#Shane The Australian Train
engineer-gunzelpunk · 6 months
"Heavy Harry looks like its about to go postal"
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So goes one of the comments under this cartoon by John Draper for the SAR 520 Restoration SteamRanger group.
Going postal would not be too out of character for Heavy Harry, he is very easily angered; '01 for her part looks incredibly outraged, like actually personally offended.
For her part, R761 just looks confused as hell.
As a Victorian gunzel I had a good laugh, just cause seeing my bitter boy in a cartoon, even in a sardonic one is always a hoot. I appreciate the backhanded acknowledgement of both Harry and the Rs being representative of our state's flagship locos alongside '01. It hits just right.
I gotta say, this is one of the strangest comments I have ever seen:
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Except that the SAR 520 class has a very strong resemblance to the Pennsylvania Railroad T-1 Class, reflecting SAR Commissioner's William Webb's and CME Fred Hugh Harrison's penchant for American locomotive design and...
*reads that last line again*
*Gets visions of a Dalby-esque scene of Heavy Harry derailing*
Edit: to add link to the SAR Restoration 520 site https://www.steamrangerheritagerailway.org/volunteering-with-steamranger/520-restoration-appeal/
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master-of-the-railway · 5 months
I feel like talking abt monster Shane this mornin', because he's one of the few that actually attacks everything and he's very much one of the most aggressive known monster engines recorded to date. While he can be his normal very sweet (ESPECIALLY with Aubery and Aiden, his designated coaches) and gentle in his conscious form, his feral form is a literal gamble. He can me commanded and trained...but not easily, and not without putting your and everyone around you's lives at risk. He's protective of his coaches and VERY protective of his territory, but not just when it comes to other engines, it includes people too. And he's not just some cat-like creature, he's a bonafide australian crocodile, with the only difference between him and the regular animal being that his tail and legs are a LOT bigger...his teeth too. Shane has been managed well enough so far that he hasn't killed anybody, but he's managed to break bones and cause some heavy injury to anyone who tries to engage with him while he's feral. He nearly killed Ace and his driver, infact, the two crossed paths on a road one evening when Shane had escaped his yard and it very nearly ended in blood. It didn't, but it could have.
Of course, Shane feels AWFUL about these events when told about them later. Aubery and Aiden confessed they'd heard him crying over it some nights. He doesn't want to hurt people, his entire job is built around people! He loves humans! It pains him to hear he's caused them all so much pain, but he just can't help it, he can't stop himself no matter how desperately he wants to. Which is why he is part of the reason that spurred humanity to begin researching a new specialized tranquilizer that could immobilize the "organic" parts of a monster engine.
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dickfics69 · 2 years
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Emotional Motion Sickness | Part 3 | A Rickyl ficlet
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8 | PART 9
Rick x Daryl
Summary: Daryl gets sick before a supply run, and denies it vehemently. He is a big tantrum baby. Rick is constantly worried and drama ensures.
Chapter 3 summary: As Daryl prepares to leave for the run, he is accosted by other members of the convoy.
AU: This fic has some timeline and plot-point changes. They are still in the prison and the second Governor fight never happened. He died in the first one and the last few months have been them adjusting to all the new Woodbury inhabitants. Rick and Lori broke up when Shane was killed, but Rick still lost his mind when she died. Daryl and Rick have just recently gotten together. Farmer Rick era is lot shorter than in the show. An original character is introduced for plot furthering purposes.
Content warning: adult language, sickfic, mess, snot, bodily functions, hurt/comfort, vivid nightmares, adult content, 18+ for eventual smut (still deciding hehe), ORIGINAL CHARACTER MAKES APPEARANCE IN THIS CHAPTER
Word Count: 3k+
My personal Daryl Dixon playlist
As always, huge shout out to @dumbslxtclub for editing my grammar and being the best hype girl ever <3
Chapter 3: People are annoying, leave me alone.
Daryl placed a cigarette between his chapped lips, fiddling with his lighter until flame made contact with paper. He knew better than to aggravate his delicate immune system with a wave of hot tobacco, but right now he didn’t really give a shit. 
He took a tentative drag. The heavy smoke permeated through his upper respiratory tract, lighting up inflamed airways like a forest fire. The deep burning, unsurprisingly, caused an almost vomit inducing coughing fit, launching Daryl forward once more. He was getting really fucking sick of this. 
Tears, snot and saliva joined together to render the hunter’s face a wet dripping mess. Recovering enough, he returned to vertical and dried the mess with a cleanish section of his sweatshirt. Glancing down at the cigarette that was still turning to ash in his fingers, he contemplated trying again. ‘Mm, better not,’ he thought and stubbed the rest of it out, throwing it to the wayside. Breathing shakily, Daryl brought the back of his wrist up to his sore nose and gave it a tired rub, trying to ascertain whether he should expect an encore from his sinuses, determining that he was safe. For now. 
Daryl was leant up against one of the external prison walls overlooking the courtyard. There was just enough of a lip above his head to keep the October rain from completely drenching him. Although running between the truck and prison had definitely dampened him enough for his fever to start rising again. Fortunately for Daryl their vehicle had pretty much been stocked by the time he got out there. Normally the hunter preferred to be in charge of the cargo that left the prison walls, but today he was just grateful that he didn’t have to exert himself too much. 
Continuing his respite against the cold brick, Daryl was shivering and desperately trying to wipe his memory of the events of the morning. Guilt was an emotion that he despised and something he certainly didn’t have time for today. 
Just as he was about to head down the stairs, the door to the left of him opened with an obnoxious laugh and a whip of long brunette curls. Peri. 
‘Peri…Peri, uh, what’s-her-face.’
Peri What’s-her-face, was the group's latest addition, being welcomed in by Rick and the council when they had found her wandering about in a daze several weeks ago. Daryl didn’t know a lot about the woman except that she had an unusual aptitude for knife throwing but was bullshit with a gun. “Be nice, she’s improving,” Rick had said to his partner after a less than spectacular training session a week prior. Maybe she was. Too many people to keep to keep tabs on. Oh, she was Australian too, a geographical concept that seemed to flummox Daryl on a regular basis. Peri was charming enough, making everyone laugh with her Oceanic idioms and generally sunny disposition. She had a mad temper too and seldom took crap from anyone, resulting in a lot of heated arguments between the two. Recently she’d taken it upon herself to repeatedly guess Daryl’s middle name; a game that was endearing and irritating at the same time. Overall she was the type of person Daryl knew he’d end up loving and laughing with, but he didn’t have the energy to try today, especially with her weak skills accompanying him on the supply run.
“Oi kndife girl!” He rasped out as she started heading down the stairs. 
“Yes bow-boy?” She retorted.
“You fired a gund without jumbping yet?”
“I’m getting there, Dixon. You know I actually grew up in a country with gun laws?” She leant back on the railing nonchalantly, drops of rain gathering atop her curly hair. “Thanks for the concern, but I can definitely hold my own in a Zombie crisis.”
“I’ll believe it wheheh-n I heh s’h’h’ETSCHUuu… hih’ATTCHtuu…heh…heh’snNXXTt oo-, ugh, fuck.” Daryl sneezed openly and suddenly, leaving a line of not-so-clear-anymore mucus trickling out of his left nostril. 
An awkward silence followed as Daryl attempted pitifully to clean himself up. 
“Dude you look like shit.” She said bluntly. A drastically different comment to what he was used to hearing today. Daryl laughed. 
“Fuck you,” he finally said between sniffles and chuckles. 
“Hey, fuck you too, mate,” she laughed loudly and heartily, holding up a middle finger to retain an amusing upper hand.
It was a weird and wonderful moment between prospering friends. 
“Aah, alright D-man, I’m going to do a round, see if anyone has any item requests.” Throwing him a halfhearted peace sign. “Meet you at the truck, Daryl Norman??” 
“Ndot even close.” 
She smiled, shrugged and walked away, twirling a couple of daggers around her hands as though it was as easy as breathing. 
Daryl pulled out another cigarette. 
‘Strange girl.’
A couple of barebows, fuel tanks, and silencers; Daryl loaded them into the Jeep, feeling the sickly heaviness grow worse with every single item. He stupidly expected to feel better with every new turn of the day. But denial is a silly creature. His congestion was so bad that  he could barely even sniff anymore, no air able to pass through the swelling and snot that had made extended residence above the hunter's red-raw nostrils. It was still constantly dripping though, rendering the sleeves of his sweatshirt as good as a pack of tissues. Daryl was too tired to contemplate the juxtaposing predicament that was afflicting his sinuses. Running his hand across the arrows that sat atop his crossbow, he felt a couple of notches that were threatening to snap. He knew he should make some sort of repair attempt, but found that he could not move at this juncture in time, hands holding strong on the back of the truck with a little bit too much need.
“Daryl!” The newly adolescent voice of Carl frightened him out of his febrile stupor. How long had he been standing there?
“Shit kid, your daddy ever teach you ndot to sndeak up on people?”
“Uh yeah but I’ve been saying your name for the last thirty seconds so…” Yeah, Carl had been there a while.
