baliportalnews · 10 months
Raih Predikat Leadership AAA Tiga Tahun Berturut-turut, Bukti Nyata Komitmen PT ABM Investama Tbk (ABMM) di Bidang ESG
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – PT ABM Investama Tbk (IDX: ABMM) kembali dianugerahi predikat Leadership AAA dalam ESG Disclosure Transparency Awards 2023 yang diselenggarakan di Jakarta, Rabu (29/11/2023) malam. Ini merupakan tahun ketiga perusahaan meraih predikat tersebut lantaran konsisten mengimplementasikan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) terutama dalam hal Environment, Social, & Governance (ESG) melalui melalui Laporan Keberlanjutan (Sustainability Report) yang terbuka untuk publik. Diinisiasi oleh Investortrust dan Bumi Global Karbon (BGK) Foundation, perusahaan yang masuk ke dalam jajaran ESG Disclosure Transparency Award 2023 telah melewati beragam penilaian menggunakan 33 faktor ESG berdasarkan pasar modal terkemuka, studi peraturan, hingga pedoman pelaporan respon terhadap perubahan iklim yang diadopsi dari Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) dan Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Penghargaan tersebut sekaligus menjadi tolak ukur dari komitmen dan langkah korporasi dalam mempraktikkan ESG di unit bisnisnya. Hal ini juga menjadi upaya dalam membantu pemerintah menuju Indonesia Net Zero Emission (NZE). “Penerbitan Laporan Berkelanjutan (Sustainability Report) membantu kami untuk mengukur capaian-capain Perusahaan, terutama dari perspektif ESG. Pelaporan ini juga menjadi kompas agar kami senantiasa selaras dan dapat berkontribusi pada upaya Pemerintah dalam menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca secara nasional,” ujar Direktur Utama PT ABM Investama Tbk (ABMM), Andi Djajanegara. Melalui inisiatif ini, sambung Andi, perusahaan berupaya untuk meyakinkan stakeholder bahwa praktik ESG senantiasa dilaksanakan guna meningkatkan daya tahan ekosistem bisnis Grup ABM dalam menghadapi risiko perubahan iklim dan geopolitik global. Di samping itu, langkah ini sekaligus menjadi komitmen perusahaan untuk memperlihatkan konsistensi penerapan Good Corporate Governance sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab kepada publik. Komitmen PT ABM Investama Tbk (ABMM) tak hanya ditunjukkan melalui laporan keberlanjutan yang dirilis setiap tahun. Sebagai perusahaan investasi energi terintegrasi, perusahaan telah mengembangkan bisnis pembangkit listrik energi baru dan terbarukan tenaga biogas yang memanfaatkan limbah cangkang kelapa sawit sebagai salah satu inisiatif adaptasi perubahan iklim. Pembangkit listrik ini secara konsisten sejak 2020 telah menyuplai energi bersih ke jalur elektrifikasi nasional jaringan Kalimantan Selatan - Tengah yang dikelola oleh PT PLN (Persero). Di aspek sosial, Perusahaan secara konsisten mengelola program-program pemberdayaan masyarakat yang tepat guna. Di antaranya adalah pemberdayaan perempuan penggiat batik tenun Sasirangan khas Kalimantan; pelatihan profesional mekanik, operator, dan teknisi las bersertifikasi BNSP; pembentukan Kelompok Tani Hutan untuk merehabilitasi Daerah Aliran Sungai (Rehabilitasi DAS); program anti tengkes balita (anti stunting); serta konservasi bakau (mangrove) berbasis masyarakat pesisir. “Program-program ini menjadi bukti nyata bahwa pada dasarnya Perusahaan senantiasa memprioritaskan masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitar wilayah operasi kami. Hal ini sejalan dengan misi perusahaan untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja yang layak dan berkualitas bagi sebanyak mungkin rakyat Indonesia, sekaligus menjadi warga korporat yang baik secara aktif terlibat dalam sendi-sendi sosial budaya masyarakat,” tutup Andi.(*/bpn) Read the full article
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ltslean · 2 months
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Sustainable Maintenance Practices with CMMS CMMS software can effectively plan, track, schedule and manage various maintenance strategies for any industrial asset while supporting sustainable initiatives. For more details read our blog : https://cmmssoftware.leantransitionsolutions.com/software-blog/sustainable-maintenance-with-cmms
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researchameliorate · 2 months
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phonemantra-blog · 5 months
