#Natural Hair Care
elcosmiquechild · 28 days
W O M E N • W I T H • L O C S ✨
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naturalhairhow101 · 9 months
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afromeda · 2 years
White women 5-10 years ago: Haha black women wear wigs cuz they have no hair and their hair is always ugly see we have naturally luscious Garnier™ hair and we wear extension pieces cuz we don't need weaves and all that extra stuff and ugh black women hairstyles are so Ghetto™ lol we can do flat ironed hair and wand curls and those are the only acceptable ones
Black women: *continue to do their own thing*
White women now, sobbing, throwing up: But who said white women can't wear wigs or have curly perms and why can't we wear the same braids and styles we degraded for decades and centuries why are black women so mean like what if we want to wear the Ghetto™ hairs too and change formulas in products and give established hairstyles new names after acting very much Christina Columbus about it plus we've struggled so much like other white women insult our hair if it's not perfect and that's black women's fault and one time a black girl said we have hair like straw after we called her hair a nappy piece of cotton it's just hair c'mon please let us do the Kardashian braids like we don't understand—
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floof-ghostie · 20 days
I just think it's so depressing how much natural hair is associated with struggling, and how many people opt to perming and damaging their hair as opposed to taking the time to learn to love their hair the way it grows. And then make people who promote wearing their hair natural out to be controlling when they aren't. I especially hate how this narrative is used to fuel capitalism, and buying 60 different products "guaranteed to grow your hair". I don't know. I have a lot of thoughts on this. I'm just tired.
(nonblacks can interact but please be respectful)
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thejaguartour · 5 months
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Victoria Monét x Camille Rose 🤎🌹
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winkwiththekinks · 2 months
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hypaalicious · 1 year
Black Hair Care myths BUSTED!
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Since I’m fighting off the plague and have nothing else better to do but lay here pitifully, I’ve decided to talk about hair again after my last two posts on shampoo types and curly hair care , only this time focusing on Black folks’ hair and the misinformation lots of us grew up on.
Now, because I know the gowrls like to tussle (and Mercury in Microbraids along with an eclipse is upon us), lemme just say this: if you’re absolutely happy with your hair care routine, then this post isn’t for you.
This post is only for people who are curious and want to evolve and simplify their hair care routines.
The hair typing chart is garbage.
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Everyone and they mama should be familiar with this chart. So many of us use it to determine what type of hair products to buy that work best for our hair type.
Unfortunately, the chart is pseudo-science.
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All hair types need the same basic care (shampooing/conditioning at least every week), and products that claim to cater to a specific hair type is just a marketing tactic. This chart also promotes texturism; Oprah’s stylist literally made up the type 4 category to say that the only thing to do to tight curls is to straighten or loosen them. 🥲
Products can’t give you the kind of curls you want.
I touched on this a bit in my first hair post, but it bears repeating here: Curl “activators”, Shea butter, raw oil blends, creams, leave-in conditioners, texturizing shampoos… all of them are finessing you, beloveds. If your hair isn’t holding defined clumps of curls immediately after shampooing, then your hair is likely chronically dehydrated and needs to be detoxed.
We’re kinda raised to product chase because we’re told that the way our hair grows out of our heads is bad and needs to be fixed, and the $2.5 billion Black hair care industry is always eager to offer us placebos for our coin. We see someone with the hair texture and length we want and we immediately ask “what products do you use??” as if the answer is in a bottle when it’s really just genetics. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Greasing/oiling your scalp does not moisturize it, get rid of dandruff, or make your hair grow faster.
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As a kid I remember my hairdresser using a fine toothed comb and “breaking up” the dandruff on my scalp before applying Sea Breeze to soothe it. Every single time, the dandruff came back worse. 😩 If I put oil on my scalp, it would take only a day before build up and large yellow flakes would rain out of my hair. But I thought because my scalp and my hair needed moisturizing that I couldn’t go without oils.
Well, I was right on one thing; my scalp and hair def needed moisture. But I wasn’t gonna get moisture from anything but water, and at the time I was avoiding water like the plague because I always had a fresh silk press or perm and I didn’t want my hair “reverting”.
If you have a scalp condition or chronic itchiness, you are very much making it worse by adding any of that to your head. The only solution is to wash your hair, loves. Yes, you may have to choose between looking “laid” and what’s actually good for your hair and scalp, but them’s the breaks.
The hair growth oils that line the shelves at Sally’s? Literally snake oil. Same goes for hair vitamins, biotin, MSM, rice water, JBCO, egg white/tea rinse/fruit or food products, African Black soap, rose water, etc. Nothing topical, save for specific medicated prescription drugs from a dermatologist, can make hair grow. Save ya money, hunny!
Co-washing and water-only washing doesn’t get your hair clean.
