#Nikki looking back at him with 15 dogs and cats all over her
aboyandhisstarship · 4 years
Look ok...
Local 26 year old war Hero, who is one of humanity’s most deadly soldiers looking at his ODST Squad of young Conscripts most of them having seen everything they ever knew destroyed by genocidal aliens, and the only porvided mental health services onboard is booze 
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that same war hero having lost every friend he ever had in the service when that same squad starts opening up to him and asking him for advice, and help with there lives outside of the squad 
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and finally that same war hero when his squad accidentally call him dad in front of an admiral 
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and David when he finally stops thinking of himself as a tool and as a father of 4 dumb ass kids 
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and of course the local Office of naval intelligence Attache Mom looking at her Squad Leader  Husband raising her Kids 
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lost-in-the-80s · 4 years
You Don’t Want My Love - Chapter 5
Pairing: Duff McKagan x reader
Words: 3,115k
Summary: Guns n Roses hires a new tour assistant, but nobody thought that Duff would fall for her.
In this Chapter: Y/N is back on the road with Guns n Roses. Will things with Duff remain awkward?
A/N: Hello, my friends! This chapter is very cute. I have a little spoiler about the next chapter: It’s going to be Duff's pov.  Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it!
Tag list: @roger-taylors-car @ladieswttda @teasid @metalheartofgold  @slashscowboyboots @ginny-rose-sixx @rumoured-whispers @vinylvintage​ add yourself to my tag list :)
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It was a bright sunny day in Los Angeles when Y/N got inside a taxi to go back on tour with Guns n Roses.
The so-called one-month pause became two as soon as Nikki Sixx, the bassist of Mötley Crüe, overdosed and the whole band had to go to rehab, leaving Guns hanging without a band to open for.
She still remembered when Tom called her telling her that they had lost the contract and that the band was feeling very down. However, Aerosmith showed up with a golden opportunity, they wanted Guns to open for them on the European leg of the tour. 
So here she was, on her way to the airport to meet with five crazy rockers who, as much as she disliked to admit, she had missed a lot.
These two months out of the road were great for her. She spent the holidays with her family in North Dakota and visited her friends in L. A and finally helped Rose with a part of the rent for the apartment.
She also enjoyed her time doing one of the things she loved the most: go to the beach and get a good old suntan. That was the best part about living in L.A in her opinion, the whole year felt like summer, completely different from the snowy and cold winter in North Dakota.
One week before going back on tour she attended an appointment at her favorite hairstylist, renovating its locks that were now quite long. Giving herself a spa day before going back to the bus’ couch, as Tom would go with them on tour again.
These two months also allowed her to think a lot about Duff. In the first days she was feeling blue, the way he spoke to her during that afternoon and how he didn’t talk to her after that hurt. He even switched places with Steven on the plane back to L.A, just so he didn’t need to sit beside her.
During December she questioned herself about what had she done that could’ve let him so angry at her, but after spending two weeks away from Los Angeles, she got to focus on other things, and following her mom’s advice she decided to give time to time and see how things would.
Izzy helped her with that process too, they crossed paths one day at a park, she went there with her friend’s nephew as she was babysitting and he was skating there. The two of them talked for a few hours and he told her that Duff was just in a bad week, that she shouldn’t take it personally, which made her lose that guilty feeling she was having.
Guilty and Sad, that’s how she was feeling in the beginning. But now she had convinced herself that whatever she had felt for Duff was over. She told herself plenty of times she just felt like that because she was feeling lonely and he had been nice to her.
So now, arriving at the airport, she was 100% sure that she’d look at Duff and her heart wouldn’t skip a bit. They’d talk and she wouldn’t stutter or blush and things would go as they were meant to be.
Walking through the crowd of people inside the airport she finally spotted a tall fuzzy blonde head. Duff. They were just a few meters away from her, making a smile appear on her face.
“Y/N!” Steven shouted waving, not sure if she had seen them.
She raised her hand waving back at him.
“Hello, fellas.” She placed her bags on the ground stopping in front of them.
“Wow, look at you, all tanned!” Slash exclaimed, opening his arms and walking towards the girl to get a hug.