Not knowing how to respond, Daryl went with a trademark grunt and busied himself with items in the back of their vehicle.
“Why aren’t you taking the bike?”
“Ndeeds fixin’.”
“If I help you when we get back will you teach me to ride?”
“That ain’t up to mbe, Carl.” Daryl brought his gaze to the young man, gazing apologetically down at him, pushing the deputy hat down over his eyes in a show of affection.
“Fine. Well Peri and I did a round and got a list of requests from people.” Carl handed a slip of paper to the man that landed itself directly in a damp pocket.
“Uh, thangks kid,” He said with a pitiful sniffle, hoping that the smaller Grimes man would walk away so he could cough or sneeze or blow his nose or something else gross and humiliating. But the boy hovered. 
“Daryl, you okay?” Asked with more concern for general safety than anything else. 
“Yes, Carl.”
“I was in the dining room earlier, so really. Are you okay?” 
“Christ! Yeah! I’mb getting real fucgking sick of that question today!” He used his outburst as a good excuse to wipe some excess snot from his upper lip. Gotta keep up appearances.
“Okay.” Carl shrugged. “My dad’s looking for you by the way.” 
“Mb’kay, he kndows where to find mbe.” Daryl mumbled, hands on his crossbow again. Silence. Please leave me be. Daryl normally relished his time with the boy; teaching him card tricks, browsing comics, and fighting alongside him. But today there was no room for civility.
“Are you and my dad- I dunno- okay?” A hint of discomfort adorning the pubescent voice. 
‘Are we?’ Daryl pondered melancholically. Truth be told, Rick and Daryl hadn’t been quote unquote ‘together’ for very long. The pair had always possessed an unbreakable resolve to protect each other, a friendship growing deeper as their found family triumphed over and over again. And then Lori died. While the husband and wife had separated long before the birth of Judith, the trauma of her passing sent Rick down a psychological rabbit hole and Daryl lost his best friend to an avalanche of grief. Unable to help, unable to ease the pain of his loss, Daryl redirected his affections and fell hopelessly in love with Judith, the tiniest addition to the family. The hunter made sure the beloved baby girl was alive and well for when her father came back to them. Then all of a sudden, he did. Rick had entered his room in the middle of the night, a face full of tears, glistening in the faint moonlight. He finally granted himself the comfort that Daryl ached to provide. The pair had held each other hard, long into the morning, falling asleep in a tangled mess of limbs. Nights like this became commonplace for the duo. At this point, they were both well aware of their mutual affections, but lacking Shakespeare’s apt for romantic declarations, they went unvoiced for much longer than anyone deemed necessary. Months of longing stares, gently brushing fingertips and falling asleep in the same bed culminated in a tearful night of emotional exclamations and explosions of physical passion. It was new. It was exciting. It was terrifying. But they loved each other, and that was enough for now.
Coming back to reality,Daryl reduced his immense thought process to a mere two word sentence.
“We’re finde.”
“Good.” Carl took a moment to choose his next words carefully. “Just so you know, if you hurt my dad, I’ll kill you.”
Daryl didn’t know how to fathom a response to this. Carl had virtually become a man overnight, protecting them all in ways he probably couldn’t comprehend. Now, there’s no way the boy could actually take the fully grown crossbow wearing man, but Daryl understood. The kid had lost so many people in such a short time. He understood. ‘I love him beyond comprehension, killing me is the least you could do if I ever hurt him.’
He settled for a curt nod. 
“Good then. I’ll meet you back here soon, gotta say goodbye to Judy.” They shared a smile of understanding. 
Carl walked away, passing the older Grimes man who was walking towards Daryl, joining the queue of personal irritants plaguing his morning. 
Rick lay the leather jacket he was holding over the side of the truck and wrapped his arms around the back of the sick man. Nestling his head into shoulder, he felt Daryl melt into the embrace. They stood there in comfortable silence, the manly scent of sweet tobacco and fresh cotton joining together as they breathed the other man in. 
“You good?” Rick whispered delicately into his lover's ear. 
A shiver of pleasure trickled its way through Daryl’s body and all he could manage was a tired, congested, “mmhm.”
“Carl ask you ‘bout the bike again?”
“Yep. Don’t worry I said ndo.” He responded with a small but wet cough. “Oh, and he threatened to mburder mbe if I ever hurt you.”
Rick turned his head away from Daryl’s and laughed heartily. 
“It ain’t that funny!”
“No…I know!” He responded through fits of giggles. “He said the same thing to me!”
Daryl chuckled as much as his body would allow him without coughing. “Good to kndow he don’t play favourites.”
He was so comfortable in Rick’s arm’s he’d almost forgotten how goddamn awful he felt. The pressure in his head seemingly melted away as the weight of his skull rested on another. The strong arms enveloping his torso provided much needed warmth against the harsh, miserable weather. He was safe. He was warm. He didn’t want to go anywhere or move any muscle of his angry body. But they were in the midst of a supply crisis, and there was no time for selfish comforts. Not today. His nose chose his next move before the hunter could even formulate another thought. He shrugged Rick off as quickly as he could and grabbed hold of the trunk to steady himself for another onslaught of fittish sneezes. Daryl’s head reared back, mouth parting slightly.
“Hh…ehh..Hh’ExTChUu…H’HasTCHhUU…Hh’NXXtchu…heh…Hehh—! Jesus Fucking Christ!” The final sneeze never came, leaving him damp, teary and frustrated. A heavy drop of snot landed on the back of his hand that continued to hold onto the jeep for dear life. He snorted back as loudly as he dared, wiping the rest away with his forearm. A concerned hand reached to comfort him, but the belligerent man swatted it away. He abhorred being seen like this.
Rick watched Daryl struggle with pity and heartache, wanting to hold the man until he was okay again, but equally wanting to slap him for being a stubborn prick. He chose neither and became a gawky witness to the grossest sneezing fit he’d ever seen.
“So um…” The Deputy started, but didn’t know how to articulate his thoughts, scared of the reaction from partner. “Back in th’ dining room…I was…I was talkin’...”
“Say what you gotta say!” Daryl spat. Emotionally and literally. 
“Well, I was talk’n to Glenn, and he’s willin’ to come today in your place if you’re not up for it.” A tense silence followed, and when no answer came, Rick continued. “You need to rest Daryl! God, how’r ya supposed to get through a trip when you can barely stand?”
A taut silence perfused the air, and Rick prepared himself for the Daryl Dixon onslaught.
“You. Fucking. What?” He whipped around to face his partner, eyes filled with that same unbridled fury that premiered during the breakfast showdown. “Whatever happened to givin’ me space and ndot saying stupid shit huh? Jesus, how mandy times do I gotta say I’mb finde for you people to leave mbe the fuck alone?!” Daryl was on the edge of pure ferocity, pacing around in a feverish tantrum.
Rick knew the telltale signs of a Daryl Dixon meltdown and would usually intervene, but he was so pissed off with the contentious man that he decided to add fuel to the fire.
“Y’know, sometimes I can’t believe how goddamn idiotic you are! The fuck you think you’re gaining by being so pigheaded? God! You’re such an irresponsible asshole y’know?” 
“You wannda talk about irresponsible, Rick Grimbes? How ‘bout thinkin’ before you let half a dozend strangers into the prison without stocking up on rations huh? Or what about that damnbed farming bullshit? Christ, you’re su-huhch a f-huh-cking…heh..h’hypocrite…hih!”
A secondary ripple of irritation surged through Daryl’s nose, leaving him powerless to continue the fight. He held up a middle finger to his boyfriend, a lax attempt at appearing tough when he was truly the picture of misery. 
Rick stood impatiently, watching the other man getting sicker with every painful, waist-bending sneeze. Did he want to punch Daryl? Yes. Did he want to hold him? Yes. Did he want fuck him sideways because he was feeling very weirdly turned on? Also yes. He sighed, shaking away bewildered frustrations. After the attack on the prison, both men found it difficult to reign in their tempers, and were quick to lash out, often at each other. With some wise suggestion from Herschel Greene, Daryl took to going on solo hunting trips to clear his head, and Rick turned his focus on the developing prison farm. At this juncture in time, the Deputy willed himself to be the bigger person and back down. Daryl would come to his senses sooner or later. Hopefully before he passed out. 
“You done?”
“...Yeah.” The hunter breathed shakily, rubbing his nose hard with the palm of his hand. 
“Here, put this on and let's go.” Rick held out the leather jacket to Daryl with a sigh. It absolutely wasn’t warm enough, but it would have to do for today.
“I aind’t your kid Rick, I’mb finde.” He looked down on the jacket with contempt, although at this point he didn't know why. He was fucking freezing.
“It’s forty five fucking degrees Daryl, put the damn jacket on!”
Snatching the coat from the outstretched arm, the sickly man broke into another wet coughing fit. He wanted to have the last word but couldn’t seem to catch his breath.  ‘Jesus. Merle and dad were right, you are pathetic.’ 
“Oi!” He finally croaked, drawing the attention of his partner who had started walking away. “I’mb drivin’!”