Budapest Airport has taken a significant leap forward in environmental responsibility by achieving the prestigious level 4+ "Transition" accreditation in the Airport Carbon Accreditation program, established by the Airports Council International (ACI). This accomplishment places Budapest Airport among an elite group, with only 10% of participating airports (currently 52) achieving this level. Notably, Budapest holds the distinction of being the first airport in Central Europe to secure this certification. What is Airport Carbon Accreditation? The Airport Carbon Accreditation program serves as the only globally recognized, institutionally endorsed program dedicated to assessing and acknowledging the efforts of airports in managing and reducing their carbon footprint. This program utilizes a rigorous certification process with a scale ranging from level one to five. Budapest Airport Soars Exceeding Standards: The 4+ "Transition" Level Explained By achieving the 4+ "Transition" rating, Budapest Airport has demonstrably not only reduced its direct carbon emissions from operations but has also implemented a comprehensive strategy to offset remaining emissions. Furthermore, the airport actively collaborates with its partners to achieve collective emissions reduction. A Commitment to Sustainable Practices Budapest Airport's dedication to sustainability extends beyond simply achieving a prestigious accreditation. The airport has established a long-term target for absolute emissions reduction, fostered a robust stakeholder partnership program, and implemented a meticulously crafted Carbon Management Plan that aligns with the ambitious goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. This plan incorporates a clear reduction pathway to achieve these objectives. Unveiling the Strategies Behind Budapest Airport's Success To attain the coveted level 4+ "Transition" status, Budapest Airport implemented a multi-faceted approach that transcended simply minimizing its emissions. The airport actively expanded its measurements to encompass indirect carbon emissions generated by the activities of companies operating within the airport's premises. A Deep Dive into Measurement Strategies Budapest Airport's data collection procedures incorporated a wide range of factors including: The materials used for de-icing aircraft, runways, taxiways, and aprons. The amount of fuel utilized by subcontractors during construction and development projects. The specific routes and treatment methods employed for waste and wastewater management. The total volume of fuel supplied to airlines. A comprehensive analysis of airport staff commuting habits. A Collaborative Effort for a Sustainable Future The extensive data analysis gleaned from these comprehensive measurements empowers Budapest Airport to work synergistically with its partners to further minimize the environmental impact of the airport's operations. This collaborative approach positions them to achieve the net-zero emissions target established by ACI by 2035. Budapest Airport: A Beacon of Environmental Responsibility Leading by Example: A Look at Budapest Airport's Green Initiatives For many years, Budapest Airport has consistently pursued a well-defined strategy focused on environmental responsibility. This strategy prioritizes collaboration with partners to collectively reduce the airport's environmental footprint. Electrifying the Future A cornerstone of Budapest Airport's environmental strategy centers around the continuous expansion of its electric vehicle fleet and the development of a robust e-charging infrastructure. This initiative also serves to encourage partner companies to embrace e-mobility solutions. As a testament to this commitment, Budapest Airport boasts 96 charging stations for electric vehicles and over 130 electric ground service vehicles currently deployed within the airport. Furthermore, passengers have access to 35 designated electric vehicle charging points in public car parks. Embracing Renewable Energy Sources Since January 2023, Budapest Airport has transitioned to utilizing 100% renewable energy sources to meet its total electricity consumption needs. The airport is actively engaged in developing a 7.5 MW solar farm and laying the groundwork for the implementation of a geothermal heating system. Measurable Results The dedication to sustainable practices implemented by Budapest Airport has yielded demonstrably positive environmental outcomes. Over the past decade, the airport has achieved a reduction in direct carbon emissions exceeding 70%. Waste management practices have also seen significant improvement, with a recycling rate of 73% for municipal and packaging waste in 2023, surpassing the recycling rate of the general population by more than double. Additionally, natural gas consumption has been reduced by an impressive 22% within a single year. Recognition and Looking Ahead Praise from Industry Leaders Olivier Jankovec, Director General of ACI EUROPE, expressed his admiration for Budapest Airport's achievement within the Airport Carbon Accreditation program. He acknowledged that Budapest Airport has attained a critical milestone in carbon management by securing the 4+ "Transition" level certification.
