#your the medic why aren;t you more worried
aboyandhisstarship · 5 years
Look ok...
Local 26 year old war Hero, who is one of humanity’s most deadly soldiers looking at his ODST Squad of young Conscripts most of them having seen everything they ever knew destroyed by genocidal aliens, and the only porvided mental health services onboard is booze 
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that same war hero having lost every friend he ever had in the service when that same squad starts opening up to him and asking him for advice, and help with there lives outside of the squad 
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and finally that same war hero when his squad accidentally call him dad in front of an admiral 
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and David when he finally stops thinking of himself as a tool and as a father of 4 dumb ass kids 
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and of course the local Office of naval intelligence Attache Mom looking at her Squad Leader  Husband raising her Kids 
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Hiiii it's me again😂❤️ Can I have a ff where Artie Is at Arkham and it's his last day in. and x Reader comes to pick him up from the hospital🥺 and they go home together, and as always if you want to add some cuddles or She helps Artie to take a warm bath🥺 It would be nice
Oh my dear friend, thank you so much for the request. It was a very emotional ride and very intimate to write. I hope with all my heart that you will like it. Love you so much!
The moment the door opened you felt your heart crumble. That heavy, white door with the tiney window. He must have stared at this window for so many nights.
The bed was empty. For a second you feared that he broke out of the hospital. If that was the case they would find him and lock him up again. Way longer than last time. The thought of being seperated from him for another few weeks or months seemed unbearable. Looking back at the last weeks without him made you wonder how you managed to stay sane yourself. The empty bed, the stillness of his  empty apartment...it felt like the walls were closing in on you. Night for night was spent on his couch, alone, trying to remember his skin on yours, pressing his pillow close to your face to smell the remains of his sweat and shampoo that got caught up in the soft fabric.
He was missing from you like a part of your very own body. And now you`re gonna get your missing part back. Taking it home with you. Filling his apartment with love again.
Your eyes searched for him. That room. Standig between these four walls made you feel snowblind. All the white. Even Arthur was dressed in white.  The only contrast was his dark hair .
Arthur was sitting in the corner of the room. Crumbled up on the floor, like a piece of paper. Like a love letter that wasn`t well written enough to send it, so the writer just formed it into a ball and threw it across the room.
But you wanted to read it. Every sentence. Every letter. You wanted to take that page and uncrumble it. Make it readable again, to realize how beautifully written it actually was. Poetry. The purest form there ever was.
Arthur was the poem who remained unnoticed. Unseen by so many. Even by the ones who wrote him.
The doctor kept looking at you, talked about last night and how Arthur kept whimpering your name. But all you could do was focusing on that one curls that fell to Arthurs forehead. His head was hanging heavy on his shoulders. He looked downwards.
"Artie, darling? I`m here. " you got up to him to knee on the ground.
Arthur finally lifted his head. The circles under his eyes darkened  since you saw him two days ago. He looked exhausted as you gently stroke his hair. A tired smile crossed his sad eyed face. His curls felt greasy like he didnt washed it for at least a week.
"You look tired, darling"
Arthur tried to get up but he seemed so much weaker than he was when he got here.
"Im so tired, Y/N. I`m so very tired." He sat down on the floor again "You`re really here aren`t you?"
"I am.  Its your last day. I will take you home with me now".
Arhur started to cry "Can you please hug me. I need to feel that this is real. I want to hug you but....I can`t"
It was now that you realized that he was still in his handcuffs.
You wrapped your arms around him so tight you felt his ribcage poking you. Silent tears fell from his eyes onto your shoulders.  "I missed you so much, Arthur. I was so incompleate without your breath on my neck at night. "
He nodded, unable to answer. He just cried.
"Cry, sweetheart.its okay let it all out. It`s over now. You can go home with me. No more lonely night in this cold room. We`re gonna go home now and I`m gonna make you a nice, hot bath before we disappear under the sheets.
The doctor looked at you with disguise "A hot bath sounds like a plan. Mr Fleck refused to take a shower for 9 days straight. "
You didnt liked the tone in her voice.
"Why is he still wearing his handcuffs anyway?" you asked.
"Because you can never know with him." The doctor replied, giving him a dirty look.
You wanted to tell her how damn rude she was but you kept silent to not risk anything.
"And he refused to eat,too. We actually thought he wated to starve himself to death in here. Which is illegal."
The anger inside of you grew with every word she said, but you concentrated on Arthur and supported him to get up. "C`mon, darling. We`re gonna leave this place now."
Arthur once again fell into your arms, desperately trying to touch you with his cuffed hands. You held his fingers  inside your fist "You`ll feel better soon, I promise."
The doctor took a step closer and got the keys to unlock the handcuffs. "Goodbye, Mr. Fleck. " her voice sounded cold and heartless. You noticed her taking a step back as Arthur looked up to starte into her eyes. Almost like she was afraid of him. How could anyone be afraid of him?
Arthur didnt answer. The second his hands were free he hugged you with his whole body. So tight it felt like you shared the same jumpsuit. He held your face between his hands. They were as gentle as always. The most gently hands in the world. He seemed different. But still the same. His fingertips stroke your face, your cheekbones and nose, your chin. "I missed touching you, Y/N. Oh, I need to touch you so bad. "  The intensivity of his eyes never left, even when he looked as tired as  he did now. He was so touch starved. Just as you.
"Not in here, Mr Fleck. You know the rules." The doctors voice really got on your nerves. Did she had any idea how hard it was not being able to share your love ? Did she even knew how it felt to be in love? To be forced to leave your other half behind? At a mental hospital?
You both ignored her, touching each others faces "I missed the taste of you" he breathed upon your mouth, right before your lips met. Arthur kissed you with all that was within him. His mouth was dry from all the medication. His lips cracked.  But his kiss was full of love and admiration for you. Full of longing and pain.
Your fingers ran through his messy hair. It was getting even longer than usual. Almost reaching his shoulders.
"Please!" The doctor started to sound angry. "This is not allowed! You`ve got enough time in your hands when you`re out of this building".
Your lips parted again.
"Thats right Dr. Finn. Goodbye." you grabbed Arthurs hand and lead him out of the room.
Before you left Arkham Arthur was lead into the changing room, where he got rid of his white clothing. He looked so much more like himself when he got back. His brown cardigan made him look softer than ever before. He touched the soft, worn out fabric of it, convincing himself that this was all real. Grounding.
It felt good to leave this bulding which became his second home after so many years of being in and out. A home that felt more like a prison since there was someone waiting for him outside these walls.
The whole way home  on the tram Arthur rested his head on your shoulder, closing his eyes. He needed sleep.
"I havent slept for days" he whispered while you sqeezed his hand. "I couldnt close an eye without you by my side. Even the sleeping pills couldnt help."
"We`re gonna make you rest as soon as we get home, Artie."
Artur almost drifted off into sleep on the ride home. Leaning on your shoulder was enough to make him feel save enough to get sleepy.
When you arrived home you took off his sweater and pants "You`re freezing, baby."
"I know."
"Do you still want to take a bath before going to bed?"
"Yeah...please! I feel kinda... dirty".
You kissed his forehead and handed him a bathrobe "Put this on while the water is still running. It will keep you warm. I will make you some soup, okay? You gotta eat something,too."
Arthur nodded "Okay. But...I`m afaraid my stomach cant hold it. They gave me some new meds and it was getting worse again. "He looked ahamed as you walked into the kitchen to boil some water. "Dont worry, Artie. We`ll go slowly. But we have to try. I wont let you go to bed with an empty stomach today. It must have been days since you had eaten something. "
Arthur followed you into the kitchen. He needed to be near you every second. He looked so lost in his bathrobe. So helpless.
"Alright, the soup will be  done when you finished bathing. " you smiled. Arthur mirrored your smile and followed you  back into the bathroom. He stil walked like he had his handcuffs on, which was a sad thing to wittness.
Arthur froze when you helped him out of his bathrobe and into the bathtub. He was even skinnier than usual. His body looked like he was close to a break down. His shoulderbone seemed like it was about to burst through his fragile skin. He`s got some small bruises on his wrists and his tummy was sucked in.
The warm water felt like an embrace as he let himself sink into it. He immediately closed his eyes and awaited your touch.
"I`m so gald to be home" he mumbled as you started to shampoo his sweaty hair. Washing his beautiful curls always felt very intimate to you. You had a thing for his hair. Every strain of it was holy to you. Every curl a poem.
You noticed a small wound on his forehead as you tried not to let the shampoo run into his eyes. "You`re hurt"
"I know. It was my fault. I did it to myself. I`m sorry if I disappoint you"
"Artie, you could never disappoint me. Do you hear me?"
He nodded.
"I love you more than anything, Arthur"
"My whole life I never loved anything else" he replied.
You stopped washing his hair for a second to lean in to kiss him. The warm water dripped down his forehead. You tasted his shampoo upon your lips.
He was home with you.
Life was sweet.
You took the sponge and washed away the pain and loneliness. Every bad memory, every sleepless night at Arkham. You washed it all way. Watching the pain dissappear in his eyes.
Arthurs musicles started to relax under your  tender touch. Even his tense tummy.
He was thankful for all the attention, the love. A smile crossed his face after he got out of the bathtub. You hugged him while he was still naked.
"You feel better now, sweetheart?"
" A lot, Y/N. Thank you. I`m trying to eat some soup now. Just for you!"
"Thats great, Artie. lets do it" you handed him oneof his sweaters. "Um....can I have....would you let me wear one of yours? " he asked with his little voice.
"Of course, Arthur. Oh god, sure. Wait I will get you one!"
A minute later you came back with your fave sweater. Arthur slipped into it like it was his.
"Thank you so much. Its so comortig to wear your clothes".
"Anytime, baby" you got the bowl of soup.
Arthur sat down on the couch. He didnt even asked for a cigarette.
You noticed his eyes watering.
"Whats wrong, Artie?"
"I`m afraid I might throw up. I`ll be so embarassing."
You took the spoon and put it to his lips "There is no reason to be ashamed. The important thing is to try. If you have to throw up its okay. "
"I threw up at Arkham and they yelled at me"
"I´m not gonna yell at you."
"I know....I know that." he whispered.
Arthur swallowed after you fed him the first spoon.
"Is that okay?"
You fed him three spoons of soup until he was close to spit it out again.
"Its okay, baby. Take your time. We`ve got all the time in the world to make you eat."
"Thank you so much, Y/N. I dont know what I would do without you."
Arthur waited five minutes until he was ready for another four spoons.
"I´m proud of you, Arthur. Really. You`re doing great.
"Thank you Y/N. For helping me with that. I think thats all I can eat for today. But maybe....tomorrow. Or later when I wake up. Maybe you can leave the bowl of soup next to my bed"
"Sure, darling." You kissed the corner of his mouth and placed the bowl on the table.
"Try to get some sleep now. I`ll be right here with you".
Arthur layed down on the couch as you joined him.
His huge blanket covered both of your bodies.
"Finally" he muttered, pulling you close to his heart, burying his face in the crook of your neck, kissing it gently as he breathed you in.
The familiar smell of his own sheets helped him relax.
"Yes Arthur?"
"Would you....like...sing me to sleep or something?"
"Of course,my love"
Arthur closed his tired eyes as your voice quietly echoed through apartment 8J.
"The moon is a silver dollar shining up in the sky
There is a dream we can buy.
Sweetheart you and I
The moon is a silver dollar
Made for lovers to share
And with you in my arms
I`m a millionaire
Our care in troubles
Will all be small change
Someday they all change
Into a dream come true
The moon is a silver dollar
What a glorious sight
Lets invest at him love
@impulsiveclown @ben-solos-writing-avenger @jokerownsmysoul @missjoker96 @arthurskitten @lynnesm @nonnymousse @gwynplaine89 @damnrightobsessedwithim @sgtsavoytruffle  @duhliriouss @sadjesterautumn @therealjokerking10 @flowerglitterwoman @thirstforfleck @spookyhome @iartsometimes  @you-cant-cry-in-here @bustafatclownnut @jokerismyhubbie @jokerflecker  @check-out-this-joker @darknessisafriend  @nicoleverse @mdme-rosary @arthurhappyclown    @neon-umbrella-for-stella   @cherrymoon75 @call-me-harley-quinn  @arthurjokersgirl
@aarthurfleckk @mylovelycrazyworld @clownalog @ajokerfangirl  @the-one-who-is-chaos
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torispn15 · 4 years
Warning long post ahead:
I have heard a lot from the news and from articles today. It can drive you crazy. So, I´m channeling my energy into explaining a couple of things about our (the US) political and economic system. It´s not perfect, as I put more emotion into this post than just straight logic. I have taken a politics 101 course and did a lot of studying and I am using basic common sense and empathy. At first I am talking about the Capitol incident and then it expands into more detail. If you don´t want to read, that´s cool. (I am not really gonna branch out into other countries on this topic. The main focus is the US) Anyways, here it is:
"A political philosophy and movement that is sceptical of authority and rejects all involuntary, coercive forms of hierarchy. Anarchism calls for the abolition of the state, which it holds to be undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful."
Does this sound like the behavior of the people that stormed the Capitol? No. It sounds like the opposite of what they want. I´ve seen a lot of news networks such as NBC, call the fascists, anarchists. That, above, is the description of anarchism.
Anarchists reject any hierarchy. They, the fascists, want government and they want Trump. So, calling them anarchists is very very not accurate.
"A form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy. They believe that liberal democracy is obsolete and regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties."
Does this sound more like the behavior of the people that stormed the Capitol? Yes. It does. That is the description of fascism.
"A fascist state is led by a strong leader such as a dictator and a martial law government composed of the members of the governing fascist party to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society."
Remind you of anything??
Now, read this:
"Advocates the abolition of the state, capitalism, wage labour, social hierarchies and private property (while retaining respect for personal property, along with collectively-owned items, goods and services) in favor of common ownership of the means of production and direct democracy as well as a horizontal network of workers' councils with production and consumption based on the guiding principle "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"."
This sounds way better than the first two, right? This is the description of anarcho-communism. Which is what I, personally, align with most.