“You know, every time I was about to put a shirt on, I listened to your voice saying that they were the biggest expression of my bad taste.” He said when they let go of each other, smiling at her.
“So you stopped wearing them?” She tilted her head while smiling.
“Nope.” He turned around showing the back of this t-shirt, where “Fuck off I’m out” could be read.
She shook her head, giggling a little.
“I want a hug too!” Steven popped up beside her, involving her in a bear hug, lifting off the ground. “I missed you!”
“I missed you too, Stevie.” She giggled.
“Do you want a hug too?” She looked at Izzy, smirking.
“No.” He said and the two of them laughed. 
“Well, I want one.” Duff showed up in front of her, opening his arms.
She hesitated for a second, but moved forward and wrapped her arms around his body. 
When he involved her, a certain electricity ran through her body and she wanted to never let go of him. He smelled of cigarettes and cologne though she could smell a small hint of vodka, as if it had stayed in his jacket after he washed it. 
He lowered his head to hers and said close to her left ear. “I’m sorry for being an asshole with you.” His voice was low, as if he was sharing a secret that only she could know about.
The sound caused goosebumps on her body, as she answered in almost a whisper. “It’s okay.”
They let go of each other and suddenly she realized that they had been hugging each other for quite a while, since Tom had arrived and they didn’t even notice.
Duff moved away rubbing the back of his neck, starting some conversation with Slash.
“Hey, Tom! How were your holidays?” She gave him a quick embrace before stopping beside Steven, who hugged her from beside and rested his face on her shoulder.
“It was good, I was missing the kids already.” He smiled tenderly.
“You have kids? I didn’t know that.” She moved one arm away from Steven's grip so she could hug him back.
She looked down and thought that he looked just like a child when they’re bored and start to get sleepy.
“Yes, I do. Here,” He took his wallet out of the blazer’s pocket, showing her some small pictures he had in it. “this is Jenna, she’s 10,” He pointed to a ginger girl with lots of freckles. “and this is Brian, he’s 6.” He showed a boy wearing a baseball hat.
“They’re adorable, Tom! I can’t even imagine how hard it must be for you to be away from them all the time.” Y/N smiled at him seeing that he truly loved the kids.
“Yeah, it’s difficult, but it’s a part of the job. It’s thanks to my absence that they’ll be able to go to college.” He put his wallet back in the pocket and adjusted his glasses.
“You’re a good father, Tom.”
He grinned at her words.
“You really are. Can I meet the kids someday?” Steven asked, lifting his head off of her shoulder. 
“When the tour is over, let’s have dinner together. I’ll take them and Martha along.” He grabbed his bags from the ground.
“Sure! That’d be cool.” Steven smiled, letting go of Y/N.
“Anyway. Where’s Axl? We need to be on the plane line in 15 minutes.”
“He’s late.” Izzy showed up lighting up a cigarette.
“Not so late,” Duff said, pointing towards the other side of the airport. 
Y/N looked and at first, she couldn’t see anything, but then some ginger locks in a flannel shirt showed up. 
“You’re late.” Tom said, starting to walk towards the line. 
“Sorry, Erin was keeping me busy… if you know what I mean.” He smirked.
“Jesus.” Y/N made a disgusted face while following Tom.
Inside the plane, she found herself in a seat between Steven and Slash. Duff, Izzy and Axl on the other side of the corridor while Tom was sitting one line ahead, beside an old lady.
“Oh man, I wish I could bring Ana with me.” Slash complained.
“Who’s Ana?” Y/N asked smirking.
“My python. I bought her last month.” He smiled turning towards her.
“You mean a snake?” She widened her eyes. 
He nodded.
“You have a snake as a pet?” She shivered under the thought, she was terrified of snakes.
“Yes, they are lovely creatures.”
“I’m scared to death of them.”
“No way! But they’re nice!” He turned his body towards her a little, ready to start an argumentation.
“I grew up on a farm, Slash. One of them passed right in front of my feet when we were plowing the land.”
“Did it bite you?” He moved his hair away from his face, lifting an eyebrow at her.
“Then why are you scared? They aren’t violent animals. They just attack if you scare them. Dogs kill more people per year than snakes.” 
