#National Shawarma Day
lawinteam · 2 years
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nationaldaycalendar · 2 years
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ghelgheli · 10 months
Bloomberg—Postmortem Sperm Retrieval Is Turning Dead Men Into Fathers
July 18, 2022
[A]bout 20 people, young and old, sit around the table in the main room of a public housing apartment in this city near the Lebanese border. They help themselves to pasta, shawarma, cakes, and coffee, and they remember German Rozhkov. Rozhkov, a Ukrainian immigrant turned soldier, was killed 20 years ago, when he was 25. One of the children darting among the mourners—sitting on laps and nodding shyly—is 5-year-old Veronica. She never met Rozhkov, of course, but she’s his daughter. Thirty hours after he was killed, his sperm was extracted, preserved in liquid nitrogen, and, 14 years later, used to fertilize the eggs of Irena Akselrod. She didn’t know Rozhkov, but she volunteered to bear and raise his child after meeting Ludmila. Persuading a judge to grant Ludmila Rozhkov and Akselrod the right to German’s sperm included testimony about his desire for children. But there was no case law covering when a dead man’s sperm could be used to produce offspring. In his ruling, the family court judge wrote: “When the law doesn’t provide an answer, the court must turn to the principles of Jewish heritage. ‘Give me children, or I shall die,’ our mother Rachel cried out. This logic reflects man’s desire to continue through his offspring the physical and spiritual existence of himself, his family, and people. We are told, ‘Be fruitful and multiply.’ ” Being an active grandmother is something Rozhkov feared she’d never get to experience on that day in March 2002 when officers came to visit her with the unbearable news. When she saw them, she blocked the door in an attempt to avoid hearing the truth. Later, in grief, she shouted out in Russian, “We must get his sperm!” No one, including those who spoke Russian, knew what she was talking about. After a man dies, his sperm cells live up to 72 hours and can be retrieved with an incision to the testicle, then frozen. “We checked with legal and medical authorities and went ahead,” Mor says. “Today it is becoming routine.” “Routine” may overstate it. There are a few dozen children like Veronica. But the military practice of postmortem sperm retrieval is now a familiar topic in Israel, even if it’s extremely rare elsewhere. A couple of dozen army families are eager to replicate the experience. When parents of a dead soldier go on Facebook or TV seeking a mother for their future grandkid—not only a surrogate but also a kind of daughter-in-law who’ll raise the child—the response can be overwhelming. Hundreds of women volunteer in a display of national solidarity and what seems to be a growing preference for a sperm donor who isn’t anonymous and whose family will be involved. The country’s tiny size and population clusters help with child rearing, with adult children rarely living more than an hour from their parents and often within a few minutes. “We are very postmodern in our reproductive practices,” says Zvi Triger, a professor of family law at the College of Management Academic Studies. “Now, even being dead doesn’t prevent you from having children.”
This has been going on, albeit at an accelerating (and ever more legally enshrined) pace, for quite some time by the way.
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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National Cinnamon Day
Celebrate and appreciate one of the world’s favorite ancient spices by getting excited about National Cinnamon Day. So grab a favorite cinnamon treat and read on to learn more about this delicious spice and the ways it has been part of human history for thousands of years!
History of National Cinnamon Day
Native to Ceylon, which is modern day Sri Lanka, cinnamon’s first recordings are from Chinese writings that date as far back as 2800 BC. Even today in the Cantonese language, cinnamon is still known as “kwai”. And in the Malay language, it goes by “kayumanis”, which means “sweet wood”. This is certainly an apt description of this spicy but uniquely sweet flavor.
During medieval times, doctors found that cinnamon worked well as a treatment for coughs, sore throats and hoarseness. It may also have been considered a status symbol and was often used as a special imported gift given to monarchs, royalty and other people of importance.
Cinnamon, along with other precious spices might seem rather innocuous now, but in the early days of their discovery, several wars were fought over the lands where cinnamon came from. The Portuguese, Dutch and British armies all sought to conquer Ceylon (modern day Sri Lanka) in an effort to obtain full access to their spices.
Today, sourcing cinnamon comes with much less angst and political struggle as, for most people, it’s easy to simply pop over to the local grocery store, health food store or spice shop to pick some up. Typically cinnamon can be found in two varieties, ground or whole. Ground cinnamon is used in many different recipes for baking and cooking, while whole cinnamon sticks are more often steeped into beverages or infused into flavoring syrups.
Of course, cinnamon is really the star of the show when it comes to the beloved pumpkin pie spice. Combined with allspice, nutmeg and clove, cinnamon is the base for this grouping of flavors that represents all things fall.
In honor of National Cinnamon Day, it’s time to get creative and enjoy cinnamon in a whole myriad of ways!
National Cinnamon Day Timeline
2000 BC Spices are exchanged along the Silk Road
A network of sea routes link East to West, from Japan all the way over to Europe, and cinnamon is one of the spices traded on this route.
65 AD Emperor Nero burns cinnamon
Nero is said to have burned a year’s worth of Rome’s supply of cinnamon at his wife’s funeral. 
14th Century Portuguese explorers find cinnamon
While traders brought the spice to the West, the place where it originates from is kept secret until the Portuguese discover it in Ceylon.
Early 1800s British take over Ceylon
Defeating the Dutch occupiers, the British take over the island country of Ceylon, gaining full access to cinnamon.
1930s Cinnamon candy is made
Produced by the Ferrara Pan Candy Company, Red Hots are made using the panned method of candy making.
How to Celebrate National Cinnamon Day
Get excited about cinnamon and enjoy National Cinnamon Day with some of these fun and clever ideas for celebrating:
Eat Something Cinnamon
From cinnamon candy to cinnamon rolls and everything in between, National Cinnamon Day is best celebrated by enjoying the flavors of this delicious spice. Whether it’s simply grabbing a pack of cinnamon gum from the local convenience store, or a cinnamon latte from a local coffee shop, this is the day to enjoy all things cinnamon!
In fact, while often associated with sweet things in the West, cinnamon is also often used in savory dishes in many cultures. From curries to mole sauces to barbecue rubs, cinnamon can be used in every meal of the day for breakfast lunch and dinner!
Try a cinnamon roll or a healthy bowl of oatmeal flavored with cinnamon for breakfast. Lunch could consist of a Hawaiian pizza topped with pineapple, ham and almond slivers, sprinkled with delicious cinnamon. And dinner? Well, a big vat of butter chicken, cinnamon green lentil soup or chicken shawarma would do nicely, thank you very much!
Learn the Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Cinnamon is more than just a yummy way to flavor foods and beverages! It is also a natural substance that offers a whole host of properties that may be beneficial to human health. There’s a reason that it was often offered as a gift to kings!
Consider some of these interesting benefits of including cinnamon as part of a healthy diet:
Cinnamon is full of antioxidants. Fighting off free radicals is the name of the game when it comes to preventing health problems such as cancer, heart disease and other issues.
Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation can be helpful in fighting off foreign bodies, but too much inflammation can cause huge health problems like arthritis, asthma, diabetes, cancer and so much more.
Cinnamon may help prevent heart disease. This unassuming spice has been linked as a way to reduce heart disease, which is the number one cause of death in the world today.
Cinnamon can help balance insulin. A serious problem today is insulin resistance which can cause type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Cinnamon can help to reduce the body’s resistance to the hormone insulin and help it do its job well.
