#Neverwinter Nights: Witch's Wake
the-overanalyzer · 10 months
"About the Blogger" Meme
tagged by @razielim
Favorite Pseud: An easy choice, I only have the one!
Time Zone: Central
Star Sign(s): Aries
Favorite Holidays: Halloween, Christmas
Last Meal: Cranberry Sprite, fried chicken, and a lemon muffin
Current Favorite Musician: IDKHOW
Last Music Listened To: "Intermission" by the Scissor Sisters
Last Movie Watched: Into the Spider-verse, for roughly the 800th time
Last TV Show Watched: Star Trek: Lower Decks
Last Book/Fic Finished: The Templars by Dan Jones.
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: The Thirty Years War: Europe's Tragedy by Peter H. Wilson, probably because I had just finished C.V. Wedgwood's The Thirty Years War and got burnt out on the topic.
Currently Reading: A History of the World in Six Glasses by Tom Standage.
Books/Shows/Movies/etc. You Want to Get Around To: At the moment, I've really been wanting to go back and finally play some of the Neverwinter Nights premium modules. The only one I ever made any progress in was Witch's Wake.
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: Land routes from Kathmandu to Hong Kong.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: Many, many years ago, not long after New Jedi Order wrapped, there was a thread on theforce.net forums that made the half-joking argument that Anakin Solo was Ben Skywalker's father. Totally batshit theory, but batshit in a truly fun, compelling sort of way.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Star Wars: Coruscant Nights, which was pretty under the radar even by EU standards but was a ton of fun.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: The Kid Flash Thad AU.
Tempting Project You're 100% Going to Undertake: The Kid Flash Thad AU, because the only thing I'm worse at than time management is impulse control.
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tonkirenta · 2 years
Neverwinter nights enhanced edition expansion
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Neverwinter nights enhanced edition expansion for free#
Neverwinter nights enhanced edition expansion full#
Abandoned Mine: One is used by a kidnapper as a hideout in Chapter 2 during a sidequest.
Neverwinter Nights provides examples of the following tropes: The original AOL MMORPG from 1991 that shared the same name has its own page. The original campaign was retroactively called The Wailing Death in it. In 2017, developer Beamdog announced Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition, which was subsequently released on Maand, later the same year, ported both on Android and iOS.
Neverwinter nights enhanced edition expansion full#
The full game, including the premium modules, is available at GOG.com. The main engine with modified graphics was also used in The Witcher, though CD Projekt RED has stated they were less than fond of the engine, claiming it responsible for many of the technical flaws present, leading to them developing their own engine from scratch for the sequel. The Aurora graphics engine, which debuted with NWN, proved to be successful and enduring, and various heavily modified descendants of the engine were used throughout the 2000s, most notably the Odyssey engine in the Knights of the Old Republic series and the Electron engine in Neverwinter Nights 2. BioWare stopped selling the premium modules in 2009.
Neverwinter nights enhanced edition expansion for free#
When the premium module initiative ended, several projects were left hanging, though Darkness Over Daggerford and Crimson Tides of Tethyr were released for free later. While the modules themselves were well received, they required a constant connection to the Internet as DRM the modules in Kingmaker do not have this feature. Three more were made: Pirates of the Sword Coast, Infinite Dungeons and Wyvern Crown of Cormyr. The first three, Witch's Wake, Shadowguard and Kingmaker, were compiled into the third expansion, Kingmaker. Short self-contained adventures, many of which were created by community members hired by BioWare, the premium modules became deeper and more complex as designers familiarized themselves with the engine and new tools were developed. These proved to be more popular with fans.īioWare additionally released a number of "premium modules" as paid DLC. Two expansion packs Shadows Of Undrentide and Hordes Of The Underdark stepped away from the original campaign and focused on character development, roleplaying, and the intricate storylines for which BioWare is renowned (although only Hordes was actually made by BioWare Undrentide was instead developed by the Looking Glass expats from Floodgate Entertainment, led by the LGS founder Paul Neurath).
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noontide-apparition · 5 years
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“The fields of battle lie in the hearts of men...”
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tenleaguesbeneath · 3 years
I’ve started playing the Witch’s Wake module for Neverwinter Nights. It feels like it has way higher production values than any of the official campaigns. Maybe it’s the narration.
I hope the Night Hag is romanceable
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xdepthsofwinterx · 4 years
Playing with Fire {Drabble/Pre-RP?}
                Post HotU                  [Canon!verse][Shackled!verse friendly]
She would admit it had been some time since she had walked the streets alone, particularly at night. But she was far from ignorant of the dangers that such actions entailed. However, the mage would be lying if she wasn’t taken aback by the brazen approach this shakedown had taken.
‘Why is it every time I visit Neverwinter the local thieves guild takes an interest in my personal belongings?’ Memories flitted by, crispy henchmen and the off duty paladin. Lips hitched in one corner - at least Rith had made the experience worthwhile. 
‘Saved my sorry ass too.’
“Oi! Eyes on me when I’m talkin’ to ya luv~” it was comical really as the voice resonated from a squat man a full head shorter than her. His companions - a stocky half-elf and dwarf with an impressive face full of hair - eyed her from beneath their hoods. One cradled a intricate crossbow, bolts upon his hip, the other a pair of short-swords. 