Conditioner is incapable of doing what shampoo does. You’re just gonna add layers of build up on your hair doing co-washes. Water-only cleansing is like never using soap in your laundry and expecting your clothes to be clean. 😬 Only putting shampoo on your scalp and carefully avoiding the length of your hair is the equivalent of white folks not washing their legs in the shower. Don’t do any of this.
I actually do not know where the myth started that Black folks hair is somehow too fragile to handle shampoo, a thing that is specifically formulated for hair. 😅 If shampoo is drying your hair out, you need to make sure you’re using the right kind of shampoo, not ditching shampoo altogether. If you need help, I touched on shampoo basics here!
Using a spray bottle to “refresh” your hair doesn’t do what you think it’s doing.
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Tiny water droplets from a spray bottle only sit on the surface of your hair, even more so if your hair already has product in it. If your styles aren’t holding until your next wash, you may need to re-examine what you’re using, how you apply it, and how you set it. If you need to refresh a style or get moisture, nothing less than washing your hair will do.
Finger detangling or using a wide toothed comb or denman brush isn’t doing the job.
I know we’ve been raised to think that because our hair is tightly coiled, that we have to treat it with kid gloves. But we actually do more harm to our hair by not detangling correctly. Detangling is the act of getting shed hair out from your head so it doesn’t wrap up in your healthy hair and cause breakage. A wide toothed comb can’t do that, and neither can your fingers. A denman brush is ONLY supposed to be used to hold tension in the hair when blowdrying it straight. What you want is a Felicia Leatherwood brush and to use that bad boy in the shower right after putting conditioner on sopping wet hair, trust me.
Protective styles don’t exist.
Buns, braids, wigs… all of them look fantastic when done right and it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t wear them. But they are all just alternative styles; nothing is being protected. I know a lot of us love the low maintenance that having these styles provide, but I want us to examine why they are thought of as low maintenance: it’s because folks are less likely to wash their hair/detangle while having them.
Any style that discourages you from weekly hair washing cannot be protective. It instead promotes hair neglect. Yes, I know, it can cost thousands of dollars for those waist length box braids or sew in, but you paid for the labor that goes into those kinds of styles, not the ability to keep them in for as long as possible. Not touching your hair for weeks on end means you’ll have dehydrated hair with mad buildup to get rid of. And btw, that type of damage to the hair cannot be fixed in just one visit to the salon. For as many weeks as you go without washing your hair, you need that many weeks out of an alternative style with frequent washing to help it recover.
Dry hair is determined by its behavior, not how it feels.
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This one has a lot of folks tripped out because logically, we should be able to just touch our strands and know that it needs moisture. Unfortunately, so many of us don’t know what our actual hair feels like without it being slathered in products, so the moment that we stop using them we think our hair is “dry” when it’s really just how our natural hair texture may feel. It’s def not easy in the beginning to let go of the familiarity a nicely oiled head of hair presents. 🥲
So, how do you know if you have dry hair? If it can’t hold a curl pattern without manipulation, is hydrophobic (if water doesn’t completely flatten hair to your scalp when you wash it, it’s not absorbing), is extremely difficult to detangle, breaks off easily, etc.
You don’t need to rinse your hair in cold water.
Only reason you should even consider it is if you have vivid color in your hair, but… lemme tell y’all sumn.
Years ago when I started dyeing my hair, it was typical for a permanent black hair dye to act like a semi-perm and wash almost completely out or turn grey in a few weeks. Now that I have a much better hair regimen that keeps my hair in the best health it can be, my semi-permanent fashion colors last for months until I decide to touch it up again. And I absolutely do not relish being cold in the shower, so I just use hot water.
The health of your hair matters more than any gimmicks or products you can use to fix a problem.
Long hair/shiny hair is not an indicator of health, it is an indicator of genetics.
I want DESPERATELY for us as a people to break the shackles of thinking that the only hair that matters is long and thick, or that someone who has long hair is an automatic authority on hair care.
If you want an idea of how long your hair can get, then look to your family. If your mom or dad don’t have hair touching their waist then it’s highly possible you were not blessed with the DNA to get your hair waist length either. And that’s okay! You aren’t any less valid. It will just save you a LOT of heartache to learn to embrace your hair the way it naturally is rather than to run around buying products and chasing haircare trends in hopes that a miracle will happen. Not to mention, I’ve seen a lot of folks with long hair but they ain’t had a trim in years and it absolutely shows. 😬
A lot of folks do not have shiny hair, that is once again due to genetics not hair health. Matte hair has a different surface texture and that’s absolutely fine! Only manufactured beauty standards glorify long and shiny hair.
Speaking of hair length…
Shrinkage is not your enemy.
