#Nico di Angelo silly
willthespy · 5 months
Is your ship really all that great if they haven’t single-handedly ended fascism
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rumov · 3 months
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lately i’ve been crying like a tall child
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sunflowergraves · 2 months
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Rick Riordan has to chuck Annabeth and Percy into Tartarus the same day Nico came out of that bronze jar because can you IMAGINE how chaotic it could have been if Nico and Percy were on that boat together at the same time. Percy fondly reminiscing over how adorable Nico was at age ten while our favorite skrungly emo boy is sitting on the side looking like a pile of trash run over by a train. Nico violently suppressing the Gayness now that he’s stuck in close quarters with Percy. Annabeth wants to study him but he’s too scared of her to get within five feet at any time. Hazel trying to figure out why her brother is broken now but no he just has a constant internal monologue of Screaming because he forgot that Percy is annoying as fuck. Percy randomly brings up that time Nico betrayed him and trapped him in the Underworld and Nico’s like “fuck off I rescued you like two hours later it worked out fine” and everyone’s sitting there like 👁️👄👁️
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jztr-77 · 5 months
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Dont you just hate it when you just finished off a monster looking cryptic af then a ray of sunshine accidentally walked by
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strawberri-draws · 5 months
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pjo doodles/memes lol
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tangerine-brooks · 6 months
also hilarious jason moment is in the beginning of tlh when leo starts blabbering smth and jason politely listens to him for a while and then goes "leo" "what" "... you are really weird" and he literally means no offence he's just observing. studying. making conclusions.
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storybookstr4nge · 1 year
will solace get behind me right now you are a young child and u had the right to be weary of the underworld especially being who u are. ur allowed to make mistakes and be an accidental asshole because we all make mistakes and are accidental assholes, as long as u acknowledge where u went wrong and begin to make an effort to change, which! Will! did! Actively!!!!! he is always caring and understanding and Nico so obviously feels so comfortable around Will in a way he has not ever been shown to feel with anybody else..... will is a silly nerd boy with crazy powers. and Nico fell for that for a reason!!!!!
idk I guess it just rubs me the wrong way that other ships in the riordanverse get such different treatment.... like when annabeth displays prejudice to Percy for being a son of Poseidon because of their parents rivalries its understood because she's a child who's been brought up with this mindset, but when its Will and Nico they're held to such impossible standards of being consistently perfect..... even though they literally are like the healthiest and most realistically displayed teenage couple the riordanverse has ever had.... I just wonder (know) why this divide exists and I am upset with the sheer amount of un-nuanced takes regarding Will and Nico and this book.... like what do u guys want!!! you want queer ships to be treated the same as straight ships, and then we get mark oshiro doing that, and giving us a wonderfully flawed and wonderfully soft and sweet dynamic, and its scrutinized on every imaginable level for critiques that would never come to another pair :(
not liking tsats is okay! I don't want to force people into liking a book just because I adored it! but when all the criticisms I see of tsats are very clearly things that could be said about all the other books..... it doesn't track and is rather uncomfortable to listen to
tldr will solace I love u so dearly and I hope will and Nico get to go on their cute private lil picnic very soon
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mischievousmary · 1 month
Nico: are we roleplaying as vampires
Will: yes
Nico: Goodness, I haven't played pretend since the 1700s😞 How I miss the times before I had been cursed
Will: we should kiss
Nico: preposterous
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starii-lins · 9 days
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in honor of pride month i will be drawing a bunch of my fav lgbtq lil guys from across my fandoms, starting with my current main one:
solangelo!!! the sun and star!!! the dudes ever!!!