She paused for a second. “Yeah, you’re right. But still, I don’t think I’ll ever visit your house now.”
He giggled. “Do you have any pets?”
“We always had lots of dogs. They’re easy to train and help you with some chores.” He nodded at her. “I have a cat. Though I don’t know if I could call him mine yet.”
“What do you mean?”
“I left him in ND when I moved to L.A. I just see him when I visit my parents now.”
“What’s his name?”
Slash laughed. 
“Thomas, you know?” He laughed harder.
Y/N frowned at him, not understanding.
Then Slash pointed to the seat in front of him, where Tom was sitting. 
She looked at Tom, then at Slash, then at Tom again and finally understood. Her cat had the same name as Tom. 
Y/N laughed, she had never stopped to realize that until now.
Out in the distance, she didn’t see Duff looking at her and smiling when she laughed. 
Arriving in London, they followed up with their normal activities. Did the soundcheck, had an interview and went backstage to get ready.
“Do you think I should tease my hair?” Axl asked Izzy who simply shook his head as a response.
“God, I’m nervous,” Duff said walking back and forth inside the room. “I need more vodka.”
“No more drinking, you need to calm down.” Y/N pointed at him, then pointing to a black couch at the end of the room, meaning that he should sit down.
“That’s why I need vodka, love.” He walked past her, going after more booze.
The nickname made her cheeks burn and she tried her best not to smile.
“Fuck, I’m nervous too.” Slash said.
“Why are you guys so nervous? You’ve done lots of gigs like this before.” She asked, frowning.
“No, we haven’t, Y/N,” Izzy said, sitting on the couch while looking for his cigarettes. “We’re in another country, a whole different crowd.”
“It’s our first time outside from home.” Duff said, reappearing in the room and sitting beside Izzy.
“Plus, It’s Aerosmith, fuck! We can’t fuck this up.” Steven added, while trying to choose a t-shirt. “Y/N. The black or the white one?” He showed her the two blouses.
“The black one.” She pointed with her pen. “You guys just need to breathe, everything will go fine. I’m sure about it.” She smiled at them, trying to calm their nerves. 
“Shit, I think I’m gonna freak out.” Duff exclaimed, drinking almost half the bottle down. 
“Not now. I need you good okay?” Axl crouched in front of him. “Just take long breaths, it’s no big deal.”
Axl started breathing slowly, soon being followed by Duff, that seemed to get calmer.
“Guys, you have to go. You’re in in five minutes.”  She said looking at her wristwatch.
“Fuck! I’m not ready yet!” Axl complained, rushing towards their bags looking for his clothes as he was still in his travel clothing. 
“Oh, God, not today!” Izzy rolled his eyes, starting to smoke the third cigarette.
“What do you want to wear tonight?” She asked, sitting on the floor beside him. 
“My leather pants and the leather waistcoat.” He looked at her. “Find them and I’ll find the shoes and my bandana.” 
Moving to Axl’s second bag she started looking inside, throwing some of the clothes on the ground. “Got the pants!” She yelled, throwing them in his direction. 
“Not this one! I want the cowboy leather pants.” Axl complained.
“Axl!” Izzy interjected. 
“Fine, fine!” He lifted his hands in surrender.
After a few minutes, he was ready, running down the corridors while putting his sneakers on. 
“You should watch the gig,” Steven said. “You’ve never watched one.”
“That’s because I always have to organize your mess.” She giggled a little.
“No, seriously, I think you’d like it.” 
Thinking for a second she answered shrugging. “Why not?” 
“Yeas!” He smiled before getting onstage. 
Finding some equipment boxes on the side-door of the stage, she climbed on a big one, sitting on it and placing her agenda on her side. 
The gig started and she understood why everybody was getting crazy about them. 
Axl moved around as if he had eaten batteries for breakfast, jumping, running, screaming and singing. His voice was incredible and he was fierce, just what you need for a frontman.
Slash had lost all his shyness. Dancing, jumping and playing like a god. Every note that left his guitar sounded magical, precisely right. And even though she couldn’t see his face, she could tell that he loved doing that.
