nitz-comics · 5 days
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Reloading with malicious intent
yeah not much of a goal, just a drawing
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newnitz · 2 months
I saw your whole post about "Dominating the indomitable" and like no, it's that Jewish people act like they are literally the only group who have ever been oppressed, and how all other forms of oppression are actually antisemitism, and how as a result of this Jewish people can never ever perpetuate oppression against other groups. Horrible things have happened to Jewish people in the past therefore any criticism of the actions of Jewish people now is antisemitic, and even TALKING ABOUT the groups who were affected on a smaller scale during The Holocaust is antisemitic, actually. Jewish people, particularly in online spaces, demand solidarity with other minority groups but *insist* that your problems are the only ones that matter. And yet - False accusations of Antisemitism are constantly deployed en-masse, particularly with regard to Israel, to justify doing heinous fucking shit and to treat genocide as though it's in some way complicated. I'm from the UK, and for twelve years we had upper class asshole politicians saying every racist thing you could imagine about Muslims and literally nothing came of it. Then we had a left wing candidate for Prime Minister who criticised Israel ONCE, and the accusations of Antisemitism that followed instantly killed his career. While Antisemitism is real and is a problem a lot of Jewish people are perfectly happy to allow the Right Wing grifters who perpetrate Antisemitism to weaponise it in their name against people they don't like. You deny that you have ANY privelige relative to other religious minority groups and yet accusations of Antisemitism are the only kind that seem to be consistently taken seriously, even when they're overtly bullshit. But it's also the fact that as minority religious groups in the west go a LOT of Jewish people are rich white people, and the Jewish community as a whole refuses to in any way acknowledge the privelige that comes with that because "I'm not white I'm Jewish" as though you can't be both. Like literally right now, a nation of Jewish people are slaughtering a nation of Muslims on the grounds that being Jewish just makes them inherently entitled to the land those Muslims are on. We're seeing Jewish people commit horrific acts of violence and dehumanisation against the people of Palestine on the basis of their religion - we're seeing Israelis posing with dead or dying Palestinians, laughing at them as they bleed out in the street. But everyone in the west is willing to treat the situation as complicated specifically because the Israelis are Jewish and the Palestinians are Muslim - and yet people like you still feel comfortable acting as though Jewish people could NEVER possibly commit imperialism, could NEVER do anything wrong, could NEVER fall into the same sort of colonialist, bigoted attitudes as other groups, because unlike those other groups you simply know better. And Jewish people are STILL acting like they're the ones most affected by what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians, like this is a bigger problem for some white American jewish person than the people actually LIVING in Palestine right now, because a few people are using the situation as an excuse to be Antisemitic.
So in this anon we have, in order of appearance:
"Jews talk about their oppression too much"
"Jews weaponize antisemitism"
Holocaust universalization
Holocaust inversion
"But whatabout the antisemitism on the right???"
"Jews are just a religion"
"Jews are white"
"Chosen people(derogatory)"
And you don't think there's a cultural antisemitism problem? Worst of all, you don't think you're part of the problem? You just exemplified it with this word vomit made of the copium you take as a culture to justify your millennia-long attempt to exterminate us. Because this shit did NOT begin with the Holocaust. It began with us being stolen from our land, with almost a million of our ancestors' brothers and sisters genocided in the attempt, brought to Europe as Roman slaves, then running from place to place to flee the attempts to finish us off, all the while your holy wars with the Muslims saw our tiny remaining population massacred and dispossessed under most management, with our ancestors funding their return to their own cities, with what little money they could scrounge up between their own escapes and expulsions, because no one else would.
Now, to deconstruct your rancid takes:
"Jewish people act like they are literally the only group who have ever been oppressed, and how all other forms of oppression are actually antisemitism" - That is factually, demonstratively false. Jews as a whole do not claim anti-Black racism or the genocides perpetuated against the indigenous people of Turtle Island are because of antisemitism, because while those two occurred concurrently neither fueled the other. They existed independently. The Holocaust was perpetuated primarily against Jews and Roma. No other group lost >50% of their population under that. Jews were more loudly hated because we greatly outnumbered and still greatly outnumber Roma. There was ethnic cleansing of Poles in some places but no concentrated effort of extermination, as those who cooperated with the genocides of Jews and Roma were safe. You cannot genocide an identity outside an ethnic group or race(which in most cases is a derivative of an ethnic group), but the crimes committed against queer people and political rivals were a much lower priority than the extermination of all Jews and Roma. The Holocaust IS about us and to say otherwise is both antisemitic and anti-Romani.
