#Neo x reader smut
neonovember · 1 year
Oh my GOD oh my for okay though that new fic you wrote with Carmy? 12/10 chefs kiss mwah mwah MWAH!! 💕💕💕 That part with Carmy going ballistic and beating the shit out of that asshole customer I LOVED it!! Now it’s got me thinking of Carmen going absolutely feral, just insane if he’s in the kitchen cooking and calling orders, while you’re out front taking orders from customers. He and the rest of the kitchen just go silent and stop in their tracks when they hear a guy just screaming at the top of his lungs at you, using the absolute most vile words against you and Carmen just sees red, especially if whoever it is ups and yells something along the lines of “You stupid fucking whore-“ and Carmen’s just a blur as he POUNCES on this guy. (Richie’s either cheering him on or trying with all his strength to claw Carmen off before he straight up kills the guy)
Office Doors
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Oooh you guys are spoiling me rotten with these requests…I love a good feral fic every once in a while and this one was..well you'll know what i'm talking about once you've read it ;) I haven't written Carmen in a day and I miss him already, school has been up my ass so if you have sent me a request, don't worry it's being written, and re-written and-. Thank you anon for getting my gears going and your lovely messages 🥰🥺 ur support means the world
warnings: swearing, objectification and misogyny, angst, oral (f recieving), smut, thigh riding (?), porn with plot, feral!carmen
carmen berzatto x reader!
(This is totally and completely canon btw)
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You stretch your body across the diner tables, dipping a dirty cloth into lukewarm soapy water before rinsing it out. The lunch rush had just slowed to a even pace, the sound of Carmen yelling out dishes from his line finally quieting down.
You have just a little time to spare, and you spent that time quickly wiping down the Beef’s tables that had begun to accumulate a few too many stains and unfinished crumbs of bread.
You had grown up in a home that was always messy, all the time. And no matter how much times you had asked, and no matter how much times you had just done the chores themselves, the clutter of dirty dishes and old wet clothes in the laundry had permanently been embedded into your family home.
It’s partially why you had loved the sterile laboratory of you culinary kitchens. Clutter caused your skin to itch with anxiety, it made you feel dirty, and with the way you scrub the diner tables a little too hard you wonder if it's another one of the many joy’s your family had given you.
And whilst the Beef was so different from your environment back in culinary school, it wasn’t necessarily worse. In fact, you had grown to fall in love with the quirks of the kitchen, the ‘fuck you carmen’ napkin holder, the too small walkway, the framed pictures of beloved regulars and the staff’s families. Most of all, however, was the family you had built here, the kind you couldn't find working under a domineering CDC.
The kind that had always been waiting for you, been planted deep into the earth like roots.
Besides, you and Carmen had bonded together during the late nights after most of the family had gone home. Were you both were left, scrubbing the floor together in a rhythmic silence that seemed to be more therapeutic than work.
You’ve nearly finished wiping down the last of the stools perched against the counter top of the front when a loud guffawing causes you to break your trance-like state.
Jovial yelling breaks into the rarely quiet restaurant as the door swings open, and a stream of rowdy men dressed in pullovers and fleece jackets, with scarves and basketball hats of distinct sport team colours wrapped around their necks.
One man is fully decked out, sporting the jersey and beanie of what seemed to be a hockey team. The boom of his voice indicates he was the loudest too, unaware of the grumble of patrons around the restaurant that had grown annoyed at the man's violent rambling.
You breath out a sigh, finishing off wiping down the bar stools and putting the bucket of dirty water under the front counter. Before ironing out any creases in your apron and preparing yourself for the absolute headache this would cause.
They were a familiar bunch, usually coming in after games late after the dinner rush. It seemed there was a game during the early morning, as they grumble about not having anything to eat the entire day.
Their loud and annoying and swear too much and Carmen hates the way one of them looks at you but they order a shit ton of food and fuck if the bear needs money, what can you say.
Your eyes glance at a cup of coffee Richie had accidently left under the register, and you suddenly crave your afternoon pick me up well after the afternoon. The men begin walking up to the register, ignoring your polite greeting and going straight into listing off items from the menu as if you were a machine. You nod along all the words they were saying, and soon enough you give up on writing it down as they’ve practically ordered the entire menu safe for a few appetiser's. 
“Make it quick, yeah? We’re bloody starving '' One of the men calls out from his seated position in one of the booths and you give them a tight lipped smile, resisting the urge to throw that coffee mug at him. 
Carmen peeks his head from the entryway leading to the kitchen, his unruly ashy blonde curls falling to the sides as he shares a look with you,  as if to say ‘you alright? And you nod in that unspoken way the two of you have and tell him that you can handle it. Working in a kitchen didn't have to teach you how to deal with assholes, you had your family to thank for that one again.
You hear the familiar sound of Carmen shouting out orders, and the sizzle of pans and boiling pots increase in order to push out the lengthy order before more foot traffic would pour in. 
You’re trying to fix the register when it happens, something gets caught in the old janky machine, causing the cash drawer to get stuck as you have to hit its sides at a certain angle to get it to open up again. Years and Carmen refuses to get it fixed, or buy a new one all together, resorting to having it taped up and banged every couple hours to get it working again.
You almost don’t see him, until he is leaning against the counter, into the space between the cash register and you, a greasy smile pulling at his features and he watches you. You bite back a grimace at the way his eyes trail down your apron, fixated on the dip of skin that peeks from the top of your shirt.
“Something you need Sir?” You ask politely, taking a tentative step back, your hand gripping the edge of the counter.
The man smiles strangely at your comment, cocking his head to the side before replying suggestively
“I definitely want something”
You cough, biting back your knee-jerk response to hurl at him, you can feel the burn of embarrassment against your cheeks and you swallow as you try to reply with a steady response.
“You’re food will be out in a short-while-” 
“You know, I think I’ve seen you around here, are you new to town?” The man tries to strike up a conversation
“Came here a few years ago and haven’t left since” You reply with a tight smile
“Ah! I know where you're from exactly now” The man replies with a grin that pulls his face upwards, it's eerie, his smile, like he knows something he shouldn't.
“There’s this porn star online, looks exactly like you, it’s kind of insane” The man replies with a smile that deepens as you stammer
You feel humiliated as you stare back at him, you don’t know what to say, and his eyes continue trailing down your body in a way that makes you feel disgustingly objectified. He’s reduced you to an object for him to gawk at, and you see the way the men behind him jeer and laugh that this is all a play to intimidate you.
You want to run straight home and scrub yourself clean, wash away the feeling of his imprinted gaze down the drain.
“You think we can recreate one of her videos when you get off work here?” The man replies, a glint in his eyes.
“What? You- you” You stammer and he breaks out into a laugh
“Awh, look at her, fucking shaking. Don’t tell me this is your first time?” The man eggs on to his friends, who have begun laughing and cheering him on.
You grit your teeth, trying to get the words out as you glance towards the kitchen, where was he? He leg twitches in want, wanting to get Carmen, wanting to run from the restaurants, wanting to run from the embarrassment and disgust you felt.
The flashes of Richie and Syd passing by is all you can see, the booming voice of Carmen being too wrapped up in the orders to notice what was happening.
“C'mon, just give me your number” The man presses on, leaning in so that only you can hear “It isn't like I don't know where you work” Before he leans back, muttering a halfhearted kidding under his breath
“You are disgusting” You spit out, trying to sound as confident as you can, and the mans eyebrow twitches, and he cocks his head like he was confused.
“What? I’m doing you a favour here, I'm actually a nice guy you know? Not one of those assholes on the street” The man scoffs, moving closer towards you and you have a feeling the man is waiting for a reason to lunge at you.
“Just, just take your food and your buddies and go alright? There doesn’t have to be a fight or-or” You continue, trying to de-escalate the situation and get him to just leave you the fuck alone.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I’m doing you a fucking favour and now your kicking me out?” The man begins to get heated, and his friends behind him watch on in silence, you can notice other customers begin to look your way, sensing the rising anger filling the room. You slowly step back, looking for something to shield yourself in case he comes at you.
“What, you think because you work you have some- some what, control? I don't think you know how this works doll, you give me your number, and I dump my load in you because your nothing but a stupid fucking whore” The man bellow, it’s so loud that it echoes through the Beef, that it reaches even the kitchen sinks where Manny is washing up. 
The man’s face grows red as the veins near his neck begin to pop out, he emphasises the last word, spitting it out like that was all you were.
The restaurant goes silent as the man heaves in exertion, the sound of Carmen shooting out orders is mute now, the slice of steel against bamboo stops, and the bear is fucking quite for the first time since it opened. 
Your body is pushed against the wall, near the swinging doors into the Kitchen, and you can see Carmen back to you, he has stopped cutting at his station, and the outline of muscle contracts under his white shirt.
Carmen turns, slowly, he turns to the family, as they all momentarily stop their tasks in shock at what they had just heard. He begins to chuckle a little to himself, as he replies in a quiet voice you and the man can still hear.
“What did he just say?” 
“Did he really say that? Did he really?” Carmen laughs to himself, nodding and gripping his hands into tight fists as the restaurant air gets thin. The man who had been screaming at you looks towards Carmen in confused fear, not knowing why this man was laughing and yet understanding he had completely fucked up.
The rest of the patrons can hear Carmen’s words, eyes widening, as they realise they were about to be collateral to a very one sided beat down. The crew looked at Carmen in silence, they had been used to Carmen's hot-headed temper, his bursts of anger that was more passion than rage. But this? This quiet silence of Carmen’s words, the way his chest heaves as you glances at your frightened position against the wall? They genuinely feared what he would do next, a silent rage like no other begins to envelop the restaurant, the air thin and suffocating as Carmen begins to walk through the kitchen and into the front counter.
“Don’t call an ambulance this time” Carmen mutters to Richie as he passes him by, Carmen’s eyes are fixed on you, trailing down your body before fixating on the shake of your hands. Carmen knows you well, and it’s the clench of your throat, like you're suffocating, like you can’t breath that snaps something in Carmen.
A malevolence Carmen has never felt spills into his gut, the burn of anger spreading against his chest until hes practically shaking with it, he is filled with this heart ache, like his heart is split in two and gushing as he realises his been cutting fucking chives whilst you nearly died. 
And something predatory fills Carmen, like he must prove to himself he can protect you, and in one swift move, like muscle memory etched into his bones, Carmen jumps over the front counter and swings his fist in one clean motion, knocking the man across the room.
The man’s body crumbles as he slams into the hardwood floor of the Beef, the immediate groan of twisted pain and pleads leave the man's mouth and Carmen is just so sick of his goddamn voice. 
It all went quiet then, the noise of Sydney yelling, of his friends, of the man’s heaving wet coughs, the air conditioner, all white noise. Carmen’s hand reaches for his ankle, dragging him back from his crawling escape.
“Oh, no no no, we’re not escaping now are we?” Carmen grunts, his voice lower than it usually is.
Carmen  wraps an arm around his throat, holding him there as he brings down his fist across his face. The wet sound of bones crunching into muscle and skin go on forever, bouncing across the room until the throaty heave of the man is all that is left of him. Carmen cannot stop the swing of his fists, something possesses him and as one of the men in hockey colours tries to grab Carmen arm he throws him back into the stack of barstool's piled near the tables. He is facing his back to you again, and you state, fixated on how his body moves to support him, the contracts and outline of his strong back, his large forearms that break bone with a mere swing.
