#farran hawke
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i’ve been slack on posting my commissions lately but!!!! a month or so ago i got this lovely piece done of my hawke farran by @thekeepersfirst over on FR, and i’m still so super stoked about it
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middleearthpixie · 3 years
More Than Meets the Eye ~ Chapter Twenty-Three
Summary: Thorin and Arielle go up to Ravenhill, where he tells her exactly what happened that day.
Pairing: Thorin Oakenshield/Arielle (Elen) Farran (female OC)
Characters: Arielle, Thorin, Kili
Rating: T
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2,922
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @ocfairygodmother @exhausted-humxn-being
If you'd like to be added to the tag list, just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here and on AO3
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Arielle didn’t miss the way Thorin’s fingers tightened about hers as they stood at the foot of the rocky outcropping that led to the fortress of Ravenhill above. She looked over at him, the wind catching her hair to blow it across her face and she clawed it free to see him just staring up at the tower as if seeing ghost.
“We don’t have to do this,” she told him, turning to catch his hand between hers.
“I have to, Arielle.” He didn’t look at her, didn’t take his eyes from the gray stone edifice rising through the mist. “I need to face it and to make peace with it and I cannot do that from Erebor.”
“You could have brought Miss Caisys here. Didn’t you say she asked you to?”
“She did not want to hear the truth about what happened, about what I chose to let happen. She wanted to hear tales of war glory and war is anything but glorious. It’s vile and wasteful and it still shames me I chose it because of my own personal greed. If I told her that, I’ve no doubt she’d have told me I’d chosen wisely, that the treasure hoard should have remained mine and mine alone, and by my marrying her, she’d have access to it as well.”
“I don’t understand that,” she told him, catching another handful of hair to drag away from her eyes. “I know you, you aren’t greedy or a war hawk.”
He looked over at her then and shook his head. “I wasn’t the same dwarf then that you see now.”
“What happened?”
He gestured toward the fortress with his free hand. “I’ll tell you on the way.”
“Very well. Lead on.”
They began moving once more and he said, “I was still a young man when Smaug came, not quite a boy but not much older. He was here for a century and a half, sleeping on the treasure hoard of Thrór for a good portion of that time.”
“I’ve heard the stories from those who survived the first attack,” she told him, watching her steps as they mounted slick steps carved into the rock. “Dale was destroyed as well, they said. And Erebor was taken and you and your people were left without a home.”
“We were. I earned my keep as a blacksmith, believe it or not, and wherever I could find work, I did. In time, we all settled in Ered Luin—the Blue Mountains, which is how Belle came to know Dis. And when the Company and I returned here for Durin’s Day last, that hoard had been tainted. Badly. Dragon sickness, you know. It drove me into a sort of madness for a while and that’s when I invited war to Erebor.” His fingers tightened about hers again, but only briefly. “Watch your step, the next few stones were badly damaged in battle.”
They reached the top, over looking a low courtyard of sorts, rectangular in shape and ringed with a high stone wall, with more steps carved into it. The earth was slowly reclaiming it, however, with grass and weeds springing up between the stones of the floor, in the ivy winding along the wall and the base of the first circular tower. The wind whistled along softly, as if welcoming them and beckoning them closer.
“Here, I stood with Dwalin and Fili and Kili and I sent them to scout that tower. Told them to keep low. To avoid engagement and to get their butts back to me if they ran into trouble of any sort.” He let go of her hand and stepped away, pointing off to the north. “An army of goblins descended but goblins are easy targets—vicious, but slow and stupid— and Dwalin and I dispatched them in quick time.
“But, what I didn’t know was that Azog wasn’t alone. His son, Bolg, had come from the north and trapped us.” He turned toward the tower. “The Defiler ran Fili through up there. Kili was down around the far side, where he met up with Bolg. But we were lucky. A Woodland she-elf, Tauriel, and Thranduíl’s son were nearby. Tauriel’s quick thinking saved Kili, saved Fili, and eventually,” he looked over at her, “saved me.”
She remained where she was, wanting to go to him and throw her arms about him, but also wanting to hear the rest of this story, to hear the rest of these events that she’d only heard about in passing, but knew had changed him more profoundly than almost anything else that happened to him in his lifetime. She didn’t wish to interrupt him, to give him a chance to change his mind about telling her.
He drew in a deep breath. “The Defiler made certain to slay Fili in front of me. I stood right here, helpless, furious, and could only watch, with Dwalin at my side. And that was all it took. I’d had enough and I went after him.”
With that, he strode across the courtyard and she followed, along the moss-covered stones surrounding the tower, to around the front, where she found herself on the lush green banks of a rushing river that led to the sea beyond.
He stood on the bank, staring at the swiftly moving water and when she joined him, he reached for her, drew her around to stand in front of him, wrapped his arms about her.
“This was frozen over,” he said, gesturing to the river with one hand, “and that fool had an enormous flail and I suppose he thought I was slow and weak, that being smaller than an orc somehow made me an easier target.”
“But Durin’s sons are neither slow nor weak,” she said, leaning her head back against his chest.
His arms tightened about her briefly. “We are not, no. I let him swing it. And I’d move, and he’d swing. I moved. He swung. He was bigger than me, but not smart enough to realize I’d figured out where he’d swing next, and that I’d use it to my own advantage. And he realized too late that he’d succeeded in breaking off the ice and when I stepped back from it, he and his fool flail slid right into the water.”
“And that was it? He drowned?”
“No. My arrogance got the best of me. The filth was not dead and he leaped out to pin me on my back. And I—”
“You chose to let him run you through,” she craned her neck to look up at him. “That’s how you received those two scars, isn’t it?”
He nodded. “I knew it would be fatal, but I also knew—or I’d hoped—I’d have enough time to dispatch him for good. I didn’t know Tauriel would be here, or that I would owe my life to a Woodland Elf, either. But,” he squeezed her again, “I rid the world of that filth and it was worth the price I paid.”
