#Nicole would be about 5'2
garbagepile · 5 months
Namari looks a lot like how I would imagine Nicole to look like
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heartsbind · 9 days
i got the urge to talk more about tatsu’s mom bc i love her soooo much here we go looong infodump under the cut:
- to set the scene: miyu's 5'2" and was in her mid-60s when tatsu was born, so she's generally around 77-78 when tatsu's in their final years of high school.
- miyu was and still is a very artsy and craftsy person! her husband was kind of the breadwinner and made a generous amount of money as the vice president of a financial company, but she helped run a quaint little gift shop that a friend of hers owned; there she got to sell some of her own homemade jewelry and trinkets made from things like seashells. she’s a great painter, although she hasn’t tried selling too many of her paintings and oftentimes prefers to just gift them to people.
- she is soooo funny. tatsu’s sense of humor comes from growing up with her, which is why you might hear them make jokes about her old age (which is really more of a coping mechanism on their end than they care to admit) -- both of their jokes can run just a touch dark sometimes.
(she's got a whole inside gag about how she has enemies but they're all mysteriously gone now. this is not true: she had one enemy, and it was her dead husband. she also will not hesitate to say that she knows she's going to live a long life because she's the unproblematic one--)
- her and tatsu both share a sweet tooth. she claims it's because she is so sensitive to bitter tastes, a trait which allows her to detect poison more easily. see above.
- though, speaking of sweets, she and tatsu have an evening ritual of having one chocolate truffle with tea after dinner. tatsu sneaks two chocolates every night and thinks they've successfully kept this from miyu all their life. miyu knows, but thinks the fact that tatsu is so convinced she doesn't know is funny.
- tatsu more or less knew about their father's infidelity at a young age -- not that miyu info-dumped the whole thing on them all at once, but miyu's fear was that if the truth took too long to reveal itself to tatsu later in life, the pain of the shattered image of a perfect father would be much greater. this did mean that tatsu spent more or less their whole life just hating their father, but at the moment it's not particularly anything either of them regret.
- miyu's reasoning for keeping her husband (minoru) around was entirely for his financial support. minoru's reason for staying was that he was far too used to not having to care for himself to bother striking out on his own. he was a housemate more than anything else; to miyu, he could do whatever he wanted, as long as he helped pay to support little tatsu. when he passed away due to illness in tatsu's teenage years, it didn't really impact them emotionally, but financially he got one more clapback in, refusing to bequeath any of his finances to miyu, and making tatsu wait until adulthood for any of his inheritance. miyu's own pension covers enough to get by, but tatsu still works at a convenience store when they're of age in order to cover things like groceries, things they want, savings, etc. so that they're not necessarily hurting for money.
- initially, miyu was completely at peace not having any kids. it wasn't that she couldn't, nor that she was entirely against the notion; she just didn't feel compelled, and minoru shared a similar disinterest. in that regard, there wasn't any bitterness over the fact that minoru wound up having a child with someone else; only entirely in the fact that he lied and cheated at all, that 40+ years of marriage had gone to waste - and especially because he'd had very few qualms with trying to leave tatsu's bio mom (naming her nicolette) to raise tatsu on her own. unfortunately for him, nicolette was in grad school and just did not have the time nor resources to care for a child on her own, as much as she would have wanted a child, and she was similarly pissed with minoru for his deception, having been led to believe minoru was a widower.
- both miyu and nicolette are kind of girls girls. miyu found out about nicolette and her pregnancy through nicolette herself first, because as soon as nicolette realized minoru had been lying and miyu was actually alive she was set on doing something about it. she was probably many months along at this point, and it was such a shitty time for both of them but miyu really did everything she could to help nicolette through it. once tatsu was born, miyu took them in, and while miyu offered nicolette to have contact they both wound up mutually agreeing to cut ties.
- really just love miyu because she took it upon herself to carry most of the weight of what was going on in spite of how much it hurt her too but she loves tatsu sooo much... and she is the most important person in tatsu's life. i don't think it's something they've talked about specifically but i think they both share this experience of having been unwanted in one way or another, and tatsu really is sensitive to seeing that kind of thing reflected in other people in one way or another (ex. i imagine tatsu just does not care for sae because what they see is sae not appreciating the fact that he has a brother who cares about him, etc.). tatsu really becomes more and more cognizant of this when they get older and they really do everything they can to make sure their mom stays happy for the remainder of her life.
- miyu loves women. crackship with reo's granny when--
- she walks with a cane but still has a lot of pep in her step. she still paints and makes things recreationally to keep her hands and fingers active. she also likes to build puzzles.
- she continues to try to take very good care of herself because she's determined to see as many of tatsu's life milestones as possible.
- she has a visiting nurse - her name is ayumi and miyu tells her absolutely everything about tatsu; how they're doing, every crush they've had, how sports are going, any friends they've made, etc. etc.
- for bllk-verse tatsu, the very first thing tatsu cashed in their goals on was their cell phone so they could call miyu to check on her.
- i mentioned it in tatsu's jjk verse but they became a sorcerer really to help pay for her care; she is not a sorcerer herself and doesn't really know what tatsu does in school at all aaaand i'll stop here for now --
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lepusrufus · 3 years
Do you have any headcanons you have been dying to talk about but haven't had the opportunity to?
(Also, I would just like to say that I'm still completely baffled over how gorgeous that family portrait turned out to be. Hope the necromancers are treating you well.)
The service is acceptable, they're quite good at making sure all organs are in place. Thank you for the concern (and I'm happy you liked it, thanks again for letting me borrow Mary!)
Without further ado, an assortment of random hcs, both abt the characters and the maidens:
All three sisters have an affinity for art thanks to Alcina, but they prefer to work with different mediums
Bela goes for the classics, oils or acrylics on huge canvases. Cassandra lacks the patience for it so she likes quicker mediums like inks. Daniela experiments a lot but has a slight preference for colored pencils
When Miranda figured out that the mutation gave Alcina superhuman healing she went through a series of....experiments to test how far that healing goes. It was as much hell for her as you'd imagine
Nicole is the only maiden that can drive well and is the kind of driver that swears like a sailor at people that drive like idiots and would even throw hands. Thankfully for her 5'2 ass, Cassandra takes care of the hands throwing
The "village" is more like a small, self sufficient town. I got inspiration for how it is in my AU from the old part of Braşov
And it's very closely monitored by Miranda. Anything that comes in, be it a shipment for something, technology or some idiot wandering in, goes by her
It's also a lot more functional but my hcs on how the village works can be a post in and of themselves
Cassandra's hounds are more often than not part of the less... conventional hunts
Everyone knows that the moment you hear barking accompanied by giggles you may as well sit down and pray
Vast majority of the dungeon prisoners that get turned into food are actually outsiders that got shipped there one way or another as per Miranda's requests
Still developing her, but Alcina's maiden is named Esteria, is older than her both literally and figuratively and is the ice to Alcina's fire so to speak
Alcina doesn't really have any rules for the girls in regards to clothing so they end up wearing anything from pjs to fancy Victorian dresses around the castle
Not at the same time mind you. You can walk in a room and Daniela is in a fancy dress, Bela in sweatpants and a nirvana shirt and Cassandra in jeans and a button up
Still on the girls, they know multiple languages bc of course they do (same with Alcina ofc). They can speak with varying degrees of fluency german, french, italian, hungarian, some russian, english ofc and romanian is their first language.
They tend to have a bit of a language preference tho. They could start arguing and Cassandra is yelling in german at Daniela, who's replying in french while Bela is mumbling in italian abt how they're idiots.
Cassandra was born in Austria, not that she remembers it. But Heisenberg can't figure out why her accent is slightly off when she talks in german
Cynthia, the cook, is particularly good at cooking human meat. She found this talent after deciding to get revenge on her husband by cooking him up and serving him to his friends. Which Alcina found marvelous
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askthekumiho-blog · 6 years
About me
What is your full name? Carrington Isolde Nicole Cheshire
What is the meaning/story behind your name? Isolde was originally Carrie's first name but since she was known in the history books by anyone who was apart of the White Queen’s Court Ches changed it to Carrie and gave her his name.
