#Neyo is just a weird little guy
elthadriel · 2 years
For Neyo/Ponds if you have any thoughts, please 20. Who holds a grudge the longest? 27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other? 31. What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky? 32. How do they resolve their arguments? 33. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them? (Sorry for the many q's, I am just very intrigued by this pairing)
I am also very intrigued by this pairing. They're on my list to write more of, but my to write list is just so long.
20. Who holds a grudge the longest?
Ponds has learned from growing up with Fox and Cody to let a lot of stuff go pretty easily. He’s got enough on his plate without carrying grudges around. 
Neyo doesn’t really care about anyone’s personal opinions of him (Ponds aside) but he does take professional incompetence very seriously. If you fuck up at your job he is going to remember that, and he’s going to act accordingly.
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
Neyo gets hyper fixated on stupid space mobile games. I don’t know why my brain decided this, but that’s what’s happening. He is scary good at them (professional gamer AU when????) and spends a lot of his downtime on them. 
So Ponds can’t see anything like that without being reminded of Neyo.
Neyo compartmentalises. He tries not to think of Ponds while he’s on duty, but Ponds hates having to read shoddy paperwork (he does however love getting to complain about having to read shoddy paperwork) so Neyo will send him ridiculously censored copies (he takes rules about confidentiality very seriously) of shit he finds in the stuff he reads. 
31. What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky?
I think surprising everyone it’s pretty smooth. I’m sure the beginning was rocky, while they were figuring out exactly how to get what they both wanted from their relationship, but I also like them having been together for a long time, since they were the equivalent of 15-16ish. And look, relationships at that age are just a little messier. 
32. How do they resolve their arguments?
I don’t actually think they fight that much, but when they do I think they’re both in a really good spot because of all the little negotiating their early relationship too to very much externalise the problem and treat dealing with is as a problem solving issue they need to work together on. 
They also just communicate very well. Neyo doesn’t really like shuffling around issues. He’ll say what he means with no hidden meanings. Once Ponds figures that out, as long as he can match that straightforwardness they can talk through stuff pretty easily. 
33. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
I think they both have their fair share. 
If I’m kind and let Ponds survive that shit with Boba I think that really rattles him. Ponds has learned that being very direct with Neyo if he needs somethign is the way to go. Neyo isn’t great at comforting people in general, but if Ponds is like, I need you to touch me, or I need you to talk to me, about literally anything, that’s something Neyo can do. Sorry, Ponds, I hope Neyo telling you about his requisition reports are what you needed right now.
Neyo won’t acknowledge there’s a problem at all. Clones are the perfect soldiers. Perfect soldiers don’t have nightmares. He’s a clone, therefore he doesn’t have nightmares.
(If sometimes he accesses Pond’s vitals via his HUD and watches them in the middle of the night that’s unrelated..)
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battlekilt · 2 years
what do you think tintin and 67 would dress up as if they got to do halloween?
Hmm. Kamino Tintin and Sixty-seven or Reborn Tintin and Sixty-seven? I'll do both, though I think Kamino them would be a tad boring.
TINTIN would probably dress up as #2224 just to be an ass and boss around everyone around exaggeratedly. He'd filch a supervisory cadet's uniform, make a fake badge. Yes, Cody would hold a grudge. No, Fox would never be sorry. He'll grow up convinced he was a comical genius.
SIXTY-SEVEN would probably dress up as a Kaminoan fishmama. So, they'll ask for a lab coat—Nala Se can't refuse one of her tadpoles. 99 would resize it to fit. They'd find white paint, that would likely be not very good for the kid's skin, and paint him. I just know it ends with Boba crying that HE wants a costume, too—now they are trying to make armor out of cardboard and packing material from the cargo areas.
TINTIN—Fox would definitely be a some kind of tooth fairy. The kid is obsessed with teeth, and he's just weird. He and Fordo ended up flapping around together, which is good... because other than the genetic enhancements Fordo got after he was hatched, the two are practically genetic-twins—Fox came from the spare material that made Fordo, after all.
SIXTY-SEVEN—Rex is definitely a little Admiral. He knows he's supposed to be a soldier, but the only kind of military they know anymore is the Navy guys. Plus, that Yularen always brings some great candy, and Rex enjoyed the one time he went with Cody to stay a couple of nights with that Forsil guy. He practiced his salute for soooo long. Tarkin hated it, Yularen couldn't stop taking pictures. Look, the kid is cute, okay? Anakin had an appropriately made version of a little enlisted sailor, who saluted tiny Admiral Rex back.
CODY is Vos. Just to make Obi-Wan groan. But, he actually ends up having a lot of fun getting his costume together. Vos gave him books about Vos's homeplanet, and Cody loves books. He got to learn things about the culture, and picked up pieces of language from his planet. He was taught how to make the face paint Vos's people wear before they earn their tattoos. Padme provided the materials for the wig, and Vos taught Cody how to make the locks and what they mean. After this, Vos DEFINITELY becomes Cody's favorite Jedi. At this point, Obi-Wan has accepted his fate.
