will destroy the shackles that kept me enslaved to your kind. Then he will obliterate your pathetic Alliance as a reward to Atrius for playing his part.”
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kirythestitchwitch · 6 months
Klaroline WIP Wed - Freaky Friday Time Travel Fic - Part 4
Hi @galvanizedfriend this is your shout out! 😊
Part One here
Part Two here
Part Three here
He licked his lips, opened his mouth with a sly little tilt to his lips, dimples creasing his cheeks with whatever profane thing was about to come out, and quickly she clapped her hand over his mouth, her own cheeks burning. “Don’t answer that!” she hissed, “You could break the space-time continuum, and then what? The universe implodes!”
The warm vibrations of his muffled laughter trembled against her fingertips and she snatched her hand back. Rubbed the thumb of her other hand against the faint tingle on her skin.
“I doubt those particular details will break the universe, sweetheart,” Klaus said, that curling smile that spoke of a thousand intimate secrets between them hovering on his lips. “But you are correct. As delightful as you are, you do not belong here yet.” Something familiar and dangerous filled his gaze, chasing away the humor. “If you’re here, my Caroline seems to be somewhere else, probably wherever you came from. I would like to know what she will be walking into.”
Caroline frowned. Recalled to herself that odd sensation like she had stumbled past someone else in the brightness of the time travel. Had that been the other Caroline? “I was just studying for my finals in my room. It’s almost graduation. And you!” she said, stopping to look around the dark of the balcony floor.
“Yes?” The shadowed look in his eyes didn’t seem to lessen at the mention of graduation, if anything, his expression darkened further.
Spotting the necklace in the shadow of a potted plant and the wall, Caroline triumphantly fished it out and held it up. “You sent me this!” It dangled from one hand and even though she touched the pendant with the other, it remained inert. One way trip only, it seemed.
Klaus immediately made a face. “I did not.”
“Yes, you did.” Caroline swung it a little close to him and he leaned away from getting smacked in the face. “There was one of your paint boxes on my porch with my name in your handwriting on sketch paper taped to the top.”
“Sweetheart, that necklace is ghastly; I wouldn’t have desecrated your neck with it in a millennia. And that is the most inelegant presentation.” His tone turned grudging. “One does try to impress.”
“But… if you didn't give me this ugly thing then who did?” And who would go through such an elaborate setup to get her to open it?
Klaus shot her a slightly impatient look. “You can’t think of anyone in town making your lives miserable during that period?”
Caroline blinked. “Silas? What would he want with me, I’m not important–”
“Don’t say that.” His voice was firm but soft. An odd expression stole over his face, there and gone in a moment. Something about it left Caroline feeling lost before he spoke again. “As if you hadn’t been attempting to twist me around your fingers for months,” he said with good humor.
Her cheeks warmed. Of course he knew, he wasn’t an idiot, but he’d never called her on it. “It seems to have worked out for you,” she said, deciding to brazen it through and fish for information. Maybe it wouldn't hurt the universe too much to know a bit about her future?
Unfortunately, he seemed to see that for what it was and dimpled at her. “Quite.” With a hand, he beckoned her toward him as he backed into the bedroom. “Come, let’s get off the balcony, not all our neighbors sleep at night and I don’t want to be overheard.”
He disappeared around the corner and Caroline hesitated a moment and then followed him into the room, shutting the balcony doors behind her. It was spacious and gorgeous, and exactly what she would have chosen for a classically French apartment if given infinite money a free rein. It was with an odd sense of recognition that she realized that that was probably exactly what had happened.
Bare feet sinking into the plush rugs over the hardwood floor, she wandered around the room, looking at photos from a life she hadn’t lived yet: Caroline on an elephant beaming, Caroline and Bonnie in snow gear on a snowy mountain waving at the camera, Rebekah and Caroline in bikinis on the beach looking like the best of friends, Rebekah and Kol–Kol?!–and a dark-haired man with Caroline at a paintball course liberally covered in paint. Selfies of her and Klaus were also scattered throughout the frames in gorgeous locations. 
It painted a picture of a happy life and it made somewhere inside Caroline ache. Tyler and she were trying so hard to keep their relationship together despite everything that kept coming between them, and this made it look like everything was for nothing. Hayley’s shitty interference, Klaus himself driving him out of town, Tyler’s mad quest for revenge and the consequences that came from that.
There was a soft whoosh at her elbow and Klaus appeared as she was staring down at a picture of them in front of a gorgeous waterfall in a canyon, sitting on a bookshelf next to the door to the walk-in closet. In the picture Klaus was looking at her, not the camera, and the look in his eyes was one of the most romantic things she’d ever seen. 
“Where was this?” she asked softly. She wasn’t sure if she was starting to feel lightheaded or if that was the anxiety churning in her stomach but whatever it was she was not enjoying it. 
He looked over at the photo, the corner of his mouth curling at some unknown memory. He’d pulled a loose grey V-neck t-shirt on along with a pair of shoes, and his pants appeared to have been fastened properly, finally. A blood bag was held in one of his hands. Caroline tried not to look too hungrily at it. “Morocco. We hiked into Akchour Falls, where Caroline took that picture.”
Something caught her eye in the photo and she leaned closer. “Hold on…” It took her a second to be sure, but the Caroline in the photo was definitely wearing a rock and a gold band on the ring finger of her left hand.
“Ah, about that–” “We’re married?!” Caroline nearly shrieked.
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youngerdrgrey · 2 months
wip - station 19, andy/vic
notes: hadn't so much as considered this possibility until I saw thier names tagged on ao3. now here we are. I'm sharing this wip draft for now until I finish more of it and post on ao3.
context: kicks off after the season 4 finale. Marina wedding reception still in progress. Andy fucked up. Vic just made out with Theo now that she has Travis' blessing (and poor sweet Dean saw it when he went to confess his feelings for her).
The vibes are off when Maya, Carina, and Andy get back from storming the chief’s office. Sure, they turn on the music, and everyone starts dancing again, but Vic can’t really surrender herself to the party anymore. She can’t just make out with Theo when it feels like something really big just happened. Something nobody’s talking about.
Andy dances as far away from Sullivan as she can. He keeps eyeing her like some wounded dog. When Vic tries to talk to Dean about it, Dean gets weird. So, Vic really only has one option.
She corners Andy in the bathroom.
She’s polite enough to wait until Andy’s flushed the toilet, but the second Andy opens the stall, Vic stares the other woman down.
Andy flinches at the sight of her. “Shit, Vic, say something next time.”
“Maybe you should say something,” Vic says. “What happened with the chief?”
Andy averts her eyes to the sink. She gets the water running.
Vic watches Andy’s jaw work. Her eyes start to narrow because it’s a simple question.
Maya and Andy stormed the chief’s office, and then… what? Fill in the blank.
“He’s not giving Maya her captaincy back,” Andy says. “I’m proud of her for still enjoying tonight. It was really a beautiful wedding. You did amazing, Vic.”
“I know I did amazing. It’s the best freaking wedding at a pierogi place that will ever exist,” Vic says. “But Maya’s spot doesn’t explain you acting weird. If Sullivan really caused this—“
“He did,” Andy insists. Her tone’s sharp as it always when she mentions her husband. She shakes her hands.
Vic grabs paper towels and hands them over to Andy.
Andy sighs out, “Thanks. I don’t really want to get into all of this. Robert put this whole thing in motion. He said the chief wanted to know what Robert thought about Maya, and Robert….”
Andy’s nostrils flare. Her eyes cut to the paper towels in her hands. Then it makes sense. Andy’s anger only tracks if Robert looked out for himself over everyone else.
So Vic finishes the sentence for Andy. “Robert tried to get her spot.”
Andy laughs, but it’s probably the angriest, most disbelieving laugh Vic has heard in years.
Andy says, “He keeps saying he did it for me. For us. For our house. But—“
“But that’s bullshit,” Vic deadpans. “If he wanted to protect the house, he would’ve argued to keep Maya where she was.”
“Exactly!” Andy throws her hands to the sky.
“Or-or mentioned you — you’re an actual lieutenant. The rightful heir of Station 19.”
Andy rolls her eyes. “Not heir, Vic, come on.”
Vic bumps Andy’s hand. “It’s true! You’ve been our little captain that could for as long as I’ve been here. Having Maya as Captain was one thing, but someone else entirely….”
Vic doesn’t want to imagine it. They’ve had enough change in their lives recently. Her awful older sister of a restaurant got torched a month ago. Ben and Dean almost drowned. It’s been absolute hell, but they’ve gotten through every bit of it because of their family.
She sighs. “You know what, we’re not going to let one potential new person throw us off. We’ve gotten through so much shit together. We can deal with this too.”
Pain flashes across Andy’s face.
Vic’s brows scrunch. “What? What was that face? Don’t say you don’t need help, because Andy, I swear—”
“We won’t be together,” Andy admits. “That’s… that’s the other thing that happened with the chief. He reassigned me to Station 23. Effective on Monday.”
Vic’s whole body freezes.
It just ceases to function for a second.
She starts to laugh, because this has to be a joke.
There’s no way that Andy Herrera is leaving Station 19.
“You’re not serious. Right? You can’t be serious. Why—“
“He said that I’ll never be out of my dad’s shadow. And told me this move would be good for me,” Andy says.
“Yeah, well, his decision’s final, so…” Andy sighs. She opens her mouth to say it, but no sound comes out.
It’s like a spark ignites with that. One second, Andy’s fine. Angry, but she’s holding it all together. It’s just another captain’s order for her to carry out. But the next, she’s clutching at her chest. Tears completely blur her vision. The bathroom tiling feels too close and getting closer.
Vic catches Andy when Andy stumbles forward. It’s not perfect, and it takes a careful shuffle of their bodies to keep Andy from dragging them both down to the ground.
A dry sob wracks Andy’s body. Vic wraps her arms around Andy as tightly as she can. Every ragged breath, every broken sound. Vic takes it all. She squeezes her eyes shut and lets Andy fall apart.
“I can’t — I can’t do it,” Andy sobs. “I can’t leave 19.”
more eventually
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randomtacoscry · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
So I wasn't really planning on posting any of my WIP this week, but I decided last minute that I'd do it anyways. Also, I know it's probably not Wednesday for a lot of you but it still is for me! So, this one isn't great- but it is a predecessor to one of my other WIPs (one of my previous ones actually continues off this one so you can read that too if you want) so I thought it'd be a fun one to post. Please keep in mind that this is a work in progress and that this will definitely be re-written to sound a bit better. Before reading, just wanted to let you know that there may be some SPOILERS to the final fic. If you want to read this and avoid the spoilers, DO NOT READ the crossed out words as they give away a somewhat main plot point.
Anyways, thanks for reading! (And, even if you do read this, you'll probably forget about it when the fic actually comes out bc it's far from finished anyways!)
Wallowing in his own self-pity (and maybe some denial) wasn’t Pete’s ideal way to spend his evening, but he didn’t have the energy to do much else. His eyes flutter between open and closed before he hears the ringing of the doorbell at the front door and he begrudgingly gets up to answer it. A sharp two knocks hit the door before Pete swings it open, revealing a familiar face.
Tom looks tired. He’s breathing deeply and the lines around his eyes have become more prominent than Pete remembers. They stare at each other for a minute before Pete steps slightly to the side, allowing a space for Tom to walk into the house. He makes his way into the living room quickly before beginning to tap his foot slightly and Pete can tell he’s deep in thought.
“Am I making a huge mistake?” Pete can hear the desperation in his voice. He can tell Tom is exhausted and he knows exactly what the man wants him to say. 
Tom turns around to walk over to Pete. He stops to stand a safe few feet away and it reminds Pete of a decade ago when the pair would ignore each other for the sheer sake of doing just that. “Am I?” He says breathlessly and Pete hates the way he stares into his eyes. He hates that Tom makes Pete feel every emotion he is feeling because of his ridiculously good ability to maintain eye contact. 
Pete looks away before meeting his eyes again, “I can’t tell you what you want to hear.” Pete can’t be the only one fighting for the two of them, and it seems like he’s the only one who ever has. Tom looks at Pete, his eyes pleading, but doesn’t say anything. His breath is shaky and Pete can’t tell if the other man ran all the way here or is on the verge of a panic attack. Pete can’t bring himself to say any more. He’s just asking himself questions; why is Tom here? Why is he here the night before his wedding? Is he asking Pete to not come? Is he trying to call off the wedding? Is he here to talk to Bradley? Pete is brought out of his mind when Tom begins closing the distance between the two of them. He walks forward so they’re inches apart, and Pete can smell the earthy sandalwood scent of his cologne (a scent Pete’s become familiar with over the last decade and a half). Tom’s eyes are almost begging him to answer the question and Pete knows what he wants to answer with. He wants to tell Tom he’s making the biggest mistake of his life. He wants to tell him to come back and be with him again. Pete feels Tom’s right hand lift to touch his cheek. It’s tentative, and nervous, like Tom is afraid of Pete’s reaction. Pete hates that he leans into it slightly, and Tom holds the left of his jaw in a gentle caress. “Pete…” Pete’s seen Tom cry only a handful of times in his life, but he’s never looked more broken, standing there, tears filling his eyes but never falling. Pete brings his hand up to hold the back of Tom’s; his hand is cold against Pete’s warm palm.
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Best Draco/Hermione Fics Dramione Shippers Read in 2020
A few days ago, I asked you what were the best Dramione fics you'd read in 2020. Here's the huge list of your excellent recs (in alphabetical order):
A Creature Most Unusual by JMilz: Draco Malfoy is on a mission. Unfortunately, Hermione Granger catches him in the act. When she sees that he has adopted a rather unusual magical creature, she becomes determined to make sure he takes care of it. Little does she know, the animal may hold her key to eternal glory . . . and a whirlwind romance. M, 9 Chapters, 24,460 Words
A Little More Alive, Far Less Lost by MGL_Dramione_Lover: After Draco's post-war trial, he finds himself attending his 8th year at Hogwarts with Hermione. As remorse and acceptance replace anger and hate, the old enemies begin a friendship that sparks into much more than they ever hoped for. Hermione's goal as Head Girl is to banish old prejudices and unite the school while Draco's only wish is to become a man worthy of her love. M, 22 Chapters, 84,823
A New Light by mithrilstarlight: Draco spent six years doing his best to keep his head down. Then he runs into Hermione Granger. Turns out, they actually have a lot in common.Chapters posted M/W/F. T, 18 Chapters, 33,876 Words
A Second Look by RiverWriter: Her best friend's life was a mess and she would have done anything to make things better for him and his sons. So, when she found her former enemy in a similar situation her heart went out to him as well... and the beautiful blond baby in his arms didn't hurt his case. It was certainly enough for her to give him a second look. M, 30 Chapters, 127,243 Words
All that is Rare by smithandbarrowman: In the wizarding world, it has long been assumed that men are Alphas and women are Omegas. However, when Hermione Granger discovers that assumptions are rarely factual, her status as one of only a handful of female alphas that has ever existed has men falling at her feet.But there’s only one man she wants, and like the male alphas before her, the hunt is on until he bears her mark. E, 31 Chapters, 119,755 Words
All the Wrong Things by LovesBitca8: Sequel to "The Right Thing to Do" - Draco's POV. Part 2 of the "Rights and Wrongs" series. E, 24 Chapters, 160,297 Words
All You Want by senlinyu: Eighth Year at Hogwarts was supposed to be Hermione’s. And it is, just not in the way she expects. Omegaverse fic. E, 36 Chapters, 172,651
apples & cream by LovesBitca8: She could have taken her things and gone through his Floo without a word. She could have ignored him on Monday morning, as though last night had been no more than a fever dream and too much Firewhisky. But she’d come back to bed. Inspired by the lovely NikitaJuice's "apples & cream." E, 1 Chapter, 1,426 Words
Beginning and End by mightbewriting: Years. Broken into months into weeks into days—into hours, minutes, seconds—into moments. Simple at one end, complex at the other. In Draco’s experience, moments, even when simple, had a habit of becoming irretrievable. Moments grew, stretched, multiplied into ages and eras that defined whole stretches of measurable time. Draco regretted several moments in his life, some within his control, some without: all of them irretrievable in nature. At a certain point, wedged between ‘what-ifs’ of his own devising, he’d stopped trying to keep track of those regrettable moments: now and then, pushing and pulling, coming and going, beginning and end. Moments were only moments for just as long. After that, he had no control. A Draco POV prequel to Wait and Hope. E, 48 Chapters, 242,100 Words
Bells on a Hill by HeyJude19: Left by his fiancée a month before the ceremony, Draco never got his dream wedding, so agreeing to assist Granger with her own wedding planning to distract himself from his broken engagement seems like a great idea—though Draco probably shouldn't fall in love with the bride-to-be. Based very (very) loosely on The Wedding Singer. T, WIP
Bending Light by scullymurphy: Draco Malfoy was in exile, though they called it protection. It was the summer after sixth year and he'd taken Dumbledore's offer, defected to the other side and been sent away to a small town in Italy for his troubles. No magic, few rules, and not a lot to do - until Hermione Granger showed up. M, WIP
Break for me by Ada_P_Rix: COMPLETE _______________ "-I told them this wouldn’t work.” He cut in through gritted teeth as he kept his eyes on Hermione, making her pulse quicken and she couldn’t help but clench her thighs together at the rough, husky tone of his voice. He didn’t miss it; his eyes landed on her thighs and they darkened even further. “I can’t help her when all I feel like I want to do is pin her down and fuck her into the mattress.” _______________ Hermione gets into a little accident at work and is infected with a hybrid potion created to cause certain heightened side effects. Draco offers to stick around to give his work partner a little support ... if he can Occlude long enough to resist her... E, 7 Chapters, 45,107 Words
Breath Mints / Battle Scars by Onyx_and_Elm: For a moment, she's almost giddy. Because Draco Malfoy's been ruined by this war and he's as out of place as she is and — yes, he has scars too. He's got an even bigger one. She wonders whether one day they'll compare sizes. E, 51 Chapters, 148,908 Words
Bring Him to His Knees by Musyc: Draco is on the case of a murderer, but to investigate, he needs a fake relationship - and a kink club play partner. When Hermione volunteers to take the role, both do their best to maintain the lie without letting each other know the truth: neither of them are acting. E, WIP
Calendar Boys by anne_ammons, Nadiapolyakova (Rijaya83): She had thrown out the idea on a lark, but now Hermione Granger was tasked with bringing the charity calendar to life. What was one more thing on her list? An art/writing collaboration between nadiapolyakova and anne_ammons - twelve photos and a piece of the story behind them. M, WIP
Cherry Mint by dirtymudblood: "He could smell her. Even multiple train cars away, he could smell her. Except, Draco didn’t know who she was. He ignored his natural instincts to pant like a dog and follow the scent to the omega in the beginning stages of heat. Instead he willed himself to rub his knuckles against the rough wood of the table in front of him." E, 27 Chapters, 58,081 Words
Dark Water and Dying Eyebrights by bexchan: One of them is desperately trying to remember their past while the other is forever trying to escape theirs. It's seven years after the war and Draco has managed to avoid almost everyone from Hogwarts, living a lonely life on a small island, far away from the wizarding community. But a familiar face in a cafe window capsizes his world into chaos. Dramione. EWE. Memory fic. M, WIP
Difficult by provocative envy: COMPLETE: "I should," I repeated. "But I don't want to." And then he smiled, and I was wrecked. HG/DM. M, 30 Chapters, 87,041 Words
Don't Look Back by Onyx_and_Elm: It’s the smell of it. Chemical. Bitter and sharp as a raw edge on metal. Just a hint of it as she passes him at breakfast — but enough to stop her dead, mid-step. There is Wolfsbane in his tea. E, WIP
Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time by monsterleadmehome: She scoffs. “If you must know, he ‘elected’ me because he thinks our shared animosity will keep you in check. He’s also not worried about you trying to shag me as a distraction.” He leans back, stubbing out his cigarette on the banister. His eyes rove over her from crown to toe and back. She lifts her chin and tries not to shiver. “Well, he’s right about that.” Lucius Malfoy hires Hermione Granger to whip his son into shape so he can find a pure-blood bride and receive his inheritance. What could go wrong? E, 10 Chapters, 48,092 Words
Draco's Gift by TriDogMom: Draco gives Hermione a gift because of an instructional YouTube video. M, 1 Chapter, 1,705 Words
Dragon in the Dark by GracefulLioness: The battle is won, Voldemort is dead, but the war is far from over. In the new Death Eater regime, Draco Malfoy does what he must to survive and keep his mother safe. Now a highly trained assassin, Draco has learned to think of his targets as inhuman beings, but when he is tasked with killing someone from his past, he can no longer hide from the horrors of the world around him. E, 31 Chapters, 164,782 Words
For a Present Under the Tree by grace_lou_freebush: When Draco and Hermione eloped, the Wizarding World turned against them. Hermione is stuck in a low level, low paying Ministry job with no hope of upward movement. Draco can't even convince someone to hire him. Now, it's Christmas, and Draco knows Hermione deserves the world - or at the least a Christmas gift. He finds the perfect hair comb to replace the horrid Muggle brush she's been making due with, and he'll do anything to afford the paltry present so he can have something to put under the Christmas tree for his wife. Making a beeline for the jewelry box containing the hair combs, Draco rifled through them, landing on an ivory comb with queen anne rose carvings and gold filigree detailing. He brought it to the startled shopkeeper and set it down gently. Pulling his sixth generation Malfoy heirloom pocket watch from his coat, he shoved it in the wizard's face without second guessing himself. "I would like to make an exchange." E, 1 Chapter, 10,141 Words
Fortuitous by MrsRen: Recently divorced Draco doesn't believe in the ideology of having one true love. He certainly doesn't expect to meet his match in a Halloween themed coffee shop, but fate has a peculiar way of giving you just what you need. M, 13 Chapters, 93,695 Words
Fuck, Marry, Avada by Lilian_Silver: Some years after the war, the gang meets up at the Leaky to play a silly game, with very real consequences. E, 1 Chapter, 3,106 Words