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usnewsper-politics · 6 months
Global Climate Conference: Historic Deal to Phase Out Fossil Fuels for Clean Energy Future #fossilfuels #greenhousegasemissions #netzeroemissions #renewableenergysources #UnitedNationsClimateChangeConference
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usnewsper-business · 7 months
Building a Greener Future: How Construction Companies Can Achieve Net Zero Emissions #netzeroemissions #sustainableconstruction
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mirecalemoments01 · 1 year
US and China Absent from UN's "No Nonsense" Climate Summit
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China and the United States, the world's two largest greenhouse gas emitters, are notably absent from the list of speakers at a UN climate summit that prioritizes leaders of countries with concrete plans to achieve net-zero emissions. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had emphasized his intention to make the summit a "no-nonsense" event, and the exclusion of these top emitters underscores the focus on ambitious climate action. Notable Absence The list of 41 speakers released by the United Nations does not include China or the United States, despite US President Joe Biden's presence in New York for the United Nations. President Biden has unveiled significant legislation to reduce carbon emissions and set a goal of achieving a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. However, critics argue that more substantial action is required to reach this goal, especially considering political opposition to climate initiatives from the Republican Party. Inclusion of California While the United States is not represented as a whole, the "Climate Ambition Summit" will feature California, with Governor Gavin Newsom participating. California has been a leader in climate action within the US and has set ambitious targets for reducing emissions and transitioning to clean energy. Participating Countries Other countries invited to participate in the summit include Brazil, Canada, and France, along with the European Union. Notably, London Mayor Sadiq Khan will speak, but the United Kingdom as a whole is not listed as a speaker. Guterres' Call for Action Addressing the General Assembly, Secretary-General Guterres highlighted the urgency of addressing climate change in the face of record-breaking climate-related events. He emphasized the need to break free from the pattern of countries waiting for others to take action and called for real climate action. Guterres expressed his support for those advocating for substantial climate action and affirmed their position on the right side of history. Conclusion The absence of China and the United States from the list of speakers at the UN's "Climate Ambition Summit" reflects a commitment to prioritizing nations with concrete plans for achieving net-zero emissions. It underscores the growing emphasis on ambitious climate action and the need for all countries, particularly major emitters, to take substantial steps to combat climate change. What is the "No Nonsense" Climate Summit organized by the United Nations?The "No Nonsense" Climate Summit is an event organized by the United Nations to prioritize leaders of countries with concrete plans to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. It aims to focus on ambitious climate action.Why are China and the United States, the top two emitters, absent from the list of speakers at the UN's Climate Ambition Summit?China and the United States are absent from the list of speakers because the summit aims to include only leaders of countries with concrete plans for achieving net-zero emissions. The absence reflects the focus on ambitious climate action.What are the climate goals set by US President Joe Biden?US President Joe Biden has set a goal of achieving a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. However, critics argue that more substantial action is needed to reach this goal, given political opposition to climate initiatives. Why is California represented at the summit, even though the United States as a whole is not listed as a speaker?California is represented at the summit because of its leadership in climate action within the United States. Governor Gavin Newsom is participating, and California has set ambitious targets for reducing emissions and transitioning to clean energy. Read the full article
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factsnews1 · 1 year
The Race to Decarbonization: Key Strategies for a Net-Zero Emissions Future
In the global race towards a sustainable future, decarbonization is the name of the game. Here are some key strategies that are shaping the path to a net-zero emissions future:
Renewable Energy: Transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power is a cornerstone of decarbonization efforts. They reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainability.
Energy Efficiency: Improving energy efficiency across industries, transportation, and homes reduces the overall energy demand, helping lower carbon footprints.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): CCS technologies capture carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes and power plants, preventing them from entering the atmosphere.
Sustainable Transportation: Electric vehicles (EVs), hydrogen-powered vehicles, and improved public transportation systems play a vital role in reducing emissions from the transportation sector.
Circular Economy: Moving toward a circular economy reduces waste and promotes recycling, which can significantly cut emissions associated with resource extraction and production.
For an in-depth look at these strategies and their impact on the road to decarbonization, check out the full article here.
