#Nikki Ginny Lindsey lm3
thehyperrequiem · 4 months
What's your version of costumes for Halloween to 17 Boss Ghosts?
🛎️ Steward - Knight
🧹 Chambrea - Princess
🍩 Kruller - Teddy Bear
👨‍🍳 Chef Soulffle - Cupcake 🧁
🎹 Amadeus Wolfgeist - Phantom of the Opera
👑 King MacFrights - Dragon
🪴 Dr. Potter - Gnome
📽️ Morty - T-Rex
🦕 Ug - Saber Tooth Tiger
🔧 Clem - Duck
🐍 Serpci - Mummy Queen
🪄 Nikki, Lindsey, and Ginny - Bunny Rabbits
🦈 Captain Fishook - Pirate Ship
🏊‍♂️ Johnny Deepend - Super Macho Man (Punch-Out Reference)
🪩 DJ Phantasmagloria - Witch
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*crashes throught the wall*
ding dong i'm still alive
merry christmas 2022
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took me a week, lowkey proud of this one
hope you enjoy
luigi's mansion 3: Nintendo
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dooodle-bug · 2 years
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Drew the rest of the boss ghosts!! <3
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friendlyfatbee · 11 months
The triplets not being options in your hot or not poll is amazing. Thank you for not putting them in. Though, I must ask….Which triplet do you think is which? Like, who is Nikki, who is Lindsey, and who is Ginny?
Sorry about the very late response 🥲 but yes of course! They’re children (or present pretty much like children) and I have human decency lol
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As for who’s who, I’ve always considered Nikki to be the one with the single pigtail, Lindsey to be the one with the two long pigtails, and Ginny to be the one with two short pigtails and bangs!
I assumed the names were done by level of skill and power. In my eyes, Nikki is the most skilled with leadership AND magic, Ginny the least by summoning Luigi’s hat accidentally in a cutscene, and Lindsey inbetween. Lindsey reinforces her role as the one with long pigtails by arguing with Nikki in a cutscene (through one of the peakholes in the room you first enter from the elevator when entering the suite for the first time.) Nothing says competitive like the someone trying to challenge the leader’s position-
I’m actually kinda glad they all have their own personalities with the plentiful cutscenes that they get. Similar enough to not be too zany, but different enough to be disntinguishable! I can always go into each’s personalities another day of course!
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corzin443 · 2 years
Is anyone a fan of Luigi's Mansion 3? If so. You will like this. I hope it brings a smile to your face.
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darkdragontail · 2 years
I took some screenshots of some of these wholesome peeps.
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cheesebrackers · 2 years
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If you could, how would you redesign the triplets from Luigi’s Mansion 3?
If I was to redesign Nikki, Lindsey, and Ginny I would make them quite different to one another, to help with distinguishing them from one another.
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its pretty common for any triplets in media to have one that's playful, serious, and quiet, so i tried to incorporate that idea onto them.
I gave Nikki a bowtie and an open blazer to show that she isn't as serious as her other siblings. she gets to keep her original hairstyle. her eyebrows are also just similar to dots. i gave her a lot of funny clown feels. she's just a very silly person i think.
Lindsey is very professional with hardly anything changed from her original design. I gave her sharper features seen in her hair, eyebrows and lips. she also doesn't have her undershirt showing at the bottom of her blazer to give her a 'cleaner' look.
Ginny has changed a lot with a completely different hairstyle then her original. she lacks a bow but has a cape in the same colour to make up for it (maybe she hides in it or finds the weight comfortable?). her undershirt is also showing to demonstrate that she isn't extremely professional all the time, unlike Lindsey.
here's also another idea i had for Ginny's hair:
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Anyway that's all my ideas for a redesign! somewhere on their design there could be a letter indicating which is which but I could find a clear way to show that so maybe on their hats or something.
this was pretty fun to do so thank you for the ask!
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xfriki26 · 1 year
🗡️🏴‍☠️🐍Macfrights fishook serpci swaped whith the triplets!?🎩
Yup, no one asked this but It was too cool idea.
•When the kings died, Nikki was the only heir to the throne, the people did not like that a woman took command, so they did their best to be a fair and kind queen, but the people began to accuse her of being a witch until that one day they broke into the palace gates to take her to the stake.
•Captain Lindsey was a ruthless pirate who dominated the seas in those times, her way of looting seemed almost magic and they ended up also nicknamed her swordfish, but this same animal was the cause of her death when she was brutally stabbed by one when she fell from the boat.
•Ginny was a mysterious pharaoh, she spent her days and nights in the god's temples doing strange rituals and spells to help the kingdom, but one fateful day the temples caught fire, taking the life of the monarch.
🎩Mac, Serpci and Hook:
Mac, Serpci and Hook only had each other, they were orphans with nowhere to live, they used to steal from houses to support themselves and from time to time doing mischief in the neighborhood for fun, one night a guard night shot the three children thinking they were robbers.