What about this:
"An economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Central characteristics include capital accumulation, competitive markets, a price system, private property and the recognition of property rights, voluntary exchange and wage labor. In this market economy, decision-making and investments are determined by every owner of wealth, property or production ability in capital and financial markets whereas prices and the distribution of goods and services are mainly determined by competition in goods and services markets."
This is the description of capitalism, which is what we have now. But, what you have to understand is that capitalism usually leads to fascism. Late-stage capitalism is fascism. One core idea of fascism is capitalism. Which is one of many reasons why it´s terrible. Also, you live here. You know how bad capitalism is. It´s why you can´t afford to buy medicine or go to the doctors. It´s why people die of starvation. It´s not because people don´t work hard enough. There are people who work three jobs who are still low-income individuals and families. It´s because of capitalism. It doesn´t give you any freedom. It is the opposite of freedom. In the "land of the free" we have a political and economic system that enslaves us. Think about that. Think about how much freedom you actually have.
When all of this is put into frame, what are your thoughts? What sounds like a place you want to live in?
The way we are now, the reason why most of the garbage in this country happens, you can connect that to capitalism. You can trace what happened at the Capitol today to fascism and capitalism (Which are basically the same thing).
A lot of Americans work minimum wage jobs. Minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, on average in the US. Assuming you work 40 hours a week, that equals 2,080 hours in a year. Your hourly wage of 7 dollars would end up being about $14,560 per year in salary. Even if you got $15 an hour, working 37.5 hours a week, you would still only make $29,250 a year. $15 an hour isn't enough to secure affordable housing in most US states. Nationally, someone would need to make $17.90 an hour to rent a one-bedroom apartment or $22.10 an hour to cover a two-bedroom home. In order to live comfortably, you´d have to get extra hours or a better job. Extra hours, is just slaving more of your life away to the point where it won´t matter how much money you earn. And it is very hard to get a job. Even if you go to college, you aren´t owed or guaranteed a job. You slave you life away. And none of this takes into consideration family members. None of this takes into consideration any children or people living in the household. You have to struggle all the time under capitalism.
You are in the top 1.8% of americans if you make more than 400k a year. So, no, not everyone or anyone can be rich or live nicely here. America loves to brand itself as a free country and the land of opportunity but, it has shown that is anything but. 30 million people in America, do not have health insurance. Do you know how much medical care costs without insurance? No one should struggle for basic medical care. Every human being deserves the basic necessities to stay alive. Every single one of us shouldn´t have to pay for food or water. We shouldn´t struggle to afford putting food on the table working two jobs while the millionaires and billionaires who sit on a yacht all day, who don´t earn a single cent, never have to worry about that. You wanna know how they make that money, you wanna know who gives them that money? You do. Your hard work and nights away from your family, earns them that money. That is your money. The system is set up for people like that to succeed and keep succeeding. The rich keep getting richer while you stay the same or even lose money. Does that sound fair or just to you? Life isn´t fair, no, but this isn´t life. This is a man-made system that we can fix. We built this and we can tear it down.
So stop being a bootlicker and sucking off capitalism just because there´s a small chance that, maybe, you will get rich. If you´re black in America, you have a 15.1% lower chance of becoming a millionaire than a white person in America. If you are white or asian with a college education, you have around a 20% chance of being a millionaire. But, if you can´t afford college, and you only have a high school diploma, your chances drop to a 2% chance. And most people who are rich in this country didn´t start out with a start-up company and worked hard. No. No. The majority of millionaires and billionaires did either one of these things or all of them:
⬤ Got lucky. By means of gambling, lottery, ⋆cough⋆ making a sex tape and it getting traction ⋆cough⋆...... things like that.
⬤ Scamming someone. By means of ponzi scheme, pyramid scheme, advance-fee scam, credit fraud, identity theft... things of that nature.
⬤ Other illegal shit. By means of embezzlement, hacking, robbing, selling counterfit goods (which can also fall into the scamming someone section), etc... you get the point.
And that doesn´t include being born into money and not paying any taxes as well. It usually doesn´t have shit to do with working hard. If working hard made you a millionaire, a hell of a lot more people would be rich af.
There´s also a lot more factors and circumstances to take into account. Even if I had time to explain, I probably couldn´t because, well, frankly, it´s impossible to go into every factor or circumstance especially since, I couldn´t possibly know every single one. This is a very basic and general post and I tried my best to explain some stuff. (some of the figures and percentages might be off by a percent ot two but, that´s easily searchable)
I do encourage researching, actual research. Because I, nor, anyone on this app are the authority for any topic. Never take anyone´s word for anything, especially not on this app of of all places. Please study and research. When you research, it is very important to check out the websites and sources for too much bias and make sure to fact check, such as comparing it to other websites and sources. Or maybe you could read different books about economics or politics and things of that nature. But, even for books, always fact check and check for too much bias. You can easily fall into traps if you don´t. I just started listening to an audio book titled: Anarchism and Other Essays by Emma Goldman. I am trying to learn more about anarchism and other political philosophies as well. I am most certaintly not a "political person" but, I do love to learn and I do love human beings and believe that human beings deserve basic rights which makes me interested in learning about different ways to improve our way of life.
So... that´s it.... I hope y´all have a goodnight/evening/morning! 💛
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Roe and the Christmas Miracle
Part 10 (the final part!) of Welcome to the 5061st
**I`m not the greatest writer and this isn`t exactly the most popular AU, so please know that if you have ever reblogged, commented, or liked any part of this, it has meant the absolute world to me and I love you for it. Thank you so much for reading this 💙💙💙**
Tags: @gottapenny @itisjustmethistime @indigosandviolets @scarecrowmax 
December 24th, 1000
Mistletoe hung in every doorway of every tent and every building of the entire 5061st. No one was entirely sure who was responsible for the mistletoe invasion (although smart money was on Luz) but plenty of people were taking full advantage of the new decorations. Needless to say kissing was at an all time high in the unit, not that anyone was complaining. Nurses, doctors, medics, regular Army, hell, even the MPs, were getting in on the fun. Even Liebgott and Grant managed to have plenty of fun under the mistletoe while no one was looking. Roe knew that for a fact. Because he had caught them. More than once.
Roe, himself, had politely avoided all full on kisses in favor of cheek kisses. Not that he was a prude, it was just that there was only one person in the entire MASH he cared to kiss and it happened to be the one person he hadn't managed to catch under mistletoe yet.
But besides that frustrating development, things were going surprisingly well at the 5061st. It had been almost a full 24 hours since they last had a patient. It was damn near unheard of.
December 24th, 1030
Another development at the 5061st was the arrival of Saint Luz. That morning, Luz had donned a Santa hat and started going around with an Army duffel full of gifts, quickly earning himself a new nickname. Everyone got something from the newly dubbed Saint Luz.
Winters got a fancy pen.
Grant got a kitchen knife.
Talbert got a deck of cards.
Liebgott got a Flash Gordon comic book.
Sisk got a new wrench and screwdriver.
And so it went - each gift small, but unexpected and deeply appreciated.
Someone pointed out that he was a day early on the gifts to which Luz happily responded that they had all been such good boys and girls that they had earned early gifts. (Roe suspected Luz was also taking advantage of the lull in patients - who knew how long that would last.)
Roe watched in amusement as Luz made his way around the camp giving out gifts with a cheerfulness that seemed to light up the whole place. He started to get fidgety waiting for his turn.
"Gene, you playin' or what?"
"Yeah, yeah, sorry Ralph. Just thinkin'"
Roe`s eyes darted over the chess board, trying to figure out his next move.
December 24th, 1045
Spina absolutely crushed Roe at chess that round. Not that it was surprising, given how distracted Roe was.
After the game ended, Roe stretched out on his cot and picked up a book from the crate turned nightstand of sorts next to him. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Spina staring at the door, face pulled into a frown.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I`m alright. It`s just... it seems too quiet, ya know?"
Roe`s mouth twitched down into a small frown too as he thought about what Spina was saying. Not having a single patient of any sort was a bit unnerving in a way. But why look a gift horse in the mouth?
"Anyway, I`m gonna hit the showers."
"Good, you stink."
"Jerk," Spina playfully tossed a dirty sock at Roe, "How`s that for stinky?"
December 24th, 1100
Roe was sitting cross legged on the floor next to his cot when Spina returned from the showers.
"The hell you doin'?"
"Nothin'?? You`re feedin' carrots to somethin' under your cot!"
"Guess, that`s what I`m doin' then."
"Gene..." At the hint of exasperation in his voice, Roe looked up at his friend.
"It`s a bunny."
"Shit, is it Scruffy? The hell`s it doin' under your cot?"
"Ain`t Scruffy an' I`m hidin' him so Luz don`t see him before Christmas."
Roe had turned back to keep feeding the bunny but he could feel Spina`s eyes on the back of his neck.
"Are you two...?"
"No," Roe prayed that his cheeks weren`t turning as red as they felt, "we ain`t."
"You two still aren`t?! Jesus, Gene, the way you two flirt like two goddamn little school girls -"
"Really, Gene, the hell`s takin' so long?"
Roe didn`t have an answer for that because, really, what was taking so long?
December 24th, 1630
It wasn't until right before dinner that Roe spotted Luz making his way toward his tent. Roe was perched on the edge of his bed, waiting. As soon as Luz opened the door, Roe was up in a flash. Roe grabbed Luz by the front of his jacket and slammed his mouth against Luz`s before he could say a word.
When he finally pulled away and let go of Luz`s jacket, Luz stood there speechless.
"Mistletoe," it was all Gene could get out at the moment. They both looked up at the mistletoe hanging above their heads.
"Well," Luz chewed on his bottom lip, "I am still standing under the mistletoe and, uh, I think that means you should still be kissing me."
Roe smirked a bit as his fingers once again curled in to the front of Luz`s jacket, pulling him closer, "Think you might be right."
December 25th, 0700
"Ralph? Hey, Ralph. Come on, get up."
Some days trying to get Spina up was the hardest thing Roe had to do. Spina slept like the dead (there had been a few times Roe had actually checked for a pulse). Thankfully, today Spina got up without too much prodding.
"Alright, I`m up, I`m up. What time is it?"
"It`s Christmas."
"That ain`t a time."
Spina finally sat up. He reached out and ruffled Roe`s hair, "Just kiddin' Gene. I know what day it is. Merry Christmas bud."
Spina reached in to the trunk beside his bed and pulled out a small present, offering it to Roe. Roe smiled and produced Spina`s present from behind him. Neither of them could rip into the presents fast enough.
Spina gaped slightly as he unwrapped a hand-carved wooden frame with a picture he hadn`t seen before of his wife and daughter inside.
"Made it myself. An' I wrote an' asked 'em to send a picture that you didn`t have yet."
"Jesus, Gene, I..." Spina felt himself choking up and he swallowed hard, "I love it Gene."
Roe couldn`t help but feel a little proud at Spina`s reaction.
Turning his attention to the present in his hands, he finished unwrapping what Spina had got him. What he unwrapped was a book of Cajun folktales. A memory surfaced of him telling Spina briefly several months ago about how his grandma used to tell him all these stories when he was a kid and how he wished he could remember them better. It had been a small moment, but apparently Spina hadn`t forgotten it. Tearing his eyes away from his new book, he looked up at his best friend with a giant smile.
"Thanks Ralph," Roe squeezed Spina in a tight hug. 
December 25th, 0730
Roe had one other present to give today. He made his way to the 5061st`s headquarters where Luz both worked and bunked. He was happy to find Luz was already wide awake, sitting on the edge of the bed, lacing up his boots.
"Merry Christmas George!"
Luz hopped up from the bed with a grin to kiss Roe, "Merry Christmas Gene." As he went to kiss Roe again, Roe moved back, "Hold on. Present first. Close your eyes."
Luz did as he was told, butterflies in his stomach as he thought about what on earth Roe could have gotten him.
"Alright. Open 'em."
Luz opened his eyes to see Roe holding out a cage to him. A cage that contained a bunny.
"I know it ain`t Scruffy but I thought you might like a new bunny."
"Gene! I love him!" The thousand watt smile on Luz`s face made Roe`s heart melt.
December 25th, 2100
Another day came and went without a single patient. It was highly unusual but it was hardly mentioned by anyone in the 5061st. Perhaps they were all afraid of jinxing such a streak of luck, especially at Christmastime. And now night had arrived and with it, the 5061st`s Big Christmas Extravaganza.
Everyone was crowded in to the mess tent which had been decorated with balloons and streamers - none of which were Christmas colors but during the Korean War, you work with what you can get. Grant and Talbert managed to make a cake - a cake! Everyone was wearing homemade party hats. There was music and dancing and lots and lots of alcohol. It was a real, honest to god, party.
Spina, who had already had a few drinks, was bear hugging everyone in sight. He had already squeezed Roe so hard a couple of times that Roe thought his lungs would burst. Sisk was having trouble standing up already. Liebgott, who had declared several times that he didn`t "celebrate this shit", also declared he was still up for a party and if everyone else was getting drunk, then dammit, he was too. Babe was attempting some kind of dance on top of a table and Talbert was egging him on (Roe was almost willing to put money on Babe being the first casualty of the night). Even Nixon from I Corp had showed up. He and Winters were laughing about something over in the corner.
Luz, of course, was fully in his element. He was the life of the party, cracking jokes, starting sing-alongs, making sure everyone had drinks. Good ol' Saint Luz - effortlessly making sure everyone was having a good time. 
Roe was damn near entranced watching Luz make his way around the room and when Luz`s path finally crossed Roe`s, Roe simply couldn`t keep himself from reaching out and pulling him closer.
December 25th, 2358
"You realize that once that clock strikes midnight, we`ll have had no wounded for 3 days? 3 days! It`ll be a goddamn Christmas miracle!"
At Spina`s proclamation, all the eyes in the room locked on to the clock`s hands, watching with bated breath as the hands steadily counted down the last minute until their official miracle. Many, if not all of them, stood there with a small knot of worry in their stomachs that at the very last second a chopper or ambulance would come racing in and ruin their precious moment.
Roe was almost positive that two minutes had never passed so slowly. But they passed. And without incident.
As the clock struck midnight, cheers erupted all around. The 5061st had just experienced a certifiable miracle and they were about to celebrate the hell out of it.
