#nerys hawke
hawkstar5 · 2 months
If we're posting pics of our little action figure collections, I'll humbly submit mine:
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My Tasha even came with a bonus Q card, which is pretty on-brand. K'Ehleyr wins for best accessories tho.
Generations Data and Kira I was lucky enough to find at a Flea Market, the rest I sought out on the Internet.
Love my little skrunklies 🥰
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littlestar2rayoflight · 2 months
My beloved boyfriend Teddy @youngirlsofrochefort is raisin***g mo***ney for his top surgery expe***nses!! We were mutuals-in-laws for years before we met irl in our art history class and fell in love (his url used to be @gayrsl if that rings any bells!!), please consider do****nating to help him get surgery!!! We are a tumblrina love success story and tumblr was very important to both of us coming to terms with our transness :)) LOVE YOU ALL reblogs are also greatly appreciated!!!
His v€nm0 is @theodoreheil btw if you want to dona***te without gofu***ndeme taking a percentage
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artyadder · 6 months
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I am a decade and a half late to this gaming series but god damn do I love it here. Here be Thedas’ heroes.
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mxanigel · 1 year
OC tag game
tagged by @mxkelsifer, thank you! no-pressure tagging @milesmentis, @galfrey, @spindleweedss, and @dr-paine to play
favorite oc - They're all special to me, but current favorite is a tie between Shion Miller and Neri Surana
newest oc - Winter Shepard-- wait, no, Ria Hawke
oldest oc - Neri, albeit not in their current form
meanest oc - Hmmm. Probably Winter. With Dana Hawke a close second.
softest oc - Every OC has at least some steel in them, but Aryn Lavellan and Shion can be quite soft
most aloof/standoffish oc - Winter
dumbest (affectionate) oc - Dana, though say that to her face and you'll end up very hurt (tbf I tend to write intelligent OCs, making this a somewhat challenging pick)
smartest oc - Uhhhh… Aryn and Shion, perhaps?
horniest oc - Winter, though Heather Cousland is up there
oc you'd bang - none of them; this thought has never crossed my mind before 😅
oc you'd be best friends with irl - I really don't know! I expect I'd be friends with most of them, but best friends? Shion and Neri and I might get on each other's nerves too much for that. Or just be a trio with raging imposter syndrome. Lynn Shepard's a good candidate, though I'd struggle with her military-ness.
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Spooky scary bloodmages send shivers down your spine
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takkytakk · 3 months
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starting to come up with an idea on my main rook
she's gonna be different than bryn, i'm still going to try for positive choices but i think she's going to be more of a hard-ass and stoic compared to my friendly bryn.
im still torn between lords of fortune and shadow dragons....i picture her as someone who likes jewlery and treasure so lords of fortune could work. maybe she left her clan to find riches or something
as for romance, i might hold off until we see more of the companions/romance options but i'm feeling either davrin or bellara
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kanos · 4 months
🖊 + neri! 🖤
aaaah ty yuno!! 🖤🖤🖤
🖊️ At the end of her adventure to take down the absolute and remove the tadpole, she doesn’t go on anymore adventures. she’s tired of adventuring. instead; i see her moving back into her family home and basically retiring and depending on who she ends up with (if its gale she moves to waterdeep but uses her old place as like a vacation home and his job allows her to stay home or teach archery maybe, if its raphael she just lives as luxurious as she did before the nautiloid and if its rolan? shes in heaven the tower is a dreamscape)
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skeeeeeeeelons · 6 days
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Neri Lavellan
Dalish | Artificer | ♡ Solas
explanations ⤵
Recruited mages as allies: Neri makes this decision early into her time as Herald and isn't running a big organization yet, so she makes this decision as mostly a gut-check. Fiona - a fellow elf - takes a chance and risks a visit to Val Royeaux to broker a mutual alliance, which seems careful and practical compared to her encounter with Seeker Lucius. The mage's aren't the side trying to justify killing an entire demographic of people, just survive. Neri's father was the First of Clan Lavellan, and it's given her a view of how magic can be handled outside of human circles, and nurtured as a valued role in a society. This all sums up to her siding with the mages without really giving the templars a second thought, for better or worse.
