bookofmirth · 3 years
Hello, I'm an old Tumblr user, coffeesugarcream or captainlattes. I'm no longer on Tumblr, but for personal reasons I would like to know if I was part of the bookclub chat on Discord and if I was active in it. I know the request is kind of strange, but it would be very important to me. Thanks in advance!
Hi, you were in bookclub! It's been a couple of years so I can't remember how active you were for sure, I think you read a few of the books with us? If you wanted to come back let me know.
I hope you are doing okay! Sometimes I think about your post about how acotar could have been really fae and magical and it was a great post. 💕
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dragonnan · 5 years
Carlton Lassiter and/or the Whole Psych gang for the headcanon meme? XD especially the Heartcanon
So this ends up being quite broad with these categories so narrowing it down will mean hitting on only a few points versus the entirety of the characters.  If that makes sense.
Headcanon: I can muster a cogent argument for why it would make more sense or make for a better story if this were the case: 
Always this comes down to more accuracy with character injury. Both Shawn and Carlton were shafted with regards to carryover with their gunshot wounds what with being miraculously healed by the next episode. Shawn wasn’t even shown to have a scar which, of course, is completely impossible given the proximity as well as the caliber of the gun.  With regards to the injuries themselves, Shawn will have ongoing pain, to some degree, as well as some weakness in that shoulder and will have a rubber ball that he squeezes on regularly to try to build back the strength in that hand.  Carlton, too, will have physical side effects from his wounds and would have taken a long time to recover before returning to work - which he’d have insisted upon doing in spite of the need for recuperation.  They both will have been required to see a therapist before returning to work; no exception full stop.  Shawn, especially, will suffer from nightmares and some flashbacks from his ordeal and this will carry with him for years to come.  He will not want to talk about it but at some point Gus will observe a flashback in action with full panic attack and emotional fallout and will insist Shawn tell him what the hell is going on.    
Heartcanon: I don’t have a particular rationale for why this ought to be the case, I just like to imagine it’s true because it gives me the warm fuzzies:
Everyone: By the birth of his second child Lassiter has finally let go of the (basically fake) animosity he’s shown towards Shawn.  After all, with the kid married to Juliet he’s essentially family (though that does still make his lip curl in mild disgust).  They make regular visits back and forth - the Lassiters to San Fran or the Spencers (and the Gusters) to Santa Barbara.  Holidays, in particular, are a huge shared affair and typically take place at the Lassiter home both for the space as well as the memories attached.
Shawn and Henry: Henry is, frankly, sick of doing nothing.  He’s tried out various distractions but nothing compares to the excitement that came from working with Shawn on cases - even in a limited capacity.  While his near death experience makes working as a police consultant highly distasteful, he still wants to be involved in some way.  Eventually he reopens the old Psych location.  Not, though, as a PI.  But as a trainer for aspiring private detectives.  He guides young people and gives them the skills to solve cases and stay safe.  He also begins helping Shawn semi-regularly either remotely via Facetime or by occasional trips to San Fransisco.  He and Juliet are extremely close and he’s basically the dad she never had - allowing her to confide in him and find a willing ear and wise father figure to walk her through her troubles.   
Gutcanon: it’s not that I actively want this to be the case – it just unaccountably feels like it should be:
Shawn and Juliet are not ready to be parents whereas Gus and Selene almost immediately ended up having twins and Gus is in a constant state of panic and meltdown and eventually Shawn and Juliet become sorta co-parents and help out with the two wild toddlers.  Henry gleefully considers himself grampa to the twins but only babysits once before declaring “NEVER AGAIN” as its a hellish experience.  And yet he eventually does take on that duty again though not without dragging in outside help either by hiring a professional or making some of his PIs-in-training use it as part of the educational experience. 
Junkcanon: I like to imagine it’s true because it gives me the other kind of warm fuzzies:
Yeah, that’s gonna be whump again cause HELLO.  San Fransisco is a significantly different world than Santa Barbara.  Shawn is somewhat naive in this regard and it costs him.  The experience of being shot and kidnapped is a mild jaunt compared to what he faces when he ends up in the sights of ruthless heroin dealers who are tired of the mouthy dude and his sidekick cutting into their profits by getting their client base clean and into recovery.