In the midst of all the noise and excitement, Roe managed to pull Luz outside. With Luz`s hand clutched firmly in his own, he led Luz to a quiet spot just behind his own tent.
Stopping in his tracks, he turned towards Luz and smiled, "George."
"Gene." Luz returned the smile.
Roe moved closer to Luz, the distance between them shrinking to mere inches. "Or should I be callin' you Saint Luz?"
Luz`s bright eyes peered up at Roe, "I`m not always such a saint, you know."
"Well then, Saint Luz," Roe leaned forward and pressed quick hungry kisses to Luz`s lips as he began to lead him in to his tent, "Let`s see how un-saintly you can be."
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love-it-or-its-free · 4 years
[edited to update pastebin and make links clickable.]
First, just some more context about me: I am a 33 yr old lesbian, butch (in a nerd way) and quite androgynous/GNC.
Until a year or two ago, I was an ardent supporter of trans activism, as it went part and parcel with being a member of the LGBT "Community".
Literally, asking this same question to myself was a turning point for me. I knew I was supposed to hate and denounce anything TERF-related.... but one day I realized, I didn't know exactly what TERFs had supposedly done, that would warrant such seething hatred against them.
Like I said, I comprehend hating Nazis, because I have seen evidence of the unforgivable brutality of the Nazi regime and its supporters. I've taken history classes, read books and original sources, and watched documentaries about it.
Basically, I have seen enough evidence to understand the scope of Nazi evil, so it makes sense to me why some people go around saying "punch nazis." Personally, I'm not the type to punch anybody... and I question whether punching actually fixes the underlying evil... but based on what I know, I totally understand why nazis are so hated.
But why are terfs so viscerally hated that they are directly compared with a mass-genocidal regime? I want to know the truth. If the evidence is out there, I want to see it, to keep my views updated and accurate.
Now on to your response.
I do not believe that you should debate hate groups. I think that doing so will only help spread their hate and
I don't really believe in debating hate groups, either. But I also believe that having a closed mind is a victory for authoritarians of all stripes. I have no problem engaging with people who disagree with me, because I generally believe in having "strong opinions, weakly held" -- I am firm in my beliefs, but my mind is open to evaluating new evidence. If I deem the new evidence convincing enough, I may change my mind or update my views. I value intellectual rigor, so I want to keep my views accurate and up-to-date.
I am severely distressed about the number of terfs in wlw spaces and think that something should be done about it, it has gotten to the point where if it is not stated directly that they do not support transmisogyny that I will often feel paranoid about being in the space.
Honestly, I would love if you could PM me about these "wlw spaces" that are supposedly crawling with terfs. I feel like I'm reading this from a bizarro mirror dimension, thinking... WHAT wlw spaces? Is there really anything like this, outside of a handful of unpopular tumblr tags and a couple of small subreddits?
The only spaces I know of, especially IRL, are bending over backwards to be so "q***r friendly" that actual lesbians are being pushed out. One local activist in my city, started a public speech by claiming, "terfs are lesbians who..." and went on to drag lesbians for not being inclusive enough. Why only lesbians, I wondered??
Singling out and pressuring lesbians that way is not okay, in my opinion. Lesbians deserve to have spaces for lesbian (natal) women only. Lesbians are allowed to be repulsed by penises. None of that is hateful! Lesbians should not be pressured to sleep with anyone they aren't interested in. Unfortunately, I see that happening a lot these days. The "wlw spaces" I know of, offline and online, increasingly pressure lesbians in this way. Not cool.
Now, I can handle those pressures... but I'm really worried about younger lesbians. Being a lesbian is hard enough as it is! We have a right to exist, and to express our sexuality without added pressures.
and finally reason three, trans people who are afab have been seen to dismiss terfs actions and beliefs purely because terfs do not actively threaten their existence like they do amab trans people.
I'm not sure if I follow this part... it seems like you're saying that some FTMs ("trans people who are afab") do not feel threatened by so-called terfs, because the perception is that terfs are more threatening to "amab trans people"? Sorry if I misunderstood, but I would be interested to learn more about this phenomenon either way.
The person who sent this ask had lots of “Terf Safe” tagged posts on their blog and in their likes (though it seems their likes are now private), so I had blocked them, on the post that I made on my @la-joueuse-ultime blog that I quoted above they had asked why Terfs and Nazi’s are being compared, saying “I know about the reasons Nazis are bad, we can study history to see that evidence. But where is the evidence that terfs are comparably bad?” I had responded “@love-it-or-its-free it’s not that their comparably as bad, it’s that they’re bad. They are a hate group that has killed trans people and because of that they shouldn’t get a voice to spread their hate.” I then told them I planned to block them, I had done so and then they sent this ask.
Well, just to be clear, you were the first to interact with my post. It appears that you went looking in terf-friendly tags, found my post, and decided to interact with it. I'm happy to clarify the details of this, but I think your wording makes it sound like I sought you out, when it was actually the other way around. I posted mild terf-friendly content, you directly compared terfs to nazis. I think that's extreme.
I guess it's a good thing I hid my likes, too, because it sounds like you were ready to trawl for "punishable" content. I mean... who among us has not accidentally tapped the heart while on mobile or something? I hope you aren't really intending to police liked content like that.
Now to the actual ask, I believe the reason you can’t find Terfs that have killed trans people is that, well, you’re literally not looking,
I am quick to google anything that pops into my head, so rest assured, I would not pose this question to a tumblr rando unless I had actually attempted to answer it for myself. I'm asking to try and gather more info/evidence on top of what I have seen already.
or you think that they needed to have direct (by direct I mean they physically took part in) killing the trans person. You don’t need to be holding a knife to take part in someone’s death, you can encourage violence against the minority, you can bully and harass them until they take their own life, or you can fight against medical procedures that some of these people need to live. Terfs have done all of these.
Right... but I specifically asked how you can directly compare terfs to nazis. I agree that bullying, etc. is wrong. But I am asking for the evidence you used to make the direct comparison. You are shifting the goal posts here. I'm okay with that shift if you are... because I'm happy to provide evidence of trans activists doing things like sending death threats to terfs (or any woman who is deemed to have "terfy" views) which seems directly comparable to what you are claiming here.
It took a second search to find Terfs encouraging violence against trans women.
I found similarly scant search results... but like I said, I'm willing to evaluate new evidence when I see it.
This post on Reddit (I recommend being careful, tw for violence) is of a screenshot of a Terf stating that “It is a shame that people cannot do this in America” the post contained a picture of a man seemingly attacking a trans-woman for using the bathroom where she was most comfortable to do so. The posts were made on Spinster, a “woman-centric” social media platform that was made by M.K. Fain, a known terf.
So... I'm honestly surprised you would link to that particular subreddit as evidence of anything. But I'll charitably ignore the source for now. What I see, as far as content, is a screenshot of an anon comment on a website. You claim that the comment must be from a terf. Why? 1) screenshots can be photoshopped. 2) Anyone can sign up for an account on sites like that.
Sorry, but this isn't convincing evidence to me. Even if it's real, it's not a death threat, it's not an incitement to violence. It could be "real" in the sense that some troll signed up to the Spinster site just to troll "as a terf". It's just a shitty anon comment. Of course I object to the sentiment behind it (see anti-violence disclaimer to follow)... but I don't believe it stands up as evidence to support your claims.
(aside: I don't want to make this post any longer than it is, but I noticed some not-very-nice comments from that link and collected them in a pastebin here )
Finally, I researched the actual murder case in question. All eight people arrested in connection with the homicide are men... not terfs.
(I'll include this disclaimer here, though I'm bummed out that I feel the need to be pre-emptive/defensive about it:
I am anti-violence. I condemn violence of all kinds. (See above: I'm a softy, not the punching type) I especially condemn murder and homicide, and I do not endorse eye-for-an-eye justice. I want less pain and hatred in the world, for everybody, even folks who disagree with me.
I believe "the Golden Rule" is called Golden for a reason... it's Key! end disclaimer.)
Not only that but I found many articles directly denying violence against trans people, that I won’t link because they were made by terfs for terfs and I do not want to give them a platform. By denying the violence trans people face you are encouraging it, telling the people who enact the violence that they won’t be punished for it.
Yes, "denying violence" sounds like a bad or at least ignorant thing to do. But how is it remotely equivalent to committing violent acts? Unfortunately, if I can't see the evidence, I can neither refute nor accept it.
Trans people have a shockingly high suicide rate, there is no denying it. This article talks about a Terf that targeted a suicidal trans woman to harass, as well as provides a link to an article about Cathy Brennan, one of many who try to directly prevent trans people from seeking medical help.
I read this, but I couldn't figure out the series of events it's describing. I looked around on my own, and found that it seems to be a response to an ongoing feud between Dana Taylor (author of the piece) and at least one other person. For instance, I found multiple blog posts from the "other side" which described Dana Taylor's participation in harrassment and doxxing campagins. Here's one person on twitter, describing their experience with being targeted:
I just googled myself and found this from 5 years ago which said I was going to be watched. I don't think they watched me.
source thread
That's just one example I found. There were many similar tweets and comments about doxxing involving the author of the link you gave. So I'm open to reading more about these incidents, if you have more links. If something bad happened, I would like to understand better. But right now, this at best looks like just one side of a multi-sided internet slapfight.
If you just listened to trans people you would hear story after story of them being attacked by terfs if you just paid more attention you would see them encouraging violence against trans people, and if you just cared a tiny bit more, you’d realize that trans people are human too.
I am listening, or at least I'm trying to listen by asking good-faith questions while trying not to be attacked for it. Are you doing the same, keeping an ear out for stories of terfs being attacked, and listening to their stories?
How would it make you feel if I said, "if you just cared a tiny bit more, you'd realize that terfs are human too." ?
Anyway, that’s the post thank you for being patient.
Same here. I want you to know that I truly appreciate your thorough reply and the time you spent on it.
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nessaiscute · 4 years
Reversed roles
Well, this is a fine how do you do? How in the heck did I end up in this situation?
You know exactly how you got into this mess Ash, you and your stupid whims.
Okay, so it was not the smartest idea to try to get that teddy bear out of that tree for that knight’s son, but darn it the little kid was so cute and he just wanted his bear. It was the least I could do, but now... I broke my leg. I didnt show it in front of the knight and his child. The kid hugged my leg which made it even worse and now it gave way and Im on the stairs to the throne with my leg in intense pain. I can hear Puck laughing at me.
This pain is starting to be unbearable.
I think the only time I felt worse then this is when Meghan in anger said she hated me, which...i deserved but still. Now how to sneck off into the medical wing without any one seeing me crawl like a slug. and more imporantly....without my queen seeing me, cause that would be....embrassing.
“Ash, what the hell? Why aren;t you at the dinning hall? its time for lunch.”
Already failed huh?
“Um.... I’m heading, just give me a few mintues i just need to streach my-”
However when I went to pull myself up...
‘ARRRRRGH!” I cried out tears forming in my eyes.
Meghan quickly rushed to my side.
“What happened to your leg? are you okay??”
“Broken....” I barely mumbled out.
“You broke it? How- You know what? Don’t answer that. We need to get you to the medical wing.”
“Meghan, we don’t have streachers renember? Kerrian broke them when he was playing with Fix.”
Meghan pondered this, then an idea splashed across her face.
“I got an idea.”
Meghan then curled her arms under my legs and before I knew what was happening Meghan was carrying me bridal style. My face heated up 30 degrees more then it honestly should ever be.
“W-What are you doing??” I exclaimed.
“You don’t like this?”
“I...Its fine, even if i did have an issue with it we don’t have a choice.”
Meghan giggled, “Glad to hear it.” and then she kissed my face leaving a pink lipmark.
Then she carried me, and i swear we ran into every knight and servant in the castle. Of course they wisphered as we passed.
“You just killed my reputation...” i Grumbled.
“Sorry bout that my knight. Although im more worried bout your leg rather then yoru repuation.”
“How are you even able to carry me?”
“I’ve been training. Ash, I think its safe to say i surpassed you by now. We’ve been married for a long time and Ive inherited the powers of the iron. We’ve long since passed you being stronger.”
I chuckled, you know.... being in Meghan’s made me feel safe and secure. It was nice. I could get use this, I now get why Meghan sometimes wants to be carried around sometimes. I... want to have this happen more often. its nice to be cared for, espcailly if its by the person that loves you most.
“Yes Ash?”
“We... should do this more often.,.. the carrying part.”
“Well you breaking your leg anymore is totally out of the question but im happy to hear you want to be carried more. I would be honored to carry you. Do you care if anyone sees you?”
“I don’t give a damn at all. Let them stare,”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” 
we got to the medcial wing, I got my leg fixed and I learned something about myself. All and all a pretty good day.
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saelwen · 5 years
The Magic Pencil
Tumblr media
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Chapter One
Summary: On one boring afternoon, Y/n finds a magical pencil which will make her wish come true, where the avengers are real and the tragic events from Thanos snap had to happen. (Sorry I'm bad at summaries BUT I promise that the story is better.)
Warnings: None, only fluff. It will be having SMUT on the other chapters
Words: 2,600
A/n: No one died on endgame!! My heart is still hurting!
“Oh! C´mon!” you sigh tired while looking down to all your books spread on the ground which had fallen when someone passed by you in rush, shoving your body to the side.
Bending down, you start picking up all the heavy books, grumbling when you saw one of your precious books on a dirty puddle. Adjusting your glasses, you stand up with your arms full and begin walking on the busy New York streets. All you could hear around you was the sound of hooking of the cars and people yelling and laughing, talking about their awful day.  
You´ve lived you´re all live in New York, knowing every corner and the best coffee place in the city. It´s great living here since was so much stuff to do and go but you feel that something was missing. Your dream was to buy a lovely cottage in the middle of the woods, where you could read and write in peace. Not having the sounds of the loud cars and people yelling at each other's to distract you, and feel the fresh morning air, smelling the lovely smell of the trees and humid grass.
A shiver runs down your spine as a gush of cold wind passes through you, making you bury your cold face on your fluffy old scarf around your neck. It was early October, so the ground was full of orange and yellow leaves, making the streets beautiful.