The journey to a sustainable, net-zero emissions future requires a collective effort from all of us. Stay informed and engaged, Tumblr fam! 🌍🌱
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thxnews · 1 year
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jsbmarketresearch01 · 2 years
India Can Add 420 GW of Clean Power Switching from Coal Energy, Reaching $368 billion Savings by 2030
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India ranks in the top 7 nations worldwide in terms of renewable power according to data in the Global Wind Power Tracker and Global Solar Power Tracker report. But the country can avoid about 32 GW in coal power plant capacity or the annual use of 78 million tons of coal, much more than India has ever added since 2018.
The report pointed out that if the country switches to clean power than coal, then by 2030, it can add 420 GW of wind and solar power. Thus, avoiding coal power can increase savings yearly beyond $58 billion, and the savings figure to touch $368 billion in this duration. If India brings forth its utility-scale wind and solar projects as planned, it can cost $51 billion roughly.
However, with annual savings of US$19.5 billion in direct fuel costs, the nation can complete the payment in a matter of two and a half years. The Global Wind Power Tracker examines utility-scale power and has an account of 21,182 wind farms across 149 countries generating 728 GW, and has details of 5,564 prospective projects, accumulating 1,215 GW.
The utility-scale solar power makes up 35% of the solar capacity globally and the rest of the 65% comes from commercial and residential installations. The project manager of Global Wind Power Tracker, Shradhey Prasad said that the country switching to clean power from coal can slash emissions and save money to meet the target of net zero emissions by 2070.
The cost of wind and solar power will fall and is a better option given the volatile fossil fuel prices, assisting in building new energy infrastructure. India is placed in the 17th position globally concerning its capacity for wind power, trailing behind China, the United States, and Australia.
Visit: - https://www.jsbmarketresearch.com/news/news-india-420gw-clean-power-switching-from-coal-energy
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baliportalnews · 10 months
Dukung Tercapainya NZE 2060, PLN Kolaborasi dengan DJK Sosialisasikan Prosedur Pengajuan PLTS Atap
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - PT PLN (Persero) berkomitmen mendukung upaya pemerintah dalam mencapai Net Zero Emission (NZE) 2060, salah satunya dengan memberikan kemudahan layanan bagi pelanggan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) atap. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Nomor 26 Tahun 2021 tentang PLTS atap yang Terhubung pada Jaringan Tenaga Listrik Pemegang Izin Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik untuk Kepentingan Umum (IUPTLU), PLN sebagai pemegang IUPTLU memiliki prosedur yang harus dipenuhi pelanggan PLTS atap yang ingin terhubung dengan jaringan listrik PLN. Prosedur pengajuan pemasangan PLTS atap ini terus disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat serta asosiasi pemilik usaha energi surya untuk menjamin keamanan dan keandalan operasi jaringan tenaga listrik sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang–undangan di bidang ketenagalistrikan. Hal ini disampaikan General Manager PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk Distribusi (UID) Bali, I Wayan Udayana saat membuka kegiatan Workshop Prosedur Permohonan & Ketentuan SLO PLTS atap, di Kantor PLN UID Bali, Selasa (14/11/2023). Ia mengatakan penting bagi PLN untuk mendukung transisi energi dalam mencapai NZE 2060 namun dengan tetap menjaga kualitas layanan agar tetap andal bagi pelanggan umum. “PLN mendukung adanya PLTS rooftop karena merupakan bagian dari transformasi green yakni penggunaan energi hijau disisi hilir, namun dengan tetap memastikan kualitas listrik bagi pelanggan umum tidak terganggu,” jelasnya. Antusiasme masyarakat di Bali untuk menggunakan PLTS Atap cukup tinggi, tercatat saat ini pengguna PLTS atap di Bali telah mencapai 415 pelanggan dengan total kapasitas terpasang sebesar 6,9 Mega Watt peak (MWp). Udayana mengatakan saat ini PLN melalui subholdingnya PLN Icon Plus turut berkecimpung dalam penyediaan PLTS atap. “PLN Icon Plus mengembangkan layanan PLTS atap guna memberikan opsi dan solusi energi terbarukan kepada masyarakat dengan layanan yang andal dan berkualitas,” tambahnya. Dirinya berharap dengan adanya pemain baru ini, kompetisi dan kolaborasi dalam menghadirkan layanan energi baru terbarukan bagi masyarakat semakin optimal dan efisien. Dalam kegiatan ini, PLN menghadirkan narasumber dari Direktorat Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan (DJK) Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) untuk berbagi pengetahuan terkait pengurusan Sertifikat Laik Operasi (SLO) untuk pelanggan PLTS atap. Koordinator DJK, Wahyudi Joko Santoso beserta tim yang hadir mengatakan bahwa pemenuhan SLO menjadi wajib karena untuk memenuhi keselamatan ketenagalistrikan dan hal ini tak terbatas pada PLTS atap saja namun di sisi pembangkit, transmisi, distribusi, sampai pada instalasi milik pelanggan wajib melengkapi. Dalam kegiatan yang dihadiri oleh Asosiasi PLTS Atap (APSA) dan perusahaan pemasang PLTS atap (EPC) Bali ini dipaparkan mengenai berbagai prosedur baik pengajuan pemasangan PLTS atap serta pengajuan SLO. Pengajuan oleh pelanggan kepada PLN diperlukan pemenuhan berbagai syarat dan dokumen antara lain dokumen kelengkapan PLTS yakni Sertifikat Laik Operasi (SLO) atau dokumen pemenuhan wajib SLO, laporan pembangunan dan pemasangan PLTS Atap untuk kapasitas sampai dengan 500 kWp ke Dinas yang menangani Ketenagalistrikan atau apabila kapasitas di atas 500 kWp pelanggan wajib mengurus Ijin Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik Untuk Kepentingan Sendiri (IUPTLS) melalui oss.go.id, serta berkas kelengkapan lainnya sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku. Diharapkan melalui kegiatan ini, masyarakat, asosiasi, unit–unit PLN serta pelaku usaha di bidang penyediaan PLTS atap dapat memiliki pemahaman yang sama untuk pemasangan PLTS atap guna mewujudkan NZE 2060.(bpn) Read the full article
