skz1-4-3 · 1 year
Something else
Arthdal chronicles
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So heres my theory for arthdal chronicles (in honors of s2 i will finally speak my mind for this show)
Kanmarou is the horse of aramun haesulla and the fastest ever (hes not really the fastest he just can make other horses slow down with some manipulating eye contact) and thats why mubaek thought eunseom is aramun but i think hes inaishige and that hes also the mirror with saya and that nunbyeol is the sword and tanya the bell.
Bc : nunbyeol is the first ever neanthal to learn the art of swordsmanship even tho neanthals cant do so and i think that eunseom and saya are the mirror bc if they both look at each other they would see a „reflection“ and eunseom can copy every movment he saw only once as if hes „mirroring“ them.
Idk about saya tho , to me he seems like he cant do so. But i do think that while eunseom is inaishigi, that saya is aramun bc asa sin brought aramun to arthdal and now tanya does the same to saya bc after she came arthdal found out abt saya. And the horse was like „eunseom is weak“ even thi he let him ride on him so maybe he confised saya w/him bc they are twins and kanmarou isnt really that much of a god , more like a server to one.
But maybe tagon could be aramun after all everything tanya said became true so maybe she forced aramun upon tagon and since inaishige is the only one that can beat aramun it has to be someone from arth if theres no one eunseom wants to beat uppp
Also it was said THREE CHILDREN were born on the SAME DAY in the SAME HOUR. So my question is how tf did asa hon(?) (eunseoms mother) give birth to twins in the same hour without problems? Like , no doctor , no medicines no nothing. Just in the forst without any warning like „yo baby about to pop out“ so maybe saya doesn’t belong to the prophecy at all . Cause he cant mirror the movements he saw right away like eunseom and we all know that tanya is the bell and im still putting my head on it that nunbyeol is the sword.
So what do you think of my theory? (Nunbyeol - sword ,eunseom-mirror , tanya-bell)
And whats yours?
(Also im upset about the new actors of arthdal chronicles s2 bc saya was so hot and now some random 40+ yrs old dude plays him 😔 and tanyas new actress is so bad at portraying emotions like her face always looks like this 0-0)
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gizkasparadise · 1 year
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bunni--doll · 11 months
Arthdal Chronicles rant pt2
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Saya forgot how to scheme, Taelha is a mother, Mubaek is dead, Yangcha is talking, that's not the Arthdal i remember
to be fair, Taelha is exactly the kind of mother i thought she would be
i feel like the other Joon Ki showed more nuance. (which is so weird to me, i always believed this one was a better actor, even if i haven't seen either in much.) this one mostly looks tired. although that may be the way the twins are written now.
also i'm mildly bored and annoyed. idk if it's just because the writing got worse or because i never was passionate about it in the first place and 4 years in between seasons didn't help, or both. i mean i'm 10 minutes into ep3 and i honestly wouldn't care if i never saw the rest of it.
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passionforfiction · 10 months
Arthdal Chronicles ended with many loose ends. . . Noon Byul asked Chae Eun to unleash her Naenthal nature in order to avenge the death of their parents. Will Noon Byul go to her people?
Mubaek had heard of the arrival of the three people who could destroy Arthdal: the one who could use the bell, the who had mirror and the one with sword. Tanya found the bell and become the head priestess. Saya was the mirror as he helped Tagon become the king he always had wanted to be. Will Eunseom become the sword?
Will Tagon conquer the Ago tribes and make those lands part of his kingdom or will Eunseom lead these tribes as one against Tagon?
Can't wait to start this second part of the chronicles!
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strzygiiupiory · 4 years
Old sketch of Mubaek from Arthdal Chronicles bc he's amazing
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Where's my 2nd season
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onefineday20 · 4 years
Ally [ Tanya X Mubaek ]
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(A/N) : this is also available on my wattpad under the same u/n.