As you were about to turn the corner, you see the huge poster from the new avenger's movie. The gigantic poster made you look in awe to the heroes that you read their Bd when you were a child, growing up with their adventures.  
“It´s so sad that Bucky had turned into dust,” you whisper to yourself while walking towards the small cozy book store which you work on. Bucky always was your favorite character, along with Loki. Not just because of how charismatic and expressive the characters were but also from how handsome the actors were. They were your little crush that nobody knew about.  
The tiny bell ring as you enter the book store, making the white-hairy man look to you with a warm smile.  
“Y/n! How good to see you.” Robert, the owner of the book store, said with a tired voice.  
“Good afternoon, Mr. Robert!” you said while putting the heavy books behind the counter, putting your name tag on your black turtleneck shirt.  
“I will need to get out early. I have a medical appointment today,” he said, rubbing his rough fingers on his wrinkled face while letting out a tired sigh.  
You look up to him, your e/c eyes full of concern. “Are you okay, Mr. Robert?” you put gently your hand on his arm and squeeze softly, rubbing your thump on his wrinkled hand.
“Yes! It´s just that I had a painful headache all this month and I want to check it out,” he said gently, sitting slowly on the chair behind the counter.  
It´s true, it´s been some time that he complains about his head and sometimes he has dizziness which makes your worry terribly.  
“Do you need to accompany or help to go to the doctor?” you said, your voice full of concern.  
He smiles warmly to you and shook his head. “No, there is no need for you to worry about! I can handle all by myself.” his voice was full of mischief, making you roll your eyes and chuckle.
The day went out slowly. it's always like that normally, people rarely come to the book store since nowadays everyone could purchase every book on the internet and will arrive quick to their homes.  
Mr. Robert leaves for the doctor's appointment which you took the opportunity to finish writing your book. It wasn´t something to go to the public eye, just a little story for you and only you to read it.
As you were lost in your story, a loud sound grabs your attention. Turning your head to the side, you saw a simple wooden box on the floor beside you. It was small and delicate, you notice some beautiful words craved on it as you pick it up.  
“Use me and your words will become reality.” you read the words. Tilting your head to the side, making some pieces of h/c hair fall to your face, you frown to the small box. “Weird... Did Mr. Robert had some old merchandise from Alice in Wonderland in here?” you murmured quietly.
Putting the wooden box on your lap, you open it slowly. Inside was only a simple black pencil, with a small ruby on the top. “What? All this for a simple pencil?” you chuckle, picking up the pencil.  
You begin to make small doodles with the pencil, bored that no one had come in for hours. The words from the box run over and over on your mind. It would be awesome to have anything you write come to life. Imagine waking up one morning and have dragons, elves and other creatures running around.  
Looking down at the scribbled paper and chuckle. “I wish that the avengers were real.” you read your words out loud.  
Sighing, you threw the paper to the trash can as you saw that it´s time to close the store.  
The infernal ring from your phone woke you up from your slumber. Groaning, you lazily try to find the beeping thing on your bedside table. Lifting your head from the soft pillow, you saw ´Mom´ in big on your phone.  
Sighing, you slide your finger on the cold screen.
“Hi, Mom,” you mumble tired.
“Sweetie! How are you? You won´t stay your free day at home, right?” her squeaky voice came out from the other side loudly, making you hiss.
“Mom, please! I do what I want!... How´s it is going your and Dad's vacation?” you ask while sitting on the bed, stretching your sore back.  
“Oh, it´s lovely! Paris is really the city of love. I and your father will stay for one more month... I think you should also do a little vacation, Y/n. After the blip, you never got out of that damn apartment or the book store. I think it would do you good to leave the house and go travel, to make new friends and other stuff.” your mom said, her voice was now calmer and fuller of concern.
The blip?! What the hell is she talking about? Did she saw the new spider-man and now is joking with you? Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you stood up from the bed, slipping a comfy robe. “The blip? Mom, what are you talking about?” you ask while walking to the kitchen, preparing a good cup of coffee.
“Oh sweetie...i know that was a really awful event to be turned into dust but you need to know that I and your father are here for you! If you need to talk or any help, we are here for you,” she said.
What is she talking about? Did she smoke something on the vacation? Sitting down on the chair, you put your mug on the table and open your laptop, opening Google Chrome. You search on anything about the blip, seeing the news about the tragic event and how the avengers had saved everyone. To your surprise, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Natasha were alive, along with Vision and Loki.
“Ahh...Mom, I will call you later. Bye!” with that, you end the call. “What the hell has to happen?!” you whisper while reading all the news. You notice that every avenger looks alike to the actors in the movies. Your heart almost jumps out from your mouth as you see Bucky´s picture. God! He´s beautiful!
Closing the laptop, you rest your head on the table. How could this have happened? The Avengers and Thanos and the other are all fiction, none of that is real!
“THAT PENCIL!” you shot up from your seat.  
Running to your bedroom, you change into more appropriate clothes and run out of the apartment. You need to get to the book store and get that pencil back. Well, it´s really cool that you are in a world that the avengers are real but what if something extremely bad happens? What if a bigger threat than Thanos comes to Earth and kill everyone? In that case, you prefer to be in your cozy bedroom reading a book on your reality.
When you arrived at the book store, you grab your keys and open the door since today was the day that they were closed. Walking inside, you go directly behind the counter, where you had put the box.  
As you look down, you saw nothing put papers and books. “Fuck!... I swear that I've put the pencil here!” you whisper.  
Distracted by searching the damn pencil, you didn´t notice the bell of the door ringing as a large figure walks inside.  
Standing up, you try to see if you had put the pencil in the counter but as you peek from behind the counter you saw the one and only Bucky Barnes looking to the books on the shelf. A gasp escape from your lips and you duck quickly behind the counter, your cheeks red as a tomato.  
Fuck! Why is he here? This is too much for your poor heart to handle.  
“Ahh...Excuse me?” his deep rich voice made goosebumps on your skin.  
Taking a deep breath, you stood up slowly, embarrassed by the stupid figure that you´ve made just now.  
“H..HI! Welcome to our store!” your voice came out in a little squeak, making your face even redder.
God! This is a disgrace. You must look ridiculous since you haven´t brush your wild hair and there was some evidence from sleep on your face.
“Thank you... Are you open?” he asks while looking around, seeing that the lights aren´t turn on and some shelves are empty.
“Ahh... No, but if you want, you could look around! I´m just searching for something that I had left here yesterday.” you said, seeing his ice blue eyes studying your every move. You have noticed a faint softness on them when he sees how nervous you were.
“Okay...I will have a look. Thanks.” he said softly while walking around the small store, looking to the different books on the shelf.
Biting harshly on your lower lip, you try to keep in an excited squeal. You can believe that Bucky Barnes is in your shop and that had talked to you. He seems so timid, looking around the store like it was something out of extraordinaire.
Shaking your head, you begin looking around for the pencil again. It can´t have disappeared! Maybe Mr. Robert took it with him. Damn, I knew that I shouldn´t touch things that weren´t mine!
Putting your hand on your waist, you rub your hand on your face, trying to think where did you had put it.  
“I´m sorry... I know that this is pretty quick and out of nowhere but...would you like to get some coffee with me? I know a good coffee shop down the street.” Bucky´s voice interrupted your trail of thoughts, making jump a little.  
Turning back, you saw his pale cheeks with a faint blush and his eyes were full of anxious and nervous. Did the winter soldier just invited you for coffee!? Your dreams really had come true!
“Ahhh...Y..Yes! Of course! Just let me close the store than we will go.” you said with a smile.  
He nods and stays there waiting for you, watching you cleaning some stuff on the counter. After closing the store, you two walk down the street to the coffee shop that he talked about.  
You two enter the small coffee shop, the smell of coffee and brownies hit your face wonderfully. He leads you to a table beside the large window and pulls the chair for you to sit on.  
The waitress went to your table and asks what you two wanted.  
“Ahh... I want a mocha,” you said.
“And I will also want a mocha. Thank you.” Bucky said with a small smile to the waitress, who giggles like a schoolgirl and winked at him.  
That made you a little self-conscious since you weren´t dressed for a date and probably there was a little of toothpaste in the corner of your mouth.  
“So, do you work on the book store a long time?” he asks you, his voice timid and soft.
Swallowing a lump on your throat, you nod while pushing a piece of your hair behind your ear. “Yes! I started working after finished my university. The owner is a very sweet man and needs some help since he was the only one working in there.” you said shyly while playing with your sleeves.  
The waitress came back with your drinks and you notice the Bucky´s coffee had a number with a kiss on it but he didn´t even notice it since his ice-blue eyes were fixed on you.
“It seems nice. The store seems calm, it must be great to work there. Having a place where people are quiet and go there from their love for the books.” he said with such gentle voice, making you almost melt on your seat.
“Yeah...it´s really great but nowadays people don´t go to the books stores to buy books since with the internet is easier and they won´t have to move their ass.” with your last words, Bucky let´s out a warm laugh which makes you join him.
You two pass the rest of three hours talking and joking around. He tells you his love for books since he can´t work well with TVs and phones or other modern stuff.
“I´m sorry for asking you this but... had you been blip? You know, turning into dust?” he asks you while rubbing the back of his neck which was bare since his beautiful brown hair was up on a bun.
Your eyes widen with his question. Fuck! What will you tell me? You don´t know if you had turned into dust since this isn´t your reality. Well, your mom said that I was.
“Ahh...Yeah, I was. It was...an awful experience.” your voice was quiet, making him smile gently to you.  
“I know what it feels...if you want to talk, I'm all ears,” he said softly, making your body warm a little.  
As you were about to answer him, his phone starts ringing, making him groan in annoyance. He took his phone and curse under his breath.  
“I´m sorry but it seems that our date has to end here... I have a mission.” his soft voice turns into one rougher and harsher.  
He stood up and ask the waitress for the check and a pencil. She comes back with everything and he pays then he starts writing something on his napkin. The waitress begins to smile and giggling as she saw his number on the white square but it vanished when he gave you the napkin.  
“Call me when you´re free.” with that he leaves the coffee shop.
You look down to the napkin and grin widely, shocked that you had the number of the winter soldier. Maybe writing with that magical pencil wasn´t so bad at all.
Hey Guys!!! So I´m starting this new series of Reader had got into a world where the avengers and rest of their universe are real. Tell me what you think and hope you like it!!
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
I feel what you feel au
N/A: based on an ask I did last night and yes this is a great idea. We all hate slutty Kurt.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead @everykurt
A gasp escapes from her mouth- and only that as she refuses to cry or even scream because of the pain- as Excalibur´s resident healer, Faiza, is taking a look on her femur. Kitty Pryde is on the handmade hospital bed and continues to wince even through Faiza is using her powers. "So, this happens out of blue?" Faiza asked as her hands are glowing and are gingerly touching her leg kindly and in slow motions.
Kitty can feel the cold sweater running through her back as a courteous sigh is heard by Kitty- soft but carrying implications and meanings that Kitty is not so happy to acknowledge now-  as the pain is decreasing it allows Kitty to think in a good lie. Or so she hopes. "Yeah, what you know? I pick the wrong day to try to dance ballet!" and she let a dry chuckle escape her lips.
Faiza looks serious into her eyes-boring into her soul for a moment and Kitty knew that wasn´t a good lie as it should be- and spoke in a monotone tone. "Why you insist on insult my intelligence Kitty? I know what happens!" and this shames Kitty into confessing what truly is plaguing her mind right now.
"I´m sorry. Is just..." she took a deep breath two times and tells her version of the facts. "A brawl begins over Meggan. I´d not know what happens per se" and now she looks restrained. "He was training with Meggan and I think someone was messing with her powers and well Brian took the scene in the wrong way..." she closes her eyes for a moment. "Well, he certainly wanted to kiss Meggan even if Meggan wasn´t Meggan" and she looks at Faiza who nods letting Kitty sit on the bed and is moving her toes. The pain is over.
"And Brian broke his femur" Faiza states not pleased with Brian nor with any of this situation. "Did he knew about it?" and Kitty can only shake her head.
"I´d not think he´s that cruel..." she mutters this response as she gazes at Faiza. The Muslin woman writes something on her file- every hero of Excalibur must have a file to keep things neat and organized. Is not Faiza´s magic powers only. She is a medical professional on a team of super heroes-and then offers a few words to Kitty.
"No, Brian is passing over a bad moment, but, I never peg him as cruel" her look is meaningful as always and now she talks a bit of her past. Something that Kitty can admit, at least to herself, how she was never truly interested.  Not out of malice or disrespect is just Kitty hardly was the one to need healing and is not a chatting person.
"Have you ever told how I meet my husband?" her tone is docile and Kitty closes her eyes and shakes her head. "I was walking in the streets of London, thanks to personal and religions problems, I had to quit medical school" Kitty wanted to ask what those problems are but Faiza´s kind stare gently ask for Kitty to not ask this. Kitty can respect her wishes. "It was a cold night in London when I look in my arm and saw this" she pulls her sleeve and shows her tattoo. "and I look at my future husband who also is gazing at his tattoo"
There´s a joyful smile on her face now. "He looks at me and said ''are you the one carrying such sadness?'' and I replied ''are you the one carrying such fear'' and well that´s how I meet my husband" she finishes and Kitty can say that a good meet-cute.
"Is what you feel about him?"
"...is more fear, but, not of his looks. Is more about what he´ll do now" and then she asks breaking her facade a little. "I don´t want to feel what he feels. I don´t want have to worry in having such thoughts about any pretty lady that isn´t mine" Kitty making her Bi-jokes much to Faiza´s amusement. "is there a way to block this soulmate thing?"
Faiza ponders for a moment. "Technically yes, but, I can´t give you the pills" and before Kitty could ask why Faiza adds patiently. "Those pills require the person to have 21 years old. You have 18 years. Only a responsible to sign the authorization for you...we need to tell Moira about that"
Kitty gasp again and looks embarrassed. "Aunt Moira? I´m an Excalibur member...does that allow me ..." and Faiza shakes her head saying how the rules must be equal for everyone else.