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FYI: Don't Settle for Net Zero Emissions – Climate-Positive Is the New Standard https://www.energysustainableworld.info/2022/12/dont-settle-for-net-zero-emissions.html
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phonemantra-blog · 6 months
Delta Air Lines isn't just celebrating Earth Month – their commitment to sustainability is a continuous journey. While Earth Day brings focused attention to environmental issues, Delta's dedication to a greener future takes flight every single day. This article explores the multifaceted approach Delta is taking to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, highlighting initiatives across various timeframes. Delta's Sustainability Roadmap: A Multi-Pronged Approach Delta's sustainability strategy encompasses a comprehensive approach, focusing on three key areas: What We Fly: Delta continuously invests in modernizing its fleet, incorporating the latest fuel-efficient aircraft technology. Delta Soars Towards a Sustainable Future How We Fly: Optimizing flight operations through improved routing, weight management, and landing procedures all contribute to significant fuel savings. The Fuel We Use: Delta prioritizes the adoption of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) as a key strategy to reduce carbon footprint. Celebrating Earth Month with Action: Engaging Employees and Customers Throughout April, Delta actively engages its employees and customers in various Earth Month initiatives: CHaRM Corporate Challenge: Partnering with the Center for Hard to Recycle Materials (CHaRM), Delta is leading the way in corporate recycling efforts within Atlanta. Volunteer Opportunities: Delta employees are encouraged to participate in volunteer activities throughout the month, focusing on environmental cleanup projects in various locations. Employee Travel Guide: Social media platforms showcase Delta employees' recommendations for sustainable travel practices. Earth Month Collection on In-Flight Entertainment: Passengers can explore educational and inspirational content related to environmental issues on Delta Studio, the airline's industry-leading in-flight entertainment system. 2024 and Beyond: Building on Progress This year promises further advancements in Delta's sustainability journey: Embedding Sustainability Across the Business: Delta fosters a culture of environmental awareness by integrating sustainability goals into every department's KPIs. This empowers all employees to contribute to fuel and waste reduction efforts. Driving Fuel Savings: The Delta Carbon Council spearheads numerous initiatives focused on fuel efficiency. Collaboration across teams optimizes flight routing, landing procedures, and weight management, all contributing to significant fuel savings. Scaling SAF: Delta actively advocates for policies that incentivize the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Securing offtake agreements and supporting initiatives like the Minnesota SAF Hub are crucial steps in making SAF more widely available. Modifying Existing Fleet: Delta's ongoing program to retrofit its existing fleet with enhanced winglets and lightweight landing gear further improves fuel efficiency. Reducing Single-Use Plastics In-Flight: Testing paper cups on transcontinental flights represents a significant step towards minimizing single-use plastics onboard by 2025. Looking Ahead: Milestones for the Next Decade 2030 and 2035 serve as crucial milestones in Delta's sustainability roadmap: The Rise of EVTOL: Delta's investment in Joby Aviation, a leader in developing electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, signifies its commitment to exploring innovative and sustainable transportation solutions. Implementing SAF: Delta actively promotes policies that incentivize SAF production, aiming to achieve 10% SAF usage by 2030 and 35% by 2035. Fleet Renewal: Delta continuously invests in next-generation aircraft, each iteration boasting improved fuel efficiency compared to retiring models. A Vision for the Next Century: Partnering for Innovation As Delta approaches its 100th anniversary, its focus extends beyond the immediate future. Through the Delta Sustainable Skies Lab, the airline partners with industry leaders to explore groundbreaking technologies for a more sustainable future of flight. Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft: Delta's collaboration with Airbus explores the potential of hydrogen as a future fuel source for commercial aircraft, including infrastructure considerations for production and supply. Revolutionary Aircraft Design: Partnering with Boeing and NASA, Delta investigates the Transonic Truss-Braced Wing (TTBW) design, a revolutionary concept that could significantly enhance fuel efficiency.