‘Melee heavy, both lacking shields, thankfully. But that crossbow...bloody enchanted within an inch of its life if that glint is anything to go by’. Dhana mentally took stock of what little grenades and tonics she had left, fingers moving subtly across the belt beneath her heavy set furs. Two smoke grenades, a flask of fire and oil. Hmm....
‘Perhaps we could have a little bit of fun after all~’.
Creaking snapped her back into the present, the weapon she had been eyeing so carefully was now quickly being loaded. Long legs over there had popped open his scabbards, thumbs running threateningly across the pommels.
“Yer really nae good at listenin’ lass, I said look at me when I’m speakin’!”
Feeling the tension between her shoulder blades mount, the sorceress rolled them. Nonchalant, cocky perhaps, but she was tired and in no mood for being spoken to like that.
“I get that a lot, you know. Ya deaf love, or ‘ink yer too high brow tae be associatin’ wee ‘e likes o’ us?” her accent didn’t do the coastal brogue justice, but that was hardly her intention. “See, thing is...I just reaaaally love pissing people off~”
Finger flicked out from beneath her cloak, the shattering of glass breaking the tension like a hot knife through butter. A cry of alarm sounded as grey smoke billowed into the space between them. By her estimates she had five to six seconds before that crossbow was primed and ready. Index and middle fingers slid up her thighs, the cracking of stone creeping along her skin sending chills down her spine as usual. 
Their elven friend would come for her first, trying to distract and give the mouthy rogue an opening. Already she could sense his piercing eyes through the thickening clouds, searching. It wouldn’t be long, he had her at a disadvantage there. Sadly for him, she had something for that too. Willing her staff out from its holster, Dhana released another ethereal decoy, her copy darting to the left.
“Mere tricks, foolish woman!” down went the first mirage, steel singing through air and energy. This was met with a hiss of irritation, a head whipping round to scout the area the decoy had emerged from. Alas, upon stepping forward the half-elf found his boot trapped. A glint of oil caught his attention a moment too late, the air around him compressing. Pupils shrunk at the sudden stench of brimstone, lips parting to warn his companions-...
A roar of blistering heat and gas swamped the alleyway, crawling up the mossy brickwork, licking the guttering of the warehouses. It was enough to flush the faces of the surviving duo, incinerating their companion upon impact. The inferno tapered out the further from the source it went, leaving naught but ash and the odd lingering flame in its wake.
Bewildered, the rogue and dwarf blinked, sharing a shaken glance. 
“For a free light show, you aren’t exactly grateful.” Her tone sounded almost petulant, and as their heads whipped about, the sharp ‘twang’ of the crossbow echoed through the side-street. Splattering through her head, the bolt shattered against the opposing wall, acid biting hungrily into stone. The visage disintegrated with a shimmering of magic.
“‘e bitch is hidin’!” the dwarf busied himself, winding up his weapon with a flare of his nostrils, “Cover me!”
Spinning his blades about his fingers, the rogue carefully sidestepped his companion. Bright emerald eyes stalked every shadow, every darkened window and doorway. They caught something darting overhead, surging air and the heavy beat of wings. His head jerked round to the source, only to be blindsided by razor sharp claws and beak.
An impressive raven shrieked his anger, raking and ripping at the man’s face. Droplets of blood seeped through torn flesh, anguished cries breaking the heavy silence. Blades clattered onto cobblestone as the rogue fought desperately to save his eyes. His hand caught the carrion’s wing, managing to dislodge him for a mere moment. But when it seemed like his window of opportunity had come, someone else took it for themselves.
“Hands of the familiar, dick!” A streak of white appeared from the shadows to his left, the dwarf letting out a cry of alarm before the cracking and splintering of bone echoed about them, followed by an animalistic howl of pain.
Where the world had held its breath, time and space seemed to suddenly converge together in tidal waves. Still struggling with his cumbersome weapon, the dwarf looked on stricken as his friend was steadily beaten into silence. Upon the final blow, a set sepia eyes locked onto his, blood splattering tanned skin and white furs.
In his eyes, the witch looked demonic. A silent moment passed before her lips twitched into a lopsided smirk. He froze...quite literally.
Between them thick, crystalline branches held him rooted in place, slithering up his torso with agonising coldness. Creaking of ice told the mage how desperate her foe strained against the restraints, so she clenched her outstretched fist tighter. Closing the gap, her knuckles slowly growing whiter, she gave him a sardonic smile.
“It has been fun, but between you and me, I’d much rather be doing something else.”
A startled gurgle issued passed bloodied lips, thick icicles shredding through padded leather, silencing her quarry for good. Dhana rose a hand to her face, wiping the blood from her cheeks. Dark eyes caught upon the discarded crossbow gleaming quietly upon the cobblestones. Overhead, Karth gave her a mocking caw.
“I know you’re alright, you forget your wounds are my wounds. Besides...” she hefted the ranged weapon between her arms, staff now carefully stored upon her back, “...with this you could be eating steak for months.”
The crow cocked his head at her, before ruffling his feathers indignantly. She snorted.
“I love you too buddy. C’mon, lets see if we can find someone with decent enchanting equipment that I could use.”