“Whatever, Daryl.” Rick tossed his arms up in weary defeat. “And hey, do us all a favour, cover your damn mouth!” He slammed the door of the passenger side closed, beckoning the others in. Unbeknownst to the lovers, Carl and Peri had witnessed most of the heated argument and stood gaping at them in shock.
“Do your dad’s always fight like this?” Peri whispered to Carl, who frowned between Daryl and the echo of Rick’s presence .
“Get in th’ car!” Daryl mumbled forcefully, watching the two younger companions hurry into the vehicle like scared little kids. 
Daryl exasperatedly ran a hand through the wet clumps of his hickory hair. He wanted to scream and punch and cry. ‘God! You’re the absolute fucking worst. You don’t deserve him.’ He fought off pressing tears with an aggressive snort, attempting to rid himself of the ever worsening gunk that filled his sinuses to the brim. He looked down at the jacket in his hand and begrudgingly threw it on, thankful for something even a skerrick drier than that already clinging to his fever riddled body. He put his hands into the pockets and paused when he grazed something. In the right, a clean red handkerchief, neatly folded. In the left, a small blister pack of cold and flu tablets. 
He made a small silent sob as the ever dreaded guilt rose in his throat like hot bile. ‘You really really don’t deserve him.’
No time for that. No room for weakness.
He gathered all the strength he could find and hopped into the driver’s seat. Daryl wiped his eyes and cleared his throat, praying to some sort of god that he could get through the next few hours without sneezing or coughing or something else that would paint him fragile and humiliated. He was not a faithful man. 
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archieroberts · 4 months
Entry 2 - SVAEM
Topic 4 - Sports fan experience, media or service enhancement at a sports venue.
The Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) is a monumental, historical museum enriched in Australian history. Its beginning dates back to 1853 and holds some of the most iconic moments in Australian sporting history. It seats a whopping 100,024 people and is the 11th biggest stadium in the world with regard to capacity (Surprising list…, 2020). In terms of the sport fan experience, it is far and away the greatest, most iconic stadium in Australian history. The MCG hosts the AFL Grand Final here each year, except in 2020 and 2021 due to the global pandemic (Binder, 2020). Among many other noticeable events. Even moving away from sport, the venue hosted three massive concerts in 2023 where Taylor Swift fans flocked the G. The majority where blown away by the size and atmosphere of the iconic colosseum. The museum located inside the ground is one of the main attractions. It holds many rare, historical antiquities and artefacts across many sports, particularly cricket. Walking through it is an amazing experience and something I’m lucky to have done.    
If you were to walk up to 100 Australians and ask them of their favourite sports stadium, I expect at least half of them to nominate the MCG. Its atmosphere mixed in with sheer capacity allows for an experience of a lifetime. This is the reason for many large sporting events being held here annually. The overall service and process that’s seen across all of the stadium is top-tier excellent. It’s quite easy to navigate thanks to signage. The venue is very well planned and constructed. You can find statues of sporting icons around the outside of the venue (Studham, 2016). Travelling to and from the stadium is a reasonably easy experience as well. Trains run to Richmond station where the majority of fans get to the ground. And there is many parking spots available to fans. 
From my own personal experience, I have visited the MCG roughly nine or ten times. The best experiences were the 2019 Grand Final between Richmond and GWS, as well as a St Kilda vs Collingwood game in 2012. The noise level which occurred during the 2019 finals series was something I will never forget. My seating is always great. Even in general admission right up the top of the Shane Warne stand, the view and experience is still great in my opinion.   
Below is a short but sweet and descriptive video about the MCG and its museum.
Binder, R. (2020). Do businesses need post-COVID workplace rules? OSHA says no. The AFL-CIO says yes. BenefitsPRO, https://www.proquest.com/trade-journals/do-businesses-need-post-covid-workplace-rules/docview/2405369594/se-2
Surprising list of the world’s biggest sports stadiums ... you probably haven’t been to No.1. (2020, April 27). News.com.au, https://www.news.com.au/sport/sports-life/surprising-list-of-the-worlds-biggest-sports-stadiums-you-probably-havent-been-to-no1/news-story/225a4ce2ebd989d0bf34b15f18aa6b0b?utm_source=SEM&utm_medium=PPC_SEM&utm_campaign={campaign}&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA3JCvBhA8EiwA4kujZpvOaKVIAO9mVp-RUXqwN7sH_zFriqymrOUq1ObLf141uGobMfdvdxoCYsUQAvD_BwE
Studham, D. (2016). Idol worship at the new temples of pleasure: An examination of sporting artworks at the Melbourne cricket ground and its place in the nation's heart. Sporting Traditions, 33(1), 9–35, DOI: 10.3316
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mi4011yunuszahid · 6 months
DAY 05
Conduct in-depth research on 3 chosen Animators.
The Animators I chose were:
Felix Colgrave
Vincent Chansard
Shane Dering
Felix Colgrave is 31 years old at this time, he was born in Railton, Australia on 29th November 1992, where his nationality is also Australian. He is currently residing in Melbourne with his wife Zoë and his child. His wife Zoë is a costume and makeup-artist (Trugglet on Instagram). He is an independent animator as well as a director, cartoonist, filmmaker, artist, and musician.
Currently, his profession is being a YouTube content creator.
According to an interview on Felix Colgrave, he animated a lot as a kid, mostly on various flipbooks and assorts similar to that, it was not until he turned 16 when he started animating professionally. The first animation he produced was back in 2009, ‘Last Resort’. He created his YouTube channel in 2008 where his previous username was MasterAardvark.
YouTube acted as a reliable platform for Felix to display his work with a global audience. You could say his channel became a haven for those who appreciated unconventional and visually appealing content.
His animations always utilized a consistent style of a blend of absurdity, surrealism, and artistic brilliance.
The way he would produce his films is by preparing the opening shot and then proceeding to work on everything else in chronological order once the opening is built. He says it’s better that he doesn’t write anything, and he’d receive results that only his art form can do. He works in a studio in Melbourne with 7 other freelance animators where they look out for each other.
He likes to blend visual and auditory elements to create works of art that resonate with his style.
He won a lot of awards for his animated short films like ‘Double King’ and ‘The Elephant’s Garden’ which are featured in the book titled Australian Animation: An International History
There was not much information on Vincent Chansard, however I got some info from a transcript in an interview.
Chansard was brought up in Lyon, France, where he developed a fascination for art and animation from a young age. According to him, his childhood was embedded in a world of creativity. He spent hours drawing and sketching cartoon characters and comics. Through this emerged his interest in and subsequent formal training in animation.
He attended École Émile Cohl in Lyon, a renowned institution for art and animation. When he was there, Chansard refined his drawing and story-telling skills. He studied animation techniques that laid the foundation for his career in the industry.
Chansard’s creativity was influenced by masters of animation such as Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli and contemporary artists and filmmakers. They inspired him to redefine his talents and push his creative skills in animation beyond its perceived limits.
His work is characterized by attention to detail, emotional depth and visualization. He is passionate about telling stories through animation and connects emotionally with universal audiences. His art brings universal themes and messages to life.
Some of Chansards key projects and achievements include various animation projects such as short films, commercials and music videos. In all of these projects, he was able to bring unique creative expressions. The projects helped him to grow in his field.
He is excited to showcase new creative talent in his future projects and push his boundaries further. He is committed to continue to grow his artistic talents, explore new techniques and inspire fellow artists. He hopes to find new approaches to storytelling so that his audiences can be better captivated.
Vincent Chansard's artistic influences began in Lyon and continued to Lyon to École Émile Cohl and beyond. His journey through the world of art was dedicated to animation and storytelling. He is keen to continue to learn and explore better creative horizons. He wishes to continue to inspire generations of artists including his own and leave a lasting impact on his audiences.
There was not much information on Shane Dering, however I was able to claim some pieces of info from an interview on YouTube.
Shane Dering is 29 years old. He is an animator and illustrator at [adult swim]. He's always been drawing ever since he was a child, where his main inspiration for art originated from comic books, mostly Spiderman and Batman comics.
When he was around 13 (or 14) he claimed a copy of Adobe Flash CS3, which allowed him to produce ‘crappy’ internet animations/cartoons, moreover, creating a starting point for his interest in animation
He didn’t get any formal training, nor he didn’t attend any art schools, however he took a handful of classes in community college. Nonetheless he was mostly self-taught through watching YouTube videos, reading books, and watching cartoons.
The software he used was Adobe Flash, which he used for a very long time, and to him it was considered as a good starting program to sort of learn animation. Eventually he switched to Photoshop to produce 2D animations due to its variety of unique brush presets, however, he wasn’t a fan of the user interface. He commonly uses the creative studio provided by Adobe.
He does a bit of sound design, where he does almost all of the sound effects himself, and with the provision of music libraries from [adult swim] due to licensed contracts, he’s able to add music to his animations as well. He also does a tad bit of music here and there, but he prefers to leave it to the professionals.
He would display his animations up on his YouTube channel and on Newgrounds back in 2008 as a form of publicity along with building a portfolio because he was influenced by other expert animators on these platforms who put their work out there.
