#Nina and Crowley are best friends to me
willgrahamscock · 1 year
S3 Crowley getting drunk and driving back to the bookshop to burn it down, but his hands tremble before he even gets to the door and he can't do it so he starts shouting at God into the cold night air instead, asking her why he can't be forgiven, why Beelzebub gets to go off with their angel why not him? she took the stars right from his eyes, cast him out, now she's tempted his angel back to heaven where she knows he'll never follow. Nina finds him and pulls him into her arms, and he collapses into her as hard and fast as he hit the sulfur when he Fell, cried into her and she pet his head telling him that it'll be okay, Aziraphale will come back because they're meant to be
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oldbutchdaniel · 9 months
ough sorry but crowley getting confronted by nina about his love for aziraphale and deciding to drink a bottle of wine about it as he’s Freaking The Fuck Out about their love being visible and gabriel in the bookshop and heaven’s punishment and about aziraphale’s reaction to all this love out there in the world and he still. Still!!! just sees aziraphale bopping down the road with his little clipboard and is immediately like hiiiiiiiii hi im miserable and sad will you come have a glass of wine with me because there’s no one else i’d rather be with, miserable or not. because you’re my best friend and i love you. guys quick question should we all blow ourselves up
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cobragardens · 4 months
Just finished a S1 rewatch and am ruminating on things that stood out...
The first thing Aziraphale does as soon as International Express have collected the artefacts and he and Crowley are done with the whole Armageddoff business is take Crowley's hand on the Oxford London bus. And the very first thing thing Aziraphale does as soon as he and Crowley have established that Heaven and Hell will "leave [them] alone...for a while" is ask Crowley to go to lunch with him at the Ritz. Like he told Crowley in 1967 he hoped they would "perhaps someday" be able to do in a conversation that was about the status of their relationship.
The very moment he feels it's safe enough, Aziraphale goes faster, in a way that both S1 and S1 establish and Crowley understands as romantic. Twice in a row in the space of 24 hours.
So he's not waiting for Crowley to move them forward. Aziraphale knows what he wants with Crowley, and he immediately reaches for it the moment it's in view.
Which means not only does something happen between 1941 and 1967 (when, we suspect, "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square becomes diegetic) that causes Aziraphale to slow both of them down, but something happens to slow them down between 2019 and 2024, too.
The spouses make a decision, after holding hands and after dining at the Ritz and after hearing their song played there* that despite what they both want, the closest they should get to each other before the superpowers start back on their bullshit is to "not really" pretend they're not a team.
Both of them are aware of that decision and abide by it for 5 years: the bookshop remains (technically) Aziraphale's and the Bentley remains (technically) Crowley's and their lives remain (technically) separate. The fact that the ineffable kiss is such a huge deal for them both says to me that kissing isn't something they're doing on the regular. The way Crowley reacts when Aziraphale touches him in the pub says that even casual, friend-like touching isn't something they're doing either, at least not publicly.
And when Nina makes it clear to Crowley that the romantic nature of his relationship with Aziraphale is apparent to even a casual (human) observer, Crowley freaks right the fuck out, afraid he has revealed as much to Aziraphale's vindictive, murdery boss.
So it's obvious why they make that decision: a lot of very powerful people want to hurt them both, and the very best way to hurt a person is to hurt someone they love deeply.
But how did they come to that decision? What happened after 2019? Did they both understand their clasped hands on the bus and that meal at the Ritz (that night at Crowley's flat) to be a fleeting celebration? Was there an event that made them both afraid again? Or did they just have a conversation and come to a new arrangement? If the latter, which spouse started that conversation? Because Aziraphale's actions at the end of S1 and at the cotillion ball and Crowley's panic about their love being clockable suggest that, despite his reputation as the one who goes faster, it could just as easily have been Crowley as Aziraphale who slowed them down again.
*played on the piano by a woman's hands like the hands of God shuffling cards for Her next trick
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khepiari · 1 year
The Kiss Was Awful! Exactly! That’s the Point!
The kiss, I can’t explain my feelings easily, but I needed to see it happen.
For people like me, who grew up without reading or watching any queer stories or ever having met another queer person way until into our adulthoods, this kiss matters. We need to see middle aged people fumble in love, make stupid mistakes with good intentions and kiss messily— I needed this.
The kiss happened Not because Crowley wanted to be intimate— now after 6000 years, they have always been physically close.
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It was like such a last minute desperate attempt from Crowley to get the message across that “I need you right here: together.”
It was a wrong move, it was wrong timings, it was a wrong reaction to a misinterpreted rejection— but it was desperate measure born out of desperate times for Crowley.
I am glad the kiss was not beautiful or aesthetically appealing. It was hurting, messy and bad. This was proper angst born of years of pining and loving and hoping.
They both have only seen humans kiss, in Crowley’s big head romance and love is fulfilled when the kiss happens; hence he was trying so hard with Nina and Maggie to get them that kiss in the rain. Aziraphale is no better, he read Jane Austen, where is the kiss in her books! Physical intimacy is not important— it was the actions and gestures leading to heartfelt confession is what he understands of romance!
They have no point of references!
First kiss is always awful because of lack of experience and unchecked emotions and fictional projection — is something I believe.
Reality doesn’t work like fiction.
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And Crowley knew it, that the kiss wouldn’t work, but he had to hammer his feelings into Aziraphale’s soul that he wanted him more than as his best friend, but as life partner!
The kiss also cut any chances of future misconception in Aziraphale’s heart about their relationship. They will never go back to just being a demon and angel in a cozy arrangement— its over.
Now only way forward for them, especially Aziraphale is to live with this knowledge that they love each other.
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celestialcrowley · 9 months
My mom and I were finally able to watch the final episode of Good Omens season 2.
Before we dive in, my mom is very — how do I say this — anti on certain things. My friend said it perfectly. He said she gave him the homophobic put the fear of God type vibes when he first met her.
I don’t believe anything will ever fully change her opinions or views of us. I’ve not even referred to myself as aromantic / asexual in her presence, and I doubt I ever will. I simply tell her I’m done dating. It’s clearly not in my future, and, after trying it a couple of times, it just isn’t something I’m interested in.
I hope that one day she will open her eyes and realize that it’s all fine. Whatever we are. It’s okay.
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My mom enjoyed season one. When I asked her what she thought of Aziraphale and Crowley, here’s what she said. Not her exact words but close enough to what I can remember.
“Aziraphale seems like he’s afraid of getting into trouble with Heaven, but not enough to keep him from going against God’s orders.”
Just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing.
“Crowley isn’t as evil as he paints himself to be.”
Just a little bit a good person.
The only thing, as far as I’m aware, that didn’t quite sit right with my mom is that God is a She.
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey…
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I was terrified for her to watch the second season because of Maggie and Nina and That Big Damn Kiss. She’s told me some less than desirable things previously. Here are a handful of them.
“I won’t watch shows that have gay couples in them.”
“I will watch them, but I’ll just turn my head away when they kiss.”
About my friend who is a lesbian —
“Your friend just says that, but she doesn’t actually know what she is.”