Spleencanon: I insist that this is the case specifically to spite the author, because, like, fuck you, sir or madam:
Honestly?  Screw the entire San Fransisco storyline. THAT NEVER HAPPENED.  Vick retired - Carlton became Chief - and Juliet became his Head Detective. END OF STORY!  You know, after the endgame debacle I’m far more open to kicking “canon” to the curb and creating the story that actually makes some damn sense! I hate the San Fransisco BS and frankly axe it from my personal canon for the series.  Psych is at its best when everyone is together like a big team - not scattered apart and only able to see one another occasionally. I haaaaate thaaaat!!  There, I said it.  
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
Just wanted to tell you I'm utterly in love with your GO writing, and that I would offer pretty much anything - ranging from biscuits to small-sized animal sacrifice I guess - for something with Crowley being protective of his angel (if inspiration strikes of course :))
Crowley hates the fourteenth century for many reasons. The first and most obvious is the fact that it just doesn’t bloody go well for anyone, particularly in England. The embarrassment at Bannockburn in 1314 puts everyone’s noses out of joint (good for the Scots, Crowley thinks – he’s fond of the pugnacious underdogs), and then the Great Famine of 1315–21 starves half the country and it rains even more than usual. He hasn’t forgotten the skeletal children hanging on his boots and begging for bread, and the fact that he could only miracle up so much of it before it started to catch the attention of Head Office. A demon cannot do good. He’s found workarounds and justifications and excuses before, clever subversions, you name it. But sometimes you can’t, and it stares you right in the face, and the broken bits of the Fall ache in a way he normally doesn’t allow.
They’ve barely got done with the famine when Edward II is deposed in 1327, with the attendant mess that it is (though the hot-poker-up-the-backside story is greatly exaggerated). Then Edward III has to go and start the damn war (it’s not known as the Hundred Years’ War just yet, though Crowley would be utterly exasperated and unsurprised if you told him) in the 1330s, and 1348 is a very, very bad year for anyone of a remotely human persuasion. The Black Prince faffs off to do more of his storming and sacking thing, then dies before his father in 1376, leaving the promise of his nine-year-old son, Richard, to inherit the throne and the turbulence of a minority government. At this point, it’s been seventy-six years more than Crowley cares to experience of the fourteenth century ever again, and it still isn’t over. Uncle, he thinks. Uncle.
By far Crowley’s least favourite aspect of the fourteenth century, however, is that it keeps trying with single-minded vigour to kill (or you know, discorporate) Aziraphale. He has already had to find seemingly innocuous ways to pop in and spirit him away from a bridge collapse, a hungry mob in London, Isabella and Mortimer’s army, a particularly angry goose (Aziraphale probably could have handled that one, but Crowley decided not to risk it), another mob blaming the local Jews for supposedly poisoning wells to bring on the plague, and at least seven men named Wat Tyler. (Or maybe it’s the same one? Seems like a firebrand.) Aziraphale also will insist on puttering off to Oxford and hanging out with the local malcontent, John Wycliffe, which Crowley watches with constantly spiking anxiety; does the idiot want to get burned for heresy? He is trying here.
As such, when it’s 1381, Wat Tyler has finally gotten his day in the sun, and the Peasants’ Revolt is raging in the streets of London outside, Crowley is, how do you say, extremely fucking stressed. It’s not that he doesn’t support the peasants, having once been part of an ideological rebellion or two against supreme overlords himself, but the action is only a few blocks away at this point, and he thinks they should move. “Come on, angel,” he snaps. “I don’t care what you’re looking for, let’s just… let’s just pop along, shall we?”
“It was just here,” Aziraphale insists, digging in a trunk like a gopher and excavating a flying whirl of papers. “I do so enjoy the drafts that Chaucer fellow sends me, I can’t leave without them.”
“Bugger Chaucer!” Crowley performs an agitated skip from side to side, as if standing on holy ground (perhaps Aziraphale’s floorboards count? Who knows). “Let’s go!”
“In a moment,” Aziraphale fusses, displaying far less concern for his personal safety than is warranted by Crowley’s blood pressure. (If he has that. It definitely feels like he does.) “No need for such alarm, dear. Besides, I am sure they’ll leave us alone.”