When he first got to [adult swim] as an intern and as a contractor, he wasn’t really an animator. He worked on [adult swim]'s creative team, who were responsible for the off air art like t shirt designs, cups etc. He prepared a lot of digital illustrations and designs before that. But when he could try to do some animations, he would try to find people to show his work to at [adult swim] so he was able to get his animation portfolio to the right people.
His hobbies are music, he loves playing piano which is a particular reason as to why he loves to experiment with sound design and production, he loves going outside, snowboarding, and hiking with friends.
His art and animation style was mainly influenced by Japanese Animation, like Akira and Dragon Ball Z. He was also influenced by Studio Ghibli movies like Spirited Away.
0 notes
equestrianempire · 7 months
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Shane Rose Takes 4*-S Title, Kiwi Young Riders Triumph at NZL Land Rover Horse of the Year Show
Shane Rose rides Virgil in the CCI4* Show Jumping. Sunday March 10, 2024. Credit: KAMPIC / Sarah Lord
Australia ruled in the Land Rover CCI4*-S this weekend at New Zealand’s Land Rover Horse of the Year show, with the visitors claiming a hattrick in the Oceania Eventing Challenge and Olympian Shane Rose riding off with the individual title.
Finishing behind Shane and Virgil’s 30.8 penalty score, was Oliva Barton (AUS) in second on 33.9, with Andrew Cooper (AUS) and Sharvalley Thunder in third on 38.2. Diane Gilder was the best of the Kiwis in fifth on 47.4.
Australian chef d’equipe Stuart Tinney said there was plenty to love about their Land Rover Horse of the Year Show. “It is a wonderful show,” he said. “The cross country was a great track and it is just what we need to get into this sort of environment. It is so valuable.”
He was excited for the future of their riding coming through. “They all did a great job out there.”
The challenge of the cross country course not being able to be walked in full until just before the class added another layer of learning for all.
“It is a great learning curve and something you only see at big events and all good experience.”
He was confident there was plenty to take away for all from the event, including experiencing travelling with horses and being part of the whole team environment. Having Shane Rose there too was also a real bonus especially as all of those who had made the trip have a desire to represent Australia at World Champs or Olympic Games in the future. “It is a fantastic effort for Shane to win for his journey in preparation for the Olympic Games. I am very proud of our training programme and coaches moving for the future.”
New Zealand chef Jock Paget reiterated his words, saying it has also been a great opportunity for the senior riders to experience the pressure of a team environment at LRHOY which had a real international feeling.
“This is part of the bigger picture for our programme and it is at these types of events that you get the hardest lessons. Now it is up to us as a programme and the riders to look at what we do, find the gaps and close them.”
In the end, Australia finished on 161.3 penalty points for their best three combinations, with New Zealand on 203.
Shane Rose and Virgil en route to a clear cross country. Photo by Libby Law Photography.
Just two combinations – Shane Rose and Olivia Barton (AUS) aboard Hollyander HG – finished on their dressage scores, with five combinations coming home clear in the showjumping including New Zealand’s Madison Seivwright aboard Waitangi Pinterest and individual Donna Edwards-Smith with DSE Mendoza.
On hand to see Shane Rose win was Virgil’s owner and breeder Michelle Hasibar. It was his first-ever win at LRHOY. “This was a massive part of my Paris programme and it was key to get my qualification here.”
He figured LRHOY would be perfect for the 18-year-old horse to get it ticked off and allow them to continue with their programme. “If he goes well, he is normally pretty competitive,” said Shane, who loved that the cross country was so late in coming together due to it sweeping through the whole showgrounds.
He was chuffed to receive the Sir Mark Todd Trophy. “It’s pretty special that Mark has so generously given his 1994 Badminton trophy for this.”
Shane would love to see more competition between Australia and New Zealand including a Trans-Tasman series that could run over a season.
It was New Zealand for the double in the Fiber Fresh CCI3* eventing with the young rider team winning the Oceania Challenge and Kiwi Abbey Thompson aboard Cadbury KSNZ winning the individual.
Riders came back in reverse order with barely a change in the top seven combinations, albeit a shuffle of placings.
Australian Molly Lines and Tadpole posted the first clear of the class for her final tally of 38.2 penalty points, which was quickly bettered by Abbey added nothing to her 36.9 score. Last to go was overnight leader and New Zealand Oceania team member Bridie Quigley aboard Oranoa Greyson who were dreadfully unlucky to take the last and finish on a score of 37.4 for second placed behind Abbey with Molly in third.
The New Zealand Junior Team takes the Oceania Championship for the Fiber Fresh CCI3*-S. 2024 NZL-Land Rover Horse of the Year. Tomoana Showgrounds, Hawkes Bay. Sunday 10 March. Copyright Photo: Libby Law Photography
Bridie’s calm riding saw the New Zealanders hold on to the Oceania 124.7 penalty points to the Australian’s 130.2.
New Zealand chef d’equipe Lizzie Green was very proud of her crew. “They are such a great bunch and a very tight knit group,” she said. “It is very important to have that unity in a team. They are all very good riders and exciting for the future.”
She again underlined the importance of team competitions for the future of both New Zealand and Australia.
Individual winner Abbey, who heads to the UK after competing at the Adelaide next month, was rapt. “He tried his heart out,” she said. “He was a bit tired after yesterday as I don’t usually go that fast on the cross country but I decided I needed to get into that rhythm.”
It’s eight-year-old Cadbury’s first LRHOY and Abbey says he coped well with the atmosphere and pressure. “He is so sweet and easy to have around and is a very genuine horse.”
She was doubly happy for the win, given she’s been second more times than she cares to count at New Zealand’s bigger competitions.
“I certainly didn’t think I would be winning at the beginning of the week.”
She and Cadbury head to the UK on a one-way ticket and will base with Harry Mead in Wiltshire.
For full results, head to www.evoevents.co.nz.
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sbknews · 7 months
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Mission King Of The Baggers, BellissiMoto Twins Cup And Mission Super Hooligan National Championship Classes Join The Daytona 200. MotoAmerica, North America’s premier motorcycle road racing series, has announced a total of 143 entries for the three classes that kick off the 2024 MotoAmerica Championship at Daytona International Speedway, March 7-9. The 82nd running of the Daytona 200 will feature 67 riders with 28 of those from outside the United States. The race can also boast of three past Daytona 200 winners (Josh Herrin, Brandon Paasch and Danny Eslick) on the 2024 entry list. But the Daytona 200 isn’t the only race happening at the Speedway as the Mission King Of The Baggers, BellissiMoto Twins Cup and Mission Super Hooligan National Championship will also be in action on the high banks at the “World Center Of Racing” for what will be the start of their championship seasons. The entry list for Mission King Of The Baggers is 16-riders strong, and it features defending class champion Hayden Gillim aboard his RevZilla/Motul/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson as he battles against rivals Kyle Wyman and James Rispoli who represent Harley-Davidson Factory Racing. The other American Big Twin motorcycle company, Indian Motorcycle, are represented by Tyler O’Hara, who is teamed up this year with fellow S&S/Indian Challenger rider Troy Herfoss, a three-time Australian Superbike Champion who will be making his Daytona debut. And speaking of riders from other countries, the pride of Andorra, a MotoGP podium finisher, as well as a World Supersport and World Superbike multi-time race winner, Rubén Xaus is all-in on his Feuling Parts Harley-Davidson. He’ll have to face Bobby Fong, who is back aboard his SDI/Roland Sands Racing/Indian Challenger. Then there’s the three-rider Saddlemen/Harley-Davidson team with Cory West, Jake Lewis, and Travis Wyman. And let us not leave out the surprise signing of the off-season with Hayden Gillim’s teammate Rocco Landers also aboard a RevZilla/Motul/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson. Mad Monkey Motorsports’ Max Flinders is hopeful of duplicating or improving on his podium result from the last KOTB race in New Jersey in 2023 and Trask Performance is fielding Shane Narbonne. Indian insider (he’s an engineer) Kyle Ohnsorg is back aboard a Challenger after a podium-reaching performance at COTA last year. Flat tracker Jesse Janisch is bringing his sideways-sliding style to the Suburban Motors H-D/Slyfox/Trask Performance team. And they will all be joined by Danny Eslick, the four-time Daytona 200 winner who will be aboard his Nowaskey Extreme Performance Harley. Meanwhile, 25riders have entered the BellissiMoto Twins Cup series opener with two races around the 3.51-mile, 12-turn Daytona road course. Defending Twins Cup Champion Blake Davis will start the season as the favorite on his Yamaha YZF-R7, but he will face a considerable challenge from both Aprilia and Suzuki-mounted riders. The Suzuki attack is led by Team Hammer’s Rossi Moor on the new Suzuki GSX-8R with Vance & Hines also fielding Rocco Landers on a GSX-8R. Aprilia, meanwhile, will be well represented by Robem Engineering’s Gus Rodio, who will be teamed up with Italian Alessandro Di Mario and wild-card New Hampshirite Ben Gloddy, who is returning to the team for at least one round (and maybe more?). And, speaking of Italy, new team TopPro Racing has brought in Romeo Chiavini to pilot an Aprilia. Those four will be joined by eight more Ape-riders ready to go “660” on the field of 25. Along with Davis in the Yamaha YZF-R7 camp are former class champion Kaleb DeKeyrel, South African Dominic Doyle, and his Giaccmoto Racing Yamaha teammate Sonya Lloyd, who raced in last year’s Royal Enfield Build. Train. Race. program, and British-racer-living-in-Canada Jack Roach returns to MotoAmerica after a hiatus of a couple of years. Thirty-five riders have entered the series opener for the Mission Super Hooligan National Championship with that class featuring 12 different manufacturers doing battle. Making its debut at Daytona is the Yamaha MT-09 SP, a three-cylinder motorcycle that will be piloted by three different riders, including Italian-born, Switzerland-residing FIM Endurance World Championship-winning rider Niccolò Canepa. Defending class champion Tyler O’Hara is back aboard his S&S/Indian FTR1200, Andy DiBrino returns aboard his Competition Werkes/Gray Area/KTM 890 DUKE R, and Stefano Mesa will once again be aboard his Tytlers Cycle Energica Eva Ribelle RS electric bike. Plus, there are seven Harley-Davidson Pan Americas, a couple of BMW R nineTs, two Ducatis, a pair of Suzuki SV1000s, an Aprilia Tuono, a Buell XB12XT, and even a Victory Vegas in the mix.