His face swollen beyond recognition, piss and blood leaking from him, eyes bloodshot and awry. 
Carmen picks him up by his collar, the smudge of blood dripping down and staining his vest, whispering into his ear as the man’s eyes widen in harrowed fear.
“..Whatnhn?” The man mumbles, the feel of his tongue swelling up and going numb, Carmen presses a hand against the man's bruised stomach, pushing  against the broken bone of his ribs until the Man wails in agony. 
“Apologise to her or I swear to god I’m breaking your fucking legs” 
The man spits out an apology, but you’re not looking at him, staring transfixed at Carmen,  at the way he’s golden curls fall across his eyebrows, at the way his muscles flex against his white shirt, at the way droplets of blood are splattered across the skin of his jaw. Carmen looks towards you, and something dark takes over his cerulean blues, blowing them out.
“Do you accept? Huh honey?”
You nod, letting an exhale out and Carmen tosses the man to a pile on the floor, reaching for your hand and dragging you to the office, you can hear the scatter of shoes as the men drag their friend out of the beef, and the crew looks towards each other in satisfaction, but also in knowing, in knowing they wouldn't dare open those office doors.
The soft glow of the office is a stark difference to the bright light of the front counter, and you have to blink a couple times for your eyes to adjust, and when you do Carmen’s face is inches from you, leaning you against the office doors, his arm above your head.
The soft glow of the office is a stark difference to the bright light of the front counter, and you have to blink a couple times for your eyes to adjust, and when you do Carmen’s face is inches from you, leaning you against the office doors, his arm above your head.
“You didn't- didn’t have to” You mumble, your voice caught in your throat for a different reason.
Carmen looks down at you, shaking his head in amusement
“Don’t lie to me, you enjoyed that more than I did” Carmen whispers, leaning down near your ear, pressing his nose against the curve of your neck.
You let out a breathless sigh, and Carmen groans as he smells that familiar  vanilla always hinted on your skin Carmen could smell when you passed by you. Now, now, he can practically taste it right on his tongue.
The truth was, you did enjoy it, despite being non confrontational and cringing every time Richie would show you a fight where the crunch of bone on gravel makes you shudder, you were transfixed by Carmen. 
By the way he broke the man to a heaving mess with just his fuckinf fists, those same arms that are edging closer and closer to you, how would they feel between your thighs? The thought wraps itself tight in your belly, and you have to squeeze your thighs for friction.
No one had done that to you, no one had done that for you, and in a strange way it felt nice to be protected. To be wanted, and it causes a need to start building deep within you. 
Carmen's eyes fall to you, and his eyebrow twitches as a look of guilt washes over his features.
“I should’ve been there, I- fuck, did he do anything? Let me get a look at you” Carmen replies softly, grabbing your wrists to look for any bruises he feared you had.
“I’m fine, just a little, uhm, shaken up you know? Said some pretty horrible things” You reply, scratching at your neck as your mind replays the way he had reduced you to a thing.
Carmen shakes his head, his teeth grinding as he grips his fists, his biceps flexing. 
“You shouldn’t have to deal with that, deal with people like fucking him, I swear to god if I find him on the street I’m gonna-“
“Gonna what? Finish off the job? There is always going to be guys like him, that isn’t going to change, and it’s something I have to deal with. But what I can’t deal with is if you get yourself thrown into a jail cell because of-of me” You reply, shaking your head and Carmen looks at you like he’s in love.
Gripping a hand to your chin, Carmen raises it so that you catch the burn of his cerulean blues as you can see.
“And That would be an honourable death for me” Carmen mutters, and you can’t take your eyes off him, until you're gripping his blood stain shirt tight against your chest until the suppression groans leaving his mouth are kissed into your neck.
You want him, want to taste him on your tongue, want to feel his weight against it. 
“Fuckin come here” Carmen groans out, reaching to wrap his hand around your jaw as he presses his lips against your own. The muffled of your moans escape your lips and Carmen slips his tongue between them. 
His pillowy soft lips wrap around your own, his nose bumping into your cheek as he wraps an arm around your back, pushing you against the office doors. It’s all teeth and tongue, the clash of teeth and muffled groans leaving the both of you. 
The suppression of both your desires falling between you two until you don’t stop to come up for air. 
It’s addicting the way he kisses you, and you have to grip his shoulder as an anchor as he begins to trail his lips down your neck, sucking and nibbling at the skin there before dipping down to your clavicle. 
You let out a moan as he blows cold air against the dip of your breasts, and Carmen looks down at you, his eyes heavy as he watches the way you shiver, waiting for him to give you what you want.
Carmen rips open your shirt, his eyes trailing across the curve and dip of your breasts, he mutters something under his breath, something like “beautiful” as his finger trailing the lace before unclipping it and tossing it behind him. 
Carmen cups one of your breasts, circling your nipple before wrapping his lips around it and sucking, you arch your back to him, and he follows it until he rests and your hip, squeezing the skin there as his eyes roll back at the taste of you.
“Please..” You groan out, your eyes watching the way Carmen pressing soft circles into your skin, he looks up at you in confusion, the hint of a smile curving at his lips.
“Please what?” Carmen replies, sucking bruises beneath your tits, drawing it out on purpose, having too much fun watching you suffer.
“Nmfha” You mumble incoherently when Carmen flicks his tongue around your nipple, whilst squeezing the other in his cold hands.
“I can’t hear you, what do you want?” Carmen replies with a hint of a moan, he’s having trouble himself, bucking his hips up into you as he watches the way you shake from his lips
“Wanna feel you Carm, wanna taste you” You groan out with a moan, Carmen grunts at your response, his eyes growing dark and heavy, and in one swift move, he hoist you up and swipes the coffee mugs and papers left scattered across his desk before placing you on the edge.
You spread your thighs, making room for him and he steps between them. 
“You wanna feel me sweet girl? You want me to take care of you? Please let me take care of you” Carmen pleads, rutting up against you as he tries to suppress the want pressing tight against his jeans.
“Carm” you groan out as Carmen tugs your jeans down leaving you in your lace underwear that Carmen grinds his jaw at, you don’t realise it but Carmen blue apron is discarded somewhere in the room, and as he carries you towards the coach you tug at his white shirt. 
He rips it off him in one move, and you drag your fingers across the deep of defined muscle that flexes under your touch.
Carmen moves your thighs so that you're pushed towards the edge of the couch, and he kneels between you, pressing a soft kiss to your knee, before trailing up your thighs. Carmen had been teasing you before but now there is a frantic eagerness in the way he touches you, like if he doesn’t taste you on his tongue he might combust.
Carmen hooks a finger into your underwear,pulling them down until you were bare for him. Carmen’s eyes glisten as he states at you, naked under him and sweating. God the image imprints in his mind and he wishes he can stay here forever.
Carmen presses a soft kiss to the inside of your thigh, and your thighs shake in need, Carmen flicks his eyes up to you, and keeps eye contact, as he licks one long strip across your folds, closing his eyes and he groans at the taste of you. You contort you back at the pleasure the waves through you, eyes rolling back at the pressure of his tongue sucking your clit.
“Fucking- taste so” Carmen mumbles, before dipping his tongue between your folds, dragging it up and down, the sound of your heightened moans ripping through him. 
Dipping his tongue in your hole, Carmen pushes a finger between your thighs, presses soft circles around your clit as his tongue works your folds. Your thighs shake around the curls of his head and he pushes a hand down at your stomach to stop you from moving, making you take every wave of pleasure he pulls from you.
“Carm, please, they’re going to hear us” You groan out, and Carmen shakes his head, causing his tongue to drive deeper into you, before looking up at you, 
“Let them” 
Carmen stretches you out with his tongue, pushing it into you and out until your heaving, his thumb is pressed against your clit, and he pushes a finger into you before sucking onto your bud. 
You begin to see flashes of stars, as he thrusts a finger into your hole whilst sucking you, he scissors you open, curving his finger in a way that hits a particular spot that has you raising your hips, trying to pull yourself off of him, the white hot burn of pleasure getting too much.
“There baby? Right there?” Carmen groans out, thrusting his finger to hit that spot over and over
Carmen grips your hips, pushing you down, deeper, harder onto his mouth and fingers, pressing a second digit into you as he curves it to pull that sweet moan from your lips.
Carmen had many names, but his favourite was the broken syllabus of his own between your lips when you fell apart on his tongue.
“S’ close, so close Carmy, please” You babble out, before resigning yourself to the burn of pleasure the feels like fucking nirvana, it’s all around you, Carmen, this pleasure, it’s all you can taste.
“I know baby, I know, I’m going to take care of you okay, sweet girl?” Carmen groans, thrusting his hips into the floor, searching for friction as he watches the way your eyes roll back.
Carmen laps at your core, pushing the digits deeper, curving them upwards until you were screaming, he pushes your face down to look at him, he wants to see your face as you fall apart, and the coil that has begun to wrap itself tight snaps when he nibbles at your over sensitive clit and you see the way his dark eyes watch you, his eyebrows furrowed and your slick coats his chin.
You can’t feel anything but the white hot pleasure that rocks through you, you aren’t in your body, floating away in the pure saccharine pleasure of Carmen’s tongue and he laps at the pleasure dripping between your folds. 
You mumble incoherent words, the only thing leaving your lips is Carmen’s name as you babble, spit dripping from your open mouth as you're left in a heap, Carmen leaving you dumb.
Carmen works you through your release, licking and sucking at your sweet slick that he gathers on his tongue. You see the way he thrusts into the carpet, trying to find friction as the scene in front of him becomes too much.
The thought splits something within you, seeing how Carmen got off to getting you off was out of this world, causing the pleasure to start building in your core again. 
You drag Carmen up to meet your lips, and then push his tongue between your lips, causing you to taste him on your tongue. Carmen pushes his finger between his lips, sucking on the shine of slick coated there, his eyes heavy as he watches the way you grind your hips against him. 
He pushes his digits into your mouth, groaning at the way you suck on them eagerly. You push him to lean his back against the coach, before manoeuvring your hips to straddle him.
You rock your hips against his jeans, feeling the way the indent pushes and bumps against your core, Carmen throws his head back, his curls falling over his forehead and he grabs your hips, pushing you deeper, down down down until he is thrusting up into you.
You grip his shoulders raising your hips before pulling his jeans and boxers down in one swift motion. Carmen forces himself to look down at you, his gaze watching the way you tug at his length, swiping a thumb across the red tip, dragging pre cum down the thick girth of him.
Carmen groans out, gripping your hips tight, and you raise up, lining yourself perfectly before sinking down on him.
Carmen’s groans are beautiful, rumbling from his chests as he squeezes his eyes shut, you fit so perfectly around him, the heat and warmth and slick of you wrapped tight around his cock. His length is thick and girth, and you have to adjust to his size, moaning at the way he fills you up just right.
As you begin to move, Carmen presses a hand, begging for you to wait
“Just, one second, fuck you feel so good I might cum from one thrust” 
“Who says this is a one time thing?” You reply with a wicked smile, and Carmen groans loud at that.
You raise your hips, dragging your self on him before sliding down, your grind against him and he heaves in the pleasure of your tightness around him. 
It had been so long, and the feeling of you is almost too much. 