Izzy was like a black cat in the night, that you just notice if you pay attention. He moved around calmly, playing his guitar and singing the backing vocals so peacefully, as if he was born to do that. 
Steven, well, now she understood why they called him popcorn. His hair bounced up and down as his head accompanied the drums he was playing. He smiled and sang along and if he could, she was sure he’d get up and dance to the songs.
But nobody caught her eyes like Duff did. The velocity with which he moved his fingers, the way his head kept up with the beat of the song. The way he walked so majestically with his long legs crossing the stage in a few seconds.
He was beautiful, a masterpiece in her opinion. And she knew that there was no use in trying to fight, she was already in love with him. 
After the gig, they did the check-in in the hotel, taking a quick shower before stopping in a restaurant for dinner. 
Joining two tables together, they sat down. Tom and Izzy taking the borders, Axl, Slash and Steven taking one side while Y/N and Duff took the other.
It was a simple restaurant, nothing fancy, and as they talked and ate Y/N couldn’t help but feeling like she was having dinner with old friends of hers.
“So I get home and grandma is complaining that Axl was sleeping on her couch and that she wants him out of the house.” Slash was telling a story about when Axl used to sleep in his basement.  
“I go downstairs and say ‘Axl, you have to find somewhere else to stay, bro’ and he’s like furiously throwing his things inside this backpack while giving me an angry look.”
Axl was laughing at this point.
“We got in my mom’s car and I started driving him towards the place where Izzy was crashing and I was like ‘Why did you sleep on her couch, dude? I had told you not to do that!’ and he looks at me with that ‘I’m gonna kill you look’, he opens the door and jumps out of the car!”
“What?” Y/N asked.
They were all laughing.
“I was pissed.” Axl answered.
“Pissed? None of us saw you for three days!” Slash added while Duff wiped some tears away from his eyes. 
“I needed time to calm down.” Axl replied calmly, still smiling as he lifted his glass to drink from it. 
“This is the best story you guys ever told me!” She said after she stopped laughing.
Leaving the restaurant they started walking towards the hotel, they all went in front, leaving Duff and her behind.
It was a cold night in London and Y/N had definitely forgotten that their winter was actually cold.
A cold breeze got her when she turned a corner and she shivered, hugging herself. Her sweater was definitely not enough for a night like that. 
“Here.” She looked to her side and saw Duff taking off his leather jacket and handing it to her.
“You don’t have to.” 
“Y/N. Take the jacket.” He smiled at her.
She took it, her cold fingers touching his warm hand slightly. 
Putting the jacket on she realized it was big on her, the smell of his cologne mixed with Marlboro hit her nostrils and she hugged the jacket closer to her body, wishing that it was him who was involving her. 
A few minutes passed by and they finally reached the hotel. Entering the lobby the warmth welcomed them in and she smiled. 
“On which floor are you?” Duff asked.
“Fourth.” She started to take the jacket off. 
“I’m on the sixth.” 
“Yeah, I know.” She smiled. “Thanks for the jacket, Duff.”
“It’s ok.”
They stopped for a second, looking at each other almost as if they were in trance. 
Duff put a lock of her hair behind her ear and licked his lips.
“Y/N.” Tom’s voice cut the atmosphere, making her jump slightly and look in his direction. “Are you coming?” He pointed to the elevator.
“Yeah, just a sec.” 
Looking at Duff again, she gave him a small smile. “Good night, Duff.”
He leaned down, lightly kissing her cheek. “Good night, Y/N.” 
Getting in her room she quickly changed into some comfy pajamas. She stopped in front of the bathroom mirror when brushing her teeth and soon realized that she was smiling.
Her face seemed to be tickling where his fingers had brushed ever so delicately over. And she could still feel the warmth of his lips against her skin.
“Oh, Y/N. You are so fucked now.” She said to herself, walking towards the bed and jumping on it. 
She laid there, but she couldn’t sleep, his face and voice filling her mind along with the memories of him playing onstage. 
Her hair, which had stayed inside the jacket during the walk to the hotel, was smelling like him.
She turned around, facing the illuminated building in front of the hotel while smiling.
Yes, she was fucked. But she was feeling so happy that she couldn’t even get mad at herself for feeling like this. 
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