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phrank-is-tired · 10 months
Play School - Carla Geneve
I just re-read that masterpiece i wrote on the 16th of August 2022. What has happened to me since then?
Well, i did that appointment, the strange man decided he COULD diagnose me with gender dysphoria, but he didn't. He also made a note that i fit the criteria for BPD, but didn't bother to diagnose me or follow up on that. Bastard. I broke up with that boyfriend, after over a year. Most of me thinks it was a waste of time, but it was a certain amount of fun I suppose. He then slept with my best friend's partner, making it much, much easier to let that part of my life dissolve, so thank you for that. Glad i got my grey hoodie back though.
Graduated high school. Moved to the city. No worries little Frankie, I know you've always wanted this, and I am happy (no matter how bitter i feel in this moment) that we made it this far. You're away from that stepmother, you're going to buy a car, and you can fuck anyone you want to from the comfort of your own bed. Speaking of, Little Frankie, you're dating someone 2 years older than you, you little minx. The only issue is that she isn't quite the exquisite, intellectual creator you once and continue to crave. Yes of course she is smart in ways you are not, she is a new form of creativity, and she is certainly one of a kind. But dear Little Frankie, you must utterly destroy this perfect character to love, because you'll never get what you want in a world where you sabotage your every opportunity of happiness. I am so fucking melodramatic. Life is good, easy, simple. Tomorrow I might sleep in, do nothing. Or I might get on an early train and surprise that girl you're dating. or is she a woman? when doth the girl becometh The Woman? I don't think I'll ever become The Woman, unless I decide that this lack of gender is too hard, and I keel over from sheer exhaustion, shoot me then Amber.
But hey Little Frankie! You've got some exciting employment opportunities (there's a better word for what i wish to convey, but alas, it alludes me) PROSPECTS. (that's the word) Oh, and you've been half-way accepted to a degree majoring in creative writing, so you can write the Great Australian Novel, if you ever gain the courage to try, the resilience to try after being squashed, or the motivation to begin trying.
What a joke. Half-assed poetry, can't even spell. Hey, writing's not that easy... but Grammarly can help. this sentence is grammatically fucked, but never more than you are, Bigger Frankie.
Still don't know what to do tomorrow. See the girl, surprise the girl. Run the risk that she doesn't want to see you. Stay at home, rot away, binge the L word, Shane will never know I exist. Why waste my money, time, and energy in my bed, when I could do it in hers?
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musicarenagh · 11 months
Satellite Train Out With “Lies”Satellite Train Out With “Lies”Satellite Train is a new and exciting musical project comprised of members from some of the most beloved bands in Australia and America. Led by Australian singer-songwriter Michael Paynter of Icehouse fame, Satellite Train also includes Gregg Bisonnete of Ringo Starr, John McCall of The Black Sorrows, Randy Jacobs of Paul Kelly, Shane O’Mara of Paul Kelly, Pasquale Monea of Stephen Cummings,…View On WordPress
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xtruss · 1 year
How To Improve Your Trash Talk
Disrespect on the sports field can be effective—but carries risks
— May 12th 2023 |Culture | The sports page
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Sydney, Australia 🇦🇺 — February 10: Australia leg spinner Shane Keith Warne (Born: 13 September 1969 – Died: 4 March 2022) celebrates the wicket of Nasser Hussain during the First Final of the Carlton & United One Day Series at Sydney Cricket Ground on February 10th, 1999 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Stu Forster/Allsport/Getty Images/Hulton Archive)
Two young pretenders recently learned the value of keeping schtum. In America’s National Basketball Association Dillon Brooks, a player for the Memphis Grizzlies, labelled LeBron James, one of the sport’s greatest players, “old” after a playoff match against the Los Angeles Lakers. The 38-year-old Mr James proceeded to score 25 points in the next game of the series; Mr Brooks was ejected from the court for striking the older man’s groin. In the snooker world Hossein Vafaei, an up-and-coming Iranian player, described Ronnie O’Sullivan, a British seven-time world champion, as a nice person “when he’s asleep”. Mr O’Sullivan remained wide awake to thrash Mr Vafaei in their subsequent world-championship match.
The episodes highlight the potential pitfalls of “trash talk”—insulting or taunting opponents in an effort to throw them off their game. The trash-talkers’ failure to lift their performances to the level of their rhetoric looked foolish, especially because their humiliation came at the hands of elder statesmen. The cases seemed to provide an additional argument to people who think that displays of disrespect denigrate principles of sportsmanship. Indeed, last month a disrespectful gesture made towards an opponent, Caitlin Clark, by Angel Reese, a college-level basketball player in America, had pious pundits fulminating—and seemingly ignoring the fact that Ms Clark had made a similar gesture earlier in the season.
The flinging of jibes at sporting rivals has a long history. Cricketers call it “sledging”; football managers employ “mind games”. Basketball legends like Larry Bird and Michael Jordan excelled at it. In a match between the Chicago Bulls and the Denver Nuggets in the early 1990s, for instance, Mr Jordan won a free-throw with seconds remaining on the clock. He eyeballed Dikembe Mutombo, a Nuggets player, and quipped, “Hey Mutombo, this one’s for you, baby,” before closing his eyes and making the shot. Mr Mutombo is still asked about the moment.
Displays of bravado enhance sporting legends. But do they achieve results? Proponents of smack talk argue that it plays a crucial role in winning the mental battle inherent in competition. Shane Warne, an Australian spin-bowler and famous sledger, called it a way to gain the “psychological edge” on the cricket field. The practice was commonly misunderstood, he noted: the idea was not to be nasty, but to find a clever way to unsettle or distract. If deployed appropriately, he claimed, mind games help to tip the balance in professional sport, where differences of skill between athletes can be very small.
The science suggests that badgering opponents can be effective, but only up to a point. Research led by Karen McDermott from the University of Connecticut found that participants were distracted by trash talk from opponents they did not know. It heightened emotions like anger and shame, affecting their performance. But a study led by Jeremy Yip of Georgetown University observed that, in general, the targets of trashing felt motivated to do better. Thus, taunts carry both opportunity and risk. You may put your opponents off, but you may also provoke them to give you a hiding.
For trash-talkers-in-training, a few pointers might help. First, consider the game at hand. Studies show that smack talk is especially effective in distracting players who are engaged in actions that require creativity or fine motor skills. So it may prove more effective in games demanding high levels of concentration than in sports that require mainly strength. Cricket meets those criteria nicely, especially when the batsman is fending off a world-class spin-bowler.
Next, it is worth thinking about the timing of your comments. In some sports, particularly combat ones, athletes swear by pre-match jibes. In 2015, for example, Joanna Jedrzejczyk, a Polish mixed-martial arts fighter, claimed that pre-fight taunts laid the foundations for her victory over Carla Esparza, her American opponent, in the Ultimate Fighting Championship. And who could forget Muhammad Ali’s suggestion in 1964 that Sonny Liston was “too ugly” to be boxing’s heavyweight world champion? Ali won a celebrated victory in the subsequent fight.
But unless you can credibly claim to be “The Greatest”, it may be a bad idea to give opponents time to stew over a taunt. Take a recent example from rugby union. In 2022 Australia’s men’s team hosted their English counterparts in a three-match series. After two games, the sides were drawn. Then Suliasi Vunivalu, one of Australia’s players, promised that his team would “shut the Pommies up” in the decider. The Australians went on to lose. Courtney Lawes, England’s then captain, said Mr Vunivalu’s cockiness had been “good fuel” for his team’s preparations.