Enjoy Baking with Cinnamon
Cinnamon brings a whole host of opportunities for cooking and baking in the kitchen at home. From cinnamon rolls to snickerdoodle cookies, from cinnamon donuts to cinnamon coffee cake, this spice really has it all!
Get creative by adding cinnamon sugar to honey and rolling it in phyllo dough for a pseudo-baklava taste. Or go a bit more traditional by baking an all-American apple pie that is, of course, spiced with cinnamon. Another enjoyable way to use cinnamon is to add it to a traditional loaf of quick bread, such as banana bread, pumpkin bread.
Savor a Cup of Cinnamon Tea
While many people think of cooking and baking with cinnamon, one of the best ways to enjoy this delicious spice is by steeping it into a hot beverage. Teas made from cinnamon can be not only tasty but can also offer a nice way to infuse some of the health benefits that were mentioned above.
So, in honor of National Cinnamon Day, perhaps consider trying out one of these delightful brands of cinnamon tea:
Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice Tea. This is the most popular flavor of this company’s tea that is sold throughout the world, its flavors are of cinnamon, orange peel and sweet cloves.
The Republic of Tea Cinnamon Plum Tea. This is a black tea that is blended with zingy cinnamon spice and offers the calm taste of ripe plums.
Bigelow Black Tea Cinnamon Stick. A classic version with a spicy kick, this black tea is just the right balance of sweet and spicy.
National Cinnamon Day FAQs
Can dogs have cinnamon?
Cinnamon is not toxic to dogs, but it could cause indigestion so it may be best to avoid giving cinnamon to a dog.
Is cinnamon good for you?
Yes! Cinnamon is a healthy spice that contains antioxidants and may be helpful in fighting against heart disease, insulin resistance, and might even protect against cancer.
Where does cinnamon come from?
Originating from trees in Sri Lanka, which is an island in the Indian Ocean, a lot of cinnamon is now grown in Indonesia.
How to make cinnamon sugar
Cinnamon sugar is easy! Just combine 2 tablespoons of cinnamon with ½ cup white sugar and combine.
Can cinnamon go bad?
Though cinnamon will not usually “go bad”, it can get old and lose some of its strength and flavor.
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nicos-oc-hell · 1 year
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Full name: Anatoly Anthony Perphyra
Nicknames: Ana, Tony
Date of birth: March 13th, 1960
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Blood status: half-blood
Ethnicity/Race: hafling, caucasian
Nationality: Scottish
House: Gryffindor
Wand: Beech wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ¾ and paliant flexibility
Quidditch: chaser
Patronus: Dolphin
Prefect: 4-7
COMING OF AGE (15 years old):
Magic channeler: his wand
Animal form: cat/dog thing (art by @giulialibard)
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Specialty (fire, ice, illusions, etc): creation
Job: Baker while he’s in New Zealand/a model when he’s back in Scotland
Faceclaim: child- Erik Per Sullivan, teen- Justin Berfield, Adult- Colin Farrell
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Height: 5’9
Hair color: white (dyed it black)
Hair style:
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Eye color: light green
Skin tone: olive
Scars: just some deep scratches from when he tried to pick up a niffler
Distinguishing marks: his hair when he doesn’t dye it
Clothing style:
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Voice claim: Colin Farrell
Languages understood: English, Arabic and Greek
Languages spoken: English and Greek
Color: royal blue
Food: Shawarma
Weather: windy
Books: Hobbit, The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, Lord of the Flies
Hobbies: baking, crocheting, making little creations with his magic
Music: Michael Jackson
Dislikes: Severus Snape and pomegranate 
Father: Viktor Perphyra Sr
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Mother: Elizabeth Somerset (@camillejeaneshphm)
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Viktor Perphyra Jr
Pietro Perphyra
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Pet(s): Jebron and Sinncere’s cats and dogs
S/O: Ashley Lestrange
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Jebron Perphya
Sinncere Perphyra
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Friends: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black, Bellatrix Black, Alvar and Raimund Lestrange, James Potter and Remus Lupin
It’s complicated: Sirius Black
Doormates: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew
Has a weird rivalry with Sirius for some reason, they were always competing in everything
Can not stand his brothers or father (automatically makes him a mama’s boy)
Moved to New Zealand solely to spite his father
Opened up a bakery in New Zealand because he was bored being home all day and crocheting random things that came to his mind
People person
Loves blueberries but can’t have them in the house because Jebron is allergic to them
Allergic to owls
Loves to one up the moms in the boys primary school, ex; When the boys got their Hogwarts letters, Anatoly could not stop himself from saying “Well my boys got accepted to a private school in Scotland” (Ashley calls him petty and childish)
He has done every sport imaginable simply because the boys wanted to try that sport
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hayaam1230 · 17 days
Top 8 activities to do in Global Village Dubai
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Global Village Dubai is one of the city’s most popular attractions, offering a unique blend of culture, entertainment, and adventure. This multicultural theme park brings the world together, showcasing over 70 countries through pavilions, food stalls, and live performances. Visitors can experience different traditions, shop for unique souvenirs, and sample international cuisines, all in one place.
With its exciting rides, captivating shows, and diverse cultural offerings, there’s something for everyone in Global Village. Whether you’re a family looking for fun, a foodie eager to explore global Flavors, or a traveler in search of a cultural journey, Global Village promises an unforgettable day. Don't forget to secure your Dubai Global Village tickets in advance to avoid the long queues and enjoy hassle-free entry to this remarkable attraction. Global Village is a must-visit for anyone exploring the vibrant city of Dubai.
Here are some activities to do in Global Village Dubai.
1. Take a look around the cultural pavilions: Dubai's Global Village is well-known for its varied cultural pavilions that showcase numerous nations from throughout the globe. A variety of experiences, such as local crafts, regional cuisine, and cultural performances, are available at each pavilion. You may get a taste of several cultures by meandering around these pavilions without ever leaving Dubai. To experience a little bit of different cultures and customs, make sure to visit each pavilion.
2. Savor Global Cuisine: Global Village, which offers a vast variety of various cuisines, is a food lover's delight. The food stalls offer a wide variety of options to suit every palate, including Middle Eastern shawarma, Asian dumplings, and Indian curries in addition to Italian spaghetti. Take advantage of the opportunity to try cuisine from throughout the world, cooked by skilled chefs in enticing food courts.
3. Take in Exciting Attractions and Rides: Global Village has a ton of exhilarating thrills and attractions for adventure seekers. All ages can enjoy thrilling attractions such as Ferris wheels and roller coasters at the amusement park. Experience an exhilarating day with loved ones while taking in the thrills of a variety of rides and attractions.
4. Enjoy magnificent live shows: Over the course of the season, Global Village presents an amazing schedule of live acts. These consist of international theatrical productions, dance events, and musical concerts. Visitors should not miss the enthralling entertainment that will feature both foreign and local talent on the stage.
5. Purchase handcrafted items and souvenir: Global Village offers a wealth of distinctive handicrafts and souvenirs for shoppers. A diverse range of products, such as handcrafted items, traditional clothing, and unique trinkets, are available at the market booths and businesses. These things are ideal as gifts for loved ones or as mementos of your visit.