"And even if it wasn´t. Your aunt as your only legal guardian should know...Kitty, she´s your aunt and she cares for you. I´d not think is fair to let her come back to Excalibur and be left in the dark about your situation...alright?" Faiza asked and Kitty is not happy but nods agreeing with the terms.
"When she returns from her trip...I´ll tell her...but, please, is there a way to block this?"
"I´m sorry Kitty"
Outside Excalibur, a new scene dissolves as Meggan Puceanu is taking charge of her life by taking a chance and facing two grown-up men who thought she is a price and hopeless damsel in distress. Meggan is Gloriana and she deserves respect. With this mindset, Meggan goes to confront the man she loves. Brian Braddock -hating confrontation but needing to make a point- and she speaks with her heart open.
"Brian, how can you think I would cheat on you?" she begins looking back at the scene that almost happened. "my powers are a cross I must bear. People look at me and see the image of what they wish to see. Sometimes...I fear I have no control over my thoughts and feelings. I fear so much that I may lose control" she starts crying now and Brian tries to console her but Meggan shakes her head. "I´m not cheating. I would never cheat!" and shows her arm to him where the symbol very visible. "again, I would never cheat!" and gave a strong gaze at Brian.
Rachel is looking Kurt winced in pain but is slowly comes to grip to his own pain- Rachel rolls his eyes at this macho man bravado- and she knows what´s truly happening. Faiza fixed Kitty and now his leg are in better shape.
Brian opens his heart too. "I have my flaws. I´m so insecure and I´m an alcoholic..." and Brian takes a deep breath "I know about your powers and I jump to conclusions but I still fear you would one day wake up and wanting someone like him" he points at Kurt without looking " I´m a fool" Rachel speaks how true that is and is visible pissed. "and I want to be worthy of you but I have no idea how...when I saw the kiss...or almost kiss...I jump to conclusions and act like a fool because it was my worst fear becoming reality" he concludes.
Meggan ponders his words for a moment. " I´m mad you took this long to talk with me about these issues. I get it if I saw something similar I wouldn´t like it either...Brian, I love you" she then punches his arms pretty hard, not enough to actually hurt him, but still is visible she punched him. And she also winced in pain as he´s right now. "See? we´re soulmates. I have my issues too. I think I´m too co-dependent of you and that´s not healthy"
"What we do?"
"Talk about our issues. I know you have a problem with drinks. As I know you haven´t drunk anything in 2 months now...we can be better than this, Brian...let just talks" and Meggan cries because Brian is crying too.
Now Brian notices the Nightcrawler standing on his feet. Kurt and Brian will never be friends, yet, they work together and Brian can be the bigger man and admit his mistake and offer a sincere apology. "Kurt, I was a fool and blind by jealousy. I apologise for what I did" he still notices how Kurt is now on his own feet.
Kurt is saying something about waters under the bridge. Now, Meggan and Rachel take their turns to speak with him and they aren´t being very kind with Nightcrawler.
"So, fuzzy, noticed someone missing here?" Rachel asked sneering at him and clearly displeased. Meggan looks at Rachel for a long moment as she studies her body gesture.
"Yes, where is Kitty? She was here and..." Kurt replied not getting why Meggan and Rachel are having such looks exchanging between themselves and why they are looking at him in such a way.
"First, you knew I wasn´t in my right mind...why you tried to kiss me?" Meggan asked, still hating confrontation, yet, need to get this closed once and for all. "I have a boyfriend. I have a soulmate. We have problems but you have no right to try to kiss me..." Meggan concludes.
Rachel adds. "Fuzzy it would be like you were taking advantage of her...and that´s not heroic at all" there are heavy hints of sarcasm here and Kurt is not getting why Rachel is being even extra saltier with him.
"I. WANT. YOU. TO. APOLOGISE.TO.ME!" Meggan speaks louder as she´s taking her breath and recovering from such words. And Kurt is now clearly taken back by such outburst. He didn´t think he would gain this reaction from her.
"I sorry" and he adds. "when you change into this blue lady I thought this must be my dream girl and how I wish I could meet someone who shares the same past as me" Meggan stares at him as Brian and Rachel does the same.
"Wow, that´s the worst lie I ever heard" Brian states and Rachel nods. "Finally, I can agree with you, Brian!" followed suit by Rachel who is less impressed by Kurt than ever.
"I´m an empath and Rachel can read minds. And you think you can lie to us?" Meggan asked bewailed at such poor attempts to keep this secret and shakes her head. Now, Rachel is time for Rachel to share some knowledge.
"Is a lie. You only like Meggan because she´s hot. She could have been an ogre with 4 eyes but if she was hot...you would say how you always thought ogres are pretty" and continues with her mind drifting away to a certain person. "I´m even shocked to see you can even remember Kitty was here..."
"Poor Kitty!" Meggan said heartbroken now and Kurt is confused by this. "How can you do this when..." Rachel stops her and shakes her head - telepathically speaking through Meggan to keep it a secret- and Meggan sighs dejectedly.  "Just how could you?"
"You wouldn´t know what is love even if she is hit in front of your face!" Rachel spats and Meggan nods in agreement.
"You say you want a blue lady" Meggan begins as she shapeshifter into one very particular blue lady. "would you date this one?" and she personified Mystique down to a tee. "No, I´d not think so...be honest with yourself...until there, I don´t feel comfortable to be around you. Understand that and try to change yourself" and she goes to Brian as she speaks how they must talk about their relationship.
Rachel speaks for the last time. "You need help too, Kurt, as much hating the elf is fun to me...someone is getting hurt here!" and she leaves leaving Kurt Wagner alone.
Kurt got the word how Kitty got the same injury as himself and how Faiza healed her easily. Kitty Pryde is talking with Rachel-Rachel still giving him fuming looks. Literally- as now realization hit him pretty hard. He could deny everything (isn´t that his favourite tactic?) yet as Kitty look into his eyes. The idea seems too low for him.
"We´re soulmates..." and Kitty raises her hand to stop him.
"I feel what you feel. If you´re not ready to talk about this. Then don´t! I´m not the second-best. You´ll say I´m too immature and I´ll say you´re too emotionally stupid to handle a relationship. Let´s have this talk when you and I are truly ready for this" and she leaves and Kurt is confused by the myriad of feelings battling in his chest.
We´re soulmates...I have a soulmate!
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hackedmotionsensors · 5 years
Here we go Endgame lets talk about it! 
So I’ll say this!!! Over all!!! I liked it a lot. For a lot of reasons.
I also HAAAATTTEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDD a lot of some of the choices. That’s okay. We can have mixed feelings about movies especially the end of a saga. I think they did a good job of getting nods where they needed nods, bringing in storylines from previous movies and conversations that needed to happen.
And they fucking whiffed it on at least THREE REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS!!!
So lets start with what I liked.
1) STEVE TONY EVENT. DO YOU HEAR ME IT WAS A STEVE TONY EVENT  aaaah oh my god. From the second Tony lands back on the planet and Steve RUNS to him before even Pepper and he’s holding him and just the look of agony as Pepper takes him away and the fight where Tony says ALL THE SHIT WE HAD BEEN SAYING!!!! WHERE WERE YOU! YOU LIAR!!! and he RIPS HIS HEART OFF OF HIS CHEST AND GIVES IT TO STEVE BECAUSE YOU FUCKING BROKE HIS HEART YOU FUCKING FUCKED UP STEVE!!!!! FUCKK!!!! And then reconciling because “Resentment is corrosive” UGHHH!!! And Steve just barely containing himself when Tony shows up ughh!! UGHHH!!!!!!! AND THE ASS JOKE!!! THERE’S NO HETEROSEXUAL EXPLANATION ABOUT THAT!!!! TONY SAW STEVES ASS AND WAS LIKE TAN FRANCED IT LIKE BITCH YOU NEED AN FRENCH TUCK OF MY DING DONG IN YOUR BUTT!!! and Steve over the intercom being like “omg tony not in front of the kids” AND A STEVETONY SOLO MISSION!!!!!! 
TONY CALLING STEVE MY MAN  WOW. WOW. FUCKING EXCELLENT ON ALL ACCOUNTS THANKS SO MUCH!! I was given some bread thank you I will eat this stevetony bread nom nom nom nom nom.
2) Tony’s arc in this story was really beautiful. He finally got what he wanted, some perspective and closure with Howard. And I know initially you want to go “Hey Howard was really abusive” and yeah he was. But its complicated. Because Tony even says in Homecoming he was trying to break the cycle of abuse and he DID with Peter and Morgan. You can see just HOW MUCH he cares for his daughter and he was willing to say fuck you to the UNIVERSE in favor of not losing her. Its always a different perspective when you see your parents as people and not as YOUR PARENTS. 
Also Tony lying on the table with Natasha UuU. A lot of the interactions with Tony and the other characters were so good. Tony and Rocket. Tony and Nebula. Tony and Carol (tho brief). Tony arguing with Pierce like his little gay senses were like “This guys a nazi I bet”
3) I genuinely liked the Time Heist. I DID  NOT LIKE THE RULES OF TIME TRAVEL IN THIS MOVIE BUT I’LL GET TO THAT. But I looooved the Time Heist. From the New York stuff with Steve fighting Steve and knowing his dumbass loses his shit when he hears things like “Bucky’s still alive” and being done with his own stupid shit “I can do this all day” “YEAH I KNOW” (which btw at this point was basically the last thing he said to Tony in Civil War so maybe that doesn’t have its plucky little fire anymore and now is a sore spot). I loved Loki running away with the Space Stone (even tho as of now I’m still not sure what the FUCK THAT MEANS!? more on that in a sec) Loki making fun of Cap. Loki rolling his eyes at Odin. Tony dressed in a shield outfit screaming Medic!!! The gang all on the elevator and Hulk screaming about it and LOKI WAVING HIS HAND AT THE HULK AS THE DOORS SHUT!! TONY SITTING ON THE BRIEFCASE! SCOTT GOING “how the FUCK did you not know they were Hydra LOOK AT THEM They’re a COP!” Then jumping forward to the 70s and Steve’s legs that went all the way up to his asshole and Tony dressed as a doctor
I drew a doodle of it here you go lol I’ll post it properly later
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oh did this not happen? Idk what movie you were watching.
4) The big battle at the end was SO FUCKING COMIC BOOK I WAS LOSING IT. Also I keep calling it the Battle of Five Armies or Return of the King lol T’challa BATHED IN A HALO OF LIGHT LIKE YES WE STAN A KING. MY WIFE
VALKYRIE!!! ON HER BEAUTIFUL WHITE HORSE!!!! (also not being given an actual name and called Valkyrie is the funniest goddamn thing. Like that’s like going into a Footlocker and talking to the manager but calling them Manager)
WANDA FINALLY FUCKING FLYING. LIKE. F L Y I N G. THAT is what the Scarlet Witch is SUPPOSED TO DO!! SHE’S SUPPOSED TO BE SO POWERFUL IT TOOK EVERYONE TO TAKE HER DOWN CMON!!!!!! And she almost got him too. Honestly if it were down to Carol and Wanda they probably could have ended Thanos alone. 
Korg coming back for more comic relief AND PUTTING HIM IN TAIKA’S PINEAPPLE ONESIE!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING.
5) This is controversial. And I know it won’t age well. And that’s okay and feel free to disagree with me entirely. 
But I liked Fat Thor lmfao. I know it was played as a joke for the wrong reasons but I laughed. I was like fuck yes his belly looks like mine and that’s not why it was funny and it SHOULDN’T BE but I laughed lol. But on the other hand I think it had partially to do with Hemsworth constantly being like “no no we don’t need a shirtless scene” or just sort of a gag at how Marvel always has a shirtless scene and its just kind of funny to have it not be someone cut. EVEN THOUGH its a fat suit and I can’t take off my fat suit but Hemmy can and that’s kinda shitty. 
but I laughed. I can’t help it. He was a whole ass mess and I thought it was funny. And I know there are Thor fans out there who wanted more for him but like I said before this was a SteveTony event. This movie and this win worked because it was Steve and Tony finally coming together again.
It felt honestly the most comic book Avengers of the entire series. 
And true to comic book events
it whiffed the landing.
Before I get into dislikes I’ll say that I liked this movie more than I disliked it. I cried H A R D at the end of the movie. Because its not a movie that’s an on its own kind of movie. You had to have gone through the journey to get here. The pay off is completely lost if you only watch this movie. Or you only watch one or two of the MCU. Or if you’re like a few people I’ve talked to where they only like Steve and Tony. Or they only like Thor and Loki. Or they only like the Guardians and hate the avengers. If you have hate in your heart for any of these characters the payoff of this movie is pretty much lost.
The theme of this movie is clearly about moving on when things come to an end. When things stop or end or we lose people we love you have to move on. Steve says that at the beginning of the movie to our apparent gay representative straight director Joe Russo.
But like Tony said before.
Steve’s a fucking liar lmfao
But lets not start there. Lets start with the fucking timeline.
I hate.
I enjoyed what we SAW of the Time travel but the rules itself DIDN’T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE.
So when they’re suiting up Hawkeye for the test run Bruce explicitly says that all these movies that say “if you go into the past and fuck up the past you fuck up the timeline and the present/future is fucked because you’ve changed things”
ARE WRONG. HE SAYS THEY ARE WRONG. He says “If you go into the past. The past becomes your present. But the present then becomes your future. So you can’t go back and un fuck your parents to make you. Or kill baby Thanos. because that happened and you can’t change that but you can change youre present”
If you go into the past yes YOU are in your present but the world is still being written around you STILL so you go into the past and change something (loki making off with the space stone) that’s CHANGED. You’ve created a new reality.
THE ANCIENT ONE EVEN SAYS “you create a new reality. And it fucks shit up”
So now Loki has the time Stone in reality B, in reality A Steve goes back and puts the stones back where they belong (and I guess.....gives the soul stone to Red Skull????????? wouldn’t you try to get Natasha back????like that itself is a whole movie of Steve going back and putting things away but ??????) 
And then we get to the end of the movie where Steve says Fuck you to Peggy’s reality A family and now on this timeline where they’ve time traveled he lived an entire life WITH Peggy but like.......you were Captain America and you just said “No don’t worry about JFK being assassinated. Or the Civil Rights movement. Or stopping Bucky in any capacity. Or maybe saving MLK. Or Peggy continuing to join SHIELD. Or stopping ACTUAL NAZIS from infiltrating SHIELD.