Of course, trash talk can go too far. Critics say that cricket’s sledging culture, for example, can be racist. Last year a report on the Scottish game found that on-field chat could be racially abusive. Athletes who stoop to bigotry when they insult their opponents besmirch the not-so-fine art of trash talk. As Warne implied, it should be bracing but never boorish. It is, after all, supposed to be part of the fun. ■
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satellitetrain · 2 years
Broken Heart (feat. Michael Paynter)
"Broken heart" by Satellite Train is out now! Originally conceived as a fun side project between friends, the band is now releasing its debut song. The band brings together some of the most talented Australian musicians. It features Michael Paynter, John Watson of James Reyne, John McCall of The Black Sorrows, Randy Jacobs of Paul Kelly, Shane O'Mara of Paul Kelly, and Pasquale Monea of Stephen Cummings. Listen now, and don't miss out on this fantastic collaboration. linktr.ee/satellitetrain
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teotalksaboutstuff · 3 years
Big World, Big Adventures Railtour Program Part 8: The NWR Shows Off The World
This final part to the BWBA program shows off my headcanons for the engines that came to the NWR to be put on static display during their visit. I’ll delve into the North Western Railway Museum one of these days on this blog, though it is located at Vicarstown and uses the old sheds there.
Nuria (Spain)
Nuria was built in 1892 for the Torralba-Soria railway, and was used as this line’s main source of motive power alongside the rest of her class until about 1941 when the railways were nationalized into RENFE. She was then reallocated to Miranda de Ebro, where she remained until withdrawal. She was placed on static display there, and would do the same when she went to Vicarstown in December 2015.
Nia (Kenya/Uganda)
Nia is listed as two nationalities here because the railway she was built for was in fact for what is now both countries, and was built when Britain was still occupying them. She was built in 1926 as Kenya-Uganda Railway ED1 No. 327. She was present when the Tanganyika (now Tanzania) railway was merged into the East African Railway, and she served with them until withdrawal at an unknown date. What is certain is that said date was before 2005, as she was a static display at the Nairobi Railway Museum at this point. She went to Vicarstown on long term loan between July 2018 and July 2020.
Malcolm (Australia)
Shane in this universe is named Malcom due to the name of his basis, the real SAR 520, being “Sir Malcolm Barclay Harvey”. He was built in 1943 as an express engine for the South Australian Railway, a career in which he served until 1969 when he was withdrawn. The next year, however, he was run by the SAR on special trains all the way until 1998. He went to other owners after that, and went to Vicarstown four times: in May 2016, September 2018, July 2019, and July 2020.
Tamika (Australia)
Tamika visited Vicarstown alongside Malcolm. She is a narrow gauge steam railmotor that was built in 1905 and withdrawn in 1932. She was restored in 1984 and is currently owned by the Pichi Pichi Railway Society.
 Raul (Brazil)
Raul was one of three vertical boilered engines built in 1931 for the Sao Paulo Railway. He worked here until 1959 when he was sent to the Amsted Maxion factory in Cruzeiro, where he worked until 2014. He was withdrawn and preserved, and visited Vicarstown three times: May 2016, May 2019, and June 2020.
Baroneza (Brazil)
Baroneza is the name of Gabriela in this universe, as she is based on Baroneza II, an 0-6-0T built in 1852. There is almost no other information on this engine other than the fact that she currently resides in Nogueira as a static display. She went to Vicarstown alongside Raul.
Maria (Brazil)
Yes, I am aware that a pair of twins were in the canon series, though the engine that survives of their class is No. 215 “Maria Fumaca”, so only one of them survived here. Maria was built in 1912 to work a narrow gauge railway somewhere in Brazil. She is preserved and operated tourist trains in Bras, and she went to Vicarstown in June 2020.
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skyfire85 · 4 years
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-An OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopter from the 1st Infantry Division takes off on a mission from Forward Operation Base MacKenzie, Iraq. It is armed with an AGM-114 Hellfire and 7 Hydra 70 rockets. | Photo: SSgt Shane A. Cuomo, US Army
The OH-58 was an observation and scout helicopter for the US Army from Vietnam through the War on Terror.
The Bell OH-58 Kiowa traces its history back to the US Army’s 1960 Light Observation Helicopter program. Thirteen companies entered the competition, with Bell advancing its Model 206, also known as Design 250 (D-250). The Army announced that Bell, Hughes and Fairchild/Hiller had won the initial competition, and designated the 206 as the YHO-4 (later changed to YOH-4A).
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-YHO-4 prototype in flight. | Photo: US Army
The OH-4 lost out to the Hughes OH-6 Cayuse, but Bell took the Model 206 and began to refine the chopper, adding 16 cubic feet of room in the back as well as making it a little more aesthetically pleasing, resulting in the Model 206A, nicknamed the JetRanger. In 1967, Hughes was unable to meet contractual obligations for the OH-6, and the US Army reopened the LOH competition. Bell submitted a bid with the new 206A, under cutting Hughes and wining the contract. The Model 206A was designated OH-58, and, following Army custom to name helicopters after Native American tribes, was named the Kiowa.
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-OH-58A belonging to the Australian Army at Nui Dat in 1971. | Photo: Australian Army
Production OH-58A models began arriving in Vietnam in August of 1969, in many cases operating alongside the OH-6s that they ostensibly replaced. Many were fitted with M134 Miniguns, giving them some measure of firepower. In addition to orders from the US Army, eight Kiowas were leased to the Australian Army, and 74 were delivered to the Canadian Armed Forces as the CH-136 Kiowa. Beginning in 1978, OH-58As were converted to OH-58C standards.
The OH-58B was an export version for the Austrian Air Force, and was also produced under license as the CAC CA-32 for the Australian Army and Navy.
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-Austrian Air Force OH-58Bs. | Photo: Jakub Nanowski
The OH-58C was fitted with more powerful engines, as well as IR suppressors to shield the exhaust from SAMs. The OH-58C were also fitted with the passive wire strike protection system, blades fixed to the upper and lower fuselage to cut wires before they entangle the skids or rotor shaft; the Kiowa was first helicopter so equipped. OH-58Cs were equipped with larger instrument panels, and the panels and cabin lights were compatible with night vision goggles. The Kiowa were the first U.S. Army scout helicopter to be equipped with the AN/APR-39 radar detector, a system which allowed the crew to know if they were being “painted” by enemy radars.
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-US Army OH-58C at the World Helicopter Championship in 1986. | Photo: Mike Freer - Touchdown-aviation
In 1975, the US Army, anticipating the replacement of the AH-1 Cobra by the AH-64 Apache, developed requirements for a new Advanced Scout Helicopter which would:
“...possess an extended target acquisition range capability by means of a long-range stabilized optical subsystem for the observer, improved position location through use of a computerized navigation system, improved survivability by reducing aural, visual, radar, and infrared signatures, and an improved flight performance capability derived from a larger engine to provide compatibility with attack helicopters”.
Congress provided no funds for the ASH program, however, and in 1979 the Army decided to shelve it in favor of the Near-Term Scout Helicopter (NTSH) program, which would utilize existing designs fitted with Mast-Mounted Sights (MMS) instead. Bell offered their Model 406 while Hughes proposed an upgraded 500D, the improved civilian version of the OH-6. In 1981 the NTSH had resulted in the Army Helicopter Improvement Program (AHIP), and in September of that year Bell was awarded a development contract for the OH-58D.
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-Diagram of an OH-58D showing subsystems and contractors . | Illustration: US Army
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-An orthograph of the OH-58D. | Illustration: FOX 52
The most distinctive feature of the OH-58D Kiowa is the MMS, originally developed by McDonnell Douglas, through mergers production of the MMS has passed to Boeing, then to Leonardo DRS. Perched atop a pylon above the rotors, the beach-ball shaped sight is gyroscopically stabilized and mounts a TV camera with low-light capability, a thermal imager, and a laser rangefinder/designator.
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-The OH-58D’s MMS. | Photo: Leonardo DRS
Being mounted above the main body of the helicopter, the MMS allows a Kiowa to hide behind a terrain feature, but maintain surveillance of a target, or, if working in concert with an attack chopper, the spotter can designate a target for the AH-64's Hellfire missile while both helos are behind cover.
OH-58Ds were deployed to the Persian Gulf in 1988 as part of PRIME CHANCE, the escort of oil tankers during the Iran–Iraq War, and were also involved in JUST CAUSE, the 1989 invasion of Panama. As part of DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM, 115 Kiowas were deployed to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, achieving the lowest ratio of maintenance hours to flight hours of any combat helicopter in the war. Based of experiences from these conflicts, the Army began the Kiowa Warrior program, which involved fitting first new build aircraft and later retrofitting existing OH-58Ds with modular weapons pylons on both sides of the aircraft, allowing the mounting of M296 .50 caliber machine gun pods, Hydra-70 unguided rocket pods, AIM-92 Stingers for self defense and AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, allowing the Kiowa Warriors to act as armed scouts.
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-An OH-58D Kiowa Warrior operating from the USS Lake Erie during a joint-training operation. | Photo: Chief Mass Communication Specialist John M. Hageman, USN
OH-58Ds were again deployed during Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, amassing 72 and 80 flight hours per month respectively. This also marked the last combat deployment of the Kiowa, which was retired beginning in 2013, with the last OH-58C trainers expected to be withdrawn some time in 2022.