Left Loghain in the Fade: This felt like a fitting end for the disgraced once-commander of Fereldan. Also, the Inquisition pressured Varric to drag Hawke into this situation, and thus she feels somewhat more responsible for Hawke's survival than Loghain's,
Grey Wardens join the Inquisition: She's not really in a position to turn down allies, and she's wagering that the Warden's won't be manipulated by Corypheus successfully a second time before his defeat; from the information she has, it seemed this plot was a plan years in the making. Also, Neri loved to hear stories when growing up in Clan Lavellan, and her absolute hero of her childhood was Garahel - a part of her stills sees the Warden's as heroes who were mislead. Sentimentality rules her a lot more than she lets on.
Briala rules Orlais through Gaspard: Killing Celene was a decision that didn't settle easily on Neri, as it was the first time she had traded a life for political advantage and not necessity. It was also, however, a rare chance to make a difference for elves, and she knew of how Celene marched on Halamshiral - someone willing to cross that line once could be pushed to do it again. I like to think Neri and Briala collaborate a few times after she officially 'retires' as inquisitor - sometimes to check Gaspard's inevitable pushback - and she comes to see this as the right decision.
Inquisitor Drank from the Well of Sorrows: Neri respects Morrigan, and has a soft spot for kids. She was around Kieran's age when she lost her only parent. She sees how Morrigan taking the power - and consequences - of the Well could smash into Kieran's life as well. She sees it as a better choice for her to hold that risk than lay it at two people's feet, as she's already marked by strange magic anyway.
Lost Clan Levallen
Hardened Leliana Divine
Disbanded the Inquisition
Vowed to save Solas
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fancoloredglasses · 4 months
Star Trek, part 5: Deep Space Nine (Gunsmoke in space)
[All images are owned by Paramount. Please don’t sue me]
With TNG riding toward its final season and the sixth and final film starring the Original Series crew leaving theaters, rumors started about a new Star Trek series. Obviously there would be films starring the Next Generation crew (more on that in a future review), so would this see the birth of a new legendary starship and crew? How would it differ from the Enterprise?
In 1993, these questions would be answered. This wouldn’t be a starship off looking for adventure. It would be a starbase where adventure would come to them!
A lot of the promotional materials had stated that if Star Trek was “Wagon Train in space," the new show would be “Gunsmoke in space”
(Thanks to Intro Master)
Deep Space Nine (or commonly referred to as DS9) was set on a former Cardassian base orbiting the previously-occupied world of Bajor. The Cardassians, having gotten everything they wanted from the planet, abandoned it and the base to the Bajorans, who asked the Federation for assistance in rebuilding their world. The Bajorans aren’t officially part of the Federation (yet; that’s DS9’s secondary mission), so members of the Bajoran military are aboard to keep the Federation honest.
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The station that was dubbed Deep Space Nine was originally a Cardassian mining station known as Terek Nor. The mission for the now-Federation station changed when it was discovered that a wormhole opened in the region.
This wormhole opened trade and exploration to a previously-unreachable region of the galaxy known as the Gamma Quadrant (the region that we all know and love is known as the Alpha Quadrant), with Deep Space 9 being a hub for commerce and travel, as well as the first line of defense for any threats from the Gamma Quadrant (not to mention a deterrent to the Cardassians suddenly wanting Bajor back)
With a new series comes a new uniform.