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hellyeahheroes · 5 years
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The Last God #1 is...exactly what you’d expect. One hand a gritty fantasy with Berserk-style monstrosities and violence that provide some beautifully nightmarish images, with excellent artwork to match the challenge they’re presenting. On the other, a dark twist on a typical epic fantasy quest-type story, with a dark god of evil awakening after being defeated 30 years prior and new generation having to finish him. With the twist, that they spoil in solicits, being that the old heroes never did kill the guy in the first place, just made a deal with him. 
The book is...ambitious. In similar ways that I sadly have seen before. It is hoping to become a new fantasy epic with world-ending threat, huge quest and world map and a protagonist, Eyvindr, that is supposed to be special but feels as bland as most. I mean the book’s full title includes the “Book I of the Fellspyre Chronicles”, indicating the author wants to make sequels when only the first issue of his 12-part story is out. 
It is ambitious in its worldbuilding, providing us with full-on notes about the myths and legends behind most trivial details, while some fundamentals of the world are not yet properly established. It’s like the back-up features in Monstress (a book this is most likely gonna be seen as DC’s contender to) except instead of filling us in on the basics we need to know so the story doesn’t need to stop and establish them, it goes on about the stories behind statues we see on one page or a tune sang by some drunks. I get the purpose might be a bit different, trying to add more depth and dimension to the history of this world, but I wish we could get more on the basic “who, what or how” too. 
And finally, this book is so ambitious that it can come off as pretentious, what with the fact it thinks itself too cool to have Dwarves, it has bearded short people named Dwarrows. Come on!
(On a side note:  Something is itching me wrong about these totally-not Elves that makes me question if they do not step into cultural appropriation, but I also feel I’m too white to make this call if any of my Asian followers have an opinion, feel free to share it.)
I have seen this kind of thing before. We constantly get a new fantasy book promising to be the first part of an epic saga and best thing since Tolkien...and then the sales are disappointing and the second book never materializes. The closest comparisons I have so far are to a Neverwinter Nights module, Shadowguard. A module that was supposed to be a part in an epic series, with ambitions to introduce a new, wonderful world to the players and be the Next Baldur’s Gate, with the audacity to include the library with seven volumes dedicated to telling the world’s whole history. But the story the game told was not bad, but not exactly on the level, it thought itself. Compared to the other two modules it was released in a pack with, it was overshadowed by equally ambitious but much more intriguing in its writing Witch’s Wake, that people still play for the story itself, and by Kingmaker, that, while leaving room for a sequel, told a shorter, but complete tale and took several steps to build-in great replayability to itself. When all 3 modules were canceled, Shadowguard was missed the least. I do fear Last God may end the same way.
I’m not saying this book is bad or carried on by the excellent artwork. The premise is decent and from what we have seen so far there might be a fascinating and criminally underexplored theme of historical revisionism in this story. It has potential, but so far it has not yet channeled it fully to match its own ambition. Which is worrying since it is the same writer who wrote recent return of Marvel Zombies. When paired together these books give me an impression of a writer who is decent, talented but also seems to aim higher than his abilities allow. An ambition unmatched by skill. I could be wrong, I haven’t read anything else by him, just going by what I had read. I could also be letting my own personal perspective as a wannabe fantasy writer with his own epic story in eternal WIP cloud my reading. Since, you know, I also have high ambitions, except I have no fucking skill whatsoever...
- Admin
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firebuggg · 6 years
horreurscopes replied to your post
“oh wait i just closed the sims cus you know which games REALLY...”
bioware produced two perfectly fine games called neverwinter nights and neverwinter nights 2 back in the early 2000s where you played as a hero on a grand quest etc etc and they were all well and good but then bioware sank all their SUPER fucky and dark ideas into their expansion packs, which i will list in order of formativeness below:
mask of the betrayer. you wake up after saving the world and are cursed with a terrible need to eat spirits or go mad and there’s a mechanic in the game where if you get too low on spirits after an hour or two you DIE. good luck understanding anything at all in this game as you unravel the mystery of your curse but the aesthetic is dark and vaguely lovecraftian and you befriend the god of spirits who’s shaped like a giant rainbow bear and at one point you speak to the eight-story skull of a dead god floating through space and also if you don’t grab a hidden item in the second act that you cannot get later even though NO ONE tells you it’s important you can’t get the good ending in the game. also your true love (it’s complicated) has been split into 3 people (it’s complicated) and they’re all hot and you have the option to tear down the throne of the gods themselves 
hordes of the underdark. i played this game about eight times all the way through to the end. you are an Extremely powerful adventurer who starts off looking to make a buck by going through a maze made by an evil wizard and ends by entering the sixth ring of hell. notable for having valen shadowbreath whomme people wrote fics about based on lyrics from three doors down. 
kingmaker. you have to win an election in a city full of people who hate you, you’re friends with a wererat and your love interest is a flaming astral dwarf next question
witch’s wake. an expansion pack that takes roughly 2 hours to play. you wake up on a desolated battlefield remembering nothing, and after piecing together clues like talking to a ragpicker who gives you a severed finger with a ring on it and a dying prince and wandering around among the corpses, you realize you were part of an expedition to kill an extremely powerful witch, which is strongly implied to be misogynistic bullshit as her ghost appears and tells you that the fields of battle lie in the hearts of men. you walk through a portal to begin the next section of the game, heart in your mouth as you wonder if everything you ever knew was a lie -- and then it ends because they never finished it sdlkfjsldkfjkl 
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josephlrushing · 4 years
Neverwinter Nights Released for iPad, and Civilization VI lands on Android!