Give Me An Hour by RZZMG: As the war continues to rage on around them, Hermione Granger decides to seduce fellow Order Member, Draco Malfoy, one night while at Grimmauld Place... and everything between them changes after that. Fic follows the "five times" trope, and is dedicated to raspberryjukebox. One-shot. A/U-Extended War scenario. Dramione. Drama-Romance-Hot Shag! COMPLETE! M, 1 Chapter, 3,251 Words
Good Girl by arabellaleyes: Hermione is tired of their normal routine in the bedroom. What will happen when she asks Draco to spice things up? One-shot. Complete. M, 1 Chapter, 9,000 Words
Hindsight by floorcoaster: It's a New Year and Hermione decides it's time to make some changes. T, 12 Chapters, 167,694 Words
How to Love Thy Neighbour by WhatSoMalfoy: After her relationship with Ron falls apart, Hermione attempts to juggle a personal muggle life with a professional wizarding one. After encountering her high school nemesis in the most unlikely place, Hermione adds another ball to the juggling mix. M, 14 Chapters, 41,992 Words
How to Move On by longdistance: It's been nearly a decade since the war. A long time since she locked herself away. A long time since he faced his mistakes. She's what he wants. He's what she needs. It's time for both of them to figure out how to move on. M, WIP
Hydrotherapy by eilonwy: Draco finds a trip to the showers after playing Quidditch... enlightening. E, 2 Chapters, 7,163 Words
I Choose You by melanoradrood: At the end of Fifth Year, Hermione finds out why It is that none have approached her with a Marital Contract, the only way she can remain in the Wizarding World after Graduation. It has already been signed by her Magical Guardian, someone she has never met - she is to be the next Lady Malfoy. A year and a half later, she is a married witch, but still, Draco Malfoy, who had chosen her above all others, had not spoken of it. In fact, they barely spoke at all. And when trouble heads their way, Hermione means to change that. Really, she means to change a lot of things. E, 5 Chapters, 24,527 Words
Isolation by Bex-chan: He can't leave the room. Her room. And it's all the Order's fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood for company, something's going to give. Maybe his sanity. Maybe not. "There," she spat. "Now your Blood's filthy too!" DM/HG. PostHBP. Now complete with epilogue. M, 49 Chapters, 284,050 Words
It Happened in Egypt by bionically: Wandless in Egypt: Draco's stranded in Egypt, but luckily, there's a Granger in sight. Now, if only he could be prevented from strangling her. Fun times abroad: It was supposed to be a leisurely solo trip down the Nile. Hermione didn't factor in one blond man from her past and all his drama. Then, of course, there's the fact that everyone's after him. Much hilarity ensues. Maybe. *** A rom-com adventure/mystery featuring two unwilling partners on the run from Lucius Malfoy, alien-hunters, Muggle police, and local wizards engaged in a civil war. T, WIP
Love and Other Misfortunes by senlinyu: Draco Malfoy is dying. He's part-Veela and needs his mate to survive. Post-war, Hermione Granger is a workaholic, up to her eyeballs in legal activism on behalf of Magical Beings, and hasn't yet noticed that Malfoy is the Magical Being who needs her most. “Because I don’t want to be saved by you just because you feel like you have to.” He was properly furious now. “I’m in love with you." Hermione stared at him. She knew but somehow hearing him say it made the air shimmer with magic. "I’m in love with you,” he said again, despairingly. “And that means I want you to be as happy as you possibly can. And you won’t be, not with me.” M, 23 Chapters, 98,584 Words 
Manacled by senlinyu: Harry Potter is dead. In the aftermath of the war, in order to strengthen the might of the magical world, Voldemort enacts a repopulation effort. Hermione Granger has an Order secret, lost but hidden in her mind, so she is sent as an enslaved surrogate to the High Reeve until her mind can be cracked.Now illustrated by Avendell. E, 77 Chapters, 370,473 Words
Measure Of A Man by inadaze22: To truly know someone is to differentiate between who they once were, who they are now, and who they're capable of being. Hermione realises the duality of one man as she rectifies what she knows of the past and begins to understand the pieces of who Draco Malfoy is now: a father, a son, and a man. E, WIP
Meet the Malfoys by raven_maiden: 4 Works, 21, 442 Words
of flavoured names and coloured sounds by Pink Panda (Ejacyeolation): "He doesn’t question it at first, the fact that sounds have colours and words have flavours. He grows up with it, grows up seeing powerful ruptures of colour when his mother plays the piano and softer, translucent bursts when the people around him speak. His father’s voice fills his vision with sombre oranges and lilacs while his mother’s is a pleasant mix of delicate greens, blues, and greys. The word father tastes like wet wood and the word mother tastes like the pumpkin juice the house-elves frequently serve him."In which Draco just wants to know what colour Hermione's moans would be. He also wants to know if her skin would taste as sweet as her surname or maybe as intoxicating as her given name. E, 2 Chapters, 10,351
Once Upon a Night by longdistance: One night will change everything. M, 17 Chapters, 57,444 Words
One and Done by PacificRimbaud: Hermione Granger has a career she loves, friends she can depend on, and a nice set of hand towels for her new flat. She's single and tired of tiresome men, but that doesn't stop her from wearing beautiful lingerie underneath her serious Ministry skirts. Or having pictures taken in naughty knickers. Just once. For herself. Draco Malfoy doesn't get upset at the sight of blood, which is good, because he sees a lot of it. What he doesn't see a lot of is Hermione Granger in her unmentionables. Usually. A series of meetings and mix-ups in which one cannot possibly mean done. E, 4 Chapters, 35,011 Words
Our shared silence by Vofastudum: She wakes up one morning and everyone is just gone, vanished like they never existed at all. Everyone but Him. And in this silent solitude, he's all she has. Hermione and Draco alone in empty castle. Mystery and a plot twist you didn't see coming! EDITED 10/2020 M, 17 Chapters, 40,149 Words
Pinned by bionically: Draco doesn't know what he's expecting when he follows Blaise down a dark alley, but it certainly isn't this. For a man with an addictive personality, this isn't going to turn out well. Assigned trope: Voyeurism *** Or, a chance encounter with a frizzy-haired witch from his misbegotten past in the last place anyone should have expected to see her sets Draco's disordered life on its ear. The path to redemption is truly paved with unexpected surprises. E, 20 Chapters, 110,886 Words
Really Sell It by RoseHarperMaxwell: Draco's having a rough eighth year, and Hermione's going to make it better for him. "Well, it’s clear what needs to happen.” She gripped his chin, tilting his head to make sure she hadn’t missed any injuries, before looking straight into his eyes. “You’re my boyfriend now.” *Featuring fake dating, exhibitionism, and sex-positive Hermione Granger. Submission for Farewell to Summer: The 31 Flavors of Smut Fest. E, 1 Chapters, 7,612 Words
Remain Nameless by HeyJude19: How did it feel? It felt like he was barely holding it together. She, of all people, should shun him. Or yell at him. Curse him. Spit at him. Take out her wand and blast him off the face of the earth. It was crushing guilt and relief and confusion all at once when he looked at Hermione Granger. The monotony of Draco’s daily routine had become both a lifeline and a noose. But this new habit of grabbing coffee with Hermione Granger is quickly becoming a reason to get out of bed and is unfortunately forcing him to re-evaluate his inconsequential existence. Hermione is living her life in fragments, separate pieces scattered about, and she can’t find a way to step back and let the full picture form. Why are morning meetings with Draco Malfoy the only thing that make sense anymore? E, 51 Chapters, 312,315 Words
Remember Us As War (but call us forgiveness) by Anyaparadox: Following the devastation of the Battle of Hogwarts, The Wizarding Population Growth Act is put into effect. All witches and wizards will be matched with their most compatible partner. Failure to comply will not be tolerated. Survival is key. Hermione reminds herself of this. Survival. She can fix this, if only she can survive. The war has made this a task she is equipped for. Marrying Draco Malfoy will hardly be the worst thing she's ever endured. M, WIP
Ring A Ring O' Roses by Gallivant: Dark Magic, Dark Wizards and a mysterious and deadly Dark Flux, which, in the wrong hands, has the terrifying potential to mass-murder Muggles and Muggle-borns ... It’s been fourteen years since the end of the Second Wizarding War and the Wizarding World is settled, stable and seemingly safe… Hermione Weasley has it all: a loving family, a successful career - and happiness… of sorts. But a series of unexpected events is about to turn her life upside-down, threatening those she loves, fatally undermining the peace between worlds that has prevailed for centuries … changing life as she knows it, possibly forever. If working with Draco Malfoy was the last thing Hermione Weasley ever wanted, falling for your enemy was the least expected. A quest to thwart a magical weapon of mass destruction has devastating consequences. A race to save the world, becomes a race to save themselves… M, 65 Chapters, 527,141 Chapters
Set Fire to the Rain by HarleyQuinn1317: What happens when the one you're destined for is the last person you should ever be with... When the Ministry of Magic asks for volunteers for their Marriage Initiative, Hermione Granger must come to terms with the one terrible deed she committed during the Second Wizarding War. Can she find it in her heart to forgive herself and finally learn to let love in? E, WIP
Sex and Occlumency by Graendoll: Hermione didn't escape from the war unscathed, and when she finally decides on a solution to her problems she's left to explore it on her own. A chance encounter with Draco Malfoy sets her world on it's head and leads her down a path towards healing that she would never have anticipated. E, 18 Chapters, 65,079 Words
The Art of Seating Etiquette by inadaze22: Hermione believes that every problem has a solution, and that solution can be found in a book. That is, until Draco starts sitting to her right every Friday. She has no answers until help comes in the form of an unlikely source: Ron Weasley. E, 1 Chapter, 9,734 Words
The Auction by LovesBitca8: In the wake of the Dark Lord’s triumph over Harry Potter, the defeated must learn their new place. Hermione Granger, former Golden Girl, has been captured and reduced to human chattel. Sold to the highest bidder as the top prize at an auction of Order members and sympathizers, she is thrust into the rabid, waiting hands of the Death Eaters. But despite the horrors of Voldemort’s new world, help—and hope—seem to arise from the most unlikely of places. PART 3 of the RIGHTS AND WRONGS series. E, 41 Chapters, 325,702 Words
The Binding by Curly_Kay: “Okay, what we know so far.” Hermione listed, "One, our magic is drawing us together. Two, we can use each other’s wands. Three, there were actual sparks when you touched me."After an infant binding ritual magically joins Hermione and Draco to counteract the Black family blood curse, they must navigate the secret binding through their years together at Hogwarts. E, 35 Chapters, 175,451 Words
The Carnal Club by Ada_P_Rix: COMPLETE The Halloween Ball is fast approaching with Hermione at the helm.... What a delightful time to suddenly learn of a centuries old secret sex-game club that is currently ran by a Blonde haired Slytherin. Oh, and it only happens once a year every October, when the winner takes all at the Halloween Ball ...The First Rule of Carnal Club: You do not talk about Carnal Club. E, 8 Chapters, 43,306 Words
The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy by Speechwriter (batmansymbol): The night that Harry and Dumbledore return from the cave, the Death Eaters are delayed from reaching the top of the Astronomy Tower for one more minute. Draco Malfoy lowers his wand. A Deathly Hallows rewrite in which Draco accepts Dumbledore's offer to fake his death and go into hiding with the Order of the Phoenix. T, WIP
The Erised Effect by Ada_P_Rix: Hermione and Pansy work in a shop together. Draco, Harry, Theo and Blaise all work together at the Ministry. They all meet up every Friday at the pub to have drinks. Pansy has a new fantasy potion that she likes to call 'The Erised Effect' that she's keen to try out on willing participants ... Boys are so easy to manipulate when alcohol is involved .... E, 13 Chapters, 88,852 Words
The Fallout by everythursday: Hermione learns about growing up through the redemption of Draco Malfoy. E, 49 Chapters, 310,229 Words
The Figures of Figuring Out by Vofastudum: You were the biggest riddle in my life. You were the one I couldn't figure out. You were the only thing I couldn't find a pattern to. You were something I couldn't look up from any book. Unwritten, with no instructions. And I was used to finding solutions! Post-war eight-year secret romance. Edited 12/2020 M, 13 Chapters, 26,951 Words
The Flat in Bath by Ada_P_Rix: Loosely inspired by 365 Days...-- Malfoy grabbed her chin, forcing her to look directly at him. “Don’t you dare, Granger...” He told her roughly as his intense gaze bored into her own. “I fucking forbid you to come until I’ve had enough of you...” Draco caught her cheeks now between the fingers of his free hand and then snapped her head to the side and licked her earlobe, trailing down to her jawline. “...one flutter of those delicious walls of yours and you’re going to wish you never opened your legs for me.” -- __________________ Hermione is kidnapped during a raid and taken captive by someone who doesn't plan on 'torturing' her in the conventional way... E, WIP
The Gloriana Set by ThebeMoon: The War is won, and Hermione Granger is back at Hogwarts as an “Eighth Year”, feeling reckless and determined to shed her prim bookworm persona. She will do as she pleases, and anyone who doesn’t like it will see the business end of her wand. Also returning is Draco Malfoy, universally hated but determined to restore his family’s name. Hermione’s hopes for a quiet school year are quickly dashed as she contends with mischievous First Years, killer plants, enchanted hair accessories, a totally inappropriate Moaning Myrtle, renegade Death Eaters, a nice vampire, a poorly named study group, a depraved party, and mysterious, threatening blood messages on the castle walls. We have redemption, partial redemption and (sadly or hilariously) no redemption at all. Throw in a snarky, disturbingly attractive Draco with his own secret agenda, and we have a very slow-burn Dramione with a side of who-dun-it. COMPLETE! M, 81 Chapters, 271,830 Words
The Library of Alexandria by senlinyu: The Library of Alexandria is not for just any witch or wizard. Many bookworms may try but few are permitted to pass through its doors. The books residing there are ancient and powerful and, if one happens to make a mistake, the consequences can be rather—novel. E, 6 Chapters, 26,383 Words
The List by AureliaBlack90: After her divorce, Hermione decides to get out of town to recover from the pain of her lost relationship and the miscarriage she suffered a year previously. She arrives in the Cotswolds depressed and aimless but compiles a list of things to do that she hopes will help her get back on her feet. In the midst of her journey to find healing she keeps running into Draco Malfoy, who is nothing like she remembered him. He invites her into his world, and Hermione finds exactly what she was looking for - in the place she least expected it. E, 10 Chapters, 70,526 Words
The Manuscript by alexandra_emerson: Five 1/2 years after the war, in the middle of a big fight with Draco, Hermione finds a manuscript. It’s a retelling of her and Draco’s love story, written by him. She never realized how much he was struggling before she read his words. Snippet: I could spend my whole life apologizing to you Hermione, and it would never be enough. Post-war, angst-filled Dramione with a happy ending. M, 21 Chapters, 154,918 Words
The Memory of You by PotionChemist: Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger fell in love against all odds, but there was one big problem — he was already married. Pressured, Hermione does something she promised herself she would never do again and erases their affair from his memory. Completely devastated, she avoids seeing Draco or the Malfoys at all costs. But is their love too strong? Are they inevitable? What will happen if he finds out about their previous relationship? E, WIP
The Mountain and The Sea by AlexisDanaan: Hermione Granger was perfectly happy with her life, her job as a Healer Trainee, her ugly cat and her cute little house in the countryside. And then Draco Malfoy had to go and mess that all up, typical git. Post-Hogwarts, EWE, OOC, creature!fic. E, 12 Chapters, 40,441 Words
The Nietzsche Classes by Beringae: The Ministry takes action against the remaining prejudice in the wizarding society and asks Hermione for help. “What do you want? Money? Power? Name your price, Granger. I’m not about to let pride get in my way when an Azkaban sentence is on the line.” M, 15 Chapters, 45,807 Words
The Phoenix Potion by FedonCiadale: Twenty years after the battle of Hogwarts.... Harry is head auror and is worried about cases where Muggleborn children meet with accidents, Ron is a famous Quidditch keeper. Both haven't talked to Hermione for ages and certainly not to her husband, Draco Malfoy. Narcissa Malfoy struggles with a curse, and Neville and Luna try to stay friends with all. The key to solving the problems may lie in the past, a time nobody really wants to revisit and some can't. T, 111 Chapters, 237,745 Words
The Potioneers by omnenomnom: They need each other unfortunately. Hermione has tricked Draco under her tutelage, arrogant attitude and all. But she would be simple to think he would accept it quietly. They have both have secrets to hide, old wounds better left to fester, and a world full of mermaids, dragons, and magic to explore. T, 53 Chapters, 196,559 Words
The Pretense by Colubrina: Voldemort died, but the Death Eaters live on. Hermione Granger traded herself to Draco Malfoy in exchange for safe passage for core Order members. Now he's pretending to love her, Narcissa is pretending to believe that, and Hermione is walking a tightrope behind enemy lines as she figures out what is going on. Unfortunately, people fall off tightropes. (no non-con) T, 50 Chapters, 108,164 Words
The Right Thing To Do by LovesBitca8: Hermione felt the pounding in her ears again. She would see him for the first time since the Great Hall, gaunt and stricken at the Slytherin table with his mother clutching his arm. She hadn't meant to look for him. Not in the corridors, not beneath the white sheets of the fallen, not on the way to the Chamber of Secrets with Ron, but she was a stupid girl. E, 36 Chapters, 174,911 Words
The Seven Year Witch by TheLastLynx: A boy and a girl have been meeting – coincidentally – for seven summers. While they pretty much hate one another most of the year, for those secret summer moments, they manage to see each other in a different light. But will that be enough to bring them together? A Dramione story about growing up and changing perspective, told along - and in-between - the lines of canon. M, WIP
Thirty Times Lucky by galfoy: "Granger, I can't hire you on any longer," Draco said. Hermione stared at him. Losing her job might actually mean losing the War, and she had to bargain, but there was literally nothing she had that he would want. Or was there? M, 2 Chapters, 7,128 Words
Traditions by raven_maiden: She straddled him slowly, still biting her lip, her hands on his shoulders. He held her hips tightly as he stared up at her. “So beautiful,” he whispered, and she flushed prettily, like she always did from his compliments. “You never need to hide from me.” ** Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy fell in love during the war. One year later, they're heading home for the holidays so he can finally meet her parents. There's just one teeny little problem: her parents think they're both Muggles. E, 14 Chapters, 68,767 Words
Waifs and Strays by Kyonomiko: War leaves a lot of orphans in its wake. Hermione is one, by her own hand, and she struggles with the realities of her situation. When she finds an orphaned familiar, it seems meant to be, giving and receiving comfort helping to heal her fractured heart. Unfortunately, the animal is actually a wizard, and he has his own issues. M, 31 Chapters, 118,152 Words
What You Think Is Right by icepower55: Six years after the war, Hermione parents are dying and her marriage to Draco is crumbling. Nothing seems logical in her life anymore. Her healer tells her to start writing about it, so she does, as a way to figure things out, and remind herself along the way. Hell is proximity without intimacy -Dante's Inferno M, WIP
When the Bell Tolls by everythursday: As a Dark revival begins to rise four years after the war, Hermione Granger is placed on the assignment of putting an end to them – and her first task is to recruit the Ministry's best hope and last option in the form of Draco Malfoy. E, 20 Chapters, 148,033 Words
Wreck by JMilz: Serving as Minister for Magic, Hermione Granger is finally at the peak of her career. With a beautiful family, a successful book, and the public on her side, her life should be a fairytale. Unfortunately, there is trouble in paradise, and when Draco Malfoy pays her a visit, she begins recalling their history and questioning her marriage. The reality is: every relationship is hard. M, 53 Chapters, 187,992 Words
Thanks to every person who contributed (I hope I've mentioned everyone. If not, let me know. 😊): @certified-arsehole @fedonciadale kiwim22 @really-sad-devil-guy endless-musings @headfullofnargles @pinksunsets-world @rosseliz01 @dramioneden @all-consuming @elricsister @injailoutsoon12 reclusivebird @mariakov81 @notthatchhavi @mordanbooqs @haaatch @hpsassenach @ybaeby @farmgirl-in @coyg-81 @eiramrelyat metterschling-plus-two @a-maidens-fantasy @sansacat @vofastudum @lexayeon @1800-rewrite @aneiria-writes @anonymouslydramione 
It took much longer to compile this list than I thought it would. Hopefully, I didn’t skip anything. 🙈
Happy New Year. May it be better than the previous one and full of great Dramione fics and fanarts! 🥳🥳🥳
And here’s the 2019 list: https://dramioneficrecommendations.tumblr.com/post/190216354767/what-is-the-best-dramione-fic-you-read-in-2019
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onlyanidala · 3 years
onlyanidala fic archive
These are fics with titles E-I.
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searchable desktop version available here
more anidala fics can also be found in our fic tag!
the link for each fic can be found by clicking the title!
Title: edges of the world Author: glompcat Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: T Summary:  Leia Organa finds herself stuck in a strange alternate/parallel universe where the Empire never came to exist. Meanwhile, trying to navigate a galaxy ruled by the Sith weren’t exactly the Jedi Trials Leia Skywalker had expected. Or: Leia from a universe where Anakin never fell and canon Leia switch places. Now the two of them - and everyone else around them - have to deal with the consequences of their dimensional swap.
Title: eros turannos Author: emerald-leaves Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Love the Tyrant. Oderint dum metuant- Let them hate as long as they fear. AU set in time around the Clone Wars. Note: This fic has unfortunately been removed from Fanfiction.net. However, a PDF is available upon request. 
Title: the exchange Author: misslearn Status: WIP Rating: T Summary: The Daughter has a bad day and it irrevocably changes the fate of the galaxy, twice over. Or: ROTS Obi-Wan and Anakin are swapped with their younger, TPM, selves. It changes things, in both parallels.
Title: five weddings and a funeral Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Padmé's feeling gloomy about her perpetual singleness, but everything changes when she meets an attractive stranger at her sister's wedding.
Title: flat tire Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: G Summary: Who knew something as simple as getting a flat tire could change the entire course of your life?
Title: for a moment Author: shelivesfree Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  And, just for a moment, all the worries and concerns that troubled the young couple cease to exist. Fade away to just this. Husband and wife. Asleep. Dreaming of the sweet little life they will soon bring into the world and into their hearts.