Replacement of the OH-58 was first anticipated with the LHX program in the early 1980s, but the 2004 cancellation of the RAH-66 Comanche undid those plans. Cost overruns also killed the Bell ARH-70 in 2008, which was also due to replace the Kiowa. In 2012, the Army tried again with the Armed Aerial Scout program, which looked at the AH-6i, AAS-72X/X+, MD 540F, Sikorsky S-97 Raider and AW139M as possible replacements, as well as the OH-58F, which incorporated new engines as well as numerous avionics upgrades, as well as a new nose-mounted sensor array in place of the MMS.
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-The OH-58F prototype at an expo. | Photo: Worldwide-Military.com
The AAS program fell to cost issues, and the Army divested itself of the Kiowa fleet as a cost-saving measure, with the scout duties carried by drones and the AH-64E. In 2018 the Army began the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) program, with the AVX/L3 CCH, Bell 360 Invictus, Boeing, Karem Aircraft, and the Sikorsky Raider X competing. On 25 March 2020, the US Army selected Bell and Sikorsky to move forward to develop flying prototypes, with expectations on having a fly-off some time in 2022.
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continuo-docs · 3 years
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Music reviews by Laurent Fairon, July 2021 Epsilon-Delta – Music for Recurring Decimals (March 2021) Dino Felipe – The Gardeners (June 2021) Shane Cooper – Happenstance (June 2021) RhaD – Metamusic (June 2021) Angel Bat Dawid – Hush Harbor Mixtape Vol. 1 Doxology (June 2021) Ron Nagorcka – Lovregana - Music From A Tasmanian Forest (July 2021)
Epsilon-Delta – Music for Recurring Decimals (433 Records) https://433records.bandcamp.com/album/music-for-recurring-decimals Lovely collection of short, poetic synth sequences build on simple mathematical algorithms by Hong Kong mathematician Addy Choi working under the Epsilon-Delta alias. Algorithms are based on decimal fractions like 4/7, 7/9 or 3/11, using the resulting digits as the basis for the sequence. Far from being arid or too cerebral, the tracks are poetic and varied thanks to the beautiful MIDI synth sounds chosen by the programmer, who is also a clever musician apparently. Tracks may be repetitive but the album isn't. This is textbook Systems Music as practiced in the U.K. during the 1980s by the likes of The Dead Goldfish Ensemble or The Lost Jockey. Exquisite album.
Dino Felipe – The Gardeners (self release) https://dino-felipe.bandcamp.com/album/the-gardeners Mini-LP of 16 very short tracks by Miami-based electronic musician with previous full length releases on ¡Mayday! and Schematic. The music on The Gardeners is based on samples, sound collages, occasional beats and various sound treatments like speed modification, sound stretching, accumulation, heavy reverb, or else. Felipe thus creates colorful and humorous vignettes based on ethnic music snippets, found vocals, musique concrète or cheap electronic sounds. Glitch-y textures abound, as well as grotesque sounds and weird juxtapositions, the music being deliciously direction-less and erratic.
Shane Cooper – Happenstance (Kit Records) https://kitrecs.bandcamp.com/album/happenstance Gorgeous ambient, ethnic and experimental jazz music by South African double bass player and multi-instrumentalist Shane Cooper. The album is actually constructed as a collage of short excerpts from sessions recorded with Johannesburg guest musicians in 2020. The whole project was commissioned by contemporary artist William Kentridge's The Centre for the Less Good Idea, an artist run facility he founded in Johannesburg to promote local independent art projects. Cooper obviously selected the interesting and relevant parts from two days' worth of collective improvisations and the 2 side-long tracks of Happenstance are bursting with ideas and surprises. The 1st side is rather varied in instrumentation, including superb piano and cello parts, lush Rhodes electric keyboard notes and incredible South African traditional instruments played by Cara Stacey. The music is moody and adventurous, jumping gracefully all over the place. The flip side is more about exploring rhythm textures and deep bass sounds and features Shane Cooper on double bass along 3 percussionists. The collage technique is applied here as well, producing pleasant mood changes and exciting U-turns. Cooper delivers a variety of sounds on his instrument, from walking bass lines to long-held notes played with arco (briefly played backward at some point), and also performs beautiful electric bass guitar parts with reverb. The non-linearity and unpredictability of the collage strategy used in Happenstance ensures the music is keeping away from jazz music's clichés and each new listen is surprising and interesting. Two more episodes were recorded during these sessions and are available on YouTube and other platforms, like the vocal only piece called 'Tongues'.
RhaD – Metamusic (Unexplained Sounds Group) https://unexplainedsoundsgroup.bandcamp.com/album/metamusic Standing for Research for Historical Audio Documents, RhaD is a musical project by Italian music activist Raffaele Pezzella, also known as electronic music producer Sonologyst, as well as Unexplained Sounds Group label director and publisher, not to mention radio host and sound researcher, among others. Metamusic is a 40mn sound collage of mysterious radio transmissions, found vocals, spoken words, vintage electronic sounds and a number of guest stars on classical music instruments like organ, guitar, bass or piano – respectively Michael Bonaventure, Stefan Schmidt, Daniel Barbiero, Francesco Arrighi and Mara Lepore. Adroitly avoiding any ca 2021 digital artifact along the way, Metamusic's sound design is bringing the listener back to the glorious 1960s and '70s, yet the music sounds rather timeless to these ears. Metamusic recreates the sound of early European avantgarde with plenty of tape manipulations, sound collages, buzzing sounds, French spoken word and contemporary classical music instruments. The sound crafting is superb, the collage technique creating an ever-changing musical soundscape full of weird sounds, grotesque sound manipulations and Surrealist juxtapositions. What's not to love?
Angel Bat Dawid – Hush Harbor Mixtape Vol. 1 Doxology (International Anthem) https://intlanthem.bandcamp.com/album/hush-harbor-mixtape-vol-1-doxology Very personal and original album by Angel Bat Dawid, a US clarinet player, singer, electronic musician and DJ from Chicago. Created with a few sounds and a minimum of means, devoid of spectacular solo outing, these mostly desolate tracks form a meditative musical travelogue through the Black people psyche. Track titles deal with themes of slavery, racism, and Black culture tropes, though neither the occasional lyrics nor the strange music on offer here can pass for angry or vindicatory, the music being far too personal for that. The clarinet confers a neo-classical atmosphere to some of the tracks, sometimes interestingly contrasted with synthesizer sounds or electronic beats. Harmonica and vocals on Autotune also contribute to the unique sound signature of this album, with occasional hints at gospel and rural blues. Playing in continuous mode in a kind of stream-of-consciousness style, the music would work just fine as a soundtrack to a Kara Walker exhibition—Bat Dawid actually composed the soundtrack to a Yoko Ono outdoor installation in 2020. On a side note, she also released the Harkening Etudes mini album on Longform Editions earlier in April 2021, where her classically-trained clarinet playing is contrasted with sampled piano accompaniment and electronically processed vocals in a series of short, bizarre classical music études, also worth checking out.
Ron Nagorcka – Lovregana - Music From A Tasmanian Forest (Invisibilia) https://invisibilia.bandcamp.com/album/lovregana-music-from-a-tasmanian-forest-1990-soundscapes-from-wilderness-1988 This CD reissue combines 2 cassette tapes of manipulated field recordings by Australian composer Ron Nagorcka, born 1948, namely 'Lovregana - Music from a Tasmanian Forest', 1990, and 'Soundscapes from Wilderness', from 1988. Both are based on bird recordings from northern Tasmania island, where Nagorcka relocated in 1988, building himself a house and makeshift, solar-powered recording studio deep in the primeval forest. On Lovregana, short samples of bird songs are run through a sampler and harmonized in just intonation, producing eerie soundscapes of disembodied and supernatural bird singing. The music is reconstructing a fictional and artificial forest populated by dozens of birds, some far in the distance, some near ; some slowly developing a song, others performing in sudden bursts, with a variety and unpredictability akin to actual birds in nature. To this, Nagorcka adds minimal electronic loops in the background, dreamy synthesizer notes in strange tunings and discreet didgeridoo playing, all very well integrated to the sampled bird songs. These tracks are thus poetical evocations of a primeval forest via electronic sounds. While Lovregana's tracks more or less focused on one specific bird song at a time, the two tracks of 'Soundscapes from Wilderness' take a more holistic approach to nature recordings. The 1st track, 'Black Forest, Victoria', is a reconstruction of the deep forest sounds via the accumulation of various field recordings, creating a particularly dense soundscape through layers and layers of nature recordings. Here again, the natural-vs-artificial dichotomy is what interests the composer, and arguably this forest never existed, it was rather reconstructed in the studio. The 2nd track, 'Rainforest in Northern Tasmania', uses forest sounds as the basis for slow, mysterious didgeridoo improvisations, perhaps examining how the musician can dialog with the environment, being a part of it, being one with it. The superb didjeridoo playing is what fascinates most here.   .     .     .