You struggle to raise your hips high enough, and Carmen wraps his hands tight around your hips before raising you himself, driving himself up into you and thrusting hard.
This new angle allows him to go deeper, and you meet his upward thrusts, groaning out as he fucks you dumb. You look gorgeous above him, the way your tits bounce with every thrust up has him hard all over again.
“Just like that baby girl, keep going, doing so fucking well, my baby” Carmen groans out, and you begin to shake at the combination of his praise the the feeling of his cock driving into you impossibly deep.
You want to make him feel good and you say this to him, causing his eyes to roll back when you squeeze yourself around him, hard, until his thrusts have to drive into you even harder.
The coach freaks loudly from Carmen’s pace, and he slams you down, positioning his cock deep into you, causing you to press half circles into your shoulder, scratching at his biceps and gripping the nape of his hair that causes him to rumble out your moaned name.
You can feel him getting close, his thrust growing sloppy and deep, you tighten around him, and his eyes are in a trance, watching the way you fit around him so perfectly.
Carmen moves to fold himself upright against you, and your eyes roll back to your head as you feel yourself climb up a familiar peak.
Carmen presses a hard kiss against your lips as you groan out, and as he slips a hand into your conjoined bodies, circling your clit you have to shove your fist into your hand to stop from screaming.
The feel of Carmen’s length driving into you and the sound of his ragged moans, mixed with the over stimulation against your clit, you can’t help but fall apart around his cock.
You squeeze yourself tight around Carmen, and he cries out, his thrusts growing slow as he joins you over the cliff, his cock thrusting up into you with spasms. His cheeks are a blush red, his tongue poking out as he follows both of your orgasms.
You fall against his chest, exhausted, pressing your cheek so that it rested against the hard muscle of his pecs. You swallow back a breath, gripping your hand around Carmen’s, as he brings it up to place a soft kiss. 
Your thighs are still shaking from stimulation, and Carmen caresses a hand across them, rubbing soft circles and you lay across his chest.
You stay like this for a moment, basking in the bliss of pleasure and sex and the soft curves and dips of your bodies.
After a bit, Carmen has to slip his out cock from your thighs, eyes fixated on the way your ecstasy mixed with his one drips down your thighs.
“Fucking gorgeous” Carmen replies, and you look up at him in surprise
“What? You don’t think I'll find you gorgeous after this?” Carmen smiles down at your flustered state, he brushes back the sweat and tears dripping down your cheeks.
“That was..you are. Well fuck, Carmen, why didn’t this happen sooner?” You reply, he manoeuvres you so that your legs lay across his thighs.
“Yeah, uh, we’ll I’ve got a whole bucket of shit you don’t want dragging you down” Carmen replies scratching his neck, suddenly more shy as he lay his heart bare to you.
“Yeah, we’ll you gave me no choice when you practically murdered that man” You reply, biting back a smile, as you press soft circles around his thumb.
“Should’ve fucking murdered him…”
“What happens now?” Carmen replies, looking at you nervous that this was you just scratching an itch, because he was head over heels in love with you and he would never recover
“God Carmen, you didn’t realise I’m in love with you already?” You reply with a smile, “Practically the entire restaurant does” 
Carmen looks up at you in wonder, his eyebrows furrowing as your words hit him hard. You loved him? You loved him. He wants you to repeat it a hundred times, he wants to hear your tongue say those words to him again.
“You are incomparable” Carmen mutters under his breath, before wrapping you tight against his chest, pressing a kiss that feels different now, less crazed and rushed and fueled by heated passion. It was new, it felt like a start of something.
“You think they’re okay out there?” You reply with a start.
“Hell no” Carmen replies, and you can’t help but laugh as you push your head through a shirt Carmen had passed to you.
You and Carm may have just confessed your love to one another, but you still had a goddamn restaurant to run.
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neo-percs · 8 months
CAR SEX:: ( day 16 )
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WARNING:: Street racer! sunghoon, street racer, fem!Reader, praise, hair pulling, fingering, finger sucking,dirty talking, dacryphilia, riding.
SUMMARY:: after winning tonight's street race it was unethical for police to chase after the rowdy crowds, Sunghoon doesn't expect for his opponent to cover for his ass.
A/N:: repost from my old account.
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Engines were revving on the black asphalt, rap music playing throughout different car speakers and the bright-colored headlights flashed down on the women wearing short, revealing, yet stylish outfits, and men who wore baggy clothes, snapbacks, and most up-to-date shoes.
Your car was parked at the starting line as you finish waiting for the next racer to pull up. The sound of a deep rumbling engine made you turn your head. A bright green car with green LED lights under it, the painted dragon.
The windows were not tinted yet it was hard to see who was in the driver's seat. People clearing the path for the car to easily make it through and reach the red spray-painted finish line.
Once the car pulls into the space next to you behind the sloppy drawn red line the driver's door is pushed open, and you could see a pair of shoes pop out and then ahead from behind the door. Standing at his full height you could see a blonde tall boy, with messy hair,  with an intimidating face. He was wearing baggy black cargo jeans, a tank top matching showing off his buff arms, and a small silver chain on his neck.
You turn to look at the man who was running the racing stipulation for the night. You sat on the hood of your car not daring to turn your head. "Tonight you're racing, for 10,000 dollars. At the end whoever makes it from here and around the corner and back to this red line wins. Now I got a good surprise at the end so be ready" the man spoke, he had an Afro with a comb sticking out on the side.
You nod your head "so we're all putting down 2,000?" One of the other men said sitting on his golden hood "yeah, and if you can't give that much you ain't racing" the man said, holding his hand out. You pull a small stack of money out of your butt pocket and push yourself off the hood of the car. Walking up to the man hand off the cash.
As you turned around you met with the buff chest of the blonde man, stopping in your tracks you could see him tower over you. His brown eyes look at yours as he lifts his arm to hand off the cash. "Enough heart eyes get in your cars," the man said, making you smile and shake your head pushing the blonde by his shoulder to walk past him.
You walk to the driver's side door feeling the eyes of the sunghoon burn through your figure as you open the door and rest and hand on the hood as you lean down to sit against the furry seat cover. You lift your legs, let them rest on the car floor and shut the door.
You push your keys into the ignition and your engine rev. The crowd jumped a bit seeing a flame spill from the exhaust pipe. The man with the Afro began waving the crowd to back up. "That's right back yall asses up before you get grilled" he shouted seeing the men and women move away from the street and onto the curb and wide walk.
The other men that were also competing in the race began to get inside their cars and rev their engines. A woman in a crop top and some baggy jeans that rested on her hips walked in front of the cars. "First one here and around the block back wins," she said loudly over the engines "ready?!" She asked with a smile growing on her plump red lips. She flipped her black curly hair over her shoulder raising her arm. The cheers of the crowd got louder as the revving became louder.
"Go!" She shouted, dropping her arm. You press your foot on the gas, shifting your gear into the sport and watching how the speedometer moves. The small arrows on your indicator shoot from 10 to 80 as your gear shifts, the wind pushes pressure into the air as you speed up, and although cars were shooting past you, you were in no rush.
"Just wait" you mumble pushing the gas harder going from 80 to 110 speeding past silver and blue glowing cars decorated with LED's and stickers, you switch lanes making the car behind you try to speed up and unconventionally bump the back of your bumper.
You growl looking into your mirror seeing the blonde with a small smirk on his plump lip, the look on his face drives you to speed up to 200, smoke coming from your tires from how hard your tires rubbed against the gravel on the road.
your eyes flicker back onto the road ahead of you as you go onto an empty road one of your hands leaves the wheel to press the button on the radio and turn up the volume. The rap music puts you back into your racing headspace. The bass was vibrating your whole car.
Seeing the other cars go speed up closer to you and sunghoon made you narrow your eyes through the mirror. Meanwhile, sunghoon sat idly in his car shoe pressed against the gas hard as sweat began to slowly Pearl on his forehead.
The empty streets make it easier as you speed through your engine waking up the neighborhood. As soon as you turn the corner you see a bridge which was a straight shot to the finish line.
"Woah,'' Sunghoon says at your sharp turn speeding down the back streets, nearing the familiar crowd, your car drifting and leaving skid marks on the dirt and asphalt making one more sharp turn and drifting before seeing the crowds that were forming at the finish line.
You hear another engine rumble behind you, your heart was practically beating out of your chest, and you felt dizzy. You see the green color of sunghoon's car in the corner of your eye which makes you scoff.
Just as you had officially left the speed from the 100s to the 200s as you rolled your eyes as you saw him wave with an easy grin. You both speed side by side, looking onto the road trying to steer as the cool leather wheel gripped with your sweating palms.
You stepped on the gas as hard as you could and once you had made it closer to the bridge you could see it lifting on both sides opening a  bit down the middle. You slow down whispering to yourself "this is bullshit" but when you saw the green car speed past you and fly over the bridge's gap you realized the race was still on.
You press the gas hard in hopes that even taking this jump you would win in the end. Once you feel how light your car is speeding over the gap between the bridge you could feel your heart pounding out of your chest as you scream.
Your car jerks as your tires hit the ground, your front bumper hitting the road and falling off with a 'clunking' sound, you groaned. Pressing the gas and shifting gears your car began to catch the wind of sunghoon.
But once your cars were close enough to the finish line you could see how sunghoon pressed harder on the gas passing you making you feel your face heat up in anger seeing as his two front tires touch the red line before yours.
"Shit" you curse under your breath passing the red line with a bitter mood. Stopping a few feet behind him seeing how he stepped out of the car to be crowded by people cheering him on. Pulling your keys out of the ignition you get out of the car walking in front of it to see how bad your front bumper looks.
"That's gonna cost a pretty penny, right?" You hear coming close behind you with the sound of shoes pattering on the concrete. "I fix my cars so no, not really," you say snarking, turning to look at sunghoon who stood over you holding out your money.
You snatch it out of his hand "I didn't need it back but I'll take it" you say with a grin as you stuff the folded money into your pocket. "You're welcome," he says, cocking his head to the side. You were about to respond but the sound of police sirens made your eyes widen.
You look at the blonde male "we gotta go now or they're gonna bust our asses" you say grabbing his wrist and pushing him to the passenger side of your car. "What about my car?" He asked worriedly, opening the door and tossing himself into the seat shaking the car.
" Your keys are still in there, someone's gonna take care of it, don't worry I'll figure out who," you say opening your side of the door and tossing yourself into the seat and the both of you slamming your doors shut.
Twisting your key that was still in the ignition you shift in reverse backing out the crowd and shifting gears into driving your foot stomps on the gas in hopes that no police car follows. And unfortunately for you, a cop had managed to follow you halfway around the city.
You had made it onto the highway, and because it was so late in the night there were barely any cars. But fortunately for you and the buff man in the seat next to you, once you had switched lanes in front of a semi-truck the police had lost sight of you which gave you the chance to take the interstate closest to your left and turn on a dense road.
Once you had been set back on an empty road with nothing but empty grocery store parking lots you had decided it would be best to cool off and stay there for a while until the cops stop searching the area.
Once you found a parking space closest to the middle of the lot you had to turn the car off and shut off the headlights. The lights of the storefront logo emit deep shades of red and blue. Your back was pressed to the seat as your head pulled back with exhaustion.