"how as a result of this Jewish people can never ever perpetuate oppression against other groups." - That is a fringe opinion, and there are massive intracommunity discussions about how we as a whole can and should do better towards other marginalized people, show solidarity unconditionally and so on. It's just not visible to you because the only time you engage with our community is as a threat to our existence.
"Jewish people, particularly in online spaces, demand solidarity with other minority groups but *insist* that your problems are the only ones that matter." Again you are factually incorrect. Jews have been overrepresented in the Civil Rights movement and have been part of the left for centuries at this point. We demand "solidarity" in not perpetuating antisemitic stereotypes, i.e not being actively racist against us so that we can feel safe backing them up as they combat racism against them, which should be the bare minimum. And we've been failed repeatedly as the left and right take on the same flavor of antisemitism.
"False accusations of Antisemitism are constantly deployed en-masse," Who are YOU to say which accusations are false? Which other minority group is assumed to lie about racism until it's proven beyond any shadow of the most unreasonable doubt to be telling the truth?
"particularly with regard to Israel, to justify doing heinous fucking shit and to treat genocide as though it's in some way complicated." There is no genocide. Killing tens of thousands of combatants and civilians in a 1:1 ratio out of a population of 2 million is not a genocide, it's a war. And considering the hellish medium of urban warfare, it's an exceptionally well-managed one. Most importantly, it's a war Israel has been actively avoiding for 17 years until the 7th of October.
"Then we had a left wing candidate for Prime Minister who criticised Israel ONCE" Jeremy Corbyn did more than that. He didn't "criticize Israel" he buddied up with Hezbollah ffs
"While Antisemitism is real and is a problem a lot of Jewish people are perfectly happy to allow the Right Wing grifters who perpetrate Antisemitism to weaponise it in their name against people they don't like." And you're pretending these grifters aren't called out? It's called a "broken clock", and every accusation of antisemitism needs to be investigated. Right now you're excusing your own leftist antisemitism with whataboutism.
"You deny that you have ANY privelige relative to other religious minority groups" - We are not just a religious minority. Jews are an ethnoreligious minority, with most Jews coming from at least one Jewish parent. Outside the US and countries with very small Jewish populations, most Jews come from two Jewish parents, and before the 60s it was almost all Jews. Intermarriage in the US only began with the state-led push towards assimilation following the end of WWII.
"and yet accusations of Antisemitism are the only kind that seem to be consistently taken seriously" Really? Because I haven't seen them being taken seriously by leftists.
"a LOT of Jewish people are rich white people" Whiteness is not conditional. Whiteness does not depend on passing yourself off as something else. Whiteness protects you from having your name, facial features or accent be a reason for lynching, being refused job offers or interrogated by security forces for going about your everyday life. Rich people of many other ethnicities are privileged in comparison to the rest of their community, and that doesn't make them "white". And do you even know how many Jews are rich and white-passing? Especially in countries where Jews didn't assimilate, didn't intermarry?
"Like literally right now, a nation of Jewish people are slaughtering a nation of Muslims on the grounds that being Jewish just makes them inherently entitled to the land those Muslims are on." Again factually false. Israel is counter-attacking the terrorist organization who invaded its territory, raped and murdered men women and children and took hundreds of hostages, and since said terrorist org hides among civilians civilians get killed in the crossfire. It's about religion from Hamas' side, which is what I referred to in the post. There's no "belief that we're inherently entitled", there's a fuckton of archeological evidence showing that we've been living in that land for thousands of years and we want the self-determination that was stolen from us, and Muslims, with their need to dominate the entire Middle East, don't vibe with that.
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delfindakila · 22 days
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NITZ PEÑERA Ina at Anak, akriliko sa kambas, 2024 #artPH
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onlylonelylatino · 6 months
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Blue Beetle versus the Parasite by Mike Norton
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dogmaz · 11 months
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Undergrads (2001)
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ladiesandgenerals · 1 year
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transgods · 5 months
okay so i (vaguely familiar with the vincent chin case but hadn't seen much in the way of witness testimony/interviews with the murderers or mr chin's mother) just watched who killed vincent chin (1987) for class and one thing that really struck me hard was the way that ms chin's poor/slow/broken english probably made it so easy to dismiss her. she's clearly not an unintelligent woman, when she switches to chinese (im not sure if its canto or mando) her words are so much faster and more confident. honestly she spoke a LOT more than the subtitles seemed to give us. but the killers are obviously going to be able to express themselves better, theyre white. english is the only language they even fucking know but it's the one that matters here
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stubbornvulpixquotes · 7 months
It hadn't occurred to me that, because I'd changed, I would have to change my life too.