Okay, mom. You go ahead and keep telling yourself that.
I am certain, despite my fear, that I wanted her to watch Good Omens so badly because I thought maybe it would be the golden ticket. It’s uniquely different.
We have been gifted with Anthony J’I’m Not Actually Either Crowley and Mister AZ Smitten I Believe Fell, The Almighty God She, Nina I’m Not Your Type and Maggie You Have No Idea.
I was expecting my mom to frown upon Maggie and Nina’s story in season two, but she didn’t. She actually didn’t even have anything negative to say.
Y’all should have seen me when That Big Damn Kiss was coming up. I was fidgeting probably as bad as Aziraphale was when he was gathering up the courage to ask Crowley to dance with him.
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I don’t think I’ve ever fidgeted that much in my life.
And then it happened.
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That Big Damn Kiss
And she watched all of it. She didn’t look away. She didn’t make a face. She didn’t say anything negative.
I don’t necessarily think her views have changed because she laughed at something my uncle told her about a former coworker of his. This coworker used to go by Craig, but he later came out as trans and asked to be called Cindy. My uncle said, “The best we can do is Crindy.”
Most of my family are homophobic, and I don’t care for it.
I don’t know if it’s the way Neil Gaiman has written Good Omens, but I was surprised that she watched the entire show, had nothing negative to say and even added that she needs to watch all of both seasons again to better understand it.
That’s something, I suppose.
Maybe she’s coming around.
Thank you, Neil Gaiman.
You truly are a legend. 💚
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
hey!! i was wondering if you could recommend any fics that focus on mental health and angsty stuff??? ineffable husbands preferably 🙏🙏 thank you!!
Hi! Some tags we have are #mental health, #therapy, and #angst. Here are some angsty mental health fics to add...
The Destruction Of An Angel by RainbowCloud31 (T)
The page read – DEMON CROWLEY – DECEASED CAUSE OF DEATH – HOLY WATER TIME AND LOCATION OF DEATH – 13:27, LONDON SOHO, ENGLAND Directly below was a printed photo of a puddle of black sludge outside of Give Me Coffee Or Give Me Death. The stain oozing into the cracks of the concrete in a not quite natural manner. The only remaining piece of his best friend, his beloved, was a broken pair of sunglasses that lay forgotten on the ground.
but I swore hands were made for fighting (I swore eyes were made to cry) by Moriarty4life (T)
“It’s been really piling up, you know? Outside the door to the flat.” Crowley blinks out of his haze about Aziraphale because those words…even through his hazy brain…they seem…familiar. He feels the phantom feeling of a hand on his arm, staring down a legion of demons, and Shax holding up the letters – memories begin to resurface quickly through the sea of his drowning subconsciousness on top of that. He tries to shove any feelings threatening to resurface alongside them because he cannot go back to that place of feeling love again. He cannot go back to that because, despite all the pain he feels in every ounce of his being, despite the desperation he has to feel Aziraphale’s arms around him and feel safe, the pain from before is worse. It cuts through him like a holy blade and disintegrates his essence. ~ Crowley is just trying to survive, but he’s broken.
Daily Draw My Sorrows Longer by EdosianOrchids901 (M)
On a day when Crowley is agitated from a PTSD episode, Aziraphale suggests a fast drive to soothe him. But going out only worsens the situation when someone hits the Bentley. Can Aziraphale help Crowley calm down?
Everything I have to tell you about love by hapax (M)
The Second Coming has been called off, and Aziraphale is back in London. Unfortunately, the price he paid during a decade in Heaven has left him traumatised, depressed, and almost non-responsive. Crowley is ready to do whatever it takes to heal his friend, but some damage can’t be cured with a miraculous snap.
Serpent Of Soho or How To Care For Sad Noodles by ChassyOwl (NR)
Months after Aziraphale left earth, Whickber Street isn´t the same anymore. One day Nina discovers something in her storage room and finds herself in a certainly unusual situation.
Bring Me Back To You by dreamingofwinter (M)
When Aziraphale returns to Earth after being recalled to Heaven for thirty years, he finds the years have taken an unexpected emotional toll on him - and his relationship with Crowley. Struggling to articulate his emotions, the angel has a long way to go before things can ever go back to normal. Aziraphale's recovery may take some time, but Crowley will always be by his side to help him through the hard times.
- Mod D
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armageddidnt · 11 months
A Quite Nice and Fairly Accurate List of misconceptions Crowely and Aziraphale probably have about each other because these two idiots are Literally Incapable of Communicating (seasons 1+2)
[Aka I am going insane about their absolute inability to Talk Out Loud With Their Mouths and now you can too]
-Crowley probably thinks Heaven discorporated Aziraphale and burned down his bookshop instead of Shadwell doing it accidentally in 1x4 because Aziraphale never told Crowley what actually happened to him
-Aziraphale probably didn’t realize how upset Crowley was when he thought Aziraphale was gone for good in 1x5 and Aziraphale probably didn’t even realize Crowley was referring to him when Crowley said “I lost my best friend.” This is because it doesn’t seem like Aziraphale could actually see Crowley when he appeared to him in the pub and Crowley never stated this explicitly to Aziraphale
-Aziraphale doesn’t know Gabriel told him to “shut [his] stupid mouth and die already” when he tried to burn ‘Aziraphale’ in hellfire in 1x6 because Crowley never told him
-Aziraphale doesn’t know that Heaven threatened to ‘book-of-life’ anyone who was found helping Gabriel in 2x1 because Crowley never told him. Aziraphale also doesn’t know that this is the only reason Crowely came back to help at the end of the episode because Crowley never told him
-Crowley doesn’t know that Shax implied Crowley was risking destruction by helping Aziraphale in 2x4 because Aziraphale never told him (Aziraphale: “Nothing happened to me. Very uneventful journey indeed, no strange things at all”)
-Aziraphale doesn’t know any of the things Crowley discovered in Heaven in 2x6 because Crowley never told him. This is including but not limited to:
Gabriel decided he didn’t want another Armageddon and was immediately derobed, cast out, and memory wiped because of it, the Metatron decided to enact this punishment, the fact that Heaven is planning another catastrophic end to humanity in the first place, and that Gabriel as the Archangel had basically no real power at all because the moment he disagreed with Heaven he was ejected without a second thought (If Aziraphale had known this, Crowley’s pleas of “when Heaven ends life here on Earth, it’ll be just as dead as if Hell ended it” and “they’re toxic” might not have fallen on deaf ears)
-Bonus: not really a miscommunication but Aziraphale didn’t see that Look the Metatron gave Crowley when they were leaving the bookshop to go to Nina’s in 2x6 so Aziraphale probably has no idea how the Metatron/Heaven really feels about Crowley (and by extension, whether the Metatron’s offer to “restore” Crowley back to an angel was genuine)
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hikarry · 9 months
Crowley's post-divorce assembled squad should be Nina and Anathema
No, they are not there to comfort him. They are there to give him shit and have drunk nights in his apartment while watching Golden Girls
Crowley: 6000 years! 6000 fucking years and all I get is an "I forgive you"?! He will see what he will need to forgive me for when I-
Nina: What? Storm Heaven and cause a scene?