Because if you go with this idea that Steve went back and “lived a life” What did he DO then. What did he FUCKING. DO?
You’re not Steve from 1940s going back to 1940s. You’re Steve form 2019 going back to 1940s. No wifi. No medicine. No cell phones? Gays are still being persecuted. You can’t drink from the same fountain as black people (or rather they can’t drink from your white fountain). 
You are.
and you just said nah fuck it its fine? This shit can all happen but I don’t super care because I get to dance with Peggy. Peggy who on her own had this whole life. Who did all this stuff IN YOUR NAME IN YOUR HONOR. Who married someone else. Who had a FAMILY. Who had a NIECE that you made out with. And just..... wha....
Like if he had gone back and danced with her but came back with Natasha in exchange for the soul stone but during his travels had aged. Or met someone else.
Like movie wise and story wise I get wrapping up Steve’s story. And maybe the person Peggy is talking about in the video of her in TWS is actually Steve from 2019. Maybe that’s it. But it still doesn’t make sense because they FUCKED UP THE RULES OF TIME TRAVEL SO WHO THE FUCK KNOWS.
So. lol I wasn’t a huge fan of Steve at the end of the movie. I know they needed to do something to end the movie with a finality. With Steve being DONE. But instead of finality or closure I just have so many goddamn questions. And I don’t hold it against Evans or even really the directors per say. But I’ll blame Markus and McFeely because they were writing since TWS. They HAD the Cap STORYLINE to write about and that was how they ended it.
its like when you pack for a very important trip and you plan out all your outfits but then wake up late and end up throwing whatever you can find into your suitcase and run out the door.
It felt final and not final.
But I’ll tell you this. From my perspective and obviously I’m going to skew it this way because its me and FEEL FREE to disagree with me.
He left because Tony and Natasha were dead. The two people that he felt the closest to (sorry Sam, Bucky and Sharon [who we didn’t even see as dusted wow]) were gone. Natasha and Steve had become a brother and sister. He would always come back for her clearly. Trying to cheer her up as she’s crying. Natasha understanding Steve’s feeling of being lost. Tony inspiring and fighting with Steve. Like that’s part of what I liked about this is taht you could really feel how Steve and Tony needed each other for this to work but also they needed to not hate each other. 
Also I kinda knew the second Scott said “That’s a one way trip!!” before the 70s bit that Steve was going to stay in the past lol What an asshole.
Also I don’t think it was very UN-Captain America because I think people don’t always realize that a lot of the inspo for the MCU came ALSO from Ultimates. And if Ults Cap was able to go back to the past he would have in a heartbeat. Who was a more depressed Cap? Ults or MCU? I just don’t know.
This was another one I kind of saw coming from a mile away as soon as it was just the two of them on Vormir. I was kind of hoping they’d Hawkeye a way out of the deal by like throwing his daughters picture or something like that. Or that it would be Hawkeye. But they both had an upcoming movie/series so I didn’t know which way it went.
And then there was that big jump. And I was like oh my god they did it right
Wow. Wowwwwwwwwww
Markus and McFeely 
The first time you get because Thanos is a dick and abusive and he would absolutely throw his favorite daughter into the soul pit (which I guess Isn’t picky because she didn’t love him back she hated him but I guess its a one way street with the ol’ soul stone)
And they don’t say during that one (far as I remember) that its a permanent exchange. 
But they sure emphasized this time. And they sure killed the original avenger who was the only girl on the team. Who never got a chance to live.
Who Whedon made herself call heself a monster because she can’t have a family and then she gets a found family and then SHE DIES. THEY KILL HER. AFTER HAVING A FAMILY.
WHAT THE FUCK. Like...my problems with Scarjo aside (which are similar with my problems with Paltrow) You DID. BLACK. WIDOW. FUCKING. DIRTY. I don’t care that there’s a movie coming out that was her story. You were supposed to give her a fucking story. And now her story is only how she relates to her TEAM OF MEN.
And now to my last point that I didn’t like. And I don’t hate this one as much as Steve’s ending or Natasha’s ending.
I don’t like that Tony died. I know this is wrapped up in a lot of emotions I have about Tony Stark the character. Robert Downey Jr the person. Tony Stark the character in all his forms is very important to me and I love that he has many forms. 616, Ults, AvAc, Avengers Assemble, the MCU. But his story is important to me. And its heartbreaking. I’m tearing up a bit now writing this out. 
I’m just the type of person that hates that a character, in a fantasy setting where you have wizards, valkyries, robots, talking raccoons and trees, Dave Bautista, a giant green rage monster wearing chinos, that you have to take this one part and make it realistic. That we have to keep realism kill this character off because it doesn’t make sense if someone doesn’t die. Because the stakes aren’t high if you don’t make them personal as well.
Which is true like you don’t have high stakes (the planet or universe getting dusted) if you don’t are about some of the people in that universe personally.
I just would have rather he had retired. Moved onto his little farm with Pepper and Morgan.
I think they did right by Tony. Storywise, ending...all the stuff the dropped the fucking ball on with Natasha and Steve they gave to Tony. And on one hand I get it and I appreciate that because (sorry to nat and steve fans truly) I care more about Tony. Tony started this whole thing. In a miracle of accidents they got the right actor, the right story, the right character, the right director, the right timing technology wise, the right social mood and made solid gold. And none of this would have happened if it weren’t for that amazing accident that happened.
And I think it has more to do with not wanting to let go or move on even though i can always go back to Iron Man 1 at any point and start the journey over again and have a laugh but there’s always going to be that ending where its final. Its done. Its over. And in the simplest of terms. I don’t like it. You have to know when to bow out and I respect and appreciate that. I don’t wanna see Iron Man 8 with geriatric old RDJ trying to fumble into a mocap suit.
I understand. I appreciate. But I don’t have to like it as a person. And that’s okay.
Its all about moving on isn’t it? That’s the theme of the movie. Moving on.
Even if you’re steve and your moving on wipes out the existance of a whole other family lmfaaoidnsfasfada sorry sorry. 
Okay. yeah that’s all I think I can think of. I’m sure there’s a ton more other people have mentioned aside from what I wrote. Like its a LONG movie and I think its hard to say hey “they fucked this up” or “they got this right” for EVERY SINGLE THING. There were so many characters. Nebula’s story could have been better. Thor’s story could have been more involved. Hawkeye could have been more important throughout the series. Janet could have come back for the final fight and healed Tony. Like there’s a ton of “this COULD have happened” But it didn’t. And that’s okay. It may not be right but its okay. I think they wrapped it up as best you could while still making a good movie. I think you probably can go back after a long while and look at the Endgame and go yeah that wasn’t so bad for an ending. Endings are hard to do with any sort of skill. Its why the joke that the third movie always sucks. 
There’s still a ton of stuff to look forward to.
Falcon/Winter Soldier, Loki, Hawkeye, Wanda and Vision (i GUESS??? lol), Black Widow’s movie. 
Maybe Steve solved more than he let on who knows. WHO KNOWS. Maybe Mjolnir left him haflway through the journey when she knew he was going to ditch his 2019 family (who again....mostly dead now)
I love Tony 3000. Which I found out is more than a ton which makes Morgan Stark a lot smarter than I am lmfao
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uveghazhatas · 5 years
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Employing an auto mishap lawyer is vital in functioning with lawful scenarios that involve a victim of physical or psychological injury. Such lawyers can not simply recommend their customers via the legal process when traveling to justice, yet they will likewise work as ambassadors in acquiring their customers` negotiations, ought to there be any. Commonly these therapists do not obtain lawyer`s fees if they do not recoup the damages inflicted upon their clients, and therefore their purpose to pursue justice and/or monetary vengeance for the individual would not aid the client but likewise them also.
Throughout your consultation with the Savannah GA lawyer or law firm, remove info as the legal representative or attorney responds to the inquiries you have, as well as ask follow-up questions if called for. The much better your concerns as well as notes are, the far better you`ll need to aid you choose in the future. Now, you`ll have a good amount of data you can collaborate with to make an option. Review your notes and evaluate each attorney or legal representative, both for his accreditation in accident law and also exactly how well the attorney matches your approach. You could request each legal representative to offer customer referrals. Getting in touch with past clients may use you the useful perspective of somebody with first-hand understanding about the lawyer. Utilizing the response to the inquiries you have, suggestions as well as your point of view of each, pick the lawyer or legal representative that will fully represent you as well as handle your situation.
There are plenty of files as well as case notifications which have actually to be submitted by specific target dates. A great deal of these may be in just a number of days and just an automobile accident lawyer experienced with his area can establish what cases need to be filed, which papers need to be completed, how to finish the kinds appropriately and also which insurance business to send the claims with. In instance you are associated with an auto mishap, ensure your lawyer will absolutely complete your lorry crash record record for your insurance coverage carrier and the accident report kind for the Division of Motor Autos. The insurance service provider of the private responsible for triggering your crash must be without delay notified by your attorney or lawyer, due to the fact that failing to do this might permit the insurance coverage supplier to decline protection for your mishap.
You can actually benefit in functioning with a car accident attorney by simply eliminating you as well as your family from the problem of filing an automobile mishap case all by yourself. As the claiming goes, leave it to the pros. Vehicle accident attorneys have knowledge checking out insurance claims and also functioning with insurance provider as well as jury decisions. If you`re still dealing with body injuries, you have actually obtained a greater cause to get an auto accident attorney. You have a bigger possibility for recovering far faster with no stress and anxiety as well as trouble of declare the damages cases.
If you`ve been injured in an auto accident, the initial thing you require to do after having your medical requirements seen to is take actions to defend your legal rights and call a car mishap attorney. Whether you realize it or otherwise, in the coming months as well as years your life is most likely to transform drastically. There are going to be costs associated with your accident as well as your recovery that you had no chance of planning for a year earlier, and also those expenses are likely to put a tremendous monetary drainpipe on your budget.
A great Savannah car accident attorney will certainly have the ability to aid alleviate a few of the worry of those expenses by bargaining a settlement for you with the celebrations in charge of the accident to begin with. If you`ve been injured as the result of another`s carelessness, that private now has a responsibility to you to ensure that you are able to get the treatment and also rehabilitative therapy you require to make a complete recovery without putting on your own into the inadequate residence.
Essentially, any type of costs arising from the accident are the responsibility of the individuals who created the mishap. Your automobile mishap lawyer will certainly function to make certain that they accept that responsibility as well as take steps to see that their obligation is satisfied and also you are effectively looked after.
When picking the automobile accident lawyer that will certainly represent your legal rights, you`re most likely to have an extremely big pool where to make your choice. Ideally, any type of lawyer that is proactively practicing personal injury law will have the skills as well as the court savvy to discuss the very best settlement feasible; however, as that is not always the case there are several points to take into consideration before making your choice.
Primarily, any type of excellent injury attorney is going to deal with a contingency basis. Simply put, they aren`t  likely to bill you a dime unless they are able to negotiate a settlement for you. The lower line is that a lot of lawyers are overworked, and also assembling a good legal instance takes some time and initiative. An excellent automobile accident attorney will certainly put in that time and effort to make certain that you obtain the most effective results possible from your claim, as well as they are going to gain the rewards of that initiative. A lawyer that bills you up front is far much more concerned with money than with your well being, as well as they may lead you into a court battle that is going to cost you thousands of bucks in fees with their eyes broad closed, understanding you don`t have a chance of winning or reluctant to place in the moment and initiative needed to strengthen your case yet going to take your loan anyhow.
The second thing you wish to try to find is experience. Really couple of legal representatives (and none with any type of sense) go straight from law school to exclusive method. A great car mishap attorney will collaborate with a large firm for numerous years to obtain their feet wet prior to branching off on their own, which will certainly provide you, the customer, the opportunity to see their medical history.
A Savannah Georgia lawyer who consistently walks right into the courtroom as well as works out a negotiation for their customers is a lot more likely to win you the payment you should have than one who is constantly stomped by the opposition, and also an automobile crash lawyer with more experience will know the composed and also word-of-mouth ins as well as outs of the profession that can make all the difference when it comes to your negotiation.
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xxx-cat-xxx · 6 years
A hand upon my forehead
A short ´n sweet little Peter - Irondad sickfic cause you all deserve it. Reblog or leave comments if you like it, I´m moving flats, have been packing boxes all weekend and crave some human interaction.
Mild fever and emeto here, very faint mention of painkiller overuse, but really, this is mostly fluff. Have a good start into the week, everyone!
“Mr. Stark, why aren´t you in bed?”
Tony startles when Peter´s voice interrupts him in the middle of solving a rather tricky equation. He glances up from the screen he has been bent over for the past hours.
The kid is leaning against the workshop´s doorway, eyes barely open, light brown curls sticking out in all directions. He has clearly just woken up. There´s a nasty bruise over his cheekbone that´s slowly turning purple and adds to the boys´s overall dishevelled appearance, but Tony doubts that he himself is looking any better.
“Not a night for sleeping, Pete,” he replies matter-of-factly.
Tony is always edgy after missions, and forcing himself to rest usually ends in the sort of unpleasant dreams he rather seeks to avoid. Coffee and tinkering had seemed like a more preferable choice when they had gotten back to the tower a few hours ago. However, the headache throbbing behind his eyes tells him that maybe, maybe the kid has a point.
“You...you must be tired.” Peter states, sounding a little off.
“Pfffh, a short rendez-vous with New York´s most pitiful criminals doesn´t wear Iron Man out”, he brags. “Gone without sleep for much longer in more adverse situations. My record must be somewhere at... Friday?”
“86 hours, boss. And the fact that you appear to be proud of sleep-deprivation shows that you have a serious issue with-”
“Ya ya, Mummy,” he cuts her off, facing Peter again. “Anyways, what brings you here at this ungodly hour?”
“Actually...” His protégé looks a little embarrassed. “Do you have some Advil down here? Think I´m running a fever.”
Tony swivels his chair around.
“Don´t worry, it´s not bad”, Peter hurries to add when he catches Tony´s alarmed gaze.