Do you have any nicknames? Cheshire Fox, Carrie,Carebear,Care, Heart stealer
When and where were you born?October 26 and in the White Queen’s castle
Current age? 17
What is your eye color? Dark Brown
Do you ever wear glasses/contacts? Nope
Hair color? Black (currently )
Have you ever dyed your hair? Yep
Height and body type? 5'2 and petite
Do you have any birthmarks? A Spade on my inner wrist
Any scars or other markings?Nope
What is your favorite and least favorite feature? My favorite feature is my eyes, I've been told they're enchanting. And I don't have a least favorite.
How would you describe your style? Gothic-chic or Gothic Hippie. Just gothic something.
Positive traits? Flexible
Negative traits? Vain, Self-serving, Cowardly
Are you more introverted or extroverted? Extroverted
Do you have any talents? I can sing, dance, rap, turn invisible but I've only done it a few times. There could be more
Do you have a good memory? Yep
Any fear or phobias? Nope
What do you have a soft spot for? Heroes
Any pet peeves? Screaming and people accusing her of things she would never do
Are you a good student? I was homeschooled so of course.
What is your favorite/least favorite subject? My favorite subject is gym and my least is science now. I hate labs.
Family and Relationships.
Who are your parents? Cheshire Cat
How would you describe them? He's a good dad and raises me well, but he always leaves me confused about my real parents never telling the full story only leaving hints about the past.
Who is your best friend/Who are some of your close friends? Toby, Iris, and Mary are my close friends. I don't have best friends.
What do you look for in a friend?  Tolerance of my personality.
Have you ever been in a relationship? Nope
If you’re comfortable answering, what is your orientation? Pan
Have you ever been in love? Nope.
What do you look for in a partner? Nothing I don't want one.
Do you believe in love at first sight or soulmates? Neither
Do you see getting married and/or having children in the future? Nope
Top 3 books: Game of Thrones, The Morganville Vampires, and Howl's Moving Castle
Top 3 movies: All The Boys I Loved Before, Heathers and The purge
Top 3 foods: Lobster, Rice cakes, and mangos
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zolganif · 7 years
1. WHERE ARE YOU FROM? Was born in New Fane. Now live in Niagara Falls. 2. WHERE DO YOU LIVE AND FOR HOW LONG? Look at the above answer. And I've been living here basically my whole life. 3. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT WHERE YOU LIVE? Well, I like the falls area, park. 4. WHAT DID YOU LOVE THE MOST ABOUT THE TOWN YOU GREW UP IN? Eh. 5. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? I have a cat 6. WHAT WAS YOUR 1ST PET’S NAME? Fuzzball 7. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Autumn and winter 8. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE? Lord of the Rings series, the Hobbit series, Marvel films (especially the Thor ones), Faces of Death series, House of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects, Saw series, Friday the 13th series, Nightmare on Elm Street series, Freddy vs Jason, Hellraiser series, Almost Mercy, White Rabbit, Imaginaerium, Crimson Peak, Black Swan, Splice, Thale, Girl Interrupted...the list goes on forever. haha 9. FAVORITE MOVIE IN THE PAST 5 YEARS? Frozen 10. WHAT’S A MOVIE THAT YOU LAUGHED THE HARDEST DURING? Look Who's Back 11. WHAT’S A MOVIE YOU CRIED THE HARDEST DURING? Lord of the Rings series 12. WHAT’S THE BEST-ANIMATED MOVIE EVER CREATED? The Last Unicorn 13. FAVORITE TV SHOW? Raw, Smackdown, Charmed, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Xena 14. FAVORITE TV SHOW THAT IS CURRENTLY ON? American Horror Story, Once Upon a Time 15. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE RESTAURANT? Apple Bees 16. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? Mac & cheese, steak, chicken 17. LEAST FAVORITE FOOD? Peppers, chilli, tacos 18. WHAT TOPPINGS DO YOU GET ON YOUR PIZZA? Pepperoni, sometimes chicken which is rare, 19. FAVORITE BEVERAGE? Coke, lemonade, vitamin water 20. FAVORITE DESSERT? Cheesecake, ice cream 21. IS THERE A DESSERT YOU DON’T LIKE? Apple pie 22. CAKE OR PIE? Cake. 23. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Bubble gum, chocolate, raspberry, sherbet, cotton candy 24. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE CONDIMENT? Ranch. 25. WHAT DO YOU GET FOR BRUNCH? It depends what I feel like eating. 26. IT’S 4 AM ON A SATURDAY NIGHT, WHAT DO YOU EAT? Oh god. haha. Probably a small sandwich if anything 27. WHAT ONE THING DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR FRIDGE AT ANY GIVEN TIME? Milk, butter 28. WEIRDEST THING YOU’VE EVER EATEN? Squid. 29. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE BAND? Nightwish, Within Temptation, Motley Crue, Evanescence, Delain, Amaranthe, Mayhem, the Murder of My Sweet, Unsun 30. FAVORITE SOLO ARTIST? Nicole Dollanganger, Lennon Murphy, Marion Raven 31. FAVORITE NONLIVING MUSICIAN? Dead from Mayhem :( 32. FAVORITE LYRICS? I have a lot of favorite lyrics 33. FAVORITE SONG OF ALL TIME? So many of them. 34. FAVORITE ALBUM? Shout at the Devil, The Heroine Diaries, This is Gonna Hurt, Imaginaerium 35. WHAT’S THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? Landfill by Daughter 36. IF YOU LIFE WERE A SONG WHAT WOULD THE TITLE BE? Eh 37. WHAT SONG WOULD YOU PROBABLY BE CAUGHT DANCING ALONE TO? I don't know haha 38. IF YOU COULD SING A DUET WITH SOMEBODY WHO WOULD IT BE? No idea 39. IF YOU COULD MASTER ONE INSTRUMENT WHAT WOULD IT BE? Piano. 40. WHAT IS YOUR GO-TO KARAOKE SONG? Nothing. 41. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING OR THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? The last book I read was 120 Days of Sodom. 42. WHAT’S A BOOK THAT YOU PLAN ON READING? I Am Legend 43. WHAT’S A BOOK THAT YOU READ BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE WAS READING IT? None. 44. WHAT’S A BOOK THAT YOU READ IN SCHOOL THAT POSITIVELY SHAPED YOU? I can't think of any. I know a few I enjoyed were Animal Farm, Go Ask Alice, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, and Speak 45. WHAT’S A BOOK IN SCHOOL THAT YOU HATED? I don't know 46. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE BOOK? I have many favorites 47. WHAT’S A BOOK YOU WISH YOU HAD WRITTEN? Eh 48. DARK CHOCOLATE OR MILK CHOCOLATE? Dark. 49. UNDERWATER OR OUTER SPACE? Outer space. 50. DOGS OR CATS? Cats. 51. KITTENS OR PUPPIES? Kittens. 52. DOLPHINS OR KOALAS? Koalas 53. BIRD WATCHING OR WHALE WATCHING? Whale watching 54. WHAT IS YOUR SPIRIT ANIMAL? Cat 55. TO BE OR NOT TO BE? Meh 56. IPHONE OR ANDROID? Android. 57. TWITTER OR INSTAGRAM? Twitter. I don't use Instagram. I have a Twitter account but I hardly ever use that ha 58. VINE OR SNAPCHAT? I guess Vine. When it was still around. 59. WHO SHOULD EVERYONE BE FOLLOWING RIGHT NOW? No one. 60. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE APP? WEBSITE? Reddit, Tumblr, ArchiveofOurOwn, Fanfiction.net, 61. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? Art, english, and history 62. WHAT WAS YOUR BEST SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? English. 63. WHAT WAS YOUR WORST SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? Math 64. WHAT SUBJECT WOULD YOU TEACH IN SCHOOL? Probably history 65. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU KNEW IN HIGH SCHOOL? A lot of things I know now. 66. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE YOURSELF AT 13? Don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks of you. 67. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5'2 68. WHO IS YOUR FASHION ICON? I don't have one. 69. WHAT’S YOU FAVORITE FASHION TREND? I don't follow trends. 70. WHAT ARE 3 THINGS YOU ALWAYS HAVE IN YOUR BAG (BESIDES PHONE AND WALLET)? Keys, cigarettes, a book 71. WHAT IS A CURRENT TREND YOU HOPE DOESN’T EXIST IN 100 HUNDRED YEAR? I don't know. 72. WHAT’S YOUR MUST HAVE FASHION ACCESSORY? I don't know 73. HEELS OR FLATS? Flats 74. DIAMONDS OR PEARLS? Diamonds. 75. BLOW-DRY OR AIR-DRY? Air-dry. 76. WHAT COLOR DRESS DID YOU WEAR TO PROM? It was black and white.  77. FAVORITE COCKTAIL? None really
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ashootingstarisee · 8 years