Your head drops to the side of your shoulder as you look over at sunghoon with curious eyes. When he felt your eyes burning into him he couldn't help but meet your gaze "what? Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked with a smile plaguing his lips as his eyes narrowed.
"Nothing, you just- seem so calm for a guy who just won 10,000 dollars and went on a police chase with some random girl" is all you say shrugging your shoulders and hearing the fabric of your shirt rub against the fur-covered seat. "Well you keep looking at me like that and see where it gets you," he says as he shifts around in his seat.
"And where will that get me?" You ask, leaning onto the middle console and staring at his side profile with low eyes."You think you're funny?" He asks, arching his brow at you. Biting your lip to hide your smirk "the funniest" you rasp as you let him see the smile settled on your plump lips. "Yeah?" He asks leaning in closer "definitely" you answer back.  "God damnit" he whispered, turning to lean over the console as well cupping your jaw and pulling you into a rough kiss.
Your teeth clash as you leave open mouths kissed against each other, his lips were soft and warm. your hand moves from gripping the seat cover to running through his blonde locks. Your eyes fluttered shut as well as his making you tug on his tresses earning you a small groan.
Your lips trace each other to the point you wouldn't break from the kiss until your lungs screamed for air making you pull away. Sunghoon didn't care to catch his breath, he began leaving kisses down your neck sucking small red spots that would soon swell over into bruises in all kinds of shades from purple, blue, and red.
His hand that once touched your jaw was now clutched on your waist. He was high off just the sound of the small moans and little puffs of air you let out of your mouth while he continued to lick and suck harshly against your neck. "Fuck, you're so cute" he whispered looking up at you with soft brown eyes and his pupils blown in adoration.
he can't help but to reach out and rub the callused pad of his thumb over your parting lips, pressing the salty digit flat against your tongue, and retreating it in the same breath to hook it around your cheek. Pulling it away with a soft pop a small groan leaves his lips as he lets his mind wander.
The hold you had on him was tight and you didn't even know it, it was like you were a love-sick Anaconda and with that, your grip on him had become almost deadly. He felt like he was choking up his words because his mind was too clouded by the feeling of your skin on his.
His hand's grip on your thigh wanting to pull you in his lap, your knee knocking against the console as you shudder at the feeling on his teeth, and plump lips dragging against your skin that he had marked as his for the night. "Sit in my lap" he mumbled in hopes of wanting to fulfill whatever raunchy fantasy you had been living at the moment.
Pulling back you see the small grin on his lips from how disheveled you had looked. Your chest was rising and falling in an uneven battle of tug of war with your lungs. You sit up on your knees trying your best to climb over the console that had been in the way.
You had let yourself straddle over his thighs that took up a portion of the seat- yet it wasn't like you were complaining. The pad of his thumbs found their way under your shirt and rubbed gentle circles on your bare hip as he continued his assault on your neck as if he was a painter letting the hickeys become his paint and your neck and chest were the blank canvas he needed to douse in color.
His palms pushed into your hips as he trails small pecks up your neck and jaw, you felt like you were in a state of euphoria the way your eyes soften looking into his gaze. Your mind was in such a haze you hadn't realized the both of you were mindlessly grinding against each other.
No matter the tight space you had yet to let that affect you. Your noses brush against each other and you could feel sunghoon's breath on your face, your hand finds its way to his hair pulling him in by the back of his head until your lips trace his. The sound of heavy breathing and clothing rustling around in the passenger seat of the car was the only thing that could be heard.
Your hips began to slowly begin to move as your ass pushed down on the bulge poking his pants "feels so good" he mumbled against your lips as he let out a small moan. His hands grip the back of your thighs as he puffs out shaky breaths. "Can you lift your skirt for me?" He asked nicely, you could only comply. Your stomach churned hearing the way he asked.
You murmur out a small 'yes' as your hand gets a grip on the hem line bunching it over your hips and you slide your shoes off as well as your panties. sunghoon's eyes connect to your pussy that was aching and covered in slicked-up arousal. "All this from kissing? damn," he groaned to himself.
You press yourself down on him, feeling the fabric of his pants against your throbbing core makes you whimper. "Open your mouth," he says, this time it wasn't so polite. Your jaw slacks a bit and you stick out your warm tongue seeing how his eyes darken and almost made you moan.
Bringing his hand up to your face his middle and ring finger pressed against your tongue making you close your mouth a suck. sunghoon could feel your tongue swirl around his fingers while the both of you make direct eye contact. He felt like he could flush under your gaze and melt from the view of your face alone.
You moan against his fingers as you continue to jut your hips and feel pleasure jolt through your body sending shivers down sunghoon's spine. Pulling his thick fingers past your lips. You lift your hips seeing how his hand gets lost between your plush thighs.
Rubbing the pads of his fingers against your entrance that was already soaking, teasing your slit feeling you clench around nothing alone just from friction made sunghoon throb in his boxers. he moaned into you before easing his finger passed your entrance. the added stimulation had you mewling.
You hiss at the stretch as sunghoon adjusted himself in the seat and reached his opposite hand between to push the seat back enough to have him leaning back and watching the perfect view of you perched in his lap.
"I didn't think you were the type to let people you meet in the same night fuck you," he said as he let his finger slip deeper inside your clenching walls. "I guess you're just lucky" you moaned, feeling him pump in and out of your sopping pussy with an all too loud squelching sound.
Your hand grabs needly at his shirt hoping for more pleasure. "More- please" you whimper as your hips twitch with pleasure. I mean who was he to oppose the idea of getting you off? He did as asked pushing his other finger at your entrance hoping you would loosen even just a bit "why are you so fucking tight?" he moaned as he feels you practically suck in his fingers. He pushes them deep enough to touch his knuckles, your slick created small strings against his fingers each time he'd stuff you full of his fingers.
It felt just so right— the way the cold metal of his rings pushed against your slit as he sped up his pace. Your sticky walls could feel every last part of his thick fingers that could make you quiver "fuck- fuck" you moaned as your fingers bunch up the fabric of his shirt.
the beginning of your orgasm begins to build deep in your stomach. "your fingers... feel so good, fuck," you moan. He smiles at you, beginning to curl his fingers instead. "fuck!" you gasp. "Keep doing that, oh god," you moan, gripping his sheets as you try rolling your hips. He smirks at you, moving them slightly faster.
You could feel yourself coming closer to the painstaking orgasm and all you could do was moan and let your eyes pinch closed. "Open your eyes, I wanna see the look on your face when you cum" he says as his fingers repeatedly pound into the spot that made your legs shake and your back arch.
"I'm gonna cum! please let me cum" you whimper as your hands shake. You had opened your eyes to be met with the view of sunghoon and his blonde hair sticking to his forehead with a sheen of sweat on his body, he only nodded his head and let out a small 'mhm' giving you the green light. You felt the pleasure spillover as you cum "oh my god" you moan as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
Your release drips down his fingers and palm as you grind against his fingers. Slowly you inch away from his fingers as small thin white strings of slick cum keep the both of you connected.
Your breathing was slightly off-putting the way you felt him pull his fingers out of your silky walls slowly making you feel empty. You felt dizzy just off of that. But you knew there was more to come when sunghoon began to fiddle with the button and zipper on his jeans.
His happy trail that touched his naval down to the base of his dick became prominent as his fingers dug to pull down his briefs as well as his pants letting them fall to his knees and his dick breathing freely in the warm air of the car.
The windows began to fog over as the red and blue hues from the market front shop sign had become even brighter on your skin.
He was hard, and his tip shined with precum at his soft blushed head, his slit leaking with arousal. The sight alone made you rub your thighs together as that incessant warmth between your legs became stronger and stronger.
you wet the palm of your hands with your tongue before taking his dick into your fist, slowly jerking and teasing the tip with your thumb. His hips buck as he let out a small wince at the sudden contact on his shaft.
You arch your back as you push his tip against your slit rubbing it against your clit that had been covered in a mix of your release and arousal. You push his tip in feeling how your ridged walls clenched from just his tip.
sunghoon tossed his head back against the seat hearing a small 'thump' in return. His jaw was clenched tightly making his jaw look narrow and sharp. "Fuck" he groaned loudly letting his hands grip at your ass as you ease down his shaft until your ass pressed against his pelvic bone.
You felt like you were stuffed, sunghoon sat up until your chests touched. He slowly began guiding your hips to bounce repeatedly at a set pace. The way you sink into him was addictive. Your hands move back to grip at his hair, you tug and pull with each bounce.
"You feel so good" you whisper into his ear, sunghoon could feel his eyes roll to the back of his head from just hearing you talk dirty. He began to thrust into you setting a faster pace. You moan at the feeling of his thick shaft rubbing against your silky walls and his tip practically kissing your cervix.
His nails began to dig into the fat off your ass as he continued to let you bounce in his lap, the sound of your moans and the creaking of the car was all sunghoon's ears could pick up on with his foggy and fucked out mind.
He was drunk on the feeling of you wrapped around his cock like this and it felt amazing. You whispered heavy 'please' for him to go harder as you rut yourself against his base.
A small ring of white began to drip from his base as his thighs hit yours as he continued to pound into you harder. You feel hazy as you moan your hand slides against the window leaving a slippery print.
You clenching down on down on sunghoon kept his mind set on doing one thing, and that was making you cum all over him. Your hair bounced with every hard thrust he delivered to you sweetly. His hand found its way to your hair gripping at your tresses making your eyes water at the pleasure and pain.
"Fuck, you look so damn good when you cry" he choked out along with a whimper as his tip practically bullied at your cervix. The twist in your stomach made you realize that you were close "I'm so close!" You had moaned feeling your walls spasm around him sunghoon began to thrust into you faster as he felt that same feeling bubbling up inside of him.
From any onlooker, the way he pounded into you could make it seem like a pornstar was just doing child's play. He couldn't help but let out a string of curses and moans "fuck, fuck" he groaned feeling how you squeezed down on him letting your orgasm wash over you.
The sweet moan you let out pushed him over the edge as he let his cum paint you white on the inside. He could feel you throbbing and his cum spilling past your walls. He couldn't help but thrust deeper into you fucking his cum deeper inside you.
Your hips are shaking with overstimulation. You couldn't even put together a coherent sentence. You just let him fuck you dumb. Your whimpers fall on deaf ears as he lets you rest against his chest.
"it's okay, just take your time" he whispered into your ears kissing your temple repeatedly as you let your eyes heavily fall closed. His lips turn into a smile as he feels nothing but a haze wash over him. Leaning into him your nose brushing over his and your lips pressing small pecks to his, your hand on his jaw.
He's stealing your breath, and inhaling all the sweet little sounds you make, swiping his tongue to get a taste of your lip balm before it's completely kissed away. You're smiling against his mouth, you can't help it, giggling lightly at the feel of his breath fanning over your kiss-swollen lips.
"You wanna lend me some cash to fix my car?" You huff jokingly, "I just won 10,000 dollars, I think I can spare you some" he laughs breathily. God he felt like he was in heaven.