Crowley glances edgily at the door. He supposes that they could try a miracle and just make everyone rethink their lives and go home, but that’s more intervention in human events than they’ve really done since arriving at the Arrangement in 1023, and besides, he’s been foiled by Wat blasted Tyler often enough that he should just admit defeat. “Aziraphale – ”
It’s possibly a good thing that the angel is so distracted by the need to recover the scribblings of this Chaucer idiot (a random mid-level London bureaucrat who fancies himself an author) as to miss Crowley’s transparent and poorly disguised terror. Then again, Aziraphale has managed to miss this particular terror for going-on-5,385 years, and maybe it is for the best. But when a window breaks next door, Crowley has had enough, grabs his Divine Adversary’s elegantly embroidered tunic, and pulls him down the stairs, into the crookbacked, muddy alley that runs behind the back of the townhouse. “Let’s just – ”
He does not finish that sentence, mainly because at that moment, another mob bursts around the corner, sees them stood there looking distinctly like not-peasants, and charges directly toward them. Aziraphale utters a startled squeal, and Crowley readies himself to serve as the blunt agent of celestial defense as always, throwing out his arms to place his own body between the angel and the oncoming hordes, waiting to –
The next instant, someone grabs him, he only has half a second to realise that it is Aziraphale, and the angel snaps his fingers. There is an anticlimatic pop as the entire mob vanishes on the spot, though by the sound of confused shouts and splutters from a nearby public garderobe, they have not gone far. Aziraphale looks up at Crowley, whose mouth is is still stuck open, and solicitously brushes the mud off his stylish black tabard. “Are you all right, my dear?”
“I – ” Crowley still cannot muster up words. He remembers just then that Aziraphale was the Guardian of the Eastern Gate, but the sheer number of scrapes that the gormless feathery idiot seems to get into, vainly wringing his hands as if oh dear, he really can’t miracle himself out of this one, such a bother, such a fuss, so unnecessary, if only someone could help him –
It’s just then when Crowley finally realises that the reason for Aziraphale apparently attracting all the trouble in the world (though he’s still not sure how to explain the goose) might have nothing to do with his ability to protect himself. He can do that just fine, and when the opportunity calls for it, will straight-up transport a rampaging band of revolutionaries headfirst into a toilet rather than let them lay a finger on Crowley. Indeed, that was rather restrained of him. Instead, the explanation seems to be that he gets himself into these ridiculous situations… precisely so Crowley can turn up and get him out of them.
What the hell, Crowley thinks. Is that what’s going on here?
Fine, then. He isn’t going to complain. Not if this is all he’s ever going to get.
(He still hates the fourteenth century.)
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Juliet: You know, I really look up to you.
Carlton: Because you’re short?
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paradisecost · 5 years
"i love you, but i’m not sure that i like you all the time" + Merrick to Charles from your friendly neighborhood Pulley enthusiast
“That’s fine, since I’m certain I don’t like you at all,” said Charles flatly. Affection had always embarrassed him and his only defense against it was to be–in Merrick’s words, not his own–an arse. He moved unsteadily on his crutches to the far side of the greenhouse and sat down on the arm of the couch, staring hard at an unusual-looking fern that was growing in a pot near his feet. 
Now that his annoyance with Merrick had abated, he felt a little ashamed at having snapped. Naturally, this only made his temper rise again.
“I’m going back to the house,” he said, with an air of finality, and rose back up with his crutches. “Remember to change your clothes when you’re done mucking around in the dirt down here.”
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magziraphale · 5 years
For @coffeesugarcream
After our discussion about an au where Aziraphale meets the DT version of Casanova in the 18th century and gets a little carried away with his new friend’s flirtations. That is, until Crowley arrives to find his angel seemingly falling for the wiles of a lookalike, and a battle of wits begins. But there’s only so much Crowley can take.
Angst ahead, though it all works out!
Crowley’s standing in the dark of an alley outside. It’s been getting harder and harder to waltz in night after night to the same tableau of pastel frippery and groping hands. And the one shining spot within it all, a jewel that should blind them all but they’re all too stupid to see it for what it is. 
Satan’s bollocks, he can’t do this tonight. His hands have some sort of permanent shake and the grin he pastes on feels like a rending crack that might split apart and swallow him whole. He needs a fucking drink.
In the shadows something moves at the far end of the alley. A giggle, then a gasp. Ugh, yup now he can smell them; bloody perfect.