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nancybryans · 3 years
No, sir; it is to fall upon the less wealthy class of our citizens, chiefly upon the non-slaveholder.
No, sir; it is to fall upon the less wealthy class of our citizens, chiefly upon the non-slaveholder. “After the big battle where the King-Beyond-the-Wall was killed, the wildlings ran away, and this woods witch said that if they went to Hardhome, ships would come and carry them away to someplace warm. All this deeply wounded the good-hearted Nikolay Sergeyitch; for a long time he refused to believe his senses. Sam yowled, the bird flapped off, corn scattered. Further along an illuminating set of rooms explain the head scratching behind band's more notorious stage designs, including the giant inflatable Honky Tonk Woman and the Lotus design used in Madison Square Garden, and of course the development of that famous logo. "We believe it is more important than ever to be a platform for women's voices and to offer inspiration whenever possible we do this continually through our work at the Women's Freedom Center and once a year at the Women's Film Festival.". Pain crackled up her leg like lightning, and far away she heard her northman say, “You bloody cunt,” as he lifted up his axe for the blow that would finish her.. “A dog haibike e mtb 2020 takes after its master,” declared Mace Tyrell. In its 2012 annual report, Air Canada estimated that a $0.01 change in the value of the Canadian dollar would have a $33 million impact on its yearly operating income. Over 85 percent of the city's Housing and Preservation Department's operating budget comes from federal funds. His guests were in danger. O, ma’am, mine’s been a long sorrow, a long sorrow! I’ve borne this heavy cross a great many pendientes bulgari precio years.”. Bridal Village has been left high and dry and unable to confirm if any of their orders will still go through.At the peak of wedding season, one of our country's busiest wedding dress retailers has filed for bankruptcy and closed its doors. All it takes is one to bring us all to ruin. The higher ranking cadets generally pull in higher bids, with a bid of $210 for the regimental commander, cadet Andrew George. McShay said Cook can "put himself in better position" next year.. I think that’s been described somewhere by Tolstoy: two people promise to call each other by their pet names, but they can’t do it and keep avoiding using any name at all. (You get a good workout, too.) The salt acts like little nonabrasive sanding blocks. donna di porto pim una storia riassunto How could I have been so blind for so long? The Crone came to me with her lamp raised high, and by its holy light I saw the road that I must walk. Low hanging lamps and creeping vines offer just enough ambience for first dates, but the mood is casual. You can ask Ivan Petrovitch, he’s here now and he will confirm what I say, that Natasha’s jealous, and though she loves me so much there’s a great deal of egoism in her love, for she will never sacrifice anything for me.”.. The farm totals 300 acres, 40 of which are scored with vines. Friday: Next generation trickery by the world's most daring riders. Because of Lusk, he said, "I always knew I had a home.". He makes himself into a ball and shouts. I'll just have to iron out the details of our vacation and secure some Sandals Beaches Resorts promo codes for us, and then I can announce the good news to the kids and we'll soon be on our way to an enjoyable summer getaway once more.. This was a great game between worthy opponents who left their body, minds, hearts, and souls on the field of play. The Lord of White Harbor had furnished the food and drink, black stout and yellow beer and wines red and gold and purple, brought up from the warm south on fat-bottomed ships and aged in his deep cellars. To converse all star alte maculate the Dover track before but I had never been as immersed as I am now. He can establish you, and, if you wish it, find you an excellent position . When Jon and Tormund entered, a sound went through the biciclete rusesti vechi hall, like wasps stirring in a nest. “Bring the cart.” The dragons would be more docile once fed. What?s the point of even using one if you?re soaked or end up with a big, red bruise on your face?. We must find you a husband who can teach you courtesy.” The queen turned her glare on Jon. If the aggression is ongoing, bring him in for adidas stan smith j white tactile blue a check up with your vet so that any medical issues can be ruled out.. Sunday, March 4, in the Marmion Academy gymnasium at 1000 Butterfield Road in Aurora. Her accomplice stole her sandalias doradas gioseppo body to get the drugs. I find their recipes to be heavy and the favor is strong rather than subtle. Real world use will not achieve the full speed increase, but the Low Energy Data Length Extension will be a welcome addition to the specification as more and more devices gain connectivity. The new ALMA observation shows that, when the intergalactic weather conditions are right, black holes can also gorge on a clumpy, chaotic downpour of giant clouds of very cold molecular gas. And a clever man might question why your father would engage a hedge knight to train you in arms instead of simply sending you off to apprentice with one horno teka hc 610 me blanco of the free companies. Giddy Funeral Home and Chapel, 280 St. “And with that coin and the others in his purse, he paid a certain man. So, that family il tablet amazon that gets the "great" deal on a foreclosed property, is probably still on loss job away from being the next foreclosure victim, because the banks will run the same game on them.. It something we not seen a measurable amount of in Louisville for 16 straight days now. She remembers that I was in great agitation. However, the Pirates got rolling in the second period and took a 26 24 lead into the half. Soak the affected foot in a solution of Epsom salts and warm water, then apply a moisturizing cream and wrap the foot in a plastic bag. One of his wife’s handmaids has found her way into the bed of my own fool. I meant to bring it to you as a gift for my silver queen, but four of the Cats cut me off and came snarling and spitting after me. Do they fear me dead? I flew off on a dragon’s back. He will be safer as a hostage. At other inns other names are being bruited about, never doubt.” He took another bite of egg, chewed, swallowed. We do not kill to serve some lord, to fatten our purses, to stroke our vanity. They nike air max 102 essential white were too far away for Theon to make out any of the words, but the fear on Fat Walda’s round pink face spoke volumes. Davos had always been fond of this city, since first he’d come here as a cabin boy on Cobblecat. You know our circumstances. A great wind came up then, a wind that filled their sails and swept them north and east and north again, toward Meereen and its pyramids of many-colored bricks. When he was there, he was clearly one of our best player. AND so the Ichmenyevs moved to Petersburg. Kitchen will be helmed by Shane Wilson, theformer head chef of Bistro Dom, who will bring his passion for local, seasonal produce and foraged ingredients to the modern Australian dishes set to populate the restaurant and take out menus..
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dragongoddess13 · 4 years
Thanks to the wonderful @welt-verbessererin for the tag!
1.      What is the color of your hairbrush? Black
2.      Name a food you never eat? Nuts
3.      Are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold
4.      What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Watching Good Mythical Morning.
5.      What's your favorite candy bar?  Twix
6.      Have you ever been to a professional sports game? A Pittsburgh Pirates Game in college, other than that they were all college or minor league sports teams.
7.      What is the last thing you said out loud? “Fan-Fucking-Tastic!”
8.      What is your favorite ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip
9.      What was the last thing you had to drink? Water
10.  Do you like your wallet? Yes, but it’s getting old and I’m going to need to replace it.
11. What is the last thing you ate? Salt and Vinegar chips
12.  Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? No, but I bought new leggings the week before.
13.  What's the last sporting event you watched? A repeat of this weekend’s West Virginia football game.
14.  What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Extra butter and salt
15.  Who is the last person you sent a text message to? My cousin
16. Ever go camping? Nope, but I wouldn’t mind going once
17. Do you take vitamins? I should but I always forget
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? Nope
19. Do you have a tan? No, I’m too pale to tan
20. Do you prefer Chinese or pizza? Chinese
21.  Do you drink your soda through a straw? I don’t drink soda anymore.
22.  What color socks do you usually wear? Whatever I grab, usually dark.
23.  Do you ever drive above the speed limit? Always
24.  What terrifies you? The unknown
25.  Look to your left, what do you see? Bookshelf
26.  What chore do you hate most? Cleaning the bathroom
27.  What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Shane Medea’s really bad Aussie accent from the Shark Arm episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved. 
28.  What's your favorite soda? I don’t drink soda anymore, but when I did drink it I liked Mountain Dew
29.  Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Drive thru.
30.  What's your favorite number? 13
31.  Who’s the last person you talked to? My parents
32.  Favorite cut of beef? Prime Rib
33.  Last song you listened to? Uptown Girl -Billy Joel (Been thinking about writing a new Gendrya fic when Ghost Whisperer AU is finished)
34.  Last book you read? The Last Command -Timothy Zahn
35.  Favorite day of the week? Friday
36.  Can you say the alphabet backwards? Not without thinking about it
37.  How do you like your coffee? In ice cream form only
38.  Favorite pair of shoes? Thundercat Chuck Taylors
39.  Time you normally get up? 6:15am
40.  What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunset
41.  How many blankets on your bed? 1 in the summer 2-3 in the winter
42.  Describe your kitchen plates? White 90′s Chic
43.  Describe your kitchen at the moment? Stocked and Ready for this weekend.
44.  Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? I rarely drink, but if I had to chose a moscato.
45.  Do you play cards? Yep
46.  What color is your car?  Red
47.  Can you change a tire? If I have the right tools, yes.
48.  Your favorite state? Massachusetts
49.  Favorite job you've had? Making safety training videos for steel mills and foundries at my college internship
50. tagging @dresupi @stillxnunpxidintern @firesoulstuff @agentmarymargaretskitz
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