6. Appreciate family-friendly activities: With a variety of family-friendly activities, Global Village is geared toward being a family-friendly vacation spot. Take advantage of family-friendly performances, interactive play areas, and kid-friendly attractions. A wonderful experience is guaranteed for guests of all ages thanks to the park's lively environment and assortment of attractions.
7. Go to festivals and themed events: Global Village celebrates many cultures and holidays all year long with festivals and themed activities. These gatherings frequently include parades, unique acts, and themed décor, which heightens the excitement of your experience. To enjoy these unique celebrations, check the event schedule before your visit.
8. Unwind by the Gorgeous Lake: There is a lovely lake in Global Village that provides a calm diversion from the busy attractions. Enjoy the beautiful scenery, take a leisurely stroll along the shoreline, or just unwind by the lake. The serene ambiance offers an ideal location for relaxing and taking in the splendor of the surroundings.
Visitors of all ages are guaranteed an unforgettable time at Global Village Dubai, which offers an intriguing blend of cultural experiences, exhilarating attractions, and family-friendly activities. Global Village has something for everyone, whether your interests are discovering different cultures, indulging in delectable cuisine, or seeking adventure.
Global Village Dubai offers a truly unique and immersive experience for visitors of all ages. From thrilling rides and entertainment shows to cultural pavilions representing countries from around the world, there’s something for everyone. Whether you're looking to explore global cuisines, shop for unique products, or simply enjoy a night out with family and friends, Global Village promises endless excitement.
For a smooth experience, it’s essential to secure your Global Village tickets ahead of time. Additionally, keep an eye out for Global Village Dubai ticket offers, which can provide great value for money, especially for group or family visits. With so much to offer, Global Village is a must-see attraction, combining the best of entertainment and culture under one roof. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience when visiting Dubai.
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adventuretourism1 · 1 month
Discover the Wonders of Doha: Your Ultimate City Tour Guide with Adventure Time Tourism
Explore Doha: Qatar’s Jewel of the Desert
Doha, the capital city of Qatar, is a dazzling blend of tradition and modernity, offering travelers a unique glimpse into both the rich cultural heritage and the dynamic present of this Arabian gem. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, Doha has something special for everyone. Here’s how you can make the most of your visit with a city tour in Doha provided by Adventure Time Tourism.
1. Marvel at the Skyline
Doha’s skyline is a testament to its rapid development and modern architectural prowess. Take a stroll along the Corniche, a waterfront promenade that stretches for several kilometers and offers stunning views of the city’s futuristic skyscrapers. Don’t miss the iconic Pearl-Qatar, an artificial island that’s a hub of luxury and sophistication.
2. Immerse Yourself in Culture
Dive into Doha’s rich cultural tapestry with a visit to the Museum of Islamic Art. Designed by the renowned architect I.M. Pei, this museum houses a vast collection of Islamic art spanning over 1,400 years. Another must-see is the National Museum of Qatar, whose striking design by Jean Nouvel mirrors the desert rose and showcases the country’s heritage and transformation.
3. Discover Traditional Markets
For a taste of local life, head to Souq Waqif. This bustling market is a sensory overload of sights, sounds, and smells. Here, you can shop for spices, textiles, and traditional crafts, or simply soak in the atmosphere while enjoying a cup of Arabic coffee. The souq also features an array of restaurants offering everything from local delicacies to international cuisine.
4. Relax and Rejuvenate
Escape the city’s hustle and bustle at Katara Cultural Village, a cultural complex with art galleries, an amphitheater, and beautiful beaches. This area is perfect for a leisurely stroll or a relaxing day by the sea. Alternatively, visit Aspire Park, a large green space that provides a peaceful retreat with jogging tracks, lakes, and playgrounds.
5. Adventure Awaits
For those seeking adventure, Adventure Time Tourism offers a range of thrilling experiences. Explore the desert with a half-day desert safari in Qatar or a full-day desert safari featuring dune bashing and camel rides. For a unique desert experience, check out their camel ride in Qatar or choose from various desert safari Qatar packages.
6. Culinary Delights
Doha’s dining scene is as diverse as its population. From high-end restaurants to street food vendors, there’s something for every palate. Be sure to try local dishes like machbous (a spiced rice dish with meat) and shawarma, as well as indulge in international flavors from across the globe.
7. Family Fun
Traveling with family? Doha offers a range of attractions that kids will love. Visit the Qatar National Library, which has a dedicated children’s section, or spend a day at the Doha Zoo. The city also has several amusement parks and water parks, ensuring that there’s never a dull moment for younger travelers.
8. Shop Till You Drop
For a shopping spree, head to the Villaggio Mall or City Center Mall, where you can find everything from luxury brands to unique local products. The malls often feature entertainment options like cinemas and indoor theme parks, making them a perfect destination for both shopping and leisure.
9. Comprehensive City Tours
To get a comprehensive view of the city, consider joining a city tour in Doha with Adventure Time Tourism. These tours offer a detailed exploration of Doha’s key landmarks, cultural sites, and hidden gems. They provide a well-rounded experience of the city’s history, architecture, and local life. Additionally, you can explore options for group tour packages and customized tour packages in Qatar for a more personalized touch.
10. Practical Tips
When visiting Doha, it’s important to respect local customs and dress modestly. The city enjoys a hot climate, so lightweight and breathable clothing is recommended, and don’t forget sunscreen and hydration. English is widely spoken, but learning a few basic Arabic phrases can enhance your experience.
Doha is a city of contrasts where ancient traditions meet modern innovation. Whether you’re an adventurer, a culture enthusiast, or a family on vacation, Doha has something special to offer. Pack your bags and get ready to explore this incredible destination with the help of Adventure Time Tourism, ensuring you make the most of your visit and create lasting memories.
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Qatar's Sense of taste Pleasers: A Manual for Food Service Areas of interest
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In the core of the Middle Eastern Bay lies a culinary heaven ready to be investigated: Qatar. This little yet dynamic country brags a rich embroidery flavour, drawing motivation from its different social impacts and present day cosmopolitanism. From customary Qatari cooking to global pleasures, Qatar's food Service Market offers plenty of choices to tempt your taste buds. Go along with me as we set out on a gastronomic excursion through Qatar's top food Service Areas of interest.
Investigating Qatari Cooking:
Our process starts with a jump into the rich embroidery of Qatari food. Established in Bedouin custom and vigorously affected by the country's waterfront area, Qatari dishes frequently highlight fish, rice, and flavours. Customary strengths like Machboos (flavoured rice with meat, typically chicken or sheep), Harees (a porridge-like dish produced using wheat and meat), and Mathrooba (an exquisite stew of meat and vegetables) exhibit the profundity of Qatari culinary legacy.
To encounter valid Qatari flavours, go to neighbourhood diners like Al Jasra Conventional Food, where you can appreciate dishes ready with revered recipes that have gone down through ages. These foundations offer a brief look into Qatar's social legacy while fulfilling your desires for customary passage.
Worldwide Gastronomy in Qatar:
Notwithstanding its customary roots, Qatar's food scene is everything except stale. With a different exile populace and a developing cosmopolitan viewpoint, the nation has turned into a mixture of global foods. From Lebanese and Indian to Italian and Japanese, you'll track down a bunch of eating choices to suit each sense of taste.