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murdrdocs · 8 months
regarding your post…thinkin about flirting with mike at some fuckass halloween party and watching him get all flustered bc of the super revealing costume you’re wearing :3
ugh you get it
he's standing against the wall, holding a red solo cup that really is more of an accessory than anything, the contents still unknown as mike has yet to take a sip. it was thrusted in his hand when he entered a half hour ago, and he took it because why wouldn't he? just when he was considering exploring the suspicious concoction, there you came, sliding up next to him with a flustered smile, asking if someone was already standing there.
mike just shook his head, too flustered to actually say anything because he's seen you around. a friend of a semi-friend (acquaintance, really). but when he'd seen you before, you were fully clothed, blue denim jeans and sweaters.
thankfully (it was a bit of a curse, too), your outfits then left loads for mike to work with. images available to be conjured up late at night, leaving the possibility to fill him with guilt if he thought a little too hard.
now, your outfit leaves little to the imagination. it makes it unfairly easy for mike to commit it to memory, storing away for later.
a black strapless one piece that resembles a bathing suit, black sheer tights, and a pair of bunny ears sticking off the top of your head, which serves as the only concrete indicator of your desired costume.
you notice him staring, of course you do, and it takes mike a little too long to get back to your beaming face.
"wanna take a guess? 'm sure you'll never be able to get it." your words leak with sarcasm, almost masked with the level of excitement you have accompaning them.
you put your hands on your hips, and even give mike a spin. his brain stops working for a second, tongue drying up.
"uh a bunny." you turn back to face mike completely and the top of your one piece has slipped down a little, encouraging you to pull it back up with two pinched fingers. mike tries not to stare again, he really does, but it's not like he can really help it.
fortunately, you choose not to mention it. "not just any bunny, mike." his name from your lips is simple, but his skin warms just a bit.
"a playboy bunny."
your grin widens, if even possible, and your eyes shine. "ding, ding, ding! you win."
you take a step closer to mike and the air shifts just a bit.
confidence floods his body, thick and all encompassing. it controls his next movements.
he takes a step closer to you, staring you down with all of the courage he can muster, and asks: "what do i win?"
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f9smaragdine · 5 months
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Pov; It's your Camera Roll~~~
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ryozaki21 · 1 year
diary of the heartbreakers;
00z series
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╰┈➤ Diary of the Heartbreakers; 00z series
➸ ♡ They used to be the ones breaking hearts, but when karma comes around, suddenly the don't know what to do. Navigate through college life with your favorite idiots, and read through the Diary of the Heartbreakers.
GENRES: College AU, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Humour
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Explicit sexual content, drug abuse, Infidelity, Toxic relationships/characters, Heavy topics discussed, player!00z, Language and Violence.
AUTHOR's NOTE: I thought long and hard about making this a series, because of my commitment issues and I don't trust myself to commit to a writing project like this TT, But since I have story ideas for these characters, (00z) I just linked all of them together. SLOW UPDATE. Also my first time doing a series, how about that?!? I hope you guys like it!
DISCLAIMER: This story is purely fanfiction. Only the names of the Idols are used, and does not reflect on them in real life. There's no way in any shape of form that they are like this in person, because I MADE IT UP. I don't personally know them. DO NOT STEAL / TRANSLATE / MODIFY. This is my work and I don't appreciate people stealing it. Thank you.
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╰┈➤ After You
➸ ♡ Na Jaemin had it easy. Loved by everybody, the man of everyone's dream. He's a perfect mix of a charmer and a player. Girls begged to be his, and he loved every part of it. Life used to be so fucking perfect for him. Then comes you. You're like an old book, ink fading, cover tearing, but he swears you're worth the read. Before you, life was easy. After you? He wasn't so sure.
"Break my heart, and you'll find yourself inside."
GENRE: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mature themes
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Explicit sexual content, Language, Mental Illness, Drugs/Alcohol usage, toxic!reader, fuckboy!Jaemin (but still a sweetheart)
AUTHOR's NOTE: Oh, this one's heavy. Much serious than the other stories and quite one that's holds some sensitive topics. If I get some things wrong about certain topics, please do tell me and I'll quickly correct it. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 15k
STATUS: published
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╰┈➤ Yours, Inevitably
➸ ♡ To say that Lee Jeno is pretty would be an understatement. The man's gorgeous. One thing he uses to his advantage, going through college getting girls he spots his eyes on. But there's one he just couldn't get. His brother's bestfriend. You can continue and avoid your feelings for each other, but eventually, it'll happen. You were someone that stayed, a constant in his life. You might not know it, but for the years you've known Lee Jeno, he slowly became yours, inevitably.
"I should've known that it was you, because no one else made sense."
GENRE: Fluff, Angst, Humour, Smut
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Explicit sexual content, Language, Alcohol usage, Mentions of Drugs, fuckboy!Jeno, brothersbsf!reader
AUTHOR's NOTE: This story was collecting dust on my drafts for so longg! Originally I was gonna post it as a stand-alone but figured it made sense to be a part of this series. One of my faves. Also lots of other members of nct mentioned. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 8k-10k
STATUS: published
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╰┈➤ The Fine Art of Rejection
➸ ♡ Huang Renjun, the sweetie of the year, is one hard star to catch. Not as easy as his other friends, he's quite difficult to have. Although he has a fair share of affairs with girls, it is considered to be a rare occurence. But you? Oh boy were you something. You were quite head over heels over him. His friends could never understand, but you were persistent to get the boy. No matter how much he refuses your advances, Its like you found art in rejection. But to what degree can you hold it out?
"I can be everything I want, but fuck, I only wanted to be yours. Even though you couldn't be mine."
GENRE: Unrequited love, Humour, Fluff, Angst, Smut
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Language, Explicit sexual content, Alcohol Usage, cheerleader!reader, Renjun is sometimes rude lol
AUTHOR's NOTE: Actually, I wanted to write something pure fluffy for Renjun, but I figured I need to put a sprinkle (more than that actually lmao) of angst. Also my favorite plot to write. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 8k-10k
STATUS: published
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╰┈➤ Illicit Affairs
➸ ♡ Infamous for being every girl's guilty pleasure, Lee Haechan strutted through his life shamelessly. But recently, the new girl caught his eye. Im Hayeon, who he believes that would finally tame his wreckless heart. He was confident he could get the girl. And when he did, he never expected her to have baggages. For example, you, Im Hayeon's best friend. Who suddenly, sparked an idea on his pretty little head. You're trouble-- and you're making Haechan commit Illicit Affairs.
"You're making me do bad things, very, bad things. But then again, I'm no stranger in being the bad guy."
GENRE: Fluff, Angst, Humour, Smut
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Language, Explicit sexual content, Alcohol Usage, Infidelity, Haechan and reader is kind of an asshole
AUTHOR's NOTE: okay, for one, i don't condone cheating. its just for the story! also i won't tackle on it too much-- literally just for the plot. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 8k-10k
STATUS: published
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
© ryozaki21 2023
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ronjunnie · 2 months
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arcane @neonacity
case oasis @neonc1tylights
we met in online class @neoculturetravesty
blondes are done with fun (m) (31k) @rrxnjun
eine kleine (27.6k) @radiorenjun
the trojan horse (m) (19.6k) @lattaeyongs
dr_magic2303 (18.3k) @starlightkun
huang renjun's envy (17.5k) @misfitneo
sour tangerine (15.3k) @wincore
service call (m) (14.4k) @angelicmark
my boyfriend wants to be abducted by aliens (14k) @choerrypuffs
Running From The Dark (m) (12.8k) @jenonctcity
art of innocence (m) (11.8k) @jenonctcity
portrait of a blank slate (m) (5.8k) @rrxnjun
dirty laundry (m) @onyourhyuck
the element of power (5.4k) @choerrypuffs
beat you at your own game (3.5k) @cafelattaes
bad habits (m) @onyourhyuck
lip tint (1.4k) @lov--vey
pint (0.7k) @kyufessions
2:34 am @daydreamingyuta
3:01 pm @kkaebsongtypo
3:40 am (m) @be-my-sunrise
3:49 am @writemekpop
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greenmanalishi · 1 year
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lotsoflola · 5 months
never ever ever - l. haechan [introduction]
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summary: you've had your heart broken for the fifth time in two months, and however much you just want to spend the night crying, someone keeps interfering... genre: enemies to lovers warnings: swearing, reader sleeps around, harsh language, implied smut but nothing in this chapter wc: 1.1k author's note: this series is going to take a hot minute but here's the introduction for the first fic to keep you guys fed
"hi taeil," you slurred, the liquor streaming in your bloodstream evident through the way you collapsed against the bar. your mind was foggy, your fingertips were tingling, and the far-too-revealing dress you was falling clung to your curves more than ever.
the bartender giggled, knowing his favourite regular, and finishing polishing the glass in front of him. "jesus, it's only eight. how are you this fucked already?"
you pushed yourself up, leaning over the counter to grab a bottle of cheap beer, throwing a fiver down on the table. "you know that guy i was seeing? in your frat?"
taeil hummed, all too used to your antics. you were known across campus for being a flirt, for drinking too much and having fun with as many men as you saw fit. it was no surprise, you were drop dead gorgeous, with a body sculpted by aphrodite herself, and the personality to match. you were dangerous, and didn't you know it.
"yeah, i broke it up."
taeil chuckled lightly. "surprise, surprise. come on, how long was that? a week?"
"two weeks, actually," you sighed, taking a large swig from your beer, "i don't know, he just wasn't exciting like that. got bored of him. so i ended it."
"so why isn't he the one drinking alone on a thursday night with a class at 9am tomorrow?" the bartender teased, earning a middle finger from the girl across from him.
"i'm allowed to be sad, taeil," you finished the beer with your words, the bitter aftertaste refreshing on your tongue. you leant over the bar to grab another one, but were met with a hand wrapped tightly around your wrist, stopping you in her tracks.
he tutted under his breath. "i think you've had enough for tonight, honey."
honey. the nickname fell naturally from his lips. the one your parents used to call you when she was a child. the one you only let those close to you say because of the power it held. the one those special people only used in special scenarios due to the impact it had on you.
you knew it was stupid to care so much about a stupid nickname. god, you wished you didn't care so much about it. but the second those words left someones lips you were putty in their hands. that's why you only let those you cared about say it.
"pissed on a week night already? i expected better from you, honey. didn't you only date that guy for a week?"
those you cared about. and him.
lee haechan was the new hot thing on campus, throwing himself at girls as much as he could and becoming the hot topic on their tongue as he wowed them in bed. at least that what he claimed, you had never spoken to any of these girls with enough time to discuss his ability in bed, not that you would ever bring it up. words could not describe how much you hated him.
"shut up, haechan. no one fucking asked for your opinion," you spat, still attempting to grab another beer while you wrestled with taeil.
the young boy laughed, sitting on the stool next to you. "such nasty words from such a pretty face, can't tell me that hendery fucked you up that badly."
his words always got to you, always nestled under your skin in a way that no one else did, no one else could. "don't know why you always feel the need to get involved."
"don't know why you always end up a shitty mess after dating a guy for three days-"
"okay, okay, come behind the bar, there you go," taeil manouvered you around the bar, sensing the tension and not wanting to see where it would end up.
your and haechan's rivalry was well known across campus, since freshman year you had made your distate of the man known. you were in the same business class, and every single lesson he spent somehow teasing or testing you, and when he got your number it was somehow worse.
"honestly, you would think you had matured by now, been about three years of passing through men for about three weeks each before slagging them off and dating their best friends, or maybe some people are just sluts and can't help-"
"fuck off, hyuck," taeil snapped, physically holding you back at this point, one hand wrapped around your waist as he forced you down onto the stool behind him, giving you a glass of water in a poor attempt to sober you up. "fight her another day."