Title: for a sith to love a jedi Author: silverdaye Status: WIP Rating: R Summary:  Jedi Knight Padmé Amidala, the Heroine with No Fear, has crash landed on a moon after a starship fight with Darth Vader. Now the two enemies are stuck on a strange moon with strange rocks that prevents them from accessing the Force. They form an uneasy truce to leave the other alone. Yet after Vader sees Amidala bathing, she keeps coming back to him and he can't keep his mind off of her.
Title: for you, i’ll risk it all Author: estrangedlestrange Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Darth Vader was certain he had killed Padmé Amidala on Mustafar, but when a rebel broadcast reveals she is alive, he will stop at nothing to free her from what he assumes is captivity. Former Senator Padmé Amidala was certain her husband had been killed on Mustafar, but after seeing Vader across the room during a mission, she is sure that she had been lied to. Knowing the truth, she seeks out her husband, either to bring him back to the light or kill him, which ever was necessary.
Title: friendly competition Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Playing Quidditch is awfully difficult when you’re in love with the rival Seeker. Snapshots of Anakin and Padmé’s 7 years at Hogwarts.
Title: fruits of malice Author: therealthing Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  In an alternate universe, Anakin Skywalker was taken from his mother at the age of four. He was raised as Darth Vader in a loveless, brutal environment. His life takes an interesting turn when he has an encounter with a certain senator from Naboo.
Title: future imperfect Author: therealthing Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  A time travel story in which Anakin Skywalker is sent to the future to witness the consequences of his actions.
Title: fundamental force carriers Author: tanarill Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  The Sith Lord Darth Vader lived his life. He probably didn't live it well, but he lived it as well as he knew how. At the end there, he'd even managed to woman up and kill Sidious. But he was dying, and at peace with the past. The past wasn't at peace with him.
Title: getting home to you Author: irnan Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin always said it was Padme's fault, but he was the one who spotted that broom closet. Fluff.
Title: the girl from harvard Author: shelivesfree Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It also makes it grow more paranoid. Padme is in her last year of Harvard. Anakin has just started at the University of Chicago. Though they won't admit it, their long-distance relationship is taking it's heavy toll. Will their love prevail or will the distance prove too much for both of them?
Title: give me a signal Author: stranestelle Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  When Padmé Amidala is unable to contact Coruscant while negotiating a loan on Scipio, the Senate suspects trouble, and sends Anakin Skywalker to go check on her. Of course, the resourceful senator isn’t really in any trouble – don't flatter yourself, Rush Clovis – but there’s definitely some brewing.
Title: hand in my hand and we promise to never let go Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Anakin Skywalker was sent to build an elite Jedi team to help end the ten-year Clone Wars. Jedi Knight Naberrie trains hard to be selected and grows closer to the Jedi Master in the process. But with Jedi falling every day in battle, is it safe to follow your heart? Or will war take what's most precious to Padme?
Title: the hardest path Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Padmé does what she has to for her family. Series: Three Paths Not Followed
Title: heart of a sith Author: therealthing Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Fourteen years have passed since the inception of the Empire. Darth Vader has been asked to go to Alderaan for an unusual reason, one that Vader soon discovers will change his life forever.
Title: heirs of light and darkness Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  After escaping the Jedi purge two years ago made him the most wanted fugitive in the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker has at last been captured by the Empire. He expects to be killed, but Lady Padmé Amidala, the imperial heir, has other ideas.
Title: heretic pride Author: fialleril Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: G Summary:  Like most Republic citizens, the Naberries have never spent much time thinking about the Jedi. But that changes with the birth of their daughter Ilaré. (Or, the AU where the third Naberrie daughter is a Jedi, Padmé offers Naboo as a sanctuary for runaway slaves, Shmi is a conductor on the Tatooine freedom trail, and Anakin jump starts a reformation. Or maybe a heresy. It all depends on your point of view.)
Title: hidden Author: disco shop girl Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin is woken from his dream before it can warn him of his fate. Without that fear hanging over him he feels a disturbance in the force, and chooses to leave before it can manifest itself.
Title:  high above the clouds, my love for you is eternal Author: rogue darth skywalker Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: M Summary:  Modern Aviation AU. Anakin is a pilot, Padme is a flight attendant. When they meet for the first time he is captivated by her. But much to his surprise she has a young son. This is a story about how bonds are broken, how families are made, and how sacrifice is sometimes necessary to get people where they are meant to be.
Title: hold me in your arms and i’m home Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  It's the ten year reunion for students from Coruscant high and more importantly, a long awaited reunion for two former lovers.
Title: home Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  In which "Darth Vader" is no more than Anakin's playtime alter ego (happy Skywalker family AU)
Title: hypnotic takin’ over me Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  "By the Force… Just how many times had he seen her like this in his dreams? How many times had he run his fingers over her skin? Filled his hands with her perfect backside? Yet, when he was, by some mercy or a cruel joke, granted true sight of her, he was oblivious."
Title: i do take two Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Thirty years after their clandestine wedding on Naboo, Anakin and Padmé decide to finally do the proper wedding ceremony they never got to have, with all their friends and family present.
Title: i know your type Author: shelivesfree Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  "Am I dead?" It slips out, accidentally. She turns her head towards me, a confused look on her face and tips her head. "Excuse me?" Flashing her an impish grin, I lean casually against the wall. "I must have died and gone to heaven, because you look like an angel." The look she gives me is far from impressed. "Do you use that with all the girls, or am I just lucky?"
Title: i wish i could rewrite the stars Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Suddenly, forever felt like something that could be real. They could make it real, the two of them together and out of nowhere, tears stung at Anakin's eyes. It just meant so much. Padme loving him too was the stuff of his dreams; something he'd only just dared to believe was possible. But she did.
Title: if blood be the price Author: cadesama Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin promised to free all the slaves and it is a promise he intends to keep. Struck by visions of a slave uprising on Tatooine, he runs away to join the fight. Five years later, it his new alliance of former slave worlds that the Republic fears, rather than a Separatist threat. Enlisted to negotiate a peace treaty, Senator Amidala is dispatched to find Anakin, alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi, who only wishes to bring his former Padawan home.
Title: imperial obligations Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Padmé's advisors suggest that she get rid of Vader and make a politically advantageous marriage. The Empress is less than pleased. One-shot.Series: The Empress and Her Sith Lord.
Title: in his very soul Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Ten years ago, the effort to liberate Naboo from Trade Federation control failed. Chancellor Palpatine managed to rescue the young Queen Amidala and two of her handmaidens, formally adopting her as his own. The new father and daughter quickly manipulated the Senate into granting him emergency powers and creating the Grand Army of the Republic, letting the Clone Wars begin. Now, assassins are coming for Padmé Palpatine, and her father has entrusted her safety to his mysterious enforcer, Darth Vader. While neither bodyguard nor charge is happy about this arrangement, there is an attraction they cannot ignore.
Title: in search of absolution Author: rogue darth skywalker Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Padme bit her lip as she placed one last post-it that had the name 'Shmi Skywalker' written on it. She didn't speak. She knew he needed a moment to think - to process what she was silently asking him. 'Are you ready to accept her forgiveness'"She'd want to come to her only son's wedding," She said. He shook his head, "I don't think so. After everything…"
Title: in the past Author: silverdaye Status: WIP Rating: T Summary:  It's been two months after Bespin, and Luke Skywalker is trying to come to terms with the events that happened there. During a dogfight with Darth Vader, both of their fighters crash. When they recover, they both find themselves on Coruscant at the end of the Clone Wars. Vader still aims to claim his son, but Luke has been taken to the Jedi Temple where he meets Anakin Skywalker.
Title: it’s a dangerous love affair Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Lies, masks, blood and sex. The criminal underworld will swallow you up and spit you out again. One wants revenge and the other wants peace. Can their affair bring the downfall of the two biggest gangs of the underworld?
Title: it’s like deja vu all over again Author: shadowsong26 Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Three days ago, Padme Amidala closed her eyes for the last time in a sterile white room on an asteroid at the edge of nowhere. Three days ago, she opened them again on a sleek, chrome starship, watching Dorme putting on the finishing touches to Corde's headdress, her own weighted braids a comforting blanket on her back. Padme decides to change things, decides she can save Anakin (and the Galaxy) this time. Except, as time passes, she starts to realize things aren't happening exactly the way she remembers...
Title: (it’s not so bad) being dead like me Author: estrangedlestrange Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Recently deceased Anakin Skywalker (killed in an taco truck explosion) finds himself not in the after life but recruited as the newest member of the undead, he’s become a grim reaper. He’s told that it’s his destiny but really he thinks it’s just rotten luck. Rotten except for the fact that one of his fellow reapers is Padmé Amidala, the most beautiful woman Anakin’s has seen, dead or alive. As he struggles to come to grips with his death and his new role in the universe, Anakin finds that taking souls isn’t the easiest job out there, he also finds himself falling in love. One-shot.
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dramioneasks · 4 years
HP FESTS: Dramione RomCom Fest (Part 1)
Dramione RomCom Fest 2020:
12 Years and 3 Months by pixiedustandbluebutterflies - T, one-shot - As news of their engagement takes Wizarding England by storm, elusive power couple Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger are finally sharing their love story in this Witch Weekly interview!
50 (First) Dates with Hermione Granger by HufflepuffMommy - G, WIP - Draco Malfoy sets his heart on romancing Hermione Granger, but she has short-term memory loss; she can't remember anything that happened the day before. So every morning, Draco has to woo her again. Her friends are very protective, and Draco must convince them that he's in it for love. Plot (andsummary) taken from the movie "50 First Dates" for the Dramione RomCom fest!
About Time by WordsmithMusings - E, WIP - When Draco's Father reveals to him that the men in their family have the ability to travel back in time, he uses his newfound gift to do many things - save a life, be a better friend, reconnect with a witch, and fall in love.
All's well that ends well (to end up with you) by weestarmeggie - M, one-shot - Hermione Granger is all set to be the maid of honor at her best friends wedding. She is taken back when she finds out that the best man is none other than her ex-fiance.
Away by In_Dreams - E, WIP - Desperate for a change of pace, Hermione unknowingly commits to a home exchange with Pansy Parkinson and finds herself swept up in the chaos of New York City and into the arms of Draco Malfoy. Dramione/Hansy. Loosely inspired by The Holiday.
Bells on a Hill by HeyJude19 - T, WIP - Left by his fiancée a month before the ceremony, Draco never got his dream wedding, so agreeing to assist Granger with her own wedding planning to distract himself from his broken engagement seems like a great idea—though Draco probably shouldn't fall in love with the bride-to-be. Based very (very) loosely on The Wedding Singer.
Chasing the Future by Rdlentz8 - T, WIP - An unusual and anonymous Patronus finds a frustrated Hermione alone in the library and talks to her about being lonely. Could this be the push she's needed to change her fate? Inspired by A Cinderella Story. There are direct quotes from A Cinderella Story.
Domino Effect by KoraKwidditch - M, WIP - Resolved to live her life in Muggle London, Hermione Granger finally felt free. Free from the Ministry, free from her celebrity status and everything that entailed. But who knew that one cataclysmal incident would lead her straight into the Malfoy's den and down a series of unfortunate events? At least they think she's a Muggle.**A Dramione retelling of While You Were Sleeping**
Fairytales and Wishes by Charlie9646 - T, one-shot - All Scorpius wants is for Hermione to be a nice step mother, but somehow that sort of gets lost in translation with his accidental magic.
Flipping Through the Pages by DarkAngelOfSorrowReturns - T, WIP - Draco Malfoy had a fascination with a popular book series and its writer. His life changes when he meets her.
The Hate List by bethelson - T, WIP - While chaperoning the post graduation trip, Hermione and Draco find themselves wandering the streets of Paris in the middle of the night, fruitlessly searching for the seventh years they were supposed to be in charge of. What Hermione doesn’t know, is that those seventh years struck a bargain with Draco to keep her occupied so they could sneak out for a last hurrah before they all head back to London. So in his efforts to derail her search, he convinces her to join him in their own night of frivolity. As they paint the city red, they slowly learn to let their guards down, and find that putting the past behind them allows them to finally focus on the present. ___ My contribution to the Dramione RomCom Fest!
Hollywood & Vine by dreamsofdramione (Bugggghead), msmerlin - M, WIP - As the manager of an occult bookstore currently renting a room from an old friend and living paycheck to paycheck, Hermione wasn’t exactly living the Hollywood dream. But her life is turned upside down when a chance encounter with Tinseltown’s current heartthrob, Draco Malfoy, leaves her questioning everything she thought she knew about life and love. or the one in which Hermione unintentionally falls in love with a movie star.
Home is Where the Heart Is by lrs002 - T, one-shot - A rewrite and Draco/Hermione look at basically the last scenes of the movie Sweet Home AlabamaOr in the other words: The Wedding and the Kiss
How to Lose a Wizard in 10 Days by GracefulLioness - E, WIP - Hermione will do anything to prove to her boss at Witch Weekly that she's ready to take on more serious topics, including dating a man just to drive him away for the sake of her next column, How to Lose a Wizard in 10 Days. But pushing Draco Malfoy away proves to be a challenging task, perhaps because he's got ten days to make her fall in love with him. Inspired by How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
It Happened One Knight by Klawdee - T, WIP - “A spoiled heir running away from his family is helped by an old classmate, who is actually a journalist in need of a story.” Based off of the 1934 film, It Happened One Night
It's All In The Malfoy Family by TwilightToMidnight - M, one-shot - Over a decade of longing and desire comes to fruition one night. Not quite the way Hermione expected but definitely with a bang. Everyone and their dog seem to be working against her. For the 2020 Dramione RomCom Fest. Loosely based off Sabrina (1954 - with Audrey Hepburn).
Love, Actually in Dramione by Blessedindeed - G, one-shot - I absolutely love the movie "Love, Actually" and was so excited to make some art pieces from a few of the more memorable scenes! Many thanks and kudos to QuinTalon & NuclearNik for hosting and being such amazing encouragers to everyone! I cannot wait to dive into all these fun pieces!!
Love, Hermione by pandora_rose_xo - G, WIP - When Hermione leaves some personal letters lying around in a sleepy haze, Dobby comes across them, and trying to be helpful delivers them to their recipients. Who were never supposed to see them.
Metamorphosis by persephone_stone - T, WIP - Draco Malfoy is king of Hogwarts High—student body president, captain of both the water polo and basketball teams, and boyfriend of Astoria Greengrass, the hottest girl in school. That is, until said girlfriend returns from Spring Break with some unexpected news: she’s dumping him for a college boy. Now, Draco is on a mission to win her back. And who better to help him turn into a more intellectual, cultured version of himself than Hermione Granger, the smartest girl in school? As he and Hermione spend time together, will Draco learn how to be the right type of boyfriend for Astoria? Or will he instead learn that maybe Astoria is not the right type of girl for him? Written for the Dramione RomCom Fest, based on the 90’s teen romcom She’s All That.
Midnight in Paris by Aneiria - E, one-shot - ‘Granger,’ Draco replied, casting a quick wandless charm to clean his own clothes. ‘Want to watch the magic you’re casting next time? Whatever spell that was, it nearly took both of us out.’ Hermione’s face settled into a frown of confusion. ‘I thought that was you,’ she said, hesitantly. ‘I wasn’t using magic.’ They both looked away at the same time, taking in their surroundings. ‘Where are we?’ Hermione wondered out loud, as she spun on the spot and took in the sights. It was the wrong question, really.
My Big Fat Muggle Wedding by BiscuitsForPotter - G, one-shot - Draco's gotten more used to having Muggles as future-in-laws, but what about his parents?
No More Waiting by anchoredto717 - T, one-shot - The end of Hogwarts, an impending Mastery, and confirmation that Hermione is well and truly over Ronald Weasley: three factors that push Draco into a place he never imagined. Is he really going to Harry Potter’s house party? A one shot heavily inspired by the 90s teen classic, Can’t Hardly Wait.
Off the Rails by RoseHarperMaxwell - E, WIP - For the Dramione RomCom Fest 💚 My adaptation of the movie Trainwreck (Amy Schumer/Bill Hader), featuring Draco in Amy's role. “Pans.” Draco’s head falls back petulantly. “I can't interview Granger, especially not about how she's healing Potter. Neither of them are going to want to talk to me. Make Creevey do it.” “No, you'll do it. And don't sulk at me, Draco.” Pansy shuts him down immediately, not that he expected to talk her out of it. She gives assignments, not suggestions. “Old Quidditch rivalries. Gryffindor Princess confiding in the Prince of Slytherin, with a side of The Boy Who Lived. You’re the only one for it.” She drops her pen on her notepad with finality. “She’s also fit as hell now. I’d even fuck her, so our readers will be drooling over her. This is easy, Draco. Don’t fuck it up.”
One Thing We've Got by IrisCalasse - M, WIP - Over a decade after the Second Wizarding War, Draco Malfoy is a broke socialite straddling the Muggle and magical worlds. One day a new neighbour moves in his residential complex. What has happened to Hermione Granger to make her hide from Ronald Weasley? If Cormac McLaggen is gay, why is he hanging around Granger so much? And why does her cat seem to know way too much about everything? Based on the plot of Breakfast at Tiffany's, but set in 2012 London with a magical twist. Updates every 16th of the month.
Pin down your heart by hiyas - G, one-shot - Hermione Granger contemplates a door when Destiny comes knocking.
Playing Cupid by tygermine - T, one-shot - Set It Up AU.
Pretty Witch by TakingFlight48 - E, WIP - When confronted with the opportunity to take on an alter ego - Hermione Granger, Potion's Mistress and the Wizarding World's Golden Girl became Vivian Roberts - London's weekend escort. For three years she lived in this duality until Draco Malfoy, lost in Soho and driving a precious DB6, wound up uncovering her secret. This is the tale of Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy finding a balance between work and love through the guise of fake dating, unacknowledged feelings, and Hermione not wanting to let go of a part of herself that is no longer serving her.
Promises, Promises by Musyc - T, one-shot - Lawyer and social work advocate Hermione Granger is one signature away from fulfilling her dream to have a house-elf education program. All she needs is to seal the deal, and Draco Malfoy has promised the full support of Malfoy and Son Developments. But the owner of the property is balking, there's a new buyer in the mix, and a promise isn't a contract.
The Proposal by FaeOrabel - M, WIP - When Head of Creatures Division of the DMLE, Hermione Granger, is pushed into a corner regarding a new marriage law she doesn't want to comply with, she gets the brilliant idea to stage an engagement with her long time, loyal assistant, Draco Malfoy. Draco goes along with the charade on the condition she gets him promoted to a new position. A deal set, they prepare to fool not only the Minister of Magic, but Hermione's best friend, and Draco's entire family. What could go wrong? Just the threat of Azkaban should they fail.
PS I love you by emotionalsupporthufflepuff - M, WIP - After a tragic accident, Hermione must reintroduce Draco to a life they've built far away from home. She recieves unexpected help in a series of letter written by Draco himself before the accident...
Regrets Only by nztina - T, WIP - Draco and Hermione are the best of friends - until Hermione goes off to teach at Hogwarts and Draco realises that he doesn’t just miss her. Upon her return to London, he intends to reveal his feelings, but she has a surprise of her own, one that will definitely put a damper on Draco’s plans. Draco. Hermione. And...Hermione’s fiancé?
Restless in Ripon by QuinTalon - T, WIP - Scorpius Malfoy wants his father to be happy again and as his grandfather often told him, a Malfoy always gets what he wants. A nosy radio host, well-meaning friends, and fate will help bring two lonely souls together. Well, that and one tenacious eight-year-old.
Rushing Back by floorcoaster - M, WIP - Draco Malfoy is thirty, surviving, and very much not thriving. He's near the utter end of himself when he experiences the worst of all possible bad days--a double betrayal that rocks him to his core. Unmoored, untethered, he winds up in a strange place, where he begins an adventure through time that will change the course of his life. A time travel fic with a twist on the movie "13 Going on 30."
Say Anything by MidnightValkyrie - G, 9 Chapters - To know Draco Malfoy is to love him. Hermione Granger is about to know Draco Malfoy. Written and created for the Dramione RomCom Fest, based on Say Anything.
She's the Snake by monsterleadmehome - E, WIP - In a universe where Voldemort never came back, Harry lives with Sirius, and Dumbledore isn't dying, the worst thing the Golden Trio has to contend with is their grades and Quidditch matches... oh, and the recent magical attacks on Muggles and Muggle-borns. Harry is sure Malfoy had something to do with it, and though Hermione doesn't agree, her sarcastic offer somehow turns into her latest nightmare: to go undercover as a boy in the Slytherin dorms and find out what's really going on. And maybe throw a Quidditch game or two. But there's one thing she hasn't prepared for: falling in love with the boy she's supposed to be spying on.
Signed and Sealed by niffizzle - M, WIP - She owns a children's bookstore. He runs a corporation buying significant shares of small businesses. Never in their lives have Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy gotten along — or so they think.
Timing is Everything by anne_ammons - M, 7 Chapters - Draco Malfoy is your average bachelor living an average bachelor's life, until he crosses paths with his former classmate, Hermione Granger. Strike that - when has Draco Malfoy ever been average? A retelling of the 1994 movie, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Dramione-style.
A Trip to Kouloura Beach by rennaissance_woman - one-shot - A day at the beach, what could happen?
The Truth About Kneazles and Crups by samkablam7 - T, WIP - When Draco Malfoy started hosting his wizarding radio show The Truth About Kneazles and Crups, he had no idea that it would bring Hermione Granger back into his life. He also didn't know that they would both be interested in each other. The only problem? She thinks that the radio host she's interested in is his best friend and Pro-Quidditch-player-wannabe, Blaise Zabini.
Untitled Marital Crisis Comedy by Darlingheart - G, one-shot - Draco is rich, handsome, and most importantly, excellent with the ladies. Harry Potter is not. Which is where Draco comes in. With Draco’s help Harry will learn there’s more to life than being a one-woman man. But what happens when Draco meets someone who changes his mind? And what does Hermione Granger have to do with it...
