danielanoitz · 4 months
Tierwohl? Klar, aber nur wenn ...
Wir sind für Tierwohl, natürlich. Schließlich sind wir ein hochzivilisiertes Land, das auf seine Tiere schaut, nicht so wie irgendwo anders, wo sie unter schrecklichsten Bedingungen gehalten werden. Vor allem die süßen Hunde in Asien, die sie auch noch essen. Ganz zu schweigen von den putzigen Katzerln. Schämen sollten sie sich, diese ganzen Tierquäler*innen. Dass bei uns jedes Jahr Millionen von…
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gaygalore · 1 year
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Bruno Cane and Luca di Neppe in Knallhart (2013) dir. Jörg Andreas
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skulljackxiii · 2 months
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GrojBand Comeback Tour - Final Act P.2
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Overall Narrative: Along side GrojBand's journey comes another band that attempts to be  as reckless as them, but appears to be more well kept together and prepared. They are the only other band besides GrojBand to sign up in all genres in the competition so that they appear as the superior musicians, The Newmans. For a long time, they and GrojBand have always one up each other in their performances, though when it came to popularity the Newmans were always in the lead. But that never lead them to believe that they were truly better than their competitor.
Outsiders may believe that this obsessive rivalry was born from spite and jealousy, however in truth there has never been a droplet of animosity or ill will between the two bands...well mostly between the two leaders anyway, Carrie and Corey. Whenever they cross paths the two would often banter and instigate tension to mostly motivate and ignite their passion for music. The only times when Carrie would be more passive aggressive and antagonistic towards GrojBand would be whenever she interacts with the band's bassist, Laney, due to more personal conflicts outside of music.
This rivalry dates all the way back back before the bands were even formed when middle school started and Carrie was more quiet and insecure about her general well being. Though everything about her life up until that point was going to change when she was introduced to both music and Corey. The two quickly hit it off and formed a genuine friendship that lasted all the way up to high school where the two separated to start their own band in order to give the other motivation to be better musicians.  
Back to the present, It's revealed that right before they left on their journey for the competition, both band leaders crossed paths once more and began their usual banter. But things ended more differently in this exchange where Carrie suggested to put a wager on the line at the end of the competition. The bet being whoever's band gains the most influence and recognition at the end would be the winner and they're allowed to command one request from the loser. Seeing nothing to worry about Corey agrees and becomes even more motivated to win the competition, even though he has no idea what kind of command he should give to Carrie if he wins. But for her, she had more personal ulterior motives to initiate the bet in the first place, a motive that won't be revealed until the end of the competition. 
No one else knew about the bet besides the two, however in one event both Carrie and Laney had a heart to heart conversation between the themselves in a diner; recounting their  upbringings and how much Corey both changed and saved their lives. At the end she brings up the bet they formed and insinuates that she would make Corey go out with her if she wins. Though this was not her real request and was made as a joke, this in turn made Laney upset and had her leave in a panic. Carrie wanted to clear the air but she left it as it was hoping to give GrojBand more motivation in the competition. 
Months passed and both bands performed shows that were out of this world, whether that be on purpose or not was left to speculation from audiences. Both continued on their journey leaving bands left and right in the dust, though just barely. But it wasn't just the other bands and Trina that they had to worry about, there was also a criminal organization that threatened their well brings in many occasions thanks to GrojBand indirectly interfering with their operations. They were able to get out of dire situations mostly thanks to the aid of one Nick Mallory.
Now down to the final two, both GrojBand and Newmans stood ready and prepared to perform their last performance of the night before the final calls were made. The Newmans was called on first and their made the crowd scream like they never heard before, GrojBand was up next after a few minutes. But before any of that Corey made a decision and came clean to everything that he's done throughout the entire tour. Over the past few months, Corey grew guilty and revealed all the fraudulent and misdirected claims he's made so far; lying where all the financial expenses came from, his feelings towards his friends about their futures, his insecurities about his own future, and his wavering feelings towards music. GrojBand stood silent and felt hurt about the secrets that was kept by their leader, they didn't know what to do. But right before they were called on stage Carrie saw what was happening and came in to say her piece about the whole situation.
With her stating her disappointment in GrojBand's hesitation and expecting more from her rivals, this gave the members back some of their morale. It was obvious there's more to be discussed with Corey, but for now they'll stand ready to backup their frontman and perform their greatest show ever. With each member leaving on stage, only leaving Corey and Carrie alone to briefly talk amongst themselves. Before Corey said his thanks, Carrie stopped him and wanted to tell him her request claiming that she won the bet, even though GrojBand didn't perform yet. But with what just happened ,he didn't have room to argue and was ready to accept anything she said. 
Carrie then leaned in closer so that no one else heard and whispered what she wanted Corey to do; she wants Corey to keep being himself and to always love music, from now and forever. Since even before day one of the competition, she knew that something was off with Corey. With them graduating high school, Corey's insecurities was showing more and more with each of his shows. She didn't like that he was slowly losing a core part of himself that inspired her to play music in the first place. To not only her, Laney, or the other members, she saw Corey as an inspiration to help others and express themselves that they never could on their own. 