Anxious thoughts came crowding into my mind, no one is on my side here. I needed an ally who can keep taps on tagon, preferably someone already on his side. I tapped my feet under the table, raking my brain for answers. Who would be willing to betray tagon and join my side? The first name that flashed in my mind was none other than “saya". I sighed, saya is no better than tagon, they're tarred with the same brush, after all he's “the devil's spawn". I can't trust saya, he never takes sides unless there's something in it for him, he's always running after his own benefits. He didn’t hesitate to kidnap my people as hostages before, and he'd do it again if given the chance. I can't look at him without attributing his cruelty and apathy to eunseom. Oh eunseom, I wish you were here. I choked back a sob, now is not the time to drown in a stream of my own sorrows, I need to pull myself together and think rationally.
I walked into the balcony, getting some fresh air might help me gather my thoughts. I tightened my hands around the icy railing, allowing the coldness to chill my bones. The cool of the morning numbed my face to the point where I lost sense in it. I flitted my gaze skywards, in hope to get an answer from our great mother “the great white wolf".
“Who could be my ally?” as expected the sky didn’t open up and eject out a messenger carrying an answer. Disappointed, I squeezed my eyes shut. I knew that joining hands with taealha wasn’t an option either. Tagon might be oblivious to this, but taealha’s abilities makes me regard her as an even bigger threat than him. She's crafty and sharp, and not someone you can mess with.
Shivery and demoralised, I peeled my numb hands off the railing , in order to withdraw to my chamber. My gaze strayed downward, and fell on the figure of a man heading towards the temple entrance. I rejoiced seeing the face of the man who'd make an ideal ally, just the person I have been looking for. He's almost the only person who could possibly challenge tagon's authority. With the daekan's under his command, he is a fearless, and a highly respected warrior by the people. How come he never crossed my mind?
“YANGCHA!!!” not a second was wasted towards putting my plan into motion. Yangcha bulldozed in at my call “inform mubaek that I want to see him immediately” with a slight bow of his head, “tagon's spy" was gone. I grubbed for a brush, and a small pouch containing some lip paint in a small jar, and daubed it on my lips, to add a touch of life to my pale complexion. I had made up my mind, and the gentle knock on the door made me even more resolute “COME IN"
The barrel-chested, tangle-haired warrior raised a hand in greeting and bowed, always from a safe distance away “tanya niruha, you asked for me?” I can’t believe I’m about to do this, I plucked up my courage and pointed to the chair right across from me “you might want to sit down for this, I’m about to ask you to make a very tough decision”
He just stood by the door fixing me with an unblinking stare, did I overdo it with the lip paint? He finally broke the silence “I’ll be well niruha, but you have something on your teeth" oh great!!! I picked up my ornate mirror, and turned my back to him, wiping the pink smudge from my teeth. He politely waited until I was done. I presumed my authoritative aura again “what I wanted to tell you is, I’m going to strike tagon, but I’m going to an ally"
“And you want me to be that ally?” he finished off my sentence “yes, I have a plan, but I can't do it without your help, I need you"
“I need to hear your plan first, what do you have in mind?” I filled him in on my plan, and he listened intently to my every word. “We need to be chary if we don’t want tagon to find out about our plan, if we meet up too often, that'll raise his suspicions”
He stroked his beard “and what do you propose? I'm listening” I forced the words out of my mouth in a half-whisper “marry me!?”
“pardon???” “we should get married to join our powers, and dismiss any doubts in tagon" he smiled like he’d just heard a really funny joke, I knew he wouldn’t take my words seriously. I continued “isn't that what you people do here, marry for power or wealth. Asa mot and tagon did it, so why can't we?”
“Isn't it more suspicious if I marry you out of the blue?” he remarked. “Listen, I’m not asking you to love me, I’m just proposing it for the sake of our cause. I know you don't tagon to be a king either, if he seizes all power, he's going to wreak havoc in the union. As you may already know, he doesn’t trust me either. He has planted yangcha to spy on me, he'll get rid of me when I’m no longer valuable to him"
I took his hands in mine “I need to protect my people, so please think about it until tomorrow, and if you agree, meet me in front of tagon's residence"
Next afternoon right after I had my lunch and the maid cleared the table, a knock sounded on my door. I opened it and found myself face-to-face with mubaek “what are you doing here?”