Tagged by @whatagloriousstainsir. Thank you dear! NICKNAME : Ele, Ely or Nora STAR SIGN : Scorpio HEIGHT : 5'2" TIME RIGHT NOW :  16:17 FAVORITE MUSIC ARTIST : I don't really know, tbh. Maybe Kurt Cobain or Nicole Dollangaenger SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD : Let's talk about your hair - Have Mercy LAST MOVIE WATCHED :  Bran Stoker's Dracula LAST TV SHOW WATCHED : Silicon Valley WHEN DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG : in june I think WHAT KIND OF STUFF DO YOU POST : fandom stuff, everything I like and reblog DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOG : Nope WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL:  I find shooting stars poetic. HOGWARTS HOUSE : Ravenclaw POKEMON TEAM : I'm not really into Pokemon FAVORITE COLOR : dark green, I think. But I also love yellow. AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP : 5-6 hours LUCKY NUMBER :  8 HOW MANY BLANKETS DO YOU SLEEP WITH : 3 DREAM JOB : I would like to be a psychiatrist but I really don't have the brain for that. FOLLOWING : Too much people FOLLOWERS :  46 TAGGING: @a-h-s-imagines @i-just-wanna-ahs-okay @alius-alia and everyone else who wants to do this ^^
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privilege-archives · 8 years
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❖ FULL NAME: Brianna Nicole Berry. ❖ PRONOUNS: She/Her. ❖ AGE: 22. (December 18th). ❖ BIRTH ORDER: First. Quint. ❖ GRADE: Junior. ❖ MAJOR: Criminal Justice. ❖ SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual. ❖ ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic. ❖ FACECLAIM: Lea Michele.
Brianna was the first born to this crazy family that she loved, and being the first born meant she took the blame for her sisters when they messed up. Not that she mind it really, she would have done anything for them. And seeing as they had no real motherly figure in their life, meant that she took on the role as the ‘mom’ of her sisters. She would always try to keep them in line if they got too crazy, luckily for her those moments were few and far between.Their fathers had raised them to had good manners and treat people respectfully, which for the most part, the Berry girls were great at doing. Unless it was necessary to be other then respectful.
Growing up with famous fathers never bothered Brianna like it did with some of her siblings. She didn’t care about paparazzi, she just made sure to wear a killer outfit every time she walked out of their house. She wasn’t phased by any of it. However, she did get treated differently in school because of it. And for that reason alone, she never had many true friends. She only hung out with a group of about four or five girls, that she is still friends with. Brianna didn’t trust many people beside the ones that proved they liked her for her and not her parents money and fame. It was a hard life of a teenager, but she managed through somehow.
In the end of her Junior year in High school, the girl started to rebel a little bit. Bri had been stressed from trying to keep her sisters all right, and her grades up, and she just wanted to have a little fun. Was that so much to ask for? She was the girl that would sneak out to go see a boy, or go to a party and sneak back into her room at four in the morning. She got her bellybutton pierced without her dads’ knowing, how she got around cameras with that one, she still doesn’t know. But it was only a few months or fun, before she got her life back on track and focused on her upcoming senior year. She didn’t want to ruin her chances of leaving that godforsaken high school.
When her and her sisters graduated, it seemed like all of them knew what they wanted to do with their life. They each had their things, and she was happy for all of them. But she was struggling with what to major in, Brianna never really had a ‘thing’ of her own. She was a little envious of her sisters for having it seem like they had it all figured out. Maybe they didn’t, but to her it seemed like it. For Freshman year, she bounced from class to class trying to find the perfect major for her. But nothing was calling to her. Until she said, screw it, and took a few Law classes. She wasn’t in love with the classes the first day or two, but she slowly started realizing that she was good at figuring out cases. And that she actually enjoyed it. Which is all she wanted, a career she would enjoy! While some cases were boring and totally not worth her time, there were others that made her sit on the edge of her seat. The more she got involved, the more she saw being a lawyer was in her future.
Brianna stands at 5'2’’ and has medium length, dark brown hair that she wears straight most days. She has a few small tattoos, that are easily hidden away, and a couple piercings on her ears, bully button, and her nose. She typically dresses in jeans and loose, comfortable t-shirts or in a pencil skirt and blouse. Just depending on the day, but she’s nothing with out her favorite pair of black stilettos. Brianna never goes anywhere without them. She doesn’t wear very much makeup, except her signature winged eyeliner and mascara.
The Berry family have had their name in lights for as long as anyone could possibly remember. Cynthia Franklin, the Berry’s grandmother, was a legend in the acting industry. She was devoted to the screen, and worked under names like Alfred Hitchcock and Frank Capra. She was also notably known for her many love affairs on the sets of her feature films; her most significant being with Gerald Berry, a up and coming screenwriter. They were married not long after they met, and ended up spending a beautiful life together. They had a son - Hiram - and he spent most of his childhood living in hotel rooms and spending summer days in trailers and in studio sets. A Hollywood career was set in stone for him, but he gravitated towards being behind the scenes. Leroy Berry (nee. Washington) is a notable fashion designer who is based LA and mostly known for his styles of wedding dresses. Their biological mother, Shelby Corcoran, is a model that worked with Leroy in the beginning of his career and volunteered to be their surrogate.
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I was tagged by @laetabilis-letabilis
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nickname(s): James, Jaime, Jamester, Jim-Jam
Starsign: Scorpio
Height: 5'2
Last thing i googled: something about animation for my Animation class
Fave music artist: ooooh gosh, hehe, umm... Britt Nicole, Lindsey Stirling, Pentatonix, Breaking Benjamin, Taylor Swift, Disturbed, Five Finger Death Punch, pretty much all of Night Vale’s Weather 
Song stuck in my head: I’ve been humming “Frosty the Snowman” occasionally for some godly unknown reason
Last movie i watched: The Little Prince
Last tv show i watched: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
When did you create your blog?: dear god I have no idea. This one... maybe last year, I believe?
What kind of stuff do i post?: writing resources, art tutorials, references for my writing, love quotes/poetry, things that have to do with writing, stuff that inspires me, songs, ficlets and chapters for my novel
Do i have any other blogs: my personal is @tryingnormal
Do i get asks regularly: I wish! It would be totally awesome to see my blog get out there more! haha
Why did i chose my url: it pertains to the novel series I’m writing
Gender: male
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Pokemon team: blue
Favourite color: blue, orange
Average hours of sleep: depends on my college schedule
Lucky number: 4
Favourite characters: Harry Potter, the Avengers, HAWKEYE, Doctor Strange, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Percy Jackson, CECIL PALMER, Deadpool, Peter Parker/Spiderman, Peter Pan, Cinderella, Merida, Tiana, Rapunzel and Eugene, Anna and Elsa and Olaf and Kristoff, Wall-E and EVE, basially all the Yuuri On Ice characters, the Bob’s Burgers Peeps, LOUISE BELCHER, Regular-Sized Rudy, JR Ward’s “Black Dagger Brotherhood”
How many blankets do i sleep with: well, a sheet under a light comforter and then i have another blanket off to the side in case i get cold, haha
Dream job: preschool teacher, parent
Following: 16 on this blog (though I’d really like to get more)
I tag: @mooglekingdom13, @dragonslairfilledwithapples25, @silverink58, @nessaandoliver, @inkskinned, @writing-prompt-s, @bookloveranddesigner, @theblueeyedeagle, @acupofcherrycoffee, @thelandofmerusia, @c-concupiscent, @camtosh, @spaghetti--warrior, @thesecretsthewriterkeeps, @fathergangstereo, @writing-the-words, annnnnd I think that’s it for now, haha, I don’t really know anymore people to tag...