Crowley: I could, if I wanted to
Anathema *snorts into her wine glass*: Right. You would have your ass handed to you in a silver platter
Crowley: You don't know what I'm capable of. I'm the fucking Serpent of Eden!
Nina: And so far that hasn't helped you much now, has it?
Anathema: Yeah, that little title of yours didn't make the angel stay, did it?
Crowley *downs the whole wine glass in one go*: Why do I even invite you guys over?
Nina: Because you are a depressed ancient supernatural entity that lost his only friend and we are the second best option
Crowley: Yeah yeah, and who's fault was that?! It was your stupid idea that fucked me!
Anathema: Technically Aziraphale probably would have left regardless if you confessed or not-
Crowley: Get out
Anathema: What if I do? *laughs* Will you call me again at 1 in the afternoon because you need "some witchy advice" but spend an hour complaining about your life instead?
Crowley *grabs a throw pillow*: Book girl, I'm warning you
Nina: Oh don't be ridiculous *grabs the pillow from his hand* Drink your wine and let's finish this episode. I need to work tomorrow
Anathema: And I need to go back to Tadfield to, you know, be with my husband
Crowley *grabs the pillow again and throws it against her face with a growl*
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tryanmybest · 1 year
whatever's supposed to happen in season 3 aside, i'm delusional
please enjoy silly ideas about what muriel, crowley, maggie, and nina get up to while aziraphale's gone :)
maggie and nina RUSH to crowley once they find out aziraphale left
both of them know the feeling of rejection and they support him as much as they can
they give him helpful breakup advice and check up on him periodically
over time, the three become good friends
maggie and nina are endlessly curious about the whole heaven/hell/angel/demon/universe thing and crowley answers what questions he can
since crowley's still not bound to hell, the three of them just vibe most of the time
muriel joins them on occasion, when they're not reading a new book
crowley, despite maggie and nina telling him it might be better to keep his distance from the shop for a bit, checks in on muriel and teaches them how to properly take care of the bookshop
as in, don't sell any of the books, don't rearrange any of the books, close and open whenever you want, etc.
occasionally, muriel, maggie, and nina will organize sort of "storytimes" where crowley shares some stories from his past
it starts with the ones without aziraphale. it's still a bit too raw to tell those.
but, eventually, he tells the story of elspeth in edinburgh. or the lost unicorn on noah's arc (which maggie swears she knew were real this whole time)
maggie and nina also teach muriel how to properly blend in with humans
they're not the BEST at it, but they're good enough that they can go get hot cocoa from nina's shop without people staring at them
crowley teaches muriel how to perform miracles. although, angelic miracles are just a bit different than demonic ones. so they both kind of figure it out together
muriel ends up miracling aziraphale's wardrobe to fit them. those are the human clothes they have access to, afterall.
and, besides, the style suits them.
crowley smiles at the look and doesn't comment on it. and nina gives him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
muriel shares the stories they've read with maggie, who listens enthusiastically
nina suggests muriel write a story of their own
regular customers at give me coffee or give me death now recognize the bookshop owner often in the corner pondering a laptop
nina taught them how to use it. crowley whispers to them that if they tell the laptop what to do with a bit of miraculous energy, it's a lot easier
maggie shows muriel some music. it's so much better than the celestial harmonies that they've had to hear for all these years
they end up liking everything they're shown. from aziraphale's old classical records they found in the bookshop to the queen that plays from crowley's car
muriel adores the bentley. and the bentley eventually warms up to them.
crowley takes muriel to see more of earth, once
well, more of england anyway
there's one time during the drive that the queen melts into an unfamiliar song. something about angels and nightingales.
crowley puts a fist to the dash and it switches back to queen before muriel can grasp what it is
while they're far from the city, the stars are much brighter
muriel hasn't had the chance to see them until then
and crowley tells them another story. about nebulas and galaxies and how they're made. and how gorgeous they really are up close.
muriel doesn't understand why crowley gets so sad talking about something he loves
sometimes residents of the street ask where mr. fell went
maggie and nina will respond that maybe you should mind your own business and they're sure he has his reasons
muriel will smile and say that he's gone on to heaven. then get confused when people offer their condolences
crowley doesn't say anything.
ms sandwich can put together that aziraphale and crowley were an item, though.
and she can certainly see that they aren't anymore
eventually, after a few months, maggie and nina start officially dating
muriel happens to be reading some of aziraphale's romance novels, and they find nina and maggie's relationship utterly adorable
if they ever mention as much tho, nina will tell them to piss off while maggie gets flustered
once, muriel asks maggie and nina when they figured out that they had feelings for each other
crowley is around at that time
muriel, excited by maggie and nina's answers turns to crowley and starts to ask him when he realized he was in love with aziraphale. but they trail off
nina had told them that crowley's not great at talking about aziraphale all the time
they have to wait until he brings it up, okay?
muriel apologizes, but crowley waves a hand
he explains the experience of the first rain
and maggie GASPS
"the rain! back when you were trying to get me and nina together! that was YOU."
crowley just offers a half-smirk and a thumbs-up
that's all ive got for now.
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coldbloodace · 1 year
Aziraphale utterly and completely trusts Crowley and I cannot stop thinking about that
- the Job scene when Crowley asks "Are you sure, angel?" and Aziraphale doesn't waver at all
- the 1941 "I knew you'd come through for me. You always do." (MY HEART)
- literally their whole Arrangement, considering how anxious Aziraphale is in general and still trusts Crowley
- the switch in season 1 (the amount of trust it takes to let your best friend go into enemy territory and hoping they'll keep you both safe)
- entrusting his bookshop to Crowley
- "Crowley will be back in a moment. He will have a plan," in episode 5 to Nina and Maggie
Aargh, he has complete faith in Crowley and he's so in love with him and he's so bad at communication and none of his sentiments are properly conveyed to Crowley and I AM LOSING MY MIND
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mimisempai · 2 months
A bond of love
"When you meet your soulmate, from the day your souls connect with love, you'll never be able to lie to them."
Thirty years after hearing his grandmother's words for the first time, Crowley no longer believes in them. 
But why is he suddenly thinking about it?
Could it be because of the bookseller opposite his coffee-shop with whom he's become friends?
AU-gust is here, so enjoy this Soulmate AU to start!
On Ao3
Rating G -  3169 words
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"Anthony, my boy, listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you. Do you know what it means to have a soulmate?"
Little Anthony nodded vigorously and replied as he climbed onto his grandmother's lap, "Yes, Nanny, it's someone you love and share everything with."
The old lady ruffled the little boy's red hair and replied gently, "Not quite, my sunshine, it's someone you share an intense connection with all your life from the moment your souls connect, it can be just professional, friendly or love. However, our family has a special gift: when you meet your soulmate, from the day your souls connect with love, you'll never be able to lie to them."
Little Anthony opened his eyes wide and asked, "And that will be true for this person too?"
"No, your soulmate will not have the same gift. From the day your souls connect, your soulmate will never be able to hurt you in any way, physically or verbally, and they'll be driven to do everything they can to make you happy. But remember, sweetie, this can only happen when there's love. That's the only way to bring out your gifts."