“I came to escort you” I couldn’t help but smile when he held the door for me, then joined me by walking side by side all the way to tagon's residence. Our high status granted us access to the residence without raising any suspicious, and we paced the corridors awaiting tagon's arrival. I glared at yangcha who was still on our tail, and complained loud enough for him to hear “does he have nothing better to do, why is he still following us? I swear it he'd follow me to the bathroom if he could” Mubaek shook his head in laughter “he's just doing what tagon ordered him to, don't give him a hard time"
Quirking an eyebrow in yangcha's direction,I lowered my voice to a whisper “see, that's precisely why I proposed marriage as a solution, or else yangcha won't leave us alone"
With downcast eyes, he asked again “are you positive you’re making the right choice? You're still young I don't want you to regret making a rash decision later on"
I rubbed my hands together muttering “I won't"
“They're coming, think quick, how are you going to cause a scene?” he urgently demanded, I remembered what I told him yesterday about “causing a scene” To make our story more believable.
“By doing this, they'll believe we're in love" I inched closer to him, cupping his face in my hands, and despite his shell-shocked expression, I planted a kiss on his lips. His undesirous body language soon turned submissive as he played along with my ruse. Our efforts paid off when taealha’s titter rang loud enough to startle me and break our kiss. I feigned innocence like I had just been caught by my parents, doing something that I shouldn’t be doing “the high priestess and the brutish old warrior, who would’ve thought?!” She observed still giggling.
“so you two want to get married?” Tagon sought an answer from his position at the head of the long table in his work room.
I nodded “that's true" upon hearing my confirmation, saya dropped a book with a thud. I completely ignored him when he dusted it off, and gave a half-hearted apology.
Tagon did a steeple with his hand, seemingly noticing saya's reaction to the news “you know tanya, if you wanted to get married, the best candidate for you would be my son, after all you’re friends and of the same age" he gestured to saya in the far corner of the room. I gave saya a sideways glance, his expression was unreadable, marry the devil's spawn? No thanks.
“I'm into older men" I blurted out “and we're in love with each other” mubaek entwinedour hands and squeezed them, he tried his best to sound convincing, but I could tell he was cringing from embarrassment.
“I'm so envious of you two" taealha said under her breath, downing a glass, and pouring another. Tagon clapped his hands on the table, and stood up “will then it's settled, you have my blessing. Saya, you're in charge of the wedding preparations. A high priestess must have a grand wedding. I'll trust you with it son"
Saya merely nodded unwillingly. Tagon walked over to mubaek and hugged him with a broad smile “congratulations my old friend, you're finally getting married, it's right about time"
Saya wasn't pleased about any of this, I should watch him closely, in case he tries to sabotage the wedding.
I spent the following days preparing for the wedding, amid a flurry of activity, and a shower of congratulations, and wishes for a happy life from the people, the wahans, and the daekans. I saw my father when we went to the fortress of fire to ask for his blessing. He seemed particularly pleased with my match and welcomed him by heaping praises, and speaking highly of him. But when he mentioned my mother, I broke. I wish she was here with me at this time, it's a tough thing for a girl to get married without having her mother around, fussing about with the dress and the preparations.
Just a day before the wedding, I realized I was right about saya's intention in sabotaging my marriage. I was in my chamber getting my gown measurements for the last time, just in case something needs to be fixed before tomorrow. Saya loitered about not helping with anything in particular, all he did was make my blood boil. I was done with my gown, and sat before two large boxes of jewellery at my disposal, to choose from. I took a pair of dangly earrings, with a green precious stone in the centre. I was about to try it on, when saya handed me another pair of silver and sapphire blue earrings “this would go better with your gown" I tried it on and it looked perfect, he really has an eye for these stuff.
I admired the glistering jewels in the mirror, when saya's hands slid over my shoulders, kneading them “why do you want to marry that world-weary old man all of a sudden? Do you really love him?” he sneered close to my ears, giving me the shivers. I stood up and moved towards the balcony, taking my time to regain my composure, I answered with my back turned to him “yes, I love him. He has shown me nothing but kindness since I arrived here"
He tightened his arms around my waist “and what about me?” his voice cracked, is he jealous??