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The new uniforms moved the colors (same color scheme as TNG) to the top of the uniform, with the rest being basic black with a grey undershirt. It was to give a feel of a “grease monkey” uniform where the crew was intended to get their hands dirtier than a starship crew would. Of course, the Bajoran military had their own uniforms as well, as evidenced by the two other crew in the photo. (yes, that is a Ferengi in the photo. More on him later)
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DS9’s commanding officer is Commander (later Captain) Benjamin Sisko (played by Avery Brooks, who previously played an enforcer named Hawk in Spencer: for Hire) Sisko is a veteran of a major battle against the Borg (which the Federation lost), in which he lost his wife. He had spent the three years following the battle in the Federation shipyards, hoping for an uneventful rest of his career. He was more than a bit pissed when he was given this assignment. That anger has tempered over the years that has morphed into a ruthless (if compassionate; I mean, this is Star Trek!) cunning.
He was certainly NOT a carbon copy of Picard as Q (in his only appearance on the show) would find out.
(Thanks to Star Trek Clips)
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Sisko’s First Officer is Major (later Colonel) Kira Nerys (played by Nana Visitor; on Bajor, the family name comes first), a former member of the Bajoran Resistance. Kira is fiercely loyal to Bajor and sees the Federation as just another invading force. She eventually respects her fellow crew, despite the fact that they’re not Bajoran.
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The head of Station Security is Constable Odo (played by Rene Auberjonois, who previously was on Benson. Needless to say, this is a far cry from a sitcom!), a shapeshifter who doesn’t know his origins. Odo’s word is law when it comes to the safety of the station and its inhabitants. It is later revealed that he is in love with Kira.
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The station’s Science Officer is Lt. (later Lt. Commander) Jadzia Dax (played by Terry Farrell), a Trill. A select number of Trills are paired with a symbiotic life form (call Symbionts, naturally) that share the memories of their previous hosts with their current Trill host (the name of the Symbiont is the Trill’s last name; the gender of the host doesn’t matter to the Symbiont, and it likely will have hosts of both genders over its lifetime)
Dax had lived several lifetimes before pairing with Jadzia. Its previous host, Curzon Dax, was a mentor to Sisko (which is why Sisko occasionally calls Jadzia “Old Man”)
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The Chief Medical Officer is Lt. Dr. Julian Bashir (played by Alexander Siddig) Bashir is socially awkward, but very intelligent and intensely curious. Because of this (the intelligence and curiosity, not the social awkwardness), he attracts attention from Elim Garak, a Cardassian tailor who is also an ex-spy with whom Bashir develops a friendship, and Federation Intelligence, who wants to recruit him.
Bashir also has a major unrequited crush on Dax, which would later be…is requited a word? (more on that later)
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The Chief of Operations is Senior Chief Petty Officer Miles O’Brien (played by Colm Meaney), who was a recurring character on TNG and (obviously) transferred to DS9 from the Enterprise. It’s his job to keep the station together despite its systems not being based on Federation technology. Over the course of the series, he and Dr. Bashir became best friends.
You will note that in the cast photo there are two characters not in a Starfleet of Bajoran uniform…
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Quark (played by Armin Shimerman, who also played Principal Skinner in Buffy the Vampire Slayer) is a Ferengi and the owner of a bar/gambling house in the marketplace/public area known as the Prominade. He is also the local crime lord. Very few illicit dealings happen on the station without his knowledge (and often his authorization) Despite this, he and Odo has a respectful rivalry (Odo wants to nail Quark with something that will get him removed, while Quark delights in driving Odo crazy)
Rather than being comic relief, Quark is played as having an understated cunning (though sometimes overshadowed by his racial greed; if the Ferengi were played like this, they could've been a credible threat) Pretty much everything that is canon about Ferengi culture (including most of the Rules of Acquisition) comes because of Quark.
Quark’s son Nog eventually enrolls in Starfleet Academy, becoming the first Ferengi to become a Starfleet officer.
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Sisko’s son, Jake (played by Cirroc Lofton) grew up around Starfleet, but when he became an adult he chose to become a writer instead of joining Starfleet. He is best friends with Nog, encouraging him to apply to Starfleet Academy.
