#New South Wales Government Railways C-38 Pacific 3801
engineer-gunzelpunk · 6 months
"Heavy Harry looks like its about to go postal"
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So goes one of the comments under this cartoon by John Draper for the SAR 520 Restoration SteamRanger group.
Going postal would not be too out of character for Heavy Harry, he is very easily angered; '01 for her part looks incredibly outraged, like actually personally offended.
For her part, R761 just looks confused as hell.
As a Victorian gunzel I had a good laugh, just cause seeing my bitter boy in a cartoon, even in a sardonic one is always a hoot. I appreciate the backhanded acknowledgement of both Harry and the Rs being representative of our state's flagship locos alongside '01. It hits just right.
I gotta say, this is one of the strangest comments I have ever seen:
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Except that the SAR 520 class has a very strong resemblance to the Pennsylvania Railroad T-1 Class, reflecting SAR Commissioner's William Webb's and CME Fred Hugh Harrison's penchant for American locomotive design and...
*reads that last line again*
*Gets visions of a Dalby-esque scene of Heavy Harry derailing*
Edit: to add link to the SAR Restoration 520 site https://www.steamrangerheritagerailway.org/volunteering-with-steamranger/520-restoration-appeal/
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