"Wow, I can't wait to grow up and meet my soulmate then!"
"Oh Anthony, you're such a good boy, I'm sure your soulmate will be thrilled to have you in their life." 
"I'd have to find my soul mate for that..."
Crowley grumbled as he wiped down the tables at Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death, the coffee shop he ran with Nina, his best friend.
He sighed. Thirty years later, he was a far cry from the little boy who used to revel in the idea of meeting his soulmate. 
Oh, he'd met people, but every time it had ended badly. The way he'd been hurt had proven to him that none of these people could be his potential soulmate.
"Why are you sighing, Mr. Grumpy? Still thinking about that cute bookseller across the street?"
Crowley turned to his work partner and friend and, after rolling his eyes, replied, "Don't call me that. I've only been grumpy once, and that was because I didn't have the coffee I needed to start my day."
Nina, a teasing gleam in her eye, replied, "Let's leave your grumpiness aside, what I see is that you didn't refute the second part about your bookseller."
"Nina... he's not my bookseller and his name is Aziraphale."
"But you think he's cute and I'm sure you wished he was yours."
Annoyed by his best friend's perceptiveness, Crowley tossed her the dish towel and headed to the counter to serve a customer who had just walked in.
As he served them, his gaze wandered to the bookshop across the street. 
Nina was right, Crowley did indeed find the bookseller to his liking. 
In fact, it was because of him that Crowley often thought of his grandmother's words these days. 
Aziraphale Fell.
The handsome bookseller with the bright eyes and disarming smile who was so much more when you got to know him.
The bookseller had been the first customer when they'd opened the coffee shop, and Crowley had immediately seen the beautiful eyes light up, literally glow, when he'd stopped in front of the pastry counter.
Then, almost shyly, Aziraphale had handed Nina and Crowley a bottle of wine, welcoming them to the street and wishing them good luck with their coffee shop. The dazzling smile that accompanied the words had been enough to win Crowley over.
He had enjoyed seeing Aziraphale return the next day, then the day after that, and soon the bookseller had become a regular customer. 
"And it's not because you're interested in the bookseller that you've been staring at the bookshop with your mouth open for the last five minutes, is it?"
Nina's slightly mocking voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he replied, "We're just... friends."
"If you like telling yourself lies, darling, don't mind me."
Crowley swallowed and Nina continued, nudging him with her shoulder, "Just to say, I'm your friend, but you've never bent over backwards like this to pick out the best pastries for me."
Nina was right, of course. 
He had taken special care to serve the bookseller every time he came in the coffee shop. Crowley would offer him different pastries, the latest arrivals, sometimes even letting Aziraphale taste the pastries and charging them to his own account. Until one day the bookseller took notice of this and invited Crowley to share one of his purchases during his break. 
And, before long, what had been an occasion had become a regular occurrence. 
Though they had different tastes, they got along perfectly, laughing about the same things, getting upset about the same subjects, to the point where Aziraphale was the only person besides Nina with whom Crowley felt comfortable and able to be himself.
That's why it was easier to tell himself they were just friends than to hope for something that wasn't going to be. Once again. 
Suddenly, Crowley saw the object of his thoughts arrive at his bookshop, arms full of records. Crowley couldn't help but chuckle. Aziraphale had told him about his passion for old things and his old gramophone. Apparently, he'd found what he was looking for today at Maggie's, the record store down the street.
Then Crowley smiled fondly as he imagined Aziraphale enjoying the music, wondering if he'd have the same look of delight on his face as he did when he enjoyed one of his much-loved pastries.
"Oh my, you've got it bad."
He turned his head to Nina and saw that she was handing him a plate of Eccles cakes and two coffees.
Ignoring her last words, he raised a questioning eyebrow and replied, "What's this for?"
"This is for you and your bookseller. It's pretty quiet this morning, take an extended break, and if I ever need you, I'll know where to find you."
"Because I'm tired of you two making eyes at each other every time you think the other one can't see it, and it's time for you to get back on the dating scene."
Crowley shook his head and replied, "How could someone like him be interested in someone like me? I'm just a barista taking night courses in astronomy that won't be of any use to me."
Nina glared at him and slapped him lightly on the back of the head, "Don't speak ill of my best friend. You're a future astronomy specialist helping your friend set up her coffee shop. Your degree will serve you well because you've always had a passion for the stars. You will be a teacher or whatever you want to be. So stop making excuses and take this to the bookseller before the coffee gets cold! Go get him."
As Nina pushed him toward the door, Crowley grumbled, "Easier said than done."
"You only get it wrong once if you don't try."
Moments later, with his heart slightly pounding, Crowley knocked with his elbow on the bookshop door, which almost immediately opened to reveal Aziraphale, who exclaimed, "Anthony! What a surprise."
He made way for Crowley to let him in and closed the door behind them as Crowley asked, "Good or bad surprise?"
The bookseller replied with a wink, "Considering what you're holding, good, obviously."
Crowley pouted and replied, "I thought my presence alone would be enough."
"Idiot. Of course I'm glad to see you. Follow me."
Aziraphale led him to a sofa in a corner of the shop that, from what Crowley could see, was a perfect reflection of its owner: warm, cozy, inviting.
Crowley sat on the sofa, Aziraphale across from him on an old red armchair. Crowley could see the gramophone he'd told him about behind him and asked, "Is this where you listen to your records? I hope I didn't disturb you on your way to listen to your latest acquisitions?"
Aziraphale looked puzzled and Crowley clarified, "I saw you coming up the street with your arms full of records."
"Ah yes, that!" 
The bookseller scratched his head and replied, "No, you didn't disturb me. I was going to start listening to them tonight."
He took a bite of Eccles' cake, and Crowley was pleased to see the usual expression of pleasure on the other man's face.
Aziraphale sighed and, after licking some sugar off his finger, said, "Scrumptious."
Crowley, blushing slightly at the display, took a sip of coffee to regain his composure as Aziraphale, oblivious, asked, "And your evening classes, how are they going? "
Crowley immediately lost his good mood. He didn't feel like talking about it, he was in the home stretch before his exams, but he could also see that Nina needed help, so he spared no effort at the coffee shop, and as a result he didn't have the energy to concentrate on his classes anymore.
But he didn't want to complain to Aziraphale, so he decided to lie to him.
"It's not going so well. I don't have time for my classes anymore because the coffee shop is doing so well and I don't want to fail Nina. She is my friend and she needs me and..."
What? What? He didn't mean to say that out loud!
He tried to sound confident about his future exam results.
"I'm not sure I'll get my year if this keeps up."
It was awful, as if his mouth refused to listen to his brain.
As if he was incapable of lying.
“When you meet your soulmate, from the day your souls connect with love, you'll never be able to lie to them.”
Did this mean that Aziraphale... no... no... 
Crowley's mind remained fixed on the same singular thought.
Aziraphale was his soulmate! 
Aziraphale was his soulmate! 
Aziraphale was his soulmate! 
Crowley could not think straight anymore.