As the series progressed, war came through the wormhole (more on that later, so the station needed a dedicated Tactical Officer.
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And so the recently-promoted Lt. Commander Worf joined the crew. He and Dax begin a relationship.
(Thanks to April 5, 2063)
However, life outside the series continued and new uniforms were introduced in the movies that spun from TNG (oh, you knew they were coming; more on those in a future review)
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(Thanks to Giant Freakin Robot)
Similar to the “work” uniforms, the top portion was grey for all personnel, with the undershirt denoting division.
Now on to the threats (cuz you know there are plenty!)
Thankfully, the Borg did not make an appearance, though the Klingons, Romulans, and obviously the Ferengi and Cardassians did.
However, new threats came through the wormhole in the form of a conquering coalition known as the Dominion, ruled by the Changelings (of which Odo is one, though he knew nothing of where he came from, let alone what his people are, at the beginning of the series) and the genetically-engineered races who serve them.
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The Jem’Hadar are the foot soldiers of the Dominion…
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…commanded by the Vorta.
In response, Starfleet assigned a ship to DS9 in an effort to better protect it.
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(Thanks to Memory Alpha)
The USS Defiant (NX-74205) is a prototype vessel originally designed to battle the Borg. It proved too powerful for its size (nearly shaking itself apart when engines were at full power), so it was toned down a bit and (with cooperation from the Romulans) outfitted with a cloaking device to allow stealth missions against the Dominion.
The Dominion War lasted the final two seasons of the series (ending during the series finale) . It might have ended sooner than it did had the Cardassians not decided to join the Dominion. As a result of that alliance, Dax is killed by a Cardassian in the season 6 finale!
(Thanks to Omega Trek)
[In actuality, Ferrell was offered a role on another show. Rather than accommodate her shooting schedule for the other show, Rick Berman decided to kill Jadzia Dax off]
However, this wasn’t the last we’d see of Dax, as it was implanted into a host that was not prepared to receive it (nor did she ever want to be a host), but Dax would’ve died without implantation, and she was the only Trill aboard.
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Ensign Ezri Dax (played by Nicole DeBoer) is a lot less sure of herself than Jadzia was, mainly due to having a new voice (and 8 new sets of memories) in her head that she was ill-prepared for. Though she likes Worf, she decides not to continue the relationship he had with Jadzia, though she DOES hook up with Bashir!
Like TNG, the series ran for seven seasons. It showed a lot more cracks in the Federation’s utopia. Things should’ve been explored more, but for whatever reason the writers didn’t want the crew asking too many questions.
The series is available on Paramount+, PlutoTV, and behind your favorite paywall. If you would like to see an episode reviewed, please let me know!
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gefionne · 2 years
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers
Thank you for this! It's really hard to pick, but I think these are it.
To the Wild and to the Both of Us (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) - Damar/Kira Nerys - I've actually read this in its entirety 4 times, which goes to show how much I cherish it.
Metal & Dust (Pacific Rim) - Mako Mori/Raleigh Becket - This story moved me in a way I can't quite describe. I have extremely vivid memories of writing it across several years and I'm very pleased with how it turned out.
Bedroom Hymns (Dragon Age) - Sebastian Vael/Marian Hawke - This started from a kink meme prompt and grew into something I really love and always will, despite how my work has change since.
Tensile Fibres (Game of Thrones) - Arya Stark/Gendry Waters - I read ASoIAF when I was 13 years old and have shipped Gendarya since then. We all know GoT s08 sucked, but it allowed me to write one of my fave fics ever.
Worlds Collide (Mass Effect) - Nihlus Kryik/Female Shepard - I started this many years before I posted it, but it never left my soul and eventually I got it all out there.
Honorable mentions:
Into the Brighter Night (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy) - Kylux - When a voyeurism prompt grows legs and becomes something I'll always love.
