batboyblog · 5 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #16
April 26-May 3 2024
President Biden announced $3 billion to help replace lead pipes in the drinking water system. Millions of Americans get their drinking water through lead pipes, which are toxic, no level of lead exposure is safe. This problem disproportionately affects people of color and low income communities. This first investment of a planned $15 billion will replace 1.7 million lead pipe lines. The Biden Administration plans to replace all lead pipes in the country by the end of the decade.
President Biden canceled the student debt of 317,000 former students of a fraudulent for-profit college system. The Art Institutes was a for-profit system of dozens of schools offering degrees in video-game design and other arts. After years of legal troubles around misleading students and falsifying data the last AI schools closed abruptly without warning in September last year. This adds to the $29 billion in debt for 1.7 borrowers who wee mislead and defrauded by their schools which the Biden Administration has done, and a total debt relief for 4.6 million borrowers so far under Biden.
President Biden expanded two California national monuments protecting thousands of acres of land. The two national monuments are the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument, which are being expanded by 120,000 acres. The new protections cover lands of cultural and religious importance to a number of California based native communities. This expansion was first proposed by then Senator Kamala Harris in 2018 as part of a wide ranging plan to expand and protect public land in California. This expansion is part of the Administration's goals to protect, conserve, and restore at least 30 percent of U.S. lands and waters by 2030.
The Department of Transportation announced new rules that will require car manufacturers to install automatic braking systems in new cars. Starting in 2029 all new cars will be required to have systems to detect pedestrians and automatically apply the breaks in an emergency. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration projects this new rule will save 360 lives every year and prevent at least 24,000 injuries annually.
The IRS announced plans to ramp up audits on the wealthiest Americans. The IRS plans on increasing its audit rate on taxpayers who make over $10 million a year. After decades of Republicans in Congress cutting IRS funding to protect wealthy tax cheats the Biden Administration passed $80 billion for tougher enforcement on the wealthy. The IRS has been able to collect just in one year $500 Million in undisputed but unpaid back taxes from wealthy households, and shows a rise of $31 billion from audits in the 2023 tax year. The IRS also announced its free direct file pilot program was a smashing success. The program allowed tax payers across 12 states to file directly for free with the IRS over the internet. The IRS announced that 140,000 tax payers were able to use it over their target of 100,000, they estimated it saved $5.6 million in tax prep fees, over 90% of users were happy with the webpage and reported it quicker and easier than companies like H&R Block. the IRS plans to bring direct file nationwide next year.
The Department of Interior announced plans for new off shore wind power. The two new sites, off the coast of Oregon and in the Gulf of Maine, would together generate 18 gigawatts of totally clean energy, enough to power 6 million homes.
The Biden Administration announced new rules to finally allow DACA recipients to be covered by Obamacare. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an Obama era policy that allows people brought to the United States as children without legal status to remain and to legally work. However for years DACA recipients have not been able to get health coverage through the Obamacare Health Care Marketplace. This rule change will bring health coverage to at least 100,000 uninsured people.
The Department of Health and Human Services finalized rules that require LGBTQ+ and Intersex minors in the foster care system be placed in supportive and affirming homes.
The Senate confirmed Georgia Alexakis to a life time federal judgeship in Illinois. This brings the total number of federal judges appointed by President Biden to 194. For the first time in history the majority of a President's nominees to the federal bench have not been white men.
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notherpuppet · 2 months
I’ve never had a big following before and it’s really important to me to try to use the platform I have to promote harm reduction:
@ the U.S. followers I have; VOTE HARRIS
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filmaticbby · 11 months
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Purple Noon (1960) dir. René Clément
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Ca doar ce vorbeam cu cineva drag mie si am simtit nevoia sa zic asta si aici.
Faptul ca iti plac copiii, lucrezi cu copiii, ai studiat o gramada de chestii despre copiii si (in general) le ai cu copiii, nu inseamna ca ca scrie pe fruntea ta fraier si acum vine orice duduie din neam sau apropiati cu plozii luati din cusca maimutelor de la zoo si gata. Tu esti prostul care trebuie sa ii tolereze pe ei si istericalele lor. Nope. Daca nu le dau lor un dos de palma pentru ca arunca cu ciorba prin casa, pot sa iti dau tie ca adult. Macar sa fim pe plan egal.