With that said she grabs him by the arm and quickly shoves him on stage where a huge massive crowd was screaming and cheering their names. With Carrie and the rest of the Newmans standing on the sides watching, GrojBand was gonna perform the last song of the night and it was their greatest time of their lives. 
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thunderstomm · 2 days
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eat your heart out, kim kagami
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norwegiatlas · 9 months
norwegian word of the day
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adv. unlikely
Han kommer neppe. / It's unlikely that he's coming.
Det er neppe neper i sekken. / It's unlikely that there are turnips in the sack.
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Fandom: Grojband
Sample Size: 88 stories
Source: AO3
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Which Band do YOU prefer??
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ochtendstorm · 1 month
Lessons on healing:
Meet yourself where you're at. Don't expect yourself to be productive when you can barely get out of bed. Change into a new pair of pyjamas, make sure you have food nearby and watch a comforting movie. Does staying in bed make you anxious, but you can barely get up: throw some blankets and pillows on the ground and make yourself a little nest. Don't feel like you have to do everything right, sometimes "getting better" is also getting rest. Listen to what you need. Can't tolerate any self-love? Try to be neutral towards yourself for a day. You do what you can with where you are. Don't force or push, just meet yourself where you're at.
You're allowed to feel joy. You're allowed to be happy. You're allowed to use the word 'happy'. You get to claim joy. It's not wrong. It doesn't mean you are suddenly okay now and always have to be okay. You deserve little moments of joy, don't feel guilty, don't be scared of it. Allow it, let it (exist), appreciate it.
There is more to you than only the part that hurts. There is more to you than the parts that hold your pain and your trauma. There is so much more in you.
It is not the end. It does not end here. There is still so much out there. It will still get better and softer (again).
Sometimes the intense hurt will stay for a while. You can't make it dissappear, you can't push it away. But you can make yourself comfortable. To hurt does not mean to be without comfort.
You can be grieving and discover new things. You can be grieving and have happy moments. You can be grieving and fall in love. Your life doesn't have to be reduced to only grief or only pain. You can be/feel traumatized and in the middle of trying to deal with it and still have joy. Having trauma won't mean you can't be joyful again.
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thommi-tomate · 5 months
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According to Florian Plettenberg, Marco Neppe is on the verge of stepping down as Bayern's technical director.
Neppe and Bayern are already in talks for a termination of his contract.
Neppe was the one who secured the transfers of Kane and Min-Jae last year and prior to that finalized the free transfers of Konny and Guerreiro
Neppe was also responsible for the discoveries of Phonzy and Bambi and together with Brazzo brought in Mathys
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Ancient grojband redesigns, Newmans edition. <3
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viciousewe · 1 year
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Here’s another pic with the “waste” from combing its so soft I need combs to process it AHHHH
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skulljackxiii · 2 months
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GrojBand Comeback Tour - Lenny Nepp
Support me over at Patreon: www.patreon.com/skulljackxiii
(Note: With little info at hand, there was a lot of room to add about Lenny and his character in this version. But looking back in the show, there were signs where he was different from the other Newmans by not having the same skill set as their counterparts; specifically having physical traits/capabilities being complete opposite from that of Laney, and the long running joke of being called a girl by his peers. So first off it would be interesting by making him a foreign exchanged student from London (since his name is Lenny) that has several medical/health issues that restrains him from being more physically active/capable, thus creates his insecurities of his masculinity. This is further impeded by him growing up as the youngest in a household with only girls in his life. Though they didn't really help with his problem, he did pick up many skills thanks to his mother and five older sisters with flourishing careers; such as a dance instructor, hair dresser, salon manager, beauty technician, and a fashion designer. It would also be fun that he would have this one-sided rivalry with Corey and tries to intimidate him simply out of jealousy, but Corey wouldn't take it to heart because he assumed that it was his own unique way of talking to someone.)
Role: Lenny is one of the key members of the Newmans, taking the role as the bass player and backup vocalist of the band. Along side that, he also has the responsibilities of maintaining the appearance of the Newmans by deciding what type of wardrobe and makeup is best for certain occasions. He also develops and instructs the choreography for their performances, this being his most passionate role given how it is the only physical activity that he flourishes on.
Outside the band, Lenny is a popular Vlogger that likes to share all his moments to the World; letting people know who he hangs out with, where he's at, who he dislikes, etc. This also makes him an addition pillar of support for the band by having so many of his viewers get to know each of the members behind the scenes and grow to like them. With this furthering the band's image, maintaining a lead in popularity against Grojband.