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usnewsper-politics · 6 months
UAE Commits to Clean Energy Future: Phasing Out Fossil Fuels for a Greener World #COP28climateconference #fossilfuels #netzeroemissions #renewableenergy #uae
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usnewsper-business · 1 year
Building a Greener Future: How Construction Companies Can Achieve Net Zero Emissions #netzeroemissions #sustainableconstruction
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Welcome to our first video in 2024, where we dive into a compelling case study on how industrial symbiosis accelerates carbon neutrality through regional cooperation. In this video, we explore the intersection of sustainability and interdisciplinary leadership, highlighting the urgent need to achieve internationally agreed sustainability goals like the Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals. At Global Empowerment Leadership, we take pride in presenting our highly anticipated 2024 newsletter series. Last year, we delved into pressing sustainability challenges, such as green growth, climate action, and empowerment through education. This year, our focus shifts towards circular economy strategies—a realm of innovative, cross-sector solutions that hold immense promise for global sustainability. The circular economy represents a systemic shift away from the traditional 'take-make-waste' linear model towards an industrial system designed to be restorative and regenerative. By optimizing resource use through techniques like reuse, repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling, the circular economy aims to decouple economic activity from finite resource consumption and minimize waste generation. This holistic and multidimensional approach offers opportunities across industries and communities to eliminate waste and foster environmental stewardship. Throughout our 2024 newsletters, we will delve into major themes such as urban industrial symbiosis, sustainable minerals and materials management, and circular business model innovation. We are excited to present cutting-edge case studies and research that will assist industry, government, and civil society in their journey towards a truly regenerative and inclusive economy. We encourage you to share your perspectives on social media using the hashtag #CircularEconomyLeadership to facilitate ongoing conversations throughout the year. If you haven't subscribed to our newsletter series yet, simply click here: [Insert subscription link]. Join us as we explore our first circular horizon—unveiling the role of industrial symbiosis in reducing carbon emissions and supporting carbon neutrality goals. Subscribe to Global Empowerment leadership: on Linkedin  https://bit.ly/3vFDdC4 on Youtube  https://bit.ly/3SEd7XQ   GELS OPUs clips on industrial symbiosis:     • Industrial Symbiosis Explained: Top 5...   GEL’s Youtube video: Unleashing the Potential of the Inflation Reduction Act: Building a Sustainable Future     • Achieving Harmony: Balancing Environm...   Rev Opus Clips 2 Accelerating Progress Toward Global Sustainability: Exploring Circular Economy Strategies:     • Exploring Circular Economy Solutions ...   Don't forget to use the following hashtags to engage with our content: #CircularEconomy #IndustrialSymbiosis #CarbonNeutrality #Sustainability #UNSDGs #ClimateAction #GreenGrowth #RegenerativeEconomy #CircularBusinessModels #UrbanIndustrialSymbiosis #SustainableMaterialsManagement #GlobalEmpowermentLeadership #2024NewsletterSeries #InterdisciplinaryLeadership #CaseStudy #ResourceUse #WasteReduction #NetZeroEmissions #CircularDesign #Collaboration #MultistakeholderEngagement
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