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quotemadness · 2 years
The eyes will reveal the heart. You can smile a million smiles but your eyes won’t tell a lie.
Dixon Fritz Daca
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dchan87 · 3 months
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My Threads dash did a thing. Don’t tell me there’s no difference between tr*mp and the Biden/Harris administration
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thiskryptonite · 9 months
If you click HERE you’ll find 275 gifs of David Castro from his role in Season 3 of Shadowhunters. He is of Puerto Rican and Italian descent, so please cast accordingly. All gifs were made by me and are 268 x 160. You are welcome to resize this/edit them for personal use but do not redistribute or claim them as your own. Content warning: partial nudity, fire, burning, torture, violence, blood, needles, and death
Happy RP’ing!
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mihai-florescu · 3 months
Oh epic
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thegoldenshadow · 2 months
The team work for this group is non-existent
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batboyblog · 3 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #23
June 14-21 2024.
On the 12th anniversary of President Obama's DACA program President Biden announced a new pathway to legal status and eventual citizenship for Dreamers. DACA was an executive action by President Obama which deferred any deportation of persons brought to the US as children without legal status. While DACA allowed Dreamers to work legally in the US for the first time, it didn't give them permanent legal status. Now the Biden administration is streamlining the process for employers to apply for work Visas for Dreamers. With Visas Dreamers will for the first time have legal status, the ability to leave and reenter the US legally, and a pathway to a Green Card and eventual citizenship.
President Biden also announced protections for the undocumented spouses and children of US citizens. The new rule allows the spouse, or step-child of a US citizen to apply for lawful permanent residency without having to leaving the country. It's estimated this will help 500,000 undocumented people married to Americans, and 50,000 children under the age of 21 whose parent is married to an American citizen. Current law forces spouses to leave the United States if they're here illegally and wait and unclear period of probation before being allowed to return, but being allowed back is not assured.
The IRS announced that it'll close a tax loophole used by the ultra rich and corporations and believes it'll raise $50 billion in revenue. Known as a "pass-through" has allowed the rich to move money around to avoid taxes in a move the Treasury is calling a shell-game. Pass-throughs have grown by 70% between 2010 and 2019 and the IRS believes it helped the rich avoid paying $160 billion dollars in taxes during that time. The IRS estimates its crack down on these will raise $50 billion in tax revenue over the next 10 years.
The EPA and Department of Energy announced $850 million to monitor, measure, quantify and reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas sector. Methane is the second most common greenhouse gas, responsible for 1/3rd of the global warming. The funding will focus on helping small operators significantly reduce emissions, as well as help more quickly detect and cap methane leaks from low-producing wells. All this comes after the EPA finalized rules to reduce methane emissions by 80% from oil and gas.
The Biden Administration took steps to protect the nations Old Growth Forests. The move will greatly restrict any logging against the 41 million acres of protected land owned by the federal government. The Administration also touted the 20% of America's forests that are in urban settings as parks and the $1.4 billion invested in their protection through the President’s Investing in America agenda.
The Biden Administration released new rules tying government support for clean energy to good paying jobs. If companies want to qualify for massive tax credits they'll have to offer higher wages and better conditions. This move will push union level wages across the green energy sector.
The Department of Education announced large reductions in student loan payments, and even a pause for some, starting in July. For millions of Americans enrolled in the Biden Administration's SAVE plan, starting in July, monthly payments on loans borrowed for undergraduate will be reduced from 10% to 5% of discretionary income. As the department hasn't been able to fully calculate the change for all borrowers at this point it will pause payment for those it hasn't finalized the formula for and they won't have to make a payment till DoE figures it out. The SAVE plan allows many borrowers to make payments as low as $0 a month toward having their loans forgiven. So far the Biden Administration has forgiven $5.5 billion wiping out the debt of 414,000 people enrolled in SAVE.
The Biden Administration celebrated the 1 Millionth pension protected under the American Rescue Plan. Senator Bob Casey joined Biden Administration officials and Union official to announce that thanks to the Butch Lewis Act passed in 2021 the government would be stepping in to secure the pensions of 103,000 Bakery and Confectionery Union workers which were facing a devastating 45% cut. This brings to 1 million the number of workers and retirees whose pensions have been secured by the Biden Administration, which has supported 83 different pension funds protecting them from an average of 37% cut.