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staycutedodie-blog · 8 years
Random Questions w/ Answers -stolen-
1. Any scars? Yeh one from a dog, and one from tripping 2. Self harmed? No 3. Crush? Ye, two 4. Kissed anyone? Not romantically 5. Coke or Pepsi? Coke 6. Someone you dislike? Like no one. Except for Trump and Nicole Arbour. Why am I capitalizing their names??? 7. Best friends? Ryland 8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs? Nope 9. What's your dream job? YouTube or singer 10. Ever been in love? No 11. Last time you cried? Like today 12. Favorite color? Yellow 13. Height? Like 5'2 or 5'3 14. Birthday? January 7th 15. Eye color? Blue 16. Hair color? Blonde 17. What do you love? Many things 18. Obsession? Many things 19. If you had one wish, what would it be? A great world with great people 20. Do you love someone? Not romantically 21. Kiss or hug? Depends 22. Nicknames people call you? Cats or cheese 23. Favorite song? Run and Hide by Sabrina Carpenter 24. Favorite band? P!atd, tøp, or Fifth Harmony 25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you? I don't know 26. Best thing that has ever happened to you? I also don't know 27. Something you would change about yourself? A lot 28. Ever dated someone? Nope 29. Worst mistake? Uhh? Idk 30. Ever had a heartbreak? No 31. Favorite show? New Girl? 32. Best day of your life? Meeting Dan and Phil or going to Sabrina's concert, idk 33. Any talents? Eh 34. Do you wish you could ever start over? Yes 35. Any bad habits? Biting my nails but I've got a lot better at it 36. Ever had a near death experience? Not really 37. Someone you can tell anything to? Idk 38. Ever lost a loved one? Not really 39. Do you believe in love? SINCE WHEN IS THIS A QUESTION JESUS OF COURSE I DO 40. Someone you dislike? I've already said this??? 41. Are you okay? Y eh 42. Relationship status? Single and not ready to mingle 43. Watch the movie or read the book? Read the book I tag @planetsjpg
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ojerasgigantes · 6 years
No one asked but
I was looking through my tags and found this "about me meme" I filled in 2015 and thought it would be interesting to fill it again to compare the answers. I was 18 and now I'm 21 and alot has happened since. Also I recommend you all to do this too, search for your old "tag memes" and fill them again. I'm gonna cross the old answers. Anyway, here we go:
- Last drink: Lemonade Coffee, black
- Last phone call: my little sister She's my last phone call again
- Last text message: my theatre group chat (I left that group lol) a reddit shitposting grouo chat
- Last time you cried: when I recieved my cancellation letter from UBC (still bitter about that) yesterday because of anxiety
- Dated someone twice: no still the same
- Been cheated on: no still the same
- Kissed someone and regretted it: yes still the same
- Lost someone special: yes I got him back and he forgave me
- Been depressed: yes still the same
- Been drunk and thrown up: no yes, do not recommend
- List three favourite colours: blue, apple green, brown just blue now
- Made a new friend: yes yes too
- Fallen out of love: no working on it please god
- Laughed until you cried: yes! Yesterday I did that
- Met someone who changed you: not really nope
- How many people on your FB friends do you know in real life: all of them I have 3 online friends on there now
- Do you own any pets: yep, a dog we had to put him down last year and I miss him so much
- Do you want to change your name: Its too common for my liking I still don't like it
- What did you do for your last birthday: went to chili's with some friends I went to a club with some friends (shocking I know)
- What time did you have to wake up today: 10:00 I didn't need to wake up at any time but woke up at 6am ish
- What were you doing last night at midnight: watching youtube vids watching reruns of old Spongebob Episodes
- Name something you CANNOT wait for: Capitan America: Civil War Death Stranding, Avengers: Infinity War II, being able to buy House of Leaves (still a fckn nerd apparently)
- Last time you saw your mother: rn an hour ago at breakfast
- What are you listening to rn: the tv I'm not In love - 10cc
- Have you ever talked to a person called Tom: yep this answer still hasn't changed, my uncles name is Tom
- What’s getting on your nerves rn: the weather, we are supposedly in winter but we are at 76 F I'm on a trip with my family and I missed 4 days of classes and I have so much to do
- Blood type: I have no idea still have no idea
- Nickname: don't have one some of my friends call me "polla (poh·yah)" or "nico (ni·ko)" but I still preffer being called Nicole
- Relationship Status: single and not ready to mingle I'm still single af
- Zodiac Sign: pisces fun stuff but I no longer believe in this pseudo science stuff :L
- Favorite TV show: Hannibal (why did they cancel it) this hasn't changed but I'm gonna add Mindhunter, Devilman CB and Parks and Rec
- High School: Altair why would this change?
- College: UL still in the same school, probs graduating in a million years
- Hair color: brown never dyed it don't think I'll ever will
- Long or short: long It's shorter now
- Height: 5'2" cm (pretty short) I grew an inch or was wrongly heighted bc now I'm 5'3"
- Do you have a crush on someone: nope slowly getting rid of it
- What do you like about yourself: idk (working on my self-esteem) physically; my eyebrows, lashes and button nose. Others: my patience and writing skills
- Tattoos: no still none
- Righty or Lefty: righty why would this change?
- First surgery: coarctation of aorta (I was 5 months) this still hasn't changed
- First best friend: my twin sister if I don't count her it would probs be a girl from kinder called Sam and a boy from 2nd grade called Renato
- First sport you joined: ballet I think I was wrong with this one but it mashes together with two others; swimming and gymnastics
- First vacation: Disney World still hasn't changed
- Eating: nothing same
- Drinking: nothing same
- About to do: watch a soccer match between Chile and Peru Go to the plaza of the place I'm staying and do some sightseeing
- Listening to: Nothing Passion Fruit - Drake
- Wanting: for Peru to win the match actually to pee
- Kids: yep NOPE, if I ever decide to have kids I would have one or adopt
- Career: writer/psychologyst/journalist well, I took a photography course and plan to take another, I'm working on my novel, and I'm a Psych major :D
- Lips or eyes: eyes yep
- Hugs or kisses: hugs yep
- Shorter or taller: taller I'm so fckn short it's honestly the only option
- Older or younger: same age or older I have a thing for older dudes
- Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous I still hate romantic shit
- Nose, stomach or nice arms: nose bITCH who the fuck was I lying to? I have an arm and back kink probably
- Sensitive or loud: sensitive meh
- Hookup or Relationship: relationship still
- Trouble Maker or hesitant: hesitant neither
- Kissed a stranger: no yep, my first kiss was with a stranger
- Drank a hard liquor: no YEP
- Lost glasses / contacts: yep always
- Sex on first date: no still a nono
- Broken someones heart: yes I hate that I did this to someone
- Been arrested: no not really
- Turned someone down: yes still hasn't changed
- Cried when someone died: no one close to me has died fortunately well my dog died last year and my uncle died 2 months ago and I cried at both so
- Fallen for a friend: no yes, fuck working on getting over it
- In yourself: not really still haven't changed
- Miracles: no miracles don't exist
- Love at first sight: no nope
- Heaven/Hell: idk i don't really believe in life after life
- Santa Claus: no no lol, wish he was real though
- Kiss at first date: sure why not
There, I tag everyone so go ahead and do it
0 notes
yoursportsgeo-blog · 7 years
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How to choose your Cricket Bat?