"not looking for a fight," haechan's voice was aggrevatingly smooth, as if he wasn't lying through his teeth, "just speaking the truth. if she can't handle that, then that's on her."
"lee donghyuck, i swear to-"
taeil finally snapped, covering your mouth with his hand before turning to the smirking man in front of you. "get out, haechan."
"taeil," he whined, face suddenly dropping, "cmon i was joking."
but the bartender didn't back down, pointing towards the door with his spare time. "she's not doing good right now, get out."
"you're losing a paying customers business," he sighed, but complied with the older gentleman, sending you a flying kiss before getting up to leave the bar. "night, doll."
you held your middle finger up at him, but you could feel yourself getting sleepier in taeil's hold, and before you knew it you were struggling to keep your eyes open, body slumped against the wall as your eyeslashes fluttered.
"gonna kill him," you mumbled to yourself, drunk and delirious.
taeil laughed, wandered over to you and patting you gently on the head. "who, hyuck?"
"yeah. fucking hate him."
"i don't think you do," taeil knelt on the floor in front of you, meeting your eyeline. it was a quiet night, and all he could do was look after his friend. "i think you guys secretly like each other. maybe even love."
you scoffed, letting an assortment of drunk laughs and hiccups emerge from your mouth. "love him?! you're crazy, taeil."
"trust me. i just know these things."
"i will never love him," you stated, words sounding very defintiive, even as you were dozing off, "never ever ever."
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imajinxnation · 2 months
Heyyy I saw that you wanted fic ideas and I love your other keanu fics. I hope this is one you want to write for, but if not that's ok xoxo
Would you be able to write a fic about Neo losing his virginity again (kinda) to the reader in the real world and it's also really fluffy. Maybe they're alone on the Nebuchadnezzar (idk why lol).
Tysm in advance 💕
Second The Best
Neo (Thomas Anderson) x FEM!Reader
SUMMARY // Soft (and kind of uncomfortable) sex with Neo in the Nebuchadnezzar
TW // Fluff, Smut, Soft Sex, Losing Virginity(kinda), Raw Sex (if you don't want kids, don't do dat)..
Neo is my soft bb boi and I love him
Lmk if I missed any warnings!!
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"A-are you sure..?"
"I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life.."
You and Neo are in his room on the Nebuchadnezzar, cuddling on his small bed while waiting for the other crew members to come and get ready to leave. They wouldn't be there for awhile, having to help with things around Zion and clean up a giant mess that was made, which could take hours. That meant you and Neo got to enjoy some quiet time on the ship before the rest come and ruin your peace and quiet.
"I never actually got to experience sex in real life.. and I think it's only right that I lose my real virginity to you.." Neo says, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nod slowly, taking in his words. While you're in thought, Neo stares and admires your facial features as if you're the most beautiful goddess he's ever seen. He can't help himself and leans over you to kiss you while you're in deep thought. Your eyes widen once his soft lips land on yours gently, but quickly your eyelids flutter shut at the beautiful sensation of his soft and loving kiss.
Your hand slides up the side of his neck and to the back of his head, your hands brushing over the port in the back of his head, his hair slightly covering it. Your hand runs through his short hair, nails scraping against his scalp, sending shivers down his spine at the relaxing feeling.
Neo breaks the kiss slightly and looks in your eyes, his deep, chocolate brown eyes staring lovingly into yours.
"Please.. I want this.." He whispers, placing his forehead gently onto yours.
"Okay.." you whisper back, kissing him once more, this time a little more desperately.
"Mm.." Neo lets out a low moan as he kisses back, his hand snaking around your waist and pulling you closer to him, your legs tangling with his on the bed.
You pull back, breaking the kiss and begin to leave gentle kisses down his cheek to his jaw, then to his neck, stopping at the junction between his neck and shoulder. You nibble and suck lightly on that spot, making him moan softly. Your hands slide up his shirt, feeling his body, and brushing your thumb over one of his nipples, making him let out a breathy laugh at the ticklish sensation. You smile into his neck, loving the way he laughs.
You tug at his shirt, wanting to take it off. He gets the hint and sits up, pulling his shirt up over his head and tossing it onto the grated floor.
"All those martial arts programs did wonders.." you mention, grazing your fingers down his the middle of his chest and stomach. He shivers, his need growing as you touch him gently.
"Ugh.. I need you, please.." he groans in a low tone as your hand stops at the waistband of his pants.
You smile gently and pull back, crawling off the hard mattress and pull your plain shirt off, kicking off your boots and shoving your pants off, leaving you in your underwear. Neo lifts his hips and pulls down his pants aswell, tossing them to the floor, adding to the pile of your clothes on the metal floor.
"Fuck.. (Y/n), you're gorgeous.." Neo whispers, his eyes scanning your body, engraving every curve of your body into his memory.
He sits at the edge of his small, uncomfortable bed, his cock straining against his underwear as he watches you strip off your bra, your breasts falling out with a slight bounce. Neo swallows hard, his adams apple bobbing in his throat as he admires your soft breasts. The size.. shape.. beautiful.
You smile and blush, walking over slowly to sit in his lap, your clothed core rubbing up against his strained erection, making him groan. His large hands roam all over your body, starting from your calves, his hands gently caress up to your thighs, your hips, grazing over your ribcage and wrapping his hands around your breasts gently, squeezing the soft flesh. He leans his face closer and gently takes your left nipple between his lips, sucking softly, pulling it between his teeth slightly every now and then while pinching your right nipple lightly between his fingers.
"I need you so bad, (Y/n)," he says, pulling away from your nipple and laying his head in your soft chest.
"Have me.. you have me," you respond, running your hand through his hair softly.
That was all it took, Neo's fingers traveling down your body to pull your panties off, then his briefs right after, throwing them to the floor. You look into his eyes for the go-ahead, and he nods, hands placed on your hips, guiding you as you position yourself over him. You steady his cock in your hand and sink down onto him, his length filling you to the brim.
You gasp at the feeling of his cock stretching you out, and so does he. It takes a moment for both of you to adjust to the feeling of each other. Neo slowly pushes you down further on his cock, suggesting he wants you to move. You let out a shaky breath and comply, rolling your hips onto him, moaning softly. As you start to bounce on his cock faster, he wraps his arms around your middle, burying his face in your breasts as he moans your name..
"(Y/n)! Ah.. fuck, you're so tight, so warm.. so fucking perfect," he groans and moves you to lay down on the bed, his cock still inside you.
He begins to thrust slow and hard, savouring the feeling of your warm cunt squeezing around his cock. As he thrusts, he leans down to kiss you gently, wrapping his arm around the back of your neck before breaking the sweet, sensual kiss and laying his cheek on the side of your forehead, groaning into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
His pace starts to quicken and his thrusts shallow, making you moan out in pleasure, knowing he was so close.
"Neo! Wanna cum.. wanna cum with you, ah!" You moan out, lifting his head with your hands to make him look into your eyes.
He grunts and nods, bringing a hand down to rub at your clit, making you gasp and moan louder, moving your hands to cling onto his shoulders, your nails digging into his freckled flesh as he continues thrusting into you, his fingers rubbing at you fervently.
The knot in your stomach becomes too much and Neo can sense your impending orgasm, so he thrusts harder, his own orgasm nearing, his fingers rubbing at your clit faster.
"Fuck, gonna cum!" You gasp out, eyes widening as the knot in your stomach snaps, sending waves of pleasure through your body, your nails digging into his shoulderblades, almost breaking the skin.
"Yes!" Neo grunts and gives a few more thrusts before coming undone. He stills, his cock throbbing and balls tensing, his cum spurting into your warm and welcoming pussy.
Neo collapses on top of you, panting, his cock softening inside of you. He slips out gently and lays between your legs, his head resting on your chest, satiated and out of breath.
"Well? How was your second time?" You grin down at him, petting his soft hair lovingly.
Neo grins back and rolls his eyes playfully, "Well.. you know the saying. Second's the best."
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neonovember · 3 months
Never not feeling thirsty for Carmy. I am so excited for the new season I can’t WAIT. But low-key though? Never not thinking spicy thoughts about him, I wanna palm him through his jeans while kissing him and when he finally cums he moans all hot and needy into my mouth. I need to make him feel like a princess
omg omg omg, driving across country to try some enchilidas carmen is 98% sure wasn't a fever dream and you just reach over and sink your hands into his pants..make him swerve off the dirt road shoulder while your thumb circles his tip, already weeping for you. so slick and wet and ready for you, and with the way he just whimpers?
his tatted knuckles gripping the wheel so tight whilst you stroke him all soft and slow. "go-od, please baby" "need it so bad", grunting and hips canting up, humping himself into the coloumn of your wrist as you squirm in your seat.
going to stop the car off the side of the road when you grip his base but you urge him to keep driving, there isn't anyone for miles and you wanna see how long it takes before he's making a mess in his pants.
ty and good bye
tags <3 @hansfics @kpopgirlbtssvt @parmforcarm @nolita-fairytale
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neo-percs · 8 months
CHERRY POP:: ( day 17 )
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WARNING:: fingering, fem! Reader, dom! Jisung, innocent! Reader, corruption kink, oral, fingering, teasing, edging, virgin! Reader.
SUMMARY:: studying with the boy who has a bad reputation within your peers, yet seemed so nice and harmless in your eyes.
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You had heard about boys like Jisung. He was mean and liked to mess with peoples heads. But it was hard to believe when you sat next to him and he'd been nothing but sweet to you. He let you copy his notes after you took a sick day, he would give you small snacks from time to time, and even asked how your day had been going.
He had done almost everything under the sun to make sure you knew he had an interest in you. From letting you copy his notes and borrowing pencils, to bringing small snacks for you to share. He even went out of his way to buy a pack of bandaids because you always get paper cuts.
But the sad reality was that you were all to naive and bubbly in the mind to even catch his drift, he hadn't had a chance to even insinuate he had a sort of infatuation with the idea of pounding you stupid while you cry.
But the sad reality was that you were all too naive and bubbly in the mind to even catch his drift, he hadn't had a chance to even insinuate he had a sort of infatuation with the idea of pounding you stupid while you cry.
But then Jisung got his chance. Your professor had assigned that your deskmate would be your partner and that you wouldn't be given time during your lecture to work on it so you would have to meet up in your free time to get the work done.
And after an exchange of words the both of you decided to meet at Jisung's apartment to work together from scratch and finish while managing to get a good grade.
The last thing Jisung was worried about was his grade to be completely honest, he was focused on one thing, you. So when you sat next to him in your cute little sweater vest and crème plaid skirt that rode up your plush thighs while you skimmed over pages of the book your project was on he couldn't focus on anything but you.
And you had realized he had been looking at you for a while when you looked out the corner of your eye, the proximity between the two of you who had been so small. You both sat at the wooden desk right beside each other, you couldn't help but giggle at the sight of him looking at you so softly "what?" You ask in a curious tone while your eyes meet his gaze.
"Huh?" He asks, completely dazed as he blinks "you were staring Jisung" you whisper, Jisung only clears his throat and grabs the can of soda with a straw inside. "Can't help it" he mumbled as he caught the plastic straw between his teeth and let his lips wrap around it while drinking the carbonated drink inside.