“I'm sorry, I don’t feel that way about you" I uttered flatly. When I turned to look him in the face, he was flushed, his lips trembled with the ghost of unspoken words, my words must’ve stung him deeply. He leaned forward, invading all body space, a dark look passed his face “does he feel the same way about you? Knowing you have cursed his brother, his only family, to death?” my hand instinctively flew to slap him across the cheek. His mad laugh echoed through the empty chamber. A moment later the dark look in his eyes softened, and he seemed to be on the verge of tears, when he clutched my hand and rubbed against the red mark on his cheek. When he spoke this time, his speech was frenzied, I realized how desperate he was to stop this marriage “it's not too late to change your mind, marry me instead , we'll take down taealha and tagon, and rule this land as king and queen. I have a better change of succeeding the throne as tagon’s son. What can that lowly warrior of a minority tribe give you that I can't?”
I couldn’t take it anymore, I pushed him away “saya, plea..se please leave, I need to rest, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow”
I cried myself to sleep that night, part of me felt sorry for saya, and another part longed to be reunited with eunseom again.
My royal blue wedding gown greeted me first thing in the morning, I put it on with the help of four obliging priestesses. It's long sleeves satin sleeves, were veiled with a layer of delicate, thin lace. The lace covered the upper part of the gown, ending around my waist, where the velvety satire flowed all the way to the bottom.
Saya handpicked the fabrics and had it tailored for me. Speaking of saya, he waltzed in while I was busy wearing my jewellery, appearing to be oddly cheerful. He didn’t seem to have a chip in the shoulder about what happened last night. Not to mention the color of his attire matched mine, in fact our entire attires seemed to be designed for a couple. His royal blue attire was matched with a golden brocade giving him a regal look, he was always fashionable, but I couldn’t help but feel he was overdressed for a wedding that wasn’t his.
“you look beautiful” he chirped “and you'll be mine soon" his weren’t moving but I heard the last part loud and clear, because they were his thoughts. My heart lurched, has he done something to the wahans or mubaek?
The abruptness of my movement, knocked my chair over as I stood up “what are you up to?” I spat out.
“Why do you mean?” his fake friendly smile unsettled me. “niruha?” mubaek’s head peeked through the door, I heaved a sigh of relief “yes?” I tried to force a smile.
“It's time" he announced, crossing the room in a couple of strides. Saya looked between us both smirked, and took his leave.
“What's wrong?” he asked once saya was out of our way. “I think saya is up to something, ‘you'll be mine soon’ those were his thoughts. He wants me, I’m worried he'll either try to harm you or my people to get to what he wants. So before we go, I want to cast a protection spell on you”
“a protection spell?” “yes, it's just something my mother used to do when I was a child, I’m not sure if it's effective, but do you mind if I try it?”
“No I don't mind, if it puts your mind at ease" I took both his hands in mine “our great mother asa sin, the great white wolf. I tanya of wahan your direct descendant implore you with a heart rendered heavy with worry to protect this man from all evil that may befall him.
May all swords trained at his neck turn to ash
May all arrows aiming his way lose their path
May all eyes spying on him be cursed blind
May fear be instilled into the hearts of his enemies at his sight
And may all schemes of betrayal against him turn on their schemer
When I call this man my husband I tie his fate to mine" I released his hands, and slipped on my cashmere cloak, the ceremony was about to begin.
We ascended the podium hand in hand, determination burned in our eyes. I raised our interlocked hands above our heads, the crowd roared with shouts of respect and admiration. The people loved me, and now I had mubaek by my side, tagon your reign of chaos is coming to an end, on my hands.
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purplishblood · 5 years
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who's your favorite daekan warrior? mine is yangcha🖤
drama : arthdal chronicles.
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arthdal-aesthetics · 4 years
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emanmc24 · 4 years
Ok so when I first watched it I thought Mubaek told saya the truth about the Sword/Bell/Mirror thing as something spiteful against Tanya but it was actually to save her people so I love him even more
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dreagon2000 · 5 years
Also I really appreciate Mubaek just sitting on his horse and looking very disappointed and disagreeing with what the daekan forces do in Iark during ep. 2
He just looks like he's regretting his life choices the whole time
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clarizantiago · 4 years
I hold arthdal chronicles in highest regard and what the writers and directors have in store for us actually makes me scared. Would the quality be consistent? Would it subside? Would the mess some of the casts were in affect the production? Would the low ratings of the past season cause drastic change? Would they continue everything as planned? Would the next scenes and plot are as exceptional as season 1?