Bio: Lenny lived in London with his mother and five older sisters. Being born with health conditions, such as Asthma, Hyperthyroidism, and minor Muscular Dystrophy, caused him to be retaliate on medication and being overprotected by his family. With no father around he grew up mainly being influenced by his family, namely his sisters playing with him in activities that they're interested in, like playing dress up or putting on makeup. He didn't have much friends when he was little because the boys would think that he was a weak girl to play with, and the girls would think that he was weird for being more prettier than them. Though despite all these years under his family's care and insecurities about his body, Lenny still strived to be his own man and have everyone recognize that. That way he could finally feel confident about himself and have everyone he meets to stop calling him a girl to his face.
Some years later down the line, Lenny decided that he wanted to move out and go to America to attend the rest of his school years there, as part of his journey of being a real independent man. Of course his sisters were against this idea, but the one to back him up and understood his plights was his mother. After some arrangements with relatives over in the US and saying his goodbyes, Lenny was finally able to set off and be who really wanted to be, but upon his arrival things didn't exactly go as planned. Weeks went on and due to his social anxieties, fragile physic, clumsy nature, and feminine appearance, he became a target of bullying by everyone. 
This went on for awhile until a rough looking girl called Carrie Beff stood up and shut everyone up with a single single sentence. When he saw her for the first time, be came enamored by not only for her looks but also her strong presence that commanded respect and attention. Since then he did everything that he could to see her and get closer, but never had the courage to say how he really felt. So when he heard that she was forming a band and was looking for a bass player, he saw this as his opportunity. He exhausted so much of his time, energy, and finances to become the perfect bass player for the girl of his dreams. 
When the day finally came to showcase his skills and was accepted, he felt such immense joy that he never felt before. But that feeling wouldn't last too long when he realized that so much of Carrie's attention was always directed towards a rival band Grojand, specifically their leader Corey Riffin. Since then on he swore that he'll find a way to beat GrojBand and prove that he could be so much more than Corey will ever be.
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thunderstomm · 3 days
The Newmans Redesigns (Early Draft) + Ideas
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I love the Newmans- but that’s not much of a secret. And just like most people who love them, I’m always just a little disappointed that the show didn’t really do much with them- I mean, Kim and Konnie barley spoke at all! Plus, I personally don’t love that they look almost identical to their GB counterparts, I think a little variety is nice ! So for the longest time, I’ve been trying to nail down some redesigns that I think really work for each of these characters. And while these are not the final designs, they’re just a potential mock-up- I still wanted to share them, as well as two hypothetical ideas for how these looks come to be.
I don’t want to pretend they just always happened to look like this, canon gets to stay intact in the idea that they looked like Grojband, until a certain point. But I’m not sure what route to take to result in the change- whatever I pick will be used and referenced in my Grojband fic, Peaceville’s Pink Star. (Follow my side blog @peacevillespinkstar , more chapters soon I promise !
So instead of just getting stuck in my own head, I figured it was better to type out both options, and kinda scope what other people think is better. There’s nothing like a good peer review !
(Under the cut because it’s long- thank you so much for choosing to read it if you do!!)
General context: these designs (or whatever final copy I end up making) exist in a post-series environment. AFTER “hear us rock”. The look change is spurred by one of these two options:
Option 1: The Rebrand
After the events of “hear us rock”, the newmans are in hot water. Because of how similar they look to Grojband- Aka the band who saved Peaceville- people keep booking them thinking that they are GrojBand, and then getting upset when it turns out they aren’t. Upset greatly by this, the newmans decide that enough is enough, and that if it’s the only way they can stand out and be better, they’ll have to take the leap and completely re-invent their looks, and their sound. So the Newmans leave town for a little bit, and return sporting their shiny new duds, and a sound that’ll blow Grojband out of the water.
Option 2: The Lawsuit
After the events of the Newmans’ last appearance in the show, Kon-fusion, things don’t go well. While Grojband is unharmed by the de-fusion process, the Newmans ARE harmed (not majorly, but still enough that it’s clear), and things aren’t the best for them. While medial professionals are able to get them back to being healthy, the Newmans still end up looking a little bit different as a result. The Newmans Sue DJ-Fusion and win, which covers the costs PLUS gets them enough to buy new outfits (and maybe instruments) to match their looks.
I’d love to share my headcanons for each of the Newmans at some point, and how I think their personalities differ from the band, as well as possible friendships. Again, will probably end up on my side blog, because this particular lore will be used within my fic.
Please share which of these options you prefer if you can! It really helps !
Bonus redesign draft with notes explaining some of my design choices and picks !! (:
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crazy-austrians · 1 year
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dcrtmund09 · 4 months
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Wir.. könnten bald wieder wer sein?
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sportu · 1 year
FC Bayern draws the line: Last Nagelsmann confidant has to go
He came to Munich with ex-coach Julian Nagelsmann. Now team psychologist Maximilian Pelka has to leave Bayern. Upheaval at FC Bayern: After the expulsion of Julian Nagelsmann, Marco Neppe, Dino Toppmöller or Toni Tapalović, the next member of staff has to leave the German record champions, as the club announced on Monday. The “kicker” previously reported. Team Psychologist Dr. Maximilian Pelka…
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