Cricket is a very technical sport with almost all products having lot of technical details. Cricket bat is the most technical product in game of cricket and is a must product to play cricket. Cricket Bat is fundamental to the game of cricket. Good cricket bats are generally expensive. It is majorly found that large proportion of players, mainly amateurs and children, are playing with the wrong size and/or weight cricket bat to the detriment of their game.
Choosing a perfect cricket bat is more difficult than you think. Almost every bat looks the same which makes it even tougher. Selection of a wrong size/ weight bat will reduce your level of performance.
The following steps will help you to find the best suitable bat for you.
Choose your Bat Willow:
This is one of the most important thing to choose. Cricket bats are carved from willow, which is a naturally fibrous wood. Each cricket bat manufacturer seeks to select the best woods for their products to ensure high standards and overall product quality. The two types of willow used for bat making are English Willow and Kashmir Willow.
English Willow is a soft, fibrous timber which is a preferred choice for the majority of bat manufacturers due to its high performance effect when striking the ball. Regardless of type, willow gets damaged and is prone to breakages over time. The cricket bat can become scarred, bruised and dented due to the nature of the game and the frequent high intense impacts of the ball hitting the cricket bat. On the other hand, Kashmir Willow comes from India. This is largely utilised by cricket bat manufacturers as a substitute for English Willow. The Kashmir willow is regarded as a harder wood and in comparison to English willow and does not have the same performance effect i.e. a player will not experience the same "sweet spot" when striking the ball as in English Willow. Kashmir willow will only be used for lower range and priced cricket bats. It is unlikely that a regular adult player, playing at a reasonable standard would choose to use a Kashmir willow cricket bat.
Some cricket bat manufacturers insert additional carbon fibre into the handle of the cricket bat to make the bat feel lighter in the hands. The insertion of carbon fibre also allows more power to be generated in shots and increases the shock absorption in the handle from high impact balls. Due to recent technological advancements and innovations, this material is can be inserted into the handle of cricket bats to add reinforcement and provide more power in the hitting zone.
Covered vs Uncovered Face:
The uncovered face means that the grains of the cricket bat are visible, whereas the covered face means that the blade of the bat is not immediately visible though you may be able to see the blade through transparent protective coating. Each of the above will appear differently on cricket bats, but most importantly of all, you should note that the bat's performance will not be hindered. Protective coating such as anti-scuff is applied in order to add maximise protection to the face of the cricket bat. This should prevent additional moisture being absorbed into the wood, as well as to help bind surface cracks together.
Number of Grains:
Number of grains on a cricket bat is something that varies from individual to individual. The number of grains will often differ from bat to bat. A cricket bat between 6 and 12 grains is a good indicator of quality willow. Cricket bats with 6 grains are likely to be slightly softer than 10~12 grains and therefore take longer to knock-in and reach optimal performance initially. However, please note there are some extremely good premium range bats with lower grains.
Willow Grade & Appearance:
Cricket bat prices vary significantly. In all experience, we do feel that cosmetic appearance has little correlation with bat performance. It is felt that thin grain bats are the best performing bats but that is not necessarily the case and they can tend to break more quickly. Whereas wider grained bats can perform just as well although they are slightly harder to start with, after playing in they were stronger pieces of willow.
The number of grains in a bat is a much debated issue (a grain is regarded as a year in the life of a tree) and there was a school of thought that 8 straight grains on the face produced the perfect bat. However, over the years, willow has changed and the ever increasing demand for willow has created a scenario where trees reach maturity more quickly. This means there are fewer/ wider grains, consequently the definition of grading and grains in a bat have evolved over the years. In conclusion, the most important factor when choosing your bat is to ensure that it is the one that feels right for you. In order to maximise your performance it is important to consider what you want from your bat and how you play the game as the game of Cricket is all about timing.
English Willow Bats are divided into following grades:
1.  Grade 1+ [A]: The most expensive willow and arguably the best looking blade. It is a highest quality of English willow and mainly used for the player’s bats by the manufacturer. These days, it is increasingly being rolled-out to top end bats for the public. The grains are straight and even, the wood unbleached and there should be minimal to no marking or discoloration on the bat face. There may be some red wood evident on the blade and generally there will be at least 6 fairly straight grains visible on the face.
 2. Grade 1 - G1 [A]: It is a top quality English Willow. Good straight grain structure and unbleached with minimal marking or discoloration in the face.
 3  Grade 2 - G2 [B]: It is an excellent quality blade but usually more red wood may be visible than on a grade 1 which does not affect the playability of the bat. Similar number of grains to a grade 1 with potentially the odd blemish or butterfly in the grain on the face. It is an unbleached English Willow with some irregular grain patterns and some blemishes/ coloring across the blade.
 4.  Grade 3 - G3 [C]: The most extensively used grade of blade which offers excellent value for money. A grade 3 blade may have up to half the face in a tint/red wood colour but this does not affect playability. This grade will have around 5 grains on the face that may not be that straight and there is likely to be some specks or butterfly marks on the grains on the face of the bat. It is a usually unbleached English Willow with irregular grain pattern and some marking and discoloration in the blade.
 5.   Grade 4 - G4: It is an English Willow usually bleached and often non-oiled with a covering to the face of the bat. Usually over half of the blade may have a discoloured area but the product playability should not be affected. There are often only 4 grains and there are more butterfly stains and marks on the face of the bat.
 6  Grade 4 – G5: This grade is produced during production process and is basically similar to a grade 4 but may have more stain in the wood so cosmetically will not look as good.
Shape, Size & Bow of the Bat:
It is often claimed that bats are specifically designed for either front or back foot play.  In reality, we all have to play on both front and back foot, so it is therefore best to choose the bat that just feels right for you. As all players differ in the way they play and hit the ball in slightly different areas of the bat. Whilst it is impossible to cater for every impact area if you choose a bat whereby the wood is focused on your normal impact position, then this gives a better chance of finding the bat that will be right for you.
This varies from individual to individual as some players prefer bats with a large bow whereas others don't. Professional players mainly prefer larger bow with thick edges to better meet the rigors of the modern game. Same is being reflected in the designs available to the general public by the manufacturers these days. The size of the bow can have an impact on the pick-up of the cricket bat and an increased bow can often result in the cricket bat having a heavier pick up. Some bows are higher or lower down the bat depending on batsmen's hitting style, or to reflect the pitches which you play on. A low bouncing wicket may requires a lower bow compared to the dry climate and bouncy pitches.
You can choose your Bat size as per following Size chart:
Cricket Bat Size  Chart
Bat Size
Approx. Age
Height of Batsmen  (feet)
Bat Length (inches)
Bat Width (inches)
to 4'3"
25 3/4"
3 1/2"
4'3" -  4'6"
27 3/4"
3 1/2"
4'6" -  4'9"
28 3/4"
3 3/4"
4'9" -  4'11"
29 3/4"
3 3/4"
4'11" -  5'2"
30 3/4"
5'2" -  5'6"
31 3/4"
5'6" -  5'9"
32 3/4"
4 1/6"
Full SH
5'9" -  6'2"
33 1/2
4 1/4"
Full LH
over 6'2"
34 3/8"
  Edge Profile:
Big edge profile which increases from the shoulders and maximises at the sweet spot, generates supreme balance with an extended sweet spot that covers the entire width of the blade. This varies from individual to individual choice.
Choose you Brand:
There are many brands available in market these days but very few brands make most reliable Cricket bats. Some of the most reliable Cricket bat manufacturers worldwide are SS, SG, Kookaburra, GM, Gray Nicolls, Indian Tigers, BDM etc.