{Flyboys changed my life and thereby transcends favorites into something greater.}
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I buchi neri non sono neri come li abbiamo dipinti. Non sono le prigioni eterne che un tempo pensavamo fossero. Si può uscire da un buco nero, anche verso un altro universo. Quindi se vi sentite intrappolati in un buco nero non mollate, c'è sempre una via di uscita.
Stephen Hawking
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david-rambles · 2 years
David's OCs Masterpost
Deputy Cricket Dawn Rook (FC5) // Matthew Dennis (FC5) // Sister Rizpah “Maggie” Mags (FC5) // Sunny “Bunny” Mizer (FCND) //
Eve Surana // Bernadette Cousland // Anaise Amell // Darius Tabris // Marrien Amell-Hawke // Neri Lavellan //
Ana Catherine Klebitz (Fo3) // Joanne “Joey” Parker [courier 6] // Camilla (F:nv) // Judas Mason (F:nv) // August Royce "Fucker" (Fo4) // Myra Chen (Fo4) //
Gwendolyn Graves // Yuri Stewart // Sylvia Sinclaire // Langdon Macaulay // Hatred Bathory // Lucky Morris // Dexter Drayton // Valentino Giovanni // Giorgio Melchiorre // Daphne Sullivan //
Ljubica Belić (Lucy Bellic) [GTA IV/V/O] // Tatjana Milić Belić [GTA IV] // Lorna Wilhelmina Howell [GTAO/???] // Thomas Jared “TJ” Bentley Carmichael III [GTAO] // Guadalupe "Lupe" Benitez Garcia Howell [GTA:VC] //
Valkyrie Kitagawa (CP2077) // Murphy Butcher "Rat" (Saints Row) // Mars “Duck” Remington (The Outer Worlds) // Sol (Dragon's Dogma) // Faerryn (D:OS2) // Guy/Roach (Postal) // Muiruil Maelair (BG3) // Kristoff Johan Schwartz (AoT) //
*bold are characters I'm currently focused on & open for asks💙
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gaetaniu · 4 months
Rilevare la “radiazione di Hawking” dai buchi neri con i telescopi di oggi
Il rivelatore a raggi gamma HESS. II a cinque telescopi in Namibia. Nel 1974 Stephen Hawking ha affermato che i buchi neri dovrebbero emettere particelle e assorbirle. Questa cosiddetta “radiazione di Hawking” non è ancora stata osservata, ma ora un gruppo di ricerca europeo ha scoperto che la radiazione di Hawking dovrebbe essere osservabile dai telescopi esistenti in grado di rilevare…
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levysoft · 5 months
Su Big Think, uno dei portali scientifici più autorevoli al mondo gestito da un noto astrofisico, Ethan Siegel, si discuteva della possibilità che i fotoni, particelle fondamentali della luce, possano esistere in modo indefinito. Siegel parte dal concetto generale che tutto ciò che esiste nell’universo un giorno giungerà al termine, incluso il destino delle stelle, delle galassie e persino dei buchi neri. In altre parole, tutto ha avuto un inizio e avrà anche una fine. Tuttavia, si ipotizza che i fotoni potrebbero essere un’eccezione a questa regola, poiché sembrano avere una vita infinita, almeno in apparenza.
Cosa sono i fotoni
L’autore spiega che i fotoni sono la base di tutta la radiazione elettromagnetica nell’universo e, fino a oggi, sembrano non decadere in altre particelle. Tuttavia, gli scienziati continuano a porsi domande sulla loro natura e sul loro destino. Ci si chiede, ad esempio, se i fotoni vivano per sempre o se si trasformino in altre particelle. L’articolo prova poi a rispondere alle domande: qual è il ciclo di vita di un fotone e dove va la luce emessa dagli eventi cosmici?