Enjoy the kinds of the Levant at eateries like Mamig, where fragrant shawarma and mezze platters rule. For a sample of legitimate Indian cooking, visit Flavor Market in W Doha Inn, where enticing curries and baked dishes are anticipated. Hankering a cut of Italy? La Spiga by Paper Moon offers a culinary excursion through the kinds of Tuscany, with hand crafted pastas and wood-terminated pizzas getting everyone's attention.
Upscale Feasting Encounters:
For those looking for a more refined culinary experience, Qatar's upscale feasting scene conveys in spades. Michelin-featured gourmet specialists and acclaimed restaurateurs have settled in the nation, hoisting Qatar food Service Market to worldwide praise.
Feast in style at Nobu Doha, where big name cook Nobu Matsuhisa's imaginative Japanese-Peruvian combination food becomes the overwhelming focus against the setting of the Middle Eastern Bay. In the interim, Hakkasan at The St. Regis Doha offers contemporary Cantonese dishes mixed with customary flavours, making it a #1 among burger joints.
Embracing Qatar's Food Service Market:
As we cross Qatar's culinary scene, it becomes obvious that the country's food Service Market is a unique biological system, continually developing to satisfy the needs of its different populace. Whether you're longing for conventional Qatari passage, worldwide indulgences, or haute food, Qatar has something to fulfil each desire.
Nonetheless, it's not just about the food — it's about the experience. From the clamouring souks of Doha to the smooth lounge areas of lavish lodgings, every dinner in Qatar is a potential chance to drench yourself in the country's energetic culture and neighbourliness.
All in all, Qatar food Service Market is a mother lode of culinary joys ready to be found. Whether you're a carefully prepared foodie or a courageous eater, Qatar offers a dining experience for the faculties that will leave you hankering more. Thus, the following time you wind up in this charming corner of the Bedouin Bay, make certain to investigate Qatar's sense of taste and enjoy a culinary experience like no other.
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genieife · 10 months
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Welcome to an extraordinary Journey to Saudi Arabia, where the Geniefie app will be your ultimate guide. In this blog, we will unveil the hidden gems and must-visit destinations across this diverse kingdom, all while tailoring personalised itineraries based on your unique interests and preferences. Whether you’re drawn to ancient history, dramatic deserts, or vibrant cities, Saudi Arabia has something for every traveller, and Geniefie ensures your experience is nothing short of exceptional. Let’s embark on a one-of-a-kind adventure and explore the wonders of this captivating nation through your lens.
Are you ready for a travel adventure? Well, I’ve got a list of Saudi Arabian places that’ll sweep you off your feet!
Day 1: Exploring Jeddah
The morning in Jeddah was greeted by the irresistible aroma of freshly fried chicken wafting from “Al-Baik,” a local favourite. It was the perfect start to our adventure, fueling our anticipation for the days to come.
Our first destination was the iconic “Corniche,” a scenic coastal promenade along the Red Sea. The gentle waves lapped at the shore as we strolled along, enjoying the sea breeze and the stunning views. It was the perfect way to ease into our Saudi Arabian adventure.
As the sun reached its zenith, we made our way to “Al-Nakheel Restaurant” for a taste of authentic Saudi Arabian cuisine. The kebabs and shawarma were nothing short of spectacular, offering a delicious introduction to the local flavours.
In the afternoon, we immersed ourselves in the historic charm of Jeddah’s “Balad” district. The traditional souks, magnificent mosques, and well-preserved architecture painted a vivid picture of the city’s rich heritage. We explored the labyrinthine streets, taking in the vibrant colors and intricate designs of the buildings.
A visit to “Nasseef House” provided us with a deeper understanding of Jeddah’s history. The beautifully restored house offered a glimpse into the city’s past, with exhibits and artefacts that narrated tales of times gone by.
As evening descended upon the city, we headed to “Al-Mazaz” for dinner, an establishment renowned for its seafood. Fresh catches, expertly prepared, left our taste buds in a state of pure delight.
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Day 2: Exploring AlUla
The next morning, we bid farewell to Jeddah and set off on a road trip to AlUla, our second destination. The approximately 300-kilometre journey would take us through diverse landscapes, and we couldn’t be more excited.
We started our day with a scrumptious breakfast at “Beit Al Mamlouka,” a charming restaurant known for its Middle Eastern flavours. Fueled and ready, we hit the road, eager to explore AlUla’s historical wonders.
The UNESCO-listed “Madain Saleh” was our first stop, an ancient Nabatean city known for its rock-cut tombs and structures. The remarkable architecture and the sense of stepping back in time left us in awe. The ancient city spoke of an era long gone, and we couldn’t help but be captivated by its mysteries.
“Al-Madras,” a collection of dramatic rock formations, was our next destination. The surreal beauty of these towering sandstone sculptures against the backdrop of desert landscapes was simply mesmerising.
We couldn’t miss a visit to “Dadan,” the Kingdom’s first capital, where we had the chance to delve into the captivating history of Saudi Arabia. The ancient ruins and artefacts told stories of a bygone era, allowing us to connect with the kingdom’s roots.
At “Al-Ula Arth Restaurant,” we enjoyed a delightful lunch, savouring Arabian dishes that married local and international flavours. It was the perfect opportunity to refuel before continuing our exploration of AlUla.
As the day drew to a close, we wrapped up our AlUla adventure with dinner at “Heritage Village Restaurant.” The authentic Saudi hospitality and flavours left a lasting impression on our hearts and palates.
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Day 3: Exploring Riyadh
With AlUla’s historical treasures etched in our memories, we were ready to move on to our final destination, Riyadh. The journey was a long one, spanning approximately 1,100 kilometres, and would take roughly 10 hours. But the promise of exploring the modern vibrancy of the Saudi capital made the road trip worthwhile.
We set off early in the morning, with “Desert Palm Restaurant” in AlUla providing us with a hearty breakfast to kick-start the day.
Upon our arrival in Riyadh, we were immediately captivated by the blend of tradition and modernity. Our first stop was the “King Abdulaziz Historical Center,” where we delved into the history of the Kingdom. The exhibits and artefacts brought the past to life, offering a deep understanding of Saudi Arabia’s journey.
The “National Museum” was a treasure trove of cultural riches. Its diverse exhibits showcased the kingdom’s heritage, from prehistoric artefacts to contemporary art.
We couldn’t resist taking a leisurely walk through “Al-Masmak Fortress,” an iconic landmark in Riyadh. The fortress provided a unique window into the city’s history, with its mud-brick walls and historical significance.
At “Burj Al-Hamam,” we enjoyed a fusion of Middle Eastern and international dishes for lunch, experiencing the diverse flavours that Riyadh had to offer.
As we continued our exploration, we marvelled at Riyadh’s modern skyline, with towering skyscrapers and bustling souks. The city had a vibrant energy that was infectious, and we couldn’t help but get caught up in its rhythm.
Dinner at “Najd Village” marked the end of our Saudi Arabian adventure. The restaurant offered an authentic Saudi dining experience, and it was the perfect way to conclude our journey through the heart of Saudi Arabia.
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Our journey from Jeddah to AlUla to Riyadh was a testament to the diversity of Saudi Arabia. From the coastal beauty of Jeddah to the historical treasures of AlUla and the modern vibrancy of Riyadh, each destination offered a unique blend of culture, cuisine, and experiences. We were left with lasting memories and a profound appreciation for the hidden gems of Saudi Arabia.