"Why?" You ask tilting your head subtly as your hair moves a bit out of place. "I just need a bit of help" he feigned with a lost look on his face. You only lean closer to look down at his worksheet to see a few words scattered along in black pen messily while most of it had been blank.
"I can help. The page numbers in your notes have all the answers" you tell him as he picks up the thick book the both of you had been reading the past few weeks with your class only now having to work on the project. He flips through the beige paper on a small hunt to find the page written in his note.
Jisung had decided to contribute. He would rather still have a good grade on this project rather than you doing all the work, although it was hard to focus with your skirt riding up your thighs that had been pushed against his leg as you tried to look into his book and highlight some of the answers.
But as time went on Jisung had grown tired of watching you look down at the book and decided to take matters even further into his own hand. His fingers brushed against your plush thigh sending goosebumps up against your skin. As you shivered you looked up at him, your eyes flickering from the book to him as you had trouble deciding on exactly how you felt about his cold fingers rubbing up and down your thighs tickling you almost.
"You're very pretty, you know that right?" Jisung said as he tried to lower his head and catch the look on your face while you annotated in your notes to get some of your own answers. "Thank you-" you answered shyly hoping your face didn't get flush or your lips bite back the smile you wanted to put on so badly.
"No really! You're very cute" he said as his tone dripped in amusement, yet you hadn't caught the whim of it because his pale nimble fingers brushed some of your hair away from your face. You look up to see his dark brown eyes looking back with a look you had never seen before.
You shy away from him as you look away in hopes the conversation would stop. But it doesn't because Jisung is stubborn, his hand finds itself cupping your face and turning your head to face him. "Look at me" he demanded, his tone was stern, and who were you to disobey it?
When you look up at him with large doe eyes he can't help but feel his cock twitch in his pants at how cute you looked. "You don't have to be shy with me, I promise I can take care of you" he whispers just above a whisper as his eyes look at your plump and glossy lips. "Take care of me?" You ask, feeling your mind being scattered all over the place.
"Mhm, I can show you if you want" he nods as his fingers catch your chin in a small grip and a boyish grin that sat perfectly on his red stained lips from his soda. You nod in response, you wouldn't take any other way, Jisung was being selfless in your eyes as he offered to take care of you.
He smiled as he leaned in closer and you could feel his warm breath on your face as his cologne engulfef you. His nose brushes against yours as he closes the distance your lips press against each other.
Although you were fairly inexperienced in intimacy you tried to kiss back but you were stiff. Jisung only pulled away cooing at your desperate face. "Slow down. Let me guide you" he said, caressing your face as he pecked your lips.
"Okay" you say as you lean forward once more letting your lips gently collide, his lips move softly against yours, tilting his head Jisung deepened the kiss letting his tongue pushing past your lips and brushing against yours.
You let out a small whimper as your hand grabs onto his thigh which he didn't mind at all. Jisung thought your eagerness was so cute it turned him on. He couldn't help but let his hand trail to the back of your neck pulling you closer.
Your breathing was in shambles as you felt something weird that makes you shiver and clench your thighs together. Pulling away you press your forehead to Jisung's as you let out a small whine squirming in your chair.
"I feel so weird- I need help" you whine as you push your skirt between your legs hoping to relieve yourself of the sudden feeling inside your panties frustrating. "Yeah? You need my help?" He asked as his fingers trail your knee and up your thighs.
"Mhm, make it go away please" you practically moan as your hips shake, you clench your fist in frustration as it bunches up your skirt. "Can you lift your skirt so I can help you?" He asks as his large hand grasps one of your fists, rubbing gentle circles into your skin with the pad of his thumb.
"Okay" you whisper as you push your thighs together, slightly flustered at the thought of Jisung wanting to see under your skirt. Lifting it up Jisung's brown eyes were bestowed with your cute white panties, a bow on the elastic band, like a present just for him.
Jisung can't help but smile when he sees the dark patch growing as the seconds pass. Your body shivers at the way his brown eyes bore into the view of your clothed pussy and it makes you snap your thighs shut.
His lips pursed while his eyes didn't seem to move from your pantie clad crotch which you were tryin to hide from his vision. "Jisung- I've never done stuff like this, and you're making me nervous" you whine. He could only chuckle as his hands moved to your thighs as he rubs comforting circles onto your skin.
"It's okay. Remember I'm taking care of you. You trust me with your body don't you?" He asks as his eyes move to meet yours and in return he is greeted with a soft gaze. Jisung needed to see tears in your eyes from how good he fucked you. You only nod at his questions making the pinkette huff out a small laugh.
"Then open your legs so I can help you. I promise it might hurt a bit but I'll make you feel real good baby" and you shutter at the pet name he had assigned you and push your legs open regardless. This time Jisung wastes no time to tug at your panties and push it against your clit teasingly which earns him a delicious moan that fell past your plump lips.
Your legs quiver at the pressure on your clit, letting out a shaky breath you look between your legs and see Jisung pulling at your panties and pulling it to the side finally letting your pussy meet the warm air of his bedroom. Jisung could only bite back and groan at the view of your pussy glistening under the small desk lamp on the wooden table you both had been turned away from.
"Stand up" he says breathlessly, you listen to words eager to get rid of this tingling feeling between your thighs. "Sit on the desk" he directs as he pushes both of the chairs away from the desk as he waits for you to plant you butt on the wooden desktop. And just as you do you legs spread mindlessly and look up at him like a deer in headlights.
Paying no mind to the look you give him he lets himself move between your thighs so you can longer shut them, his hand makes no its way under your skirt with no hesitation. His middle finger glides against your slit feeling your slick stick to his fingers. You close your eyes and suck in a deep breath.
"It's okay, I'm gonna get rid of the weird feeling for you" he coos as he lets his ring finger and middle finger rub your clit with minimal pressure not to overwhelm you. Your eyes shoot open at the sudden pleasure as you release a breathy whine.
"Does that feel good?" He questioned as his fingers rub circles on your clit with ease as the slicked sound of your pussy greeted his ears. "Yeah, it feels really good. Please don't stop" you moan as you open your legs wider. Oh how Jisung loved the way you were falling apart and he hadn't even done anything major.
Pulling you closer to the edge of the table Jisung got down onto his knees he moved his fingers away from your pleasure seeking parts now as he had the perfect view. His hands wrap around your thighs as he looks up at you "is this okay? I can eat you right?" He asks as he kisses your inner thigh.
Your hands grip the edge as your knuckles turn a pale shade. "It's okay" you nod and watch as he smiles "good" he says back as he rips his gaze away from your face and down to your pussy with no regard for anything else going around you all.
The heat of his mouth nearing your pussy he licks small stripes against your clit before he sensually licks from your hole to your clit, and sucking on your clit with fervor.
You moan as your head falls back against the wall. The sounds you make are so pleasurable to his ears. He presses his nose on your clit, inhaling your scent deeply before his tongue dives inside your waiting pussy. You pull onto his hair, writhing against his face.
"Oh- fuck" you manage to whimper out you tug at his hair as he groaned, your eyes shut as you moan, Jisung groans hearing the foul language fall past your lips unexpectedly with neediness dripping from your tone. His hand moving from your plush thigh under your skirt, his thumb rubbing harsh circles on your clit he pulled away, licking your clit once more his middle and ring fingers make way to your entrance.
Pushing in slowly you groan at the penetration, easing your tight walls around his thick fingers the slight burn and foreign feeling makes you whine. He pushes them deeper; you feel the cool metal on his rings all the way at the knuckles of his fingers as it grounds you from the euphoric feeling.
Pulling his head from under your skirt he looks up at you with your juices on his swollen lips and on his chin his fingers begin to move opening your eyes you look down at him feeling his gaze as he watches you react gasping as the feeling you grind down against his fingers "you like that? Hm?" He says as he licks your essence off of his lips.
His hair now disheveled as his cheeks were blooming with a soft blush, you nod eagerly "yeah? You want me to go faster for you?" He coos feeling you clench around him at the sound of his lewd words. "Come on, say it. Tell me what you want" he demanded, making you clench harder "yes please" you say, losing your mind on his fingers as you absentmindedly grind down on his.
He hums as he lifts your skirt bunching it over your hips he watches his finger get sucked inside of you. Moaning at the sight with sparkling eyes. His fingers hitting all the right places stuffing your pussy as the sloppy sounds of his fingers pounding into you as if you were his personal fuck toy.
"So good just for me right?" He asks as his tongue finds its way back to your clit, he looks up at you choking on your moans "only you I promise Ji" you say feeling a familiar pressure build in the pit of your stomach. "I feel something," you whimper.
sending tingles down your body before he licked big stripes of your cunt, sucking on your clit, his tongue working wonders on you. "It's okay just let go, cum on my fingers" he says possessively.
His thumb replacing his tongue as he rubs circles on your clit, your hips shake as your mind is clouded with the sudden rush of your orgasm. You let out an almost pornographic moan as he continues to pump his fingers in and out of you until you ride out your high.
"Good girl" he coos as you grip his wrist as overstimulation starts to creep in. Waiting for you to come down he slowly removes his fingers as he is eager to taste you. Jisung's dripping fingers make their way up to your clit as his mouth makes its way to your puffy lips. he pushes his heavy fingers on your clit as he adorns your lips with light pecks and kitten licks before using his free hand to pull them apart and licking your hole. his mouth sucks you hard in its endeavor to suck out whatever your pussy allows him.
Your hips buck at the feeling the sloppy sounds make your head spin. one of your hands moves to grip the hair on the back of his head and you push his face into yourself even more "oh god" you say shivering at the feeling. Pulling away his eyes look up at you while his lips attach themselves to your thigh that still sat on the wooden table, he bites and sucks the skin on your thigh in different spots leaving red and purple spots to bloom into hickeys as the hours pass.
Pulling away he lifts his fingers still covered in your cum up to his lips sucking on them becoming addicted to the way you taste. "You taste so good" he mumbled as he stood up showing the tent in pants that seemed to grow. And once your eyes meet the bulge your eyes visibly widen.
You had no idea what you did to Jisung but his mind was in a haze "what about you?" You ask looking at the obvious boner sticking "I wanna help you" you whisper while your hand weakly reaches out to touch at him. And just as your fingers raze the bulge you see his thigh twitch.
"Are you sure you can take it?" He asks as he begins to fiddle with the button of his jeans. "I know I can" you watch the button come undone and the zipper being pulled down. You could only see the elastic band of Jisung's boxers but regardless you were still nervous.
Everything moved so fast yet here you were on his desk pushing back the books to the other side of the desk without any regards for the cherry soda can that had sat idly. You almost giggled in shock as you didn't even realize Jisung had pulled his jeans down to his ankle and was fisting his cock in his hands while looking down at your pussy that still had been on display.
You looked down seeing how tight his fingers wrapped around his length while translucent liquid seeped from his tip down his shaft. You reach your hand towards his fist and push it away, trying for yourself to do exactly what you saw, the slight squelching of his precum making friction with your hand had you clenching around nothing.
"Like this? Does it feel good like this?" You ask looking up at Jisung who had his eyes closed and his bottom lip caught between his teeth while his breathing was heavy. His hands now hold up the hem of his shirt while his hips buck into your hand.