WOLFFE spent too much time baking and making candies with Plo and Plo's niece to do much for his costume. That's okay, Plo had prearrangements. He had a little Chef's outfit made for Wolffe, complete with extra pockets to stow away candy from Fox's filching little fingers.
FIVES is Princess Ahsoka. Not really much to tell. Think, Disney Princess, dressed by the Amidalan handmaidens, but... Ahsoka. He sobbed with how pretty his headtails were. Fives cries easily.
ECHO was Chancellor Palpatine because he thought it was hilarious. The Chancellor... didn't think so much. He hates these kids and their sneaky Jedi, too.
WAXER & BOIL came to visit with Numa. Her Basic has gotten better, by the way. They were dressed as Ryloth rebels! Painted head to two, complete with fingerprints, and smears streaks.
JESSE is a podracer. Anakin helped him learn how to mimic the noises correctly.
KIX went as a Jedi, but wearing a mask sort of like Plo Koon and a cane like Yoda. He went around bonking his brothers on the head when they got stupid. So, there were a lot of little heads with bumps on top.
THORN & WOOLEY dressed up as Senate Guards. Riyo's family had really nice outfits made for them. Be proud of them, they learned to stand still for a whole eight minutes before they begin to squirm. Usually Wooley, who is younger, so that's okay. Riyo is still proud of him.
NEYO went as a droid. No one asked him where he out the chassis. But, he could navigate in it and everything. There were a lot of shins that got bumped, though.
BACARA got too nervous and chickened out from wearing a costume. Mundi got him to at least wear a nice set of robes, that Bacara ended up loving because they were soft and fluffy, and if he spun in place they billowed around him.
FORDO went as a lightfly—kind of part butterfly and part firefly. He did a lot of arm flappies.
SEVENTEEN went as a saberjowl because he got to scream at people. He didn't expect for Fox to yell back at him so loudly. He has to admit, Windu's little runt has some lungs on him.
BOBA & OMEGA* went as Clone Troopers. Omega was a little ARC with a lovely tiny Alpha kama that also twirled around her when she spun in circles. Her colors were dark grey, pink, and a lovely aqua. Boba went as a member of the 212th—Obi-Wan almost sobbed. The costumes were definitely hard to have made, but... Nala Se got it done. * They were not de-aged. But they help a lot with the little Clones. Omega is usually back on Kamino with Nala Se, but she spends a lot of time back at the Temple, so she and Boba have grown close.
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derangedangel · 7 years
Religious - Theo Raeken
Summary: Based on Religious by NeYo
Theo Raeken x Reader
Word Count: 1,557
Author’s note: I love the song this is based on. I’m totally playing this at my wedding. It’s so beautiful. And when I heard it recently it made me think of when Theo said he was an atheist. Kinda weird, but I love the concept of Theo not believing in God then finding love and starting to believe.
Warnings: Religion talk... 
Some of the words are lyrics by NeYo
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Theo Raeken didn’t believe in God. Who could blame him? The dread doctors picked him at an early age to become a chimera. He watched his sister drown. Even when he got dragged to his own personal hell, he still didn’t believe. There wasn’t a higher power watching over him. Protecting him from evil.
You on the other hand were different. No, you weren’t super religious. You didn’t go to church every Sunday. But you did find comfort in believing in God and heaven. It was depressing for you to think after death you just laid in the ground. With all the death surrounding you, it was nice to think all the friends who you lost because of supernatural creatures were at peace.
It was early Saturday morning. You were still asleep but Theo had woken up a few minutes prior. He laid facing you, while you were laying on your stomach in one of Theo’s oversized tank tops. There was a little bit of sunlight pouring through your curtains that Theo thought hit you just right. He loved these moments.
The sunlight highlighted your skin perfectly. There was a glow around you like a halo. Theo began to run his fingers through you hair lightly. You moved a little, but didn’t wake up.
Theo wondered how he got so lucky. He was a bad guy. Emphasis on was. Being with you had made him want to change for the better. But sometimes he still couldn’t understand what you saw in him to give him a chance. What did this beautiful, intelligent woman see in this monster? There had to be some higher power at work.
Being with you had him question everything he knew. There was no way you walking into his life was pure coincidence. It couldn’t have been luck either. It wasn’t like forgetting to do your homework and the teacher forgetting to pick it up. Or making it to your car right before the meter times out and you get a ticket. No. This was something different. You understood him more than anyone else. You forgave him for his mess ups. You comforted him when he had nightmares about his sister. Theo felt like you were made for him.
As a little more sunlight began to peek through the curtains, you scrunched up your face and opened one of your eyes just a little. You saw Theo staring back at you and you closed your eye again readjusting you head on your pillow.
“It’s rude to stare.”
“I’m not staring.”
“Then how do you define what you are doing?”
“Admiring your beauty.”
You smirked, your eyes still closed. “Flattery will get you everywhere, Raeken.”
“And where will it get me now?” You could hear the smirk slowing appearing on your boyfriend’s face.