“Oh, Giacomo!”
“Mmm, say it again darling - ngh - just like that, you naughty girl.”
No no no no no, fucking no! How- That fucking-
Crowley has to leave. 
Has to move because if he stays they’ll both die. The urge to destroy, to make them cower and fear and beg and fucking bleed, has rarely surfaced in Crowley, and it’s usually in response to cruelty beyond Hell’s imagination. The 1480s in Seville. But it’s there now. And it’s only the thought of Aziraphale’s face that makes him stalk away, his fingers trailing sparks along the brickwork before calling up thousands of years of practice and pulling the fire back into himself, pushing it down, down, to a smouldering ember that eats at his insides.
He finds Aziraphale nibbling on a little plate of candied fruits and studying a leafy plant near the entrance hall. Aziraphale smiles, turns to him, but continues to chew.
“If you were expecting your little friend, I’m afraid to inform you he’s otherwise engaged.” He’s proud of the fact that his snarl is only partial.
Aziraphale rolls his eyes.
“As per usual, then. He’ll turn up eventually I expect. You should try some of these, Crowley, I think you’d like the dates - they’ve been soaked in something dark and clearly alcoholic.”
“Doesn’t it bother you?”
“That he’s out there-“ He trails off, can’t even speak the words.
Aziraphale just raises an eyebrow.
“Well, it’s not really my place, dear boy. It’s not like it’s the first time, and he’s kind in his excesses, which is more than can be said for most.”
“Kind? Kind?! Wh- h-“ His words are stuck again.
“Crowley, dear, are you alright? Has something happened?”
He can’t help but stare, bewildered. Eventually, he says, “I just don’t understand, Aziraphale.”
“Is it really your place to?”
Fuck. That’s how it is then.
He clasps his hands behind him so the shaking doesn’t show. That crack is opening again.
“Well. I suppose not then.”
“I’m just- gonna go try some of the wine, get a little air- see you, angel.”
He’s three bottles in when familiar voices join him in the garden.
“Oh, come on Zira, you can’t tell me you aren’t curious! You can ask me anything you like, darling!”
Aziraphale’s back is to him, pale and fine and a little lopsided, so Crowley’s obviously not the only one who’s been drinking. That little fucker meets his eyes over his angel’s shoulder and has the nerve to smirk. 
Zira, what kind of name is that? Aziraphale is an angel, a chosen guardian of Eden, and some trumped-up little whore thinks he can just mangle his name.
Aziraphale sways a little towards Giacomo, who steadies him with a hand that slides around his waist and stays there.
“It’s more complicated than that. It doesn’t matter, anyway, I’m perfectly content as I am.”
“Zira, you must know by now you can talk to me. I care about your happiness.”
Aziraphale reaches a pale hand to trace Giacomo’s brow. Crowley stands. He can’t- he can’t watch this anymore.
“My dear boy.”
He loses his grip on the bottle and it smashes across the tiles. 
Thousands of years. He’d thought, he’d really thought it was just for him. It’s like Falling all over again.
Aziraphale turns, pulls away in shock.
“Ah- never mind me! Slippery these bottles eh? I- I was just- just heading off - didn’t mean to-.” Has his voice always been that high? Fuck, at least it’s words. He needs to go. He can’t breathe properly.
“Crowley? Crowley, breathe my dear…What on earth? How much have you had?”
His laugh is high and broken. He can’t seem to care.
“Not fucking enough I should think!”
He turns to go and his legs slip a little under him. Aziraphale reaches out to steady him and he feels those strong hands through the fabric of his jacket and it burns. Burning fire, hellfire seeping out his skin, his eyes.
“Don’t touch me.”
The hands snap back. Aziraphale actually looks hurt.
“Crowley- what? What’s happened? Are- are you crying?”
He reaches up to find his eyes uncovered. When did I lose my glasses? Aziraphale looks about ready to cry now himself. Well done Crowley, always the same eh? The man behind him doesn’t even have the sense to look horrified or afraid. It looks something awfully like pity.
“Just- just fuck off!” he snarls, “I’m going ok? It’s done.”
He gets a last look at his angel looking as if someone had destroyed all the good things in the world before another face gets right up in his.
“You’re a fucking idiot.”
All he can see is fire and the sound he makes isn’t human. He wishes it hadn’t come to this. Breathes, lets the fire rise and rise and burn.