“Thank you for sharing this, Thorin. I’ve often wondered but… I did not want to burden you with reliving it if you’d rather just forget it.”
“I told you, feel free to ask me anything about it, mesmel. I’ll willingly share any of it with you and trust me, I will never forget what happened here.” He pressed a kiss into the top of her head. “But, there is a reason why I brought you out here, and part of it had to do with telling you what happened, but Dis brought something up this morning that I think we really should discuss.”
“What’s that? And when did you see her?”
“Earlier. When I told Belle she had an hour to take her leave or risk being tossed out on her khakhaf.” His arms tightened about her once more. “How do you feel about children?”
“Thorin?” She turned toward him. “What do you mean?”
He held her gaze, his eyes softly blue. “Would you like to have any?”
Her stomach did an odd flip. “Why?”
“That’s not an answer.”
“Well… I suppose I would, eventually. I mean, I don’t think having one right now would be a very wise idea because then people would point and gossip about why you were marrying me, since I’m not a dwarf woman and they probably already wonder enough about it as it is and I’m certain they already gossip enough as it is, so if we had a baby right away, that would just make them think that you had to marry me and that—”
He cut her off by capturing her lips with his in a slow, teasing kiss. She smiled against his lips, and when he drew back, he murmured, “I did not mean tonight, mesmel. I meant ever.”
“Oh.” She met his gaze and nodded. “Yes. I would love to have children. I think you would be a wonderful father, Thorin. When Dis was telling me about you and your nephews… I melted on the inside.”
He smiled. “I like children. I always have. And I might be biased, but I think you and I would make very beautiful children, and I look forward to seeing how right I am.”
“Of course we would. They’d be an interesting mix, though. Man. Elf. Dwarf.” She slid her arms about his waist. “How would Erebor feel about a king or queen who isn’t full-blooded dwarf?”
“Truth? I care not how they’d feel. I suppose I should care, but I don’t. I’d rather give up the throne and be with you, than keep it and be forced to live with Belle for the rest of my days. Not that it’s even an option, since you seduced me and I fell victim to your feminine wiles.”
She couldn’t hold back her smile even as she arched one eyebrow and offered up a long look. “My feminine wiles?”
“How else would you explain it? A dwarf lusting after an Elf-Man woman? It defies logic.”
“How well can you swim, dwarf?” she grabbed a handful of his henley and tugged, backing toward the river.
“I swim very well, actually.” He caught her around the waist. “What about you?”
“I’m from Esgaroth, remember. I was born knowing how to swim.”
“Is that so?” He strode toward the river. “Shall we see?”
“Do not throw me that river, Thorin Oakenshield. I mean it.”
“What are you going to do to stop me?”
She bent to seize his lips with hers and he chuckled into her mouth as he stopped, carefully went to one knee, then leaned to press her into the sun-warmed grass and covered her body with his. She eased her arms about his midsection, tugging his henley up to slip her hands beneath it. As her fingernails just barely grazed his back, he shivered against her, kissing his way along the curve of her jaw, down along her neck. His hair fell soft against her skin, a caress in itself, and she smiled as she slid her hands from beneath his shirt to brace them against his chest, and gently shoved.
He obliged, rolling onto his back, pulling her astride him, her knees on either side of his hips, and she caught him by wrists to pin his arms above his head. “This should do it.”
He grinned, his eyes sparkling sapphire as he said, “Do you think I could not break this hold if I truly wished to?”
“Do you truly wish to break it, though?”
“Not a chance.”
She bent to him, her lips meeting his in a lingering kiss. He pulled free of her grasp to slide his arms about her waist, one hand easing beneath her tunic to skim along her back, the other curving against her backside to pull her hard against him.
Arielle parted her lips, her toes curling in boots as he caught her tongue to draw it into the warmth of his mouth, to tease it with his own, each slow caress serving to warm her blood even more. The breeze skimmed softly against her skin, carrying summer on it to wrap around them both, and she broke the kiss, rocking back to sweep her tunic over her head and let it flutter to the ground beside them.
“Here, givashel?” he murmured, his eyes darkening as he caught her by the waist and let his fingers graze along the slope.
“Why not?” She shrugged, catching the bottom of his henley to push up toward his ribs. “There’s no one around.”
He didn’t stop her, but carefully sat up enough for her to tug his shirt over his head, then as he reclined once more, he pulled her down to him. Their lips met, their hands began to roam, to explore, and she shivered against him as he traced the outer curve of her right breast with his thumb.
She nibbled at his lips, moved down over his chin, the scratchy-softness of his beard a caress in itself, and kissed her way along the scruff of his neck, down into the hollow of his throat. She moved down, through the thick, soft hair in the middle of his chest, out to where it thinned around his right nipple, then down along the fur of his belly. She flicked her tongue into his navel, kissed down to the waist of his trousers. All the while, he buried his hands in her hair, and whispered, “Amrâlimê…”
The top button on his trousers slid effortlessly through its loop. The second one did as well. But by the third one, his erection against the fabric proved a somewhat formidable enemy in trying to maneuver said button through its loop and she smiled even as she wrestled with it a moment.
Then the fabric parted and his sigh wafted into the air. She caught the waist of his small clothes. Tugged them down just enough. Bent over him.
They both jumped at the same time. Arielle dove for her tunic, while Thorin shifted to put himself between her and Kili, who came striding their way. “What is it?”
“Oh, am I interrupt—oh, I am so sorry…” Kili paused halfway to them and Arielle could hear amusement woven into the embarrassment in his voice. “I just—it’s Balin. He said he needed to speak with you about—”
“I’ll be there in a bit, Kili,” Thorin replied as Arielle yanked her tunic down, but remained behind him.
“I—very well—that is, you—I am so sorry. I beg your pardon, Miss Arielle. I didn’t mean—”
“You can go now,” Thorin growled.