-Cleo Nitz, A Crown for a Fox
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bauerntanz · 1 year
Dr. Klaus Ertz ist tot.
Dr. Klaus Ertz ist tot. Er starb nach langer, geduldig ertragener Krankheit am 3. August im Kreise seiner Familie. Für die Gesellschaft unserer Stadt ist dies ein besonders großer Verlust; denn der Verstorbene war einer der weltweit größten, glänzenden Experten der flämischen und niederländischen Malerei des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. In den ersten Jahren, als ich ihn kennenlernen durfte, wirkte…
View On WordPress
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nitzlimo · 1 year
Luxury/Affordable Suv Limo Car Rentals in Sacramento CA - Nitz Limo Inc
Nitz Limo stands as a prominent limousine company based in Sacramento, providing its customers with seamless and delightful transportation experiences. When you book a ride with them, several noteworthy elements come into play. First and foremost, you can rely on enjoying the utmost safety and security throughout your limo or town car journey in Sacramento, CA. Dial: +1 (916) 402 1819, Rent A Limo Sacramento.
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nitz-comics · 1 month
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Finally finished my redraw of an old comic i did basically introducing my two characters, Irec (the human) and Nitz (the undead?? rabbit)
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newnitz · 11 months
How many innocent Palestinians does Israel need to kill for Hamas to be stopped?
How about Hamas let civilians escape to safety instead of shoving them into the crossfire so they then blame Israel?
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reflectismo · 1 year
Lennon and McCartney: Browsing through shops, buying books and things
Dear Beatles,
Is it true that you are learning to play the banjo! A friend of mine who was working backstage at one of your concerts said he’d seen you with an old banjo. — Paula Benson, Oldham, Lancs.
John replies: There’s a long story attached to that banjo, Paula.
When we had a day off in Liverpool during our tour last December, Paul and I went to an old antique shop in Chester to buy books and things. I saw this old banjo and I ALMOST bought it. Next day when we got to Manchester Mal Evans walked in with the banjo.
So, I borrowed it and had a go at playing it. There’s an autograph on it—George Formsby’s—but it looks very fresh and Mal isn’t too sure whether it’s a genuine Formby signature or not.
— The Beatles answer fan letters for the February 1966 issue of Valentine.
I don’t read as much as John does. My main thing is, I’ve got to be settled to read. The times I would read are on a holiday, or in bed at night. The other day I took John to the Times Bookshop. I’d been there before and bought a copy of “The Emperor Jones” signed by Eugene O’Neill which really knocked me out, and the fellow there showed me the original manuscript of “Under Milk Wood”. The great thing about the Times Bookshop is that nobody’s going to bother about who you are. Well, John spent an hour there, and £150. It was a good day for the Times Bookshop and a good day for John.
— Paul McCartney interviewed for London Life Magazine (4th/10th December 1965 Issue)
I don’t know whether Invicta [sic] Books, the shop in London's Mason's Yard owned by Peter Asher and Marianne Faithfull's husband, John Dunbar, is selling a lot of books; but it's certainly becoming the new 'in place.' As well as Peter and Marianne, I noticed sister Jane visiting quite a lot and last Friday John Lennon and Paul McCartney popped in to browse for a few hours.
— Disc and Music Echo (April 9, 1966).
One afternoon in late March 1966, Paul arrived at Indica with John Lennon. John wanted a book by what sounded like 'Nitz Ga'. It took Miles a few minutes to realise that he was looking for the German philosopher Nietzsche, long enough for John to become convinced that he was being ridiculed. He launched into an attack on intellectuals and university students and was only mollified when Paul told him that he had not understood what John was asking for either, and that Miles was not a university graduate but had been to art college, just like him. Immediately friendly again, John talked about Allen Ginsberg and the Beats, laughing about his school magazine the Daily Howl: 'Tell Ginsberg I did it first!' Miles found him a copy of The Portable Nietzsche and John began to scan the shelves. His eyes soon alighted upon a copy of The Psychedelic Experience, Dr Timothy Leary's psychedelic version of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. John was delighted and settled down on the settee with the book. Right away, on page 14 in Leary's introduction, he read, 'Whenever in doubt, turn off your mind, relax, float downstream.' He had found the first line of 'Tomorrow Never Knows', one of the Beatles' most innovative songs.