The Department of Energy announced $900 million for the next generation of nuclear power. This investment in Gen III+ Small Modular Reactor will help bring about smaller and more flexible nuclear reactors with smaller footprints. Congress also passed a bill meant to streamline nuclear power and help push on to the 4th generation of reactors
Vice President Harris announced a $1.5 billion dollar aid package to Ukraine. $500 million will go toward repairing Ukraine's devastated energy sector which has been disrupted by Russian bombing. $324 million will go toward emergency energy infrastructure repair. $379 million in humanitarian assistance from the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development to help refugees and other people impacted by the war.
America pledged $315 million in new aid for Sudan. Sudan's on-going civil war has lead to nearly apocalyptic conditions in the country. Director of USAID, Samantha Power, warned that Sudan could quickly become the largest famine the world has seen since Ethiopia in the early 1980s when a million people died over 2 years. The US aid includes food and water aid as well as malnutrition screening and treatment for young children.
Bonus: Maryland Governor Wes Moore pardoned more than 175,000 people for marijuana convictions. This mirrors President Biden's pardoning of people convicted of federal marijuana charges in 2022 and December 2023. President Biden is not able to pardon people for state level crimes so called on Governors to copy his action and pardon people in their own state. Wes Moore, a Democrat, was elected in 2022 replacing Republican Larry Hogan.
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macmanx · 4 months
Thanks to a grant from the state’s department of social services, California community college students can renew their Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) permits for free. The Higher Education Immigration Legal Services Project also provides free legal counsel.
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skeysesil · 1 year
Zaiafet - "Ce nu știai despre Țepeș"
Istoricul Andrei Pogăciaș aduce lumină în bezna otomană lăsată de producătorii serialului Netflix Rise of Empires: Ottoman, cu privire la anumite aspecte care pe ecran nu numai că au fost prezentate și reprezentate într-un mod ridicol și lipsit de adevăr, dar și cum producătorii au ignorat kilogramele de informații încadrate în aproximativ 10 ore oferite de el și Mihai-Florin Hasan la cererea acestora. Interviurile au fost înregistrate înainte ca productia serialului să aibă loc, și cu grosolănie tăiate la montaj în proporție de 98%.
În podcastul canalului Zaiafet, Pogăciaș explică ce nu s-a văzut în serial și răspunde întrebărilor curioase într-un mod comic dar și sincer, de la începuturile domniei lui Țepeș, campaniile militare, aspecte ale imperiului Otoman, determinarea lui Mehmed, vestitul atac de noapte, Vlad Dracul, originile dubioase ale numelui de "Dracul", relația domnitorilor cu boierii, caracterul rebel si haotic al lui Vlad [să fim serioși, omu' era o tornadă], misterele morții sale, dar și scurte menționări despre Ștefan cel Mare.
În mașină, la metrou, la picnic sau la birou, podcast-ul îți va ține de urât, chiar binedispune prin umor istoric.
da, okay, ești viță nobilă, zdrăngăne metalul pe tine când pășești, ai palate, ai ghiul pe deget, armată, murg, femei, vin și faimă, ești "sultanul sultanilor, rege al regilor, cezar al cezarilor, soare al sorilor", dar degeaba că tot nu ai sânge în c*aie ca Valahul si Moldoveanul; ce să spun, nasol de tine, să te aplece amândoi e o performanță greu de atins, dar nu imposibilă 😂
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M-am intalnit la un eveniment cu o tipa. Se saturase de munca (period) si isi facuse un fel de pseudo-scoala privata pentru copii supradotati. Trecand prin orasul ei, am zis sa vad si eu acest loc si incerca sa ma abureasca sa ma mut la ea in oras ca sa lucrez pentru ea.
Cantitatea de copii cu CES era (cum ar spune aia din presa) HALUCINANTA!
In primul rand, era gradinita, fiindca e cunoscuta criza de locuri la gradinita. Si dupa avea o clasa pe fiecare nivel de primar (la momentul respectiv 0-3). Avea 2-3 copii ok (deloc supradotati) si alti cativa mediocrii, apoi plin de copii cu CES.
