#Nerys Cousland
mxanigel · 2 years
The OCs in Neri Surana's worldstate
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Inspired by others who crafted similar visuals, I created character cards for the four OCs in Neri Surana's worldstate. I am in full brainrot mode for Neri, Heather, Dana, and Raven, and I welcome any questions you might have for them!
Neri is the Warden who sparked this worldstate, and the others slowly took shape as I considered the roles that would follow. (Want to learn more about Neri? Check out this post for links to their AO3 fics and tumblr snippets!)
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empresstress13 · 4 years
3 Words
I was tagged by the amazing @saphyremelodies , the lovely @dreadhobo and wonderful @nordxz a really long time ago. ^^;
rules: say the first three things that you think of when you think of your OC(s)! (without an explanation of course) 
I’m doing them all (more or less). I apologize now. I may have started to cheat a bit and used phrases instead of words. ^^; oops
Beatrix Tabris: family, knives , pressed flowers 
Nehnara Surana: knowledge-seeker, game-changer, star-crowned
Syndis Brosca : bruised knuckles, loyal, throwing-ax
Kyria Cousland: lady knight, noblesse oblige , fairy-tales  
Ronny of Denerim : charm, secrets, quick smiles 
Elraen Mahariel : climbing trees, caring too much (just enough), home fires 
Esther Trevelyan : garden, soaring voice, light through clouds 
Eve Trevelyan : chess, quick wit, strength 
Lilith Trevelyan : cataloged books, flame, yarn 
Revasulahn Lavellan : woven strands, stories-crafted, community
Adhlea Lavellan : strong roots, found family, 
Innanis Adaar : shooting stars, experiments , freedom
Kyra Ilphelnodel : baking with love, big hugs, shining bright 
Nerida “Nery” Wick : water in the desert, snakes, “if I’m quite enough . . .”
Astaraelle “Raelle” Norden : aerial, wanderlust, free spirit 
Gwen Galakiir : yaks, muscles, pretty in pink
Corinna Brisori Liv-Ilamir : books, crystals, brittle
Lillian Kirkston : veiled emotion, guarded, strong spirit 
Urraca Kirkston : carpe diem, lucky coin, running  
Aoife Verd: family, growth, hope (gained and lost)  
Thalassa “Thallie” Yoztli : sun across water, pastel, bone-deep Ariliel “Ari”:  Books & Blades, Wind, Determined  Runa Saltseeker: Instrument Strings, Binding Thread, Shatter Eirlys Grynn: Fresh Bread, Calloused Hands, Shield 
tagging: @wardsarefunctioning @zanidragon @katalyna-rose , @theladypirate  @littleblue-eyedbird @saphyremelodies @dirthara-mama @justanartsymainblog @savvylittleminx @hansaera @lycheejellytea @nordxz @solverne-02 @witchofthewakingsea @shiftyarchfey
As always:  Feel free to ignore! Only do this if you have the time and/or inclination.♥ Love y’all!
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valorouswarden · 5 years
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repost,  don’t reblog !
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.      lady branwen nerys aerona cousland
PRONUNCIATION.      ( BRAWN-wehn ) ( NEH-riss ) ( aye-ROH-nah ) ( COOS-land )
NICKNAME.       bran, pup, bird / little bird
GENDER.         fem
HEIGHT.  5′3″
AGE. 20 in origins
ZODIAC.         solium / aries 
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.       dark brown / black, long, smooth and glossy
EYE COLOR.        brown. large, with thick lashes. upturned. 
SKIN TONE.         fair, clear and smooth. 
BODY TYPE.          short and hour glass figured, becomes more fit and toned as the story grows 
ACCENT.         high fereldan 
VOICE.         (violent voice set), clear, abrasive, animated, earnest
DOMINANT HAND.         right handed
POSTURE.         upright and proper, or else her tutors would have her head
SCARS.        scars on her back and chest from arrows (thanks for the betrayal loghain), various battle scars
TATTOOS.         none
BIRTHMARKS.        a small patch on her stomach
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.         highever, fereldan
HOMETOWN.         highever
BIRTH WEIGHT.        5lbs 6oz
BIRTH HEIGHT.          16 in
MANNER OF BIRTH.         natural birth
FIRST WORDS.         mama ( i mean, yeah. what did you expect, “discombobulated”?)