The older man takes a closer look at Peter. What he mistook for a casual stance in the doorway is actually an attempt of inconspicuously supporting his weight against the metal frame. The kid´s whole posture radiates tiredness, and he is a few shades paler than usual, bright red spots highlighting his cheeks.
“Friday, diagnosis?” Tony prompts, already getting up to grab the medicine. He groans when every single muscle of his body protests the sudden shift of position. God, getting old is no fun at all. He silently adds find a remedy against ageing to his mental to-do list.
“Mr. Parker´s temperature is currently at 100.6 degrees and hasn´t risen significantly during the past three hours. He is not exhibiting any symptoms of respiratory infection, so I suspect a mild virus or post-battle exhaustion as the most probable cause.”
Okay, Tony can work with that. He just needs to feed the kid some medicine and then tug him into bed. “Alarm me if the fever rises, Friday.”
“I´m okay, Mr. Stark, seriously.” Peter interferes.
“Yeah, a certain spider-lady told me the same thing a few hours ago just before passing out quite spectacularly in the middle of debrief, because she didn´t think it necessary to inform anyone about a foot-long slash wound in her abdomen. So I think it´s justified if I´m a little apprehensive right now.”
“Hey, I just came here to tell you something´s wrong, didn´t I?” Peter protests. “And how is Agent Romanov?”
“Still laid up in medical. Came to a few hours ago, Barton had to threaten her with tranquilizers to make her stay overnight. And they say I am stubborn.”
He observes suspiciously when Peter moves towards a chair and all but falls into it, gratefully accepting the glass of water Tony hands him.
“Only one, Mr. Stark?” he frowns when Tony offers him a fever-reducer.
“You´re a lightweight, be happy I´m letting you have any at all.” Tony rebuts.
“My body burns this stuff way faster than normal people´s!” he protests. “One will hardly do anything for me.”
“Okay, okay.” Tony hands out another tablet. “But that´s all you´re gonna get for the next few hours.” It´s enough if there´s one person in the room with an unhealthy relationship to all kinds of pain-numbing substances, he adds mentally, dry-swallowing two pills himself. It doesn´t escape Peter´s notice.
“Are you okay, Mr. Stark?”
“Yep,” he replies, popping the p. “Great power comes with great punch-attraction, or something like that. We fought and won a battle today, you forgot? And despite lots of rumours on the contrary, I´m still somewhat human and damageable.”
"Hmm.” Peter replies, clearly not following his mentor´s monologue. His eyes have drifted close, exhaustion taking over. Tony wonders whether he has ever been as young as the kid is looking right now.
“Hey, Pete.” He softly shakes him at the shoulder. “Nighty time, come on, let´s get you to bed.”
“Hmm.” It´s a sound of low-key disagreement this time, and Tony glimpses a spark of unease in Peter´s eyes when the boy groggily gets to his feet.
“Spit it out, kiddo,” he probes while following him through the door, trying his best not to limp. “What´s going on?”
“It´s nothing, Mr. Stark. I´m sorry.” Peter rubs his eyes while they wait for the elevator doors to open.
“Gosh, what´s that thing with teenagers and acting all mysterious?” Tony rolls his eyes. “You don´t wanna sleep, you don´t have to. Free country, free choice, all that.”
Peter looks up at him, blushing a little, but visibly relieved. Tony pretty much knows what´s going on, being intimately familiar with the motions that mind and body go through after days like these, including the desire to not being alone in an empty bed. He himself doesn´t really have a choice these days, with Pepper back in her old apartment, but he´s certainly not going to force the kid to be on his own when he doesn´t want to be.
“Movie night it is, then.” he smirks. “But I am getting the couch. Tell me, what was this Star Trek film again, the one in which they travel back into the eighties and Spock strolls around San Francisco in this hilarious beach robe...?”
They both end up on the couch, because it is by far the most comfortable piece of furniture in the living room, and despite contrary assertions, it´s clear Tony won´t let a sick kid lie down anywhere else.
The spaceship crew hasn´t even landed on earth yet when Peter is fast asleep, wrapped up tightly into a blanket, only his messy curls sticking out. Tony shoves a pillow under his head after checking his temperature and then falls back into the cushions, too exhausted to even think about getting back to the workshop.
He dozes on and off while the movie plays in the background, still too pumped to actually sleep, but oddly comfortable. He´d insist to anyone asking that his robots are all the company he needs in his life right now, thank you very much and mind your own business. But he has to admit reluctantly that it´s a nice change to have an actual human being around, even if it´s a feverish 15-year old drooling into the cushions.
The situation is faintly familiar. A few winters back he was the one laid up with a bad case of flu on this very same couch, lights dimmed, TV on, his aching head resting on Pepper´s lap - well, better not think about this now.
Peter´s fever slowly drops to around 100, but he wakes up disoriented and nauseous a few hours later, and despite the boy´s protests, Tony sits with him on the bathroom floor, awkwardly hovering behind his back when he throws up into the toilet bowl, absent-mindedly wondering when exactly he became comfortable with someone else vomiting in his immediate vicinity.
When the kid is reduced to hiccupping and spitting bile into the toilet, Tony fills a glass of water and hands it to him together with a washcloth to wipe down his sweaty face.
“Thank you, Mr. Stark”, Peter says hoarsely once he has caught his breath. “I´m sorry for this...” he trails off, cheeks coloured red from strain and embarrassment.
“No worries, kiddo.” he winks at him. “Trust me, it´s not a true battle without someone tossing cookies afterwards.”
He helps Peter to his feet, a warm feeling spreading through his chest when the boy doesn´t resist Tony´s supporting arm around his waist.
“Okay, enough adventures for today. Off to bed now, Spiderling.”
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[XxXSpicyNickXxX has logged on]
Haven't changed it back yet, huh?
[XxXSpicyNickXxX has changed username to: WildeN]
That expalins the weird looks I've been getting
Nick, what's wrong?
It's not like you to overlook details like that
or miss the opportunity for more jokes.
Has your workload spiked lately?
No. nothing like that
wrok's been kinda quiet if anything
we finally tracked down Wolf O;Donnell
but we're just keepinh an eye on him for now
There were more typos in those four lines than every message you've ever sent me, combined.
Okay, jeez, Mom
I've been tired.
Admittedl,y it doesn't help my case that there was definitely something I wanted to tell you that I can't remember...
Is this a recent development?
never slept that well, but lat
ely it's been worst
Is the problem physical or mental?
...maybe both?
i think i'm getting weird dreams
You think?
don't remember them
but i always wake up uneasy
That's a problem
You should inform your healthcare provider immediately. Do you have a dedicated doctor for the precinct?
Whoa whoa whoa
it's fine.
It doesn't sound fine
But it is.
I've had it much worse. Back before... this
my heathcare provider used to be a honey badger in a junkyard and believe me, I went as little as possible
Things are different now. You need to take care of yourself
Seriously. It's ntohing.
Besdies, what am I gonna say? That my dreams are too scary?
my medical insurance won't cover an exorcism
Joking about the problem instead of solving it. Reminds me of someone I know
Do not compare me to him.
You leave me little recourse!
Ah, but maybe this is how I get you to go to the doctor
HE wouldn't go. But you're smarter than him, aren't you? >w>
A transparent attempt, Insecptor
(but a surprisingly cute emoitcon)
I just think
Excuse me?!
I just rememember the thing I was gonna say! Your nickname!
I've met lots of todds and vixens but not many zorros or zorras
I'm happy to have something tha captures your international appeal
I appreciate the gesture
and I like the logic
but... it sounds very much like you have not thought this all the way through.
Why not?
Zoogle Translate "zorra" and check ALL the meanings
not just the literal one, the figurative ones too
This is why we can't have nice things.
And you... like every day, that's just... the word?
God damn.
Back to the stupid drawing board
You really care about this nickname thing, don't you?
I know it's dumb, but
whatever nevermind
Nick, remember what I said about honestly in relationships
Take it from me. Don't leave thoughts unsaid.
It's just
You've been really good to me and Judy and nicnknames are like, a way to show how close I am to someone
So I want to do yourse right
That's sweet, Nick. I'm honestly flattered :)
But don't sweat details like that so much
I don't care as long as we keep in touch
but not "zorra"
Zorra is on the No pile, yes
but broadly speaking
you can call me anything as long as you call me a friend ^w^
that's.................the absolute cheesiest thing anyone has ever said
and coming from you it still sounds profound and wise
My point exactly.
Thanks, Carmelita.
I'm really glad I know you.
The feeling's mutual.
Listen, next month I'll be in the area
"in the area" in a very, very broad sense. Like, same continent
But not an ocean away
For once
Just training some rookies. After I've finished that assignment, I'll take a few days off and swing by Zootopia
I'd really like to see you and Judy in the flesh
oh, y'know
don't change your plans or anything
Don't you dare try to talk me out of this, Wilde
I have vacation days to burn and Zootopia is never hard to get to
I want to see more of this beautiful city
and more of my two great penpals!
In that case, I don't think I can dissaude you
Don't worry. I can show you all the worst parts of time
the real crime hotspots
We'll catch up, have some drinks, maybe do something tourist-y
Or I can just follow you to work and show you how REAL policework is done >w>
yes great idea
you should come in and do all fo my work for me
that'll really show me
Uh huh
Hey, Carmelita?
Sorry for being a jerk
I appreciate your help
Any time, Nick
It's what I'm here for ^w^
[WildeN has logged off]
[CMFox has logged off]
{...Access granted. Welcome, user QmxhY2tQaGFudGFzbQ==}
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karmalkar911 · 2 years
Diabetologist in Pimpri Chinchwad | Diabetes Specialist in Pimpri Chinchwad
What is Diabetes?
Diabetology is the speciality branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. Diabetes is a condition wherein glucose does not reach the cells, thus making them starve for energy. It could be due to very low levels of insulin in the blood or reduced ability of the body to use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is secreted by the pancreas, which in turn, helps our cells absorb glucose. Consistent high levels of blood sugar could lead to serious complications such as heart, eye, foot or kidney diseases.
At Health Box Clinic, we repeatedly reinforce that Diabetes is a disorder and not a disease. It is a condition that is very much in our control to manage. It is the core belief that drives our team of highly skilled and experienced Diabetes Specialist in Pimpri Chinchwad.
Why Choose Dr. Abhishek as Your Diabetologist Specialist in Pimpri Chinchwad?
At Health Box Clinic, we aim to make diabetes ‘disease-free’ by delivering the best outcomes through a patient-centric care model which combines comprehensive clinical care with sustained lifestyle management and some behavioural changes in the individual.
Getting diagnosed with a chronic disorder like diabetes is stressful. However, consulting the best diabetologist in Pimpri chinchwad can help lessen your burden a lot. Having the proper team of medical doctors working on your diabetes management plan can simply alleviate your signs and symptoms but also reassure you of better lifestyles ahead. Dr. Abhishek Karmalkar is a leading name in diabetology with over 10+ years of medical experience. He is globally trained but offers you a holistic treatment plan for your condition.
Tumblr media
Globally trained physician
Medicine has no barriers to learning, and Dr. Abhishek is an example of that. Not only has he received her education in India, earned an Advanced Certificate Course In Diabetes from American Diabetes Association. Also, the staff appointed in her clinic are professionally educated practitioners who will guide you in the direction of a healthier life.
Evaluating patients closely
One of the primary worries that patients have isn’t being capable of expressing their perspectives and opinions to their medical doctors throughout a consultation. Not only is he there to listen for your issues and symptoms, she evaluates each patient with utmost attention to detail to ensure centered treatment for them.
Be attentive towards patient`s monetary constraints
Medical treatments now may be high priced. At HealthBox Polyclinic, the primary goal is to make the treatment facilities available to each patient who walks through our door. This is why repetitive or highly expensive tests that aren`t going to benefit our patients are strictly avoided. The procedures are transparent, and each step is discussed with the patient to make future decisions.
Equipped with state-of-the-art technology
HealthBox Polyclinic offers one of the leading diabetology facilities in pune. The clinic is equipped with cutting-edge technology and equipment with all the necessary comfort that a patient would need to feel at ease when they first step inside the space. Having access to the newest technology enables the staff to work more efficiently to help patients live a comfortable life without complications.
How To Prevent Complications Of Diabetes?
When you or your loved one has diabetes, it is of utmost importance that you understand how to prevent these complications. Here are a few general pointers to keep in mind:
You are maintaining good blood sugar control
You are keeping your BP (blood pressure) in check
You are keeping your cholesterol in check
Stop smoking
Regular health checks
Regularly monitor sugar during pregnancy
Consult your doctor on How to manage diabetes or Sugar Level
We offer:
A multi-disciplinary approach
Latest evidence-based protocols and state of the art technology
One-stop-shop with on-site diagnostics
Management of type 2 diabetes, diabetes in children and young adults, pre-diabetes, etc.
Strong emphasis on prevention of diabetes complications
What is the first step?
At our Diabetology Centre, the first step is to understand the type of diabetes that has affected the individual. There are four types of diabetes, each having their course of management. The symptoms and treatment measures of each type of diabetes are detailed below:
Type 1 Diabetes or Insulin-dependent Diabetes – Also known as Juvenile Diabetes, this type of diabetes develops in children or young adults and is less prevalent. It is an auto-immune condition, wherein the body’s immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, thus creating a lack of insulin in the body. Type 1 Diabetes can be managed by lifelong insulin supplementation, diet control and exercise.
Type 2 Diabetes or Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes – This type is the most prevalent and mostly affects middle-aged and older adults. In this condition, insulin is produced in insufficient amounts. Hereditary and lifestyle factors such as low physical activity, being overweight or obese, sedentary lifestyle, and more contribute to the development of Type 2 Diabetes.
A common symptom of Type 2 diabetes is the presence of dark velvety skin on the neck and armpits. Treatment and prevention strategies for this kind of diabetes focus on medication and lifestyle interventions such as a regular physical activity and a balanced diet. Another critical component of managing this condition is self-monitoring of blood glucose.
