#finnuala tabris
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recently i got the opportunity to commission the inimitable @orokay for a painting of finnuala tabris and just!!! check this shit out oh my god
if you ever get the opportunity to get a piece from her take it, take it, take it my guys
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atomic-heartz · 6 years
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FINNUALA TABRIS -Comission Dragon Age
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anytime any of you post a dollmaker i just go ahead and resign myself to losing half my day to it
all my aged dragons except knox, whose look I couldn’t pull off, and anaïs, because i have to draw the line somewhere
tabby, ellie, ash, couscous, hawke, hawke 2 hawke harder, ari, pip pip cheerio, asala, and fritz
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fin’s that type who learned 75% of her vocabulary from books, but who only knows a lot of those words from books
“aaaand now we seeg into our regularly scheduled darkspawn-killing portion of the evening.”
“seeg?” leliana asks. “I’ve never heard of ‘seeging’. What is that?”
“i wasn’t going to say anything,” alistair supplies, “seeing as no matter who I’m with it seems any moment I have of not-knowing-things makes it back to morrigan. but, uh, no. I don’t know it either.”
“like, something turning into something else,” fin tries again. “transitioning?”
“i believe the term you are looking for is segue, dear,” wynne corrects. “s-e-g-u-e?”
fin, lowkey mortified: “sounds fake but ok”
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nicknames are very important to me in the character creation process
for instance, there’s “ash”, who sees the nickname as a cheap tactic to get out of pronouncing her name, but is fond of it when close friends use it
“ellie”, who lowkey despises being called “ellie” but that’s what happens when you have an eliana and a leliana (they eventually settle on calling leliana “leli”, which makes everybody happy)
“fin” for finnuala, whose name was too flowy and elegant and too big to grow into--”fin” is sharp, punchy, and that suits her better
“pippa”, bastardizing her given name as another F-U to her family and house
and then there’s cousland, who I call “couscous” whenever I’m thinking about him for whatever garbage reason,
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codex entry: matchmaking tabris
I know why you worry, but it needn't be so.
It's a perfect match. What weaknesses another suitor may perceive, these two will overlook or, Maker willing, approve of in one another. Like will find like as hand will join hand. Her boldness will inspire his braveness. His understanding will tune her kindness. Her confidence will soothe his insecurity. Their union will flourish with an ease I rarely see in my matches. They need only meet to prove it.
If you would give your blessing, I would finalize this pair with haste. Trouble brews in Highever, and I would rather we not lose our work to it.
This is a good match, Cyrion. Perhaps the best that may come for young Tabris. What reservations you have now will not vanish for the next, and the next may not be so favorable. Love, should her heart prove stubborn, they can always find elsewhere. Many have before, and many will again.
Speak to her. If what you have told me of her is true, she will understand. They both will.
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