SIBLINGS.         fergus cousland
PARENTS.         teryna eleanor cousland (deceased), teyrn bryce cousland (deceased)
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.         close and loving. she was always closer with her father than her mother, having always wanted a warrior’s life and not the life of the lady. she loved her mother dearly but always thought she was a bit... meddling, trying to get her married to every noble from fereldan to the anderfels, it seemed. her father, on the other hand, taught her the ways of ruling and fighting.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.         grey warden 
CURRENT RESIDENCE.          none specifically 
CLOSE FRIENDS.         bandit, her mabari ; fergus, her brother ; alistair
RELATIONSHIP STATUS.          none (default alistair)
FINANCIAL STATUS.         she was very well off until the howe’s took her castle. as a grey warden? not so much. 
DRIVER’S LICENSE.      yes, in modern
CRIMINAL RECORD.         n/a
VICES.       relies on anger and spite to get her through as well as thoughts of revenge on the howes, hasty and impatient, enjoys sex far more than a lady of her status should ( but fuck that ), stubborn and prone to outbursts, can be rather abrupt and unthinking in her words, takes charge more than she should
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.         bisexual
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.         biromantic
PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant |  switch.
PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive  |  dominant  |  switch.
LIBIDO.         mid to high libido. she enjoys sex and she’s not afraid to admit it.
TURN ON’S.         humour // muscles // strong ethics & morality // smiles // good heart
TURN OFF’S.        cruelty // injustice // orlesians // arrogance 
LOVE LANGUAGE.  physical touch and acts of service primarily, quality time secondary
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.      listen, gifts mean nothing to her. at her mother’s behest, she’s had many nobles bestowing her with gifts and words of flattery. they hardly know her, and all they comment on is her beauty. for her, if she loves you she wants to spend time with you. she wants to touch and be touched, because there is an instinctive fear that they could disappear any moment. want the way way to her heart? spend time with her. go out of your way to do things, to show you care. flattery and gifts won’t get you anywhere. though she could always use a good blade.....
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.      rise by katy perry
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.         practicing and honing her skills, preparing potions, poisons and traps, whittling / carving
MENTAL ILLNESSES.     ptsd, anger issues
PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.         whatever illnesses that come from being a warden
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.         primarily right brained
PHOBIAS. the calling, losing those she loves, dying alone
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.        decently high. she knows she’s a damn good fighter, and she’s not afraid to kick some ass. on top of that, she’s rather short and young so people tend to underestimate her.
VULNERABILITIES.        the death of her family and the loss of the wardens so quickly after another has hit her rather hard, tbh. she’s strong, but only to a point.  
TAGGED BY:   nah
TAGGING: @surxna, @weptfire, @worrytoken
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techiehux · 6 years
Thanks to the lovely @looking-glass22 AND @mademoisellebianx for the tag! I love getting these.
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in any order), answer the questions and tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
3 Fandoms:
· Star Wars
· Dragon Age
· Star Trek
The first character you loved:
· Kylo Ren
· Zevran Arainai
· Kira Nerys
The character you relate to most:
· Kylo Ren (TFA)
· Leliana
· Ezri Dax
The character you’d slap:
· Snoke! 
· Loghain...
· I was SO mad at Kai Winn in one of the episodes.
Three favorite characters (in order of preference):
· Hux, Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma
· Zevran, Cassandra, Aveline
· Kira Nerys, Garak, Jadzia Dax
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
· Um... No one.
· Nope! 
· Still no.
A character you did not like at first but do now:
· All of them! I used to hate Star Wars.
· Iron Bull, oddly enough.
· Odo and Quark!