With the Geniefie trip planner app as our guide, we were able to explore the kingdom on our terms, ensuring that every step of our journey was personalized according to our interests. Our adventure had been a remarkable one, and it had only scratched the surface of the wonders that Saudi Arabia had to offer. We left with a promise to return and uncover even more of this captivating country’s mysteries.
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 10.15
Amaryllis Day (French Republic)
Blind Americans Equality Day
Breast Health Day (EU)
Cayenne Festival (French Guiana)
Coup d'État Anniversary Day (Burkina Faso)
Day of Merriment (Republic of Molossia)
Fete Nationale de l'Evacuation (Evacuation Day; Tunisia)
Ghatasthapana (Nepal)
Global Handwashing Day
”I Love Lucy” Day
International Archeology Day
International Day of Older People (Australia)
International Day of Rural Women (UN)
International Power of One Day
King Father’s Commemoration Day (Cambodia)
Lucille Ball Day
Mahakiki (Hawaiian New Year Season begins)
Maths Day
Mertz of All Possible Mertzes
Mother’s Day (Malawi)
My Mom Is a Student Day
National Aesthetician Day
National Cherish Black Women Day
National Grouch Day
National HSA Awareness Day
National Latinix AIDS Awareness Day
National Pug Day
National Riley Day
National Shut-In Visitation Day
National Stations Day (UK)
National Tree Planting Day (Sri Lanka)
Pacific Leatherback Conservation Day (California)
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day (Canada, Italy, UK, US)
Pynkalycious Day
Rainbow Pickling Day
Rectification Day (Burkina Faso)
Sewing Lovers’ Day
Shwamae Su’mae Day (Wales)
Shine a Light Night
Teachers’ Day (Brazil)
Twist and Shout Day
White Cane Safety Day
World Anatomy Day
World Day of Amblyopia
World Home Artificial Nutrition Day
World Rural Women’s Day (Malawi)
World Students’ Day (India, UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Champagne Day
Dine With TV Dinners On the Floor Night
National Cheese Curd Day
National Chicken Cacciatore Day
National Lemon Bar Day
National Mushroom Day
National Red Wine Day
National Roast Pheasant Day
National Shawarma Day (Canada)
3rd Sunday in October
Brown Ale Day [3rd Sunday]
I Am An American Day (Florida) [3rd Sunday]
Mother’s Day (Argentina) [3rd Sunday]
National Police Officer’s Spouses’ Day [3rd Sunday]
Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day [3rd Sunday]
World Toy Camera Day [3rd Sunday]
Independence Days
Parvia (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Bruno of Querfurt (Christian; Saint)
Cúan of Ahascragh (Christian; Saint)
Dashain begins [Varies from the Bright Moon; lasts 15 days] (a.k.a. ... 
Dashain (Nepal)
Dasara (Hindi)
Dashera (Hindus in India)
Dassain (Bhutan)
Dussehra (India)
Ghatasthapana [1st Day of Dashain]
Mohani (Katmandu Valley)
Navaratri (Hindus in India)
Vijaya Dashami (Nepal)
Dragonbunny (Muppetism)
Equirria (October Equus, sacrifice of a horse to Mars; Old Roman Empire)
Feast of the Three Noble Ladies (Ancient Egypt)
Hobbes (Positivist; Saint)
Hospicius (a.k.a. Hospis; Christian; Saint)
Ides of October (Ancient Rome)
James Tissot (Artology)
John Vanderlyn (Artology)
Ludi Capitolini (Jupiter games; Ancient Rome)
Poetry Day (Ancient Rome)
Ralph Albert Blakelock (Artology)
Richard Speck Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Teresa of Ávila (founded Reformation of the Barefoot Carmelites; Christian; Saint)
Thecla of Kitzingen (a.k.a. Tecla; Christian; Saint)
Winter Nights: Day of the Freya and the Disir (Pagan)
Yet Another Noodle Day Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
The Affluent Society, by John Kenneth Galbraith (Economy Book; 1958)
Alice Plays Cupid (Disney Cartoon; 1925)
The Barbary Pirates, by C.S. Forester (History Book; 1953)
Boom at the Top or Angry Young Moose (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 221; 1963)
Bread and Wine, by Ignazio Silone (Novel; 1937)
Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White (Children’s Book; 1952)
The Cincinnati Kid (Film; 1965)
Clock Cleaners (Disney Cartoon; 1937)
Curb Your Enthusiasm (TV Series; 2000)
The Dragon Reborn, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1991) [Wheel of Time #3]
Elvis’ Christmas Album, by Elvis Presley (Album; 1957)
Figaro and Cleo (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
Fight Club (Film; 1999)
The Fires of Heaven, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1993) [Wheel of Time #5]
For Once in My Life, by Stevie Wonder (Song; 1968)
Fur, Fur Away or Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 222; 1963)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, by Elton John (Song; 1973)
Good Golly Miss Molly, recorded by Little Richard (Song; 1956)
The Great Dictator (Film; 1940)
The Heart of Saturday Night, by Tom Waits (Album; 1974)
Heidi (Film; 1937)
I Love Lucy (TV Series; 1951)
I Wish I Had Wings (WB MM Cartoon; 1932)
The Jazz Fool (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (Film; 2019)
La Mer, by Claude Debussy (Symphonic Suite; 1905)
The Last Duel (Film; 2021)
The Lion King (Broadway Musical; 1997)
Lord of Chaos, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1994) [Wheel of Time #6]
Mr. Wonderful (Film; 1993)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (Animated Film; 1993)
The Night the City Sang, by Peter Desbarats (Poetry; 1977)
Nowhere Boy (Film; 2010)
Paint Your Wagon (Film; 1969)
Porky’s Naughty Nephew (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
The Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vincent Peale (Self-Help Book; 1952)
Power Windows, by Rush (Album; 1985)
Prince Caspian, by C.S. Lewis (Novel; 1951) [The Chronicles of Narnia #2]
RED (Film; 2010)
Rock Me Amadeus, by Falco (Song; 1985)
Rudy (Film; 1993)
Sabrina (Film; 1954)
The Skin of Our Teeth, by Thornton Wilder (Play; 1942)
Slip Sliding’ Away, by Paul Simon (Song; 1977)
Social Lion (Disney Cartoon; 1954)
Soup’s On (Disney Cartoon; 1948)
The Straight Story (Film; 1999)
Surfing with the Alien, by Joe Satriani (Album; 1987)
Team America: World Police (Animated Film; 2004)
To Have and Have Not, by Ernest Hemingway (Novel; 1937)
Tupelo Honey, by Van Morrison (Album; 1971)
Two Scent’s Worth (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Why Not Me, by The Judds (Album; 1984)
Today’s Name Days
Aurelia, Theresia (Austria)
Rezika, Tekla, Tereza, Terezija, Valter (Croatia)
Tereza (Czech Republic)
Hedevig (Denmark)
Eda, Ede, Hädi, Häidi, Heda, Hedi, Hedvig, Heidi, Heivi (Estonia)
Helvi, Heta (Finland)
Thérèse (France)
Aurelia, Franziska, Therese, Theresia (Germany)
Loukianos (Greece)
Teréz (Hungary)
Teresa (Italy)
Eda, Ede, Hedviga, Jadviga (Latvia)
Domantė, Gailiminas, Leonardas, Teresė (Lithuania)
Hedda, Hedvig (Norway)
Brunon, Gościsława, Jadwiga, Sewer, Tekla, Teresa (Poland)
Luchian (Romania)
Terézia (Slovakia)
Teresa (Spain)
Hedvig, Hillevi (Sweden)
Lucian (Ukraine)
Essence, Terence, Teresa,Terrance, Terrence, Terri, Terry, Tess,Tessa, Theresa, Trace, Tracey, Traci, Tracy (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 288 of 2024; 77 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 41 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 1 (Bing-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 30 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 30 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 18 Shù; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 2 October 2023
Moon: 1%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 8 Descartes (11th Month) [Hobbes]
Runic Half Month: Wyn (Joy) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 22 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 22 of 30)
Calendar Changes
菊月 [Júyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 9 of 12] (Chrysanthemum Month) [Dog Month]
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 10.15
Amaryllis Day (French Republic)
Blind Americans Equality Day
Breast Health Day (EU)
Cayenne Festival (French Guiana)