A few weeks ago, I was excited by the announcement of another large update/patch for Neverwinter Nights on Android, and now PC game fans who use either iOS or Android can celebrate the release of two major games! Neverwinter Nights is out for iOS devices, and Civilization VI is available for Android after releasing for iOS back in late 2017. I have played both of these new releases and highly recommend them!
Neverwinter Nights is the classic 2002 PC role-playing game that got an ‘Enhanced Edition’ from Beamdog a few years ago that updated the game for modern computers and has slowly enhanced nearly every subsystem from the interface to graphics to combat and camera controls. In late 2018 Beamdog ported a ‘beta’ version of the game to Android, and it has been very stable for the last year. Patches arriving for the PC version have quickly been ported to Android, and the new iOS version arrives fully up to date.
Here is the description:
Neverwinter Nights is a classic Dungeons & Dragons RPG— enhanced for iOS! Explore 100+ hours of gameplay including the original campaign, plus six free DLC adventures. Play solo or team up with friends for a grand adventure across the Forgotten Realms.
DEVICE RECOMMENDATION Optimized for iPads Recommended for iPhones with screen sizes of 7 inches or larger
CONTENT Neverwinter Nights (Classic Campaign) Shadows of Undrentide (Free Official Expansion) Hordes of the Underdark (Second Official Expansion) Kingmaker (Free DLC) ShadowGuard (Free DLC) Witch’s Wake (Free DLC) Adventure Pack (Free DLC)
Head to the App Store and grab Neverwinter Nights for $9.99!
Civilization VI is the newest iteration of a classic turn-based strategy series first released nearly 30 years ago! This version was initially released for macOS and Windows in late 2016, followed by ports to Linux, iOS, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Playstation 4, and finally, now for Android!
Develop a civilization from an early settlement, grow your empire, conquer the world, and improve your strategic thinking and decision-making skills. That is what this fantastic strategy game is all about.
Civilization VI is an advanced empire building game for Android that simulates raising an empire from the beginning of time. Play as the leader of your empire and manage your resources to build new structures, empower your army to attack and defend, grow your territory, and make your citizens satisfied and happy.
Your choices and decisions have effects on the entire world ecosystem. You can choose whether to conquer the world through military dominations or cultural influence.
If you are into empire-building apps and looking for an advanced strategy game to improve your strategic thinking skills, you have come to the right place.
Civilization VI main features at a glance: – Clean and neat design with a fresh and intuitive interface – High-quality graphics with smooth animations – Exciting strategy game to build an empire and conquer the world – Empire building game suitable for amateurs and professional gamers – Create buildings and upgrade structures – Manage your resources and improve strategic thinking skills – Make wise choices and change the future of the planet
Head to the Google Play Store and grab Civilization VI as a free trial (you can unlock the full version for $19.99)!
I have gushed about each of these games in the past here on GearDiary – I have played each on multiple platforms and was happy to settle down to play again when they were released here. Neverwinter Nights on my iPad features all the graphical updates and smooth gameplay of the current PC release, and the touchscreen performance is excellent. Civilization VI always concerns me due to performance concerns (the Switch version definitely pushed the platform capabilities), but on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S6, it played every bit as well as on my iPad.
One significant caveat for both of these games is that all of the gameplay depth and graphics come at a price – battery life. Particularly on my Galaxy Tab S6, I found that Civilization VI chewed through the battery in just a few hours of play. Anyone who has gamed on a laptop will be used to this, but it is something to keep in mind.
Aside from battery life, I simply cannot recommend these two games highly enough – on either iOS or Android (or PC or Mac, of course). They are absolute classics of the RPG and Strategy genres, and something every gamer should check out!
The post Neverwinter Nights Released for iPad, and Civilization VI lands on Android! first appeared on GearDiary.
from Joseph Rushing https://geardiary.com/2020/09/27/neverwinter-nights-released-for-ipad-and-civilization-vi-lands-on-android/
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barbosaasouza · 6 years
Weekend PC Download Deals for June 8: Pre-E3 2018 Edition
For those who haven't heard, E3 2018 is next week. Shocking, I know, because I don't think anybody's mentioned it lately. But with that in mind, gaming retailers are looking to jump into either E3 sales or summer sales to take advantage of the annual gaming hype week.
Well, almost everyone, anyway. Steam is staying conspicuously low-key, with few sales this weekend. That's likely because that storefront is getting ready for its usual Summer Sale madness that normally kicks off later in June. So who's having the big sales in the meantime? GOG.com is leading the pack with its #SummerGaming sale, with Amazon, GamersGate, Origin, and the Ubisoft Store all trailing behind them. There are some good deals to be found on both recent hits and classics.
But also be sure to keep an eye on Green Man Gaming, which has Vampyr, the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, and other recent (as in, released in the last month) hits discounted right now.