Acei copii ar fi trebuit sa se afle intr-o scoala speciala cu persoane calificate pentru nevoile lor. In schimb, ei stateau in banca sau pe un covoras in coltul clasei si se jucau cu play doh sau se uitau pe pereti. Carnetul de note plin cu FB si parintii linistiti acasa.
Tipa efectiv lipise eticheta de supradotati in speranta ca atrage cine stie ce copii cu parinti nemultumiti de scolile de stat (sau altele mai bune de la privat). Dar 0 copiii din visul ei maret.
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Trust Joe Biden
June 19, 2024
President Biden announced a significant modification to the pathway to citizenship for “undocumented spouses” of US citizens. Even the hard-to-impress headline writers at the New York Times described Biden’s action as follows: “The new policy is one of the most significant actions to protect immigrants in years.” (This article is accessible to all.)
Per the Times,
Under the new policy, some 500,000 undocumented spouses will be shielded from deportation and given a pathway to citizenship and the ability to work legally in the United States. It is one of the most expansive actions to protect immigrants since Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, was enacted 12 years ago to protect those who came to the United States as children. [¶] The policy aims to help people who have been living in the United States for more than a decade, building lives and families here. Even though marrying an American citizen generally provides a pathway to U.S. citizenship, people who crossed the southern border illegally — rather than arriving in the country with a visa — are required to return to their home countries to complete the process for a green card. To be eligible, the spouses must have lived in the United States for 10 years and been married to an American citizen as of June 17. They cannot have a criminal record. The benefits would also extend to the roughly 50,000 children of undocumented spouses who became stepchildren to American citizens.
The Republican response to Biden’s humanitarian plan descended to new depths of mind-blowing hypocrisy. As The Hill reported in its headline, Republicans slam Biden immigration order as election ploy.
“An election ploy?” Hmm. Remember that time—six months ago—when Joe Biden had successfully negotiated a bipartisan immigration reform package that was set to sail through the House and Senate? And then remember that Donald Trump asked congressional Republicans to kill the bill to preserve immigration as an election issue for Trump? See HuffPost (1/24/24) Trump Privately Pressuring GOP Senators To ‘Kill’ Border Deal To Deny Biden A Win.
So, in the absence of congressional action, President Biden is doing the only thing he can —use executive action to address areas of immigration policy within the President’s discretion. Biden wishes it were otherwise but has no choice. Rather, he is willing to work with anyone who is interested in finding solutions.
In announcing the new policy, President Biden said,
Folks, I’m not interested in playing politics on the border or immigration. I’m interested in fixing it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again today, I will work with anyone to solve these problems. That’s my responsibility as president. That’s our responsibility as Americans.
No, Joe Biden is not playing politics. He is addressing an intractable problem despite obstructionist behavior from Republicans. A lesser president would give up in defeat. Not Joe Biden. He is a great president and deserves to be re-elected.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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desired-deity · 1 year
Sleep well.
(All separate)
Genre: Fluff
A/n: More Orion because ✨love them!✨ ALSO an order is being in the making so just just give me a few and I’ll try to get it out to you! Love you all!!
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You had what felt like the longest day ever. You were tired and ready to go see the person you loved most, Dacapo. He was a handful, but not to you. He was a true sweetheart and you loved him.
You got home before him so you decided to take a nap before he got home. Time slipped out of your grasp though, Dacapo got home and noticed you on the couch. He picked you up and rested with you on your shared bed.
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Today was not a good day for you. You were worn out and had a mini panic attack because you were so overwhelmed. You just wanted to go home to see Baabel and rest in his arms. You wanted today to go away.
Baabel was already home when you got there. He was watching something on tv when you got home and noticed you and your worn out self. He told you to come over and lay down, which you did. Your head was in his lap as you took what felt like the best rest of your life.
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Today was just…meh. You didn’t feel good about anything you did today, you didn’t feel good about yourself today and all you wanted to see was Schneider. You just wanted to collapse into his arms and rest. 
About five minutes after you got home, he did. You were so happy to see him and just to have him hold you while you try to fall asleep. “Someone looks tired, come here…” Schneider had picked you up bridal style, “There you go. Let’s go get some rest.” You had the best sleep ever and hoped for something like this again.
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