"Mhm, just like that. Keep going" he says in a raspy voice. Fuck Jisung was gonna lose it hearing the way you giggled as you felt him twitch in your palm. "It's so pretty" you whisper to yourself as you move your hand harder. Jisung couldn't believe he was drunk on the feeling of your hand and he didn't even put his cock inside you yet, which brings him to his next conclusion.
"You know what would make me feel so much better?" He asks as he opens his eyes to look down on you. "Hm?" Your question is just barely focused. "What if I made both of us feel good at the same time Hm? You like that idea baby?" He asks. And there it was, the butterflies in your stomach churning "as long as it makes you feel good Ji" you mumbled.
God it was like you were heaven sent. He pulls your hand away from his shaft as he finds himself getting comfortable between your thighs once more his hand finds place at his base as he presses his tip to your clit rubbing his precum over it, your heavy breathing put Jisung in a trance that nobody has ever had before.
Before he could even push his tip to your entrance he opens the drawer beside him grabbing a condom and while the both of you exchange looks Jisung uses his teeth to rip open the pack and letting the wrapper drop the floor as he slides the condom over himself.
"You ready?" He asked giving you one more final look in hopes you wouldn't back out but also letting you take a chance at voicing you wanted to stop. But the smile on your face as you said "I'm ready" with a nod make Jisung smile proudly as his ego boosted beyond normal levels.
He pressed his tip against your entrance watching as it sinks inside your tight walls. The both of you hiss as your both looking down to we're you had been connected. You let out a small whine at the stretch where as Jisung slowly let himself push inside you slowly letting you get accustomed to his size.
Your hands move to his shoulders as your nails dig crescents into his skin, Jisung didn't mind he knew you were in pain, he decided to buck his hips just a bit to ease the pain you felt from the stretch. "Can I move more?" He mumbled as his hands hold your waist. You felt your walls ease around him so you take a deep breath. "You can move" you answer.
His hips gyrate as he thrusts into you slowly, the sound of your pussy squelching makes you feel slightly embarrassed, but your thoughts are irrupted by the pleasure which earns a moan from you. "It feels- good" you let your moan rip through your throat like a knife. "Yeah? I make you feel this good?" He asks with a foggy mind.
His hips rock into yours as his mind is clouded with the sweet smell of your perfume, his head drops into your shoulder as his lips leave small wet kisses. "You feel so fucking good" he groaned as he begins to suck on a small spot on your neck.
Your rigid walls rubbing against his shaft while you were already so tight and warm just made his eyes roll back while his hand mess with the buttons on your shirt to get the fabric that had kept your warm skin from touching.
Jisung was choking back moans as he pulls your shirt off of you and dropping it onto the desk besides you. Your head was tilted back as you let the pleasure wash over you like a wave. You wanted to drown in the ocean that was Park Jisung, and from the way his hand falls to underneath your thigh to hike it up onto the desk and he stroked deeper inside you he definitely wanted you to.
"Faster" you moan as your hand entangled itself into his hair pulling on his hair as your heavy breathing into his ear. "Yeah? You want me to fuck you faster? You're so greedy and we barely started- fuck" he groaned into your neck as his mind is blank.
How could you make him feel so good and you didn't even know what you were doing? Was it the way you moaned into his ear? Maybe the way your pussy felt around him as his hips are now sharply moving into you as his pace speeds up? Or maybe it's the way you were so easily falling apart on his cock as you come closer and closer to the edge of your orgasm.
"Yeah, it's so deep and it feels so good" you giggle out as you moan, your lips were swollen but that wouldn't stop you from biting them. You try to desperately roll your hips against his which makes Jisung lose his mind even more.
"Does it? Huh? You like it when I help you like this?" He asks as he leans back holding onto your thighs watching your cheek bounce almost spilling from the bra as he holds your hips still giving harder thrusts "Yes, yes, yes" you practically sob as his hips begin to deliver faster thrusts inside you. "So good" he moaned as his head pushes back into the nape of your neck you tilt your head to the side to give him more space.
You feel the warmth of his tongue licking a stripe on your bare skin slowly he began biting and sucking leaving behind trails of hickeys. "Oh fuck" you moan as you let your fingers slide through his hair your eyes roll back.
His hips buck into you harder and deeper making you clench down on him harder as you moan "you're so deep" you say while arching your back as the desk thumps against the dry wall a harsh sound of his thighs meeting yours resided in the air.
"You feel so good like this" he groaned as his hands grip your waist harder the feeling of your warm wet walls gripping him so good just puts his mind in a sudden state of cloud 9. The way you tugged his hair and dragged your nails across his bare skin made him want to cum so bad.
"please—" you begged as your head lulled back against the wall and your moans pushed him further to go harder and faster. You moan as you feel like your on the tipping edge of your orgasm, your hand falling in between your thighs to rub your clit in hopes to boost your hopes of cumming.
Pushing your hand out of the way stubbornly Jisung pushes the harsh pad of his thumb against your clit rubbing it as he moans out in the way your hand tugs his hair. Biting his swollen lips he pounds into you harder making your back arch even more your chests are pressed together.
The room was now warm as the sticky sound of skin slapping and the desk pounding against the wall was pretty much anyone could hear neither of you had shame in anything you did. The way he pounded into you could make it seem like a pornstar was just doing child's play.
"So fucking tight" he groaned as his hips sporadically thrust into you at a sloppy pace to feel your walls practically suck him back in.
The way your walls around his dick was absolutely delicious to ran he couldn't help but moan as his thrust pick up "oh my fucking god- you feel too good" he gasps as his thrust become deeper and sharp.
With each snap of his hips the sound of skin on skin resided in the air along with breathy moans, his eyes settled down on your where you were connected and watching how he disappeared inside you with every thrust.
Your moans were like a symphony to his ears and he just couldn't get enough. His lips press against yours out of desire to feel you, his tongue licks the underside of yours sucking on it while you moan into his mouth.
His dirty words make you clench around him tightly as you nod eagerly "it feels- so good" you gasp hoping that the feeling would never end. The small nipping of his teeth on your skin almost pushing you over the edge.
"I want you to cum for me, let that big feeling go and it would make me feel so good baby" he moaned as he practically slams into you so hard he begins to tip the metal can filled with the long forgotten carbonated drink.
And the mention of that feeling had began to build in the pit of your stomach "I feel like I'm gonna explode" you cry out as the pleasure drives you to tears as they cloud your eyes.
But that didn't stop Jisung from letting his hands trail to your back and unhook your bra, dropping it onto the floor with the rest of your clothes he took his shirt off as well.
Your sweet moans and whines were bringing him equally as close but he wanted to- no he to see you fall apart on his cock while you cum. And the way your bare chest bounced pushed him even further.
The way his pelvic bone made friction against your clit had your head spinning while the knot in your stomach was close to coming undone. And the feeling of Jisung's tongue against your nipple had sent shivers down your spine as you grip his hair harder.
"You like that? When I fuck you hard like this?" He asks with a hard gaze up at you who was nodding "oh you're enjoying this so much baby" he coo'd as you babble in coherent words in response to his dirty ones that sent you into a spiral.
"I'm gonna- oh god! It feels so-" you bite your lip as your eyes roll back. The sudden shock of your orgasm at instantly shut you up as Jisung chased his orgasm as your warm tight walls spasm around him. "Mmh, it's okay, you're doing good" he whispers as he feels himself being pushed over the edge by your whimpers while he fucks your through your high.
And like an artist playing in white paint Jisung spills his seed into the condom as a guttural moan as his jaw slacks. As he gives you a few more harsh thrusts. His last thrust is so hard that the desk nearly puts a hole in the wall, lucky for him the only thing that happened was the soda can with the cherry flavored drink inside spilled over onto the wooden floors and his desk.
The both of you sit in silence as you wrack your brains. Jisung realized how pussy drunk he had gotten as he slipped out of you slowly taking off the condom he tied it and threw it in the trash without a second thought his focus was on you. He rubs comforting circles on your thighs as you breath heavily with your eyes shut.
Your skin was glowing, and the warm lighting of the sun on your skin did all kinds of justice for you. "I'm so tired- I think this project can wait a little while" you say lazily as the feeling of soreness sinks in.
"Alright then, let's get you in a warm bath and some comfortable clothes. We can finish the project when you feel better okay?" He says as he moves away from you and your body warmth to grab his boxers "okay" you say content with his plan.
You watch him disappear into the bathroom connected to his room as you look at the 'cherry pop' can sit on its side still leaking with the red drink on the floor which you knew would grow sticky if nobody cleaned up.
And as time ticked away you watch droplets of the red liquid fall into a puddle on the floor.
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nwheregirl · 7 months
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This outfit. This outfit makes me feral. Idk why.
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f9smaragdine · 7 months
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In terms of Cunt serving this man never disappoints 💅 💅💅
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jaehyunvideos · 5 months
this jaehyun.
🎬💭: JCC ep. 21 ' W magazine shoot '
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ronjunnie · 2 months
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arcane @neonacity
case oasis @neonc1tylights
launch (25k) @xiaodejunletsact
would you be so kind? (17k) @sehunniepotwrites
Perils Brewing (m) (16.9k) @jenonctcity
mark lee's gluttony (13.5k) @misfitneo
the hopeless romantic (12.8k) @simpsiren
seasons (7.9k) @jaeminlore
back to sleep (730) @dreamcity-rawr
10:12 pm @daydreamingyuta
20:20 pm @mins-fins
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iovesia · 10 months
happy 1k!
prompt suggestion:
“Please be good for me. I don't want to hurt you” with john wick or neo ☺️ xo
𓂃 ࣪ ˖ 𖦹 JOSIE'S 1K EVENT — ( original post )
giggling— had to do this one for my little matrix man! 💻♡
cw. past kidnapping. psychological torture(?). based off this fic.
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"sorry," you mumble, rubbing your shoulder as you continuously bump into people through the busy streets of chicago. the sickly green tint of the city only makes your stomach churn. you didn't know what hell you were doing here. you didn't know what neo wanted you to do.
as you continue mindlessly walking around, you notice a black sheep among the crowd. an older man in a suit, with slicked back ginger hair, and a familiar brand of shades covering his eyes.
agent smith.
you remember neo's words in the back of your head. do not go near him. focus on what i told you to do.
you had no business roaming with an agent of the system— zion's enemy and neo's greatest rival. but the idea of being caught by agent smith.. locked away and kept away from your captor enticed you.
against your better judgement, you turned slowly on your converse heels and began walking toward the suit-clad man. step by step, you were closer and closer to possible danger.. or salvation.
suddenly your eyes snap open.
the air is cold, and you're lying underneath the dingy metal of a familiar nebuchadnezzar ceiling. the sound of computers pinging echo in your ear as the headjack is roughly ripped out from the back of your head.
neo hovers over you, holding the headjack in his hands, and disappointment etched on his face. he lets out a long, defeated sigh as one of his hands cup your cheek.
"what did i say?" he asks softly.
you stay silent.
"please be good for me. you know, i don't want to hurt you” he continues, turning around before typing in a new simulation. "i will if i have to."
you swallow nervously, barely able to make out the scrolling green jumble of text on the computer screen. neo tightens your restraints, keeping you trapped against the uncomfortable, pinching metal chair.
"i'll keep you there as long as i want. until you're exhausted. until you learn," neo's voice is cold, pressing your head back down.
"again," is the last command you hear before he slides the headjack back in.
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𝐈𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐀 © do not repost, plagiarise or translate my works.
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