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
Here's our selection of this weekend's PC deals:
Star Wars Battlefront II [Origin] - $19.99 (60% off)
Battlefield 1 Revolution [Origin] - $14.99 (75% off)
The Sims 4 [Origin] - $9.99 (75% off)
Need for Speed Payback [Origin] - $19.99 (60% off)
Mirror's Edge Catalyst [Origin] - $4.99 (50% off)
Dragon Age Inquisition GOTY Edition [Origin] - $15.99 (60% off)
Mass Effect Trilogy [Origin] - $7.49 (75% off)
Crysis Trilogy [Origin] - $12.49 (75% off)
SimCity Complete Edition [Origin] - $7.49 (75% off)
Alice: Madness Returns [Origin] - $4.99 (75% off)
Fe [Origin] - $9.99 (50% off)
Dead Space 3 [Origin] - $9.99 (50% off)
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition [Steam] - $4.99 (80% off)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus [Steam] - $29.99 (50% off)
Wolfenstein II: The Freedom Chronicles Season Pass [Steam] - $14.99 (40% off)
Wolfenstein: The New Order [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein [Steam] - $1.25 (75% off)
Pay $1.99 for Chroma Squad, Skullgirls, Deadlight, Mad Games Tycoon, Replica, The Way, Wick, 12 is Better Than 6 Game, The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day, and Infectonator: Survivors. These activate on Steam.
Or pay $1 (!) for Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Anomaly Defenders, and Anomaly 2. These activate on Steam.
Or pay $4.99 for F.E.A.R. (w/all DLC), F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn DLC, and F.E.A.R. 3. These activate on Steam.
Or pay $13.59 for Batman: Arkham Knight and all of its DLC. These activate on Steam.
Grand Theft Auto [Rockstar] - $18.59 (69% off)
Bayonetta + Vanquish [Steam] - $13.99 (65% off)
Bayonetta [Steam] - $7.99 (60% off)
Vanquish [Steam] - $7.99 (60% off)
Batman: Arkham VR [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
Injustice 2: Legendary Edition [Steam] - $41.99 (30% off)
Middle-earth: Shadow of War [Steam] - $35.99 (40% off)
Mad Max [Steam] - $4.99 (75% off)
Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition [Steam] - $7.49 (75% off)
Quantum Break [Steam] - $19.99 (50% off)
Darksiders Franchise Pack [Steam] - $9.99 (80% off)
Red Faction Collection [Steam] - $11.99 (80% off)
Painkiller Complete Pack [Steam] - $13.99 (80% off)
Alan Wake's American Nightmare [Steam] - $2.49 (75% off)
Dragon Ball FighterZ [Steam] - $41.99 (30% off)
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard [Steam] - $20.99 (30% off)
Grand Theft Auto V [Rockstar] - $19.80 (67% off)
Ori and the Blind Forest [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
Conan Exiles [Steam] - $33.99 (15% off)
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition [Steam] - $29.99 (25% off)
Tekken 7 [Steam] - $25.00 (50% off)
BioShock: The Collection [Steam] - $19.80 (67% off)
Quantum Break [Steam] - $20.00 (50% off)
Dead Rising 4 [Steam] - $22.49 (25% off)
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 [Steam] - $14.99 (25% off)
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition [Steam] - $10.00 (60% off)
Devil May Cry HD Collection [Steam] - $20.09 (33% off)
Kerbal Space Program [Steam] - $20.00 (50% off)
L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition [Steam] - $9.00 (70% off)
Okami HD [Steam] - $11.99 (40% off)
GamersGate is in the middle of its Summer Sale! Check out all of the games featured during the GamersGate Summer Sale.
Spend $5 or more during the GOG.com Summer Sale and receive Sunless Sea for free. Spend $20 or more and also receive Rime for free.
GOG.com has kicked off its #SummerGaming sale. That means over 1,000 games are on sale! Shacknews has bundled together some of the best individual game deals, as well as noteworthy bundles. Find all of the sales on GOG.com.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - $35.99 (20% off)
Saints Row Bundle (Saints Row 2 + Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition + Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell w/Devil's Workshop Pack + Saints Row: The Third The Full Package) - $12.35 (80% off)
Baldur's Gate Bundle (Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition + Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition + Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear) - $11.97 (80% off)
Star Wars Starship Bundle (Rogue Squadron 3D + TIE Fighter Special Edition + X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter + X-Wing Alliance + X-Wing Special Edition) - $12.45 (75% off)
Indiana Jones Bundle (Emperor's Tomb + Fate of Atlantis + The Last Crusade + LEGO Indiana Jones + LEGO Indiana Jones 2) - $14.45 (75% off)
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - $20.09 (33% off)
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - $9.99 (50% off)
Kerbal Space Program - $19.99 (50% off)
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - $4.99 (75% off)
Mirror's Edge - $2.99 (85% off)
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition - $9.99 (50% off)
Fallout 3 GOTY Edition - $9.99 (50% off)
Firewatch - $7.99 (60% off)
The Witness - $15.99 (60% off)
Darkest Dungeon - $9.99 (60% off)
Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete Edition - $9.99 (50% off)
Green Man Gaming
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection [Steam] - $29.99 (25% off)
Vampyr [Steam] - $37.49 (25% off)
Moonlighter [Steam] - $15.99 (20% off)
Conan Exiles [Steam] - $31.19 (22% off)
Final Fantasy XV [Steam] - $39.99 (20% off)
Grand Theft Auto V [Rockstar] - $17.82 (70% off)
Grand Theft Auto IV Complete Edition [Steam] - $7.65 (74% off)
Grand Theft Auto III Trilogy [Steam] - $7.65 (74% off)
Rocket League [Steam] - $10.99 (45% off)
XCOM 2 [Steam] - $15.05 (75% off)
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen [Steam] - $23.99 (40% off)
Humble Bundle
Subscribe to Humble Monthly for $12 and receive Hearts of Iron IV, Blackwake, and Portal Knights, with more games added every month. These games activate on Steam.
