xi-xi-chen · 2 months
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Lightcannon Week // Day 03 - Dystopian
Bringing back Halo! I had so much fun drawing an old design I made for them. Spartan Lux and Soldier Jinx, although she eventually joins the ODST unit.
But ever since the Spartans were released to the front, Jinx can't help but notice as Lux seems to be assigned to her platoon everytime they deploy. Eventually Jinx realizes a terrible truth about how Spartans were made, especially about the rumor of clones being involved. Jinx would not only find herself fighting war but thrown into an investigation about missing children.
On the other hand, Lux has been at death's doorstep several times over but Jinx refuses to let her die, even after she told Jinx that her purpose is to fight for humanity, she's just a weapon afterall, nothing else.
Some notes : (disclaim//this isn't at all from expertise, I'm still in training)
CO - Company Commander <- this is usually a captain's position, (or Lieutenant [Officer]) that controls two platoons, in turn, platoons have four squads, squads with fire teams, breaking it down more, each squad is two Attack by fire or assaulting elements (ABF), one support by fire (SBF) and a weapons squad (WPN) (this is the most mass casualty producing team, they are very essential to the operations.)
AO - Area of Operations <- this is not completely accurate for this scenario, however may be still categorized as Area of Op since this mission is classified as a Raid turned Defense in order to eliminate the enemy forces and cut off some of their supply chain within the objective.
Radio Dia - "Monkey Tree niner-- (3-9) Platoon Lead will first address the Squad Lead by their assigned nics and then repeat their own after brief of OPORD. Usually, we give radios only to the main chain of command within our platoon, which is our leadership. Does not contain team leads either. However, I can't remember if all the soldiers in Halo were hooked up on the same frequency of comms. Oh, well. But the pain I felt while rewatching Halo legends...NEVER say "over and out." Blegh! It's just "Out!"
++ OPORD - Operations Order <- basically the plan about the shit that's about to go down. It's pages upon pages of planning people, not fun, but very important. We have two more Orders as well, yay, more paperwork...
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biomecharnotaurus · 5 months
David and Goliath.
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itsbasil · 8 days
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"Joint Assignment"
Alphabet Team is used to hosting strange bedfellows. When one of your Spartans is pen pals with a Sangheili sellsword, things tend to work out like that.
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snip-stein · 1 year
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It ain’t your typical virus.
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empresskadia · 5 months
I have no self-control :’)
and I fully blame @biomecharnotaurus
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I’ll color this eventually but omg Raya’s almost foot taller than John after she becomes a IV
So lore wise, braiding her hair is very important to Raya since it’s the only form of affection she remember from her mother [her relationship with her parents was complicated]. ODST!John tries but it always send her into a fit of giggles after he’s done
But in the actual storyline, it takes the Chief three tries and he gets it down, but that’s a story for another time and a drawing for a different day.
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helix-enterprises117 · 7 months
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Right - ODST Buck. Left - Spartan Buck.
His first mission was the rescue of the students of Corbulo Academy. Only Lasky came out alive.
The UNSC wanted to atone for the Spartan-II and III Programs. With Doctor Miranda Keyes at the helm, she created the Spartan-IV Program after the Human-Covenant War; Buck takes pride in being the first Spartan-IV, having been the first to volunteer for the program when it kicked off AND the first one to come out a Spartan.
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tvckerwash · 7 months
a yet to be fleshed out scene from my ct lives au is more or less just ct going "I cannot believe I have to go on a mission with these 2 strangers whom I don't trust in the slightest because my former teammates mercilessly slaughtered all of my boyfriend's teammates so now his boss doesn't think he's qualified for field work anymore"
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fionnaskyborn · 11 months
for the longest time i was a loss as to what to bring to the potluck because i thought i should bring something good and of high quality but then i realized that i was supposed to be having fun and that the whole point of the event is to have fun. so here i am, smiling at you, handing you a doodle of Guys From My AU because, let's face it, if i were to make a full illustration for any of them i'd only be able to participate in Potluck 2027. look at the itty bitty bastards :)
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(the lineup is missing the team's AI but he was too darn itty bitty to draw next to the already ittybitty-fied Big Dudes)
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essiebie · 2 months
I keep plotting out halo/cod crossovers in the sense of cod characters in a halo setting (with an x reader plot) but what if I switch things around a little and put the halo characters in a cod setting? Huh, what then?
What if Alpha-9 had a botched mission in Kenya, not long after Konni’s attack in the UK tunnels? What if TF141, itching for something to shoot at after their own botched mission are sent in to help A9 pick up the pieces? What if Sadie’s there, and Vergil is a service dog, and Nikolai is helping them in a B-line side story just like Sadie’s adventures through New Mombasa were discovered in game with the terminals? What if it all comes together toward the end, and Nik helping Sadie pays off in the same way that Rookie finding all the terminals pays off in the level Data Hive?
Yeah that’s what I thought.
Think about Buck’s moody ass trying to lead the op with clouded judgement after mickey’s desertion and rookie’s presumed KIA, and Price (who’s like, totally known for being level headed especially around other authority figures) swoops in and starts giving orders! We all remember how happy Buck was to get a new captain in ODST!