Gestational Diabetes – This type of diabetes is a temporary condition that arises during the second trimester of pregnancy and then disappears. Gestation Diabetes Management (GDM) is a team effort of intensive monitoring and insulin. Typically, a GDM team at Health Box Clinic comprises of an obstetrician, diabetes physician, a diabetes educator, dietician, midwife and paediatrician.
Pre-diabetes – Though technically not a type of Diabetes, Pre-diabetes is a condition that needs careful monitoring. It is a state where an individual’s blood sugar is higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. It indicates a high-risk of diabetes and also the onset of heart or blood vessel diseases. Pre-diabetes can be managed by following a balanced diet, appropriate physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight to delay or prevent the progression.
Dr. Abhishek Karmalkar along with his team of specialists works hard and adopts a tailor-made management approach specific to a patient’s diabetes and the associated complications ensuring a seamless patient experience and best possible results.
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naivepets · 3 years
Why Doesn’t My Dog Bark? When To Be Concerned | PawTracks
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To some pet owners, a pawl that doesn ’ t bark frequently, or at all, seems like a dream come true. When faced with this perplex in reality, though, a hushed dog can be cause for refer, particularly when this change comes on abruptly. If you ’ ve been asking, “ Why doesn ’ metric ton my dog bark ? ” spirit no far. In this article, we ’ ll give you all the information you need to make the best decision for your furred acquaintance, whether you have a whelp or a senior pawl at home. Remember, flush if your dog ’ sulfur miss of healthy international relations and security network ’ t from a serious health issue, you can ’ triiodothyronine go wrong with asking your believe veterinarian for advice .
When do puppies start barking?
According to Certified Canine Behavior Consultant Mikkel Becker, puppies begin vocalizing around 2 or 3 weeks of age. At this early stage, you ’ re more probably to hear whines and grunts. When your puppy reaches 2 to 4 months, these vocalizations will start to turn into barks, though each frank reaches milestones at their own pace. If you ’ re worry about your puppy ’ second vocal growth, don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian to rule out any potential issues .
Why doesn’t my dog bark?
There are myriad reasons why your cad may not bark, from aesculapian to emotional to flush completely situational reasons. It may take some observation before you narrow it down, but with some diligence, you ’ ll be able to help your andiron get comfortable with his own voice. These are a few reasons why your whelp might be quieter than convention that aren ’ t a cause for big concern.
Reading: Why Doesn’t My Dog Bark? When To Be Concerned | PawTracks
Breed disposal
While “ a dog that doesn ’ thyroxine bark ” rarely exists, some breeds are shyer than others when it comes to barking. Purina has compiled a list of lull frank breeds, which include :
Australian shepherd
St. Bernard
and many more .
Your andiron ’ sulfur personality or train
sometimes, regardless of a pawl ’ sulfur breed, they just prefer not to bark frequently. This can develop when your pawl is a whelp or can happen as he ages into adulthood and starts to lose some of his puppy energy. even senior pups can have behavioral changes as they long time, though a veterinarian should be sought out if it seems to happen nightlong . Dogs can besides be trained not to bark, and this trail can stick with them throughout animation. If you ’ ve recently rescued a chase and don ’ metric ton know his past, this could be a contribute factor to his muteness. unfortunately, shock collars and other invasive train can permanently deter bark, even after the reward stop. There is evening a surgical procedure called disembark that inhibits a chase ’ s ability to bark, which a rescue dog could have previously gone through ( via Hills Pet ) .
anxiety or newly situations
Some dogs are a lot less outspoken and apt to be 100 % themselves when faced with a new situation. big changes, like relocating to a new home, can be nerve-racking for a pup, so be affected role if he seems a little besides quiet at first — he may just need some time to adjust. If the problem persists, particularly if your furred supporter is known for his voice, anxiety may be a factor . evening without any big changes in their life, dogs can develop anxiety symptoms similar to ours, including being quieter than normal. Locating the source of your andiron ’ mho anxiety is key to helping him feel more comfortable and confident, and, remember, your vet is always there to help if you ’ ra uncertain. treatment may consist of medication, train, preventive strategies, or a combination of approaches.
Read more: Dog Wheezing: Causes and Treatment Options
When to consult a veterinarian
Although they are less common than behavioral concerns, there are more good medical issues that can cause a dog not to bark. hera ’ s what to look out for :
Diseases of the larynx or respiratory system
A number of throat issues can occur, many of which affect a pawl ’ s ability to bark. In these cases, your pup may try to bark but be unable to make a heavy. You may besides notice barks becoming on the spur of the moment quieter or even a change to your dog ’ s tone of voice ( via Hills Pet ). These complications can have causes a aboveboard as overexploitation of the voice or arsenic complex as untreated cancer, which is why it ’ second chic to have your vet take a expect .
surgical complications
trauma to the throat and larynx, including surgical cannulation, can leave any canine palpate sensitive and gruff. You may even notice a cough ( via Merck Veterinary Manual ). even successful procedures are hard on the body, so your puppy may barely need some time to recover. If his discipline doesn ’ triiodothyronine better, however, a follow-up may be necessary .
chronic vomit
Both people and pets experience throat discomfort from vomiting, particularly when it becomes a frequent occurrence. The stomach acidic that comes up with vomit can cause annoyance or evening ulcers in the throat, so this problem shouldn ’ thyroxine be left on its own. While you ’ re at the vet, you can besides address the vomiting itself . Whatever the reason for your chase ’ mho lack of bark, you can easily help him with some diligence and caution. Your veterinarian will besides be there to guide you, sol try not to panic. arsenic chilling as it may seem, a change in your cad ’ randomness barking habits can be healed before you know it .
Editors’ Recommendations
Read more: Can You Use Dog Shampoo on a Cat? – Bathing and Grooming
generator : https://blog.naivepets.com Category : Dog
source https://blog.naivepets.com/why-doesnt-my-dog-bark-1645996216
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Swan au (the fox final part)
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336 @sailorstar9
N/A: this is arc is peaking to the climax.
Brian is a man of good, is a leader and knows how to do his duty as the best a good leader, however, as Excalibur is facing the Necromancer once again. No one is happy to see each other, yet, Loki is a threat that can unity them if for a brief moment.
“And why I should make an alliance with you?” Kurt´s barbed tone is showing his arrogance or confidence in the situation, yet, Brian knows his malice is direct to Rachel, the Necromancer is prone to jealousy and can´t forget that Rachel and Kitty do, occasionally, hang out.
Kitty watches the scenes and can´t figure it out the animosity direct to each other in the room. Kitty holds Kurt´s hand and speaks calmly, not minding he's the powerful Necromancer.
“Kurt, please, look at me” his golden eyes gaze into her brown eyes “Kurt, Loki is not powerful, he´s dangerous and sneaky, Loki does play fair” Kitty warns him and Kurt ponders this for a moment and says “me neither, if the son of bitch can attack my daughter, I´ll fight hard”
“Vision already healed Princess Talia” Rachel speaks, maybe, deep down, wanting to ruin his mood. Brian was sure Kurt would have a fist of jealousy, yet, Kurt seems relieved. Yes, Brian and Rachel may not be romantic at heart, but, there´s no love triangle going on. Kurt Wagner can love Kitty Pryde after all.
“Either way, he dares to attack Talia, I won´t let that slide, now, for the so-called alliance…” Kurt smiles devious and Brian and Rachel aren´t so assured by such smile. In the end, it was Kitty who assured a tentative and terse alliance for a small moment.
The alliance, if that´s the right word for this group, is fragile at best. Wanda and Vision may pretend Kurt is not there, but Illyana and Kurt are gazing at each other as predators ready to kill each other. The X-men and Excalibur are the only ones with good story among them. Kitty is grateful she has a friend with Rachel and Meggan as Kurt is in the mode to kill.
“Do we have a plan?” Kitty asked not wanting to sound petulant as today this is not a regular mission as rescue little ducks(why no one believes those birds are the spawn of the devil?)
“Yes, as matter of fact, we do” Meggan states proudly “Loki´s giant frost is going to attack Genosha, however, they are icy creatures the weather is not adequate for them and the spell is not strong enough to keep their bodies”
“But is 30 giant frost,” Kitty asked nothing how this could work, no one is paying attention at Yana and Kurt ready to murder each other. Kitty will stay with Excalibur to help the citizen to evacuate, as Kurt and the other mages will fight Loki on even ground.
Kitty is not happy with this, she wants to kill Loki herself, however, Kurt, shocking everyone, didn´t let Kitty go to the battle and think is a far better idea to stay with Excalibur“I won´t lose you” Kurt gently touches her face. And Excalibur has the evidence (once again) that Kurt really loves this woman.
Loki sends the giants to the border of Xanax and Genosha, however, his giants are destroying an empty city. There´s no one, until the first giant melt, thanks to Rachel Grey.
Kitty make a shield protecting the last remain group of civilians(sadly, they couldn´t take everyone in time) as Captain Britain punch the giant, his aim is the magical eye, as Meggan explained, those creatures are powerless without the eye, just take the eye and the battle is over. Meggan is proving correct as the giant falls.
Kitty and Rachel are taking the last group to the safe place, Kitty and Rachel improvise in such a short time, to make this magic safe house. “Kitty, is this the last group?” Rachel asked her mind is not focusing enough to see for herself. “I don´t know, let´s search again, no casualties if we can avoid” Rachel nods.
Meggan and Brian are dealing with the giants.
Wanda, Vision, Magik and Kurt are dealing with Loki and the man has a mad smile on his face(Kurt feels insulted as this appear to be a weak version of his own smile) Magik summon spells only Belasco could have taught (Kurt notes that for later) and, Kurt has to admit, is impressive, no wonder people sing her name, however, the spell did nothing to stop Loki.
“Little girl shouldn´t be on the battlefield” Loki send a magic blast to Yana that makes the blonde fly away, Wanda is impressed and enrage. Loki chuckles. “Hello, Wanda, thank you for bringing me your husband to me, I need the soul stone” Lokie tries to grab, but, Vision phases and using one of his spells, starts to mess with Loki´s molecules.
Wanda holds Vision´s hand as Kurt look at the deformed Loki who only laughs like an insane person and quickly is back to his normal phase, Wanda is using a spell to change reality, one where Loki is never born, but, nothing happens.
Kurt is attacking with his necromancy, yet, failing. Yana is back again and is using her sword, now the 4 mages are attacking Loki together(arrogance or naivety makes them think one of them could take Loki down) and even with thr 4 of them is no use.
Meggan and Brian defeat the last giant and now can see the big battle, and a look of worry is shared with the couple, is Loki really that strong. Kitty and Rachel inform no civilian or small mage was hit during the battle, in fact, now the giants are melting, the city has no real damage, aside from snow and water.
“Are they still fighting?” Rachel asked recalling that her father often mentions how Loki is not a big deal.
Kitty stands her arm as raven land softly on. The raven then whispers something in her ear and Kitty´s eyes widen. “Thank you, Raven” and looks at the others members of Excalibur, unsure for a moment, then, decides to risk anyway.
“Guys, I need help...I think I know how to defeat Loki” Kitty speaks and the others are lsitening.
Loki prove to be more powerful than all of them, even more than Kurt, as Wanda is defeat and in the floor feeling pain and Vision is bleeding. Loki is smiling like a lunatic. The man put wards around the battlefield as no one would interupts them.
“Well, we can´t have everything” Loki speaks looking at Kitty Pryde in the field, Kurt is badly hurt and is shouting to Kitty to get out. “Don´t worry, I´m fine, this is no big, he´s not a big deal” she replied to Kurt, offering a smile.
It was Rachel who opens the ward letting Kitty enter. Loki is not paying Rachel or Kitty any mind, not even the birds flying close to him.
“You dumb swan, I´m the most powerful god now, what´s a dumb swan-like you can do against a god?” his words ring with a megalomaniac and didn't notice the raven now leaving, nor what it has in her mouth. The said Raven is now on Kitty´s shoulder as deliver the medallion to Kitty and only now Loki notices what he lost.
Now his arrogance is gone. She can´t use the medallion, only magic people can. Loki thought to try to save his own face. His horror only grows as Kitty puts the medallion and with her eyes glowing(and ignoring the pain), she only speaks “you know, this is more impressive than your dumb tricks” Kitty replied smiling as Loki is stepping back.
Kitty punch him breaking all the illusions he puts on himself, in fact, the punch hits all it has Loki´s essence(she does not feel bad for Kid Loki) as she beats up again, again and again. Finally reduce adult Loki, to a small child.
A part of her wants to kill Loki, a payment to the scar she will wear for the rest of her life, however, she shoots lighting bold to the sky. And looks at Loki serious, in one minute Thor the God of Thunder shows up not needing to be brief to know what happened. He only stares sadly at his brother.
“Thor, god of thunder” Kitty speaks unphased by the god himself, “ I ask you to retrieve your brother and make sure the one called Loki won´t ever return, make an Asgardian's promise and if you break shall Odin die 100 times”
Thor nods “I shall promise that my little brother won´t ever put his feet here” and grabs Loki as is a potato sack, however, before the two could go.
“Wait,” she speaks emerging power in raw form, and making sure to ignore the amount of pain “Asgard own me for not kill him”
Thor is serious for a moment and nods. “Thank you for not have killed my brother” and with that exchange, Thor is gone and Kitty passes out. Her Raven friend takes the medallion discretely.
Kitty opens her eyes to see herself in a hospital and with few bandages on her forearm, and a few on her legs, she whines in pain as Kitty slowly  rise from the bed and look around, where is she?
“You wake up,” Kurt asked now entering in the medical bay of Genosha(the Royal symbol gives away) and she notices other mages there as well. “How are you?”
“Tired and in pain, but fine” Kitty replied.
“Katzchen, what you did back then…” Kurt states gazing into her eyes “Was awesome! and when we arrive home you will tell me how you did that” Kitty bites her lips as Kurt seems to know her trick. “But that´s not important, just rest, you were passed out for 2 days, Excalibur was impressed, hell, everyone was impressed”
“Kurt, they shouldn´t be impressed, Loki is a whinny bitch” Kitty explained and notices the flowers, the first was from Excalibur, and the second was from The royal family, the third was from Princess Yana and the last is from Kurt.”Wait, 2 days?! Holy fuck”
“Yeah, Katzchen, Holy fuck”
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