A Woman of Some Dignity by mcal - G, one-shot - That seemed to get his attention. “What are you—of course I respect you, you daft witch!”
“Your actions today show the opposite!” I answered. “And now if you’ll excuse me, I’m a woman of some dignity and I’d like to shower in peace. You’ll kindly wait half an hour before Apparating back to my flat.”  Hermione's not one for diaries, but it's been a week to say the least. It all started off with a confusing meeting with Draco Malfoy in her office, and... well, Hermione thought maybe recording her thoughts on the events would help her process. She isn't wrong.
You lost and lonely, You just like heaven by Wake_The_Dragon - T, WIP - Dramione Romcom Fest. Hermione Granger had needed something new and a change of scenery was a good start. What she hadn't counted on was renting a flat with an annoying (if handsome) ghost, who claims he isn't dead. Somehow, helping out a ghost and falling in love were two things she hadn't bargained for.
You Wish by Talonwillow (Ehollis303) - T, WIP - What makes a bad case of "Black Cat Flu" more tolerable? Young Perseus is learning that hearing about dueling, torture, revenge, giants, dementors, chases, true love, and miracles from his Grandfather Scorpius certainly makes things easier- If the man would finish the story that is. A story about love, where not even death can keep the beautiful feisty stable-girl and her sometimes irritating one true love apart. Together they must battle the evil Lord Voldemort through an adventure crossing the magical and fairy tale realm.
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platypanthewriter · 3 years
The Prince and the Pauper (who drives an Uber) Ch. 6
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(Prince Steve flees his wedding, and asks his Uber driver to take him bowling...and on a date.  WIP)  Part One | Two | Three | Four | Five
Billy’s phone rang seconds after the bell did, and he sat his books back down, checking to see whether it was Max’s school, and she’d finally decked that one kid that kept—but it wasn’t, it was Steve’s bowling picture, and Billy grabbed his books awkwardly and ducked around the people coming in for the next class, tucking his phone against his shoulder.  “Steve,” he said.
“Tell me I’m not a moron,” Steve said.  He sounded like he’d been running.  
“You are a moron,” Billy said absently, crouching against the corridor wall to stuff his notebook and textbook into his bag.  There was silence on the other end, and he bit his lip, considering.  “I mean, uh.”
“...you’re such a help,” Steve said dryly.
“You’re into me,” Billy told him, and Steve groaned.
“No, that’s smart.”
“Then you’re smart!  Ha,” Billy said, smirking, and Steve laughed, and blew air through his cheeks.
“...I have to sign a treaty today,” he said softly.  “I had everyone else read it, all the smart people, but—but if it’s wrong, it’s still my fault.”
“Hey, hey,” Billy said, frowning.  Somebody banged into him from behind, and he realized he’d stopped dead in the middle of the hallway.  “Your Royalship—”
“This is why the people should elect their leaders,” Steve groaned, his voice hoarse.  “I failed debate class!  I—I’ve been reading so much about taxes, and—and water rights—the letters are blurring, and I don’t think I know any more than I did yesterd—”
“Breathe,” Billy told him, walking as fast as he could to the open balcony, and a blast of heat.  “Babe.  Breathe for me.”  Steve took a shaky breath, and Billy bit his lips together hard against the need to curse himself for being such a fucking cunt.  “Shit,” Billy whispered, and Steve started snickering.  “You—you’re not a moron,” Billy admitted.
“I’m trying not to be,” Steve said softly.  “Y’know they say royalty’s all inbred.  Maybe that’s my problem, I probably have dumb royal braincells—”
Billy rolled his eyes.  His skin shone with sweat already, and he let his eyes close against the glare.  “Shut up, you’re not a moron.  Did somebody say something shitty to you?  ‘Cause I’ll fight ‘em.”
“I think if you punched the Minister of Agriculture, he’d die,” Steve said, laughing, with a sniffle.  “He’s like a hundred years old.”
“Sounds like it’s time for me to punch him,” Billy growled, and smiled, listening to Steve giggle.  “You tell me and I’m on a plane.”
“Maybe I should,” Steve said.  “I’d get to see you.”
Billy shut his eyes tightly against the burst of fondness that rose and heated his cheeks, and when he could, laughed.  “If you need me, I’ll figure it out,” he promised.
“I’ll be all right,” Steve said.  “I just—” he sighed.  “There just—there are some regulations that...somebody’s telling me they’re for safety, and we can’t let the corporations get away with, you know, giving people botulism—”
“Sounds pretty legit,” Billy nodded, biting his lip.
“But I’ve got somebody else saying it’s actually this new unnecessary process that wastes a bunch of food, and it’s just a way to drive the smaller growers out by making them adopt all this mechanical stuff—”
“...which one does that guy say?” Billy asked, leaning his elbows on the cement edge of the balcony.  “The one that called you a moron.”
“Oh, he didn’t, he wouldn’t say it,” Steve laughed, sounding disheartened.  “He just—”
“Do whatever he doesn’t want,” Billy hissed, and Steve’s laugh turned more genuine.  
“No, no, he’s, uh, he is conservative, but he...he means well,” Steve sighed.  “I don’t—”
“Okay,” Billy considered.  “Who’s the most onboard with your unionizing?”
“That isn’t patronizing at all.  There somebody like that?”
“Ah,” Steve was quiet for a long moment, and Billy watched a lady down below unlock her car, climb in and roll down the windows, burn herself on the steering wheel, and scramble out to stand in the shade.  “Maybe,” Steve said in a small voice.  “But that’s got nothing to do with—” 
“Go see what they think.  They might at least know who’s in it for profits.”
“Yeah, okay,” Steve said.  “I lo—” he cut off, clearing his throat.  “I’m so glad I met you, Billy Hargrove.”
Billy’s heart was pounding with what he’d thought Steve was about to say, and he drew a slow breath, wide-eyed.  “I’m pretty fucking happy I met you too,” he said back, feeling a little choked.  
“Miss you,” Steve whispered, and Billy laughed, wanting to cry.  
“Get your posh ass back here then,” he said.  
 The next day when he got home there were no lights on in any of the windows in the whole complex, and no porch lights.  In the light of the street lamps over the parking area, he could see extension cords going in through the windows in half the apartments, like they’d all suddenly forgotten about fire hazards, and blankets stuffed in the gaps.  He usually sat in the car for a minute, finishing out a song, and soaking in the last of the AC before he had to walk through the late night heat to their apartment building, but he slammed the door and stumbled in the darkness of the street door to the apartment stairs.  When he ran around and up, there were no lights on in the hallways, and the heat was so thick it had weight.  He unlocked the door by the light of his phone, and yelled for his sister, walking into what felt like a refrigerator.
“It’s fine,” came her voice, shouting through a door, and then closer.  “The landlord didn’t pay the electricity bill,” she said, in a familiar voice that meant she was grimacing.  “I, uh, I got some dry ice like the um, like, uh, it’s in the freezer and fridge.”
“What,” said Billy, finding her in the dim light from the digital display on the A/C unit plugged in in the middle of the kitchen, and awkwardly touching her shoulder.  “Where’d this thing come from?  Max.  Tell me what’s going on.  How long has the power been off.”
“Uh,” she said again, making a face, and then folding her arms.  “I thought...you were working late tonight.”
“...did you think I wouldn’t notice there were no lights when I came in?!” he hissed, stalking away to sit wrong-way-round on a kitchen chair, and lean his head on his arms.  
“No!”  She waved her hands, an orangey grey blur in the darkness.  “No, no, uh—it’s—um.  I just—”
The power came on in a chorus of hums from the fridge and the overhead fluorescent lights, and the usual AC clicked on over the window with a wheeze.  “...they got it back on,” he breathed, his shoulders dropping.  “Do—do we have to pay the—is the money just gone, the money we paid for utilities?  I can’t afford to—”
“Legally,” Max said, stepping forward to touch his elbow, “—it’s on him.  It’s not on us.  We won’t have to move, unless he pays for us to move.”
“What?” Billy asked, lifting his head, but Max’s phone rang, and she waved him away as she answered.
“...yeah, it’s back on,” she said, glancing back at Billy, and grimacing again.  “Um, yeah.  Thank you.  Yeah, that’s all—no, we’re okay.  It’s only been off a few hours!  No, we’re—we’re really—thank you.  Oh, really?”  She snorted.  “What happens to people who live in her buildings, then?  Oh.  Haha, sounds like she deserves it.  Thank you.  Wha—?”  She listened for a few minutes, as Billy’s suspicions heightened, and then laughed again, sounding a little disbelieving.  “Oh.  Oh, no, um, the air conditioner’s great, I can box it back up for—oh.  Uh, really?”  Her brows drew together as she stared at it, and Billy registered the box it had come in, sitting to the side.
“Shit,” he whispered, quietly, into his sleeves, and waited for his step-sister to get off the phone.  She bit her lips together, avoiding his eyes, and he cleared his throat.  “They turned the power off,” he prompted her, and she nodded.  “...and you called Steve.”
She nodded again, hunching her shoulders.
“He’s in charge of a country—”
“Yeah, I thought maybe he knew some lawyers,” she hissed back, and Billy's stomach went into freefall.
“You asked him to hire lawyers,” he whispered, registering that as a kid, she’d thrown down the only defense she had access to.  “—and he sent over an AC unit, jesus.  ...why didn’t you let me handle it?  Why didn’t—you didn’t even call me—”
“You were working!” she yelled.  “You were working all last night—"
"The power was off yesterday?!" he shouted back, "—there's a heat advisory—there are people collapsing out there—"
"You were at school all morning," she screamed back.  "—I thought—I thought you’d be gone all night—” 
Billy flinched at her volume, his eyes burning.  “Sorry!  Jesus, Max, I’m—I’m fucking sorry, okay, but you can’t just—”
“I couldn’t even make cup noodles,” she shouted, sounding like she wanted to cry herself, and Billy clenched his fists around the back of the chair, instead of running back downstairs to work more hours, or stomping off to sleep in his room.  
“I have to work!” he yelled back.  “I could have brought you some food, you didn’t even call me—”
“You said you trusted him!” she said, a little more quietly, her clenched fists shaking, and Billy remembered the look she had, her jaw set, too wary to look at him.  He remembered it from living at home, and felt worse.  
“I did say that,” he said numbly.  “...fine.”  She flinched back as he stood, and he froze, his eyes blurring with tears.  “Sorry you had to...do that,” he said through gritted teeth.  “I—I’ll call the—them, so next bullshit she tries, you don’t have to...deal with it.”
“I dealt with it fine,” she muttered, and Billy’s hands strained on the back of the chair until it creaked.  
“...sorry,” he whispered, turning away to his room.  
“Shut up!” she yelled after him, and Billy shouted back a  “You shut up!” before he slammed the door, and sank down against it, and fumbled his phone out.  He’d dialed before he realized it was two am in Greece, and he frantically shut it off, letting his head thump back against the door, and then thumping it harder a second and third time.  
He stopped as his phone rang with Prince Charming’s song from Snow White.
“Sorry,” he answered, in a weird uneven hiss, and cleared his throat.  “I’m so fucking sorry, now I fucking woke you up, I’m such a fucking moron—useless—asshole—”
“Billy,” Steve said, authoritative, and Billy sat up straighter, closing his eyes and clenching his fingers in his jeans.
“Y-yeah,” he whispered.  He wondered whether it was worth apologizing again, and tried not to sniffle as he felt his tears spill over down his cheeks.
“Are you okay?” Steve asked, and Billy let out a sob before he buried it in his sleeves.
“Of-of course I’m okay,” he laughed hoarsely.  “My sister called my boyfriend ‘cause she knew I was useless, and he—he probably skipped a fucking—UN meeting or some shit—probably peace-talking with Iran right now and we’ll go to war because my air conditioning got turned off, and I’m so fucking useless my sister called you—”
“Billy.  Billy,” Steve said again, in the calm voice Billy associated with his kinder teachers.  “It was forty-nine degrees there, malaka, I checked online.  And it took like thirty seconds, I just told my PA to make a call—”
“Shit, I probably owe you a million dollars in—in legal fees,” Billy realized aloud, letting his head thud back against the door again as he turned the number 49 in his head. He couldn’t make sense of it until he remembered with a shaky huff of laughter that Steve was a prince where they used celsius.  “Jesus,” he whispered.
“You—no you don’t,” Steve huffed.  “What the hell are you—Billy.”  He sighed, and Billy pulled the hood of his sweatshirt over his head, sighing into the warm fabric of his sleeves.  “You don’t owe me anything, you don’t—” Steve started again, sounding annoyed, and Billy waited, shutting his eyes tighter.  “I’m not that important, love, you’re not going to cause a war.”
“What,” Billy breathed, his comprehension stalling out in the middle.
“You can always call me,” Steve told him, breathing a little faster, and Billy pictured him pacing around his gold-and-marble room, walking over his bed in huge steps like it was steep terrain, and scrabbling at his hair.  Billy took a slow breath, listening, as Steve repeated. “I love you.  You can always call me.”
“Shit.  I thought—” Billy took another deep, shaky breath, trying to focus his thoughts as he wiped more tears off his cheeks and relaxed, sliding sideways to curl up on his side against the foot of the door.  “I get another chance still, huh?”
“...you thought I’d...dump you,” Steve said slowly.
“But you didn’t,” Billy laughed, giggling with relief.  “Shit.  God.  You don’t—you don’t have to say shit like that, I’m not—I’m fine, jesus.  Jesus.”
“Why’re you laughing?” Steve asked, and Billy laughed harder, wiping his eyes.  
“Can’t believe you’re okay with this,” Billy whispered.  “I figured—”
“You can ask for help,” Steve interrupted, and Billy smiled wider, curling around his phone.
“You just wanna strip show later, right?” he whispered, keeping his voice flirty when he wanted to snicker.  
“...I seriously don’t know whether you’re kidding,” Steve said, and Billy sighed, pushing himself to your feet.  
“...d’you want me to be?”
“I flubbed it and told you I loved you because you sounded upset, and you haven’t said anything, and now you’re laughing at me,” Steve growled, but he sounded a little whiny, and Billy wanted to wrap him in a soft sweatshirt again, and then unwrap him entirely, and kiss every square inch of his body.  
“Uhhh,” he said to break the silence, his face heating as he thought of humiliating ways to reply.  
“I’m going back to bed,” Steve sighed, and Billy spun to pace in his little room, hoping—like an idiot—that they were pacing in synch.
“No, no, wait,” he mumbled, then groaned.  “I—I heard you, I thought—” he trailed off, and the silence lengthened.  Finally, Billy forced out “What did you mean?”
“What?!” Steve laughed.
“What does that even—”
“No, look, we—we fucked, right,” Billy said, waving his hand in a decisive chopping motion.
“...we fucked,” Steve said, real quiet, and Billy dropped to lay across his bed, staring at the ceiling.  
“We fucked.  A couple times.  And—and now I call you sometimes when you’re flipping your shit—”
“Or when you are,” Steve put in, and Billy pulled the blanket over his head, groaning.  
“I don’t—I didn’t that much, jesus.  I flipped out a couple times, you—” Billy spoke louder, over Steve’s sputtering, “—you call me when I’m freaking out, asshole, you know you do that, Max fucking tells you, I didn’t ask for that, I don’t—”
“Why does this sound like I’m accused of a crime,” Steve muttered, and Billy stopped with his mouth still open, then closed it.
“No,” he said, thinking.  “No, I didn’t—I don’t mean that, I mean...I just mean—you can’t—”
“I can’t what?” Steve asked.
“You can’t fall in love with a hot Uber driver you meet for like...a week,” Billy sighed.  “Just because I told you some like...jokes.  A couple times.”
“Billy.  I have known you for months,” Steve told him, with the carefully articulated syllables of someone trying to sound patient.
“We haven’t even been able to talk much—”
“We talk nearly every day!” Steve laughed, sounding upset, and Billy’s eyes widened as he bit his lips, considering.  
“...no,” he said quietly, laughing.  “No fucking way.”
“...I’m going to hang up,” Steve said, and Billy sat up under the blanket.
“No, no, wait, you can’t—I’m not—it’s just—”
“I’m tired,” Steve told him, sounding kind of sad, and Billy scrambled for something to say.
“No, there hasn’t been a musical number,” he said, curling around his phone again to concentrate on Steve’s voice as he waited to see whether his prince would laugh.  
“...what?!” Steve asked.  “The hell are you—”
“I can fall for you,” Billy told him, feeling like the five short words took all his oxygen.  “I—I can.  F-fall in...but y-you’re a prince.  Th-there hasn’t been a musical number.”
“...you saying you’re in love with me?” Steve asked, and Billy wanted to hide, his pounding heart telling him to say it, or Steve would be hurt, but also not to, because Billy Hargrove’s love wasn’t valuable enough to take up somebody’s time.  
“...you tromped right the fuck into my—my heart when you tried to buy a plush winged buffalo,” Billy admitted, realizing he sounded a little pissed, which was truthful enough.  “And I don’t need a fucking musical number.  Even—even if you hadn’t called, y’know.  Gotten in touch.  Every time I hear your voice you’re a little more in here.  I—I wake up thinking maybe I’ll hear from my prince today, try to—try to think of funny shit to say so you’ll keep calling…”
Steve made a noise like he was trying to laugh underwater.
“I reread your texts all the time when I need…” Billy trailed off, and took another deep breath.  “You’re like a—a goddamn air freshener, I look at you and I—I listen to your dumb voice and it—everything’s—better,” he forced out.  “Had to stop calling just to listen to your voicemail,” he admitted quietly.  “‘Cause you kept calling me back.  No matter what time it was, you’d call me back, and—and asking what—I-I there wasn’t anything I wanted, I just wanted...you.”
“Please keep calling my voicemail,” Steve laughed, sniffling.  “I thought I scared you off, or—or maybe you were trying to leave bad news.  How come you only call when you think I won’t answer?!  I’ll always answer—”
“Don’t tell me this shit,” Billy hissed, “—I’ll take you up on this crap, I will, you’ll get fifty calls a day because I had to leave class—I was thinking about your dumb face today and I kept smiling at the professor and she thought I was high—”
“No!” Steve shouted back, laughing.  “No, keep doing it!  I want you thinking about me, you can—you can always—just call and tell me—”
Billy stuck out his tongue and blew loudly.  “Oh, yeah,” he snorted.  “Prince Steven, I’m horny.  Ignore that—that ambassador, and watch me take my shirt off, your majesty—”
“Let me get somewhere I can unzip my slacks,” Steve laughed, and Billy snorted so hard he choked, coughing.  “Make some requests, maybe.”
“What d’you wanna request?” Billy asked, letting his voice come out husky.  “I’m in bed, by the way.  Bring it on.”
“You got time?” Steve asked, and Billy could hear his smile.  “I want video of you saying you love me.”
“Fuck you,” Billy mumbled, wide-eyed.  “What the shit—”
“I’ll call you from somewhere public,” Steve whispered.  “Somewhere nobody can hear me, but everyone can see me, and I’ll talk you off.”
“Holy shit,” Billy breathed.
“Send me video of you in a hoodie,” Steve said.  “Tell me you love me,” and Billy’s face heated enough to be the sole cause of the current heat advisory.  
“No!” he hissed back, muffled, because he’d buried his face in the pillow.  He was fairly sure it’d combust.  “Fuck you!  No!”
“Don’t you want me telling you how to touch yourself in my sash and uniform,” Steve whispered, snickering.  “I’ll wear my crown.  You know you want me to—”
“Oh my god,” Billy wheezed.  “Now I do.  What fucking kink even is that?!”
“I’ll go out on some palace balcony,” Steve said.  “Maybe I’ll wave.  While you’re squirming around with your hand on your dick.  I’ll say stuff like ‘god, you sound amazing, babe,’ and ‘good job’.”  
“...you motivational speaker,” Billy muttered, meaning it to insult.  
“Do I get my video?”
“I don’t know, how good a job d’I have to do to hear it,” Billy shot back, then realized what he said, and buried his face again.
“...you wanna hear you did a good job?” Steve asked, and Billy mumbled ‘damn it, damn it, damn it’ into his pillow.  “I can’t tell you you did a good job on my video until I get it, but I know you will,” he said, and Billy shivered.
“I was just kidding—” he tried to interrupt, but Steve just got louder.
“—you do such a good job with your sister, you’re amazing, taking classes and working, you’re not even twenty years old—”  Billy groaned incoherently into his pillow, but Steve didn’t stop.  “You always know what to say because you listen to me, like you listen to Max, you’re so good at that, you’re so good for me—”
Billy squirmed, shifting in his jeans, and rubbed the bridge of his nose, wishing his eyes would stop burning.  
“I could have ended up in anyone’s car,” said Steve, “—I was—I was upset, and I didn’t know what I was doing, and—you—you were really good to me,” he mumbled, starting to sound embarrassed himself.  “Say something.”
Billy took a deep, slow breath.  “—walked in today and I thought—I realized Max got you to call us lawyers and I…” his breath gave out, and he shut his eyes tightly, pressing his lips together.  Steve took a breath, but stayed quiet.  “Thought you—thought you’d leave me hangin’,” Billy whispered, laughing.  “Last, uh, last straw, this American slut dickhead who keeps taking you for more money.”
“I want to help,” Steve told him, hoarsely.  “Billy.  I want to help you.”  
“You don’t have to!” Billy said, smiling into the middle distance, his eyes stinging with tears.  “It’s not—that’s not what you’re for, your highness, you don’t always have to help.”
“I want to,” Steve huffed.
“You’d be perfect already if you were poor and stingy,” Billy told him, narrowing his eyes.  “Stop overachieving.  The hell am I supposed to say ‘love you’ to somebody like you.  Whole universe just popped up an error window.”
“No, it didn’t,” Steve breathed, and Billy could hear him beaming through the phone.  “Fuck do you mean musical number.  You saying I have to write you a song?  Because I—”
“No,” Billy interrupted, his eyes widening in horror.  “No, I’m giving you shit, because you’re a prince—”
“Perform in karaoke?  Should I rent some big venue, Billy?”
“No, no, no no no,” Billy sat up in bed, staring at the wall.  “What?!  No!”