“I think I’ll do just that…” Laughter wove into the embarrassment now and overtook it. “So sorry to bother you both. I’ll be going now, so you can get back to doing… each other…”
Arielle leaned into Thorin’s back, her face burning. No, forget her face burning, her entire body burned with embarrassment. “Do I dare hope he didn’t see me?” She muttered into his skin.
“I don’t know, but I think it’s a bit much to hope, to be honest.” He glanced at her over his shoulder, them reached to catch her about the waist and carefully drew her around and into his lap. “You’re blushing.”
“Of course I am! Another man saw me topless and not only that, but he saw me about to go down on you and how am I ever going to look him, or anyone else in Erebor for that matter, in the eye without wanting to melt right into the ground because you just know he is going to go back and laugh about this with at least Fili and probably everyone else to and I don’t even know who everyone else is but they will all—”
He smothered her rambling with a teasing kiss, then pulled away to whisper, “I’ll let him know it’s in his best interest to keep anything he might have seen to himself.”
She sighed softly, tucking her head against his chest. “I cannot believe we were caught.”
“We will survive,” he assured her. Then, he carefully untangled himself from her and reached for his henley to tug back over his head with only the slightest hint of a wince. “But, we should get back so I can what Balin needed me for and threaten Kili if he thinks to gossip.”
The last thing she wanted to do was go back to Erebor nw, but since she couldn’t very well avoid it, she let Thorin guide her back, and once they were inside, she went down to face the violation of her flat, while Thorin went to warn Kili he would stay far healthier if he remained quiet.
Even so, she knew she’d never be able to look the youngest son of Durin in the eye again, and as she passed by Erika and Lono, who both looked straight through her, she couldn’t decide which was actually worse. Somehow, she thought having the staff still angry at her was far worse than anyone knowing what she and Thorin were doing up at Ravenhill. At least if they weren't angry with her, she could laugh with them about it and somehow, she thought it might not be so bad in that case.
But of course they were still furious and so she just returned to her flat, closed the door quietly behind her, let her forehead thunk against it, and gave into her urge to cry.
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captaingondor · 6 years
I asked for prompts to write something light, @aceofstars16​ sent me ‘a reunion after a long time away from each other’... and I wrote this, whoops. And since I asked for it here I figured I may as well share it with alla y’all, so... enjoy??
The Princess
Tavina smoothed out the fabric in her skirts that she’d rumpled from squeezing in her hands, for fourth or tenth or thousandth time that day - she hadn’t been counting. She had to stop doing that. She wasn’t going to put all that time she’s spent making sure she looked perfect this morning to waste. She was wearing red, of course - deep Farran red, Pelasian red, Imperial red. That last one was new, but she had best start getting used to it.
She’d been lingering in the tower of the palace with the best view to the south earlier in the day, to spot the sails of the boat coming up the river that was bringing her brother back to her - her brother, who had left Pelasia as king and was returning as Emperor. But either way, it was Seyetto, and that was all that she wanted to see.
She’d strained to see the figures disembarking, but it was across the city, and there were so many buildings in between. And anyway, everyone would be wearing red. It would be hard to pick him out. She’d seen people streaming out and lining the streets down which the procession would come, she could hear the cheers building as he came closer and closer. There was nothing she wanted more than to run into the streets herself. But she had to be here, to welcome him home.
She’d hastened down the stairs as quickly as she could with her dress as soon as she felt that he was close enough, with her companion Isletta holding her arm to keep her steady. And since then she’d been waiting here, asking her companions over and over if she had any hair out of place, and jumping at the slightest sound as though it might be Seyetto bursting in.
She was holding so much joy inside her body she felt as though it might burst forth out of her as light and song at any moment. He was coming home, Seyetto was coming home, and he was safe and alive and she didn’t have to be afraid now. But even as it all welled up inside her, there was a dark thread all bound up in everything else, too tangled for her to pull out and just be happy. With every thump of her heart, joy pulled one way and fear the other.
What reason did she have to think that it would be any different now?
She had every reason to think it would be different, she told herself - she had told herself, again and again and again. He had been worried about the war before, the last time that she had seen him. There was nothing to worry about now, the war was won. He’d been new to the crown, still getting used to it. Now he was comfortable enough with the position to pull himself up to a new one. It had been three years, and he must have missed home, missed her, just as much as she had missed him. He was coming back, and everything would be like it used to, like it was supposed to.
Well. No. It would never be like that again. But it could be more like that. It could be better. It would be better. And she could forgive Seyetto for leaving her, for having Pelasia go to war. She could forgive him anything, because he was coming home and he was safe, whatever fear he’d put her through in the past didn’t matter anymore.
But the fear of the present was still there, wrapping tighter and tighter around her chest. She needed him to get here, to see his smile again and let it banish that fear to the deeps where it belonged. He had to be almost here by now. It couldn’t be much longer.
Isletta touched her arm lightly, and she looked down to realize she had bunched up her skirts in her hand again. She let them drop, and Isletta silently pressed a handkerchief into her hand instead. Tavina looked over to her with a grateful smile.
Lords and ladies, she hoped he’d be here soon. She didn’t think she could take it much longer. It’s been three years, what’s a few more minutes? An eternity, each one of them.
She opened her mouth. “Your hair is perfect, Tavie,” Isletta said before she could get a word out.
A shout rose up from outside the palace. He was here. He was here. She let the handkerchief drop, and rushed out to the palace gates. She wasn’t going to wait any longer. She was going to see her brother.
He was at the head of the column, coming in across the courtyard, impossible to miss. He was walking tall and straight, his red cape hanging behind him, their father’s crown on his head looking as natural to him as though it had grown out of his body. There were crowds of people around, watching him, following him, but they were all a hazy cloud in her eyes, and he was the only clear thing.
“Seyetto!” she shouted, hurtling out the door. His cool blue-grey eyes locked onto hers. A few near-imperceptible lines furrowed in his stoic face. His proud, purposeful stride was interrupted for a moment. It was him, it was her brother. She ran to throw her arms around him, feel that he was safe and real and here again.