You opened your eyes and leaned in closer to your boyfriend leaving a gentle kiss on his soft lips.
Theo smiled as he said, “I should probably also mention you look extremely sexy in my shirt.”
You leaned up and gave him another peck on the lips. This one a little longer than the last.
“Oh, and I can’t forget-“
You cut him off placing your finger over his lips.
“I see what you’re doing baby, but my morning breath has other plans.”
“Alright. Why don’t I go make us some breakfast so you can deal with that?”
“Sounds like a plan to me. Just give me 5 more minutes.”
“Just 5 more minutes.”
You snuggled up to Theo laying your head on his shirtless chest. Five minutes later, Theo crawled out of bed and you groaned in annoyance.
“Come on Y/N. It’s been 5 minutes.”
“Yeah, but I was comfortable.”
“How about this? You go take care of your morning breath that’s preventing you from giving me more kisses, and I’ll bring breakfast in here so we can have breakfast in bed, and just lay her for a while longer.”
“Yes and yes.” You looked up at your handsome boyfriend and said, “How did I get so lucky?”
“I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one in this relationship.” He leaned down to kiss you one more time before he went off into the kitchen to cook.
A little while later, Theo came back into your shared bedroom with two plates of breakfast on a tray. There was some coffee for him and a glass of orange juice for you. He carefully set the food down on the bed as he made his way into the bathroom. He heard the shower running and your voice echoing off the bathroom tiles. It sounded like a choir of angels. He swore he never heard anything more beautiful in his life. By no means were you Adele, but you could be reading the phonebook and Theo would just sit there listening to you.
“Babe, breakfast is ready!” Theo yelled trying to get you to hear him over the shower.
“Okay! I’ll be out in a minute!”
After a few minutes, you were crawling back into bed with Theo.
He raised his eyebrow at you as he asked, “Did you take a shower just to put on another one of my t-shirts?”
“Yup,” you said, popping the p as you smiled at him.
Theo shook his head, placing the tray over your lap.
“This looks delicious.”
After both of you finished eating, Theo took the tray and empty plates back to the kitchen. You sunk lower back into bed making yourself comfortable in your fluffy white sheets.
Theo made his way back into the bedroom and crawled under the sheets. He wrapped his arms around your waist and laid his head on your chest. You easily wrapped your arms around him as he snuggled into your embrace. You traced patterns into Theo’s back as he listened to your steady heartbeat.
“I love you,” Theo said.
“I love you, too, baby,” you said as you brought your hand up to run your fingers through his hair.
Theo was quiet for a few more seconds and you felt the energy in the room shift.
“Hey.” Theo hummed in response. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I was just thinking.”
“You… Us.”
A small smile covered your face. “What about me?”
Theo readjusted his head on your chest then said, “Just wondering what I did to deserve you. You’re literally perfect and-“
“Woah, Theo, I am not perfect. Why are you even thinking that?” You moved so you were now looking at him in the eyes.
“I don’t know,” he said as he ruffled his hair. “Sometimes I just don’t see why an angel like you would want to deal with a guy like me.”
“Baby,” you reached up and placed your hand on Theo’s cheek. “I. love. You. You aren’t the same guy you were when I first met you. You’ve changed. I don’t want you thinking you don’t deserve me or you don’t deserve to be happy. When you say that, it hurts me. It’s like you’re saying I shouldn’t be with you. Like I decided wrong when I picked you. And honestly, it wasn’t even a choice. I had no say in it. I was pulled to you. We were meant to be together. I have no doubt in my mind that when I’m old and sitting on my front porch, you’re going to be the one next to me in a matching rocking chair.”  
You had teared up a little by the end of your speech, but you had got Theo’s full attention. He knew how much you loved him and he felt bad for even thinking that he didn’t deserve you.  He saw how much it upset you that he was thinking that and he wanted you to know he wasn’t going anywhere.
Theo pulled you in for a slow kiss. His thumbs carefully moving back and forth on your cheeks. Once he pulled away, he starred into your eyes that he loved so much.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I don’t want to upset you. I love you so much. Sometimes I just look at you and wonder how I could get so lucky. And I don’t think it was luck. You and me aren’t just a coincidence. You’re right. We were meant to be together. You know I don’t believe in God, but you’ve got me thinking there’s someone up there calling the shots cause there’s no way I could have found you on my own.”
By this point, tears were streaming down your face and Theo was wiping them away.
You giggled lightly before you responded. “How did a morning spent just lying in bed turn into us spilling our guts and me crying?”
Theo pressed his lips against your forehead then said, “I’m not sure. But I’m glad we did.”
He pulled you in for a hug, then the both of you settled back into bed. Theo’s head resting on your chest with your hand slowly running through his soft brown hair. And Theo’s strong arms wrapped around your waist.
Theo wasn’t sure exactly what higher power was at work that brought you two together. But whoever it was, he was eternally grateful. He would spend every day thanking whoever put you in his life. And he would spend every day making sure you knew how grateful he was to have you there.
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