Good Cricket bat is a combination of batsman’s taste and the skill of a bat manufacturer. The bat is made of wood, which is a natural product. There has to be some small knots or spots on the bat. So the bat must always be chosen on the basis of the feel and not looks. A great cricket bat is not going to make you a great batsman but it’s the only tool you have to prove your talent and skills. The correct bat will help you to become as good batsman.
Toe Guard:
The toe of the bat is not as strong as its middle and is vulnerable to breakages die to less amount of wood there. It can be prevented through fitting a toe guard. Premium range cricket bats comes with a toe guard already fitted. Cricket bat is normally designed to strike the ball 6-8 inches up from the toe, in the centre of the blade. When batsmen faces Yorker deliveries at the toe end, the impact of a moving bat meeting the speed of the ball can be very high, thereby causing the wood to dent or split. As a result it would be advisable to fit a toe guard to reduce the risk of breakage.
Natural Finish:
This means bat with uncovered face, with the willow not covered by an anti-scruff cover or face tape. Most all top-end bats offer this natural, traditional finish. Some of the lower grades of willow maybe bleached to artificially replicate the colour of high-quality willow.
Pick-Up of Bat:
While choosing your bat, position yourself in your normal stance as you would stand at the crease. Simply pick the cricket bat up as you would as if the bowler was about to deliver the ball. When you pick the cricket bat up, note how the bat feels in your hands, i.e. is it light or heavy? Where is the balance of the bow? Is it a lower middle or a higher middle? More generally can you hold the cricket bat in one hand, when stretched out in front of you?
When trying out cricket bats, it is advisable for you to wear a pair of batting gloves. That way you gain a reliable insight into how the cricket bat actually feels in your hands. It is also advisable for you to practice some shots without a ball, to see if you can use the bat effectively.
Weight of Bat:
This is the essential part of buying a bat and there is lot of discussion these days about heavier vs lighter bats. The heavier bats are durable and provide more power to the shots. A lighter bat will allow you to play all the shots with faster bat speed and better control.
If you choose a lighter bat then you will most likely have to compromise slightly on the thickness of the profile and edge profile but this should not be a problem. We strongly believe that, in order to get the best performance out of a bat the most essential element is to choose the right weight for you, this will really help you to time the ball better and ultimately make more runs.
If a 2lb 9oz and a 2lb 10oz bats are placed in front of the player, it is unlikely that he/ she would be able to tell the difference. We feel pick-up is more important than dead weight as pick-up determines how the bat will feel in play. Nobody will be able to tell you what the right pick up is for you, or the exact weight you should use, infact it is a question of what feels right for you.
English Willow Bats are lighter than Kashmir Willow. So, you should select your bat according to its feel and pickup. Sometimes heavy bats feel lighter due to smart bat making technique.
Short or Long Handle:
It is strongly advised for players to choose a short handled cricket bat for increased control. However if you are tall, i.e. above 6 foot 2 inches it might be advisable for you to select a long handled cricket bat, they are however, much less readily available due to very less demand. Infact, many tall players are also opting for Short Handles.
Handle Type (Round or Oval):
 Generally, a good bat handle absorb the shock created from the ball. Oval shape in the lower handle provides strength to its structure. It improves the pickup of the bat. It also provides players a better directional feel. But it is difficult to grip oval handle bat too hard. As a result the top hand controls the shot. So we recommend the technical batsmen should go for oval handled bat. Round handle provide more control to the bottom hand. Thus hard hitting batsmen must choose round handled bats. You can select the length of your handle as per your comfort level.
  Number of Grips:   No two hands are same, so batsman’s hands affect the design of handle. If a batsman has small hands, he should go for a thinner handle. This can be managed by applying extra rubber grips. The grips help you to get the actual width and feel of the handle you want. Many players like to have two grips. It provides lighter pickup and improved bat speed. But it also adds some extra weight to the bat. Choose number of grips on the basis of your feel of the bat.
 Purchasing Decisions:
You must also consider the following points prior to purchasing your new Cricket bat:
1.       Budget: You must analyze as how much you want to spend on your cricket bat? This is a most important point to consider when selecting your cricket bat. If you have no budget constraints then you can target the Players’, Limited edition, and top end senior range bats.
 2.       Which Cricket bat have you used before: Are you happy with your previous Cricket bat or the brand in terms of quality, personal performance and overall satisfaction? If you are satisfied then you should consider purchasing a cricket bat from the same bat manufacturer/ brand.
 3.       Growth as a Player: If you are a child looking to purchase a cricket bat or are buying a bat for a child, it would be worth considering his/ her growth. When your child is growing quickly, particularly during his/her early teens, selecting a cricket bat is a whole lot harder. If this is the case, it would be advisable not to spend large amounts of money on a top end cricket bat that could potentially only be used for half a season.
 4.       Seriousness as a Cricket player: The level you are playing determines how frequent you will be using your cricket bat. If you are playing at a high level, you will probably be playing multiple times a week against high quality quick bowling. Therefore you requires a high quality Cricket bat.
0 notes
hbpersonaltrainer · 7 years
Quick Stats:
Weight: 116lbs (53kg)
Height: 5'2" (157cm)
Age: 25
How did you get started?
Before I fully committed to the fitness lifestyle, I lived a pretty ‘typical’ life as an active female. I was always athletic and I would go to the gym or for runs, just to go, but I never really pushed myself. I was always conscious of my diet and I would ‘try’. But I often ate for the sake of convenience and I ate what was available to me when on the ‘go’. 
“I pretty much just went through the motions and I had no real sense of direction or a routine to follow.”
Continues on page 2…
What was your low point or turning point?
I got a lot of inspiration from other female athletes and one day it just ‘clicked’ for me. I can’t say that there was one defining moment or a ‘low point’, but after learning and being inspired by strong, beautiful women like Nicole Wilkins and Swann De La Rosa, I aspired to be like them. I made the decision that I no longer wanted to be ‘average’.
“So, I finally made the necessary lifestyle changes suitable for my goals and the rest is history!”
How did you feel when you first started training?
I ran track from middle school through college, so that was the sort of training I was accustomed to. I would weight train, but I was mainly focused on the running. So, when my track career ended and I got into the gym, it was mostly a learning experience. I learned about things like workout splits, diet, correct form and adapting to a variety of types of training that I was not used to.
“It was a learning experience that opened up a whole new world of possibilities to me.”
What is your life like now that you’ve made a transformation?
I am so happy to have gotten into bodybuilding and the fitness industry and I love this lifestyle so much! It’s an amazing feeling to be so committed to something and to always keep pushing forward. It’s also really awesome to get the recognition from other’s who compliment me on my physique and all of the hard work that I put into it. On the other hand, the attention on social media is something that I am not used to yet. I get so much positivity from men and women every day and that motivates me so much. But, once in a while, there are the negative comments like, “are you even a woman?”
“Is that a boy or a girl?” Or “why are your arms so big if you’re a female?” I will admit sometimes it’s hurtful and I can’t pretend it doesn’t bug me here and there; I am only human!”
What motivates you to keep going and push harder?
I am always motivated by something new, one day it can be someone’s kind words, the next day it could be seeing a girl’s physique on Instagram who inspires me and sometimes I just motivate myself just by seeing how far I’ve really come. I think it’s very important to look back and remember why I started. Another motivator for me is when I get questions from people online or at my gym. 
“When people reach out to me it keeps me sharp and motivates me; I just love answering people’s questions to the best of my ability.”
What is your next goal? Where do you see yourself this time next year?
I have a log that I keep in my phone and it’s full of ‘short term’ goals. As far as a long term goals, I plan on competing in a national level show next summer. My ultimate goal is to earn an IFBB pro card.
“By this time next year, I see myself continuing to make improvements to my own physique and I plan to continue to help and inspire others!”
What is your current training philosophy?
My current training philosophy is based on a quote that I heard from professional MMA fighter, Conor McGregor. “There’s no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist; we are all equals as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top and that’s that. I am not talented, I am obsessed.” In order to be successful, you simply have to put in the work, day in and day out. For my current routine below, I always do 2-4 warm up sets per body part.