I'm one of the most ecstatic when the Season 2 news came up but I just can't help to think about these things. Especially when S1 didn't perform well on ratings as anticipated. It's one of the best thing I've watched and my expectations are above the sky. I don't know what I'm gonna do if I feel disappointed.
I'm hoping for the best for arthdal chronicles.
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gizkasparadise · 1 year
about finished with the first 2 eps of arthdal chronicles s2 and some #thoughts:
the first two eps are super info-dumpy, which i expected but also wasnt super fun to watch. the ago tribe plotline was my least favorite part of s1 so i was a little :| meh at seeing it take up a good chunk of the first 2 eps. hopefully we move long soon
ipsaeng recast is pretty jarring. timeline-wise, the age makes sense, but kim sung cheol has a baby face so it's throwing me off that he's suddenly 40ish
taealha is exactly the kind of mom i thought she'd be lol
saya's writing feels a little clunky at the start. like why is he leading military campaigns when he was established as a politician/advisor toward the end of s1? it's weird. they also cant seem to get ahold of what he's feeling toward eunseom -- it's coming across as inconsistent rather than him being torn or conflicted
tanya is cool B) but lol girl why did you make your symbol of allegiance something that jingle jangles whenever someone moves
horse god gets to make mubaek's life difficult one last time, bless
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mundanekamilia · 5 years
Mubaek: This is Tagon we're talking about. He's the toughest there is.
Eunseom: Well, he's never fought me.
Mubaek: Yeah, he has.
Eunseom: He's never fought me twice.
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arthdalsarchive · 5 years
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♡ ‘ mubaek icons ’
like or reblog.
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sunlightnmoonshine · 5 years
Ep 15 (should have been titled bloodbath or the most intense ep I've ever watched)
I cant even seem to collect my thoughts to attempt to write anything on what this ep was. But I shall try because this ep deserves so much analysis.
I think it's almost clear just how much I love Eunseom and wait for scenes with him but this ep managed to hit me even though we probs had less than five minutes of him in it.
You want cold blooded murder? Yeah arthdal chronicles is the show for you. I've always known tagon is trash and nothing short of a whiny brat but even I couldn't predict that he'd react the way that he did (maybe because I hoped that he'd be respectable trash yknow guess that doesn't exist though)
I knew this ep was going to be a bloodbath but I really didn't see all that happened coming. From tagon slashing every single person at inception to that wahan trash beating people by the end of this ep. I did not expect all that they delivered. Jeez tagon I cant wait for eunseom to beat the shit out of you (something tells me though that this will not be his end). No one can ever try to justify what tagon did. It was cruel and uncalled for. I can understand although I do not condone him killing asa ron and the children of shahati or those of white mountain peak but the ministers?? What the hell. He really said screw ya'll I'm about to have a temper tantrum and went at it. Like I've been saying since ep 1, tagon is nothing but trash desperate for attention and he's going to get that one way or the other. Him whining about how he's tried to be good all these years lol I actually laughed out loud because it was the most ridiculous shit I'd ever heard. The guy is beyond delusional and I hope he meets an end truly befitting.
Im actually surprised that they managed to keep hidden the fact that he's an igutu. Does tagon really think the daekhan forces would keep supporting him if they knew? What a pathetic fool. He legit just used his igutu abilities to kill people and then went back to pretending like he's some hero shoving his igutu nature aside. I'd at least think he'd be able to salvage something about his worth by owning up to the fact that he's an igutu but nope, tagon really needs to start carrying a board that reads "I am trash" because that is all he is.
Regardless I enjoy watching his madness. Its amusing to say the least and tagon and taealha share a deep love. No show has portrayed one quite like there's and there's so much to praise of it. I'm glad we got to see taealha fight although the choreography of the fighting was quite good I do think shows need to understand that when jumped by a group they don't attack you one by one because this obviously makes it easier for the individual. Nevertheless they managed to cover it up but there's room for improvement.