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A general rule is that the only hair length that matters is how you regularly wear it.
My hair stays comfortably at the nape of my neck now that I wear my curls 100% of the time. If I pull it taut, then it’ll reach mid-back. But I don’t plan on straightening my hair ever again to show that mid-back length, so… 🤷🏽‍♀️ I have short hair because that is how it lays without manipulation. And that’s fine.
Shrinkage doesn’t scare me because it’s what healthy curly hair DOES. If my hair springs like a coil and retains shape, then I’m doing something right! I have always wanted long hair, I won’t deny that. But if I have to stretch my natural hair in any way in order to GET that long hair, it’s not worth it to me. I’ll just wear a wig for a hot min if I wanna whip my hair back and forth.
Air drying your hair isn’t better than diffusing it with a hair dryer.
Another thing we’ve been told is that heat damages our hair and that air drying is best. That’s not necessarily true.
DIRECT heat can damage your hair (flat irons, blow outs, pressing combs). INDIRECT heat (hooded dryers, a diffuser attachment on a handheld dryer) does not. In fact, diffused heat sets your wash and gos/twist outs way better than air drying. It cuts down on frizz and ensures your style will last through the week.
Also, it’s better to dry your hair completely rather than wait hours for it to air dry and then maybe sleep on wet hair. Fun fact: Leaving your hair wet for too long can cause mold to grow in your hair! 😱 And if you lay a wet head on a pillow, the bacteria transfers to your pillowcase and you continue to sleep in that until you wash the pillow!
You can’t “lock moisture in” your hair.
Water evaporates. It’s what it’s gonna do. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Putting leave ins or oils on your hair in hopes that water stays in your strands longer isn’t a thing, despite what a lot of us have been told. The only thing you’re gonna be left with is greasy, dehydrated hair if you don’t wash it weekly.
Avoiding getting a hair cut will not grant you healthy or long hair.
Hair grows an average of half an inch per month, regardless of race. The belief that “Black hair doesn’t grow” is rooted in anti-Blackness. 😅 If you’re not seeing growth, then it’s most likely that your hair is simply breaking off faster than the rate of growth, or you have an underlying health issue that needs to be addressed by a doctor.
I know I used to hate hairdressers who seemed “scissor happy” because I was always chasing length, so I would often only tell them to “dust” the ends if they do anything. Now, I will grab my clippers and cut inches off my hair in a heartbeat if my hair starts looking raggedy. Clinging on to scraggly hair because it takes “so long to grow” doesn’t do you any favors, trust me. 😭 Take better care of your hair and you will retain length a lot easier, and that includes getting quarterly haircuts.
Porosity does not matter.
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How many of us did this whole “put a strand of hair in a cup of water and see if it floats or sinks”? Well, what if I told you that it means absolutely nothing for everyday hair care? 😭 Porosity isn’t even a static state, so many things can change it on a dime!
The only time porosity matters is if you are getting a color service and that is only for your stylist to determine. And you will never see a stylist worth their salt putting your hair in a cup of water to figure it out. Also, a lot of “low” porosity hair is just product build up.
Using home remedies to address hair loss concerns doesn’t work.
No, it doesn’t matter that your grandma did black tea rinses regularly to stop her hair from shedding. It doesn’t matter what women in India do with their hair, either. This may be a hard pill to swallow, but it’s perfectly okay to evolve past things that aren’t truly helpful even if it’s a Black culture staple.
Please don’t be afraid to go to a dermatologist. 🥺 There’s even a Black Dermatologist Directory to reference if you don’t wanna go to just anybody. Yeah, it may seem pricey, but Dermatologists have the training to cut through the guesswork, pinpoint what the problem is and save you a LOT of time and pain. You don’t wanna fuck around and make your hair loss WORSE by doing psuedo-chemistry in your kitchen.
“Do what works for you” doesn’t have the mileage you think it does.
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When people don’t want to hear that their current hair practices aren’t really helping them, they default to “Well, it works for ME!” or “Everyone’s hair is different!”
Nobody’s hair is so different that it doesn’t need a weekly wash with shampoo. Nobody’s hair is the magical unicorn that grew 4 inches in a month because they used JBCO. Your hair is not “built different”, and believing that it is will lead you to spending money on things you don’t need. Doing what works for you only comes after you have nailed the basics of healthy hair care, and it only varies in like… if you prefer to use styling foam to set your wash n go as opposed to gel. Or using one brand’s shampoo over another. Not “my hair likes butters and oils and staying in protective styles for months on end and is doing just fine, and you telling me otherwise is anti-Black”.