She was little, three or four year old maybe, and her big brother was the most amazing person she knew - her big brother, who could read and write and knew so many things, who could ride a pony all on his own, who dressed like a small copy of their father, with hair as dark as their mother’s. He held her hand while they stood behind their parents, leaned in to remind her it was important to stand still but he’d get a cake for her afterwards.
She was ten years old, running after Seyetto and his friend from his lessons through the gardens. They were faster than she was - Seyetto had always been faster than her, but he only ran if he had a purpose for it, so she could keep up. She was determined. “She can stay, Seyetto, I don’t mind it,” Rinnyx said, and Seyetto smiled at her. He’d always been careful with his smiles, but he threw plenty of them to her.
She was fourteen, nervous as anything, as they stood in the stables at their summer palace, getting ready to go out hawking. Isletta was with her, but she was still getting used to having her around all the time. She was growing up and everything was new and exciting and sometimes frightening. She looked to Seyetto, who stood there like a rock in a river. “Just watch me, Tavina.”
She was fifteen, collapsed on the floor in her room, hearing his footsteps pass outside. They never slowed.
She was seventeen, grabbing the message of news from the war desperately, and staring at it for a full minute before she read it. What if he was hurt again? What if he was dead? What if he was never coming back to her?
She pressed her face against him, the buttons of his jacket digging into her cheeks. He put one arm around her, gave her a squeeze, and released her. It took her another moment or two to step back, and look up to him.
“It’s so good to see you again,Seyetto.”
“It’s good to be home.” For a moment, a corner of his mouth lifted, as though he might let a smile out. Then he smoothed his face and straightened his back, and walked inside ahead of her.
She made herself follow, not wanting to be passed by his lords or generals or whoever else was here. She still couldn’t see them.
The thread of fear had tied itself around her, strong as any chain. And she was afraid, so afraid, that her brother was never coming back to her.
The Emperor
It was good, so good, to be finally coming home.  Seyetto could keep few other thoughts in the forefront of his mind as he disembarked and looked out on the walls of Nedra. He almost felt like a child again, giddy at the prospect of a special outing. But that wasn’t the face he could display here - he was the conquering emperor returning to his people.
Throughout the war, there had always been a task at hand to distract him from the homesickness. There had been moments of darkness, but even then his desire to see Pelasia again was outshone by his burning need to protect it, and to pay back those who had taken his parents from him, who would take everything else if he would let them. And when the war was finished, there had been that thrill of victory, that deep satisfaction at the power he had wrested from his enemies. But then he’d begun his return journey, and suddenly being back here was all he could think of. He wanted to hear words that he could understand spoken on the streets. He wanted to see the familiar buildings of Nedra . He wanted to sit in his own suite in the palace and rest.
He wanted to see his sister again.
He didn’t even know what Tavina looked like now. It had been three years since he’d seen her. Three years in which she’d gone from fifteen to eighteen. She’d been little more than a child when he had left, now she would be near a grown woman. He tried to picture how she would have changed, but the only images that would come to mind were her as she had seen them last, or their mother’s face, just with hair gold like their father’s instead.
He stopped trying to picture her. That was only a waste of time. He’d see her before long, and then he’d know.
The city itself was largely unchanged, he saw as he proceeded through it to the palace. It felt a little strange, when so much else was different, but it was a comfort. He’d kept the war away from his city, his home, his sister. He’d have never let anything happen to her.
He said nothing as they passed the adoring crowds, calling out his name as he passed, riding on his ink-black horse with his red dragon making passes above him. Soldiers paraded behind him. He turned his head from side to side, nodding to acknowledge the people. Some might have smiled, some might have waved, but he was the Emperor. He was strength. He was immovable. That was what had saved Pelasia, that was what had won him the Empire, and that was what the people loved him for. And he would not deny them the sight of him.
The crowds grew only thicker as he neared the center of the city, yet they parted for him easily, even as he passed through the large temple square, packed with onlookers. He did not even have to send soldiers before him to ensure a path was clear. All bowed to his unmistakable authority, and his own beloved people most of all. There were lines of priests and Servants on the steps of the great temples, singing praises to Irien and the Court for his victory and his triumphant return. He could just hear their united voices rising above the shouts.
He dismounted at the palace gates, a line of soldiers standing there to salute him as he entered. He straightened his cape and walked forward, finally coming again to the seat of his power. Finally coming home.
And then someone shouted his name, and a figure in red came rocketing out and attached to him.
Tavina had been angry with him the last time he had seen her, before he left. She’d been angry with him for at least a month beforehand. He wasn’t completely sure when it had started. There had been so much going on. Maybe she’d been angry since the coronation. Maybe she’d been angry since the word had come that their parents had been killed.
He didn’t know why, or at least he didn’t know why she was angry at him. He was angry, too, about all that had happened. But he was going to do something about it. Couldn’t she see that? This was what had to be done, the only thing that could be done. War was going to come to them whether they wanted it to or not. He wasn’t going to wait for it to happen on Idana’s terms. And he wasn’t going to leave the defense of his kingdom in anyone’s hands but his own. He couldn’t stay, not when Idana had so much to answer for. Not when Pelasia needed a strong leader. It was his responsibility, his duty.
She had grown up in the royal family the same as he had. She knew about duty. She ought to have understood. Why didn’t she?
Sure, she had been young, then. But not so young. She had been grieving. But so had he. And she had wanted him to set everything aside and mourn with her. He had never had that luxury. Their parents were dead, and he was king. She knew what that responsibility looked like. She knew what he had to do.
She had hugged him and cried when he told her about their parents’ death. She had hugged him and cried as they stood in the temple for their funeral. But when he had ridden off to war, she had hugged only herself, and not shed a single tear. She would hardly look at him long enough to say goodbye.