Coup d'État Anniversary Day (Burkina Faso)
Day of Merriment (Republic of Molossia)
Fete Nationale de l'Evacuation (Evacuation Day; Tunisia)
Ghatasthapana (Nepal)
Global Handwashing Day
”I Love Lucy” Day
International Archeology Day
International Day of Older People (Australia)
International Day of Rural Women (UN)
International Power of One Day
King Father’s Commemoration Day (Cambodia)
Lucille Ball Day
Mahakiki (Hawaiian New Year Season begins)
Maths Day
Mertz of All Possible Mertzes
Mother’s Day (Malawi)
My Mom Is a Student Day
National Aesthetician Day
National Cherish Black Women Day
National Grouch Day
National HSA Awareness Day
National Latinix AIDS Awareness Day
National Pug Day
National Riley Day
National Shut-In Visitation Day
National Stations Day (UK)
National Tree Planting Day (Sri Lanka)
Pacific Leatherback Conservation Day (California)
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day (Canada, Italy, UK, US)
Pynkalycious Day
Rainbow Pickling Day
Rectification Day (Burkina Faso)
Sewing Lovers’ Day
Shwamae Su’mae Day (Wales)
Shine a Light Night
Teachers’ Day (Brazil)
Twist and Shout Day
White Cane Safety Day
World Anatomy Day
World Day of Amblyopia
World Home Artificial Nutrition Day
World Rural Women’s Day (Malawi)
World Students’ Day (India, UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Champagne Day
Dine With TV Dinners On the Floor Night
National Cheese Curd Day
National Chicken Cacciatore Day
National Lemon Bar Day
National Mushroom Day
National Red Wine Day
National Roast Pheasant Day
National Shawarma Day (Canada)
3rd Sunday in October
Brown Ale Day [3rd Sunday]
I Am An American Day (Florida) [3rd Sunday]
Mother’s Day (Argentina) [3rd Sunday]
National Police Officer’s Spouses’ Day [3rd Sunday]
Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day [3rd Sunday]
World Toy Camera Day [3rd Sunday]
Independence Days
Parvia (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Bruno of Querfurt (Christian; Saint)
Cúan of Ahascragh (Christian; Saint)
Dashain begins [Varies from the Bright Moon; lasts 15 days] (a.k.a. ... 
Dashain (Nepal)
Dasara (Hindi)
Dashera (Hindus in India)
Dassain (Bhutan)
Dussehra (India)
Ghatasthapana [1st Day of Dashain]
Mohani (Katmandu Valley)
Navaratri (Hindus in India)
Vijaya Dashami (Nepal)
Dragonbunny (Muppetism)
Equirria (October Equus, sacrifice of a horse to Mars; Old Roman Empire)
Feast of the Three Noble Ladies (Ancient Egypt)
Hobbes (Positivist; Saint)
Hospicius (a.k.a. Hospis; Christian; Saint)
Ides of October (Ancient Rome)
James Tissot (Artology)
John Vanderlyn (Artology)
Ludi Capitolini (Jupiter games; Ancient Rome)
Poetry Day (Ancient Rome)
Ralph Albert Blakelock (Artology)
Richard Speck Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Teresa of Ávila (founded Reformation of the Barefoot Carmelites; Christian; Saint)
Thecla of Kitzingen (a.k.a. Tecla; Christian; Saint)
Winter Nights: Day of the Freya and the Disir (Pagan)
Yet Another Noodle Day Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
The Affluent Society, by John Kenneth Galbraith (Economy Book; 1958)
Alice Plays Cupid (Disney Cartoon; 1925)
The Barbary Pirates, by C.S. Forester (History Book; 1953)
Boom at the Top or Angry Young Moose (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 221; 1963)
Bread and Wine, by Ignazio Silone (Novel; 1937)
Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White (Children’s Book; 1952)
The Cincinnati Kid (Film; 1965)
Clock Cleaners (Disney Cartoon; 1937)
Curb Your Enthusiasm (TV Series; 2000)
The Dragon Reborn, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1991) [Wheel of Time #3]
Elvis’ Christmas Album, by Elvis Presley (Album; 1957)
Figaro and Cleo (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
Fight Club (Film; 1999)
The Fires of Heaven, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1993) [Wheel of Time #5]
For Once in My Life, by Stevie Wonder (Song; 1968)
Fur, Fur Away or Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 222; 1963)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, by Elton John (Song; 1973)
Good Golly Miss Molly, recorded by Little Richard (Song; 1956)
The Great Dictator (Film; 1940)
The Heart of Saturday Night, by Tom Waits (Album; 1974)
Heidi (Film; 1937)
I Love Lucy (TV Series; 1951)
I Wish I Had Wings (WB MM Cartoon; 1932)
The Jazz Fool (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (Film; 2019)
La Mer, by Claude Debussy (Symphonic Suite; 1905)
The Last Duel (Film; 2021)
The Lion King (Broadway Musical; 1997)
Lord of Chaos, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1994) [Wheel of Time #6]
Mr. Wonderful (Film; 1993)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (Animated Film; 1993)
The Night the City Sang, by Peter Desbarats (Poetry; 1977)
Nowhere Boy (Film; 2010)
Paint Your Wagon (Film; 1969)
Porky’s Naughty Nephew (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
The Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vincent Peale (Self-Help Book; 1952)
Power Windows, by Rush (Album; 1985)
Prince Caspian, by C.S. Lewis (Novel; 1951) [The Chronicles of Narnia #2]
RED (Film; 2010)
Rock Me Amadeus, by Falco (Song; 1985)
Rudy (Film; 1993)
Sabrina (Film; 1954)
The Skin of Our Teeth, by Thornton Wilder (Play; 1942)
Slip Sliding’ Away, by Paul Simon (Song; 1977)
Social Lion (Disney Cartoon; 1954)
Soup’s On (Disney Cartoon; 1948)
The Straight Story (Film; 1999)
Surfing with the Alien, by Joe Satriani (Album; 1987)
Team America: World Police (Animated Film; 2004)
To Have and Have Not, by Ernest Hemingway (Novel; 1937)
Tupelo Honey, by Van Morrison (Album; 1971)
Two Scent’s Worth (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Why Not Me, by The Judds (Album; 1984)
Today’s Name Days
Aurelia, Theresia (Austria)
Rezika, Tekla, Tereza, Terezija, Valter (Croatia)
Tereza (Czech Republic)
Hedevig (Denmark)
Eda, Ede, Hädi, Häidi, Heda, Hedi, Hedvig, Heidi, Heivi (Estonia)
Helvi, Heta (Finland)
Thérèse (France)
Aurelia, Franziska, Therese, Theresia (Germany)
Loukianos (Greece)
Teréz (Hungary)
Teresa (Italy)
Eda, Ede, Hedviga, Jadviga (Latvia)
Domantė, Gailiminas, Leonardas, Teresė (Lithuania)
Hedda, Hedvig (Norway)
Brunon, Gościsława, Jadwiga, Sewer, Tekla, Teresa (Poland)
Luchian (Romania)
Terézia (Slovakia)
Teresa (Spain)
Hedvig, Hillevi (Sweden)
Lucian (Ukraine)
Essence, Terence, Teresa,Terrance, Terrence, Terri, Terry, Tess,Tessa, Theresa, Trace, Tracey, Traci, Tracy (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 288 of 2024; 77 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 41 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 1 (Bing-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 30 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 30 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 18 Shù; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 2 October 2023
Moon: 1%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 8 Descartes (11th Month) [Hobbes]
Runic Half Month: Wyn (Joy) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 22 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 22 of 30)
Calendar Changes
菊月 [Júyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 9 of 12] (Chrysanthemum Month) [Dog Month]
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informersinc · 1 year
National Day Report OCTOBER 15, 2023
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as-kaladdin · 1 year
Exploring the Wonders of the UAE: Unveiling the Best Travel Packages
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a mesmerizing destination that captivates travelers with its unique blend of modernity and tradition. From the stunning skyscrapers of Dubai to the historical treasures of Abu Dhabi, the UAE offers a diverse range of experiences. For travelers seeking a seamless and unforgettable journey, UAE travel packages provide the perfect solution. In this article, we will delve into the wonders of the UAE and explore the best travel packages that cater to different interests and preferences.