All things said and done taealha is most certainly going to go down quite bitterly with tagon, one that she is most deserving of so when the time comes I'll bid the two of them good bye with a happy heart. I've hope that arthdal chronicles will deliver with their ends because THEY SURE AS HELL HANDLED MUGWANGS DEATH FANTASTICALLY.
I've been waiting for this moment since ep 1 and it has finally arrived. Better yet it was completely worth the wait. I'd certainly been wondering how tanyas prophecy for him was going to play out and I think we'd all kind of understood that it was a neanthal who would be killing him but what better person for the task than nunbyeol!? I can't even begin to explain how ecstatic I was during that scene. I was yelling "kill him kill him" quite a bit, the neighbours might think I'm crazy oh but who cares when his death was delivered so well.
I was sad that Harim and his wife had to die... They didn't deserve it at all and neither does chaeeun or nunbyeol deserve having to go through that. Taealha really knows no compassion to none but Tagon. Harim saved the one she loved and she really ordered him dead. And since mugwang stupidly followed such orders he got the end he most certainly deserved. I gotta tell ya hearing that hiss and nunbyeols "retreat? You are too late" has gotta be one of the greatest moments in this show. What's so perfect about panning it this way is that it really ties everything together. The flashback we get of mugwang and mubaek and yet mugwang choosing to ignore those words even though he had absolutely no idea what Harim knew, hell Harim hadn't done anything at all he'd just saved his leader and yet. And yet, he still chose foolishness.
What adds to perfection is that it's nunbyeol who kills him. The very person mubaek chose to spare. She had every right to kill mugwang no doubt but the question that stands now is what will mubaek do? His little pathetic brother just died at the hands of a neanthal he spared. What's even better is that nunbyeol is completely one of a kind being the only sword bearing neanthal. I guess she might end up going back to the neanthals. The last ep already depicted that she might after all. Now chaeeun and nunbyeol have further reason to want tagons demise. Really tagon gains all this hate solely by his own actions, his lack of pro activeness will be his demise. Mugwangs death was completely satisfactory. I'm still extremely excited about it.
On a side note, what's with yangcha? And his change involving Tanya. Its one thing to follow Tagons orders but he also instantly reacted to tanya being in danger. They also shared that psychic moment WHERE WE FINALLY HEAR HIS VOICE. All I got from that scene however was Tanya saying "my eunseom" my heart combusted at that. But it was good to finally see something of what tanya truly feels especially the flashback she had when looking at yangcha and the change in expression. You can tell she's behaving this way only to gain power. Had saya heard what she has to say though....
I was kind of put off by the fact that she just stood there while the wahan rat beat people up to though(I can't remember his name, I barely care about his existence). But I think the show is clearly depicting that Saya is evil. His kindness exists only as far as things are his way. He's a lot like Tagon but at least he's proud of who he is unlike Tagon the wimp. Seeing his smile though as wahan rat beat people up, things were going his way and it's sad that this is the way he wanted. Saya has always wanted a tyranny situation where the throne would one day be his. I'm stil hoping that he'll make some right choice, I still love him very much and I wish him happiness although he might not be quite deserving of it.
But the tyranny has begun. If only the people knew the wimp that sits on that throne. What's interesting is this tyranny has started with Tagon as a saram while Saya wanted Tagon the igutu. This has interesting implications because it allows one to know that it will never be Tagon who changes how people can view igutus and that's why this show is so wonderful. It's about identity and all that it means (but that's for a different post, probably at the end of the series)
I was disappointed that we got such little of eunseom and the writers are pathetic at handling his situation but I understand why it's being done. We'll finally learn something about Ipsaeng and the preview honours the idea that ep 16 will finally give us answers about the prophecy and I'm ecstatic. The pieces are coming together and maybe we'll get a better explanation on why saya is part of the prophecy when he seems to be a bad influence. It also makes sense why this show chose Mubaek as its narrator and ah I love the poetic nature of this show. Its not without its faults but its wonderful regardless.
Three more episodes to go, and I'm so not ready for this epic finale that's coming our way.
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