And then there is only darkness.
When he wakes it’s light. The bed under him is soft and there’s a body sitting up beside him.
“You’re still a fucking idiot.”
He drags himself upright.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
Giacomo sighs and leans towards him. There’s still no fear there.
“Well, you were getting a bit scary and it was upsetting Aziraphale. So I punched you. Thought a few hours of unconsciousness might clear your head.”
“You. Punched me.”
“In the face, yes. I mean, I wasn’t born yesterday, there’s more going on with you than I think I might be allowed to know, but I figured if you could drink like a regular man you’d go down like one too.”
Crowley has nothing to say to that.
“How’s Aziraphale?”
Giacomo frowns.
“Upset. Confused. Almost as big an idiot as you in my opinion, though indeed prettier.”
Crowley hisses at him.
“Friendlier disposition too.” He rolls his eyes. “He loves you, you know.”
Crowley begins to shake his head, but Giacomo actually reaches out and touches his arm.
“He does. Anyone with eyes could see. You poor bastard, you just need to tell him.”
Crowley snorts. “It was abundantly clear last night that his affections lie elsewhere. As they should. But he deserves better than some smart-mouthed little shit who can’t keep it in his breeches!”
“He does. No, listen my friend, actually listen for once. Aziraphale is dear to me. In any other circumstance, yes, I would have bedded him, perhaps even loved him. But I am but a pale imitation for him, a forgery by a lesser master. It is you he loves, you he weeps and smiles for. All you need to do is remove your head from your, admittedly well formed, rear, and tell him.”
Crowley could do nothing but gape as the other began laughing.
“You do a remarkable impression of a fish my friend.” A wink. “Which, as I can advise, is a useful skill in a variety of circumstances, and one which I suggest you put to good use in the very near future.”
Aziraphale entered the room to a very strange sight. Two men with strikingly similar features, laughing like little boys on the bed. His heart skipped. But it was the not-man, with serpentine eyes of molten gold that it lingered on, whispered mine.
Giacomo squeezed Crowley’s shoulder and rose. He pressed a kiss to Aziraphale’s cheek and Aziraphale was surprised to see only a roll of the eyes from his best friend.
“I will see you both later, my dear. Do not fuck this up.”
Right then.
He breathed in, steeled himself with the fragile hope on Crowley’s face. He had a demon to woo.
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terribleoldwhitemen · 5 years
Okay so - I'm watching GLOW and loving it, but fangirling aside it made me think of this - Actors Fitzier AU. Francis is a gifted old-school Shakespearean actor, who's tumbled head first into alcoholism after co-star Sophia dumped him; to save his career, agent! Blanky finds him a part in a very popular, vaguely trashy show as the protagonist's love interest. Of course, the protagonist is portrayed by James - popular, soap opera star, and Francis's nemesis.
you have no idea how powerful the phrase “I’m watching glow and loving it” makes me feel; I am so proud to be spreading its gospel????
okay but francis, who also has the face of a Traditional Shakespearean Actor lbr, consistently being passed over for parts in favor of james; who does these???? avant-garde “reimaginings” that involve things like pyrotechnics and snaps instead of clapping. francis just wants to act, damn it, instead of resorting to all these (in his opinion) gimmicks. 
but gimmicks pay the bills so blanky gives him a Talking To and gets him to settle for this vaguely trashy show as you say and. you know. maybe this fitzjames has a bit of talent in him after all. and maybe feminist readings of shakespeare aren’t, you know, all that bad; and maybe it’s actually a great idea to make out with fitzjames in his dressing room after they’ve wrapped/cut/etc for the day--
ahem. yes.
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coffeesugarcream replied to your post “like maybe sherlock holmes reminds aziraphale a little too much of a...”