Imagine Ghost and Romeo being sent on recon and they both have such distinct type of smart assery that at the end of the missions it’s a miracle ghost didn’t kill that arrogant yank. ‘Didnt Buck order you to keep your mouth shut’ ‘what, you gonna field marshal me?’
Imagine a bridge needs to be blown for some god-forsaken reason, and with Mickey AWOL, Dutch is left to fill that void but in swoops Soap, fresh off medical leave to concoct all new types of mayhem. Soap probably had an easier time learning Spanish than trying to understand Dutch’s accent. And vice versa.
Gaz being sent out to the harbor to do some undercover recon with Dare, he can’t help but think back on his usual banter with Laswell as dare shit talks her ex boyfriend who totally isn’t her sergeant.
Nik and Sadie are walking the streets of Mombasa, looking for Dr.Endesha, and they meet a really nice kebab salesman! :)
Buck and Dare are making out in one corner of the elevator on the way to the parking garage. Ghost and Soap are making out in the other. Poor Gaz, Sadie and Vergil just trying to mind their business.
Vergil and Riley have doggie play dates (no they wouldn’t they’re both highly trained career dogs and would barely glance at one another if they were ever in the same room because they’re too lazered in on their tasks)
Dutch old man ranting to Price, Nik and Laswell, talking about how much he misses his wife and just wants to retire, they’re all in the same boat one way or another.
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bloodgulchblog · 1 year
Fic bingo ask - The S in ODST?
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Lot of silly feelings going on here!
It started as goofing around with people on tumblr about how there's a line in First Strike about how Locklear can't tell the men from the women re: the Spartan-IIs and then I just... ended up with this joke of a scene where Locklear accidentally makes a pass at Fred-104.
Then I also figured out that nobody has ever written a fic with Locklear in it (or at least, not that anyone's tagged on ao3), and there were some sincere things I could do with him re: the awful stuff he went through and the knife twist of knowing this character dies and how.
....And then I was talking to my good pal Iggy about it, because Fred is Iggy's favorite, and now Fredlock is a ship and by the time I was done it was giftfic.
...I liked Sometimes the S in ODST is for Stupid a lot.
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I’m trying to merge my obsessions but it’s halo and tf2 so now scout is canonically the rookie from halo odst because merasmus is angry wizard idk and after odst he goes to infinite (now a spartan) and is found in the tower n then he fights alongside chief but at the end of the infinite he confesses that he doesn’t belong in this timeline and boom he gets sent back to tf2 time line bc the mercs teamed up and beat the shit outa merasmus and forced him to bring scout back
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crowcryptid · 1 year
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worlds most unrecognizable odst helmet
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biomecharnotaurus · 8 months
Colored better that one John ODST sketch just because
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aweridday · 5 months
Hope y’all enjoy weird crossovers and rare pairs >w< Yeah idk why I thought of this but it’s here now.
Warning tho!! There is going to be a wanting to sleep with the fishes exaggeration, along side descriptions of violence. ghostie is a gross and weird lil bastard, with a very fragile ego.
[] When ODST Ghostface and Spartan Trapper actually talk to each other after spending five years on the same ship, they think “man this guy is weird as hell, I want to look at him though a microscope” then you know it’s going to be a great romance :3 []
Jed Olsen (it was actually Danny Johnson) was his name and he was very, very bored. And when he was bored, he does whatever it takes to relieve that boredom. He couldn’t do his regular… “people watching” he needed to lay off it for a while, apparently the rest of his teammates were becoming weary of him, (and with weary eyes that are supposed to make sure you lived long enough that you can drop into hell the next day, well, to say it was important, is a understatement) and he couldn’t have that now.
So stalking the deck of the “death is not an escape” (odd name he knows but it fits.) I was now searching for my new target, maybe pilot Thomas? She was a fast one, always quick to react. Or maybe the intimidating crewman johnsen who was friendly if you look past the natural scowl. Definitely not strode, the girl had a shadow worse than him. Or maybe- that’s when he walked in, “The Trapper” or spartan-116, or if you’re close to him (Danny wasn’t close to anyone, he just liked to know things) Evan.
The Spartan Would be scary without all the extra bits on his armor, an unnecessary sharp tooth grin, scratch glass that Almost resemble beady eyes, and jagged hooks stabbed in his shoulders. He looked the part when the covenant called Spartans “demons” and… he was interesting, in a way I didn’t expect.
He was walking to the man I would never call a captain, Ever, Dwight Fairfield. A nervous man, don’t know how he got the job, Maybe this ship and her crew was just that hopeless. He seemed to squirm under the Spartan’s gaze, holding his hands tightly together (probably to make sure he doesn’t bite his nails like he always does when something “Exciting” happens) I wanted to get closer so I could listen in But they appear to have ended their short chat. aw, right before I could eavesdrop? How rude.
I took my spot on the wall, and was content to wait until my victim could make themselves known.
