#No idea what type of demon Tina is supposed to be
ellenthefox · 8 months
I'm not sure how canon to QSMP mousey's vtuber lore is but for those who haven't seen it, this is who the character ironmouse is supposed to be, I have to wonder how they've worked her demon lore in with Tina and BBHs. Genuinely, It's something I've thought about since she joined:
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paintingraves · 6 years
I'm suddenly possessed by the burning NEED for a Fbawtft Good Place Au. Maybe Dumbledore as Michael (McGonnagal as a sassier Janet ofc), trying to be the master puppeter and being an ingenious mess about it? Gellert, Percival, Tina and Newt (plus Queenie and Jake) as the Brainy bunch, and Gellert as the tragically not-good one apparently picked up by mistake? Or maybe Percival's the glitch - dying while killing his captor gruesomely, and still admitted to Haven and paired with soulmate Theseus?
okay I love I love !!!! 
I’ve actually thought about this but always pictured Gellert as Michael… though I guess it wouldn’t work with his redemption ark. Percival, then, perhaps. Demon!Percival who just got promoted, clever demon Percival who wants to experiment a little, do something different. Gellert, his boss, doesn’t think he can succeed, but he’s willing to let him have his fun. 
So Percival builds this entire neibourhood… He gets the help of a robot called Credence. Good Credence is a bit shy but very eager to please and be helpful. 
Other demons play the inhabitants of the neibourhood, and then the humans arrive. But who are they? Newt, who’s worked his whole life to save both animals and humans, whose book had a massive impact on the world? Jacob, who just owned a bakery and made dozens of people happy everyday? Tina, the cop who saved a poor boy from an abusive situation? Queenie? 
Or, instead of Queenie, maybe Albus? Albus is the glitch. He knows he’s the glitch, knows it plain as day; he’s not a good man. He might pretend to be but he isn’t one. 
(sidenote, Demon!Gellert finds himself very fascinated with this human but he doesn’t say anything.) 
Albus figures it out quickly…. But Albus remains silent. Albus lets the others bicker and whine and be in awe of the “good place”. 
Newt is paired with Albus and Tina with Jacob. It feels very off but they don’t feel like they have the right to complain. 
Jacob can’t stop thinking about his woman, Queenie, that he left all alone on Earth. If she died in the same car crash he did he doesn’t understand why she’s not here with him in the good place, why he has to be with this other woman who, worse, is her sister. Percival tells him there’s different neibourhoods and maybe she was sent to another one and he’ll see what he can do. 
Tina takes a liking to robot!Credence, she finds him very endearing. In a way he reminds her of the abused boy she helped saving. 
Newt and Albus are polite with each other. Albus gets to know everyone in town while Newt stays focused on his studies. He goes out to explore the neibourhood, wanting to discover everything he can about the fauna and flora of this place. Percival finds him crouched on the grass eyeing an insect with a magnifying glass and jotting down notes like this quite a few times. He can’t help but find it endearing as well. 
Newt barely hides his crush on Percival and feels awful about it because Albus is supposed to be his soulmate. 
Meanwhile demon!Gellert decides to visit the neighbourhood incognito to see how everyone’s doing and runs into Albus and decides he likes this human very much. 
Does Albus tell Newt he’s not supposed to be here? I don’t know. 
Tina is mad at Jacob for literally driving her sister and him to death. Tina also at some point grows closer to Newt, but she thinks it makes perfect sense that the two of them should be paired together instead of her and Jacob. Newt’s totally her type. 
Percival also has some fun times teasing and flirting with Newt while pretending he has no idea what he’s doing. 
He comes close to Newt, very close, reaches out to brush a strand of hair behind Newt’s ear while murmuring “don’t move” to him and then he smiles and says, “you had a leaf in your hair”, enjoying the way newt stammers and turns beet red. 
(Percival is an asshole.) 
Anyway so it’s all well and good, a few designed glitches happen until Albus is forced to admit that he may be the cause of all those problems. He also tells them he suspects they are not in the good place, but of course none believe him. They all urge him on to speak to Percival about it, but Albus is afraid of what Percival might do to them if he reveals he knows everything. So he doesn’t do anything and the others are forced to cover for him and protect his ass whenever something weird or dangerous happens in the neibourhood. 
Eventually Gellert comes back and tells them they’ve figured it out that someone just shouldn’t be here with them and that’s what’s causing the glitches. So to rectify the balance they just have to take someone, any of them, and bring them down to the bad place. 
Before anyone can say anything Albus volunteers. Partly because he wants to follow Gellert wherever the demon goes, partly because well, it doesn’t really matter since they were never actually in the good place to begin with. 
The others call him mad. That’s when Albus says they’re all in the bad place, and he doesn’t mind going to see what the actual bad place looks like. He never belonged with them anyway. 
“How long have you known?” Gellert asks, grudgingly impressed. 
“Since the beginning,” Albus says. “Too many things felt off. But it was an impressive work, Percival.” 
And Percival, much to the shock of Newt, Tina, and Jacob, just starts to laugh. 
“I can’t believe you figured it out!” 
“Wait, he’s right?” Newt asks, heartbroken. 