“Tough crowd,” Steve said, laughing like a shithead, and Billy tried to resist snickering, his eyes widening in dread.
“No, no, it was a joke, you dumb fuck—”
“I’ll have to do both—”
“How do you even—” Billy roared, and Steve snickered.
“I better go get started,” he said, sing-songing it.  “Did you know I can play the guitar?”
“Of course you fucking can,” Billy breathed.  “You’re amazing.  Stop, stop this right now—”
“Gonna write you a love song—” Steve sang, and to Billy’s horrified and charmed embarrassment, it sounded good.
“Oh no,” he whispered.
Steve made a kissy noise into the phone.  “Love you too, babe.  That’s just for practise, of course, ‘til I get that song done!  Just keep saying I love you.  Gotta get it right.  Love you, love you, love you!  Am I saying it right?  It’s hard for princes to say these things without singing—”
“Shut up,” Billy croaked, like a frog.
“I need a rhyming dictionary for our musical number,” Steve sang, snickering, and Billy growled.  “Maybe I’ll work my way up from limericks.  Dick limericks.  To dick sonnets.  To dick epics—”
Billy hung up on him.
My other Harringrove stuff
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freddieslater · 3 years
ALL OF THE WIP TITLES YOU POSTED LOOK. SO. GOOD. i'm going to limit myself to three - can i ask for three at once? is that chill? okay well i'm gonna ask anyway and you can choose one/two/all three! so here we go: "High School Musical: The Reunion: Glee Edition", "Prison World Trio", and "Shorpanga Wedding." <3 <3 <3
YOU'RE ALWAYS COMING IN HERE AND MAKING ME LOVE YOU. Of course you can ask for three, I'd have done the whole list just for you ♥️ zhhxhshz okay let's do this!! I'm gonna put a read more because it is Long
"High School Musical: The Reunion: Glee Edition"
It's occuring to me now just how misleading this title is even though it makes perfect sense to me 😭. So, this fic is actually a crossover between The Flash, Supergirl, and Glee! Basically, there's a reunion happening at McKinley and invites go out to both Barry and Kara as, in this universe, they were Sebastian and Marley (with a couple of tweaks). None of their friends are aware of their secret former lives as members of semi-successful high school glee clubs (Iris and Alex are the only ones because, well, they grew up with them)!
And to make it better: Barry and Kara didn't recognize each other either! So, you can imagine their great surprise when they both find out their high schools are hosting reunions on the same day. In the same town. In the same building. Drama ensues! They have some reunions with other ex glee club members, including one Music Meister (excluding one he-who-will-not-be-named for multiple reasons but one being that he was also in Supergirl and I'm not going out of my way to find a loophole in the plot that makes sense for him). Their friends find out! Songs are probably sung!
And here is your snippet:
He can't go. Barry decides it without even opening the email. Or the three Facebook messages, or the two voicemails, or the five texts. They're all from the same person, more or less. One of the messages is from Trent, and he feels a bit worse about ignoring that one than the rest, but he can't because the second he opens a single one of them, it's over.
The date for the reunion is in a week and he's managed perfectly to ignore it so far! If he just waits until the date passes, then he can reply to Trent and to Blaine with profuse apologizes, but he was busy, and he never got around to checking any of his emails or texts, but he really is so sorry to have missed it, maybe they can meet up just the three of them sometime soon? 
A deep sigh is pulled from between his ribs. He slumps back in his chair and closes his eyes, letting himself spin slowly.
"You should go," Iris insists. Barry opens his eyes and catches a glimpse of her across the room, leaning against his desk. Possibly accidentally touching evidence. Totally fine, not a problem at all. "Seriously, it's been ten years! I know that it's not Dalton and technically McKinley wasn't your school, but everyone you went to Dalton with will be there."
"That's the problem," Barry emphasizes, his hands dragging through his hair to grab the top of the chair. "I just... the thought of facing any of them now? After everything, after ten years?"
He just shakes his head, pressing his lips together. His stomach is rocking and he's aware that the spinning probably isn't helping, but he's also afraid that if he stops he might throw up. So he pushes himself with his foot and goes around again, only catching a blur of Iris' exasperated expression. 
"Things are different now!" she tries again. "You've seen Blaine and Trent! Look how much they've changed. Who's to say that it's not the same for everyone else? I mean, you're certainly not who you were when you went there -- you're not him anymore; Sebastian."
"Prison World Trio"
This is, unsurprisingly, a TVD fic. I decided, you know the only thing that could make Bonnie and Damon being trapped in the Prison World more interesting than it already is? If Enzo was there, too. So, essentially, he waits on the other side until Damon arrives because he's actually worried about him, but by the time Alaric has been sent through to the land of the living, the spell has been broken, leaving Damon and Enzo trapped along with Bonnie. Then bam! Prison World! Now, I don't have a clear idea of where I go from there, but I know that it involves domestic shenanigans, catching feelings + old feelings resurfacing with angst and arguments and Bonnie wanting to murder both of them! They will, of course, still meet Kai and that's a whole thing because it's Kai, but I still haven't decided an ending yet.
Stop! Snippet time!:
"Take him," Bonnie says to Damon. "Please. He's your murder buddy, not mine."
"Hold on, I still have a say in this," Enzo tries to protest. "And for the record, I am no one's murder buddy anymore. I wouldn't be here if I was, now would I?"
Damon groans, "Oh my god, let it go, we're stuck with each other now, alright? So, your little grudge isn't exactly going to do anyone any good, and if you haven't noticed, you're not exactly dead anymore, so would you shut up?"
"Oh, well I'm glad to know that my death is a mere grudge to you," Enzo quips back drily, throwing a hand up. "You sure you want me to come with you at all? By the sounds of it, you wouldn't even notice if I was gone, so how about you two go ahead and I'll just be on my merry way."
Unbelievable. Trust Enzo to kick up a tantrum at the most inconvenient of times. Damon looks to Bonnie to share in his exasperation, but she raises her eyebrows and presses her lips together in a clear display of not taking sides. Though her pointed silence and looking away feels a whole lot like tiptoeing onto a side. 
"Are you -- No!" Damon waves his hands. "How is splitting up going to help us? No, either you come with me, or you go with Bonnie. Your choice, but those are your only two options."
"I'm not exactly seeing how you're going to enforce that if I decide on neither," Enzo says with a shrug, and at this point, Damon's thinking he's just doing it to piss him off. Then again, that's usually his motivation. 
"I'll just..." Bonnie gives a vague motion behind ahead of her with an awkward smile and proceeds to try and edge away, "leave you two to it," 
"Wait," Enzo calls to her, staring at Damon, "I'm coming with you."
Damon stares back at him, arms spread. But Enzo just gives him one last look before walking away. Bonnie falters uncertainly and doesn't look too thrilled about this decision either but she just shrugs at Damon like she's sorry, then she goes after Enzo. Leaving Damon standing in the middle of the road on his own. 
Fantastic. Just the way he likes it.
"Shorpanga Wedding"
Title says it all, really, I think. We're at Cory and Topanga's wedding (this is Boy Meets World if that wasn't clear), and Shawn is obviously a mess because the two people he is in love with are getting married, but they don't know he's in love with them, and now his chance to say anything is about to be gone! I'm going to need to rewatch that episode before I can get back to this one because I can't remember a lot of what was said, but I know it's going to be extremely angsty with a happy ending!
Teeny tiny snippet:
Don’t go in. Shawn repeats the words over and over in his head, pacing the hall of the fanciest hotel he’s ever stepped foot in. But he came this far, didn’t he? He can’t let how he’s feeling get in the way of this. It’s Cory’s wedding. And… Topanga’s. His best friends. How can he not go in?
He stops pacing and looks down at the rings in the palm of his hand. If he goes in there, these rings will be on Cory’s and Topanga’s fingers for the rest of their lives. 
Groaning, he clenches his hand into a fist, feeling the rings dig into his palm. He starts pacing again until singing starts up around the corner. Oh god. What does singing mean at a wedding? That it’s over? 
But it can’t be, not without the rings, right? Or did they find replacements? Did they just assume that he would let them down, that he wouldn't show up, so they just went ahead without him?
There’s only one way to find out. 
Taking a deep breath, he turns the corner and walks through the hall. His heart leaps into his throat at the sight of the wedding taking place. Cory and Topanga at the altar together. Nausea sweeps over him, but he bites the inside of his cheek and ignores how disconnected his head feels from the rest of his body as he marches up the aisle towards them. He glances at the stage and notices Mrs Matthews on it, the source of the singing. Figures. 
Every step forward feels heavier than the last, and like he’s a roadrunner heading straight for the exact spot where the anvil is hanging, waiting to drop and crush him. Except seeing Cory and Topanga standing there, ready to get married, has already done that. 
This took me so long to answer but it has been so fun!! Thank you for asking for three at once, you're amazing and wonderful!
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stetervault · 5 years
Steter fics from 2019/any Steter fics you feel like reccing
2019 Steter fics, let’s see… Here’s a bunch of random ones I’ve enjoyed over the past year:
Where I Want to Be by Tahlruil
Peter wasn’t exactly surprised when he ‘woke up’ in hell.
He’d known his wounds were fatal as soon as he’d gotten them. In truth he’d never expected to still be standing after his quest for revenge had been completed. What mattered was taking the Argent family down with him and making sure they died before he did. Peter had saved Kate and Gerard for last; they had looked into his eyes as they bled out. They had known that he was the instrument of their family’s doom and he couldn’t ask for more than that.
You Are A Call To Motion by neglectedtuesday
Here at Hale Industries ® we don’t believe in limiting one’s pleasure. That’s why we’re dedicated to bringing our clientele the best in Jackbot technology. Whether you’re a busy dom in need of a service sub or a baby boy desperate for an Alien Daddy, Hale Industries ® has the perfect bot for you. Built to your specifications, our customer service team is devoted to building a bot that will never fail to meet your needs. And if you discover something new you want to try, you can subscribe to our monthly upgrade packages in order to add or remove kinks at your leisure.
Hale Industries ® - The Only Limits Are The Ones We Place On Ourselves.
Here Begins the Land of Phantoms by Triangulum
Stiles is four and scared of the dark. There are things in the shadows of his room, whispering to him, showing him terrible, violent things.
There’s something in the basement, too. He can feel it while he’s sitting on the old, worn sofa, its presence curling around the edges of the room. He thinks he can see something sometimes, a mass shimmering in the corner, but he always looks away. He doesn’t want to know.
Peter is a demon that lives in the Stilinskis’ basement.
From Ashes Rebuilt by ambersagen
“You shouldn’t be alive,” Stiles finally admitted. He sounded sorry, smelled like anxiety and hunched in on himself as he fell back from Peter to land in the dented chair. “I heard the doctors telling your niece. She wasn’t quiet about it, and no one cares if I’m around anyway so I heard the whole thing, about your burns. I snuck in to see you.”
“Like a sideshow freak,” Peter sneered, starting to understand.
“Like a miracle,” Stiles corrected.
MCSZ-LW by Bunnywest
Mayor Whittemore gives John his widest politician’s smile. “It’s one of the best- a Halebot. You work so hard for the city, and with Claudia gone five years now, we thought you’d appreciate some company. A service bot is perfect. I mean, you deserve more than the standard gift certificate. “
“Would have preferred the gift card,” John huffs under his breath, but he plasters on a smile and makes all the right noises, because this is an elected position, and as jackbots go, Halebots really are the best. He just doesn’t know quite what he’s going to do with it.
Baby Whisperer by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
“What. Is that.”
Scott looked up at him, apprehensive.
“Her name’s Lily.”
Stiles stared at the fuzzy head peeking out of the papoose.
“Her. Her name. That is a real live human baby. Oh my God-”
“Actually I don’t know if she’s human?” Scott said with a confused frown. “Becca didn’t say.”
“Who the fuck is Becca?!”
Care for Me, As I’ve Never Known by lavenderlotion
“Why…why did you offer me the bite?” Stiles asked quietly, the cover of night and the hum of the Jeep’s engine giving him courage he wouldn’t usually have.
Peter hummed thoughtfully, taking a turn smoothly. “That is quite the question you’re asking. I’m not sure the answer is one you would be happy to hear.”
A Love for Millennia (a story never told) by OneSmartChicken
Stiles had to go into the woods that night. It didn’t make sense. She was lured by the sense of adventure, but there was a more that dragged at her.
Or: Stiles is the only one to realize she and Peter are soulmates. She doesn’t mention it.
Wind Chimes by wynnebat
“Why are you here?” Peter asks, his brow furrowing in confusion. “I can understand curiosity, but Stiles, you have visited me nearly every day for years. It can’t be that simple.”
Stiles shrugs. It’s both simple and not. For him, who grew up with the wind, who is inseparable from it in the best of ways, it is absurdly simple. For Peter, who doesn’t trust the wind as Stiles does, it may not be. “The wind says you’re mine. That’s all I need.”
Robber Foxes (Have No Fears) by RayShippouUchiha (WIP)
In the end all Stiles really has left is his dad, a lonely house, the key and deed to the loft, and a chest filled up with emptiness.
A void, yawning right behind his sternum.
That and the laughter of a fox trapped right beneath his skin, echoing in the hollows of his skull, whispering behind his teeth.
Stiles should have known it wasn’t over.
Magic stains everything it touches after all.
Keep You (Safe) Within my Shadow by lavenderlotion
Stiles has never been scared of the dark. The shadows are his friends.
Into Eden by GracieBirdie
Stiles deciding to bring home the stray alpha he’d hit with his jeep probably made him certifiable, if it hadn’t turned out Peter was as crazy as he was.
Trust in the End by ShebaRen, Tahlruil
Stiles had always kind of assumed that the end of the world was going to be full of fire and panicking people. Nuclear warfare had pretty much been his guess as to how it would all go, but he could be flexible on that. His only certainty was that it would be man-made, because people always messed things up.
He hadn’t expected the end to be full of snow and freezing cold. He hadn’t expected to be so alone while it was happening, hadn’t thought he would be making a trek from California all the way up to - if his maps and bearings were right - Washington State. He definitely hadn’t expected for it all to happen while his parents were away on a trip for their second honeymoon.
Thankfully he’d fallen in with a wolf who had saved his life and then hung around like a bad penny afterward.
Making Marks by Udunie
Stiles woke to his phone ringing at four in the afternoon, because apparently, he’d never even heard of a healthy sleep schedule before, and also; hated himself.
He blindly found it in the pocket of his jeans thrown haphazardly to the floor, and blinked at it for a few seconds before picking it up.
“‘Sup, Lyds?” he asked, just because he knew she hated the nickname, and she did wake him up.
“I’m killing Jackson,” she announced with unusual honesty. To be fair, any kind of honesty was unusual from her, considering her and Stiles only reconnected recently - and it wasn’t like they were too close in high school either.
You Just Got Ghosted! by Ragga
“What’s your name, angel?” little Stiles murmured even as his eyes fell closed, quickly losing his battle against sleep.
Stiles smiled. It was a little sad but also heavy with the knowledge that what he was doing was the right thing—heavy with the knowledge he didn’t deserve the moniker bestowed upon him.
“You can call me Mietek.”
Or the one where there’s time travel, feels abound, two Stiles in one timeline, and one of them stuck somewhere between the planes of existence. Yet a ghost can still manage to save the day and get the girl. Or the wolf. Manly wolf. Because Peter.
Toothed Morality (Send Me Flowers) by rightsidethru
“The world is a dark place, moje kochanie; it is one filled with monsters, always ready to gobble you whole. Be wary of the promises they give: seal every vow with blood and bone and Name. A True Name, one that will bind them to their word.”
“But how will I know that they’re telling the truth, Matka? Couldn’t they lie…?”
“You’ll know, mały płomień.”
Everyone is King When There’s No One Left to Pawn by Bittah_Wizard
The AU where Stiles is an old trickster—just not the one you’re thinking of.
Beefcake Mountain by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
Shortly after moving back to Beacon Hills, the left hand of the Hale Pack opened a text from a mysterious number.
“Is there a mirror in your pants? Because I can see myself in them.”
What the f—
Wild Creatures by neglectedtuesday
The treaty is signed while Stiles is being laced into his wedding corset. Ink splatters parchment as a maid pulls the ribbons, tighter and tighter. Stiles’ breath and future are taken away, all to save a village. He is a sacrifice more than a bride. The maid assists in fixing a choker around Stiles throat. Her hands are cold despite the roaring fire in the grate. The choker is a string of blood red rubies, they reflect the firelight with a wet shine like an open wound.
First to Know by Twisted_Mind
They fold to their knees in the vee of his legs. His hands cradle their cheek and the back of their neck, and they lean into the touch, eyes closing. “It’s mine.”
“What’s yours, darling?”
They drag in a shaky breath, and look up into the face of the man they love. “The magic. It’s mine. My spark did this.”
Chances by SpookyMiscreant
Supernaturals have soulmarks, everyone knew that, but it was ignorant to think that supernaturals only fell in love with supernaturals. It wasn’t necessarily rare for humans to have marks, but not common either. Supernatural kids all anxiously await the full moon after their fifth birthday, but human kids let the full moon pass without much anticipation.Stiles’ mother had made him stay up that night in his underwear as she searched him with a flashlight, intent to see if he was supernatural like his father. The inherent problem here was that Stiles was then and always will be covered head to toe in moles, freckles, and birthmarks.
walk walk (fashion baby) by rightsidethru
Derek shrugged a shoulder and moved the chopsticks through the broth. “Cora’s decided that she wants to transfer out to Berkley, and Uncle Peter has decided to relocate here again. Unfortunately, his reputation is preceding him and not even the three grand we’re offering for the photoshoot is enough to get a model to stay.”
At hearing the amount of money that Derek was actually offering to pay someone for one temporary job, Stiles choked on his noodles and began wheezing for breath as he went into a coughing fit. “Three? Three grand? Three thousand dollars??”
Three thousand dollars would be enough to pay for his rent for the next few months. Or—pay for the upcoming month and give Stiles a chance to buy some of the more advanced books on magical theory that Elder Potter was willing to let Stiles borrow but not keep. Being able to buy his own copies… Stiles’ fingers twitched in almost immediate booklust.
“I’ll do it,” Stiles announced.
Cause I Want You (all to myself) by LadySlytherin
Stiles has an odd habit of licking Peter, seemingly at random and without much thought. Peter takes a lot longer than he should to figure out why.
Six Times Stiles Stilinski Licked Peter Hale…and one time Peter licked Stiles instead.
If I Could Kiss You Again by Triangulum
“Summer plans?” Peter asks, eyes on where Isaac is now trying to inch along the ceiling beam toward the wall where he can slide down a pipe.
“Leaving for Stanford in September. Saving the world and working in between now and then,” Stiles says. “Why, gonna miss me?”
“Considering I’ll be left alone with Derek? Yes,” Peter says.
“You’ll have Cora,” Stiles says. “And Isaac will be here to make up a few high school credits.”
There’s a shriek and a thud as Isaac loses his grip, falling on top of Erica and Boyd, sending them all to the ground in a heap.
“Yes,” Peter says flatly. “Thank god for that.”
Five times Stiles kisses Peter and one time Peter kisses him.
Orbital Distance by neglectedtuesday
Artemis, the capital city of the Moon, where movies are born and stars are made. The crown jewel of American cinema and simultaneously Hollywood’s biggest rival. The money may be dollars, it may be counted as the 51st state but the studios run this city, making cinema and waging war. No real bloodshed but equally cutthroat in its own way. Peter has devoured article after article about the industry, from in-depth journalism to gossip rags, desperate for every detail, every scandal, every glorious moon moment.
Hooverville by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
Town to town, train to train, tent to tent.
By 1932, the dust had begun to blow and the jobs were gone.
Anonymity was a byproduct of looking for work, which made it both necessary and convenient.
Stiles had enough secrets of his own to know to look the other way when he saw something that shouldn’t be possible.
The ghost of a tail giving enough balance to disembark a moving train.
Near silent Latin whispered on the edge of a tent encampment.
A flash of burning eyes.
He had more than enough to worry about without adding the oddities of others, and besides- having unusually sharp teeth certainly didn’t make a man worse than the ones running from the wife and kids they couldn’t feed.
So Stiles kept his observations to himself. He kept his everything to himself.
Until he met a man. One with eyes so blue they seemed to glow- and then they did.
Stiles tried to look away, but for the first time he was stopped.
“Don’t be like that sweetheart. Aren’t you curious?”
Rhythm of the War Drums by HyperLittleNori (Shiguresan)
The foreboding song of the drums rumbled through the stands above, made his heart, his blood pound with their increasing rhythm. He’d seen this so many times now, heard the sickening, morbid excitement of the rabble. He readied himself for the carnage, but even nearly a year after he’d first stood in this spot, it still filled him with dread.
As always, he watched the sandy arena through the barred steel gates. They vibrated with the movement, with the almost deafening sounds of the crowd and the drums. A sea of guards stood at his back, but they were not there for him…
Two Worlds Collided by Bittah_Wizard
It was always meant to be Stiles and Peter.
A Stranger Comes to Town by Bunnywest, DiscontentedWinter, Twisted_Mind
Peter claps his hands together once. “Right! Let’s start getting to know each other, shall we? We can all take turns introducing ourselves, and explaining who we are as writers. I’ll go first.” He stays standing, and spreads his arms wide for a moment. “As I hope you all know, I’m bestselling author Peter Hale. If there’s been a terrible mistake and you didn’t mean to be here, this is your chance to run.”
He gives another charming smile to the tittering biddies on his right. He sketches a dramatic little bow, and then goes on. “Twice a year, I come out here to teach The Masterclass on writing, providing new talent,” he winks at the MFA-wannabes on the left, tucking his hands in his pockets, “with a safe environment to share your work and equip yourselves with the tools for success. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all this weekend.”
Keep You Like An Oath by Green
After 7 years in prison, Peter has important matters to attend to — and at the top of his list is the young mate he left behind, unclaimed for their own protection. But, for all his good intentions, Stiles has always needed him — now more than ever.