If you have unexamined hatred of your natural hair texture, then nothing in this long-ass post will hit for you. If a large part of your identity as a Black person is rooted in product chasing, protective styles and taking an entire business day to wash your hair, then a lot of this will offend you. I’m really sorry for that, and I am not here to argue with anybody. I’ll just tell you “if you like it, I love it” and go on about my business.
For everyone else, I really hope this post helps to shed some light on hair care and set you on a better journey that gives you more time and more confidence in your styles! 🥹
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theblasianwitch · 1 year
Things they don't tell you when you start doing natural hair care
1. Your hair will grow slower
For some your hair is recovering from damages and various chemical processing, for others it's a big chop and keeping those processes away from the hair to be more natural. For the ones that have been natural their whole lives they probably either already know this or it's not a thought.
When your natural hair is being cared for right, it grows stronger and can even get thicker. Due to this, the hair is actually growing slower than when you may have done processing. It's worth it in the long run though because it will also frizz less and won't be easily damaged so it also means fewer split ends.
2. Your hair will be different from day to day
Whether it's wash day, just another day, humid, hot or cold, a brush day, detailing day, whatever day it is, your hair will not act the same way every day. And will need adjustments and treatments based on the day. That could mean a little extra moisture on your ends or brushing to distribute your natural oils easier. It may mean wrapping up your hair even. "Bad hair days" just mean your hair needs something different that day.
3. The amount of stuff you may or may not need
The jokes I've seen and lived when it comes to natural hair versus just having processed hair, weave or even wigs are no lie, and I respect and understand anyone who doesn't do the natural hair route because of how busy life can be.
Depending on your hair type you would need different brushes or combs, hair oils or creams, hot oil or regular, sometimes even separate things for your scalp and ends.
This can be overwhelming for some and on some days it is for me. If you go the DIY route it can be a little simpler but still overwhelming. (My DIY route reduced it to me having a spray, an oil that I can easily heat up, and a cream.)
Overall this is your journey. I am only here to educate what I've learned from myself and speaking with others. It may be different for you. The point is ITS YOUR HAIR, and what you do with it is your business and if you choose to go natural you will need to learn its language.
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Plant of the week; Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus)
This fragrant shrub is a household favorite among Western cultures as a cooking herb, but it also has valuable medicinal properties. It has long been held as lucky in folk belief, believed to invite wealth and repel evil when grown by the entrances and exits of the house. Being part of the Mint family, it has a potent smell.
The Ancient Greeks used rosemary oil for cosmetic, ritualistic, and medicinal purposes. Today, the oil is mostly used in aromatherapy to improve focus. Studies have even shown that consistent use of rosemary scents during work or study can improve overall memory and concentration.
The leaves also contain carnosic acid, which is a powerful component in fighting off free radicals, which are are a type of unstable molecule formed during cell metabolism. A buildup of free radicals can cause all kinds of complications in the body, especially the brain. Studies are currently underway using plant-derived carnosic acid from rosemary to treat patients with Stroke, Alzheimer's, and Dementia.
The leaves of this plant are an excellent source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, making it ideal for various hair and skin treatments. For example, rosemary essential oil massaged into the scalp weekly can help prevent both male-pattern and female-pattern baldness. Treatments containing rosemary are also effective at preventing blemishes for people with acne-prone skin.
Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, tea blends using this plant have long been used in folk remedies to treat an upset stomach. Germany's Commission E has even officially recognized rosemary as a treatment for indigestion.
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heavensmoisture · 4 months
Renewal your hair with Heavens Moisture, the leading source of high-quality hair care products in the United States. Your hair will seem lush and colorful after using our natural products, which nourishes and hydrates it. Find the key to gorgeous, healthy hair with our selection of opulent styling products and moisture-rich shampoos. With Heavens Moisture, you can elevate your hair care regimen and give each strand the luxury it deserves. Visit our website right now to learn more about our products. www.heavensmoisture.com
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thebrandonross · 7 months
Still sick I forgot full bottles of of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a brand new body scrubber in Mississippi 😵‍💫. Complete waste.
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naturalhairhow101 · 2 years
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afromeda · 11 months
Redyed my hair to a different copper
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Inside light vs. Sunlight never ceases to amaze me
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guduchiayurveda · 1 year
Natural Ayurvedic Hair Care
Buy Best Ayurvedic & Natural Hair Care Products!
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Are you looking for natural hair care tips? We've got you covered!
From oils to leave-in conditioners, we've got the best tips and tricks to keep your hair looking healthy, soft and shiny without the use of harsh chemicals.
Browse our website now for more natural and ayurvedic products! Check out our blog for more information!
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divinefem333 · 9 months
"Her crown holds power, versatility, and strength; no matter the color, texture, or length."-- Divine Fem 333. Love Your Natural🧑🏾‍🦱❤️
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thandigal · 2 years
All natural hair oil made by me 🤎
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