Pay $1 or more to get Arma: Cold War Assault, Arma: Gold Edition, and Arma Tactics. Pay $15 or more to also receive Arma 3, Arma 3 Karts, Arma 3 Helicopters, and Arma 3 Marksmen. Pay more than the average $17.80 to get Arma 2, Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, Arma 2: British Armed Forces, Arma 2: Private Military Company, and Arma 2: Army of the Czech Republic. Pay $20 or more to also receive Arma 3 Apex. These activate on Steam.
Or pay what you want for Memoria, Caravan, Deponia: The Complete Journey, and Anna's Quest. Pay more than the average $8.05 to get Witch It, Silence, and Deponia Doomsday. Pay $12 or more to also receive Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, The Long Journey Home, and Bounty Train.
Destiny 2 Expansion Pass [Steam] - $19.99 (43% off)
The Crew Ultimate Edition [UPlay] - $12.49 (75% off)
Shadow Warrior 2 [Steam] - $19.99 (50% off)
Enter the Gungeon [Steam] - $7.49 (50% off)
The Talos Principle [Steam] - $7.99 (80% off)
Brofoce [Steam] - $3.74 (75% off)
Find more Devolver Digital games, like the Hotline Miami games and Genital Jousting, on sale during the Humble Store's Devolver Digital Sale.
Oculus Store
Sprint Vector: VR League - $19.99 (33% off)
Peggle - Free!
Star Wars Battlefront II - $19.99 (67% off)
Battlefield 1 Revolution - $14.99 (75% off)
The Sims 4 - $9.99 (75% off)
FIFA 18 - $19.99 (67% off)
Titanfall 2 - $4.99 (75% off)
Need for Speed Payback - $19.99 (50% off)
Mass Effect Andromeda - $9.99 (50% off)
Fe - $9.99 (50% off)
Mass Effect Trilogy - $7.49 (75% off)
Dragon Age Inquisition - $4.99 (75% off)
Crysis Trilogy - $12.49 (75% off)
Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition - $9.99 (67% off)
Mirror's Edge Catalyst - $4.99 (50% off)
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 - $9.99 (50% off)
Find more of EA's best games on sale during the Origin Infinite Gaming Sale.
Ubisoft Store
Far Cry 5 - $44.99 (25% off)
Assassin's Creed Origins - $29.99 (50% off)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - $19.99 (50% off)
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - $19.80 (67% off)
For Honor - $14.99 (75% off)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - $19.80 (67% off)
Tom Clancy's The Division - $10.00 (80% off)
Watch Dogs 2 - $19.80 (67% off)
Rayman Legends - $10.20 (66% off)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Collection - $26.09 (71% off)
Star Trek Bridge Crew - $19.99 (50% off)
Prince of Persia (2008) - $3.40 (66% off)
Child of Light - $5.10 (66% off)
Uno - $3.40 (66% off)
Monopoly Plus - $7.49 (50% off)
Find more of Ubisoft's catalog during the Ubisoft Store's E3 Sale.
As well as regular discounts, Steam has a couple of additional weekend deals.
Subnautica - $19.99 (20% off)
Tooth and Tail - $8.99 (55% off) (FREE WEEKEND until 6/10 at 1PM PT)
Forts - $8.99 (40% off) (FREE MULTIPLAYER WEEKEND until 6/10 at 1PM PT)
Hunt Showdown [Steam Early Access] - $23.99 (20% off)
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - $19.99 (50% off)
Insurgency - $2.49 (75% off)
Dying Light - $15.99 (60% off)
Insurgency - $2.49 (75% off)
Sairento VR - $23.99 (20% off)
The Mage's Tale - $19.99 (33% off)
Weekend PC Download Deals for June 8: Pre-E3 2018 Edition published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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encom-computadoras · 7 years
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition ya tiene fecha de lanzamiento
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition ya tiene fecha de lanzamiento
Beamdog ha anunciado que la Enhanced Edition de Neverwinter Nights se pondrá a la venta en Steam el próximo día 27 de marzo.
Tendrá un precio de veinte dólares, pero en el paquete se incluye no solo la aventura base, sino también las expansiones Shadows of Undertide y Hordes of the Underdark y los módulos Kingmaker, ShadowGuard y Witch’s Wake.
Los usuarios que opten por adquirir la Edición…
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bangpuddingmuffin · 6 years
Neverwinter Nights: Witch’s Wake
Just when I was getting interested, it ended so abruptly. This felt more like a demo than an actual module. I'm surprised they actually charged for this, and I am no longer surprised I didn't remember this at all.
0 notes
noontide-apparition · 5 years
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noontide-apparition · 6 years
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barbosaasouza · 6 years
Weekend PC Download Deals for June 8: Pre-E3 2018 Edition
For those who haven't heard, E3 2018 is next week. Shocking, I know, because I don't think anybody's mentioned it lately. But with that in mind, gaming retailers are looking to jump into either E3 sales or summer sales to take advantage of the annual gaming hype week.