Three otp’s:
· Kylux
· Zevran/My Cousland Warden
· Garashir
Tagging: @a-fractured-soul @ask-matttheradartechnician @kelleyxmarie @I’m tired now, whoops @anybody who wants to!
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anytime any of you post a dollmaker i just go ahead and resign myself to losing half my day to it
all my aged dragons except knox, whose look I couldn’t pull off, and anaïs, because i have to draw the line somewhere
tabby, ellie, ash, couscous, hawke, hawke 2 hawke harder, ari, pip pip cheerio, asala, and fritz
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empresstress13 · 6 years
For ALL you OCs + you: favorite climate, season, weather and thing to do in that season? For me - I like temperate, not too hot or too cold climate, spring and sunny weather and to go for a walk to see all the green and growing things!
I have so many OCs. . .  Ok! I'll start with me! My favorite season is autumn! It's one of the few things I don't have issues with when it comes to answering "favorite" questions. I enjoy the fall colors when the leaves turn, and there's this certain smell that I associate with autumn air that I love. I prefer cool-temperate climates that; I've lived most of my life in places that have . . . .four seasons (ish) and I do prefer to have a range of seasons (and see those fall leaves change color)! Likewise, I've always lived places with a fair amount of rainfall. My favorite things to do in the autumn include walks, hikes, and general enjoying the outside. I use to go to places with corn mazes as a little kid. Autumn is also when the State Fair comes around and I do enjoy that too!  . . . I didn't even get to them all. T.T I really have too many!!! Kyria Cousland - A study in contradiction: Kyria loves summer and winter both very much. Summer was the time she could ride easily outside Highever. She could take Oren along, or take him to the beach and go sailing with her brother or Ser Gilmore. She loved winter for the time she could spend with her family; it was the season when things seemed to slow down the smallest bit in Highever and she could take time with her father. Kyra was a great horsewoman and enjoyed going on rides regardless of the weather. She enjoys sparing and martial practice, and playing with her dogs.    
Elraen Mahariel - Elraen loves summer! She loves sun and warm weather. She loves to spend time with the hall, and climb trees. She's a skilled hunter, but it's not her favorite past time in of itself - but she does enjoy tracking and archery.    
Nehnara Surana - When she was younger, in the alienage, Nehnara prefered spring or fall. Just because summer and winter were more difficult. Summers were sweltering in the crowded alienage, and winters were harsh. For awhile after coming out of the tower though, Nehnara just enjoyed really experiencing the seasons again. Honestly though, while Nehnara doesn't mind outdoor activities, most of her favorite things are indoor activities. She does prefer temperate weather still though - so the heat of summer and dead of winter are not her favorites.   
Beatrix Tabris - Bea's favorite is spring! She adores wildflowers, and ever since she's been able to travel more, she adores being in the outdoors. She enjoys seeing nature during all the seasons, but seeing the flowers return is a particular favorite for her. She enjoys exploring, picking flowers (she has a pressed flower collection), and running around rooftops. Bea also has a love for storms.  
Syndis Brosca - So. . . . she sort of had never experienced seasons before? Sky is weird. Precipitation is weird. (And now. . . .I'm wondering also how does Orzammar experience seasons if they do at all???). Syndis is really interested in these things, but also weird out. She likes trying out seasonal foods too! Every time something new comes up on the market she's super excited to try it! She doesn't exactly have one favorite season in the end. She just plows though them all with as much enthusiasm possible.  
Evangeline Hawke - Evangeline prefers warm climates, in Kirkwall she finds that she enjoys the sea breezes. Her favorite season is late spring. She enjoys rainy days, and opening up the widows and listening to the rain. 
Mirabel Hawke - Mirabel actually misses the colder climates of the far south. She enjoyed crisp, cool weather. Wrapped up in leathers and thick cloaks she'd take walks on the outlying fields of Lothering. It was cool enough to train with her siblings comfortably. 