A Land of Contrasts:
The UAE is a land of contrasts where old-world charm meets cutting-edge modernity. Its iconic cities, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, boast magnificent architectural wonders, luxurious resorts, and world-class shopping malls. For history enthusiasts, Sharjah offers a peek into the UAE's cultural heritage with its museums, galleries, and traditional markets. Travelers can explore the country's rich history, cultural heritage, and natural landscapes, all within one trip.
Top Attractions and Activities:
UAE travel packages offer a plethora of attractions and activities for every type of traveler. For adventure seekers, there are thrilling desert safaris, dune bashing, and camel rides in the vast Arabian desert. Those looking for a luxurious escape can indulge in opulent resorts and spa retreats with breathtaking views. Families will be delighted by the numerous entertainment parks, such as the famous Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi or the Dubai Parks and Resorts, home to Legoland and Bollywood Parks.
Culture aficionados can immerse themselves in the traditional architecture and arts found in the historic districts of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The awe-inspiring Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi is a testament to the country's devotion to its Islamic heritage. Furthermore, visitors can explore traditional souks, where they can haggle for spices, textiles, and gold.
Cuisine and Gastronomy:
The UAE offers a delightful culinary journey that combines the flavors of the Middle East, Asia, and the West. Travel packages often include opportunities to savor local delicacies and international cuisines at renowned restaurants and street food stalls. From aromatic Arabic coffee and dates to mouthwatering shawarmas and mezze platters, food enthusiasts will be in for a treat.
Shopping Extravaganza:
Dubai, known as the "Shopping Capital of the Middle East," beckons shopaholics from around the world. UAE travel packages often include shopping excursions to the city's world-famous malls like the Dubai Mall and Mall of the Emirates. Visitors can find everything from luxury brands to traditional souvenirs, all under one roof. The annual Dubai Shopping Festival is a shopaholic's paradise, offering unbeatable deals, promotions, and entertainment.
Seasonal Events and Festivals:
The UAE hosts several events and festivals throughout the year that add a touch of charm to any travel package. The Dubai Shopping Festival, Dubai Summer Surprises, and Abu Dhabi Summer Season offer exciting deals and entertainment during the summer months. The Emirates Airline Festival of Literature and Dubai International Film Festival cater to art and literature enthusiasts. Witnessing the spectacular National Day celebrations in December is a unique cultural experience.
Turkey Travel Package
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qataer · 2 years
3 Restaurants and 3 Best meals you will get in Qatar
Do any of the hotels in Qatar serve afternoon tea or hi-tea? The world over, people have copied the well-known British custom. There is a wide variety of high teas and afternoon teas to choose from, including those with a French theme, whimsy, and refinement, as well as some that are sky-high and perfect for a quick pick-me-up or a catch-up with friends. We have compiled a list of the best places in Qatar’s most opulent restaurants to enjoy afternoon tea, so be ready to raise your pinky in the air.
Jiwan Restaurant
Having afternoon tea at Jiwan’s outdoor terrace overlooking the National Museum of Qatar at sunset is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Chicken pita, honey ice cream, and chocolate-date cookies are all that’s on the menu, but with these vistas, you won’t care. The interior design complements the food offerings by evoking the outdoors and the rich maritime traditions that are so important to the people of Qatar. Fire, water, air, and soil, the ancient Bedouin elements utilised in cooking, are used to create new and interesting takes on well-known tastes and sensations. The end product is a feast that honours the evolving cuisine of Qatar. Concise but elegant. Intriguingly new yet nostalgically familiar at the same time.
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Harrods Tea Room
Harrods Tea Room in Msherieb will provide you with a spectacular afternoon tea experience. They offer two kinds of hi-tea right now: the Summer 2022 “Best of British Summer” high tea comes with an amuse bouche, savoury items like Devonshire Crab and English Cucumber, scones, and pastries like Strawberry Cheesecake, Meadow Honey Cake, Mango, Passion, and Coconut Sphere, and more.Cream Tea is a smaller version of the traditional afternoon tea that includes traditional scones, clotted cream, and jams from Harrods.
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W Café
W Café is a great place to unwind with an afternoon tea in the middle of West Bay. Freshly brewed tea pairs perfectly with savoury foods like salmon or cucumber sandwiches, as well as scones and delicious sweets. Snacks that won’t fill you up completely. Stop by the friendly W Café for a hot beverage and a snack. All kind of tasty cupcakes, cookies, and other baked goodies are available to satiate your sweet need. Send it around. A takeout service is also available.
One of the world’s most well-known and well-loved street foods is shawarma. It is typical to use chicken or lamb for this dish, and the meat is traditionally slow-grilled for almost a full day before being rolled up and served. Compared to the prices of shawarmas in other Arab countries, those served in Qatar are inexpensive. They are also flavorful, with just the proper number of condiments, perfectly grilled meat, and fresh pita bread. Any eater who ventures out into the world will find that the shawarma in Qatar lives up to its wildest expectations in terms of its consistency and flavor profile. The roll of pita bread is crammed full of grilled chicken that has been artfully coated in garlic sauce and mayonnaise.
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Popular in the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent, where it got its start. Traditionally, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, bay leaves, coriander, mint, ginger, garlic, and onions are used to season basmati rice in a dish called biryani. The rice grains used to be a variegated white and yellow-orange hue and have a mild saffron flavor thanks to the addition of orange saffron milk on top of the dish before baking. For only a reasonable, you may get half of the enormous chicken biryani. Request some bread on the side to soak up the savory raita (a yogurt sauce flavored with coriander).