Aziraphale replied softly, leaning toward him, "I'm sorry, Anthony. It's hard enough when all you have to do is study, but you, you work too, and for helping a friend, that's admirable. If I can ever help you in any way, please don't hesitate."
Why was he so kind when Crowley admitted to being so weak?
Aziraphale rose and came to sit beside him before adding, still in the same gentle tone, "I mean it. Anything I can do to help you succeed."
Crowley wanted to accept. But he didn't want to look incompetent in front of his soulmate. 
Once again, he was unable to lie.
"I'd like to..."
Crowley put his hand over his mouth.
Aziraphale put his hand on his arm, looking worried.
"Anthony "
Crowley had to leave. 
He would make a fool of himself if he stayed.
"I want to stay with you..." 
He stood abruptly and, ignoring Aziraphale calling his name, almost ran out of the bookshop. He stormed into the coffee shop.
"So, was he pleased?"
Crowley shook his head and replied to Nina, "Not now."
Then he added, "I'm going... to... the back room." and, seeing that his friend wanted to follow him, he continued, "I need some time alone."
He entered the back room, which was laid out like a small living room, and dropped onto the old leather sofa, holding his head in his hands.
Aziraphale stared at the door that had closed behind Anthony for a few seconds as his thoughts raced.
He could no longer lie to himself. 
He remembered the conversation he'd had with his mother when he was twelve, when he'd asked her what a soul mate was and if he'd ever have one.
"Azi, my sweet boy, one day you will meet your soulmate and when your souls connect through love, you won't be able to hurt them, you will want to comfort them when they are sad, heal them when they are hurt and even better, deep inside you will want to do everything you can to make them happy. It will be like a compulsion, something you won't be able to fight. But don't forget one important thing, this will only happen when your two souls are connected through love."
"And this person will have the same gift?"
"Oh no, they won't. They'll have a different gift - your soul mate will never be able to lie to you, even if they wanted to."
But life had shown Aziraphale more than once, cruelly, that many people lied, and as an adult he had stopped believing the story. 
However, the way he'd reacted to Anthony's confession a few minutes ago proved to him that it wasn't just a story. He'd felt the other man's distress as if it were his own, and all he'd wanted to do was ease it. To protect him. Never in his life had he felt such a strong desire. If he'd really listened to himself, he would have wrapped Anthony in his arms and promised him that everything would be all right.
The connection between their two souls forced him to acknowledge what he had refused to admit. For some time now, his interest in the handsome barista had been more than just friendly, going beyond the pleasure of sharing a cup of coffee. Aziraphale had refused to put a name to it, though, out of fear, because it was more comfortable to settle for what you had than to risk losing it for something you didn't.
But what had just happened forced Aziraphale to be honest with himself. 
He had fallen head over heels in love with Anthony, and it had nothing to do with the fact that the other man was his soul mate andit had  everything to do with who the barista he'd gotten to know over the past few weeks was.
He couldn't lie to himself anymore about the fact that seeing Anthony had become the highlight of his day, that his heart leapt every time he caught a glimpse of his red hair, that when he left him all he could think about was the next time he would see him, that he came away from their discussion more excited than ever,  that there was now an astronomy section in his bookshop.
All signs he'd preferred to ignore out of fear, telling himself that it was only because Anthony was his friend.
At this point in his reflections, Aziraphale had arrived at the coffee shop, and it was Nina's voice that brought him out of his thoughts as she simply said, pointing to a door behind her, "In the back room."
Aziraphale nodded, thanking her with his eyes, then moved to the door she had shown him before opening it gently. His eyes immediately fell on Anthony's silhouette, folded in on itself as he sat on a sofa, his back to Aziraphale. 
Aziraphale approached slowly so as not to frighten him. 
If they were soulmates and their souls were connected by love, then Anthony couldn't lie to him. Just as Aziraphale felt this compulsion to take care of him right now.
As he approached, he heard Crowley mutter, his face buried in his hands, "Aziraphale is my soulmate! What am I going to do? I almost lost my face just now. What will he think when he sees me so weak? I couldn't even resist! It was as if I wanted to bare my soul to him! But what if he doesn't like what he sees? What if it disgusts him? What am I going to do now that I'm in l-”
Crowley interrupted himself just as Aziraphale sat down next to him, simply placing a hand on his arm to calm him as he asked, "So now you are what?"
Crowley lifted his head and whispered, "Please don't... not like this..."
He bit his fist to keep the words from coming out.
Aziraphale took his hand to keep him from hurting himself and said soothingly, "Anthony, please calm down! It seems to me that you've forgotten a small part of the legend of the soulmate. Remember the condition under which our gifts manifest, the fact that you can't lie, and the fact that I want to take care of you, that I don't want to hurt you?"
Anthony shook his head again.
Aziraphale took his hand, stroked his palm gently with his thumb, and repeated softly, "Remember."
After a few moments, he saw understanding dawn in his soulmate's eyes.
Crowley repeated his nanny's words aloud, “When you meet your soulmate, from the day your souls connect with love, you'll never be able to lie to them.”
Aziraphale nodded and echoed back, "One day you will meet your soulmate, and when your souls connect through love," he paused before continuing, "you won't be able to hurt them, you will want to comfort them when they are sad, heal them when they are hurt and even better, deep inside you will want to do everything you can to make them happy. 
"Does that mean you feel the same way I do?"
"I can't say, Anthony, because I don't know what you feel."
Crowley rolled his eyes and replied, "You bastard, you're lucky I love you."
"That's good because I love you too."
"You do?"
Aziraphale cupped his soulmate's face between his hands and, caressing his lips with his thumb, replied softly, "How could I not? You're everything I could dream of in a soulmate."
Then his lips replaced his thumb on Crowley's, hesitantly at first, then more firmly as he felt the other man's lips parting beneath his own. They deepened the kiss, though keeping it gentle, both drinking in the other, savoring this new connection. The extension of their soul bond.
When the kiss ended, neither trying to pull away, Aziraphale rested his head against Crowley's chest as Crowley wrapped an arm around the bookseller's shoulders, gently caressing his back.
Crowley murmured softly, "Can this be so easy?"
Aziraphale planted a light kiss on his soulmate's chest and replied, his voice a little husky, "I don't know. It's the first time for me."
He felt Crowley press a light kiss to his hair, and they both fell into a comfortable silence, Crowley's hand continuing its caresses, and Aziraphale snuggling even more into his soulmate's embrace.
After a while, Aziraphale asked, "Don't you have to get back to work?"
"Nina knows where I am."
Aziraphale giggled.
"She knows where I am too."
Crowley chuckled softly before grabbing Aziraphale's chin to make him lift his head.
Crowley pressed his lips to his soulmate's in a soft kiss that lingered, neither wanting to let go.
Locked in their new bubble of happiness, they didn't hear the door open and close quietly.
They didn't see Nina's happy smile as she leaned against the door, grabbed her cell phone and started typing.
Hi Maggie.
How about dinner with me tonight?
Now it was her turn to take the plunge.
Is this a date?
Nina typed back, a little thrilled.
Only if you want to.