Too Much Of A Good Thing by GracieBirdie
Stiles can’t just leave Boyd and Erica chained up in a hunter’s basement, and if the only person willing to listen to him when he asks for help is a formerly dead psychopath? Well, Stiles supposes he could do worse. But of course nothing in Stiles’ life is ever just that simple…
All The Things We’d Do by GracieBirdie
Stiles’ time travel spell doesn’t work out quite right but he figures he should make the best of it, starting with Laura Hale.
The Promises Of Yesterday, The Pledges Of Tomorrow by ShippersList
Stiles is a kid with serious concentration issues and definitely not a guide—let alone a guide strong enough to calm down a feral Sentinel wolf. It’s just not possible.
Thighs Verse by Bunnywest
I’ll give you what you need, pretty boy. And you can call me Sir.
The hairs on the back of Stiles’s neck prickle at that, and his dick throbs. He clicks on the profile and the picture that pops up is UN-FUCKING-FAIR. Jesus Christ on a bicycle, nobody should look like that. The man’s staring into the camera, a smile that’s almost a sneer on his face. And what a face it is. Intense blue eyes, cheekbones like cut glass, and a strong jawline covered in the perfect amount of stubble. His neck, what Stiles can see of it, is thickly muscled, and Stiles can see the beginnings of a tattoo that travels down. There’s the tiniest scattering of grey at his temples, and Stiles breathes out, “Oh yes, Sir,” as he drinks in the details on the profile.
Or, the one in which Stiles experiments with Grindr, and finds his Sir.
The Boy Sleuth by Shey
Stiles is eight when he discovers a box of his mom’s old Nancy Drew Mysteries in the back of the guest bedroom closet.
Magnificent Mischief by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
“Marvelous Miss and the Magnificent Mischief!” the carnival barker shouted just outside the corridor with all the food tents. “Come see Miss Paige do amazing tricks with her talking raven! He not only speaks, but he jokes! He teases! He philosophizes!”
Escaping by Green
“We have to go. Now, Peter.”
Peter’s holding his apartment door open, standing in shock, looking at Stiles. “What? How do you even know where I live?”
The Chasm and the Clash by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids)
Stiles has dreams of the Alpha after he dies. It makes no sense. He didn’t know Peter before… did he?
Did Peter know him?
And why does his head hurt so much?
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findinghiddenisles · 4 years
You know I'm E/C trash. NO.16 PLZ.
Yeah yeah this took 5ever I know but give me a break I have like 2 art WIPs and 3 Writing ones besides UB. And ya girl just got a grand piano!! I’m distracted!! Also P.S I have leroux canon smut in development for this piece but I’d figure I’d add some plot before I finish the smut part lol @arrakisz
Things you said with no space between us
Christine reflected on those weeks with Erik beneath the Opera House. She had to, for if she didn’t, she knew she would go mad.There was something there. It was like an itch she could not scratch or a dread she could not escape.
For as right as leaving Erik felt then, it felt just as wrong to be marrying Raoul now. She saw him as a brother...she had said so to herself so long ago...so why was she marrying him?
She missed the music, the passion, the fulfillment of just being with Erik. Raoul was warm at the surface, but somehow she felt like their relationship was...hollow. Stable, sturdy, but with nothing inside. He worried too much about society and she was experienced enough to know better. She wondered what a life with Erik would have been like.
But, Erik scared her. He made her feel uncertain during his fits of madness. How could she look past that? She understood what happened...why he reacted the way he had. True, he had never harmed her. But, the sadness, the loneliness, the desperation, and then the acceptance she saw in his eyes during their parting kiss made her stall. Erik had, unknowingly, planted a seedling of doubt within her heart. One that pulled her toward him.
Maybe, one that had been there all along.
Erik’s behavior with Raoul and Nadir with the torture chamber were reactions to his losing her. Something in her told her that he just wanted a chance to prove himself and that he never could with Raoul in the way. Would things have gone different between them if Raoul had never returned? Would he have even revealed himself?
That monster is a villain. He deserves to be left by himself in those tombs.
Christine cringed at Raoul’s words. She hesitantly warned him to please not bring him up again. It had been weeks. Wasn’t her presence beside him enough to cease his jealousy?
That was the first seed of doubt that was planted within her when it came to Raoul. Well....the first after deciding to marry him. The first came when he assumed she was a prostitute after seeing her in the carriage with Erik. She had calmly ignored it in order to protect Raoul, but it had angered her ferociously when she thought about it afterwards.
Christine stared out the window. She would be wed this time next week. She had seen the church they would be married in. The house they would live in. The dress they designed for her to wear. At least, she liked the dress Erik had made for her.
She stared at the dresser where the rings her father had given her sat.
They were for decoration now as Raoul had refused to wear them. He said...You are a Vicomtess now. We will have better rings made to suit your beauty, and our place in society.
Would Erik have brushed aside something of such great importance to her if they were to be married?
He cried when you kissed his forehead, he’d probably be beside himself in gratitude if you had given them to him.
Christine paused at the thought that crossed her mind. Her body going rigid and eyes wide as if the furniture in her room had begun to levitate. With that, the answer she had been denying herself metaphorically sat beside her, punched her in the face and then left on the breeze through her open window.
She packed up her father’s violin, hiding a few personal items in the back case and shrugged on her cloak. If any of the housemaids asked, she was going down the paths on the estate to practice the violin. It was the only music she was allowed, anyway. Raoul considered the people of the Opera only a step above harlots. So, to even consider her continuing to sing publicly in any form was beyond imagination.
Hopefully, the letter under his engagement ring was simple enough for him to get the message. She wasn’t stupid enough to mention Erik. She had merely lied and said she had traveled to London for a singing opportunity and that she could not live in the role he needed her to. Christine had wondered, comedically, for a moment if God would strike her down for lying. She shook it off and decided that if God could allow the suffering that Erik had gone through then he would most certainly tolerate a white lie that would keep her safe. Christine did not look back as she walked away from the estate. A strange giddiness filling her.
☾ ☾ ☾
When she found Erik, he was lying in his coffin. Her heart stopped in that moment and the weight of that sight brought her to her knees. She was too late.
The force of everything she was feeling forced her to stumble to its edge and touch him.
He wasn't dead...yet. He was alive, breathing shallowly. He smelled...clean though and his suit was fresh. The little hair he had combed back away from his face.
Had he been waiting to die?
Christine crawled into the coffin on the impulse of her thoughts and raised his torso to her own, cradling him. His black mask, the mouthless one she favored, had been in his hands, crossed over his chest. It had fallen in their movement. His arms limp at his sides and his head bobbing gracelessly onto her shoulder.
Tears began to stream down her face. She hated this. Hated all of it. Why couldn’t they have just learned about each other in time, without pressure? Why couldn’t they have been afforded that? An anger, a hatred, a knot of unfulfilled dreams tore through her like the glaciers she once saw as a child.
A hatred of herself for reacting so negatively to his face. An anger at him for not to talking to her plainly, for Raoul for inteferfering. All of it.
She rocked him slightly in her misery. Her mind was flooded with vines of thoughts that tangled and wound around each other like snakes. It made her feel as though her eyes were being pushed out of her skull from the pressure within her head. What could she do? What had Erik done to be in this state?
Erik’s name was an underlying chant beneath the thoughts, the very fuel for that growing mass of discorancy in her head.
His skin appeared paler than normal, almost translucent, and the normal heat that seemed to be absent everywhere but his face was nonexistent. His skin was dry where it was usually soft. She held his face with her left hand, feeling his quick but shallow breaths on her face. His eyes, as sunken as they were, appeared even more so. His pulse rapid despite his sedateness.
He was dehydrated. A lesson from her father painted a cure across her hands and began to comb away the tangles in her head. She reached for the little canister of water she brought with her. Thankful, for having filled it before she descended into the catacombs. She brought it carefully to his lips letting the droplets slip gently into his mouth. The touch of liquid to his tongue caused him to move slightly, and cradling him closer to her chest, she allowed more water to fall between his dry lips. She rubbed her thumb over his jaw, trying to coax life into him. When more water moved over his lips, his mouth opened ever so slightly more.
This went on for a long time, several hours, with Christine settling him down gently and rushing between the faucets to get back to him. When Erik’s eyes flickered open for the first time, Christine felt as though flowers bloomed from the vines in her head. Uncontrolled tears sprang forth at the calm, awed gaze that shone over his golden eyes. He tried to lift his hand to her but he didn't have the strength. Letting out a broken sob, she pulled his long graceful hands to her face, shaking, as his skin touched her cheek. A weak smile lifted his lips, but his eyes never left her own as she held him to her.
As much as she wanted to remain gazing at his open eyes, she knew he still needed to heal, and proceeded with slow slips of water. When she brought the bottle to his lips again, he drank steadily. Between sips, she listened to his heartbeat and noticed it calm. When he seemed to not want anymore for the moment, she brought her other hand to his face again and watched as his eyes closed slowly before opening again. They had not spoken any words but the wealth of communication in meeting the other’s eyes filled more space and built more hope than a lifetime of speeches ever could.
Erik now had the strength to at least wrap his hand around her own where she held it on his waist. She gently entwined their fingers and noticed his pupils dilate as he took her in. It was a gift to feel his fingers move against hers with uncertainty. Christine smiled softly at him and massaged his neck where she cradled his head. She felt more than heard the soft moan that escaped his lips as he arched delicately into her fingers. A small heat bloomed in her at his agile movements. She continued moving her fingers against his neck softly. Anything, if it would make him better.
With a sad thought, she noticed how dry his lips were; slightly cracked and too close to bleeding. It was such an uncomfortable feeling, she knew, from the winters traveling with her father. She cursed herself for forgetting her balm, for having forgotten the rich salve atop her vanity at the DeChangy estate. It would be thrown away when Erik could so well use it.
A thought bloomed within her heart and she realized that the balm still lay thick across her own lips. He was still watching her with such amazement and love. She had never seen such light in Raoul’s eyes. Erik filled her heart and warmed her soul more so than anything in her life. What would she not do for him?
She gently rubbed her fingers over his before tilting his head slightly and very slowly letting her lips descend onto his. She felt him stiffen at the contact. He relaxed only when she gently rubbed her lips over his, letting the salve slip between the ravines in his wounded flesh. He gently kissed back after a moment, letting their lips glide over the other. His short sucking kisses were appeasing in a way she never considered.
His mouth was wet. She was happy to feel…. happy to feel him grip her fingers as their movements aligned to the same silent rhythm.
She pulled away after a moment more, wanting to continue kissing him, but not wanting to leech the strength she knew he needed to get better. He followed her slightly and she smiled at him, leaning forward to kiss his forehead once more. His expression of adoration only intensified and she knew by the sheen over his beautiful eyes that if it was not for his state he would be crying.
His mouth opened slightly and she untwined their hands to lift the water to his mouth, careful not to disturb the salve on his lips. He drank it, lifting his head for more and gulping audibly. As she leaned around to place it against the coffin’s side, she heard the soft croak of her name. Christine whipped around. She watched carefully as he lifted his arm. He clumsily cradled her hand where it rested on his abdomen; his fingers actively moving over hers to entwine them.
She smiled brightly at the weak sound of her name, pulling him closer to her and nuzzling against his cheek to hide her tears as she murmured his own name into his ear. There was no space between them at that moment and nothing more needed to be said for the time being.
He felt less on the brink of death and more tired as he leaned his head in the crook of her neck. Christine still cradled him, leaning against the cushioned side of the elaborate coffin. He would need to eat something soon. She would have to bathe him, dress him, take care of him as he gained his strength back. Where would they be then? WHAT would they be then?
Erik had taken care of her when she was lost and alone. He had lifted her soul back to life. Could she be what he needed? Could she care for him as intensely as he did her?
Christine considered that thought for a moment before realizing that her doubts stemmed from the character she had been forced to play. The quiet, shy, meak girl. It was not how she felt inside. She wanted to be free to perform, to act on her thoughts, to thrive without the constant pressure of denying her happiness...and if she had to pick anyone in her life to do that with, it had to be Erik. It would only be Erik. They would have to learn to leave behind the tenants of their upbringing in order to trust in themselves and in order for them to truly love each other.
She thought of the question she had once asked herself. Would Erik have ever revealed himself if Raoul had never become involved?
That answer was no...she wholly believed. Erik would never have revealed himself. He would have selflessly devoted his time, too ashamed of his own appearance to ever try to take her away from her life.
She stared down at him, enamored with the view of his slightly parted lips where his face was hidden against her neck. She wasn’t sure if he was asleep or not but the slight warmth emanating from him was like an ember of hope. She pulled him tighter to her, settling in against the plush coffin.
They would be alright.
EDIT: NOW ON A03 https://archiveofourown.org/works/24638389
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licenselesswriter · 3 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 44. And if I could send more, I would.
Inspiration and Reading Asks:
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction? Started reading when I was 12, started writing it, when I was 14, so reading, 19 years ago, and writing 17 years ago.
2. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both? I’m a 33.3% reader, 33.3% WIP machine, a 33.4% writer, and 100% mess, I usually spend my time doing an absurd amount of WIP that comes out of thin air, like, I can be eating an apple, boom, Bori WIP, a cup of coffee? Boom, Roro WIP, breathing? Boom, Lucaya WIP (that last one happens the most)
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do? It’s called Unfaithful (EN), it’s on fanfiction.net, and honestly, it’s so well written, that I had nausea 3 times while reading it, the pain was so palpable that I felt ill from it.
4. Link your three favorite fics right now. Right now, and in order 1 - Unfaithful (EN)  2 - Twenty Nights  3 - Perfect 
6. How do you find a new fic to read? Where do you primarily read fanfiction? Fanfiction or AO3, and have an excel doc with my favorite ships, then I go to the random number generator, putting 1 as the minimum and maximum the number of the last ship I added to the list, then hit random, and read about that ship, keep things fresh.
7. Do you prefer to read short fics or long fics? Both.
8. How often do you reblog/comment on fics that you like? When they are on Tumblr, a few times.
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community. I’m sorry, but I don’t know if they have Tumblr, so, amirmitchell, snowdrifts, and Onde Tu Esteves
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for? Fandom: Game of Thrones, love all those modern universe AU I have to say. Pairing: Lucaya (Not a surprise) Character: Lucas Friar, Portgas D. Ace, Roronoa Zoro, or Prince Zuko.
Fanfiction Writing Asks:
11. How do you come up with your fic titles? Coffee, food, and usually, Spotify, all that, sometimes, make my brain work into having titles about the things I want to write.
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic? I do outlines, in 5 stages, so a pretty big one. 1 - I write in my notebook, what I want to write, like a general idea. 2 - Post it on my walls and door, to give the story some structure. 3 - Notebook outline the arch of the story. 4 - Outline every chapter on word. 5 - Reduce that chapter into mini arches to write faster.
14. Do you have a personal word minimum that you hold yourself too? Why or why not? I do (now), I usually don’t post anything that is less than 2900 words, Why? because we must not forget that writers not only write for people in the fandom, they mainly write for themselves, and I love to read something among that word count because that’s long enough to keep me on the hook.
16. Do you research for your fics? If so, how deep of a rabbit hole have you gone down by accident when researching? I do research for my fics, how deep? I can give indications for divorce paperwork in the state of New York, even if you want or not to go scorch the earth with the “fault” rule, I can give an appropriate value to an apartment or a house in New York, Texas, Nashville, and San Francisco, and I can do taxes on those states too, and I know more about how high school classes work in the US than in my country, even when I went to those classes, and I’m from Santiago, Chile, you know, in South America, like, the last country of South America
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback? I don’t, once I finish writing something, I run away, and watch anime for a few hours, or work (Yeah, sometimes I write on my lunch hour)
18. Do you have a WIP that you keep telling yourself you’ll eventually get back to, but deep down you know that’s probably a lie? I do apologize to “The Games we Play” I have no idea how I outlined your 26 chapters, but I’m still on chapter 2, and I’m sorry.
19. Do you edit your fics after you write them, or do you prefer to just hit post and run (because it’s someone else’s problem now)? Sometimes I do because sometimes, I write things wrong.
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process? That happiness I get when I’m in the Zone, and I write something that makes me say “Fuck, that was good”
21. What’s your least favorite part about the fanfiction writing process? I call it “The Deep White”, also known as writer’s block.
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write? I don’t write it anymore, because I was banned from a forum for writing it, but I love to write a bad ending, like “Killing the main character that I make you love for 30 chapters in the end” ending. I’m evil, I know, sue me.
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write? The “Good girl trying to change the bad boy,” I hate, apologies, I DESPISE that trope, it’s not cool, first, to be with someone abusive, and second, to try to change someone because you think you’re so almighty that you will change him (or her)  because of love, bs, I SAID BS.
25. Do you listen to music as you write? If possible, link your writing playlist. I do, and of course, it’s named “Writing Shiet” because my brain can only process decent titles for fics (Says the guy who once named a fic “No Title”) Here’s the link 
26. What’s your biggest distraction when writing? Anime and Manga.
27. Do you like to give your readers some warning of what might be coming or just slap them in the face with content at random? I don’t usually do it, but when I do it, I do it cryptic, like “You might be surprised, but this, I called in the beginning.”
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)? I ignore it, If I can ignore good advice, ignore something that gives me more stress it’s an easy cake.
29. Have you ever written for an exchange or event of some kind? Which one(s)? Did you enjoy it? I did but didn’t submit, I wrote for 2019 fictoberfest on Tumblr, but never send a shit, I did enjoy it tho
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words. "Well, we're still not in Texas," he says, implying something not PG-13 at all. "My God, in what did I turn you?" Maya teases him before getting up and grab his hand, pulling him up. Lucas grins at her, "On," he replies, making Maya flirty hit his chest
31. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones? I love writing Lucas and Maya, and honestly don’t know if it helps me or not LOL.
32. Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from? 1 - From November to June CH3 A few hours later, Maya heard a knock on her door. She takes a peek through the magic eye on her door and saw Lucas. She grabs her phone and fastly texts him. She was able to hear the 'ding' of his phone, and spying through the magic eye she saw his reaction. "Ok, first of all, I'm not that, second, my mother is not that, and third, I'm not gonna put that there, that's fucking gross, and probably deadly if you consider the size of my hands." he defends himself. 2 - Ten Duel Commandments CH2 Maya smiles at him, "Since you're all Texan cowboy goody-good boy, I imagine you would relate more with the honorable Lord Stark," she teases him. "Says the woman who read three books in a row and texts me at four in the morning," he replies before pulling out his phone, "R+L=J," he teases her, reading her text. "That's private, asshole," Maya recriminates him. 3 - The One Who Stayed CH18 "Then, I have less... GET OFF ME FUCKER!" Maya screamed, punching the person who grabbed her arm, "Holy shit, Lucas." she says, looking at the person she just hit. "Noted, never approach to you by surprise." Lucas says on the floor, "Well, this makes me feel more confident about you being here alone." he says before start laughing.
33. What do you like writing better: one-shots or multi-chapter stuff? Multi-chapter, unless, it’s wedding fics because I love weddings.
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is? None.
35. How much has writing fic changed your life? Not much, but has made me happier.
36. Are there any fics or fandoms you’re embarrassed to have written or been part of? The Glee Project Fandom.
37. Give an update on your current WIP - if you don’t have one, give a sneak peek to a title or idea that you have and would like to write. "Shawn called him, and he assures him that if you try something inappropriate, he has a shotgun," she adds, making Lucas's face go pale. "Well, guess like father, like son," he comments, making Maya show unexpected interest in his words.
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)? As I explained in the outline question, pretty tame if we count that I have my outline process numbered LOL.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on? That I try to make it real, I try to make people feel something when they read.
41. What’s your most popular fic (with the most notes on Tumblr, most hits/kudos on ao3)? Tumblr? The One Who Stayed Fanfiction.net? Ten Duel Commandments
44. Rant about something writing-related. Please, let’s stop glorifying the “Bad Boy” character, he’s an asshole, allow me to explain, Bakugo, fucking asshole, he’s just a bully with an oversized ego, no, he’s not a tsundere, no, it’s not cute, that shit is abusive, and it really makes me want to punch people in their nose when the romanticize that bullshit.
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(Told ya I was bored)
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This isn’t something I normally participate in, but, since I didn’t write much in June and shared hardly anything(something I plan to change in July if I can), I thought I should give some proof of (creative) life if anyone wants it.
Under the cut, a series of tiny excerpts, most more than six sentences, of different Kingdom Hearts pieces to be rescued from the limbo of “half finished chunk of something in a google doc.” Some of them belong to WIPs and some are from various other things started and then interrupted or....we’ll say set to a back burner.
All excerpts headed by a bolded header in the style of 
Title of Piece This Belongs To (Brief description of what kind of fic that is in between parenthesis)
Advantage Rule (Isalea Modern AU. First Chapter Up On AO3. More Info There.)
"You lost or are you the new caulk?" The speaker didn't fit the typical profile of a tech professional, especially one that worked behind the scenes with the coders. Mid-fifties judging by the lines on his face with thinning blond hair so light you could hardly tell where some parts had gone silver combed to stick up as a compensation for where it threatened to recede and leather skin that said he'd worked outside in some decade past, paired with a southern accent that seemed stronger than it was with the effect added by the toothpick precariously balanced in the corner of his mouth. He'd rejected business attire in favor of cargo pants and a dark blue flight jacket that looked like they'd been bought in the last century, and the look in his eye was so fierce without prompting that Axel had to wonder if he was a failsafe for the air conditioning breaking down.
"Am I the what?"
"Caulk." The toothpick switched sides of the man's mouth with a roll of his bottom lip. "Fixing the leaks? The cybersecurity specialist? Axel Lea?" His impatience mounted by the moment. Working on the fourth floor would certainly be interesting.
"Yes, sir. That would be me." Axel tried to smooth the way with deference and the easy smile that rarely steered him wrong. "Does that make you...?"
"Cid Highwind. I'll be showing you the ropes. Now that you've seen fit to grace us with your presence." Cid continued to stare him down and Axel wasn't sure if he was supposed to apologize or bare his teeth and smack his chest like a gorilla to challenge the alpha.