La stanca cosmologia della luce
Per rispondere, l’autore ripercorre la storia della cosmologia, dall’espansione dell’universo fino alle teorie sulla “stanca cosmologia della luce” di Fritz Zwicky. Questa teoria suggerisce che i fotoni perdono energia interagendo con altre particelle nello spazio, il che potrebbe spiegare lo spostamento verso il rosso della luce proveniente da oggetti molto lontani. Tuttavia, le osservazioni non confermano questa ipotesi. L’autore discute anche di altre possibilità: i fotoni potrebbero convertirsi in particelle diverse o interagire con altre particelle nel tempo, perdendo la loro identità originale. Questo potrebbe avvenire tramite la diffusione o la produzione di nuove particelle.
I fotoni sono immortali?
Inoltre, si considera la possibilità che i fotoni possano essere assorbiti dai buchi neri, ma anche questo processo ha i suoi limiti. I buchi neri possono decadere attraverso la radiazione di Hawking, producendo più fotoni di quanti ne abbiano assorbiti. Infine, l’articolo sottolinea che, anche se i fotoni esistenti si allontanano gradualmente verso energie più basse a causa dell’espansione dell’universo, l’energia oscura garantirà che continueranno a essere creati nuovi fotoni. Questo ci porta alla conclusione che, sebbene i fotoni possano trasformarsi e perdere energia nel tempo, non esiste un processo noto che li distrugga completamente.
Perciò, sì: secondo le conoscenze attuali della fisica, i fotoni sono stabili e continueranno a esistere, anche se possono subire trasformazioni nel corso del tempo.
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mxanigel · 2 years
Updated intro post
I'm Ani, I use they/them pronouns, and my queer labels are fluid but I strongly identify with demi/graysexuality. I can recite most of The Mummy from memory, I was a massive Star Wars fan before they made the books I grew up with no longer canon, I watch too much anime, and I nerd out over science and (some) technology.
My previous job burned me out beyond belief, partly due to pandemic demands with 70-80-hour work weeks becoming normal for a while. (My weeks are now 50-60 hours in a much better job, and I've begun recuperating. Slowly.) But I got back into Dragon Age and Mass Effect during the initial pandemic lockdown, and I found a wonderful community because of those games.
At the moment, my strongest hyperfixation is Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan), specifically my comfort characters Levi Ackerman and Hange Zoë alongside an OC -- Shion Miller -- who loves them both.
I'm also on my first (blind!) playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3 and am still floundering through Act 2 as of early December 2023. Vix Ternion is my chaos storm sorcerer and I adore them.
The OCs you'll see me babble about most here:
Shion Miller [she/her]
Vix Ternion [they/them]
Lynn Shepard [she/her]
Neri Surana [they/them]
Winter Shepard [they/them]
Heather Cousland [she/her]
Dana Hawke [she/her]
Raven Cadash [she/her]
So far, I've made "OC master posts" for Lynn, Neri, Winter, and Heather (click their names in the above list to see those posts!), and once I've created more content for the others, they'll get their own. You are ALWAYS welcome to drop asks about my OCs. ^_^
Bioware OCs:
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Attack on Titan OC Shion Miller + Hange Zoë + Levi Ackerman (link to fic on AO3)
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Baldur's Gate 3 OC Vix Ternion:
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newsnoshonline · 6 months
I buchi neri esplodono? Il puzzle vecchio di 50 anni che sfida la fisica quantistica I buchi neri e la fisica quantistica: un puzzle che sfida da 50 anni Il titolo profetico pubblicato su Natura nel 1974 terminava con un punto interrogativo: “Esplosioni di buchi neri?” La teoria della radiazione di Hawking compie 50 anni, sollevando domande che rivoluzionano la nostra visione della realtà. Secondo Hawking, i buchi neri non sono del tutto bui, ma emettono una minima quantità di calore. Questa scoperta, basata sulla fisica quantistica, evidenzia che lo spazio vuoto è un luogo pieno di campi quantistici instabili, in cui particelle virtuali emergono e si annullano continuamente. La superficie sferica, chiamata orizzonte degli
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