#New year&039;s resolutions
Behavioral Change: The Power of Small Commitments
“You are never too old to reinvent yourself.” —Steve Harvey When researchers ask people to rank their performance at work, an overwhelming majority will say they are above average, which is statistically impossible. We resist the idea that we are average in any way, but the truth is that while we might be exceptional in certain areas, the odds are we will be average in most. And that is okay.…
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How to Re-center Your Life: Guidance and Direction
We are now six months through the year. Many have long since broken any New Year’s resolutions and goals that they hoped to achieve. If that is not you, and you are still on track, congratulations! Your persistence to this point likely means you have developed habits that will carry you to the finish line. But if you live among the masses, and your train’s been derailed, try not to give up on…
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cjdsignsworld · 5 months
Attempting A Challenge
HI, Sweet Friends! January is always a difficult month for me. I love the cold, I love the snow, but there is something about January that just seems harder than any other month of the year. Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels.com I start with a New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe that is it? Who knows. This year I wanted to challenge myself in many ways, including physical and mental challenges. I…
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capeblogger · 5 months
So here we are, a brand new year, filled with promise, potential and already flagging resolutions. Oh go on, admit it, you know you’re thinking: why ever did I resolve to …..   fill in the blank. Lose weight? Give up wine? Chocolate? Eating altogether? Binge watching TV  … the choices are endless. I did commit to doing something daily  for the month of January. So far, Day 20 and forging on. No,…
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fiercemillennial · 5 months
New Year, New Boo? Ditch the Pressure, Embrace the Spark: Romance Resolutions for 2024
Ditch the New Year, New Boo pressure! This year, focus on self-love & let genuine connections blossom. Share your romance resolutions in the comments! #FierceMillennial #LoveYourselfFirst #NewYear #NewYou #NewBoo
New Year, New You? Nah, Sis: Embrace Your Glow & Let Love Flow The confetti’s settled, the champagne flutes are rinsed, and we’re officially in 2024. Maybe you’re embracing the fresh start with a list of resolutions, or perhaps you’re simply taking a deep breath and letting the year unfold. But for many of us, the siren song of New Year’s romance can be hard to ignore. Suddenly, social media is…
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homestylealchemy · 5 months
Meal Planning at the Cottage for 2024
Type your email… Subscribe We should strive to be healthy year-round, but sometimes we slide into hibernation mode. Here are some meal planning tips for 2024! Happy New Year! The years seem to be flying by, but I hope you’ve all had a decent year. For those who haven’t, I sincerely hope the future will treat you better and grant you success. Despite 2024 brining on a host of new anxieties…
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jimflanigan · 6 months
You Say You Want a Resolution
The Beatles sang something close to that title many years ago. I’m pretty sure that on some New Year’s Day in the past, Ringo resolved to live longer than Keith Richards. So far, so good. Ringo looks great at age 83 (older than Keef!), and I read he credits eating broccoli with every meal as part of his vegan diet. That’s not a bad resolution for me in 2024. I think that will be what I call a…
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themoneysavvyblog · 6 months
Bye 2023, Hello 2024
Just like at the beginning of 2023 with the year 2022, I’m glad that 2023 is over. My 300th post summarized what last year was like for me. I definitely want my 2024 to be better than the last 2 years. Here are my goals for 2024: Finances Reduce overall expenses: over the last 5 years, my overall expenses have remained stable and in the same range. They even slightly declined during the…
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texasnaturist · 6 months
New Year's Resolutions, 2024
Resolutions don’t have to be done at the beginning of a new year, but it’s a good marker for a fresh start. I’ve never been a fan of resolutions because they seem silly, but as I get older, they begin to make a little sense. It’s at least an attempt to make yourself better in some way. I don’t need to lose weight, or sleep more, or get a better job. My needs are mostly psychological and…
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lindaghill · 6 months
JusJoJan24 the 1st - In Training
This post is part of Just Jot it January. To join in, click here to get to the prompt and drop your link. I’ve been in self-imposed training for a while. It’s not as athletic as it sounds, though I wish it could be. I mean, I do try to walk every day. But mostly, I’m constantly trying to train my brain to stick to a schedule. I write everything down. My hours of every day are (mostly)…
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kmalexander · 6 months
Happy 2024
It’s always a good idea to ring in a new year with a sassy Mark Twain quote. This letter was written on January 1, 1863, to the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise. I found it amusing, and I think you will as well. ‟Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his…
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cjjasp · 6 months
What I #amreading and #amwriting in the #HappyNewYear
Happy first day of 2024! The sun has been rising a few minutes earlier and setting a few later for a few days now, unnoticed because of the gloom and rain of a typical Pacific Northwest winter. Spring must be on the way because the internet says so. We are at the same latitude as Paris, Zurich, and Montreal but usually get a lot more rain than those cities. The North Pacific can be wild at this…
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davidblaska · 6 months
Twenty four for '24 — the second dozen
Blaska’s policy agenda for the new year! We are tempted to add Steve Martin’s Christmas wish list: “All the children to join hands and sing together in the spirit of harmony and peace,” followed by “Revenge against all my enemies, they should die like pigs in hell!” Pretty much covers the bases. (If you missed the first 12 here.) 13) Return school resource police officers to Madison’s public…
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wangandthecity · 6 months
No New Year's Resolutions for Me, Here's What I'm Doing Instead
Let's skip the traditional New Year's resolution list and instead focus on setting realistic short-term and long-term goals. Are you ready?
I am not going to have any New Year’s resolutions in 2024. Yes, you heard it correctly. Setting up New Year’s resolutions is ultimately a waste of time. It’s like trying to keep a plant alive that you’ve named “Resolution” – a noble effort, but, more often than not, it withers away. So, why are we ditching the resolutions so quickly and easily? Statistically speaking, about 80% of New Year’s…
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homestylealchemy · 6 months
2024 New Year Resolutions
Happy New Year! The years seem to be flying by, but I hope you’ve all had a decent year. For those who haven’t, I sincerely hope the future will treat you better and grant you success. New Year Resolutions Every year, I create a novel’s worth of New Year Resolutions in which I plan out daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Although I have completed some of them, most of them end up getting…
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bertena · 6 months
Develop Your Money Mindset Podcast Episode
Listen to my latest podcast about the myths and emotions that go along with money and how we think and feel then check out the workshop at ⁠bertena.org⁠ and click on Self Paced Online Courses Tab.
Are you ready to revolutionize the way you think about finances?Imagine a world where budgeting is as effortless as doodling and where every coin tells its own captivating story. That’s precisely what we’re exploring in our upcoming class: “Developing a Money Mindset.” Listen to my latest podcast about the myths and emotions that go along with money and how we think and feel then check out the…
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