Without False Hope ( First Chapter Up On AO3. More Info There. Akuroku KH/FFX crossover)
Axel was waiting for them, or  it seemed that way at least and Roxas didn’t think himself vain for thinking so, when Roxas spotted the lanky redhead not jogging himself but leaning against a pole until he saw the Crusaders approaching and then falling in next to Roxas just behind Xion as she bellowed, "Young Crusaders gather 'round,"  the beginning of a call and response chant that the rest of them would answer with a promise to knock enemies back and stand their ground or an alternate about beating Sin beneath the ground if they were feeling
Axel finished the line a beat before the Crusaders would have, substituting his own words. "...Eager for Sin to put you in the ground." Roxas's heart, which had soared for a moment when Axel had come up beside him and dared to hope that Axel's first words would be a version of sorry or an invitation out somewhere without other people, took a sharp plummet to his toes then returned to his chest angry at being mocked.
Assorted grumbles and shouts showed many others felt the same way, but Xion seemed to take it in stride, sing-songing her own improvised lines that continued the cadence of the original chant without missing a beat, "Young civilian come to heckle and stare. What would you do if a fiend attacked and we weren't there?"
Axel near stumbled but recovered and let out a short bark that might have been a laugh he wasn't sure he was allowed without inviting training Crusaders to make him pay for it, afterward rumbling in an impressed tone, "You, I like,."
"You should. " Xion shot back and her casual tone alone was enough that everyone else in the formation knew Axel was an acceptable stranger even if he was rude, and that they should ignore the intrusion. "I'm not sure I like you back. Roxas has been mooning and it makes him impossible."
Guardian Force (Akuroku. Axel and Roxas in the next life, living as NPCs in the world of/during the story of FFVIII. Part of my eventual plan to show Axel and Roxas living out every Final Fantasy game. Unpublished/First chapter never completed because I decided on Without False Hope/a FFX crossover instead)
"You often talk to yourself?" an insolent lazy drawl came from somewhere to Axel's left and he turned, eyes narrowing to see a boy in a rumpled Balamb cadet uniform lying across the second highest step, book in hand, vibrant blue eyes, ice eyes like he'd junctioned Shiva right to his vision, trained on him over the spine.
"To my Guardian Force," Axel explained, though that seemed worse. Over six foot of height and lean muscle and the SeeD uniform Axel wore at least enough parts of for it to be vaguely recognizable that he belonged to the elite unit, all usually worked together enough that there was usually no reason to be embarrassed by anything he let slip out.  Nobody would laugh even if Axel welcomed it.
"Thought you didn't like using Guardian Forces," the lounging student's voice was just as nonchalant as it was before, but his gaze was sharp, interested, and he spoke as if he knew Axel.
"Have we met?" Axel knocked the sole of his left boot against the side of his right as if scraping mud off the bottom. It wasn't odd for him to shift constantly even when mostly still, unless he was specifically called to stand at attention. There was an air of discomfort about the present action though, when taken with how jade eyes known for constant analysis on and off the battlefield, seemed attracted to the handrail of the steps rather than searching the face of the boy that had just spoken to him with familiarity.  Axel's normally iron stomach soured immediately at the idea they had met and he'd forgotten, to the point he couldn't even bring himself to try and jog his recollection. All he could do was force out his least favorite question next to 'when did that happen?'
Lollipop (Soriku and Akuroku. College AU/Modern AU. Unpublished. Sora and Roxas in an acapella group because that was the only way I could work out how to get them to sing and do choreo for songs that get stuck in Shaky’s head, which was the Goal of the Day one day before I got distracted)
When Sora said he had a new idea for a piece for the CrescenDudes' next performance, Roxas had been more than happy to volunteer to work on the arrangement with him. Sora was great for ideas, large picture and little flourishes that made a song a show, and he was, hands down, who you wanted doing choreography, even if he tended to get carried away and not realize there weren't many others with the dance and movement background he had in their group, but he wasn't suited for the musical side of sculpting a piece. He'd sing what he was given and he'd stay on pitch doing it, but he had no idea to weave songs together to form a mashup that sounded natural and created the right feeling in a crowd,  and he'd forget to accommodate  for everyone's voices or go the opposite direction and try to highlight everyone and have twenty solos. So it was up to Roxas to take his vision from neat idea to reality, and he jumped at the chance. He'd do anything at this point to distract Sora from dragging him into wedding planning for a few days when that should be Riku’s job as the other groom.  
Hourglass (Unpublished. Self-indulgent BBS Era--at least for this excerpt-- story about KH Squall/Leon and Seifer growing up in Radiant Garden and explaining how they got to be on separate planets and separate ages by the time KH1 rolls around. May be competed and posted to AO3 or just used as a base/record of headcanon for sprinkling backstory references in other pieces.)
Seifer challenged Lea and Isa to break back into the castle and come back with proof this time. He would have just called Lea a liar, but that would lead to Lea trying to fight him, which would lead to Isa trying to fight him, which would lead to Squall getting in the way, thinking Seifer couldn't handle a two on one fight with some chicken wusses. Then Squall would still try to sneak into the castle himself to see Ellone anyway--and she wasn’t in the castle in the first place...probably. Seifer would have to drag Squall’s ass out of there, and, if they got caught by the Royal Guard, then they’d be the next rumored prisoners in the basement.  It was safer to make it be Lea and Isa's challenge.
Lea took the bait. Isa, surprisingly, added they were planning a return trip anyway. Squall shot Seifer a questioning look, which he ignored in favor of taunting Lea and sealing the deal, "I can't wait to see you two hobble in tomorrow after getting your asses beat by the Guard. Try not to hit your thick skulls on the flagstones when you get thrown out."
Drowning (Unfinished/unpublished. Placeholder name. Sorikai. Supposed to be for the Sorikai Summer Event. Prompt: Drowning. Long one shot about eight times one of the Destiny Trio has nearly drowned and then been saved by the others)
Their first prototype of a raft had fallen apart underneath them in open water, the ties that lashed the planks together having not been as securely tied as they could have been--the book on sailor's knots Sora had provided was a lot more obtuse than it had seemed at first, descriptions dense and picture demonstrations too sparse. Kairi and Sora each fared well, each grabbing onto a floating plank to drift a minute and orient themselves after being plunged into the water. Riku was less successful, being fixated on saving as many of the supplies Kairi and Sora had gathered (coconuts, mushrooms, and bottles of water mostly, though there had been a tackle box that Riku's father would kill him for losing if he had to go back and face him, and that was what Riku was primarily focused on) and exhausting his breath on too many dives in a row without recovery in between until he was lightheaded from not taking in enough air in his hasty gulps when he broke the surface and increasingly imprecise in where he chose to come out of the water until he hit his head on the bottom of the plank he was loading the recovered supplies onto and went down without resurfacing.
No Set Recipe (Unfinished/unpublished.  Sorikai. Supposed to be for the Sorikai Summer Event. Prompt: Ice Cream. Kidfic. Sora’s mom is left with the job of explaining polyamory while making homemade ice cream with a group of five and six year olds.)
It was all Selphie's fault to start with, though if she was going to be ascribed the blame for the hurt feelings, she would have to be given credit for all that happened after, which Riku and Sora both agreed she did not deserve, even if Kairi was more magnanimous, so it became habit just to talk of the ice cream and the impact it had on their future. Still, the most accurate account begins with: one day when they were all young-- too young to even be allowed to swim in the water surrounding play island without an adult in the surf with them, if that gives perspective--Selphie, to everyone's surprise, scored the winning goal in the game of land-blitzball the group of them were playing in order to decide what game they would really spend the day playing, and chose, to absolutely nobody's surprise, house.
Everyone accepted their fate and divided into family units with minimal grumbling, phrasing which means that Wakka threw the blitzball into the sea and lost it forever when Jecht--the parent chaperone on play island that day who was five minutes away from falling asleep on the sand and typically didn't care what they did, unlike most parents who at least had restrictions about not hitting each other in the head with wooden swords or throwing sand, and was the favorite of the children for that attitude of freedom to make mistakes being a better teacher than rules--refused to go into the water after it.
Selphie, however, found a problem with Sora, Riku, and Kairi's family. Specifically, she didn't like that the family was Riku, Kairi, and Sora all together parenting a yellow coconut Kairi was trying to rock to sleep while Riku built him a bed out of sand and palm fronds and Sora cooked dinner for the household--a savoury stew of sticks, sand, and mushroom. She stood with pursed lips and hands on hips, and declared that their proud coconut son, Rekka, couldn't have all three of them for parents because that wasn't how things worked.
"Why not?" Sora asked with all the curiosity and innocence of a child.
Riku tried a more practical, solution based approach with, "Can we change the rules?"
Kairi was more direct and firm, her, "It does if I say so," leaving very little room to argue.
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ladyalice101 · 5 years
jonsa fic recs
alright, i’ve had a couple requests for recs, so here is my list. these are all fairly recent fics, all written this year i think. all of them are from my bookmarks on ao3, but i picked the recent ones which are my god-tier recs, my oh-my-god-i-love-this-so-much-i-think-i’m-going-to-die, the ones i reread. they have very little in common, but if you don’t find anything on here that tickles your fancy, then feel free to check out my bookmarks. i have just over 100 on there, and every single one on there are fics that i think are absolutely phenomenal.
for @abi117 @why-cant-i-be-careless and @orangeflavoryawp
canon divergent
Victory by moutainsbeyondmountains. one-shot, 5489k.
“You won already, Your Grace,” Tyrion said mournfully. “Enjoy your victory. There are no lands left to conquer. And there are no more dragons.”
if you read no other fic on this list, read this one. seriously. it’s d.ny pov, and glorious. genuinely, i couldn’t give this high enough praise. i reread this A LOT. like, a lot a lot. i could probably quote this fic.
I Want Something so Impure by @asilentfrenzy. one-shot, 10166k.
“You have caused this, you and your queen. You allowed her to speak to me that way, allowed her to order my obedience in my own home as if I’m to be her new dog to train. I am the Lady of Winterfell, and your inbred aunt has no right to-”
“Aye, you are the Lady of Winterfell,” he growled, his eyes flashing with an added flame of fury at the mention of the woman’s newly found relations to him. “The same Lady of Winterfell who not too long ago advised me to be smart, yet it seems that you can’t follow your own advice.”
“Be smart,” she repeated, filling her face with a look of mocking humor. “By kneeling? By allowing her to seize my title and command my people? Perhaps I should offer her these chambers as well. Better, I’ll just offer them to you again, seeing as I’m sure you’ll be sharing a bed. Shall I fuck her as well? As I want to be just as smart as you, Jon.”
so if you couldn’t tell from the summary, this one is sassy af. it features darkish/dominant!jon, which is my jam, and is pretty much just 10k of smut, which is also my jam.
it’s a small crime, and i’ve got no excuse by mxash. 5/5, 8214k.
“did you see her?” sansa snarled, a hand come to pull at his collar, pulling his mouth down only hairs from her own. “your targaryen queen has dressed as though she was a whore to catch your eye.” jon smirked as she bit his lip. what was this? dany had almost recoiled in her disgust and shock, but she hadn’t been able to pull herself away from the horrific sight. my lover and his own sister.
this one serves some dark!jonsa realness, and it deserves more comments/kudos. it is written entirely in lowercase, but don’t let that distract you. the characters are dark, and devoted, and who doesn’t love d.ny catching jon and sansa fucking? seriously, this one is a must-read.
Dark in Bloom by @orangeflavoryawp​. oneshot, 8304k.
"His gravity wavers, the axis of his world tilted to the measure of her lips." - Jon and Sansa. The stain of desire bleeds slowly between them.
yeah orange, i’m reccing one of your own fics to you. seriously though, this is just like ... mindblowing. i cannot overstate how much i love this one. i literally will just randomly remember it sometimes, when i’m just going about my daily business, and i’m like “shit, that fic by orange was a masterpiece. love it.” so, yeah, if that doesn’t tell you how much i love it, then idk what will.
what i’m asking by @amymel86​. oneshot, 1173k.
"I'm not here to talk about that," Theon says, setting off another, thankfully smaller coughing fit. "I'm here to talk about Sansa."
Jon can feel the blood drain from his face. "Is she ill?"
Theon shakes his head, lifting his eyes to Jon as he coughs into his fist. "No," he finally says, his lungs giving him a small reprieve. "The Queen is in her prime. Which is why you are needed."
okay, ya’ll obvi know of amy. she writes so much fantastic fic. but i feel like this one kind of flew under the radar? which is a CRIME tbh. this fic was so ... it was so heartbreaking, but in the best way. it’s not that divergent from canon, bc the main thing that is truly different is that theon lives. seriously love this fic.
A Toss of the Coin by Paige242. one-shot, 3793.
Years after the war, the Queen in the North and the pardoned Queenslayer welcome their first child. Old traits emerge, and Jon worries about this Dragon in a den of Wolves.
ok, so this is a future fic where jon and sansa married. i don’t even know how to describe this one. it isn’t jonsa focused, but that doesn’t make it any less brilliant. it is so unique, and i’m yet to read another fic that explores the idea of one of jonsa’s kids inheriting some targaryen madness. there IS a part two, which was just as amazing. pls do yourself a favour and read this!
Choose by @esther-dot​. oneshot, 5630k
“I know the cost of our loves. I know too well how they fall on the scale, one outweighing the other. I know what you tried to tell me. I know.” She was looking at him now, and he was afraid, but he would say the words that he had been unable to silence. “I never had the chance to choose you, but I would. I would choose you every time.”
THE DIALOGUE IN THIS IS INCREDIBLE. i just reread this to try and find my fave quote, but i actually can’t even pick. there are just so many amazing conversations, between sansa and jon, sansa and d.ny, arya and jon .. ugh, the list goes on. love this, please read.
Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge by alltheshinywords. one-shot, 3187k.
Post 8x03, slightly AU. Tormund and Jaime inexplicably find themselves becoming matchmakers when they notice a certain chemistry between Jon Snow and Sansa Stark. Extreme fluff and silliness.
this one is the least angsty on the list, and honestly it’s just such a good time. i remember reading this while s8 was airing, and honestly it was just so light hearted that i laughed out loud several times, despite being heartbroken over what happening in the show.
canon, but alternative universe
leave behind a love story by aetherae. one-shot, 9562k.
Maybe if things had been different, they wouldn't be like this. They would be worse.
ok, so, despite the summary, i naively went into this expecting a happy ending. yeah, so, no. however, this was one of the most interesting fics i’ve read in a while, because each universe it explored was so different to the ones i usually see floating around. and the writing was SUPERB.
i fell in love with a war (and nobody told me it ended) by mountainsbeyondmountains. one-shot, 18752k.
In which the North and the South have been at war for years, and Sansa unexpectedly finds herself on the run with a certain Targaryen bastard.
this is an avatar/bender au, and it is GLORIOUS. after i read this, i promptly devoured every other fic this author has written bc i loved it so much. the bending is just a backdrop to the amazing enemies-lovers this fic delivers.
modern au
Fuel and Fire by @zarahjoyce​. currently 4608k, 4/?, WIP.
"You see?" Sansa says, smiling now. "If you really have to have a room far away from me, seems like you need to move into a different hotel." As an afterthought she adds, "Or to another planet."
"Bet you'd just love that, wouldn't you?" Jon asks her.
"Loads," she snarls.
He takes a deep breath, all the while just looking at her.
Truth be told Jon will give anything in the world to be able to just-- just--
Jon and Sansa, and all the tropes applicable to them.
All. The. Tropes.
ok so zarah in general writes AMAZING fic, they’re always so creative and inventive and i’m always genuinely shook by the fic they write. but like, this one is the god tier one BC TROPES.
when we kiss: mmmm, fire by @dancemajicdance​. 8/8, 39705k.
Sansa might be seeing someone casually, but thanks to Arya, Robb, and Theon, it’s Jon who’s got the inside track on how to get Sansa to take him seriously.
aka: the one where jon finds out that sansa has a daddy kink, and he uses it to seduce her away from the dating scene and into his arms, heeeey-oh!
yes yes, it’s a daddy kink fic, and it’s fucking glorious alright. if that’s not your thing though (even though i’m pretty sure this fic is EVERYONE’S thing) then please, for the love of god, check out the rest of their stuff on ao3. you won’t regret it. even though they don’t write much jonsa anymore, the prolific contributions they HAVE made will go down in history as some of the best jonsa ever written imo.
As Long As We're Going Down by @alienor-woods​. 9/12, currently 42228k, WIP.
Four years after Stannis Baratheon wins the Battle of the Blackwater, Sansa Stark finds herself summoned back to King's Landing to serve as a bridesmaid at Crown Princess Shireen's wedding. When King Stannis tries to marry Sansa off to his illegitimate nephew, Edric, she thinks quick and tells him she's already married--
--to her bodyguard, Jon Snow.
i actually don’t know how to explain how much i love this. it’s written so beautifully, and it’s so realistic and just ugh. read it. the adaption to modern royalty is the best i’ve ever read, and the characters are very raw, and very realistic. (also, yes, the characters have gotten together at this point in the story, in case you were scared of committing to a wip without the satisfaction of some hot and heavy scenes).
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Rosebud Prep 10
Healing, it’s much harder than must people think. Yet somehow not a complicated process. Ruby had healed before plenty of times. The loss of Pyrrha, the disasters that came from failed missions, the merge of Oscar and Oz; Ruby managed time and time again to learn from these scars. Dustin was different. It felt like she hadn’t learn anything. All this time she refused to look ahead like Oz had been trying to tell her calmly before things got physical. It was bitter pill to swallow but one she needed to take. Things needed to change before it was too late. She needed to start making steps. No one would blame her if they were small steps but that’s not how Ruby Rose operated. Where most people walk, she runs. They run, then Ruby sprints. Ozpin had just help her “sprint” all the way to Menagerie and has feet planted on the first steps leading to Blake’s house.
Ozpin:You sure you don’t want me to walk up with you?
Ruby:I’m sure. This is one of things you have to do alone ya know? It’s just my sister....and her new wife.....that have helped me through think and thin. Including my wedding, which is more than what I can say I did for them. I really hope they yell at me.
Ozpin:Feeling like you need to be punished and deserving punishment are two different things. The guilt you feel is proof enough that the ladder isn’t needed.
Ruby:Or maybe my guilt is the ladder...
So began her very long walk on the average sized stairway. In truth she felt like running away. Yang had a way of always making her feel like a little kid despite their age. Ruby have had to own up to mistakes countless times to her big sister and it never got easier. Apologizing out loud to anyone always made her more emotional than she probably should be. Ruby mentally kicked herself for not practicing what she’d say on the boat ride to Menagerie. Even as the final stone step was conquered, not a thing came to mind.
Ruby:(Sigh, guess I’m winging it. Probably not the best move coming from a leader but oh well.)
“Well look who the cat dragged in? The right family tree but the wrong branch.” Said the elderly voice that immediately caught Ruby’s attention. Her gaze was directed to the front entrance and of Yang’s new home. On the porch was a rocking chair that instantly was recognized; as well as the person in it..
Maria:What’s with confused look? I say all you kids are still as sporadic as ever. What are the odds I’d meet you here of all places after all this time and not around Vacou? I only live one town over you know.
Ruby:That’s why I’m confused. Why are in front of Blake’s home? Why are in you in Menagerie in the first place?
Maria:What does it look like I’m doing? House sitting of course! The love birds asked me to keep an eye on it while they went on their honeymoon. They should be back today.
Ruby:(Wow, I really am out of the loop.)
Maria:Didn’t notice I was even gone did you?
Ruby:*scratches head* Well.....
Maria:I suppose it’s only natural. A bag of bones like myself doesn’t believe I’d be at the top of any list of relevance. Especially when more important things like weddings are also being skipped.
Ruby:*frowning*Is that your way of telling me I’ve been dropping the ball? Trust me, I’ve noticed...
Maria:Of course. Why else would you be here? Unless one of your many missions has brought The Storyteller to these pleasant shores? You’ve been busy. Too busy.
Ruby:Oz already told me. I really could do without another lecture. Besides, at least innocent lives are safe.
Maria:Sigh, still a kid I see. Wet behind the ears and all.
Ruby:I’m twenty three and I don’t think I get exactly what you’re implying. If anything I’ve gotten pretty good at being an huntsman.
Maria:For a normal perhaps, but that does not apply to you now does it? When was the last time you looked in a mirror? It’s alarming how dim your eyes have gotten.
Ruby:My eyes?
Maria:See for yourself.
Ruby reaches for her scroll and pulls out the camera. Maria was right. It was faint but the iris of her eyes were different. What once was piercing silver now looked a bit clouded and gray. She didn’t know what to make of it but it was hard not to be concerned now.
Ruby:I had no idea.
Maria:Yeah that’s obvious. I know you’ve never been much of a prissy girl but I would’ve thought you looked in the mirror every so often. Anyway idea why it’s happening.
Ruby:Are you actually asking me or are you quizzing me?
Maria:*smiles* Well it looks like you’ve learned at least one thing from your time with me. I suppose that’s worth a straight forward answer. It’s-
Ruby:My will to preserve life? Yeah, haven’t really had that mindset in awhile. I know that isn’t exactly good but believe me, not like I didn’t try to stay positive. I just.....hoping and being positive has been on short supply.
Maria:You know it’s rude to call me out and cut me off mid explanation?
Ruby:Was my answer wrong?
Maria:Sigh, no you are right. Your headspace isn’t what it used to be. Sure you’re killing grimm but are you aren’t simply doing it to protect people. You’re venting all the pent up anger and hate inside you. It’s a far cry from what the silver eyes powers are based off of. Though I can’t really blame you for falling off course. Losing a kid harbors more than enough pain to change anyone.
Ruby:Yeah, it is. *holds her chest*
Maria:What’s eating away at you.
Ruby:I want to move forward. To smile like I used to be able to but I can’t see it happening. The pain I experienced isn’t something that will actually go away and I shouldn’t think it will; I understand that. But how am I supposed to laugh and be contempt with life if it doesn’t? Living in a world where I’m happy after all of this seems like a fantasy.
Maria:It really does. Overcoming such turmoil with a smile in the very end sounds like something straight out of a fairytale book. Sounds like your specialty, or did I end up spreading around an inappropriate nickname for you?