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Chickpeas, fava beans, or both can be mashed up and used to make falafel, which is a popular vegan snack. Falafel can be purchased as round flat cutlets or as small crispy balls that have been deep fried. These fried dumplings, which contain tahini, garlic, parsley, and coriander as part of their filling, can be eaten on their own or stuffed into pita pockets along with salad and pickles. Falafel is a versatile food that can be eaten at any time of the day; people often eat it for breakfast, as an appetizer, or as a snack. It is a healthy source of energy that can be enjoyed whenever one so desires.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Cinnamon Day
Celebrate and appreciate one of the world’s favorite ancient spices by getting excited about National Cinnamon Day. So grab a favorite cinnamon treat and read on to learn more about this delicious spice and the ways it has been part of human history for thousands of years!
History of National Cinnamon Day
Native to Ceylon, which is modern day Sri Lanka, cinnamon’s first recordings are from Chinese writings that date as far back as 2800 BC. Even today in the Cantonese language, cinnamon is still known as “kwai”. And in the Malay language, it goes by “kayumanis”, which means “sweet wood”. This is certainly an apt description of this spicy but uniquely sweet flavor.
During medieval times, doctors found that cinnamon worked well as a treatment for coughs, sore throats and hoarseness. It may also have been considered a status symbol and was often used as a special imported gift given to monarchs, royalty and other people of importance.
Cinnamon, along with other precious spices might seem rather innocuous now, but in the early days of their discovery, several wars were fought over the lands where cinnamon came from. The Portuguese, Dutch and British armies all sought to conquer Ceylon (modern day Sri Lanka) in an effort to obtain full access to their spices.
Today, sourcing cinnamon comes with much less angst and political struggle as, for most people, it’s easy to simply pop over to the local grocery store, health food store or spice shop to pick some up. Typically cinnamon can be found in two varieties, ground or whole. Ground cinnamon is used in many different recipes for baking and cooking, while whole cinnamon sticks are more often steeped into beverages or infused into flavoring syrups.
Of course, cinnamon is really the star of the show when it comes to the beloved pumpkin pie spice. Combined with allspice, nutmeg and clove, cinnamon is the base for this grouping of flavors that represents all things fall.
In honor of National Cinnamon Day, it’s time to get creative and enjoy cinnamon in a whole myriad of ways!
National Cinnamon Day Timeline
2000 BC Spices are exchanged along the Silk Road
A network of sea routes link East to West, from Japan all the way over to Europe, and cinnamon is one of the spices traded on this route.
65 AD Emperor Nero burns cinnamon
Nero is said to have burned a year’s worth of Rome’s supply of cinnamon at his wife’s funeral. 
14th Century Portuguese explorers find cinnamon
While traders brought the spice to the West, the place where it originates from is kept secret until the Portuguese discover it in Ceylon.
Early 1800s British take over Ceylon
Defeating the Dutch occupiers, the British take over the island country of Ceylon, gaining full access to cinnamon.
1930s Cinnamon candy is made
Produced by the Ferrara Pan Candy Company, Red Hots are made using the panned method of candy making.
How to Celebrate National Cinnamon Day
Get excited about cinnamon and enjoy National Cinnamon Day with some of these fun and clever ideas for celebrating:
Eat Something Cinnamon
From cinnamon candy to cinnamon rolls and everything in between, National Cinnamon Day is best celebrated by enjoying the flavors of this delicious spice. Whether it’s simply grabbing a pack of cinnamon gum from the local convenience store, or a cinnamon latte from a local coffee shop, this is the day to enjoy all things cinnamon!
In fact, while often associated with sweet things in the West, cinnamon is also often used in savory dishes in many cultures. From curries to mole sauces to barbecue rubs, cinnamon can be used in every meal of the day for breakfast lunch and dinner!
Try a cinnamon roll or a healthy bowl of oatmeal flavored with cinnamon for breakfast. Lunch could consist of a Hawaiian pizza topped with pineapple, ham and almond slivers, sprinkled with delicious cinnamon. And dinner? Well, a big vat of butter chicken, cinnamon green lentil soup or chicken shawarma would do nicely, thank you very much!
Learn the Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Cinnamon is more than just a yummy way to flavor foods and beverages! It is also a natural substance that offers a whole host of properties that may be beneficial to human health. There’s a reason that it was often offered as a gift to kings!
Consider some of these interesting benefits of including cinnamon as part of a healthy diet:
Cinnamon is full of antioxidants. Fighting off free radicals is the name of the game when it comes to preventing health problems such as cancer, heart disease and other issues.
Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation can be helpful in fighting off foreign bodies, but too much inflammation can cause huge health problems like arthritis, asthma, diabetes, cancer and so much more.
Cinnamon may help prevent heart disease. This unassuming spice has been linked as a way to reduce heart disease, which is the number one cause of death in the world today.
Cinnamon can help balance insulin. A serious problem today is insulin resistance which can cause type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Cinnamon can help to reduce the body’s resistance to the hormone insulin and help it do its job well.
Enjoy Baking with Cinnamon
Cinnamon brings a whole host of opportunities for cooking and baking in the kitchen at home. From cinnamon rolls to snickerdoodle cookies, from cinnamon donuts to cinnamon coffee cake, this spice really has it all!
Get creative by adding cinnamon sugar to honey and rolling it in phyllo dough for a pseudo-baklava taste. Or go a bit more traditional by baking an all-American apple pie that is, of course, spiced with cinnamon. Another enjoyable way to use cinnamon is to add it to a traditional loaf of quick bread, such as banana bread, pumpkin bread.
Savor a Cup of Cinnamon Tea
While many people think of cooking and baking with cinnamon, one of the best ways to enjoy this delicious spice is by steeping it into a hot beverage. Teas made from cinnamon can be not only tasty but can also offer a nice way to infuse some of the health benefits that were mentioned above.
So, in honor of National Cinnamon Day, perhaps consider trying out one of these delightful brands of cinnamon tea:
Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice Tea. This is the most popular flavor of this company’s tea that is sold throughout the world, its flavors are of cinnamon, orange peel and sweet cloves.
The Republic of Tea Cinnamon Plum Tea. This is a black tea that is blended with zingy cinnamon spice and offers the calm taste of ripe plums.
Bigelow Black Tea Cinnamon Stick. A classic version with a spicy kick, this black tea is just the right balance of sweet and spicy.
National Cinnamon Day FAQs
Can dogs have cinnamon?
Cinnamon is not toxic to dogs, but it could cause indigestion so it may be best to avoid giving cinnamon to a dog.
Is cinnamon good for you?
Yes! Cinnamon is a healthy spice that contains antioxidants and may be helpful in fighting against heart disease, insulin resistance, and might even protect against cancer.
Where does cinnamon come from?
Originating from trees in Sri Lanka, which is an island in the Indian Ocean, a lot of cinnamon is now grown in Indonesia.
How to make cinnamon sugar
Cinnamon sugar is easy! Just combine 2 tablespoons of cinnamon with ½ cup white sugar and combine.
Can cinnamon go bad?
Though cinnamon will not usually “go bad”, it can get old and lose some of its strength and flavor.
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