You're blowing my mind - and this is potentially so soft and Chock full of feelings and achingly slow Victorian-style angelic pining BUT ALSO - Aziraphale taking uo the fic frenzy in the late 1990s and quietly making himself a name as a stunning author of period-precise Sherlock/Watson fanfictions renowned all over the internet
yes, he probably had a dedicated geocities site until it closed down, then systematically transferred all his fic to ao3 when it went into open beta.
i imagine a lot of the fics were written well before the internet was even a gleam in the eye of the universe, in journals, in the back of his bookshop, where he lovelornly copes with crowley’s absence. they’re self-indulgent, full of time lost to them; petty arguments with crowley holmes over the mischief he causes with gleaming eyes (that are a bit too gleaming) and wide grins, dates to the Cafe Royal and the Royal Albert Hall and the Opera Comique, rendezvous to Turkish baths. there's a slightly tear-stained one where holmes and watson go to see Maskelyne, and holmes insults his practice while watson vehemently defends him (this may or may not be ooc, aziraphale stopped caring at some point).
all of the fics are gentle and easy, because heaven and hell don't exist here.. of course, why would they.. this is holmes and watson.. not a certain angel and demon.
when crowley saves him in 1941, aziraphale binge reads the entire canon series again, gently crying, equip with handkerchief, when he rereads the reichenbach fall (and geeze, holmes literally dies by falling... from a waterfall.. into water.... i just... the universe did this on purpose, somehow), and the empty house, but they’re tears of relief because now his holmes has finally returned too and they can do all the things he wrote about.
(crowley comes in when aziraphale is crying, concerned, with a cup of cocoa for the angel, and aziraphale is so overwhelmed by the sight of him, he confesses about the fanfic and shows crowley all the journals. crowley is himself overwhelmed, embarrassed and vaguely turned on because oh. he wants to be irritated because they could have done all these things, but when he looks up from the book within his trembling hands and aziraphale frames his face with well-manicured fingers to draw him into a desperate, longing kiss, crowley can no longer find it in him because there's other things to look forward to.)
the internet crops up and his love for sherlock holmes still burns so he decides to revisit writing fic, and it's much more in-character now, but there are times when he drinks a bit too much whiskey while writing and sometimes holmes will have dark red hair or luminous eyes that can see inhumanly in the dark, and watson will go on a tangent about a garden and how lovely holmes is, or suddenly holmes will have a mysterious in-depth knowledge of plants that gets explained away by knowing about poisons and such and holmes will wax poetic while they stroll st. james's park under a murky moon. these fic strangely get more kudos than his regular fic (though the regular fic get more comments coz accuracy).
there is one fic on ao3 that is his favorite, by an author with no description and has only that fic uploaded, that is essentially a collection of the lost love letters from holmes to watson during holmes' three year disappearance. it's the only one in his bookmarks.
everyone in the community is jealous. they have no idea it was written by his spouse.
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loyalhorror · 5 years
Ok just know I've received your asks, screamed about them for a while, and that I have every intention to take care of them - my times are a bit in the geological end of the spectrum but I'll get to it I promise
twirls you fondly there is never any time pressure!! let them marinate there for a year if you must :3c
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zaxal · 6 years
Okay uber-dumb pre-OT4 Psych scenario: Jules knows about Lassie being pan (either because the boy can't keep a secret from his partner for his life and she gently told him him so, or bc he trusted her with it himself); being the supportive marshmallow she is, and not yet realizing she may feel a bit too involved in Lassie's romantic life, she offers play matchmaker and present him with a series of possible dates - of all genders. Despite her detective skills, she is... less than good at it.
oh my god you’re valid
the THING about lassiter is that he’s just. a very specific Brand of person. and like, she gets that. but she’s determined to make him happy bc! he’s her best friend!
she sets him up with nice folk, who get offended by his coarse stories that end in someone being maimed, killed, or arrested. she tries reformed assholes, but the SECOND they joke about something illegal, carlton shuts himself off or, worse, starts interrogating them over dinner. 
and he like. knows she means well. and that feeds an obligation he feels not to tell her to stop. and he tries to be softer for these strangers he lets into his life based on her testimony and nothing else.
because he would do anything in the world if it meant not alienating her.
eventually, her offerings become fewer and fewer. and he thinks she’s giving up on him. it’s a bittersweet relief, not to have to go through all of this again and again and again. but he thinks she’s decided he’s unlovable.
but the truth is that, as time’s gone on, juliet has a hard time seeing carlton with anyone else... but her, shawn, or gus. it takes her months to recognize that feeling and even longer to put the name ‘jealousy’ to it.
probably the first time in literal years that he tells her he went on a first date with someone she didn’t set him up with, and a PIT opens in her stomach.