Full Routine:
Monday: Chest/Triceps
Flat Bench Press 4 x 8-12
Incline Dumbbell Press 4 x 15/12/10/8
Cable Crossovers 4 x 15 (high/middle/low)
Pec Dec Fly’s 4 x 10-15
Rope Cable Pushdowns 4 x 15/12/10/8
Rope Overhead Extensions 7 x 10-15 (FST7 workout)
Dips 3 x Failure
Single Arm Pulldowns 3 x 10-15
Dumbbell Kickbacks 4 x 12-15
Tuesday: Shoulders/Abs/Cardio
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 x 15/12/10/8
Single Arm Lateral Raises 4 x 12-15
Plated Front Raises 3 x Failure
Rear Delt Pec Dec Fly’s 4 x 15/12/10/8
Dumbbell Lateral Raises 4 x 10-15 (Superset)
Dumbbell Front Raises
Hanging Leg Raises 4 x Failure
Cable Rope Crunches 4 x 15-20
Ab Wheel 4 x 15-20
30 minutes Stepmill (30 seconds work/30 seconds rest)
Wednesday: Glute/Hamstrings
Bridges 4 x 15
Cable Kickbacks 4 x 12-15
Seated Leg Curl 4 x 12-15 (Drop Set)
Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats 4 x 12-15 (per leg)
Machine Kickbacks 3 sets 12-15 (per leg)
Stiff Legged Deadlifts 4 x 8-12
Lying Leg Curls 4 x 12-15
Thursday: Back/Biceps/Cardio
Wide Grip Pulldowns 4 x 15/12/10/8 (Drop Set)
Bent- Over Barbell Rows 4 x 8-12
Pull Ups 4 x Failure
V- Bar Pulldowns 4 x 12-15
Seated Rows 4 x 12-15
Rack Pulls 4 x 8-12
One Arm Dumbbell Rows 3 x 8-12
30 minutes Sprint Intervals Treadmill (1 minute on/30 seconds off)
Friday: Shoulders/Abs
Seated Barbell Overhead Press 4 x 8-12
Cable Lateral Raises 4 x 12-15 (per arm)
High Cable Rope Pulls 4 x 12-15
Dumbbell Front Raises 4 x 10-15
Dumbbell Rear Delt Rows 4 x 12-15
Hanging Leg Raises 4 x Failure
Cable Rope Crunches 4 x 15-20
Ab Rollouts 4 x 15-20 reps
Saturday: Active Rest
30-35 minutes Light Cardio/Abs
Sunday: Legs (Quad Focused)
Narrow Stance Squats 4 x 8-12
Leg Extensions 4 x 15 (Superset)
Dumbbell Goblet Squats 4 x 15
Barbell Walking Lunges 4 x each leg
Front Squats 4 x 8-12
Narrow Stance Leg Press 4 x 8-12 
What is your secret to your incredible leg and glute development?
Being a runner I feel it has given me a little edge in the leg/glute department, but I do train my legs twice a week to ensure that I am maintaining my proportions between my quads and hamstrings/glutes. I tend to be quad dominant, so I have to work extra hard on my hamstrings. I split my leg days into a quad focused day and a glute/hamstring focused day. Sometimes if my split allows, later in the week, I will add in an extra hamstring day. 
“I feel it is super important to focus on the squeeze and I love challenging myself with each exercise.”
What is your approach to nutrition?
As far as nutrition is concerned, I think it’s really important to listen to your own body. So many people have this mindset that dieting is supposed to be awful, but that doesn’t have to be the case! Of course, I try to eat clean most of the time, but there are some foods that are considered ‘clean eating’ staples that just do not work for me. I feel it’s necessary to try different foods and find out what works best for each individual.
“I feel it’s crucial for me to consume high quality proteins, complex carbohydrates and a variety of healthy fats into my daily diet. I also like to be really creative and try new things.”
Do you bulk and cut or stay lean year round?
I naturally stay pretty lean, but right now I am doing what I guess you could call a ‘clean bulk’. Currently, I am putting on muscle and eating in a caloric surplus, which will allow me to bring up my weak points when I prep for my next competition. I’m still doing cardio 3-4 days a week for cardiovascular health; it also helps me to maintain a healthy body fat percentage.
Typical Daily Diet:
Meal 1: 1 Egg Yolk, 4 Egg Whites , 1 cup Oats, 2 Slices Ezekiel Bread or 1 Multi-Grain English Muffin
Meal 2: 4-6 ounces Chicken and 5 ounces Mixed Green Vegetables
Meal 3: 1 ½ scoops Protein and 1 tablespoon Natural Peanut Butter mixed in Water
Meal 4: 5 ounces White Fish and 5 ounces Mixed Green Vegetables
Meal 5: (Pre Workout) 4-6 ounces Chicken, 1 cup Brown Rice or 1 Sweet Potato
Meal 6: (Post Workout) 4-6 ounces Red Meat and 5 ounces Mixed Green Vegetables
What’s the one food you couldn’t live without? And as it gets closer to a competition how do you handle cravings?
One food I could not live without is my mother’s homemade macaroni and cheese; it’s unreal! I do not live near my parents, so usually when I go for a visit she makes it for me, unless I’m prepping for a show, of course! (Laughs) As a competition gets closer, I find dealing with cravings has to do with my mindset. Overtime with competing, I have developed a strong willpower and I am able to resist things like donuts, pizza, pasta, etc. I’ve come to realize that those foods serve no purpose in achieving my goals. My fiancé and I usually cut things out little by little before we start a prep, so that the transition is a little bit easier on the both of us.
“Luckily, I do not have much of a sweet tooth, so avoiding ice cream and cookies is fairly easy for me.”
What does your supplementation look like?
Pre Workout Stimulant
B6 and B12
Fish Oil
What are your best 3 tips for someone looking to reach their goal physique?
Passion; because you have to love it!
What are your hobbies and interests outside of the gym?
I love to run; running clears my mind, de-stresses me and puts me in a great mood. I really love reading, spending time with my fiancé and our puppy named Riggins.
“I also enjoy visiting my family and binging on Netflix shows for way too long in the evening! ”
Favorite Quote:
“You don’t set out to build a wall. You don’t say, I’m going to build the biggest baddest, greatest wall that’s ever been built. You don’t start there. You say, ‘I’m going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid. You do that every single day. And soon you have a wall.” – Will Smith
Source: http://ift.tt/17Xv2wG
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gymgurusuniverse · 7 years
Quick Stats:
Weight: 116lbs (53kg)
Height: 5'2" (157cm)
Age: 25
How did you get started?
Before I fully committed to the fitness lifestyle, I lived a pretty ‘typical’ life as an active female. I was always athletic and I would go to the gym or for runs, just to go, but I never really pushed myself. I was always conscious of my diet and I would ‘try’. But I often ate for the sake of convenience and I ate what was available to me when on the ‘go’. 
“I pretty much just went through the motions and I had no real sense of direction or a routine to follow.”
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What was your low point or turning point?
I got a lot of inspiration from other female athletes and one day it just ‘clicked’ for me. I can’t say that there was one defining moment or a ‘low point’, but after learning and being inspired by strong, beautiful women like Nicole Wilkins and Swann De La Rosa, I aspired to be like them. I made the decision that I no longer wanted to be ‘average’.
“So, I finally made the necessary lifestyle changes suitable for my goals and the rest is history!”
How did you feel when you first started training?
I ran track from middle school through college, so that was the sort of training I was accustomed to. I would weight train, but I was mainly focused on the running. So, when my track career ended and I got into the gym, it was mostly a learning experience. I learned about things like workout splits, diet, correct form and adapting to a variety of types of training that I was not used to.
“It was a learning experience that opened up a whole new world of possibilities to me.”
What is your life like now that you’ve made a transformation?