So while he’d hoped that the years had been enough to dampen her anger, or else the time apart had driven her to miss him as he had her. But he also knew that Tavina was not remotely a rational actor, and so he had not known what he might find.
Somehow, he had not expected this.
It was Tavina, of course, who had wrapped herself around him, squeezing him tight. Here, in front of generals and courtiers and crowds of subjects. He hardly knew how to react - that was bad. The emperor ought always to know how to react. He put one arm around her - he’d never been much of a hugger, and the emperor certainly could not be, but surely this was a situation where this much might be permissible.
She was still hugging him for several moments after he let her go, and he did not know what to do again, but then she stepped back and he could see the face of his baby sister again. He knew her immediately - of course he did, though he had feared sometimes he wouldn’t. But though she was older, she was still Tavina. Still his sister.
“It’s so good to see you again, Seyetto.”
It had been a long time since someone had said his name alone. He allowed his face to soften, just for her. “It’s good to be home.”
He picked up his walk again, heading into the palace. Being lauded by the masses was good and all, but he was ready to be in private again, in his home, with his family. Tavina fell in behind him, seeming to have released all her energy in her explosive greeting. He glanced back down to her when they were inside, but her eyes were on his back, and her face was smoothed over, blank.
She wasn’t still angry with him, was she? It hadn’t seemed like it just before. No, he couldn’t assume that she was upset simply because she was more grown up now.
But there was a nagging doubt in the back of his mind that he was still doing something wrong in her eyes, and he couldn’t think what it might be. Here he was, coming back from the war the triumphant conqueror, the pride of Pelasia. What could be lacking?
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windsroad · 6 years
so I may have mentioned this before but I came up with a whole star wars au for the cliche friends
and now I have a dnd au for them. i’m so sorry
(under cut)
Victoria and Farran: 
I did a bunch of math for this.
Victoria was about 8 years old when Farran was born. Farran is illegitimate--a half-elf. because of the way Elf Aging works (lets say it takes 30 years for an elf to reach physical maturity--dunno if it works like that but in this world it’s going to) she is about equivalent of a 5 year old human. she watches her younger brother grow up faster than her and loves him a lot. 
Farran is born with one arm and absolutely no magical aptitude. the family raises him for Absolutely the bare minimum they can before kicking him out at 15. he took a magic sword with him when he left, one piece stolen from his home.
Victoria is 23 at the time, about the equivalent of 14 year old human child. When Victoria reaches physical maturity, at the age of 30, she says Fuck You Guys and leaves home to find Farran.
Farran, at this point, has spent seven years living on the streets and trying to join the guard so he can make a living. Victoria does find him and they try to make it out in the world together. she has NOT reached traditional elf age of maturity--which is at age 100.
This is ALL so I can have Farran treat Victoria like a younger sister, while being half-elf--technically younger than her. Victoria will yell that she is older than him, and he will say “you are 30 years old. for an ELF.” and everyone will be like Why Are You Here
Peter is from some nowhere town. he farmed and did blacksmithing and shod horses and stuff. he always wished he could go to school, but he wasn’t able to. he spent the money he could on books and did a lot of history reading.
one day, a fey or celestial appeared to him and told him You Are Going To Be Somebody. here, I will give you some power. make an oath. the crown will be yours someday.
Peter was like--haha, what? what? but he went with it. it felt real and it was an opportunity to Be Someone and Do Things. he wrote a note to his parents and he left.
Peter is starting to have some reservations about it, though. the being told him he would have the crown so he took an oath to the crown, but now he’s not so sure about that. he’s not really sure what it was that talked to him. or what gave him the power. and he’s not sure he wants to rule anything.
he’s got to study a bit like he wanted to, though.
Arya’s another person who was given a very special task. in another way, though. she and an elite group of soldiers worked to stop an invasion from the feywild. she was a beast master ranger with a magical hawk animal companion. it was a gift from the crown, who trained her.
as she kept doing this, Arya realized that she didn’t know why she was doing it. was this an invasion? did she have any right to be killing those creatures? why should anyone get to tell her who she was and what she did?
eventually, the invasion “ended.” Arya still wasn’t sure how or what was going on. she began to suspect foulplay, including on behalf of the talking bird that followed her everywhere.
Arya resigned from her position. She broke her relationship with the animal companion. she became a hunter conclave ranger and began to look into foul play on behalf of the crown.
when the group gets together, peter’s “loyalty” to the crown sets her on edge. it drives her crazy and she can’t stand him.
Hitomi is a tiefling born to two human parents. they were shocked to have her and didn’t understand where this bloodline came into their family. they were relatively well-off and paid for Hitomi to study.
Hitomi is studying because she wants to understand her own bloodline. she doesn’t like the possibility that there are surprises in her ancestry. she would like to know what she is related to, or possibly beholden to, thank you very much.
eventually this drive for more knowledge led her to being a bit of a treasure hunter. to figure out your future, you need to uncover the secrets of the past! and tombs and dungeons often have a lot of secrets.
Hitomi has only found scraps of knowledge about things that might be related to her own ancestry, but she’s still digging for more.
now... the next thing I’ll spend my daydreams on will be figuring out how they all meet up. it’s nice to have ready to explore daydream fodder.
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craveglory · 5 years
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🧡 — i can’t believe we let her escape!      i was so close!    i had it all planned out:                  i was gonna leap through the window and say “kitty hawk, meet sympathy jones!” and she’d say “who’s sympathy jones?” and then i’d say                     “your worst nightmare...!”
[ caprice nova • sympathy jones • kitty hawk   from the musical sympathy jones –––––––   ind • sel • prvt         &         written by farran. ]
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celticmythpodshow · 8 years
CMP Special 02a - Midsummer 2008 Part 1
Music, stories, and facts for Midsummer 2008
Always great to hear from you! Email [email protected], or call us using Speakpipe
More resources over at our main Website at http://celticmythpodshow.com Show Summary:
We celebrate the Midsummer Festival with a massive offering of goodies. So we've divided the episode into two parts. The first part contains a reading from The Religion of the Ancient Celts, another from a modern book called Fairy Healing, some music, and a story by Willie Meikle called The First Silkie.