Her heart leapt in her chest as her phone vibrated in her hand.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable fan fictions Masterpost : here
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cannebady · 1 year
It's the future. How far into it, really, is of no matter here. The important bit is that they've finally reached some degree of an understanding.
There's an angel back in a bookshop in Soho, enthusiastic in his separation from the holy host and distinct lack of separation from the original tempter.
Well, he supposes lack of separation is a relative term.
Right before, well, before. Not Before of course, no, not that far back, but before their second, second chance he and Crowley were as close as they'd ever been. There were talks and walks and good lord the touching. They were so close then, right on the precipice before the Metatron and Aziraphale's most shameful cowardice yet.
Crowley had tried, of course he had. Brilliant, brave, honest Crowley throwing his heart into the ring in the final hour, a pleading hail Mary met only by an angel's repitious distance and foolish devotion to the wrong entity entirely.
Crowley does have reason to be vexed with him.
But that's behind them too, because they've always been stronger together and now, after all that's transpired (which shall be discussed at a later date), they've begun to establish a new normal.
And Aziraphale is grateful, well and truly, deeply grateful for the wellspring of forgiveness, or possibly acceptance, that proliferates in his dear demon. His best friend, the love of his life, a pure anomaly that Aziraphale had coveted since before he knew it was sinful to.
He certainly doesn't give a toss about the concept of sin now. Not now that his apology (a rather garish, lengthy spin on their apology dance that included no fewer than eleven doves, four streamers, twenty-seven individual steps, and one heartfelt apology made while holding the hand of a shell-shocked demon who looked nearly as relieved as he was conflicted) has been cautiously accepted.
They started small. Coffee once a week at Nina's shop to hash out their thoughts and catch up under the watchful eye of someone far wiser than them.
It was after the fifth coffee date (they're not dates, he keeps reminding himself, to little effect) is the first time it happens.
It, in this instance, is a moment of tension as one of them almost breaks the silence on the one piece of the Debacle they haven't bled out yet. They talked about the difference in their "exactlies" and how Aziraphale had always needed to fix things to feel worthy and how Crowley's loneliness had been nearly crushing, and that's really saying something for a demon.
But they hadn't talked about the kiss. About Crowley's desperate, last-ditch-attempt kiss meant to show Aziraphale what he could offer.
They hadn't talked about how it was almost enough to rip Aziraphale from his self-imposed duty. Or how he hadn't gone one day, not ever one hour, since without thinking about how wrong it was that he didn't kiss Crowley back with everything he was.
So upon the steps of the bookshop, after the fifth coffee not-date of the rest of their lives (part two), they prepare to say goodbye as the angel frets about whether it's too soon to invite his favorite demon inside (or to spend the rest of their lives together, either would be lovely). While preoccupied with invitations and proposals, he fumbles with the key to the shop door, enough so that Crowley reaches around him with a, "Let me get that for you, angel," in just enough time for Aziraphale to turn around and look him in his ochre eyes.
Time feels paused. Considering Crowley's abilities, it may have actually stopped. But Aziraphale can't think about that because they're so close, closer than they've been since before, and all he can think of is dragging those red lips down to his own and showing Crowley the depth of his devotion.
Crowley seems similarly caught in the liminal space of the moment, frozen on an event horizon that is as terrifying for him as it is exciting.
Aziraphale almost leans in, he's so close to it that it's almost an inevitability, but then he sees a trace of panic cross Crowley's features and time starts again instantly.
It's too soon. They haven't talked about it. Once they have, perhaps he'll be permitted a second go at tasting his demon, but he won't force Crowley across any more lines. It's his turn to match speed.
So he pulls back slowly, with a smile he hopes conveys his understanding and acceptance. Crowley looks uneasy for a moment, stuck in where they almost landed, before he too, pulls back.
They say a warm, if stilted, goodbye and Aziraphale locks himself in the shop for the rest of the day. They're working through it, but sometimes he can't believe his own stupidity. He left this behind and he can't even fathom why at this point.
It happens again because of course it does.
The next time they're coming back from Aziraphale's favorite sushi place, because they've graduated to a coffee not-date once a week and one dinner not-date in the same week and he's tickled about it.
Crowley has been his sparkling self all evening, funny and sharp and silly and Aziraphale's so ridiculously charmed by him he feels like there's glitter in his performative veins.
The Bentley stops outside of the bookshop and Aziraphale's heart aches for a time in the not-so-distant past when it would've been natural to ask Crowley in for a nightcap.
For now, he turns to thank him for a lovely meal, but when he shifts he sees that Crowley's staring at him in a way that makes the hair on the back of his neck stand up. His gaze is locked on Aziraphale's mouth and he seems completely caught in his own mind. Aziraphale can only imagine he's remembering, because he's also remembering and good lord his self control is waning.
Suddenly, Crowley snaps out of it, turning his head sharply and grinding out, "Night angel, see you Wednesday," as Aziraphale takes his cue to get out of the car and head inside the shop. It's longing and abrupt, but they don't look at one another. Something in that breaks Aziraphale's chipped heart just a bit more.
It hurts, but he's brought it on himself for being a fool. He allows himself a cocoa, then a stiff glass of whiskey before he settles in with a copy of Persuasion and pointedly thinks of nothing.
Three months or so in, and it's happened so often that Aziraphale wonders if it's a cosmic joke or some kind of karmic backlash for his hallmark poor decision-making.
They've had so many almosts it's doing his head in.
There was the one at the drive in where they saw Casablanca and Crowley had looked so handsome limned by the screen light that Aziraphale almost lost his better judgment.
There was the pub where Aziraphale won a game of pool with a move so complicated and borderline impossible that Crowley looked like he may just swing him around and plant one on him in pride. Aziraphale wishes he would've. But that same shuttered (shattered) look crossed Crowley's features and Aziraphale found himself challenging Crowley to a second match to pull him out of his spiral.
Then there was the farmers market, and the duck pond, and the beach, and every other bloody place they went to and if the tension didn't break soon Aziraphale was concerned his patience just might.
But he doesn't complain because Crowley comes to the shop at his leisure now, walking in like he has a claim to it (he does, he does, he does) and that makes Aziraphale so happy he could almost lose consciousness.
But he's starting to wonder after his own ability to keep letting things go as, presently, they're both on the sofa in the room above the shop, in front of a roaring fireplace that came loaded with a divine miracle to keep it from burning or even singeing a single page, (a condition of Crowley's that Aziraphale was happy to acquiesce) and the exact right amount of wine in their systems to know better but not necessarily do better.
It's a dangerous combination because good lord does the firelight make Crowley incandescently beautiful (or possibly, it's Crowley doing so to the fire, as he's always beautiful) and Aziraphale is weak.
He realizes, after a moment, that it's quiet save for the crackling of the fire and last he'd remembered before getting lost in his head Crowley was talking but now, the air is thick with familiar tension and he can feel those serpent eyes on him.