I am so happy to have gotten into bodybuilding and the fitness industry and I love this lifestyle so much! It’s an amazing feeling to be so committed to something and to always keep pushing forward. It’s also really awesome to get the recognition from other’s who compliment me on my physique and all of the hard work that I put into it. On the other hand, the attention on social media is something that I am not used to yet. I get so much positivity from men and women every day and that motivates me so much. But, once in a while, there are the negative comments like, “are you even a woman?”
“Is that a boy or a girl?” Or “why are your arms so big if you’re a female?” I will admit sometimes it’s hurtful and I can’t pretend it doesn’t bug me here and there; I am only human!”
What motivates you to keep going and push harder?
I am always motivated by something new, one day it can be someone’s kind words, the next day it could be seeing a girl’s physique on Instagram who inspires me and sometimes I just motivate myself just by seeing how far I’ve really come. I think it’s very important to look back and remember why I started. Another motivator for me is when I get questions from people online or at my gym. 
“When people reach out to me it keeps me sharp and motivates me; I just love answering people’s questions to the best of my ability.”
What is your next goal? Where do you see yourself this time next year?
I have a log that I keep in my phone and it’s full of ‘short term’ goals. As far as a long term goals, I plan on competing in a national level show next summer. My ultimate goal is to earn an IFBB pro card.
“By this time next year, I see myself continuing to make improvements to my own physique and I plan to continue to help and inspire others!”
What is your current training philosophy?
My current training philosophy is based on a quote that I heard from professional MMA fighter, Conor McGregor. “There’s no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist; we are all equals as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top and that’s that. I am not talented, I am obsessed.” In order to be successful, you simply have to put in the work, day in and day out. For my current routine below, I always do 2-4 warm up sets per body part.
Full Routine:
Monday: Chest/Triceps
Flat Bench Press 4 x 8-12
Incline Dumbbell Press 4 x 15/12/10/8
Cable Crossovers 4 x 15 (high/middle/low)
Pec Dec Fly’s 4 x 10-15
Rope Cable Pushdowns 4 x 15/12/10/8
Rope Overhead Extensions 7 x 10-15 (FST7 workout)
Dips 3 x Failure
Single Arm Pulldowns 3 x 10-15
Dumbbell Kickbacks 4 x 12-15
Tuesday: Shoulders/Abs/Cardio
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 x 15/12/10/8
Single Arm Lateral Raises 4 x 12-15
Plated Front Raises 3 x Failure
Rear Delt Pec Dec Fly’s 4 x 15/12/10/8
Dumbbell Lateral Raises 4 x 10-15 (Superset)
Dumbbell Front Raises
Hanging Leg Raises 4 x Failure
Cable Rope Crunches 4 x 15-20
Ab Wheel 4 x 15-20
30 minutes Stepmill (30 seconds work/30 seconds rest)
Wednesday: Glute/Hamstrings
Bridges 4 x 15
Cable Kickbacks 4 x 12-15
Seated Leg Curl 4 x 12-15 (Drop Set)
Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats 4 x 12-15 (per leg)
Machine Kickbacks 3 sets 12-15 (per leg)
Stiff Legged Deadlifts 4 x 8-12
Lying Leg Curls 4 x 12-15
Thursday: Back/Biceps/Cardio
Wide Grip Pulldowns 4 x 15/12/10/8 (Drop Set)
Bent- Over Barbell Rows 4 x 8-12
Pull Ups 4 x Failure
V- Bar Pulldowns 4 x 12-15
Seated Rows 4 x 12-15
Rack Pulls 4 x 8-12
One Arm Dumbbell Rows 3 x 8-12
30 minutes Sprint Intervals Treadmill (1 minute on/30 seconds off)
Friday: Shoulders/Abs
Seated Barbell Overhead Press 4 x 8-12
Cable Lateral Raises 4 x 12-15 (per arm)
High Cable Rope Pulls 4 x 12-15
Dumbbell Front Raises 4 x 10-15
Dumbbell Rear Delt Rows 4 x 12-15
Hanging Leg Raises 4 x Failure
Cable Rope Crunches 4 x 15-20
Ab Rollouts 4 x 15-20 reps
Saturday: Active Rest
30-35 minutes Light Cardio/Abs
Sunday: Legs (Quad Focused)
Narrow Stance Squats 4 x 8-12
Leg Extensions 4 x 15 (Superset)
Dumbbell Goblet Squats 4 x 15
Barbell Walking Lunges 4 x each leg
Front Squats 4 x 8-12
Narrow Stance Leg Press 4 x 8-12 
What is your secret to your incredible leg and glute development?
Being a runner I feel it has given me a little edge in the leg/glute department, but I do train my legs twice a week to ensure that I am maintaining my proportions between my quads and hamstrings/glutes. I tend to be quad dominant, so I have to work extra hard on my hamstrings. I split my leg days into a quad focused day and a glute/hamstring focused day. Sometimes if my split allows, later in the week, I will add in an extra hamstring day. 
“I feel it is super important to focus on the squeeze and I love challenging myself with each exercise.”
What is your approach to nutrition?
As far as nutrition is concerned, I think it’s really important to listen to your own body. So many people have this mindset that dieting is supposed to be awful, but that doesn’t have to be the case! Of course, I try to eat clean most of the time, but there are some foods that are considered ‘clean eating’ staples that just do not work for me. I feel it’s necessary to try different foods and find out what works best for each individual.
“I feel it’s crucial for me to consume high quality proteins, complex carbohydrates and a variety of healthy fats into my daily diet. I also like to be really creative and try new things.”
Do you bulk and cut or stay lean year round?
I naturally stay pretty lean, but right now I am doing what I guess you could call a ‘clean bulk’. Currently, I am putting on muscle and eating in a caloric surplus, which will allow me to bring up my weak points when I prep for my next competition. I’m still doing cardio 3-4 days a week for cardiovascular health; it also helps me to maintain a healthy body fat percentage.
Typical Daily Diet:
Meal 1: 1 Egg Yolk, 4 Egg Whites , 1 cup Oats, 2 Slices Ezekiel Bread or 1 Multi-Grain English Muffin
Meal 2: 4-6 ounces Chicken and 5 ounces Mixed Green Vegetables
Meal 3: 1 ½ scoops Protein and 1 tablespoon Natural Peanut Butter mixed in Water
Meal 4: 5 ounces White Fish and 5 ounces Mixed Green Vegetables
Meal 5: (Pre Workout) 4-6 ounces Chicken, 1 cup Brown Rice or 1 Sweet Potato
Meal 6: (Post Workout) 4-6 ounces Red Meat and 5 ounces Mixed Green Vegetables
What’s the one food you couldn’t live without? And as it gets closer to a competition how do you handle cravings?
One food I could not live without is my mother’s homemade macaroni and cheese; it’s unreal! I do not live near my parents, so usually when I go for a visit she makes it for me, unless I’m prepping for a show, of course! (Laughs) As a competition gets closer, I find dealing with cravings has to do with my mindset. Overtime with competing, I have developed a strong willpower and I am able to resist things like donuts, pizza, pasta, etc. I’ve come to realize that those foods serve no purpose in achieving my goals. My fiancé and I usually cut things out little by little before we start a prep, so that the transition is a little bit easier on the both of us.
“Luckily, I do not have much of a sweet tooth, so avoiding ice cream and cookies is fairly easy for me.”
What does your supplementation look like?
Pre Workout Stimulant
B6 and B12
Fish Oil
What are your best 3 tips for someone looking to reach their goal physique?
Passion; because you have to love it!
What are your hobbies and interests outside of the gym?
I love to run; running clears my mind, de-stresses me and puts me in a great mood. I really love reading, spending time with my fiancé and our puppy named Riggins.
“I also enjoy visiting my family and binging on Netflix shows for way too long in the evening! ”
Favorite Quote:
“You don’t set out to build a wall. You don’t say, I’m going to build the biggest baddest, greatest wall that’s ever been built. You don’t start there. You say, ‘I’m going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid. You do that every single day. And soon you have a wall.” – Will Smith
Source: http://ift.tt/17Xv2wG
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