Lilith Trevelyan - Oh. Oh Lilith. Well. . . .Lilith went to the circle at a relatively young age - old enough that she still remembers living outside the circle, but she never really developed and nature survival skills. However, Lilith loves nature - she adores being outside and exploring. . . . nature just doesn't always love her. She can be clumsy and she sunburns easily. She's very good with fire magics, and eventually figures out how to maintain body heat even in cold weather. . . but right after she left the Circle she was repressing her natural talent for flame so harshly that she was often cold. So. . . Lilith in theory enjoys various climates but in actuality has difficulties experiencing them often.
Adhlea Lavellan - Addy has never really disliked any particular weather or climate in and of itself. There are times that a particular weather phenomenon has created issues for her and that is certainly frustrating, but in general she enjoys nature in all it's turns. She might have a slight preference for weather that's not very extreme since that's easier for her clan and family as a whole, but as long as the climate and weather isn't life or property threatening then she's quite happy. Addy loves being outdoors - sparring, hunting, hiking, scouting, climbing, swimming - she loves it all. She also loves training young scouts and hunters and playing hide and seek with the little ones (which is a sort of training too in her mind).
Svetlana Cadash - It sort of depends on how much the weather is inconveniencing her at any give time. Sitting inside listening to the fall of rain and thunder: enjoys the storm; having to ride and fight while being pelted by rain and wind: it's awful; watching some Orlesian's hat get utterly ruined by the downpour: priceless. That goes for all weather. 
Kyra Ilphelnodel - Well. . . Kyra comes from a hot, dry climate but. . . she sunburns easily. XD So mixed feelings there. The first time she saw snow she was tricked into licking a metal pole. So . . . that was a thing. The second time she saw snow was because of an evil archfey. So . . . yeah. She'd like to experience it just in a positive way at some point? 
Nery Wick - Nery hates dry climates. . . she's had to deal with too many (and she's a water genasi). She doesn't mind heat, but hates dry. She loves exploring, hiking, and climbing. Archery is a particular skill she enjoys, and so is swimming (but she doesn't get the chance as much as she would like).
Raelle Norden - Raelle is another one who really enjoys experiencing a variety of weather and climates - she has a real thing for experiencing and learning as much as possible. So she'll probably be game to do things like polar swims and steamy jungles and everything in between! It's also hard to pinpoint favorite activities for her because she just enjoys doing so much!  
Gwen Galakiir -  Gwen loves winter and snow. She's a Tundra Storm Herald Barbarian who adores the cold, though she doesn't hate heat either. She really loves snow fights and sledding. She also loves to spar in any weather. Tried to climb a thousand foot waterfall recently. Didn't work. Probably for the best. ---
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mxanigel · 2 years
For the know the author meme, 1, 5 and 11? ^_^
Thank you so much for the ask! <3
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
A few, but the one most pertinent to DA would be my non-Warden Cousland/Anora. Heather Cousland survived the attack on her home and went underground for a while because she didn't know who she could trust. When word reached her about Cailan's death, she started working her way toward Denerim to check on Anora (in disguise to avoid being discovered by Rendon Howe or anyone who worked with him). Why am I holding off? I have a mental block writing f/f for various reasons, a block that's hampered my ability to sketch out Heather's story. Plus, it doesn't end well for Heather since Anora marries Alistair and eventually breaks things off with her.
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
Neri Surana. Other than being non-binary, my initial image of them was very different from myself (for starters, I'm panromantic/demisexual/grayace, they're demiromantic/pansexual). Their story was supposed to be a one-shot, dammit. Yet here I am sketching a decade-plus of their story that has completely taken over my brain even when I should be focused on work.
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
Hmmm. Probably my handling of perspective (point of view). My early writing was third-person omniscient, and I'm not sure how anyone tolerated reading it, including myself. It was confusing and loose and at times rambling. Sure, my writing now can produce quite a lot of words, and I know it's never perfect, but it feels much tighter and more focused because it's specific to a single character's perspective. Neri's story has helped me improve my first-person POV in particular!
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