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zikadraws · 1 year
What does Abigal think of the trios? Nikki, Lindsey, and Ginny? Does she finds them amusing?
Nah, she hates them. She finds them obnoxious and reacts very badly to their pranks (when she does realize they pranked her). Whenever they get in the same room, she'll either leave or burrow under sound-muffling cushions. She can also get mean verbally when they get her particularly cranky. It's best not to leave them together for too long, or else this might escalate into spiritual violence.
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hiya-im-mary · 11 months
I just realized that the triplets are kids. Literal children. Hellen hired children…..WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT SHE SHOULD KNOW HOW CHAOTIC KIDS CAN GET.
I DUNNOOOO!!!!! But I have an idea on it- HEADCANON TIEM >:)
I like to think that after Hellen built the hotel for the first time,she went on a lot of…trips. Like a bunch of holidays! But there was one thing she was looking out for. Other Ghosts!! Ghosts who have no where else to go,who probably hate the unlife they have now. Maybe they’re on the run from ghost hunters or something,maybe they’re just in isolation cuz everyone would run away from them!!!
And so,Hellen would take them all in!! And the first lot that she found ended up being her staff!! She found Steward first,then Chambera,so on and so on!!!
So as this went on,she eventually found the triplets themselves!! Someone had to take them in. They were just little girls! If chaotic ones!!!
It was…understandably very…disastrous having the girls run amok. They’d cause lots of chaos for everyone!!! But,Hellen had an idea-
She said that they could “own” the 11th floor of the hotel!! She essentially gave them a whole floor to keep…most of their chaos in!! Things got a lot easier for all the other boss ghosts,and the triplets had SEVERAL playrooms!! All were satisfied!!!
But that’s how I see things!! I hope it explains things at least!!! Thank you for the ask!!!! :D
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dj-poltercat · 2 years
One day I thought "I wonder how the female boss ghosts from LM3 would look like when they're students in Crystal Prep Academy." 🤔
Well, they would look like that:
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I must honestly say, they look very pretty and also cute in these school uniforms ☺️
As you noticed, I drew DJ Phantasmagloria without her wig, so it fits better
MLP and MLP: EG belongs to Hasbro
The boss ghosts belongs to Luigi's Mansion 3/Nintendo
Base edit belongs to me
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redraws of old lm3 art part 2
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once again, sorry for the bad coloring, markers are dying
luigi's mansion 3: Nintendo
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dooodle-bug · 2 years
hc that nobody actually knows whos nikky, lindsey, or ginny bc the triplets are always together no matter what and every week or so they swap hairstyles just to fuck with people
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squibbylibbydibby · 1 year
Do you have any more lm3 headcanons?
Cause I have seen some of yours and they are very cool!
I'm SO sorry I didn't get to this ask earlier. A lot went on and just general life happened so that's why it took so long. Again, I apologize.
Anyway, to the headcanons!
.I think of Lindsey, Nikki and Ginny thinking of Hellen as their mother. This is because I headcanon that the triplets were abandoned at a young age, so they preformed magic tricks on the streets to help take care of themselves. Unfortunately, their efforts weren't enough, so they perished. Hellen probably took in the frightened ghosts and decided to give them the proper life they deserved.
. Chambrea is addicted to caffeine. That's all.
. Amadeus tried to teach Gloria how to play piano, let's just say she's not aloud around pianos anymore. Gloria also tried to teach Amadeus how to be "hip" but he didn't see the point in it.
. Chef Soulfle gives the dead fish he doesn't use to Clem. Soulfle doesn't know what Clem does with the fish, and frankly he doesn't want to know.
. Chambrea tried to help teach Ug how to socialize better, and now they're best friends.
. Morty has made a lot of popular movies in his time, but credit was always stolen from him.
. Johnny's whole personality is basically if Gaston from Beauty and the Beast was a himbo.
.Clem is one of those people who thinks ducktape fixes everything. Car troubles? Ducktape. Broken heart? Ducktape.
.Kruller actually dreamed of owning a bakery before he became a cop.
.King MacFrights felt challenged when King Boo was brought into the picture, this led to MacFrights proudly challenging King Boo to a duel. MacFrights's ego was soon crushed.
.Dr. Potter has been called Harry Potter so many times he's about to go feral.
I think that's enough headcanons for one post. I hope you enjoy!
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lovelyteng · 2 years
Got the HC voices for the Boss ghosts of LM3!
Steward- Tom Kenny
Chambrea- Michela Dietz
Kruller- Tom Scharpling
Chef Soulffle- Mike Pollock
Amadeus Wolfgeist- Richard E Grant
King MacFrights- John Lithgow
Dr. Potter- Corey Burton
Morty- Eric Stuart
Ug- Dee Bradley Baker
Clem- Larry The Cable Guy
Serpci- Jill Talley
Nikki, Lindsey, and Ginny- Michela Dietz
Captain Fishook- Dee Bradley Baker
Johnny Deepend- Robbie Benson
DJ Phantasmogloria- Estelle
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