Ruby:*Eyes widen* Nickname? Wait, The Storyteller? That was your doing!?
Maria:Why so surprised? Who else could’ve come up with such a brilliant nickname. If it was left up to you then you’d be call the The Grimm Reaper number two.
Ruby:I...*red* I would not.....
Maria:*smiles* Twenty three huh? So young to have done so much already; way more than what I did at that age. Guess that leaves you room to do even more impressive stuff. A name like The Grimm Reaper was always too small for the scope of work you do. Making miracles out of nothing, now that has you written all over it. It’s happened before and it’ll happen again. Those eyes of yours will shine brighter than ever. They believe so too.
“Damn right we do. Right Blake?” “I call her purity for a reason.” Both voices sent a chill down Ruby’s spine. Her ears burning from hearing the two people she waited for standing behind her. There was no time wasted turning around to see Blake and Yang in holding luggage in one hand while the other two held each other’s. The sun had a way of bouncing off their rings and shining broken light around them.
Ruby’s eye marveled at it for a second. It was beautiful. She wondered what it looked like during the exchange. The sour thought made her wince a little before looking at Blake. Her friend smiled at her softly before making Ruby notice Yang by bending her left cat ear up and down. Ruby was scared but eventually looked at Yang. There wasn’t a smile; just a simple stare right at her. Any expression carefully hidden. Ruby’s throat ran dry as silver eyes met lilac. Her mouth opened before immediately closing. Tears started to well up and it began increasingly impossible to maintain eye contact.
Her body shook slightly and Ruby found herself looking away from both of them. The entire time her mind racing in frustration about her behavior and actions. Before she knew it, Yang was right in front of her and cuffed the right side of Ruby’s red face. There eyes met again but it was different this time. A visible look of comfort yet concern was on the blondes face. A dam inside Ruby finally gave way and she started audibly crying. Yang pulled her baby sister into a tight embrace and rubbed the girl’s head.
Ruby:I’m sorry......I’m so sorry.....
Yang:Ssssshhhhh it’s okay. We’re okay; we’ve always been okay.
Ruby:You should be angry with me! Furious even! I....I cut you out. Ignored you during the happiest times of your life because I was angry mine were gone. What kind of little sister does that!?
She was running out of breath yet continued to cry her heart out. Her arm wrapping around Yang like her life depended on it. Wanting to never let go again. Yang did nothing but continued to comfort the girl. Happy to finally see her again.
Yang:How could I be mad at my little sister who was grieving. I was just scared. Scared that I’d never see you try to bounce back from something like this. I’ve always known how to help you with things but with this it was different. I ran out of ideas and all I could do was hope one day something will change; that time itself could heal a problem I had no clue how. That it could give you back to me. *crying* I never lost hope your strength. Ruby I love you.
Ruby:I....I love you too.
Blake:*sniffles* I guess I should tell Weiss the team is all here. She’d be mad if she missed a reunion.
Yang:Hehe *sniffles* No kidding. You are staying for awhile right?
Ruby:*wipping her face* Actually...I was hoping... all of you can come with me to Vale. I think I’ll need the moral support....
Yang:Do you even have to ask? Also....ummm, what’s with your eyes? They are all cloudy or something?
Maria:Wow, noticed it in no time flat. Maybe she should have them.
Ruby:*groans in defeat*
First step achieved, or at least half of it. The other half was waiting in Patch under a tree; rubbing a very happy corgi’s belly while his handler tended to the sunflower garden under the evening sun.
Tai:So, any plans for the rest of day while you still have some daylight left? Or are you gonna turn in early like you’ve been doing since you got here.
Jaune:I stay up late sometimes.
Tai:And proceed to watch tv and eat before going back to sleep or rubbing Zwei’s belly. He’s never gonna let you leave if you keep showing him this much attention.
Jaune:It’s calming and what else exactly am I supposed to do?
Tai:Go to a restaurant. A park maybe? I didn’t force you to shave your stubble just so you can watch reruns all day. Take it from me, you only feel worse staying in one place.
Jaune:I know. That’s why I’m not home remember?
Tai:A very good step, but you do know technically you’re still not seeing anything. You just chose to stew in your thoughts with a friend. It’s flattering but the point is to stop stewing all together. Best way to do that, occupy your brain. There’s a movie in town we can go see if you like.
Jaune:....Zwei bark twice if you want me to stay here. Bark once if I should see a movie.
Arf arf!!!!
Jaune:You heard the man.
Tai:He always barks twice. That’s why his name is Zwei.
Jaune:What? No way.
Tai:Zwei bark once if we should feed you table scraps or bark twice if we should start another great war.
Arf Arf!!!!!
Jaune:Maybe he just craves destruction. Like a war dog, or a hell hound. Are you an agent of chaos little guy?
Zwei gets back on all fours and gives a puppy face that would either tell Jaune that he was completely wrong or an act to cover up sinister intent. The corgi ran onto the knights lap and licked his face before scampering off down the dirt path. Both blonde men looking puzzled for a moment before hearing a shriek of excitement and seeing Zwei raised up by a familiar figure. Jaune stood up and looked closely to see Weiss happily loving the dog.
Weiss:Oh how is my favorite guy in the whole wide world!? Yes you are! Yes you are!
Jaune:Weiss? What is she doing here?
Tai:(I swear that dog has better lady luck than anyone. Even Raven likes him.) I guess his number one fan wanted to drop by and see him. I certainly didn’t call her.
Weiss:*happily humming*
Jaune:Uhh Weiss?
Weiss:Hmm? Oh! *clears throat* Sorry, didn’t see you there hehe. Nice to see as always.
She promptly puts Zwei down and opens up her arms to Jaune. Maybe it was current situation or her mind playing tricks but her friend seemed to move a little faster than normal to share a hug. Weiss couldn’t help but remember how fast she moved at Haven’s inn when Ruby and Yang invited her into a hug a few years ago. This held a similar energy to it. The poor was really going through it right now and she had no problem making the embrace last until he decided to end it.
Weiss:Look at that. You’ve shaved since the wedding. Glad to see you look more rested. I’m gonna be honest though, your hair is getting a bit long don’t you think.
Jaune:I could go back to the crew cut....
Weiss:I will personally destroy every episode pair of scissors if you do that.
Tai:I’ll help! Shaggy looks good on you.
Jaune:No one appreciates experimentation.
Weiss:People do when it works.
Jaune:Did you fly all the way here to judge my looks? I already have Tai trying to take away my jeans and black t-shirts
Tai:Change of clothes help state of mind. I’m trying to get him to brighter colors.
Weiss:First of all, Tai we should talk sometime about colors. Second, Jaune I am here to bring you Beacon. That is all the information I can give you. *grabs his hands* Do you trust me?
Jaune:Even if I didn’t, you’d just drag me there.
Weiss:Yep. Tai you should come along too. I think it might make things even better.
Tai gave a look of integument at the tiny girl that gave the same look back. He needed no convincing or explanation. Call it fatherly instinct but he had a feeling in his gut he knew what might be happening. The man patted the dirt off his hands and stood up ready.
Tai:Looks like we have afternoon plans Jaune. Bark twice if you wanna come too Zwei.
Arf Arf!!!
Weiss started to pull her friend down the path towards the airship she had arrived in. In a matter of minutes they were inside and taking of. Jaune wasn’t exactly thrilled with how fast he went from enjoying outside to going on an adventure. He wasn’t going to complain though. In truth, after that faithful day, sunsets were something he could live without.
His head swiveled to the cockpit to look outside all the same. He was caught off gaurd to notice the pilot was sporting a pair of black cat ears.
Blake:Hey Jaune. Nice hair. Needs a slight trim though.
Jaune:Why is everyone- I’ll get around to it...
He felt Tai pat his shoulder in comfort. All those years in a house filled with women and yet even he could hold out for so long before bowing out of any debate. Jaune chose to close his eyes and rest instead. He hadn’t done anything straining for a few weeks yet more often than not he was drained of stamina. It wasn’t a mystery why but it was still shocking to say the least.
This surprise had just started and it was already sapping what energy he had. It didn’t go unnoticed by the others on board. A tired Jaune was a rare sight to see; they wished to keep it that way. Weiss tugged on his arm and the two of them began to lean on each other lightly. She smiled to herself as she felt his body slightly let go of tension.
Weiss:No problem. Just rest for now. I’ll tell you when we’re there.
The ride was short but nice. Blake hadn’t flown the airship too fast for Jaune to handle and even took a longer route to give him more rest time. It was thoughtful but also a bit wasteful as they all found out when finally landed. Yes he rested, but Jaune never really went to sleep. A moment of reprieve was more accurate. Jaune was the first one to leave the ship and started heading up the street. One by one his friends and family caught up to him and enjoyed the comfortable silence.
Traffic was non existent. There was no clutter of trash or people on the streets. The entire area seemed to be bathed in an orange light for miles. A gust of autumn wind gave slight goosebumps and a familiar feeling of grief. How long would it be before this season once again brought him happiness and not the sight of a helicopter fading away? He doubt he’d find a decent answer. Instead he kept walking towards the giant gate he’d seen so many times with some of the people he still had. That number only grew with each step.
The familiar stone road still sported light posts on each side every few feet. About three fourths of the way there sat his teammates on each side; patently awaiting his arrival. Ren and Nora waited for Jaune to be completely parallel with them before walking along side him. Still nothing was said. Nothing had to be. Jaune could see up ahead was Yang leaning on the gate entrance. Her hands rested in her pocket and a sense of ease radiated from the place she stood. The gap between them closed as they met eye to eye. Jaune’s eyebrow raised in curiosity about this unexpected gathering. They had all met not too long ago for the wedding. Yang gave him a playful punch in the arm along with a smile that could warm the coldest of nights.
Both gates opened behind her and she moved out the way. What came next was something he wanted to hope for but didn’t out of fear of disappointing himself. Pass the gate sat Ruby in the middle of one of the stone walkway openings. She was staring at the statue a little ways away. Jaune tried to open his mouth to finally speak but was denied that immediately. Multiple hands found their way to his back and gently nudged him forward; everyone else stayed behind. He gave one final look at all of them before nodding and walking towards his wife. It only took a seconds before he realized he stood right next to her. Silence broken at last.
Jaune:Why here?
Ruby:This spot. It holds a lot of weight for me. You know why don’t you?
Jaune:Of course I do. We first met here.
Ruby:Did you know this ground was mostly intact after the fall? Barely any of it had to be replaced. I bet I could turn one of these slabs over and still find the tiniest bit of Weiss’s dust from that day.
Jaune:Pretty sure you sneezed it all away.
Ruby:Heh. I really thought that was going to be one of the miserable days of my life. Then I met you. You offered me your hand and then your friendship when I needed it the most. Jaune you turned that day from bleak to dazzling and I’ve never forgotten it; you were there when I felt lonely. *shaking* So when I say I’m truly disgusted that I have not shown the same level of compassion, I meant it.
Ruby:*crying* Please, I have to say this....
Ruby:I made a vow to you on our wedding day to be by your side through any adventure because it was our adventure. The two of us are a packaged deal. Best friends, co leaders, husband and wife....yet the moment all hell broke loose, I left you alone. I broke our vow and there will never be a valid excuse for that in my eyes. Both of us lost Dustin yet I didn’t act like it. In no way have I been a good wife.
Her voice started cracking. Ruby rose to her feet and stood facing Jaune. There was no part of hey that was still. Her chest was heavy as she tried to breathe.
Ruby:You deserve better than what I have given you and that’s a fact. I’ve seen first hand what a husband, a father can go through after so much loss with my dad but that didn’t stop me from making a similar mistake. If you could possibly find inside yourself to forgive an idiot like me, then I swear that things will be different or so help me, my name as a huntress might as well burn! First and for most I stand by you as your wife and I-
A gasp escapes her lips as Jaune touches her face. Her tears run down the palm of his hand while his own finally roll down to his chin. Ruby’s hands raise up to meet the one on her face. Her nimble fingers trace it until they feel his wedding band.
Jaune:Can you please stop talking bad about the woman I love? She’s been through enough and I just want to kiss her. My love, is something she’ll never have to doubt. It wouldn’t be much of an adventure of it was easy right?
Her eyes widened before a sudden burst of tears flowed out again. Ruby jumped into his arms like her very soul depended on it. Jaune hoisted her up slightly and together shared a kissed that could only be described as the embodiment of love as they know it. Every bit of pain in them could be felt through it but so could their love. A love that mended the vow Jaune never saw truly broken but merely tested.
Ruby:Don’t ever doubt my love either okay? You’ll always be my home. My knight.
Jaune:As will you. My rose.
Their hands interlocked as shared another embrace. Finally she’d done it. The first step was taken, and she took it with everyone on a simple day. Where the wind felt crisp and the world was bathed in sunset.
Part 9
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ascottywrites · 5 years
The Steter List --Tails
  After I realized that the last post was getting pretty long (what does that say about me?) I decided to split it up into two parts Sterek and Steter, so that it’s easier to deal with and not as possibly overwhelming...here’s that Steter half! 
         --Steter a.k.a Stiles Stilinski/ Peter Hale--
  *a.k.a. The ship that makes me rethink life
Something Powerful Between Your Thighs by Bunnywest (Complete: 4/4| 18,595) --Steter/ --Biker!Peter
Someone’s actually replied.Fuck.
I’ll give you what you need, pretty boy. And you can call me Sir.
The hairs on the back of Stiles’s neck prickle at that, and his dick throbs. He clicks on the profile and the picture that pops up is UN-FUCKING-FAIR. Jesus Christ on a bicycle, nobody should look like that. The man’s staring into the camera, a smile that’s almost a sneer on his face. And what a face it is. Intense blue eyes, cheekbones like cut glass, and a strong jawline covered in the perfect amount of stubble. His neck, what Stiles can see of it, is thickly muscled, and Stiles can see the beginnings of a tattoo that travels down. There’s the tiniest scattering of grey at his temples, and Stiles breathes out, “Oh yes, Sir,” as he drinks in the details on the profile.
Sacrificial Lamb by Bunnywest (Complete: 21/21| 54,900) --Steter
The Alpha has a scruffy beard, unkempt hair and dazzling blue eyes. The scar on his face is raised, running down his cheek like a twisting, gnarled rope. Stiles knows that it came from the blade of Kate Argent herself, and that the Alpha got it fighting in the battle where Kate killed his lover, cutting his head clean from his neck, if the stories are to be believed.
The Alpha lets Stiles look his fill, before indicating that Stiles should take the other couch, and Stiles does so, his father’s words echoing in his ears. He can do this, can be pleasant and amenable. The lives of his people may depend on it. The Alpha spends long moments surveying him, before saying, “I like you, Stiles.”
You don’t know me, Stiles wants to blurt out, but he bites his tongue.
The Wild Card by Bunnywest for Rainy182 (Complete: 1/1| 10,799) --Steter
It's courting season, and for Omega Stiles, that means he has a month to choose who he's going to spend his heat with. He didn't think he'd have many suitors to choose from, but apparently he was wrong. It's a good thing he has Derek's uncle Peter to guide him.
Ink Blossoms by Triangulum (Complete: 1/1| 24,501) --Steter/ Tattooed!Peter 
"So, you're going to ruin your niece's baby shower with flowers in the wrong color?" the florist, Stiles, asks when they reach the counter. He pulls out a binder and starts flipping through it.
"Not ruin. Mildly inconvenience," Peter says.
"Right, messing with a hormonal pregnant woman seems like a great plan."
"To be fair, her fiance and the father of her baby is my ex-boyfriend," Peter says. "And we weren't broken up when they started 'dating'."
Stiles looks up at him in surprise. "And you're still getting her flowers?" he asks.
"It's under duress, I assure you," Peter says. He absolutely wouldn't be here if his alpha hadn't ordered it.
"Well, shit, yeah, let's get you some purple revenge flowers," Stiles says.
smoke & bone (mistletoe & fang) by rightsidethru (Complete: 1/1|  3,075) --Steter 
Deaton once told Stiles to be that spark. He never fully explained what that meant, however. (It was intentional.)
Lie to me (I like them pretty and white) by orphan_account (Complete: 8/8| 12,577) --Steter 
Fact number one: Only true mates can have kids together.Fact number two: Peter had a mate, who was pregnant with twins when he died in the fire.
When Stiles tells him he’s pregnant, he... well, it doesn't really go according to plan.
Stiles wakes up in the hospital. He’s alone, a packed overnight bag beside him brought by his dad probably... and he doesn’t really have a reason to stay, so he grabs it and runs.
/look at end notes for TWs/
*I still think this one is a cute little ditty. 
Til Death by Bunnywest (Complete: 10/10| 50,770) --Steter 
"How long do we have to find him someone?” Stiles asks.
“Two weeks,” says Derek, eyebrows pulling down even further. The fierceness of his expression tells Stiles just how concerned he is.
“He marries, or he goes to the camps. And you know what your father told us,” Scott reminds her.
The camps……aren’t camps.
Peter either finds a wife, or he dies.
*I'm not really a fan of female!Stiles, no particular reason, just not my cuppa. But this one I enjoyed all the way to the end! Intro to Ethics by thegirlnamedcove (Complete: 8/8| 18,061) --Steter 
"The universe isn’t wrong about this stuff, the soulmate spell is ironclad, and that means you know this is going to work out. That’s something people don’t get with friends, or dating around.”
“Sure, people say that,” Stiles gestured at the mark where his arm was now stretched out along the back of the couch, “but we don’t actually have any way of knowing. None of us signed up for this. The Ancestors just decided to bestow it upon us and we all have to live with it. Maybe it’s not magic compatibility after all, maybe people just learn to live with one another because everyone around them is telling them to.”
In Sickness and in Fire by wynnebat for Green (Complete: 1/1| 7,320) --Steter 
After a fight with an alpha from a rival pack, Stiles begins to turn. It doesn't go as expected.
*Despite the villan-esque portrayal and the Satan in a V-neck tag, there is a large part of me that believes that if Resurrected!Peter got the opportunity he would be that guy you want to have your back. Puppies and Programming by Bunnywest (Complete: 12/12| 17,012) --Steter 
Stiles is rich, successful, and lonely.
Buying a Halebot Personal Support Bot seems like a great idea. A human-like robot that can read and respond to his desires and is perfectly sexually compatible, and doubles as a bodyguard? Sign him the fuck up. And it's perfect, at first. But then the P3Tr develops a glitch. Feelings.
Gentleman 'verse by Bunnywest (on-going series) --Steter 
Stiles is an omega who just wants to be courted properly, and needs someone to help him though his upcoming heat.
Peter's the alpha who thinks he'd quite like to help out.
Things don't quite go as planned, but they still work out exactly as they should.
*Is it obvious that I have a special appreciation for Bunnywest?... Like is it too noticeable? Ha! 
Worn Out Shoes by moonstalker24 (Complete: 28/28| 96,763) --Steter 
When the dead rise, and the world comes to an end, the McCall Pack must learn to live in this new world, or die in the attempt. This is the story of the end, and of the year that follows.
*I found this origionally for the Accidental Baby Aquisition tag. ...I love that tag.
Falling In, Not Through by Julibean19 for Mysenia (Complete: 10/10| 49,898) --Steter 
“You need to help me,” Stiles says eventually. He’s still in too much pain to move off the floor, but he’s picked up a stray feather, twirling it between two fingers with a look of pure terror on his face. Peter nods immediately, eager and willing to be involved in whatever this is.
Peter’s eyes flick between the feather spinning between Stiles’ fingers and the harsh angle of the bend of his wings above his shoulders. He doesn’t look like any picture of an angel Peter has ever seen. There should be an elegant swooping curve there, neat little rows of white or gold or silver, pointed tips flung far out from Stiles’ body and a halo above his head. If Stiles is an angel, the myths are all wrong.
In which Stiles finds that he has wings and Peter finds that a pack doesn't always need to be made up of wolves.
Wild Creatures by neglectedtuesday (Complete: 1/1| 13,000) --Steter 
The treaty is signed while Stiles is being laced into his wedding corset. Ink splatters parchment as a maid pulls the ribbons, tighter and tighter. Stiles’ breath and future are taken away, all to save a village. He is a sacrifice more than a bride. The maid assists in fixing a choker around Stiles throat. Her hands are cold despite the roaring fire in the grate. The choker is a string of blood red rubies, they reflect the firelight with a wet shine like an open wound.
I'm Only Heard During the Silence Between My Screams by Irukashi_Narukib (wip: 39/?| 47,481) --Steter 
Stiles thinks no one is listening, so he just... stops talking. It's just like that asshole Peter to refuse to take the hint.
Rewriting the future by Synesthetic (Complete: 28/28| 106,631) --Steter 
Two days before their planned bonding, alpha Derek Hale runs away with his secret beta girlfriend, leaving Stiles heartbroken. With the demands of his omega physiology forcing him to bond with someone before his first heat, Derek's uncle Peter steps in and offers a solution.
A Darkness Follows by havok2cat (Complete: 9/9| 41,994) --Steter 
Stiles serves his community service at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. He's assigned to a mysterious patient and finds himself quickly becoming obsessed.
Reluctant Allies With Benefits by veterization (Complete: 8/8| 93,217) --Steter
Peter suggests he and Stiles start having no strings attached sex. It's that simple. No, really, it totally is. Stiles will make sure of it.
as you are by veterization (Complete: 1/1| 34,093) --Steter 
Stiles runs straight into a tree and suddenly, things are... different. Namely, he's in a world where Peter Hale is his boyfriend.
Took the Words Right Out of my Mouth (Must've Been When You Where Kissing Me) by stellewrites (Complete: 1/1| 6,008) --Steter
"Maybe he’s genuinely flirting, but he’s just pretty bad at it. Like, pulling your pigtails kind of thing?”
Stiles rolled his eyes, “Look, if you’re not going to help, I’m going to hang up, ok?”
“You asked for my opinion!” Scott laughed.
“Yeah, yeah…” AKA, Stiles works at a diner and has a love/hate relationship with the flirty Alpha that comes in almost daily with his pack.
Winding Roads to Flowering Fields by Tahlruil (ongoing series) --Steter
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