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bookofmirth · 3 years
Hi again. I did read the books up to Circe, but I don't think I was actively in the discord chat. Can you by any chance do a check on your archive? Im so sorry but it's very, very important to me
Hi! The server has been reorganized a lot (a LOT, especially in the last six months) and so the individual book channels have been deleted. I didn't ever archive them because I didn't know I could. :( @rayonfrozenwings helped me search and we did find three messages that you sent in April 2018. If you dm me or can contact me not on anon then I can send you the ss. I don't want to share ss from in the server publicly, even if they are harmless!
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dragonnan · 5 years
14 for the fandom meme! :D
I think it’s this one haha (I’ve shared too many of these lately lol) 14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? I’m gonna include all best-bud friendships as I don’t like to leave out the ladies lol!
I have so many! To try to control this list a bit I’m going to stick only with characters I’m currently/actively invested in whether on screen or additionally within fic.
Psych: Shawn & Gus are probably top tier. Friends since childhood, utterly devoted to one another and support one another no matter how crazy their ideas (basically Shawn’s ideas). Fight like siblings but at the end of the day it’s the two of them besties forever!
Psych: O’Hara & Lassiter.  I love these two almost more than Shawn and Gus and I think part of that is due to seeing their friendship develop from their very first meeting.  They grew from mentor/mentee to absolute best friends with 100% trust and real solid care and love.  And while they had their bumps and mutual hurts they always got through it.  This is truly a beautiful friendship and those two made me cry more than once!
Avengers: Tony & Bruce.  So, admittedly, I will always feel robbed with what we got on screen and 99% of my love for these two as best friends comes from fandom itself. 
Iron Man/Avengers: Tony & Rhodey.  Most under-appreciated friendship that I can think of!
Captain America/Avengers: Steve & Bucky.  Oh gosh, another massive robbery!  Thank you, fandom, for caring so much about these characters!
Captain America/Avengers: Steve & Sam.  Sam is such an important addition to Steve’s life and beyond the friendship aspect I love that he introduces the topic of PTSD and gets Steve to open up about the trauma he’s experienced.
Avengers: Nat & Clint. Fucking robberies everywhere I go.  Let’s just accept that if it has to do with the Avengers I’ll feel as though my house was cleaned out, my dog shot, and my truck set on fire. 
Spider-Man: Peter & Ned.  Man in the chair!  
Spider-Man: Peter & MJ.  I will always prefer them as friends over a dating couple so, again, fandom to the rescue!
Spider-Man: Tony & May. Another fandom influenced friendship that was only briefly touched on in the films. The co-parenting of Peter is possibly one of the most amazing and lovely aspects of that relationship and I LIVE for that!
Spider-Man: May & Pepper.  This one is 100% fandom as we never got this from the MCU.  I have only seen tiny bits even in fandom but it’s like discovering a vein of gold when I do!  I crave these two as best friends who both look out for Peter but also just really love hanging out!
Doctor Strange: Stephen & Wong. I can’t wait to see their friendship continue to develop beyond simple banter! I go into this with a lot of anxiety and broken trust with the MCU but I still, amazingly, have a tiny amount of hope!
Doctor Strange: Stephen & Christine. Whether friends or lovers I love these two together!  They have a beautiful dynamic that deserves to be built upon. 
Sherlock: Sherlock & John.  These two are complicated.  Gug!  On one hand they are amazing friends yet there’s that horrific “Incident” from season 4 that cannot be overlooked.  Frankly if it wasn’t for some truly astounding fanfic that created a barely acceptable excuse for that atrocity I could never even approach forgiveness (dammit John!!).  That aside, these two need one another.  Sherlock gives John’s life actual “life”.  And John gives Sherlock not just friendship but understanding and a guidebook to human behavior/ both acceptable and not acceptable.  And, as always, fandom will always excel in showing that friendship.  
Elementary: Sherlock & Joan.  I adore the layers to their friendship - how it started out with Joan as his caretaker and gradually morphed into that amazing partnership - and that Joan takes on this protective and loving role that was terribly missing from Sherlock’s life.  She is someone who isn’t there to use him and doesn’t have physical expectations but is a true friend.  The expectations she does have are things she SHOULD receive; reciprocation, trust, respect, and a confidant.   