Well, almost everyone, anyway. Steam is staying conspicuously low-key, with few sales this weekend. That's likely because that storefront is getting ready for its usual Summer Sale madness that normally kicks off later in June. So who's having the big sales in the meantime? GOG.com is leading the pack with its #SummerGaming sale, with Amazon, GamersGate, Origin, and the Ubisoft Store all trailing behind them. There are some good deals to be found on both recent hits and classics.
But also be sure to keep an eye on Green Man Gaming, which has Vampyr, the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, and other recent (as in, released in the last month) hits discounted right now.
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
Here's our selection of this weekend's PC deals:
Star Wars Battlefront II [Origin] - $19.99 (60% off)
Battlefield 1 Revolution [Origin] - $14.99 (75% off)
The Sims 4 [Origin] - $9.99 (75% off)
Need for Speed Payback [Origin] - $19.99 (60% off)
Mirror's Edge Catalyst [Origin] - $4.99 (50% off)
Dragon Age Inquisition GOTY Edition [Origin] - $15.99 (60% off)
Mass Effect Trilogy [Origin] - $7.49 (75% off)
Crysis Trilogy [Origin] - $12.49 (75% off)
SimCity Complete Edition [Origin] - $7.49 (75% off)
Alice: Madness Returns [Origin] - $4.99 (75% off)
Fe [Origin] - $9.99 (50% off)
Dead Space 3 [Origin] - $9.99 (50% off)
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition [Steam] - $4.99 (80% off)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus [Steam] - $29.99 (50% off)
Wolfenstein II: The Freedom Chronicles Season Pass [Steam] - $14.99 (40% off)
Wolfenstein: The New Order [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein [Steam] - $1.25 (75% off)
Pay $1.99 for Chroma Squad, Skullgirls, Deadlight, Mad Games Tycoon, Replica, The Way, Wick, 12 is Better Than 6 Game, The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day, and Infectonator: Survivors. These activate on Steam.
Or pay $1 (!) for Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Anomaly Defenders, and Anomaly 2. These activate on Steam.
Or pay $4.99 for F.E.A.R. (w/all DLC), F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn DLC, and F.E.A.R. 3. These activate on Steam.
Or pay $13.59 for Batman: Arkham Knight and all of its DLC. These activate on Steam.
Grand Theft Auto [Rockstar] - $18.59 (69% off)
Bayonetta + Vanquish [Steam] - $13.99 (65% off)
Bayonetta [Steam] - $7.99 (60% off)
Vanquish [Steam] - $7.99 (60% off)
Batman: Arkham VR [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
Injustice 2: Legendary Edition [Steam] - $41.99 (30% off)
Middle-earth: Shadow of War [Steam] - $35.99 (40% off)
Mad Max [Steam] - $4.99 (75% off)
Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition [Steam] - $7.49 (75% off)
Quantum Break [Steam] - $19.99 (50% off)
Darksiders Franchise Pack [Steam] - $9.99 (80% off)
Red Faction Collection [Steam] - $11.99 (80% off)
Painkiller Complete Pack [Steam] - $13.99 (80% off)
Alan Wake's American Nightmare [Steam] - $2.49 (75% off)
Dragon Ball FighterZ [Steam] - $41.99 (30% off)
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard [Steam] - $20.99 (30% off)
Grand Theft Auto V [Rockstar] - $19.80 (67% off)
Ori and the Blind Forest [Steam] - $9.99 (50% off)
Conan Exiles [Steam] - $33.99 (15% off)
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition [Steam] - $29.99 (25% off)
Tekken 7 [Steam] - $25.00 (50% off)
BioShock: The Collection [Steam] - $19.80 (67% off)
Quantum Break [Steam] - $20.00 (50% off)
Dead Rising 4 [Steam] - $22.49 (25% off)
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 [Steam] - $14.99 (25% off)
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition [Steam] - $10.00 (60% off)
Devil May Cry HD Collection [Steam] - $20.09 (33% off)
Kerbal Space Program [Steam] - $20.00 (50% off)
L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition [Steam] - $9.00 (70% off)
Okami HD [Steam] - $11.99 (40% off)
GamersGate is in the middle of its Summer Sale! Check out all of the games featured during the GamersGate Summer Sale.
Spend $5 or more during the GOG.com Summer Sale and receive Sunless Sea for free. Spend $20 or more and also receive Rime for free.