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wakkoroni · 8 months
I want y’all to imagine Nico, after the battle of manhattan, all alone, roaming around and being homeless pretty much. He probably did some stuff to stay alive/ did some stupid stuff cause he was a) young and alone and innocent and b) IN THE WRONG CENTURY
Imagine like Nico revealing the shit he’s done to like the seven (plus Will but I feel like Will would already know)
Nico: yeah so like I learned the “don’t take candy from strangers” the hard way
Percy; what the fuck does that mean
Nico: um so after the battle of manhattan went down and I left, things have changed in society that I didn’t know about. And the fact that I was in a whole different continent didn’t help either. So uh in the 1930s, it was all talk about how the future was going to be great and how everyone’s problems will be solved
Percy: yeah?
Nico: right so uh I’m walking down the New York, being my little depressed self-
Jason: *trying not to laugh*
Nico: -and this guy walks up to me and he said “you look like your having a tough times” and pulls out this baggy with like a pill inside, and says “here this should take all your sorrows away, for a just a few hours and if you need more you just have to find me”
Annabeth: you didn’t-
Nico: looking back at this I should’ve known, but then again how would I have known? No one taught me this shit. And he phrased it like this really cool invention and in my head I’m like oh wow times really has changed
Will: babe you are a idiot and I’m surprised you even still alive
Nico, laughing: me too actually- I should not have lived past a lot of stuff but anyway I took it and thanked him and ummmmm one minute I was in the streets of New York and the next I was in the back of a cop car in Jersey with a headache.
Nico: yup. But legally I don’t exist and I still don’t cause I managed to run away before they could get my DNA or smth idk the process and then went back to New York and tried to find the guy again
Percy: why would you try and find him?
Nico: so I could get more? But either I just have a horrible sense of direction or he vanished cause I couldn’t find him anymore
Jason: the city’s confusing streets saved you from an addiction
Nico: no actually-
Percy, still trying to wrap his head around this: wait so no one warned you about taking drugs?
Nico: I didn’t even know what they were, well that’s kind of a lie I knew that they existed but I didn’t know what they looked like?
Percy: and the baggy didn’t seem suspicious?
Nico: it was a free sample
Percy: I- I don’t even know what to say
Nico: to be fair they treated the common cold with like cocaine back in my day so-
Percy: dude- *turns to Will* you don’t seemed surprised by this
Will, shrugging: wait til you hear about the “friend” he made
Nico, clapping his hands together: that’s a story for another time, hopefully never
Annabeth: I want to know-
Will: you really don’t-
Nico: if you thought this was bad the other was way worse
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milomilesmib · 1 year
Nico: *violently pressing buttons on a controller and pointing it at Leo*
Leo: wtf are you doing
Nico: trying to put you on mute
Nico: oh look it worked
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
“I had a dream about you last night.”
“Oh, did you.” Will grins at him over his shoulder, up to his elbows in blood and fluids.
Nico kicks him. “Focus, stupid.”
“Yeah,” snarks Chiara, whose blood is currently splattering Will’s shirt. She reaches over and flicks Will on the forehead. “Focus in stitching the gaping gash in my leg, Solace.”
Nico frowns around his juicebox. “Hey. Lascialo stare. Only I call him Solace.”
“‘S my last name, Neeks.”
“Uh-huh. Everyone else can figure out something else to call you.”
“Possessive, are you.”
Nico smiles. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“What’d you dream about, anyway?”
If Nico didn’t know Will so well, he’d take the casual tone for what it was. But he does, in fact, know Will and his horrible poker face, and notices the purse of his lips, the flick of his eyes in Nico’s direction every three seconds.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Everyone would,” huffs Chiara. “I have about forty dollars resting on you, di Angelo, and I will not be losing it.”
Nico sticks his tongue out at her. “Masticare lo zoccolo, zitella.”
Will’s shoulders shake so hard he has to pause, trembling with the effort to hold back his laughter.
“I am trying to do a medical procedure, you two.”
Nico and Chiara speak at the same time.
“Yeah, in flip-flops.”
“Oh, are you? You’ve been flirting so long my numbing cream has started to wear off.”