Running Order:
Intro 0:40
News & Views 1:32
The Religion of the Ancient Celts by J.A. MacCulloch 7:08
Fairy Healing by Margie McArthur 10:01
Shimmering Wings by Gaelic Wind Project 15:02
The First Silkie by Willie Meikle 21:27
The Ladychant 31:15
The Summer Solstice 34:01
Outtakes 35:34
We hope you enjoy it!
Gary & Ruthie x x x
    News & Views
We talk about Midsummer being celebrated on the 20th, 21st or 22nd of June. Midsummer is traditionally a time for fairies - although it is dangerous to visit the fairy world at this time! We talk about the Solstice and time that the sun appears to wobble in its 'apparent' orbit around the earth. 
  The Religion of the Ancient Celts
by J. A. MacCulloch
We select a passage concerning the Midsummer rituals from the Religions of the Ancient Celts by J. A. MacCulloch. This book, which appears for the first time on the Internet at Sacred Texts, is one of the earliest scholarly treatments of the ancient Celtic religion. Written early in the 20th Century, Religion of the Ancient Celts includes extensive treatment of that perennially fascinating subject, the Druids. MacCulloch details the Celtic belief in reincarnation and a spectral otherworld; documents the enormous pantheon of now-obscure gods and goddesses, including many local deities; and describes totemistic and animistic beliefs. In addition, MacCulloch does not flinch (nor sensationalize) when describing the darker side of Celtic practices, including the famous 'Burning Man' human sacrifices, cannibalism and exogamous incest.
  Fairy Healing: the Lore and Legacy
by Margie McArthur
We then present a small section of a modern book about Fairy Healing: The Lore and Legacy written by Margie McArthur. The section we read is from Chapter 5: The Irish Traditions and tells us about the Fairy Doctor. Thank you to Margie for allowing us to read this for you. She has her home on the web at Brigid's Hearth where you can find out about this and her other books. She also runs a fairy healing website. Find out more about Margie McArthur in our Contributor pages. 
  Shimmering Wings
by Gaelic Wind Project
They hail from Essen, Germany. Yet the repertoire of Gaelic Wind Project consists of Irish traditional songs and tunes, but they also perform their own material. This Irish folk band consists of two female lead vocalists who are accompanied by Irish wooden flute, accordion, guitar, Irish bouzouki and percussion. Gaelic Wind Project is a nice addition to any Celtic music collection.
"Our new song Shimmering Wings is inspired by Juliet Marillier´s novel Daughter of the Forest. Here you´ll find more information about the author and her books."
You can find the Gaelic Wind Project on the web at their homesite (now sadly gone). You can also find them on CD Baby.
  The First Silkie
by Willie Meikle
Willie Meikle is a Scottish Author who writes Fantasy and Horror Fiction and has eight books published. Many of his stories and books are set in Scotland and are weaved with Mythology and folklore. Willie has had 130 stories published in the genre press, both in paper and on-line magazines and his work has appeared in the UK, Ireland, the USA, India, Greece, Romania and Canada. He has graciously allowed us to present an except from his novel, The Midnight Eye Files: The Sirens and concerns the origins of the Silkie – a fey creature able to shift from seal to human form.
The tale tells us of the origin of the Silkie which concerns Viking Gods, Bold Fishermen and a wager between Gods and Men.
You can find out more about Willie and his work at his website or you can read more details about this fantastic author in our Contributor pages.
  The Ladychant
by Gary, Ruthie & friends
With thanks to three young friends of ours, we present our very unprofessional (but fun!) version of the Chant of the Lady. A big Thank You to Stacey, Tania and Jessica. You can download this chant from us by clicking Ladychant.
Lyrics Lady, spin your Circle bright, Weave your web of dark and light. Earth, Air, Fire and Water, Bind us as one. Maiden, spin your Circle white, Weave a web of shinning light. Stag and Hawk, Bear and Wolf, Bind us as one. Mother, spin your Circle red, Weave a web of glowing thread. Earth, Air, Fire and Water, Bind us as one. Wise one, spin your Circle black, Weave the wisdom that we lack. Moonlight, Sunlight, Starlight, Shimmer, Bind us as one. Lady, spin your Circle bright, Weave your web of dark and light. Earth, Air, Fire and Water, Bind us as one.
  Winter Solstice 'Down Under'
We talk about the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.
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  Help Spread the Word: Please also consider leaving us a rating, a review and subscribing in iTunes or 'Liking' our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/CelticMythPodshow as it helps let people discover our show - thank you :)
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  Special Thanks
For incidental music:
Diane Arkenstone The Secret Garden. See the Contributor page for details.
For our Theme Music:
The Skylark and Haghole, the brilliant Culann's Hounds. See their Contributor page for details.
  Additional Sources
And, of course, the Awen - inspiration and imagination!
  Extra Special Thanks for Unrestricted Access to Wonderful Music
(in Alphabetic order)
Anne Roos Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of her masterful music to Anne Roos. You can find out more about Anne on her website or on her Contributor page.
Caera Extra Special thanks go for permission to any of her evocative harping and Gaelic singing to Caera. You can find out more about Caera on her website or on her Contributor Page.
Celia Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of her wonderful music to Celia Farran. You can find out more about Celia on her website or on her Contributor Page.
Damh the Bard Extra Special thanks go to Damh the Bard for his permission to use any of his music on the Show. You can find out more about Damh (Dave) on his website or on his Contributor page.
The Dolmen Extra Special thanks also go to The Dolmen, for their permission to use any of their fantastic Celtic Folk/Rock music on the Show. You can find out more about The Dolmen on their website or on our Contributor page.
Keltoria Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of their inspired music to Keltoria. You can find out more about Keltoria on their website or on their Contributor page.