He looks over and is caught in the softest, hungriest gaze he's ever seen directed his way. He can feel his own cheeks flush in sympathy and he watches Crowley notice, watches Crowley take in the click of his throat as he tries to swallow his want lest he tarnish this delicate balance of theirs, and watches as Crowley's hand comes to his own and trails upward, feels heat and goose flesh break out on his arm (his sleeve is rolled up, there's no barrier, oh fuck) in the wake of those elegant fingers as they travel higher, and loses his measured breathing as it traverses his bicep, his shoulder, dear lord his neck, then settles holding his cheek.
There is no mistaking it this time. No broken glances, no rage, just heat and static and love.
Oh, Aziraphale can feel the love pouring off of them both and it's like his thirst being slaked for the first time in ages.
"Crowley," he starts, and before he can continue he hears a rough, "Yes, angel. Just yes," and that's all he needs.
He grabs Crowley's lapels, a gentle mirror to before, and brings his lips to his beloved's and a moan rings out that both will blame on the other and both will be right to.
Crowley's lips are syrup sweet on his, his hands grasping with a whole different kind of desperation, the kind the screams "I love you, and I've loved you, and I'm going to continue to until the Sun burns out and then I'll find a way to love you some more", and Aziraphale is torn asunder by the heat building in his chest.
Crowley's breathing is a mess of gasps and low growls and Aziraphale answers with moans, and hums, and his arms wrapping around his perfect, brave serpent until the demon is in his lap, right where he belongs.
Ever the egalitarian, Crowley gives as good as he gets, cleverly licking into Aziraphale's mouth, biting his lip just to soothe it with his forked tongue, and Aziraphale has his hands lost in blood red hair and his mind lost in Crowley's blood hot embrace and he's crying but Crowley's crying too so it's alright.
They kiss for ages, allowing the second one to make up for the millions of times they should've done it before, until Aziraphale rests his forehead against Crowley's, stroking a thumb down his cheek to his jaw. Letting them catch their unneeded breath.
"I am terribly, irrevocably in love with you", Aziraphale whispers between them. It's about time he took the leap first.
Crowley's breath hitches and his eyes snap up to Aziraphale's. He looks into his blue eyes and Aziraphale lets him find what he needs reflected there.
"Angel," he starts before losing his breath again, "I never thought-" and fresh tears well on his lovely face.
"My dearest, you needn't say anything. Say what you will in your own time. I'll love you regardless," he jumps to reassure. Now is not the time for him to demand reciprocity. It will hurt and he will wait. It's alright.
The demon almost scoffs, but it's stopped by a small, sincere smile. "Of course I love you," Crowley replies, voice low and earnest, and impossibly steady. He says it as if it's an undeniable truth. It is.
Aziraphale makes his own desperate noise as he hears his devoted love returned to him and he's kissing Crowley again before he knows it.
They're finally here, in this world they've protected together. Finally on the same side and the same page.
As Crowley drifts off some time later, with his head on Aziraphale's shoulder and Aziraphale's lips to his temple, the angel allows himself to let their future take shape in his mind.
There will be peaks and valleys, he imagines, but it'll be perfect anyway.
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icyolive · 1 year
IMO Crowley's brief "how long have you two been together" conversation with Nina was extremely important to the end of the season. This is where he puts two and two together, or at least what leads him to it. He already knew how he felt about Aziraphale; Aziraphale is his best friend, his only friend, His Person. (He says it outright and unapologetically several times in both seasons!) He already knew what human love is (although not the specifics of how to have a healthy relationship).
But it wasn't until Nina asked the usual human "couple questions"--so nonchalantly, so easily, not really even entertaining the idea that they could be not together--that he put those two previously unrelated thoughts together and started to realize they were very very similar.
Sure, he denied it--after all, it wasn't true, not exactly the way she was implying. But that's the face of someone realizing on a fundamental level... it's also not not true. If you take the extremely human concept of sex out of their relationship (something that's not strictly even required amongst humans!) it's preeeettty similar. He knew she was implying a different sort of relationship, but he also knew those questions did actually apply to him and Aziraphale.
As someone who had to be informed by friends that they were dating their now spouse.... that conversation with Nina is the "what? no." that comes right before the "ohhhhhhhhhhhh."
I don't think this significantly changed how he feels about Aziraphale, but it changed how he understands his feelings.
He's wanted to be around Aziraphale for years and years... but 'we're friends, let's hang out' hits a lot differently from 'I love you, I think you love me too, please be with me.'
If the Metatron hadn't interrupted, I don't think there would have been a kiss, at least not for a while; that kiss was such a desperate act, and didn't follow Crowley's usual pattern of gently offering temptations. But it wouldn't have happened without that conversation with Nina, either. Comparing their relationship to a human romantic relationship gave Crowley a new (physical! still physical! use your damned words!) vocabulary to express how deeply he feels for Aziraphale. And he used it in a last ditch effort to get Aziraphale to give up the charade and choose them.
And Aziraphale? He has such a beautifully complex reaction to the kiss because (in addition to the fundamental upheaval their relationship is suddenly going through) he too had never framed their relationship like that. He has that "ohhhhhhhhh, is this--?," right on camera, over a few short seconds, in the middle of an already emotionally charged argument, and out of the two of them, he's the one experiencing a whole lot of cognitive dissonance over the whole "friends with the enemy" thing. So there's this beautiful succession of emotions, anger and desperation and then he touches his lips and oh, but he's still angry and scared and rejected, too.
Anyway, enjoy this wall of text based on two split-second confused expressions performed by David Tennant and Michael Sheen, A++ acting.
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mrghostrat · 10 months
Omg hi!!! I found your ineffable streamer au like 20 minutes ago and have been BINGING it all. I literally love it so much. And I was wondering, what do other characters do in this au? Are they also streamers? I have been obsessed with beelzebub and Gabriel recently and am still not over them.
Sorry for bothering!!
yessssss. so. i'm not sure if all of these will be mentioned in my fic, but i've planned them out just in case. this got long, so im folding it up to save the dash
quick precursor for everyone less familiar with twitch culture, a Stream Team is just as it sounds: a group of streamers on the same "team", usually for promotional purposes (your team is listed on your channel, and shows all the other channels in that team). sometimes it's just a group of friends who want to have a name and banner, sometimes they're more professionally put together, with collaborations and promotional opportunities for their members.
crowley used to be a member of The Demons, a casual stream team of chaotic, slightly toxic friends. current Demons include beelzebub, shax, and furfur (amongst others). aside from beelzebub, crowley can't stand any of them now and does his best to ignore/avoid them. he'd much rather stream independently than tie himself to a team and all its inevitable politics and drama.
a team that's more explicitly mentioned in my fic is The Dark Council, a professional-level team of variety streamers. socials are run by dagon, and fufur is ITCHING to be noticed by them.
gabriel is a bit of a work in progress for me. i think he's aziraphale and crowley's partner manager (basically twitch staff, managers are liasons between the company and the contracted streamers, who will answer questions and assist them with promotion, account issues, taxes, irl events etc).
i'm toying with the idea of his dual identities being tied to his twitch account: IRL he is Jim, a chill guy who is new to the whole world of streaming, but has years of excellent pr/marketing experience. he doesn't really know anyone yet and is still trying to prove himself as a new staff member, so he slips into a bit of a fake-it-till-you-make-it mask of confidence when he's working, speaking more brashly, typing more professionally differently in work emails, getting right to business. aziraphale likes him because he knows he's sweet enough underneath it all, while crowley calls him gabriel as a joke because his username is SupremeArchangel -- so it takes forever for anyone to click that he and aziraphale have the same manager.
ooh and they've been mentioned in other posts here and there, but to keep it all in one place: nina and anathema are crowley's mods, and i think anathema streams games and tarot readings for fun here and there. newt and maggie are aziraphale's mods-- newt yearns to be a streamer and he tries often enough, but always runs into some kind of issue where he locks himself out of his vods or his audio desyncs halfway through. i like to imagine that aziraphale has many mods like tracy as well, just a big rotation of people who pop in to help whenever they can.