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transfemmbeatrice · 6 years
*chanting*Psych Psych pretty pleaseee? (Joking, only do it if you feel like it)
you and @zaxal both sent me psych bc y’all are predictable af but i love you and i love to talk about my fambly so here we go
the first character i ever fell in love with:   its been so long i can’t actually remember but like. shawn right? it has to be shawn. he’s so charismatic and absurd and lovable. 
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:   i love everyone, altho henry is perpetually on thin fucking ice, but late season shawn gets on my fucking nerves which is why i haven’t watched the later seasons in years
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:   marlowe/lassie probably? when i first watched the show i was just so excited for lassie to finally have a romance! and honestly the set up for it is good! we could have had great development and shit from lassie having to confront his biases as he is in a relationship with an ex-con but they just then never did anything with it.
my ultimate favorite character™:   it’s lassie. obv. this requires no further explanation.
prettiest character:   this is literally impossible don’t make me answer this 
my most hated character:   this is hard bc i love everyone, even the people you’re supposed to hate, bc they’re fun to hate??? probably Yin. but again, henry has some fucking Moments and it would be cool if he owned up to being a shitty dad.
my OTP:   the ot4
my NOTP:   lassie/heterosexuality (he’s pan, he can have relationships w women ofc, but i wish it had be an actual part of his character instead of an easter egg)
favorite episode:   shawn takes a shot in the dark is the first one that comes to mind
saddest death:   M A R Y
favorite season:   its hard for me to separate them into seasons bc im always binge watching them, but basically 1-4 is what i go back to the most. later seasons have some of the best episodes (the Clue episode is so fucking good) but overall i just love the vibe of the earlier seasons more
least favorite season:   the later seasons are hazy? but i think it was 7 that had the jules finds out the truth plotline and i fucking hated that, so
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:   This Character Does Not Exist I Love Everyone (not a character but the real answer here is sh*les)
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:   shawn and lassie are both garbage in different ways but i love them, but in an effort to get away from the main characters.... Woody and Yang also fit this.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:   all my ships are valid 
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:   i have never been lowkey in my LIFE!! but i guess despereaux ships i’m not AS invested in? 
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sharonking777 · 5 years
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paradisecost · 5 years
Merrick climbs onto Raphael's lap, and does so stealthily and swiftly, like the cheery traitor he is: his bad leg slung over, his lips already hovering over his jaw before Raphael can collect enough of himself to react, those warm hands of his butterfly-light as they trace the planes of his chest. The strange half-stone of Raphael's skin not stone enough not to shiver at the contact, not stone enough at all.
Merrick is a traitor. A reckless, idiotic traitor who never really grasped the whole ‘don’t get cosy with a markayuq; they don’t always know their own strength’ thing, much to Raphael’s fear and annoyance. Whenever Merrick touches him he’s always too afraid to touch back, unwilling to risk hurting him by accident. 
Naturally, that doesn’t deter Merrick in the slightest. Once he’s on him, Raphael doesn’t stand a chance. He doesn’t protest: he just sighs, blank eyes closing as he shivers under the warmth of Merrick’s hands, the comfortable weight of him in his lap. He rumbles something too deep and fractured to hear properly, something that probably translates to You bastard in the most exasperatedly fond tone possible. His voice barely works, these days. Lucky for him he doesn’t need it much.
He tips his face towards Merrick, leaning into him just-so. It isn’t really a kiss- just the barest pressure of his lips to Merrick’s- but it’s all he can give. 
Gently, one fingertip traces letters on Merrick’s chest:
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magziraphale · 5 years
Sooo for the turn-ons/turn-offs thingy - Ineffable husbands + trail of kisses from the knuckles to the shoulder
My brain is having two simultaneous thoughts on this too XD
Brain cell one: Like Pepe le Pew!
Brain cell two: Softttt. And turn on but more in a my-heart-is-turned-up-to-eleven way:
Soft gentle exploration because now they have the time and it’s all out in the open. Trembling hands and breathy kisses trailing up skin that hasn’t been known and experienced and touched before. They’ve been waiting for so so long to do this, to breathe I love you, I adore you, you’re perfect into freckles and the curve of an elbow and the sharp collarbone that hides a soft warm dip. It’s both brand new and painfully familiar. Trails of kisses, licks, nibbles, like a map of their history, all the love and sorrow and guilt and forgiveness of six thousand years.
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