Kevin Skinner Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of his superb music to Kevin Skinner. You can find out more about Kevin on his website or on his Contributor page.
Phil Thornton Extra Special Thanks go for permisssion to use any of his astounding ambient music to the Sonic Sorcerer himself, Phil Thornton. You can find out more about Phil on his website or on his Contributor Page.
S.J. Tucker Extra Special thanks go to Sooj for her permission to use any of her superb music. You can find out more about Sooj on her website or on her Contributor page.
Spiral Dance Extra Special thanks go for permission to use Adrienne and the band to use any of their music in the show. You can find out more about Spiral Dance on their website or on their Contributor page.
We'd like to wish you 'Hwyl fawr!', which is Welsh for Goodbye and have fun, or more literally Wishing a Good Mood on you!
    Check out this episode!
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anytime any of you post a dollmaker i just go ahead and resign myself to losing half my day to it
all my aged dragons except knox, whose look I couldn’t pull off, and anaïs, because i have to draw the line somewhere
tabby, ellie, ash, couscous, hawke, hawke 2 hawke harder, ari, pip pip cheerio, asala, and fritz
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suitablysublime · 7 years
tagged by: @theholisticdetective​
tagging: look discounting people with multiple blogs i only have like 20 followers so basically, anyone who sees this feel free.
1) NAME: farran 2) GENDER: no 3): STAR SIGN: cancer 4): HEIGHT: 6′0″ 5): HOGWARTS HOUSE: slytherin 6): FAVORITE ANIMAL: jumping spiders probably win for sheer cuteness factor. laughing hyenas are cool as fuck though too so... 7): HOURS OF SLEEP: like... 5/6 if im lucky lmao. 8): DOGS OR CATS: cats. smell better. 9): NUMBER OF BLANKETS: one. 10): DREAM TRIP: lots of theatre 11.) DREAM JOB: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 12.) TIME: 1:59 AM 13.): BIRTHDAY: jul 7 14.): FAVORITE BANDS: um 15.): FAVORITE SOLO ARTIST: um 16.): SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: paradise is burning down // marie christine 17.): LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: jonathan cassuoette’s tarnation. silverlake life right before that. 18.): LAST SHOW I WATCHED: once upon a time in wonderland. 19.): WHEN DID I CREATE MY BLOG: originally?? couple years ago. this iteration is relatively recent though. 20.): WHAT DO I POST/REBLOG: rp, punctuated by extended silence. 21.): LAST THING I GOOGLED: um... paradise is burning so i could link to it 22.): OTHER BLOGS: bunch of sideblogs: @brunettenemesis​ (vivienne kensington), @complicatedbravery​ (sympathy jones), & @villainouscalling​ (kitty hawk) 23.): DO I GET ASKS: now and then. 24.): WHY I CHOSE MY URL: part of a lyric from the tampa/houston opening: “what’s a book without a title?/seems an awful waste of time/maybe something lewis carroll wrote/will lend her something suitably sublime” 25.): FOLLOWING: 35 (incl. my own sideblogs) 26.): FOLLOWERS: 30 27.): LUCKY NUMBER: 7 is a pretty number ig 28.): FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: violins! also the human voice tbh  29.): WHAT AM I WEARING: jeans, tank top. 30.): FAVORITE FOOD: there’s this one cafe in jackson hole called the lotus cafe that makes the best buffalo burgers ive ever tasted. i’m going to eat there when i visit my hometown over thanksgiving and im so excited. more generally, i’m a steak and potatoes kind of person 31.): NATIONALITY: american 32.): FAVORITE SONG: oooooh boy. i will prevail consistently tops my list. other standouts: me and the sky, narrator 10/you belong to me (reprise), ladies who lunch. five and a half minutes. chant ii (& basically all of hadestown tbfh) favorites are hard. 33.): LAST BOOK I READ: god. fuck. i don’t know. i don’t read actual books that often anymore... i think the last one i read all the way through is cormac mccarthy’s the road but i’m almost positive i’m forgetting one?? 34.): TOP THREE FICTIONAL UNIVERSES I’D LIKE TO JOIN: uh. dunno. can’t think of any really. i like inhabiting fictional universes, but only as a creator — i doubt i’d enjoy it if i didn’t get to play god yknow?
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celticmythpodshow · 8 years
CMP012 - The Song of Amergin
The great Bard Amergin finally steps onto Erin's soil
It's always great to hear from you! Email [email protected], or call us on Speakpipe
Show Summary:
The Sons of Mil finally break through the magic of the Children of Danu and land on the shores of Erin. They demand recompense for the death of their kin and negotiations take place. Now it is up to the Tuatha De Danaan - will they fight, flee or come up with another plan? And yet, the great Bard Amergin also has a trick or two up his sleeve!
This episode is the 12th episode of the Irish Mythological Cycle. It is also the final part of the Lebor Gabala Erenn - the Book of Invasions of Ireland.
More resources over at our main Website at http://celticmythpodshow.com Show Summary:
Running Order:
Intro 0:41
News & Views 1:25
Story 2:35
Listener Feedback - Greg Lemon 19:45
Promo - The Wigglian Way 20:34
Promo - Mary Jones 21:10
The Song of Amergin 21:52
All the credits for this episode can be found in our show-notes at http://celticmythpodshow.com/irish12
We hope you enjoy it!
Gary & Ruthie x x x
  News & Views
We warn people that their version of Episode 3 may be corrupt. If it is, please re-download this episode. Thank you. We also thank the eagle-eyed listener, Lowell, who spotted that the episode was corrupt. You can find all the ways to contact us on our Contact Us page.