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henry-booers · 6 years
New Gang On The Block
Chapter 2: Cheap Hero Thrills
Summary: The new gang's brother wants to look at belches car, Henry is avoiding Sixteen like the plague. Sixteen offers vic a snapchat and a kind message to Henry. Also gross sappy family stuff with Daniel.
The next couple of days was, of course, a grueling couple of days, the weather grey and cloudy for some time before the sun finally peaked its face out of the clouds the coming Friday. Here we saw Henry and the gang smoking a couple cigarettes around the Trans Am, and the other gang walking the kids to their rightful places.
This was clockwork, both groups were creatures of habit and scared of change, though it was very obvious the Bowers gang had no idea how to deal with change. The rivals had brought absolutely no trouble unless provoked. Belch and Vic were in a neutral ground as usual, as Patrick steamed over what happened at lunch the other day and Henry was distant in his thoughts and paid barely any attention to anything.
The schedules were written down in his head, Sixteen was in his 3rd period, Daniel in his 4th, Jessica bouncing around a couple classes, and Tina in his 6th. The one on one analysis of these differing personalities was confusing, how many of those kids could live with each other.
Henry looked up as Vic elbowed him and pointed briefly in the direction of the schools. Looking over to the group he noticed the group glancing uncomfortably as Sixteen talked to one of the kids, point over to them, or more, the car. He could see them visibly sigh, and stand up to briefly lead the group of kids over to bowers. He tensed, so did Patrick, Belch was confused and Vic was nervous. Sixteen was also noticeably uncomfortable with walking up to them but didn't really act like it.
“Hey, guys! Dylan wanted to look at the car of that's okay, he's one of those boys, likes the way cars look and work.” The gang looked to Belch, in which he shrugged and Sixteen went to walk the kid around the car, Henry’s eyes on the whole group like a hawk. Same with Jessica, standing off to the side and locking her eyes on Patrick. The air was tense but the kid didn't care, he only likes how pretty this cool car was.
“Okay, Dylan we need to go inside and the others as well so we can make sure you are there on time.” Dylan nodded his head, Running off into Daniels arms and the group started moving again.
Sixteen looked to Vic, the Henry before waving at them.
“Thanks, guys, see you all later maybe.”
They did meet another later. In 3rd period Vic had sat down with Sixteen and Daniel. Daniel being himself gave a friendly and very energetic greeting, along with Sixteen but their greeting was more quiet but sweet. Both were very friendly people to everyone.
“What the hell did you do to the guys the other day?” Vic asked, raising a brow and leaning forward in his seat, hands in his lap.
“You mean at lunch?” Sixteen asked back.
“Yeah, Henry was pissed, Patrick was bleeding, and neither I or Belch got to eat because of it,” Vic grumbled, looking over to the teacher who started a video for the class to watch.
“You didn't get to eat! You should have said something! I always have extra food in my bag if you ever end up being late for breakfast or lunch.” Daniel piped up, Sixteen nodded.
“Man always has the good stuff, But anyway,” Sixteen sighed, then straightened up, “Henry is known to be dangerous to kids, our Henry is a freshman and has skipped a couple grades for being so smart and he happened to get cornered by Henry. Jessica informed me and I wanted to send a message and knowing how hard headed Henry is it needed to be a little pushier than I would usually make it.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Hurt one of the boys.”
“You hurt Patrick?”
“Threatened him, it was supposed to just be a scratch or a scar but Jessica gets very excited when I give her permission to use a knife, Henry seemed to panic at the thought of Patrick ever being broken more than he already is. Stormed out of the lunch room after Patrick was let go from Jessies hold.” Sixteen shrugged. They couldn't control a girl like Jessica, never will.
“That's fucked up, Patricks one of his closest friends.” Vic turned tot hem fully, looking at Sixteen and their body language.
“I know,” They sighed, “Daniel explain to him how much this family is to the group.”
“This family is a big ol’ thing with the love brighter than a thousand suns. We care about each other and help all the ones who have trouble. We have a girl with turrets, a boy with autism, Sixteen has gender issues and depression, I have a handful of my own problems, Tina has crippling anxiety, and Henry was fed dog food almost all of his life. We all have our demons, all of us do. We are the type of family that if you fuck with any of us you fuck with all of us, and not in the good way!” Sixteen snickered at the last comment, patting Daniel on his broad shoulder.
“We support each other, and I'm sure Henry Bowers of all kids has problems of his own to be acting the way he does. I won't allow him to hurt my family going from the kid that sits outside at lunch to the people that fit under this roof.” Their thick hair bounced as they moved forward to readjust themselves in their seat and raise their hand to answer a quick question the teacher asked. Got to get in that participation grade.
“You have some sort of hero complex don't you?” Vic sneered, his nose and brows bunching up.
“Don't we all?”
“I guess.” Vic looked around for a nervous second then avoided his gaze.
“Tell Henry if he ever did want to talk human to human sometime, I'm always around.”
“I doubt he would talk to you.”
“Tell him anyway, hell give him my snapchat, tell him to hit me up.” Sixteen tore off a piece of paper from their notebook, and wrote down their username and handing it to Vic. Who took the paper awkwardly and read the name, taking out his phone.
“Old username, but its a funny story.”
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