GOG.com has kicked off its #SummerGaming sale. That means over 1,000 games are on sale! Shacknews has bundled together some of the best individual game deals, as well as noteworthy bundles. Find all of the sales on GOG.com.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - $35.99 (20% off)
Saints Row Bundle (Saints Row 2 + Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition + Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell w/Devil's Workshop Pack + Saints Row: The Third The Full Package) - $12.35 (80% off)
Baldur's Gate Bundle (Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition + Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition + Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear) - $11.97 (80% off)
Star Wars Starship Bundle (Rogue Squadron 3D + TIE Fighter Special Edition + X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter + X-Wing Alliance + X-Wing Special Edition) - $12.45 (75% off)
Indiana Jones Bundle (Emperor's Tomb + Fate of Atlantis + The Last Crusade + LEGO Indiana Jones + LEGO Indiana Jones 2) - $14.45 (75% off)
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - $20.09 (33% off)
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - $9.99 (50% off)
Kerbal Space Program - $19.99 (50% off)
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - $4.99 (75% off)
Mirror's Edge - $2.99 (85% off)
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition - $9.99 (50% off)
Fallout 3 GOTY Edition - $9.99 (50% off)
Firewatch - $7.99 (60% off)
The Witness - $15.99 (60% off)
Darkest Dungeon - $9.99 (60% off)
Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete Edition - $9.99 (50% off)
Green Man Gaming
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection [Steam] - $29.99 (25% off)
Vampyr [Steam] - $37.49 (25% off)
Moonlighter [Steam] - $15.99 (20% off)
Conan Exiles [Steam] - $31.19 (22% off)
Final Fantasy XV [Steam] - $39.99 (20% off)
Grand Theft Auto V [Rockstar] - $17.82 (70% off)
Grand Theft Auto IV Complete Edition [Steam] - $7.65 (74% off)
Grand Theft Auto III Trilogy [Steam] - $7.65 (74% off)
Rocket League [Steam] - $10.99 (45% off)
XCOM 2 [Steam] - $15.05 (75% off)
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen [Steam] - $23.99 (40% off)
Humble Bundle
Subscribe to Humble Monthly for $12 and receive Hearts of Iron IV, Blackwake, and Portal Knights, with more games added every month. These games activate on Steam.
Pay $1 or more to get Arma: Cold War Assault, Arma: Gold Edition, and Arma Tactics. Pay $15 or more to also receive Arma 3, Arma 3 Karts, Arma 3 Helicopters, and Arma 3 Marksmen. Pay more than the average $17.80 to get Arma 2, Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, Arma 2: British Armed Forces, Arma 2: Private Military Company, and Arma 2: Army of the Czech Republic. Pay $20 or more to also receive Arma 3 Apex. These activate on Steam.
Or pay what you want for Memoria, Caravan, Deponia: The Complete Journey, and Anna's Quest. Pay more than the average $8.05 to get Witch It, Silence, and Deponia Doomsday. Pay $12 or more to also receive Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, The Long Journey Home, and Bounty Train.
Destiny 2 Expansion Pass [Steam] - $19.99 (43% off)
The Crew Ultimate Edition [UPlay] - $12.49 (75% off)
Shadow Warrior 2 [Steam] - $19.99 (50% off)
Enter the Gungeon [Steam] - $7.49 (50% off)
The Talos Principle [Steam] - $7.99 (80% off)
Brofoce [Steam] - $3.74 (75% off)
Find more Devolver Digital games, like the Hotline Miami games and Genital Jousting, on sale during the Humble Store's Devolver Digital Sale.
Oculus Store
Sprint Vector: VR League - $19.99 (33% off)
Peggle - Free!
Star Wars Battlefront II - $19.99 (67% off)
Battlefield 1 Revolution - $14.99 (75% off)
The Sims 4 - $9.99 (75% off)
FIFA 18 - $19.99 (67% off)
Titanfall 2 - $4.99 (75% off)
Need for Speed Payback - $19.99 (50% off)
Mass Effect Andromeda - $9.99 (50% off)
Fe - $9.99 (50% off)
Mass Effect Trilogy - $7.49 (75% off)
Dragon Age Inquisition - $4.99 (75% off)
Crysis Trilogy - $12.49 (75% off)
Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition - $9.99 (67% off)
Mirror's Edge Catalyst - $4.99 (50% off)
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 - $9.99 (50% off)
Find more of EA's best games on sale during the Origin Infinite Gaming Sale.
Ubisoft Store
Far Cry 5 - $44.99 (25% off)
Assassin's Creed Origins - $29.99 (50% off)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - $19.99 (50% off)
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - $19.80 (67% off)
For Honor - $14.99 (75% off)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - $19.80 (67% off)
Tom Clancy's The Division - $10.00 (80% off)
Watch Dogs 2 - $19.80 (67% off)
Rayman Legends - $10.20 (66% off)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Collection - $26.09 (71% off)
Star Trek Bridge Crew - $19.99 (50% off)
Prince of Persia (2008) - $3.40 (66% off)
Child of Light - $5.10 (66% off)
Uno - $3.40 (66% off)
Monopoly Plus - $7.49 (50% off)
Find more of Ubisoft's catalog during the Ubisoft Store's E3 Sale.
As well as regular discounts, Steam has a couple of additional weekend deals.
Subnautica - $19.99 (20% off)
Tooth and Tail - $8.99 (55% off) (FREE WEEKEND until 6/10 at 1PM PT)
Forts - $8.99 (40% off) (FREE MULTIPLAYER WEEKEND until 6/10 at 1PM PT)
Hunt Showdown [Steam Early Access] - $23.99 (20% off)
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - $19.99 (50% off)
Insurgency - $2.49 (75% off)
Dying Light - $15.99 (60% off)
Insurgency - $2.49 (75% off)
Sairento VR - $23.99 (20% off)
The Mage's Tale - $19.99 (33% off)
Weekend PC Download Deals for June 8: Pre-E3 2018 Edition published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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