That knocks Will back into doctor mode, eyes narrowing in focus. He is especially freckle-y today, not that Nico notices. And the sun is shining out the window at just the right angle to make Will’s curls look luminous. And his tongue sticks out of the corner of his perfect mouth, when he concentrates. And, gods, he’s wearing a shirt but the muscles in his /back/ —
“I can’t work with you oglin’ at me, Ghost King.”
“I’m not ogling at you.” Nico is a beautiful liar. Ignoring Will’s smirk, Chiara’s snickering, and his own flush is easy. “Why would I ever ogle at such an ugly person?”
“Because you’re in love with him, stupido. It’s embarrassing.”
“I think you should check her eyes, too, Solace.”
“How about you check deez fuckin’ nuts —”
“Alright,” Will says exasperatedly, before they can escalate too much and end up knocking a shelf off the wall. Again. “You’re done, Chiara. Take this ambrosia and scram. Don’t do anything strenuous and rip your stitches, ‘cause I’m not doin’ them again.”
She wastes no time bounding out of there. As soon as she’s gone, Will turns to face Nico, grinning.
“So,” he says, stretching out the syllable, grin wide and crooked, “you had a dream about me?”
Nico glances both ways, making sure no one’s watching. Then he darts forward to press a kiss to Will’s lips, relishing in the smell of his herbal shampoo, the chapped skin of his lips. Will grabs the side of his face and holds him longer, far past the quick peck he’d aimed for, kissing him until he smacks his boyfriend’s shoulder and pulls away, laughing. Will grins triumphantly, like he has the upper hand.
And, well.
Nico can’t have that.
“Yeah, lemme tell you about my dream.” He smooths his hands over Will’s shoulders. “This shirt was gone, for starters.”
“Mm. What else?”
“We certainly weren’t in the infirmary.”
“No,” Nico breathes, breath hot on Will’s ear. He shivers. Nico smirks. “My cabin, dark, some low music playing…”
Will gasps. “Yeah?”
“…No one to bother us, you looking pretty as a picture on my bed…gagged.”
“Kinky.” Will shudders, hands sliding into Nico’s hair.
“Mhm. My dream come true.”
“That’s your dream?”
“Yes.” Nico pauses. “Dark, comfortable, warm…” He grins, wide and sharklike. “And finally, finally…quiet.”
It takes a second for it to sink in.
“Oh, you jackass!”
Nico cackles, stumbling back at Will’s shove. “Your — your face!”
“You jerk! I despise you!”
“Oh my gods,” he wheezes. He tries to calm himself, but one look at his boyfriend’s bright red cheeks sets him off again. “Oh my gods!”
Will huffs. Despite his embarrassment, he’s visibly struggling to hold on to his scowl, mouth twitching. “I’m breaking up with you. I’m gonna go date someone who appreciates me.”
“Nobody appreciates you more than I do, Sunshine,” Nico says, grinning. He presses a kiss to Will’s glowing cheek. “You’re just so easy to tease.”
Will rolls his eyes. “Whatever. I gotta work. Leave me alone.”
Nico presses another kiss, lingering until he feels him smile. “Okay, okay. I’ll see you at dinner, okay? Te amo.”
“…I love you too. Asshole.”
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thaliasthunder · 11 months
*sees nico lowering the temperature to freeze the place and turn a man into a ghost* god he's so silly
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myprophecy · 1 day
"oh will is such a bean he would never hurt a fly!!"
girl. THAT BOY IS TEXAN WITH A COUNTRY SINGER MOTHER?? he has probably witnessed more fights break out than all of us combined and he CANONICALLY listens to true crime podcasts!!! bro would 100% go berserk and use his southern accent to scare campers when they don't follow his doctors orders. "oh your wound reopened? OH, RATS! WHAT DID I TELL YA 'BOUT SWORD FIGHTIN'-" he is not a bean, your honour. HE'S A MENACE!!
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reocow · 9 months
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what an eepy little fella
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