As I was doing just that, I couldn’t help watching the spartan as he scanned the deck, what for? Did he leave something up here? The guy didn’t like leaving the “Basement” from what I heard (the Basement is what the engineers call this place somewhat under the engine room, it didn’t have a lot of purpose from what I’ve seen, but does give folks the heebie-jeebies) I had to look away, he was… distracting, hmm maybe-
And I seem to have caught his eye because he was walking over, I got off the well and straightened up so I could look him in the eye. Huh, how terrible, he was tall, a lil too tall. Have to turn my head All the way up, and still, I seem to fall short. And then he was asking me something, and how stupid of a question. “Why does your mask look like that?”
I had to laugh, seriously? When he looks like that?? But I don’t laugh, I instead tilt my head. Then straightened it as I replied “Same reason you dolled up your own mask, for intimidating reasons” he hummed at that, and we stood there, staring at each other.
Before he could say anything else we got an alert, probably another ship needing help, so many come and go… it’s a wonder how any one of them survives. Is their ship failing? Was there a mutiny happening?? maybe the covenant is attacking??? God I hope so, it’s been so boring!
You would think Fairfield just had someone kill themselves in front of him with how he’s looking, sweaty, pale, like A dumpster fire… he just looks terrible but that isn’t unusual. He pulls on his collar, brings his hand to his mouth before realizing, and calls up the resident AI.
the “Entity” is an freaky spider amalgamation, don’t know who came up with the design, but it fits with the rest of the freaks here.
And now He awaits the returning ping. As we wait I start to think, wonder what they’ll have for dinner tonight? Hopefully it isn’t meatloaf. Oh? yay they answered. Now what to do? listen in to the conversation? No, I tend to scare the normal folks (good) or maybe I should leave? The crew gets panicky when there’s a problem such as this… I start the way to get out of here, And look who follows, good old Trapper.
I want the door to shut before he could get in, hell, is there a button anywhere?? but the universe is not that fond of me, so now here we were… standing there, side by side… annddd he was staring. God I wish I could poke out his eyes… maybe see if Spartan’s bleed red like the rest of us.
Hmm, gotta save those thoughts for tonight. So I turned to him, and ask “so… watch the game last night?” Probably not, didn’t seem like the type. He looked in thought then tilted his head “what game?” At that I just had to chuckle “I’m not actually talking about a game you know, just trying to start a conversation” I shrugged teasingly, he let out a quiet oh and finally look away, I smirked, huh well what do you know… The spartan was actually embarrassed, that’s… kinda cute.
I felt excited, seems like I have a newfound obsession. Right when I was going to follow up with embarrassing the odd Trapper, the elevators doors opened, seems I’m on my floor. I felt my eye twitch, time to bring on the Olsen. I raise my hand to tap him on the shoulder, the dings sounding off is funny, but not as funny as he quickly turns his head towards me. Seems like not a lot of people touch him, hmm interesting.
I tip my head back in a soft laugh, he’s watching my every move, Good. “Hey if you like, you can have breakfast with me later. They have pancake stuff in the kitchen, if we get there early, we can get a couple” he froze up, and then nodded. God I was smiling, this is going to be amazing, he was like a bug I just put in a jar, confused and wondering why he can’t climb out using the glass wells. I nodded back, and waved as I step in the ODST barracks, god, watching him tilt his head as he lifts his hand is just hilarious, and I actually chuckled as the doors closed before he could even wave.
I nod at those already at their bunks, and walk to my owe, I reach under it and pull out a box, it was full of lil souvenirs from travels that weren’t battlefields. I grab a small Chip, and slid it into my helmet slot, time to empty my suit’s memory, maybe taking a dozen pictures every time Traps looked at me when he thought I didn’t notice wasn’t a great idea, Oh well.
As soon as I was done, we were told to get ready for a fight, I smiled and got my knife.
Ah god, holy fucking shit, I leaned forward and groan. That… All that for a popstar?! I breathe in and stood back up, brushed off imaginary dust, and being reminded that the blood wasn’t imaginary, and breathed out. I go to put my gear in the proper place to get them cleaned, ripping off my helmet with a growl and doing the same to the rest of my armor, then I went to the showers, As I walked in, it was, thankfully, empty. I pulled the rest of my under clothes off and got into a stall, thank god for hot water.
I sigh as I walk out, dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt, I was ready to kiss the sandman. I passed Amanda and gave her a smile, she rolled her eyes but nodded back. The barracks was filled with my fallows, There was some already sleeping, others playing a card game with a crew member. I let out a small grunt as I sit on my bed, leaning backwards until I could stretch out fully, sighing as I started to close my eyes, thinking of the odd Spartan and all of his quirks. I Wandered into sleep thinking of beady eyes and shark like grin and the way he would sound choking on his own blood…
Hope y’all like this cuz I had fun ^w^ and this is just part one!! So watch out 😏
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snip-stein · 9 months
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empresskadia · 5 months
Lowkey, I want Raya to be ODST! John "high-school bully" at the very beginning, yeah, they don't get along, but Raya comes for his throat.
"Wow, from an outer colony? You look like it, too. I'm surprised they let you enlist." With that sickly sweet voice of hers but is obviously mocking him.
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