  The Song of Amergin - Episode 12 of the Irish Mythological Cycle and final part of the Book of Invasions
Names Used in this Story
Listed in order of appearance
Sons of Mil
Inver Scene
Kenmare Bay
Slieve Mis
Tuatha De Danaan
Slieve Eibhline
Druim Cain
Fir Bolg
Cermait Honey-mouth
Eber Donn
Men of De
Sceig Michil
Inver Colpa
Lough Luigdech
  Listener Feedback
Greg Lemon
We send out a Big Thank you to Greg Lemon of the Myth Show (now sadly pod-faded) for sending us a screen capture of our iTunes reviews and send out a shout to our reviewers. We finish off by discussing the Song of Amergin and thank Mary Jones for her help.
  Promo - The Wigglian Way
Mojo and Sparrow
A pagan podcast with plenty of informal discussion and information about paganism and witchcraft. The Wigglian Way is hosted by Mojo and Sparrow. They also have some great music.
  Promo - Mary Jones Celtic Literature Collective
Mary Jones
Mary Jones, The Celtic Literature Collective is one of the best resources for ancient Celtic literature on the web.
  The Song of Amergin - Lyrics
I am a wind in the sea I am a sea-wave upon the land I am the sound of the sea I am a stag of seven combats I am a hawk upon a cliff I am a tear-drop of the sun I am the fairest of flowers I am a boar for valour I am a salmon in a pool I am a lake in a plain I am the excellence of arts I am a spear that wages battle with plunder. I am a god who forms subjects Who explains the stones of the mountains? Who invokes the ages of the moon? Where lies the setting of the sun? Who bears cattle from the house of Tethra? Who are the cattle of Tethra who laugh? What man, what god forms weapons? Indeed, then; I invoked a poet... a poet of wind.
There are many different translations of The Song of Amergin, which is perhaps the best known piece of all ancient Celtic poetry. With great thanks to the inestimable Mary Jones for her enthusiasm and scholarship, we can present what is possibly the best translation of the earliest transcription. Mary has also written and excellent and thought provoking piece about some of the symbolism in the poem which can be found along with some of the other translations that we found in our Resources section.
  Sources used in this Episode
Gods and Fighting Men, Lady Gregory, Sacred Texts and Chap. 10
The Book of Invasions, Mary Jones The History of Ireland, Geoffrey Keating, Google Books
The Song of Amergin, All About Irish
The Song of Amergin, Amergin.net
The History of Ireland, Geoffrey Keating, Books I-II, CELT
The Book of Leinster, CELT
And, of course, the Awen - inspiration and imagination!
  Special Thanks
For voice acting:
Edward, our son, as Eber Donn. Esther, our daughter, as Banba. Estelle, our daughter-in-law, as Fodhla and Matt Howard, our friend,  as the Three Kings of the Tuatha De Danaan.
  For incidental music:
Jo Morrison for her wonderful harp music used in this episode as the Dagda's Harp. You can find her website here. The track we use here as the bardic accompaniment is Chiorsdain's Lullaby. See the Contributor page for details.
Diane Arkenstone, The Secret Garden . See the Contributor page for details.
Kim Robertson, Angels in Disguise . See the Contributor page for details.
Time Ticks Away by Jigger. See their Contributor Page for details.
For our Theme Music
The Skylark and Haghole, the brilliant Culann's Hounds. See their Contributor page for details.
  Extra Special Thanks for Unrestricted Access to Wonderful Music
(in Alphabetic order)
Anne Roos Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of her masterful music to Anne Roos. You can find out more about Anne on her website or on her Contributor page.
Caera Extra Special thanks go for permission to any of her evocative harping and Gaelic singing to Caera. You can find out more about Caera on her website or on her Contributor Page.
Celia Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of her wonderful music to Celia Farran. You can find out more about Celia on her website or on her Contributor Page.
Damh the Bard Extra Special thanks go to Damh the Bard for his permission to use any of his music on the Show. You can find out more about Damh (Dave) on his website or on his Contributor page.
The Dolmen Extra Special thanks also go to The Dolmen, for their permission to use any of their fantastic Celtic Folk/Rock music on the Show. You can find out more about The Dolmen on their website or on our Contributor page.
Keltoria Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of their inspired music to Keltoria. You can find out more about Keltoria on their website or on their Contributor page.
Kevin Skinner Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of his superb music to Kevin Skinner. You can find out more about Kevin on his website or on his Contributor page.
Phil Thornton Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of his astounding ambient music to the Sonic Sorcerer himself, Phil Thornton. You can find out more about Phil on his website or on his Contributor Page.
S.J. Tucker Extra Special thanks go to Sooj for her permission to use any of her superb music. You can find out more about Sooj on her website or on her Contributor page.
Spiral Dance Extra Special thanks go for permission to use Adrienne and the band to use any of their music in the show. You can find out more about Spiral Dance on their website or on their Contributor page.
We'd like to wish you 'Slán Go Foill!', which is Irish for 'Goodbye', or more literally 'Wishing you safety for a while'!
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  Help Spread the Word: Please also consider leaving us a rating, a review and subscribing in iTunes or 'Liking' our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/CelticMythPodshow as it helps let people discover our show - thank you :)
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codex entry: an intercepted letter, blood-stained
I knew the Champion before he was anybody.
He believed he was being hunted. Haunted by whispers of templar raids, he saw apparitions of heavy armor around every street corner. When I found him, he was fleeing thin air, wild-eyed and frightened, throwing up breath like bile. I offered to help. He accepted.
I hadn't expected a pupil worth keeping, but his talent was undeniable. Apostates are rare throughout Kirkwall, but those who are skilled in as much theory as they are power? Rarer still.
He had a gift for spirit magic. Blood, its sibling school, came just as easily. He was perfect. Sharp. Fluid. Driven. He only refused to assert his domain over another, rejecting what would harm his allies. They were whom he was protecting, you see, this man who would raise the dead but pray to Andraste.
Now he rests in Hightown, open with his apostasy, silent about his magic. Kirkwall has met this man and judged him a saint. I'm curious--what do you think would happen if he were exposed for what he is?
An added note, written in a different hand, reads: "Whose dumb idea was it to get this bastard's opinion? Shit.
I can't get Hawke in on this. Handle it. Quietly."
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