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nicolegmattos · 8 months
My Christian best friend reacts to Good Omens (part 8):
Link to part 7 if you haven’t seen it yet.
Them: *sees Crowley trying to convince Nina to attend the meeting* He’s really angry.
Me: When he isn’t? Lol.
Them: They’re dancing. Hold me back, Nicole.
Me: Hahaha. My babies are so cute. Can’t get over the fact Azi was so nervous to invite him to dance. Poor him. In six thousand years he never had a chance to dance with his crush.
Me: You rock it, man. If I’m gonna surrender it will be with style lol.
Them: Exactly. I would do the same.
Them discussing about the contractual issues lol.
Me: Hahaha. It’s Hell. They needed to have a lot of bureaucracy. Otherwise it wouldn’t be Hell lol.
Them: *getting emotional when Aziraphale says rescuing him makes Crowley happy*
Me: They are my everything. Aziraphale is a damsel in distress by choice lol.
*Mimicking Crowley* You’re arresting me. Why would I be trying to trick you?
Me: They have no idea.
But then again, he managed to tempt and Angel so he deserves the credit. If it wasn’t for him Aziraphale would never know the pleasures of eating crepe.
Them: Hahahaha. I ship Nina and Maggie.
Me: As you should. All good lol.
Soon enough there will come a new ship. And I bet you aren’t expecting it lol.
Them: Jesus Christ.
Me: No. This one appeared already. First season, remember?
Me: Sorry. Couldn’t resist lol.
Bestie, prepare yourself emotionally for episode six. It’s an emotional rollercoaster.
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u2fangirlie-blog · 5 months
Good Omens Crowley and Aziraphale Reunited Playlist
In anticipation of Good Omens Season 3, here’s the “Crowley and Aziraphale Reunited and It Feels So Good Playlist.” We know our favorite demon and angel will be reunited. Take heart, have faith, and keep hope. Crowley and Aziraphale will be together again, like chocolate and peanut butter. This is music Maggie and Nina would put together in a playlist for a party celebrating the Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship. The songs are about friendship and love.
How ever you as a fan define the love they share – eros, philia, or agape - we know Crowley and Aziraphale love each other. In the Good Omens universe, angels and demons are sexless and genderless. However, they can have genders and sex body parts if they want to. They can be sexual, asexual, binary, nonbinary, romantic, aromantic, hetero, homo, bi, pan. They can be any expression of the spectrum of identities and orientations. Above all else, they can love each other.
Maggie, Nina, Aziraphale, and Crowley are going to sing a karaoke version of “That’s What Friends Are For” at the party.
Please enjoy this unashamedly, unapologetically romantic, silly, sentimental, and sugary playlist (with extra cheesy goodness).
See note after list on song the selection process.
Songs include:
“You’re My Best Friend” – Queen
“Let’s Stay Together” – Al Green
“For Once in My Life” – Stevie Wonder
“Reunited” – Peaches and Herb
“Love and Happiness” – Al Green
“Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” – Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
“That’s What Friends Are For” – Dionne Warwick, Elton John, Gladys Knight, and Stevie Wonder
“I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)” – Aretha Franklin and George Michael
“Can’t Fight this Feeling” – REO Speedwagon
“Time After Time” – Cyndi Lauper
“I’ll Be There” – Mariah Carey and Trey Lorenz version
“I’ll Stand by You” – The Pretenders
“I Say a Little Prayer” – Aretha Franklin
“I Honestly Love You” – Olivia Newton John
“God Only Knows” – The Beach Boys
“Don’t Let Me Down” – The Beatles
“Just the Two of Us” – Grover Washington, Jr., ft. Bill Withers
“Just the Way You Are” – Billy Joel
“Your Song” – Elton John
“How Deep is Your Love” – The Bee Gees
“The Air that I Breathe” – K.D. Lang version
“Time in a Bottle” – Jim Croce
“Up Where We Belong” – Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes
“Islands in the Stream” – Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers
“Endless Love” – Diana Ross and Lionel Richie
“Almost Paradise” – Mike Reno and Ann Wilson
“Leather and Lace” – Stevie Nicks and Don Henley
“Feels Like Home” – Bonnie Raitt
“In Your Eyes” – Peter Gabriel
“I Want to Know What Love Is” – Foreigner
“Never Tear Us Apart” – INXS
“Eternal Flame” – The Bangles
“Heaven is a Place on Earth” – Belinda Carlisle
“Walking on Sunshine” – Katrina and The Waves
“Never Gonna Give You Up” – Rick Astley
“Everlasting Love” – U2 version
“[I Can’t Help] Falling in Love with You” – UB40 version
“Let’s Get It On” – Marvin Gaye
P.S.: Aziraphale secretly loves romantic duets and rock ballads. He wouldn’t admit it because his personality is classical music. However, he longs to sing karaoke duets with Crowley. “Reunited,” “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” “I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me),” “I’ll Be There,” “Don’t Let Me Down,” “Up Where We Belong,” “Islands in the Stream,” “Endless Love,” “Almost Paradise,” and “Leather and Lace.”
P.P.S.: “Never Gonna Give You Up.” Crowley unironically loves this song, but he invented “Rickrolling,” so Rick Astley would get paid more in song royalties. Who’s laughing now?
P.P.P.S.: “Let’s Get It On.” Crowley has experienced all the infinite varieties of human, demonic, angelic, and supernatural being sexuality and intimacy. Like various “sins” thought up by humans (without demonic influence), he has taken credit for inventing some of the more fun, creative intimate activities. He consulted on the artwork in the Kama Sutra. Crowley secretly wants to snuggle under the blankets with Aziraphale on cold rainy days, but he would never admit it because it would ruin his reputation.
Note on song selection:
Yes, the playlist is exclusively classic pop and rock songs. I’m a Gen Xer. David Tennant and Michael Sheen are Gen Xers. Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett are Boomers. This is the music I grew up listening to. These songs make me feel good. They don’t write songs like this anymore. I’m a cool college English teacher. My job is to corrupt the youth of the nation. Ms. Myers is going to expose you to culture. I’m a cool spinster aunt. Auntie Amy is gonna learn you about oldies music. I selected songs that thematically fit with the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley. Listen to the lyrics. They fit. The list flows. You may not like my choices, so your mileage may vary. You can make your own playlist.
You can listen to it on YouTube.
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