— Paul McCartney: Many Years from Now by Barry Miles (1997)
John and Paul wandered free. They peered into a shop window. John spotted a calendar which featured thinly-dressed girls. He and Paul chortled.
“Bet you daren’t go in and buy it,” said Lennon. “Okay,” said Paul. He went in alone. A minute later, he rejoined us, waving a large, brown envelope.
“Discretion always,” he said. “As you can see, I asked them to give it to me under plain wrapper. . . .”
— John and Paul interview with Ray Coleman for Disc and Music Echo (December 1967)
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your name lists always save our butts when someone’s gender shifts or we need to grow our hoards , lol !! that said, i need some names that feel bright blue, punk/emo rockstar ish, and aquatic if that makes any sense! thank you so much!
sorry for the small wait anon! I will try my best to answer your amazing request!!
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judgemark45 · 5 months
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10.08.2012 The aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) and the guided-missile destroyer USS Nitze (DDG 94) transit the Strait of Bab Al Mendeb. Enterprise and Nitze are returning from a deployment to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility, where the ship conducting maritime security operations, theater security cooperation efforts and support missions for Operation Enduring Freedom. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Daniel Meshel)
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positivelybeastly · 3 months
Hello! I've been a fan of Hank since I was a kid, primarily owing to his portrayal in the 90s cartoon. With the airing of X-Men '97, I've been reminded of how much I love the character and have been looking into his comic appearances; unfortunately, I'm not quite happy with the direction he's been written in recent years (read: X-Force). So, I was wondering if you had any suggestions for older comic runs I could read to get my fill of my favorite bouncing blue Beast?
Hello there, friend! I hope you're well, and perhaps still perusing this blog from time to time? Hard to tell, given the lack of a moniker, but I'll throw this into the Hank McCoy tag, just so you have a better chance of seeing this.
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I am currently in the process of writing up a full Beast reading order, but I've only gotten up to 1981 thus far - really do need to get back on that - so I'm going to give you a somewhat less specific, but far more immediate answer to your question! To wit!
X-Men: First Class, by Jeff Parker.
X-Men: Season One, by Dennis Hopeless.
X-Men: Children of the Atom, by Joe Casey.
Amazing Adventures #11-17, by Gerry Conway.
X-Men Unlimited vol. 2 #10, by Homs.
Avengers vol. 1 #138-211, by, well, a lot of people.
X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga, by Chris Claremont.
Marvel Team-Up #124, by J.M. DeMatteis.
The Defenders/The New Defenders #96-152, by J.M. DeMatteis.
Marvel Heartbreakers, by Jim McCann.
X-Factor vol. 1 #1-70, by Bob Layton (bleuch) and Louise Simonson (yay!).
X-Men Unlimited vol. 1#10 and #14, by Mark Waid and Terry Kavangh.
Marvel Presents #85-92, by Scott Lobdell.
Wonder Man vol. 2 #5 and 6, by Gerard Jones.
Avengers Two: Wonder Man and Beast, by Roger Stern.
New X-Men vol. 1 #114-154, by Grant Morrison.
Astonishing X-Men vol. 3 #1-35, by Joss Whedon and Warren Ellis.
Secret Avengers vol. 1 #13, #16, #20, and #21 by Nick Spencer and Warren Ellis.
Exiles #1-6 vol. 2, by Jeff Parker.
S.W.O.R.D #1-5 vol. 1, by Kieron Gillen.
X-Men: Endangered Species, by Mike Carey.
Wolverine and the X-Men #8 vol. 1, by Jason Aaron.
Amazing X-Men vol. 2 #1-5, by Jason Aaron.
A+X #4, #7, #12 and #15 by Kaare Andrews, Zeb Wells, Christos Gage and Jai Nitz.
Uncanny Avengers vol. 3 #28, by Jim Zub.
Astonishing X-Men vol. 4 #13-17, by Matthew Rosenberg.
Marvel Age #1000, by Rainbow Rowell.
These are, of course, scratching the surface, because Hank is a goddamn cameo king, and you can usually count on him to have some good lines or good characterisation because people actually really enjoy writing him, but these are the ones that come immediately to mind! I hope this helps.
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